Pump "Vodomet" for a well: description and reviews. Gileks borehole pumps Submersible centrifugal pump for a well

  • 04.03.2020

The range of products manufactured by GILEX includes several models of borehole pumps with different technical characteristics. This equipment is intended for use as part of domestic and industrial water supply systems with water intake from wells and boreholes. According to users, well pumps from JILEKS LLC are among the best on the Russian market.

Rules for choosing pumping equipment

Efficiency autonomous system water supply with forced water supply depends on the compliance specifications the pumping unit used, the conditions of water use. To do this, it is necessary to make a thorough analysis of all the nuances of the upcoming operation even before ordering the equipment. If you are faced with the question of which well pump is better to choose, consider the following criteria:

  • well flow rate and volume of water consumption, the maximum number of inclusions per hour;
  • temperature of the pumped liquid;
  • parameters of the existing electrical network;
  • water quality, presence and size of mechanical impurities;
  • possible immersion depth for the submersible unit.

One of the most popular borehole pumps of the JILEKS company is the VODOMET centrifugal submersible unit. This equipment is available in several modifications, which allows you to choose a device with optimal technical characteristics for specific conditions of use. Each model is distinguished by high reliability, unpretentiousness, efficiency, and has a high efficiency. When choosing, use the online consultation of our company's specialists. Channels for communication are given in the "Contacts" section.

Vodomet pumps are submersible multi-stage devices of the Russian company Dzhileks, designed to provide autonomous water supply to houses and watering plots.

Production is located in Klimovsk, Moscow region.

Equipment Features

The equipment of this brand is a range of household appliances of various sizes and different capacities, so you can choose a model that will provide the required amount of water.

Advantages of submersible pumps:

  • work quietly;
  • are small in size;
  • do not "trouble up" water, unlike vibration ones;
  • small size;
  • low price;
  • high efficiency;
  • reviews of submersible pumps Vodomet are mostly positive - there are practically no negative ones, which is also a significant indicator;
  • the ability to work in water with a significant amount of sand or clay (from 2 to 5 kg / m 3).

Water pumps Vodomet, designed specifically for Russian operating conditions, are of two types:

  • wells;
  • borehole (deep).

What are their differences?

Pumps for wells Dzhileks Vodomet are designed for use in relatively shallow wells (8-10 m), tanks or open water.

A prerequisite for the operation of such a pump is the sufficient width of the reservoir so that not only the pump, but also the float switch can fit there.

The water cannon pump for the well has obvious benefits before the well:

  • larger ratio useful action, which means, ceteris paribus, the submersible water jet pump for wells will have a greater performance than the water jet pump for a well;
  • less sensitivity to dirty, "sandy" water;
  • the presence of a simple float switch, thanks to which there is no need to install protection against "dry" operation;
  • low price - from 9,000 to 13,000 rubles.

The submersible water pump for wells is smaller in size and is designed for extracting water from narrow (from 100 mm) and deep wells, lifting water from a considerable depth (usually the depth of wells is from 40 m).

The price of pumps for water jet wells is slightly higher than the price of well pumps - from 10,000 to 24,000 rubles.

About manufacturer's models

Submersible pumps Vodomet are available in several modifications, differing in power and other technical characteristics. Pumps for wells are marked as follows: pump Vodomet 55/35A, 55/50A, 55/75A, 150/30A, 150/45A, 150/60A.

Here, the letter "A" indicates that the pump is equipped with an automatic float switch.

Well pumps have the following designations: Water jet pump 40/50, 40/75, 60/32, 55/35, 55/50, 55/75, 55/90, 110/110, 115/115.

  • The first number indicates the pump's maximum outlet flow (l/min). This flow rate is determined with open taps and no resistance to water movement.
  • The second number is the maximum head (m), which develops the device with fully closed taps.

For example, the submersible pump Vodomet 60/32 delivers up to 60 liters of water per minute with a free spout, and when the water consumption taps are closed, it can create a pressure of up to 32 m. This unit costs almost 6800 rubles.

Based on the technical characteristics, we can say that:

  • Water jet pumps with a maximum possible flow rate of 60 l/min will work most efficiently in water supply sources with a small flow rate (the amount of water that a source can give per unit time). In this case, the flow rate of the source must be no less than the performance of the pump, otherwise the pump may pump out all the water in the well (well), and begin to draw in silt or work “dry”, which can lead to its breakdown.In real conditions, a submersible pump Vodomet 60/52 at a price of about 8000 r can provide a consumption of 35-40 l / min (more than 2 m 3 / hour) - up to 4 consumer taps at the same time. The submersible pump Vodomet 60/72 at the price of 10,000 r will give a stronger pressure at the same flow rate. Thanks to this, with the help of such a pump it is possible to move water over a greater distance.
  • Pumps Vodomet with the highest flow rate of 115 l / min, provide for use in wells with medium and high flow rates, with a possible water flow rate of up to 65 l / min (about 4 m 3 / h). The submersible pump Vodomet 115/115 is one of the most powerful borehole pumps in the line. Its power is about 2200 kW, and the price is 16,000 rubles.
  • Pumps Vodomet with a flow rate of up to 150 l / minute are necessary for the water supply of large houses. Such pumps can only be used in wells with a high flow rate, and their use is advisable at high water flow rates - more than 4 m 3 / h.

More accurate data for selection is easy to calculate on your own. The required pressure of the pump is the sum of the values ​​of the required pressure in the taps of consumers, possible pressure losses in pipelines and the height difference between the source and consumers.

Roughly, the maximum pump head can be determined by measuring the distance from ground level to water level in a reservoir:

  • if the specified distance is less than 5 meters, then a pump with a head of up to 35 m is suitable. For example, a submersible pump Vodomet 55/35;
  • if the distance is from 5 to 25 m, then a device with a declared head of 40 or 50 m is suitable. For example, a submersible pump Vodomet 60/52;
  • if the distance is 25 - 45 m, you should choose a model with a head of 60 or 75 m. For example, a submersible pump Vodome 60/72;
  • if the distance is from 45 to 60 m, it is better to choose a device with a pressure of 90-150 m. For example, a submersible pump Vodomet 115/115.

Device Reviews

Water pumps Vodomet are very popular with owners of private houses and summer cottages, therefore, various reviews have been accumulated about pumps for wells Vodomet.

Since the submersible pump for the water jet well is not deprived of attention and there are enough reviews about it - let's give a few for an example.

Maxim Viktorovich, 41 years old, Podolsk:

I have had a submersible water pump for the fifth year. Installed in a well at a depth of 25 meters. It works and works, the pressure is normal, only sometimes there is not enough water for everyone.

At first, I thought that my sandy well would "kill" the Vodomet well pump in a couple of years. I don’t know about others, but everything suits me. I'm thinking of looking at a more powerful model.

Maria and Alexander Semenov, Kursk:

Considered different variants for supplying water to the country house. They chose between Ukrainian Aquarius and Russian Dzhileks. Aquarius, they say, is very sensitive to sand, a remote condenser is also inconvenient. In general, we settled on a submersible pump Vodomet 60/52.

It turned out that it gives 52 l / min only in ideal conditions, but in fact it comes out two times less. Nobody warned us about this. Would have known in advance — bought more powerful.

Mikhail Viktorovich, 61 years old, Ufa:

Reliable, good device. A submersible well pump Vodomet has been installed in the well for more than three years. It extracts water from eight meters and in a straight line about 35 meters more. Disadvantages - it is bad to connect through the RCD (often knocks out) and the cables are short.

About the device

The pump, completely immersed in water, works in very difficult conditions. Despite research, testing and the latest developments, these devices often fail. The causes of breakdowns are very diverse, but the main ones are:

  • installation and operation of the pump in violation of the manufacturer's recommendations;
  • voltage drops;
  • dirty, sandy water;
  • mechanical wear of parts of the mechanism - housing, blades.

In order for the Water Jet water pump to work properly for as long as possible, it must be installed correctly. So, when installing a pump in a well, it is necessary to mount it in casing pipe With inside diameter not less than 100 mm.

The upper part of the pipe is closed with a cap to prevent foreign objects from entering the well.

To prevent the device from freezing in winter, a closing well is installed above the well, and the main pipe to the house is buried in the ground below the freezing level. The pump is installed so that it is lowered into the water, but not closer than 1.5 m to the bottom of the reservoir.

The schematic diagram of connecting the Water Jet pump is no different from the nuances of installing any other pump for a well - tied to a cable, it sinks to the bottom of the well. Attached to the cable with staples power cable and a hose through which water will flow.

After the device is at the bottom, the cable should be firmly fixed at the top.

A big plus is that do-it-yourself repair of the Water Cannon pump is quite possible. For a successful repair, you will definitely need spare parts to replace the damaged ones.

If "guilty" - circuit diagram water jet pump - the capacitor may have failed. If the water from the tap began to flow worse, the filter may be clogged or the hose is damaged (and the water simply flows back into the well).

The internal structure, the procedure for disassembling and repairing the Water Jet pumps are indicated in each instruction for the device.

However, it should be noted that it is not recommended to engage in such work on your own - despite the simplicity of the design, its disassembly and assembly (especially) requires some experience.

Equipment overview (video)

Borehole pumps Vodomet are produced in Klimovsk and are centrifugal multistage and are designed for autonomous water supply of cottages and summer cottages.

Borehole pumps Vodomet are structurally somewhat different from most borehole pumps. At "Water cannons" the water intake is not from the side, but from below. This scheme allows you to effectively deal with siltation of wells. Pumps "Vodomet" are modified to work in sandy wells and are designed for long work with sand content up to 150 gr./cu.m. In reality, they can pump several kilograms per cubic meter of water.

Water jet pump. Advantages.

A very competent self-cleaning system of the Vodomet pumps allows them to be used to supply water from wells, where the distance from the pump to the bottom will obviously be small. Such pumps are equipped with a float switch to protect the pump from running without water, and are named with the letter "A".

Borehole pump Water jet can be located at a depth of up to 30 meters from the water surface, which allows them to be recommended for low-budget wells.

Name Power


460 3,3 35 6000 98

600 3,3 50 8090 98

900 3,3 75 10160 98

1100 3,3 90 12280 98

470 3,6 35 7050 98

We offer for sale submersible borehole pumps"Water cannon". Before you buy a pump, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with its description and price.

Centrifugal multistage pump The “water cannon” with “floating” impellers, an electric motor “washed” by water and a built-in condenser is designed to supply water from wells with an internal diameter of 100 mm or more, as well as wells and open reservoirs for water supply to the house, watering the garden and vegetable garden. The pump can work in wells with high sand content.

Pumps "Vodomet" can be used: with control "by level" of filling storage capacity, with control "by level" of the pumped out water (automatic pumps with the index "A") and with a system automatic control"by pressure" (pumps with indices "DOM" and "Ch"). The source of water supply can be a well, a well or an open reservoir.


Parameter name










Maximum flow, l/min
Maximum head, m
Number of steps, pcs
Voltage, V
Consumed current, A
Power consumption, W
Capacitor capacity, uF
Cable length, m
Max. the size of the passed particles, mm
Maximum immersion depth, m

Flow characteristics

Pump WATERJET model

With pressure, m















Feed, l/min


Selecting a model of a submersible borehole pump Vodomet

Two numbers in its designation will help you choose the right pump model. The first number indicates the maximum flow rate in liters of water per minute at the outlet of the pump in the absence of resistance to water flow. The second number shows the maximum head in meters developed by the pump during dead end operation.

For example: the pump WATER JET 60/52, with a free spout, delivers 60 liters of water per minute (3.6 cubic meters per hour), and when cutting off the supply, i.e. with closed water taps, it develops a pressure of 52 meters (5.2 atm.). In the limit mode, the pump is practically not used. It is most often operated at the so-called "working point", with a nominal (50% of maximum) flow at a nominal (50% of maximum) pressure. However, you can choose a pump according to the maximum parameters.

VODOJOT pumps with a maximum flow of 60, 115 and 150 liters of water per minute were developed on the basis of many years of analysis of average water consumption and the performance of water sources. VODOJOT pumps with a maximum flow rate of 60 liters of water per minute are designed for water supply sources (well, well, etc.) with a small and medium flow rate and with an expected moderate flow rate (2-3 cubic meters per hour or 35 - 40 l / min, t .e. 3-4 taps) with nominal water flow.

VODOJOT pumps with a maximum flow rate of 115 liters of water per minute are designed for water supply sources (well, well, etc.) with an average and increased flow rate and with an expected increased (3-4 cubic meters per hour or 50 - 65 l / min) nominal water consumption.

Pumps submersible water jet with a maximum flow rate of 150 liters of water per minute are intended for water supply sources (well, open reservoir, etc.) with a high flow rate and with an expected high (4-6 cubic meters per hour or 65 - 100 l / min) nominal water flow.

The maximum pump head should be selected depending on the vertical distance, from the ground surface to the static water level in the source:
- if this distance does not exceed 5 meters, you need a pump with a pressure of 30-32 meters;
- if this distance is up to 25 meters, you need a pump with a pressure of 45-52 meters;
- if this distance is from 25 to 45 meters, you need a pump with a pressure of 60-75 meters;
- if this distance is from 45 to 60 meters, you need a pump with a head of 92-115 meters.

Submersible borehole pumps Water cannon are not equipped with a built-in non-return valve, therefore, in some cases, it is recommended to install check valve at the pump outlet. For example, when a pump is operating in an automatic water supply system for a pressure-controlled pump, a check valve maintains pressure in the system, preventing water from flowing out. Moreover, the check valve should be installed in the pressure line near the pump, since in this case it protects the system from hydraulic shocks, preventing the formation of voids in the pipeline.

A valve installed above 7 meters from the surface of the water in the source cannot prevent the formation of voids in the pipeline, and this leads to water hammer at the moment the pump is turned on. However, the installation of a check valve directly at the outlet of the pump, with a slight deepening of the pump under water, can lead to the formation airlock in the pump and the water will not reach the first impeller, which will lead to "dry run" pump. Therefore, with a slight (up to one meter) deepening of the pump, the check valve should be installed at a distance of 1 to 7 meters from the pump.

In the case of using the pump for filling containers or watering, when periodically removing the pump from the source, the check valve should not be installed, since the hose filled with water is not light in weight. However, care must be taken in this case, otherwise, after turning off the pump, water flows back through the pump and the hose works like a vacuum cleaner. Therefore, a hose dropped to the ground during a backflow can cause the pump to clog.

Water jet pump device

The pump consists of a pump part and a wetted electric motor, located in a single housing made of high quality stainless steel. The components are centered in the housing by means of front and rear covers, as well as an intermediate support. Pump motor oil-filled, sealed, asynchronous with squirrel-cage rotor on rolling bearings. A thermal protector is built into the stator winding to protect the motor from overheating. The motor seal is unloaded, as the pressure inside and outside the motor is equalized by the membrane, the maximum submersion depth of the pump under water is 30 meters. The pump motor is cooled by the pumped water, so the pump must not be allowed to run when there is no flow.

Design feature "floating" pump impellers "Water cannon" is their running-in. It is known that the gap between the rotating and stationary parts of the hydraulic part of the pump is the cause of internal leakage in the pump, which reduces its efficiency. Therefore, ensuring small gaps in a traditional pump is a difficult technological task. During operation, these gaps increase, which, accordingly, reduces the already low efficiency of the pumping stage of a traditional pump.

In the "VODOMET" pump, the impellers are "floating", as they have the ability to move in the axial direction, clinging, under the action of working pressure, to the rear surface of the guide vane (diffuser) of the previous stage. In this case, the contact occurs along one of the two pairs of rubbing surfaces. In the first hours of operation, the plastic shoulder of the impeller in the cover of the guide vane (diffuser) is intensively worn, while electricity consumption increases somewhat and the flow-pressure characteristic decreases. This wear and tear results in "lapping" collar, providing "zero" clearance. Then, unloading the first rubbing pair, the second pair of rubbing surfaces comes into contact. This is an anti-friction washer and a ceramic ring. Since the friction of these parts in water occurs without wear, and a "zero" gap has already formed in the zone of the sealing shoulder, the pump reaches the optimum operating mode. This mode is characterized by an increase in the flow-pressure characteristics and a decrease in electricity consumption.

All parts of the pump that come into contact with the pumped water are made of materials approved for contact with foodstuffs. In the rear cover of the pump with the outlet pipe, there are two lugs for fixing the cable. A water-resistant, hygienic cable of the required length exits from the rear cover of the pump, which reduces the risk of incorrect connection of the pump.

Pump with index "BK"- with cable length 1 m. Pump with index "A"(automatic) is equipped with a float switch that prevents the pump from running without water. Such a pump can be used in a well or other source that has enough space to use a float switch. An anti-friction sleeve is installed in the front cover of the pump, which serves as a support for the shaft of the pump part.
In the front cover submersible pump there are suction windows with a size of 1.5 x 1.5 mm, which prevent the penetration of large particles into the pump.
In the front cover of the pump with an index "M"(main) a fitting is mounted, which allows the pump to be used as a surface pump built into the water supply line.
it is completed with a hydraulic accumulator, a control panel and the necessary shut-off valves that allow you to assemble.
Pump with index "H"(frequency converter) equipped with electronic system automatic control, which provides " smooth start» pump, protection against "dry running"(from the operation of the pump without water consumption) and the exact maintenance of the specified pressure in the water supply system, regardless of the flow rate.

It is not enough to dig a well or a well. You should take care of how to supply water to the house, garden and other places. The water pump is designed for this purpose. The pump manufacturer is Dzhileks, a domestic leader in the manufacture of water pumps and related equipment.

Where can I use Gilex Water Cannon:
open waters,
various water tanks.

From the sources, water is supplied to the automatic water supply systems of the house, for watering the garden and garden, or for other purposes at the discretion.

Due to the layout features, the Gileks Water Meter pump can be placed at a depth of 100-150 mm from the water surface, and can also be used in a horizontal position. It is perfect for working in open and shallow sources.

How does a water pump work?

All Gilex models have a similar device principle. The stainless housing houses the pump part and the electric motor, which is washed by water. The rest of the parts are fixed with an intermediate support. The case is closed with covers on both sides.

The pump motor is filled with oil. The thermal relay is located outside the oil-filled cavity, which simplifies the repair of the part.

Depending on the model, the Waterjet pump may have different number repetitive steps. The parts of the device are divided into four components:
The bottom of a glass.
Anti-friction washer.

The impellers rotate in the glass. And the cylinders are fixedly fixed between the cover and the plastic ring.

Device advantages

The manufacturer took care of human health. All parts of the Gileks water jet pump that come into contact with water are made of environmentally friendly and safe materials that do not affect water quality.

Some models of the Jilex Water Jet device have a removable filter. Its purpose is to protect the system from dirt, clay and sand. The filter extends the life of this equipment. If it gets dirty, you can clean it yourself. Also, the fence mesh has a large area. Water will fully flow even if the pump was lowered to the very bottom of the source.

The bottom cover has a conical shape. This design makes it easier to submerge the pump, it will not cling to possible casing connections.

The power cable can be pulled through the cover on top of the pump. Thanks to new design device it can be effectively used in wells with a small casing diameter.

The engine of the Gileks water jet pump is cooled thanks to the duct cold water between stator and housing.

Automation, which is built into the pump system, excludes its operation in idle mode. This function protects the engine from overheating, which prolongs its service life.

The thermal relay built into the pump motor determines the oil heating temperature and, if the norm is exceeded, stops the operation of the device.

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