Garden ponds and fountains with their own hands. How to build a fountain in the country

  • 29.08.2019


There are many ways to create a cozy corner for relaxation on a suburban area, but the most effective technique is to make a fountain in the country with your own hands. Pleasant freshness in the air, soothing murmur of water, sun glare on the surface of a small pond surrounded by flowering shrubs- all this will transform the familiar environment beyond recognition and make it simply luxurious. What can a fountain be made of and what equipment will be needed for this?

  • flowing;
  • with water circulation.

In designs with circulation, the same volume of water is driven by the pump in a circle. From time to time it is replenished, compensating for evaporation and splashing. Such designs are most often found in summer cottages.

The water cycle in the fountain is provided by a circulation pump

In flowing fountains, water is supplied from a well or well and then discharged into the sewage system. They are used when it is necessary to constantly irrigate the garden and other plantations. Such structures look better, and the water in them is potable, while in structures with circulation it stagnates.

Flowing fountains are fed from a well or well. Waste water is used to water plants

According to the nature of the outflow of water, fountains are divided into:

Nymphaeum fountains freshen the air no worse than jet fountains, but they consume less water. In places where its supplies are limited, this variety is most preferred.

The waterfall device requires an expensive special pump with high capacity and low pressure. If you can adapt an ordinary household pump for other types by making minor changes, then in the case of a waterfall, this option is excluded.

Fountains are also divided into:

Video: fountain in the country - varieties

Location selection

A suitable location has the following features:

  1. visual accessibility. The fountain serves as a decoration of the site, so it should be visible from everywhere.
  2. The presence of penumbra. The fountain plays with highlights in the sun and therefore looks spectacular, but the water in it quickly blooms.
  3. No buildings nearby. Otherwise, with gusts of wind, the walls are constantly sprayed with water and building materials quickly become unusable.
  4. Absence of tall trees in the immediate vicinity.

They are undesirable for the following reasons:

  • powerful roots will damage the bowl;
  • leaves and seeds falling from trees litter the water;
  • Excess moisture damages trees.

The fountain should be built a little further from the house in a place slightly shaded by several ornamental shrubs.

Equipment and materials

The design is extremely simple: it is a bowl filled with water with a pump installed in it, to which a diffuser is connected. In the nymphaeum there is also a stone slide, along which water flows. But for all this to work, each component must be chosen correctly. Let's consider the most important ones in detail.


This is an element of a jet fountain, the shape of the jet depends on its design. It is impossible to repeat a branded diffuser at home - these parts are developed and manufactured using complex computer technology. The most accessible models give the jet the shape of an umbrella.

Water jets passing through the umbrella diffuser fall into the tank, forming a kind of umbrella

The jet retains its shape even when strong wind, but there is a drawback: you will have to buy a pump as well - it will not work to remake an ordinary one for such a diffuser.

It is cheaper to use a shower head as a diffuser. It is not as effective as real diffusers, but it freshens the air just as well and can work with a household pump. Some variety is achieved by adjusting the pressure and deepening of the nozzle. You can connect the diffuser to the pump with a flexible hose and fix it on the float - the fountain will turn out to be "wandering".

Shower heads with a self-cleaning effect are more practical. In the holes they have elastic polymer inserts that change their shape when the pressure changes and thus prevent the deposition of scale.


The question of choosing a pump is solved in two ways:

  • expensive option: a special pump for fountains is purchased;
  • cheap: a regular household pump is used.

A conventional pump differs from a special one in two ways:

  • supplies water with strong pressure (a fountain requires a maximum of 4 m);
  • requires periodic shutdowns.

Solution: while maintaining performance, reduce the pressure, thereby unloading the engine and extending the time of continuous operation. The ideal option is an adjustable pressure that allows you to change the shape of the jet. It is impossible to achieve this from a centrifugal pump, but from a vibration pump (Aquarius, Kid, Brook) it is very simple: you only need to connect it through a thyristor voltage regulator (instead of standard automation).

A small fountain can be equipped with an aquarium pump: it supplies water to a height of 0.6 m with a capacity of 200 l / h, which is enough for a nymphaeum fountain in the form of a stream.

You can use an aquarium pump in the design of a small fontanel fountain


Instead of a branded one, an inexpensive aquarium will do.

Regular cartridges can be replaced with sponges for washing dishes. Such a filter is buoyant, so in the fountain it is pressed down at the bottom with stones.


Stones in fountains are used dense - porous ones quickly collapse when water freezes. If the design provides for the flow of water over stones (cascade or fountain-stream), hardness is also required from them. Suitable:

  • granite;
  • labradorite;
  • gneiss;
  • gabbro.

Shale rocks do not satisfy these conditions.


It is most rational to use a ready-made plastic bowl - these are commercially available. Price at this product cheap, waterproofing a homemade concrete bowl will take a lot more money.

Preparatory work

Before starting work on the device of the fountain, do the following with your own hands:

  1. Remove the fertile soil layer throughout the area where water is expected to enter (sprinkling circle). Its radius is 3–15 jet heights. After the fountain is installed, the remaining part of this zone will be covered with a blind area.
  2. Dig a hole under the bowl. The recess exceeds the bowl by 15–20 cm in depth, and 20–25 cm in width in each direction.
  3. The bottom of the pit is covered with sand or gravel, then the filling is rammed.

Instrument preparation

Here's what you need to get it to work:

  • mini-concrete mixer (in the absence of such, concrete is kneaded in a trough with a shovel);
  • vibrolayer (optional);
  • building level;
  • electric welding machine (when using steel pipes);
  • brushes for applying waterproofing;
  • hammer (knocking off the formwork);
  • screwdrivers (connecting the power supply to the pump).

Water connection

In the case of a flow type, a pipe is laid from the well (well) or water supply to the place of its installation, and then another one - from the fountain to the irrigation system. The circulating fountain can also be supplied with water if the user does not wish to replenish it manually.

The country fountain works only in the warm season, so there is no need to lay a pipe in a deep trench. In places where vehicles pass, it is placed in a tray with a solid lid. With the advent of cold weather, water is drained from the fountain's water supply system.

Do-it-yourself fountain in the country: step by step instructions

Work is carried out in the following order:

A bathtub that has lost its attractive appearance can still serve as a fountain bowl. Install it like this:

The bathtub, with its regular shape and white enamel coating, does not fit well into the natural landscape. To make it look natural inner surface cover:

  1. paint dark blue. The technique creates the illusion of great depth.
  2. A mixture of cement glue and mineral-based coloring additives. The latter are available in liquid or powder form.
  3. Gravel, crushed stone or mosaic (glued).
  4. A decorative film specially designed for the improvement of reservoirs.

To lubricate a rectangular shape a little help:

  1. The sedge planted along the perimeter is hairy. The plant will hide the sides of the bath and the fountain will look like a partially overgrown rounded pond.
  2. Figured wooden shields along the edge of the bath with potted plants planted on them.

Fountain in Japanese

When decorating a Japanese-style fountain on rectangular shape on the contrary, emphasize.

For its manufacture you will need:

  • several pieces of bamboo stem inside diameter 20–60 mm;
  • transparent hose for watering;
  • leg-split.


  1. Bamboo is treated with tung oil or a synthetic anti-rot compound.
  2. 3-4 pieces of bamboo are placed on the edge of the bowl and tied with twine.
  3. Another segment, the thickest one (with a clear diameter of 40–60 mm), is drilled on one side so that the watering hose fits tightly into the hole. The second end is cut obliquely.
  4. A piece of bamboo is placed with a hole down across those installed on the bowl and screwed to them with twine.
  5. Connect the bamboo spout with a watering hose to the pump.

Another option is the Tsukubai Fountain. It is made from 3 bamboo trunks: one is installed vertically, the rest pierce it at a slight inclination to the horizon. Water is fed through a hose into the upper pole, flows out of it into the lower pole and then into a concrete vessel.

From bamboo trunks, you can build a wide variety of designs of calm fountains.

Bamboo elements in Japanese fountains, when treated with oil or an antiseptic, last for several years, after which they are changed.

Tire Fountain

A small truck tire fountain is cheap and quick to make. Build it like this:

  1. Make a hole in the ground according to the size of the tire.
  2. Pour on the bottom, carefully tamping, a bedding of crushed stone and sand and put on top of it concrete screed 10 cm thick.
  3. After the solution has hardened, a tire is laid on it. Its side, which is on top, is partially cut off so that the tire looks like a bowl.
  4. Inside the tire, a concrete screed is poured with a thin layer of mastic, thus sealing the junction of the rubber to the base. Now the tire is a waterproof reservoir.
  5. A formwork made of tin is installed around the tire.
  6. A reinforcing cage is laid inside the formwork and concrete is poured.
  7. The fountain is decorated with stones and other decorative elements.
  8. Next, they put a pump with a diffuser in the tire, cover it with a mesh and pour water.

Fountain "stone tower"

Simple to implement, but at the same time quite a spectacular design. Mounted as follows:

  1. In the order described above, a bowl with a pump is installed.
  2. The pump is covered with a stainless mesh, then a support contour of bars is placed on it.
  3. Several flat stones are stacked and the entire structure is drilled through. The diameter of the hole corresponds to the diameter of the pipe through which water will be supplied.
  4. A spout pipe is attached vertically to the pump and stones are strung on it. Between themselves, the stones are fastened with silicone-based construction adhesive.
  5. Close the gaps between the stones with small pebbles.

Decoration techniques

Various techniques help to turn a modest garden fountain into a work of art:

  1. Cultivation of ornamental moisture-loving plants near the reservoir, for example, European bathing suit, hosta, astilba, miscanthus, loosestrife, etc.
  2. Setting the backlight. Multi-colored lamps with a high class of dust and moisture protection - IP54 (waterproof version) are used.
  3. Installation of sculptural compositions.
  4. The use of interchangeable diffusers that give the jets a different shape.

Fountain equipment manufacturers offer the following options for water dispersion:

Video: do-it-yourself fountain in the country with decorative elements

The fountain in the country is not only a delight for the eyes and ears, but also a source of freshness on a hot summer day. For its device it is not at all necessary to spend money on expensive branded equipment. The solutions proposed in this article allow you to enrich the landscape with an elegant decoration for quite reasonable means.

To equip a garden plot, many resort to installing a fountain with their own hands.

The decorative fountain in the design looks very beautiful, it also has a calming effect.

At first glance, it may seem that its installation is a complex and expensive process.

If you understand its device, then you can easily make a fountain in the country with your own hands.

The fountain should not be placed on a site in direct sunlight, otherwise the water periodically begins to bloom, its consumption will increase due to frequent changes.

Trees nearby can also have a negative impact: leaves, twigs can clog the structure, and roots can destroy the internal structure.

It is better to place the fountain in an area intended for recreation. It is good if it can be seen in the garden from any point. When the choice of location is made, then it is necessary to decide on the type of the fountain itself.

Main types

Garden fountains by their type are: submersible and stationary.

Submersible are used directly in the reservoir, located in the garden. The principle of operation of the fountain is based on the creation of a stream.

To make it, you will need a pump, a pipeline and a nozzle to create a jet shape. Such designs are more natural, close to nature, and are very often used in the Japanese garden.

A stationary fountain is a structure on which a sculpture rises. We are accustomed to meeting similar people in parks and squares.

The material for the manufacture of such a fountain is fake diamond, a proven material durable and frost-resistant.

If the fountain is planned to be grandiose, then its construction will require the construction of a foundation and the creation of a pond.

The creation of any type of fountain involves the preparation of a pit, strengthening, installation of a reservoir (tank), a pump.

Accessories and installation

In order to create a garden stone fountain, you will need the following materials:

  • stones;
  • cobblestones;
  • gravel;
  • water pump;
  • tank capacity;
  • copper connecting and PVC pipes;
  • slats.

The very work of installing a fountain in the yard begins with the preparation of a pit, which should be 5 cm lower than the prepared container and a place for an outlet.

A pump is placed in the bowl, and exit holes are prepared.

With the help of rails, the structure is fixed (the rails are laid across the top of the structure). Next, the stones are stacked one on top of the other, pre-drilled in the middle, on a copper tube.

In the conditions of creating a fountain (pond) from improvised means, you will need:

  1. stones;
  2. priming;
  3. pump;
  4. acrylic bath (tires);
  5. sheet of iron and other materials for decoration.

A hole is dug, comparable to the size of the bath. The bathtub is installed, all drain holes are closed to avoid water seepage.

The sheet of iron is used as protection against splashing water. It is laid vertically around the bath at a short distance, further decorated, for example, with stones.

The gap between the bath and the iron is covered with gravel. Then waterproofing is done with a PVC film or dense polyethylene: the container itself is covered to the edges of the iron sheet.

Then, at the bottom of the bath, you can install a backlight and decorate with small pebbles. Fill with water and put the pump in the middle.

You can complement the entire structure with sculptures, clay figures and vases, fill or surround the bath with vegetation.

How to make a fountain with your own hands using tires? The principle of operation remains the same: a pit is being prepared, a tire, previously cut across, is immersed in it.

The edges of the tire should peek out of the hole a little. Then everything is covered with a film, the edges of which are tucked behind the tire.

Gradually, the resulting reservoir is filled with water, a pump is installed in the center, and decorated with stones along the edges.

It is also possible that small stones are placed in a container, but in this case the water will become cloudy faster. The result is a small pond.

We make a pond in the country

The pond in the country is made similarly to the fountain. It should be understood that, first of all, it will be a decorative pond, you should not fish or swim in it.

The device of the pond should be natural, but at the same time should not turn it into a swamp.

Aquatic plants need sunlight, but its excessive influence will have a detrimental effect on the entire system: water may bloom.

The best location will be when at lunchtime, in the heat, the pond is in the shade.

To determine "the very place" you need to outline the contours of the pond, and during the day follow the sun.

You can shade with a tree or shrubs if there is no building nearby. But in this case, you will have to regularly clean the pond from fallen leaves and twigs.

It is better not to plant a flat surface with shrubs at the same level. The pond looks beautiful when there is an alpine slide nearby.

Natural height differences will allow you to create a stream flowing into the pond, as well as place a bridge, you can enter a waterfall to complete the picture.

To create a pond, you can use ready-made plastic containers, as well as improvised materials: a bath or tires.

Creating a waterfall

It is quite possible to build a waterfall with your own hands in the country. For this venture, the materials required are the same as for creating a fountain.

In other words, to make a waterfall means to make a fountain in the country with your own hands and decorate it.

Everything is done according to the general technology: a place is chosen, a deepening is being prepared. But the landscape here is chosen with great care.

To build a waterfall, you should choose a place with a hill, if there is none on the site, then it must be done artificially.

Steps made of stone look more natural. To create a cascade on the site, flat stones are more suitable (clay bowls, vessels can be used).

They are used for fastening cement mortar. There is also the option of purchasing ready-made cascades in the store.

From the desire, what will be the jet of water, depends on the type of steps. A swift stream is created by the arrangement of stones at the top with a narrow gap between them.

For a more peaceful flow, stones of equal distance are used. The waterfall will break up into streams if the steps are jagged with sharp stones.

The pump power for a structure no larger than 1.5 m can not exceed 70 W, otherwise it should be more.

The pump has two openings: one for suction of water, the second for expulsion. Hose is attached to both holes. At the bottom remains the one that sucks in, at the cascade - the one that pushes out.

To operate the pump, a low-voltage transformer is installed, which is best placed in the utility room and connected using an extension cord.

How to make a waterfall, you can see on the video.

Fountain without using a pump

In the country, you can make a mini fountain with your own hands without using a pump. Why mini? Because there is not enough water pressure for a large structure on which a waterfall can be placed.

By the way, homemade devices are much cheaper than purchased ones.

The principle of communicating vessels underlies this design. This means that vessels located at different heights are used for this, they are connected by tubes through which water flows.

To improve the system, two tanks are placed at the same height and the pipes coming from them are connected with a T-shaped adapter. Water overflows through it when it enters the tanks.

The main thing here is to provide constant flow water into vessels. The diameter of the tube should be small, so the service life of the structure will increase.

It is better to take tanks of the same volume, made of plastic. In them, holes of a smaller diameter are made at the bottom than those of the tubes. Processed with sealant or cold welding.

The third vessel should be twice the size of the tanks already connected. A T-shaped adapter is installed in its middle, two holes are made for tubes from smaller vessels (also processed).

The third tank should be below the level of the previous two.

The foundation for the future fountain, pond is ready. You can also create a small waterfall.

Waterfall for home

To create a homemade waterfall, it is not necessary to have a summer cottage. It can be made at home.

This will require:

  • bottle cap;
  • motor;
  • deodorant cap (round);
  • corrugated tubes;
  • one more lid according to the size of the cap;
  • foil and hot glue;
  • plastic box.

The top plate is cut off from the bottle cap, the remaining ring is divided into 4 parts (equal). A small hole is made on the plate, and the cut parts are attached so that the result is an open flower.

A decorative waterfall is made from a crumpled piece of foil. You can make a shell a source of water by first drilling a hole in it.

Examples of finished waterfalls can be seen in the photo.

The product can be pre-painted. Attached battery and switch. The waterfall is fixed with glue along the edges of the box, painted again.

After drying, the box is filled with water. You can decorate with pebbles, shells, foil balls.

A small waterfall is ready.

Cozy terrace, aroma blooming garden, soothing herbal tea ... This associative series to the phrase "rest in the country" will continue the idea of ​​​​building a fountain in the country with your own hands in the best possible way. Flowing water allows you to relax at your pleasure, push aside sad thoughts and unsolvable problems. The movement of water jets is another element of comfort and a special color characteristic of the country landscape. To implement this idea, you can hire specialists, or you can show your imagination and build small design on one's own.

The principle of the fountain and its types

Any fountain is a device that raises a jet of water under pressure to a certain height and sprays it into the air or concentrates it into waterfalls. Therefore, as part of the design, two main components can always be distinguished:

  • a source that creates a flow of water;
  • receiver, where this water enters.

According to the principle of operation, all fountains are divided into two large groups:

  1. Circulating. They are characterized closed system the movement of water from the source tank under the action of the force of the pump through the pipe upwards, followed by flowing into the receiving tank. Important point- provision of a water purification and disinfection system. All floor and room hydraulic structures, as well as small fountains for summer cottages, are made of this type.
  2. Flowing. A prerequisite is a connection to the sewer, so a tank as such is not required. This type is most in demand in the arrangement of hydraulic structures in the framework of landscape gardening.

Another classification of fountains is based on the shape of the water jet, provided by the nozzles used and other structural elements.


The best option for sites with height differences or large areas. When arranging a cascade, you can realize any design idea, which is based on overflows of water flow from one container to another. By adjusting the height of these differences, you can get rapid waterfalls or unhurried rifts.

The principle of the cascade fountain is that the water flow overflows from one container to another.


One of the most popular options for organizing garden fountains. It is a structure that ejects water under pressure perpendicularly upwards or at an angle. By changing the height of the jet, you can create a cozy babbling fountain or a many-meter noisy stream of water.

Illumination will make the classic fountain even more spectacular


One of the easy-to-implement solutions that also performs a decorative function. The height of the water column, as a rule, is small, however, due to a special nozzle, the liquid is evenly distributed around the perimeter, forming a continuous water hemisphere.

The bell fountain will become a very original design element of the site


This type of fountains includes a diverse group of hydraulic structures that differ from each other in the nature of the jet:

  • single - small vertical jets of one given height;
  • longline - small vertical jets of different heights;
  • spinner - a rotating jet forms a spiral flow;
  • water jet - water comes out of a hole in a decorative wall at a given distance from the ground;
  • fish tail - vertical jets diverge like a fan and fall in the form of a solid wall;
  • tulip - the jet forms a funnel expanding upwards and falls in a thin dome.

The number of jets and the height of the fountain can be any, depending on your preferences.

Which pump to choose

A wide range of pumps allows you to choose the best option for operation in specific conditions. First of all, you should decide on the type of pump - submersible or surface. To the benefits submersible pumps include:

  • invisibility to prying eyes;
  • ease of installation - installation comes down to lowering the pump to the bottom of the reservoir and connecting pipes and power supply;
  • low noise level;
  • profitability;
  • Ideal for small fountains

Surface pumps also have their advantages:

  • water supply to any part of the fountain;
  • free access to equipment;
  • no need to clean up for the winter;
  • optimal for complex hydraulic structures on a large surface of the reservoir.

Having decided on the type of pump, pay attention to the maximum pressure and performance of the unit, reflected in the comparative table.

Table: equipment parameters for different types of fountains

How to make a fountain with your own hands

To build a simple stone fountain design, you will need the following materials and equipment:

  • pump for water from 1100 W in terms of power;
  • a copper pipe with a cross section of 15 mm for delivering water from the pump to the top of the fountain;
  • a tank made of waterproof material for the pump with a volume that allows the pump to be immersed in such a way that at least 150 mm remains between it and the edge of the bowl;
  • a pipe made of plastic or metal for wiring an electric cable;
  • coupling for connecting a pipe made of copper and a pump;
  • float type water supply regulator;
  • metal mesh to protect the tank from debris;
  • drainage gravel;
  • polystyrene pipe for the output of the pump cord;
  • bars for attaching the grid;
  • stones for the upper decorative part of the fountain (can be replaced with clay pots, concrete bowls, etc.);
  • faucet with adapter and filter.

Having prepared everything necessary materials, proceed to the implementation of the algorithm for step-by-step instructions for building a fountain with your own hands:

The design of any fountain consists of underground and ground parts.

  1. Choice of location. This should be the leeward side of the house to avoid moisture getting on the walls of the building. The distance between the building and the fountain must be at least three times the length of the hydraulic structure.
  2. Digging a hole for a fountain. The dimensions of the pit completely depend on the size of the selected tank: a little wider so that it can be freely installed, and 5 cm above the edge of the sides. Provide excavation in the groove for the electric cable.

    The pit should be slightly larger than the prepared tank

  3. Tank installation. The bottom of the prepared pit is leveled with small pebbles with a layer of 40-50 mm, the reservoir is installed and strengthened. Sand is poured into the sinuses between the sides and the ground, which is carefully shed, rammed and decorated with small stones. Or they simply line the bottom of the pit and its side surfaces with waterproofing material. The power supply from the pump is pulled into a plastic pipe of the required length, placed in a prepared groove, insulated and sprinkled with earth.

    The tank can be made of plastic, ceramic or metal

  4. Pump installation. When placing, the need for regular preventive inspection and maintenance of the device is taken into account.

    It is important to provide easy access to the pump for further maintenance.

  5. Mesh laying. The galvanized metal mesh will serve reliable protection from debris and foreign objects.

    To access the pump, a hinged hole is cut in the grid

  6. Base installation. Attached to the pump metal pipe to supply water upwards (its length should be 100 mm higher than the estimated height of the fountain), and a metal mesh is laid over wooden bars. The beam is taken with a section of 50x50, and their length should be 80-100 mm longer than the length of the tank. This will ensure the stability of the structure and prevent falling into the pit.

    fix the water pipe well

  7. Stone preparation. In each stone (pot, bowl, etc.) intended for the foot of the fountain, it is necessary to drill a hole, the diameter of which will be 0.5 cm larger than the pipe section. To avoid overheating of the drill and cracking of the stones, they must be periodically watered.

    The lead is made using a hammer drill or impact drill

  8. Construction installation. Stones, pots or bowls are mounted on a pipe like a children's pyramid, fastened together with silicone-based glue. After it dries, the tank is filled with water 150–200 mm above the pump, the unit is connected to the mains and a test run is made to adjust the pressure.

    The ground part can be made in the form of a cairn

  9. Decoration of the base of the fountain. You can equip a small reservoir, make masonry, plant ground cover plants, etc. It is important that the decor does not interfere with monitoring the water level in the tank twice a month and performing other preventive work if necessary.

Is it possible to make a fountain without a pump

There are fountain designs that do not provide for the use of a pump. According to the implementation option, there are two ways to solve this problem:

decorative design

Decorating a country fountain is the final stage in the construction of the structure. Depending on the capabilities of the owner, the general concept of the landscape and your own preferences, the following options can be used:

Sculptures and plaster figurines. One of the simplest and most popular options for finishing the above-ground part of the fountain. The figurine can be purchased ready-made or made independently. It can be alone or form a plot composition.

From sculptures you can make a composition

In some cases, such a sculpture becomes one of the elements that release or receive the water flow. With this decoration option, you should worry about its installation in advance - before the trial run of the fountain.

Sometimes sculptures perform not only an aesthetic function, but also the function of receiving water flow.

Backlight. The light-dynamic variety of lamps is especially popular and relevant in recent times. They pulsate or change color according to the movement of the jets. This option is often used in the decoration of urban, garden and park fountains.

When creating a backlight, you can combine different colors

Monochrome lighting options - the best option for country house on a small area. The color of the lamp can be standard, performing a utilitarian function, or shade or harmonize with the color concept of the dacha.

The color of the lamp can be selected in accordance with the design of the site

Stones and rubble. They often mask the base of the fountain and the water reservoir and pump located underneath. Possible options with the layout of large stones in a chaotic manner on small pebbles. The recommendation from designers in this case is to use no more than two varieties of stone, which will avoid piling up colors and shapes.

With the help of stones, you can create real miniature grottoes on the site.

Variants of even backfilling with blued pebbles have also become widespread, which creates the effect of the presence of a reservoir - a dry lake, stream, etc. This technique allows you to connect the fountain with other decorative elements of the site.

Stone "stream" looks especially original

If the pebbles are painted in different colors, then around the fountain you can lay out ornaments and patterns resembling a flower bed, Indian motifs, etc.

With the help of colored pebbles, you can create any pattern

Pond with plants. If the arrangement of a small artificial reservoir is chosen, then it is decorated with aquatic plants, taking into account the requirements for lighting, water temperature, etc. Preference should be given to unpretentious specimens.

A pond surrounded by all kinds of plants gives a feeling of being in the wild

Placement of the fountain among ornamental deciduous plants, the shape of the crown or leaf blade of which is in harmony with the general style of the hydraulic structure.

Even a small discreet fountain will sparkle with new colors surrounded by plants

Stylization of the material used for the main part of the fountain, under the general concept of the landscape. You can even make a mini fountain with your own hands. Here, as well as with sculptures that serve as sources or receivers of water, installation should be carried out in advance - before the trial run of the structure.

For such a fountain there is a place even in a small area.

Rules for care and maintenance

The operation of a home fountain does not require special knowledge, skills or abilities. It is enough to follow simple rules:

  • change water filters regularly;
  • twice a month to control and replenish the water level in the tank;
  • dismantle removable structural elements for the winter;
  • when cold weather sets in, cover the pit with a wooden sheet of boards or plywood.

Thus, the owners of suburban areas can independently build a fountain with their own hands from improvised materials. A hydraulic structure can be decorated in the same style with the surrounding landscape or become an accent of the landscape. Simple care rules do not require special skills and significant efforts, and a variety of models allows you to choose an option for every taste and budget.

Fountains are not only coolness on a sunny day. This is the positive energy that spills over the house from the sounds of babbling water.

Many people want to surround themselves with artificial ponds or at least small fountains in order to relax and unwind after work near them. All this can be done by yourself: it is enough to learn how to make a homemade fountain with your own hands and build it, and quite quickly and efficiently. And just such a fountain, created by yourself, will become an exclusive decoration of your site and home!

Varieties of fountains

All fountains can be conditionally divided into fountains designed for indoors or outdoors. The first type includes indoor fountains. They are used more for the purpose of decorating the interior of the house and can be different in shape and size, depending on the parameters of the room.

Outdoor fountains are designed to decorate the backyard. They are located on the site in front of the house or in the garden. They can be made from plastic natural stone, marble, porcelain.

In addition, such a fountain can be equipped with lighting, and then you can admire it not only during the day, but also in the evening and at night. The atmosphere of a holiday with such a fountain is provided!

country fountain

Many people ask themselves the question - how to make a fountain in the country? Before you start arranging this hydraulic structure, you need to decide on the desired model. His appearance directly depends on general style site. So, if a cottage in a rustic style is perfect for a fountain in the form of a mill, and for a plot in classical style it is better to build a fountain with a minimum of decor or in the form of a statue.

If your dacha resembles a picturesque corner of nature, you can make a small fountain that resembles a geyser, beating right from under the stone. You can also place a fountain near an artificial reservoir surrounded by boulders.

Many lovers of country life torment themselves with the question of how to make a simple fountain in their area. To do this, the fountain pool is buried in the ground, and a special recess is made at the base for all the equipment and the pump.

The main advantages of such a fountain are its elegant design, shallow depth and a convenient built-in overflow-drain system. However, there are also disadvantages - high costs when installing the pool itself, cable and fittings. If you decide to make a fountain at home and settled on this particular type, arrange it so that each element pleases the eye and creates a feeling of harmony and peace.

Tools and materials for arranging a fountain

Before proceeding with the installation of the fountain, you need to acquire materials: from nothing beautiful fountain Not sure it's going to happen. The choice of materials for the fountain depends on the place from which its arrangement begins. It is better to use a small reservoir in the summer cottage for the construction of the fountain, and then before you make a home fountain, you will not need to think about the flow of water. If there is already a reservoir, then for work you will need:

  • storage tank;
  • set of nozzles;
  • the fountain itself;
  • pump.

The most crucial moment is the choice of the pump. The modern market offers electromagnetic, centrifugal and vortex pumps. For country fountains it is recommended to use centrifugal pumps, as they are more powerful, but at the same time quite economical. If there is no reservoir on the site, you need to dig a pit and equip an artificial pond in it, equipping it with a special film and a concrete block on which the pump will be placed.

Stages of building a fountain

The organization of a country fountain needs careful planning. In order to understand how to make a fountain with your own hands, you need to correctly calculate the location of the future structure, its proximity to power supplies and water supply.

Water from the fountain can be drained into the sewer, or it can be recycled - reused, which significantly saves the process. When preparing sewer channels for draining water from a fountain, a storm water inlet will probably be used.

If there is a ready-made bowl for the fountain, a foundation pit is dug out for it. Otherwise, they also dig recesses and equip it like a small pool: drainage in the form of sand, strengthening walls, a waterproofing layer, connecting a sewer drain.

The device of the fountain itself begins with the installation of the pump. It is important to remember that there is a submerged and a surfaced position for fountain pumps, with a surface pump more commonly used for large fountains as it produces a higher and stronger jet. It is also necessary to take care of good electrical insulation. The fountain itself, as a rule, is installed in the center of the pond so that water does not spill over its borders.

Fountain decoration

The uniqueness of a homemade fountain can be emphasized by decorating it. How to make a fountain at home so that it becomes a decoration of the yard both day and night? This is possible due to the effect of artificial illumination of the fountain with the help of special lighting equipment. Lamps that illuminate the fountain around the perimeter and even in the water will help create a fabulous harmony of water and light.

You can also plant bushes or flowers around the fountain, and green the bottom of the reservoir itself with the help of various aquatic plants. The fountain can be decorated with wood, stone or statues.

When equipping the fountain, you can use ready-made statues and figures. But it depends on you how exclusive the standard fountain will become.

indoor fountain

Any interior of the apartment can be revived with the help of a small fountain. Before starting work, it is better to figure out how to make an indoor fountain with your own hands and think through all the nuances. To implement this idea, you will need the following materials:

  • the container on which the fountain will be located;
  • aquarium pump;
  • a small piece of hose for cleaning the aquarium;
  • glue;
  • large sink;
  • color decorative ground, shells and expanded clay.

First you need to find a container in which the fountain will be located. For this purpose, you can use any vessel you like, for example, flower pots. You can also choose beautiful flower pot or a basin for a fountain, the main thing is that the water does not flow out.

In addition, you need a pump with a sprinkler and no tip, since the container for the fountain will be small. The main task of the pump is to raise the stream of water.

Stages of construction of a decorative fountain:

  1. Cut off a small piece of about ten centimeters from the aquarium hose. You need to immediately put it on the pump tip and make sure that all the holes in it are open at full strength, since the power of the jet depends on this. Then you should strengthen the pump at the bottom of the selected container.
  2. We fill the pump with expanded clay and level its surface.
  3. Close up expanded clay plastic wrap with hose hole.
  4. We pour decorative primer on the surface of the film.
  5. If you need a stone sink stand, then it should be glued with epoxy waterproof glue to the sink.
  6. Install the stand by first stretching the hose into it.
  7. Across drilled hole at the end of the hose we put on the sink and stretch the hose into it one centimeter.
  8. Decorate the surface of the fountain with beautiful shells or stones. And the sink from which water flows can be replaced with something else, as long as there is a hole for the hose. The design and style of an indoor fountain completely depends on the imagination of the master who makes it.

Decorative mini fountain

A cool fountain on a hot summer day improves mood and invigorates. In such a situation, even a small fountain will be just a salvation for you. How to make a mini fountain? It's pretty easy, you just need to stock up on the following materials:

  • flower pot with tray;
  • small water pump
  • paints for ceramics and glass;
  • contours;
  • ornamental plants for the aquarium;
  • artificial translucent balls or stones.

Stages of work:

  1. The flower pot will serve as the base for the fountain. If desired, you can decorate it with an unusual painting. To do this, use special paints for ceramics and glass.
  2. Then install the pump under the pan, for water circulation, you need to make a small hole in the bottom for drainage.
  3. Pass the pump tube through the hole, and fill the bottom with decorative pebbles.
  4. Assemble the entire structure and fill it with water. Ornamental aquarium plants will help to revive the landscape.

Thanks to this scheme, everyone can make a mini fountain with their own hands, connecting their imagination and imagination.

Fountain lighting

One way to make even an ordinary fountain magical is to use lighting. It could be:

  • surface lighting in the form of lanterns around the perimeter of the fountain;
  • underwater lighting with waterproof lamps;
  • floating backlight on built-in autonomous batteries.

With underwater illumination, the effect of the glow of water is created, if the illumination is rotating, then the whole process turns into a water-light extravaganza. For this, a rotary mechanism is used.

An important step in lighting equipment is laying wiring in a water-repellent tire. For safety, it is equipped with an automatic breaker (in case of current leakage). To comply with safety regulations, when installing fountain lighting, lamps with a voltage of 12 volts are used. These are, first of all, halogens, and lamps on optical fibers and LEDs. Connect the lamps to the network or transformer.

If you want to illuminate the water surface, place lamps around the perimeter above the water. If you want to emphasize some element of the composition, use a directional beam of light, if the whole composition is a spotlight. Using spotlights, you can focus on one detail, for example, a group of plants in a pond.

Fountains have always adorned any interior. Today they are widely used for the purpose of decorating rooms, and ennoble personal plots. Therefore, they are widely used in landscape design. A fountain on the lawn, near the gazebo, near an artificial reservoir surrounded by rockeries - there are many options for the location of fountains. They can occupy any free space or become a central place in the design. garden plot. By letting your creativity run wild, you can figure out how to make the fountain not only beautiful, but also unusual.

Even the smallest fountain is capable of transforming the landscape of a summer house or a private house beyond recognition. This decorative building will definitely become your favorite recreational area on your site, because it will give you the opportunity to unite with nature at any moment. Would you like it to become a reality sooner? There is nothing super complicated here - everyone can make a fountain with their own hands. Don't believe? Then to your attention is a step-by-step instruction with a photo, following which you can quickly and without the involvement of professionals get a spectacular and functional fountain.

Choosing a fountain

First of all, you need to choose suitable option fountain for your site. We are talking about its dimensions, shape and materials. When solving this issue, be guided by the area and style of the courtyard of your summer house or private house.

So, for a large area, it is better to choose a classic sculptural model, which will become the center of the landscape composition. And for a modest courtyard, fountains in the form of small architectural forms are suitable: sea shells, fairy-tale heroes, houses, pots and other similar figures.

Original fountain from improvised materials

But it is not necessary to buy a ready-made sculpture, because you can also build a fountain with your own hands. The simplest option is the construction of stones. To make it, lay large flat stones on top of each other, make holes in each of them with an electric drill and string all the resulting products onto a copper pipe - it is through it that water will flow to the top of the structure. Then close the gaps with small pebbles and seal the gaps with silicone sealant.

Choose a location

The next step is to decide where exactly on the site the fountain will be located. In order for the structure to fully fulfill its aesthetic function, it cannot be installed “anywhere” - it is important to choose the best location. And for this you need to take into account several nuances.

  1. Firstly, the fountain does not have a place in a too open area, since under the influence of active sunlight, the water can begin to “bloom”.
  2. Secondly, the fountain cannot be placed among powerful trees - their roots can provoke deformation of the reservoir and waterproofing. In addition, leaves, fluff, fruits and seeds of trees will constantly pollute the fountain.
  3. Thirdly, the structure should not be too close to the house, otherwise moisture with the wind will fall on its walls.
  4. Fourthly, it is undesirable to stir the fountain in the open wind so that its gusts do not “tear off” the jets.

Position the fountain so that it can be seen from different parts site

Thus, the ideal location for a decorative fountain is a light penumbra surrounded by flowers and low bushes.

When you choose a place, proceed directly to the arrangement of the fountain. It involves the phased implementation of three main groups of work:

  • tank preparation;
  • pump installation;
  • installation and decoration of the fountain.

Preparing the tank

In order for the fountain to be durable and solid, it is necessary to equip a special reservoir for hydraulic equipment and water. This is done as follows:

  • Dig a pit of a pre-calculated depth and the diameter you need.

Important! The depth level of the tank must be below the ground level so that the soil around the fountain bowl does not wash away and the base does not deform.

  • Pour a thin layer of sand on the bottom of the resulting pit and carefully reinforce its side walls with bricks.
  • Cover the inner surface of the pit with a dense plastic film - it will prevent the passage of water.
  • Fix the film along the top edge of the tank and seal the seams with frost-resistant silicone sealant. Pour stones at the bottom of the pit, distributing them over the surface of the film. Stones should not be sharp so as not to deform the film.
  • Install a small emergency drain near the pit in order to prevent the water level in the tank from rising.

Fountain construction

Installing the pump

The fountain will not be able to work without the most important mechanism - the pump. It is he who is responsible for the continuous movement of the water flow. General principle The operation of the pump is simple: water is ejected through the nozzle into the tank, then it enters the pipeline, where it passes rough and fine cleaning, and then - already cleaned is sent back to the nozzle.

The quality of the functioning of the fountain directly depends on the type of pump:

  • Submersible - works on the principle of a centrifuge and is located in the center of the fountain tank under water. This is a cheap, but reliable device, for the installation of which no fasteners are needed - the submerged pump is quite heavy, so it does not budge. It is suitable for small weak fountains.

Diagram: fountain pump operation

  • Surface - a more serious type of pump, which is not installed inside the tank, but on its edge on the surface of the earth. Such a device is designed for large fountains with a complex design.

The pipeline for the pumping system can be constructed from plastic pipes. Their optimal diameter is 16 mm.

Advice. In order to enhance the operation of the pump, additionally install a pressure tank - it will guarantee a constant pressure of the water flow.

Fountain decoration

After the main functional elements are installed, you need to take care of the installation of the fountain itself, or rather its upper part. If you are using ready-made sculptures, then they must be provided with special fasteners for installation. But a home-made stone fountain is best installed on metal slats, previously laid on top of the tank.

Then proceed to decorate the design. The fountain can be decorated with plants, stones of various sizes, clay figurines, microsculptures and any other details that seem appropriate to you on your site.

You can decorate the fountain with stones, sculptures and plants

Do not forget about such a spectacular decor tool as lighting. It can be underwater lamps, light strips, floating lanterns, ground lamps - here you are also unlimited. But remember that lighting structures must be completely sealed, and all their contacts must be protected from water as reliably as possible, otherwise it will be unsafe to use them.

When all work is completed, fill the tank with water and start the fountain.

As you can see, to make a beautiful fountain with your own hands, you do not need to work hard and spend a lot of money. Do not deviate from the instructions, use quality materials and don't be afraid to experiment with decor - by following these three simple rules, you will definitely get a functional fountain that will delight your eyes and tune in a positive way for many years.

Which fountain to choose for a summer residence: video

Fountain in the country: photo