The authorities of the Moscow region acquainted the Russians with places for bathing for baptism, media. Dipped? Forget social media! Or what not to do on the feast of Epiphany

  • 14.10.2019

According to the established tradition, January is full various holidays, including the Orthodox. After the New Year comes Christmas, then Christmas time, which ends with the feast of the Epiphany. The holiday is celebrated invariably every year on January 19th.

For many of us, it is significant for the traditional baptismal rite - swimming in the hole. If you haven't taken this bold step yet, you will soon be able to. It is believed that it is at this time that water has a special power, therefore, having a swim, you can gain health for the whole year.

Bathing at Epiphany in Moscow

Muscovites and guests of the capital have long observed the traditions of Epiphany bathing - on the reservoirs, regardless of weather conditions, on January 19, thousands of people who want to plunge into the hole gather. For the convenience of citizens, bathing points are created in each individual district of the city. Locker rooms and points of sale for hot drinks are equipped next to them, doctors and rescuers are on duty to avoid injuries or other accidents.

Epiphany water has healing properties- heals ailments and spiritual wounds, gives protection from the evil eye and other people's unkind thoughts, and therefore the ritual of bathing for baptism is practically sacred for every believer.

Those who cannot plunge into the hole for objective reasons try to at least take a bath at home on the night of baptism in order to cleanse themselves of sins and receive the blessing of heaven on next year.

Where to swim in Moscow for Epiphany on January 19, 2019

One of main tradition holy feast of Epiphany are mass bathing in ponds or fonts. A huge cross is carved into the ice, and the clergy consecrate these fonts. On this page you will find full list places in Moscow where you can swim at Epiphany.

About 60 bathing fonts will open in Moscow. It will be possible to plunge into the hole from 18:00 on January 18 to 18:00 on January 19. This was announced by Deputy Mayor for Housing and Communal Services and Improvement Pyotr Biryukov at a meeting of the Presidium of the Moscow Government.

Places of Epiphany bathing are equipped with floorings with anti-slip coatings. Locker rooms, heating points and mobile toilets will be installed here. Each site will be lit, and parking will be organized nearby. In addition, teams will be assigned to each bathing area for timely cleaning.

Police officers will ensure security both in the territories of temples and in bathing places. Also, ambulance crews will be on duty at each swimming area, hot food and temporary trade points will open.

How to bathe in Epiphany

Epiphany bathing is a tradition that a huge number of believers adhere to from year to year.
But in order for bathing on a holiday to really benefit, it should be done, adhering to important rules.

Make sure your body is ready for swimming in such cold conditions. To do this, you should visit a doctor and consult with him, as well as pass all the necessary tests and tests.

  • Choose a good, proven place for swimming. The hole should not be too deep and fenced in the proper places so that someone does not accidentally fall into it.
  • Warm up well before the bathing procedure itself: run in place, squat, etc. But you should know the measure, you do not need to be very zealous. But in no case do not use alcohol to warm the body! You will get a false heat effect, but immediately after entering the water you will start to freeze even faster.
  • According to the tradition of Orthodoxy, a true believer should plunge into the hole with his head three times. However, not everyone takes such a risk, and not without reason, because this is a rather dangerous action for the health of the head. In addition, swimming

Baptism is considered a tradition, therefore, not completely dipping into an ice hole will not be considered a sin.

  • Do not linger in the hole longer than the allotted time if you feel a surge of pleasure. Such sensations are just a reaction of your body to the cold temperature of the water. Even an extra minute in such cold water may be sufficient to cause harm to human health.
  • Warm up immediately after swimming. Dry yourself from head to toe with a towel and put on dry clothes as soon as possible. Then be sure to drink some kind of warming drink, for example, tea or coffee from a thermos.

Attention! Doctors categorically forbid children to swim in the cold! Young children, especially infants, have an imperfect thermoregulation system. Frostbite can happen very quickly and parents simply do not have time to notice it. The consequences of such bathing can be very serious: the child may get pneumonia, meningitis, or another disease of the central nervous system.

What you need for swimming in the hole

  1. towel and bathrobe, a set of dry clothes;
  2. swimming trunks or swimsuit (underwear, shirt);
  3. slippers so as not to hurt your feet, just so that they do not slip on the ice,
  4. rubber cap.

A complete list of places for swimming in Moscow and the Moscow region in 2019

No. p / p An object The address Number of holes Number of hot tubs
1 Temple on Pure Vrazhek per. 1st Truzhennikov, 8 - 1
1 Big Garden Pond B. Academic, st. 47 1 -
2 Coastal passage, 1-7 1 -
3 Water area of ​​the Khimki reservoir Leningradskoe shosse, 47-49 1 -
1 Palace Pond Between st. Academician Korolyov and 1st Ostankinskaya 1 -
1 Lake "Holy" st. Orangery, 18 3 -
2 Lake "White" l. Zaozernaya, d.2-6 2 -
3 Recreation area "Terletskaya oak forest", Alder pond Svobodny Ave, 9 2 -
4 red pond Izmailovsky Forest Park, Main Alley 1 -
5 Font "Vernisazhv Izmailovo" Izmailovskoe sh., 73Zh - 1
6 Babaevsky Pond st. Kurganskaya, d.5-9 1 -
7 deer pond Sokolniki Park 2 -
1 Shibaevsky pond st. District property 14 1 -
1 Tsaritsyno Pond st. Dolskaya, 1 2 -
2 Pond Becket Zagorodnoye highway, 2 1 -
3 Borisov Ponds st. Borisovskiye Prudy, 2g 2 -
1 Vorontsovsky pond st. Ak. Pilyugina, 1 1 -
2 Pond of the sanatorium "Uzkoe" st. Profsoyuznaya 123B 1 -
3 Troparevsky pond st. Academician Vinogradova d.7 1 -
4 Pond on Nakhimovsky Prospekt Nakhimovsky prospect, 8 2 -
5 Chernevsky Pond (decorative pond No. 1) st. Yuzhnobutovskaya, 62 1 -
6 Pond on the Temple grounds St. Nikolay Sirotkina, 28 "a" 1 -
1 Meshchersky Pond st. Voskresenskaya d.3a 1 -
2 Moskva river Pos. Rublevo, st. V. Botyleva d.41 1 -
3 Moskva river st. B. Filevskaya, 40 a 1 -
4 Moskva river Filevsky Boulevard, 21 1 -
1 landscape park st. Baryshikha ow. 4 1 -
2 Pond in the village Rozhdestveno Pond in the village Rozhdestveno

(behind the Church of the Nativity), Mitino district

1 -
3 Kirov floodplain st. Isakovsky ow. 2 1 -
4 Lake Bezdonnoe st. Tamanskaya, 91 1 -
5 Moskva river Karamyshevskaya emb., 13-15 1 -
6 PIK "Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo" Natural and Historical Park "Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo" Pond No. 4 on the Chernushka River 1 -
7 PKiO "Northern Tushino" st. Freedom d. 56 1 -
8 Stroginskaya floodplain, Moscow river st. Tvardovsky ow. 16 bldg. 3 3 -
9 Derivative channel (left bank) st. Boat ow. nineteen 1 -
10 Derivative channel (right bank) st. Malaya Embankment, 3, building 1 1 -
11 Embankment of the Moscow River (left bank) st. Picturesque d. 50 1 -
1 Lake "School" 10 microdistrict, Filaretovskaya street, next to the beach area 1 -
2 Lake "Black" 6 microdistrict, Lesnyye Prudy alley near building 621 A, font on the western side 1 -
1 Holy spring and chapel-font in honor of the icon of the Mother of God of Kazan Settlement Vnukovskoe village. DSK "Michurinets", st. Arseny Tarkovsky, next to the river. Setun - 1
2 Church of the Intercession Holy Mother of God Settlement Voronovskoe with. Pokrovskoe 1 -
3 Trinity Church d / o Resurrection Settlement Voskresenskoye, pos. Resurrection, d / o "Resurrection" 1 -
4 Font at the source near the village of Evseevo-Kuvekino Settlement Desenovskoye, d. Evseevo-Kuvekino - 1
5 village Tovarishchevo, Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God Settlement Klenovskoye, village Tovarishchevo - 1
6 Pond on the river Treshnya Settlement Klenovskoe, village Chernetskoe 1 -
7 Epiphany font Settlement Krasnopakhorskoe, with. Bylovo, a pond near the Archangel Michael Church 1 -
8 d. Marushkino people's park "Brook" Settlement Marushkinskoye, d. Marushkino, People's Park "Rucheyok" 1 -
9 Bolshoye Svinoryeu Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands Settlement Marushkinskoye, d. Big Pig, near the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands 1 -
10 Church of the New Martyrs of Podolsk in Shishkin Forest Settlement Mikhailovo-Yartsevskoye, Shishkin Les, 43 - 1
11 Temple St. Sergius Radonezh Pos. d / o Pleskovo, on the territory of LLC "New Construction" - 1
12 Settlement Moskovsky, settlement of Ulyanovsk forest park, block 30, LLC "Gloria" settlement Moscow, settlement of the Ulyanovsk forest park,

quarter 30, LLC "Gloria"

Temple-chapel of the Icon of the Mother of God "Fadeless Color"

1 -
13 The middle pond of the Troitskoye Estate cascade settlement Mosrentgen, near house number 39 1 -
14 n. Pervomaivskoe, der. Puchkovo, Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God Settlement Pervomayskoe, village Puchkovo - 1
15 d.Vasyunino, Church of the Holy Trinity Trinity Church d.Vasyunino - 1
16 R. "Desna" within the boundaries of the city of Troitsk Recreation area "Zarechye" G.o. Troitsk, Recreation area "Zarechye" 2 -
17 Pond in the village of Knutovo Settlement Filimonkovskoe, d. Knutovo 1 -
18 Font in the village of Oznobishino Schapovskoye settlement, Oznobishino village, near the Church of the Holy Trinity 1
19 temple complex icons Mother of God"The Tsaritsa" and the Holy Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth in Shcherbinka Shcherbinka, Zheleznodorozhnaya st., 15 - 1
20 Pond in the village Epiphany settlement Voronovskoye, Church of the Epiphany, p. Epiphany 1 -

A Brief History of the Feast of the Epiphany

The rite of baptism of Christ at his request was performed by John the Baptist. During the baptism in the Jordan River, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove. At the same time, a Voice from Heaven proclaimed, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

According to Christian teachings, it was on this day that God appeared in three persons: God the Father - in the voice, the Son of God - in the flesh, the Holy Spirit - in the form of a dove. Therefore, the feast of Baptism is often called the Epiphany. The feast of the Baptism of the Lord is very important. It is believed that it was baptism that revealed the Savior to the world, who took upon himself all the sins of mankind. John Chrysostom wrote about this.

And it was from the moment of baptism that Jesus began to preach the word of God and enlighten people.

Until now, the main traditions of the Epiphany holiday are associated with water. And the clergy on the feast of Epiphany, according to tradition, dresses in white robes.

The celebration of the Epiphany (January 19) begins the day before - January 18. This day is called Epiphany Christmas Eve, as well as Hungry Kutia. By analogy with Christmas Eve, on the day before the feast of the Epiphany, a strict fast must be observed.

Also on the eve of the feast of the Epiphany, the Orthodox prepared Lenten kutya. The festive dinner on Epiphany Christmas Eve was called "hungry kutya". Kutya, pancakes, oatmeal jelly were an obligatory dish of this meal.

Kutya, kolivo, eve - a ritual memorial dish of the Slavs, porridge cooked from whole grains of wheat (barley, rice - Saracen millet or other cereals), poured with honey, honey satiety or sugar, with the addition of poppy seeds, raisins, nuts, milk or jam.

important event Baptism of the Lord and Theophany is the blessing of water. On a river or on a lake, a cruciform polynya, called the Jordan, is cut in advance in the ice. With the onset of midnight, the priests bless the water in the polynya, and the faithful take a bath in holy water.

People are not afraid of the cold, because bathing at Epiphany is a symbolic cleansing from sins, a spiritual rebirth. The faithful are looking forward to the Feast of the Epiphany, and when the Baptism of the Lord comes, the Orthodox must visit the church to remember the miraculous event that changed the world.

Video: Baptism of the Lord - signs and superstitions on January 19

On the night of January 19, the ceremony of Epiphany bathing will take place. Events will be held from 18:00 on January 18 to 12:00 on January 19. It is expected that about 130 thousand people will take part in the ceremony. If there are more applicants, the opening hours of the sites will be extended. About where you can swim on the night of Epiphany - in our material.


  • Temple on Pure Vrazhek.
  • Big Garden Pond;
  • Coastal passage, vl.7;
  • Water stadium "Dynamo".
  • Palace Pond.

All places for Epiphany bathing with safe approaches and descents to the water, as well as heated changing rooms, toilets and car parking.


  • Lake Holy;
  • lake Beloe;
  • Terletsky Ponds;
  • Red pond;
  • font "Vernissage";
  • Babaevsky pond;
  • May Pond.
  • Shibaevsky pond.


  • Borisovsky Pond (according to Rospotrebnadzor, the water in the pond does not meet sanitary standards);
  • Tsaritsynsky Pond;
  • Becket pond (according to Rospotrebnadzor, the water in the pond does not meet sanitary standards).

During the events, the safety of citizens will be ensured by about 2.4 thousand people and 180 pieces of equipment, including 776 rescuers of the Ministry of Emergencies and volunteers, 21 rescue ships on air cushion, 163 vehicles, 1587 police officers and 60 medical teams. At the same time, there will be almost three thousand vigilantes.


  • Vorontsovsky pond;
  • pond of the sanatorium "Uzkoe";
  • Troparevsky pond;
  • a pond on Nakhimovsky Prospekt, 8;
  • Chernevsky Pond;
  • a pond near the temple in Zakharyino.


  • Meshchersky pond;
  • Moscow river - Rublevo village;
  • Moscow river - Filevskaya street, 40A;
  • Moscow river - Filevsky Boulevard, 21.
  • Baryshikha pond in Mitino;
  • pond in the village Rozhdestveno;
  • derivation channel;
  • Pond No. 4 on the Chernushka River;
  • PKiO "Northern Tushino";
  • Stroginskaya floodplain;
  • Kirov floodplain;
  • Lake Bezdonnoe;
  • Karamyshevskaya embankment, 13-15;
  • Picturesque street, 50;
  • South Tushino, Lodochnaya street, vl.19.


  • lake Black;
  • school lake.

For those Muscovites who prefer to stay at home on the night of January 19, the Window to the City portal will hold.


  • Troitsk, Desna River, Zarechye recreation area;
  • a pond on the river Treshna, village Chernetskoye;
  • a pond in Epiphany;
  • a pond in Pokrovskoye;
  • a pond in Bylovo;
  • a pond in the village of Knutovo;
  • a pond in Oznobishino;
  • pond in DO "Voskresenskoye";
  • a pond in the village of Svinorye;
  • pond of the Ulyanovsk forest park;
  • pond in the village Mosrentgen;
  • font in the village DO "Pleskovo";
  • temple complex of the icon of the Mother of God in Shcherbinka;
  • Church of the Holy Trinity in the village of Vasyunino;
  • font in the village DSK "Michurinets";
  • park "Rucheyek", village Marushkino;
  • a font in the village of Tovarishchevo;
  • a font in the village of Evseevo-Kuvekino;
  • a font in the village of Puchkovo;
  • a font in the village of Shishkin forest.

Here's what you need to know if you decide to swim:

  • Before swimming in the ice hole, warm up the body by warming up or jogging.
  • Approach the ice hole in comfortable, non-slip and easy-to-remove shoes to prevent loss of feeling in your feet. You can wear special rubber slippers, which also protect your feet from sharp stones and salt, and also prevent you from slipping on ice.
  • Heading to the hole, you must remember that the path can be slippery. Move slowly.
  • It is best to dive up to the neck without soaking your head in order to avoid reflex constriction of the vessels of the brain. You should not dive head first into the hole.
  • Jumping into water and submerging head first is not recommended as it increases temperature loss and can lead to hypothermia.
  • Do not stay in the hole for more than one minute to avoid general hypothermia.
  • If you have a child with you, be sure to watch him while he dives into the hole.
  • Getting out of the hole is not so easy. When exiting, do not hold directly on the rails, use a dry towel, a handful of snow from the edge of the ice hole, or you can scoop up more water in handfuls and grab the rails quickly and vigorously.
  • After bathing (dipping), rub yourself and the child with a terry towel and put on dry clothes.
  • To avoid hypothermia, it is best to drink hot tea, for example, from berries and fruits.
  • One of the most interesting church Holidays - Baptism. This is the day when John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ. On the day of the celebration, especially brave believers bathe in the hole, which is called the Jordan.

    Even if in Moscow there will be no severe frosts(and there are always frosts at Epiphany), bathing will still be Epiphany. According to legend, all water at Epiphany becomes holy, no matter what temperature it is.

    Bathing in Epiphany is not a mandatory ritual. Epiphany water does not wash away sins at all, as some Moscow sinners (which we all are) think.

    Of course, if you are not a walrus, then it is better to start little by little - pour cold water in the shower, starting with the legs - no one has yet canceled the spasm of the vessels of the brain and heart. If you decide that you are ready, it is best to plunge gradually, going into the icy water up to your chest and holding your breath.

    Throwing yourself into the water with a run and diving is not worth it even for the most hardened. While bathing, they dip from 10 seconds to a minute.

    And of course, one should not swim naked - a church holiday after all. Men can swim in swimming trunks, women should swim in a shirt.

    In order to plunge into the hole, you need to take with you:

    • Large body towel
    • Small towel for feet
    • Bathrobe

    It is best to dress in natural clothes - cotton, wool, you need to have loose shoes, preferably mittens and not gloves, a fur or woolen hat, sweater.

    Before bathing, you should undress from the bottom up - from the shoes. After bathing, you need to dress from top to bottom, closing the chest first. Try not to walk after swimming in the hole on foot - the risk of chronic diseases is high.

    An important rule: refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking before and after bathing. There is absolutely no need to increase the load on the heart. Do not dive on an empty or too full stomach.

    • Don't swim alone
    • Take with you a change of comfortable shoes (felt boots or felt boots), dry comfortable clothes that are easy to unfasten and fasten
    • Take a towel with a blanket and a thermos of hot tea
    • Before bathing, warm up, then undress
    • After undressing - immediately in the hole - you can’t freeze in the cold
    • If you are bathing for the first time, it is better not to dip three times, but go into the water up to your chest and wash yourself. ice water
    • After bathing, rub your body with a towel until warm and dress quickly
    • If you feel unwell, see a doctor immediately!

    You can’t swim in the hole if you have:

    1. Weak heart
    2. Diseases of the genitourinary system
    3. Disease of the stomach or nasopharynx
    4. pressure problems
    5. Diabetes
    6. Pregnancy
    7. It is better not to drag small children with you into the hole and do not swim if your age does not allow

    Where to swim in the hole in Moscow

    1. Revolution Square. Metro "Revolution Square"

    2. Park "Kuzminki-Lyublino"
    3. Upper Kuzminsky pond, Kuzminskaya street, 10;
    4. Shibaevsky pond, Zarechye street, vl. fourteen;
    5. Lower Lyublinsky pond, Shkuleva street, vl. 26.
    6. Serebryany Bor metro station "Polezhaevskaya"
    7. st. Tamanskaya, 91 (trolleybus number 20, 21 to the end).
    8. Upper-Tsaritsyno Pond of the Tsaritsyno metro station
    9. PKiO "Sokolniki" metro station "Sokolniki", Sokolnichesky Val street, 1.
    10. Lake Svyatoye, Novokosino and Vykhino metro stations, Oranzhereinaya street, 18.
    11. Beloe Lake, Novokosino and Vykhino metro stations, B. Kosinskaya street, 46.
    12. Terletskiye Ponds, Novogireevo metro station, Svobodny avenue, 9.
    13. Font "Vernissage in Izmailovo", metro station "Partizanskaya, Izmailovskoye highway, 73Ж
    14. Babaevsky pond, Schelkovskaya metro station, Kurganskaya street, 5-9.
    15. Dyakovsky Pond in Kolomenskoye, metro station "Kolomenskaya", Andropov Avenue, 39.
    16. Becket Pond, Tulskaya metro station, Zagorodnoye Highway
    17. Landscape park "Mitino", metro station "Mitino", Baryshikha street, 4.
    18. PKiO "Northern Tushino", metro station "Planernaya", Svobody street, 56.
    19. Moscow River Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, Strogino metro station, Odintsovskaya street
    20. Stroginskaya floodplain, metro station "Strogino", Tvardovsky street, 16.

    All organized bathing areas will have warm changing cabins and free hot tea.

    Before diving, you need to eat, you can not drink

    The Feast of Epiphany is approaching with traditional immersions in fonts or ice-holes. In order for the bathing to take place in the safest possible environment, Mayor Sergei Sobyanin instructed to equip special places for Epiphany bathing with safe approaches and descents to the water. “There will be locker rooms, lighting, parking lots, a place to warm up and drink tea. Look at the list of fonts, ”Sobyanin writes on his official page in social network. In addition, doctors and rescuers will be on duty near the bathing places (there are 59 in total) to provide timely assistance to those who overestimated their strength before entering the water. Experts remind that it is better to refuse to observe the tradition for people with chronic diseases (especially of the cardiovascular system), with diabetes, pregnant women and young children. It is also not recommended to take risks for those who suffer from chronic colds, bronchitis, have recently suffered pneumonia.

    The feast of the Baptism of the Lord is celebrated from January 18 to 19 - as the Gospel says, on these days the thirty-year-old Jesus entered the waters of the Jordan River, and the world learned about his divine origin. Since then, every Christian can follow his example - it is believed that baptismal water washes away any sins. Diving into an ice hole or font on the night of January 19 has become a tradition. A suitable ice hole can be found in every metropolitan area - bathers will be waiting for the doctors on duty and hot drinks.

    Muscovites were promised that snow and blizzards should be expected on the night of Epiphany, and the temperature would drop to 7–9 degrees below zero, although because of the wind it would seem to someone that everything is minus 18 outside. This is by no means a weather record for Moscow, but that’s all Epiphany bathing can be a serious test.

    According to authorities, it is thanks to high level organization of security during Epiphany bathing over the past few years in Moscow there have been no tragic cases. Those who needed it were given help immediately, near the font or Jordan. But in those cities where the level of organization is not so high, every year there are reports of several drowned during Epiphany bathing - for example, in 2017, a bright holiday in the Kirov region and Stavropol region was overshadowed by victims. The cause of the tragedy was bathing in inappropriate places and non-compliance with safety regulations.

    Places for Epiphany bathing are equipped in each metropolitan area. So, for example, residents of the Central Administrative District will be offered to plunge into the font in the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on Chisty Vrazhka, and in the North-Eastern District - into the Palace Pond; for bathing residents of Zelenograd equip lakes Chernoe and Shkolnoe. Muscovites living in the west or northwest are more fortunate: they will have several fonts equipped right in the Moscow River at their service. Several bathing places are being equipped in the South-Western, Southern, Eastern and other districts, and the most enviable are the prospects for the inhabitants of the TiNAO: more than a dozen places for Epiphany bathing will appear on the territory of New Moscow.

    According to Petr Biryukov, the head of the capital's housing and communal services complex, swimming areas are provided taking into account the state of ice and weather conditions and will be equipped near the shores of water bodies, excluding mass access to dangerous ice. Swimming areas will also be equipped with special flooring. If the approach to the ice hole seems too dangerous, you can plunge into the font - alternative places for swimming will also appear throughout Moscow.

    Where ice-holes and fonts are equipped near temples, ceremonial services will also take place simultaneously with the dives. According to the Moscow Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption, these places will be provided with elevated level security control.

    “Order during Epiphany bathing on the night of January 18-19 at the bathing places, as well as at the temples (more than 400), where festive services will be held, will be provided by more than 8 thousand employees law enforcement- police officers, traffic police inspectors, military personnel national guard and members of the people's squad and private security organizations," representatives of the department report.

    The capital expects that about 100,000 people will take part in Epiphany bathing this year. Everyone who wants to take a dip is recommended to take a cap, shoes that will not slip on the ice, and a large terry towel for rubbing the body after bathing. Dive time, on the advice of doctors, should not exceed one minute.

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    • Epiphany fonts in Moscow will work until…

    January 19 - Baptism, one of the most important Christian sacraments. On this day, daredevils must plunge into the hole three times. Those who do not dare to undertake such a feat can simply draw from the hole Epiphany water. Usually temples located near water bodies consecrate them. However, it is not necessary to dive into a consecrated lake or river. After all, it is considered that Epiphany night all the water on the planet becomes holy for a whole day! This year, about 70 fonts will appear in the capital, including one of them to be equipped on the Revolution Square. But there the hole is usually very large, so we will tell you about the most popular and convenient places where you can swim. All fonts are equipped with convenient entrances to the water, there are changing rooms nearby, hot tea is poured, and lifeguards and doctors will monitor safety ().

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    Troparion for the Feast of the Epiphany In the Jordan, baptized by You, Lord, the Trinity worship appeared: For the voice of your parents testified to you, calling your beloved Son, and the Spirit in the form of a dove made your word affirmation. Appear Christ God and enlighten the world, glory to Thee.

    IMPORTANT! It is not worth warming yourself up with alcohol before diving, it is dangerous. It is better to warm up on the sports ground, a few squats will help disperse the blood, and immersion in water will be more comfortable. BY THE WAY Bathing in ice water- to some extent a feat, the body must be strong and hardened. Absolutely, you should not climb into the font if you have problems with the kidneys, gynecology, thyroid gland or heart. Doctors also do not recommend winter swimming for diabetics, hypertensive patients and pregnant women. You should not swim for those who have recently had a cold. Remember that you must definitely take with you: warm clothes that you should put on after swimming; a rug on which it is convenient to stand barefoot; hot tea to help warm up after bathing.

    Hot tub addresses

    1, 4. Khimki reservoir How to get there: Coastal pr., 1 - 7, one bay just behind the bridge of the Moscow Ring Road. To the bridge from st. metro station "Voykovskaya" by trolleybus or on foot through the park from the railway station Levoberezhnaya Oktyabrskaya railway. Another bay is not far from the hotel "Soyuz", which can be reached from the station. m. "River Station". 2. Channel them. Moscow How to get there: from st. m. "River station", "Water stadium" along the Leningrad highway by bus to the stop "Canal named after Moscow", then on foot. 3. Park "Northern Tushino" How to get there: a place for swimming is located near the shore of the Khimki reservoir, 10 - 15 minutes walk from the station. m. "Planernaya". 5. Ostankino park How to get there: st. Academician Koroleva, 12, Art. m. "VDNKh", then by trolleybus to the museum-estate "Ostankino". Features: across the road - Orthodox church. There you can pray and warm yourself. 6. Kirov floodplain of the Moscow River

    How to get there: st. Isakovsky, d. 6. 7. Big garden pond How to get there: B. Akademicheskaya st., 47, st. m. "Voikovskaya", "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya", then by bus or minibus to the stop "Stadium "Nauka". Features: gentle coast and shallow depth. 8. Strogino floodplain How to get there: from st. m. "Shchukinskaya" on foot 10 - 15 minutes to the lowland near the house number 52 on the Picturesque street. Features: two or three ice-holes are cut down for Epiphany. 9. Picturesque Bay How to get there: st. m. "Molodezhnaya", then by bus. Features: gently sloping shore, convenient entry into the water. 10. Bottomless lake in Serebryany Bor How to get there: st. m. "Polezhaevskaya", then by trolleybus or minibus to Serebryany Bor, then follow the sign on foot through the forest. Features: a place with fonts in the Stroginskaya floodplain is considered one of the most popular places for winter swims. Here, several ice holes are also equipped at once, so that everyone can take a dip. 11. Izmailovsky Park How to get there: st. m. "Pervomaiskaya", from the 11th Parkovaya street towards the pond leads an asphalt path. The ice hole on the Lebedyansky pond in the Izmailovsky forest park is located approximately in the middle of the western shore of the pond. 12. Terletsky Pond How to get there: Svobodny prospect, vl. 2, Art. m. "Novogireevo", then by bus to Izmailovsky Park. The ponds are located in its southern part. 13. Lake Beloe How to get there: B. Kosinskaya st., 46, st. m. "Vykhino", then by bus to Kosino. 14. Neskuchny garden How to get there: st. m. "Shabolovskaya", "Leninsky Prospekt", then on foot. The font is located in the Andreevsky pond. 15. Holy Lake How to get there: Oranzhereinaya st., 18, st. m. "Vykhino", then by bus or minibus. Features: one of the most popular bathing places. There are many legends associated with this place. For example, according to one of the legends, once on the site of this lake there was a small church where a priest lived. Once a wanderer came to him, who dreamed that in the place where the Kremlin now stands, the city of Moscow will appear. When they began to pray for the future city, the church sank underground, water came out, and a lake was formed. Believers believe that the church is still located under the lake. 16. Meshchersky Pond How to get there: Voskresenskaya st., 5, st. m. "Kyiv", then by minibus, which goes straight to the pond. 17 - 19. Upper Kuzminsky pond, Lower Lyublinsky pond, Shibaevsky pond How to get there: st. m. "Volzhskaya", "Lyublino", "Kuzminki", then on foot. Holes are located on the banks of the Shibaevsky pond. 20. Big Pond of Vorontsovsky Park How to get there: st. Vorontsovskie Prudy, 3, st. m. "New Cheryomushki", then by bus to the stop "Vorontsovsky Park". 21. Troparevsky pond How to get there: st. Academician Vinogradova, ow. 12, Art. m. "Konkovo", "Teply Stan", then by bus or minibus to the stop "Troparevsky Park". 22. Upper Tsaritsyno Pond How to get there: Dolskaya st., 1, st. m. "Tsaritsyno", then walk through the Tsaritsyno park. Features: excellent landscape in the park with an old manor. 23. Borisovskie Ponds How to get there: st. Borisovskie Prudy, 2G, st. m. "Maryino", "Krasnogvardeyskaya", then by bus to the stop "School". 24. Bitsevsky forest How to get there: from st. m. "Yasenevo" or from South and North Butovo by bus to the stop "Bitsevskaya recreation area", then walk towards the region. The hole is located at the dam, through which the Bitsa River flows out of the pond. 25, 26. Black Lake, School Lake How to get there: md. 6 and md. ten.