Fungicides of a new generation. Fungicides list of drugs and instructions for use

  • 16.06.2019

Beginners, and already experienced gardeners, need to know how to treat trees from diseases.
They want to know about fungicides, not diseases. Let's leave scab, powdery mildew, alternaria, sooty fungus and gnawing-sucking alone for now, we'll treat knowing what, but not knowing why ... As you say ...

Fungicides against fungal diseases

Fungicides, drugs for diseases, are divided into:

  • contact - protective, from fresh fallen spores and burning spores that did not have time to grow;
  • contact - with a healing effect, which affect already germinating spores of fungi, they also include strobilurins with mesosystemic action (penetrates through the leaf, but does not move throughout the plant);
  • systemic- able to move around the plant and kill the pathogen from the inside, i.e. heals the plant.

Today, tank mixtures of contact and systemic fungicides are made so that there is no resistance (addiction), because. after a systemic preparation, the pathogen has a chance to survive and give offspring, then with a contact preparation this chance is practically reduced to zero.

Contact fungicides

These include: "Bordeaux mixture", "Khom", "Oksihom", "Abiga-peak", blue vitriol. They work against a whole armada of pathogenic fungi, in addition, they have a high bactericidal effect against bark diseases (black bacteriosis, bacterial burn, moniliosis, scab, green algae and lichens). Allowed in LPH.
The toxic content of copper in human blood is 5.4 mg/l. The main site of its deposition is the liver. Excreted from the body 90% through the intestines, 10% through the kidneys.
Signs of poisoning: metallic taste in the mouth, nausea, green vomiting, tachycardia, salivation, diarrhea, headache, fever, convulsions. Characteristic for this poisoning is the appearance of jaundice and anemia. Having sniffed such a powder, "metal copper fever" begins - chills, dry cough, lacrimation. thirst, pain and tightness in the chest. In case of an overdose, the skin of the face turns green-black.

In Russia, there is an opinion that this is not chemistry, but environmentally friendly processing.

I urge everyone to follow safety precautions! Work in gloves, in bandages on the face, use glasses.

Reminder! Copper sulfate is not used on a vegetative plant - you will burn them. On vegetative plants, "Bordeaux mixture", "Khom", "Abiga-peak" are used. Copper-containing preparations are somewhat toxic to plants and experience "copper shock".


Sulfur-based preparations: Cumulus DF, Thiovit Jet, colloidal sulfur. Colloidal sulfur is allowed in household plots.
They are contact fungicides with a protective and curative effect. They are used in dry and warm weather, not lower than 22 degrees. Used against powdery mildew and scab, rust. The drugs work for one day. Hazard class 3.

Quinon class

This drug is based on the first antimalarial drug. "Delan" - the active ingredient is dithianon, a contact fungicide with a protective effect. In the Russian Federation, it is registered against scab on apple trees. In Belarus, it is registered from monilia to stone fruits. The drug is not phytotoxic. It is used in combination with strobilurins by colors from a complex of diseases. Not compatible with sulfur and containing oils. The beauty of this drug is its rapid decontamination, which makes it possible to use on ripening fruits. Not allowed in LPH. Hazard class 3.

Derivatives of dithiocarbamic acids

"Polyram DF" - the active ingredient is metiram. Contact preparation with a protective and healing effect. In the Russian Federation, it is registered on pear and apple trees against scab, rust, leaf spot, sooty fungus, "flycat", gray rot. According to my observations, it is somewhat phytotoxic for pears, but for stone fruits it is quite relevant; on cow infections and moniliosis does not work. Used 50 days before harvest.
Signs of poisoning: inhibition of erythrocyte enzymes, inhibits the activity of sodium and potassium ions.
Visible symptoms: increased bronchial secretion, salivation, lacrimation, pupillary constriction, bronchospasm, involuntary twitching of muscle fibers, tachycardia, damage to the central nervous system: anxiety, depression of consciousness, respiratory center, in severe cases, convulsions and coma.
Some preparations from this group are used on tomatoes and potatoes. Hazard class 3.


These include: "Zato" - the active substance trifloxystrobin and "Strobi" - the active substance krezoxyl-methyl. Contact fungicides with a long protective effect of mesosystemic action. Resistant to precipitation. Without tank mixes, resistance can develop!

Compatible with almost all pesticides, foliar dressings and other fungicides. Recommended in the Russian Federation: "Strobi" - scab, powdery mildew, black fungus. "flycat", alternariosis, leaf spot, fruit rot during storage (moniliose, penicillosis, bitter, moldy). Hazard class 3.
Permission to LPH remains open. The beauty of the drug is that it can be used in the last stage of fruit ripening. On grapes does not affect the fermentation of wine. According to my observations, it is practically not active from moniliosis by color, only when mixed with Delan it gives an effect.

Throughout the growing season, tomatoes are attacked by various fungal diseases. Fungicides will help prevent the development of the disease or cure plants. Manufacturers chemical industry issued a large number of drugs, but not all are effective. What fungicides will quickly cope with fungal diseases?

What are fungicides, their classification

From Latin, "fungicide" is translated as "mushroom" and "I kill." That is, fungicides are substances that are aimed at suppressing and destroying fungi of various origins. Fungal spores are the causative agents of most of the diseases that infect tomatoes. Depending on the criterion, fungicides are divided into types:

General division of drugs:

  • chemical origin. To destroy fungi, toxic chemical compounds are used that allow you to quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease;
  • biological origin. Preparations consist of 90% of beneficial live microorganisms that destroy harmful fungi. Biological fungicides are low toxic.

Depending on properties:

  • inorganic. The composition contains compounds of various heavy metals, which block the access of oxygen to fungal spores. Most often found in preparations: manganese, mercury, sulfur, nickel, copper, iron;
  • organic - harmless to environment drugs that quickly decompose in the ground.

Depending on the direction of action:

  • prophylactic, which prevent the development of diseases;
  • eradicating fungal spores. Use when the plant is already infected.

The most effective drugs

In order not to waste energy searching for effective fungicides, we give a list and short description the most effective fungicides of chemical and biological origin for the treatment of tomatoes.


Broad spectrum fungicide. Produced in the form of a suspension. It is based on the chemical azoxystrobin. The drug will save tomatoes from: late blight, powdery mildew, alternariosis. The action occurs an hour after processing the tomatoes. When the substance gets on the spores of fungi, it completely blocks access to oxygen, which leads to their death. The action after spraying lasts up to 3 weeks. To process 1 m² of plantings, 800 milliliters of solution are needed. The working mixture is prepared on the basis of 5 liters of water and one ampoule of the substance (6 ml).


Spray early in the morning or evening. It is not recommended to spray before or immediately after rain.


Drug with contact-systemic action. The fungicide contains two active substances: mancozeb and dimethomorph. It acts not only from the outside, but also penetrates into the cells of the plant. Available in the form of granules, which must be dissolved in water. Begins to act on the 3rd day after treatment. Protects tomatoes from late blight, black spot, macrosporiosis. The solution is prepared on the basis of 5 liters of water and 20 grams of the drug. "Acrobat" belongs to the second class of toxicity, but does not poison the plants and worms themselves in the soil, near tomatoes.


Contact-systemic fungicide, which is used for the prevention and treatment of late blight, powdery mildew, peronosporiosis. The drug contains two active substances mancozeb and metalaxyl. To spray tomatoes, you need to prepare a working solution. Dissolve 25 grams of the drug in a bucket of water, stir until the components are completely combined. "Ridomil" belongs to the second class of danger. Not compatible with other chemicals. For prevention, 200 milliliters per 1 m² are used, and for treatment, 1 liter. The effect of the substance on plants will last up to two weeks. If necessary, the processing is repeated.

Agate 25K

A biological preparation that suppresses the development of fungal diseases, and also activates the development of tomatoes. Released in the form of a paste. Used for the prevention and treatment of: root rot, powdery mildew, late blight, black spot, etc. To spray tomatoes, you need to dissolve 140 milligrams in 3 liters of water. Agat 25K is compatible with other fungicides and pesticides. The period between sprayings is 20 days. In addition to foliar treatment, seed soaking is widespread (solution: 3.5 grams per 1 liter of water).


Fungicide with the active ingredient fludioxonil. The destruction of fungi occurs within 2 days after spraying, the effect lasts up to a month and a half. The drug has a hazard class 3. Allows you to prevent or cure: Fusarium wilt, root and gray rot, Alternaria, powdery mildew. Produced in the form of a suspension. To process tomatoes, use a solution based on a sachet of "Maxima" (4 ml) and 10 liters of water. The drug continues to act for 3 months from the day of spraying.


The drug with the active substance benomyl. It penetrates the cells of fungi and destroys them from the inside. Protects plants from fungal diseases, insects, mites. Tomatoes will save or cure verticillium, fusarium wilt, powdery mildew, septoria, phytophthora, gray rot, phomosis, black leg. Release form - powder. For spraying use a solution based on 10 grams of powder (1 sachet) and 10 liters of water. The result of the work of benomyl is noticeable on the third day. Protection of tomatoes after processing lasts up to 3 weeks. It has a second class of danger, it is not uncommon for a person to cause allergic reactions.

Bordeaux mixture

Compound of slaked lime, water and copper sulphate. One of the most common ways in the fight against fungal diseases of various origins. The working solution for processing tomatoes is prepared on the basis of 100 grams of copper sulfate, 150 grams of lime and 10 liters of water. Consumption per 1 m² is 200 milliliters of the resulting liquid. You can use the "Bordeaux mixture" no more than 2 times during the growing season, with a frequency of two weeks. The last time tomatoes can be sprayed 20 days before harvesting, so that the substances have time to evaporate and not harm the human body.


The drug that performs the function of a fungicide and organic fertilizer for plants. biological substances enable growth vegetable crops, increase resistance, and also suppress diseases: scab, late blight, macrosporiosis, fusarium wilt. Available in the form of a liquid suspension. For foliar application, dissolve two caps of the substance in a liter of water. The spraying procedure is repeated every 3 weeks, as needed. Low toxicity. Do not process more than 5 times during the growing season.


A fungicide containing two active substances: famoxadone and cymoxanil. Getting on the surface of the leaf plate or stems, within an hour the substance penetrates into the cells of the plant, which allows you to protect the tomatoes for up to a month. The manufacturer produces "Thanos" in the form of granules. The tool quickly and effectively copes with late blight, early blight, powdery mildew, blossom end rot, gray spot, etc.

Preparation of a solution for processing tomatoes: take 6 teaspoons of granules (6 grams) and dissolve in a bucket of water. Preventive spraying is carried out ten days after transplanting seedlings to the garden. Repeat treatment after two weeks. Do not spray more than 4 times per season.

Ridomil Gold

Systemic drug with contact action. Protects plants from attack by fungal diseases. The main chemical components of the drug are mancozeb and metalaxyl. Effectively resists infection of tomatoes with late blight and early blight, if preventive measures are taken. Mancozeb protects the outer shell of the plant from fungal spores, and metalaxyl protects from the inside, penetrating into the cells of leaves, stems and fruits. Available in the form of powder and granules. Belongs to the second class of danger to humans. Tomatoes are treated with a solution based on 25 grams of powder and 10 liters of water. The resulting liquid is enough to process 100 m².


Biological agent against fungal and bacterial diseases. Available in powder, paste and liquid form. It is used for the prevention and treatment of: Alternaria, powdery mildew, bacterial spot, root rot, peronosporosis, dry or wet rot, late blight, rhizoctoniosis, phomosis, Fusarium wilt, etc. Seeds for planting are soaked in a solution based on half a teaspoon of powder and 100 milliliters of water. For spraying tomatoes, 5 grams of the powder is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Processing is carried out every 14 days. The drug is safe for the environment.

Luna Tranquility

Systemic fungicide with a long duration of action. The drug is based on two active ingredients: fluopyram and pyrimethanil. In addition to suppressing fungi, the chemical agent increases the resistance of tomatoes and helps increase yields. Tomatoes are sprayed 4 times per season. Processing is carried out with a frequency of 10-12 days. Preparation of a solution for spraying: 20 milliliters of the drug are dissolved in a bucket of water.

The effectiveness of chemical and biological preparations has been proven over the years of use. For prevention choose biological agents. But with an extreme degree of manifestation of the disease, it is better to use chemicals, the action of which will quickly get rid of the disease.

Fungicides for plants are drugs that are often used for soil treatment to cure flowers or other crops from various fungal diseases. They are also used for prevention.

The word "fungicide" is translated from Latin as "the one that kills the fungus." Such drugs inhibit the development of fungi. The latter are considered the causative agents of various diseases, including powdery mildew, which affects green spaces.

Main types

There are several classifications for fungicides. Depending on their chemical properties, the following are distinguished:

  1. 1. Inorganic. Usually contain copper, sulfur, manganese, mercury and other substances. You can not combine them with many drugs of other groups.
  2. 2. Organic. Gradually decompose. Heavy metals are not included. This is their main advantage. It is very easy to prepare the solution - you need to dissolve the product in a small amount of water. Such preparations can be combined with various pesticides. They are unstable, so they will remain in the soil from several days to several weeks, after which they are destroyed.

There is another classification of fungicides - according to their effect on pathogens of fungal diseases:

  1. 1. Preventive. Also called protective. They are used to prevent the development of fungal diseases.
  2. 2. Medical. Also known as eradicators. Destroy the fungus that infects the plants.

Depending on the purpose of use, fungicides are divided into those that serve for:

  • tillage;
  • seed treatment;
  • processing plants during dormancy;
  • processing crops during the growing season;
  • spraying rooms where vegetables and grains are located.

More convenient is another group - universal fungicides. Such compounds are used for various purposes, they are suitable for both indoor plants, and for various garden crops, trees and other things.

Depending on how the components are distributed in plant tissues, fungicides are isolated:

  1. 1. Contact. They are also called local. Substances remain on the surface of the plant and provoke the death of fungal cultures in contact with them. The effectiveness of the treatment depends on several factors: the duration of exposure, the amount of solution used, chemical resistance, weather, and others.
  2. 2. Systemic. They spread within the vascular system of the plant and suppress the pathogen. The effectiveness of drugs depends on the rate of penetration of substances into tissues and their distribution over parts of the plant. Weather conditions have almost no effect.

Some contact preparations also have a deep effect: they will penetrate into the inner layers of the seeds.

There is another classification of drugs:

  1. 1. Chemical. Their main active components are chemical compounds.
  2. 2. Biological. The main active ingredients are beneficial bacteria that provoke the death of fungal cultures. Their advantage is that they have a low toxicity index. As a result, they are becoming more and more popular.

How to apply

Drugs that have a fungicidal effect are used in different ways:

  1. 1. Etching. Before sowing, seeds and tubers must be processed. It can be either a liquid solution or a dry powder.
  2. 2. Spraying or dusting. Ground parts of plants are treated with a spray gun. It is better to carry out the procedure several times a season - in spring and autumn. Storages and greenhouses are also treated in this way.
  3. 3. Introduction into the ground. For protection, fungicides are applied to the soil in powder form during digging. They can be dissolved in water and watered with them on the ground. Thanks to this, all fungi will be destroyed.

It is important to properly dilute the product. Be sure to follow the instructions in the instructions that are for each product, always follow the proportions.

You need to prepare a container. It can be a bucket or a tank. Part of the liquid is supposed to warm up. Then pour or pour the substance into water and mix thoroughly. Then add the rest of the water and mix again. Always use only fresh product to fight fungi. After a few hours, the activity of the solution decreases, especially if the fungicide belongs to the biological group.

To prevent fungicides from harming a person, a number of rules must be observed:

  1. 1. Put on old clothes, in which the body will be completely closed.
  2. 2. Wear a respirator or mask on your face.
  3. 3. Put on special goggles for your eyes.
  4. 4. After processing the plant, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water (it is better to use household soap).
  5. 5. Clothing that was worn during the processing of plants is not recommended to be worn in the future. It should be washed, ironed and put away in a separate place until the next procedure.

All these measures will prevent poisoning of the body.

Popular drugs

The list of fungicides is very large:

  1. 1. Bordeaux liquid. It is considered effective, cheap and affordable. Saves plantings not only from fungal, but also from bacterial diseases. To prepare the product, you need to extinguish 300 g of lime with water and then add another 3 liters of hot water.
  2. 2. Baktofit. It is used for ornamental, fruit and berry and other crops. Baktofit is used in cases where it is impossible to carry out treatment with chemicals. It is better to carry out the procedure in cloudy weather. Repeat it after 5 days. Before planting, seeds and cuttings should also be treated with this composition.
  3. 3. Strobe. It is suitable for both coniferous and deciduous crops. It is a broad spectrum fungicide. The active ingredient is xerozyme-methyl. The drug is sold in the form of water-dispersible granules. The cost of a bottle of 200 g is about 3000 rubles.
  4. 4. Topaz. Suitable for domestic and other cultures. Is systemic protective agent. Sold in the form of an emulsion with a high concentration. The active ingredient is penconazole. It is necessary to reapply the remedy only two weeks after the first treatment. It is allowed to combine with other contact type fungicides. The cost of 10 ml of the substance is 150 rubles.
  5. 5. Horus. It can be used to spray tomatoes and other crops. The active ingredient is cyprodinil. The advantage is the resistance of the preparation to washing off, so that even in wet weather it remains on the surface of the plant. The last treatment is recommended 2-4 weeks before harvest. It is allowed to combine Horus with Skor and Topaz. The cost is 9000-12000 rubles.
  6. 6. Quadris. The product is of low toxicity. Belongs to a new generation of fungicides, so it fights various types of fungi on all types of plants. It has both curative and preventive properties. The action is long - about two weeks after treatment. Contains azoxystrobin. The cost of the drug is 3000-4000 rubles per liter.
  7. 7. Falcon. Also suitable for processing roses, cereals, grapes, beets and other plants. The active ingredients are spiroxamine, triadimenol and tebuconazole. Thanks to this, the action is combined. Even if the fungus has developed resistance to one of the components, the action of others is not canceled. It will take 1-4 treatments. The solution costs about 2000 rubles per 1 liter.
  8. 8. Speed It has a wide spectrum of action. The main active ingredient is difenoconazole. A feature is compatibility with pesticides. It is used not only for processing the plant, but also for soaking the seeds. The effect is noticeable within a few hours after the procedure. It costs about 9500 rubles per liter.

Other fungicidal preparations

One of the popular fungicides is Maxim. It has a contact effect. It is used only against fungi of the category Ascomycetes. The active substance is fludioxonil. Belongs to a new class - phenylpirolles. Properties resemble the action of natural antifungal agents. The cost of the drug is 1700 rubles per liter.

Thanos is a suitable fungicide if potatoes need to be treated. The active ingredient is cymoxanil, which has a local-systemic effect. The composition contains famoxadone with contact action. The drug can be purchased in the form of water-dispersible type granules. The cost is 2500 rubles for 400 g. It is allowed to carry out no more than 4 procedures per season.

Trichodermin is a fungicidal preparation of a biological type. Suitable for processing the root system. In the people, the remedy is called a soil healer. Seeds can still be kept in solution. The composition includes spores of a soil fungus, which, when penetrating into the soil, destroy more than 60 varieties of pathogens that can provoke root rot. The product is sold in powder form, 10 g per pack. Store the drug at a temperature not exceeding 5 degrees. Is not toxic.

Trichophyte is also a biological fungicide that is used to combat root and gray rot. Sold as a suspension. It is necessary to dissolve 25 g of the product in 1 liter of water. The liquid must not be hot. Suitable for watering and spraying. It is a slightly toxic substance.

You can use a combination tool such as Switch. Contains two main components - fludioxonil and cyprodinide. It has both systemic and contact action. It is a protective pesticide and at the same time a curing fungicide. Sold in the form of granules.

The following drugs are also popular:

  1. 1. Convertible. Sold in the form of granules. Has a contact effect. The main components are pyraclostrobin and metiram.
  2. 2. Agate. It is a biological type fungicide. Not only protects against diseases, but also increases productivity. The composition includes bacteria and biologically active substances of plant origin. Sold in the form of a paste.
  3. 3. Abiga peak. Contact type fungicide. Contains copper chloride.
  4. 4. Alirin. It is considered a biological drug. For 10 liters of water you need only a few tablets. The solution is suitable for irrigation. If you need to spray the plants, it is better to dissolve the same amount of the drug in 1 liter of water.


Fungicides are actively used to eliminate fungal diseases. Their effect is different. Some are suitable only for prevention, while others are suitable for plant treatment.

There are many groups of drugs according to various criteria. The range of fungicides is very wide, so you can always choose suitable option. Both the soil and all parts of plants (including cuttings and seeds) are treated with solutions and powders.

List of fungicides

Abiga Peak, Sun

The drug is not phytotoxic when used in strict accordance with the developed recommendations.


Acrobat MC

Fungicide of systemic-local and contact action (dimethomorph 90 g/kg + mancozeb 600 g/kg). Systemic-contact (local-systemic dimethomorph and contact mancozeb) fungicide used to combat late blight and alternariosis of potatoes, peronosporiosis of cucumbers, mildew of grapes and a number of other diseases.

Hazard class: 2 (hazardous substance).


Alirin - B, TAB

Biological fungicide for the suppression of fungal diseases in the soil and on plants (soil microflora - Bacillus subtilis VIZR-10, titer 109 CFU/g), similar in composition and action to phytosporin. Recommended: as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, effectively suppresses pathogens of fungal diseases on all types of horticultural crops and indoor plants.

Hazard class: 4 (low hazardous substance). Safe for humans, animals, fish, bees, beneficial entomofauna and the environment

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A complex preparation with the advantages of a contact biological fungicide and stimulant (Bacillus megaterium and Pseudomonas aureofaciens, coniferous extract and a set of macro and microelements). Albit is a complex drug with the advantages of analogues (Agat-25k, pseudobacterin, phytosporin, planriz, silk, crystallon, humates).

Hazard class: 4 (low hazardous substance).

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A systemic fungicide used to protect plants from a wide range of diseases (triadimefon, 250 g/kg). It is used, in particular, to control powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis), fusariums (Fusarium spp.), rust fungi (Puccinia spp.), rhynchosporium (Rhynchosporium secalis), septoria (Septoria pp.), pyrenophorosis (Pyrenophora spp.), red-brown spotting (Helminthosporium avenae), net spotting (Drechslera teres), cercosporellosis (Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides).

Hazard class 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

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Bordeaux mixture

Broad-spectrum contact fungicide (copper sulfate 960 g/kg + calcium hydroxide 900 g/kg. Designed to protect fruit, vegetables, berries, gourds, citrus, ornamental, flower and other crops from a complex of diseases.

Hazard class: 2 (hazardous substance). The drug is not dangerous for bees. It is necessary to carry out the processing of plants in compliance with environmental regulations.


Vitaros, VSK

Fungicide of contact-systemic action, for dressing planting material(98g/l thiram + 198g/l carboxine). An effective treatment for bulbs, corms and rhizomes of flower crops before planting and storage. It suppresses the development of pathogens located both on the surface of the planting material and inside it.

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).


Hamair, P, Tab.

Biological bactericide for the suppression of bacterial and some fungal diseases in the soil and on plants (Bacillus subtilis M-22 VIZR, titer 109 CFU/g), similar in composition and action to phytosporin. Recommended: as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, effectively suppresses pathogens of bacterial diseases on all types of horticultural crops and indoor plants.

Hazard class - 4 (low-hazardous substance). Safe for humans, animals, fish, bees, useful entomofauna and the environment. Does not accumulate in plants and soil, which contributes to the production of environmentally friendly products

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Gliocladin, Tab

Trichodermin analogue.

Biological fungicide for the suppression of pathogens of fungal diseases in the soil (fungal culture Trichoderma harziannum VIZR-18).

Hazard class - 4 (low-hazardous substance). Safe for humans, animals, fish, bees, useful entomofauna and the environment.

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Ditan M-45

Fungicide of contact action, to combat late blight and alternariosis and other fungal diseases (mancozeb 800 g / kg.). Ditan M-45 analogue of Profit. Protective-contact preparation for protecting plants from late blight and a number of other diseases.

Hazard class: 2 (hazardous substance). The drug is not phytotoxic, compatible with most other drugs. Not dangerous for bees, earthworms and soil microorganisms.


A fungicide from the class of strobilurins with mesostemic activity (trifloxystrobin 500 g/kg).

It is used mainly on pome crops, for example, apples and pears, against scab, alternariosis, black (sooty) spot, powdery mildew, moniliosis, phyllosticosis and to prevent diseases during storage of fruits.

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).


Green soap

Prophylactic against pests and diseases. It is also used as a component of self-prepared plant protection products. Ingredients: water, potassium salts of fatty acids, natural fats and vegetable oils.

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Fungicide of contact and locally systemic action (copper oxychloride, 89.5 g/kg, cymoxanil, 42 g/kg.). Analogue of the drug Ordan. It is mainly used to protect against late blight on potatoes and downy mildew on cucumbers. The drug has preventive, curative and pathogen spore-suppressing properties.

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance). The drug is medium resistant in soil (3rd class), practically non-toxic for soil organisms and birds. The drug is moderately dangerous for bees (2nd class).

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Fungicide of contact and systemic action (cymoxanil, 45 g/kg, mancozeb, 680 g/kg.). It is used to combat late blight and alternariosis and other fungal diseases: alternariosis, macrosporiosis, dry spot, septoria, rhizoctoniosis, black spot, pernosporosis, mildew.

For humans, the hazard class of the drug is 2 (dangerous substance). Not dangerous for bees. (Grade 3).

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Contact fungicide (fludioxonil, 25 g/l.). It is used for dressing flower bulbs, other planting material (corms, seed potatoes) from rot before planting and during storage.

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance). Not hot. Not phytotoxic. Toxic to fish, do not allow to enter the aquatic environment.

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blue vitriol

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

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Broad-spectrum systemic contact fungicide (copper oxychloride 670 g/kg + oxadixyl 130 g/kg). Oxychom is used to combat diseases caused by fungi of the oomycete subclass. It is well suited for protecting potatoes and tomatoes from late blight and macrosporiosis, cucumbers from perepporosis (downy mildew).

Hazard class: 1. Hazardous substance.

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Fungicide of contact-systemic action, to combat late blight and Alternaria and other fungal diseases (copper oxychloride, 689 g / kg + cymoxanil, 42 g / kg.). Two-component fungicide of local-systemic action to protect potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes in open and protected ground, grapes and a number of other plants from a complex of diseases.

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

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Previkur, VK

A fungicide with systemic properties that has both protective and growth-promoting properties (propamocarb hydrochloride, 607 g / l.). It has a wide spectrum of activity against pathogens of root rot and peronosporosis (Pythium, Phytophthora, Aphanomyces, Bremia, Peronospora, Pseudopeonospora spp). It has a stimulating effect, increases the resistance of the plant to infection, stimulates the rooting of cuttings, growth and flowering of plants.

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance), has a slight irritating effect on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes.

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Profit, joint venture

Fungicide to combat late blight and Alternaria and other fungal diseases (Mancozeb, 800g/kg). The preparation is enriched with manganese and zinc.

Hazard class: for humans - 2 (hazardous substance). The drug is not phytotoxic, compatible with most other drugs. Not dangerous for bees, earthworms and soil microorganisms.

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Profit Gold, VDG

Fungicide of contact-systemic action, to combat late blight and Alternaria and other fungal diseases (cymoxanil 250 g/kg + famoxadone 250 g/kg). Cymoxanil is quickly absorbed by the leaves and penetrates the plant, famoxadone remains on the surface of the leaves for a long time. Designed for use in private farms.

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

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Systemic fungicide with long-term preventive and protective action (difenoconazole, 250 g/l.). It is used to protect fruit crops from powdery mildew, scab, leaf curl, coccomycosis, clasterosporiasis. It can be used to combat late blight and early blight on potatoes and tomatoes. It is also used in the fight against powdery mildew. Analogue of the drug "Skor".

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance). The product is non-toxic to birds and bees. The drug is toxic to fish.

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Ridomil gold, VDG, joint venture

Fungicide of contact-systemic action, to combat late blight and Alternaria and other fungal diseases (mefenoxam, 40 g / kg + mancozeba, 640 g / kg). Mefenoxam provides internal protection: systemic and translaminar action - protection of treated and untreated parts of plants, new growth and tubers, a high level of effectiveness against fungi from the class of oomycetes (causative agents of downy mildew), rapid decomposition in the soil. Mancozeb provides external protection and is an effective contact fungicide and a key link in the anti-resistance strategy.

Hazard class: 2 (hazardous substance). When using the drug in strict accordance with the recommendations developed by the company, there is no risk of phytotoxicity. The drug is slightly toxic to birds and bees, but toxic to fish.

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Rovral, SP

Fungicide of contact action against a complex of diseases (iprodion, 500 g/kg). Rovral is effective against a wide range of pathogens: Alternaria, Botrytis, Oxysporum, Fusarium, Helminthosporium, Monilia, Phoma, Pleiochaeta, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotinia, Sclerotium, Septoria, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Typhula. When the soil is spilled, it has a systemic effect.

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous compound). Prohibited for use in the sanitary zone of fishery reservoirs. Practically not dangerous for bees - hazard class 4.

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Systemic fungicide with a long-term preventive and pronounced therapeutic effect, to combat scab, powdery mildew, leaf curl, late blight and Alternaria and other fungal diseases (difenoconazole 250 g / l.). A drug with a long-term preventive and pronounced therapeutic effect. An analogue of the drug "Rayok".

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

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Tattu, CS

Fungicide of contact-systemic action (mancozeb, 301.6 g/l, propamocarb hydrochloride, 248 g/l). plant resistance. Propamocarb hydrochloride disrupts the biosynthesis of membrane structures and slows down the germination of spores and the development of mycelium.

Hazard class: 2 (dangerous compound), has a slight irritating effect on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes.

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Teldor VG

Fungicide of local-systemic action (fenhexamid, 500 g/kg). Preparation for combating Gray rot (Botrytis cinerea), Moliniliosis (Monilinia fructigena, Monilinia laxa), White rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) on fruit and berry crops and grapes. It is applied from the earliest terms and up to harvesting. The drug also increases the safety of fruits during transportation and storage.

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

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Systemic fungicide with growth-stimulating activity (propiconazole, 250 g/l.). The drug Tilt through the leaves and stems, due to systemic action, enters the plants. The drug has not only a long protective and curative effect, but also stops the further development of the pathogen and suppresses sporulation in it. In addition, the drug has growth-regulating activity. Attention! No more than one treatment with Tilt should be carried out per growing season.

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous compound). The drug is non-toxic to birds, slightly toxic to bees, toxic to fish.

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Thiovit jet, VDG

Contact fungicide and acaricide (sulfur, 800 g/kg). Preparation for the protection of vegetable, fruit, flower crops and vineyards from powdery mildew, some other diseases and mites.

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

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Topaz, KE

Systemic fungicide to control powdery mildew, rust and other fungal diseases (Penconazole, 100 g/L). The best results are obtained by prophylactic application at the beginning of the growing season to suppress the primary infection of the powdery mildew pathogen, as well as to prevent the spread of the disease or at the first signs of the onset of the disease.

Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

The drug is moderately dangerous for humans and animals (hazard class 3), non-toxic for birds and beneficial insects dangerous for fish. Not phytotoxic.


Topsin-M SP

Systemic fungicide of preventive and therapeutic action (methyl thiophanate, 700 g/kg). The drug belongs to substances similar to benzimidazoles (benomyl), penetrates into plants, is absorbed by the root system, and transforms into carbendazim. It is most effective in preventive treatment, before the development of the pathogen. It has a negative effect on soil nematodes, on a number of aphid species. The drug is not effective against downy mildew.

Human hazard class - 2 (hazardous substance). Does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes. Not dangerous for birds, bees, hazard class 3. Toxic to fish. Toxic to lacewing eggs.



Biological fungicide for the treatment and prevention of root infections of indoor flowers and ornamental plants. Soil conditioner. Germinating in moist soil from spores, the mycelium of the fungus suppresses about 60 types of soil pathogens that infect the soil and cause root rot.

Hazard class - 4. Safe for humans, animals, fish, bees, useful entomofauna and the environment. It has no phytotoxic effect on protected plants. Does not accumulate in plants and soil, which contributes to the production of environmentally friendly products


Fitolavin, VRK

Systemic biological bactericide (phytobacteriomycin). It is used in the prevention of root rot, vascular bacteriosis, black leg diseases, bacterial burn, angular leaf spot, bacterial tuber rot, vascular bacteriosis on cucumber, bacterial vertex rot, alternariosis on tomatoes, moniliosis, scab, fusarium, anthracnose.

Hazard class: - 3 (moderately dangerous compound). Has an irritating effect.



Contact action biological fungicide (Bacillus subtilis 26 D, 100 million cells/g). Fitosporin-M is a microbiological preparation designed to protect garden, garden, indoor and greenhouse plants from a complex of fungal and bacterial diseases. It is available as a paste, as a liquid in bottles, and as a powder. It is used mainly for preventive purposes (treatment of seeds, tubers and bulbs before planting, periodic spraying or watering of plants in order to prevent diseases in the collection). Low toxicity, not dangerous for the plants and bees themselves.

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Fundazim SP

Broad-spectrum systemic fungicide (benomyl, 500 g/kg.). An analogue of the drug "Fundazol". For the entire season, no more than 2 treatments are allowed by spraying and watering, since after that the pathogens develop resistance! To overcome resistance, it is necessary not to use drugs from the benzimidazole class for 1–2 seasons.

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Fungicide and protectant with a wide range of systemic action against a large number of fungal diseases of seeds and leaves of plants. Fundazol has both protective (preventive) and therapeutic properties. For the entire season, no more than 2 treatments are allowed by spraying and watering, since after that the pathogens develop resistance! To overcome resistance, it is necessary not to use drugs from the benzimidazole class for 1–2 seasons.

Hazard class: Benomyl (benorad, fundazol, fundazim) has a hazard class 2 (dangerous compound) for humans, for fish. The preparation has low toxicity for soil organisms and birds.

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Fungicide of systemic-local and contact action (copper oxychloride, 900 g/kg). A preparation for combating plant diseases: apple and pear scab, potato and tomato late blight, plum fruit rot, peach leaf curl, grape mildew, onion and cucumber downy mildew, rust and spotting of ornamental and flower crops and pathogens of fungal diseases.

Hom has a hazard class 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

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Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate)

Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) is used for dressing seeds, bulbs, corms, rhizomes of flower plants at a concentration of 0.1-0.15% for two hours. It can be used for health-improving watering of seedlings, seedlings and adult plants under the root in the fight against blackleg, fusarium, bacteriosis. It is used for disinfection of stock and tools.

Soda ash (linen) is used to combat powdery mildew. For spraying prepare a 0.3-0.5% solution. For better adhesion, soap is added to the soda solution.

alto, impact, vectra - have a systemic, penetrating and contact action, acting against powdery mildew and rust fungi.

Features and Benefits:

Low consumption rates, long-term protective, fighter and healing effect, prolonged action.

Terms of application:

Spray when the first external signs of powdery mildew or rust appear. The maximum frequency of plant treatments is 4 times. The frequency between treatments is 12-14 days.

In the fight against numerous pathogens in summer cottages, the main weapon is fungicides - preparations for the prevention and treatment of plant diseases. Microbiological science offers a whole arsenal of effective drugs, among which you can choose the best one both for the treatment and for the prevention and prevention of plant diseases. Modern fungicides are safe for people, animals and bees, their application gives quick and tangible results. Some drugs have a prolonged period of action, provide long-term plant protection.

Soil free from pathogenic microorganisms, healthy plants in the country are a guarantee of a full-fledged harvest of vegetables and berries, bright colors of flower beds (help you!), Bent under the weight of the fruits of trees and shrubs. The main thing is to figure out how to prevent and, if necessary, cure diseases, choose an effective fungicidal drug, and correctly calculate its dosage.

The following reasons lead to a large spread of many fungal infections that affect almost all types of fruit, garden and ornamental plants in the country:

1. The accumulation of pathogens occurs through infected plant residues. This is how root rot, late blight, fusarium spread. Fungal spores accumulate in the soil where the infected tops are left to overwinter, spread throughout garden beds along with unripe compost.

2. The scarcity and high cost of the main source of fertility until recently - manure, led to its replacement by other suppliers of organic matter for the beds. The green mass of tops, mowed grass, fallen leaves brought from a neighboring forest have become the most important organic fertilizers in summer cottages. Together with them, pathogenic microorganisms are found in the soil, causing rot and other infectious plant diseases.

3. Misapplication drugs that prevent and treat infections, instead of being useful, can lead to the emergence of fungicide-resistant races of microorganisms. Some pathogens develop resistance (addiction) to fungicides, for example, such as Fundazol, Fundazim, Benorad. That is why it is so important to strictly follow the dosage instructions of the drugs and change them from time to time.

Varieties of chemical fungicides for the treatment of infectious plant diseases, their names

The principle of action of various groups of fungicides is not the same. Some of them affect pathogens at the cellular level, others affect enzymes, and others disrupt the breathing processes of harmful fungi. According to the spectrum of action, some fungicides are narrowly targeted, while others destroy a wide range of pathogenic microflora. Moreover, some are better used for the treatment of diseases that have already arisen, while others are better for prevention and prevention.

Modern drugs are divided into groups:


strobi, Profit Gold, Acrobat MC, Ridomil, Tattu. These drugs are best known as effective means against pome diseases fruit crops- apples, pears, as well as to prevent infection of fruits during storage.

Copper preparations

blue vitriol, Bordeaux mixture, HOM, Oksikhom, Kurzat, Ordan, Abiga Peak. The versatility of copper-containing products allows you to successfully use them in the country in the garden, vegetable garden, greenhouse for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Sulfur preparations

Thiovit jet, Cumulus, garden sulfur. They are used not only for processing the bark of trees and pollinating berry bushes. Sulfur is fumigated in storage facilities and greenhouses to eliminate pockets of infection with fungal infections on the walls and semi-buildings.


Vitaros, Previcour. Due to the properties of these fungicides, they are used for dressing seeds. This procedure serves to prevent diseases of adult plants. Previkur has proven itself in the fight against various rots and downy mildew.


Fundazol, Fundazim, Benorade. Preparations of this group are used as seed dressings, they practice the treatment of fruits with them before laying them in storage, they treat berry bushes.


  • Topaz- a leader in the fight against such an infection as powdery mildew. A feature of the remedy is a narrow focus on this disease. Efficiency increases with the preventive start of the use of the Topaz fungicide to prevent the disease and 3 repeated treatments every 2 weeks. Works on all plants exposed to powdery mildew.
  • Maksim- a disinfectant widely known among fans of growing potatoes. Fusarium and other rots transmitted through the soil are destroyed by dressing seeds, as well as planting material (tubers, bulbs, rhizomes) of decorative flowers.
  • Speed and its analogue Rayok- these drugs have a wide spectrum and long-term effect. Fruit trees they protect against scab, tomatoes from late blight, blackcurrants from powdery mildew. These fungicides, which, when preventively treated, quickly penetrate the tissues and are not washed off by rain, are conveniently used to prevent diseases. On stone fruit crops (cherries, plums), Skor and Rayok are used to treat coccomycosis, clasterosporiasis.
  • Other systemic fungicides: Teldor, Tilt, Byleton, Revus and many others.

Prevention and treatment of plant diseases using phytopreparations-biofungicides

Phytopreparations stand apart in a number of fungicides. It is widely believed among summer gardeners that drugs that are not synthesized chemically, but of biological origin, cause less harm to garden land and crops. Let's try to figure out what means for combating plant diseases enter the market under names with the prefix phyto-. There are many such fungicides: Fitosporin, Albite, Fitolavin, Trichodermin, Gliocladin, Alirin-B.

Oddly enough, mushrooms help reduce the number of harmful fungi in the soil! Scientists call these useful representatives of saprophytic fungi of the genus Trichoderma suppressors. This is what is hidden under unfamiliar and obscure scientific terms.
Mushrooms - saprophytes feed on the remains of the organic matter of the plant and animal world, and also know how to turn the mycelium of harmful pathogens into a nutrient medium for themselves. The term "suppressor" in this case means "suppressor". In addition to trichoderma, this group includes several more varieties of fungi. All of them successfully destroy populations of pathogens in the soil.

Saprophytic fungi are propagated in laboratory and industrial conditions. They are used to prepare preparations for the treatment and prevention of diseases in open and closed ground. The most famous are Trichodermin, Gliocladin.

Fungicides of bacterial origin include an equally popular drug - Fitosporin. It includes a live culture consisting of cells and spores of a certain bacterium. A feature of these microorganisms is the ability to suppress the development of pathogenic microflora, enhance plant immunity. Phytosporin is a fungicide with a wide range of applications. It is used to prevent and cure diseases of potatoes and tobacco, root crops, cabbage, tomatoes, black currants, and flowering plants.

Application of fungicides against plant diseases, list


The wide spread of viral and fungal diseases has greatly reduced the plantations of everyone's favorite berries in summer cottages. By sharing planting material with neighbors, buying infected seedlings in the markets, gardeners contributed to the fact that it became almost impossible to purchase healthy garden strawberries. They tried to save the situation with the improvement of planting material by introducing the Frigo industrial technology into amateur gardening. Many summer residents are trying to grow a healthy strawberry culture from seeds.

Treatment of strawberry beds with fungicides helps in the prevention and treatment of diseases such as a variety of bacterioses, spotting, rot, and powdery mildew. It is necessary to fight with diseases in all periods of vegetation of plants.

The first sprayings begin as soon as the leaves start to grow. Repeated treatments are done every 10 days until mass flowering. At the stage of fruit set and before harvesting, the application of drugs is stopped. After picking the berries, the fungicide treatment has to be repeated to prevent the disease next year. The end of summer, the beginning of autumn, when these diseases are severely affected, we do at least two treatments. Preparations used on strawberry beds: HOM, Bordeaux mixture, Speed, Ridomil.

Fruit trees

The most common disease of the apple tree, which leads to the reproduction of pathogenic microflora, is scab. The fungus infects apple trees especially strongly during seasons rich in heavy rains. The multiplied causative agent of the disease, having overwintered on fallen leaves, is carried by the spring wind and settles on the blossoming buds. Thus, scab spores fall into the ovaries. A diseased tree sheds damaged leaves prematurely and yields cracked, twisted fruits with corky skins.

A fungicide that has long been used to treat scab on apple and pear trees is Bordeaux mixture. It is bred for the so-called "blue spraying" in the following proportion: 800 grams of slaked lime and 600 grams of copper sulfate are added to 20 liters of water. The old recipe can be replaced with modern copper-containing drugs from the list above.

Fruit rot (moniliosis) is a dangerous disease that causes serious damage to the crop of the orchard (, cherries, sweet cherries and others). The source of the spread of spores is last year's mummified fruits that overwintered on trees. Monilia spores often settle in the cracks of fruits affected by scab. Copper-containing fungicides are also used to prevent and treat the disease.

Brown leaf spot, stem rot, and many other infections that affect apple and pear trees, in addition to copper preparations, can be treated with strobilurins ( strobi, Profit Gold, Ridomil and many others).

Stone fruit cultures suffer from many infectious diseases - moniliosis, coccomycosis, clasterosporiasis. Infection with pathogens of cherry trees is widespread. The infection quickly spreads around the area, infecting trees in neighboring areas. Many collective gardening, in order to combat diseases that have passed into the epidemic stage, force summer residents to completely get rid of planting cherries.

It is possible to prevent the spread of insidious infections on cherries and plums with the help of timely treatment with drugs. Speed, Rayok, copper-containing fungicides. To get the result, and the summer season, you have to resort to spraying three times.

berry bushes

Often, brown and yellowish depressed spots can be observed on the stems and leaves of black currant. The leaves curl up, dry out and fall off. Most likely, the plant is affected by anthracnose. Gooseberries can also be from this disease. Spores of another fungus, the intermediate host of which is sedge, causes a disease of goblet rust. Its bright distinguishing feature is the spore pads on the leaves, painted in orange.

Blurry purple spots on one-year-old raspberry stems, at the attachment points of leaf petioles, give out a disease called purple spot. Copper-containing fungicides cope with the treatment of most fungal pathologies in berries.

American powdery mildew (sferoteka) very often affects blackcurrants and gooseberries, especially old varieties that are resistant to this disease. At the tops of the shoots appears plentiful white coating. The bushes look like sprinkled with flour. The leaves curl, stop growing, young shoots are bent, the berries, not ripe, fall off. In the shade and waterlogged places, the spores of the fungus are especially strong.

Since the mycelium of the spheroteca does not live in the soil, but on the shoots of berry bushes, before treatment with fungicides, all affected parts of plants visible to the eye are cut out and burned. Used for treatment Fundazol, Topaz, herbal medicines.

Protecting tomatoes from late blight and other dangerous infections

How many enthusiasts, burning with the desire to grow delicious, carefully selected tomato varieties in their garden, abandoned their experiments, desperate to defeat the insidious late blight. Once in ideal conditions for mass reproduction (warmth and high humidity), the spores of the fungus instantly spread through the beds and greenhouses with tomatoes, not bypassing potato plantings. Their resettlement does not stop the drop in temperature in August - September. In parallel, other tomato infections may begin: brown spot, macrosporiosis.

The first signals of the appearance of phytophthora on tomatoes are small dark dots on the stems. Gradually, their area increases until it turns into spots. Brown. The same damage appears on the leaves. At first, phytophthora does not appear on the fruits in any way, they seem healthy. But the destructive activity of the fungus goes under the skin of the fruit, and soon depressed brown spots appear on them.

Phytophthora-infected tomatoes are treated with fungicides containing copper. In 10 liters of water, add 50 g of the drug HOM(copper oxychloride) or Abiga-Pak. Spraying is carried out with a fine spray, trying to moisten reverse side leaves. When infected with phytophthora, a whitish coating can be observed (underside of the leaf), fungal. The best result in the treatment gives a triple treatment. The first spraying, as a warning of the disease, should be done as early as possible - a couple of weeks after planting the seedlings.

Daily inspection and removal of affected parts of plants, a short-term increase in temperature in the greenhouse to 55-60 degrees, reducing watering and maintaining a dry microclimate can help in the fight against late blight. There is a known way to save tomato fruits infected with spores, but not yet damaged - for 3 seconds, immerse them in water heated to 60 degrees, then dry and store laid in one row.

Cucumber garden treatment

The most famous and most ruthless enemy of cucumber vines on suburban area- downy mildew. Another name for the disease is downy mildew. The first signs - characteristic spots on the leaves, require immediate treatment. The most effective for the prevention and treatment of disease treatment with copper preparations.

For instance, Ordan or its equivalent Kurzat bred at the rate of 50 grams per bucket of water and cucumber vines are sprayed. The waiting period for these drugs (you can not harvest) - 5 days. As a result of the treatment of cucumbers with copper-containing preparations, other fungal diseases are also prevented - olive blotch, anthracnose. The same treatments are useful for preventing diseases in plantings of other pumpkin plants - zucchini, squash, pumpkin.

An additional obstacle to the development of pathogenic fungi will be the raising of cucumber lashes on trellises, which will save them from contact with the soil, where spores of infectious agents are located. For prevention, it is worth thinning out the plantings of cucumbers, ventilate the greenhouse or greenhouse more often, and in the future select varieties and hybrids that are resistant to downy mildew.

decorative garden

Protection against pathogens of fungal infections is required not only for vegetable and fruit crops, it also suffers ornamental garden. Luxurious pine and others coniferous plants rust can hit, which cannot be dealt with without treatment Oxychome.

Rhododendrons, like tomatoes, are affected by phytophthora. For its prevention and treatment, watering the soil will be required. Fundazol, spraying Ordan and its analogues.

Many flowering perennials suffer from powdery mildew. First of all, these are autumn asters, delphiniums, peonies, cinquefoil shrubs, roses. In addition to pruning and removing the affected parts of plants, spraying with fungicides will help them ( HOM, Speed, Topaz).

The protection of tubers and flower bulbs from diseases is given attention during winter storage. Before laying, they are thoroughly dried and treated with Maxim.

Storage and greenhouse processing

To prevent the disease next year with late blight and peronospros in greenhouses where tomatoes and cucumbers grew, they are treated with fungicides. Work is carried out before the onset of cold weather, removing plant debris and digging up the soil. The walls, frames, glass are wiped with a solution of copper sulfate, the room is fumigated with sulfur preparations. Consumption - 50 grams of sulfur per 1 cu. m. greenhouses. Remember to handle garden tools, pots, seedling boxes and other similar equipment.

In a similar way, preventive work is carried out in cellars and cellars before laying a crop in them for the winter. Before processing blue vitriol and incineration of sulfur storage facilities must be dried.

Safety precautions for use

Knowing that most of the drugs for combating infectious plant diseases do not pose a serious danger to warm-blooded animals and humans, traditional individual protective measures should be taken during treatments - wear closed shoes and clothes, and a mask will not interfere. Most fungicides are safe for bees and other insects, but they can destroy beneficial microorganisms and thus disturb the biological balance. Some types of drugs are transferred to the soil and plants bad smell, if diluted incorrectly, can cause leaf tissue damage (burn).

The choice and use of fungicides should be approached with awareness of responsibility, so that instead of benefit, not only damage the future crop, but also the surrounding nature.