loosestrife loosestrife - a flowering healer from your garden. loosestrife loosestrife: planting and care loosestrife loosestrife pink pearl

  • 13.06.2019

Lythrumsalicaria)- a very common plant in the wild. It is found everywhere, except for the tropics, deserts and the arctic :). It can be found on the outskirts of swamps, along the banks of rivers, ponds. The loosestrife is popularly called swamp candles, Plakun-grass.

Loosestrife- perennial, very winter-hardy and moisture-loving plant. It is perfect for shady and damp gardens. In height, it grows up to 1.2-1.5 meters in height, the stems are erect.

There are two types of loosestrife in the gardens: loose-leaved (Lythrum salicaria) and twig-shaped (Lythrum virgatum). In terms of decoration, they almost do not differ.

Beautiful, mauve loosestrife flowers, like small numerous stars, are collected in dense spike-shaped inflorescences, up to 50 cm long. Due to the shape of the leaves, the loosestrife is called willow. Growing, loosestrife forms whole curtains, which turn into a pink haze during flowering. The loosestrife is a wonderful honey plant, it attracts not only bees, bumblebees, but also butterflies to the garden.

If you don’t have time to deal with flowers at all, but you just want to admire flowering in the garden, plant a loosestrife. It reproduces well by dividing the rhizome in spring or autumn, as well as by seeds.

Sowing seeds of loosestrife

Can be planted directly in a seed bed in the ground in early spring after the snow melts, as well as in autumn, in October. With such cultivation loosestrife will bloom not the second year after sowing. To get loosestrife flowering in the first year, plant seeds for seedlings in March. Sowing seeds of loosestrife surface. Spray the soil with sown seeds from a spray bottle and cover with plastic film or glass to create greenhouse effect and uniform emergence of seedlings of loosestrife. The optimum temperature for seedlings is +15 +18 0 C. After the appearance of three or four true leaves, plant the seedlings of the loosestrife in separate cups. As soon as the threat of frost has passed, the seedlings can be planted in a permanent place, observing the optimal distance between plants - 35-40 cm.

Further care for the loosestrife

Derbennik loves very much fertile soil, grows well not only in partial shade, but also in sunny, blown areas.

For especially lazy and very busy further care is as follows: set it and forget it. It has been growing in one place for many years, does not require winter shelter. You just have to limit its distribution, and cut off the above-ground part for the winter.

For more inquisitive, not looking for easy ways, people can recommend loosening the soil, especially in the first year of planting loosestrife in the ground, abundant watering in hot, dry weather, fertilizing with fertilizers during the flowering period. The loosestrife blooms in June-July.

Image copyright flickr.com: mediagrrl, Grantsviews, loyce1023, the water watcher 05., Dimilinchen, aorg1961 (chronologicznie - chronologisch), Bogn?r J?nos, Ewan JP, fotoapi, Russell Cumming, BobOsborn, Karl Hauser, naturgucker .de

loosestrife loosestrife is a perennial unpretentious wild-growing and ornamental, medicinal plant. Another name “plakun - grass”, the plant received thanks to characteristic feature get rid of excess moisture in the soil, forming drops of water on the leaves, resembling flowing tears.

The loosestrife plant can be found everywhere: it is unpretentious to growing conditions, can grow on almost any soil, and fits perfectly into various garden compositions. Bright flowers of loosestrife delight the eye throughout the summer. The plant is an excellent honey plant.

All representatives of the Derbennikov family are outwardly very similar. There are approximately 30 species; in Russia, no more than 10 species can be found. Under favorable conditions, the loosestrife grass grows into a wide bush. It prefers to grow along the banks of rivers, on moist soils of swampy places, flooded meadows.

sprout densely on a straight stem dark leaves elongated shape. With a characteristic description of the flowers of the loosestrife, attention is paid to the star-shaped form of small flowers of bright crimson and pink hues, densely located on a paniculate spike-shaped inflorescence.

The root system is tree-like, creeping, superficial, shallow.

The flowering period of the loosestrife is June - September.

The loosestrife is loose-leaved and rod-shaped, which do not have any special decorative distinctive features, are most widely used.

Perennial flower loosestrife fits perfectly into various garden compositions. It is used as an ornamental plant for ponds and gardens. In its natural environment, the plant mainly grows along ponds and reservoirs. Prefers moist soils, but also feels good when the soil dries out.

The special value of plakuna - herbs - these are excellent honey-bearing qualities. Honey turns yellow, with an amber tint, transparent, fragrant, with a pleasant tart taste.

Species and varieties

Willow-like loosestrife prefers wet meadows and fields in Europe and Asia. The height of the bush is 80 - 140 cm, the stem of the peduncle is straight, mostly vertical. The leaves are straight lanceolate, during the flowering period of a green hue, and in autumn period- red. Flowers - stars, small, up to 1 cm in diameter, collected in dense spike-like inflorescences, with a red and purple tint.

Flowering period June-August. The seeds are small, formed after the flowering period and are an elongated rounded box.

“Pink Pearl”- one of the brightest representatives of the common varieties of loosestrife. Distinctive feature of this perennial frost-resistant plant - dense erect paniculate and spike-shaped inflorescences of bright purple - pink star-shaped flowers. The leaves are elongated, densely germinate from the rhizome. The species grows up to 100 - 120 cm. Under favorable conditions, it grows widely, forming large clumps. Feels comfortable growing in one place. In the cold period of time does not require special care. At the end of autumn, it is necessary to remove the entire above-ground part.

loosestrife “Pink pearl”

The variety of loosestrife "Robert" is a low compact bush up to 60 cm high. The color of the flowers is bright red.

The loosestrife variety "Blanche" is characterized by high growth. The color of the flowers is soft pink. Compared to other species, the inflorescences are not as bright and saturated.

Variety of loosestrife "Lady Sackville" - a fairly tall plant, great for creating garden beds. Due to its high growth, it looks beautiful along the fences from the walls. Crimson flowers.

Derbennik rod-shaped- very unpretentious photophilous plant. Feels quite comfortable even in dry ground. Flowering time July - August, grows up to 120 cm. The greatest distribution in the natural environment is observed in the temperate climate zone of Europe and Asia. Compared to loosestrife loosestrife, the colors of the flowers are brighter, more saturated, pink-crimson shades predominate. The inflorescences are not so dense, the stem branches. Does not require special care in winter time, it is enough to dig tightly with snow to preserve the root system.

Derbennik rod-shaped

Compared to loosestrife loosestrife, the colors of the flowers are brighter, more saturated, pink-crimson shades predominate. The inflorescences are not so dense, the stem branches. It does not require special care in winter, it is enough to dig in with snow tightly to preserve the root system.

The most famous varieties:

  • The Rocket - bush height 60 - 80 cm, blooms with bright pink flowers;
  • Dropmore Purple - bush height up to 1 m, flowers are pale purple - pink;
  • Helene is a compact shrub 50 cm high with purplish-pink flowers;
  • Modern Gleam - bush height up to 90 cm, rich crimson flowers;
  • Modern Pink - bush height up to 1 m, with fuchsia - pink flowers;
  • Rose Queen - a small bush up to 70 cm in height, pink flowers with a purple tint.

Derbennik rod-shaped

The loosestrife can be found in the steppes and meadows along the banks of rivers, on the edges of forests. The population of the plant in Russia is greatly reduced, and therefore, Derbennik is listed in the Red Book.

Care and cultivation

The plant does not require special conditions for active growth, since loosestrife is a frost-resistant, perennial plant. It is able to take root on any soil, however, to form a lush and long-flowering bush, it is recommended to plant the plant in bright, moist places. For good growth and abundant flowering, well-moistened soil enriched with nitrogen-containing fertilizers is suitable. The bush grows comfortably and densely in summer in stagnant water at a depth of up to 30 cm.

When the plant blooms, dry flower stalks are cut off, the green part is either removed or left until spring.

Due to its good frost resistance, the loosestrife does not require additional shelter for a cold period of time, it is enough to wrap it up in snow. In a snowy winter, avoiding the possibility of frostbite of the root system, it is better to cover the plant.

When choosing top dressing, preference is given to nitrogen-containing fertilizers, while its excess in the soil leads to inhibition of the plant.


Transplant and reproduction

There are three ways of breeding loosestrife:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • vegetative division of the bush.

The cutting method is the easiest and most widely used. To propagate the bush, root cuttings are used, cut in early or mid-summer. After planting the cuttings in the ground, soil moisture is monitored. During the growth period of cuttings of the root system, they need constant care: watering, loosening, top dressing. In autumn, before frost, the stalk is planted in place of the future flower bed.

With the vegetative method of reproduction, considerable skill and patience will be required, since separating a part of the rhizome is a very difficult task. An adult bush has stiff roots, so you need an ax to separate them. Experienced gardeners advise resorting to the method of vegetative propagation of a plant only with young bushes.

The loosestrife seeds are harvested after the flowering season.

Growing loosestrife from seeds

Growing loosestrife from seeds is carried out in the middle of winter or early spring, by planting in the ground. Favorable temperature for sowing and germination of seeds + 12 ... + 17 degrees. The first shoots will appear in a month. Creation of young sprouts greenhouse conditions necessary for good growth of healthy shoots. Landing in open ground is carried out in May. When propagating loosestrife by seeds, the first arrows with flowers can be seen in 2-3 years.

Diseases and pests

The stem of the peduncle and leaves are the favorite places for the settlement, feeding and reproduction of aphids. To combat and prevent infection, loosestrife is sprayed with infusions of citrus peels, garlic, tobacco, tomato leaves, and onion husks.

The use of loosestrife in folk medicine

The loosestrife has long been known for its medicinal properties. It is widely used in the treatment folk remedies. A wide range of uses of a medicinal plant makes it a truly unique and valuable natural resource.

The use of loosestrife is recommended for diseases of the digestive system, nervous disorders, and skin lesions. The plant is most in demand as a hemostatic, tonic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, sedative, antiseptic, diuretic. It has proven itself in the treatment of respiratory diseases, headaches, dysentery, epileptic attacks, toxicosis, rheumatism and other diseases.

Drinks made from the leaves and flowers of the plant have tonic properties, as well as a pleasant aroma and a slightly astringent taste.

Dosage forms

All parts of the plant are used as a remedy: roots, stems, flowers, leaves. The plant is rich in vitamins, flavonoids, glycosides, trace elements, essential oils, organic acids and other useful substances. In addition, the root system is rich in tannins (tannin).

The stem and leaves are cut before flowering, the flowers are in the active phase, and the roots are harvested after flowering.

After harvesting, the roots of the plant are washed and separated from the rest of the bush. All components must be completely dried in a well-ventilated area.

The use of loosestrife

For treatment various diseases, in the absence of a contraindication and the presence of a doctor's recommendation, medicinal medicinal infusions, teas and decoctions are used.

The broth is prepared in a water bath: for 30 - 45 minutes, simmer a couple of tablespoons of dry crushed parts of the plant in 100 ml of water. After that, the container with the decoction is wrapped with a towel for another 20 minutes to better reveal all the beneficial substances. Use the decoction warm, half a glass 3 times a day before meals. Used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, female reproductive organs, neurosis, hemorrhoids, prostatitis, as a diuretic.

On the basis of the roots, a vodka tincture is made, which is used for headaches, colds, bruises, stomach diseases, and toxicosis during pregnancy.
Tea with loosestrife has established itself as an excellent remedy for headaches.

Fresh mashed grass is an excellent hemostatic agent, green mass is applied to a wound or bruises.

Contraindications for use

medicine based on various parts loosestrife is not recommended for:

  • high chance of blood clots;
  • increased rate of blood clotting;
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • impaired bowel function (constipation).

Application in landscape design

Bright saturated colors, unpretentious disposition and long flowering make the loosestrife an excellent companion in the design and creation of landscape design. Most often it is used in compositions with muted cold blue tones of such plants as “Blue Fortune” agastache, snowheads, catnip, muzzles, “Brookside” and “Rosanne” geraniums. Saturated colors look great with highlanders, Chinese astilbe, helianthus “Lemon Queen”, and window sills. Excellent garden solutions are obtained when combined with various shrubs of barberry, mock orange, deren, vesicle.

Use of loosestrife different types, height and colors, in landscape design allows you to create excellent garden solutions. In combination with Japanese spirea, the garden will sparkle with bright shades from soft pink to rich crimson. Highlanders, daylilies, asters of the “Prince”, “Lady in Black”, “Horizontalis” varieties will well complement the flower garden with the loosestrife.

Many designers for garden landscape It is advised to dilute bright tones with more delicate, calm shades. A smooth transition from bright spots of “flaming candles” to calm pastel colors will give the flower garden a more serene, calm look. In this case, an excellent solution would be to use the falaris “Picta” and “Luteopicta”, the Chinese astilba “Purpurlanze”, the spicy-flowered venom “Karl Forster”.

Folk medicine lovers good option there will be an organization of a “medicinal flower garden”, where, in addition to loosestrife, oregano, mint, valerian, tarragon, echinacea, elecampane, medicinal burnet, gravel are planted.

Perfectly match and attract many beautiful butterflies motherwort, lovage, horse sorrel, monarda. These plants not only decorate the garden, but also bring amazing aromas, attract beneficial insects such as bees and bumblebees.

Derbennik is a perennial plant characterized by very good frost resistance, long-term abundant flowering and a large number of seeds. The natural habitat for this plant is the banks of rivers, lakes, wet meadows, swamps.

Its other name, “Plakun Grass,” has also stuck among the people. So the loosestrife was dubbed for one, very unusual property. The fact is that droplets of moisture stand out on the tips of the leaves in the morning. This happens mainly in the summer, so the plant naturally gets rid of excess moisture.

Varieties and types

There are a large number of varieties of loosestrife, among which there are those that are considered weeds, and those that are widely used by gardeners in landscape design.

- is considered not only an excellent decorative representative of the loosestrife family, but also the owner of medicinal and honey-bearing characteristics. It has erect long stems, on which lanceolate elongated stems and inflorescences of pink (pink-purple) flowers with 6-7 petals are located. Inflorescences, located at the ends of the stems, create the shape of spike-shaped panicles.

In height, these stems can reach from half a meter to one and a half meters, and in the case of growing on rich soils (adding additional fertilizers in the form of compost and maintaining soil moisture) - up to two meters.

In an adult plant, up to 50 stems can depart from one rhizome. Every year, many seeds ripen from this amount, which can be carried for kilometers with the help of wind and water. Therefore, if you do not want to get a completely sown area (besides, not evenly, but in pieces), then the seeds must be collected on time.

Among the most popular varieties are the following:

  • « Robert "- does not exceed a meter in height. It has bright pink flowers.

  • « swirl "- has similar characteristics, but the flowers are more delicate and airy, sometimes it seems that they are transparent.

  • « blush "- has delicate pink inflorescences resembling a blush on the cheeks, for which it got its name (translated from English).

- this type of loosestrife has erect stems, like rods, reaching a height of 0.5-1.2 m. Unlike the previous one: the leaves are narrower in shape, the inflorescences are loose, and the flowers are brighter with a clear purple tint.

The most memorable varieties:

  • « Modern Pink "- flowers of an unusual fuchsia color,

  • « Dropmore Purple "- have purple flowers,

  • « Helen "- similar to the previous variety, but slightly lower (about 50-60 cm of stem height).

Derbennik planting and care in the open field

The loosestrife boasts a high degree of adaptability to almost any external factors. environment. A well-lit area is suitable for growing, perhaps with a slight penumbra, but not in full shade (slow growth or complete cessation).

It is desirable to ensure the looseness of the soil. As for the composition, it should be fertile (for a more saturated color of inflorescences and tall even stems) and slightly acidified soil. But from an excess of nitrogen, the plant may suffer.

Another medicinal herb is Sage. Easy to grow when planting and caring for open ground, has a mass useful properties, but there are also contraindications. You can find recommendations for growing, as well as medicinal and culinary use in this article.

Looseberry growing from seeds

Reproduction of loosestrife will not be difficult, will not incur large material costs and won't take much time. Seed collection is carried out annually, immediately after flowering.

If the collection of seeds, for some reason, is not included in your plans, then it is better to immediately cut off the faded inflorescences in order to exclude self-seeding. Huge fields or plantations sown with this incredibly bright plant, although they cause delight, but if the seeds spread throughout personal plot, then it will already be weeds (weeds), as it will interfere with the growth of other crops.

After sowing seeds (in early March) for seedlings, germination can be expected within a month. The temperature must be kept within 17-22°C. The loosestrife, planted from seeds, blooms in the second / third year.

Reproduction of loosestrife

In addition to this method of reproduction, there are two others: cuttings and division of the rhizome. Last option is the most labor intensive. The fact is that the root system is stiff, so there may be problems with their division. However, this method is also used.

And so, the separated section of the rhizome, together with the stems leaving it, is planted in a separate, pre-prepared pit: twice the size of the roots themselves, compost is laid on the bottom, then fertile land, after which the rhizome is laid, covered with earth, watered and mulched.

Preparations of cuttings are carried out at the beginning of summer, while the root shoots are cut off. Cuttings, until the roots appear, stand in a container of water (jar, bottle). Landing in the usual way.

Derbennik in landscape design

The loosestrife covers a wide range of applications, from decorating various flower beds to landscaping ponds. You can create different compositions by adding plants of similar characteristics (moisture-loving) so as not to complicate their care.

The most important parameter by which loosestrife has earned its popularity is long flowering.

loosestrife curative properties

Using the example of loosestrife, we can list the content of the following substances: polyfinol, tannins, glucosides, essential oils, vitamins and more.

For medicinal purposes, flowers, leaves, roots and seeds of the plant are used. At the same time, flowers and leaves are harvested before the onset of the flowering period, the roots are dug up in the fall, and the seeds, of course, after flowering.

The loosestrife serves as an antiseptic, is able to stop the blood and heal minor cuts, wounds and bruises. In addition, it has a tonic, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.

A decoction prepared from the roots of loosestrife is advised to be taken for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, headache, toxicosis during pregnancy, and also for convulsions. But infusions prepared from the leaves or flowers of the plant improve the course of such diseases as prostatitis, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, nervousness and others.

Let's prepare a decoction , for this you will need: 1 tbsp. l. finely chopped fresh greens of loosestrife, it is necessary to pour a glass of boiled water and put this mixture in a steam bath (10-15 minutes). Then remove and let cool (about 45 minutes), only then strain. Take 50-60 ml of warm decoction three times a day.

Infusion prepare as follows: 2-3 tbsp. l. now dry herbs, also chop and pour one glass of boiling water. This infusion must be kept for at least four hours. Then strain and take 50-60 ml three times a day.

Dirbennik contraindications

This wonderful "doctor" has contraindications. So, for example, you can not take infusions and decoctions of loosestrife for people suffering from increased blood clotting, atherosclerosis and a tendency to form blood clots.

Among the variety of flowers, some gardeners opt for wonderful plant loosestrife (Lythrum). Among the people, it is also called plakun-grass, bulrush, boletus. This interesting bush with abundant pink or purple blooms will decorate any garden plot.

The creeper is well known in traditional medicine due to its medicinal properties. This herb is able to stop bleeding, have a diuretic effect, and is also used for fever, colic, colds, and toxicosis during pregnancy. Simply put, the plant deserves attention. How to cherish this grass in your garden?

External characteristics and habitat

The best place for upland reeds, it is a swampy plain. The Far East and Western Siberia are rich in loosestrife. The plant is also found in large quantities in Ukraine, the Caucasus and the Republic of Belarus. The loosestrife prefers sandy soils, swamps and water meadows.

In total, there are about 15 species of plakun-grass. The most famous representatives of the dicotyledonous plant family are pink pearl, Lady Sackville, blush, Robert's loosestrife.

The loose-leaved variety has a well-developed root system. The bush grows in a bunch. At home, it can be propagated both by seeds and by division and cuttings. The height of the plant is not more than one and a half meters. Stems are dense, elastic. The leaves are sessile, thin, staggered. On the back side there are stomata that remove excess moisture. It may seem that the plant is shedding tears. Due to this feature, loosestrife is called plakun-grass.

The bulrush blooms from July to October. Inflorescences are located at the top of the stems. The bud has 6 petals of pink or purple tone. The plant is a honey plant. During flowering attracts bees. The finished product has a tart taste and unique aroma.

Landing and care

Along with the wild habitation, the plant perfectly adapts to private estates. Since it loves moisture, you need to plant it in a ventilated, shady place with high humidity. Plakun-grass is often used to decorate lawn beds and landscape design. How to properly plant loosestrife loosestrife?


Important point when growing loosestrife, it is constant abundant watering, especially in the dry season. Do not be afraid that the plant will begin to rot with excess moisture. Upland reed independently removes unnecessary moisture through the leaves.

Reproduction of plakun-grass

Perennial easily breeds in three known ways. It is important to remember that frequent transplantation of the same plant negatively affects the overall well-being of the plant. It is better to resort to dividing a particular bush once every 3-4 years.

Seed loafer.

The division of the bush

The mother bush of the loosestrife must be dug out of the ground. Mature reeds have a powerful root system, so you need an ax or a cleaver to cut it. It is not necessary to divide the loosestrife into many small processes, they will take root for a long time or completely die. The seedling should have as many roots as possible in order to grow faster.


In the spring, young shoots must be torn off or cut off from the green mother bush, along with a small piece of bark. Such seedlings quickly take root in a new place and develop their own root system.

Cuttings can be carried out in early summer. Stepchildren should have 2 internodes. Wherein lower leaves the escape must be completely removed, and the upper ones should be cut in half. The cut site is treated with a growth stimulator (Heteroauxin, Kornevin) . Such an escape is planted in fertilized soil under plastic bottle with an open neck. When the first leaves appear, the greenhouse can be removed.

Disease prevention

An important and one and only pest for the boletus is. It must be remembered that the plant is melliferous, so the use of insecticides is inappropriate. Boiled onion peel or citrus infusion perfectly copes with the infection.

A popular remedy for pests is tomato nectar. Such a decoction is easy to make and it is absolutely safe for both animals, insects and people. It is necessary to boil 10 liters of water. Add 2 kg of green tops to the hot liquid and infuse for 4-5 hours. Then boil the mixture for 30 minutes. A bush is treated with this solution every 7-10 days, at least. The first protection should be carried out in the spring.

The poison contained in tomato leaves evaporates when exposed to sunlight.

Derbennik is a perennial sun-loving plant for open ground. It is often found in the wild, but due to its unpretentiousness and beautiful bright colors, it is used as ornamental plant in the design of gardens in both regular and natural styles. We present to your attention a loosestrife: landing and care, a photo of the design of mixborders.

Derbennik: description, types and varieties

Derbennik (Lythrum) is a sun-loving herbaceous perennial of the Derbennikov family. The flowers are spike-shaped, bright lilac-pink, appear on the plant in July, attracting bees with honey nectar. Honey turns bright yellow color, with a tart, rich taste and wonderful aroma. Flowering is quite long - from June to August.

In August, fruits appear, the shape of which resembles round boxes, slightly oblong, filled with seeds inside. At the same time, the plant does not weed much, but self-sowing is possible in moist areas of the garden. Loosetails are unpretentious, winter-hardy plants, wintering without any shelters.

In the people, loosestrife is called plakun-grass. This is because in the early morning large drops of water (excess moisture from the foliage) collect on the tips of the leaves of the plant, which flow like tears.

The genus loosestrife consists of 30 species growing in different corners the globe, except for the tropics, deserts and the Arctic. We can meet only 10-15 species, the most common loosestrife are rod-shaped and loose-leaved. In horticulture, these 2 species are used, which differ little from each other in appearance:

  • Rod-shaped loosestrife - (L. virgatum) comes from Europe with sessile leaves, grows from 0.5 to 1.5 m in height. These are mainly pink-flowered varieties:
    • Dropmore Purple - with purple-pink inflorescences;
    • Helene - with purple-pink flowers;
    • Modern Gleam - with magenta flowers;
    • Modern Pink - with fuchsia-pink flowers;
    • Rose Queen - with pink flowers, purple in buds;
    • The Rocket - with bright pink flowers.
  • loosestrife or Plakun-grass (L. salicaria) is a local species of a plant with a straight stem, in a quadrangular section. It grows in height from 0.7 to 2 m. The leaves of the plant are lanceolate, painted green in summer, turning red in autumn. Roots creeping, woody. But having creeping roots, the plant is not aggressive, over time it grows into a lush bush. There are many varieties of loosestrife:
    • Feuerkerze - with brilliant pink flowers;
    • Sticflamme - with purple large-flowered inflorescences;
    • Blush - with pale pink inflorescences;
    • Zigeunerblut - with dark red flowers;
    • Augenweide - with purple flowers with red tan;
    • Rakete - with pink-red inflorescences;
    • Lady Sackville - with pink flowers;
    • Swirl - with pink inflorescences, but the bush is sparse;
    • Robert - with light pink inflorescences;
    • Roseum - with pale pink.

Derbennik: planting and care, photo in the garden

The loosestrife loves places with plenty of sunlight and moist soil. With a lack of light, there will be no good abundant flowering. The soil needs moist, acidic, with a high content of humus. The loosestrife has no special requirements for soil density; they master any areas well. In our south, we brought drip irrigation to a bush of loosestrife.

To retain moisture in the soil, the use of peat, loose compost, and mowed grass is suitable. Mulching also creates favorable conditions for the ground beetle family, which are attached to the loosestrife bush and protect the garden from slugs. Periodically we feed the loosestrife with infusions of weeds.

During the flowering period, to eliminate and prevent the appearance of aphids, the plant can be sprayed with infusions of tobacco, onion peels or citrus fruit peels, but it is better to provide them to ladybugs - they are happy to "graze" on the loosestrife.

Side shoots that begin to grow, interfering with the normal formation of the bush, are best pinched off. In spring or autumn, you need to shortly cut the stems themselves. We usually cut them in the spring - sticking shoots hold snow well in winter.

You can propagate the plant in any of the ways: cuttings, seeds or by dividing the mother bush.

Medicinal properties

  • Looseberry is used for wound healing, because it has antiseptic and hemostatic properties.
  • It is used as a sedative. A pillow stuffed with dried leaves and flowers will give you a deep and restful sleep.
  • In diseases of the respiratory tract, a decoction of the dried roots of the loosestrife helps.
  • Brewed infusions from stems, leaves and flowers are used to treat stomach, prostatitis. It also helps with hemorrhoids.
  • Herbal tea from the flowers relieves headaches.

Derbennik in landscape design

Since the most favorable places for growing loosestrife are places with a sufficient amount of sun, we took it to decorate the area near the pond. But then it was moved closer to the garden - the height of the bush is disproportionately larger than our miniature pond. In general, its natural range is water meadows and banks of reservoirs, so it looks great in coastal zone.

Companions can be gentle astilbes, tradescantias, highlanders, cereals, daylilies, monards. But there are also more daring combinations - with geleniums, bright red dahlias, phlox and roses of cold raspberry shades. This is Tatyana Koisman's favorite flower, and here is one of her landscape compositions:

Derbennik is also widely used by Piet Oudolf, on whose ideas a whole trend in landscape design was born - the so-called. New Wave Gardens.

Over the seven years of growing loosestrife in our garden, we have not found any shortcomings in the plant - it does not require frequent transplants, it blooms for a rather long time, and attracts beneficial insects to the garden. Therefore, we boldly recommend growing loosestrife, planting and caring for it is not burdensome, and there are many applications in design.