Scenario for New Year's Eve for adults. Scenarios for the new year for adults

  • 20.10.2019

Corporate events have long turned from a fun event into a boring coercion. Often the authorities instruct someone to organize everything at the last moment. New Year's skits for adults, all the more interesting, are quite difficult to come up with on their own.

Take advantage of ready-made scenarios, complementing them with a flavor that is unique to your team.

Don't do as we do

On New Year's holiday, adults can feel like little naughty children and laugh at their shortcomings. We offer to make a psychological unloading and ridicule the unseemly actions of colleagues, so that they do not repeat them.

The two facilitators act out the dialogue:

1: Dear friends, now I will tell you how to properly celebrate the New Year.

2: Why isn't it me?

1: You don't know how to celebrate perfectly!

2: Oh! And this is said by the one who puts the same boxes under the tree every year! Also empty! As if everyone loves him so much and gave him so much!

1: And you always bring a box of stale "Bird's Milk" as a gift to the chief's secretary!

2: And every December 31 you stick around at work until the last and then you go to visit, so that you don’t cook anything at home!

1: And you eat olive oil at the table all night, and dance while sitting under the "New Year's light"!

2: And you never bought fireworks! You just stare out the window at strangers all night!

1: And you howl the national anthem under karaoke! I couldn't learn the words!

2: And on all holidays you send other people's SMS to all your friends, and then you get them back with your signature!

1: And you make legendary plans every time to spend the night in Morocco, and then you're snoring in a salad before midnight!

2: And you burn papers to the chimes and then chew the ashes with moonshine instead of champagne and believe that your grandmother will finally quit and leave you a palace on the Cote d'Azur as a legacy!

1: And for a whole year you steal stupid pens with the logo of our own company from everyone and then give them to your colleagues at work!

2: And you live at a party from the new year to Christmas! Until the owners run out of food in the refrigerator!

1: And you watch “Home Alone” forty times in a row all New Year's weekend!

2: And every year you snatch out champagne and, with a cry of “I’ll show you a class now,” fill the entire table, and hit your mother-in-law with a cork in the eye!

1: Okay, we're both good...

2: Therefore, beloved friends, so that New Year's Eve goes well for you ...

Together: Never do as we do!

Impromptu about the Christmas tree

A wonderful version of the scene is the staging of the children's fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs" in an adult way.

We offer another scene for adults who want to play the fool and remember their childhood. It is desirable that the company was already "warm" enough. The bottom line is to beat the “Christmas Tree Song” in roles and be as funny as possible. The most artistic and funny will receive a prize - sweets.

From among the participants of the corporate party, you need to choose the 9 most cheerful. In advance, you need to print the text of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest ..." in 10 copies.

  • herringbone;
  • blizzard;
  • freezing;
  • coward-bunny;
  • angry wolf;
  • Mokhnonogaya horse;
  • peasant;
  • firewood;
  • leading.

It is desirable to determine the roles by drawing lots, so that no one is offended. The task will be to play the song as funny and emotionally as possible, listening to the words of the presenter. The participant begins to play his role when he hears the name of the desired hero.
Under the chorus, you can start a round dance around the Christmas tree.

Old Year VS New

For organization New Year's scenes you need 6 people, a sign with the inscription "2018" and a sign with the inscription "2019", 2 D.M. suits, one of them must be noticeably shabby.

  • 2018 - The old year in the costume of a shabby D.M. with nameplate;
  • 2019 - in a new Grandfather costume and with a sign;
  • leading;
  • employee 1 - C1;
  • employee 2 - C2;
  • employee 3 - C3.

Leading: On New Year's holiday, when one year follows another, it is customary to remember the Old and celebrate the New. And if you had the opportunity to choose, who would you leave?

Art. g. "looks reproachfully at the employees": That's how you thanked me! And we were so good together! I did everything for you! And you are driving me away! Traitors!

S1: And what good did you do to us? Did you love us at all? Every day food became more expensive, things were lost, girls refused and nothing worked at all!

S2: You promised the fulfillment of desires, but what happened?

Art. g.: And why did you think that the dollar is 8 rubles each? Am I the National Bank?

S3: What, were you sorry? Why did we burn paper and spoil champagne with ashes?

Art. G: And why did you decide that what was written should be performed? Then can I start to execute the inscriptions from the entrance? There are very good desires come across.

S1: There is no need to leave the topic, it is better to leave altogether.

Art. G: Yes, it's not a question, since you want it so badly. Yes, but with whom will you stay, if not with me? WITH THIS? At least you all already know me well, nothing unpredictable, but this is a year in a bag! On the contrary, I can give you a guarantee that gasoline will not rise in price anymore, oil will not become much cheaper, the president will always be the same, the retirement age will not last until 80, taxes on idleness will not be introduced, divorce will not become more expensive, the Russian Orthodox Church will not cancel more concerts !

S2: Well, that the national team will not win with him, and the president will not change us with him either, and this one can guarantee “pointing the finger at NG”.

How would you like to celebrate this New Year?


Art. G: Well, I don’t understand what he bribed you with? Do you have five holidays a week? Have you checked with your liver whether it suits her? Here you are, remember “referring to C1”, I gave you a meeting with your soulmate! But you, “turning to C2”, took an apartment in a mortgage. Three-room by the way! So that your mother-in-law could move in with you!

S2: Thank you, dear! Until the grave, I will definitely not forget you!

Art. g.: But with you, “turning to C3”, didn’t anything positive happen at all? You went to China!

C3: I've gone! They fed me mouse tails, then for a month I was afraid to look at anything other than water!

Art. G: Oh yes! Okay, I'm leaving you! But you will still cry for me! Remember how good I really was for you! And only by photographs you will be able to remember these unforgettable moments. And when you leave, they throw stones after you: it went bad, it didn’t work out, it didn’t ... Why do I need all this ?!

Employees approach the Old Year, hug him.

S1: Don't be offended, you were really great "begin to remember what was important in the company, what important events employees had.

S2: We didn't mean to offend you.

Art. G: Thank you, my dear! Farewell, I will leave you, and you live with him "points to N. g." It should somehow differ from year to year "slowly and sadly leaves."

NG: Of course you should! And let's start with utility tariffs! “Handing out receipts to employees.”

S1: Is this a joke?! 75 percent?

Everyone runs after the Old Year and starts shouting: “Stop! Don't go! Come back! We will forgive you all! We've changed our minds!"


For improvised scenes, it is better to invite artistic and expressive people, this is the success of the event.

For short funny scenes it is necessary to prepare a flower with many petals, on which the most daring, absurd, but cheerful predictions are written.

For example:

  • I'll dye my hair purple;
  • I will get divorced and leave to hipp;
  • I will buy myself a pony;
  • I will find a treasure, etc.

Each participant of the corporate party blindly pulls out a petal with a prediction and fantasizes how what is written can come true.

A dramatized and costumed story about Grandfather and the Snow Maiden

In a small miniature, it is desirable to force only colleagues who can quickly improvise to participate.

Actors and props:

  • Snow Maiden - a hat with braids;
  • Santa Claus - hat and beard;
  • Grandfather Mustafa - turban and beard;
  • Akyn - skullcap and tambourine.

The host reads the text, the actors need to invent and pronounce a line at the right moment after his pause, in addition to perform actions from the script. Uninvolved guests support members.

Q: It's frosty and cold outside, so for starters, let's organize a spring mood for ourselves. Who knows how to whistle - let him whistle, the rest loudly knock with forks on glasses and glasses.

"Summer. Heat.

D. Frost drags along with a dirty empty bag. He has a hangover.

Behind, holding on to Grandfather and Nov, that she is hot, the disheveled Snow Maiden barely trudges.

Towards them actively, cheerfully, skipping, whistling and with a huge bag of alcoholic presents, grandfather Mustafa walked, he hurried to Navruz.

Noticing the unfortunate travelers, he stopped, sat down on the ground and shouted...

A dancing Akyn appeared on the horizon, he immediately began a soulful song about everything he saw around.

He really liked the Snow Maiden, and he decided to sing her beauty.

D. Mustafa cried, stretched out his hands to the sky and sang ... "come up with a phrase"

D. Frost fell to the ground, stretched himself and pulled D. Mustafa's beard with all his might, flicked his nose and said with unbearable bitterness in his voice "..."

Granddaughter-Snow Maiden flopped down on Grandfather Frost's knees and sarcastically said "..."

Akyn was confused, dropped his instrument and could not sing anything. Nothing at all.

D. Frost bravely tried to get up.

He didn't succeed.

D. Frost finally proudly stood up and said "..."

D. Mustafa reached out to the Snow Maiden and shouted "..."

D. Frost looked around, determined where the north lay, and waved his hand with complete confidence, declaring "..."

Then he went to the left and "..."

The Snow Maiden kissed D. Mustafa on the forehead and chased D. Moroz.

Mustafa was not particularly surprised, scratched his head thoughtfully and said "..."

Akyn planned to sing a new song, but we will not let him, otherwise we will have to listen to this lawlessness until the morning.

End! And look for morality yourself!

Roles are best printed on leaflets. Distribute the roles by pulling out of the hat, or let the host himself appoint.

Corporate script for lazy organizers

  • cleaning woman;
  • Santa Claus;
  • Snow Maiden;
  • leading.


  • bag with small gifts;
  • pieces of paper;
  • a snowflake with many corners - a task number is indicated under each corner;
  • hat.

Scene 1

Host-V: Greetings, my dears!

A little more and the New Year will come - a holiday when miracles happen and all dreams and wishes come true!

And for starters, I have to fulfill a few wishes that could not be fulfilled on time, and all because of our mail - the gifts were not presented on time. Now we will correct this awkward situation.

He holds out his hand into a small bag of gifts.

Approaches the leader.

Q: It was you, boy, who asked Santa Claus for a car as a child?

Leader: Yes!

Presenter: Here is your present "holding out a toy car."

The host goes to the rest of the little guests and gives them presents too!

Host: This is how children's dreams come true! Let's drink to that!

Scene 2

Q: Not everyone is probably aware, but Santa Claus has a wife! And her name is Winter! She has prepared tasks for you!

Take out a snowflake with tasks:

  • on the 1st corner - a poem about NG;
  • on the 2nd corner - dance with a colleague;
  • on the 3rd corner - a riddle about the holiday, etc.

Scene 3

A cleaning lady follows the leader, waving a mop and scolding him.

UB: Just look! How well settled! Should I clean up after him? Confetti, garlands are scattered everywhere, and then I have to clean up around the clock!

Any holiday requires that it be planned in advance. Planning is the key to success in every business we do, and this stage of the organization of the celebration should always be given special attention. After all, if you let everything take its course, then no one knows what will come of it in the end. But if the holiday takes place according to a pre-planned plan, then you, at least, will be able to somehow control its conduct and keep it within the established limits.

I must say that a good scenario for the New Year 2017 for adults, as a rule, is not particularly difficult. An adult does not need so much from a celebration. Tasty food, good company, having booze at the table and funny contests is all that is needed for happiness. You can, of course, add other details to, but this is not at all necessary.

Learn or use ready-made options holiday scenarios you can have with us. Vlio has collected quite a lot of really high-quality works that may well interest you. Browse this collection and benefit from it!


1st presenter
2nd host
Santa Claus
Snow Maiden

Cheerful music sounds, the audience takes their places at the tables if the performance will go to a cafe. But here the phonogram of the song about winter, the celebration of the New Year (any) is turned on. After her, the presenter and presenter come out in Gzhel or Khokhloma stylized costumes.

1st leader.

Oh, you gentlemen,
Please welcome here!
Come into the elegant hall,
Look at the fun!

2nd leader.

We all want to have fun
And don't be lazy to laugh
It's fun to celebrate the holiday
Don't be bored for a second!

1st leader.

Under the New Year's holiday
We issued a decree
Therefore, we ask
Come to our holiday!

2nd leader.

To have fun from the heart
Remember the charter of our page!
(Read out.)

1st leader.

Our first paragraph says,
That the carnival is already open!

2nd leader.

Paragraph two - it is announced to everyone,
That sadness is not allowed here!

1st leader.

Paragraph three forbids
Swear, get angry and mope,
Look sad and dare!

2nd leader.

Paragraph four obliges everyone
Sing and joke, dance and laugh,
Do not part with fun all evening!

1st leader.

New Year's Eve
And everyone knows this
It's a lot of fun
It gets interesting!
Like children, everyone wants
And sing and dance
And in different games, competitions
Accept participation.

2nd leader.

Who will be the most active today,
He will receive a New Year's prize.
Fanfare sounds.

1st leader.

Dear our guests,
It's time for fun!
Hello, long-awaited holiday!
Hello, hello New Year!
A ballroom dance is being performed.

2nd leader (after the dance).

We have many holidays in Russia,
New Year's is the best
Whomever you ask.

1st leader.

family holiday
Everyone calls him
At the elegant Christmas tree
Meet the whole family!

2nd leader.

Let me ask you, gentlemen, a question:
What is the name of the coming year?
(Year of the Rooster 2017)

1st leader.

That's right, you guessed it -
The Year of the Rooster is coming.
Now you can spend a few from the site.

2nd leader.

Friends, for all we have
Very good New Year's news.
Just mail dog
He brought us a telegram.

1st presenter (reads out).

"Wait for a visit. We're flying,
We want to congratulate everyone
To be with you again
Celebrate this holiday.

2nd leader.

And at the end two more lines:
"Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, period."

1st leader.

In the meantime, their plane is on the road, on the way,
The main meeting is ahead of us!

2nd leader.

Concert numbers
We will give you now.
And our artists will perform them,
Just class!
Performed 2 concert numbers. The leaders leave at this time. Then they return in the costumes of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus.

We flew here.
Good evening gentlemen!

Snow Maiden.

Good evening friends!
I'm glad to meet you!

Santa Claus.

One day the day and the hour come -
Everyone is waiting with hope for their arrival -
And the miracle happens again.
And it's a miracle - the New Year!

Snow Maiden.

And with him we come to people
In the sparkle of jokes and tricks,
And on this day we will be guests
All of you: both adults and children.
Dear uncles, dear aunts,
Welcome us!
What are you waiting for?

Santa Claus.

Let's get acquainted, I'm glad to see you!
They just call me
I am Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden.

If acquaintance is more important (to Santa Claus.)
Get the snow soon.
(Turns to the audience.)
We'll throw it at you.
And you name to name!
The game "Introduction" is being played.

Santa Claus.

Nice, nice frolic,
Like children, have fun!

Snow Maiden.

Dear Santa Claus,
I have a question for you.
The tree is sad
For some reason it doesn't light up.

Santa Claus.

We will fix this problem
Let's make all the fires burn.
Christmas tree, Christmas tree, don't be lazy
Light up for us!

Santa Claus strikes with a staff. The lights on the tree are lit. The general light goes out.

Santa Claus.

Let's remember the previous years -
I was a grandfather anywhere:
He sang songs, knew how to dance,
In general, he did what he wanted.
Maybe remember the old days -
Let's sing one song.

Snow Maiden.

You will sing the first verse like children.
The second is in the language of animals and birds of the planet.
He points to the tables, gives the task to sing alone, like dogs - woof-woof; like goats - me-me; crows - kar-kar; cats - meow-meow, etc.

Snow Maiden.

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree" -
That's what the song is called.
And this glorious song
Our holiday continues.
The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" is performed.

Santa Claus.

It's good for us near the Christmas tree
Happy holiday to meet.
It's good for us near the Christmas tree
Songs to sing and dance.

Snow Maiden.

So that we don't get bored
I invite everyone to dance!
Dance break.

Snow Maiden (sings or recitative).

Once a year, once a year
New Year's holiday.
And we will meet him
Fun today.
You came to the holiday
Have some fun.
Let smiles bloom
All over your faces.

Santa Claus (sings).

new year, new year
We meet together
About him and about him
We sing songs here.
May they not be new
We have known each other since childhood.
We sing them from the heart

Snow Maiden.

The tree is shining for us
In the hall of lights
Round dance her
We'll do it ourselves.

Santa Claus.

We've been for many years
We are dads and moms.


But for us the New Year -
The holiday is the best!

Snow Maiden.

Song Contest
Now we are announcing.
Who has more songs of you
Do you know about winter?
The competition "Sing, friends" is being held: to perform or, in extreme cases, name songs where there would be words about winter, New Year, frost, etc.

Santa Claus.

The competition is as follows:
This is a dance competition.
We won't hurt anyone
But we want, friends, to say
Sitting on an ordinary chair
You need to dance something.
The melodies of tango, gypsies, letka-enki, etc. sound alternately. The best performer receives a prize.

Snow Maiden.

And now from the chairs
I ask everyone to stand up
And for real
Let's Dance!
Dance break. 2-3 more competitions or games are held at the choice of the organizers of the holiday.

Snow Maiden.

May this magical night
To the sound of crystal wine glasses
All adversity will go away
You will not have sad days.
You will laugh out loud
You will joke a lot
And surprise yourself
And make close friends laugh.

Santa Claus.

Merry as this evening
May the coming year be
All the things you ever wanted
Let him bring it to you urgently.
Let good luck accompany you
And health will be strong
Any problem will be solved
May your life be easy!

Snow Maiden.

On this day we wish you:
Happiness, joy, success,
Strong friendship, a lot of laughter!

Santa Claus.

Let any desire
Even the most crazy
Everything that comes to mind
Everything will fulfill the New Year!

Snow Maiden.

We part with you
The time has come.
dance, have fun
At least until morning!

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden say goodbye, leave the hall. The disco begins. After 4-5 dance compositions, the presenters come out. They can pause between dances, play 1-2 games, choose the King and Queen of the ball, Miss Winter, etc.

1st leader.

The old year is ending.
Good, good year.
We won't be sad
After all, the New one is coming to us.
We will greet him with singing
For hundreds of voices
And we are looking forward to
Cheerful clock strike.
The chiming clock sounds.

Then the melody of the song "Five Minutes" from the movie "Carnival Night" sounds.

2nd leader.

When a young year enters the house,
And the old one goes away
Hide the fragile snowflake in the palm of your hand,
Make a wish.
Look with hope into the night blue
Squeeze your hand tightly
And everything you dreamed about
Ask, guess and wish!

1st leader.

When the young year comes
And the old one goes away
Any dream is given to come true.
Such is this night!
Everything will calm down and freeze around
In anticipation of new days
And the snowflake will suddenly turn around
Firebird in your hand.
Waltz sounds. Artists and guests dance.

2nd presenter (against the background of music).

The last leaf is torn off
The calendar has been removed from the wall.
Waiting for a long time congratulations
January behind the door

1st leader.

In the bright lights of the carnival
His hour is coming.
The sound of crystal glasses
A celebration is entering our house!

2nd leader. May good luck visit you!

1st leader. Let the inspiration come!

2nd leader. Let your life become brighter

Together. In the new year that has begun!

1st leader. There are no more beautiful words in the world:

Together. Happy New Year! With new happiness!

The song "We wish you happiness!"

This cool, fun New Year's table script for adult company, which was written by the modern author Nikosa, really liked. We hope that this comic adult New Year's scenario for a feast on New Year you will like it too. Thanks to the author!

Scenario for celebrating the new year for adults (with jokes, games and toasts)

The Snow Maiden enters after the presentation of the presenter:

We opened the doors to our beautiful hall,

And everyone saw a forest guest!

Tall, beautiful, green, slim,

She glows with different lights!

Isn't she a beauty?

Do we all like the tree?

There are many wonderful holidays

Everyone comes in their turn.

But the best holiday in the world

The best holiday is New Year!

He comes on a snowy road

Having swirled snowflakes round dance.

Beauty mysterious and strict.

Fills the heart of the New Year!

With the wind, blizzard and snow, gray-haired Santa Claus rushes.

Now he is silent, then he calls, and now he is coming to us!

Santa Claus comes out to the music.

Ay, ay-y! I'm coming!

Good evening ladies, gentlemen.

Did you get here well?

Happy New Year,

I wish you all good health!

Here is the New Year, for the umpteenth time,

Comes to us from the starry distance.

And as always, he beckons us,

Hope, bright dreams,

Hope, believe and love

All three cherished words

Take it with you and go far

And be happy again.


The old year is leaving, its last page is rustling.

Let the best that was, will not go away, and the worst, will not be able to repeat!

(We drink, we have a snack.)

GAME 1: "Songs about the New Year"

Well, it's time for everyone to sing. But we will sing along. Let's each try to remember a couplet, or at least the name of the songs about the New Year, about winter, snow, blizzard and frost.

(Who last sang is the winner. The winner is awarded No. 1)

GAME #: Piggy bank

We also have a piggy bank of the evening. Anyone who believes that he is generous with his soul, loves to fantasize and wants to get rid of all debts (both monetary and other promises) on New Year's Eve can be thrown into the piggy bank to anyone, no matter how much it is a pity.

TOAST 2: (Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

On your doorstep all gray beard

Old year- old, very old

He leaves us, he waves his hand to us

And wishes you good luck with everything!

But someone has come, someone is calling softly,

Three white horses at the door

The clock is exactly midnight, then the New Year has come.

Pour champagne into glasses!

I raise my glass - I congratulate you again,

My dears, Happy New Year!

Do good and give love,

Despite the years and the weather!

(We drink, we have a snack.)

GAME 2: "Riddles"

I have prepared many riddles for you:

It's snowing outside,

Coming soon ... (New Year)

Softly glowing needles

Coniferous spirit comes from ... (tree)

And the toys swing

Flags, stars, ... (crackers)

Clubfoot and big

Who sleeps in a den in winter? (Bear)

How many times can you celebrate the New Year in Russia?

lay, lay,

Yes, I ran into the river. (snow)

Doesn't burn in fire

Doesn't sink in water. (ice)

In the courtyard of a mountain

And in the hut with water. (snow)

When needed, they throw it away

When not needed, they pick it up.

What it is? (anchor)

The more you take from it, the more it becomes. (pit)

GAME #: Piggy bank

In addition, I want to announce to everyone that whoever does not wish to participate in any competitions, or who prompts other participants in the competitions the correct answers, or during the evening behaves too indecently, he will be immediately punished with a fine, which will immediately go to the general piggy bank. Let's set together the amount of the fine,… what are the proposals…

TOAST 3: (Invites to raise glasses and makes a toast)

Many people know that in Italy there is a tradition before the New Year to throw old and unnecessary things out of the window that have become boring for a year. Of course, we are not in Italy, but this custom is so good that I would like to invite you all to forget how junk, insults, quarrels, bad deeds ... If we do all this, it will turn out that only warm and pleasant memories of the old year remain in our memory. Let's remember it like that, and then the new year will be no worse than the last!

(We drink, we have a snack.)

GAME 3: I propose to play the "New Year's Quiz"

In the New Year, it is customary to give not only gifts, but also postcards. But few people know that for the first time a New Year's card appeared in London. But in what year - you need to guess. A little hint is between 1800 and 1850. (1843) We reward the guesser

As elsewhere, the New Year in Germany is celebrated in December, but here it is celebrated not for one day, like ours, but for much longer. Who can tell me what date they start in this country new year holidays? (December 6) Guessing reward

No one will argue that the New Year's clock strikes 12 times, thereby proclaiming the onset of the New Year. But there is one country where there are many more blows - this is Japan. And how many times the Japanese clocks hit, you have to guess. Hint - from 100 to 150. (108 strokes) Guessing reward

And tell me, please, in what year did Peter 1 issue a decree to celebrate the New Year on winter days? (B1700) We reward the guesser

(winning 4 people become participants in the game and go to the hall or middle).

GAME 4: "The Enchanted Glass"

I'm going to enchant these glasses now. I can hold one or even two glasses at the same time in my hands, and as many as I like, and any of you will not be able to cope with this task, and will throw them or put them on the table before I count to three! Moreover, the condition is that you must stand in one place, hold a glass and not move away.

One two…. I'll tell you three tomorrow.

Naturally, no one will wait until tomorrow, and they will put glasses on. The host continues:

Well, if you couldn’t hold it, then I hope you can drink something?

If there is a winner. He is rewarded.

TOAST 4: (Invites to raise glasses and makes a toast)

What is the glass made of? From a support and a bowl for drinks. What is a person made of? From the body - the material support and the soul - the spiritual cup. Let's drink to the fact that in the new year our glasses would be filled more often with fine wine, and our souls with wonderful feelings!

(We drink, we have a snack.)

TOAST 5: (Invites to raise glasses and makes a toast)

Dear friends! A few more hours - and midnight will announce to us that another year has passed and a new one has come. We do not know anything about what the New Year will bring, however, we do not want to lift the veil of the future hidden from us. In the last hours of the old year, we think more about it than about the coming year, since all desires and hopes for the future are connected with what has already been lived and experienced. Let only good and pleasant memories of the old year remain in our memory, and this will allow us to boldly and joyfully look into the future.

(We drink, we have a snack.)

GAME 5: "Dance with an inflatable Santa Claus"

An inflatable D.M is launched around the hall to the music. On whom the music ended, the loser. He is given the floor for congratulations.


(Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

The old year is leaving. Leaving without a return

The thread of worries that we do not need is leaving.

And what we wanted will sink into oblivion,

Who was in love and was loved.

Unexpectedly - unexpectedly, the names go away,

Moments, looks, songs.

Gone are the days where it was so wonderful!

Farewell, Old Year, farewell, no goodbye!

The New Year is coming to us and gives us a promise!

(We drink, we have a snack.)


(Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

Twelve strikes and my glass is raised.

And at this moment mysteriously ringing

My love is the fuse of all my deeds.

For the magic of your calling eyes,

For all the moments I spent with you

For the joy of meeting that awaits us -

For the thirst that knows no quench!

(We drink, we have a snack.)

CH: (while guests drink and eat)

Straightening the wrinkles in the forehead, let's make a destiny for the holiday.

Let's forget any bad weather, maybe it's really not in vain,

Golden hope and happiness come to us at the end of December!

It all started in 2600 BC when Emperor Huang Ti introduced the first zodiac calendar.

What is a Dog in the Chinese Zodiac?

In general, the Dog is a symbol of compassionate individuality. You can always expect from a Dog kind words, support, advice. The dog is a listener, always available to lend his sensitive ear or faithful shoulder to a friend at the right time. Sometimes the Dog can be annoying, may seek to take control of the situation, but this is only from excessive impressionability and a desire to serve. Bill Clinton, Michael Jackson, Jennifer Lopez were born under the sign of the Dog. Nice company, really, what cute and active dogs!

Fire Dogs (1946, 2006) - Natural leaders are popular, charismatic people, always surrounded by a group of admirers. These Dogs also have high sex appeal. They are enterprising and lively, honest and sincere.

Thus, from the year of the Fire Dog, we do not have to expect anything unpleasant. This year will be a year of mercy, compassion and support. Strong countries will help the weak, authoritative politicians will forcibly impose on citizens their projects aimed at their own good.

In life ordinary people Fire Dog will add love and more love. To some, this love may even seem redundant.


The MOUSE will be disturbed by change and tend to keep a "round defense". If she manages to maintain her position and not quarrel with partners, then she will be able to meet the next New Year with full bins.

The VOL will be in a situation of choice that he will not like at the beginning, but will open up a world of new opportunities and will be appreciated at the end of the year. It is better for him not to give up the opportunity to take control in a difficult situation - others will tend to place high hopes on him.

The TIGER, against the backdrop of awakened ambitions, will be able to turn his life around and achieve renewal, self-affirmation and recognition. He is waiting for the most unexpected turns in events, an offer and participation in interesting projects.

RABBIT more than once will find himself in circumstances where he will have to rack his brains over how to get out of them. Situations will be ambiguous, where benefits or hidden meanings are not immediately revealed. He needs to pay tribute to his intuition more often and not refuse help if it is offered sincerely.

DRAGON must be kept under control financial questions and not to break away from reality in your pursuit of impressive success. He will be visited more than once by inspiration and excitement of capturing new positions. In the summer it can turn into problems, but in the fall, everything is possible ...

SNAKE should enlist the support of benevolent partners and transfer to them a share of its responsibility. This year is more inclined towards spiritual search, travel, education and personal issues.

The HORSE is on the verge of significant change. Some of them can take you by surprise - so many things at once. But she will quickly be able to choose the most promising and will do to her advantage. The most important thing is not to look back and overcome obstacles with one jerk.

The GOAT will benefit if it takes a neutral position in all the ups and downs and situations of confrontation in which it finds itself, more militant and impatient signs are involved. This year, success can come to her without much effort - the one who knows how to wait always wins.

MONKEY is waiting for an eventful year. She will have to apply all her dexterity and ingenuity in order not only to avoid losses, but also to reach the finish line with noticeable achievements. In the professional sphere, unlimited opportunities open up for her, but in personal relationships it is better to stick to the tactics of compromise.

COCK can be disappointed by the need to work hard without recognition of his merits, heightened attention and noisy events where he could spread his feathers. But he knows that a pearl grain can be found by working well with his paws and beak - surprises can be expected in the fall.

The DOG understands the responsibility of the moment and is ready for a good fight. This year will bring success only to those who can stand up for themselves, know well what they want, and do not back down in front of a serious opponent. Feeling of reality along with well developed intuition guarantee her decent dividends, all the more so. That she realizes all her advantages this year.

BOAR will be successful in that area of ​​life where he has good control over the situation and has the hidden support of stakeholders. His well-being this year can increase significantly.

Attention, Armenian Radio says: “The broadcast for the deaf has ended!” I remind you of our piggy bank, into which we throw away all the "debts" of the past year.

(Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

Happy New Year, I wish you happiness and joy!

Everyone who is single - get married, everyone who is in a quarrel - face off,

Forget about insults, everyone who is sick - become healthy,

Bloom, rejuvenate. Everyone who is skinny - become fatter,

Too fat - lose weight. Too smart - become simpler,

Not far off - smarten up. All gray-haired - to darken,

So that the hair on the top of the head of the bald people thickens like Siberian forests!

So that the songs, so that the dances never cease.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Let us be in trouble!

(We drink, we have a snack.)

GAME 6: Fanta

And now Dear friends Let's loosen up a bit. I suggest, without leaving the table, to play one old game, Fanta. Everyone will pull out a piece of paper on which it will be written what the participant needs to do.

(Sn. Carries a tray of phantoms around the hall, and D.M monitors the implementation of each phantom.)

Kiss the neighbor (neighbor)

Apologize to a neighbor (neighbor) and get his (her) forgiveness

Sing very militantly the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Confess your love for inspection with gestures

Explain to the “blind” neighbor (neighbor) that you are very hungry with gestures

Depict with a neighbor (neighbor) Othello

Depict a Chapaev (Petka or Anka)

Have a drink on brotherhood with a neighbor (neighbor)

Depict the flight of an eagle

Crow three times

Give (if you can) your neighbors a penny (cent)

Picture a child lost at the train station

Picture an RTI inspector stopping a car

Compliment those in attendance

Say solemnly the phrase "I sit for the fourth day at the table and drink"

Picture the dawn in the village, after the hayloft

Make a scary face

Picture how you eat last year's cracker

Depict the President of Russia, or at least the head of the Buro RTI

Explain with your eyes or facial expressions in love to a neighbor (neighbor)

(Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

At this table, all the women are beautiful, like Snow Maidens. But I would like to wish that, unlike them, the hearts of our women will be warmed by love for us, men, in the New Year. For the beautiful and loving Snow Maidens!

(We drink, we have a snack.)

GAME 7: "Three phrases"

Invites those who want to participate.

If you can repeat three phrases after me, any, word for word, you will win a prize! Ready? We started.

1) "What a beautiful evening tonight!" The player must repeat word for word.

2) “You are simply beautiful!” At the same time, D.M does not behave confidently, and after the participant repeats the phrase, he happily spreads his arms and says:

3) "So you lost!". Usually players make mistakes and ask “Why?”.

Whoever repeated wins and is awarded.

If there are winners, they are awarded.

(Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

On a snowy winter road

The old year is swept away.

May everything you wish come true.

New Year's moonlit night.

(We drink, we have a snack.)

GAME 8: "Fortune-telling under a glass"

I invite everyone to make a cherished wish for this year and choose a glass, under which there will be an answer. One condition to read, you need to drink a glass, under the cat. there is a leaf with a prophecy.

1- Act today boldly, risky. To fulfill your desire will require determination, assertiveness. It can come true, but for this you have to fight.

2- Desire to be fulfilled. It will bring joy, a feeling of fullness of life. Nothing will interfere with this.

3- Definitely NO. This is advice to abandon decisive action, not to try to overcome circumstances. Nothing good will come of this.

4- Now for our plan or aspiration, the time has not yet passed. You have to wait, things may change.

5- There is every chance to get what you want. This color inspires hope, predicts success, promises good conditions for the intended.

7- Luck smiles at you. But don't take this as an exact YES to your question. He suggests that a wide range of opportunities will be provided for the fulfillment of desire, extremely favorable. You will take full advantage of them if you show will and moderate your conceit.

8- What you think can come true, but on condition: for this you need to choose a rational, balanced decision. To achieve what you want, do not act headlong, spontaneously. The exact answer will give the voice of reason. Gossip and intrigue can serve as a hindrance to what was conceived.

9- This is YES, and the wished to be fulfilled without any effort. The whole situation has developed so that there are no barriers to your plan.

10- Luck is your middle name. Intuition will put you on the right path to achieve your desire. Do not think, do not apply logic, but just trust yourself and enjoy life.

11- All roads lead to Rome. And there are many paths to your desire, but which one you choose will affect the circle of events associated with your personal life. In order not to make a mistake and choose the right path, look back, and have you already walked it once?

12- The wish will come true, but do not forget that only cheese in a mousetrap is free. You have to pay for everything. But with what “coin” you pay, it’s up to you. But just remember that everything has its price.

13- Desire to be fulfilled only on condition that it is your true desire. Well, don’t be upset if you don’t fulfill it, but rather look into the innermost corners of your soul to understand what you really want.

14- Be fulfilled, but only if your desire is very important and significant for you. You will have to make a little effort to achieve what you want, but the result will exceed all your expectations.

15- YES, YES, and YES again! Hasn't it been fulfilled yet?

16- A wish can come true, but with the help of your loved ones and loved ones who will offer it to you sincerely. Do not reject help, because this is the way to fulfill your desire.

17- Your wish will come true, don't worry about it. Calm down and be prepared to wait patiently. You will need composure and endurance now. Remember. What wins the one who knows how to wait.

GAME***: Sirtaki

Hear the music again sounded:

Everywhere fun and joy sparkle

In the waltz, let each of you spin!

The floor is given to our "Disc jockey".

(we dance SIRTAKI).

Hurry in a round dance, let everyone sing,

A wonderful Christmas tree is waiting for everyone.

The more people, the more guests,

That will be even more fun.

And now let's play and dance to a Russian gypsy girl.

GAME ***: "Gypsy Girl"

5-6 players are called and the same number of chairs are placed. The music is put on, the participants walk around the chairs until the music stops. The music stops - the participants take off one thing from themselves. So several times. After that, different music plays, and the participants begin to dress in the same way. Where the participant stopped, he dresses there.

Prize for the most extravagant (selected with the help of invitees).

(Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

Health, joy and happiness

We bring to your attention a couple of script options for the New Year 2018, which are suitable for adult parties. It is quite possible to do without professional showmen and artists, to organize a New Year's corporate party on your own, the traditional idea is the eastern horoscope.

This New Year's scenario meets all the requirements:

  • contains bright characters;
  • texts on roles in verses;
  • jokes for adults;
  • competitions for adults;
  • games for adults;
  • humor 18+.

For the Year of the Dog, this scenario can be supplemented with original thematic contests, for example: “Find Pedy Gris”. The meaning of the competition is that which of the participants will quickly find a bowl of dry dog ​​food, but blindfolded.

So, let's begin…

The hall is dark. Mysterious, fabulous music sounds.
Ded Moroz and Snegurochka enter the hall. With a candle in their hands, tiptoe sneaking into the center of the hall

Santa Claus:

Don't squeak with your boots
Someone will hear...
At least lubricate the joints
And be more modest

Snow Maiden:

You yourself grumble quieter
Close your mitten
Flu walks the planet
They say he's a pig
By the way, the style of bummers
One of the main symptoms.

Santa Claus:

Shut up you fool
Nothing to teach me!
I am a young man
Even with a white beard
Well, I could not sell the snow!
I'm human too!

Snow Maiden:

You are a sales representative!
Firms of our long-liver.
All hope is on you
And you don't drive a damn thing!

Santa Claus:

Don't talk, get down to business
Let's untie the bag.
Get money soon
Money now loves the account!

Snow Maiden:

Thousand, two, four, five
Oh don't share again
I'm four and you
I will give a thousand completely ...
Why are you rolling your eyes?
What, you don't trust me?

Santa Claus:

I could trust
Just didn't attack that one.
Vaughn shoved the papers
Hid - anywhere!
You say that you dreamed again?
The money seemed to disappear!
Not Snow Maiden! Shame and disgrace!
Even the shorts have a pocket!

Snow Maiden:

What's your business?
Sew a pocket under your beard!
You can even under a bathrobe ...
And don't sit still!
By the way, do you have
Secret places - to hell!
This is me with my outfit
Get smart as you need to.
If I had money, I'll hide everything!
So no one can find it!

Santa Claus:

Well, you're greedy...
So that you ... bewitched!
What kind of noise?.. I didn't understand?
Who is there? (candles are extinguished, lights are turned on)


My mommy!

Snow Maiden:

What are you standing with your mouth open?
Smile, people are here!

Santa Claus:

Here we are stuck
And you start quickly!
I forgot everything with a fright ...
Where the hell is my apohmelin?

Snow Maiden:

You are such a fool
At banquets or what?
Doesn't remember the words like this fool
And I wanted to work!

Santa Claus:

Here! Found!

Snow Maiden:

Walk straight!!!

Santa Claus:

Hello honest people!

Snow Maiden:

(beautiful intonation)
Through blizzards and blizzards
We barely got to you ...

Santa Claus:

(grunts) They didn't eat or drink
Only the bubble was persuaded

Snow Maiden:

We walked to you for a long time, in a hurry

Santa Claus:

Didn't even get a hangover...

Snow Maiden:

Through the forest, eight blocks!!!

Santa Claus:

I almost dropped my hooves...

Snow Maiden:

Come on, don't freak out
Execute Grandpa's plan
We are with you my dear
Can't go home without money
You don't have much in your bag
Earn cabbage!!!

Santa Claus:

Tables are full of food.
Worth every big thousand!

Snow Maiden:

Yes! The table is full of snacks

Santa Claus:

Pass - ka pickle

Snow Maiden:

And pass the plate
What are you looking at?

Santa Claus:

Pour it!
Today we are "For" fun
"For" slightly intoxicated potion,
"For" a happy new year,
May he bring happiness!

Snow Maiden:

Stop! Don't pour him!
Five orders ahead!
By the way, how much will we be paid?
Show prices.

Santa Claus:

Dear guests, relatives
Jokes are expensive these days
A song is a thing, games are two
Prices are lower than in Moscow
Calling Santa Claus
Cost you eight thousand.
Well, together with the Snow Maiden -
It's already ten

Snow Maiden:

Photo with Frost
Together with the Christmas tree - three hundred ask!
No frost and no Christmas tree
Will do five!

Santa Claus:

Sale!!! Hurry!!!
Get our grand prize!!!
When ordering a round dance
Discounts for all people!

Snow Maiden:

White pure snow
Dive into it buddy!
Sit with a friend in a snowdrift
Maybe for half a piece.

Santa Claus:

With the Snow Maiden, a lingering
Ordered by that friend!
Can be taken home
But here friends auction!

Snow Maiden:

We offer exclusive!
Erotic motif
Hold grandfather's staff
Worth exactly three meals

Santa Claus:

And hold on to the braid
Maybe for sausage!

Snow Maiden:

And how much is the sausage?

Santa Claus:

Two hundred and forty-three rubles!

Snow Maiden:

Yes, my stockings are more expensive!
Manicure is more expensive too
And the wig? And the boots?
Look at the suit!

Cosmetologist, dermatologist
Ophthalmologist, venereologist - oh!
Yes, you have a beard
Also very expensive

Where did you get these prices?
We are in the Capital, not in the village!
If everything here is counted
Pulls a thousand by twenty-five!

We don't justify anything.
We're just wasting time!

Santa Claus:

Wait, don't boil
Calm down, take a look
Look at the people, what -
Very expensive too
Do you remember the diagram?

Snow Maiden:

Ha! And then!
Done a long time ago!

Santa Claus:

Get your wallets!
There is no place for longing
For the holiday friends
We can't spare money!

Snow Maiden:

Here's the magic box!
hold him buddy
Yes, hold it, but don't grab it!!!
Hold it - give it to another!

Put a coin here
And you get candy
DM. Where are you looking?
Yes, no sweets for you!

I look at you diamonds
Emeralds and agates...
In order not to lose them, you need to insure them!
Throw off with a darling for a ruble
I'll pass it on to the insurer.

Santa Claus:

Well, why are you sitting?
Don't you want happiness?
Happiness is not enough, not enough for everyone
For a fiver ride

Snow Maiden:

Well, my dear friend
Seems boring without girlfriends?
Drop a coin here
And look, there is no end!

(a snow maiden sits on his knees)

Santa Claus:

Modest, quiet, but where are the hands?
Obviously not in my head!

Snow Maiden:

playful little hands
Know the girls will stick!

Santa Claus:

So let's get it
From the pockets of rubles,
We will tell you many years!

Snow Maiden:

Let all your troubles turn into ashes,
And improve your budget!

Santa Claus:

Be generous not a semaphore
And pay off handsomely

Snow Maiden:

I threw a little, well, so what -
What you sow, you will reap!

Santa Claus:

Where is the boss?

Snow Maiden:

Ah, here it is
There is nothing cuter.
For the company to flourish
Whatever the crisis does not know

Santa Claus:

For a good season
Debit with credit reduced

Snow Maiden:

So that the tax service
Walked around the office together

Santa Claus:

So that always and so that everywhere
You were on top!

Snow Maiden:

Count and write.
Put it in the right felt boot!

Santa Claus:

Stop! The banquet is paid!
How did we forget you!
I wrote in my notepad
No matter how scandalous...
We need to return the money.

Snow Maiden:

What to give to the director?

Santa Claus:

Here's your first installment on a yacht!

Snow Maiden:

Don't forget to ride!
How many forces and everything is not for me ...
I'll call you in February!

Santa Claus:

Enough! I have money.
Work it out, folks!
Let's start the script
Not like it was in the beginning!

Entertainment and feasts for the New Year 2018 Like money, there is never too much. A holiday with family, gatherings with friends, field trips and, of course, a New Year's corporate party 2018. It is advisable to choose a cool scenario, with comic numbers, jokes, funny contests and funny prizes, so that the team celebrates the New Year in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

Cool scenario "Corporate casting"

Presenter: “Good evening, dear colleagues! Get comfortable, we're starting…”
At this time, an elegant man enters the door, in a brown suit, in a yellow shirt, with a yellow bow tie or in a brown neckerchief. And with a quick step goes to the leader.

The guest: "Wait a minute, gentlemen! I beg your pardon, a little late, traffic jams.

Host (looks at him in bewilderment): “Who are you, exactly?”

Guest (in a loud whisper): “Oriental symbol was ordered for the New Year, congratulations to the team? Get it and sign it." He takes out a bill of lading from his pocket and hands it to the girl.

Leading (looking at the stranger from head to toe): “Yeah, but we thought…”

The guest: “A real dog will come running, with a wagging tail, yellow hair, a devoted look, and he will read a solemn speech to you, I beg your pardon, barking. Dogs, you know, are not all sorts of parrots, they don’t know how to talk. Well, just like children, honestly! Addressing those present: “Let me introduce myself, Earth Dog of the highest category, Chongqing, if in Chinese. Please love and respect".

Guest (host): “Let's continue the New Year's corporate party 2018, the scenario is cool, my performance, when does it provide? Let me work it out right now, congratulations to the audience!”

Presenter: “Well, we just got together, we didn’t raise our glasses even once, we didn’t have time to try salads. We have a long New Year's corporate party, the program is extensive. Wait, I'll see when you leave.

Guest (hugging his partner by the shoulders) : “Beautiful, sweet, good, I have no time to drink, have a snack, I have a busy schedule, until mid-January - a solid New Year's corporate party, where can I sit here. I sleep 4 hours a day and dream ... "

Presenter: "About what, if not a secret?"

The guest: “To find an assistant for yourself, a nimble or pretty, efficient assistant. Together we would have kept up everywhere, we would not have missed a single New Year's corporate party from the list. Idea! And let's arrange a casting, like in a movie or on television. I see there are many suitable candidates in the hall. Well, how? Do you agree? Don't be shy, it will be interesting."

Presenter: “Tempting offer. How are the tests going to be?

The guest: “In the form of simple contests. And so, the first test. Dogs are known to bark loudly. Vocal abilities are not particularly important for her, the main thing is the strength of her voice, loudness. We stand up, straighten our shoulders, pick up our stomachs, stretch our necks. I pronounce the initial lines of the chant, and you in unison - the last phrase. Each participant tries to drown out opponents. Go!

Happy New Year's Eve,
The people come off.
We see off the rooster
We celebrate the year of the dog (together)

Who is there behind the door?
According to Chinese belief,
Circle the signs of the Zodiac.
A dog has come to visit us!

Our team, no matter where,
We are always for each other!
And together with the authorities
Meet the earth dog!

Shouted from the heart
Look at your neighbor.
Smile - straight to the floor of the face!
We will meet the yellow dog!

To that I will award victory,
Who will shout "woof" to the whole country
And a sweet prize - also to him.
Glory to the Earth Dog!

Presenter: “Time to wet your throats! Fill your glasses! Cavaliers, take care of the ladies. (Turning to the guest) The dog is so gallant.

Guest (showing off): “The next competition is announced, for men. Within 3 minutes, they must collect as many kisses as possible. Counting - by lipstick prints on a napkin. Is everyone ready? Reade set Go! (The theme song of Verka Serduchka sounds).

Presenter: “I decided that incentive prizes (chocolate dogs or something like that) deserve all the participants, without exception. And the main award, a souvenir symbol of the year, will go to the most charming and attractive. Accountants, announce the results!”

The guest: “And in the New Year's corporate program, I included one more competition, a very revealing one, for quick wits. I need a smart partner. As they say, one head is good, but two is still better. Let's see which of you can guess tricky riddles.

She herself is sonorous, the waist is thin,
Wide in the chest
And below - thin. (Glass)

Hey, who knows people?
Snowman, where will it come from? (Zimbabwe).

Nearly 40 million people are employed at night. (“Sit” on the Internet).

Big, red, with mustaches and hares. What's this? (Trolleybus).

What's on the lady's body
Do cunning - on the mind?
Observed in hockey
And on the chessboard. (Combination)

Guest (with admiration): “Guys surprised me, you have a ward of mind. I confess, for the first time I got to a New Year's corporate party, where, despite the drunk, people think so soberly. Okay, brains stretched, now you can show yourself. Test number 1, for balance.
Participants are asked to stand on one leg. The winner is the one who managed to hold out longer than the others.

The guest: “Well done! They coped with the task perfectly, I present the winner with a gift personally (a lollipop in the shape of a dog or lollipop). Test number 2, for dexterity.
In plastic cups, glassware will not work, it may break, champagne or another drink is poured. You need to drink it without resorting to the help of hands, they are hidden behind your back.

Presenter: “Perhaps it’s time to decide who suits you as a partner.”

The guest: “What a wonderful New Year's corporate party 2018 turned out, the script is cool, the menu is excellent, the people are open, sincere. It's hard to single out anyone. And there are those in the hall today who were born in the year of the Dog. Here they are, ours won! The stars favor them. The horoscope also did not deprive other signs of attention, but they cannot be compared with smart, beautiful Dogs.

Presenter: “Applause to the lucky ones, prizes to the studio! Hooray! The party goes on, toasts, wishes, dancing until you drop, songs until the morning.