What does the climate class say? Filters for fine air purification.

  • 13.06.2019

What do most consumers look for when choosing a new refrigerator or freezer? to the manufacturer, appearance unit, the volume of chambers, energy consumption, the price, in the end. At the same time, many, as a rule, lose sight of such an important characteristic as the climate class of the refrigerator. This article will tell you what it is and how to choose a refrigerator, taking into account this parameter.

What is the climate class of a refrigerator

Each refrigerator or freezer is designed to operate within a specific range of temperature and humidity. environment. This range is called the climate class of the refrigerator.

Why is it important to pay attention to the climate class of the refrigerator! Manufacturers guarantee the normal operation of the refrigerator only if the temperature where the unit is planned to operate corresponds to its climate class. If, in the event of a breakdown, it is determined that the unit has been operated under an unsuitable temperature regime, v warranty repair may be denied.

There are four main climate classes. For your convenience, information on them is presented in the form of a table.

Common notation Range
operating temperatures
Where can it be used
N - normal (normal) from + 16 to +32 °С Products with this marking are the most popular on Russian market. Refrigerators this class have optimal energy efficiency characteristics and are suitable for most consumers.

At an ambient temperature above +32 °C, operation is only allowed in air-conditioned rooms, in winter time year, the installation site of the refrigerator must be heated.

SN - subnormal (subnormal) from + 10 to +32 °С It is allowed to operate units of this class in poorly heated rooms: corridors, basements, etc.
ST - subtropical (subtropical) * from + 18 to +38 °С Refrigerators with this marking can be used in hot regions with high relative humidity.
T - tropical (tropical) * from + 18 to +43 °С Units of this class are designed for use in dry tropical climates with very high ambient temperatures.

* Refrigerators of these climatic classes are practically not supplied to the Russian market.

The Russian market is mainly represented by models of refrigerators belonging to the normal (N) and subnormal (SN) climate classes. However, recently the so-called "multi-class" models, designed to work in a wider temperature range, have become increasingly popular. Moreover, individual units support all four main climate classes.

The main advantage of "multiclass" refrigerators is their versatility, which allows the units to be operated in the temperature range from + 10 to +43 °C. However, it should be borne in mind that models with a dual climate class have higher energy consumption rates and are more expensive.

Design features of refrigerators of different climatic classes

  • Motor power. The higher the temperature the unit is designed for, the more powerful the compressor. For example, refrigerators of tropical and subtropical classes have compressors with increased performance.
  • heat transfer area. The temperature class with a higher operating temperature requires a larger heat exchange area. Therefore refrigerators of classes T and ST have evaporators and condensers with an increased surface area.
  • Manufacturing materials. For the manufacture of refrigerators that will be operated in a humid tropical climate, mold-resistant materials are used.
  • Thermal insulation layer. The lower the ambient temperature at which the refrigerator is intended to be used, the less thermal insulation is required. So, for refrigerators of normal and subnormal classes, the thermal insulation layer is less than for refrigerators designed for tropical and subtropical climates.
  • Energy consumption. Other things being equal, universal units designed to operate over a wider temperature range (SN-T, N-T) have higher energy consumption rates.

Information about which climate class the refrigerator belongs to is necessarily contained in its accompanying documents (instructions, passport).

In addition, the climate class is indicated on a special sticker located on the unit body or inside the refrigerator compartment.

Which climate class refrigerator is better to choose

When choosing the climate class of the refrigerator, you should pay attention to the conditions of its operation: the temperature and humidity of the environment.

The best choice is the universal “multi-class” refrigerator model SN-T (operating temperature range +10 to +43 °C), which is designed to operate even in the hottest conditions. However, when buying such a unit, be prepared for the fact that the price of universal refrigerators, all other things being equal, will be higher than “ordinary” models. Do not forget that refrigerators belonging to dual classes have more high performance energy consumption. Although in our country, given how hot they were last years, many prefer to overpay, rather than face the lack of cold at the most inopportune moment.

For those who want to save money or live in places with a cool climate, the best option is a refrigerator with a normal or subnormal climate class (N or SN). Such models are cheaper and, subject to the recommended temperature conditions, will serve you for many years.

In any case, the final choice is yours. Enjoy the shopping!

  1. The discharge pipeline is hot (70-80°С)
  2. Liquid pipeline warm (32-35°С)
  3. Suction pipeline cold (10-15°C)
  4. Compressor crankcase warm (30-40°С)
  5. TRV works silently
  6. There are no vapor bubbles in the sight glass on the liquid line
  7. The temperature difference between the air flow at the inlet and outlet of the internal heat exchanger is 8-13°C in cooling mode and 15-20°C in heating mode
  8. Steam superheat at the evaporator outlet is 5-7°С
  9. Liquid subcooling at the condenser outlet is 3-7°С
  10. The condensation temperature is higher than the air temperature at the condenser inlet by 10-15°С
  11. Suction and discharge pressure according to refrigerant type and ambient temperature
  12. Compressor current and cold (heat) capacity correspond to specifications(indicated on the nameplate)
  13. The water temperature at the outlet / inlet of the chiller is 7-12 ° C

Signs of normal air conditioner operation

Signs of normal air conditioner operation

Source: www.xiron.ru

Operating temperature of split systems and its dependence on temperature sensors

Any air conditioner has certain operating temperature limits, that is, set limits for cooling and heating in summer and winter.

Operating temperature ranges for different split systems

If we consider the average standard values, then the optimal functioning of the device occurs when the thermometer marks about + 20-27 ° C. Under such conditions, an increased load on the main components of the system is excluded, and most importantly, on the compressor, which, when operating on maximum power depletes its potential ahead of schedule.

There is a significant variation in the allowable operating temperatures of the air conditioner. This is due to the fact that some systems are equipped with many additional control sensors, while others have only two in the indoor unit. In the former, the lower limit of the norm can vary within completely different limits.

Most air conditioners have a standard operating temperature range. under which the manufacturer allows them to be included.

Cooling occurs at the marks on the outdoor thermometer from +18 to + 45°C. Heating is permissible at temperatures from +18 to -5°C.

The only exceptions are some expensive trade marks MITSUBISHI or DAIKIN type. which produce a series of split systems with an extended operating temperature range of the air conditioner for both cooling and heating. Such equipment is able to function smoothly at -25 ° C for cold / heat, as well as to cool in the summer heat of + 55 ° C.

But precision technology is at its best when it comes to the maximum or minimum air conditioner temperature. It can operate all year round with an accuracy of 0.5°C.

Features of using air conditioners with different temperature parameters

Usually, the air conditioner is able to withstand the maximum minimum temperatures thanks to the built-in winter kit, which consists of heating the drain hose, heating the compressor crankcase and an electronic board.

But it is worth remembering that even the extended operating temperature range of the air conditioner does not make it possible to use it for heating in winter. If the user ignores the set temperature limits for cooling / heating the air conditioner, then this leads to a decrease in efficiency and loss of efficiency, and also threatens:

  • icing of both blocks;
  • freezing of the drain pipe;
  • the ingress of condensate into the room;
  • failure of the compressor and fan blades.

Split systems for the most part are designed to operate at average annual temperatures and can be used as heaters during the autumn off-season before turning on the central heating or in emergency situations.

If we compare on / off and inverter models, then the former have a maximum minimum cooling temperature of the air conditioner of -5 ° C, while the latter have up to -15 ° C.

Speaking about heating the air in cold weather, it should be noted that for split systems this is unrealistic. The exception is monoblock air conditioners - window and mobile systems. They can be used as heaters in winter, as the "warm" models are equipped with powerful heating elements and function as fan heaters when they start up in the heating mode.

Be sure to consider the location of the device during installation. Regardless of the temperature at which the air conditioner is turned on, it should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

If it is not possible to install the system in a dark place, a protective visor must be mounted. Even if the operating temperatures of the air conditioner are maximally extended (up to +55°C), shelter from the sun is necessary, as constant operation at its maximum capacity quickly leads to wear of the compressor.

Split system temperature sensors

temperature sensor in the indoor unit

It has already been said above that air conditioners are equipped with special temperature sensors that control both outdoor and room indicators, as well as values ​​inside the device itself.

Modern split systems have a developed self-diagnosis system, the elements of which are thermal sensors. The main ones among them are two sensors: air and evaporator temperature sensors of the indoor unit. They determine the operation algorithm depending on the selected mode. It is these temperature sensors that air conditioners are equipped with in the simplest configuration.

More expensive systems are equipped with the following types of temperature sensors:

  • outdoor temperature sensor- does not allow the air conditioner to be turned on at minus and plus temperatures, which are lower / higher than the permissible norm;
  • condenser temperature sensor(there may be several) - is responsible for maintaining the required level of condensation pressure for a given mode when street conditions change;
  • room temperature sensor- Responsible for maintaining the functionality of the compressor;
  • evaporator temperature sensor- turns off the compressor if the temperature of the air conditioner evaporator drops to zero.

temperature sensor in the remote control

Some split systems have an additional function - automatic defrosting of the heat exchanger of the outdoor unit. This is necessary to prevent icing processes that break the fan blades. The defrosting mode of the air conditioner is switched on at sub-zero temperatures outside. Thermal sensors are also responsible for this.

Another function of modern split systems is the automatic selection of the mode, at the start of which a “comfortable” temperature of + 20 ° C is set. Sensors are also responsible for the correct operation of the automatic setting of standard indicators.

When the outside temperature sensor considers that it is too hot or cold outside, the compressor will not start, or the operation of the device will be suspended.

evaporator temperature sensor

If we talk about the temperature of the air conditioner evaporator, then here it is directly dependent on external factors - the higher the thermometer readings outside the room, the more intensely the evaporator heats up.

For all-season splits with the compressor on, the difference between the temperatures of the air and the evaporator of the air conditioner should be at least 5-7°C. When the compressor is off, these indicators change in the direction of decreasing values. When there is no reduction, this indicates a malfunction of the system.

During the operation of the device for heating, the air in the room is also taken into account. If the temperature sensor of the air conditioner responsible for the room data shows a difference between the outside and inside temperatures of less than 5°C, the automatic shutdown compressor or it will not start initially.

Ideally, when heating, the difference between these temperatures should be between 5 and 15°C.

When the air conditioner is in cooling operation, the temperature at the outlet of the indoor unit must be at least 10°C lower than the thermometer outside. It is worth remembering that when starting a split system, these values ​​\u200b\u200bmay not be reached immediately, so cooling is less intense.

The longer the air conditioner is on, the more optimally it cools.

Repair and replacement of temperature sensors

To make measurements, you will need a conventional thermometer or ohmmeter. The obtained data taken from the removed sensor board is compared with the readings in technical passport device. If there is a suspicion that there is a malfunction, then repair is carried out:

  • the sensor is heated (with the resistance usually decreasing);
  • cool him down;
  • and take resistance measurements again.

Replacing the sensor is easy. A similar element is selected that is suitable for the nominal value - usually it is 5 or 10 kOhm.

The serviceability of the air conditioner sensors is indicated by the presence of resistance, which depends on temperature. The average standard is 25°C at 10 kΩ.

Not all split systems are equipped with a variety of temperature sensors and an automatic shutdown system. When choosing climate technology, you should pay attention to their number, as they extend the life of the device. Air conditioners equipped with such elements of self-control and self-diagnosis to a minimum are controlled by the user and break down much more often.

Operating temperature of split systems and its dependence on temperature sensors

We study the operating temperature of air conditioners, the influence temperature sensors, their types and functions, as well as repair and replacement of thermal sensors.

Source: strojdvor.ru

To what temperature can the air conditioner cool

The main function of an air conditioner is cooling. It is the only one provided only by this type of technology. You can heat, dry and filter the air using other units. But to what temperature does the air conditioner cool?

How does an air conditioner cool

The cooling temperature of the air conditioner depends on the class of equipment and its price. But the cooling scheme is the same for all air conditioners. The cooling circuit of the air conditioner consists of a condenser, a compressor and a copper line. In the copper track, the refrigerant (freon) and a little oil from the compressor are constantly moving in a circle.

From the evaporator, the refrigerant enters the compressor in the form of a gas under reduced pressure (from 3 to 5 atmospheres) and a temperature of 10 to 20 degrees. Here it is compressed to 20 - 25 atmospheres, which leads to an increase in the temperature of the refrigerant to 75 - 90 degrees. And in this form it is fed to the capacitor.

Here, with the help of a fan, the temperature of the refrigerant decreases, it becomes liquid and gives off heat to the surrounding air. Freon pressure rises, the temperature also rises (15 - 20 degrees more than the air temperature around). Hot freon is supplied to the thermostatic valve, where it is cooled.

In the valve (copper tube in the form of a spiral), the gaseous and liquid phases of the refrigerant are combined and fed to the evaporator. Now the refrigerant takes heat from the air, becomes gaseous and is again fed to the compressor. This cycle repeats over and over again. The cooling temperature of the air conditioner and the temperature of the air leaving the case vary considerably.

How cold is the air conditioner

Manufacturers have set a minimum cooling temperature for the air conditioner. Usually it is + 16 - 18 degrees. It is unlikely that someone is pleased to be indoors at a lower temperature. Such extreme people are welcome to the cold store.

By the way, the temperature of the air leaving the device fluctuates different models and under different temperature conditions from +4 to +16 degrees. The hotter the room, the higher the temperature at the outlet of the enclosure. When starting the air conditioner cools the air weaker, and "accelerated" - more.

In simpler and cheaper models, the temperature may be higher, more expensive air conditioners reach the minimum cooling temperature faster.

Being a fairly economical technique, air conditioners produce from 3.5 to 5 kilowatts of cold air for every kilowatt of electricity spent.

The higher the energy efficiency class of the device, the greater the difference between the amount of energy consumed and the temperature to which the air conditioner cools.

To what temperature can the air conditioner cool

To what temperature can the air conditioner cool The main function of the air conditioner is cooling. It is the only one provided only by this type of technology. Heated, dried and filtered

Source: strojdvor.ru

Recently I was surprised to hear that split systems and window air conditioners do not take fresh air from the street. Tell me, are there air conditioners that can not only cool, but also ventilate the room?

- Yes, I have. But do not forget that ventilation can be carried out different ways. You can organize not only the inflow, but also the exhaust air. This is exactly what a window air conditioner does, removing up to 10 percent of the air passed outside. If the air-conditioned room is not equipped with double-glazed windows, fresh air will begin to be sucked in through leaks in windows and doors.

More difficult case- use of split-systems of cassette and channel type, allowing the connection of an air duct facing the street. To create enough pressure in it fresh air usually use an additional fan, in front of which they put a filter and an air intake grille. The only disadvantage of such a solution is that for its implementation it is necessary to have a false ceiling.

And, finally, fresh air supply is provided by air conditioners used in large buildings: central air conditioning systems, VRF systems, rooftops.

To what minimum temperature can the air be cooled using a split system?

- In most air conditioners, it is limited to a reasonable limit of + 17-18 degrees. But if you are a convinced "walrus" and even this is hot for you, buy a window air conditioner. It regulates not the temperature, but the intensity of cooling, and therefore it becomes possible to make the air even colder.

- I’ll make a reservation right away: climate centers or coolers, sometimes slyly called humidifier-type air conditioners, have nothing to do with air conditioners. At least for the reason that they are not able to maintain the desired temperature in the room. The cooler can temporarily cool the air by 2-4 degrees due to the evaporation of moisture (the same effect can be achieved by waving a wet towel). But after a couple of hours, the humidity in the room reaches 95-100 percent and the temperature starts to rise again. Soon the room becomes as hot as it was before the cooler was turned on, but under conditions high humidity the heat is even harder to bear! Remember what it's like on a hot day before a thunderstorm. Nothing to breathe, sweat stream. It is these sensations that will give you a “conditioner” of a moisturizing type.

In our city, shuttles offer air conditioners at half the price of a specialized company. Are sellers really doing this?

- I would first ask the shuttle traders about the origin of the goods. If he came from Arab countries, the question disappears by itself. Most likely you are offered second hand. Such air conditioners are sorted out, repainted and sold to simpletons, who are lacking not only in Russia. The red price for such an air conditioner is $200–300, since it will never last longer than 2–3 years. In addition, no self-respecting company will undertake to mount such equipment. And this means that you will be left without a guarantee, since it is given by the company that installed the air conditioner.

Our office windows face north. Tell me, do we need air conditioning?

- Only you can determine this. Do you feel comfortable when it is +25 degrees Celsius and above outside? When the air temperature is high, it will be hot everywhere. Another thing is that with the northern location of windows, much less power is needed to create comfort, and therefore office air conditioning can cost you much less.

Why in winter, when the air conditioner is turned on in heating mode, does it start to produce warm air only after a few minutes? Sometimes this pause lasts quite a long time and it seems that the air conditioner is slightly cold. Maybe it's faulty?

- Everything is fine. Moreover, you can be glad that you got modern model with "Hot Start" mode. Such an air conditioner, before starting work at sub-zero temperatures, warms up the external unit so that it does not freeze. To do this, it really turns on in cooling mode, only the fans are turned off at this moment, and therefore you can feel the cold only by bringing your hand close to the external unit.

In February, I turned on my air conditioner for cooling and after a while water began to drip from the indoor unit. What am I to do now?

Don't worry, nothing bad happened. When operating in cooling mode, the air conditioner removes moisture from the air. And if the drainage pipeline is brought outside, then at sub-zero temperatures an ice plug can form in it, disrupting the normal drainage of water. Now it has melted and you can use your split system again.

To prevent such situations from occurring at all, it is possible to recommend “warm” drainage. To do this, use a special cable that heats the drainage pipeline up to + 5 degrees Celsius.

It happens that on a sunny summer day, our air conditioner does not save from the heat. To cool down, you have to move close to him. Can something be done?

- If on the hottest days the air conditioner does not create the necessary coolness, despite the fact that it works constantly, its capacity does not cover all heat gains. In this case, it is worth checking if the filters are clogged, if the windows and doors are closed, if heat-producing devices, such as boilers or toasters, are working in the room.

Tell me, what filters are installed in air conditioners and what do they protect against?

— There are the following types of filters: air electrostatic and coal (deodorizing). Air - a fine metal mesh that protects our lungs and heat exchanger from dust and mechanical impurities. This filter does not require replacement - it is enough to wash it in warm water or vacuum. Due to the electrostatic charge, it retains small charged particles, pollen, microorganisms. And finally, the carbon (carbon) filter eliminates tobacco smoke, odors and the smallest dust particles up to 0.0001 mm.

How often do filters need to be changed?

- It depends on the air pollution in your area. It's one thing if you live outside the city and quite another if the windows overlook a busy street in the center of Moscow.

The need to replace the filters in most air conditioners is indicated by a special indicator. If it is not there, you will have to navigate "by eye", counting on a 3-6 month service life. However, there are exceptions - experts told a case when the filter became clogged every two weeks. The reason turned out to be poor-quality imported carpet, from which pile climbed like a dog.

We live in a house old building. Will its wall withstand the external unit of the split system?

— Watching what block? With household air conditioners, problems usually do not arise, but with large units of 100 kilograms and above, care must be taken. The worst option is a wall made of facing bricks (with holes) or cinder blocks. However, there is almost always a way out.

I have air conditioning in my house. A friend said that if freon pours out of it, I risk remaining disabled for the rest of my life. Is it so?

- For God's sake, calm down. Your girlfriend is an alarmist. At the next meeting, tell her that freon is contained in a popular medicine - cameton, which she "bravely" splashes into her throat with a sore throat. And in the recent past, he was in all aerosols, for example, hair sprays. Well, if you take grandfather's ZIL refrigerator. Compared to a home air conditioner, it is just a hydrogen bomb!

We have installed air conditioners in our office and now I constantly catch a cold, as the flow of cold air is directed directly at me. Tell me what to do?

- The way out is simple. All modern split systems and window air conditioners have automatic blinds that diffuse the flow in a vertical direction. In order to set them in motion, you need to find the corresponding button on the remote control. As a rule, it is called "Swing" or "Air flow direction".

If you are sitting directly in front of the air conditioner, the airflow must be deflected to the side with vertical blinds(they are right behind the horizontal ones). In most models, their position is adjusted manually, however, in some air conditioners of the brands: Daewoo, Daikin, Fujitsu, Fuji, General, the movement of vertical blinds is set from the remote control.

I'm going to buy an air conditioner for my house. Tell me, where to put the moisture they give off? Can it be used for housework?

- I do not recommend drinking, because distilled water is tasteless. And with a clogged filter, it is also harmful, since dust can get into the drainage. In addition, do not forget that moisture is deposited on the aluminum fins of the heat exchanger, and therefore may contain harmful oxides. So don't be greedy. It is best to bring the drainage pipeline into the sewer and forget about its existence forever.

Water can also be diverted to the street, but then you should take care of heating the drainage pipeline. If this is not done, in winter an ice plug will surely form in it, and water will flow onto your favorite rug. Because of the same danger, do not agree to drain condensate into a jar. Endless puddles on the floor will be provided.

I was about to buy an air conditioner when I found out that they charge 20 percent of the cost for installation, plus some accessories. In total, they counted 370 dollars, wouldn't it be too much?

- No, not much. Most reputable firms really charge at least 20-25 percent for installation. As a consolation, I can report that Japan and European countries would charge you two or three times more, up to 70 percent of the cost of an air conditioner.

A friend of mine works for an air conditioning company. He promised to install the air conditioner for me for only $100. Will I be eligible for warranty repairs?

- No, you won't. The warranty for the air conditioner is not given by the manufacturer, but by the company that carried out the installation. Therefore, turning to the "craftsman" you automatically deprive yourself of the right to free repairs. Even if a factory defect turns out to be the cause of the breakdown, it will not be possible to repair the air conditioner “for free” or exchange it for a new one. And if a node needs to be replaced, then your friend will not help you.

I want to air-condition my apartment, but the proposed option confuses me: external units of split systems hang around the entire perimeter of the wall. Can you put them on the balcony?

- Probably yes. Most modern household split systems allow you to painlessly separate the external and internal units at a distance of 12-15 meters, for some brands - at 25.

Another good option- the use of modern multi-split systems of the "constructor" type, allowing you to choose the optimal combination for 2-5 room apartment. In this case, there will be only one outdoor unit on the balcony, and the total length of the connecting pipelines can reach 60–70 meters. Four companies produce such products: Airwell, Daikin, Hitachi, Mitsubishi Electric.

Can I install the air conditioner myself?

- Depending on what. If this is a "window window", then for God's sake. Any "handy" man who owns a saw, a glass cutter, and a chisel can mount it. But I strongly do not recommend undertaking the installation of a split system. This is a complex matter, requiring special skills and expensive tools. A kit that includes drills, a gas station, tools for cutting, bending and soldering pipes costs several thousand dollars. If these operations are carried out with what is at hand, the fate of the split system will be sealed. There is only one chance in a hundred that the air conditioner will work with this setting.

When installing the air conditioner, they ruined the entire interior with a plastic box, in which there are some wires and tubes. Is it possible to somehow correct the situation?

- Can. It is best to pierce the wall and immure the whole economy in plaster. (It is for this reason that the air conditioner should be purchased at the repair stage). If this is not possible, replace the box with a nicer one.

I heard that when installing a split system, you need to drill outer wall Houses. Tell me, will it not blow through this hole?

- No, it will not. If the installation of the air conditioner is carried out by professionals, they will provide reliable thermal insulation, since there are plenty of various sealants on the market.

I'm moving to new apartment. Can you tell me if my air conditioner can be installed in a new location and how much will it cost?

— Yes, you can. Please contact the installer for this. And you will have to pay only for installation and dismantling, since most of the components can be reused.

I have a poor relationship with my neighbors in the stairwell, who consider me a “bourgeois” and a “new Russian”. They want to sue me, believing that my split system prevents them from sleeping. Are there any rules restricting the use of air conditioners in apartments?

- If you have a working air conditioner, there is nothing to be afraid of. The noise that the external unit of a household split system gives is usually 40-55 decibels. And the maximum allowable level set for residential development is 60 dB(A).

When you pass next to a building studded with air conditioners, something drips from above. What is this liquid and is it dangerous for the health of passers-by?

- There is no reason for concern - this is the most ordinary distilled water that the air conditioner extracts from the air. In its composition, it is close to rain and is absolutely harmless. However, it is at least impolite to put drainage on the head of passers-by - a serious installation company will not do this.

Tell me what is the "Sleep Mode" mode and what is it for?

- A person likes to go to bed and wake up warm, and sleep cool. This cherished dream is realized by "Sleep Mode" or in other words "sleep timer". If you wake up at seven in the morning, you set the timer at half past six and turn on "Sleep Mode". The air conditioner gradually lowers the temperature by 2 degrees compared to the one set on the remote control (comfortable for wakefulness) and maintains it at a given level during the night. At the same time, to reduce noise, the fan of the indoor unit runs at low speed. Then, at the time you set, the air conditioner turns off and the temperature begins to rise.

Questions were answered by Georgy LITVINCHUK, Climate World magazine

Consumables for the installation of air conditioners, ventilation systems, equipment for industrial refrigeration

Source: www.rasxodka.ru

Air conditioners - understand the terms

Availability of automatic mode.

An air conditioner with this function can automatically maintain the set temperature, switching if necessary from one mode to another (cooling, heating, ventilation) or changing the fan speed and airflow direction. Auto mode eliminates the need to manually adjust the air conditioner as the outside temperature changes. For most models, the temperature can be set by the user himself, but in some cases the comfortable temperature (usually +20°C) is already set and cannot be changed.

The function of restoring the previous mode of operation after a power failure or the end of a cycle of work.

If the air conditioner does not have this function, then after a power failure, it will have to be turned on and set up again manually.

The presence of a generator of negatively charged particles. Active negative ions are attracted to the surface of bacteria, where they act on them at the cellular level. It is believed that the presence of anions in the air has a positive effect on human health: they allow you to eliminate the effects of electromagnetic radiation from devices and prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

The presence of a special biofilter that purifies the air in the room from unpleasant odors and tobacco smoke. High-density carbon deodorizing filter effectively absorbs smoke, animal odors, food and other air pollutants.

Inverter power control

Using a frequency converter (inverter) to control the compressor power. In conventional air conditioners, the compressor operates in the "on-off" mode: it turns off when the room temperature is brought to the set value, and turns on when the air temperature deviates significantly from the set point again. In air conditioners with an inverter, the compressor runs constantly, without turning off, smoothly changing the rotation speed and, accordingly, the cooling or heating power as the outside temperature changes. Thanks to the smooth power control, inverter-type air conditioners maintain the temperature more accurately, cool the air faster, and produce less noise. At the same time, inverter air conditioners consume 30-35% less electricity, and due to the lack of constant switching on and off, they are more durable than traditional models (the main wear of the compressor occurs at the time of startup). To disadvantages inverter air conditioners can be attributed to the high sensitivity to the instability of the supply voltage due to the presence of complex power electronics and high cost.

Dehumidification intensity(from 0.46 to 950 l/h)

Efficiency of the air conditioner in dehumidifying mode (see "Dehumidifying mode"). If your area often has high humidity, you should pay attention to air conditioners with a high dehumidification rate.

Number of fan speeds(from 2 to 8)

The number of air conditioner fan speeds. The more of them, the more accurately you can adjust the operation of the air conditioner to your needs. See also "Fan speed controller".

Max. maintained temperature(from 24 to 43 °С)

The maximum temperature to which the air conditioner can heat the air in the room.

Maximum communication length(from 3.5 to 78.0 m)

The maximum length of communications between the indoor and outdoor unit of the air conditioner. An indoor unit is a part of a split system (see "Type") that is installed indoors. Accordingly, the outer block is what is brought out. The blocks are interconnected by a copper pipeline through which the refrigerant is transferred. The standard installation usually includes a five-meter track, in most cases this is enough. If you plan to install the indoor unit in a large room or at a significant distance from the outdoor unit, you should pay attention to this parameter.

Max airflow(from 0.383 to 79.8 m3/min)

Maximum air volume (in cubic meters) cooled by the air conditioner in one minute. The larger the air conditioning room, the more airflow you will need.

Maximum noise level(from 24 to 86 dB)

The maximum noise level of the indoor unit generated during the operation of the air conditioner, which depends primarily on the fan speed. Many air conditioners have several fixed speeds - usually the maximum noise level corresponds to the maximum fan speed.

Min. allowable temperature for air conditioner operation in heating mode(from -25 to 10 °С)

The minimum outdoor temperature at which the air conditioner is allowed to operate in space heating mode.

Min. allowable temperature for air conditioner operation in cooling mode(from -25 to 10 °С)

The minimum outdoor air temperature at which the air conditioner is allowed to operate in cooling mode.

Not all air conditioners can be operated during the cold season. Air conditioners capable of operating negative temperatures are called all-season. The operation of unadapted models in winter will inevitably lead to a breakdown of the entire system.

Min. maintained temperature(from 15 to 19 °С)

The minimum temperature to which the air conditioner will cool the air in the room.

Minimum noise level(from 13 to 70 dB)

The minimum noise level of the indoor unit created during the operation of the air conditioner, which depends primarily on the fan speed. Many air conditioners have several fixed speeds, usually the minimum noise level corresponds to the minimum fan speed.

Heating capacity (1st indoor unit)(from 720 to 22400 W)

The power of the split system, window, mobile air conditioner or the first unit of the multi-split system (see "Type") in heating mode.

Many models of air conditioners can not only cool, but also warm the air. They are equipped with a reversible compressor, which, when working "in the opposite direction", causes the air conditioner to heat the room (see "Operating modes"). The heating power determines the area of ​​the room that the air conditioner can heat. For example, for a room up to 23 sq. m suitable heating power of 1700-2500 watts. Due to the fact that the air conditioner does not heat the air itself, but only takes heat from the street and gives it to the air in the room, the heating power is 3-4 times more than the power consumed: for 1 kW of energy consumed, the air conditioner emits 3-4 kW of heat.

Heating capacity (2nd indoor unit)(from 1250 to 7000 W)

The power of the second unit of the multisplit system (see "Type") in heating mode.

Heating capacity (3rd indoor unit)(from 1750 to 6000 W)

The power of the third unit of the multisplit system (see "Type") in heating mode.

Refer to "Heating capacity (1st indoor unit)".

Heating capacity (4th indoor unit)(from 2120 to 6000 W)

The power of the fourth block of the multisplit system (see "Type") in heating mode.

Refer to "Heating capacity (1st indoor unit)".

Cooling capacity (1st indoor unit)(from 200 to 21980 W)

The power of the split system, window, mobile air conditioner or the first unit of the multi-split system (see "Type") in cooling mode.

The cooling capacity is the defining characteristic of the air conditioner - the area for which it is designed depends on it. When calculating, it should be taken into account that 1 kW of cooling power is required to cool approximately 10 m2 of a room with a ceiling height of 2.8-3 m.

Cooling capacity (2nd indoor unit)(from 200 to 6850 W)

The power of the second block of the multisplit system in cooling mode.

Cooling capacity (3rd indoor unit)(from 1175 to 5850 W)

The power of the third indoor unit of the multisplit system in cooling mode.

See "Cooling capacity (1st indoor unit)".

Cooling capacity (4th indoor unit)(from 1600 to 5600 W)

The power of the fourth block of the multisplit system in cooling mode.

See "Cooling capacity (1st indoor unit)".

The presence of a special mode of operation of the air conditioner, which provides a comfortable sleep and saves energy.

After turning on this mode, the air conditioner sets the minimum fan speed (to reduce noise) and smoothly increases (when working for cooling) or lowers (when working for heating) the temperature by 2-3 degrees for several hours. It is believed that such temperature conditions optimal for sleep. After the expiration of the time set by the timer, the air conditioner turns off.

Served area(from 10 to 180 sq.m)

The maximum area that the air conditioner is designed to serve. The area that the air conditioner can effectively cool the air depends on its capacity, see "Cooling capacity (1st indoor unit)".

Cooling capacity(from 5000 to 60000 BTU/h)

Cooling capacity of the air conditioner. This value characterizes the air conditioning efficiency. The type of unit of measure varies by region and country, but BTU/hr is the most commonly used. BTU is the British thermal unit, 1 BTU is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by 1 degree Fahrenheit. The higher the cooling capacity, the more efficient the air conditioner will operate.

The presence of a plasma filter. Such filters are installed in air conditioners of some manufacturers and allow you to clean the air from dust, odors, pollen, smoke. The cleaning efficiency reaches 95% and practically does not decrease over time, because. particles are retained by powerful electric field and not the filter material. The disadvantage is the high cost.

Power consumption for heating(from 0 to 9000 W)

An air conditioner operating in heating mode consumes about three times less power than the heating power itself. There is no paradox in this, because in the heating mode, the air conditioner itself does not heat the air, but only takes heat from the street and transfers it to the air in the room. Due to their low power consumption, most domestic air conditioners can be plugged into a regular outlet without fear of "knocked out" plugs.

Power consumption in cooling(from 0 to 18400 W)

The power consumed by the air conditioner is approximately three times less than the power of the cooling itself. There is no paradox in this, because the energy of the air conditioner is not spent directly on cooling, but on taking heat from the air in the room and “discharging” it to the street. The ratio of cooling power to consumed power is called the energy efficiency of the air conditioner and is indicated in the tables by EER (for domestic air conditioners it is 2.5 - 4). Due to the low power consumption, most household air conditioners can be plugged into a regular outlet without fear of "knocked out" plugs.

Remote controller remote control

The presence of a remote control. With the help of the remote control, you can control the operation of the air conditioner from a distance. The ability to remotely set the temperature, mode, adjust the fan speed, airflow direction and other settings greatly facilitates operation. The air conditioner with remote control can be mounted in any convenient place, and not only where it is easy to reach it by hand. All modern split systems and many window air conditioners are equipped with a remote control (see "Type").

Airflow Direction Adjustment

The ability to adjust the direction of air flow from the air conditioner. Models with this feature are equipped with special guides that turn left-right and / or up-down, thereby allowing you to direct the air flow in the right direction.

Fan Speed ​​Controller

Possibility to adjust fan speed. The fan speed affects the amount of cooling or heating. The higher it is, the more air is passed through the indoor unit per unit of time. The indoor unit fan can have several fixed speeds (usually 2 to 5).

Ability to operate the air conditioner in ventilation mode.

Dry mode

Possibility of operation of the conditioner in the mode of dehumidification of air. This is an additional mode of operation that removes excess moisture from the air. May be useful in high humidity (for example, during rainy weather).

Fresh air mode

Possibility of fresh air flow into the room.

To implement this possibility, it is necessary to have a separate ventilation duct, which in this case can be implemented only for ducted air conditioners, i.e. split systems (see "Type of air conditioner").

This feature makes the model an order of magnitude more expensive, so before buying, you need to understand that ordinary household air conditioners cannot always provide the required amount of air from the street. Therefore, before purchasing an air conditioner, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

There are air conditioners that work only for cooling, and air conditioners that can both cool and heat the air.

The latter, as a rule, are more expensive by $100-200. However, you should not expect that a “warm” air conditioner will warm you in a twenty-degree frost and replace the radiator - it will work effectively for heating only in the off-season (spring, autumn), when the temperature does not drop below -5 degrees. The fact is that when operating in heating mode, the air conditioner transfers the heat contained in the outside air to the inside of the room. When the outdoor temperature drops, the heating capacity of the air conditioner decreases and the temperature of the processed air decreases. For winter it is better to buy a heater.

The air conditioner has a self-diagnostic function.

A special microcircuit in the air conditioner processor monitors the operation of all device functions, performs troubleshooting and transmits information to the display.

Built-in motion sensor.

Some, mostly expensive, models of air conditioners are equipped with motion sensors. This allows you to automatically switch the device to energy-saving mode when there is no movement in the room - for example, if there is no one at home or at night when everyone is sleeping. This feature will help to avoid hypothermia or overheating, as well as save on electricity bills.

Anti-ice system

The presence of a system that prevents the formation of ice.

When the outdoor air temperature is below +5°C, the outdoor unit of the air conditioner may be covered with a layer of frost or ice, which will lead to a deterioration in heat transfer, and sometimes even to a breakdown of the fan. To prevent this from happening, the control system monitors the operating conditions of the air conditioner, and if there is a risk of icing, it periodically switches on the auto-defrost mode.

Static pressure(from 10 to 150 Pa)

It is one of the defining characteristics of ducted air conditioners.

Depending on the power and length of communications, the air conditioner also requires a different pressure force, due to which the cooled air, overcoming resistance, will be able to pass the required length of the pipeline.

This value allows you to determine the class and purpose of the duct air conditioner. So, models with static pressure up to 40 Pa belong to the low-pressure group and are considered household models. Medium-pressure air conditioners with a pressure of 40 to 100 Pa are already semi-industrial, and high-pressure air conditioners (up to 250 Pa) already belong to a purely industrial group.

You can set the time using the timer automatic start and turn off the air conditioner.

The timer is useful if you need to prepare the room for your return or turn off the air conditioner after falling asleep.

The air conditioner has a warm start function.

When the air conditioner is turned on in heating mode, the supply of cold air into the room is excluded, which protects it from drafts.

Depending on the design, air conditioners are divided into three groups: monoblocks, split systems and multisplit systems.

Monoblocks consist of one case in which both the compressor and all electronics are located. Simplicity of a design provides easy installation and low cost. Monoblocks differ in two installation options: window and mobile (see "Type of indoor unit").

Split systems consist of outdoor and indoor units connected by pipes and electric cable. The advantages of this type are low level noise of the indoor unit, the possibility of locating the indoor unit in any convenient place in an apartment or office (within the allowable length of the air ducts, (see "Maximum length of communications"). But such air conditioners already require professional installation.

Multisplit systems- the same split systems in which from 2 to 7 indoor units work with one external unit. They are suitable for air conditioning several neighboring rooms. They have the same advantages and disadvantages as split systems.

Indoor unit type

How to install and install the indoor unit of the air conditioner.

Depending on the location and method of installation, indoor units are divided into several groups: mobile, window, wall, floor and ceiling, cassette, channel, column.

Monoblocks, consisting only of an indoor unit, are window and mobile.

Window air conditioners cut into a window opening or wall, very easy to install and inexpensive. However, there are a number of points that limit its use. For example, such models are rigidly tied to installation only in an external wall, so blinds cannot be installed on a window with such an air conditioner. It is also likely that with a complex geometry of the room, such an air conditioner will not cope with its task. In addition, the compressor for these models is located with inside, so for some it may seem too noisy.

Mobile monoblocks are not mounted at all, they are equipped with wheels and can be moved around the room. The only thing that is required for their operation is to organize a sealed hole in a window or wall - a flexible hose from a monoblock is connected to it, through which hot air is removed from the room.

There are also mobile split systems. They have outdoor unit and internal are connected by means of a flexible hose. It is convenient that the inner case can be moved to a convenient place. Their main drawback is similar to window ones: the compressor is located inside, which means that such models work with increased level noise.

Wall split systems and multi-split systems occupy the vast majority of the market due to the optimal combination of price, efficiency and ease of installation and operation. The internal block fastens to a wall at the set height in any convenient place. The body of the block is compact and in most cases does not violate the interior of the room.

Floor-to-ceiling air conditioners are usually purchased in a situation where mounting the indoor unit on the wall is not possible. For example, if the walls are glass, too thin, or it is not possible to position the housing in accordance with the operating standards (up to 6 meters distance between people in the room and the air conditioner). The disadvantages include the appearance: the air conditioner unit on the ceiling does not add beauty to the room.

Cassette air conditioners installed in rooms with high ceilings. Those. mainly applicable to cottage houses, offices and shops. Unlike floor-to-ceiling models, the indoor unit of these air conditioners is closed by a false ceiling. This is due to the high height of the installations (30-50 cm). In order for the internal working units not to stand out in the interior, they are covered with hinged panels, and only a flat lattice remains in sight. Of all other types of air conditioners, cassette split systems distribute the air in the room most evenly. The design allows it to be fed in four directions or the user can choose the one they need. Installation of such systems is carried out only with the help of specialists at the stage of repair or construction of a house.

If the user is not satisfied with the possibilities of a mobile floor monoblock, but for some reason does not want to get involved with the installation of the indoor unit, then you can consider an air conditioner as an option column type. These models got their name due to the external similarity of the body with the column. This is a powerful split system designed for large premises, mainly offices and shops. Recently, private houses and even apartments have been actively purchased. Like all split systems, column models have an internal and outdoor units and the principle of operation is no different from others. Column split systems are designed for installation in large rooms.

Duct air conditioners. like cassette, they are mounted at the stage of building a house. All communications, including the indoor unit, are hidden under the ceiling. From the inner case, rigid air ducts, which are located around the entire perimeter, dilute the cooled air into desired points. The user can only see the air intake grilles on the ceiling. Channel models have an undoubted advantage over cassette ones - they do not need a lot of space under the ceiling, especially if you place the indoor unit, for example, in a pantry, and only air ducts are led into the living room. The disadvantages include the price and complexity of installation, because each installation of a duct air conditioner requires an individual project and labor-intensive implementation. But in the room where one set of channel type is enough, 3-5 wall-mounted split systems will be required.

The type of refrigerant used in the air conditioner. The refrigerant is the working substance of the air conditioner. During boiling and adiabatic expansion, it takes heat from the object being cooled, and then, during compression, transfers it to the environment. The so-called freons (their other name is chlorofluorocarbons) are used as refrigerants. They are a mixture of methane and ethane, in which hydrogen atoms are replaced by fluorine and chlorine atoms.

The name of the refrigerant contains its molecular composition (R22, R410A, R407C). R22 (HCFC refrigerant, a refrigerant with low ozone depletion activity) has been widely used for a long time, but at the moment the release of new air conditioners based on it is limited. By 2010-2020, it is planned to abandon it in favor of HFC refrigerants (mainly R410A and R407C). R410A does not harm the ozone layer, non-toxic, non-flammable, saves more energy than R22, mostly used in USA. Japanese manufacturers often use its analogue - R407C.

Type of air conditioner power supply. Almost all apartments and offices use single-phase network wiring, so most household air conditioners operate on single-phase current. However, for some particularly powerful models designed for use in large rooms (in hotel lobbies, shops, etc.), a three-phase power supply is required. Before buying an air conditioner, be sure to make sure that you can provide it with the necessary power supply.

Fine air filters

Presence of fine air filters.

All air conditioners purify the air using filters, but the effectiveness of these filters is different. Coarse filters (which are available on almost all air conditioners) are a metal mesh that traps large dust particles and mechanical impurities. Fine filters are capable of retaining fine particles up to 0.01 micron in size, pollen, microorganisms. The service life of fine filters is from 6 months to 2 years, after which you will have to buy new ones.

Number of indoor units of the multi-split system(from 1 to 5)

The number of multi-split system units for indoor installation. Multi-split systems are designed for air conditioning several rooms - each of them has a separate indoor unit, powered by one common outdoor unit. Most often, multi-split systems have 2-3 indoor unit, less often - 4-7.

Product at a good price:

Air conditioners - understand the terms

Air conditioners - we understand the terms The presence of an automatic mode. An air conditioner with this function can automatically maintain the set temperature, switching if necessary from one

We are increasingly confronted with climate phenomena such as unusually high heat or hard frost. Appliances, especially refrigeration, in these cases often fails. In order for a refrigerator or freezer to work flawlessly and preserve your food stocks with high quality, when choosing it, pay attention to such a parameter as climate class, which indicates defined by the manufacturer ambient temperature conditions for the operation of this model. If, in the event of a breakdown, it turns out that the refrigerator was used at an improper temperature, warranty repairs may be denied.

Before choosing a refrigerator or freezer, you should decide on the required climate class.

There are 4 main climate classes:

  • N- normal (normal). In this case, the room temperature may vary from +16 to +32°С .
  • SN- subnormal. Temperature range from +10 to +32°С .
  • ST- subtropical (subtropical), for a tropical climate with high relative humidity. Temperature range from +18 to + 38°С .
  • T- tropical (tropical), for a dry tropical climate. Temperature range from +18 to +43°C .

Traditionally, refrigerators with climate classes N and SN are most widely represented on the Russian market. Due to the frequent increase in summer temperatures in our latitudes to + 35 ° C and above, models with a dual climate class have become increasingly popular. They are designed to operate at a wider temperature range.

  • N-ST- climate class calculated for normal operation of the device at temperatures from +16 to +38°C.
  • N-T- climate class from +16 to +43°C .
  • SN-ST- climate class from +10 to +38°C .
  • SN-T is the most versatile class. The equipment should work without problems in the temperature range from +10 to +43°C .

Our range of refrigerators and freezers famous brands, like Liebherr, Electrolux, Bosch, LG, Miele, Sharp, Samsung, Atlant, there are many models of refrigerators and freezers that have a universal climate class SN-T. For example, Liebherr brings to the attention of users refrigerators of models Kes 4270, KBgb 3864, KB 3660 and many others for placement in rooms with temperatures from +10 to +43 degrees. V model range refrigeration equipment manufactured under the Whirlpool brand are represented two-chamber refrigerators with climatic class N-T(from +16 to +43 degrees). Such models of refrigerators of this brand as WBC 3534 A + NFCX, WTC 3746 A + NFCX also have a high energy class A +.

Climate class designations are the same for refrigerators and freezers of all manufacturers, regardless of the country of manufacture. Information about the climate class is indicated on a sticker located inside the refrigerator compartment. On the same sticker you will see information about the energy efficiency class of the device, the refrigerant used, and the serial number of the device.

Before delivering the product to the market, manufacturers test refrigeration equipment in conditions close to normal domestic use. Devices sold in Russia must comply with the requirements of approved technical regulations or previously approved GOSTs. For example, GOST 15150-69. "Execution for various climatic regions."

Normal Climatic performance on domestic refrigeration appliances are denoted by the letters of the Russian alphabet UHL(moderately cold climate), which corresponds to 2 classes SN and N. And tropical household refrigeration appliances of domestic production are denoted by the letter O Russian alphabet (general climatic version) - ST and T.

An indication of the climatic class of the device is not a trick of the marketer of a company wishing to sell goods to a wide range of customers. Refrigerators and freezers with different climate classes differ significantly from each other in terms of their design. To ensure the reliability and the declared quality of the operation of the devices, stable maintenance of temperatures inside the refrigerator and freezer, an appropriate insulation layer is made. In class ST and T appliances intended for use in hot climates, the insulation layer must be larger.

For refrigeration technology used at high ambient temperatures, more powerful compressors and larger area condensers equipped with additional fans to improve heat transfer efficiency. Panasonic NR-B 591 BR-C4 two-chamber refrigerators, Whirlpool ARC 4208 IX and Sharp SJ PV 50 HG and SJ PV 50 HW multi-chamber refrigerators can serve as an example of devices designed for operation at elevated indoor temperatures. These devices have a climate class T and are designed for operation in a tropical climate, where the temperature does not fall below +16 degrees, and the maximum for the room is set within +43 degrees.

The correct selection of the climate class of the refrigerator directly affects the quality of work, the durability of the device and its energy efficiency. Of course, by purchasing a refrigerator or freezer designed to operate at high ambient temperatures, you can be sure that it will work perfectly at normal room temperatures. However, one should take into account the fact that such refrigerators are more energy-consuming and more expensive due to more complex design. It is better to spend time and purchase an appliance that exactly matches the conditions of your apartment: in this way, you will save Natural resources, family budget and own nerves.