Prepare candied apricots at home. Candied apricots at home

  • 02.07.2020


Candied apricots are the most common and very tasty type of candied fruit, simple enough to make at home. Thanks to the countries of the East, we became aware of many different sweets, it was from there that we learned about candied fruits. In ancient times, such a delicacy was prepared in a hot climate, without modern special devices. It was with this method of processing fruits with the use of sugar that it was possible to preserve them for a long time.
In the preparation of candied fruits, you can use various fruits and berries and even vegetables. You can also make them from fruit peels, it turns out very tasty. In this photo recipe, we will share how to cook candied apricots, which are very useful for the body, no less useful than fresh fruits. Apricots have been eaten for over a thousand years. In addition to the fact that they are very pleasant to the taste, thanks to them useful mineral and biologically active substances enter the body. With the regular use of apricots, a person’s working capacity increases, the body receives additional strength, in addition, the fruits charge with vigor for the rest of the day. This fruit has the following vitamins: A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E, PP.
In this photo recipe, we have detailed easy way cooking candied apricots at home, in the form step by step instructions. To make them properly, it is necessary to use only unripe fruits so that when they are cooked, they retain the shape of the pieces, and do not turn into apricot jam. Of course, candied apricots will benefit the body if they are consumed in a timely manner and, of course, in moderation. This delicacy is part of a variety of confectionery or serves them as decoration. Candied fruits are ideally combined with any sweet dish, they are especially good in cottage cheese and curd products.
Candied apricots are an amazingly delicious delicacy that ideally replaces fresh fruit in winter time of the year. So, let's start cooking.


Candied apricots - recipe

Let's prepare the necessary ingredients to prepare a delicious delicacy at home - candied apricots.

Apricots are great for this recipe if they are still a little greenish. We wash the fruits thoroughly and dry them with a towel..

We divide clean apricots into two parts and remove the seeds. It is also advisable to cut each half of the fruit in half so that total four slices came out of one apricot, but if the fruits themselves are small, then this is not necessary at all.

We select a container suitable in volume for preparing syrup in it, pour granulated sugar into it and fill it with water, the amount indicated in the ingredients of the recipe. Sugar syrup should boil, and then remove the resulting foam from above. Add apricot slices to a container with syrup, remove from the stove until they boil.

We leave the liquid with apricot slices for a couple of hours until they cool, while the fruits are thoroughly soaked in sugar syrup. Pour the cooled pieces of apricots together with the syrup into a saucepan covered with a sieve..

Pour the drained fruit syrup back into the container in which it was cooked. Be sure to close it tightly with a lid so that debris does not get in.

The original chicken wing top dish was created by renowned Colombian Canadian chef Hector Jimenez Bravo. A more affordable variation of this dish is just as tasty and easy enough to prepare. You will need a minimum of products and the ability to work with a knife. With such a dish, you can pleasantly surprise guests at the holiday, serving it as an appetizer or main course, or diversifying the menu for dinner. Beautiful food not only pleases the eye, but also stimulates the appetite.

Ingredients per serving


When preparing products for cooking, you need to wash the wings, clean them of feathers, separate the upper part of the wing, and remove the remnants of the joints on the cuts. Measure out hard cheese, granulated sugar, soy sauce.

When preparing products for cooking, you need to wash the wings, clean them of feathers, separate the upper part of the wing, and remove the remnants of the joints on the cuts. Measure out hard cheese, granulated sugar, soy sauce.

When preparing products for cooking, you need to wash the wings, clean them of feathers, separate the upper part of the wing, and remove the remnants of the joints on the cuts. Measure out hard cheese, granulated sugar, soy sauce.

When preparing products for cooking, you need to wash the wings, clean them of feathers, separate the upper part of the wing, and remove the remnants of the joints on the cuts. Measure out hard cheese, granulated sugar, soy sauce.

When preparing products for cooking, you need to wash the wings, clean them of feathers, separate the upper part of the wing, and remove the remnants of the joints on the cuts. Measure out hard cheese, granulated sugar, soy sauce.

When preparing products for cooking, you need to wash the wings, clean them of feathers, separate the upper part of the wing, and remove the remnants of the joints on the cuts. Measure out hard cheese, granulated sugar, soy sauce.

Analysis of a dish based on ingredients

We owe the appearance of candied apricots on our tables to the East. Do not belittle the merit of France - after all, French chefs in the 17th century elevated cooking to a genre of art. And candied fruits played an important role in this - they began to decorate dishes and use them as delicious desserts.

“Dry jam” was also mentioned in Russia - it was a curiosity that crowned a merchant’s pickle. Today, everyone can feel a little involved in the Oriental flavor - everyone can cook candied fruits from apricots at home. All you need is to choose the right recipe.

Candied fruits are prepared for the winter and served as a table decoration. They are added to different dishes and replace them with sweets. Candied fruits are always appropriate, and will especially delight children.

For cooking, it is necessary to take unripe fruits, and it is better to take out the seeds - although you can cook candied fruits with them.

Cooking time depends on the method and can take several hours or days.

Candied fruits in syrup

Cooking apricots by boiling is a laborious process. But this recipe allows you to prepare candied fruits for the winter by putting them in glass jars.


  • 1 kg of apricots;
  • 250 gr. Sahara;
  • 500 ml of water.


  1. Prepare apricots - rinse, if necessary, remove the seeds from the fruit.
  2. Pour sugar into water, boil on the stove.
  3. As soon as the syrup boils, pour the prepared fruit into it.
  4. After boiling apricots, remove the pan from the heat and leave for 12 hours.
  5. Then the apricots should be boiled again. And again leave for 12 hours.
  6. In total, the procedure for boiling-cooling in syrup must be repeated 4 times.
  7. After the final time, drain the water by straining through a colander.
  8. Spread the almost finished candied fruit on a board to dry.

Candied fruits in a dry way

So that apricots do not lose their shape, it is recommended to pour boiling water over them. With the dry method, the bones must be removed.


  • 1 kg of apricots;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar;
  • ginger root, 2 cm thick


  1. Prepare the main component - rinse the apricots. Let them dry.
  2. Put them in the prepared container.
  3. Sprinkle sugar on top.
  4. Ginger cut into thin slices and add to the total mass.
  5. Mix all ingredients.
  6. Leave for 15 hours for the juice to stand out.
  7. Rinse the apricots and place on a baking sheet.
  8. Set the oven to 70°C, open the door and leave for 4 hours.

The easiest recipe for candied apricots

Apricots are a dry fruit, so they can be air dried. The main thing is to turn them over in time, to prevent the appearance of mold.


  • 0.5 kg of apricots;
  • 100 grams of sugar.


  1. Rinse apricots, dry. Remove bones.
  2. Lay out on a hard surface covered with a towel.
  3. Leave to dry under running air. The ideal place is a draft. Arrange the apricots so that the halves do not touch each other.
  4. In a draft, fruits are dried for about 4 days.
  5. The process can be accelerated - send the apricots to the oven, heated to 70 ° C with the door ajar.
  6. After making sure the fruit is dry, sprinkle sugar on top.

Candied apricots with cinnamon

During cooking, ground cinnamon can be added to apricots - this will give an unusual flavor to a sweet dish. Spice can be added to any of the cooking variations. The difference is that in the wet method, cinnamon must be poured into syrup, and in the dry method, it must be sprinkled with already dried apricots.


  • apricots;
  • sugar;
  • cinnamon.


  1. Boil candied fruit in sugar syrup with cinnamon - 250 gr. sugar - 10 gr. cinnamon.
  2. With a dry method - sprinkle with a couple of pinches of finished dried fruits.

Apricots allow even an inexperienced cook to cook candied fruits. This fruit is malleable to drying, and if desired, it makes it possible to stock up a fair share of healthy sweets for the winter.

Gorgeous and healthy sweetness of candied apricots at home. Candied apricots are delicious to chew, they are sweet and fragrant. Having prepared candied fruits from apricots, we will preserve all their usefulness, nutritional value and reveal their wonderful taste even more. But how to make candied fruits from apricots, I will tell you further.


  • Apricots - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar - 1.2 kilograms.

Step by step recipeukats from apricots

  1. Not quite ripe, preferably hard apricots, washed in cold water. Then let her drain.
  2. Cut them in half and remove the seeds.
  3. Place prepared apricots in a colander and blanch in boiling water for 1-2 seconds, cool in cold water and place in an enamel bowl.
  4. Prepare a syrup from 1.5 cups of water, in which the apricots were blanched, and sugar. Pour apricots with boiling syrup, cook for 15 minutes over low heat, then remove the dishes from the heat and leave for 10 hours.
  5. After aging, boil the apricots for 15 minutes and leave back for 10 hours.
  6. For the third time, boil the apricots until tender, put on a sieve, leave for 1-1.5 hours to completely drain the syrup.
  7. Spread the cooled apricots in one layer on a sieve and dry in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 40°C. Lightly dried fruits, sprinkle with fine sugar and dry in a warm oven.
  8. Ready-made candied apricots, put in clean, dry jars, cover with parchment paper, tie and store in a cool, dry place.

Candied apricots can be used in the preparation of desserts, pies, cakes, ice cream decoration.


Candied apricots are the most common and very tasty type of candied fruit, simple enough to make at home. Thanks to the countries of the East, we became aware of many different sweets, it was from there that we learned about candied fruits. In ancient times, such a delicacy was prepared in a hot climate, without modern special devices. It was with this method of processing fruits with the use of sugar that it was possible to preserve them for a long time.
In the preparation of candied fruits, you can use various fruits and berries and even vegetables. You can also make them from fruit peels, it turns out very tasty. In this photo recipe, we will share how to cook candied apricots, which are very useful for the body, no less useful than fresh fruits. Apricots have been eaten for over a thousand years. In addition to the fact that they are very pleasant to the taste, thanks to them useful mineral and biologically active substances enter the body. With the regular use of apricots, a person’s working capacity increases, the body receives additional strength, in addition, the fruits charge with vigor for the rest of the day. This fruit has the following vitamins: A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E, PP.
In this photo recipe, we have detailed an easy way to make candied apricots at home, in the form of step-by-step instructions. To make them properly, it is necessary to use only unripe fruits so that when they are cooked, they retain the shape of the pieces, and do not turn into apricot jam. Of course, candied apricots will benefit the body if they are consumed in a timely manner and, of course, in moderation. Such a delicacy is part of a variety of confectionery products or serves as a decoration for them. Candied fruits are ideally combined with any sweet dish, they are especially good in cottage cheese and curd products.
Candied apricots are an amazingly delicious delicacy that ideally replaces fresh fruit in the winter season. So, let's start cooking.


Candied apricots - recipe

Let's prepare the necessary ingredients to prepare a delicious delicacy at home - candied apricots.

Apricots are great for this recipe if they are still a little greenish. We wash the fruits thoroughly and dry them with a towel..

We divide clean apricots into two parts and remove the seeds. It is also advisable to cut each half of the fruit in half so that a total of four slices come out of one apricot, but if the fruits themselves are small, then this is not necessary at all.

We select a container suitable in volume for preparing syrup in it, pour granulated sugar into it and fill it with water, the amount indicated in the ingredients of the recipe. Sugar syrup should boil, and then remove the resulting foam from above. Add apricot slices to a container with syrup, remove from the stove until they boil.

We leave the liquid with apricot slices for a couple of hours until they cool, while the fruits are thoroughly soaked in sugar syrup. Pour the cooled pieces of apricots together with the syrup into a saucepan covered with a sieve..

Pour the drained fruit syrup back into the container in which it was cooked. Be sure to close it tightly with a lid so that debris does not get in.