What a good conspiracy. Strong conspiracy so that your loved one will definitely come to you

  • 08.12.2020

Current page: 12 (total of the book has 16 pages) [available passage for reading: 11 pages]


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Not all eyes see the enemy (conspiracies to protect from evil people)

A modern person has to communicate with a huge number of people. moreover, the rhythm of today's life is such that we do not always have time to think about each interaction with someone or acquaintance separately. As a result, we inadvertently with our inattention, superficial attitude or careless word can offend someone and not even guess about it. And the offended person will send a negative impulse in your direction. If by the nature of your daily activity you have to interact with dozens of people, someone will certainly be unhappy with you, and negative energy against you will only grow.

Over time, our biofield ceases to cope with such a load, various diseases appear, and failures more and more often slip in business. We begin to wonder why this is happening, we blame the management, the clients of the company, the laws, the state, the family, etc., etc. In fact, everything is simple - you had to take care of your protection in time. Our conspiracies will help you avoid many troubles.

Conspiracies to protect from ill-wishers

When a person achieves any success in life, there are always people who believe that this is not fair. Many find it easier to be angry and jealous of the achievements of others than to do something worthwhile in this life themselves. That is why it is important not only to achieve success, but also, as they say, to keep luck by the tail. And the following conspiracies will help you cope with the negative message of ill-wishers.

A conspiracy that will help ward off envious people, enemies, competitors

If you feel that clouds are gathering over your head, and you have more enemies than friends, be sure to perform a certain ritual before going to work. Pour clean water into a basin (better filtered, but you can also from the tap), lower your palms into it and say three times:

“Take away, water-water, from the servant (s) of God (s) (name) all fierce misfortunes, bad looks, twisting, mowing, envious. Take them to a land where no one walks, let the earth bury everything forever. "

After that, wash yourself with charmed water.

Protection "wall"

There are situations when you need to personally meet and communicate closely with people who are unpleasant to you and, as it seems to you, can cause harm, jinx in word or deed.

The most effective and simple defense against someone else's evil eye is to separate yourself from the unpleasant person. The best way to do this is with a wall plot. Imagine a wall, for example, made of thick glass. Your task is to mentally consider what it is: matte or shiny, somewhere the sun is shining on it. From behind this wall you can hear the person speaking to you somehow deafly, as if from another room. In short, draw this wall in your imagination as realistic as possible.

As soon as a clear picture forms in your head, say the words of the conspiracy:

“As a mighty fortress does not shoot arrows inside, so my wall stands, protects me, the servant (s) of God (s) (name). Lessons, ghosts, ozeevs and slanderousness are not scary to me. "

A conspiracy before an unpleasant meeting

If you are facing an unpleasant meeting and it is impossible to avoid it, protect yourself in advance. Take a pinch of salt, a pinch of river sand, crush the coal into powder and also take a pinch. Pour water into an earthenware cup and put all these three pinches there, saying:

“Pritka and Pritkin's mother, be sick, lessons, clean up the ghost. Go from the servant (s) of God (s) (name) into dark forests, to dry trees, where people do not walk, where cattle do not roam. Amen".

Stir everything well again, spit over your left shoulder three times and throw it out over the threshold.

Conspiracy from envious people

On a flawed moon in the afternoon, pour spring or melt water into a glass and whisper a conspiracy:

“A bear is in the forest, a nightingale is in the garden, and a month is in the sky, they don’t walk in a pile, they don’t fight. There is water from a swan-goose, from the servant (s) of God (s) (name) the whole maya. "

Then take three small sips of the charmed water, dip three fingers (with a pinch) of your right hand in the water and draw crosses on the forehead, cheeks and chest. Put the remaining water into your mouth three times and sprinkle it out.

Conspiracy from the wrath of the bosses

If you don't have a good relationship with management and are regularly called out to the carpet, do the following. Take any small metal object (wire, paper clip, nail), slap it three times with your right palm and repeat three times:

"As nothing sticks to an iron crucible: neither water, nor fire, so it does to me."

Be sure to take the charmed object with you when you have another conversation with your superiors.

Protective conspiracy from all enemies, envious and corrupted

On the waning moon, at sunset, lay a beautiful tablecloth on the table, put and light two church candles, put a small icon of John the Warrior between them (you can just a postcard or an image). Looking at the defender, say:

“As John the Warrior, together with the Forces of Heaven, fights for the whole baptized world, so he protects me, the servant (s) of God (s) (name) from all enemies, envious and corrupted ones. Always, now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Install an icon or image on your desktop or at home if you spend most of your time there.

Protective conspiracy on the beam

If you come to the house of an envious friend or to visit where such a woman may be present, be sure to say (you can mentally) the following conspiracy:

"Mother-mother, run across, help me save my happiness, save me from an adversary and an evil word."

It is best if at this moment you are drinking something. At this time, you need to look at any transverse strip that separates you from the envious person: a beam on the ceiling (mat), a pattern on the carpet, floor, the back of a chair, armchair, sofa, wardrobe, etc.

Conspiracy from bad people

At night on the waning moon, pour spring or melt water into a wide dish. Put three lighted floating candles into it. Gently stirring the water with your hand so that the candles move in a circle, say seven times:

“It came from the water - it went into the water, it fell from the fire - it burned down, it disappeared, bad people sent it and took it back. Amen".

Then put out, remove the candles from the water and bury them in the ground (but not in a flower pot). Throw out the remaining water on the left side and go to bed.

Conspiracy from ill-wishers

It so happens that a person smiles at you in the eyes, but condemns you behind your back, or even spreads gossip. If you are faced with such a situation, be sure to take care of your protection. Pour water into a wide container so that you can look into it. Place it and bend over so you can see your reflection. Whisper nine times.

“Duma, envy, tides, out. Amen".

Then wash yourself with charmed water and pour it down the drain or away from home.

Protective conspiracy against someone else's anger and envy

This conspiracy is read in a strong east wind. Stand upwind and say:

“As from the song of the Archangel Gabriel demons and devils fall and unclean words disintegrate, so from the servant (s) of God (s) (name) all enemies-enemies retreat. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After that, go about your daily activities.

A conspiracy against envious people who can destroy your family

If a bad, envious person came to your house, then immediately after he leaves, pour water into a cup and cross it. Then splash this water on your face with your hand, drink three sips, pour a little over the threshold, slam the front door as hard as possible and say:

"So that all the evil from home and from my relatives was taken away."

Conspiracy-protection from unpleasant people

Unfortunately, more often than not we are unable to choose who to work with. If there is a person in your team that is unpleasant to you, if someone envies you, you need to constantly protect yourself. To do this, this conspiracy will be useful to you, you can quietly read it in the morning, coming to work. The same applies to an unkind person who caught you in a company, at a party or somewhere else - you can protect yourself from him like this:

“Chur, my thought, chur, my thoughts, chur, my opinions of the soul and body, the left pop. Whoever thinks will have salt and sand in his eyes, and a sharp knife in his heart. "

Conspiracy-protection from a thin person

After communicating with a person who is unpleasant for you, especially if he praised you, find a secluded place, cover your ears with your hands so as not to hear anything, but repeat aloud three times:

"No matter how an evil person, a sorcerer, a heretic creeps into my ears, nothing will be done to me."

After that, spit three times over your left shoulder and boldly go to work on.

From evil words thrown to the wind

It happens that people do not want to spoil the business, but spoil it. This happens when an evil word is spoken in a strong wind. So, even a person who is benevolent to you can inadvertently jinx. If things have gone awry in windy weather, then that is what happened. To rectify the situation, you need to wait for a new wind and read three times to the wind:

“As on the throne of Adam's head lies. She is silent, does not speak evil, does not speak. So my enemies will be silent, on me, the servant (s) of God (s) (name), do not raise slander, do not throw evil words to the wind. "

Conspiracy so that the work is not jinxed

This conspiracy is read at work. You need to stand next to the door. Condition - no one should either see or hear you. Come to work for this before everyone else, or wait until everyone leaves. Stand in the doorway, face the exit and repeat the plot three times:

“There is an iron bull on the Okiyan-sea. You, bull, - copper horns - pewter eyes - take out from the servant (s) of God (s) (name) all damage and riding evil eye. Amen".

So that competitors do not enchant the matter

Read this conspiracy if you know that you have strong envious competitors. You need to read the conspiracy on all business papers that you sign. If it is difficult to do this (for example, there is someone nearby), then you need to spell a conspiracy on the pen with which you sign these papers:

“I take the holy cross, I disown, I dissuade myself from the sorcerer and the sorceress, from black and red, from white and fair-haired, from a simple-haired girl, from a hand-rolled woman, from every evil wizard. Amen".

It is advisable to slander the pen every morning.

So that competitors do not ruin the matter

If you have to interact with competitors, be sure to read the conspiracy before meeting:

“As stone statues do not see, they do not hear, they cannot say a word, so my enemies, envious people at me, cannot say anything bad or lie, and they do not see and hear my deeds."

Conspiracy to prevent evil people from approaching

Take a handkerchief, wrap the icon of the Mother of God in it, put your palms on top and say seven times:

“Protect me, Mother of God, from evil people, villains, as you protected your son from villains. From now until the century. Amen".

After that, unfold the icon and put it at home, and always carry a handkerchief with you and do not use it for its intended purpose. He will protect you from every evil person.

Conspiracy from evil gossip

If gossip and unpleasant conversations give you a lot of trouble, you need to pick herbs and say the following words on her:

“Dry, grass, dry, enemy tongue, dry, bad word, dry, evil spirit. Amen".

After that, the grass should dry, and when this happens, it should be thrown to the gossips, then they will forget about you.

Conspiracy - an obstacle for the envious

It happens that you talk to a person and everything seems to be fine, he says good words and smiles kindly, but you feel that his thoughts are completely different, he either envies or harbors an offense and in fact does not want good. In this case, do not worry, talk to him calmly, and when he leaves, immediately read the old conspiracy:

“For sorcerers, heretics, salt into balls, iron into teeth. Their words are locked, and the keys are thrown into the sea. Amen".

So protect yourself from evil, and neither damage nor the evil eye can reach you.

Workplace protection

You can protect not only your home, but your workplace as well. Fill a clear glass with water on Sunday night. Take a pinch of salt with your left hand and pour it onto your right palm. Read the plot nine times over the salt:

"Enemy Satan, deny me."

Then dissolve it in water. On Monday morning, pour the water into a bottle and take it with you to work. Come early, and while no one is there, sprinkle the charmed water in the corners, and wipe all objects with it.

Protection from an evil person

If you feel during a conversation that evil is coming from the interlocutor, cross your arms over your chest, and when he leaves, quietly say after him:

"With what I came, I leave with what I brought, then take it away."

So everything unkind that a person let loose on you will follow him.

Protection from someone else's unkind glance

It happens, somewhere on the street, in transport, in a store, suddenly you feel an unkind, heavy look on yourself. Then, after returning home, you must immediately fill the bucket with water, if possible - spring or well water (it will be stronger), in extreme cases, and from the tap will do. Wash yourself with this water and say three times:

“It came from the forest - go to the forest and go. From people it came - duck to people and go. With the wind came - duck into the wind and go. "

At the same time, make sure that water gets back into the bucket. After completing the ritual, drain it over your left shoulder - best of all - into the street, and if it's frosty or bad weather - and into the bath you can, just make sure that it flows away without a trace.

Conspiracies to protect against evil forces

It happens that evil comes not only from people. The wicked one constantly tests us, therefore we must think about protection all the time. Witchcraft can contribute to the awakening of evil, old curses, and bad thoughts of your own. Conspiracies will help you to overcome these troubles.

A conspiracy to ward off any trouble

Buy a candle in the church and light it at midnight for the young month and read it three times:

“I am overshadowed by the bright month, I am swaddling with God's garment, I will be marked by the Holy Cross, I will drive away the unclean power by the power of the Cross. Amen".

In the morning, bury the candle melt (or throw it into an urn) at a pedestrian crossroads.

How to protect windows from the penetration of evil

Pour water into an earthenware bowl and prepare salt. Pour the salt into a pinch three times, pour it crosswise into the water and repeat three times:

"Black cherry salt in the eyes."

Walk around the house, and spray each window with this water, saying:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. Get out with (name) slanting eyes! "

When the water runs out, spit three times over your left shoulder. Do not wipe the water off the windows, it should dry on its own.

Conspiracy if bad thoughts take over

It happens that you don’t want to think badly about something else, but every time you catch yourself thinking that you are condemning someone or that you are happy about his misfortune. It is imperative to fight such thoughts. After all, if we send negative to the world, we receive it in return.

As soon as you catch yourself thinking badly, whisper or mentally say:

"Forgive me, Lord."

On the evening of the same day, light a candle, looking at the flame, say seven times:

“Fire girl, burn bad thoughts, leave good ones. May it be so!"

After that, walk around the candle or table on which it stands three times and go to bed. Throw away the candle stub on the way to work or to the store (but never at home).

Conspiracy to keep evil from sticking

Scoop up rainwater from an open area with a mug or cup. The water container must be opaque. Read the conspiracy:

“As the rain sheds tears, so evil does not stick to me. Amen".

The charmed water must be poured into the palm of your hand and washed. Pour the rest of the water under your feet. You can read the conspiracy both indoors and outdoors. The main thing is that no one sees how you do it.

A conspiracy that will help wash away all the witchcraft from you

Read this conspiracy when you are by the river or on the banks of some other body of water. Dip your palms into the water and say:

"Take away, water-sister, what does not belong to me: witchcraft, ureki, friction, evil."

Then scoop up the charmed water with your palms and splash it in your face.

Morning conspiracy from all evil

Walk barefoot in the dew, pick it up with your hands, read the conspiracy and wash yourself with dew:

“Take you, father, Saint Tikhon, twelve rods of tin, iron, and beat the twelve Herod’s daughters with them, so that they would not frighten me, they would not break my bones. From now until the century. "

A simple conspiracy from various misfortunes

“As the rain of heaven scatters dust, so from the servant (s) of God (s) (name) all the anger of adversity scatter. Amen".

Then cross the water and spray it on yourself.

Winter conspiracy from trouble

This conspiracy should be read only at the beginning of the year and in the case when troubles and misfortunes have become your constant companions precisely after the onset of the new year. On a flawed moon, go out into the courtyard when there is no one (you can go to the dacha or out of town), find a place that is untouched (where the snow lies in an even layer), lie in the snow with your arms wide apart. Then stand up. You will see a footprint from your body in the snow. Stand at his feet and say:

“I'm walking in the snow, I want to confuse trouble. I leave a trace, I forget the trouble. Remain in trouble with the new, icy owner, forget the old hot one about me. "

After that, go home without looking back.


Scoop up a cup of holy water, how much will take, read the conspiracy over it:

“I turn to the Lord God, I ask the servant (s) of God (s) (name) to hide with a talisman, to save from troubles and to defend from evil. Amen".

After that, wash yourself with charmed water, spray yourself three times, pour the remaining water onto a new handkerchief. When the scarf is dry, you should always carry it with you.

Conspiracy if you have to live or work in a bad place

It so happens that a new office or house is built, and people who work or live in it suddenly begin to feel bad, get sick, or even die. And it turns out that this building was built in a bad place, from the point of view of magic, or a curse hangs on it for a long time. If you find yourself in the same situation and you do not have the opportunity to change your job or place of residence, do not be discouraged. A conspiracy will come to your aid, too. However, it will need to be repeated over and over again.

Take a silver thing, put it in a glass of holy water, leave it overnight. The next day, clean up your home or workplace, pull out the silver at sunset, and whisper 40 times into the water:

"Protect the bright army, drive away the dark evil."

After that, moisten a small towel with this water and wipe the desk, chair, shelves (if any). If you are performing the ritual at home, then all window sills, shelves, tables, as well as handles on interior and exterior doors. Repeat the plot at least once a week.

Without money, a person is thin (conspiracies for financial well-being)

In order to feel good, to feel comfortable, it is not enough to be healthy, although, of course, this is the main thing. But our life is made up of many aspects, and far from the least of them in importance is material. To live in need, to count every penny - no one wants such a life. However, unfortunately, it happens that a person tries with all his might, works at several jobs, masterly saves, but there is no prosperity. But do not despair: now you have a reliable way to provide yourself and your family with a decent standard of living. There are a huge number of conspiracies designed to solve a variety of material problems. After all, the reasons for poverty are different for everyone: one has an unprofitable position, another, with good earnings, money flows out of his hands like water, the third is too passionate ... All this is fixable. It's easy enough to find mine conspiracy and everything will work out. Try it!

Conspiracies for help in business

It is known that a modern person spends most of his time at work, so success in business is an important part of his life. If something goes wrong in this area, then the light is not nice either. Conspiracies will help to cope with difficulties.

A conspiracy for a good job

To get a good job, you need to read the conspiracy before the interview. Collect half a glass of Epiphany water, stroking it, say:

“Water-water, you are a helper to everyone, everyone respects you, everyone welcomes you. So I, the servant (s) of God (s) (name), would be hired and welcomed. Amen".

Morning conspiracy - protection before an important matter

If you have to deal with any responsible business, and you doubt your strength, you should think about protection. In the morning, get out of bed, stretch well. While stretching your palms up, say:

“All slander, ghosts, human slander, move away from the servant (s) of God (s) (name) from bones, from blood, from clear eyes, from a zealous heart. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Then cross yourself three times and boldly get down to business.

Conspiracy for a successful job placement

If you really need a job and you are going to an employer, read the following conspiracy. Scoop up as much rainwater as you can. Take a new handkerchief, preferably without a pattern, put it in water and read it three times:

"Help, voditsa, me, the servant (s) of God (s) (name), to come in handy in a new place, in a new service, in a new friendship."

Then you need to pull out the scarf, tie it in a knot and put it in a corner so that no one can get it or take it. As you lay down the handkerchief, sentence three times:

"As they tied the knot tightly, so they took me, the servant (s) of God (name), to work."

After that, you can safely go to get a new job. If everything went well, after a while you need to pull out the scarf, untie the knot, wash the scarf, dry it and use it as you like.

A conspiracy to help in any business

If something stalled in your work, you can't see the end-end problems, be sure to read the conspiracy. You need to talk about the subject that you most often use at work. It can be an ordinary pen, pencil, some kind of tool, or even a computer mouse. Take holy water, wet a handkerchief and wipe the object that you will become slanderous. After that, speak over it:

“Just as rivers and lakes give water not for cunning, not for moaning, but for the sake of God's mercy, so also to me (name), God, give me the strength to cope with matters, and to manage myself on time.”

After that, you can start your normal duties.

Conspiracy for a job

To successfully get a job, bring holy or spring water in the evening. At sunset, read the conspiracy over her:

“Mother Voditsa, you will not allow me the evil eye, and I, the servant (s) of God (s) (name), will not be denied either on Monday, or on Tuesday, or on Wednesday, or on Thursday, or on Friday. and not on Saturday. Take my care to be hired. "

Then wash yourself with charmed water and go to bed. In the morning before going to work, wash yourself with this water again.

Morning conspiracy-amulet for protection for an important matter

If you have to deal with serious business, and nothing should distract you, get up early and go to the nearest square or park. The plot can be read in the courtyard of the house if there is a lawn nearby. Take off your shoes and, walking in the dew, say three times (you can mentally):

“Just as no one can cross the okyain-sea on foot, so no one can interfere with me, God's servant (s) (name)! Be, my words, strong and molding. "

After that, you need to wash with dew, wet a thread from your clothes, tie a knot on it and carry it with you.

Conspiracy before an important meeting

Before you go to a meeting, fill a bucket of well water, washing your face with it, scooping up water with your hands and splashing on your face, recite the conspiracy 33 times:

“As the water runs down, so the evil eye runs away. Amen".

After that, you can't wipe yourself off, you have to wait until the water dries itself. Throw out the remaining water to the left.

Morning conspiracy before any new business

Working in a new place, on a new project or a new activity is always fraught with certain difficulties. Stand on the grass or clean snow (if it happens in winter), run your palms through the dew or snow crust. After that, place your palms in the sun, and while the water dries up, you need to read the conspiracy:

"As the water dries up, evaporates, so the difficulties go away, go away."

A conspiracy to quickly get rid of failures

So that everything goes well at work and the enterprise flourishes, you can read the following conspiracy. On a flawed moon (but not on Saturday), in the afternoon, light a church candle, put a glass next to it with clean, preferably spring or melt water. Read the conspiracy over her:

“Mother-water, as you sweep the steep banks, so wash-rinse off the servant (s) of God (name) (name) pinches, aches, hits, tributaries and windy commotions. Amen".

After that, moisten your lips with charmed water, wash your face, and sprinkle the rest of the water on your body.

Conspiracy before moving to a new job

The transition to a new job does not always go smoothly. New acquaintances, new responsibilities cause fear and confusion in many. A conspiracy will help you cope with anxiety. In the evening, prepare a glass of water, pour a spoonful of sea salt into it. In the morning before going to work, whisper to the water:

“I am going as a fisher, I am going in as a merchant. Who is lower than others, and I am always higher than others. Everyone would love me, respect me, invite me to a high position. Amen".

After that, wash yourself with charmed water, throw out the remains over the threshold and feel free to go to a new job.

Good luck conspiracy on business trips

This conspiracy was used by merchants when they went to buy goods or to a fair. It is read three times: on the wallet, on the shoes and on the bag (the bag where the money is). Put these items in front of you on the day of departure and read a conspiracy on each:

“Nikolai the Ugodnik has three copper keys, one gold. With three copper keys, he locks the three bad roads: the troubled, the dashing, the grave. With a golden key it unlocks the straight, happy, God's, with good, with gold, with wealth. "

Conspiracy on an important case "Knot of Luck"

A very reliable conspiracy for those who have an important business. Take a silk thread and tie it in a knot, saying three times:

"As the end meets the end, so I would have done it."

Then, leaving the house on this matter, put the thread on the threshold, step over it and repeat the same conspiracy. Leave the thread on the doorstep.

A conspiracy to keep bosses merciful

Not everyone has a boss with understanding and a kind attitude, but you still have to work with him. To reduce acute situations from time to time, crossing the threshold of your enterprise or office, read the conspiracy:

“Lord, bless the Father, dressing with light, like a garment, covered with a cloud, girding myself with the belt of the Most Holy Theotokos. Tie the mouth and tongue and throat of the princes, and the boyars, and the rulers, and all kinds of authorities and clerks. "

Conspiracy to keep the leadership from sticking

Take half a cup of water, read a conspiracy on it:

"As King David was humble and meek and merciful, so with me, the servant (s) of God (s) (name), all the initial officials and righteous judges were humble, meek and merciful."

Drink three sips and pour the rest of the water to the left.

Conspiracy for a successful business

Type on the growing moon in a glass of well, spring or melt water. Go to the place where transactions will be made, negotiations will take place and important decisions will be made. Lean over the water and whisper three times:

“All come here to me, here is water for you. Water for you, money for me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then spray the room with charmed water.

Conspiracy before any undertaking

On the waning moon, pour water into a ladle, go out to a deserted place, bring a few medium-sized pebbles and fold them in a circle. Take the ladle in your left hand, read the conspiracy in a whisper and sprinkle water on the stones with your right hand little by little:

“Wash away, water, from the servant (s) of God (s) (name) prizis-prizors, all persuasions, mother's thoughts, fatherly thoughts. As water dries up on pebbles, so dry up, dry up in your hands and cheeks, from a zealous heart.

Throw the remaining water over your left shoulder and return home.


Get up early in the morning. Do not wash, eat breakfast, or talk to anyone. Go to the spring, collect water (you can use the water taken earlier, but it must be collected by all means in the morning). Pour water into a wide bowl, hold it in front of you, read the plot quietly and look into the water, it is advisable to see your reflection:

“Give me, Lord, for this day of the Lord a great defense - a life-giving cross. I am afraid of the cross and I will remain with the cross, wash with spring water, wipe myself with a cross towel, conjure with the veil of the Lord. "

After that, wash yourself with charmed water and spray yourself with water in your mouth.

A conspiracy to make things come together

Before an important meeting or signing a serious document, be sure to read the conspiracy. Tie the thread in a knot, put it across the threshold, say the conspiracy three times:

"As this knot is tied, so with us, the servants of God (name), the matter (such and such) soon came together."

Cross the threshold with a thread, then go on business.

Coastal Sand Plot for Good Luck

To execute the conspiracy, you will need a twig or twig of one of these trees: pine, birch or oak. In the old days, this conspiracy was done early in the morning, near undisturbed water. If you can arrange that, it will be very good. It is important that no one sees you.

Go to the shore, stand at the water's edge. Write your name on the sand (earth, clay) near the water with a twig, so that the water can wash off the inscription, and say this:

“Voditsa-voditsa, give me a drink, give me a wash for the servant (s) of God (s) (name). Voditsa-voditsa, let me dress up, let the slave (s) of God (s) (name) feed myself. I close the word to the mouth, wash off the name with water. Amen".

When the water has washed off your name, leave without turning around, and take the twig with you and keep it under your pillow for three days and three nights. Then you can throw it away, he served his.

Conspiracy when things go wrong

Things don't always go our way. It is especially offensive when a lot of time and effort is spent, and the result is scanty, or even none at all. Here the conspiracy will come to the rescue. On the waning moon at sunset, pour clean water onto a wide dish, throw a pinch of salt and a hot coal into it. Then put a silver cross there. Light a church candle, cross yourself and whisper into the water three times:

“As the blue sea washes yellow sands, so all my enemies run away from me. Save me, the servant (s) of God (s) (name), Lord, from the wizards, from the sorcerers, from the haters. "

After the end of the conspiracy, drink a few sips of water, cross yourself, fill your mouth with water, and spray yourself with the spoken water. Pull the cross out of the water, place it to your chest and cross again.

Prayers and conspiracies for good luck

Conspiracies and rituals for good luck, for success in an important matter, for luck.

Sometimes in our life there are circumstances that seem to be running away from us. No matter what a person does, everything is in vain.

If you or your loved ones are in a difficult situation - whatever it may concern - or you want to protect yourself in advance, use these conspiracies. The conspiracies and charms of the famous Siberian healer Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova will help you in solving problems, and success and luck will accompany you.

A conspiracy for good luck in all matters

My angel, my archangel, my patron.
You lead me, you help me.
I will go to the bright path.
The doors would all open for me
People would all smile at me
All my deeds, all my thoughts have come true.
There are three fish in the blue sea,
Those fish have three crowns on them.
Who counts the teeth on those three crowns,
Only that one will interrupt my luck.
My first word, second thing,
And my enemies have nothing to do with it.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

To make everything your way (read when you go on an important matter)

I lie down - I pray.
I get up - I am baptized.
There is a worm under the ground, a beast above the ground.
Above is the Sun and the Moon and I am alone.
How I think, how I think
So may the Lord God bless,
The Mother of God helps.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and forever and ever.
Amen. Amen Amen.

For luck

Luck in life is also important. In the books of witchcraft, in my textbooks, I will tell you in detail how to improve the life not only for my children and myself, but also for those whom compassion will point you to. This slander is read on a full moon, but on a Sunday. Here you will need to guess. They read by looking at themselves in the mirror. The mirror should hang on the wall, or at least be leaning against it. There should be no mirror on the table!

Baba-sorceress, the one that lies in the coffin and guards her own coffin. You walked the earth boldly, you performed your witchcraft. She collected happiness and took away from people, stole luck and bestowed upon herself, give me good luck, ghoul. Give me, sorceress, happiness to boot. I command you the fortieth psalm and the forty-first psalm, and the first of black magic. I'm taking your luck and happiness to boot. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Powerful conspiracy from a streak of bad luck

Pour water into a cup, on the waning moon, stand near the window, it is advisable to open it not much, read the plot three times, without hesitation, take a little sip and wash, take the rest of the water away and pour it onto the street on the road near your house.

Mother water, a pure stream, a stream of gold, silver, as you wash mountains, toly and wide open spaces, so wash away-rinse the slaves of God (name) from the slander, ghosts, from the wind someone else's slander, from a white body, a clean body, from a hundred joints aches, from oncoming-transverse anger, from a dark sorcerer, from a black sorceress, from red, from black, from white, from gray-haired, from clear eyes, from vain speeches, from various speeches. May it be so. Amen

To achieve our goals

They rip from three different trees on a twig, add to them a twig of three different brooms, add three brooms to a bush and throw the "bunch" thus obtained at the crossroads. Before carrying, slander it.

As Solomon achieved his goal, so I, the servant of God (name), will achieve mine. The morning dawn is with the Sun, the Sun is with the evening dawn, and the evening dawn is with God's Moon, and God's Moon is with the first star. And I, the servant of God (name), in the fulfillment of my desire. Amen.

They read it three times.

To succeed in an important matter (Strong conspiracy so that you will not be refused)

This spell will help you not to get rejected. If you go to someone with a request, first read the words of such a conspiracy three times:

I don't walk, I don't hurry quietly on a black cat, a gray dog, a red rooster. There was no refusal to me, God's servant (name): neither on Monday, nor on Tuesday, nor on Wednesday, nor on Thursday, nor on Friday, nor on Saturday. Take the hell to yourself my concern. So that no one knows a word against me, neither evil nor any. They did not move their tongue against, they would respect me and love me. Cross with cross, deal with a good ending. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A rite of passage

On the growing moon, make 5 koloboks from bread crumb. And in the morning take water from a well or some source, if there is nothing nearby, then you can take the first water from the tap, that is, after 12 at night. and water:

As the Lord God gave 5 loaves, so I, the servant (a) of God (name), will have 5 good things, for the road, life, life, place, womb. Turn the Lord, good luck from north to south, from west to east, from south and east to me the servant of God (name). The key is in the lock, I throw the lock into the sea, I lock it with the lock, Amen.

We say all this 3 times, and just pour water out the window and throw bread to the birds. We do at dawn

Conspiracies and prayers for good luck in business and business

Luck is exactly the component that sometimes is so badly lacking in life. And here we can talk not only about failures in personal life. Quite often, many complain about the lack of luck in the workplace, the constant lack of money and, accordingly, a bad life. Conspiracies and prayers for good luck in business and business will help you solve this problem. Some of these magical rituals will be discussed in this article.

A conspiracy for a guy to write, makes a partner, a friend get in touch in any way as soon as possible. The spell works on the personal power of the practitioner, it is important to concentrate on one person, to clearly imagine the result. Depending on the strength of the spell, the susceptibility of the object, the prevailing circumstances, a guy can write instantly or within 2-4 days.

Conspiracies for a call, a message on VKontakte, Facebook, Viber from a man work on the personal power of a practitioner. The power of a magical text affects consciousness, makes you think about a girl, awakens an uncontrollable strong desire to call, write, and gives an impetus to action. You can perform the ritual on a partner with whom you are in a quarrel, on a stranger, an ex-boyfriend. There are no restrictions.

It is better to act on the growing moon, the effect on the decrease is weaker.

Most conspiracies for a guy are white, neutral magic and do not have elements of harsh coercion. If the resentment is strong, there are disagreements, unwillingness to make contact, a series of calls will be required with the additional use of other rituals - bringing roads together, destroying internal blocks, harmonizing relations. In one day, use only one conspiracy for the guy to get in touch, write on his own initiative.

With a bitten tongue

In rituals that encourage a guy to write, ritual actions and the conspiracy itself are combined. Biting your own tongue illustrates the effect of the magic rite by amplifying the spoken words. The phase of the moon does not matter. Wait until the sun sets, evening or night, go to the open window. Bite your tongue - perceptibly, but so that you can clearly pronounce the words.

Visualize clearly how the guy remembers you, picks up the phone, sits down at the computer, writes, calls. Feel the power of your own words, your voice, and let go of insecurity. At the same time, internally, remain calm, experience only pleasant emotions. Look at the month and pronounce the conspiracy on the guy, feeling tenderness, passion:

I will bite myself, (name) I will tie to myself. (Name) will begin to miss me (name), yearn, neither sleep nor eat, neither under the daylight, nor under the night. He will only think of me. Key, lock, tongue. No sooner said than done.

Close the window, go about your own business. A conspiracy to be written by a loved one will immediately work if you let go of the situation. You cannot look at the phone, check mail, messages on the computer. Impatience will play a cruel joke. Let the higher powers change the situation, make the man write. It is not worth taking an instant ritual literally: there is a high probability that the guy will write within 1 hour, but external circumstances, internal blocks can slow down the process. The conspiracy is allowed to combine with other spells.

For the guy to remember and write

If the guy has already given gifts or left some personal thing, a powerful conspiracy is used for constant thoughts that push to action. Please note - this is not a love spell and not a rite to please him.

If the relationship is bad, there is a lot of anger and conflicts between partners, then the desired call or message can provoke a new quarrel.

The guy can just write out of boredom and the conversation will subside. A photo of the chosen one will come in handy: you need to clearly see the face, open eyes. Introduce your boyfriend with a positive attitude, squeeze a thing or photograph in your palms. The plot is read 3 times a day: after waking up, at 12 o'clock in the afternoon, with sunset. Quietly, confidently say the magic text with a clear intention, so that the guy would call, write, come to visit, invite to a meeting:

I wake up, I cross myself (name), I will leave home, I cannot be found more beautiful in this world. I will go to a clean pole, where the winds are free, I will find 77 stoves made of stone. There are cakes on each stone from the flame: ahi, ooh, sighs in love. I will count 77 ahs, 77 aspirations, 77 oohs, longing under the sun, worries under the night sky, longing in love, thirst for a meeting. Get up, go the road, find (name), bring me to me. I (name) will take him prisoner, with my lips, with words that are affectionate to myself, I will turn him with my betrothed. Hours, minutes get messed up, mix up, throw yourself at the guy's heart. Thoughts only about me will be, will not forget for a second. Food, water will push away, will not seize, will not wash down the melancholy. He will wait for the meeting, cry and grieve for me (name), the bitter cry will tear his soul, so that he rushes to me, but when he saw it, he would not give it to anyone else. Key, lock, tongue. The word is stone. Amen.

The conspiracy will begin to act instantly, every moment strengthening the guy's desire to call, write a letter, meet. Magic does not make any restrictions on the way to get in touch, the Higher Forces will select the fastest way suitable for the situation. The method of communication cannot be strictly defined. It is permissible to read the text of the conspiracy from a piece of paper, a phone, but concentration and effect will be better if you can memorize the words. Higher powers value the attention shown, the efforts put into the sake of the desired result.

SMS conspiracy

It will help a conspiracy so that the guy immediately after reading it writes, if there is already active communication on social networks, by SMS. The effect is quick but short-lived. Requires constant updating.

The magic action is designed for a single answer that needs to be received urgently. A conspiracy that makes you write quickly should be repeated 3, 6 or 9 times.

Saying magic words, feel positive emotions, visualize how a guy sits down at a laptop, phone to write an SMS. Magic text:

Beloved (name), living in my heart. Why did you forget about the date, you still do not write, you call, you don’t call for a meeting? I (name) young, beautiful, conquered your heart, more beautiful than all, one important to you. Take your phone, squeeze it in your palms, send a message to me (name). My word is strong. Amen.

For the execution of another powerful conspiracy, you will need a guy's personal thing, an object that he touched. Better to use a handwritten note. You can try to read on open correspondence on a social network. If there is a paper carrier with information, then it is burned during the ceremony. Witches are advised to use the candle flame from the church. A conspiracy is read, forcing a man to write after sunset. Set fire to a piece of paper or squeeze an object in your palms, present an incoming SMS, a message on a social network, an application and say the magic text:

The falcon is strong, beautiful (name), valued, kept in the heart. The road is straight to me (name) will lead. The power of the gods to write will push. Think about me (name), sort out warm memories in your head, don't drive out of thoughts. You will not leave me for a moment, because the strength is in my words, coming from the heart. I lock the lock with the key and throw it into the swamp. Amen.

The conspiracy text is pronounced 1 time. It is better to blow off the ashes through an open window, leaving them free to the winds. So the magic message will reach the guy faster.

When to expect the result of a conspiracy

There is no exact timeframe after which the guy will write. If there is a good relationship with a man, no offense, then the conspiracy works within 2-3 days. The result may appear within 1 hour. If the guy is obstinate, is difficult to magical influence, in every possible way avoids meeting, communication, wait for the result for 1 week. In the future, try again with another conspiracy.

With the help of magical diagnostics with Tarot cards, runes, find out the reason why the man did not write, see how the impact lay. There may be a mistake when reading the conspiracy, or the guy is more energetically strong than the witch. In the latter case, enlist the support of higher powers, otherworldly entities, elements and repeat the spell. The likelihood that the guy will write will increase.

It is important to maintain faith in your own strengths, to be focused on the desired result and to destroy doubts and fears in your soul. The energy of words should be positive and kind.

Conspiracies often have the opposite effect - the witch herself will have an increased desire to call, write a message. Restrain your emotions, do not take hasty actions, patiently wait for the first step from the guy. Pre-cooling yourself will help to avoid side effects, which will allow you to take control of your feelings. Eastern meditation practices help. Be absolutely calm while reading the text. After finishing the ceremony, forget about it, otherwise the conspiracy for the man to write may not work. Thoughts, constant expectation interfere with the magical process, lead to failures, failure. Although the Christian religion opposes rituals, many texts carry a positive message, are based on an appeal to God.

In the life of each of us, there are enough of a variety of troubles. When it seems that everything is bad, a person begins to blame himself for this, blames his own fate, the people around him and loving people. At the same time, we forget that difficulties in life can appear due to our attitude, if we spend ourselves exclusively on negative emotions, on resentment, anger and hatred, then no happiness can be expected. It is important to remember that negativity takes up a huge amount of energy, so a person may simply not have the strength to make his life even a little better.

Anger accumulated in the heart blocks the path to goodness, love and happiness. If we do not try to change for the better, then nothing good will await us even in the distant future. If you want to change the world, you should start with yourself.

But there are situations when nothing really depends on a person. He is surrounded by constant problems, misfortunes and numerous troubles, regardless of his actions.

In this case, we can safely say that negative magic is acting on him. It can be an evil eye or damage and, if you do not understand the reasons, it is impossible to remove the effect of such energy.

Good luck in magic

A good luck conspiracy is a great opportunity to improve your own life. If you want your every undertaking to end in success, so that your work brings not only joy, but also financial well-being, that relationships with loved ones “stick together”, so that everything is good, then you need just such a magical rite.

At the same time, the ritual does not give any guarantees, especially if the person himself does not strive to make himself and the world around him better.

In order for magic to work in full force, you need to deal with yourself every day, set yourself up for success, improve yourself and improve yourself in all directions.

It is imperative to remember the simplest truth: everything you have done will return to you in a thousandfold size, because the more good you give to the world in which you live, the more success you will achieve in life, and the more luck you will have.

Strong conspiracy option

If you are working on yourself, but you cannot achieve the desired results, then you need to use one of the rituals for good luck. Such rituals do not work on their own, if you lie on the couch at home, then you will not get any luck, no matter how strong the ritual is used.

Candle ritual

For this ceremony, you will need 3 church candles and an aromatic lavender stick. Place the candles on a table covered with a white tablecloth and light them.

Now we light the incense stick and, holding it in the right hand, go around the room in which the ritual is carried out, clockwise. In this case, you need to repeat the words:

“I open the doors, I call good luck to me, help me live well, live happily, happily.”

Now leave the stick in a glass plate so that it burns out to the end. When the stick burns out, you need to extinguish the candles with your fingers.

This simple ceremony does not guarantee an instant and strong effect, however, with constant use, it can show very good results.

Agate conspiracy

For this ritual, you will need a small agate. When you bring it home, you need to rinse it thoroughly in running water, but do not use cleaning products. Now we wait for the night, light a candle and take a stone in our hands. At this time, you need to mentally talk with the stone, tune in to its wave, tell him about your desires. We bring the stone to our lips and whisper the words of the conspiracy three times:

"Help me, agate, help, protect me, agate, bring good luck."

Now this stone should become a talisman for you that you need to carry with you at all times. You can make a pendant from it or hang it on a keychain.

If the stone is lost or cracked, do not be alarmed, it only means that it has already given you all its strength and is gone. It can be replaced with another agate, but the ritual will have to be repeated.

Rite of passage with a coin

To attract good luck, you need to take a coin (preferably from a precious metal or an old one). We bring the palm with the coin to our lips, blow on it three times and say the words:

“I blow away everything bad, I call on everything that is needed. Help me, coin, bring good luck, attract fortune. "

Now you can make an amulet from a coin, which should always be with you.

This rite can be used not only to attract good luck, but also to remove the evil eye. In this case, three simple coins (of any denomination) are taken and a plot is read on each of them. Then the coins must be thrown away the next night at the intersection of three roads.

Powerful ritual

Good luck conspiracies may be needed not only when a person wants to improve his affairs, but also if negative magic has been used against him. One of the main signs of such an impact can be sudden setbacks in business. Most often, along with your problems, the success of one of the ill-wishers is clearly visible. In this case, it is he who is the performer or customer of the negative.

To remove such a harmful effect and regain your luck, you need to carry out a complex but effective ritual, consisting of several stages.

Many of us are afraid of starting a new business out of fear of failure. Success conspiracies will help you cope with negative attitudes.

The negative comes from ourselves. The reason for its appearance is poor energy and incorrect settings. One of the best ways to fix things is to use affirmations.

Success conspiracies

You should use affirmations every day to improve your thoughts and mood. Conspiracies, on the other hand, increase the chances of luck instantly, but they work for a relatively short period of time. You turn to nature and the Universe for help, and they help you with a quick burst of energy and a favorable coincidence. This property of conspiracies is especially useful in new beginnings and in the morning, when self-confidence is needed, or when the day suddenly does not work out, and you intend to turn the tide of events. Quick conspiracies are very simple and help you gain self-confidence in a wide variety of situations. They are focused on any area of ​​life and will help you not to be left without the support of higher powers.

If the day did not go well in the morning

“Failures will leave me, but no one else will be found. May it be so today. Good luck may come to me now, as the rain comes with the wind, amen. I will calm down, like a surface of water on a windless day. "

For success in the business you have started

I feel success, like a predator senses prey.

"The truth is that beyond this threshold my strength (crossing the threshold of the building where you have an important task) everyone who fights with me, let him know my strength."

Good luck in love if you want to win someone's heart

“Love me, (name), as I love you. As bees love flowers, as the earth loves rain. I hear you, and you breathe me (when you hear the voice of a loved one). The sky sees, I miss, the sky knows, I desire. Be with me always, forever. (name)."

Love conspiracies are difficult to implement because they require a lot of energy. Reinforce your luck with love horoscopes to enhance the luck you follow with quick conspiracies.

For monetary success

A ringing coin fell into my pocket - I will not be afraid of deception (when buying, so as not to be deceived, and the money spent will be returned).

“Pyatak, copper, come back a hundredfold. Mother nature, help. Give me freedom, give me strength, give me a money vein. "

If you want to be listened to

“Let my words become your thoughts, hear them and submit to me. Think as I do, do as I do, conjure you (3 times). "

Conspiracies need to be presented. They need to be spoken with the right thoughts in your head, because this is the only way they will have power. This requires maximum concentration. The forces of nature are great, so they require proper tuning. We advise you to ask with your thoughts, not demand. Expect, not insist. But at the same time, firmly believe in the truth of what was conceived, since if you doubt, the Universe doubts along with you.

Signs and causes of failure

The main signs of failure are as follows:

  • as a rule, all troubles begin in the house and with the spoilage of food;
  • complaints and discontent with the life of household members, constant mention of sayings about life;
  • avoid communicating with the unlucky people who have appeared in the social circle.

The most common reasons for lack of luck are:

  • karma;
  • bragging and the evil eye of oneself;
  • depression and negative thinking;
  • damage and curses.

The essence of black bars and bad luck

People are exposed to negative effects most often during a period of illness, at a time when the biofield is in a weakened state. During this period, even a harsh word from relatives can harm a person. At such moments, you need to protect yourself from damage and evil eye, using a variety of amulets and protective potions.

However, as magical practice shows, the most effective way of protection is silver - a valuable metal, as a rule, a silver cross will quickly protect against threats. A pin attached with its head down at the level of the solar plexus, under the cover of clothing, will also protect against threats, it should be hidden from prying eyes.

Sometimes bad luck is accompanied by the evil eye, then it is necessary to apply magic rituals and conspiracies. In addition, positive thinking will come to the rescue, which contributes to the growth of vitality. It should be remembered that like attracts like. Also, troubles await in your own home, so it turns out that the home should be cleaned. And also, to continue to believe and wish for the best, faith and desire are the best helpers in such matters.

Many of us are afraid of starting a new business out of fear of failure. Success conspiracies will help you cope with negative attitudes.

The negative comes from ourselves. The reason for its appearance is poor energy and incorrect settings. One of the best ways to fix things is to use affirmations. We've previously written about affirmations for success, money, and love. These techniques will help you think positively and change your life as you see fit.

Success conspiracies

Not only affirmations, but conspiracies can be the key to happiness. Conspiracies don't work like affirmations. You should use affirmations every day to improve your thoughts and mood. Conspiracies, on the other hand, increase the chances of luck instantly, but they work for a relatively short period of time. You turn to nature and the Universe for help, and they help you with a quick burst of energy and a favorable coincidence. This property of conspiracies is especially useful in new endeavors and in the morning, when self-confidence is needed or when the day suddenly does not work out, and you intend to turn the tide of events.

Quick conspiracies are very simple and help you gain self-confidence in a wide variety of situations. They are focused on any area of ​​life and will help you not to be left without the support of higher powers.

Fast conspiracies for every day

If the day did not work out in the morning:

  • Failures will leave me, but no one else will be found. May it be so today.
  • Good luck may come to me now, as the rain comes with the wind, amen.
  • I will calm down, like a surface of water on a calm day.

For success in the business you have started:

  • I feel success, like a predator senses prey.
  • The truth is that beyond this threshold is my strength (crossing the threshold of the building where you have an important task).
  • Everyone who fights with me, let him know my strength.

Good luck in love, if you want to win someone's heart:

  • Love me, (name), as I love you. As bees love flowers, as the earth loves rain.
  • I hear you, and you breathe me (when you hear the voice of a loved one).
  • The sky sees, I miss, the sky knows, I desire. Be with me always, forever. (name).

Love conspiracies are difficult to implement because they require a lot of energy. Reinforce your luck with Love "> Love Horoscopes, so that you can use quick conspiracies to enhance the luck you follow.

For monetary success:

  • A ringing coin fell into my pocket - I will not be afraid of deception (when buying, so that they do not deceive, and the money spent will be returned).
  • Pyatak, copper, come back a hundredfold.
  • Mother nature, help. Give me freedom, give me strength, give me a money vein.

If you want to be heard:

  • Let my words become your thoughts, hear them and submit to me.
  • Think like me, do like me, conjure you (3 times).

Conspiracies need to be presented. They need to be spoken with the right thoughts in your head, because this is the only way they will have power. This requires maximum concentration. The forces of nature are great, so they require proper tuning. We advise you to ask with your thoughts, not demand. Expect, not insist. But at the same time, firmly believe in the truth of what was conceived, since if you doubt, the Universe doubts along with you.

Success in any area of ​​life directly depends on your energy level, therefore all leading experts in the field of esotericism advise you to start with purifying the energy of your home. After your home is clean of energy pollution, you will feel that your conspiracies have become stronger as well. Good luck and remember to press the buttons and

25.05.2016 07:09

Not everyone succeeds in getting rich. But knowing the secret of success and possessing a strong money talisman, you can arrange ...