How to clean a window air conditioner. How to clean an air conditioner with your own hands - detailed instructions for all stages of work

  • 20.06.2020

Window air conditioner is the most acceptable option for an economical family. Possesses the main characteristics of powerful split - systems, but at the same time allows you to save significant money when buying.

The air conditioner requires careful and timely maintenance. Only with its correct operation can we talk about long terms of work. So, the main factor of care is timely cleaning. How to clean window air conditioner... Difficult, at first glance, in operation, the device is actually cleaned quite easily. It is quite within the power of the average owner to carry out the basic cleaning of the device.

Window air conditioner. Device

In order to clean a window air conditioner with your own hands, you should first familiarize yourself with the internal structure of the device.

Window air conditioner is used on old, "Soviet" window systems. The device crashes directly into the window. Therefore, its use in rooms with plastic windows impossible.

Window air conditioner is a one-component device. It consists of one main unit. Its housing includes a compressor, a filter, and a refrigerant container. By outward appearance it looks quite like a box.

Since the device is quite simple, it can be installed completely independently.

Main functions

A window air conditioner has several advantages:

  • Easy installation
  • Reliable work
  • Possibility of long-term operation
  • Self-care of the device without the need to call specialists
  • Affordable price.

That is why the window-type air conditioner is so popular among the middle-income population. The owners have the opportunity to spend the basic funds once on the purchase of the device, then take care of the device on their own, without spending additional funds on the care. So, it is quite possible to independently clean the window air conditioner at a convenient time for the owner, without applying unnecessary efforts.

It is worth noting the minor disadvantages inherent in these models:

  • The device makes a lot of noise during operation
  • Due to the fact that the device is mounted in a window, sunlight penetrates less into the room. This contributes to the appearance of semi-darkness.
  • Since in winter time the air-conditioned window is not tightly blocked, cold air may enter the apartment.

Window air conditioners can support different functions. So, the simplest and lowest-priced models work only for room cooling.

More modern models able to cool, heat, and also purify the air, making the microclimate as comfortable as possible. The developers have achieved so many features by increasing the number of built-in filters. However, the presence of filters leads to a gradual decrease in the quality of the device's operation due to their rapid contamination. Timely cleaning will help you here. It is quite possible to clean the window air conditioner yourself. Even cleaning the internal filters from contamination is not difficult.

Work power

Despite its compactness, the window air conditioner has quite powerful characteristics. It can operate from 1.5 to 6 kilovolts, depending on the model. This characteristic promotes quite high-quality work no worse than that of a split-system and allows you to process air in a room up to 60 sq. m. ( standard apartment). Low electricity consumption contributes to savings on utility bills.

Window air conditioner. Where to install

When buying a device, the question naturally arises, in which room is it better to install an air conditioner in order to fully use its maximum capabilities. In fact, the choice of location depends only on the aesthetic external perception of the owner. The device can be installed in absolutely any window of the apartment. The power of the device will be enough for the entire room, regardless of the room in which the air conditioner is installed.

Remember that it is impractical to install a window air conditioner in a room with an area of ​​more than 60 square meters. The device is simply not able to provide an inflow of clean air for such a large volume.

Air Conditioning Care

Any thing requires careful use and timely care. Only by observing these conditions can you achieve good and long-term work device. If one day you see that the air conditioner does not work at all, or does not work at full capacity, it means that no basic maintenance has been carried out. The device needs to be cleaned immediately.

  1. Periodic cleaning at least 2 times a month
  2. Monitoring the air temperature outside. Timely shutdown of the device when it is low
  3. When the first signs of a breakdown appear, immediately contact the service center
  4. Do not set the power of the device to the maximum mode all the time. Excessive loading will severely damage the device.

Cleaning is the main type of care

When purchasing a window air conditioner, you should be aware of the degree of responsibility for the condition of the device. Your device won't last even a month without proper care. In order not to throw out considerable funds to the wind, it is worthwhile to clean the filters and other parts of the air conditioner from dirt in a timely manner.

Asking the question of how to clean a window air conditioner, it is worthwhile to understand that everything depends on a high-quality cleaning procedure. further work equipment. That is why cleaning should be taken as responsibly as possible.

The main contamination factor is the spread of mold. The fact is that an inoperative device is a favorable environment for the development of bacteria, accumulation of dust and the development of mold. Therefore, do not leave the air conditioner turned off for a long time. Cold air currents of operating equipment simply do not give harmful substances accumulate.

Timely cleaning of the equipment has a beneficial effect not only on the operation of the device, but also on human health. The cleaning procedure removes harmful bacteria from the device and prevents their growth.

  • Various screwdrivers
  • A vacuum cleaner
  • Rags
  • Dust collection jar
  • Long-handled cleaning brush
  • Detergent spray bottle
  • Butter
  • Cooling effect plate
  • Some models use disposable filters, so you should take a replacement filter when preparing for cleaning.

Stages of cleaning a window air conditioner:

  1. Disconnect the device from the network
  2. Disassemble the window air conditioner. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with its device so as not to damage the parts.
  3. Remove the top cover of the device
  4. Carefully remove and pull out the main filter. A fairly large amount of dust accumulates in the filter, so you should definitely rinse it under running water and wipe it detergent with a disinfectant effect to destroy harmful bacteria (the water temperature should be no higher than 40 degrees)
  5. Switch on the device for minimum power... Spray detergent on it, making sure that drops of liquid enter the inside of the conditioner.
  6. Wait until the device is completely dry. After that, put the filter back in place or install a replaceable one
  7. The front panel of the air conditioner should be treated with detergent and wiped with a soft cloth
  8. The housing should also be rinsed first, then wiped with a dry cloth.

The complete cleaning procedure should be carried out at least twice a week.

The external air filter of the appliance needs maintenance once a week.

The internal heat exchanger must also be cleaned once a year:

  • Remove the top panel
  • Remove the air filter
  • Clean the edges of the device with a vacuum cleaner or brush. Make sure the ribs are not deformed. This reduces the efficiency of the air conditioner. The edges of the ribs may be sharp, so work carefully.

Remember that the main operating modes of the air conditioner should be used in the warm season at temperatures not lower than 0 degrees Celsius.

At temperatures below 10 degrees, only the "ventilation" mode should be turned on. The operation of the compressor during this period is extremely dangerous and fraught with its breakdown. However, some models have the ability to work in winter period time. This is indicated in the specifications of the device.

It is worthwhile to clean the case in a timely manner. In winter, it is possible for snow, ice, moisture to enter the device case. Which will also lead to its breakdown.

A window air conditioner will work more efficiently if it is cleaned periodically. Dust and dirt that constantly builds up inside the unit impairs heat transfer, resulting in less cooling efficiency and higher electricity consumption. Follow these steps to thoroughly clean your window air conditioner.

You will need:

  • Screwdriver
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • A vacuum cleaner
  • Radiator louvre alignment comb
  • Rag
  • Stiff bristled brush
  • Wire

Cleaning a window air conditioner:

  1. Disconnect the device from the AC power.
  2. Remove the front panel by unscrewing the bolts or removing it from the latches (depending on the design of the air conditioner).
  3. Take out the filter. If it is removable or very dirty, it is best to replace it. If the filter can be washed, wash it in warm water and dishwashing liquid. If the filter cannot be washed, vacuum it thoroughly.
  4. Vacuum all surfaces and parts of the air conditioner that you can reach with the narrow nozzle of the vacuum cleaner.
  5. Let the filter dry completely before replacing it.
  6. If some of the metal plates (sipes) of the heat exchanger are bent, straighten them using a store-bought sip alignment comb. household appliances or a hardware supermarket.
  7. From the street side, clean the window air conditioner from dust and dirt on the outside of the unit or grill. This will help keep the air conditioner filter clean for as long as possible.
  8. Unscrew one of the outer panels of the air conditioner and remove any leaves and other debris that have accumulated inside the unit.
  9. If you can get to the metal fan blades, wipe them with a damp cloth.
  10. Make sure the holes in the pan and drain tubes are free of debris. If they are clogged, use a piece of wire to clear them out.
  • The filter should be cleaned in the spring and then every month of using the air conditioner.
  • It is better to clean the metal plates of the heat exchanger with water.
  • Be careful when vacuuming the metal fins of the heat exchanger. They can be easily deformed.
  • Older air conditioners may need to be lubricated. Read the manual for your window air conditioner, it should tell you what to lubricate and how often. If you cannot find the manual, search the Internet for information. Most new devices no longer require lubrication.

Everyone strives to create in the apartment comfortable conditions, therefore, air conditioners are often installed that cool (heat) the air and create a favorable temperature in the room. But it's one thing to install, and another is not to forget that the air conditioner requires care and cleaning.

When is it time to clean the air conditioner?

It's time to clean the air conditioner if, when you turn on the device:

  • the nose catches foreign unpleasant odors;
  • strange sounds are heard;
  • power drops;
  • energy costs are increasing.

Before carrying out any work, the air conditioner must be disconnected from the mains.

How to clean the outdoor unit of the air conditioner?

If the outdoor unit accumulates in a large number dust, natural debris - feathery or poplar fluff, then not only the power of the air conditioner decreases, but the power consumption increases, but the device also begins to overheat. Therefore, the housing must be cleaned.

There are several ways to clean external block air conditioner:

  • One of the most common cleaning methods is a regular brush, which is used to gently sweep away debris. Of course, this method is ineffective, but it is the simplest and most affordable.
  • Some people use automotive cleaners to clean the body. They dissolve dirt quickly enough and have really worked well.
  • Most powerful way- this is a high pressure cleaning, which is used by specialists:

How often should it be washed? It depends on how high it is fixed. Hosts living on low floors (1-4) need to wash before each start-up of the device in the season. But the residents of the upper floors (7-8), where there is little dust and pollution in the air, can be cleaned once every 2-3 years. Above the 10th floor, there is almost no pollution, so you can remember about washing the outer casing of the air conditioner once every 3-4 years.

Cleaning the indoor unit of the air conditioner

The inner block should be washed regularly and more often than the outer one. Some nodes need to be cleaned once every 2 weeks, others less often, depending on how quickly they get dirty and what task they are.


The main task of internal filters is to filter air, retain dust and various contaminants. They make the air cleaner, so they need regular cleaning. Air conditioner manufacturers recommend cleaning them every 2 weeks. Despite the simple operation, many people forget about it, and as a result - odors in the room or breakdown of the split system.

Cleaning algorithm:

  1. Take off the cover indoor unit.
  2. Carefully take out the filter.
  3. Place it in a container of soapy water for 3 minutes.
  4. After rinsing under the stream warm water.
  5. Dries naturally. They cannot be exposed to hot air.
  6. Set in place.

The filter is fragile. Therefore, it is forbidden to use it for washing hot water, abrasives, solvents and bleaches. They can deform and damage the part.

There are two types of filters - mesh and pocket filters. If the first type can be washed and dried repeatedly, then the pocket ones have an expiration date. If over time the air conditioner starts to work worse even after the cleaning procedure, then it’s time to replace the cassette filter.

Rotary turbine

With regular cleaning of filters, it is cleaned once a year in the fall or as it gets dirty. How to proceed:

  1. Open the cover of the indoor unit and remove the filter.
  2. A soapy solution is applied to all blades using a long-bristled brush.
  3. Leave for 5 minutes. Cellophane is placed under the diffuser grill and the turbine is turned on. All dirt and debris from the rotor is blown out onto the floor.
  4. Once again, the parts are cleaned from the dirt residues.
  5. Replace the filter and close the lid.

Evaporator grill

It is a system of tubes in which freon evaporates.

If, during cleaning, you notice rust on the metal parts, immediately contact the service center.

Cleaning is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Open the lid of the split system.
  2. Remove the front grill that covers the heat exchanger.
  3. Take a soft brush with a long handle and a vacuum cleaner.
  4. Using a brush, gently clean off dust and dirt, and collect with a vacuum cleaner with a narrow nozzle.


Stagnation in the drainage system provokes the development of mold. And clogging of the tubes with dirt and fat deposits leads to a breakdown of the split system. Therefore, the drain pan is periodically washed from dirt and excess moisture. After all, mold easily and quickly spreads along the walls and fins of the radiator and can become a source of a musty smell.

The drainage system is cleaned depending on the degree of contamination different ways:

  • For light pollution it is just washed clean water or add soap, dishwashing detergent. Through the heat exchanger, the liquid itself enters the drain.
  • If there is a blockage or dirt has accumulated inside the tube, then disconnect the drain for flushing. The pipeline is purged with a vacuum cleaner, thereby removing the blockage and cleaning it from accumulated dirt.
  • When heavily soiled use the most time consuming, but very effective method- parsing the block. To do this, the air conditioner will have to be completely disassembled in parts. The pipeline is pulled out, purged and flushed along its entire length, cleaning all bends and loops.

When the split system is completely washed and put in order, antibacterial cleaning becomes the final stage. It removes foreign odors, gets rid of germs, fungi and mold. To do this, turn on the air conditioner maximum power, mode - cooling, and spray inside is sprayed to clean air conditioners.

Air conditioner cleaners

For washing air conditioners, there are special means... On store shelves, they are represented by a wide assortment. These are mainly aerosols and foam in cans. They are used to clean the heat exchanger and drainage system.

Aerosols and sprays

How to clean:

  1. The air conditioner is turned on at low power.
  2. Spray the aerosol through the holes onto the heat exchanger.
  3. Wait 10-15 minutes for the purifier to operate.
  4. Ventilate and dry the device in ventilation mode (see also - what are the modes in the air conditioner).

Some products must be washed off additionally from the heat exchanger, the manufacturer must indicate this on the packaging.

Less funds: They are quickly consumed - on average, they are enough for 2 cleanings, and in case of heavy pollution, they generally do not always cope with the task at hand.


Foam is more often used to clean only the heat exchanger. How to clean:

  1. The can is shaken well.
  2. Spray evenly onto the heat exchanger.
  3. After a while, it turns into a liquid and, together with impurities, goes into drainage system.
  4. After cleaning, turn on the ventilation to dry.

Video: Disassembling and cleaning the air conditioner

O maintenance air conditioner - cleaning filters and other elements of the indoor unit, will be described in the following video:

Whichever cleaning method is chosen, you can safely wash the filters and the outdoor unit on your own. For deep sink internal system it is better to call professionals, since any, even the most insignificant violation, can lead to malfunction of the system or to its breakdown.

In contact with

During the operation of the air conditioner, a layer of dust is inevitably deposited on its internal elements. Over time, this leads not only to a deterioration in the operation of the device, but also increases the likelihood of its breakdown. You can remove debris and carry out cleaning work yourself, without the involvement of specialists. But for this it is necessary to know the order of actions and the requirements for the technology of their implementation.

The question arises - is it necessary to independently clean the air conditioner, if there is whole line specialized companies? Each housewife is able to clean the vacuum cleaner from accumulated debris, be it a model with a receiving bag or a built-in filter. The same situation is with the air conditioner - it differs only in the somewhat laborious process of removing the outer cover. Otherwise, the technology is similar to cleaning a household vacuum cleaner, but with some specifics.

Let's imagine that preventive work has not been carried out for a long time. The accumulated dust layer can lead to the following problems in the operation of the device:

  • Deterioration of the sanitary condition in the room. Dust particles will constantly spread throughout the room. The emergence bad smell indicates the growth of colonies of harmful bacteria.
  • Deterioration in the quality of the air conditioner. The natural obstruction in the air filter in the form of a layer of contamination impairs the volume of the cooled air flow. A layer of dust on the heat exchanger reduces the efficiency of the entire system.
  • Increased risk of damage to the climate system. As a result of an increase in the air resistance of the fan, the load on the electric motor increases significantly.

Having determined that periodic cleaning of the air conditioner is necessary, you can proceed with this procedure. But how often should it be done? Depending on the system load, experts recommend adhering to the following time intervals:

  1. Household air conditioner - once every 6 months.
  2. Office - once a quarter.
  3. The climatic system in places with high traffic (restaurants, cafes, public institutions) - once a month.

Consider the procedure for cleaning the indoor unit of the most common type of air conditioners -.

Air Filter Prevention

When cleaning the air conditioner, use a vacuum cleaner or a long-bristled brush to remove accumulated dust. Work should be done very carefully so as not to damage the internal elements of the device. If there are rusty deposits on the surface of the heat exchanger, it is necessary to call a specialist to repair it.

All other work on the maintenance of air conditioners can only be performed by professionals - adjusting the refrigerant level, checking the outdoor unit. This requires special equipment and skills in conducting such events.

Do you know how to clean a window air conditioner? Keeping the air conditioner clean helps it operate more efficiently. Follow the tips below to clean your air conditioner thoroughly.

Cleaning a window air conditioner

You will need:

  • Screwdriver
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • A vacuum cleaner
  • Blinds cleaner
  • Rag
  • Bristle brush
  • Wire

How to clean a window air conditioner:

  1. Disconnect the device from the network.
  2. Remove the front panel by unscrewing it with a screwdriver or removing it from the latches, depending on the design of the air conditioner.
  3. Take out the filter. If the filter is replaceable or very dirty, it is recommended to replace it. If the filter can be washed, wash it with dishwashing liquid and warm water... If the filter is not washable, vacuum it thoroughly with a portable vacuum cleaner.
  4. Attach the appropriate attachment to the vacuum cleaner to clean all accessible surfaces.
  5. Allow the filter to dry completely before installing the filter in the air conditioner unit.
  6. If any of the metal shutters is bent, it must be straightened special device which can be found at the hardware store.
  7. Move to the outer surfaces, remove dust from them, not forgetting about the grate. This will help keep the filter clean for as long as possible.
  8. Unscrew one of the outer panels of the device and remove any leaves and other debris that gets inside.
  9. If you can access the metal blades, wipe them down with a damp cloth.
  10. Make sure the holes in the drain pan and drain tube are not clogged. If they are clogged, clean them with a piece of wire.
  11. Some window blocks installed in a housing with an open window. If you have such a case, remove the block several times a year and remove any leaves or branches that have gathered in the case.
  • The filter should be cleaned in the spring and every month the unit is used.
  • The coil can only be flushed with water.
  • Vacuum the coil with care. It can be bent very easily.
  • Older devices may require lubrication. To find out if your air conditioner requires annual lubrication, refer to the operating instructions. If the instructions have not been preserved, contact the manufacturer or look for the instructions on the Internet. Most new devices do not require lubrication.