Dripping from the air conditioner in the room. The air conditioner drips from the indoor unit. What to do if the air conditioner leaks? Causes of an air conditioner leak

  • 27.07.2018

Air conditioner indoor unit leaking? Sometimes the indoor unit of the air conditioner begins to leak, that is, water drops form on its underside. In order to successfully eliminate the leak of the indoor unit of the wall-mounted sploit - the system must quickly and accurately find out the cause of the leak.

Air conditioner indoor unit is leaking.

So, there can be several reasons:

1. The most common cause is a clogged drain. In order to clarify the situation, it is enough to look out the window and carefully see if the resulting condensate is draining from the drain pipe to the outside. In summer or late spring, that is, at a fairly high temperature of the outdoor air, condensate should begin to drip no later than ten minutes after the start of the air conditioner. You can check the correctness of establishing the cause in another way. To begin with, unplug the air conditioner, then remove the top cover of the front panel by lightly pressing on the two plastic clips located on both sides. The fruit of the cover you will see the air filters, they also need to be removed. Under them is a radiator, so you need to pour water from a bottle on it. Do not overdo it - half a liter will be enough. Look out the window immediately drainage system water should go, and easily and freely, just go, and not drip! If you don’t find water outside the window, then most likely the leak occurs at the bottom of the block located in the apartment. If, nevertheless, water flows, but drop by drop, then you need to check the drainage hose itself for clogging. If the hose is clean and not clogged, then you will now need to remove the casing that covers the indoor unit. To do this, you need to unscrew the plugs and unscrew the screws that you will see at the bottom of the casing. Now press the cover latches at the top with a screwdriver and remove the cover completely. Under it is a water container - it and the drain hole must be carefully freed from accumulated moisture and dirt, and then collected in the exact reverse order. Once the entire system is assembled, check for leaks with water as described above.

2. The second most common reason is the clogging of the radiator and blower impeller with dust and dirt. Because of this, the efficiency of blowing the radiator is greatly reduced. In order to eliminate this cause, you need to completely remove the box, rearrange the condensate collection tank to the side and thoroughly vacuum the radiator itself and the fan blades. 3. The reason for the leakage of the indoor unit may be poor-quality and unprofessional installation of the air conditioner. The air conditioner may leak because the indoor unit was not installed evenly, that is, not in level, and the required slope was not provided for the drainage tube for unhindered removal of moisture. Usually this reason is revealed just a couple of hours after installation.

To answer these questions, you first need to understand how air conditioners work. Most split systems are designed in such a way that their primary function is not just to release cold air into the space, but also to drain it. The moisture that accumulates in the process begins to settle on the cooled area of ​​​​the air conditioner, after which it gently flows into a tray specially designed for this.

As a rule, then the water is brought out through a special tube designed for this purpose. In many modernized climate systems, the accumulated water is subsequently used to cool the heat exchangers of the device.

It's quite natural process, which is described in the instructions for use of the split system. The amount of water depends on the volume of the room in which this device is located, as well as on the degree of humidity in the air. In a medium-sized room in a hot climate, about 14 liters of fluid per day can normally flow out. In large rooms such as shopping malls, the volume of water is approximately 150 liters.

It is immediately worth noting that the water processed by the air conditioner should in no case be consumed internally. The fact is that such water contains metal ions, that is, it is literally oversaturated with heavy lead, and drinking it is very dangerous for health. A lot also depends on cleanliness, since in a dusty and polluted room, the purity of the water will be corresponding.

Owners of climate technology use the released water mainly for watering plants, since the metal ions contained in it have a positive effect on the metabolic processes of plants, and also accelerate their growth.

Owners of split systems in large buildings can afford to maintain entire greenhouses, because the resulting water is enough to irrigate them. It is also not uncommon for the owners of such systems to use condensate to moisten plants and trees growing nearby.

Is water dripping from the indoor unit of the air conditioner?

As already described above, normally water is always formed during the cooling process and, flowing into the indoor unit of the system, flows out of the room through the drain pipe. But sometimes there are situations when a lot of water is released or it is not at all. Why is this happening?

If you notice that water does not come out of the appliance, this is a sign that the system is not working properly. It is possible that the air conditioner cannot dry the air, or if it is dripping from the inner case box, something is wrong with the drain tube: it may be punctured or heavily clogged with waste. But in most cases this is due to the unprofessional installation of the climate unit. Leakage of water can easily cause the appearance of fungus in the room, which is not safe for health, as well as thoroughly spoil the furniture, floor and part of the wall in the room. When operating climate control equipment, you should pay attention to how the drainage outlet pipe runs from the air conditioner panel - if installed well, it should go out along an inclined downward, not otherwise. If too much water is removed or it drips in the wrong places where it is needed, then something is wrong with the device and you should contact the service center for help.

Of great importance for the correct operation of the air conditioner is the location in which it is installed. If strong air currents of different temperatures are allowed to enter the split system, then water will constantly accumulate on the surface of its outdoor unit, which will not bring anything good. In order to save your money and nerves, you should keep the doors and windows closed indoors.

In some cases of incorrect operation of the system, ice or snow coats may appear on the surface of the device, which indicates any internal damage to the air conditioner. Perhaps the internal temperature control is broken or its operation is disrupted. In this case, you should immediately contact the service department for diagnostics and repair of the unit.

The principle of water removal from the air conditioner

When the air conditioner is operating in cooling mode, the resulting water, called condensate, flows from the surface into the indoor unit of the device, after which it safely flows out along the edges of the heat exchangers through a special drainage tube. It is very important that in this case the external outlet is made in accordance with all the requirements of operational and specifications, after all, non-compliance with these standards is fraught with negative consequences, for example, water that is discharged outside can thoroughly spoil the facade of the building and create problems for neighbors.

When installing the unit, care must also be taken to ensure that the pipe exits at an acute downward angle to avoid the accumulation of condensed water inside the room.

During the operation of air conditioners, their owners sometimes encounter such a nuisance as water leakage from the indoor unit of the air conditioner. What caused this and whether it is possible to cope with this malfunction on your own, you can find out in our article.

Water is flowing from the air conditioner, dripping on the floor, what should I do?

There are three reasons for water leakage from the air conditioner, indoor unit.

First reason, corny simple - water flows from the air conditioner when it has not been cleaned for a long time. Clogging of the drainage channel occurs at the junction of the corrugation of the prominent pipe with the indoor unit, which actually leads to the overflow of the drainage gutter.

Elimination: it is usually enough to lightly blow into the drain pipe that enters the street to shake the blockage, which will itself come out under the pressure of water accumulated in the air conditioner trough. Mouth blowing is optional, you can use plastic bottle. If there is no access to the drainage drain, or it is led into the sewer, then this malfunction is eliminated during the service of the air conditioner.

The second reason, the leak may be caused by blockage of the drain in plastic pipe going outside the building. (Clogging is caused by insects that fly into the drainpipe during the hot season, weave cocoons and lay offspring. This most often happens when the humidity is high outside.)

Elimination: you can take a wire 0.5 meters long and insert it into the drainage tube from the street, if this is of course available, if it doesn’t help, then there is a trouble-free way - this is a vacuum cleaner. They turned on the vacuum cleaner, inserted the drainage pipe into the hose and closed the remaining gap with their hands. Mud with water should flow out of the drain tube.
If there is no access to the drain, the only thing left is to call us.

Third reason when water flows from the indoor unit - freon leakage and, as a result, freezing of the evaporator of the indoor unit. The rate of water leakage from the air conditioner becomes greater when the air conditioner is turned off or switched to heating mode. During operation, water may drip from the indoor unit of the air conditioner, extraneous noise may appear, and pieces of ice will fly out.

Elimination: if the first two reasons can be dealt with on your own, then the third requires calling a specialist. Freon leakage can be caused by incorrect (poor-quality) rolling copper pipes, their cracks on bends.

Violation of the correct operation of the air conditioner and water leakage from the indoor unit may be the result of a break in the drain pipe during the installation of the air conditioner.

Why is water dripping from the air conditioner? This happens mainly due to malfunctions in the drainage system of the air conditioner. To eliminate the leak of the indoor unit of the air conditioner, you should understand the principle of operation of split systems.

Initially, let's try to figure out whether the air conditioner should drip at all? Let's start with the fact that any split system should drip, only from outdoor unit. However, if water began to appear in unnecessary places or in very large volumes, this may be a “signal” that not everything is in order with the air conditioner.

Why does water drip from the air conditioner? As the name of this climatic device implies, the air conditioner does not just cool the air flows. This unit serves to make a person's stay in the room as comfortable as possible. In particular, this is achieved by dehumidifying the air. The basis of the dehumidification process is a simple principle, which is that water from the air condenses on something rather cold. Naturally, in the case of a split system, water will begin to settle on the air-cooling system, which is usually located in the room. As a result, water collects in the cool areas of the air exchanger, after which it flows into a tray specially designed for this purpose.

How much water should flow from the split system? The volume of water flowing out of the air conditioner depends on the humidity and on the current ambient temperature. air environment. In addition, the amount of water also depends on the final temperature and on the volume of air that is cooled by the air conditioner, that is, in fact, on the power of the device. On a sunny, hot day, in a fairly humid climate, a split system that cools a medium-sized room can produce up to fourteen liters of liquid per day. It should be noted right away that this water cannot be drunk, since it contains a large number of various microbes, in addition, it is enriched with lead, which is extremely dangerous for humans. However, the resulting water can be used to water plants. For example, centralized climate systems can collect up to one hundred and fifty liters of liquid per day. Many owners of public buildings, especially if they are located in a hot climate zone, use the resulting water to irrigate plants growing near these buildings.

Where should the air conditioner drip from?? For window-type air conditioners, water must drain from the outside. In modern, common split systems, the liquid is collected in their indoor unit, after which it is discharged into outdoor unit through a special drainage tube. In some models of climate equipment, the resulting water is used to cool the heated air conditioner heat exchangers. However, in many cases, the water from the device is simply discharged outside the serviced premises. If water does not drip from the outdoor unit while the air conditioner is running, it may mean that the unit is not working properly. For example, the device simply does not dry the air space in the room. If water drips from the indoor unit of the air conditioner, the drain pipe may be broken or clogged. As a rule, most of the problems associated with water flowing in the wrong place appear due to improper installation of the split system. Such water leaks can easily ruin the furniture in the room, walls, floors, and also lead to the formation of fungus. When the air conditioner is installed correctly, its drainage tube must always go down, that is, the outlet when correct installation located below the inlet. In addition, if water drips from the indoor unit of the air conditioner, it may indicate that the unit has not been used properly.

Imagine that a working split system is exposed to hot streams of moist air from outside the room. In this case, water will condense on the cooled areas of the outdoor unit and then collect into drops. To avoid this, it is necessary to isolate the climate unit from direct air flows from the street. In addition, it is recommended to operate the split system when closed doors and windows. As a result of this, you will not only avoid the formation of drops, but also significantly save your money.

Another manifestation of the incorrect operation of the split system is the appearance of ice on the block, in the form of a small frost, or in the form of whole frozen drops. In this case, you should immediately call the service department, because, most likely, the temperature control mechanisms have broken down, or they do not work correctly. Naturally, water that drips from the indoor unit of the air conditioner may indicate that the drain pipes are clogged or damaged. In this situation, you should also contact the service department for help.

During the operation of any air conditioner, excess water flows down, which is formed when the air is dried, but when the liquid appears in the most unexpected places, then it is worth considering: something in the operation of the device went wrong. After all, natural moisture from functioning is poured into special containers and then discharged into the sewer. It is worth immediately determining why the air conditioner is dripping, so as not to carry out expensive repairs or buy a new split system. Naturally, it is best to contact a professional, but if the air conditioner is leaking indoors, then in some situations you can handle it yourself.

Causes of water from the air conditioner indoors

There are many reasons that cause leakage of a split system, so it is worth considering each of them more carefully.

temperature difference

Sometimes drops from the air conditioner may appear due to the banal temperature difference between the street and indoors. At low outdoor temperatures, the condensate turns into ice, and in the morning it already melts and leaks in the form of drops. Solving this problem is quite simple: you should insulate the sector in which the heat exchanger is located. For such purposes, you can use ordinary glass wool. After doing insulation works the leak problem is gone.

Incorrect installation of the system or its elements

There may be several options here.


Another reason why water drops appeared indoors after a certain period of use may be loosening of outlet tubes or their depressurization. What to do in this case? You can deal with the problem yourself, just follow these steps:

  • carefully tighten the nuts of the underwater pipes;
  • coat them with sealant to make the connection more reliable.

It is very important not to overdo it, because with a lot of force, you can strip the threads, which will significantly increase the cost of repairs.

Problems with the drainage system

In some cases, the air conditioner leaked due to dust clogging filtration systems. Both the tube itself and the hole through which condensate escapes can become clogged. There is nothing terrible here. Today, there are a huge number of ways to clean such a system. Blowing, mechanical cleaning or washing with solutions that will contain special chemicals can be used.

Ideally, it is worth disassembling the entire system in order to clean each of its elements: a pan, a drain container, a tube. But not everyone will be able to cope with the correct assembly after cleaning, so it’s still worth inviting a specialist so that there are no extra parts left.

When without a master it will not be possible to cope with the problem

Unfortunately, there are situations that cannot be fixed on your own and the device needs to be inspected and repaired by a professional craftsman. So, if water drips from the indoor air conditioner, it cannot be ruled out breakdown drainage pump . Its repair requires special knowledge and equipment.

Leaks can also occur if there is excessive pressure inside the housing. They are caused by internal defects that you cannot correct yourself.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the split system, like any technique, requires an attentive attitude. If you monitor the operation of the device and solve small problems in a timely manner, then the equipment will delight its owner with excellent work for a long time.