About prayer. What is and what is the prayer rule

  • 29.09.2019

The person constantly delivers an internal monologue, and sometimes violently argues with an imaginary opponent. He is torn apart by conflicting feelings, oppressed by the need to make decisions. Vain thoughts, big problems and small things, the flow of daily, endless worries. And it already seems that no one can help, and life passes by, and nothing good awaits ahead. And then we suddenly remember that we also have someone to turn to, someone to hope for and from whom to expect help.

It’s better, after all, not to wait for a special mood, failure, God forbid, misfortune, but to know the prayers for every day and read them regularly.

Daily church attendance is almost impossible for a modern, active, working person, but everyone can read prayers in the morning, entrusting their fate into the hands of God. The church rite suggests that a full reading of the daily prayer for each day takes at least 40 minutes. Not everyone can afford it, and besides, there are difficulties in understanding Church Slavonic words. This makes it harder to read and remember. Parish priests, spiritual fathers allow and advise to reduce the number of prayers, leaving only those that, as they say, "fell on the soul." Orthodox prayers for every day are appeals to God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity, Saints, Reverends, Archangels, Apostles, Guardian Angels. And everyone who prays can turn to the one who is closer to him. Prayer is not a request, much less a demand: to do, give, organize, cure. A deeply felt, correctly read morning prayer helps to focus, being a kind of meditative tool. Prayers for every day discipline the mind and soul, give us the opportunity to feel protected, stored. If there is no special occasion, then usually the daily Orthodox rite includes several main prayers.

We were not taught to pray, but a direct appeal to God, the main prayer for every day, is known to many. This is our Father. Orthodox Church- the church is a cathedral, and when many people read a prayer at the same time, then its strength becomes irresistible. Therefore, those who are accountable at the time are so effective. church services.

You can contact the Guardian Angel during the day, he is always there, keeps, protects, directs.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

Angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me by the Lord, I pray you: every day keep me from all evil, instruct me in good deeds and direct me on the path of salvation. Amen.

Ugodnik is very revered in Russia. Icons with his image can be found in the cottages of wealthy people and in poor apartments. Smart and stupid, educated and ignorant, people of all ages and professions considered and still consider him theirs. The Great Saint refuses to help anyone, and this help is always timely and effective.

Prayer to Nicholas the Pleasant

O All-good Father Nicholas! Shepherd and teacher of all those praying with faith for your intercession and calling to you in a fervent prayer! Try and save the flock of Christ from the wolves that are destroying the Christian country. Protect and protect with your saints prayers from rebellion, war and internecine strife, from hunger, flood, fire, ball and vain death. And just as you had mercy on three men sitting in prison, and delivered them from the wrath of the king and the cut from the sword, so have mercy on me too, and deliver me from the wrath of the Lord and eternal torment. With your intercession and help, with your own mercy and grace, Christ God will give me a quiet life, save me from troubles and misfortunes. Amen

Not for a woman better than prayer for every day than appeal to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It helps in illnesses, protects from despair and evil thoughts.

mistress, Holy Mother of God. With your all-powerful and holy supplications before the Lord, take away from me, your humble servant of God, bad and evil thoughts. I ask You to strengthen me in my faith! Protect my weak soul and sinful heart from despondency and despair. Our intercessor, the Most Holy Theotokos! Do not let fall into the sin of evil thoughts and deeds. May your name be blessed forever and ever. Amen.

Be constant in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving.

(Col. 4:2).

There are no special hours for prayer—it must be all-hours and all-minutes.

Economic affairs can only excuse a short standing in prayer, but they cannot excuse the impoverishment of inner prayer. The Lord does not want much, but at least not much, but from the heart.

It is necessary during the day to cry out to God more often from the heart in short words, judging by the need of the soul and current affairs. You start something, for example, say: “Bless, Lord!” When you finish the job, say: “Glory to Thee, Lord,” and not only with the tongue, but also with the feeling of the heart. What passion rises - say: "Save, Lord, I'm perishing" ...

But in order for the soul to cry out like this, it is necessary in advance to force it to turn everything to the glory of God — every deed, great and small... case is wrong and not to offend God in any way.

Saint Theophan, the recluse Vyshensky (1815-1894).

E if, according to Holy Scripture If Christ is the true sun and the true day, then the Christian must not only often, but always, worship God in such a way that not a single hour should be an exception for him.

Hieromartyr Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage (+258).

You are the temple of God, do not look for a place for prayer, you only need a spiritual disposition - pray in the washbasin, on the road, on the bed, and wherever you are - pray.

For this, not so much a word is needed as a thought, not so much an outstretched hand, but a tension of the soul, not so much a certain position of the body, but a disposition of the spirit ... Wail bitterly, remember your sins, look to heaven, say with your mind: “Have mercy on me God," and your prayer is over. Whoever said “have mercy” made a confession and acknowledged his sins, because it is characteristic of those who have sinned to desire mercy.

Saint John Chrysostom(+ 407).

At work and in public, try to intelligently stand before God, that is, have the memory of God that He is here. If the psalms and akathists touch you more, read them if you have time.

Schiegumen John (Alekseev) (1873-1958).

Not everyone can often stand for prayer during the day. But to force oneself to prayer, although mental, if in public, is possible for anyone. It is possible to begin and end every work and occupation by raising the mind to God.

Rev. Nikon of Optina (1888-1931).

Let us try with hope and prayer to distance ourselves from all worldly cares, but if we cannot fulfill this perfectly, then we will bring confession to God in our shortcomings, but we will not abandon diligence in prayer, for it is better to be reproached for frequent omission than for complete abandonment. .

Reverend Mark the Ascetic(IV-Vcenturies).

And fulfill all that is heavy for you as a penance for your sins - in the spirit of obedience and humility; in continuation of the work, pronounce short prayers especially the Jesus Prayer, and imagine Jesus eating His bread in the sweat of His face while working with Joseph.

If your labors are successful, according to the desire of your heart, then give thanks to the Lord God; if unsuccessful, then remember that God allows this too, and God does everything well.

Saint righteous Alexy Mechev (1859-1923).

We must at least once a day for a few minutes put ourselves on judgment before the Lord, as if we died and on the fortieth day we stand before the Lord and wait for the saying about us, where the Lord will send us. Mentally presenting ourselves before the Lord in anticipation of judgment, let us weep and beg the mercy of God for mercy on us, for the remission of our huge, unpaid debt.

Hegumen Nikon (Vorobiev) (1894-1963).

While occupied with the affairs of life (without which no one can do), one can and should pray and transfer one’s thought from the visible, perceptible world of objects to the invisible name of God.

For example: looking at the fire, either in the stove, or in the stove, or in the lamp, or anywhere else, say to yourself mentally: “Lord, deliver me from eternal fire!” And thus humble your thoughts ...

Lying down to sleep, say to yourself mentally: "The Lord and our God did not have where to bow his head, but he gave us every comfort."

When you wake up, cross yourself, and when you get up from sleep, say to yourself: “Glory to Thee, who showed us the light!”

When you start to put on shoes, say mentally: “Lord, bless, Lord, help!”

When you get dressed, say to yourself (mentally): “Lord, enlighten the garment of my soul and save me!”

When you begin to wash yourself, be sure to cross yourself to drive away the enemy action, which comes through the watery nature ...

And when despondency or hardening of the heart attacks us, preventing us from praying, then,in order to drive away such a demonic temptation, one must say to oneself: “Lord, I have neither compunction, nor zeal, nor contrition to pray to You properly!”

After such contrition of heart, God will give God-pleasing and saving prayer, since the heart of a contrite and humble God will not despise(Ps. 50:19), i.e. will not leave without help.

Schema-Archimandrite Kirik Athos(XIX-XXcenturies).

Before starting any business

Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Father without beginning, You spoke to us with Your pure lips: “I am the Vine, and you are the branches; whoever abides in Me and I in him bears much fruit; for without me you can do nothing.” My Lord, Lord, I believe with all my soul and heart what You have said, I bow down to Your goodness and pray to You: help me, a sinner, to do this work that I am starting, for You to do it for Yourself, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. At the end of every business

At the end of every business

Glory to Thee, Lord! or:

The source of all good, You, my Lord Jesus Christ, grant joy and gladness to my soul and save me, the One Most Merciful. The source of all good, You, my Lord Jesus Christ, grant joy and gladness to my soul and save me, the One Most Merciful. Prayer before eating

Prayer before eating

Our Father...

The eyes of all are turned to You, O Lord, and You give food to everyone at the right time, You open Your generous hand and satisfy all living things. Prayer after eating food We thank You, Christ our God, for You have satisfied us with Your earthly blessings. Do not deprive us of Your Heavenly Kingdom, but as you once came to Your disciples, granting them peace, come to us and save us.

Prayers for the sick

Troparion, tone 4

You alone are quick in intercession, Jesus Christ, quickly from above show help to your suffering servant (Your servant) (name) and deliver from ailments and bitter illnesses and rise to sing to You and praise You unceasingly, through the prayers of the Mother of God, alone Humanity.

Kontakion, voice 3

As You, Savior, once healed Peter's mother-in-law and the paralytic, brought to You on a stretcher, so now, Merciful One, on the bed of illness lying (lying) and mortally wounded (wounded) suffering, visit and heal: for You alone suffered ailments and illnesses ours, and you can do everything, Most Merciful.

Master, Almighty, Holy Lord, punishing, but not killing, supporting the fallen and raising the defeated, healing the bodily suffering of people, we pray to You, our God, visit Your servant (name) who is sick with Your mercy, forgive him every sin voluntary and involuntary. Lord, send Your healing power from heaven, touch his body, quench the heat, stop suffering and heal all hidden infirmities, be the doctor of Your servant (name), rise from the bed of sickness and from the bed of suffering healthy and healed, grant it to Your Church who does good and to those who do Your will. For you have the power to have mercy and save us, our God, and we give glory to you, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen. Prayers for travelers

Troparion, voice 2

Lord Jesus Christ, You are the Way and the Truth! Send now to Your servants, as once Tobias, a companion - Your Angel, who preserves them from all trouble and from all evil, to Your glory, through the prayers of the Mother of God, the only Humane.

Prayers for travelers

Kontakion, voice 2

Traveling with Luke and Cleopas to Emmaus, our Savior, abide now with Your servants who want to travel, delivering them from all danger, for You, Lover of mankind, can do everything. create whatever you wish.

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, the true and living Path, wandering with Joseph and with Your Most Pure Mother Virgin to Egypt, desiring to go with Luke and Cleopas to Emmaus! And now we humbly pray to You, O Most Holy Master, be with Your servants by Your grace. And, as to your servant Tobias, sent a guardian angel and mentor, preserving and delivering them from every evil action of visible and invisible enemies, and instructing them to fulfill your commandments, in peace and prosperity and health, preserving and unharmed and prosperous return. And grant them all your good intention to fulfill Your glory. For You are free to have mercy and save us, and we send glory to You with Your Father without beginning and with Your Most Holy and Good, and Your Life-giving Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen. Thank you for every good deed of God.

Troparion, tone 4

Lord, we are Your unworthy servants, we thank You for Your great and good deeds that were with us. We praise You, bless, give thanks, sing and magnify Your goodness, faithfully and with love we exclaim to You: Benefactor and our Savior, glory to You! Kontakion, the voice of the 3rd Your blessings and gifts, we, the unworthy slaves, have been undeservedly honored, Master. We diligently bow down to You, we offer all possible gratitude, as we glorify the Benefactor and the Creator, and we exclaim to You: Glory to You, God, generous in everything.

Glory, and now: Theotokos:

Mother of God, Helper of Christians, having received Your intercession, Your servants with gratitude sing to You: Rejoice, Most Pure Mother of God Virgin, and always deliver us from all troubles with Your prayers, faithful and unceasing Intercessor!

About the multiplication of love and the eradication of hatred and all malice

Troparion, tone 4

By the union of the love of Thy apostles, O Christ, uniting us. Thy faithful servants, firmly unite with love. To do Thy commandments and to love each other without hypocrisy, grant us, through the prayers of the Mother of God, the only Lover of mankind.

Kontakion, tone 5

With the flame of love for You, kindle our hearts, Christ God, so that we, filled with this love, heart, thought, soul and all our strength, love You and our neighbor as ourselves, and keeping Your commandments, glorify You, all the blessings of the Giver.

About those who hate and offend us

Troparion, tone 4

Lord of love, who prayed for those who crucified You, and commanded Your disciples to pray for enemies! Forgive those who hate and offend us, and turn from all evil and deceit to a brotherly-loving and virtuous life, we humbly offer you a prayer: let us glorify You, the only Lover of mankind, in unanimous unanimity.

Kontakion, tone 5

As Your First Martyr Stephen prayed to You, O Lord, for those who killed him, and we, falling down to You, pray: Forgive those who hate everyone and offend us, so that not one of them perishes because of us, but all are saved by Your grace, God all-merciful.

Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian, read during Great Lent

Lord and Master of my life! Do not give me the spirit of idleness, despondency, arrogance and idle talk. (bow to the earth)

Grant the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to me, Thy servant. (bow to the earth)

Yes, Lord, King, grant me to see my sins and not condemn my brother, for you are blessed forever and ever. Amen. (bow to the earth)

God, cleanse me a sinner! (12 times with waist bows)

Instead of translating the prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian (which is quite understandable in Slavic), another prayer is placed below.

Prayer of St. John of Kronstadt:

God! Your name is Love - do not reject me, the erring one.

Your name is Strength - strengthen me, exhausted and falling.

Your name is Light - enlighten my soul, darkened by worldly passions.

Your name is Peace - pacify my restless soul.

Your name is Grace - do not cease to have mercy on me. Amen.

Good afternoon, young reader! Are you ready to leave the house? Wait a minute! You have not done the most important thing, and I am very worried about you. Cars scurry about on the street, people meet who can offend you, hundreds of dangers lie in wait at every step, and you did not pray to God before leaving! How many worries do you have kindergarten Or, if you are already studying, at school? Are you hoping to handle everything on your own?

Do you want this day to be really kind, and also useful and saving for you? So that every matter can be argued in your hands? So that trouble does not happen to you, and if trouble does happen, would it be like a summer rain that quickly passed?

Then learn before leaving the house and before the beginning of each work to be blessed by God with these words: “Lord, bless!”

And after finishing the work and returning home, thank Him like this: “Glory to Thee, Lord!”

Memorize or read from the prayer book prayers suitable for certain matters during the day. And if you call on the Lord with faith, He will certainly hear you and help you.

Prayer before teaching

Good Lord, grant us the grace of Your Holy Spirit, giving meaning and strengthening our spiritual strength, so that, listening to the teachings taught to us, we grow up to You, our Creator, to the glory, our parent for consolation, the Church and the Fatherland for the benefit.

Prayer after teaching

We thank Thee, the Creator, as if Thou hast vouchsafed us Thy grace, in a hedgehog heed to teaching. Bless our bosses, parents and teachers who lead us to the knowledge of the good, and give us strength and strength to continue this teaching.

Prayer before eating

The eyes of all in Thee, O Lord, hope, and You give them food in good time, You open Your generous hand and fulfill every animal good will.

Prayer after eating

We thank Thee, Christ our God, for Thou hast satisfied us with Thy earthly blessings; do not deprive us of Your Kingdom of Heaven, but as if among Your disciples, Thou hast come, Savior, give them peace, come to us and save us.

Prayer for those who hate and offend us

Praying for those who have crucified Thee, O merciful Lord, and Thy servants praying for enemies, forgive those who hate and offend us, and from all evil and deceit to a brotherly-loving and virtuous dwelling, we humbly offer you a prayer; yes, in unanimous unanimity, we glorify Thee, the One Lover of mankind.

Prayer in all dangerous cases

Holy Mother of God, save us!

Prayer for the healing of the sick

O most merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, worshiped and glorified in the inseparable Trinity, look kindly on Your servant (name), obsessed with illness; forgive him all his sins; give him healing from the disease; return to him a long and prosperous life, Your peaceful and worldly blessings, so that he, together with us, brings grateful prayers to You, the all-merciful God and my Creator.

With every prayer and petition, pray at all times in the Spirit.

(Eph. 6:18).

Household affairs can only excuse a short standing in prayer, but they cannot excuse the impoverishment of inner prayer. The Lord does not want much, but at least not much, but from the heart.

It is necessary during the day to cry out to God more often from the heart in short words, judging by the need of the soul and current affairs. You start something, for example, say: bless, Lord! When you finish the job - say: glory to you, Lord, - and not only with your tongue, but also with the feeling of your heart. What passion rises - say: save, Lord, I am perishing ... But in order for the soul to cry out like that, we must first force it to turn everything to the glory of God - every deed, big and small ... With every deed, let us remember God, and remember not simply, but with apprehension, so as not to do something wrong in any case and not offend God in any way.
But so that this, i.e. doing everything for the glory of God, the soul performed as it should;

have mercy on me short word, but it found a sea of ​​philanthropy, because where there is mercy, there are all blessings. Even when you are outside the church, cry out and say: have mercy on me; speak, though without moving your mouth, but calling out with your mind; God hears even those who are silent. This does not require a place, but above all a spiritual mood.

When at work ... evil thoughts are chilling, leave work and lay down thirty-three prostrations, humbly calling on the mercy and help of God.

At work and in public, try to intelligently stand before God, that is, have the memory of God that He is here. If the psalms and akathists touch you more, read them if you have time.

Not everyone can often stand for prayer during the day. But to force oneself to prayer, although mental, if in public, is possible for anyone. It is possible to begin and end every work and occupation by raising the mind to God.

Let us try with hope and prayer to distance ourselves from all worldly cares, but if we cannot fulfill this perfectly, then we will bring confession to God in our shortcomings, but we will not abandon diligence in prayer, for it is better to be reproached for frequent omission than for complete abandonment.

In the midst of your labors, be always cheerful and calm, entrusting their success to the blessing of the Lord, and be content that you have done your job.
Fulfill everything that is difficult for you as penance for your sins in the spirit of obedience and humility; in the course of your labors, say short prayers, especially the Jesus Prayer, and imagine Jesus, Who, in the sweat of His face, ate His bread, laboring with Joseph.
If your works are successful, according to the desire of your heart, then give thanks to the Lord God; if unsuccessful, then remember that God allows this too, and God does everything well.

Unceasing prayer was among the saints the so-called mental work. But this is the measure of the perfect, and we cannot even think about it. First of all, we need to try to have a constant memory of God, and then we will see that the Lord is constantly with us, that it is not He who leaves us, but we leave Him and forget Him, remembering Him only when we need to get up on prayer rule, to our morning or evening conversation with Him. But even such a conversation will be possible only when, at other times, we constantly abide and unite with Him. To the memory of God, a short invocation should be added, pronounced from time to time: Lord, have mercy, Lord, save, or some other, depending on which prayer is closer to whom.

We must at least once a day for a few minutes put ourselves on judgment before the Lord, as if we died and on the fortieth day we stand before the Lord and wait for the saying about us, where the Lord will send us. Mentally presenting ourselves before the Lord in anticipation of judgment, let us weep and beseech the mercy of God for mercy on us, for the remission of our huge unpaid debt.

The Holy Apostle Paul said: pray without ceasing, and do everything for the glory of God, for this is pleasing and pleasing before our Savior God. To pray without ceasing does not mean standing before St. icons and pray all day, although you have to pray at a certain time. One can and should pray for every deed, as St. John Chrysostom: "You can pray while sitting at the spinning wheel and raise your mind to the God of reason, who looks at our mind and heart." So, while engaging in the business of life (without which no one can do), one can and should pray, and from the material world that is visible, perceptible to us, transfer one’s thought to the invisible name of God.
For example: looking at the fire, either in the stove, or in the stove, or in the lamp, or anywhere else, say to yourself mentally: Lord, deliver me from the eternal fire! And thus humble your thoughts.
Lying down to sleep, say to yourself mentally: Our Lord and God did not have anywhere to bow his head, but he gave us every comfort.
When you wake up, cross yourself, and when you get up from sleep, say to yourself: Glory to Thee, who showed us the light!
You begin to put on shoes, say mentally: Lord bless, Lord help!
When you get dressed, say to yourself (mentally): Lord, enlighten the garment of my soul and save me!
When you start to wash yourself, be sure to cross yourself to drive away the enemy action, which comes through the watery nature ...
And when despondency or hardening of the heart attacks us, preventing us from praying, then, in order to drive away such a demonic temptation, we must say to ourselves: Lord, I have neither compunction, nor zeal, nor contrition to pray to You worthily!
After such contrition of the heart, God will give God-pleasing and saving prayer, since God will not humiliate the contrite and humble heart, i.e. will not leave without help.

Do not start any work, the smallest and most insignificant, until you call on God to help you. The Lord spoke: "Without Me you can do nothing," i.e. lower to say, lower to think. In other words: without Me you have no right to do any good deed!
Therefore, it is necessary to call on the grace-filled help of God, either in words or mentally: Lord, bless! God help me! Without God's help we cannot do anything useful and saving; and if we do something without asking for the grace-filled help of God for our work, then by doing this we only reveal our spiritual pride and resist God.

As soon as you notice in yourself (in the light of conscience and the law of God) - the sin of the mind, word, thought, or some sinful passion or habit that fights you at any time and place - immediately repent to God (even mentally): Lord, forgive and help! (i.e. forgive me for offending You and help me not to offend Your greatness). These three words - Lord, forgive and help, should be pronounced slowly and several times, or rather, until you breathe; a sigh means the coming of the grace of the Holy Spirit, who has forgiven us the sin for which we are currently repenting to God. Then any demonic action in our thoughts and especially in our imagination falls away from us.
If the demonic action comes again, again make a prayer of repentance; this is the only way a person will achieve purity of heart and peace of mind.
Before going to bed, you need to think: how was the day spent? Remember where you were, what you saw, what you said, and what evil you did: against God, against your neighbor, and against your own conscience.
And if you see something sinful, then repent to God for the whole day, and if you don’t see it, you don’t remember anything, this does not mean that nothing happened, but it means that due to the distraction of thoughts everything is forgotten; then one must repent to God for the very forgetfulness of God, saying to oneself: I forgot You, Lord! Alas for me! Do not forget me, Lord, who forgets You! And these words must be expressed (even mentally) several times in a drawling tone, because with such a tone, and not with a patter, there is a contrite and humble heart; then a sigh will turn out, as a sign of the coming to us of the grace of the Holy Spirit, without which a person in itself is nothing! If the Lord does not build a spiritual home, we labor in vain, sings the Holy Church.