What to put the cat did not crap. Why a cat spoils anywhere: causes, psychology of cat behavior, methods and ways to wean a pet to spoil in the wrong place

  • 31.10.2020

Cats are by nature very clean animals. Most of the period of wakefulness, they carefully lick their hair and paws, put themselves in order. Domestic representatives of the feline family will never sit where it is dirty, they will prefer to stay on a bed that has just been ironed with an ironed bedspread or a freshly laundered sweater.

If you pour food or pour water into a dirty bowl and offer it to a fluffy pet, she will certainly look at the owner with reproach. She refuses to eat, even if she is very hungry. No wonder cats are called the aristocrats of the animal world. They value their person and choose only the best for themselves.

Cats are animals known for their cleanliness.

What to do if yesterday's clean started today to crap anywhere?

The first reaction of the owner is shock or righteous anger. Outraged by such impudence and upset, the owner begins to scold the pet.

But do not rush to punishment. The act of the cat is not without reason. She does this not out of spite or a sense of revenge, something must be bothering her. You need to try to figure out the reasons that caused such oddity in the behavior of the pet.

You should start acting at the start of the problem, until the trouble has turned into a stable habit.

Main reasons

Before you scold your pet, watch him.

Violation of toilet "boundaries" can be triggered by one or more factors. You should observe the animal for several days, analyze the situation in the house.

A cat is still a kitten

Often the owners of kittens have difficulty with toilet training, you should be patient.

Problems with going to the toilet in a place clearly marked by the owner at this age are natural.

After all, this skill is not innate. If kittens live in the same room with their mother, then they quickly learn toilet "wisdom" from her. If the baby is about a month old and there is no sample of “exemplary” behavior before your eyes, you will have to be patient and don't rush pet.

Painful animal experience

It is possible that going to the toilet causes pain in the cat.

If the animal appeared in the family recently, but it is already quite old, you should ask the previous owners if the cat had a bowel movement or not.

Cat doesn't like litter box

It is very important that the tray is comfortable for the pet. In addition, it should not be a source of unpleasant odors.

The pet needs a tray that is spacious enough so that he can turn freely in it when he scoops up the filler. At the same time, the toilet should be a "secluded corner" protected from prying eyes. For this reason, a bulky container will not work, it is unlikely to be placed unnoticed. It is advisable to choose such a size of a cat pot so that it is one and a half lengths of the animal's body in length.

Disgust can also cause too strong a smell. The reason may lie in the material of the container, cheap plastic is especially unpleasant for cats. Also you need to pay attention to the chemical agent that processes the tray when changing filler. It is best to use chlorine-based products. It kills all unpleasant odors, and the specific aroma of bleach itself quickly disappears.

To clean the tray, it is better to use chlorine-based products.

You can use water and a neutral liquid soap. Another fact in favor of gentle washing of the tray: if you use too aggressive household chemicals, you can remove the cat smell so much that the animal may lose its association with the container, like with the toilet.

The cat will defecate near the pot if the litter is too dirty. The reason for this may be either his untimely replacement, or a large number of applicants. If several cats live in the room, then the optimal solution would be the simultaneous operation of two trays.

The cat is not happy with the location

Try placing the litter box in a secluded area, away from the food bowl.

Do not place the pot in the immediate vicinity of the cat's feeding area. It's unhygienic. Congenital disgust can provoke an animal to a kind of protest, and it will begin to do its toilet chores in the apartment.

Do not place the tray in an open place, she may feel uncomfortable. The problem can arise if the cat is disturbed during a bowel movement, or if the area where the potty is placed is too noisy and the light is too bright. In this case, in order to wean the cat to go to the toilet in the wrong places, it will be enough to move it to a secluded place. If the dwelling is rather small, a good option would be to purchase a closed tray.

If the owner is forced to change the location of the pot, this should be done gradually, moving the container a little daily.

The cat does not fit the litter

If such a problem occurs, it is worth trying to change the filler - it is quite possible that your pet does not like it.

Each cat is unique and has its own tastes.

Therefore, it is not always possible to choose a filler for the toilet the first time. This requires patience. A sawdust granulate may not appeal to the animal if it is afraid of losing balance when the granules begin to roll under the paws.

A cat's sense of smell can be disturbed by the very strong odor that certain types of litter give off. when wet. And too aggressive fillers can irritate the delicate sensitive skin of the paw pads. These types are generally not recommended for use.

If for some reason it is required to transfer a pet from the usual to a new type of filler, you should introduce it carefully, gradually adding it to the pot and observing the reaction of the cat.

The arrival of a new family member can be stressful for a cat.

The cat may start going to the toilet in the wrong place as a sign of protest. The appearance of a new family member in the house can upset or embarrass him. It can be a child or another cat or dog. In this case, the problem with the toilet is a radical attempt to defend their right to territory. The animal thinks marking a certain area with its smell, it receives exclusive rights to it.

Putting such marks on a cat can also be prompted by a change of home. Moving to a new home can cause a lot of anxiety for a pet, because the tags have remained in the old territory, so logically the cat will want to make new ones. To avoid this, it is important to take some things from the old housing of the cat (toys, scratching posts) and be sure to take his old tray with you.

Video on how to wean a cat to shit anywhere

A cat in the house brings joy and positive. However, along with the appearance of a fluffy family member, there are also characteristic problems associated with its maintenance. One of the most common difficulties is that for a cat, especially a small one, there is no concept of a toilet - he is. If for an animal such behavior is the norm, since there are no restrictions in nature, then for the owner such a phenomenon is a real problem, which should be solved immediately.

The cat is lying on the carpet, where he previously shat

An interesting fact: the reasons for this behavior of the animal have not been fully identified - it can be either the permissiveness and bad manners of the cat, or the manifestation of a hidden illness or problems of a physiological nature.

That is why there are several folk methods that allow you to accustom a cat to the toilet. All of them are different from each other. They should be applied after the reason for this behavior of a pet is revealed because each method works differently. It is often necessary to try several methods to achieve success.

How to wean a cat to shit in the wrong place with the help of folk remedies

Few people like to sleep on the "described" bed

In the event that the cat began to spoil where he was not supposed to, then you can use ready-made preparations (sprays), but they are not always effective.

Folk methods come to the rescue. There are 5 main methods for weaning cats from the toilet in an unintended place:

  • practical impact.
  • Insulation.
  • Natural impact.
  • The use of sedatives.
  • physiological method.

Each of the methods should be tried, based on the situation that caused this behavior of the cat.

Practical Impact

Practical Impact suggests that the owner will gently try to educate the animal. The essence of the method is that you will need constant communication with the cat.

As soon as a violation is noticed, the mistake should be explained to him by lightly poking his muzzle in the place where the cat has relieved himself. Then it will need to be transferred to the tray, put in it and show characteristic movements, taking a paw with your hand and running it over the filler.

To improve the effect, it is recommended close the door to the room where the patch is installed. This must be done so that the cat can set boundaries, smell. As soon as a positive result is achieved, it is required to reward the cat, or a treat.

Such a method will require a large supply of time and patience from a person, and therefore is not suitable for everyone.

Success is achieved as soon as the reflex is achieved - the cat will relieve himself exclusively in the tray.

isolation method

The isolation method is considered radical. It is used in rare cases, for example, if the cat moved to a new house with the owners. In most cases, a cat, getting into an unfamiliar environment, experiences negative emotions that easily turn into stress. The result may be a desire to attract the attention of the owners - he begins to shit in the wrong place.

Isolation of a cat in the bathroom where his tray is installed

Another reason is that the cat does not know where he can do this, since the tray has not yet been installed. In order to prevent negative phenomena, you should use folk method of animal isolation.

The bottom line is that the cat is closed in the room where the tray is installed for a period of 2-4 days. The animal should be released at least 3 times a day for a while.

Important: food cannot be placed in the same room, since the cat will not relieve itself next to it - this is a natural feature.

Natural exposure method

Natural exposure method based on the fact that cats are animals that love cleanliness. Instinctively, they choose places to sleep and eat away from the toilet.

In the case when the cat starts to spoil in the wrong place, they should be treated with a special composition, which will also be applied to the place where he sleeps. For this purpose, ready-made formulations can be used.

Sold in pet stores or resort to the folk method - rub the cat's withers with a damp cloth, and then treat it with places where traces of a violation were noticed.

Stress and physiology

The cat may start to shit "anywhere" due to stress

If the reason that the cat began to shit in the wrong place is a stressful situation or physiological problems, then methods of using sedatives and eliminating physiological manifestations will be effective to solve the problem.

Not only an affectionate attitude will help to rid the animal of negativity and stress, but also the use of special preparations aimed at stabilizing nervous activity. On the advice of a veterinarian, you can prepare an herbal decoction that will allow the cat to calm down.

Important: in this case it is forbidden to treat the animal rudely or use the method of isolation - the effect will be the opposite.

Physiological way

Physiological way will be the main one for those owners whose cat is experiencing health problems. Folk methods are practically useless here., since it is important to eliminate the cause that causes such behavior of the cat. This may be the result of sterilization, so the main thing is to contact a specialist.

If the cat is sick, then it is not his fault. Put on a diaper and start healing!


Do not confuse "cat's marks" with natural needs.

Thus, in order to wean a cat from shitting in the wrong place, it is necessary to find out the reason that led to such behavior. Only after that you can choose one of the folk ways to solve the problem.

Cats are domestic animals characterized by cleanliness. If an animal suddenly stops going to its tray, by this it tries to explain its dissatisfaction with something. To wean a cat to shit in the wrong place, it is initially necessary to find out the reason for this behavior. This may be due to diseases of the genitourinary system. The animal feels pain while visiting the tray and associates it with him.

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    Main reasons

    Among the main reasons why the cat began to go to the toilet in the wrong place, there are:

    • The cat shows his character, is mischievous, dissatisfied with something and wants to show it to the owner;
    • Various diseases of the digestive or genitourinary system. Due to the pain of defecation, the animal associates the litter box with pain, so it tries to avoid it.
    • Worms - this reason is very similar to the previous one.
    • Wrong nutrition. If the cat has the wrong diet, frequent diarrhea or constipation may occur. This is due to an insufficient amount of useful elements and vitamins in the body. To prevent such a problem, you should contact your veterinarian, who will select the right diet for your pet.
    • Wrong tray. Most owners do not even realize that the animal does not like the tray. So, for example, long-haired cats can cling to the cracks in the tray with hair, tearing out the hair, which causes discomfort and pain.
    • Tray location. Most people put a cat litter in the bathroom, where people rarely go, but in some circumstances it is necessary to install a potty in the hallway and hallway. Due to the fact that the cat cannot retire, she is looking for another place to relieve herself, so when placing the tray, you should try to create the appearance of loneliness.
    • Filler. When choosing a filler, you should pay attention to the smell, color and texture. This is due to the fact that cats do not tolerate strong odors, small particles of low-quality filler stick to their paws.
    • The age of the animal. The kitten does not immediately get used to the new tray, so the owners should not punish him, but be patient.
    • Street cat in the house. Having decided to take a street cat home, you need to understand that at first it will mark the territory. This is due to the fact that in this way they defend their territory among other animals. The cat can go to the tray, while also marking furniture, carpet or wall.

    How to wean a cat from marking territory in an apartment?

    Effective ways:

    1. 1. Psychological. As soon as the animal begins to attach itself to some surface, it is necessary to take it well by the scruff of the neck and lift it up. At this moment, the animal will instantly turn its tail. In this position, you need to hold the animal for several minutes. Next, wipe the marks with a rag.
    2. 2. Castration - this method is the most effective, according to the advice of experts.

    How to wean a cat to shit in flowers?

    Cats living in the natural habitat bury feces in the ground, as a result, a flower pot is used as a tray - this is a manifestation of instinct. In order to get rid of this habit, it is necessary to give preference to absorbent natural fillers. For the first time, it is necessary to remove the pots from the windowsills and place them in a place inaccessible to the animal.

    Other methods:

    1. 1. To discourage a cat from shitting on flowers, you need to put lemon peel or chopped garlic in a pot.
    2. 2. Long branches should be inserted into the flower pot along the edge, creating the appearance of a fence so that the animal cannot “attach”.
    3. 3. It is necessary to place foil on the windowsill (the animal will not want to walk on it).
    4. 4. Insert toothpicks around the entire perimeter of the pot.
    5. 5. It is necessary to glue the window sill with double-sided tape. The animal will not like to walk on a sticky surface.

    As soon as the cat stops peeing into the pot, you can remove all the "barricades".

    Effective Ways

    If the cat began to go to the toilet in the wrong place, then ready-made products (sprays) can be used, but they are not always effective. Then folk remedies come to the rescue:

    • you can point the cat to his mistakes;
    • use his cleanliness;
    • isolate him;
    • give sedatives;
    • bad smell.

    Explanation of errors

    This method implies a gentle effect of the owner on the animal. The peculiarity of the method lies in the fact that it is necessary to constantly explain to the cat his mistakes. As soon as the animal shits in the wrong place, you need to easily poke him in this place with his muzzle, say that he did wrong (the voice is very important). Next, you should take the kitten to the tray and seat it.

    To be effective, it is necessary to close the door to the room where the tray is located so that the animal feels the boundaries and smells. As soon as the result is achieved, it is necessary to encourage the cat by treating it with a treat. This method is time consuming.

    Isolation method

    This method is the most radical and is used only in rare cases, for example, when moving to a new house. Once in an unfamiliar room, the animal feels negative emotions that turn into stress. As a result of this, the cat seeks to attract the attention of the owners by shitting in the wrong place. A similar situation arises due to the fact that an adult animal does not yet know where he needs to relieve himself.

When a small fluffy ball appears in the house, it seems that there is no one sweeter than this creature. The idyll lasts until a puddle is found in a corner or in a flower pot, which should not be there. This is where the first problems appear. After all, no matter how cute and charming the pet is, the smell of urine from the sofa or carpet will be much stronger. How to wean a kitten to shit in the wrong place? First you need to find out what exactly does not tire your pet.

Why does a kitten stubbornly crap not in a tray

In order to solve the problem with the feces and defecation of a kitten in the wrong places, it is necessary to understand what exactly causes this behavior of a small animal. As a rule, the owner does not know how his pet's life went in the first months. Therefore, you need to conduct a small "investigation" and try to find out why the kitten shits anywhere. Perhaps he did not communicate much with a person, which is why he simply becomes nervous in his presence. Some particularly vulnerable animals may reactively defecate in response to strong emotions. Or perhaps the kitten is just stressed out due to the fact that he was taken away from his mother cat and brought to a new, unfamiliar home - with extraneous smells and frightening sounds. It happens that the pet is not satisfied with the tray or filler. However, the most likely reason is that the kitten is simply not accustomed to go on "delicate" matters to a strictly defined place. Unpleasant, sure, but not fatal. So let's educate! The process will take not a day or two, but, with some effort and showing maximum patience, you can still set your “ball of happiness” to be true. So, what should the owner pay attention to? First of all, on the tray, the filler and the place where the “toilet” is installed. As a rule, kittens are easily trained, if you explain to them intelligibly what they actually want from them. Therefore, be patient and stock up on detergents. If everything is done correctly, soon your baby will begin to run regularly in the place allotted for such matters. So, if a kitten is shitting everywhere, what should I do?

We select "inventory"

First of all, pay attention to the tray. It should be voluminous enough so that the fluffy prankster can safely turn around in it. Not the last role is played by the material from which the container is made. Cheap plastic often smells bad. A cat's sense of smell is 10 times better than a human's, so it can be disgusted by a litter box that emits a strong smell of chemicals. If the kitten is shitting anywhere, replace its toilet. Get a quality deep and long tray. It will need to be washed frequently with liquid soap and not allowed to accumulate urine there. It happens that the animal is already too clean, then it makes sense to put two containers. Well, or clean as often as possible - it's up to you.

Incorrect tray position

So, a new tray is bought, it is constantly cleaned, but the kitten crap everywhere. What to do now? Look, maybe a small pet is not satisfied with the place where he stands? First, you need to understand that an animal, like a person, needs solitude. He will not "pee the need" in front of everyone. The best place is a toilet or a balcony. Naturally, the tray must be provided with constant access, that is, the door should not be locked. It is necessary that the kitten is not distracted during such an important event. If there are little tomboys in the house, explain to them that the animal should not be disturbed, called out, and even more so scared when it sits on the tray.


Sometimes, if the kitten does not shit in the tray, the problem may lie in the litter. He may simply not satisfy the animal. For example, many kittens do not like wood pellets. And some prefer to rustle with newspapers. Believe me, kittens can show discontent no worse than humans. When buying a new filler, pay attention to its smell. Better not to have it at all. What you find pleasant, the cat may not like it. In addition, we remember that the cat's nose is very sensitive, especially to chemical ingredients. The latter, by the way, can cause irritation on the pads of kittens. Therefore, if the pet does not go to the tray, experiment with fillers. At the same time, you should not buy expensive mixtures, start with paper.

How to wean a kitten to shit in the wrong place?

As a rule, a pet does not get into the house by accident - this is a deliberate and balanced decision of the owners. But do not assume that a cute fluffy ball will be obedient and well-mannered. Taking it, get ready for everything, including puddles in the corners and on upholstered furniture. Think in advance of the place where his tray will stand. Stock up on fillers and cleaning products for cleaning. In principle, most small pets from the first days understand where they should go to relieve themselves, and where to run when they want to eat. But what to do if your apartment suddenly turned into a "minefield", how to wean a kitten from shitting in the wrong place? There are several ways to neutralize a small "sapper" and forget about his "odorous" puddles forever.

Let's take care of education

Most kittens learn to walk out of necessity, following the example of a mother cat. Therefore, if the pet is already old enough and not taken from the street, then, as a rule, there are no problems with its upbringing. But if the kitten is street and still small enough, then the owners should direct its actions in the right direction. Here it is important to monitor the behavior of the pet: if he starts to worry and look for a dark corner or curtain, behind which you can quietly leave a puddle, without wasting time, carry him to the tray. Of course he will try to sneak out. Stop such attempts persistently, but not rudely, over and over again returning to the right place. When all the work is done, show him the result of his efforts and pet him so that he understands that the owners approve of him. The kitten shits anywhere simply because he didn’t have any special problems on the street, there he had a toilet at every turn. Therefore, if you have already sheltered a homeless wanderer, never yell at the baby because of the puddle, but take care of his re-education. It is better to reward him with goodies when he goes not just anywhere, but to the tray. And another little trick. If the kitten pees in the wrong place, soak a napkin with urine and take it to the tray so that its smell appears there. So it will be clearer to him for what purposes he is brought here. Update the napkin until the kitten begins to walk on his own tray regularly.

Kitten shits in flowers

The hardest thing is to wean a kitten to shit in flower pots. The earth is the best place, from the animal's point of view, to pee. You can dig in the pot, loose soil is pleasantly felt under the paws. In general, if a cute kitten has discovered a variety of flowers and pots in your home, get ready for a long struggle. First, remove everything as high as possible, where the kitten simply cannot climb. It is necessary to completely block his access to flowers. If it is not possible to do this (we are talking about a large tub with a palm tree or other indoor tree), then try to cover the ground with something. Of course, it is difficult, but try to do it all the same. Pour sand into the tray. This will allow the pet to switch to it. In the future, it will be possible to replace it with a filler similar in consistency to the earth.

Urine odor removers

So, re-education measures have been taken, the tray meets all of the above standards, the filler is neutral, there is access to the toilet, but puddles and all other ugliness are found with enviable constancy in the wrong place. What to do if the kitten crap in the corners, spoil the furniture, bedspreads and curtains? It looks like it's time to use "heavy artillery" against the little prankster. In specialized stores, you can buy products that remove the smell of urine, as well as substances that have a very unpleasant aroma for cats. Perhaps there is an aerosol that combines these properties. The choice of such drugs is huge, the price range is designed for consumers with different levels of income, so you can choose the right “weapon” for the price. Now it remains only to process the places chosen by the kitten and purposefully drag it into the tray. Here, as they say, who will overrule whom.

water splash

If the kitten is shitting everywhere, try to apply one small, but not very pleasant trick for the pet. Finding him at the scene of the "crime", sprinkle water on him. Repeat the procedure several times. If the kitten is not a hopeless dumbass, he will remember the lesson. And he will know that every time the owner finds him defecating in the wrong place, he will have an unpleasant shower. Many owners poke the animal with its muzzle into a puddle or excrement. And, I must say, they make a gross mistake. The fact is that in this way it will not be possible to correct the situation; rather, on the contrary, the result will be exactly the opposite. Firstly, often the kitten does not understand what they want from him. The animal goes to the toilet, focusing on the smell. What does the owner do? Pokes it into a puddle that smells appropriate. So what should be done? That's right, go right here! The point is obvious. And secondly, the kitten can just get angry.

The cat-mom game

Often a kitten is separated from its mother too early. This is a lot of stress for him. That's why the kitten shits - he's confused and scared. In this case, it is simply useless to expect him to fulfill your requirements and desires. Be patient. After he has eaten, you can give him a light massage of the tummy. Stroking should be like licking a cat. Such touches stimulate the kitten's intestines, which provokes natural urges. Therefore, after stroking, take it to the tray.

What Not to Do

If a kitten shits anywhere, in no case should it be physically punished. This will not get you obedience from him. He will either become embittered, or will look for another secluded place so as not to catch the owner's eyes. And the “mines” left under the sofa or behind the cabinet are even harder to clean. Also, you can’t poke a pet with its muzzle in its puddles (this issue has already been discussed). Understand that the kitten is too small and simply not accustomed to the tray. If he was caught in the wrong place, silently take him and take him to the toilet, let him finish all his business in it. In no case do not beat and do not shout - he cannot stand up for himself. The owner needs patience and calmness. Clean areas where puddles have been found with strong-smelling cleaners. If the smell of urine has to be present somewhere, it is in the tray. Then your kitten will very quickly understand why they wear it there and where to dig with their paws.


Remember that every pet is different. He has his own problems and his own character. Therefore, there is no universal way to wean a kitten from shitting in the wrong place. But for every kid, of course, you can find an approach. Be patient, and he will understand that he needs it.


Try to find out the reason
First of all, you need to take the cat to the veterinarian to rule out possible health problems. It should be remembered that worms, constipation and various diseases of the genitourinary system can lead to the fact that the animal starts past its own. Thus, the animal is trying to draw attention to its problem. In addition, in this case, the cat may associate the tray with painful sensations.
One of the most common causes of an "unworthy" cat is resentment and revenge. Cats are very sensitive and touchy. It is often difficult for owners to guess what exactly caused such a reaction in their pet. Sometimes the animal simply does not have enough attention and affection. The cat may not like the tray itself or the place in which it is located. Cats are very picky and quite capable of refusing to go to the litter box if it is not comfortable enough or smells bad. Also, your cat may not be satisfied.

Thoroughly, using household chemicals, wash the entire house. Use special products that eliminate odors. Temporarily remove all carpets. The "marked" animals will never shit where the food is. If there are too many such places, you can glue a few cat food pellets onto cardboard boxes and arrange these cardboard boxes in the “marked” places.

Make sure the litter box is the right size for your cat and is in an accessible and convenient location.

Experiment with fillers - try buying a different kind of filler. Try to change the contents of the tray as often as possible. Each time, put a piece of paper soaked in the urine of the animal in the tray.