Whom to pray for academic success. Prayer for study

  • 16.10.2019

While studying, many experience stress and excessive stress on the psyche. Prayers to St. Sergius of Radonezh will help get rid of fears and gain self-confidence.

St. Sergius of Radonezh is one of the main patrons of students. Orthodox Christians know from his biography that at one time the saint also faced problems in teaching. A miraculous meeting with an angel and a sincere request for help in the teaching worked a miracle, and the success of the lad became obvious.

Parents whose children are not confident in their abilities and lag behind their peers should pray for their children and enlist the protection of the Reverend Father. Elders can independently ask for help with sincere faith in Higher power and pure thoughts.

Prayer to Sergius of Radonezh for help in teaching

Saint Sergius, forgive me, the servant of God (name), all my sins. Grant me protection and patronage. Illuminate my path with your grace and give me the opportunity to comprehend the teaching. I beg you, give me a clear memory and a sober mind, grant me self-confidence. I rely on your mercy in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer before exams

Oh Reverend, I call upon you and your mercy. Deliver me from doubts and fears, clear my mind and bestow your patronage. Spread your wonderful gift with the holy hand over my head and pray for the servant of God (name). Let cowardice and anxiety leave me, and your patronage will help me to answer to my teachers. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Parents' prayer for the education of their children

Saint Sergius, our patron and intercessor. I appeal to you and your great power. Pray to the Lord for my child (name) and grant him a clear mind. Deliver him from doubts and set him on the right path. May your holy prayer help him to be sincere and honest, to endure difficulties on his way and answer correctly and without mistakes. Amen.

The power of prayer and faith in the Higher powers help to achieve success. You can also turn to your guardian angel for help. His protection and patronage protect the soul of everyone and bestow peace and tranquility. Every parent can help their children gain confidence and a thirst for knowledge. Priests believe that timely communion and attendance at prayer services dedicated to the disciples provide strong support.

The importance of prayer is enormous. Its influence extends not only to the one who asks, but also to all those around him. Righteous people carry within themselves a particle of God's grace and spread light around them. We wish you success in all your endeavors, and do not forget to press the buttons and

22.01.2017 04:10

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Miraculous words: a prayer for the success of a child in school in full description from all the sources we found.

Studying is the most important occupation of schoolchildren and students. Therefore, every year on September 1, on the holiday of the Day of Knowledge - the beginning of the school year, in all Orthodox churches a prayer service is performed with the invocation of God's blessing.

In addition to the prayer service, the Church performs short prayer about giving the disciples the spirit of wisdom and reason, about the children's understanding of the teachings of the Word of God.

How to order a prayer service? To what saints is prayer offered for students?

Sergius of Radonezh

The saint helps to study with dignity, get good grades, and after graduation, enter a university.

Bartholomew, that was the name of the future monk, the teaching was hard, even when reading Holy Scripture he made many mistakes. Understanding the difficulties, the boy wholeheartedly asked God to help him in his studies. And one day an angel in the form of a monk appeared before him, promising the boy to soon become the most educated child in the environment.

Oh, sacred head, reverend and God-bearing Father Sergius, with your prayer, and faith and love, even to God, and with purity of heart, still on earth in the monastery of the Most Holy Trinity, arranging your soul, and angelic communion and the Most Holy Theotokos visit, and the gift miraculous grace received, after your departure from earthly things, especially to God, you draw near and partake of heavenly forces, but you do not depart from us in the spirit of your love, and your honest relics, like a vessel of grace full and overflowing, leaving us! pray to save His servants, the grace of His believers in you and flowing to You with love. Ask us from our Greatly Gifted God for every gift that is beneficial to everyone and everyone: the faith is immaculate, the affirmation of our cities, the peace of the world, deliverance from gladness and destruction, preservation from the invasion of foreigners, consolation to the grieving, healing to the sick, resurrection to the fallen, return to those who err on the path of truth and salvation, I strive strengthening, doing good in good deeds, prosperity and blessing, upbringing as a baby, guidance to young people, ignorant admonition, orphans and widows intercession, departing from this temporary life to eternal good preparation and parting words, who have departed a blessed repose, and grant all of us with your prayers that help you on the day doomsday part of the land will be delivered, but the gums of the country will be partakers of life and hear the blessed voice of the Lord Christ: “Come, bless my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” Amen.

Parental prayer and personal prayers of students

Lord God and our Creator, in His image we, the people, who adorned, Your chosen ones, taught Your law, so that those who listen to him marvel, revealed the secrets of wisdom to children, gave Solomon and all those who seek it - open the hearts, minds and lips of Your servants (names) in order to comprehend the power of Your law and successfully learn the useful doctrine taught by it, for the glory of Your Most Holy Name, for the benefit and organization of Your Holy Church and the understanding of Your good and perfect will.

Deliver them from all the wiles of the enemy, keep them in the faith of Christ and purity throughout their life, may they be strong in mind and in the fulfillment of Your commandments.

And so those who have been taught will glorify Your Most Holy Name and be heirs of Your Kingdom, for You are God, strong in mercy and good in strength, and all glory, honor and worship befits You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, always, now and forever and forever and ever. . Amen.

Good Lord, send down to us the grace of Your Holy Spirit, bestowing and strengthening our spiritual strength, so that, attentively taught to us, we may grow up to You, our Creator, to the glory, our parent for consolation, the Church and the fatherland for the benefit.

Icon of the Mother of God "The Key of Understanding"

Before the icon they pray for the success of the youths, with their mental retardation.

Wisdom Mentor and sense to the Giver, the unwise Instructor and the poor Intercessor, Mother of Christ our God, affirm, enlighten my heart, Mistress, and add reason to Christ praying earnestly. You give me the word that gave birth to the Father's Word, have the boldness to ask Your Son for us. Amen.

Now diligently to the Theotokos, we are sinful and humble, and we fall down, calling in repentance from the depths of our souls: Lady, help us, having mercy on us: we are perishing, we are perishing from many sins, do not turn away Your servants of vain, You and the only hope of the imam.

Prayer to the Prophet Nahum

One of the prophets who lived in the 7th century BC.

Oh, praiseworthy and wonderful prophet of God Naum! Hear us, sinners and indecent ones, at this hour standing before your holy icon and diligently resorting to your intercession. Pray for us the Lover of God, may he give us the spirit of repentance and contrition for our sins, and with His omnipotent grace, may he help us to leave the path of wickedness, be in time in every good deed, and strengthen us in the struggle with our passions and lusts; may it plant in our hearts the spirit of humility and meekness, the spirit of brotherly love and gentleness, the spirit of patience and chastity, the spirit of zeal for the glory of God and the salvation of others. Abolish with your prayers, prophet, the evil customs of the world, moreover the pernicious and corrupting spirit of this age, which infects the Christian race with disrespect for the Divine more orthodox faith, to the charters of the holy Church and to the commandments of the Lord, disrespect for parents and those in power, and overthrowing people into the abyss of ungodliness, corruption and death. Turn away from us, wonderful prophet, by your intercession the righteous wrath of God, and deliver all the cities and towns of our kingdom from lack of rain and famine, from terrible storms and earthquakes, from deadly ulcers and diseases, from the invasion of enemies and internecine strife. Strengthen with your prayers Orthodox people, bless them in all good deeds and undertakings towards the establishment of peace and truth in their power. Help the All-Russian Christ-loving army in the battle with our enemies. Ask, prophet of God, from the Lord our shepherd, holy zeal for God, heartfelt care for the salvation of the flock, wisdom in teaching and management, piety and strength in temptations, ask judges for impartiality and selflessness, righteousness and compassion for the offended, for all those in charge, care for subordinates, mercy and justice, but obedience and obedience to the subordinates and diligent performance of their duties; yes, having lived in peace and piety in this world, let us be vouchsafed to partake of eternal blessings in the Kingdom of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, He is worthy of honor and worship, with His Beginningless Father and the Most Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Righteous John of Kronstadt

Little John had a hard time studying and he fervently prayed to God for the grant of help. Once a miracle happened and his mental talent was revealed, after which the boy successfully understood and accepted knowledge, memorized, read and wrote.

O great saint of Christ, holy righteous Father John of Kronstadt, wonderful shepherd, quick helper and merciful intercessor! Giving praise to the Triune God, you prayerfully cried out: Your name is love: do not reject me, the erring one. Your name is Strength: strengthen me, exhausted and falling. Your name is Light: enlighten my soul, darkened by worldly passions. Your name is Peace: pacify my restless soul. Now, grateful for your intercession, the All-Russian flock prays to you: Christ-named and righteous servant of God! With your love, illumine us, sinners and the weak, make us worthy to bear fruits of repentance and partake of the Mysteries of Christ without condemnation. Strengthen your faith in us by your strength, support us in prayer, heal illnesses and diseases, deliver us from misfortunes, enemies, visible and invisible. With the light of the face of your servants and primates of the Altar of Christ, move on the holy feats of pastoral work, grant upbringing as a baby, instruct youth, support old age, shrines of temples and holy cloisters illuminate! Die, miracle worker and seer of the most wonderful, the peoples of our country, by the grace and gift of the Holy Spirit, deliver from internecine strife, squandered gather, seduced turn and gather the Holy Cathedral and Apostolic Church. By your mercy, keep marriages in peace and unanimity, grant prosperity and blessings to those who are monks in good deeds, give cowardly comforts, suffer from unclean spirits of freedom, have mercy on those in need and circumstances and guide us on the path of salvation. Living in Christ, our Father John, lead us to the Non-Evening Light of eternal life, may we be vouchsafed with you eternal bliss, praising and exalting God forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Martyr Neophyte

The miracle worker Neophyte is prayed for the enlightenment of the mind.

Thy martyr, O Lord, Neophyte in his suffering received an incorruptible crown from Thee, our God; Save our souls with prayers. Holy God and rest in the saints, with a three-holy voice in heaven from an Angel sung, on earth from a man in His saints praised: giving by Your Holy Spirit grace to anyone according to the measure of the gift of Christ, and then setting up Your Church of the holy ov Apostles, ov prophets, ov evangelizers ovy shepherds and teachers, their own word of preaching. To You Himself acting all in all, many have been made holy in every kind and kind, pleasing You with various virtues, and to You we have left the image of our good deeds, in the joy of the past, prepare, in it the temptations of the past themselves, and to help us who are attacked . Remembering all these saints and praising their charitable life, I praise You Samago, who acted in them, I praise, and one of Your blessings of believing, I diligently pray to Thee, Holy of Holies, give me a sinner to follow their teaching, more than Thy omnipotent grace, heavenly with them be worthy of glory, praising your most holy name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Cyril and Methodius, the first teachers of Slovenia

Warrior Methodius, knowing the vanity of life, went to the monks and diligently fulfilled monastic vows. His brother Konstantin successfully studied the sciences, was a temperate youth.

Soon he became a priest at one of the churches in Constantinople, defending Orthodoxy in disputes with heretics and infidels. Later he went to his brother on Mount Olympus, lived in fasting, spending all his time in prayer and reading books, then accepted monasticism with the name Cyril.

Soon, the Slavic alphabet was revealed to the brothers from Above. Some time after a debilitating illness, Cyril reposed in the Lord, and Methodius was consecrated a bishop.

About glorifying the language of Slovenian teachers and enlighteners, Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius and Cyril. To you, as a child to the father, by the light of your teachings and writings of enlightenment and in the faith of Christ, we now diligently resort and pray in contrition of our hearts. If only your covenant, like a disobedient child, not observing and pleasing God, like you clean, careless, and from like-mindedness and love, even more Slovenian, like brothers in faith and according to the flesh, bequeath good, otpadohom, both, like old in life you do not turn away your ungrateful and unworthy ones, but reward them with good things for evil, so now do not turn away your sinful and unworthy children from your prayers, but, as if you have great boldness to the Lord, diligently pray to Him, that He will guide and turn us to the path of salvation, strife and strife, in the midst of the brethren of the same faith arising, will die, having fallen away, the packs will lead into unanimity, and will unite us all by unity of spirit and love in one, Saints, Cathedrals and Apostles of the Church. Vemy bo, vemy, how much can the prayer of the righteous to the mercy of the Lord, if it is brought about sinful people. Do not leave us, your dull and unworthy children, their sin for the sake of your flock, gathered by you, divided by enmity and temptations from infidels seduced, diminished, but her verbal sheep are scattered, from mental wolves admire, give us jealousy with your prayers for Orthodoxy, yes, let us warm it up, we will preserve the fatherly traditions well, we will faithfully observe the charters and customs of the church, we will run away from all false teachings and so, in a life pleasing to God on earth prospering, we will be worthy of the life of paradise in heaven, and there together with you the Lord of all, in the Trinity of the One God we will glorify till the end of time. Amen.

Appearance of entering the temple

The clothes of the parishioner should be modest and clean. The tone of the vestments should be chosen in calm colors, “flashy” clothes in the church are useless. Sometimes it is recommended to wear clothes of certain colors, for example: light-colored vestments and a red scarf (for women) at Easter, dark clothes during Great Lent.

For confession and communion, ladies need to wear a skirt, but its length should not be above the knee. On a jacket or blouse, necklines and transparent fabrics should be avoided. Shoes should be comfortable, because you have to stand for a long time at worship services.

Men are not allowed to come in shorts, T-shirts, tracksuits.

Behavior in the Temple

In the House of God it is not accepted:

  • to conduct conversations - this distracts parishioners from prayer;
  • pray and sing aloud, sing along to the choir - it prevents the "neighbors" from following the course of the service;
  • light candles on a candlestick while reading the Gospel, singing the Cherubim and the Eucharistic canon at the liturgy.

Buying candles, ordering prayers and magpies, purchasing literature should be on the eve of the Divine service, and not during it.

During the conciliar prayer, when the parishioners kneel, you need to take the same pose.

You can not keep your hands in your pockets, chew gum.

Arriving at the temple with children, one should monitor their behavior, not allow pampering. You can not bring animals and birds to the temple.

It is inappropriate to leave the church before the end of the divine service; only sick people and those who need early departure can do this.

Handling icons

When entering the hall of the church, one should venerate the icon lying in the center on the lectern. Usually this is an icon of a holiday or a saint whose memory is honored on this day.

First, you should make the sign of the cross on yourself twice, bow, kiss the icon and cross yourself again.

The parishioner should not kiss all the icons of the temple and the iconostasis, this should only be done by the bishop.

Voluntary donations

The parishioners bring the so-called sacrifice (or tithe) mainly in money, products for the priestly meal and any things that are necessary for the life of the church (wine, cloth, lamp oil, etc.).

Among believers, it is customary to make donations both to the temple and to alms to those in need who are on the porch.

The amount of the donation depends on the wealth of the parishioner, there are no strict rules, certain amounts and price lists.

Every child needs care. He needs to instill a desire to learn and learn the customs and traditions of society. All families, especially Orthodox ones, should work on this topic, and of course, do not forget to thank the Lord for help and generosity.

Conspiracies for excellent study will help your child

Education is one of the main trump cards to find a good, well-paid job. Any mother understands how important it is for her children to do well in the exams at school, when they study hard, to pass the exams for entering the university. But there is always one but. No matter how much a child goes to school, no matter how much he prepares for exams, before any subject, he always needs help, and who, if not parents, understand this.

In addition to nutritious food, have a nice rest Memory training parents can do even more so that their children can do better and achieve more. An assistant will be a conspiracy and a prayer that can be read to improve the mind, before passing an exam at school, or to successfully pass an exam at a university. A conspiracy or prayer will help the child learn better and easier.

Conspiracies for study

To understand how conspiracies and prayers for study work, why before going to a university or school, before passing exams, for better job mind you can use these methods, consider why they work and how:

  • improves brain function educational material easier and faster to digest;
  • more free time appears, thanks to which more time can be spent to relax and get emotional relaxation;
  • victories in studies provide an opportunity for the child to feel their own capabilities.

It should be borne in mind that your child will always feel when you care about him and worry. Reading a conspiracy and a prayer so that he learns better, he will receive your care at the level of intuition, because support gives a lot of strength and brings happiness.

Prayer for admission to the university

Hard work before passing exams to the university exhausts nervous system and tires the mind. Therefore, prayer can come to the rescue, which will facilitate the preparation process.

If you are asking for a child, choose the words for yourself, but it is best to let the child read the prayer so that he asks the Lord, the Saints and heaven for himself personally, because entering a university is a serious step.

Tell me, may the merciful Lord our God hear your petition and his mercy descend in support of the preparation for exams, for further study and stay at the university. So that before entering, everything useful and saving fills the soul, comes to replenish the mind and knowledge of the servant of God (name). So that God and the Savior would help in your studies, so that the prayer for His mercy before the test would be saving and bear fruit. So that the mercy of heaven comes in time, and the servant of God feels all the care of the angels and saints, so that all efforts are rewarded. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer before an exam to get a good grade

You can pray before the exam to the Guardian Angel:

Holy warrior of God, pray to the Lord for me. Heavenly grace, come down to me, servant of God (name). I appeal to you so that the heavenly forces do not leave me and grant admonition and mind. So that the understanding of everything does not pass me by and the teaching bears fruit. Be fair, so that the upcoming exam will be successful. Amen.

Holy saint of God Nicholas! I beg you for your mercy and your patronage. I honor you and pray that you cleanse the servant of God before the exam. Do not leave me in front of him, because I trust in your indulgence, so that my mind is enough and ingenuity. I believe and ask our Lord, through His Holy Wonderworker, that his justice and strength would support me, that his mercy would fill and save me. Amen.

And also Matrona of Moscow:

Matrona of Moscow, Righteous of God, pray to the Lord for me. I pray you help me so that I can pass my exam safely, so that I can reason and send mind to me. Be near me, may heaven protect me in the face of worldly problems. Intercede for me, servant of God (name), so that the Lord has mercy on me, and His grace helps me. Amen.

A conspiracy for a good grade from a teacher

If the teacher is the main assessor of the student. If you are sure that you deserve a good, positive assessment for your work and efforts, you should resort to a conspiracy. But to assess the degree of its necessity should be objective:

  • A good and effective ritual is obtained on a charmed button.
  • Get a new one, or buy a new button. But it is best to take a button from the clothes that the student wears daily.
  • light a candle white color. You should be alone in the room, and no one should disturb you.
  • Gently heat the button over the candle, and then, while still hot, drop it into a clear glass of water.
  • Now start reading the plot. Tell:

May the button protect the servant of God (name), may it touch his teacher. As the all-consuming fire sanctified her, as the living water cooled her, so the servant of God, the teacher (name) will be an assistant and savior. So that before each question the answer is the right one, so that the teacher does not find something to cling to. There will be no unnecessary questions for him, superfluous. Let, as you are near, everything will be easy for him. Everything will be fine for him, let him be easily tolerated.

  • Now attach it to the clothes that the child wears most often. You will notice the result.

Prayer for more intelligence

Such a prayer is dedicated to all the saints of God. So that they bestow intelligence and perseverance on the student. They were assistants in their studies and rewarded for their efforts.

Pray before the icon of saints:

May God's messengers and Guardian Angel hear their chanting. May they bless the servant of God and reward her for her efforts. May the gifts of the church of God Jesus Christ and His mother the Virgin Mary descend with the holy spirit of heaven. For His mysteries to be fulfilled. So that in joy and grace his servants would be ready to descend and present the holiness and power of their presence. I praise all the memories and life of the miracles of Your saints. May Your mercy and the kingdom of heaven descend on the servant of God (name). Even a sinner could follow your teachings and receive your grace and forgiveness. Let the holiness of the glory of heaven descend upon us. I praise your holy names. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer for good school performance

School is one of the most important periods in a person's life. At this time, many personality traits are formed, self-esteem is formed. Therefore, it is important to instill self-esteem, strength of character and performance of the child. And to get this, in many ways, successful studies can. After all, when a child knows that his work gives results, he feels his importance and is in a good mood.

Pray for this should be the Mother of God. Ask her from the bottom of your heart:

Thank you, Mother of God for all the grace sent and bestowed by you. I ask you to listen to the disciple of God (name) for all his efforts, and help in giving the mind and admonishment to him. Lead him to the truth, to the knowledge of your grace and mercy. Give strength to the body and mind. Strengthen him in his path. Let him not appear unworthy before you.

Beg your son, the creator of everything visible and invisible, to grant him the grace to control the mind and wisdom. Be a mentor to him so that he can control himself in the face of pressing problems. I praise Your good name, I praise Your miracles and Your mercy. Hear my prayer and request, with which I thank You and sing of all the saints of God. Amen".

How to read conspiracies for study

  • Meditation - in the course of his life, a person receives a huge amount of information. He does not need most of it, will not be useful anywhere and will not affect his life in any way. But she is, in fact, just garbage in his head. To cleanse it, improve memory and expand its reserve, you need to clear your memory through meditation.
  • Work, perseverance and study. You get nothing in return if you don't give anything to the world and the universe. It is impossible not to study before an exam or other important event in your studies, and just begging for luck so that everything goes smoothly. If you don't work, you don't get anything. Even a grain of knowledge gained earlier will definitely come in handy for you, and the conspiracy will do everything for this.
  • Read conspiracies for things that will be with you or your child most often. It is better to read a conspiracy to successfully pass the exam three days before the event itself.

The mechanism of influence of the conspiracy and the consequences of magical intervention

For example, there is good plot where the wisest king Solomon is mentioned. Tell:

As Solomon had an unprecedented mind, as wisdom lived in him, so may the servant of God (name) receive the power of knowledge. As it is possible to see all the luminaries from a height, in heaven or earth, so let him be aware of everything. He does not shy away from knowledge, he tries with all his might, let him bathe in admiration for mentors. Let the grace of the mind extend to it.

It seems strange that a conspiracy can affect such an important part of a person's life as study. But here, in fact, there is nothing superheavy. If you study well and diligently, do not be lazy, understand the importance of studying, believe in the power of conspiracy and ritual or prayer, you will receive the requested success. Even if the mother asks for the child, and not he asks personally.


Prayers are always with us: in joy and trouble, aspirations and requests. Success in life is important for everyone. Equally important is the success of the child in school. What it will be, how the child will relate to the lessons, such will be his attitude to life and work in the future. Good grades stimulate the child to work, develop perseverance, the desire for success, fill him with new knowledge, with which his life path will be easy and interesting.

Studying at school: how to help your child study well through prayer

Not everyone is equally capable and talented. And even if losers at school often become more successful in life, this rule does not always work 100%. And of course, good grades in children are the joy and satisfaction of parents, as well as the children themselves.

A good study is supported and secured in the school process of mastering knowledge. Without knowledge, there can be no good grades. It often happens that a child is diligent in his work, accurate, but due to the complexity of the program, his character, he cannot master knowledge. These children need God's help. Let us ask the Holy Elders for grace for success in teaching.

Prayers before starting school

Prayers for good study to Jesus Christ for assistance in teaching

One of the most strong prayers to the Lord our God about successful studies for children before the start of the school year. You can read whenever the need arises.

Lord God and our Creator, in His image we, the people, who adorned, Thy chosen ones, taught Thy law, so that those who listen to him marvel, revealed the secrets of wisdom to children, gave Solomon and all who seek it - open the hearts, minds and mouths of Thy servants (names) in order to comprehend the power of Your law and successfully learn the useful doctrine taught by it, for the glory of Your Most Holy Name, for the benefit and organization of Your Holy Church and the understanding of Your good and perfect will.

Deliver them from all the wiles of the enemy, keep them in the faith of Christ and purity throughout their life, may they be strong in mind and in the fulfillment of Thy commandments, and so those who have been taught will glorify Thy Most Holy Name and be heirs of Thy Kingdom, for Thou art God, mighty in mercy and good strength, and all glory, honor and worship is due to you, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, always, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Another prayer is an appeal to God, simpler, shorter and more understandable. your child can read it.

Blessed Lord, send us the grace of Your Holy Spirit, giving meaning and strengthening our spiritual strength, so that, listening to the teachings taught to us, we grow up to You, our Creator, to the glory, our parent for consolation, the Church and the fatherland for the benefit.

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Now and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for help for the study of the Most Holy Theotokos in front of her icon "Inbringing up"

Oh, Blessed Lady Virgin Mother of God, save and save under Your shelter my children (names), all the youths, maidens and babies, baptized and nameless, and carried in the womb of their mother.

Cover them with the robe of Your Motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and obedience to your parents, implore my Lord and Your Son, may He grant them useful things for their salvation. I entrust them to Your Motherly care, as You are the Divine protection of Your servants.

Prayer for success in teaching to the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

Oh, great apostle, loud-voiced evangelist, the most elegant theologian, occult expert of incomprehensible revelations, virgin and beloved confidante of Christ John, receive us sinners (names) who come running under your strong intercession and patronage with your usual mercy!

Ask the All-Generous Lover of Christ and our God, even before your eyes you poured out Your most precious blood for us, His indecent servants, may He not remember our iniquities, but may He have mercy on us, and may He do with us by His mercy; may he grant us health of soul and body, all prosperity and abundance, teaching us to turn all of it into the glory of Him, the Creator, Savior and our God. At the end of our temporary life, may we, holy apostle, escape the merciless tortures that await us in the air trials, but may we reach, under your guidance and patronage, the Mountainous Jerusalem, whose glory in revelation you have seen, and now you enjoy these joys promised to the elect God's.

Oh, great John, save all the cities and countries of Christianity, all this, this temple, dedicated to your holy name, serving and praying in it, from famine, destruction, cowardly and flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, deliver from all troubles and misfortunes, and with your prayers, turn away the righteous wrath of God from us, and ask us for His mercy; Oh, great and incomprehensible God, Alfo and Omego, source and object of our faith! Behold, we offer you Saint John, whom you made worthy to know you, the inscrutable God, in an inexpressible revelation. Accept his intercession for us, grant us the fulfillment of our petitions, to Your glory: and above all, complete us with spiritual perfection, to the enjoyment of an endless life in Your heavenly abodes. Oh, Heavenly Father, who created the whole Lord, the Soul of Spirits, the Almighty King! Touch our hearts with Your finger, and they, melted like wax, will be shed before You, and the mortal spiritual creature will be created, in honor and glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer for the study of St. Sergius of Radonezh

St. Sergius of Radonezh is recognized as the patron of all students. Therefore, prayer to him has a special power.

O sacred head, reverend and God-bearing Father Sergius, with your prayer, and faith and love even to God, and purity of heart, still on earth in the monastery of the Most Holy Trinity, arranging your soul, and angelic communion and the Most Holy Theotokos visit, and the gift of miraculous grace received, after your departure from the earthly, especially to God, drawing closer and joining the heavenly forces, but not departing from us in the spirit of your love, and your honest relics, like a vessel of grace full and overflowing, leaving us! Great, having boldness to the all-merciful Master, pray to save His servants (names), the grace of His believers that is in you and flows to you with love: ask us from our great-gifted God for every gift, to everyone and to whom it is beneficial, faith is blameless observance, our cities are affirmed, peace of the world, deliverance from famine and destruction, preservation from the invasion of foreigners, consolation to the grieving, healing to those who are ill, resurrection to the fallen, return to those who err on the path of truth and salvation, striving fortification, good fortune and blessing in good deeds, upbringing as a baby, guidance to the young, ignorant admonition intercession for orphans and widows, departing from this temporal life to eternal good preparation and parting words, departed blessed repose, and all of us who help your prayers, on the day of the terrible judgment, vouchsafe a part of the shui to be delivered, while the right of the country, the fellows of being and the blessed voice of the Lord Christ, hear: come, bless my Father, inherit your kingdom from the foundation of the world.

Prayer for Children Who Have Difficulty Teaching

There are smart children, but they do not perceive teaching at school well, either because of their character, or upbringing, or they do not fit into the environment. As a rule, with the right approach to them, they begin to do better. May this prayer help them:

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, truly dwelling in the hearts of the twelve apostles and by the power of the grace of the All-Holy Spirit descended in the form of tongues of fire, opening their mouths, so that they began to speak in other dialects - Himself, Lord Jesus Christ our God, send it down Your Holy Spirit on this lad (this maiden) (name), and plant in his (her) heart the Holy Scripture, which Your most pure hand inscribed on the tablets of the legislator Moses, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

For people-atheists, other religions, non-church people will help for successful study.

Maybe you will be interested in an article on protecting children, read how to protect a child with prayer and conspiracy.

Education is one of the main trump cards to find a good, well-paid job. Any mother understands how important it is for her children to do well in the exams at school, when they study hard, to pass the exams for entering the university. But there is always one but. No matter how much a child goes to school, no matter how much he prepares for exams, before any subject, he always needs help, and who, if not parents, understand this.

In addition to proper nutrition, good rest, memory training, parents can do even more so that their children do better and achieve more. An assistant will be a conspiracy and a prayer that can be read to improve the mind, before passing an exam at school, or to successfully pass an exam at a university. A conspiracy or prayer will help the child learn better and easier.

Conspiracies for study

To understand how conspiracies and prayers for study work, why before going to a university or school, before passing exams, you can use these methods for better mind work, consider why they work and how:

  • brain function improves, educational material is easier and faster to digest;
  • more free time appears, thanks to which more time can be spent to relax and get emotional relaxation;
  • victories in studies provide an opportunity for the child to feel their own capabilities.

It should be borne in mind that your child will always feel when you care about him and worry. Reading a conspiracy and a prayer so that he learns better, he will receive your care at the level of intuition, because support gives a lot of strength and brings happiness.

Prayer for admission to the university

Hard work before passing the exams to the university exhausts the nervous system and tires the mind. Therefore, prayer can come to the rescue, which will facilitate the preparation process.

If you are asking for a child, choose the words for yourself, but it is best to let the child read the prayer so that he asks the Lord, the Saints and heaven for himself personally, because entering a university is a serious step.

Tell me, may the merciful Lord our God hear your petition and his mercy descend in support of the preparation for exams, for further study and stay at the university. So that before entering, everything useful and saving fills the soul, comes to replenish the mind and knowledge of the servant of God (name). So that God and the Savior would help in your studies, so that the prayer for His mercy before the test would be saving and bear fruit. So that the mercy of heaven comes on time, and the servant of God feels all the care of the angels and saints, so that all efforts are rewarded. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer before an exam to get a good grade

You can pray before the exam to the Guardian Angel:

Holy warrior of God, pray to the Lord for me. Heavenly grace, come down to me, the servant of God (name). I appeal to you so that the heavenly forces do not leave me and grant admonition and mind. So that the understanding of everything does not pass me by and the teaching bears fruit. Be fair, so that the upcoming exam will be successful. Amen.

Nicholas the Wonderworker:

Holy saint of God Nicholas! I beg you for your mercy and your patronage. I honor you and pray that you cleanse the servant of God before the exam. Do not leave me in front of him, because I trust in your indulgence, so that my mind is enough and ingenuity. I believe and ask our Lord, through His Holy Wonderworker, that his justice and strength would support me, that his mercy would fill and save me. Amen.

And also Matrona of Moscow:

Matrona of Moscow, Righteous of God, pray to the Lord for me. I pray you help me so that I can pass my exam safely, so that I can reason and send mind to me. Be near me, may heaven protect me in the face of worldly problems. Intercede for me, servant of God (name), so that the Lord has mercy on me, and His grace helps me. Amen.

A conspiracy for a good grade from a teacher

If the teacher is the main assessor of the student. If you are sure that you deserve a good, positive assessment for your work and efforts, you should resort to a conspiracy. But to assess the degree of its necessity should be objective:

  • A good and effective ritual is obtained on a charmed button.
  • Get a new one, or buy a new button. But it is best to take a button from the clothes that the student / student wears daily.
  • Light a white candle. You should be alone in the room, and no one should disturb you.
  • Gently heat the button over the candle, and then, while still hot, drop it into a clear glass of water.
  • Now start reading the plot. Tell:

May the button protect the servant of God (name), may it touch his teacher. As the all-consuming fire sanctified her, as the living water cooled her, so the servant of God, the teacher (name) will be an assistant and savior. So that before each question the answer is the right one, so that the teacher does not find something to cling to. There will be no unnecessary questions for him, superfluous. Let, as you are near, everything will be easy for him. Everything will be fine for him, let him be easily tolerated.

  • Now attach it to the clothes that the child wears most often. You will notice the result.

Prayer for more intelligence

Such a prayer is dedicated to all the saints of God. So that they bestow intelligence and perseverance on the student. They were assistants in their studies and rewarded for their efforts.

Pray before the icon of saints:

May God's messengers and Guardian Angel hear their chanting. May they bless the servant of God and reward him/her for his/her efforts. May the gifts of the church of God Jesus Christ and His mother the Virgin Mary descend with the holy spirit of heaven. For His mysteries to be fulfilled. So that in joy and grace his servants would be ready to descend and present the holiness and power of their presence. I praise all the memories and life of the miracles of Your saints. May Your mercy and the kingdom of heaven descend on the servant of God (name). Even a sinner could follow your teachings and receive your grace and forgiveness. Let the holiness of the glory of heaven descend upon us. I praise your holy names. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer for good school performance

School is one of the most important periods in a person's life. At this time, many personality traits are formed, self-esteem is formed. Therefore, it is important to instill self-esteem, strength of character and performance of the child. And to get this, in many ways, successful studies can. After all, when a child knows that his work gives results, he feels his importance and is in a good mood.

Pray for this should be the Mother of God. Ask her from the bottom of your heart:

Thank you, Mother of God for all the grace sent and bestowed by you. I ask you to listen to the disciple of God (name) for all his efforts, and help in giving the mind and admonishment to him. Lead him to the truth, to the knowledge of your grace and mercy. Give strength to the body and mind. Strengthen him in his path. Let him not appear unworthy before you.

Beg your son, the creator of everything visible and invisible, to grant him the grace to control the mind and wisdom. Be a mentor to him so that he can control himself in the face of pressing problems. I praise Your good name, I praise Your miracles and Your mercy. Hear my prayer and request, with which I thank You and sing of all the saints of God. Amen".

How to read conspiracies for study

  • Meditation - in the course of his life, a person receives a huge amount of information. He does not need most of it, will not be useful anywhere and will not affect his life in any way. But she is, in fact, just garbage in his head. To cleanse it, improve memory and expand its reserve, you need to clear your memory through meditation.
  • Work, perseverance and study. You get nothing in return if you don't give anything to the world and the universe. You can’t not study before an exam or other important event in your studies, and just beg for luck so that everything goes smoothly. If you don't work, you don't get anything. Even a grain of knowledge gained earlier will definitely come in handy for you, and the conspiracy will do everything for this.
  • Read conspiracies for things that will be with you or your child most often. It is better to read a conspiracy to successfully pass the exam three days before the event itself.

The mechanism of influence of the conspiracy and the consequences of magical intervention

For example, there is a good conspiracy where the wisest King Solomon is mentioned. Tell:

As Solomon had an unprecedented mind, as wisdom lived in him, so may the servant of God (name) receive the power of knowledge. As it is possible to see all the luminaries from a height, in heaven or earth, so let him be aware of everything. He does not shy away from knowledge, he tries with all his might, let him bathe in admiration for mentors. Let the grace of the mind extend to it.

It seems strange that a conspiracy can affect such an important part of a person's life as study. But here, in fact, there is nothing superheavy. If you study well and diligently, do not be lazy, understand the importance of studying, believe in the power of conspiracy and ritual or prayer, you will receive the requested success. Even if the mother asks for the child, and not he asks personally.

Prayer for study:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless me for teaching (or for an exam), send Your holy help, until I can achieve what I want: what is pleasing to You, Lord, and useful to me. Amen.

Icon Mother of God referred to as " Mind Addition"
(The Mother of God "The Addition of Mind". Part of a four-part icon. 1780s. Wood, tempera. Rybinsk State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve, Russia). Celebration 15 (28) August.

Mother of God the Most Pure,
The house, which the Wisdom of God has created for Himself, spiritual gifts to the Giver, from the world to the most peaceful mind, raises our mind and leads everyone to the knowledge of the mind!
Receive prayer singing from us, unworthy Thy servants, with faith and tenderness bowing before Thy most pure image. Pray for your Son and our God, give wisdom and strength to our power, justice and impartiality to judges, spiritual wisdom, zeal and vigilance for our souls as a shepherd, humility as a mentor, obedience to all of us, the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of humility and meekness, spirit of purity and truth.
And now, our all-beloved, all-loving Mother, give us an increase in mind, die, unite in enmity and division of being and put them in an unsolvable cous of love, turn all those who have erred from unreason to the light of the truth of Christ, instruct the fear of God, abstinence and industriousness, grant the word of wisdom and soul-beneficial knowledge to those who ask, autumn us with eternal joy, the brightest Cherubim and the most honest Seraphim. We, the glorious deeds and the many-minded wisdom of God in the world and our life, seeing, we will eliminate earthly vanities and unnecessary worldly cares, and we will raise our mind, our heart to Heaven, as if by Your intercession and help glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship for everything in the Trinity to the glorious God and Creator of all we exalt, now and ever and forever and ever.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for study

Holy angel of Christ, faithful servant of God, warrior of His heavenly army, I call upon you in prayer, overshadowing myself with the holy cross. Send me heavenly grace on my spiritual strength and grant me meaning and understanding, so that I sensitively heed the charitable teaching that the teacher conveys to us, and my mind has grown extremely for the glory of the Lord, people and the Holy Orthodox Church to the benefit. I ask you about this, the angel of Christ. Amen.

Prayer before study

“Great Lord, send us the grace of Your Holy Spirit, bestowing and strengthening our spiritual strength, so that, attentively taught to us, we may grow to You, our Creator, to the glory, to our parents for the consolation, the Church and the fatherland for the benefit.”

Prayer after school

“We thank Thee, Creator, as if Thou hast vouchsafed us Thy grace, in a hedgehog heed to teaching. Bless our bosses, parents and teachers who lead us to the knowledge of the good, and give us strength and strength to continue this teaching.

Prayers for different cases life: