Phuket white buddha on the mountain. Big Buddha in Phuket

  • 16.09.2020

The Big Buddha in Phuket or, as it is also called, the Big Buddha in Phuket, is a huge Buddhist temple located on a mountain in such a way that it can be seen from almost anywhere in Phuket. A large Buddha statue rises on top of Mount Nakaked at an altitude of 400 meters above sea level and at the same time is the most beautiful viewing platform for tourists, since it is from here that stunning views of Phuket and the Andaman Sea open up. The Big Buddha in Phuket is one of the main attractions, almost all tourists come here, and a visit to the Big Buddha temple is included in the main tour of the island.

  • On your own on a moped or car

This is the most basic and easy way to get to Big Buddha. On the map at the end of the article, you can see where the Big Buddha temple complex is located, put a dot in your maps and get directions. Be careful on the road - it will go uphill in a small serpentine, you will also pass the famous temple in Phuket - Wat Chalong. The road is not difficult, the road surface is good and it will not be difficult for you to get there on your own.

  • As part of

The main sightseeing tour of Phuket necessarily includes a visit to the Big Buddha temple complex. The only difference from the first method is that you will be limited in time. This method is suitable for those who are afraid to take a moped or car, or for those who first came to Thailand and have not yet figured out what's what 🙂

  • By taxi or tuk-tuk

You can take a taxi or tuk tuk to go to Big Buddha. The cost from the beaches of Kata, Karon or Patong will be approximately 500-600 baht one way. From other beaches, the cost, respectively, will be different.

  • Walking distance from Kata or Karon beaches

Some people go to the Big Buddha temple complex directly from Kata or Karon beaches! Probably, they decide to test themselves, but will they be able to reach? 🙂 One way trip is about 2 hours and of course depends on the sports training of each person. In this case, I do not recommend going in the very heat and even uphill. The best time would be either early morning or close to sunset. Such a walking route is described in detail in other forums, for example, on the Vinsky forum.

Dress code for visiting the temple complex Big Buddha

In order to be allowed into the Big Buddha temple complex, you need to take care of your clothes in advance or take clothes at the entrance. Girls must cover their shoulders and knees, and it is also not recommended to come in beachwear. I only knew about closed knees, so I took only one pareo with me, I had an open dress on top, but at the same time I tried to cover as much as I could with my hair. 🙂 But I was worried in vain, they let me in everywhere and didn’t say anything. But I still recommend that you wear clothes with covered shoulders and knees.

Opening hours and cost of visiting.

The Big Buddha is open daily from 6 am to 7 pm, and the visit is completely free, including parking for mopeds and cars.

Big Buddha in Phuket

The construction of the Big Buddha temple complex began in 2002 and continues to this day. The fact is that the Big Buddha is built solely on donations from tourists and local residents. The statue of the Big Buddha itself has been completed, but the construction of the complex itself is still underway. The Big Buddha statue in Phuket was erected in honor of the highly revered King of Thailand, Pumpion Adulyadetta, who died in 2016. The height of the Big Buddha statue is 45 meters and its width is 25 meters.

The temple complex Big Buddha consists of 3 levels. The first level is parking for cars and mopeds, souvenir shops, as well as toilets.

The second level is a large hall, which contains various Buddhist shrines, as well as posters that tell the story of the construction of the temple. A monk is also sitting here, who ties a red thread for good luck to everyone. You can also buy a tile here, write a wish on it, and your tile will be lined with a Buddha statue in the future. A small tile costs 300 baht, a large one costs 1000 baht.

Here, on the second level, you can make a donation and take 37 coins, then throw them into the bowls and make a wish.

Well, on the first level there is the statue of the Big Buddha itself, to which a beautiful wide staircase leads. It also offers a beautiful view of the Panwa Peninsula, Phuket Town and the Andaman Sea.

Under the statue of the Big Buddha is the entrance to the temple, but we did not go there. Still, we have a different faith.

Observation deck at the Big Buddha in Phuket

Upstairs, the Big Buddha has an observation deck overlooking Phuket, the cape, and other islands.

There are always a lot of tourists here, and in order to take pictures and be in the frame without other people, you need to try very hard. 🙂

The views from the observation deck at the Big Buddha are really impressive! In the distance, the water merges with the sky, forming the horizon. You can also clearly see how green Phuket is.

You may also see some monkeys, so be on the lookout! Monkeys are very quirky and can easily steal your cap, hat, glasses, camera and even flip flops! 🙂 We saw monkeys, but not very close, apparently, in the very heat they are too lazy to come out of the shadows.

Upstairs, at the very statue of the Big Buddha, you can see a lot of hearts with inscriptions fluttering in the wind. You can also buy such a heart for 100 baht and write your names or any wish and hang it with other hearts.

Next to the Big Buddha is another Buddha statue, only made of gold and smaller in size - only 12 meters. This statue was built by Thais in honor of the Queen of Thailand - Sikirit.

Big Buddha or Big Buddha (Big Buddha Phuket) is a park of Buddhist monks, located on one of the highest points in Phuket - the top of Mount Nagakerd (Nagakerd), Karon subdistrict.

Big Buddha is not just a statue, but a whole complex, which includes: a hollow statue of the Big Buddha, which can be seen from almost all the southern beaches of Phuket; an open area, where, in addition to Thai shrines and attributes, there are several viewing platforms that open up an almost 360-degree view, including the southern part of the island, Chalong Bay and the surrounding area; as well as an indoor temple located on the lower platform of the Big Buddha complex.

In our opinion, Big Buddha is the most impressive and main attraction of Phuket.

You can visit the God Buddha complex with one of the many sightseeing tours around the island, as well as on your own: by taxi, rented bike or on foot. We will tell you about how to independently walk to the Big Buddha from the beaches of Kata and Karon a little lower, but for now

Big Buddha Complex, Phuket

At the bottom of the complex is a fairly large parking area. There are also tents with soft drinks and some simple snacks. And the statue of the Big Buddha itself is located with its back to visitors, it is from this place that the inspection of the complex begins.

Try coconut ice cream. Very delicious!

Here is a monument to the King of Thailand Rama and a magic gong. Similar gongs are popular in some temples. Thais say that stroking the hand can make the gong sing, but it will sing only under the hands of a person who is pure in soul.

And here before us, in all its beauty and power, a huge snow-white statue of Buddha appears. The Buddha statue is 25.45 meters wide and 45 meters high, a reinforced concrete structure adorned with white Burmese marble.

A wide staircase leads up to the statue. Above only barefoot. Shoes must be left at the first lower step. Not everyone does this, many wear shoes, however, to honor the holy traditions of a foreign country, as well as to show respect for local customs and residents, we personally consider it the first duty of every guest. Concrete slabs in the sun heat up so much that they burn the feet, but there is nothing to do, we endure, somewhere we move in dashes, but we move on.

Below, by the stairs, an observation deck with breathtaking panoramic views

Climbing the stairs, a panorama of amazing beauty opens up before your eyes again.

You can also go inside the big Buddha. In front of the entrance are shrines and statues.

There is also a souvenir shop here. You can buy a souvenir as a keepsake or contribute to the construction of this temple by making a donation.

From souvenirs: figurines of elephants and Buddha, various magnets and talismans. You can also buy a “golden” bell with a leaf, then write a cherished wish or just names (your own, loved ones and relatives) on a piece of paper and hang it on the territory of the complex.

The construction of the Big Buddha began in the early 2000s and has not been completed to this day, finishing and interior work is underway. The fact is that the temple is built on donations, and, as we all know, such a thing can be long-term.

You can also contribute to the construction of the complex by buying a small marble tile and writing on it a wish, desire, names, whatever you want, then this tablet is used to decorate the decoration of the temple. Naturally, the inscription made with a marker will soon fade (wipe off), and then completely disappear, leaving behind only pure marble, but that’s not the point ...

Inside the Big Buddha, at present, there is practically nothing, apart from ongoing works and a few statues.

Near Big Buddha

In the open area around the Big Buddha, several more viewing points are concentrated

On the left side of the statue of the Big Buddha, you can see the image of the Buddha made of brass, other shrines and statues of the Buddha

There are also places for recreation and an observation deck khao Nakkerd view point, which offers stunning views of the southern part of the island and neighboring small islands. Perhaps these are the most gorgeous views that can be seen from the territory of the Big Buddha complex.

From here, a narrow, winding staircase leads down. During the descent, you can see several statues, one of which is the statue of the goddess of earth and abundance, Vasuntharu, who pours water from her hair.

Going down, we get straight to the current temple. Here are the same souvenirs, bells, Thai herbs, oils, etc., only the prices are slightly lower than on the upper platform.

There is a journal in the temple where you can write a wish to the monks.

A monk sits at the back of the temple. Anyone can approach him, sit on his knees in front of him, and he, in turn, will bless you and, sprinkled with water, wish you good luck and tie a bright braided rope (bracelet) on your hand - the holy protective thread of sai sin. Sai sin serves as an amulet - protection from the evil eye and evil spirits. You, while the monk is tying the rope, do not waste time in vain, but make a wish. It is believed that the wish will certainly come true!

Which hand should I tie the bracelet on? There are two versions of this question:

1. The right side of the body is considered male, the left - female, so sai sin is tied to men on the right hand, women - on the left.

2. First you need to decide whether you want to get rid of all the bad or attract all the good. In the first case, the talisman is tied to the left hand, in the second - to the right. And if you still can’t decide unambiguously, then you can tie two ropes - one for each hand.

There is a bowl next to the monk, and before leaving, as a token of gratitude, put the money in this very bowl. As we noticed, they mostly throw banknotes with a face value of 20-50 baht. It is believed that you should not remove the sai shin until he himself leaves you.

For those who wish - meditation for 7 minutes

Before leaving, you can throw a coin into each of the 37 bowls, making some other wish.

Schematic map of the Big Buddha complex

Opening hours

Daily from 06:00 am to 19:00 pm. Entrance is public and free.

Dress code

Still, this is a shrine and a temple, which means you can’t enter in beach and too open clothes, as well as in T-shirts and T-shirts with offensive inscriptions and / or images. Shoulders should be covered, it is also considered indecent to go in short shorts and skirts, ideally knees should be covered. If suddenly you are dressed inappropriately, at the entrance you will be given a sarong for free - a scarf that can be used to cover bare shoulders or legs. Before leaving, the sarong must be returned.

How to get to the Big Buddha - on foot from the beaches of Kata and Karon

From the beaches of Kata and Karon, we exit onto the wide road Patak Rd, which passes above the line of beach strips. Following this road, from Kata beach towards Karon, and from Karon towards Kata, the streets will go uphill along the way, the landmarks will be “BIG BUDDHA” signs. You can also get to these lapels by public bus "Phuket town - Karon - Kata". The path to the Big Buddha from Kata beach is approximately 8 kilometers, from Karon a little less - about 6.5 kilometers.

Big Buddha (Phuket) is one of the main attractions of Thailand, which is considered a symbol of the island. This place is covered with legends and myths: locals say that once the Buddha himself flew here and made the mountain a place where energy flows converge. Thais believe that if you listen, you can feel the whole spirituality of this place.

General information

Big Buddha (Phuket) is not only a huge marble statue rising on Mount Nakaked (over 400 m above sea level), but also a full-fledged Buddhist temple that everyone can visit. The temple area consists of three levels: the first is a parking lot and souvenir shops, the second is a large gazebo, in which there are stands with informational information and sculptures of mythical heroes. The third level is the Big Buddha statue itself.

The attraction is located in the western part of Phuket, 10 km from Hong Kong International Airport. You can see the Big Buddha from the popular beaches of Kata and Karon and from nearby towns.

Short story

There are 3 main versions of the origin of this majestic temple. So, local residents will definitely say that the statue was built in order to fence off the city from evil thoughts and not always benevolent foreigners.

The city authorities say that the main goal was to build a larger and more interesting statue than on the neighboring island of Koh Samui (where the figure is only 12 meters high). Believers adhere to the idea that this is one of the places of power on which it was destined to build a temple, and Mount Nakaked was not chosen by chance - according to legend, it was here that the Buddha meditated.

Rama IX

Historical sources say the following: the Big Buddha Temple in Phuket was erected in honor of the ruler of Thailand, Rama IX. We can say that the sanctuary was built by the whole country: the country's authorities, local residents, and travelers donated for the construction of the temple. In total, about 30 million baht (slightly less than a billion dollars) were spent. The construction of the temple began in 2002, but has not yet been completed.

Photos of the Big Buddha statue in Phuket are really impressive: a majestic marble statue sitting on top of a mountain.

What to see on the territory of the complex

The road itself, along which you can climb the mountain, is already a landmark. Throughout the well-paved route, you can see cafes, shops, recreation areas (arbors, benches), Buddhist mini-sculptures carved from wood.

On the territory of the temple complex, the following objects can be distinguished for inspection:


Trees common to Thailand grow in the garden: Baker's cassia (outwardly very similar to sakura), banyan tree (tall trees with a large crown), Thai Christmas tree (instead of needles traditional for our country, it grows horsetail leaves). Flowers include ginger, plumeria, rock rose and bougainvillea. There are many monkeys in the garden, who are asked not to feed themselves.

A number of wooden carvings and small sculptures can be seen in the garden. There are many places to relax: unusual bamboo gazebos, benches and umbrellas. The Big Buddha Garden has no beginning and no end - it smoothly turns into a forest.

Around the temple area

As for the temple complex itself, it is also not fully completed, but the main symbol, the Big Buddha, is already sitting in its place. Near the temple you can see a monument to King Rama V of Thailand and a huge gong that can be rubbed for good luck. Near the entrance to the sanctuary there are stands that present interesting facts from the lives of famous people (Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein and others).

The entrance to the temple is decorated with thousands of golden bells in the form of hearts and leaves, which are hung up by tourists as a keepsake. By the way, here Buddhist monks can tie a red thread for good luck, which protects from the evil eye.

The temple inside has not yet been completed either, but the main idea of ​​the interior designers is already clear: as much gilding as possible, which symbolizes the sun and the absence of dark shades. The hall does not have a high ceiling or amazing statues - as long as it is an ordinary Buddhist temple. According to tradition, the Buddha sits in the center, and marble elephants seem to emerge from the columns. At the exit of the temple there are boxes for donations, and there is a visitor's book in which you can write your name.

As for the main symbol of the temple, the height of the Big Buddha statue in Phuket is 45 meters. It is made of Burmese white marble.

At the very top of Nakaked, there is an observation deck that offers an impressive view of Phuket, Promthep Cape and individual islands of land in the sea. There are always a lot of travelers here, so it will not be easy to take a picture.

Shops with souvenirs

There are a lot of shops and souvenir shops near the temple and on the road that leads to the Buddha. Locals sell incense sticks, small figurines of elephants and monkeys made of wood, key chains and other nice little things.

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How to get there

There is only one road leading to the Big Buddha. It is well paved, and not only people walk on it, but also cars drive. On foot to the top of Nakaked you can walk in 1-2 hours. Climbing must begin from the beaches of Karon and Kata. It’s not difficult to navigate: there are signs everywhere and you won’t be able to accidentally turn in the wrong direction. People with disabilities can also climb up to the temple - a special path is equipped for them.

You can also hire a taxi or rent an ATV, tuk-tuk and motorbike (they are located throughout the route). Rent will cost about 150 baht, which is not cheap at all. Therefore, if possible, it is better to rent a car in advance, which is clearly safer.

The easiest way to get to the Big Buddha in Phuket is to go to the temple as part of a tour by bus. All shopping centers, hotels and cafes have tents where you can sign up for one of the many excursions in Thailand. In order not to overpay, go around several places: in popular tourist places, prices can be 2-3 times higher. On average, the tour costs 300-400 baht.

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Practical information

  1. It is better to start climbing the mountain early in the morning, while the sun is still not very hot. Stock up on a bottle of water in advance and grab a map.
  2. Wear comfortable, but not too revealing clothing.
  3. Don't forget sunscreen.
  4. When you go up the mountain, be careful! Snakes and other unpleasant animals may crawl out. This happens most often in the evening.
  5. It will take 2-3 hours to inspect the entire Big Buddha temple complex, with a garden - another 1.
  6. Locals often come to the mountain to be alone with themselves, so there are many places in the garden where you can retire. Here you can wait out the heat and go to the hotel in the evening.

Working hours

The Big Buddha temple complex is open daily from 8.00 to 19.30. The largest influx of tourists is in the afternoon, because many come here to meet the sunset on the sacred mountain.

The address: Soi Yot Sane 1, Chaofa West Rd., Chalong, Phuket, Phuket 83100, Thailand

Cost of visiting

You can visit the temple complex absolutely free of charge, but if you want to make a donation, then everything is provided for this: there are a lot of bowls, stones with the hand of the Buddha, sculptures in which tourists throw coins. You can also buy one of the souvenirs - this will also help for the Temple of the Big Buddha and for Phuket as a whole.

All prices on the page are for December 2018.

Related posts:

At the very top of Mount Nakaked (Nakkerd), which is located in the Chalong region, at an altitude of 400 meters above sea level, a huge Buddha statue proudly sits. The 45-meter statue can be seen from different parts of the island, and visiting the Temple of the Big Buddha, or in Thai Wat Phra Phutthamingmangkhol Akenakakhiri, is a must when in Phuket.

Construction of the Big Buddha

One day, a group of friends walking through the forest on Mount Nakaked suddenly opened up an unusual view of Phuket: Chalong Bay on one side and the Andaman Sea on the other. They came up with the idea that an observation deck could be built on this site, which would be no worse than the famous one. During the discussion, they came to the conclusion that the only thing better than an observation deck is an observation deck with a Buddhist temple and a giant Buddha statue. Not without difficulty, overcoming all bureaucratic difficulties and troubles, in 2002, large-scale construction began, the financing of which was entirely dependent and still depends (construction has not yet been completed) on donations that constantly come into the piggy bank from both local residents and residents of other provinces of Thailand, as well as from tourists constantly coming to Phuket and simply caring people living abroad. And you still need a lot of money.

Having reached the temple on Mount Nakaked and climbing to the very top, you will see two statues of Buddha - actually a large one, made of beautiful white marble, specially brought from Burma, and a smaller copy that stands a little to the left and is made of copper. The 12-meter Buddha was erected in honor of Her Majesty the Queen of Thailand. This statue took 22 tons of copper. But of course, it cannot outshine the giant marble Buddha, which, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, is as much as 45 meters in height and 25 meters in diameter at its base. Big Buddha erected in honor of the King of Thailand. The construction of the Temple of the Big Buddha is estimated at as much as 30 million baht, and the completion date has not yet been determined. The creators of the project themselves do not believe how money does not stop constantly coming from everywhere.

However, this is not so surprising, because every day the temple of the Big Buddha in Phuket is visited by a thousand or even more people, leaving their donations both in the form of money and buying souvenirs. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Donations and making wishes

First of all, it is worth mentioning that the entrance to the Temple of the Big Buddha in Phuket is free.

Entering the territory of the complex, you will immediately see a magic gong. According to legend, if you are pure in soul, then by stroking the gong with your hand, you will make it sing. Why not try it, and suddenly? ..

There is also a monument to King Rama V, and the Big Buddha himself looks out behind him.

Going inside the temple, we immediately see special boxes for donations. And like it to the visitors or not, this grandiose project got a chance to exist solely thanks to these donations.

Here you can also choose and purchase various souvenirs: magnets, talismans, figurines of elephants and Buddha, and much more. In addition, you can write a message on a special tablet, which will later be laid during the construction of the temple. And you can also buy a wonderful bell and, having written a cherished desire on it or just the names of yourself and your loved ones, hang it on the territory of the temple.

An unusually pleasant ringing of hundreds of such bells is heard with every breath of wind. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why there is such an amazingly peaceful and bright atmosphere here.

In the depths of the temple you will see a Buddhist monk. You can approach him by kneeling in front of him, and he will bless you, sprinkle you with water, wish you good luck and tie a wicker bracelet on your hand - sai sin. For women, it is tied on the left hand, for men - on the right. You can make a wish at this time. Before you leave, you can put a coin in the bowl next to the monk as a thank you. It is believed that you should not remove the sai shin until he himself leaves you. And as soon as this happens, then your wish has already come true.

Here, in the depths of the temple, there is a money tree. You can attach any banknote to it if you wish.

On the right you will see the exit to the stairs. On it, you can climb to the upper level of the temple - to the Big Buddha. From here you have a view of. Walk around, tie your bell somewhere with a wish, feel the atmosphere of calmness, peace and happiness.

Around the Big Buddha there are other copper statues, no less beautiful.

And, for example, here are such philosophical statements and parting words.

On the way back, you can leave a review in a special book.

And before leaving, do not forget to throw a coin into each of the 37 bowls, finally making some other wish.

Rules of conduct in the Temple of the Big Buddha

People in beach and too open clothes, as well as in T-shirts and T-shirts with offensive inscriptions and images, cannot enter the Temple of the Big Buddha. Shoulders should be covered, short shorts and skirts are considered indecent for the temple. If it suddenly happens that you are dressed inappropriately, at the entrance you will be given a sarong - a scarf that can cover your bare shoulders and legs. Don't forget to return it before leaving.

Before approaching a monk for a blessing, be sure to take off your shoes. The sign will remind you of this. Always pay attention to such inscriptions.

Sit on your heels before the monk. You cannot place your feet in his direction.

Temple of the Big Buddha in Phuket is open from 6 am to 7 pm daily.

How to get to Big Buddha

The easiest way to get to the Temple of the Big Buddha is by taxi or tuk-tuk, having agreed in advance with the driver to wait for you and then take you back. Otherwise, there may be problems with the way back - there is no taxi stand as such on the mountain. If you decide to go uphill on a rented motorbike, be especially careful.

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Updated 03/07/2019

Big Buddha (Phuket) - in my humble opinion, the main attraction of the island. The 45-meter colossus is built on a mountain located in the southern part of Phuket. To be precise, the Big Buddha is not just a statue, but a whole temple complex, which has been under construction for quite a long time and, most likely, will remain in this status for a very long time.

Big Buddha Phuket is located on Mount Nakaked in the Chalong area. The main component of this temple complex, spread out on top of one of the highest mountains of the island, is a marble statue of Buddha. It is visible from almost all the southern beaches of Phuket, and there are much more tourists than pilgrims there.

The temple complex has a rather interesting fate. It began to be erected in the early 2000s, but, despite such a long period of time, they have not managed to finish it yet. This is because the complex is being built on donations, and their flow either dries up or resumes again. Therefore, the exact timing of the completion of construction is difficult to name.

Why did you need a Big Buddha?

There are several versions of the appearance of the temple complex on the top of the mountain. According to one of them, the authorities of Phuket decided to give odds to their colleagues from the island of Koh Samui, where there is a Big Buddha. True, there the stone deity is made in a more modest size - the statue is only 12 meters high.

Another version says that the residents of Phuket Town fenced off from tourists with their unclean thoughts. As you know, Thais are very welcoming and friendly, but it is better not to argue with them on the issue of religion.

Finally, the third widespread version claims that at the construction site some streams of power converge. The spirituality of a place, Thais say, can be felt if you listen carefully. I want to note right away that you won’t be able to listen to yourself for a long time - numerous tourists will distract you. Another thing, if you visit the mountain in the early morning and meet the dawn. Then deep penetration and, perhaps, even dipping into the streams of power is guaranteed.

How to get to Big Buddha

The vast majority of tourists go to the Big Buddha, and do not go on foot, although this option is also possible. One of my acquaintances conquered the mountain and got to the Big Buddha on his own two feet along the road that starts not far from. He left at seven in the morning and in an hour and a half he was on the top of the mountain. According to him, the road is quite tolerable. Somewhere asphalted, somewhere it turns into a path through the jungle, but you can go. The most courageous and hardy, I suggest using this option. The application will help you find your way, which can work offline (no internet connection required). Download a map of Thailand and the program will show all the roads, trails and footpaths in the area.

The second option is to get to the sights by transport. There are several sub-options here:

  • Book an excursion;
  • take a tuk-tuk;
  • rent a moped.

Excursions with a visit to the Big Buddha

You can book a separate trip to the Big Buddha in Phuket, or visit the mountain as part of a sightseeing tour of the island. a general tour, usually a sightseeing tour.

This option has its pros and cons. Of the minuses, I will highlight two: you will need to adapt to the time and be almost always among the crowd. True, in the case of ordering an individual excursion, both minuses will come to naught. For those who like to inject adrenaline into the blood, I highly recommend the Quadrosafari and Big Buddha tour. You will climb one of the highest mountains in Phuket on a quad bike! The maximum number of cars in a convoy is 8.

If excursions are not for you, but it’s scary to ride an ATV, your road lies to tuk-tukers. Although, in my opinion, this fraternity is becoming more and more impudent from year to year. In any case, I advise you to bargain until the last. A couple of hundred baht in the end will be able to throw off. I went to the Big Buddha in this way. There were five of us and after a long bargaining we paid 1,000 baht for all of us. Quite budget.

You can also go to the sights by moped. You can do this at any time without any overpayments and bidding. The road won't take long. On the way, you will meet a small elephant farm, where they offer a service.

This is how our route from Karon to Big Buddha looks on the map. The trip took about 25-30 minutes.

What is included in the Phuket Big Buddha temple complex

So, you are at the top of the mountain, in front of the Big Buddha (Phuket). It may seem that the only attraction is a huge Buddha statue, but it is not.

There are many other statues here, including gold ones, although they are not. Here you can also admire the project of the temple complex in miniature, and if you wish, leave a donation. Maybe im you for another day bring the end of construction closer.

You can also see here an unusual gong that emits a magical melody. The monks claim that only those who are pure in heart can cause sounds from this gong. Kilometer zero is set right there.

And at the base of the statue, a Buddhist temple is being built, which works, despite the lack of decoration. In it you can meet monks who, if you're lucky, will tie a rope (the Thais call it sai sin) around your wrist. They say that at this moment you need to make a wish and do not remove the rope until it falls off by itself. Although the Thais themselves consider the rope rather a talisman. It is customary for women to tie it on the left hand, and for men on the right.

From bottom to top: studying the Big Buddha

Finally, pay attention to the statue itself, made of many white marble bricks. Marble for its construction was brought from Burma. In the sun, the noble stone shimmers with thousands of rays and it seems that the statue is shrouded in radiance.

Big Buddha (Phuket) is 45 meters high and 25 meters wide at the base. In total, more than 30 million baht was spent on the construction of the statue.

The marble Buddha was built in honor of the King of Thailand, Rama IX (he died in October 2016), and next to it is another Buddha image - 12 meters high. They are made of brass and dedicated to Queen Sirikit of Thailand.

True, neither the king nor the queen saw these statues live. Princess Ubol Ratana, the eldest daughter of Rama IX, remains to this day the tallest guest who has visited the top of the mountain.

But Big Buddha (Phuket) might not have been so popular if it had not also been one of the most beautiful viewpoints on the island. It offers simply magical views of Chalong Bay and Phuket Town on the one hand, and Kata and Karon beaches on the other.

Well, from here they turn out simply bewitching. Anyway, so they say, I visited the Big Buddha in the morning.

Useful information about Big Buddha

Opening hours: from 08:00 - 20:00. To photograph the sunset, it is advised to come by 17:30 - 18:30 (depending on the time of year).

Opening hours mean the work of a small museum and souvenir shops. Naturally, if you wish, you can come here at 10 pm and at 5 am.

Entrance ticket price: is free

Dress: on the official page of the attraction, it is advised not to dress like you are going to the beach. At the same time, if necessary, already on the mountain you can ask for a sarong(or they will politely offer it to you if they see inappropriate clothing). This service is free.

Big Buddha (Phuket) on the map

That's all I wanted to tell you about the Big Buddha temple complex in Phuket. And may the force of the Buddha be with you, my reader!

Always yours, Daniil Privolov.

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