Lottery horoscope for April. Lucky Numbers for Capricorns

  • 02.07.2020

Can you win the lottery? Of course yes. But winning depends on many factors. It is not enough just to take and buy. Much depends on your zodiac sign, the day of the week, and even the time of purchase. So, good luck horoscope for 2020: how to win your first million?

ARIES . Great time for big wins. Unlike in 2019, you can win not just 500 rubles. Big wins are possible, and possibly even a jackpot. This year is perfect for online lotteries. Play more often, buy lottery tickets different types and change your game strategy more often.

Lucky numbers to win: 2, 3, 5, 8.

Good days to buy a ticket: Monday, Tuesday, Saturday.

TAURUS . Not good good time for big wins. Unfortunately, in 2020, Taurus will be lucky in anything, but not in lotteries. However, this does not mean that there are no chances at all. They are just significantly lower than last year. A little advice: choose win-win lotteries. So you definitely won’t lose, and you can win small guaranteed amounts.

Lucky numbers to win: 2, 4, 8, 9.

Good days to buy tickets: Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday.

TWINS . The Gemini lucky horoscope is simply stunning. Can I win the lottery in 2019? Yes, yes, and yes again! Gemini can count on a big jackpot. Feel free to buy as many tickets as possible. Moreover, you will certainly be lucky, both in the regular and in the online lottery. Great year for coveted wins!

lucky numbers: 1, 3, 9.

Good days to buy a lottery ticket: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday.

CANCER . Always an optimist, always on the move. The same can be said about lotteries. You are never upset if suddenly the ticket was not winning. Just think: no luck this time, I'll win another! And this is absolutely correct. After all, as you know, Fortune loves optimists. Buy tickets and participate in drawings. Luck is definitely on your side!

Lucky Jackpot Numbers: 1, 5, 6, 7.

Lucky days of the week to buy tickets: Saturday Sunday.

A LION . Needless to say, this year you will be busy with something completely different? You may not even have time to buy a lottery ticket. Not a problem: just try your luck on the internet. 2020 has prepared a pleasant surprise for all lions: frequent and, most importantly, quite significant wins.

Lucky numbers for big wins: 2, 3, 4, 8.

Lucky days of the week to buy a ticket: Monday, Friday, Saturday.

VIRGO . Yes, we know you don't really believe in lotteries. Well, who will give money just like that?! But you forget that this is not quite "just like that." After all, each participant pays for a ticket and it is not at all necessary that he will win the same jackpot. Or at least a couple of thousand. So take a chance and play the lottery tomorrow. Or right now. Moreover, the luck horoscope tells you about the imminent win!

Lucky win numbers: 2, 7, 8, 9.

Lucky days of the week to buy: Saturday Sunday.

SCALES . Don't weigh your decision 100 times. Just make up your mind and buy that ticket. Better yet, several at once. The more tickets, the higher the chances of success. By the way, and good system won't be redundant at all. After all, it is much more convenient for all weights to play using a certain strategy.

Lucky numbers to win: 1, 3, 4, 6.

Lucky days of the week to buy lottery tickets: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.

SCORPION . Blimey! As for the twins, this year has prepared just a great gift. You can even win a million rubles! Everything is real, the main thing is to believe in success. And it's very easy to do it! By the way, scorpions do not even have to use any strategy at all. Just faith is enough!

Lucky numbers for jackpots: 2, 8, 9.

Favorable days to win: Thursday, Sunday.

SAGITTARIUS . This year is more favorable to archers than 2019. This year you can win any amount. But it is recommended to opt for online or win-win lotteries. So your chances will be much higher.

lucky numbers to win: 1, 3, 7, 8.

Favorable days for big wins: Monday Sunday.

AQUARIUS . Aquarius, like Taurus, should refrain from buying tickets that are too expensive. Luck is not entirely on your side (of course, only in terms of winnings). You can win, but a very small amount. It is recommended to try your luck in win-win lotteries.

Lucky numbers to win: 3, 7, 8, 9.

Favorable days of the week to win: Saturday Sunday.

FISH . For fish, 2020 has prepared a great gift: frequent but insignificant wins. It may seem to some that this is not very good news. But it is better to win often, but a little, than once and a large amount. Especially if you don’t know at all when exactly that “time” will be.

Lucky numbers for jackpots: 1, 2, 9.

Favorable days to win: Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

The most difficult thing for Libra is to decide and still buy a ticket. However, doubts in 2019 are unnecessary, as the stars now tend to help the representatives of this sign. Moreover, the most significant success awaits in the online lottery and drawings of clothing prizes. But in free promotions like “look under the lid” or “collect ten packages”, Libra is likely to lose. But it is very favorable to place bets on such state lotteries as Keno and "5 out of 20". So, lottery horoscope Libra 2019: what you need to remember before playing.

The second difficulty that Libra may face in 2019 is uneven income. Therefore, the costs of the lottery should be commensurate with the average value of current receipts. However, Libra will have more than one opportunity to even out the budget with big lotto wins. The main thing is to hold on and not waste the jackpot on trifles.

Lottery horoscope Libra 2019: lucky numbers

For Libra, good gaming days are Friday and Saturday. Lucky dates: 6, 12, 15, 24. Numbers for combinations: 6, 12, 18, 36, 48.

Lunar calendar for all zodiac signs

Note the dates marked lilac color . Astrologers assure: these are the most successful days for buying a lottery ticket.

And here yellow , on the contrary, indicates failure. On such days, it is best to postpone the game.

Dates marked semi-yellow neutral.

It will be easier for the twins if they begin to consult with others more often on lotteries. In 2019, players born under this sign may often experience internal conflict between prudence and recklessness. Therefore, the voice of a third party does not interfere at all. In general, the lottery fortune is now favorable to Gemini. Preferred systems: draw tickets with two options and online lotto. So, lottery horoscope Gemini 2019: briefly about the main thing.

But what can prevent you from winning is skepticism. If in doubt about success, it is better to skip the draw - in this case there will be no profit anyway. However, most Geminis are helped to tune in to a positive mood by meditation and prayer.. So, in which case, secret knowledge will help.

Lottery horoscope Gemini 2019: lucky numbers

Every month, fate prepares gifts for Gemini on the 3rd, 11th and 28th. In addition, an increased degree of luck will be observed on Wednesdays for numerical lotteries, and on Fridays for instant ones. Combination numbers: 5, 14, 23, 32 and 41.

Lunar calendar for all zodiac signs for 2019

How to use the calendar:

Dates marked lilac color- good days for buying a lottery ticket;

Dates marked yellow- it is not recommended to play;

Dates marked semi-yellow– the days are neutral, you should not expect big wins.

As a rule, many events and expectations are associated with September, many of us either start working ourselves or accompany our children to schools or higher education institutions.

The autumn lottery season promises to be interesting, various super draws are often held during this period, and many of us are looking forward to them. The lottery horoscope for September will help orient those who are just entering the role of a player. You are given an important hint - how to behave when choosing days of draws or numbers for a combination. Lucky days for buying lotteries will help you win!

In addition, the horoscope for September 2016 will give some advice regarding work or family, personal matters.

Remember a very unfavorable day for all signs of the zodiac, on which you should avoid not only betting, but also temporarily postponing all money matters. It's September 11th!

In general, for many, September is a great time for professional victories, solving personal problems. Follow the recommendations of our horoscope for September - and everything will be fine for you!

The subject of great concern in September for Aries will be their loved ones. Try to listen to them, ignore the nonsense, demonstrate how much you need them.

This month is an opportunity to take a higher position, get ready to take part in the competition, there is a high chance that luck will smile at you. In addition, the period is good for interviews and organizing personal business.

Career, finance

The September horoscope suggests that your chances of promotion in the professional field are very high. You put forward strong initiatives, now it will be easier for you to achieve the desired top.

Negotiations, conferences, signing of agreements will be favorable and successful in the second half of the month. Now you can make acquaintances with business people who in the future will play a big role in the fate of your organization.

Opportunities are opening up for those who want to change jobs. An interesting vacancy awaits you - the chances of this are very high. If you are a leader, do long-term planning in the first half of September.

Personal relationships, health

On a personal level, in September you will bathe in the pleasure of communicating with lovers or spouses. Misunderstanding and resentment will be a thing of the past, you will feel the desires of your partner and indulge them.

Spouses with experience will plunge into the history of relationships, remember first impressions, look through photo albums.

Lonely Aries will get acquainted with a long-desired person, just do not lose your head, let feelings grow gradually - everything is just beginning! Do not share revelations with the environment - rumors can ruin future relationships.

Energy will overwhelm you during this period, health will not be a concern. Engage in the prevention of digestion and the heart.

Favorable days - 1, 2, 16, 20, 21, 24, 30, Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 7, 8, 14, 18, 26, 28.

Bet numbers - 01, 11, 30, 32, 48 and 14

The stars recommend Taurus in September to remember their roots and stay close to them, you need to spend more time with your loved ones. During this period, your loved ones will become a talisman and a talisman for you, thanks to which you will be able to resist intrigues and gossip in the service.

In the first days of the month, it will be difficult for you to assimilate information, it is better to ask friends for help - they will be able to explain difficult materials to you.

Do not go ahead - carefully consider each step.

Career, finance

In the professional field, Taurus will have some problems. Do not try to swim against the current, do not change jobs, do not try to apply for a higher position, do not start new business. It’s better to immerse yourself in routine affairs for now, get bored - going forward will make you suffer serious losses.

In the period of September 7-9, you realize that you are being manipulated. There is no tragedy in this. Try to get out of the guardianship and act independently. The important task now is not to lose peace of mind. Avoid gossip, do not trust false promises, beware of people who provoke you into conflict.

If you are going to invest money, invest it in new skills and knowledge. For example, you can start learning foreign languages, master a new business, sign up for some courses - in practice, this will come in handy for you, and pretty soon. In the lottery game - the same motivation, you may want to master new lottery- study its rules and conditions, be a pro!

Personal relationships, health

If you want to extend the warmth of personal relationships, invest more energy in your partner. In this case, you will forget about past conflicts, you will have interesting general plans for the improvement of life or time and place for joint recreation.

Free Taurus should pay attention to a person in your circle who is in love with you. Don't let your low-key appearance or shyness fool you. It is such a chosen one that will make you happy.

In September, in terms of health, problems will arise due to the eyes or ENT organs. Try not to strain your eyes, do not pierce your ears.

Favorable days are 2, 4, 7, 8, 22, 23, 30, Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 10, 13, 14, 19, 28.

Bet numbers - 10, 22, 25, 46, 57 and 11

As the horoscope for September testifies, Gemini will have complete harmony in their home environment. But get ready that you will have to pay for the idyll. It is worth reconciling with waste - it is not a sin to pay for complete happiness.

For the first time in a long period of stagnation, you will be able to realize your cherished desires. You can’t do without effort on your part, but try, you may even get nervous, but the result is certainly worth it.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, there will be a need to analyze the ongoing events. Carefully check all incoming messages and summarize. With regard to colleagues, sometimes you have to make compromises. If you are tactful, even intractable opponents will come over to your side. Then the work will be easier and more productive. As a result, you will achieve tangible results and be able to move up the career ladder.

Your personal initiative will play a major role in your career. Do not sit in ambush - you can handle any business. Try to overcome your disorganization, bring any business to the end.

At the end of September, gossip can spread in the team - be above it.

AT financial plan Difficulties will arise from September 17th. At this time, do not make major transactions, purchases, do not open a loan. Playing the lottery follows the same rules.

Personal relationships, health

Family Gemini in September will need support and attention from loved ones. Lonely representatives of the sign, perhaps, will find personal happiness, moreover, with a well-known person - a colleague, doctor, teacher, friend of a sister or brother. Everything will happen unexpectedly, and the relationship will begin to develop rapidly.

This month, be as open and sincere as possible in relationships, any lie, even for good, will lead to conflict. It is worth controlling emotions and not making empty promises.

September 28 - full moon - avoid shopping with a partner, a situation may arise that is fraught with a protracted conflict.

Try to control yourself, quarrels and stress can lead to health complications, the nervous system and stomach are especially vulnerable.

The days are favorable - 1, 2, 9, 15, 16, 21, Wednesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 7, 12, 13, 28.

Bet numbers - 07, 20, 43, 51, 55 and 14

In September, Cancers should be on the alert - there will be a chance for a new profitable project - do not miss it. This will help restore the financial situation, and it will cheer you up!

Try to be more tolerant of others, your children (if any) are now extremely vulnerable. Therefore, caring for them, kindness and praise is your main task.

Career, finance

September is a favorable time for your professional studies. It's a great time to start a profitable project, move to a new job, upgrade equipment. business trip, business meetings- everything will be successful. It's time to remember the once suspended project, it's worth reviewing the materials, analyzing the mistakes, evaluating the opportunities that open up. One caveat - for the successful implementation of the project, you will have to change the methodology. Be sure to dedicate your plans to management or business partners - they will be able to make important amendments.

Autumn eclipses on the 13th and 17th will affect the emotional sphere, deprive you of sober calculation - keep this in mind.

You will be pleased with the financial situation in September. Perhaps the planned important purchase will finally come true. You can play lotteries without being too careful - you have a good chance of winning.

Personal relationships, health

If you ignore the words of a partner, an unpleasant situation may arise. You may want to be alone with yourself and analyze your own experiences, but you should not do this. A quarrel over a misunderstanding is quite real in early September. An innocent quarrel can turn into a major scandal.

For those who are tired of meaningless relationships, you can think about breaking up. Talk to your partner, explain yourself and try to disperse peacefully, admitting your part of the blame.

Lonely Cancers in September will not be able to make a promising acquaintance. All meetings will remain without consequences.

In September, the digestive system will be vulnerable - take care of prevention, choose the right diet.

Take care of your nerves in mid-September - do not dwell on unpleasant memories.

Favorable days are 2, 3, 8, 9, 17, 23, 30, Monday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 11, 14, 21, 28.

Betting numbers - 04, 28, 31, 51, 53 and 20

In September, Leo can become the center of attention and shine with all his talents. Just be careful with those around you. Your rapid success may not be to everyone's liking. Your excessive activity may cause dissatisfaction, and some may come up with the idea to put a spoke in your wheel. Show maximum peacefulness, do not talk with strangers about your affairs, be more tolerant with your loved ones.

Career, finance

On a professional level, be ready to implement your most daring ideas - enough energy and strength have accumulated for this. Colleagues and management will support all your initiative proposals.

Lions who want to change jobs, the green light - the new position will become both more profitable and more interesting.

Get ready for trouble at the end of September, an unscrupulous colleague may miscalculate, but put the blame on you, or someone will interfere with your career. Do not be afraid of this - overcoming problems will strengthen your reputation and give you additional worldly experience.

In terms of finances, September will be favorable for many Leos, the probability of getting big profit very high! If you play the lottery - keep this in mind!

Personal relationships, health

In the first days of autumn, the Lions will bathe in a family idyll, enjoy both strong bonds and communication with reliable friends. If you are single, but have firmly decided to find your soul mate, then September will help you with this - the stars are supportive of developing love relationships.

Many Leos will want to expand their circle of friends. New friends, friends of interest will appear in your life. Some of the representatives of Lviv will completely lose their heads from love experiences.

You should accept all offers to go to visit or to a party, perhaps a fateful meeting will take place.

Energy, attractiveness, a surge of vitality - this is the formula for Leo's health in September. It would be nice to join a dance club or a fitness group to maintain tone.

Favorable days - 1, 2, 9, 10, 20, 24, 25, Sunday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 7, 13, 14, 17, 28, 30.

Bet numbers - 21, 34, 39, 52, 58 and 19

The horoscope for September predicts the arrival of people from afar to visit Virgos, in connection with this, conflicts in the house are possible, in order to avoid them, take the side of your loved one, be tolerant and open.

Large and unplanned expenses are quite likely, so agree in advance which of your friends can support you financially. Not all of them are able to show generosity and generosity, well, do not be angry, now you all know the price.

Career, finance

Regarding professional relationships - Virgo will be very dependent on like-minded people and partners, she will need someone's patronage in September. Do not try to move mountains alone, feel free to ask your colleagues for help - and they will respond with joy.

For Dev-careerists, a vacancy will open in mid-September, but in the same period, scandals will begin to shake the team. With the favor of the leadership, do not stick out your talents, do not give rise to others who are ready to accuse you of being conceited.

The foundation for future achievements must be laid this month. If you are striving for material independence and stability, do not exchange for trifles, do not sacrifice important goals because of small short-term benefits.

Be careful when it comes to finances. Do not try to conduct transactions with state or public funds. During this period, the probability of losses is high, and you will have to compensate for the damage with your own money. The game in the lottery should be as prudent and minimal as possible, leave the scope for later.

Personal relationships, health

The development of love relationships in September is favorable only until the middle of the month, at which time you will have an opportunity to work together with a potential partner, and both your activities and your feelings will be on top.

An office romance is no less likely, but it will not last long.

Tension between loved ones can happen at the end of September. You will be dissatisfied with the fact that your partner pays little attention to you, you will become jealous, suspect treason. Do not fantasize out of the blue! Your behavior will only bring unnecessary insults and make an innocent person suffer.

In September, try to pay more attention to walking, gymnastics, otherwise you won’t avoid headaches due to far-fetched “misfortunes”.

The days are favorable - 2, 4, 17, 18, 22, 23, Wednesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 9, 10, 15, 28, 29.

Bet numbers - 19, 47, 50, 51, 52 and 03

September promises to be a very fun period for Libra, they will be loved by luck, flirting and pleasure. But towards the end of the month, it is better to be alone for a while.

If you are new to a team, talk less and listen more. Even seemingly friendly colleagues may not be what you think. Therefore, there are fewer revelations, even if emotions overcome. To avoid surprises, remember that there is still a stranger among them.

Career, finance

In the professional field, Libra will have chances to show all their skills, stand out - and they themselves want this. Turn on the charm in negotiations with management - this is the key to success, the first sprouts will appear after the 23rd. You will be appreciated by your superiors, and your successes will not go unnoticed. Some of the Libra will even step up the career ladder, but this is fraught with the loss of free time, work will have to be taken home.

A pleasant surprise will happen in the team at the end of the month.

In terms of finances, everything will be fine with Libra, they will have both a salary increase and unexpected payments in September. Therefore, if you are not playing the lottery yet, you should try this wave!

Personal relationships, health

At the behest of the stars, relations with a partner will be strengthened, and there will be no disagreements. But if you have an affair on the side, do not bury yourself.

Romance will envelop couples in recent relationships, try to diversify joint activities as much as possible.

Free Libra in September will be in a whirlwind of flirting, dating, adventure, which may contribute to starting a new romance.

Libra will feel a surge of strength at the beginning of the month, reinforce yourself with dancing, sports activities, and cosmetic procedures.

Favorable days - 1, 5, 9, 10, 16, 24, Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 7, 13, 18, 21, 22, 28.

Bet numbers - 18, 43, 47, 48, 50 and 08

The horoscope for September promises Scorpios great achievements both at home and in their careers. Do not neglect something, and family and work will be equally important to you.

There is a chance that you will receive an offer to start a new business, don’t let it scare you, don’t refuse, you can handle it. Of course, you are stubborn, but listen to the arguments of the stars and try yourself in a new field of activity for yourself. Friends will support you, and if necessary, they will substitute a shoulder.

Career, finance

As for the professional sphere, the planned conferences and business trips will be equally successful. You will perfectly cope with the duties assigned to you, this will subsequently pay off financially - the authorities will appreciate your efforts.

For Scorpio leaders, it is time to expand the enterprise and staff. New employees will become the core of your team in the future. Tempting career prospects, promising a salary increase, will come on September 8th. You will urgently want to move on to a more interesting and profitable job. Postpone your decision to October 9th, wait out the eclipse.

Scorpios will also be prosperous in the financial sector. The hole in the budget due to summer vacation will be successfully closed by new cash flow. This may be a bonus, and payment for additional work, and lottery winnings.

Personal relationships, health

Romantic meetings and love experiences await all Scorpios in September, they will be popular and treated kindly. However, family representatives of the sign should not cross the line so as not to upset their soul mate. Give your loved one as much time as possible. Feel free to warm words, romantic surprises, gifts.

Free Scorpions should hold their horses a little, and do not forget about loved ones who will need both attention and help.

Scorpions will not have to complain about health in September, they will have good mood, and excellent health.

Favorable days - 8, 17, 18, 22, 23, 30, Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 1, 4, 10, 13, 14, 15, 28.

Betting numbers - 04, 13, 15, 46, 48 and 33

If you, Sagittarius, have a vacation or a business trip in September - do not refuse! In foreign lands, you will meet a significant person for you, who, perhaps, will change your life for the better.

September is a time of returns, whether it be people or missed opportunities. It is not necessary to ponder over the nature of this phenomenon for a long time, it is better to take advantage of the moment.

In the first half of September, appeals to legal or public organizations, consultations, and paperwork will be successful.

Career, finance

The first month of autumn is extremely favorable for career development. Perhaps you have to move to other levels - this applies to new projects, and new useful business contacts, and new appointments.

Stay afloat, maintain your image, do not miss useful seminars, trainings, be in everything and always on top.

Keep in mind that the success of your business depends on the ability to work in a team. Do not be afraid to trust like-minded people and colleagues with responsible tasks; you cannot pull this cart alone.

Entrepreneurs will be able to budge the decision important issues may even have to expand the business.

Financial circumstances will change on 18 September. Perhaps you will get a new profitable job or receive dividends from a one-time project. For lottery players, this is a sign when it is worth playing!

Personal relationships, health

The horoscope for September sends signs to Sagittarius - this is a great time to improve the situation in personal affairs. What will it be - a new acquaintance or a passionate romance? Feel free to leave the protracted relationship that has become obsolete. To strengthen new ones, demonstrate your best qualities to your chosen one.

Do not be afraid of paradoxical situations, because you are great specialists in them, and it is paradoxes that will make a new acquaintance unforgettable. You can follow the usual tactics, but consider your previous mistakes.

Family Sagittarius have romantic feelings aggravated, be generous to the chosen one, give him new impressions with imagination and scope.

September is a great time to introduce a new acquaintance to your relatives.

The health of Sagittarius in September will generally be satisfactory, but there may be problems with the musculoskeletal system. Consult with specialists, you may need to resort to special procedures.

Favorable days - 8, 17, 18, 22, 23, 30, Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 1, 4, 10, 03, 14, 28.

Bet numbers - 15, 22, 24, 33, 43 and 01

The horoscope for September promises Capricorn a lot of interesting events. Everyone will need your attention - both close people and superiors. There is no need to argue with anyone, everything is gradually returning to normal.

Children can become a source of trouble, he will pester those around him with disobedience and stubbornness. Find an approach to younger family members, be patient and read special literature.

Career, finance

Professionally, September will help Capricorns make the right connections to advance their careers. This is a good time to upgrade your skills or exchange experiences. Conferences, trainings, seminars will benefit you.

Be more restrained in contacts with partners, you will be rewarded for loyalty and patience. Now, unfortunately, you will have to reject all offers of unscheduled rest, forget about tea parties and smoke breaks. Only after finishing some business, allow yourself to rest.

The financial situation in September will be favorable and stable. You may need sponsorship or a loan. Do not be persuaded to move to a new monetary position, this is an empty idea. The game in the lottery can be carried out with any degree of intensity and cost, this allows the stars.

Personal relationships, health

Romance and love adventures await Capricorns in early autumn. Those who are in a quarrel will find ways to reconcile, those who are temporarily lonely will act actively and decisively.

All thoughts of the representatives of the sign will be directed to the future, but the past will occasionally remind of itself. Of course, you want to keep bright impressions, but be prepared for unexpected twists and turns. It is better to make a choice and stop at one option.

In terms of health, pay attention to the liver and heart, they are vulnerable in September. Rest more, and in case of discomfort, do not postpone a visit to the doctor.

Favorable days - 7, 17, 18, 22, 23, 30, Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 1, 4, 10, 11, 15, 28, 29.

Betting numbers - 07, 19, 25, 28, 55 and 05

The main advice of the month for Aquarius - keeps plans and important thingsIt is a secret from outsiders. You can consult only with trusted friends and you should not make any decisions in the heat of the moment. This month, all undertakings promise to be successful. To help you - past connections, old developments, past merits and, importantly, former hobbies.

Be bolder in your actions, otherwise you will regret the unrealized opportunities.

Do not slow down, try to be consistent in your actions. Much now depends solely on you.

Career, finance

In the career plan, all previously interfering obstacles will disappear, and the work will boil! The result is directly related to your efforts. You should not expect help from your superiors and colleagues, take independent responsible steps and decisions, and the stars will help you as much as possible.

The second half of the month is a bad period for doing several things at once. Do not be arrogant, stop at one thing. Select the main goal, write down a plan to achieve it and act strictly according to the schedule. Don't let outsiders know about your plans.

Do not undertake any serious financial matters in September, avoid personal financial initiatives and obligations. Play the lottery game with care.

Personal relationships, health

At the beginning of autumn, you will have to devote a lot of time to your family and older relatives, it’s good if you can revive family traditions. You should not radically change your life, take care of the values ​​​​that you already have.

Renew relationships with those with whom you quarreled. Withered relationships can be renewed, romance can be restored. Everything is in your hands - you can come up with something unusual, prepare surprises, organize an unforgettable holiday.

A pleasant meeting is expected for free Aquarius. Perhaps a new acquaintance will not make a bright impression at first, but over time you will see him in a different light.

In terms of health, it is worth taking care of the nervous system, the state of mind will directly affect well-being. Don't take criticism and problems to heart.

Favorable days - 1, 5, 9, 16, 20, 24, Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 7, 8, 22, 26, 28.

Bet numbers - 01, 08, 13, 35, 36 and 06

In September, Pisces will not have a great desire to work, but the stars do not recommend relaxing. If you do not join the race in time, you will be overtaken by more resourceful colleagues.

Do not soar in the clouds, and if you want to dream, then fantasize about positive things, because our thoughts shape our future!

September is the best time for active intensive activity. But devote the first days of the month to those things that you have been putting aside for a long time. Otherwise, they will declare themselves at the most critical moment. Moon eclipse September 28 is a significant day, do not miss the signal - how to live on.

Career, finance

In the professional field, you will have to overcome your fears and doubts and force yourself to work productively. Make every effort for the necessary concentration on business, otherwise mistakes cannot be avoided. All sorts of strength tests are possible, but you will be able to survive and prove that you can handle a lot. Take the chance to fix what you failed before, you are given a second attempt to achieve the goal. With the experience gained, you will succeed, you will be able to take advantage of a fortunate combination of circumstances. Do not make empty promises, it is not a fact that you will be able to fulfill them.

The main thing in the financial affairs of Pisces is to avoid overspending, accidental spending. Even the things you need during this period should not be purchased, postpone the purchase until later. Do not lend, otherwise you will wait a long time for a refund. Gambling and lotteries will not help you much now, you can seriously lose.

Personal relationships, health

The beginning of autumn will be a very romantic time for Pisces, you will simply be swept up in different hobbies. Vivid emotions will overwhelm you, an abundance of compliments will turn your head.

It is worth giving preference to creative people, or someone with a rare profession. Do not rush headlong into the pool of relationships, do not become the shadow of an interesting person.

Radical changes will take place in the personal life of Pisces at the end of September. One may end and another novel begin, perhaps your chosen one will be a person of a different nationality, from a different stratum of society or a different religion. Some Pisces will have an unusually bright platonic attachment.

Favorable days - 3, 6, 7, 8, 22, 24, 30, Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 1, 5, 14, 15, 27, 29.

Bet numbers -16, 28, 30, 38, 47 and 35

The end of summer is always a somewhat busy period. Many are returning from vacations, vacations are ending. But the horoscope for August predicts interesting and exciting events, not only in everyday life, but also in its gambling component.

Many of the world's major lotteries have accumulated significant jackpots, and they may soon be drawn. Choose the most suitable option for you and try to take a chance.

But keep in mind that some days are not suitable for any money transactions due to the possibility of losses. This is 6, 16, 14 August. But August 18 is considered the most dangerous day, when losses can be simply catastrophic.

At the beginning of the month, changes in your activities are possible - you can join the lottery, or change your usual lottery to a more profitable one. However, according to the horoscope for August 2016, money success will come to neat and consistent players who are used to a certain order. Therefore, try to stick to the usual actions, play in the usual mode, familiar lotteries - and hope for good luck!

Aries, if you notice that not everything in your service is as you would like, it's time to think about whether you have chosen the right direction.

Of course, the representatives of the sign are stubborn and conservative, it is difficult to move them from their place, but August 2016 is a good time to get around the wall, and not beat your forehead against it.

It is necessary to smooth out the tension in the relationship, make them calmer and softer. You may have to make significant efforts, but the subsequent prosperity will pay for everything.

Career, finance

Events in professional activity may not coincide with your plans. Agreements may be broken, production equipment may fail. Your task is to enter the battle on your own, to be active, to take initiatives, not to wait for help from either your superiors or colleagues.

The apathy that suddenly overcomes Aries at this time will make it a little more difficult to complete the work, but it’s worth focusing - perhaps your dream will finally come true.

The second half of the month is good for a new beginning. You may have to redo the work done, correcting errors.

In the financial sector, things are not going well. It is not worth lending to anyone, and the time is not right for financial transactions. The same risks are possible in the lottery game. If you are unable to cope with the excitement of the soul, be extremely careful.

Personal relationships, health

The persistence of free Aries will adversely affect the relationship that is being established - you may be considered obsessive. Do not push away a potential partner with excessive activity. By the way, the time has not yet come for a deep and close relationship.

The desire for freedom will haunt the family representatives of the sign. If the partner will meet you halfway - use the granted personal freedom not to the detriment of the relationship.

Negativity is extremely harmful to your body, you should be more tolerant when communicating with others. Increased heart rate that occurred in the first half of August is a consequence nervous tension. Auto-training will come to the rescue.

Favorable days - 5, 8, 20, 23, 24, 27, Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 10, 11, 18.

Bet numbers - 12, 27, 34, 49, 72 and 13

The horoscope for August warns some representatives of Taurus that they may have to change - a change of place of work, residence. It is possible that their choice will seem unsuccessful, the changes will not lead to a well-fed life. It is worth being patient - and there is a bread place. Throw aside suspiciousness - be more decisive.

It's time to implement your plans, which have been postponed for the time being. If you give now what is required of you, then in the future you will receive many times more than expected.

Career, finance

For those Taurus who have decided to change jobs, it makes sense to start sending resumes to specialized companies. High chances to show up a good specialist, with good professional potential.

The second half of August will bring additional responsibilities that you can handle without difficulty. Of course, difficulties and obstacles are possible - then feel free to ask for help from your superiors and colleagues.

The financial affairs of Taurus in August are such that you have to look for additional sources income to meet growing needs. Big expenses are coming. It's time to try your hand at lottery games. Foreign lotteries often become a lifesaver for many.

Personal relationships, health

Family Taurus in August will enjoy well-being. If possible, go on vacation, travel, at least for picnics and fishing - but with your soul mate. It is good to go to parties and shops together.

For those whose relationship has just begun, there will be a temporary cooling. And it will put everything in its place! Sympathy will develop into deeper feelings.

In August, representatives of the sign are not afraid of any sores. Beware of injuries associated with motorcycles and vehicles, in general, with transport, even trains.

Review your diet, eat more greens - the diet will not hurt either.

Favorable days are 11, 12, 17, 20, 26, Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 1, 4, 8, 28, 29.

Bet numbers - 10, 16, 17, 53, 60 and 15

Taming your dual, restless nature is the task of Gemini in August. The beginning of the month will bring the collapse of your plans, the main thing at this time is not to panic, not to give up. It is reasonable to alternate seriousness and fun, generosity and thrift. Many Geminis will expand their social circle. There is a chance that influential people will become your acquaintances. Do not refuse offers of help, modesty is now unnecessary. You will thank the people who have shown you the participation in the near future.

Career, finance

Gemini's professional activities will take place in a tense atmosphere. Projects will stall due to lack of the right people on the ground, due to annoying errors in the documentation.

Changes are possible, somewhat unexpected, which cannot be treated unambiguously. Perhaps you will get a high-paying new position. But do not rejoice in advance - you have to deal with emergency situations, for example, urgently repair failed equipment.

The conflict situation will develop towards the end of August - it will not be easy to communicate with management and colleagues. Do not rush to make rash decisions, do not jump to conclusions - wait until the picture clears up.

The financial side of life will be overshadowed by the requests of loved ones. You will be tempted to expensive acquisition. This month, you should not spend money on expensive things - they will not justify themselves. You will need the money later - it is better to make a few bets in your favorite lottery.

Personal relationships, health

In the personal life of Gemini, everything is brilliant! They are charming, attractive, bathe in romantic meetings and acquaintances. Don't be surprised if an old romance resumes! But if you are already connected with someone - do not risk the established relationship.

The end of the month will be overshadowed by quarrels with a partner over trifles.

For couples who are controlled by their parents, there comes a critical period - their relationship is in danger of breaking.

With health in August, Gemini will not have problems. Some overexertion can be corrected with a short rest. But extreme sports and hard physical labor are contraindicated for you. If there are dental problems, they can be corrected from August 1 until the end of this year.

The days are favorable - 4, 5, 10, 18.24, 28, Wednesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 2, 7, 8, 12, 16, 21.

Bet numbers - 10, 16, 36, 41, 65 and 03

If you accidentally hear unflattering comments about your endeavors, do not take them to heart. You yourself are not too confident in your abilities, but it is better not to do anything at all than to listen to someone else's opinion.

Quarrels with business partners and loved ones are predicted by the horoscope for August in the first half of the month. Compromise solutions will change little, because the conflict will be short-lived.

The second half of the month may bring travel to exotic places and acquaintance with another culture. Meeting interesting people, changing your outlook on life will significantly expand your horizons.

Career, finance

The professional activity of Cancers in August involves close contact with management, which will give colleagues a reason to gossip behind your back. If possible, do not react to various attacks, it is better to make an effort and do not give reasons for ridiculous judgments. You will return the location of the team by mid-August.

The prospect for career growth will open at the end of the month. But there is no need to force events, do not demonstrate your advantages by pointing out the shortcomings of competitors. Even with the favor of management, you will not do without the support of colleagues.

The financial side of Cancer life will bring an unexpected surprise. From August 5, luck is expected in money matters. You might win the lottery, get your money back, or get an unexpected pay raise.

Personal relationships, health

The personal life of Cancers in August will be chaotic. They themselves will be mistaken, they will mislead partners. Claiming that everything is fine in their life, however, you are not satisfied with the relationship with your partner. It is worth telling your loved one about your dissatisfaction, otherwise the negative will worsen further.

For single Cancers who want to win the chosen one, the advice of the stars is not to make hasty decisions. Sit "in ambush", make plans and wait for the right moment for recognition. You will probably have to be patient for a while, activity is good at the end of August.

For health, Cancers will have to observe the measure in everything. Be careful when eating - food poisoning is possible.

Favorable days are -3, 6, 20, 21, 26, 30, Monday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 10, 13, 18, 28.

Betting numbers - 04, 21, 38, 46, 65 and 02

The horoscope for August predicts a meeting for Leo, which, perhaps, will result in a fiery, vivid romance. The advice of the stars - if this happens - do not be shy. If you doubt yourself less, then you can handle it. Do not miss an important concession of fate.

The second half of August will allow you to reveal your potential and show yourself profitably. Do not be afraid and shy. If you are offered to be a leader at a holiday or at a celebration, do not refuse.

You will feel a breakdown at the end of August, so it’s better to postpone important projects and affairs to September. Do not get upset, take time out to rest and recover.

Career, finance

Professional activity in August will be marked by career ambitions, by the way, you will be given a chance for development. Set bold goals without fear and go to the goal confidently and purposefully.

The first half of the month will bring management approval for your initiatives and ideas. It may affect your level wages. A very good time for Lviv, who work in the field of technology, trade, science and sports. Do not fall victim to your ambitions in the second half of August. Give a competent assessment of your resources, ask for help from colleagues, otherwise you will get stuck in business.

A favorable situation will develop for Lviv in the financial sector. At this time, you are quite lucky. You will be able to benefit from the patronage of important friends, love relationships and marriage. Playing the lottery also promises success, so don't deprive yourself of the fun, make a couple of bets.

Personal relationships, health

Bright moments will be illuminated personal life lonely Lviv in this last month of summer. Nothing like this has happened to you before. You will be given signs of attention, a romantic relationship will begin. A fleeting relationship may well develop into a stormy romance. How long it will last is up to you.

Family Lions are waiting for a renewal of feelings, fresh, vivid emotions, they will tie them even more to their loved one.

The health of Lviv during this period does not cause concern. Energy will overwhelm you, especially in the first and second decades of August.

There is a risk of injury - dislocation or sprain, be careful when driving or when using piercing objects.

Favorable days are 4, 5, 18, 19, 24, 27, Sunday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 11, 12, 21, 22, 29.

Bet numbers - 12, 29, 47, 65, 68 and 04

Hoping to succeed, in August Virgos should decide in which direction to move on. Don't take on several things at once. Tip of the month – Cities are conquered by courage, not greed.

Your mood can make you its hostage. React more calmly to all comments, no matter who makes them, they wish you well. Be gentle, don't let your emotions enslave you.

Career, finance

The professional activity of Devs in August will be very tense, one task will be replaced by others. It will take a good reaction in order not to give in to rapidly changing circumstances.

If possible, do not exchange for trifles, immediately determine priorities. Try to competently and quickly cope with the work, then you will be able to earn the respect of colleagues and the location of the leadership. Your success will strengthen your credibility, everyone will ask for advice from you. Do not overestimate yourself and take other people's worries on yourself - you will not notice how you get bogged down in them.

The location of the stars will negatively affect the financial stability of Dev, especially in the second half of August. At this time, do not intrigue and be capricious. Endurance and patience - and the financial situation will improve. If you constantly play lotteries, you should not change your habits, it may be better to bet more prudently and carefully.

Personal relationships, health

The personal life of Virgos in August will be stable and prosperous, this is a good period for strengthening romantic relationships. If possible, it is better to organize a joint vacation. Your life will be greatly decorated and strengthened by the event during the period of August 13-14.

Single Virgos will be attracted to the opposite sex this month. It will become easier for them to get acquainted, start novels. A passionate relationship awaits you, but not every representative of the Virgo sign will turn into a close relationship. In the future, many are waiting for numerous domestic problems and frequent conflicts.

The health of the Virgins will be related to their condition nervous system. Happy and satisfied and health problems will not cause. If a peace of mind shaken, look for a way out in meditation or creativity.

The days are favorable - 3, 6, 21, 25, 26, Wednesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 10, 13, 18, 19.

Bet numbers - 28, 30, 49, 54, 66 and 17

August is a romantic period in the life of Libra. If the object of adoration lacks courage, the representative of the sign will take the initiative in their own hands, all methods are good in love! Among other things, you are entering a very fruitful period, you will be overwhelmed with energy. But it is worth trying to redo all the things that have accumulated earlier. Due to the inherent fussiness of Libra, a quarrel or a traumatic situation will burn.

Career, finance

The professional activities of Libra will be accompanied by intrigues and increased attention bosses. Keep your ears open. Listen to praise, but do not flatter yourself. Your slightest mistake will provoke a change in attitude towards you. Work hard, but don't make any important commitments. Carefully check all the results before squeezing the finished work.

The beginning of the month is the time when there will be reshuffles, be aware of the climate in the team. Dangerous day - August 5, do not take hasty action, think about the situation. In general, analyze the situation more often, think through all the nuances in order to avoid ridiculous mistakes.

A stable financial situation awaits Libra at the end of summer. If you want a salary increase, talk to management on August 14th. This day is favorable for the implementation of proposals and requests.

Personal relationships, health

Your charm and charm will slay anyone on the spot, especially in the first half of August. The main concern of Libra will be love relationship. A good period for deepening relationships, bringing in a fresh stream. A great solution would be a joint vacation, travel, outing into nature together.

Until August 14, a meeting and reunion with a former partner is possible. But a person from the past has no place in your life if you are in a relationship. Next to you is an ideal person for life, loving and faithful.

Libra's health can be damaged by tonics - for example, alcohol. Troubles with the intestines are possible - the result will be poisoning, abscesses, skin troubles, problems with the blood. Follow dietary guidelines.

Favorable days are 5, 9, 13, 14, 20, 21, 24, Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 2, 11, 16, 17, 26, 30.

Bet numbers - 04, 16, 48, 59, 69 and 06

The horoscope for August predicts Scorpions the chores of home improvement. Therefore, it is worth saving money and not making large expenses. This month you will react irritably to criticism, even the slightest remark will cause a negative reaction. Restrain your emotions, maybe others are right and you should think about your own shortcomings. Is it possible that because of the criticism you will become more active, given the push?

Career, finance

A difficult period awaits Scorpions in the professional field. The desire to show off and stand out will be strong. Don't take on difficult tasks, don't stay up late at work, don't exaggerate your accomplishments. You will not wait for the approval of the authorities during this period. If you want to prove professional bearing, be more modest and talk less.

There will be a lot of questions from colleagues, it is better to laugh it off, evade, not be indignant in order to prevent conflict. A quarrel with even one person can provoke others. Stay friendly at all costs - these are the realities of August.

Meanwhile, the financial affairs of the Scorpions will be very successful. Only from large purchases while it is better to refrain. A particularly bad day for shopping is August 7, your purchases will be defective. Buying real estate will come in handy in the fall, and you can play lotteries without restrictions, you will be lucky.

Personal relationships, health

Difficulties are possible in the personal life of free Scorpios. If the object of your sympathies does not show any initiative, take matters into your own hands. If you are refused - do not give up - August will present several pleasant promising meetings, perhaps one of them will be important for you, later developing into a romance. You will quickly forget the person who refused you.

Couples will experience unforgettable, passionate moments, but for some Scorpios, the end of summer will be the beginning of the conflict. The luminaries will only exacerbate the trends, creating either attraction, or no less strong rejection.

The health of Scorpios in August will be good, just do not experiment at home with your appearance, do not use cosmetics that are new to you.

Favorable days - 2, 3, 6, 17, 21, 25, Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 10, 14, 27, 28.

Bet numbers - 10, 24, 44, 52, 68 and 10

Advice to Sagittarius - keep your emotions under control, do not criticize your colleagues and friends. Even in a very irritated state, keep your cool during serious conversations. The beginning of the month will seem boring and measured to you. Your ideas do not inspire anyone, so the feeling of disappointment will annoy. Do not draw undue attention to yourself and do not strive at all costs to become the leader and soul of the company.

Career, finance

The affairs of Sagittarius in the professional field will go quite successfully and productively. They will plunge headlong into solving business pressing issues. But keep in mind - do not enter into conflicts and bickering with your superiors if you want to be successful and advance your career. To achieve professional success, you will have to learn endurance and patience. Do not make hasty decisions without consulting on serious issues with specialists and more competent colleagues.

The financial component of the life of Sagittarius suggests caution in money matters. Do not take any, even small loans, especially for long periods. You are waiting for unforeseen expenses at the very close time. It is not recommended to make large purchases. In a lottery game, avoid multi-draw spread bets.

Personal relationships, health

The personal life of family Sagittarius will be overshadowed by quarrels with their soul mate. You can avoid scandals if you do not stick out your authority when solving everyday issues.

Lonely representatives of the sign will get acquainted (with a high probability) with an unusually charming and smart person that will win their hearts and souls. if the current relationship has become obsolete, there comes a favorable time for the revival of feelings. In the same period, you will be unusually jealous, it is worth controlling not your partner, but your emotions.

To maintain health, observe the measure in everything - do not overeat, stomach troubles and food poisoning are possible. For your sign, August is a good time for prevention, medical resorts and sanatoriums are worth visiting if possible.

Favorable days are 4, 5, 14, 18, 23, 24, Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 1, 11, 12, 21, 29.

Betting numbers - 07, 30, 44, 58, 69 and 08

According to the advice of the horoscope for August, Capricorns should not stand in a pose if at work you are forced to work in excess of what is supposed to be. Perhaps the leaders are looking at your candidacy, testing you for professional suitability. Therefore, you should roll up your sleeves and start exploring new areas of activity for you. Control your emotions as much as you can. Every word uttered by Capricorn can cause an unpredictable reaction, this applies to your relationship with the team. Keep calm and peace in the workplace, it is better to keep your opinion to yourself.

Career, finance

A professional environment will require from Capricorn, first of all, concrete results of work, and not reasoning about what you would like to do. If you have a successful solution to a problem or a rationalization idea, think carefully about the details, and only then share your suggestions with your superiors.

This month, individual work is more effective than collective work. Any difficult task will be up to you. The chance to show your talent and professionalism will appear from the middle of the month. Do not be lazy and do not get distracted by minor nuances.

Difficulties are also possible - revision of contracts with partners, delay in receipts under contracts. Management will need to double your responsibilities - it's better to agree, but quality work will increase your authority with superiors.

Raising a salary or receiving a bonus is what will happen in the financial sphere of Capricorn's life. The luminaries are located very favorably for your money affairs. Big luck is expected in the fall. You can play your favorite lotteries only out of love for excitement, no big luck is expected here. The most successful days are August 24 - September 7.

Personal relationships, health

The personal life of Capricorns will not bring shocks or disappointments. Remember, all disputes are resolved peacefully, without insults. Be gentle with your partner.

Lonely Capricorns - an interesting meeting awaits you. The person you are introduced to will blow your mind!

Beware of injuries and ENT diseases, these are the main threats to your health in August. Disease prevention is good from August 12 to early September.

Favorable days - 3, 10, 12, 21, 25, 26, Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 5, 8, 14, 19, 29.

Bet numbers - 18, 22, 36, 38, 43 and 14

Work or home - this is how close people of Aquarius will formulate the conditions. To avoid conflict, compromise, relax with your family, or take your household to nature. We'll have to sacrifice a little so as not to bite our elbows. Let colleagues deal with problems without you. We even advise you to turn off your phone so that you are not distracted from your family.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, Aquarius has come auspicious time especially if they run their own business. You may be able to expand your influence to other areas. Change in career will occur at the behest of high authorities, which will often have to be faced.

The workload will be high in the first half of the month. After completing one task, you will switch to the next. You will work with pleasure, not knowing fatigue, victories will increase euphoria. Your success will contribute to the growth of authority among colleagues and superiors.

In the financial sphere, Aquarius will be very successful. It makes sense to ask for a raise. Chances are your boss won't mind. In August, it is good to plan future expenses and invest for a long time. Success will accompany Aquarius in lottery games.

Personal relationships, health

Due to the workload at the beginning of August, quarrels are likely, the long-awaited trip to an important event will fail. Do not take work home and do not stay late, if possible, at work. In the second half of the month, the conflict will smooth out.

Lonely Aquarians will be able to start a holiday romance, possibly with a serious continuation. Your erudition and outlook will help to impress a new acquaintance.

Absent-mindedness and malnutrition will provoke a deterioration in health in Aquarius. Do not rush when eating, otherwise digestion will deteriorate. Control the quality of the consumed products, stick to the diet.

Favorable days - 13, 14, 18, 23, 24, 25, Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 6, 7, 21, 29.

Bet numbers - 03, 20, 23, 40, 61 and 23

A stable situation at work and stress in personal life - that's what awaits the representatives of the Pisces sign in August. Perhaps the cause of the conflict will be jealousy, the result of gossip and gossip. The best way out of the situation would be a pause, it is worth hiding, not angering anyone and not getting caught by the leadership. Your combat readiness will thoroughly spoil relations not only in the family, but also at work. Try to go somewhere for a week, calm your nerves.

Career, finance

Professional activity involves some nuances. important and hard work must be completed in the first half of the month. By the end of August, difficulties will arise, and it will become more difficult to conduct business. Change is good for your career to some extent, although the impression will be the opposite.

Do not take any rash steps during this period. Hurry - and unpredictable consequences are coming. It is worth controlling the incoming information - sources may contain errors.

The financial sector promises to be stable and neutral. Do not expect fabulous profits, but your capital will be preserved and even increased. Will this be the result of an active lottery game? If you receive an offer to invest in a profitable business, you are likely to be embroiled in a scam.

Personal relationships, health

It will not be easy at the end of summer for the personal life of both family and single Pisces. The cause of conflicts is your increased demands on your partner, discontent and jealousy. You won't like the craze loved one his hobbies, work, friends, you will feel slighted. Of course, your quarrels will not lead to a break, but they will prepare the ground for it. New acquaintances await Pisces at the end of summer.

The health of the Pisces sign in August will be out of danger, just be careful when out of town and on vacation.

Favorable days - 3, 6, 15, 22, 25, 26, Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days - 8, 10, 18, 19, 29.

Bet numbers - 16, 35, 36, 49, 58 and 13