Rites for the New Year. Prayer for the old new year

  • 29.09.2019

Miraculous words: all New Year's prayer in full description from all the sources we found.

The last days of the outgoing year, tomorrow we will celebrate the New Year.

And then this one:

My merciful Lord,

Be with me in the new year.

Send me and my family

Box of goodness, gold and silver.

Bless us for peace and quiet,

To never part with you.

Good angels, holy archangels, All heavenly host.

do not let us suffer in the new year,

Not from sickness, not from trouble,

Neither fire nor water.

Throughout the New Year, Lord,

Save us save and defend.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever Amen.

It is very good if on the morning of the first of January you read New Year's prayers, they say. that these prayers can change the course of fate, for the better, save not only you, but your entire family from illness and trouble.

The Mother of God shelters her Son Christ,

Twelve girls are walking by

Twelve maidens, twelve maidens,

where are you going past me,

What are you carrying in your hands?

January february march april,

May June July August,

September October November December.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

Now and forever and forever and ever Amen.

Under the raft and the raft under the underwater shield,

Lies an imperishable holy letter

Who reads it on the first day of the new year,

And he understands every word with his heart,

That will be God's blessing,

Mary Mother of God, Mother was sleeping,

I saw a wonderful dream,

As if three angels flew to her.

Behold, you are Mary Devo

Waiting for the Christ child

His glory will be without end.

Through you, the Virgin Mary, the Savior will come to the world,

Who will read this dream on the first day of the new year,

Prayer for the New Year!

IN the first day of the New Year, you should turn to God with a prayer so that the Lord blesses us on next year health of mind and body, well-being, peaceful and joyful days and His heavenly grace, which would lead us in the right life path!

Help us, Lord, to spend the whole coming year without any temptations!

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth, Who is everywhere and fills everything, Treasury of the good and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed, our souls.

Prayer for the New Year

Lord God, of all visible and invisible creatures, Creator and Builder, who created times and years, bless the New Year, which begins today, which we consider from Your incarnation for our salvation.

Let us spend this year and many after it in peace and harmony with our neighbors; strengthen and spread the Holy Ecumenical Church, which You Yourself founded, and sanctified by the saving sacrifice of the Holy Body and the Most Pure Blood. Raise our Fatherland, save and glorify; give us long life, health, an abundance of the fruits of the earth and the well-being of the air; save me, your sinful servant, all my relatives and neighbors and all faithful Christians, as our true supreme Shepherd, protect, and affirm on the path of salvation, so that we, following it after a long and prosperous life in this world, reach Your Kingdom of Heaven and have been rewarded with eternal bliss with your saints. Amen.

Prayer before starting any work

Lord, Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Father without Beginning, You said with Your pure lips that without Me you can do nothing. My Lord, Lord, by faith the volume in my soul and heart spoken by You, I bow to Your goodness: help me, a sinner, this work that I begin, do about You, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, with the prayers of the Mother of God and all Your saints . Amen.

Kontakion to the Most Holy Theotokos

The chosen Voivode is victorious, as if having got rid of the evil ones, thankfully we will write down Thy servants, the Mother of God, but as if having an invincible power, free us from all troubles, let us call Ty: Rejoice, Bride of the Bride.

A short prayer to the saints

M Pray God for us all the saints, as we diligently resort to you, quick helpers and prayer books for our souls.

Once again, our dear readers, let's wish each other God's help in the coming year!

Prayer for the New Year for health, luck and love

The New Year symbolizes renewal and the onset of a new period, so many have great hopes for it. It is believed that the energy of this day is huge, and each person can turn to the Higher Forces with their problem or desire in prayer petitions, and get help.

Prayer on New Year's Day - when to read?

Petitions sent on December 31 have a special depth and power, so the chance of realizing the desired increases significantly. This day is not only associated with the change of the annual cycle, but also with the eternal renewal and rebirth of everything on earth. Many are interested in when a prayer is read on New Year's Day, and so the period after sunset and until four in the morning is considered the best time.

On this day, there is an increased surge of people's hopes, as many expect a miracle, and this can happen both consciously and unconsciously. This contributes to the creation of a powerful energy charge, which increases the chances of fulfilling your cherished desires. Prayers can be read during all new year holidays, that is, a week before the New Year and a week after. The most powerful and effective prayer for the New Year, read closer to midnight, is considered.

Prayer for the New Year

The time before the New Year holidays is considered unique and filled with powerful energy. It is important not to miss it in order to take the chance and turn to the Higher Forces to improve the quality of life. It is difficult to meet a person who would not want more luck, love, health and other benefits to be present in his life. There is a universal prayer on New Year's Eve, which is best read after sunset.

What prayers to read for the New Year?

A huge number of people consider the New Year a certain Starting point to change your life into better side or even start with clean slate. The energy of this holiday can ignite a fire of hope in a person and help him fulfill his cherished desire. Holiday night is the perfect time to say goodbye to existing problems and start moving towards a wonderful future. The prayer that is read on New Year's Eve has great power, capable of fulfilling a cherished desire, improving health, attracting cash flow and a soul mate.

Any prayer text read at this time will certainly be heard. Of great importance in achieving success is an unshakable belief in a positive result. In addition, it is recommended not to tell anyone about reading prayers for the New Year. One more important point- turn to the Higher Forces in complete solitude, so that nothing distracts or knocks down energy.

Prayer for the New Year for health

The most valuable thing in life for a person is health, so many people ask for it from the Higher powers. Sincere prayers can work wonders, helping people cope with various ailments. You can read sacred texts not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones who are far away. The New Year's prayer for health can be read independently, and it can also be ordered at the church, which will increase the chance of recovery. The most revered is the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, which helps from bodily and mental ailments.

Prayer for the New Year for wealth

Another common desire among different people- financial well-being. You can’t ask for unexpected enrichment, which should fall “on your head”, since a prayer on New Year’s Eve, aimed at helping in matters that bring money. Another important point to consider in order to achieve success is to think of money not as an end, but as a means to a simpler life.

Prayer for the New Year for good luck

Sometimes, in order to reach certain heights in different areas life is simply not enough luck, and the period of the New Year holidays is the perfect time to ask for it from the Higher powers. In the last hours of the outgoing year, it is recommended to let go of all grievances in the soul in the late afternoon and forgive the enemies, wishing them good luck. Be sure to thank God for the past year, and then ask him good luck for the future. First, “Our Father” is pronounced, and then, a prayer for the New Year for happiness. After that, you can do the usual household chores.

Prayer for the New Year for marriage

Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity on New Year's Eve make a wish about happy marriage. There are many different rituals that help single girls meet a worthy man and hear a marriage proposal. It is believed that prayer on New Year's Day will make the family happy and strong. The most successful time for turning to the Higher Forces is the period from eight in the evening on December 31 to four in the morning on January 1. To conduct the ceremony, you must first purchase a church candle. Alone, looking at the flame of a candle, say a prayer three times:

Prayer for the New Year for love

A huge number of women during the New Year holidays make one wish - to meet a soul mate and get married. It is important to understand that a prayer read on New Year's Eve to attract love has nothing to do with a love spell, since it does not affect the emotional state of a person, does not affect health, but at the same time creates a feeling of confidence in one's own attractiveness and simplifies the search for a lover.

Prayer for the New Year for love should be pronounced from a pure heart and without bad intentions. You should not ask for the love of a particular person, because perhaps he does not feel mutual feelings and is not a soul mate sent by God. If you do not follow these rules, then the Higher powers can punish you with prolonged loneliness. Before or after the New Year, take a candle and retire. Imagine yourself happy and next to your loved one, and then read the prayer.

There is another prayer that is suitable for people who have been suffering from loneliness for a long time. It is necessary to relax in a calm environment and concentrate energy on the heart chakra. Put your hands on the solar plexus and read the prayer three times, and the first time you need to do this in full voice, then in a half-whisper and the last time to yourself.

Prayer for the New Year for the fulfillment of a wish

If you conduct a survey among different people about what time is considered the most successful in order to make a wish, then New Year's will be the popular answer. In order for dreams to become a reality, an unshakable faith in the final result and compliance with all the rules are important. There is strong prayer for the New Year, which will help to realize the plan, and it sounds like this:

Prayer for the New Year is read not just like that, but on a special cake of “happiness”, which must be baked on the fifth of January. For her, three handfuls should be prepared rye flour and holy water. Mix the ingredients and while kneading the dough, read the above prayer three times. Form and bake a cake, cross and eat it, saying these words: “Lord, bless, the servant of God (name), show your mercy and fulfill (name your desire). Amen".

Prayer to the guardian angel for the New Year

It is generally accepted that at baptism each person receives an invisible helper - a guardian angel, who is always there, protects from problems and guides on the right path. As a heavenly being, he is considered the messenger of God, whose purpose is to lead a person to faith and happy life. Best Prayer for the New Year will be turned to the guardian angel to ask him for help and support throughout the next year.

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Christian Prayers for the New Year

On the eve of the New Year, a civil holiday for an ordinary Christian, there is a lot of controversy from the side of the Church about how this holiday should be celebrated or not at all.

According to the Christian faith Orthodox person violent fun with booze and glorification of the eastern zodiac symbols of the year is alien. On the other hand, any civilized person understands that this is just an attribute of a holiday, and, perhaps, all this fun and festive riot is rightfully a national holiday, because. every inhabitant of our country, regardless of faith, confession and nationality, feels civil unity on a neutral occasion. Moreover, even before the revolution, it was customary to celebrate the Nativity of Christ exclusively together with their loved ones in a narrow family circle, i.e. This holiday was purely domestic.

But here, the question is, during the New Year holidays there is a Christmas fast, according to the monastery charter, excluding fish, wine and oil. For a true Christian, it doesn’t matter what is celebrated, and it doesn’t matter if there is a fast or not, because. You can also get drunk on a "church" occasion, for example, on Easter, after which, instead of rejoicing in the temple, you can suffer from overeating in your stomach or get sick with a hangover.

But what about uncivilized relatives who are so eager to celebrate the holiday at a table bursting with food and drink? You can celebrate the New Year in a circle of people who are not close to the church, and not offend your relatives. Only in this case, one should not forget the most important part of the holiday - the Christian prayer. Any holiday for a Christian is a time for deep and uplifting prayer. Moreover, the New Year is a great occasion to consecrate your relatives and the coming New Year.

In many Russian cities there is a tradition to perform New Year's prayers. Today, many churches serve a solemn liturgy on New Year's Eve. Those who came to the temple on New Year's Eve begin the new year with communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, some come with their whole families, with children, after which they eat lenten dishes in the Refectory accompanied by good conversation and New Year's chants, with this Christians begin New Year's celebrations, which, after a beautiful prayer service quietly move from churches to houses and apartments of parishioners.

If you do not have the opportunity to come to the temple on the night of December 31 and celebrate the holiday with the rest of the Christians, you can pray at home with your household or in solitude. It is better to start the new year with "Prayer on the New Year's Day."

Lord God, of all visible and invisible creatures, Creator and Builder, who created times and years, bless the New Year, which begins today, which we consider from Your incarnation for our salvation. Let us spend this year and many after it in peace and harmony with our neighbors; strengthen and spread the Holy Ecumenical Church, which You Yourself founded, and sanctified with the saving sacrifice of the Holy Body and the Most Pure Blood. Raise our Fatherland, save and glorify; give us long life, health, an abundance of the fruits of the earth and the well-being of the air; save me, your sinful servant, all my relatives and neighbors and all faithful Christians, as our true supreme Shepherd, protect and affirm on the path of salvation, so that we, following it after a long and prosperous life in this world, reach Your Kingdom of Heaven and have been rewarded with eternal bliss with your saints. Amen.

It is worth noting that prayer for a Christian is associated not only with inner joy, but also with gain, which, thanks to it, occur. Prayer brings with it universal joy, gives strength and new opportunities to the one who prays.

The next prayer should be read on January 1st early in the morning. With this prayer, your new year will begin, a year of new opportunities, achievements and God's grace.

Forgive us, Lord, who live on Earth, do not knowing years future ones, forgive us for our imperfection! For our earthly vanity, for the fact that sometimes we do not know what we are doing, forgive us all and have mercy! Enlighten, and direct to the path of truth. Give us Faith, Hope, Love! Give us Light, Goodness and Joy! Lord! What a beautiful life on earth! You are our God, Creator and Creator, You alone have the right to judge us for our deeds. So direct all Your Heavenly forces against Evil on Earth! And we, Your children, purifying our souls before Your face, will live and do good on Earth!

Let's live in Peace and Good, so that life never ends on our blooming Earth. To have more happy and joyful faces, and in the eyes only tears of joy.

In order to prolong Life, to see our continuation in children, to be proud of our smart, kind and healthy children, to instill in them feelings of love, tenderness and gratitude to relatives, friends, to their Earth. This is the meaning of Life - to live for those who love You, Lord, and do Good in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen


The following prayer is able to fulfill any most cherished desire.

The main condition is that it should not be harmful and affect the will of another person. This ritual is as follows. Take a blank piece of paper and write your cherished desire on it with your own hand, and below rewrite the text of Joseph Murphy's prayer:

“All my desires are conscious, I know that they exist in the invisible world. Now I ask that they be fulfilled and ready (ready) to accept this gift. I rely on the will of the Creative Power that is within me. She is the source of all blessings and miracles. I feel how my desire is imprinted in the subconscious, in order to then come true in reality, because everything that we think about, sooner or later happens in reality. This is how our consciousness works.

You need to read the prayer in a relaxed, half-asleep state, when your subconscious mind is most receptive. The best time is in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed. If there is not enough time in the morning (and it is rarely enough in the morning), then only in the evening - but always regularly, every evening. If possible, read more often - in the morning and afternoon - this will speed up the process.

After the expiration of the term (two weeks) - relax and release the desire. "Forget it." Give the universe time to fulfill it.

They say that this prayer helped millions of people all over the world fulfill their longed-for dream. And today she came to you. Try it, and the Universe will help you, because the main thing is faith.

Prayer for the New Year

“Lord God, Creator and Builder of all visible and invisible creatures, who created times and years, bless the new year that begins today, which we consider from Your incarnation for our salvation. Let us spend this year and many after it in peace and harmony with our neighbors; strengthen and spread the Holy Ecumenical Church, which You Yourself founded, and sanctified by the saving sacrifice of the Holy Body and the Most Pure Blood. Raise our Fatherland, save and glorify; give us long life, health, an abundance of the fruits of the earth and the well-being of the air; save me, your sinful servant, all my relatives and neighbors and all faithful Christians, as our true supreme Shepherd, protect, and affirm on the path of salvation, so that we, following it after a long and prosperous life in this world, reach Your Kingdom of Heaven and have been rewarded with eternal bliss with your saints. Amen".

Prayer for the beginning of the new year is important for our soul, like air for the body. Preparations for the New Year's holiday make us forget about the most important thing - about calling on God in a prayer petition. It is the Lord who gives us all earthly blessings: happiness, peace, love, material prosperity and, of course, spiritual salvation!

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Prayer for the New Year!

IN the first day of the New Year, you should turn to God with a prayer so that the Lord blesses us for the next year with mental and bodily health, prosperity, peaceful and joyful days and His heavenly grace, which would lead us along the right path of life!

Help us, Lord, to spend the whole coming year without any temptations!

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Prayer for the New Year

Prayer before starting any work

Kontakion to the Most Holy Theotokos

A short prayer to the saints

M Pray God for us all the saints, as we diligently resort to you, quick helpers and prayer books for our souls.

Once again, our dear readers, let's wish each other God's help in the coming year!

Prayers for the first day of the new year

In the old days, people read prayers to the Lord and the Most Holy Theotokos on January 1. They hoped to find protection from various troubles, and on New Year's Eve to have peace and harmony in the family, happiness and joy, health and good luck with us.

First of all, a new stage of our life should begin with short prayers:

“Holy Trinity, have mercy on us;

Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities;

Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake.

“Oh, All-Singing Mother, Most Pure Lady, Virgin Mother of God!

I cry out from the depths of my heart: look at the faith and humility of my soul,

cover me with Thy almighty omophorion, may I get rid of all troubles, misfortunes, all evil in the coming year.

Pray to your Son, Christ our God, to save our souls.

In order for the Lord God to bless for the whole next year, so that good health is necessary, family well-being and love is necessary on the very first day of the New Year, that is, on January 1, say the following prayer words:

“Lord God, the Creator and Builder of all visible and invisible creatures, who created times and years,

Bless yourself the New Year beginning this day, which we consider from Your incarnation for our salvation.

Let us spend this year and many after it in peace and harmony with our neighbors;

strengthen and spread the Holy Universal Church,

which You yourself founded in Jerusalem, and sanctified with the saving sacrifice of the holy Body and the most pure Blood.

Raise our Fatherland, save and glorify; give us long life, health, an abundance of the fruits of the earth and the well-being of the air;

me, your sinful servant, all my relatives and neighbors and all faithful Christians,

as our true Supreme Shepherd, save, protect and affirm on the path of salvation,

so that we, following it after a long and prosperous life in this world,

have reached Your Kingdom of Heaven and have been rewarded with eternal bliss with Your saints.

The text of the prayer is taken from a prayer book published by the Society of St. Basil the Great.

God bless you in the New Year!

You can thank the Lord and His Most Pure Mother for the past year and read thanksgiving troparia and prayers:

“Give thanks to Thy unworthy servants, O Lord, for Thy great good deeds on us and gifts to the tun.

We bring thanksgiving according to strength to Thee, as the benefactor and the Creator are glorious, we cry out: glory to Thee, O most generous God.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen"

"Theotokos, Christian helper,

Thy intercession has been acquired by Thy servants, thankful to Thee we cry out:

Rejoice, most pure Mother of God Virgin,

and always deliver us from all troubles with your prayers, one who soon intercedes.

New Year's rituals: how to celebrate the New Year

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A fun way to formulate a wish list

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    Edition V.M. Skvortsova.

    Printing house “Kolokol”, Nevsky, 127

    1. (January 1908) Tuesday. Circumcision of the Lord.-St. Vasiliy (Vsevolod) Grand. arch. caesar. m. Basiliya ankirsk. Lm: 0brazania-Cl. II, 8-12; E. L. II, 20-21; 40-52. (Vas. Vel.: U. E. I. X, 8-16; Lt. Heb. VII, 26-28; VIII-2; E. L. VI, 17-23).

    In Russia, before baptism, our Ancestors celebrated the Day of Vsevolod the Great, and Christians changed their name and attributed his deeds to the Russian Orthodox Church.

    Sermon Topics for January 1st. Save time. For every hour and day lost for the sake of God, you will give an answer to the Lord. 2) A new summer is the beginning of renewal, let this day be the beginning of a new life. Sins cannot be forgiven us without our true repentance. 3) What does St. Basil (Vsevolod) the Great? -4) * Uncircumcised in heart and ears * - be the sons of the saint. 4) What is happiness? 5) *Blessed to give, what to receive*. Do good, and the joy that you gave to others will return to you as your happiness. (p.-5)

    Prayer for the New Year

    Let us spend this year and many after it in peace and harmony with our neighbors; strengthen and spread the Holy Ecumenical Church, which You Yourself founded, and sanctified by the saving sacrifice of the Holy Body and the Most Pure Blood. Raise our Fatherland, save and glorify; give us long life, health, an abundance of the fruits of the earth and the well-being of the air; save me, your sinful servant, all my relatives and neighbors and all faithful Christians, as our true supreme Shepherd, protect, and affirm on the path of salvation, so that we, following it after a long and prosperous life in this world, reach Your Kingdom of Heaven and have been rewarded with eternal bliss with your saints. Amen.

    Latest Articles


    Here you go. The countdown has begun.

    After all, the New Year has come.

    And soon the evening, then the night,

    Everything old is gone.

    Let's create NEW

    We will not break the thread of faith!

    Let us love

    To make life more joyful!

    Let's forgive

    Like a son, daughter. forgives mother.

    Let's understand

    each other to build.


    Through religion, through walls

    Genes will not keep ancestors

    All the people are torn to God!

    And in thirst He will come!

    He once gave a son

    To save the human race!

    The slanderous language will not keep the thirst for LIFE!

    And to the Heavenly Homeland

    The cry of the heart breaks powerfully!

    Sound the trumpets louder

    Praise the Lord Christ!

    All hearts pray to him,

    Thanks only to Him!

    You get off the ground

    And fly up to the clouds.

    Cling more to God

    And at His holy feet.

    thank you very much for the wonderful lyrics

    thanks a lot. Happy New Year!

    It's not even New Year's Eve yet!

    Thank you very much for this note. May the Lord keep and bless you. I see that you are a believer, I want to wish you from the bottom of my heart that you continue to spread the word of God, despite all the machinations of evil spirits, I know from my own experience that this is not easy. If you need help, this is not easy business, contact me, than I can, I will help.

    Prayers for the New Year

    On the first day of the New Year, you should turn to God with a prayer so that the Lord will bless us for this coming year. mental and bodily health, prosperity, peaceful and joyful days and His heavenly grace, which would be our guiding star so that we do not go astray - blessed and sanctified by the Savior and many of His holy followers!

    The meaning of the New Year is to thank God for the past year and take a blessing for the year that begins. To pray, to give thanks for the lived and to ask for blessings for the beginning of the New Year is the sacred duty of every believer.

    This can be done on January 14, on the Old New Year, and on September 1, this can be done many times a year, even every week, measuring your life with small Easters - Sundays. This is another way to evaluate the past and prepare for the future.

    Each person also has his own "New Year" - this is the Birthday, when we add one year to the age, one ends and another begins. These are such necessary milestones in life, at which we ourselves must become new, because no new happiness awaits a person if he himself does not strive for newness, for the New Testament. In the New Year there is also something to talk about, both in parishes and at other meetings, especially if you are in the mood for a serious conversation.


    Prayer to the Holy Spirit:

    Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth, Who is everywhere and fills everything, Treasury of the good and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed, our souls.

    Prayer for the New Year:

    God bless us to spend this coming year and many in it in peace and harmony with our neighbors ...

    Lord God, of all visible and invisible creatures, Creator and Builder, who created times and years, bless the New Year, which begins today, which we consider from Your incarnation for our salvation.

    Bless us to spend this year and many after it in peace and harmony with our neighbors; strengthen and spread the Holy Ecumenical Church, which You Yourself founded, and sanctified by the saving sacrifice of the Holy Body and the Most Pure Blood.

    Raise our Fatherland, save and glorify; longevity, health, abundance of the fruits of the earth and the well-being of the air grant us; save me, your sinful servant, all my relatives and neighbors and all faithful Christians, as our true supreme Shepherd, save me, protect and confirm on the path of salvation, so that we, following it after a long and prosperous life in this world, reach Your Kingdom of Heaven and have been rewarded with eternal bliss with your saints. Amen

    Prayer before starting any work:

    Lord, Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Father without Beginning, You said with Your pure lips that without Me you can do nothing. My Lord, Lord, by faith the volume in my soul and heart spoken by You, I bow to Your goodness: help me, a sinner, this work that I begin, do about You, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, with the prayers of the Mother of God and all Your saints . Amen.

    Kontakion to the Most Holy Theotokos

    The chosen Voivode is victorious, as if having got rid of the evil ones, thankfully we will write down Thy servants, the Mother of God, but as if having an invincible power, free us from all troubles, let us call Ty: Rejoice, Bride of the Bride.

    A short prayer to the saints:

    Pray to God for us all the saints, as we diligently resort to you, quick helpers and prayer books for our souls.

    Let's wish each other God's help in the coming year and let's not forget pray for each other!


    Pilgrimage to Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville. Oct-2017

    Christian Prayers for the New Year

    On the eve of the New Year, a civil holiday for an ordinary Christian, there is a lot of controversy from the side of the Church about how this holiday should be celebrated or not at all.

    According to the Christian faith, violent fun with booze and the glorification of the eastern zodiac symbols of the year is alien to an Orthodox person. On the other hand, any civilized person understands that this is just an attribute of a holiday, and, perhaps, all this fun and festive riot is rightfully a national holiday, because. every inhabitant of our country, regardless of faith, confession and nationality, feels civil unity on a neutral occasion. Moreover, even before the revolution, it was customary to celebrate the Nativity of Christ exclusively together with their loved ones in a narrow family circle, i.e. This holiday was purely domestic.

    But here, the question is, during the New Year holidays there is a Christmas fast, according to the monastery charter, excluding fish, wine and oil. For a true Christian, it doesn’t matter what is celebrated, and it doesn’t matter if there is a fast or not, because. You can also get drunk on a "church" occasion, for example, on Easter, after which, instead of rejoicing in the temple, you can suffer from overeating in your stomach or get sick with a hangover.

    But what about uncivilized relatives who are so eager to celebrate the holiday at a table bursting with food and drink? You can celebrate the New Year in a circle of people who are not close to the church, and not offend your relatives. Only in this case, one should not forget the most important part of the holiday - the Christian prayer. Any holiday for a Christian is a time for deep and uplifting prayer. Moreover, the New Year is a great occasion to consecrate your relatives and the coming New Year with prayer.

    In many Russian cities, a tradition has developed to perform a New Year's prayer service. Today, many churches serve a solemn liturgy on New Year's Eve. Those who came to the temple on New Year's Eve begin the new year with communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, some come with their whole families, with children, after which they eat lenten dishes in the Refectory accompanied by good conversation and New Year's chants, with this Christians begin New Year's celebrations, which, after a beautiful prayer service quietly move from churches to houses and apartments of parishioners.

    If you do not have the opportunity to come to the temple on the night of December 31 and celebrate the holiday with the rest of the Christians, you can pray at home with your household or in solitude. It is better to start the new year with "Prayer on the New Year's Day."

    Lord God, of all visible and invisible creatures, Creator and Builder, who created times and years, bless the New Year, which begins today, which we consider from Your incarnation for our salvation. Let us spend this year and many after it in peace and harmony with our neighbors; strengthen and spread the Holy Ecumenical Church, which You Yourself founded, and sanctified with the saving sacrifice of the Holy Body and the Most Pure Blood. Raise our Fatherland, save and glorify; give us long life, health, an abundance of the fruits of the earth and the well-being of the air; save me, your sinful servant, all my relatives and neighbors and all faithful Christians, as our true supreme Shepherd, protect and affirm on the path of salvation, so that we, following it after a long and prosperous life in this world, reach Your Kingdom of Heaven and have been rewarded with eternal bliss with your saints. Amen.

    It is worth noting that prayer for a Christian is associated not only with inner joy, but also with gain, which, thanks to it, occur. Prayer brings with it universal joy, gives strength and new opportunities to the one who prays.

    The next prayer should be read on January 1st early in the morning. With this prayer, your new year will begin, a year of new opportunities, achievements and God's grace.

    Forgive us, Lord, living on Earth, not knowing the years to come, forgive us for our imperfection! For our earthly vanity, for the fact that sometimes we do not know what we are doing, forgive us all and have mercy! Enlighten, and direct to the path of truth. Give us Faith, Hope, Love! Give us Light, Goodness and Joy! Lord! What a beautiful life on earth! You are our God, Creator and Creator, You alone have the right to judge us for our deeds. So direct all Your Heavenly forces against Evil on Earth! And we, Your children, purifying our souls before Your face, will live and do good on Earth!

    Let's live in Peace and Good, so that life never ends on our blooming Earth. To have more happy and joyful faces, and in the eyes only tears of joy.

    In order to prolong Life, to see our continuation in children, to be proud of our smart, kind and healthy children, to instill in them feelings of love, tenderness and gratitude to relatives, friends, to their Earth. This is the meaning of Life - to live for those who love You, Lord, and do Good in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen

This article contains: a prayer for the new year when to read - the information is taken from all over the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

Prayer for the New Year!

“Lord God, the Creator and Builder of all visible and invisible creatures, who created times and summers, bless the New Year yourself, starting from this day, which we consider from Your incarnation for our salvation. Let us spend this year and many after it in peace and harmony with our neighbors; strengthen and spread the Holy Orthodox Church which You Yourself founded and sanctified with the saving sacrifice of the Holy Body and the Most Pure Blood. Raise our Fatherland, save and glorify; give us long life, health, an abundance of the fruits of the earth and the well-being of the air; save me, your sinful servant, all my relatives and neighbors and all faithful Christians, as our true supreme Shepherd, save me, protect and affirm on the path of salvation, so that we, following it after a long and prosperous life in this world, reach Your Kingdom of Heaven and were rewarded with eternal bliss with your saints. Amen. »

© Orthodox prayers, special conspiracies, magical rites and rituals, signs and Orthodox icons

Prayers for the first day of the new year

In the old days, people read prayers to the Lord and the Most Holy Theotokos on January 1. They hoped to find protection from various troubles, and on New Year's Eve to have peace and harmony in the family, happiness and joy, health and good luck with us.

First of all, a new stage of our life should begin with short prayers:

“Holy Trinity, have mercy on us;

Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities;

Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake.

“Oh, All-Singing Mother, Most Pure Lady, Virgin Mother of God!

I cry out from the depths of my heart: look at the faith and humility of my soul,

cover me with Thy almighty omophorion, may I get rid of all troubles, misfortunes, all evil in the coming year.

Pray to your Son, Christ our God, to save our souls.

In order for the Lord God to bless for the whole next year, so that there is necessarily good health, family well-being and love, it is necessary on the very first day of the New Year, that is, on January 1, say the following prayer words:

“Lord God, the Creator and Builder of all visible and invisible creatures, who created times and years,

Bless yourself the New Year beginning this day, which we consider from Your incarnation for our salvation.

Let us spend this year and many after it in peace and harmony with our neighbors;

strengthen and spread the Holy Universal Church,

which You yourself founded in Jerusalem, and sanctified with the saving sacrifice of the holy Body and the most pure Blood.

Raise our Fatherland, save and glorify; give us long life, health, an abundance of the fruits of the earth and the well-being of the air;

me, your sinful servant, all my relatives and neighbors and all faithful Christians,

as our true Supreme Shepherd, save, protect and affirm on the path of salvation,

so that we, following it after a long and prosperous life in this world,

have reached Your Kingdom of Heaven and have been rewarded with eternal bliss with Your saints.

The text of the prayer is taken from a prayer book published by the Society of St. Basil the Great.

God bless you in the New Year!

You can thank the Lord and His Most Pure Mother for the past year and read thanksgiving troparia and prayers:

“Give thanks to Thy unworthy servants, O Lord, for Thy great good deeds on us and gifts to the tun.

We bring thanksgiving according to strength to Thee, as the benefactor and the Creator are glorious, we cry out: glory to Thee, O most generous God.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen"

"Theotokos, Christian helper,

Thy intercession has been acquired by Thy servants, thankful to Thee we cry out:

Rejoice, most pure Mother of God Virgin,

and always deliver us from all troubles with your prayers, one who soon intercedes.

New Year's rituals: how to celebrate the New Year

New Year's Thanksgiving Ritual

A fun way to formulate a wish list

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    Edition V.M. Skvortsova.

    Printing house “Kolokol”, Nevsky, 127

    1. (January 1908) Tuesday. Circumcision of the Lord.-St. Vasiliy (Vsevolod) Grand. arch. caesar. m. Basiliya ankirsk. Lm: 0brazania-Cl. II, 8-12; E. L. II, 20-21; 40-52. (Vas. Vel.: U. E. I. X, 8-16; Lt. Heb. VII, 26-28; VIII-2; E. L. VI, 17-23).

    In Russia, before baptism, our Ancestors celebrated the Day of Vsevolod the Great, and Christians changed their name and attributed his deeds to the Russian Orthodox Church.

    Sermon Topics for January 1st. Save time. For every hour and day lost for the sake of God, you will give an answer to the Lord. 2) A new summer is the beginning of renewal, let this day be the beginning of a new life. Sins cannot be forgiven us without our true repentance. 3) What does St. Basil (Vsevolod) the Great? -4) * Uncircumcised in heart and ears * - be the sons of the saint. 4) What is happiness? 5) *Blessed to give, what to receive*. Do good, and the joy that you gave to others will return to you as your happiness. (p.-5)

    Prayer for the New Year!

    IN the first day of the New Year, you should turn to God with a prayer so that the Lord blesses us for the next year with mental and bodily health, prosperity, peaceful and joyful days and His heavenly grace, which would lead us along the right path of life!

    Help us, Lord, to spend the whole coming year without any temptations!

    Prayer to the Holy Spirit

    Prayer for the New Year

    Let us spend this year and many after it in peace and harmony with our neighbors; strengthen and spread the Holy Ecumenical Church, which You Yourself founded, and sanctified by the saving sacrifice of the Holy Body and the Most Pure Blood. Raise our Fatherland, save and glorify; give us long life, health, an abundance of the fruits of the earth and the well-being of the air; save me, your sinful servant, all my relatives and neighbors and all faithful Christians, as our true supreme Shepherd, protect, and affirm on the path of salvation, so that we, following it after a long and prosperous life in this world, reach Your Kingdom of Heaven and have been rewarded with eternal bliss with your saints. Amen.

    Prayer before starting any work

    Kontakion to the Most Holy Theotokos

    A short prayer to the saints

    M Pray God for us all the saints, as we diligently resort to you, quick helpers and prayer books for our souls.

    Once again, our dear readers, let's wish each other God's help in the coming year!

    Prayer for the New Year for health, luck and love

    The New Year symbolizes renewal and the onset of a new period, so many have great hopes for it. It is believed that the energy of this day is huge, and each person can turn to the Higher Forces with their problem or desire in prayer petitions, and get help.

    Prayer on New Year's Day - when to read?

    Petitions sent on December 31 have a special depth and power, so the chance of realizing the desired increases significantly. This day is not only associated with the change of the annual cycle, but also with the eternal renewal and rebirth of everything on earth. Many are interested in when a prayer is read on New Year's Day, and so the period after sunset and until four in the morning is considered the best time.

    On this day, there is an increased surge of people's hopes, as many expect a miracle, and this can happen both consciously and unconsciously. This contributes to the creation of a powerful energy charge, which increases the chances of fulfilling your cherished desires. Prayers can be read during all New Year holidays, that is, a week before the New Year and a week after. The most powerful and effective prayer for the New Year, read closer to midnight, is considered.

    Prayer for the New Year

    The time before the New Year holidays is considered unique and filled with powerful energy. It is important not to miss it in order to take the chance and turn to the Higher Forces to improve the quality of life. It is difficult to meet a person who would not want more luck, love, health and other benefits to be present in his life. There is a universal prayer on New Year's Eve, which is best read after sunset.

    What prayers to read for the New Year?

    A huge number of people consider the New Year a kind of starting point to change their lives for the better or even start it from scratch. The energy of this holiday can ignite a fire of hope in a person and help him fulfill his cherished desire. Holiday night is the perfect time to say goodbye to existing problems and start moving towards a wonderful future. The prayer that is read on New Year's Eve has great power, capable of fulfilling a cherished desire, improving health, attracting cash flow and a soul mate.

    Any prayer text read at this time will certainly be heard. Of great importance in achieving success is an unshakable belief in a positive result. In addition, it is recommended not to tell anyone about reading prayers for the New Year. Another important point is to turn to the Higher Forces in complete solitude, so that nothing distracts or knocks down energy.

    Prayer for the New Year for health

    The most valuable thing in life for a person is health, so many people ask for it from the Higher powers. Sincere prayers can work wonders, helping people cope with various ailments. You can read sacred texts not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones who are far away. The New Year's prayer for health can be read independently, and it can also be ordered at the church, which will increase the chance of recovery. The most revered is the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, which helps from bodily and mental ailments.

    Prayer for the New Year for wealth

    Another common desire among different people is financial well-being. You can’t ask for unexpected enrichment, which should fall “on your head”, since a prayer on New Year’s Eve, aimed at helping in matters that bring money. Another important point to consider in order to achieve success is to think of money not as an end, but as a means to a simpler life.

    Prayer for the New Year for good luck

    Sometimes luck is simply not enough to achieve certain heights in different areas of life, and the period of the New Year holidays is the perfect time to ask the Higher Powers for it. In the last hours of the outgoing year, it is recommended to let go of all grievances in the soul in the late afternoon and forgive the enemies, wishing them good luck. Be sure to thank God for the past year, and then ask him good luck for the future. First, “Our Father” is pronounced, and then, a prayer for the New Year for happiness. After that, you can do the usual household chores.

    Prayer for the New Year for marriage

    Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity make a wish for a happy marriage on New Year's Eve. There are many different rituals that help single girls meet a worthy man and hear a marriage proposal. It is believed that prayer on New Year's Day will make the family happy and strong. The most successful time for turning to the Higher Forces is the period from eight in the evening on December 31 to four in the morning on January 1. To conduct the ceremony, you must first purchase a church candle. Alone, looking at the flame of a candle, say a prayer three times:

    Prayer for the New Year for love

    A huge number of women during the New Year holidays make one wish - to meet a soul mate and get married. It is important to understand that a prayer read on New Year's Eve to attract love has nothing to do with a love spell, since it does not affect the emotional state of a person, does not affect health, but at the same time creates a feeling of confidence in one's own attractiveness and simplifies the search for a lover.

    Prayer for the New Year for love should be pronounced from a pure heart and without bad intentions. You should not ask for the love of a particular person, because perhaps he does not experience mutual feelings and is not a soul mate sent by God. If you do not follow these rules, then the Higher powers can punish you with prolonged loneliness. Before or after the New Year, take a candle and retire. Imagine yourself happy and next to your loved one, and then read the prayer.

    There is another prayer that is suitable for people who have been suffering from loneliness for a long time. It is necessary to relax in a calm environment and concentrate energy on the heart chakra. Put your hands on the solar plexus and read the prayer three times, and the first time you need to do this in full voice, then in a half-whisper and the last time to yourself.

    Prayer for the New Year for the fulfillment of a wish

    If you conduct a survey among different people about what time is considered the most successful in order to make a wish, then New Year's will be the popular answer. In order for dreams to become a reality, an unshakable faith in the final result and compliance with all the rules are important. There is a strong prayer for the New Year, which will help to realize the plan, and it sounds like this:

    Prayer for the New Year is read not just like that, but on a special cake of “happiness”, which must be baked on the fifth of January. For her, prepare three handfuls of rye flour and holy water. Mix the ingredients and while kneading the dough, read the above prayer three times. Form and bake a cake, cross and eat it, saying these words: “Lord, bless, the servant of God (name), show your mercy and fulfill (name your desire). Amen".

    Prayer to the guardian angel for the New Year

    It is generally accepted that at baptism each person receives an invisible helper - a guardian angel, who is always there, protects from problems and guides on the right path. As a heavenly being, he is considered the messenger of God, whose purpose is to lead a person to faith and a happy life. The best prayer for the New Year will be addressed to the guardian angel to ask him for help and support throughout the next year.

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    Prayers for the New Year

    On the first day of the New Year, you should turn to God with a prayer so that the Lord will bless us for this coming year. mental and bodily health, prosperity, peaceful and joyful days and His heavenly grace, which would be our guiding star so that we do not go astray - blessed and sanctified by the Savior and many of His holy followers!

    The meaning of the New Year is to thank God for the past year and take a blessing for the year that begins. To pray, to give thanks for the lived and to ask for blessings for the beginning of the New Year is the sacred duty of every believer.

    This can be done on January 14, on the Old New Year, and on September 1, this can be done many times a year, even every week, measuring your life with small Easters - Sundays. This is another way to evaluate the past and prepare for the future.

    Each person also has his own "New Year" - this is the Birthday, when we add one year to the age, one ends and another begins. These are such necessary milestones in life, at which we ourselves must become new, because no new happiness awaits a person if he himself does not strive for newness, for the New Testament. In the New Year there is also something to talk about, both in parishes and at other meetings, especially if you are in the mood for a serious conversation.


    Prayer to the Holy Spirit:

    Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth, Who is everywhere and fills everything, Treasury of the good and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed, our souls.

    Prayer for the New Year:

    God bless us to spend this coming year and many in it in peace and harmony with our neighbors ...

    Lord God, of all visible and invisible creatures, Creator and Builder, who created times and years, bless the New Year, which begins today, which we consider from Your incarnation for our salvation.

    Bless us to spend this year and many after it in peace and harmony with our neighbors; strengthen and spread the Holy Ecumenical Church, which You Yourself founded, and sanctified by the saving sacrifice of the Holy Body and the Most Pure Blood.

    Raise our Fatherland, save and glorify; longevity, health, abundance of the fruits of the earth and the well-being of the air grant us; save me, your sinful servant, all my relatives and neighbors and all faithful Christians, as our true supreme Shepherd, save me, protect and confirm on the path of salvation, so that we, following it after a long and prosperous life in this world, reach Your Kingdom of Heaven and have been rewarded with eternal bliss with your saints. Amen

    Prayer before starting any work:

    Lord, Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Father without Beginning, You said with Your pure lips that without Me you can do nothing. My Lord, Lord, by faith the volume in my soul and heart spoken by You, I bow to Your goodness: help me, a sinner, this work that I begin, do about You, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, with the prayers of the Mother of God and all Your saints . Amen.

    Kontakion to the Most Holy Theotokos

    The chosen Voivode is victorious, as if having got rid of the evil ones, thankfully we will write down Thy servants, the Mother of God, but as if having an invincible power, free us from all troubles, let us call Ty: Rejoice, Bride of the Bride.

    A short prayer to the saints:

    Pray to God for us all the saints, as we diligently resort to you, quick helpers and prayer books for our souls.

    Let's wish each other God's help in the coming year and let's not forget pray for each other!


    Pilgrimage to Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville. Oct-2017

New Year is the most long-awaited and desired holiday for billions of people. It is with this day that hopes for the future are associated, wishing to leave all sorrows and failures in the outgoing year. Millions of people on this day make wishes and pray to God. Separate prayers merge into a single strongest stream of energy directed to heaven, which is why New Year's Eve is considered the most magical night of the year.

When to make wishes and read prayers?

With desires, everything is traditional and simple. In Russia, it is customary to make a secret wish to the sound of the Kremlin chimes in a noisy company. Such an approach to prayer is unacceptable.

Prayer addressed to higher powers requires sincerity, concentration and solitude. best time for prayer is directly New Year's Eve. You can pray a couple of hours before midnight, at midnight and later, right up to “the first cocks”, i.e. until 4 o'clock in the morning. In prayer, not only the time is important, but also the place. If it is not possible to pray in the temple or in front of the icons, you can go outside and raise your face to heaven to talk with God.

Prayers addressed to God at the meeting of the first day of the new year have great power. Waking up and washing on January 1, before the meal you need to retire, put your thoughts in order and pray to the Lord from a pure heart.

No matter what time a person starts the New Year's prayer, higher power They will surely listen to her and will certainly help.

What prayers to read for the New Year?

On New Year's Eve, you can turn to God with any prayers. The only condition is that prayer must come from the very heart.

Merciful Nicholas the Wonderworker, defender of the destitute and mourners. I pray for the forgiveness of my sins. Do not judge my thoughts about light love, calm my soul, dry my tears. My feelings are sincere, my desire is cherished. Pray for me to our Lord, if he condemns my love, I won’t forcibly be sweet, I’ll retreat. May your will be done. Amen!

Prayers to heavenly patrons also intensified in the New Year. In the prayer books there are prayers to the guardian angels, prayers to the patron saints. Learn a prayer that suits you a few days before the holiday and read it on New Year's Eve.

Prayers for the Old New Year

In Russia, the New Year is celebrated twice: on the 1st and on the 13th of January. This is explained by the discrepancy between the Julian and Gregorian calendars, according to the old style, it is the night from January 13 to 14 that is New Year's, hence the name Old New Year.

For church-going people, the night of the Old New Year marks the end of the Nativity Fast and the beginning of the feast. Prayers are offered to the Lord the same as on the secular New Year's Eve, and the conditions for their reading are similar. Distinctive feature is a prayer of thanks before the start of the meal.

For ordinary believers, the old New Year is an opportunity to once again turn to God with their prayers. Perhaps on New Year's Eve on January 1 there was no opportunity to be alone, the night of January 13-14 provides such an opportunity. The power of prayer on this day has miraculous power no less, and possibly more than on New Year's Eve. After all, it is read on Christmas week, the most mystical and magical week of the year.

Prayers for the New Year

First prayer

Lord God, of all visible and invisible creatures, Creator and Builder, who created times and years, bless the New Year, which begins today, which we consider from Your incarnation for our salvation. Let us spend this year and many after it in peace and harmony with our neighbors; strengthen and spread the Holy Ecumenical Church, which You Yourself founded, and sanctified with the saving sacrifice of the Holy Body and the Most Pure Blood. Raise our Fatherland, save and glorify; longevity, health, abundance of the fruits of the earth and the well-being of the air give us; save me, your sinful servant, all my relatives and neighbors and all faithful Christians, as our true supreme Shepherd, protect, and affirm on the path of salvation, so that we, following it after a long and prosperous life in this world, reach Your Kingdom of Heaven and have been rewarded with eternal bliss with your saints.

Second prayer

Master Lord our God, Source of life and immortality, all creatures visible and invisible to the Creator, setting times and years in Your power, and manage all kinds of wise and good Your Providence. We thank you for your bounties, even if you surprised us in the past time of our belly, we pray Thee, the All-Generous Lord, bless the crown of the coming summer with Your goodness. Grant from above Thy good to all Thy people, health and salvation, and good haste in everything. Save Thy Holy Church, this city and all cities and countries from every evil situation, grant them peace and serenity; To You, the Beginningless Father, with Your Only Begotten Son, Your All-Holy and Life-Giving Spirit, in a single being to the Glorious God, always bring thanksgiving, and sing Your Most Holy Name and make me worthy.
Glory to Thee, God, our Benefactor, forever and ever.

On the eve of the New Year, a civil holiday for an ordinary Christian, there is a lot of controversy from the side of the Church about how this holiday should be celebrated or not at all.

According to the Christian faith, violent fun with booze and the glorification of the eastern zodiac symbols of the year is alien to an Orthodox person. On the other hand, any civilized person understands that this is just an attribute of a holiday, and, perhaps, all this fun and festive riot is rightfully a national holiday, because. every inhabitant of our country, regardless of faith, confession and nationality, feels civil unity on a neutral occasion. Moreover, even before the revolution, it was customary to celebrate the Nativity of Christ exclusively together with their loved ones in a narrow family circle, i.e. This holiday was purely domestic.
But here, the question is, during the New Year holidays there is a Christmas fast, according to the monastery charter, excluding fish, wine and oil. For a true Christian, it doesn’t matter what is celebrated, and it doesn’t matter if there is a fast or not, because. You can also get drunk on a "church" occasion, for example, on Easter, after which, instead of rejoicing in the temple, you can suffer from overeating in your stomach or get sick with a hangover.
But what about uncivilized relatives who are so eager to celebrate the holiday at a table bursting with food and drink? You can celebrate the New Year in a circle of people who are not close to the church, and not offend your relatives. Only in this case, one should not forget the most important part of the holiday - the Christian prayer. Any holiday for a Christian is a time for deep and uplifting prayer. Moreover, the New Year is a great occasion to consecrate your relatives and the coming New Year with prayer.
In many Russian cities, a tradition has developed to perform a New Year's prayer service. Today, many churches serve a solemn liturgy on New Year's Eve. Those who came to the temple on New Year's Eve begin the new year with communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, some come with their whole families, with children, after which they eat lenten dishes in the Refectory accompanied by good conversation and New Year's chants, with this Christians begin New Year's celebrations, which, after a beautiful prayer service quietly move from churches to houses and apartments of parishioners.
If you do not have the opportunity to come to the temple on the night of December 31 and celebrate the holiday with the rest of the Christians, you can pray at home with your household or in solitude. It is better to start the new year with "Prayer on the New Year's Day."

Lord God, of all visible and invisible creatures, Creator and Builder, who created times and years, bless the New Year, which begins today, which we consider from Your incarnation for our salvation. Let us spend this year and many after it in peace and harmony with our neighbors; strengthen and spread the Holy Ecumenical Church, which You Yourself founded, and sanctified with the saving sacrifice of the Holy Body and the Most Pure Blood. Raise our Fatherland, save and glorify; give us long life, health, an abundance of the fruits of the earth and the well-being of the air; save me, your sinful servant, all my relatives and neighbors and all faithful Christians, as our true supreme Shepherd, protect and affirm on the path of salvation, so that we, following it after a long and prosperous life in this world, reach Your Kingdom of Heaven and have been rewarded with eternal bliss with your saints. Amen.

It is worth noting that prayer for a Christian is associated not only with inner joy, but also with gain, which, thanks to it, occur. Prayer brings with it universal joy, gives strength and new opportunities to the one who prays.
The next prayer should be read on January 1st early in the morning. With this prayer, your new year will begin, a year of new opportunities, achievements and God's grace.

Forgive us, Lord, living on Earth, not knowing the years to come, forgive us for our imperfection! For our earthly vanity, for the fact that sometimes we do not know what we are doing, forgive us all and have mercy! Enlighten, and direct to the path of truth. Give us Faith, Hope, Love! Give us Light, Goodness and Joy! Lord! What a beautiful life on earth! You are our God, Creator and Creator, You alone have the right to judge us for our deeds. So direct all Your Heavenly forces against Evil on Earth! And we, Your children, purifying our souls before Your face, will live and do good on Earth!
Let's live in Peace and Good, so that life never ends on our blooming Earth. To have more happy and joyful faces, and in the eyes only tears of joy.
In order to prolong Life, to see our continuation in children, to be proud of our smart, kind and healthy children, to instill in them feelings of love, tenderness and gratitude to relatives, friends, to their Earth. This is the meaning of Life - to live for those who love You, Lord, and do Good in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen