How to bless an apartment or house with holy water. How to consecrate an apartment yourself: the right way

  • 14.10.2019

People think about how to properly consecrate an apartment for various reasons. For some, domestic quarrels have become more frequent, for others, family members are seriously ill, and still others simply feel negative energy. To clean the walls of the dwelling from negativity, you can invite a priest for the ceremony, or try to do it yourself.

When is a consecration ritual necessary?

If you have a housewarming party, then it would be useful to first protect your home from evil spirits, as well as renew, fill the energy of the room. This applies to both new buildings and those in which someone has already lived.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to sanctify your own apartment where you have been for many years. These are the cases when:

  • dishes began to break frequently, household appliances break;
  • perish houseplants who were not sick before;
  • it is impossible to concentrate even in solitude, complete silence;
  • family members often get sick, pets get sick;
  • ants, cockroaches appeared;
  • constant quarrels, fights;
  • any paranormal activity: strange sounds are heard, objects move

It is also worth listening to your own feelings. Are you comfortable at home? Want to return? If the answer to these questions is no, urgent action is needed.

If “devilry” (inexplicable phenomena) is literally going on in the apartment, only a priest can expel evil spirits. He not only knows how to bless an apartment with holy water, candles, prayers, but also gives God's blessing.

In the absence of any serious signs of the presence of evil spirits, you can do it on your own. For the ritual of consecration should be thoroughly prepared.

Preparation for the consecration of the apartment

One of the most important steps. Before you consecrate the apartment yourself, you will need careful preparation. This is a responsible matter, you need to take it seriously.

  • The first thing to do is general cleaning. Before going to church for spiritual cleansing, the parishioner must be physically cleansed. And not only externally, but also from the inside, observing fasting. Therefore, cleaning an apartment involves both mopping, dusting, and getting rid of old, broken, unnecessary things.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the iconostasis. If you don't have it, be sure to install it. In the "red corner" there should be order, the absence of foreign objects. Some put next to the icons decorative candles, replace natural flowers with artificial ones. Under no circumstances should this be done!
  • The residents of the apartment being sanctified should be cleansed: visit the temple, read prayers regularly (if not often, but sincerely). And, of course, you need to avoid the abuse of alcohol, smoking, foul language.

About ways of consecrating a home

To clean the negative energy of the room, several variants of rituals are used. First, learn about how to consecrate an apartment with holy water yourself, as this is more effective method. Find out below what are the methods of consecrating an apartment or house on your own:

Holy water

Light church candles in all rooms (there are more near the iconostasis). Reading the prayer “Our Father”, or simply repeating “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, sprinkle all the walls with holy water. Pay special attention to the corners, as they accumulate the largest number negative, unclean. If you feel bad energy in some place, strange things happen, pour holy water on it too.


Holy water washes out the negative from the room, and you can burn it with the help of church candles. Start this ritual from the outside: run a lit candle around the perimeter of the door jambs (of course, at a safe distance). Next, cross the peephole, keyhole, handle with a flame. Enter the apartment and slowly "walk" the candle along the walls in a clockwise direction. Make smooth wave-like movements with your hand. Then clean the furniture, household items.

Attention! Be careful near flammable items.


How to consecrate an apartment yourself without candles and holy water? An alternative option is Thursday salt, which you can make yourself or purchase at a church shop. As you know, salt has absorbent properties, which means it can absorb negativity.

Put a dry frying pan on the stove, pour salt into it. Stir clockwise until very crackling and dark, while remembering all the bad things that happened in your house.

Carefully remove the pan from the stove, go around all the rooms of the apartment with it, including the bath, toilet. Walk around from left to right.

Salt absorbed the negative, which should be burned. To do this, put the pan back on the fire. Stirring with cross-shaped movements, say the phrase "Let all the bad things go back."
Pour salt into the toilet, rinse the pan thoroughly. Do wet cleaning apartments.

If there is an urgent need, you can also bless the house yourself: buy a candle in the church, light it, take it in your right hand and from right to left, reading “Our Father”, go around the whole house with it, looking into all corners. Where the candle will smoke more strongly, you need to stay longer, without ceasing to read the prayer.



Epiphany is one of the most important and revered Christian holidays. Amazing healing power on this holiday has Epiphany water.

When to draw water on Epiphany?

People, when they take baptismal water, for some reason begin to be deeply mistaken in this question: is water the most healing on January 18 or 19? The main thing is to understand for yourself that the water on these two days is sanctified in the same way. In most temples, therefore, consecrated water is poured for several more days in a row.
But most clergy report that it does not matter which day or hour you take the holy water. If you didn’t manage to do this during the holidays, visiting the temple later, you can always draw holy water for yourself.

Epiphany water. How to use

They drink this water not to quench their thirst, but to get strengthening of faith, healing of the soul and body.
Good power is baptismal water: its properties are really healing, it is mainly used to restore mental and physical strength.

You need to drink water on an empty stomach in the morning, in the evening before going to bed in a small cup. Be sure to read a prayer after acceptance with a request to heal ailments and direct them on the right path.

But the holy fathers of sick people blessed Epiphany water to drink one tablespoon every hour. It turns out that even a few drops of water taken during an illness could change the course of the disease.
Reverend Seraphim Vyritsky argued that consecrated oil and water help better than all medicines. He advised to sprinkle food with it.

People are always interested: how is baptismal water useful, how to use it? It is able to strengthen the immune system, and a person will be resistant to infections and will become less likely to catch a cold.
She needs to wash. Ambrose of Optina sent a bottle of consecrated water to a terminally ill man, and, to the amazement of the doctors, the incurable disease receded.

Store in cold store and next to the products the bottle should not be. Keep it separate and be sure to sign it so that none of your loved ones confuse it with ordinary water.

How to bless an apartment Epiphany water

On the great feast of Epiphany, according to tradition, baptismal water is collected, and with the prayer “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”, the walls of the dwelling, various objects and even animals are consecrated. It will bring peace to the house and peace to the soul.

To do this, a special sprinkler (broom) is bought in a shop or an ordinary twig from a tree or bush is used, and everything is sprinkled with consecrated water. And a special troparion is also pronounced.

How to properly store baptismal water

First of all, we must always remember that even Epiphany water in all its physical parameters still remains water. But according to the metaphysical, after the baptismal rite, it acquires the divine power of consecration.
However, to keep this water for a long time, some care will also be required.
In order to have enough water for the whole year, you should not strain and drag it with whole tubs. In fact, just a small amount is enough to last until the next Baptism.
After all, this water has one special property: diluted with ordinary water, it sanctifies it all.

A case was recorded when one old woman had kept holy water since 1947 and was fit for use, because it did not deteriorate at all, as it was guarded with reverence and great love. But the painful state of a person's soul can also affect the water. Water does not stand well where people quarrel and utter abusive words, where there is fornication and adultery. Through the water, God can show all this disgusting desolation in the house. Now the answer to the question why baptismal water does not deteriorate is clear enough. But some negligent owners spoiled the water stored in the dishes, on which the old labels from alcoholic or carbonated drinks remained. Even if the water has deteriorated, this is not a reason to pour it out, you can no longer drink it, but you can sprinkle it. But the priests still recommend not to be lazy, go to church and collect other blessed water.

Under no circumstances should water be mixed with sewage. Pour out only in a place where neither people nor animals go.

Often, when moving to a new home, people have the following questions: “How to properly sanctify an apartment? Is it possible to do it yourself? How much does this service cost?

You can find answers to them in this article.

Why believers sanctify their home

First, we need to understand what sanctification means and what its role is in modern society.

Consecration is a special ceremony in Orthodox Christianity, which represents the cleansing of any place or object from the evil influence of the demonic world and the invocation of God's grace.

Since ancient times, regularities have been noticed between the morality of the people and their fate: people's refusal from the Lord often led to inevitable and terrible consequences (famine, tornadoes, floods, droughts, etc.), so every believer is obliged to prove his faith that nothing happens without the will of God.

By consecrating an apartment, we have the opportunity to cleanse our house from the devil and his machinations, because in our time so many false ideas are being introduced into our heads through television and radio. Thus, to the question “Do I need to consecrate my home?”, The correct and undeniable answer is “yes”.

How much does it cost to dedicate an apartment

If you decide to invite a priest from the temple to consecrate your apartment or house, then most likely you will think about the price of this issue. This topic is very delicate.

The fact is that often a God-fearing church minister will be modest and will not ask for money for this procedure, because for him to read a prayer and give advice is a joy.

But do not forget that the church exists only at the expense of donations, and that is why the priest's expenses for consecration should at least be covered.

Rules for the consecration of an apartment by an Orthodox priest

First you need to prepare the house for the sacred rite: wash the apartment, put all things in their places, be sure to check if there are pagan objects at home (astrological calendars, figurines of other gods, etc.).

Note: it is desirable to have a table with a clean tablecloth: here the priest will put the holy objects.

Before the start of the ceremony, the clergyman pastes several paper Christian crosses throughout the house (above the front door and in all rooms).

After reading the first prayers and the ninetieth psalm, the priest consecrates olive (sometimes sunflower) oil and sprinkles the entire house with holy water, after which he smears paper crosses with oil. These crosses serve as keepers of peace and grace in the apartment, even when repairing them, they should be saved and then glued back.

The ceremony lasts about half an hour, and it is performed once.

How and when you can sanctify the apartment yourself with holy water

They do not consecrate the apartment with their own hands, but on the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, Orthodox believers sprinkle their homes. Then even tap water will be suitable for this purpose.

Also, water is often left in churches for parishioners who could not get to the service for some reason.

Is it possible to clean the apartment of negativity on your own

In order for a Christian's life to flow in safety, prosperity, and bring saving fruits, it must be pleasing to the will of God.

Orthodox Christians should in no case fall into magic, as this is a grave sin.

First of all, you need to cleanse your life, your soul. And how can this be done?

Come to the temple, prepare and go to confession, and it is at the evening service, when the priests are in no hurry and can devote as much time to communicating with the parishioners as they need. Then partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ at the Sunday service.

Even in Russia, Christians cleansed their homes by burning incense and asked for God's blessings on their homes. Nowadays, you can also buy a censer with a handle and incense in a church shop.

You need to go around the whole house or apartment, make the sign of the cross with a censer and chant psalms No. Winning."

You can also often sprinkle the place where you live with Holy water. At the same time, you need to say: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. By sprinkling this sacred water, let all the crafty demonic action turn to flight.

Daily in the evenings, reading prayer rule and the prayer “May God rise again”, cross all four corners of your room, and going to bed, cross the bed.

Coming to the priest's house for many believers - big holiday. Many are anxiously awaiting this event. After the consecration of the apartment, there is often a tea party, sincere spiritual conversations are held.

At such a meeting, you can ask the priest about many things, ask questions that are of concern at the moment, consult and ask for blessings.


Before sprinkle House Saint water, you need to tidy up all things, wash windows, floors, wipe dust, wipe mirrors, wash curtains. Rooms should be free of unnecessary items and clutter. Cleaning can be done on any day except Sunday.

Wash your hands before starting the process. Borrow you need to pour the holy water into a clean bowl. Please note that under no circumstances should a bowl that has been touched be used. A new bowl is best. Starting to sprinkle House and, you need to read a prayer for blessed deeds.

Start sprinkling from the red corner. The red corner is located in the central room diagonally from the entrance. In the red corner there should be an iconostasis or. You need to stand in front of the corner, scoop right hand Little Saint water, sprinkle the corner crosswise and say the following: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Then you need to go around the room clockwise and sprinkle the rest of the corners, walls, ceiling and floor in the same way. Be careful not to step on drops of water that have fallen on the floor. Holy water should not get under shoes. It is best to take off your shoes before you start sprinkling and do it with bare feet. After sprinkling the room, read the prayer to the Life-Giving Cross.

After sprinkling the central room, sprinkle the rest of the rooms, kitchen, bathroom and hallway in the same way. In you need to sprinkle only the corners. Toilet Saint water do not sprinkle. After sprinkling everything, read the prayer "To the Hieromartyr Blaise, Bishop of Sebaste."

After you have sprinkled the entire dwelling, draw on each wall and above the front door. Use chalk or pencil. They, too, must be illuminated according to the order of illumination of things.

If you have moved to a new House, it must be sprinkled Saint water and clear. Hang an icon in the red corner Mother of God or the Savior. Light a candle and read a prayer for blessed deeds. Then sprinkle all over House. Sprinkling the dwelling Saint water it happens in the same way as the sprinkling of the dwelling in which you live.


  • how to light up a house

Holy water is a truly magical liquid. It has the ability to cure diseases, purify from the evil eye and save a person from bad thoughts. Sprinkling with holy water Orthodox Church give a special atmosphere of purity and holiness, as if highlighting everything around and making it full of grace. You can sprinkle an apartment or office with holy water on your own, only you need to do this in accordance with all the rules.

You will need

  • holy water, sprinkler


Pour holy water into a special container. It's best to use a new bowl, but one of the bowls or plates you use Everyday life. It is important that the bowl is not used for animals. The day before the sprinkling of your house, you need to tidy up and wash everything. Sprinkling is a kind of sacrament, so it is simply necessary that the cleanliness of the room and your soul correspond to it. It is best to do this procedure on Sunday, but any other day, of course, is also suitable. Just before you start sprinkling, walk around the apartment again and check that all things are in their places and there is nothing superfluous anywhere.

On the day of sprinkling or the day before, it’s good to go to church for a service, then talk with the priest and ask for his blessing to sprinkle the dwelling with holy water. Without such a blessing, the procedure, of course, can be carried out, just after talking with the priest in your soul you will have peace and the necessary grace. And for sprinkling, mood is very important. It is necessary to start sprinkling rooms from the red corner - this is the central part of the house, located diagonally from front door. Usually it is in the red corner that the iconostasis or one icon is located. Immediately before sprinkling, it is necessary to read a prayer for the blessing of the cause or “Our Father”.

Scoop up some water with your hand and with the words "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit," sprinkle the red corner with water in a crosswise motion. In the same way, sprinkle all the corners in the room, floor and ceiling. You need to move clockwise, trying not to step on drops of holy water. After you finish sprinkling the room, you need to read the prayer to the Life-Giving Cross or, if you don’t know it, “Our Father”. In the same way, all other rooms of the apartment, the kitchen and the hallway should be sprinkled.


The toilet is not sprinkled with holy water. When sprinkling a bathroom, it is necessary to sprinkle only the corners, leaving the floor and ceiling intact.

Useful advice

In order not to defile the procedure with dirty shoes, you need to take off your shoes. Sprinkle while wearing socks, and preferably barefoot.

Holy water is a great Christian shrine, so the attitude of a Christian towards it should be very reverent and pious. Water can be blessed in temples and springs. At the request of the people, the priest can bless the water at almost any time, since there is a certain order for this. A Christian needs to know how to properly use holy water for his needs.

Scientists scientific method proved that consecrated water somewhat changes its qualities. After blessed consecration, it has healing properties, which was noticed

There is a practice of adding holy water to food. This is done for the blessed consecration of food. True, it is necessary to add so much so that it does not harm the dish itself.

In addition to the fact that holy water can be drunk in illnesses, she is recommended to anoint sore spots, and sometimes even wash her face. For diseases of the joints, you can moisten the bandage in holy water and apply a bandage (such recommendations can be given by the clergy).

Holy water can not only be drunk for healing and general blessed sanctification, but also used when added to food. There is a tradition of sprinkling houses and apartments with holy water. It is this one that is used by the priest for or other items. Church practice does not prohibit sprinkling holy water on their homes and, therefore, some believers sometimes do this.

A Christian needs to take care of this unique Divine gift and store holy water in a proper place, for example, next to.

Consecration in the Orthodox Church is a generally accepted method of spiritual cleansing of the home among believers. The question of cleaning the house comes up especially sharply when tangles of negative energy accumulate in the room, there is a feeling of the presence of the otherworldly. Only the priest has the power to cleanse the premises of evil spirits, but it happens that it is not possible to invite him. In this case, the consecration can be carried out independently.

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    Ways to consecrate a home

    Christians have several basic canonical methods for conducting the ritual of cleansing the home. All of them are divided into traditional for Orthodoxy baptism with water or baptism with fire.

    Each of the methods can be performed both by a clergyman and by an ordinary person faithful to God. However, the official church strongly advises to conduct the first ritual with a priest: thus, this responsible business is entrusted to a professional who knows exactly how to properly consecrate an apartment. In addition, at the time of the next consecration of housing, the layman will be able to more accurately repeat the actions of the clergyman. But in extreme cases, you can perform the consecration process yourself even for the first time.

    There are such methods of cleaning the room from negative energy:

    • Sprinkling the apartment with holy water.
    • Consecration with thirty-three Jerusalem candles.

    How to sprinkle a room with holy water

    According to most clergy, this method is the most canonical. It is complex, responsible, but if you carefully follow the instructions, there will be no difficulties in consecrating the apartment.

    Rules for the ritual of sprinkling:

    1. 1. This rite should be performed by a person who first cleansed himself and his flesh. It is unacceptable to conduct a ritual by a person far from the church.
    2. 2. The house should be clean at the time of the ceremony. Not only physically, but also spiritually: without fights, quarrels, misunderstandings. Otherwise, the ritual will not help.
    3. 3. It should be understood that the consecration of the home is not a panacea. The purification of the physical world directly depends on the purity of the person who lives in it. Before cleansing the home, it is necessary to cleanse the soul.

    It is better to sprinkle the room at the Baptism of the Lord, when the body and soul are themselves cleansed by the divine energy emanating from everywhere.

    Do not neglect the usual cleaning of the home. Clean energy reaches for a clean home, displacing negative energy.

    Performing ritual sprinkling

    It is necessary to perform sprinkling at home, strictly following the instructions, otherwise you may not clean, but harm your home:

    1. 1. To begin with, it is necessary for the whole family living in the house to go to church for one of the Saturday or Sunday services. So the cleaned room will not be instantly contaminated negative energy coming from the inhabitants, and the souls of all will receive their piece of God, his blessing.
    2. 2. After the end of the service, it is necessary to collect holy water in the church. Many people believe that water drawn on Thursday or Saturday mornings is more healing than water drawn on other days. This is not true. Any holy water is healing.
    3. 3. Before the ritual itself, you should thoroughly wash your hands with baptismal water, prepare a bowl (preferably silver or gold) with freshly collected holy water. It is also necessary to read the “Our Father” with the whole family, even if this is not customary.
    4. 4. Holding a bowl of consecrated water with your left hand, sprinkle all the walls and corners of the room with a sprinkler with your right hand, drawing a mental cross.
    5. 5. The ceremony should start from the eastern corner of the room, moving from wall to wall strictly clockwise.
    6. 6. When performing the ritual, it is important to read the prayer “Let God rise again”, repeating it until the end of the ceremony.

    Textprayers "Let God rise again":“Let God rise again and scatter His enemies, and let those who hate Him flee from His face, as smoke disappears; let them disappear; as wax melts in the presence of fire, so let the demons perish from the presence of those who love God and sign the sign of the cross and speak in joy.

    Rejoice, Holy One and Life-Giving Cross Lord, drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, crucified on you, who descended into hell and corrected the strength of the devil and gave us His Honest Cross to drive away any adversary. O Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady Virgin Mother of God and with all the saints forever. Amen".

    Baptism of the monastery with fire using 33 Jerusalem candles

    In the center of pilgrimage for many peasants, Jerusalem, is the great church of the Holy Sepulcher. It is believed that objects placed on the altar of the Holy Sepulcher become sacred, acquire properties that are beneficial for the soul and body. Traditionally, a bundle of thirty-three church candles is placed on the coffin lid.

    If it is not possible to visit Jerusalem yourself, it is allowed to buy candles in a church shop or receive them as a gift from friends.

    Performing baptism by fire

    How to conduct the ceremony:

    1. 1. A few days before the start of the ritual, it is necessary to prepare the dwelling, carry out a general cleaning, cleanse the body and soul of problems and sins.
    2. 2. For the ritual, choose a day freed from worldly problems, work issues and stress. The day of the consecration of the dwelling becomes a personal church holiday for residents, on which you should not overload yourself with homework.
    3. 3. Kindle one or immediately a bunch of candles at the home iconostasis.
    4. 4. Read the cycle of prayers. Start with the prayer "Our Father", and then read the prayer three times for the consecration of the apartment.
    5. 5. Having crossed yourself, move away from the candles, without turning away from the iconostasis.

    Candles can be burned completely, but can also be extinguished for reuse. In order to preserve the holy properties of candles, they should never be blown out. In order to extinguish a candle, you need to use a special cap smeared with frankincense oil. Then the candle can be used again.