Cheerful contest baby at the wedding - text and poems. Short funny scenes for children

  • 15.10.2019

Everyone who was at a celebration (at a wedding or anniversaries), which was hosted by the toastmaster, saw under the name of the baby. And when did this scene take place? Then all the guests just laughed with laughter. Do you want to arrange something similar at your holiday and without a toastmaster? We will show and tell you how the baby scene is held for the anniversary of a man. Ready text and description of the scene for you. So be sure to spend it, and your guests will hold on to their tummies with laughter.

He remains interested in superheroes, legos and animated films, and says he'd rather play stuck on an island with his two kids and their cousins ​​than talk to just about any adult. Most of them were frustrating "educational", he remarked, "drag the butterfly to the net, something like that." They then made a list of what these toys had in common: none of them were associated with winning or losing against an opponent. No one was part of the effort to create a separate children's world in which adults were excluded and likely treated with hostility; they were designed more for families.

First you need to prepare for the scene. Namely, take an unnecessary fabric and make an incision in it for the head. And then carefully sew on a children's overalls or suit, in which there are two arms and two legs. It should look something like this:

And so, you have prepared a screen. For anniversaries, you need to keep this screen taut. To do this, call two guests - strong men.
And behind the screen there should be two people: the hero of the day himself and his assistant, for example, a wife or friend. And at the same time, it is desirable that guests do not see those behind the screen, it will be more fun.
When everything is ready, the presenter can begin to speak his text.
A long time ago, exactly ____ years ago, a child was born in one happy family.
“Here the face of the hero of the day appears in the screen in the place for the face. Also, the hero of the day puts his hands into the legs of the overalls. And his assistant puts his hands in places under the arms in overalls.
Parents saw their baby and gasped - how good he was!
And then the child made his first sound.
“The hero of the day makes a sound, for example, agu-aha!”
And immediately waved his hands to his parents.
“The kid is waving his arms. And since the assistant plays the role of hands, he must wave them. But the hero of the day has his hands in his legs. And when the hero of the day hears. That he waved his arms, then by inertia he will wave them, because he will forget that his arms are his legs!
The kid grew up strong, healthy and smart. After a while, he began to stroke his head.
“The baby’s hands caress his head. And here again everything can get mixed up, since the hero of the day will again want to stroke his feet.
And after some time, he already knew how to put on a hat on himself.
“They give a cap to the baby’s hands and his hands try to put the cap on his head!”
But sometimes the baby cried, and to calm him down he was given a bottle with a nipple.
“They give the baby a bottle with a nipple in their hands, and the hands must bring the bottle to their mouth and give the baby a drink.”
When the kid went to kindergarten, he fell in love with dancing. At first he danced like this:
"Baby with the help of arms and legs dances to children's songs."
And when he went to school, he began to dance like this:
"Here you need to turn on the REP."
The kid grew and matured and changed. He began to dress fashionably:
“In the hands of the baby they give Sunglasses and a trendy hat. And hands should put them in the right places.
And now our baby is 18 years old. And for the first time in his life he tried alcohol.

Also, they weren't meant to teach you anything in particular - they existed mainly in the service of fun. The game is not so different from the real tea party. First choose one of the three tablecloths. Then select plates, cups and treats. Treatment is not what your mom will feed you. These are chocolate cakes, frozen donuts, cookies. It's very easy to spill tea when you pour or take a sip, an added feature based on suggestions from children during a test game.

At the end, a sink filled with suds appears and you wash the dishes, which is also part of the fun, and then start again. The game is either very boring or terribly addictive, depending on what you make of it. Ovmar and Geoffrey knew that some parents wouldn't get it, but for kids, the game will be interesting every time because it's all about imagination. Maybe today a stuffed bear will be naughty and squirting while a naked Barbie will dump her plate of candy.

“They give a glass of alcohol to the hands and the hands help the head to drink.”
And so year after year passed, and now our baby turned __________ years old. With what we congratulate him today!

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Unusual congratulations to the woman "Soap opera"

The child can take the voice of the character or the scolding parent, or both. No win and no reward. As the game is stuck on the island, it can go on for five minutes or forever. It's a looking place with cracks in the wall. The goal is not beauty, but subversion. Cutting hair like shedding is on the list of things kids shouldn't do. You choose one of strange people or creatures and have your way with your hair, cutting it or dyeing it or growing it out.

The shower dryer is ingenious; it achieves the same effect as Teidao Kern's "Stress" portraits, which depict people's faces that are wildly distorted strong winds. It downloaded over 1 million times in its first week and the company took off. Are they educational? It's a parent's perspective,” Geoffrey told me at the back of the great auditorium in Monterey. Running across the lawn? Every part of a child's life cannot be supported by this standard. One had her stuffed dragon on a plate and was especially mischievous, grabbing the entire chocolate cake and spilling everything.

1. Original congratulations "Starfall of wishes"

Perhaps you will know your fate! (To the music, for example, "Star Country" "Happy birthday" or "We wish happiness
You ”- everyone takes turns tossing their stars with wishes, the birthday girl tries to catch them. Caught stars with wishes are read aloud to the hero of the day.

Fallen stars - the host, with the help of guests, collects and uses them in the next game moment - "Star Necklace"). Game moment "Star necklace". The guests are conditionally divided into 2 teams, each is given a star in their hands and a relay race is arranged: which of the teams from their stars, beautiful braid and paper clips will quickly collect and hand over their star necklace to the hero of the day.

Her friend took the little Lego builder and made him into a nice guy who ate neat and helped make the dishes. Should they be on the beach? Maybe, but the day will be long and they might go outside later. Could you make your child read the textbook before bed? Do you only watch educational television? By dust, it means something that was obviously designed by an adult.

Take, for example, the very hungry caterpillar counting that turns a perfectly cute book into a tedious app that asks you to "eat 1 piece of chocolate cake" so you can count on one. The app is clearly educational. He teaches you about the active verb - back, shine, stretch. It's also incredible. You click on the box and a verb appears and is summoned by two insect friends who have the Three Scoop's scratch sensitivity. If the word trembles, they shake until their eye sockets shudder.

Such an original congratulation for an anniversary with a star theme is especially good. 2. Congratulations on the anniversary of the woman "Portrait of a birthday girl."

(For this original congratulation, which is held at the table, you need to stock up on a frame with clean slate paper and multi-colored markers or felt-tip pens): I propose not just to say congratulations, but to draw it, because each of us is an artist at heart. (A frame with a place for a future portrait and felt-tip pens are passed from guest to guest.

Photo contest "Hi, baby! Under what sign were you born?"

The app, he told me, was inspired by a dream in which he saw the word and floated in the air and stuck to other words like a magnet. He woke up and thought: If words were toys? They didn't care if the apps were marketed as educational or not, as long as they were fun. But do I really need this extra persuasion? I like to play the game; why not? Each new carrier a short time its introduction was denounced as a threat to youth. Each is accused of tempting children to waste time that would otherwise be spent learning about presidents, playing with friends, or digging their toes in the sand.

It is important for the presenter to unobtrusively manage the process so as not to lose dynamics and at the same time not to lose the expressiveness of the presentation of the poetic number) I ask you to draw in turn, what I will read about. But imagine the composition well - let's start with the face. And the portrait will be full-length, so that everyone complements the work of a neighbor, remembering that each of the guests must contribute to this masterpiece. Started! (under the number 1 - a portrait detail for the first guest, under the number 2 - for the second, etc., each draws his own and passes it on to the next. If there are more guests, you can offer to draw one detail in pairs) 1. Draw eyes
Irina is beautiful: Brown, sly and funny (given to neighbor) 2. Eyelashes shot up, right up to the eyebrows,
The look of these eyes has become more cheerful (given to neighbor) 3. We draw a nose with a curved comma .... Funny, looks like a funny question (given to neighbor) 4. And there is a place for a smile in a portrait,
The sweetest smile in the world (given to neighbor) 5. Let's paint the ruddy cheeks a little (given to neighbor) 6. Ears with a diamond, of course, decorate (given to neighbor) 7. We will cover the head with a fashionable hairstyle,
To become
Irina is like a queen... (given to neighbor) 8. Then draw beautiful body (given to neighbor) 9. And skillful hands for every business (given to neighbor) Yes, not some, but better (given to neighbor) 11.

There are legitimate broader questions about how American children spend their time, but all you can do is consider them when you decide what rules to make for your own child. But parents know that's not how life works. Enough hours a day to go to school, play a game and spend time with a parent, and this is usually different watches. Some people can get so drawn into the screens that they want to do nothing but play games. Experts say that excessive video gaming is a real problem, but they debate whether it can be called an addiction, and if so, whether the term can be used for anything but a small part of the population.

We will put the legs in fashionable shoes (given to neighbor) 12. We will draw a good heart for her (given to neighbor) 13. Still, let's draw a riddle inside her
Feminine zest - the sweetest!

(given to neighbor) 14. Beautiful voice
Ira will be rewarded
Besides musical - we want it that way (given to neighbor) 15. We draw a dress, well, very glamorous,
Top in ruffles, and bottom - openwork (given to neighbor) 16. Still in the hands of a crocodile bag (given to neighbor) 17. She has a cosmetic bag and a fashionable mobile phone (given to neighbor) 18.

If your child is showing signs of personality adjustment, you will probably recognize it. She asks a series of questions. Do you think the content is appropriate? Is screen time "a relatively small part of your child's interaction with you and the real world?" - and offers to customize your rules for answers, child by child. One of the most interesting points that Guernsey makes is the importance of parental attitudes towards the media.

If they view screen time as junk food or "like a magazine at the barbershop" for passing time carelessly, but nothing more, then the child will completely absorb this attitude and the neurosis will be passed on to the next generation. The natives won. It does not restrict access to any of them. Sometimes his son plays with a new app for hours, but then, Prensky told me, he got tired of it. It reflects our own prejudices and comfort zone.

Another card with a bank account,
In which zeros, well, simply, without taking into account (given to neighbor) 19. Draw next to
Iroy cool car (given to neighbor) 20. And a cottage by the sea, well, very large (given to neighbor) 21.

There is also a convenient garage next to the house. (given to neighbor) 22. And ready-made luggage for travel! (given to neighbor) 23.

This is nothing more than a fear of betrayal, an omission. Prensky's gaze really stuck with me. Are books always, in fact, better than screens in any situation? Gideon tested me the first day. It was extremely unpleasant and clearly untenable. He threw it under the bed and never looked for it. He was completely forgotten for about six weeks. Now he picks it up from time to time, but not as often. A few weeks ago, his older brother played with him, helping him all the way through uppercase and then lowercase letters.

New Year's Eve relaxed with kids

Do you have plans for New Year's Eve? Somehow you always plan everything euphorically until Christmas and then suddenly and unexpectedly next holiday already at the door. With children, the question arises, how do we celebrate? Whether you're celebrating a small party with your kids or friends, we've got some tips and tricks for new years with kids. We are always happy to prepare a "fireworks countdown" for the New Year's party. From 7 pm there is a task, a game, a work every hour.

At the top we write: "Happy birthday!" (given to neighbor) 24. And good wishes - we will not regret it! (given to neighbor) 25.

Let's draw flowers and fireworks in the corner! (given to neighbor) 26. We will hand over a portrait and
Kiss Irina! (They give a portrait as a gift, they offer to take a picture with a portrait)

3. Unusual congratulations to the woman "Soap opera".

This original congratulations designed for the anniversary of a woman who loves to watch TV shows and melodramas. For him, you need to stock up on several bars of soap under the following names: "Baby", "Flowers of Love", "Family", "Baby", "Favorite", "Tar", "Grandma's Soap", "Berry" and "Dolce Vita". It is best to pack the soap in beautiful boxes or put it in a picturesque gift basket. If you can’t find a soap with the mentioned names, then it is quite possible to pick up something that is suitable in meaning.

To visualize this, we baked hours of cake. Cupcake cup 12 Lemon cupcakes are decorated with sugar icing and amounts 1-12 of chocolate and placed on a plate or plate like clock numerals. Two Mikado sticks act as pointers - the hour hand must of course be bitten off once. At the beginning of each task, the corresponding temporary bun can be cut, i.e. at 7 pm 7, etc. if the kids don't share or there are too many for a small bun, of course even unused rooms can be fed.

The tinsel colors make a great decoration for the bar and also wander through the New Year's photos also by hand. The children were given the task of cutting out four figures of the new year from cardboard. Then they are covered with tinsel garlands. To do this, simply add liquid glue to the cardboard numbers and place the garland on top and press firmly.

“Practically every woman has a soft spot for soap operas. And let's make our birthday girl the main character of a fascinating series!
I'm sure the Oscar is in her pocket!
So, here is our beautiful heroine at the very beginning of her life journey. (give baby soap). She grows and flourishes, entering the most beautiful time of a girl's life - she falls in love (give "Flowers of Love"). Unraveling like beautiful flower, it becomes inimitable. And, naturally, the most worthy man appears on her horizon, who becomes her chosen one. (soap "Family"). Very little time passes, and the newlyweds become happy parents ("My baby") . The joint life of the spouses is full of mutual understanding and love. (give soap "Favorite"), but don't you think that everything is going a little too smoothly? After all, it does not happen!
That's why. Without going into details, let's add a fly in the ointment to this barrel of honey ("Tar"). Moreover, after quarrels, reconciliation is so sweet. Time runs.

There are large paper blocks with designer paper and various instructions on bending, with the help of which a wide variety of flight objects are created, and children become real flight artists. What the best way swim? Which one is best for hinges and screws? And which one glides most elegantly around curves?

Funny masks from the next task guarantee this. Dino is just cut out. In the witch, the three-dimensional nose needs to be glued, and the area around the eyes is covered with feathers. All three ends are simply perforated on the sides and the band is tied for tie down. For this, a few funny props are just what you need. Props can be downloaded here and children can be carved.

Like a good mother, our birthday girl at one point becomes just a great granny ("Grandma's soap"). Finally, a moment comes in her life when she can live for herself and her beloved husband, because the time, rich in everyday difficulties and problems, has passed, and she herself has reached her peak - her 45th birthday!
And how do people say? Right!
At 45, a woman is a berry again! (give soap "Berry"). However, the end of our "soap opera" means only the beginning of the sweet life. (the line of soap "Dolce Vita")!" If you want to arrange such a “soapy” surprise for a woman with a different anniversary date, just rewrite the end of the story by replacing the “Berry” soap, for example, with the “Flower” or “Autumn Garden” soap.

Subsequently, cool photos are taken with friends and family. A beautiful tradition that has been around for several years is the rocket that wants to shoot at midnight with the rockets fired by Papi. For this desire of the heart on next year written on a small piece of paper, rolled up and stuck to the fireworks rocket staff with adhesive tape. And away with a loud noise to the gas station of desire in space! From time to time, the bubbles must be filled into the goggles for kicking, and then he goes into warm jackets and boots and goes outside to the fireworks!

4. Congratulation - a joke "The best gift for a girl is "Vasya." To carry out this comic congratulations P preliminarily draw on a sheet of whatman paper
Vasya according to your own taste. The main thing is that it should be the size of a human height.

We paint over the left ear with red, but from above we cover it with the same organ of hearing, only flesh-colored (we attach this false ear to double-sided tape). Doing
Vasya and removable underpants, whatever frivolous colors you want, we fasten in the same manner over quite decent underpants, for example, with the inscription "Happy Birthday!".
Before unwrapping the “gift”, you can arrange a poll among the guests (like a musical hat), approach several guests and ask what gift is best for a girl to give, and the DJ turns on various cuts of songs in turn: “Girls' best friends are diamonds”, “Cinema, wine and dominoes…”, “This dark cherry shawl” and others, and the last one will be “Of course,
Vasya. Vasya,
Vasya. Well, who doesn't know him? Vasya,
Vasya .. ”- with this answer, present“ Vasya ”in all its splendor and read out to the hero of the occasion instructions for its use: 1. Vasya does not take up much space, is compact and convenient, in the household and in everyday life indispensable assistant 2. After all
Vasya will always greet you with a mysterious smile and, of course, will not ask: “Where have you been?! 3. When everything went wrong and you want to “just tear and throw” - Vasya is always at hand to throw darts and plates at him - he still won’t be offended.

Achievements of the oldest category of aerobics

Thank you for the great ideas and good start to all readers! List of successes of our aerobics in Tlumakov. The girls rehearsed a kit called "Secret of the Nobility" and the girls also competed in several competitions where she won those placements.

Achievements of aerobics of the middle class

Khana Khlobil and Khana Khlobilova. Khan Khlobilova and Nikola Filakov.

Junior Aerobics Achievements

The girls rehearsed a set called "Gingerbread Cottage". She participated in several competitions where she also won many beautiful places.

4. If you are bored and have nothing to do, you can
Vasya ... colorize! 5. Vasya is muscular, so when you return home late, you can safely take him with you. It will protect you from any misfortunes (just roll it into a tight tube beforehand)! 6. Vasya can put a flashlight under his eye, and your house will always be light! 7. Vasya can be used as a lie detector, because when you lie in his presence, his left ear turns red (At these words, we remove the removable ear). 8. Also
Vasya can be dressed and undressed (the upper shorts are removed with a slight movement of the hand, but under them there are others with the inscription "Happy Birthday!" or "I love you!")" Then "Vasya" can be twisted and, tied with a gift ribbon, handed to the birthday girl, turning on the group's song again
Bravo, of course.
5. Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary "Sand ceremony". For the sand ceremony, colored sand is used, painted with dry gouache or school chalk.

Several basic colors are chosen, which carry a symbolic meaning: green means health, yellow - optimism, red - love, blue - self-confidence, purple - spiritual enlightenment, and so on. Salt different colors poured into small containers; you can use gravy boats, beautifully decorated glasses, goblets, vases. It is necessary to prepare another, larger container, where, mixing different colors, the congratulation participants will pour colored salt. It may be a graceful bottle, decorative vase or a jar for flowability of a transparent material. The main thing is that it is hermetically sealed.

The sand ceremony itself consists of the fact that the relatives of the hero of the day are invited to choose the salt of the color whose symbolic meaning coincides with the main wish of the relative. Beautiful background music is turned on, and relatives take turns pouring salt into a common container for everyone, each in the proportion in which he wishes the birthday man health, love or spiritual enlightenment.

It turns out very nice: inside glass vessel peculiar swirls are created from multi-colored salt. Then the result of the sand ceremony is presented to the hero of the day as a keepsake with best wishes. (Also, as a beautiful and lyrical moment, you can arrange an original congratulation "Family Hearth" on a woman's anniversary) 6. Comic "heartfelt" congratulations from guests - men (For congratulations to two or three men, distribute the words, dividing the text and saying who is behind whom and to each give a souvenir heart to the birthday girl, which they will hand over to the culprit at the end)(Come on, play this role) - (beckon someone with your finger) Clutching the hair like a harness,
Shouts lingeringly “Iiigo-go” (the guest gets on all fours, the hero of the day sits on him) This concludes the report
And let's say together to our hero of the day --------, with

Anniversary scene - for a man

The hero of the day and his wife participate in the scene - congratulations. You will need: a bonnet (home-made to be sewn so that you can put it on the hero of the day), a bib, a pacifier (they come in the form of a candy), a banana, a bottle of milk, a comb, a toothbrush (new). Pampers are not needed!

Props: 1 option - a baby drawn or printed on whatman paper and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head is cut out, where the hero of the day will stick his head to participate in the action. Also cuts in the area of ​​​​the hands - the wife will stick the hands. See the picture below.

Option 2 - not drawn, but two are cut out in the old sheet big holes. Upper - for the head of the hero of the day (appropriate size). lower by 10 - 15 cm the second, larger.

The second "hole" is covered by an old children's jumpsuit, which has no back. There is no overalls - you can sew on a vest (fastener at the back) and sliders. Two (the tallest guests) hold a screen - a sheet, the hero of the day sits on a chair, sticks his head into the upper hole, and his hands into the sliders (they become the baby's legs). The wife of the hero of the day stands behind him and puts her hands into the vest (baby's hands). Presenter: (text similar to the previous one)

Wedding contest kid

By right the most cool contest at the wedding it is considered, the competition is "baby". The scene played out will make everyone present at the wedding laugh. Most often, this competition is hosted by the host, but it can also be presented as a gift to young people.

So, baby wedding contest how to do?

Wedding contest kid

Creating a screen

To play this scene, you need to make a special screen. To do this, a piece of fabric is taken, a slot is made in the center - this will be the head. Then a bright, children's suit is selected, and sewn to the canvas.

Where the sleeves are, it is also necessary to make incisions so that you can stick your hands into them. The same is done for the legs. At the bottom, to the panties, booties should be sewn in order to completely create the image of the baby. In addition, it will be necessary to pick up the items necessary for the scene.

The essence of the scene

The presenter announces the competition, the witnesses bring the prepared screen onto the stage, preferably under some kind of children's motive. Groom with reverse side the screen pokes her head through the slot, and the bride puts her hands through the slit for the hands.

The host commands: “the baby puts on a hat”, the bride is given a cap in her hands, and she, not seeing the groom’s head, tries to put it on. Believe me, it looks extremely funny, especially when the groom gets tired of these manipulations, and he begins to help the bride. After all, the groom stuffs his hands into the slits for the legs and tries to put on a cap with them. Thus, all the commands of the leader are beaten.

Scenario of the competition "baby"

The wedding competition baby is embodied in reality according to the script. We bring to your attention one of them. The host announces: “Dear guests!
Among us is unusual guest. welcome,
Baby!" At this moment the screen is brought out and the actors take their positions. Further, while reading the text, the presenter pauses, and the actors perform all the necessary actions at this moment. Host: “Not so long ago, one baby was born.

And as soon as he was born, the doctor slapped him on the ass, and he screamed (at this moment the groom starts to babble and cry). Then he began to twitch his legs and arms. The kid (here it is better to use the name of the groom), was an obedient boy. He himself said to himself - I'm a good boy (at this moment the groom strokes his head). (Name of the groom) grew up quickly and so that his ears would not freeze, he learned to put on a hat. When mom was not there, in order not to cry, he sucked on a pacifier. When the baby was hungry, he independently put on a bib and ate porridge. The kid never got bored, as he knew how to play merrily with a rattle.

As a child, the kid loved to dance (at this moment a children's song sounds). But time flew by quickly, the kid changed his bonnet for a fashionable cap and bought glasses. Now he was fond of other music (contemporary music sounds here). And when the baby became quite an adult, he began to drink vodka and bite it with lemon.

And today the baby has a wedding and he decided to tell the audience about his childhood. Our charming bride helped him in this. Welcome! After these words, the screen is dropped and the newlyweds bow.

So we studied the question of how to make a “baby” wedding contest. But you can add any sentences to the text, it all depends on your imagination.

Wedding competition. The groom plays in the kid's competition.

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The scene "Baby" will make everyone laugh at the wedding

Incredibly funny scene "Baby" will amuse everyone present at the wedding. This performance will not be forgotten by the newlyweds or their guests. More often, this unforgettable show is prepared by the host of the wedding, appointing the bride and groom as participants.

But the scene is perfect as a gift to the bride and groom from friends. In principle, it is not particularly necessary to rehearse it, it is enough to discuss the details. For staging, a special screen is required. You need to take a large piece of cloth or sheets.

In the center of it, a slot is made for a children's suit or overalls. Bright clothes are sewn into the hole along the side seams from the neck to the beginning of the legs. Thus, on the front side of the screen is the front of the jumpsuit with loose sleeves and panties.

A vertical incision is made along the back of the garment. It should turn out so that you can put it into the neck of the overalls for front side screens head, and in sleeves and pants - hands. Booties or socks must be sewn to the panties below.

In addition to the screen, for the scene you will need various items that the "kid" will play with. Now let's create the baby. If the newlyweds participate in the skit, then two witnesses usually hold the screen. The groom sticks his head into the neck, and his hands into the legs of the "baby".

The bride, standing behind the groom, puts her hands into the sleeves of her jumpsuit. All this is done behind the scenes.

Very cheerful wedding contest "Baby"

Why did the "baby" come to the wedding (the essence of the scene)

So, everything is ready. The host announces the start of the show. Witnesses take out a stretched screen so that the guests cannot see the actors. It's good to go out to some kind of children's music (for example, from the movie "Mustached Nanny"). Then the music becomes quieter, and the host talks about the "baby" who came to the wedding. As the story progresses, the actors perform appropriate actions.

The first giggles are heard after the appearance of a completely adult guy in the form of a baby. But everyone just bursts into laughter when this "baby" tries to do what the host says. For example, the words “the baby puts on a hat” sound. The host's assistant on a tray gives the "baby" a cap. But!
The hands of the "baby" are the hands of the bride, who, because of the screen, does not see anything. Attempts to put a cap on the groom's head look very funny. And when the groom breaks down and begins to help the bride, the guests are already rolling with laughter. Indeed, from the side it seems as if the child is trying to dress with the help of his legs. Actually, this is how all the host's commands are beaten. It is important that the items that are served to the “baby” lie on the tray one at a time. The text talks about the "kid's" favorite dances.

It is advisable to rehearse these dances a little or at least discuss them. Enough to try behind the scenes to do the basic steps. Cross-claps look good: the right “handle” claps on the left “leg” and vice versa. Appropriate music is turned on during the dances. For a little "baby" the "Dance of the Little Ducklings" is suitable, for an adult - hip-hop or club tracks.

The text of the wedding scene "Baby"

The host of the skit announces: “Ladies and gentlemen!
An unusual guest came to our wedding!
Baby!" Witnesses come out with a screen and a "baby". Then the host reads the text, making pauses so that the actors have time to perform the necessary actions. Host: “Once upon a time, or maybe recently, a boy was born.

As soon as he was born, the midwife slapped him on the bottom, and the baby screamed. (The groom cries like a child, babbles merrily.) Then he began to jerk his arms and legs. Misha (the name of the groom) was a very obedient boy, and everyone praised him.

And he himself constantly repeated to himself: "I'm a good boy." (At these words, the "baby" strokes his head.) Misha grew rapidly. He learned to wear a hat to keep his ears warm. In order not to cry when mom was not around,
Misha sucked on a pacifier. If the boy was hungry, he put on his own bib and ate a delicious porridge from a bottle. Misha was never bored, because his favorite rattle was nearby, with which he played happily. IN kindergarten
Misha was very fond of dancing. (Children's music sounds.) Childhood quickly flew by,
Misha changed his bonnet for a cap and put on fashionable glasses.
Now he danced other dances. (Adult music is turned on.) When
Misha has matured completely, he wanted to drink a glass of vodka. Under the lemon.

And today our
Misha's wedding. He decided to tell all the guests about his childhood.
His charming bride helped him in this.
Tanya (name of the bride). Welcome!” At the last words, the newlyweds throw off the screen.

Incredibly funny scene "Baby" will amuse everyone present at the wedding. This performance will not be forgotten by the newlyweds or their guests.

More often, this unforgettable show is prepared by the host of the wedding, appointing the bride and groom as participants. But the scene is perfect as a gift to the bride and groom from friends. In principle, it is not particularly necessary to rehearse it, it is enough to discuss the details.

For staging, a special screen is required. You need to take a large piece of cloth or sheets. In the center of it, a slot is made for a children's suit or overalls. Bright clothes are sewn into the hole along the side seams from the neck to the beginning of the legs. Thus, on the front side of the screen is the front of the jumpsuit with loose sleeves and panties.

A vertical incision is made along the back of the garment. It should turn out so that you can put your head into the neck of the overalls on the front side of the screen, and hands into the sleeves and pants. Booties or socks must be sewn to the panties below. In addition to the screen, for the scene you will need various items that the "kid" will play with.

Now let's create the baby. If the newlyweds participate in the skit, then two witnesses usually hold the screen. The groom puts his head into the neck, and his hands into the legs of the “baby”. The bride, standing behind the groom, puts her hands into the sleeves of her jumpsuit. All this is done behind the scenes.

Why did the "baby" come to the wedding (the essence of the scene)

So, everything is ready. The host announces the start of the show. Witnesses take out a stretched screen so that the guests cannot see the actors. It’s good to go out to some children’s music (for example, from the movie “Mustachioed Nanny”). Then the music becomes quieter, and the host talks about the "baby" who came to the wedding. As the story progresses, the actors perform appropriate actions.

The first giggles are heard after the appearance of a completely adult guy in the form of a baby. But everyone just bursts into laughter when this "baby" tries to do what the host says. For example, the words “the baby puts on a hat” sound. The host's assistant on a tray gives the "baby" a cap. But! The hands of the “baby” are the hands of the bride, who, because of the screen, does not see anything. Attempts to put a cap on the groom's head look very funny. And when the groom breaks down and begins to help the bride, the guests are already rolling with laughter. Indeed, from the side it seems as if the child is trying to dress with the help of his legs. Actually, this is how all the host's commands are beaten. It is important that the items that are served to the “baby” lie on the tray one at a time.

The text talks about the "kid's" favorite dances. It is advisable to rehearse these dances a little or at least discuss them. Enough to try behind the scenes to do the basic steps. Cross-claps look good: the right “handle” claps on the left “leg” and vice versa. Appropriate music is turned on during the dances. For a little “baby”, the “Dance of the Little Ducklings” is suitable, for an adult - hip-hop or club tracks.

The text of the wedding scene "Baby"

The host of the skit announces: “Ladies and gentlemen! An unusual guest came to our wedding! Meet! Baby!" Witnesses come out with a screen and a "baby". Then the host reads the text, making pauses so that the actors have time to perform the necessary actions.

Host: “Once upon a time, or maybe recently, a boy was born. As soon as he was born, the midwife slapped him on the bottom, and the baby screamed. (The groom cries like a child, babbles merrily.) Then he began to jerk his arms and legs. Misha (the name of the groom) was a very obedient boy, and everyone praised him. And he himself constantly repeated to himself: "I'm a good boy." (At these words, the "baby" strokes his head.)

Misha grew up quickly. He learned to wear a hat to keep his ears warm. In order not to cry when his mother was not around, Misha sucked on a pacifier. If the boy was hungry, he put on his own bib and ate a delicious porridge from a bottle. Misha was never bored, because his favorite rattle was nearby, with which he played happily.

In kindergarten, Misha was very fond of dancing. (Children's music sounds.) Childhood passed quickly, Misha changed his bonnet for a cap, put on fashionable glasses. Now he danced other dances. (The "adult" music is turned on.) When Misha completely matured, he wanted to drink a glass of vodka. Under the lemon.

And today our Misha has a wedding. He decided to tell all the guests about his childhood. His charming bride Tanya (bride's name) helped him in this. Welcome!” At last words newlyweds throw off the screen.

You can add any other sentences to the text. For example, the groom loved to eat bananas, comb his hair, brush his teeth, sing songs and play the guitar. "Kid" can do everything that your fantasy tells you.

1. Original congratulations "Starfall of wishes"

Perhaps you will know your fate! (To the music, for example, "Star Country" "Happy birthday" or "We wish happiness
You ”- everyone takes turns tossing their stars with wishes, the birthday girl tries to catch them. Caught stars with wishes are read aloud to the hero of the day.

Fallen stars - the host, with the help of guests, collects and uses them in the next game moment - "Star Necklace"). Game moment "Star necklace". The guests are conditionally divided into 2 teams, each is given a star in their hands and a relay race is arranged: which of the teams from their stars, beautiful braid and paper clips will quickly collect and hand over their star necklace to the hero of the day.

Such an original congratulation for an anniversary with a star theme is especially good. 2. Congratulations on the anniversary of the woman "Portrait of a birthday girl."

(For this original congratulation, which is held at the table, you need to stock up on a frame with a blank sheet of paper and multi-colored markers or felt-tip pens): I propose not just to say congratulations, but to draw it, because each of us is an artist at heart. (A frame with a place for a future portrait and felt-tip pens are passed from guest to guest.

It is important for the presenter to unobtrusively manage the process so as not to lose dynamics and at the same time not to lose the expressiveness of the presentation of the poetic number) I ask you to draw in turn, what I will read about. But imagine the composition well - let's start with the face. And the portrait will be full-length, so that everyone complements the work of a neighbor, remembering that each of the guests must contribute to this masterpiece. Started! (under the number 1 - a portrait detail for the first guest, under the number 2 - for the second, etc., each draws his own and passes it on to the next. If there are more guests, you can offer to draw one detail in pairs) 1. Draw eyes
Irina is beautiful: Brown, sly and funny (given to neighbor) 2. Eyelashes shot up, right up to the eyebrows,
The look of these eyes has become more cheerful (given to neighbor) 3. We draw a nose with a curved comma .... Funny, looks like a funny question (given to neighbor) 4. And there is a place for a smile in a portrait,
The sweetest smile in the world (given to neighbor) 5. Let's paint the ruddy cheeks a little (given to neighbor) 6. Ears with a diamond, of course, decorate (given to neighbor) 7. We will cover the head with a fashionable hairstyle,
To become
Irina is like a queen... (given to neighbor) 8. Then draw a beautiful body (given to neighbor) 9. And skillful hands for every business (given to neighbor) Yes, not some, but better (given to neighbor) 11.

We will put the legs in fashionable shoes (given to neighbor) 12. We will draw a good heart for her (given to neighbor) 13. Still, let's draw a riddle inside her
Feminine zest - the sweetest!

(given to neighbor) 14. Beautiful voice
Ira will be rewarded
Besides musical - we want it that way (given to neighbor) 15. We draw a dress, well, very glamorous,
Top in ruffles, and bottom - openwork (given to neighbor) 16. Still in the hands of a crocodile bag (given to neighbor) 17. She has a cosmetic bag and a fashionable mobile phone (given to neighbor) 18.

Another card with a bank account,
In which zeros, well, simply, without taking into account (given to neighbor) 19. Draw next to
Iroy cool car (given to neighbor) 20. And a cottage by the sea, well, very large (given to neighbor) 21.

There is also a convenient garage next to the house. (given to neighbor) 22. And ready-made luggage for travel! (given to neighbor) 23.

At the top we write: "Happy birthday!" (given to neighbor) 24. And good wishes - we will not regret it! (given to neighbor) 25.

Let's draw flowers and fireworks in the corner! (given to neighbor) 26. We will hand over a portrait and
Kiss Irina! (They give a portrait as a gift, they offer to take a picture with a portrait)

3. Unusual congratulations to the woman "Soap opera".

This original congratulation is intended for the anniversary of a woman who loves to watch TV shows and melodramas. For him, you need to stock up on several bars of soap under the following names: "Baby", "Flowers of Love", "Family", "Baby", "Favorite", "Tar", "Grandma's Soap", "Berry" and "Dolce Vita". It is best to pack the soap in beautiful boxes or put it in a picturesque gift basket. If you can’t find a soap with the mentioned names, then it is quite possible to pick up something that is suitable in meaning.

“Practically every woman has a soft spot for soap operas. And let's make our birthday girl the main character of a fascinating series!
I'm sure the Oscar is in her pocket!
So, here is our beautiful heroine at the very beginning of her life path (give baby soap). She grows and flourishes, entering the most beautiful time of a girl's life - she falls in love (give "Flowers of Love"). Blooming like a beautiful flower, it becomes inimitable. And, naturally, the most worthy man appears on her horizon, who becomes her chosen one. (soap "Family"). Very little time passes, and the newlyweds become happy parents ("My baby") . The joint life of the spouses is full of mutual understanding and love. (give soap "Favorite"), but don't you think that everything is going a little too smoothly? After all, it does not happen!
That's why. Without going into details, let's add a fly in the ointment to this barrel of honey ("Tar"). Moreover, after quarrels, reconciliation is so sweet. Time runs.

Like a good mother, our birthday girl at one point becomes just a great granny ("Grandma's soap"). Finally, a moment comes in her life when she can live for herself and her beloved husband, because the time, rich in everyday difficulties and problems, has passed, and she herself has reached her peak - her 45th birthday!
And how do people say? Right!
At 45, a woman is a berry again! (give soap "Berry"). However, the end of our "soap opera" means only the beginning of the sweet life. (the line of soap "Dolce Vita")!" If you want to arrange such a “soapy” surprise for a woman with a different anniversary date, just rewrite the end of the story by replacing the “Berry” soap, for example, with the “Flower” or “Autumn Garden” soap.

4. Congratulation - a joke "The best gift for a girl is "Vasya." To carry out this comic congratulations P preliminarily draw on a sheet of whatman paper
Vasya according to your own taste. The main thing is that it should be the size of a human height.

We paint over the left ear with red, but from above we cover it with the same organ of hearing, only flesh-colored (we attach this false ear to double-sided tape). Doing
Vasya and removable underpants, whatever frivolous colors you want, we fasten in the same manner over quite decent underpants, for example, with the inscription "Happy Birthday!".
Before unwrapping the “gift”, you can arrange a poll among the guests (like a musical hat), approach several guests and ask what gift is best for a girl to give, and the DJ turns on various cuts of songs in turn: “Girls' best friends are diamonds”, “Cinema, wine and dominoes…”, “This dark cherry shawl” and others, and the last one will be “Of course,
Vasya. Vasya,
Vasya. Well, who doesn't know him? Vasya,
Vasya .. ”- with this answer, present “Vasya” in all its splendor and read out to the hero of the occasion instructions for its use: 1. Vasya does not take up much space, is compact and convenient, an indispensable assistant in the household and everyday life 2. After all
Vasya will always greet you with a mysterious smile and, of course, will not ask: “Where have you been?! 3. When everything went wrong and you want to “just tear and throw” - Vasya is always at hand to throw darts and plates at him - he still won’t be offended.

4. If you are bored and have nothing to do, you can
Vasya ... colorize! 5. Vasya is muscular, so when you return home late, you can safely take him with you. It will protect you from any misfortunes (just roll it into a tight tube beforehand)! 6. Vasya can put a flashlight under his eye, and your house will always be light! 7. Vasya can be used as a lie detector, because when you lie in his presence, his left ear turns red (At these words, we remove the removable ear). 8. Also
Vasya can be dressed and undressed (the upper shorts are removed with a slight movement of the hand, but under them there are others with the inscription "Happy Birthday!" or "I love you!")" Then "Vasya" can be twisted and, tied with a gift ribbon, handed to the birthday girl, turning on the group's song again
Bravo, of course.
5. Beautiful congratulations Happy Anniversary Sand Ceremony. For the sand ceremony, colored sand is used, painted with dry gouache or school chalk.

Several basic colors are chosen, which carry a symbolic meaning: green means health, yellow - optimism, red - love, blue - self-confidence, purple - spiritual enlightenment, and so on. Salt of different colors is poured into small containers; you can use gravy boats, beautifully decorated glasses, goblets, vases. It is necessary to prepare another, larger container, where, mixing different colors, the congratulation participants will pour colored salt. It can be an elegant bottle, a decorative vase or a flow jar made of transparent material. The main thing is that it is hermetically sealed.

The sand ceremony itself consists of the fact that the relatives of the hero of the day are invited to choose salt of the color whose symbolic meaning coincides with the main wish of the relative. Beautiful background music is turned on, and relatives take turns pouring salt into a common container for everyone, each in the proportion in which he wishes the birthday man health, love or spiritual enlightenment.

It turns out very beautifully: inside the glass vessel, peculiar swirls are created from multi-colored salt. Then the result of the sand ceremony is presented to the hero of the day as a keepsake with Best wishes. (Also, as a beautiful and lyrical moment, you can arrange an original congratulation "Family Hearth" on a woman's anniversary) 6. Comic "heartfelt" congratulations from guests - men (For congratulations to two or three men, distribute the words, dividing the text and saying who is behind whom and to each give a souvenir heart to the birthday girl, which they will hand over to the culprit at the end)(Come on, play this role) - (beckon someone with your finger) Clutching the hair like a harness,
Shouts lingeringly “Iiigo-go” (the guest gets on all fours, the hero of the day sits on him) This concludes the report
And let's say together to our hero of the day --------, with

Anniversary scene - for a man

The hero of the day and his wife participate in the scene - congratulations. You will need: a bonnet (home-made to be sewn so that you can put it on the hero of the day), a bib, a pacifier (they come in the form of a candy), a banana, a bottle of milk, a comb, a toothbrush (new). Pampers are not needed!

Props: 1 option - a baby drawn or printed on whatman paper and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head is cut out, where the hero of the day will stick his head to participate in the action. Also cuts in the area of ​​​​the hands - the wife will stick the hands. See the picture below.

Option 2 - not painted, but two large holes are cut into the old sheet. Upper - for the head of the hero of the day (appropriate size). lower by 10 - 15 cm the second, larger.

The second "hole" is covered by an old children's jumpsuit, which has no back. There is no overalls - you can sew on a vest (fastener at the back) and sliders. Two (the tallest guests) hold a screen - a sheet, the hero of the day sits on a chair, sticks his head into the upper hole, and his hands into the sliders (they become the baby's legs). The wife of the hero of the day stands behind him and puts her hands into the vest (baby's hands). Presenter: (text similar to the previous one)

Wedding contest kid

By right, the “baby” contest is considered the coolest contest at a wedding. The scene played out will make everyone present at the wedding laugh. Most often, this competition is hosted by the host, but it can also be presented as a gift to young people.

So, baby wedding contest how to do?

Wedding contest kid

Creating a screen

To play this scene, you need to make a special screen. To do this, a piece of fabric is taken, a slot is made in the center - this will be the head. Then a bright, children's suit is selected, and sewn to the canvas.

Where the sleeves are, it is also necessary to make incisions so that you can stick your hands into them. The same is done for the legs. At the bottom, to the panties, booties should be sewn in order to completely create the image of the baby. In addition, it will be necessary to pick up the items necessary for the scene.

The essence of the scene

The presenter announces the competition, the witnesses bring the prepared screen onto the stage, preferably under some kind of children's motive. The groom, on the other side of the screen, puts his head through the slot, and the bride puts her hands through the hand slot.

The host commands: “the baby puts on a hat”, the bride is given a cap in her hands, and she, not seeing the groom’s head, tries to put it on. Believe me, it looks extremely funny, especially when the groom gets tired of these manipulations, and he begins to help the bride. After all, the groom stuffs his hands into the slits for the legs and tries to put on a cap with them. Thus, all the commands of the leader are beaten.

Scenario of the competition "baby"

The wedding competition baby is embodied in reality according to the script. We bring to your attention one of them. The host announces: “Dear guests!
Among us is an unusual guest. welcome,
Baby!" At this moment the screen is brought out and the actors take their positions. Further, while reading the text, the presenter pauses, and the actors perform all the necessary actions at this moment. Host: “Not so long ago, one baby was born.

And as soon as he was born, the doctor slapped him on the ass, and he screamed (at this moment the groom starts to babble and cry). Then he began to twitch his legs and arms. The kid (here it is better to use the name of the groom), was an obedient boy. He himself said to himself - I'm a good boy (at this moment the groom strokes his head). (Name of the groom) grew up quickly and so that his ears would not freeze, he learned to put on a hat. When mom was not there, in order not to cry, he sucked on a pacifier. When the baby was hungry, he independently put on a bib and ate porridge. The kid never got bored, as he knew how to play merrily with a rattle.

As a child, the kid loved to dance (at this moment a children's song sounds). But time flew by quickly, the kid changed his bonnet for a fashionable cap and bought glasses. Now he was fond of other music (contemporary music sounds here). And when the baby became quite an adult, he began to drink vodka and bite it with lemon.

And today the baby has a wedding and he decided to tell the audience about his childhood. Our charming bride helped him in this. Welcome! After these words, the screen is dropped and the newlyweds bow.

So we studied the question of how to make a “baby” wedding contest. But you can add any sentences to the text, it all depends on your imagination.

Wedding competition. The groom plays in the kid's competition.

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The scene "Baby" will make everyone laugh at the wedding

Incredibly funny scene "Baby" will amuse everyone present at the wedding. This performance will not be forgotten by the newlyweds or their guests. More often, this unforgettable show is prepared by the host of the wedding, appointing the bride and groom as participants.

But the scene is perfect as a gift to the bride and groom from friends. In principle, it is not particularly necessary to rehearse it, it is enough to discuss the details. For staging, a special screen is required. You need to take a large piece of cloth or sheets.

In the center of it, a slot is made for a children's suit or overalls. Bright clothes are sewn into the hole along the side seams from the neck to the beginning of the legs. Thus, on the front side of the screen is the front of the jumpsuit with loose sleeves and panties.

A vertical incision is made along the back of the garment. It should turn out so that you can put your head into the neck of the overalls on the front side of the screen, and hands into the sleeves and pants. Booties or socks must be sewn to the panties below.

In addition to the screen, for the scene you will need various items that the "kid" will play with. Now let's create the baby. If the newlyweds participate in the skit, then two witnesses usually hold the screen. The groom sticks his head into the neck, and his hands into the legs of the "baby".

The bride, standing behind the groom, puts her hands into the sleeves of her jumpsuit. All this is done behind the scenes.

Very cheerful wedding contest "Baby"

Why did the "baby" come to the wedding (the essence of the scene)

So, everything is ready. The host announces the start of the show. Witnesses take out a stretched screen so that the guests cannot see the actors. It's good to go out to some kind of children's music (for example, from the movie "Mustached Nanny"). Then the music becomes quieter, and the host talks about the "baby" who came to the wedding. As the story progresses, the actors perform appropriate actions.

The first giggles are heard after the appearance of a completely adult guy in the form of a baby. But everyone just bursts into laughter when this "baby" tries to do what the host says. For example, the words “the baby puts on a hat” sound. The host's assistant on a tray gives the "baby" a cap. But!
The hands of the "baby" are the hands of the bride, who, because of the screen, does not see anything. Attempts to put a cap on the groom's head look very funny. And when the groom breaks down and begins to help the bride, the guests are already rolling with laughter. Indeed, from the side it seems as if the child is trying to dress with the help of his legs. Actually, this is how all the host's commands are beaten. It is important that the items that are served to the “baby” lie on the tray one at a time. The text talks about the "kid's" favorite dances.

It is advisable to rehearse these dances a little or at least discuss them. Enough to try behind the scenes to do the basic steps. Cross-claps look good: the right “handle” claps on the left “leg” and vice versa. Appropriate music is turned on during the dances. For a little "baby" the "Dance of the Little Ducklings" is suitable, for an adult - hip-hop or club tracks.

The text of the wedding scene "Baby"

The host of the skit announces: “Ladies and gentlemen!
An unusual guest came to our wedding!
Baby!" Witnesses come out with a screen and a "baby". Then the host reads the text, making pauses so that the actors have time to perform the necessary actions. Host: “Once upon a time, or maybe recently, a boy was born.

As soon as he was born, the midwife slapped him on the bottom, and the baby screamed. (The groom cries like a child, babbles merrily.) Then he began to jerk his arms and legs. Misha (the name of the groom) was a very obedient boy, and everyone praised him.

And he himself constantly repeated to himself: "I'm a good boy." (At these words, the "baby" strokes his head.) Misha grew rapidly. He learned to wear a hat to keep his ears warm. In order not to cry when mom was not around,
Misha sucked on a pacifier. If the boy was hungry, he put on his own bib and ate a delicious porridge from a bottle. Misha was never bored, because his favorite rattle was nearby, with which he played happily. In kindergarten
Misha was very fond of dancing. (Children's music sounds.) Childhood quickly flew by,
Misha changed his bonnet for a cap and put on fashionable glasses.
Now he danced other dances. (Adult music is turned on.) When
Misha has matured completely, he wanted to drink a glass of vodka. Under the lemon.

And today our
Misha's wedding. He decided to tell all the guests about his childhood.
His charming bride helped him in this.
Tanya (name of the bride). Welcome!” At the last words, the newlyweds throw off the screen.

Will always be useful to the leader.

Scene-congratulations "Kid and Carlson on the anniversary"


Leading: And now, our dear hero of the day, an unusual surprise for you.
Today your childhood friends came to congratulate you, namely Carlson and the baby. (a children's song about Carlson sounds in the hall, Carlson flies in, followed by a baby).

Kid: Wow, Carloson, Carloson, look, in my opinion, we got to some kind of holiday. How many people are there? Carlson, where did you bring me?

Carlson: Baby a moment of patience. We are sorry! We decided to fly here and accidentally came to you. (Carlson introduces himself) Meet my friend - baby. And I am Carlson - a brave, well-fed, well-mannered man, in the prime of his life. I've heard you have an anniversary today (referring to the hero of the day). Well, well, my friend and I came to congratulate you (Carlson pulls the baby’s hand closer to the hero of the day).

Carlson: Our dear hero of the day,
Congratulations, I promise
I give my gift
Just promise me to treat them.

(Carlson gives a jar of raspberry jam).

Kid: Anniversary - dear,
The best and dearest
Congratulations and congratulations
My gift for you
I give you love
He is very soft
Delicious and sweet. (the kid gives a beautiful birthday cake).

Leading: Well, then join us at the table,
We'll serve you lemonade. (Carlson and the baby sit down at the table with pleasure).
Carlson: Fuu, you have a bitter holiday, there are no fruits, no sweets, no jam on the table. What do you eat? From your food, one disappointment. (Carlson says touchily).

(The hero of the day treats Carlson and the baby with something tasty and sweet).

Carlson: Thank you, dear hero of the day, for the treat and for the comfort.

Kid: Yes, yes, thank you!

Carlson: Ah, now let us congratulate you one more time. (The kid and Carlson leave the table. The kid plays the harmonica, and Carlson sings happy birthday ditties).

Carlson: You take an example from me,
Eat jam to hell
And in the prime of life then,
You will always be like me.

Carlson: To cheer up the heart,
Gotta love sweets
You will always be healthy
Eat a lot of cakes.

Carlson: Oh, I also want to wish
Live your life for five.
Be happy, don't be sick
Take your friends!

Leading: Well, thanks to our dear Carlson and baby. And now let's sit down at the table and raise our glasses to the fact that our dear hero of the day has such wonderful friends. (everyone sits down at the table, raises their glasses and sings, suddenly the housekeeper appears in the hall).

Housekeeper: Oh, what's going on here, did our Carlson decide to get drunk? Well, and you, baby, what are you sitting here, this evening is clearly not for you, come on, let's go home soon. You will get a strap from me, for such a disgrace not in vain. (turns to the baby. The baby hides behind Carlson).

Carlson: Wait, don't scold your aunt,
Happy birthday uncle! (points to the hero of the day).

Anniversary, please pour it for her, as soon as possible. (the hero of the day pours a glass of vodka and gives it to the housekeeper. She sings).

Housekeeper: Ohhh, it's good that I came to you here. I'm really tired of doing things. I would like to join you here. Well, pour me some more, I want to tell you a toast. (Another glass of vodka is poured, and the housekeeper says a toast).

Housekeeper: I come from the USSR,
But boredom is not my lot.
I don't sit idle
I watch everything all day
I'm never bored
Because I'm always busy.
So I wish you
I don't sit idle
And always look after everything
And then boredom won't overwhelm you.
So let's drink for you
Happy Anniversary Now! (all guests sing together).

Housekeeper: Ah, now forgive us, we have to go home now. (the housekeeper will take the baby and Carlson with her).

Kid: (turns to Carlson) Start the engine,
"We are flying"!

Carlson: Goodbye, we will visit you again.

Host: Well, goodbye! Goodbye, we look forward to seeing you on your next birthday!

At the wedding, it is considered a contest "baby". The scene played out will make everyone present at the wedding laugh. Most often, this competition is hosted by the host, but it can also be presented as a gift to young people. So, wedding contest baby how to do?

Creating a screen

To play this scene, you need to make a special screen. To do this, a piece of fabric is taken, a slot is made in the center - this will be the head. Then a bright, children's suit is selected, and sewn to the canvas. Where the sleeves are, it is also necessary to make incisions so that you can stick your hands into them. The same is done for the legs. At the bottom, to the panties, booties should be sewn in order to completely create the image of the baby. In addition, it will be necessary to pick up the items necessary for the scene.

There are almost no cuts or inexplicable gaps on time. The great innovation of Blue Clues is something called "pause". Steve asks a question and then pauses for about five seconds for the viewer to shout out the answer. Young children feel much more engaged and invested when they think they have a role to play, when they feel they are really helping Steve and Blue put the clues together. A longitudinal study of children over 2 and a half years of age found that those who watched Blue Clues had significantly increased gains in flexible thinking and problem solving over the two years of watching the show.

The essence of the scene

The presenter announces the competition, the witnesses bring the prepared screen onto the stage, preferably under some kind of children's motive. The groom, on the other side of the screen, puts his head through the slot, and the bride puts her hands through the hand slot. The host commands: “the baby puts on a hat”, the bride is given a cap in her hands, and she, not seeing the groom’s head, tries to put it on. Believe me, it looks extremely funny, especially when the groom gets tired of these manipulations, and he begins to help the bride. After all, the groom stuffs his hands into the slits for the legs and tries to put on a cap with them. Thus, all the commands of the leader are beaten.

However, for children, the situation is somewhat different. Children under 2 and a half show what researchers call "video scarcity". This means they have much easier time processing information provided by a real person than the person on the videotape. In one series of studies by Georgen Troset, a developmental psychologist at Vanderbilt University, children watched a live video monitor as a man in the next room hid a stuffed dog. Others watched the same scene play out right through the window between the rooms.

Scenario of the competition "baby"

The wedding competition baby is embodied in reality according to the script. We bring to your attention one of them. The host announces: “Dear guests! Among us is an unusual guest. Welcome, Baby! At this moment the screen is brought out and the actors take their positions. Further, while reading the text, the presenter pauses, and the actors perform all the necessary actions at this moment.

The children were then untied into the room to find the toy. Almost all of the children who considered hiding in the window found the toy, but those who looked at the monitor had a much harder time. The natural assumption is that toddlers do not yet have the cognitive ability to deal with symbolic representation. But there is another way to interpret this particular stage of development. Toddlers can search for what researchers call "socially relevant information." They tune in to people and situations that help them create a coherent narrative of the world around them.

Host: “Not so long ago, one baby was born. And as soon as he was born, the doctor slapped him on the ass, and he screamed (the groom at this moment begins to mumble and cry). Then he began to twitch his legs and arms. The kid (here it is better to use the name of the groom) was an obedient boy. He himself said to himself - I'm a good boy (at this moment the groom strokes his head). (Name of the groom) grew up quickly and so that his ears would not freeze, he learned to put on a hat. When mom was not there, in order not to cry, he sucked on a pacifier. When the baby was hungry, he independently put on a bib and ate porridge. The kid never got bored, as he knew how to play merrily with a rattle.

The real world smells like fresh grass and popcorn, and adults smile at you or say something back when you ask them a question. She turned the puppy into a stuffed Piglet. More importantly, she made an interactive demo of the video. The kids and their parents entered the room where they could see the person - the researcher - on the monitor. The researcher was in the room where Piglet was hidden and, in turn, could see the children on the monitor. Before hiding Piglet, the researcher effectively assisted the children in a form of media education.

As a child, the kid loved to dance (at this moment a children's song sounds). But time flew by quickly, the kid changed his bonnet for a fashionable cap and bought glasses. Now he was fond of other music (contemporary music sounds here). And when the baby became quite an adult, he began to drink vodka and bite it with lemon.

And today the baby has a wedding and he decided to tell the audience about his childhood. Our charming bride helped him in this. Welcome! After these words, the screen is dropped and the newlyweds bow.

She asked them questions about her siblings, pets and toys. She played Simon Says with them and invited them to sing popular songs with her. She told them to look for a sticker under a chair in her room. She gave them the distinct impression that she - that person on the screen - could interact with them and that what she had to say was related to the world they lived in. The researcher then told the children that she was going to hide the toy and, after she had done so, returned to the screen to give them directions on where to find it.

So we studied the question of how to make a “baby” wedding contest. But you can add any sentences to the text, it all depends on your imagination.

This scene will be a bright decoration of the holiday. And most importantly, it does not involve guests, but the heroes of the occasion. To bring the scene to life, you need to prepare in advance a canvas with a slot in which there will be a hole such that a head crawls through. And also sew on sliders and a vest. Separately, there should be a children's hat, the main thing is that it be large.

This exchange was enough to almost erase the video deficit. Most of the toddlers who participated in the live video demonstration found the toy. The blue clues were on the right track. The pause might have fooled the kids into thinking that Steve was reacting to them. But the holy grail would be creating a scenario where the guy on screen actually responded, where the kid was doing something and the character was reliably jumping or laughing or dancing or talking.

This conditional interaction is what fascinates the toddler and can be an important source of learning even for very young children - learning that researchers hope children can be transported into the real world. The American Academy of Pediatrics is looking for the perfect social partner.

Young people follow orders. The bride is responsible for the hands, the groom is responsible for the legs. The preparation takes place outside the hall, and the already dressed up bride and groom are led out behind a screen by witnesses. When everyone is dressed up and entered the hall, the action begins, the presenter begins to read the text.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! An unusual guest came to our wedding! Meet! Baby!".

Props for the competition Kid

It is certainly not a parent or guardian. Gideon is one of their research items. This study is designed to test whether a child can learn more when the information they hear comes from a loved and trusted source. They point him to the one they invented for the experiment, and he obediently opens it with his finger. Gideon hardly recognizes him. The narrator then introduces Elmo. Hello, says Elmo, waving.

An easy way to make children's reading books

An image appears on the screen and the narrator asks, "What is this?". It's a banana, says DoDo. My little darling knows what a banana is. However, he is attuned to the cues of the baby's world and seems to have somehow figured out that Elmo is the ultimate moral authority. His relationship with Elmo is more important to him than what he knows to be true.

Ay, what a baby, greet us a little.
And how good he is, he looks like Andryushenka.
Eyes, legs - everything is right in dad, but pens in our mom.
Here the baby woke up with us, like a chick started up.
And in order to be clean and well, he ran rather to the bath.
He took the brush in his hands and brushed his teeth.
He wet his face and body, and wiped himself with a towel.

In the game and the game is on, and sometimes Gideon chooses Elmo even when Elmo says that an orange is a pear. As it happens, Gideon was not in the majority. But Calvert says that just goes to show that toddlers are even more advanced users of technology than we imagined. She worked on attachment theory and thought that toddlers could appreciate emotional bonding over the correct answer.

But her hunch is that something touching the screen, receiving feedback and real-time correction is itself educational and allows toddlers to accurately perceive information regardless of its source. Calvert has a balanced view of technology: she works in an office surrounded by hardcover books and occasionally edits her drafts with pen and paper.

To frolic all day, you need to eat tightly.
He went to the kitchenette and found a banana there.
He ate a little yogurt, as my mother taught with a spoon.
I ate everything with a sandwich, and drank water from a mug.
Our kid caught the enthusiasm and went to the yard.
There is a crowd of people in the yard, does not allow him to pass.

And in order not to just stand, our baby began to dance.
The kid got a little tired, wiped sweat from his forehead, from his navel.
I scratched my paw a little, and went home to bed.
He is happy, he is loved - dad and mom are next to him.

People say we experiment with our children, she told me. But, from my point of view, it has already happened, and there is no way to bring it back. Children's lives are filled with media at a younger and younger age and we need to take advantage of these technologies.

Can they convey what they learn in the real world? What impact does interactivity have on learning? All worthy questions, and important ones, but they are all fully considered from the point of view of an adult. If little kids had more information, many Education apps would logically fall under the category of Kids or Kids Games. Ovmar, an interactive design expert, describes himself as someone who never grew up.