What awaits the planet in the near future. List of doomsdays

  • 22.09.2019
You can everything! Pravdina Natalia Borisovna

What awaits our Earth?

What awaits our Earth?


To what extent can one person influence the fate of the Earth? This is not an idle question, as signals are becoming more frequent that serious tests are coming to the planet Earth, which is now at its most " high level The fate of the planet is being decided. What awaits the Earth? Prosperity or disaster? And what can we do to save our beloved planet? This question worries many sensitive people.


Yes, at present, humanity has accumulated a large amount of negative karma, negative programs are turned on and are already operating independently. Recent events in the world confirm this. Wars, famine, terrorism, catastrophic floods in America... All these are signals of trouble in the general field of the Earth.

However, there is still a chance. There isn't much time left, but it's there. You can change the world by changing yourself. Is it really so difficult to give up slander, envy and malice? If each of you in the morning, afternoon and evening will send a wish of love and peace to the entire Universe, then the energies will gradually balance. Thus, a lot really depends on each person now. No one knows when and where the accumulation of a critical mass of love will occur, when the reverse process will take place and the planet will be saved. In the meantime, be affirmed in your choice of peace and goodness, wish health and happiness to your enemies first of all, then to friends, then to yourself!

Each person now can consciously become a translator of creative energy, which first affects loved ones, then more and more people, country, continent, planet. It is important not to live thoughtlessly, but to consciously do good, then the process intensifies every day. The combination of good karma and creative positive thinking brings success and prosperity not only to the person himself, but also to everyone around him.

Use every opportunity to send an impulse of love into the surrounding space. Dedicate your usual pursuits to harmony and peace. For example, you can dedicate even physical exercise to the greater good.

Do you think it doesn't matter? Wrong! Now, when the fate of the whole planet is being weighed on the scales, every grain of love is worth its weight in gold. Even doing morning exercises, send your good intentions to the universe. Let your energy work for the common good.

Thus, the space around you harmonizes, and the circles of light expand, reaching the farthest corners of the universe. Only in this way, only through the consciousness of each individual, is salvation possible, and then a qualitative leap in the development of the planet. Then the Golden Age will really come, the Earth will be cleansed of the negative karma accumulated over the centuries, which will entail an unprecedented flourishing of our planet and its inhabitants, and this will be followed by a transition to new level development of the galaxy.

If you are interested in progress on a cosmic scale, then it is enough to control your consciousness, your thoughts. Fully go to positive thinking. Constantly send thoughts of love and peace into space. And if you are ready, you can ask the Higher Mind to fill you with light. Then you will become a conscious carrier of the energies of Light on Earth. Then, wherever you appear, a trail of Light will flow behind you, you will “charge” people with Light. Thus, you will personally participate in the great mystery of the Transformation of the Earth.

You have this chance, so take advantage of it!

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It has long been known that this is the end of the world is inevitable - sooner or later the planet can be overtaken natural disasters that will contribute to the destruction of the Earth.

It is worth remembering that excessive consumption natural resources and global warming are leading us relentlessly towards the end of the planet. Do not be upset, the next few thousand years the planet will be in relative safety, despite climate change and the gradual displacement of the continents. But still, the world population is already making predictions about the fate of the planet, thanks to which 10 doomsday predictions were formed. But today we're talking about 10 sad facts about the future of the Earth.

Fact number 10. New ice age in 50,000 years

Humanity will exist for another 50,000 years. It is unlikely that during this time humanity will die from a lack of resources or another world war. The world population expects new ice age. The last ice age ended about 15,000 years ago!

Fact number 9. Supervolcano will melt everyone in 100 thousand years

According to scientists, In 100 thousand years, the Earth will suffer from the eruption of a supervolcano. The volcanic eruption will be so powerful that it will cover 400 cubic kilometers of magma.

There are such volcanoes in the mountains of California, but more than a million years have passed since their last eruption. It should be added that super-eruptions are very different from catastrophes like earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, floods and asteroid falls - such an eruption would cause colossal harm to the entire civilization.

Fact number 8. The fall of the meteorite after 500 thousand years

The biggest blow in modern history was the fall of the Tunguska meteorite in Russia, which led to an explosion of energy about 1000 times greater than from atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. The meteorite was up to 190 m in diameter. Scientists have calculated that in 500 thousand years, a part of cosmic fragments about 1 km in diameter will fall to Earth. As a result, the Earth will be completely destroyed.

Fact number 7. Destruction of the Grand Canyon and Arizona Crater after 2 million years

If we assume that the Earth will not be touched by meteorites or supervolcano eruptions, nothing will happen during the ice age, then in two million years everything will still collapse on its own. For example, the Grand Canyon appeared due to the erosive effect of water flowing into the Colorado River - in 2 million years there will be an increase in the level of snow and ice, which will lead to the complete destruction of the canyon. The same consideration can befall the Arizona crater and the rocky badlands of the desert in South Dakota.

Fact number 6. Flood in East Africa in 10 million years

The tectonic plates of the East African Rift may continue to expand. Eventually both the Somali and Nubian plates will completely tear apart, causing a new ocean basin to divide Africa. Now the Earth is literally being torn apart - new continents and oceans are being created, which is just a cycle of the planet's development.

Fact number 5. Hawaii will be underwater in 80 million years

Our planet is constantly changing, and all the continents that exist today 300 million years ago were parts of a single supercontinent - Pangaea. For 80 million years, changes on the planet will continue as a result of the splitting of Africa and the formation of a new ocean. Due to rising tides, volcanic activity and an ice age, Hawaii will be completely submerged.

The California coast will begin to sink into the ocean due to its location on the San Andreas Fault. The divided African continent will eventually collide with Europe and Asia, thus closing off the Mediterranean Basin, resulting in a mountain range similar to the Himalayas.

Fact number 4. Destruction of the ozone layer in 500 million years, mass extinction

In 500 million years, there will be a burst of gamma rays, which will cause damage to the ozone layer. Under the influence of global warming, volcanic activity, meteorite fall there will be a complete destruction of the ozone layer and life on Earth the end will come.

Fact number 3. In 800 million years, all remaining life forms will die.

A mass extinction does not mean that absolutely everything will perish. From this point of view, after the human race, there will be other forms of life on Earth that will be able to adapt and develop, despite the endless changes in the world around them. If they manage to cope with the influence supernova, which will destroy almost all life on the surface of the globe, they will be able to exist for at least another 300 million years. After that, the level of carbon dioxide will drop to those values ​​in which the processes of photosynthesis will become impossible.

In 800 million years, all volcanoes will go out. will disappear carbon dioxide is very important element necessary for both plant life and the atmosphere as a whole. Its disappearance will not only exclude the possibility of the further existence of any plants, but will also lead to the disappearance of oxygen and ozone from the atmosphere, which in turn will destroy all multicellular organisms on the planet. In 800 million the Earth will be inhabited only by single-celled organisms.

Fact number 2. In 2.3 billion years, the Earth's core will turn into ice

In 2.3 billion years there will be no life on the planet - everything will be destroyed, covered with magma, craters, radiation will be everywhere. The outer crust of the planet will freeze and stop the magnetic field, and charged particles of solar energy will destroy all remnants of our atmosphere. By that time, the temperature in the sun will increase significantly, which will lead to the complete evaporation of water from the surface of the Earth.

Fact number 1. In 8 billion years, our planet will die when it collides with the Sun.

In 8 billion years, all life on the planet will burn up under the influence of rising temperatures on the Sun. Even unicellular organisms will perish, and the poles of the earth will reach an average temperature of 147 degrees Celsius. Freezing the core would throw the planet out of balance, and increasing the distance to the Moon would dangerously tilt the Earth.

The surface of the Earth will resemble the surface of Venus today. When the Sun turns red and expands 256 times, it will swallow the Earth.

All of the above referred to the distant future. But a person is a master of harming himself, and he is already able to provide local cataclysms around him even today. Are we too presumptuous, believing that we can change everything and everything in the environment? Scientists of the world worried.

Today, the greatest fear of mankind is a nuclear war that will destroy civilization, and devoid of benefits modern life man will be thrown back into the primitive state. When nuclear war between Russia and the United States, fires will sweep away cities and industrial areas. In this case, 150 million tons of steam will be released, which will hang in the stratosphere. When hot, it forms a dense layer that will block the access of sunlight to the surface of the planet for several years. Scientists suggest that the charges remaining after the implementation of the agreement on the reduction of nuclear weapons by the end of 2012 between Russia and the United States will be enough to create such a layer.

What else could be the consequences of a nuclear war between Russia and America. 2,600 Russian and American nuclear warheads, put on full alert, will be fired at intervals of 2-3 minutes and will hit targets in America, Russia, Europe and other strategically important regions. Cleaning up the area after the initial attacks will be provided by rockets left over from 7,600 warheads and other nuclear weapons from Russia and the United States. Hundreds of major cities in the world will be on fire, hundreds and thousands of square kilometers of residential areas will be destroyed.


The media do not notice the main news about Russia!

The National Interest 11/10/2017

US nuclear repository in Ukraine

AgoraVox 10/13/2017

"Alabuga": more powerful than a nuclear bomb

Daily Star 03.10.2017

The world is one step away nuclear disaster

Haqqin.az 05.09.2017

New nuclear threat

Project Syndicate 08/25/2017 150 million tons of steam from nuclear fires will rise into the stratosphere, where they form a layer of thick clouds. The formed barrier will last for several years and prevent the sun's rays from reaching the Earth's surface. It blocks 70% of the sun's rays in the northern hemisphere and 35% in the southern. In the absence of solar heat, the air temperature will drop to the level of the last ice age 18,000 years ago. Temperatures will drop rapidly by 20 degrees in large parts of North America, and more than 30 degrees in much of Europe, including agricultural areas. In the northern hemisphere, the average daily minimum temperature will be below zero for 103 years, and night frosts will destroy plants and other food sources.

Precipitation levels will decrease by 45% due to the continued cold, and the change of seasons will disappear for about a few years. The rapid destruction of the ozone layer will cause ultraviolet radiation to pass unhindered through the atmosphere and reach the Earth's surface. A huge amount of nuclear dust will scatter around the world, and after the defeat of nuclear reactors on Earth, the radiation background will increase for a long time. A huge amount of toxic vapor from fires, coupled with a huge amount of industrial chemicals, will settle on the surface of the planet and pollute environment. Most living creatures will not survive in the conditions of a sharp change in temperature and increased rainfall, accompanied by an increase in ultraviolet radiation, the spread of chemicals and nuclear dust.

As on land, life in the water will be destroyed. The famine that flared up as a result of the lack of harvest will take many lives. There will be a mass extinction of species similar to the extinction of the dinosaurs, which occurred 65 million years ago. Those who live in shelters with several years of food, water, energy and medicines will not be able to survive in an aggressive external environment.

The materials of InoSMI contain only assessments of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the editors of InoSMI.

And civilizations or even the whole universe. The threat can be both imaginary and real. For some, the expression "end of the world" causes fear, panic and horror, while others consider it absurd. Nevertheless, there is even a whole list of upcoming apocalypses. Before talking about them, you should know possible reasons end of the world.

Possible causes of the apocalypse

There are many reasons for the end of the world. Some of them seem really impossible, while others could well lead to the death of all life.

  • First, this is war. Biological or even nuclear.
  • Secondly, possible genetic diseases that will eventually destroy the whole world, taking it so hard that attempts to cure humanity will be useless.
  • Thirdly, famine, which, for example, can occur in the event of overpopulation.
  • Fourth, ecological catastrophy when the cause of the death of the people is the people themselves. That is why environmentalists around the world are calling to protect their planet. Take, for example, the destruction of the ozone layer - all this is quite dangerous.
  • Another problem, the fault of which is the man himself, is the exit from the control of nanotechnologies.
  • Sixth, a sharp change in climate. Global cooling or warming will lead to the death of almost all life on the planet.
  • The causes of the apocalypse can also be the eruption of a supervolcano, the fall of a huge asteroid, or a strong solar flare.

All these and many other reasons can radically change life on Earth, and possibly lead to its death. How dangerous are these events and is it worth waiting for the apocalypse in the near future? We will talk about this and much more further.

Mayan calendar end of the world

To begin with, let's remember 2012, when the whole world literally lived in fear of the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar. According to numerous sources, the apocalypse was supposed to happen in 2012. Why did everyone expect him on this particular day, and where did such a mythical figure come from?

The thing is that the people who once lived in Central America, the so-called Mayan people, kept a calendar that ended on this particular number. Lovers of mysticism and various kinds of clairvoyants said that supposedly the end of the world would come on that day. Such statements, which simply blew up the Internet, frightened millions of people. What earthlings, imbued with fear, did not expect: volcanic eruptions, strong earthquakes and tsunamis, and all this in one day.

“Silence and darkness will come in the world, and humanity will be destroyed,” the Mayans said. It seems absurd now, just as it did for geophysicists in 2012. They then said that it was simply impossible. An interesting fact is that people were offered to survive during the terrible apocalypse, surviving it in a secluded place with huge food supplies. Even the statement about the possible death of mankind was used by supermarkets around the world, which was very helpful to them. Trusting people with fear bought food for months ahead.

But not only supermarkets made money on such news. In many cities, even special bunkers were built, which supposedly could save people from the upcoming apocalypse. Living in such safe place cost a lot of money. But, as it turned out, the apocalypse was not destined to happen, which is not at all surprising, because we have already survived several ends of the world and still live happily. Anthropologist Dirk Van Turenhut explained the situation by saying: "This is not the end, it's just one calendar followed by another."

Another loud end of the world

The apocalypse was also expected in 2000. People believed that with the transition to the new millennium, the same end of the world would come, and even came up with a reason why this would happen - the parade of planets, the appearance of the second moon. According to some reports, an asteroid should have fallen.

The end of the world in this case would come at its collision with the Earth. We entered the new millennium, but the end of the world did not exist, and still does not exist. Then astronomers and predictors decided to move the expected apocalypse to 2001. What is its reason?

Apocalypse 2001

This is where things get even more interesting. “August 11, 2001, the planet Earth and all solar system sucked into a black hole, ”- such an interesting forecast was made by American astronomers. The following prediction was also made by an American scientist. According to him, in 2003 the end of the world will occur due to the disintegration of the Earth. The next apocalypse, apparently, was believed by few, otherwise how to explain the fact that there were almost no mentions of this in the media. After this prediction, humanity lived quietly for five whole years, after which it became known about the next end of the world.

End of the World - 2008

This year, several scenarios of the apocalypse have been announced at once.

One of them was the fall to Earth of a huge asteroid, the diameter of which was 800 meters. Another reason could be the launch of a huge collider. This made the earthlings worry much more than the forecast of the fall of the asteroid. Fortunately, the excitement was in vain, but the fear did not leave us for long. They began to say that the end of the world will happen in 2011. As it will be?


This version turned out to be much more interesting. The American Harold Camping predicted that on May 21 the dead would rise from their graves. Those who deserve to burn in hell will remain on earth and survive a series of terrible natural disasters: earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, and only then will they go to another world. The version itself is absurd, but, nevertheless, Harold Camping received a huge number of supporters, especially in the USA.

The preacher even gave hope that there would be a small percentage of survivors, consisting precisely of his followers. An interesting fact is that a US public relations company organized the release of huge posters with a doomsday statement. After nothing like this happened on the expected day, the prophet himself postponed the date of the end of the world to October 21 of the same year, explaining that the incident happened morally, and all that now needs to be done is to wait for the real, already final end of the world .

According to his new forecasts, it was supposed to happen exactly in 5 months. Despite Harold's predictions, the end of the world never came, and thousands of people calmly exhaled and continued to live. When Camping realized that his prediction was wrong, he admitted his guilt and even apologized.

And again about 2012

Well, the most anticipated in the list of the end of the world - the apocalypse of 2012. It has already been mentioned above. Perhaps the discussions of this end of the world are the loudest of all.

This date, indeed, frightened millions of people around the world, because not only the Mayan calendar spoke about the events of that year. Predictions about terrible events were made by Nostradamus and Vanga, known to the whole world for their prophecies. What did they really mean? Natural disasters, the beginning of a new life, or the death of the planet? All this remains a mystery. But Patriarch Kirill, regarding the year 2012 and the apocalypse as a whole, said that it is not worth waiting for it, because Jesus Christ does not give us instructions on any dates whatsoever.

Will there be a rebirth? Perhaps, but no one knows when it will come. Despite everything, people continue to listen to predictions and believe in the end of the world. So what threatens the Earth in the near future?

What do they promise for the future?

The next end of the world is scheduled for 2021. Such a statement was made by IA "SaraInform", which was presented new list ends of the world. Inversion magnetic field- this is the reason for the end of the world in 2021. And maybe not even the end, because they promise that not all of humanity will perish, but only a large part of it.

Scientists suggest that this end of the world will not take place, but it will be different, and it will happen in 2036. In their opinion, an asteroid called Apophis will fall on the Earth, but again, this information is not objective, since the asteroid may diverge from the Earth.

Another apocalypse is supposed to happen in 2060. Newton himself predicted it back in 1740 from a holy book. And in 2240 planetary epochs will change. So argued scientists who lived in different centuries. And also, in their opinion, this year the era of the Sun should end.

Other possible doomsday dates are 2280, 2780, 2892 and 3797. By the way, the last apocalypse was predicted by Nostradamus, therefore, we are talking about the fact that he did not think about the end of the world in 2012 as the end of all life in general. In his letter to his son, he wrote that the Sun would allegedly swallow the Earth, having exhausted all the hydrogen and reaching incredible volumes.

Other dates of the apocalypse are not yet taken seriously, but no one knows what will happen with time. By the way, these are far from all dates, there are some others - intermediate ones, but no one pays attention to them, since the probability of incidents is almost zero.

Will the end of the world come?

We examined the list of the ends of the world, to believe or not to believe in forecasts is a personal matter for everyone. It can be said with 100% certainty: no one knows and cannot know whether there will be an apocalypse and when exactly. What awaits the Earth in the near future? Whom to trust: predictors or scientists? Everyone has their own point of view, however, it is worth noting that the information of the latter is more reasoned and objective.

Instead of guessing, it is better to think about the real harm we are doing to our planet. For example, each of us can improve the ecological situation, because the Earth is really in a dangerous state, and people themselves are to blame for this.

Brevity human life creates the illusion that nothing is changing on Earth - it seems to us that the planet has always been the way we see it now, with the same landscapes, animals and plants ... But geology and paleontology provide us with indisputable evidence of the constant transformation of the Earth. After all, in fact, our planet has “shuffled” the continents dozens of times and changed the species composition of flora and fauna under the influence of new external conditions.

Earth in 5 million years

Today everyone is talking about global warming caused by human-made greenhouse gases. However, the same human activity also leads to cooling in certain parts of the planet - although in general this can be called a gross imbalance in the climate. But let's go in order...

On April 20, 2010, an explosion occurred on the Deepwater Horizon oil platform located in the Gulf of Mexico (and, by the way, not the first in the oil industry). Two days later, the platform sank and oil from the underwater well began to flow into the open sea. How much of it flowed out until the British Petroleum engineers plugged the well is not known for certain. According to various sources, more than a trillion liters of crude oil got into the water of the Gulf of Mexico, where the Gulf Stream is formed.

Following the “floated money”, the Americans pumped 500 million liters of corexit and other chemical reagents into the water to bind oil and set it to the bottom. This mixture is constantly expanding in volume, spreading along the ocean floor and having a serious impact on the entire thermoregulation system of the planet by destroying the boundary layers of the warm water flow. Perhaps this will be news to some, but according to the latest satellite data, the Gulf Stream no longer exists.

This "river" warm water moved across the Atlantic Ocean, warming northern Europe and protecting it from the winds. At present, the circulation system has died in a number of places and is dying in other places. As a result of these processes, unheard-of high temperatures formed in Moscow, droughts and floods occurred in Central Europe, temperatures rose in many Asian countries, and massive floods occurred in China, Pakistan and other Asian countries.

Climate change has already begun. All this means that a stable climate and a calm life can be forgotten: in the future there will be violent mixing of the seasons, an increase in the size of droughts and floods in various places on the Earth. This will lead to frequent crop failures, an unstable economy, epidemics, changes in flora and fauna, as well as mass migration of the population from areas unsuitable for human habitation. The world's population is expected to be cut in half, if not more.

But what would natural disasters when mankind had to endure, after 5 million years the Earth will somehow be at the mercy of the next ice age. A grandiose ice shell will cover the entire Northern Hemisphere up to temperate latitudes, and the ice sheet of Antarctica will also grow. The harsh dry climate will transform the landscapes of the planet: most of the land will be occupied by cold deserts and steppes, in which only the most unpretentious animals can survive.

Earth in 50-200 million years

According to the modern theory of continental drift, even 200-300 million years ago, in the Mesozoic, there was a single supercontinent - Pangea. Initially, it split into two parts - northern Laurasia and southern Gondwana. From Laurasia subsequently formed Eurasia and North America, from Gondwana - South America, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, Arabian Peninsula and Hindustan.

Scientists believe that Pangea was already the third or fourth supercontinent in the history of our planet. Its predecessors were Rodinia in the Proterozoic (1 billion years ago) and Nuna in the Paleoproterozoic (1.8-1.5 billion years ago). Most scientists today agree that in the distant future, the Earth will again face the merger of the continents, which will completely change the face of the planet.

Modern continents form Amasia (from the words "America" ​​and "Eurasia") - a single continent in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe modern Arctic, surrounded by a global ocean. Most of the mainland will be occupied by harsh deserts and mountain ranges. Wet coasts will be at the mercy of powerful storms. Antarctica will also move to the equator and shed its ice shell.

Collisions of continental plates will cause an increase in volcanic activity, which will lead to the release into the atmosphere a large number carbon dioxide and significant climate warming. There will be almost no ice left on Earth, the oceans will swallow up vast expanses of land. A real feast of life will begin on a warm and humid planet.

What will be in millions of years the new supercontinent, which will combine all the modern parts of the world, geologists from Yale University tried to understand. According to the theory of Professor David Evans, a specialist in the internal structure and history of continents, both Asia and North America can become the center of a new continent. The main thing is that this continent will be exactly on the territory of the modern Arctic Ocean. The continents will be “sewn together” by a new mountain range (the Himalayas, for example, were formed at the confluence of Eurasia and the section of Gondwana - Hindustan).

The results of the calculations were published in the journal Nature. Professor Evans sighs: "Of course, this kind of reasoning cannot be tested by simply waiting 100 million years - but we can use the trajectories of ancient supercontinents to better understand how this eternal tectonic dance of the Earth occurs."

The question is, will people still live on the planet of the future? Fatalists believe that this is impossible - after all, the once-dominant dinosaurs and the supposed highly civilized race of Atlanteans disappeared from the face of the Earth, unable to resist global changes and catastrophes. Such a philosophy is quite convenient, isn't it? After all, it is easier for many to know that “we will all die” and nothing depends on us, so you can burn your life as you please, leaving behind only devastation and garbage. After all, it is precisely such thoughts that a person expresses when he says: after me, even a flood.

But let's face it: a person has every chance both to correct his mistakes and adapt to the most difficult conditions of existence (yes, we are like that), and to invent high tech to protect against disasters. The main thing is not to lose hope, not to hide behind convenient excuses, to believe in US - after all, only thanks to hope and striving for the best person once squared his shoulders and became who he is.