The magic of numbers. Ice vaults and water in the cave

  • 23.09.2019

The article on the topic: "dream book cave in the mountain" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

The cave in which a person tries to hide in a dream personifies his inner world. Dream Interpretations say: the more comfortable it was in it, the deeper the dreamer goes into his own illusions from real life. A grotto in a mountain or an ice dungeon is dreamed of by those who are currently constrained and limited in their capabilities. To understand what a cave with water is dreaming of, you should remember the details in detail and compare the sensations.

Grotto in the mountain

Enclosed spaces in Miller's dream book are most often defined as stagnation, a hindrance, and even a threat. But not everything is so sad if the cave acted as a home. In a person's memory, she was once associated with a dwelling. Therefore, it is not surprising if you dreamed that in a small room you feel comfort and protection.

If in a dream it is impossible to find a way out of the cave, most likely you are afraid of being rejected by society and withdraw into yourself. It's time to learn to negotiate with people, to feel harmony with the outside world. Interpreters of dreams recommend not to lock yourself in personal space, but to go out more often.

Freud's dream book also points to unconscious fears and hidden possibilities of personal power. A person who dreamed of a dungeon deliberately refuses the pleasures of communicating with the opposite sex, from sex. Grottoes impressive in their magnificence in a dream, on the contrary, testify to the upcoming profitable marriage.

caves with water

It is very good to see underground palaces with springs. According to Miller's dream book, they carry the acceptance of an inheritance, another light financial profit. If the lake dreamed of standing, then you are in no hurry to use it for now. Stormy mountain rivers testify to extravagance, unforeseen expenses.

Swim together, while in a dream in a cave or gorge - good sign. Dreams promise such a couple a long life together and several children together. Quench your thirst - to gain new spiritual knowledge.

ice dungeon

A damp, cold room dreams of difficult experiences when parting with a loved one. Do not rush to plunge into sadness and despondency: any parting is just a stepping stone to a new relationship, and a dream indicates that it is time to cool down a little before plunging into a new pool.

Intense cold, ice growths on the walls, the unrealistic environment of the cave that I dreamed about, indicate that the body feels the approach of the disease. There is a possibility that a blanket just slipped off you at night and dream books do not advise attaching great importance to such dreams.

mythical caves

Do you dream of fabulous caves in a mountain with water? You can be congratulated - in the near future you will become a generator of successful ideas and projects. Just do not forget to measure them with reality. Miller's dream book prophesies a temporary escape from reality and the emergence of a risk of becoming an easy prey for mercantile people.

Dream Interpretation Cave, why dream of a Cave in a dream to see

From this article, you can find out why you dream of the Cave from the dream books of various authors. What does what you see mean, the analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you. And even more accurately, the lunar calendar will help to understand the dream.

Why the Cave is dreaming: interpretation of sleep

Dream interpretation of psychologist A. Meneghetti

Why is the Cave dreaming, we analyze the vision:

why the Cave is dreaming - A symbol of avoiding life reality. Super-cho uses the image of a cave to denote a secret, inviolable area in the personality, the presence of which hinders the adequate comprehension of in sho.

What does Cave mean?

Why the Cave is dreaming - You cannot understand yourself and what your parents and elders want from you. You change, and your world changes with you. From this you have fun and a little creepy, this is an interpretation of what you dream about at night.

Why does the woman dream of the Cave, what is this dream about?

Cave - To be in a dream in a cave - to changes in life, to a distance from those who were very dear to you. Being in a cave with your lover or friend portends love for an immoral person and the loss of true friends. If the cave is flooded with mysterious moonlight, you will have many difficulties. Your successes will be insignificant due to the obstacles placed by ill-wishers. You should pay attention to your health.

Small Velesov dream book

Why is the Cave dreaming, interpretation of sleep:

Cave - Road, danger, this is how what you dream about in a dream is deciphered.

Why is the Cave dreaming in a dream?

Cave - Enter the cave - there is a black bar ahead. Leaving the cave is an improvement in current affairs. To see the light in the opening of the cave, getting lost in it, is to independently find a way out of the created situation.

Why is the Cave dreaming in a dream?

Cave - If you dream that you enter a dark cave with fear, the dream suggests that your partner will cause you a lot of trouble and trouble, which will lead to a complete break in relations. But this does not mean that you will be left alone, because in the very near future you will meet a person who confesses his long-standing and ardent love for you. If you dream that you are leaving the cave, you will not reciprocate this person, although you will spend several memorable nights with him.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Z. Freud

Why is the Cave dreaming, dream analysis:

Cave - If you dreamed about how you were hiding in a cave, this suggests that in real life you are trying to isolate yourself from the sexual side of life by hook or by crook. The reason for this is your fear of repeating the mistake that you made in the distant past. You don't know what you're missing out on. In addition, if you have trusting relationship with a partner, he will not be able to hurt you, this is the interpretation of the Cave from the dream book.

Why is the Cave dreaming folk beliefs Little Russia:

Cave - Beware: danger.

What does the cave symbolize and why do you dream?

Cave - Deepening of the mind: the unconscious. Location of the secret. Visiting the cave and descending underground. A necessary descent from the lofty positions of the conscious into the depths of the unconscious. Return to the womb. Fear of not finding a way back. Fear of insanity. The entrance to the sphere of the past, buried underground and in ourselves. Primitive (primitive) caveman. The cave is a female image and, therefore, a batting and a womb, and, perhaps, therefore, a primitive (primitive) man symbolically points to the archetype of the Mother. Kill the dragon, demon, dog guarding the cave. Achieving access to Anime. Desire for incest with mother. Hermitage. Ascetic Isolation: A Necessary Incubation Period in Preparation for Rebirth

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why is the Cave dreaming?

Dream to see about the Cave - If someone is in a dream in the depths of a cave - this is a harbinger of changes in life or prolonged solitude. To see the entrance to the cave - to the acquisition of real estate. For a girl, such a dream may portend prolonged loneliness, married woman- soon to be a widow.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Cave - Subconscious, past experience, memories, mental trauma; secret, secret knowledge; trap; female Floor. Organs, intrauterine conditions, birth processes. For a woman - a personal, intimate life.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Why dream and how to interpret the Cave?

Cave - Symbolizes our unconscious, where our fears and hidden power hide. In myths, the dragon (consciousness) guards the entrance to the cave where the treasure (valuable memories) is located. Traveling through beautiful caves, grottoes - marriage, marriage is ahead. To find yourself in a dark, mysterious cave - acceptance of an inheritance, profit, happy changes in life.

If the Cave is dreaming, how to understand it:

The Cave - Dangerous Liaisons, Need to Hide

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller

What is the dream of the Cave in the dream book:

Cave - To dream of a cave opening before you in the mysterious moonlight means that you will have many difficulties and your successes will be insignificant due to interference from enemies. There will be a health risk. Being in a cave portends change. Perhaps you will move away from those who are very dear to you. For a young woman, sitting in a cave with her lover or friend means that she will fall in love with a dishonorable person and lose her true friends.

Dream interpretation of psychologist D. Loff

Why does the dreamer dream of the Cave, psychological analysis:

The Cave - If you've ever watched the old Kung Fu TV series, you'll probably remember the first impressive episode: Grasshopper (David Carré-Dine) is in a cave; he grabs a smoking brand and burns the outlines of a tiger and a dragon into his own skin. Thus, the rite of passage of the Taoist monk is completed. The cave is an archetypal place of initiation (initiation). The caves were the first innermost dwelling of man. Therefore, in a dream, we often experience a primitive attraction to caves. Initiation is a term used by Jung to refer to the formation of the Self during maturation and the transition to maturity. Jung believed that in this case a person should go through a series of rituals, and they are performed in a cave. For centuries, caves have been considered a sacred refuge from the dangers of the outside world; a place where, in the face of uncertainty and impending danger, the power of the individual is strong. And although the cave has ceased to be the central image of human dreams, it still has its incarnations: small rooms with objects dear to our hearts from the past, cozy bedrooms or offices, basement workshops, other places of solitude and tranquility. some kind of obstacle, not necessarily threatening, but quite real. This imposed reality is created by the inner world of the cave. To be at peace with the object of this reality is to perform an act of initiation. Do you dream about leaving the cave? Perhaps you will immediately feel oneness with the world. The peacefulness that you experience comes from a sense of complete involvement in the secrets of nature, belonging to the cosmos.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

What is the dream of the Cave in the dream book?

Cave - Buying Property

Old Russian dream book

Why is the Cave dreaming, according to the dream book interpretation:

Cave - To see means a road or a journey by sea.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If the Cave is dreaming in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • What is the dream of the Cave in the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If the Cave is dreaming from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If the Cave is dreaming from a dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why is the Cave dreaming from Thursday to Friday
  • If the Cave is dreaming in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • What is the dream of the Cave in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

Cave in a dream book. Tell your dream:

Mandatory fields are marked with * .


Without any exaggeration, we can say that our exclusive Dream Interpretation of Juno online service - out of more than 75 dream books - is currently the most big dream book in Runet. From October 2008 to the present day, it includes the largest number of interpretations of dreams of all symbols and images from different dream books- both folk and written by various authors, including both well-known interpreters of dreams, and little-known yet, but nevertheless, talented and noteworthy authors.

We have carefully selected the best sources for you and combined them all on one site, so using our service is both convenient and most informative. Here you can find answers to all questions about the interpretation of dreams, find out the meaning of sleep on any topic by reading dozens of interpretations of the symbols that you dreamed about and choosing from them the one that “hooks” you the most - as a rule, this is the answer to the question - which means a dream that you personally had and specifically at that time.

For even more complete clarity in the interpretation of your dream, if necessary, in addition to the dream book, you can use additional information in the Juno section - Articles on the interpretation of dreams, where you will find a lot of interesting and useful articles on how to find out the meaning of a dream, what days you dream prophetic dreams how to work with dreams, etc. for example, you will be interested to know that the most vivid and memorable dreams are dreamed on the full moon, at which time many more dreams are dreamed. Dreams on the waning moon reflect your psychological states and help in introspection. What was dreamed about on the growing moon requires implementation in reality - pay special attention to this. Find out which days of the week and lunar day dreams are empty, and in some - prophetic dreams. For example, it is believed that what was dreamed at 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, etc. lunar days, come true, and in 29, 1, 2, etc. - almost nothing). important dreams dreams on such dates of the month as 1,3, 4, etc. Remember also that daytime dreams are almost always empty. Only night ones matter, especially those that were dreamed in the morning.

Our Dream Interpretation of Juno is free and presented in a convenient and beautiful form, divided into paragraphs and subheadings dedicated to the interpretation of dreams of certain authors or nationalities, so that it can be used most easily and comfortably. Using the service is simple, namely:


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  • The word must contain only Russian letters. All other characters will be ignored.
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  • In the case of an advanced search, all words containing the entered combinations of letters will be displayed. For example, with an advanced search for the word "tea", the program will give an interpretation of the words "TEA" and "OCCENT".
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In the collection of our service there are more than 75 dream books, many of which only we have, there are such well-known and popular sources as Miller's dream book (the most complete and, in fact, the first of the dream interpretations in the world), Vanga's dream book (its name speaks for itself ), the dream book of Nostradamus (a world-famous astrologer and predictor), the dream book of Freud (perhaps the most famous psychologist in the world), as well as the interpretation of dreams different peoples(Russian, Old French, Old Russian, Slavic, Mayan, Indian, Gypsy, Egyptian, Oriental, Yellow Emperor Chinese, Assyrian dream books), as well as author's dream books of different nationalities: Islamic Ibn Sirin, Chinese Zhou-gun, ancient Persian Taflisi, Italian dream books Meneghetti and Roberti, Vedic Sivananda, English Zadkiel. The service includes such excellent sources of interpretation of dreams as the absolutely amazing American dream book of the famous writer Denise Lynn (according to the recommendation of - the best), Russian noble dream book Grishina, Tsvetkov, Loff, Ivanov, Aesop, Veles, Hasse, Pythagoras (numerological), medieval Daniel, Cleopatra, Solomon, Zadeki, Azar, as well as the modern universal, female, male, lunar, spiritual, culinary, love, children's fairy tale mythological, esoteric, catchphrases, characters, folk signs, a mirror of psychological states, a dream interpreter, a self-teaching dream book, a dream book of health, past and future, psychological, psychoanalytic and many others. As you can see, the range of interpretations is very wide and everyone will find for themselves exactly the meaning of sleep that they were looking for.

The theme of love and personal relationships is widely represented in the dream book, but other topics also have detailed coverage. Have a nice dream!

2008-2018 © Dream Interpretations on Juno are presented for informational purposes only. All rights reserved. Copying is prohibited.

Why is the Cave dreaming?

A cave is not just a recess in the earth's crust, but a special sign that must be correctly interpreted after waking up. If the dreamer tries to find shelter in her, then in reality his personality cannot find peace. According to the dream book, the cave is a sign that tells that a person is immersed in illusions, forgetting about real life.

Distinctive features

Why dream of a cave filled with water? A sleeping person may be limited in his actions. His needs are increasing, but there is no adequate opportunity to implement them. To understand the meaning of such a dream, it is necessary to analyze in detail the little things that could be hidden in the memory.

Miller's dream book says that any enclosed spaces, including in grief, are a sign of stagnation that threatens normal life. But everything is not as bad as it might seem at first glance.

Go down in a dream into the grotto

If you had to go down and you feel comfortable, then small spaces will not cause any discomfort.

It makes sense to consider Freud's comments on the dream. In his opinion, a deep crevice into which one has to descend will symbolize hidden fears and great potential. If you often have such dreams, then in reality you deliberately refuse to communicate with the opposite sex.

Being in the grottoes can be comfortable, and in this case, the sleeping person will enter into a rather profitable marriage. However, you should not immediately agree to the offer, because the chosen one hides a lot interesting information which you don't even mean.

water cave

As many dream interpreters write, underground mansions with water - auspicious sign, which remains to be correctly interpreted. In Miller's dream book, you can find information that the dreamer will expect great success in financial matters:

  • receiving an inheritance;
  • opening your own business;
  • rapid movement up the career ladder, etc.

Still water

Dreamed of groundwater

If there is no cave constant flow water, then most likely your nature is frugal and economical. This will achieve great success in life.

Stormy Brook

Being near an underground stormy stream is a sign of extravagance. The dreamer does not know how to properly manage money, and therefore even sudden wealth will not bring any pleasure. To solve such a problem, you need to do financial planning, beingware of unnecessary purchases.

You may dream about swimming in a cave or gorge. This is a positive sign that portends a married couple happy years married and a large number of friendly children. If you wanted to remove thirst, but there is earth in the water, then life will not be easy. It takes a lot of time and energy to acquire spiritual knowledge.

The realm of ice and mysticism

As the dream book says, you can go down to different caves, and therefore it is worth deciding why it blows cold from it.

If you had to get into a cold and uncomfortable room, then in reality you will expect a difficult parting with a once loved one.

If you dream of an ice grotto

Dream interpreters focus their attention on the fact that a dream should inspire a sleeping person. Breaking up is one of the steps leading to a new and happy relationship. Before diving head first into a new relationship, you need to take a little time out.

If you are surrounded in a cave multi-year ice, which means that in reality you can get seriously ill. However, there is a simpler meaning, at night the blanket could simply slide off. A fabulous crevice is a dream for those people who are on the verge of a big discovery. They will be able to generate an idea that will play a big role for the whole society. Miller's dream book warns that excessive daydreaming will lead to big problems.

What should be feared?

Go into a dark and poorly lit tunnel - to turmoil in personal life. If a train rushes towards you, blinding with its headlights, then you will soon have to change your occupation. The dreamer must be open to everything new and untested, because comfort not only relaxes, but also kills.

If the underground tunnel begins to crumble, then, most likely, the enemies will begin to implement their insidious plans. You need to be extremely careful in your actions and statements in order to prevent the problem from growing.

Why dream of a cave from which it is impossible to find a way out? Most likely, the dreamer is afraid of public censure for his actions. He will begin to withdraw into himself if society rejects him. To prevent such a problem, you need to learn how to build relationships with people, even if it seems like a difficult task. The sooner the dreamer starts doing this, the faster the desired result will be achieved. There should be harmony in the heart, and not fear tearing into small pieces. Many dream interpreters insist that a person must constantly develop, and this can be achieved only by overcoming oneself.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Why does a woman dream of a cave:

Loff's dream book

Seeing a cave in a dream means:

If you've ever watched the old television series Kung Fu, you'll probably remember the first impressive episode: Grasshopper (David Carré-dine) is in a cave; he grabs a smoking brand and burns the outlines of a tiger and a dragon into his own skin. Thus, the rite of passage of the Taoist monk is completed.
The cave is an archetypal place of initiation (initiation). The caves were the first innermost dwelling of man. Therefore, in a dream, we often experience a primitive attraction to caves. Initiation is a term used by Jung to refer to the formation of the Self during maturation and the transition to maturity. Jung believed that in this case a person should go through a series of rituals, and they are performed in a cave.
For centuries, caves have been considered a sacred refuge from the dangers of the outside world; a place where, in the face of uncertainty and impending danger, the power of the individual is strong. And although the cave has ceased to be the central image of human dreams, it still has its incarnations: small rooms with objects from the past dear to our hearts, cozy bedrooms or offices, basement workshops, other places of solitude and tranquility. In such a closed space, you may encounter some kind of obstacle, not necessarily threatening, but quite real. This imposed reality is created by the inner world of the cave. To be at peace with the object of this reality is to perform an act of initiation.
Do you dream about leaving the cave? Perhaps you will immediately feel oneness with the world. The peacefulness that you experience comes from a sense of complete involvement in the secrets of nature, belonging to the cosmos.

Miller's dream book

A dream with a cave in the dream book is interpreted as:

To dream of a cave opening before you in the mysterious moonlight means that you will have many difficulties and your successes will be insignificant due to interference from enemies. There will be a health risk.
Being in a cave portends change. Perhaps you will move away from those who are very dear to you.
For a young woman, sitting in a cave with her lover or friend means that she will fall in love with a dishonorable person and lose her true friends.

Miller's dream book

Dream with a cave means:

To see a cave at night, under the light of the moon - difficulties await you, hope for success early, because your rivals will cause you various troubles, your health will be in jeopardy; to be in a cave - changes, a chill is possible in a relationship with a person dear to you; for a girl - to get into a cave with your lover or friend - you will fall in love with a dishonorable person and lose real friends.

Ukrainian dream book

Meaning of sleep cave:

Beware: danger.

Small dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a cave:

If in a dream you see the gaping mouth of a cave, illuminated only by the moon, then in real life your path to your intended goal will be thorny, and your enemies will use every opportunity to prevent you. Take care of your nerves and health. If you dreamed that you were in a cave, then in reality cardinal changes await you. For a young woman, a dream in which she wanders through a cave with her friend, then in real life she risks falling in love with a person who will not be worthy of this.

Dream interpretation for women

What can a cave dream about:

Promises a possible change of residence or the acquisition of real estate. The larger the cave, the more significant real estate acquisition you will have.

Dream interpretation for men

Cave, in a dream means:

Enter the cave - there is a black stripe ahead. Leaving the cave is an improvement in current affairs. To see the light in the opening of the cave, getting lost in it, is to independently find a way out of the created situation.

Dream interpretation alphabetically

If a girl dreams of a cave, then this means:

If in a dream you suddenly fall underground and find yourself in a gloomy, mysterious cave - such a dream portends that a cultural event scheduled for the coming weekend will fail due to your sudden illness.

Wandering through the dark labyrinths of a cave in a dream suggests that you will regret the inadvertently escaped unfair words, expressed in the hearts of your beloved. Digging a littered exit in a cave is a sign of dissatisfaction with the family atmosphere in which you are forced to exist.

Finding a treasure with gold coins and other valuables in a cave portends you a future without worries and worries about daily bread behind the back of a businesslike and smarmy husband. To be walled up in a cave - if you take up your own business, you will be disgraced and ridiculed even by those of your colleagues who have always been considered your true friends. To get out of the cave into the light of God after long ordeals in it - you will be easily accepted in a new society, where you will find yourself on the recommendation of your new friends. Imprisoning yourself in a cave voluntarily portends a deterioration in well-being in the coming days, as well as a quarrel with friends.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Why does a woman dream of a cave:

If you dreamed that you discovered an ancient cave, in reality you will discover the unpleasant truth about your loved ones. Hiding in a cave - a dream means that the changes you are so eager for can alienate you from your old friends.

Imagine that you find a way out of a cave and your friends meet you at the exit. You forget where the cave is.

Dream interpretation of the 20th century

Cave in a dream Dream interpretation of the 20th century

A sign of deep thoughts and experiences that can absorb you without a trace.

A fairy-tale cave seen in a dream: it suggests that some dreams and fantasies can capture you so much that you risk forgetting about everything in the world and completely breaking away from real life. Alas, in reality it will not lead to anything good.

Damp and cold cave: means loneliness and immersion in sadness. it seems that you have focused too much on some of your difficult experiences, which is why you have moved away from friends and relatives, and only they can help you cope with troubles.

Why is the cave dreaming

Miller's dream book

To dream of a cave opening before you in the mysterious moonlight means that you will have many difficulties and your successes will be insignificant due to the interference caused by enemies. There will be a health risk.

Being in a cave portends change. Perhaps you will move away from those who are very dear to you.

For a young woman, sitting in a cave with her lover or friend means that she will fall in love with a dishonorable person and lose her true friends.

Why is the cave dreaming

Freud's dream book

Cave - is a symbol of female genital organs.

If a man enters a cave or travels through it, this indicates his affection for his partner and harmony in their sexual relationship.

If there is water in the cave, the man wants to have children with her.

If a woman enters a cave, she wants to make love contact with another woman.

If a woman pulls a man into a cave, she wants to have sex with him. The fire in the cave symbolizes sexual intercourse.

A river in a cave or a lake symbolizes pregnancy.

Why is the cave dreaming

Family dream book

A dream about a cave opening before you in the mysterious moonlight means that you will have many difficulties, and the intrigues of enemies will hinder your success.

If you were in a cave - there is a change ahead. Perhaps you will move away from the people you love.

A young woman who sees herself in a dream sitting in a cave together with her lover can fall in love with a dishonorable person and lose true friends.

Why is the cave dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

The cave is a sign of deep thoughts and experiences that can absorb you without a trace.

A fairy-tale cave seen in a dream - suggests that some dreams and fantasies can capture you so much that you risk forgetting about everything in the world and completely breaking away from real life. Alas, in reality it will not lead to anything good.

A damp and cold cave means loneliness and immersion in sadness. It seems that you are too focused on some of your difficult experiences, which is why you have moved away from friends and family, and only they can help you cope with troubles.

Why is the cave dreaming

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Cave - you will begin to hide from an annoying boyfriend, a young lady.

Why is the cave dreaming

Dream interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you suddenly fall underground and find yourself in a gloomy, mysterious cave - such a dream portends that a cultural event scheduled for the coming weekend will fail due to your sudden illness.

Wandering through the dark labyrinths of a cave in a dream - indicates that you will regret the inadvertently escaped unfair words, expressed in the hearts of your beloved.

Digging a littered exit outside in a cave is a sign of dissatisfaction with the family atmosphere in which you are forced to exist.

Finding a treasure with gold coins and other valuables in a cave portends you a future without worries and worries about daily bread behind the back of a businesslike and smarmy husband.

To be walled up in a cave - if you take up your own business, you will be disgraced and ridiculed even by those of your colleagues whom you have always considered your true friends.

To get out of the cave into the light of God after long ordeals in it - you will be easily accepted in a new society, where you will find yourself on the recommendation of your new friends.

To imprison yourself in a cave voluntarily - portends a deterioration in well-being in the coming days, as well as a quarrel with friends.

Why is the cave dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Cave - property purchase

Why is the cave dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

To see a cave in a dream - to obstacles on the way.

You dreamed that you were inside a cave - changes are possible in your life, you will be disappointed in those who are dear to you.

Why is the cave dreaming

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

To be in a dream in a cave - to changes in life, to a distance from those who were very dear to you.

Being in a cave with your lover or friend portends love for an immoral person and the loss of true friends.

If the cave is flooded with mysterious moonlight, you will have many difficulties. Your successes will be insignificant due to the obstacles placed by ill-wishers. You should pay attention to your health.

Why is the cave dreaming

Modern dream book

Seeing in a dream that the opening of the cave gapes before you in the moonlight portends that on the way to the goal you will meet with many difficulties, and enemies will prevent your progress. Your health and your business will be in danger.

Being in a cave - to change. Perhaps you will move away from those who are dear to you.

If a young woman dreams that she is walking through a cave with her lover or friend, in reality she will fall in love with an unworthy person and lose real friends.

Why is the cave dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

acquisition of real estate.

Why is the cave dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Cave - You see in a dream the entrance to the cave - soon you will feel unwell. You see the entrance to the cave in the pale moonlight - your path to success will be thorny; know that your difficulties are not accidental - in the vast majority they are organized by enemies. You see yourself inside a cave in a dream - in the near future you will spend a lot of time in solitude; perhaps the work entrusted to you requires special concentration.

Why is the cave dreaming

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Cave - subconscious, past experience, memories, mental trauma; secret, secret knowledge; trap; female

For a woman - a personal, intimate life.

Why is the cave dreaming

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

What does the Cave mean in a dream - The changes that you are so eager for can alienate you from your former friends. Imagine that you find a way out of a cave, and your friends meet you at the exit.

Why is the cave dreaming

Dream interpretation of Vrublevskaya

Often dreams about caves (basements) raise tragic experiences, traumas, and even happy moments from the bottom of the subconscious, covered with the dust of time. In these dreams, a person finds support for today's life.

Why is the cave dreaming

Creative dream book

You dreamed about the Cave what it is for. 1. As in the case of the catacombs, the cave represents a passage into the Unconscious. While the cave may be intimidating at first, exploring it will reveal close connection with our inner being. 2. Passing through the cave means a change of state and a deeper understanding of our own negative impulses. 3. Spiritual refuge, formation and rebirth.

Why is the cave dreaming

English dream book

You dreamed of the Cave - The Cave most often embodies the womb, a mysterious place hidden from the outside world - although wombs are usually much warmer than most caves. It can also be a sexual metaphor if one enters the cave through a tunnel - a symbol of the vagina leading to the uterus. What is the dream about: Do you feel safe and at peace? Or feel claustrophobia, panic? Does your mother or the person playing her role support you, or use emotional blackmail to keep you around? On the other hand, are you trying to get back into the safety of your mother's womb and hand over control to someone else for a while? A dream can warn of approaching stress until it literally ends up with someone having to take care of you - for example, in a hospital. See also Mother

Why is the cave dreaming

Old Russian dream book

Cave - To see means a road or a journey by sea.

Why is the cave dreaming

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Cave - Symbolizes our unconscious, where our fears and hidden power hide. In myths, the dragon (consciousness) guards the entrance to the cave where the treasure (valuable memories) is located. Traveling through beautiful caves, grottoes - marriage, marriage is ahead. To find yourself in a dark, mysterious cave - acceptance of an inheritance, profit, happy changes in life.

Why is the cave dreaming

Russian dream book

What does the Cave mean in a dream - to the acquisition of real estate and success; but if you get into the cave in the dark or in the mysterious moonlight, you will have difficulties.

Why is the cave dreaming

Jewish dream book

You dreamed of a Cave - Going to a cave A dream in the spring means that you will be disappointed in your friends; dreaming in the summer, it means that your patience is bursting and you need immediate changes; seen in the fall - he is to get rid of danger; and in winter - to break off relations with an old friend. Being alone in a cave A dream that occurred on Monday night means that soon you will meet a person who can play an important role in your life; seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, he promises a few days of rest; a dream that occurred on the night of Saturday or Sunday means that you will not wait for your friends and you will have to drink alone.

Why is the cave dreaming

Women's dream book

Cave - To be in a dream in a cave - to changes in life, to a distance from those who were very dear to you. Being in a cave with your lover or friend portends love for an immoral person and the loss of true friends. If the cave is flooded with mysterious moonlight, you will have many difficulties. Your successes will be insignificant due to the obstacles placed by ill-wishers. You should pay attention to your health.

Why is the cave dreaming

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Cave - subconscious; refuge from the dangers of the environment.

Why is the cave dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

If you dream that you enter a dark cave with fear, the dream suggests that your partner will cause you a lot of trouble and trouble, which will lead to a complete break in relations. But this does not mean that you will be left alone, because in the very near future you will meet a person who confesses his long-standing and ardent love for you. If you dream that you are leaving the cave, you will not reciprocate this person, although you will spend several memorable nights with him.

Why is the cave dreaming

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Cave - Deepening of the mind: the unconscious. Location of the secret. Visiting the cave and descending underground. A necessary descent from the lofty positions of the conscious into the depths of the unconscious. Return to the womb. Fear of not finding a way back. Fear of insanity. The entrance to the sphere of the past, buried underground and in ourselves. Primitive (primitive) caveman. The cave is a female image and, consequently, a batting and a womb, and, perhaps, therefore, a primitive (primitive) man symbolically points to the archetype of the Mother. Kill the dragon, demon, dog guarding the cave. Achieving access to Anime. Desire for incest with mother. Hermitage. Ascetic Isolation: A Necessary Incubation Period in Preparation for Rebirth

Why is the cave dreaming

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good value. If you dreamed that you were hiding from someone in a cave, very soon you would be profitable proposition. So that you do not miss it, do not take off your socks (stockings) in the next day.

Bad meaning If you dreamed that you were lost in a cave, in the near future you will have to make a difficult choice. To accept the right decision, spend the night in a cave.

Why is the cave dreaming

Male dream book

Enter the cave - there is a black stripe ahead. Leaving the cave is an improvement in current affairs. To see the light in the opening of the cave, getting lost in it, is to independently find a way out of the created situation.

Why is the cave dreaming

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Means a hidden or secret aspect used by the "Super-I" to suppress a person. The cave is a void, not filled with the reality of life. It also symbolizes the maternal matrix, the womb, hiding something dark, resembling a vagina. The image represents the idea that underlies all psychic vampirism.

Why is the cave dreaming

Dream interpretation of Shuvalova

You seek to escape from everyday reality and find peace of mind. Perhaps you need to temporarily “withdraw into yourself” in order to try to sort out your experiences and comprehend the secret depths of your essence.

Why is the cave dreaming

Dream interpretation for women

Promises a possible change of residence or the acquisition of real estate. The larger the cave, the more significant real estate acquisition you have to do.

Why is the cave dreaming

Dream Interpretation of the Future

Cave - to the acquisition of real estate and success; but if you see that you have fallen into a cave in the dead of night, in darkness or in mysterious moonlight, this means that you will have many difficulties and your successes will be insignificant.

Why is the cave dreaming

Italian psychoanalytic dream book A.Roberti

The cave is a symbol of avoiding life reality. The superego uses the image of the cave to denote a secret, inviolable area in the personality, the presence of which inhibits the adequate comprehension of "in sho."

Why is the cave dreaming

Dream interpretation of relationships

Cave - this dream means that you are trying to fence yourself off from sex. You are afraid to repeat the mistake that took place in the past. Trust your partner - he is a sensitive person, so he will definitely listen to your desires.

Why is the cave dreaming

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Enter the cave - there is a black stripe ahead.

Exit the cave - improvement of current affairs.

To see the light in the opening of the cave, getting lost in it - to independently find a way out of the created situation.

Why is the cave dreaming

Universal dream book

For some people, the cave is a repository of mysteries and adventures, for others it is a creepy and suffocating place. What are you doing in a cave in a dream? How do you feel there? Is it a place of peace and protection, or do you feel trapped?

If the cave in your dream is a symbol of solitude, where you leave the old and start a new one, then in real life you are experiencing a period of rebirth.

If you feel like you are trapped in a cave, you cannot find a way out, then in real life you are a prisoner. negative thoughts and emotions.

Is there someone else in the cave with you? - how do you feel about the fact that this person is in a cave? What are you doing in the cave? Do you treat your stay there as an adventure, or do you feel like you and these people are stuck in this cave and can't find your way out?

The cave is also a reflection of your subconscious. Whatever you do in the cave, it can be a kind of message from your subconscious. Something that is always hidden has now come before you.

Seeing a cave in a dream can also mean that you are giving up in the struggle for your development, relationships, or the implementation of plans. Do you really feel like hiding from everyone in your life?

Why is the cave dreaming

American dream book

The cave is the unification and strengthening of your forces.

Why is the cave dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

The dream in which you dream that you are in a cave portends a change in your destiny. It is possible that your marriage will be unsuccessful and you will terminate it. A girl who sees herself in a cave with her lover - in reality she will fall in love with bad man, because of which her friends will turn away from her.

Why is the cave dreaming

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Climbing into a cave in a dream is a denial of the possibility of yang action and an attempt to limit oneself only to the internal yin state.

Burrowing into the ground, climbing into a cave - reflects a state of fear of what is happening. The inability to make a decision during the day will cause the image of a hole at night: security from all sides, a state of immobility, a forced position of the body in the shape of a hole. All this reflects the state of a person at the moment: depression by circumstances (the hole determines the possibility of movement), fear (the desire to hide from people, literally burrow into the ground), anger at oneself for the inability to act (burrow, go deep in a dream reflects self-digging during the day). The combination of these emotions and a sense of hopelessness will lead to an inadequate assessment of the possible situation during the day, the desire to trust and relax will overpower a sober assessment of the likely consequences and provoke unpredictable actions, spontaneous contacts with strangers.

It is dark in the cave - this is a reflection of the complete inadequacy of the dreamer to the world. The world requires contact with people, and one who does not distinguish between human faces will be deceived by words and will be deceived, or he will fall under the influence of a bad company, since loneliness in the cave of his own fear will give rise to a desire to communicate with anyone with the first person he meets. The dream is unfavorable and tells the dreamer that the time has come to realize the need for a healthy struggle in life. The share of favorable sleep lies in the fact that the body still clearly gives signals about the distortion of energy flows in it due to an incorrect worldview. Still can be changed: personal behavior will make an unfavorable dream favorable.

Why is the cave dreaming

Dream interpreter 1829

To see a cave means a road or a journey by sea.

Why is the cave dreaming

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

The cave is the deepening of the mind: the unconscious. Location of the secret.

A visit to a cave and a descent underground is a necessary descent from the lofty positions of the conscious into the depths of the unconscious.

The return to the womb is the fear of not finding a way back. Fear of insanity. The entrance to the sphere of the past, buried underground and in ourselves. Primitive (primitive) caveman.

The cave is a female image and, consequently, a batting and a womb, and, perhaps, therefore, a primitive (primitive) man symbolically points to the archetype of the Mother.

Slay the dragon is an anime access achievement. Desire for incest with mother. Hermitage. Ascetic isolation: a necessary period of incubation in preparation for rebirth.

Why is the cave dreaming

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Cave - dangerous connections, you need to hide.

Why is the cave dreaming

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Cave - there is a difficult and long struggle with obstacles and obstacles that arise on your way to your goal.

Entering the cave is a change, short partings with loved ones and loved ones are possible.

Why is the cave dreaming

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

If someone in a dream is in the depths of a cave, this is a harbinger of a change in life or prolonged solitude.

To see the entrance to the cave - to the acquisition of real estate. For a girl such a dream - may portend prolonged loneliness, for a married woman - will soon be a widow.

Why is the cave dreaming

Slavic dream book

The cave is a symbol of security. Crayfish.

Why is the cave dreaming

Loff's dream book

The cave is an archetypal place of initiation (initiation). The caves were the first innermost dwelling of man. Therefore, in a dream, we often experience a primitive attraction to caves. Initiation is a term used by Jung to refer to the formation of the Self during maturation and the transition to maturity. Jung believed that in this case a person should go through a series of rituals, and they are performed in a cave. For centuries, caves have been considered a sacred refuge from the dangers of the outside world; a place where, in the face of uncertainty and impending danger, the power of the individual is strong. And although the cave has ceased to be the central image of human dreams, it still has its incarnations: small rooms with objects dear to our hearts from the past, cozy bedrooms or offices, basement workshops, other places of solitude and tranquility. some kind of obstacle, not necessarily threatening, but quite real. This imposed reality is created by the inner world of the cave.

The cave is a place that both attracts and frightens people. After all, it is surrounded by an aura of mystery and mystery. You never know what awaits you in the gaping darkness of the cave. How to regard such a dream, we learn from authoritative sources.

How do dream books interpret dreams about a cave?

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

As this dream book says, a cave in a mountain is a harbinger of the fact that soon there will be obstacles in front of you on the way to achieving what you want. If you see yourself inside a cave, then this means that your life will soon change. According to this source of dream interpretation, you will probably soon change your usual social circle.

If you feel cold and uncomfortable while in a cave, such a night vision promises painful thoughts that you will have to face one on one. If in a dream you are locked in a cave, this means the unsuccessful completion of some undertaking. Because of this defeat, even people from your inner circle will mock and reproach you.

If you saw a magical or fabulous cave, this dream warns that you should not succumb to dreams and dreams, because in this regard you will not be able to sufficiently control the course of current affairs in reality.

ABC of dream interpretation

According to this dream book, the cave should be taken as a symbol of our subconscious, where hidden fears or sources of power are hidden. If you wander through elegant and artsy dungeons or grottoes, such a dream prophesies marriage or marriage soon.

If you saw in a dream how you ended up in a mysterious cave, then this dream prophesies a happy change in reality, an inheritance or unexpected profit.

Intimate dream book

A dream in which you are hiding in a grotto should be interpreted as a desire to avoid intimacy in reality. The reason for this is your caution and fear of making a mistake again, as it happened once in the distant past. Do not indulge in these fears and deprive yourself of the full value of life.

Family dream book

According to this dream book, the cave, which appeared in a night vision to a woman, where she sees herself next to her lover, warns that she can fall in love with an insincere and dishonorable man, having lost true friends. A dream in which you realize that you are in a cave prophesies imminent changes. These changes can result in the fact that you move away from close and dear people.

There is something mysterious and romantic about the caves. They are associated with ancient life: a fire, a skin instead of a bed, primitive drawings on rocks and, of course, a primitive family. I wonder what the dungeon is dreaming of.

As the dream book interprets, the cave is primarily the subconscious, the inner feelings and emotions of the dreamer hidden from others. Do not hide your true face behind the mask of a strong and indifferent personality. Accepting yourself for who you are is also a victory. In addition, it gives you the opportunity to work on yourself.

Also in a dream, a dungeon may indicate that you are trying to hide from your problems. But no one will solve them except you. And the sooner you do this, the sooner you will find peace.

If you look into the dream book, the dungeon also symbolizes the feminine and is associated with intimate life. For example, to see how a man walks into a cave - to mutual understanding and harmony in relationships. If it has, he wants you to have children. A woman pulls a man into the dungeon - it means that he is very attracted to her. A cave with water portends pregnancy.

Why dream of a dungeon yet

  • Wander through picturesque caves, such as salt caves or in - to marriage or marriage. So soon you will have pleasant chores associated with preparing for the wedding.
  • A dream, a dungeon in which is dark and mysterious, portends an inheritance or other profit. Manage them wisely.
  • If you see a cave in a dream in the light, it means that ill-wishers will prevent you from achieving what you want. But you should not think that you will not succeed, just the result will not be quite what you would like.

  • in the dungeon they promise you financial well-being, speaks of your frugality, and the fast one indicates that you part with money too easily. Swimming in a cave with your "soulmate" - for a long and happy life together. Drinking water - to spiritual enrichment.
  • If you dreamed of an ice or snow cave, it means that love experiences and longing for loved ones will be replaced by new acquaintances. There will be many around you interesting people that will brighten up your sorrows. Among them you can find a new love.
  • The Fairy Cave is a warning that you can go headlong into dreams. It's better to implement them.

You will succeed

If you dream of a cave and you see yourself in it, a lot will change in your life soon. Don't worry, these changes will do you good. Treat them positively. I dreamed of a dungeon or basement in which you are, which means you are not ready to accept reality as it is. This is self-deception, which will lead nowhere, the truth will still be stronger.

If in a dream you climb into a cave, it means that in reality you think too much and do little. Measure twice, cut once is a good saying, but don't take it too literally. As a result, you can get confused in your thoughts.

As the dream book interprets, the dungeon in which you are looking for a way out is unfortunately about your words. Do not be tormented, but simply ask for forgiveness for them. You will definitely be understood, and it will become easier for everyone.

To get out of the room means it is easy to merge into new team. Your naturalness and ease of communication will help you with this. Also, such a dream may portend that you can easily cope with a difficult situation.

Why dream of a cave with money? Find in a dream in a cave - to a comfortable and calm life. Such a future awaits you thanks to your "soulmate" - take care and love her. Author: Alexandra Pushkova