Baptism of the Lord - traditions, customs, rituals, signs, congratulations. Features of worship on the eve of the holiday

  • 29.09.2019

Baptism of the Lord: in no case should anyone swim in the hole

Today, January 19, Orthodox Ukrainians celebrate the feast of the Epiphany or Epiphany.

On January 19, 2017, the Orthodox celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord. The holiday also has the name Epiphany and is celebrated annually on January 19th. The Baptism of the Lord is one of the most ancient and revered holidays among Christians.

A Brief History of the Feast of the Epiphany

The rite of baptism of Christ at his request was performed by John the Baptist. During the baptism in the Jordan River, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove. At the same time, a Voice from Heaven proclaimed, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." According to Christian teachings, it was on this day that God appeared in three persons: God the Father - in the voice, the Son of God - in the flesh, the Holy Spirit - in the form of a dove. Therefore, the feast of Baptism is often called the Epiphany. The feast of the Baptism of the Lord is very important.

Who bathed in the hole for baptism? especially girls. what is it like… and is it possible to get sick like a woman… bathed in mountain streams On January 19, on the Epiphany of the Lord, many people bathe in an ice hole, thinking that by this action they wash away their sins and are sanctified. Here are quotes from Holy Scripture, comments and opinions of the clergy.

Plunging into the hole on the feast of the Epiphany of the Epiphany is a Russian pious tradition that has no sacramental significance, and the Church does not oblige anyone to strictly observe it. It has nothing to do with spiritual life. This is one of the traditions, which, unfortunately, has grown into superstition.

Against Epiphany bathing Bishop of Domodedovo Eutykhy

V big cities Russia on the rivers on the eve of the Feast of the Epiphany are specially cut down on the rivers and ice holes are equipped for the mass bathing of believers. What inform the population of these cities in the media.

On January 18, Orthodox believers around the world celebrate Christmas Eve and prepare to celebrate the Baptism of the Lord.

When is the Baptism of Christ in 2014 (date)?

On the night of January 18-19, Orthodox believers celebrate one of the 12 main church holidays christian church- Epiphany. This day ends Christmas time, and on January 18, believers celebrate Epiphany Eve (Evening).

Baptism of the Lord: the history of the holiday

The second name of the feast of Baptism is Holy Theophany. According to biblical tradition, it was on this day that the world first appeared Holy Trinity- God the Father, who proclaimed the Son from heaven, the Son, who was baptized in the waters of the Jordan River, and the Holy Spirit, who descended on the Son in the form of a dove.

On the day of Baptism, Christ gave mankind the opportunity to receive the grace of the Holy Spirit. It is believed that after the rite of Baptism, all sins are forgiven a person, and he is reborn for spiritual life.

Today, January 19, Orthodox Ukrainians celebrate the feast of the Epiphany or Epiphany, Ukrainian News reports.

It is believed that on this day Jesus Christ was baptized. When Christ was thirty years old, he was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. When the Son of God came out of the water, a dove landed on his shoulder from heaven. It was the Holy Spirit.

From this came the Christian tradition of baptism in water.

Now on the morning of January 19, divine services are taking place in the churches. Then people go in procession to the river to the cross. There the priest conducts the blessing of the water and everyone who wants to bathe in the hole.

First of all, bathing in the hole for Epiphany is suitable for healthy, hardened people who have been preparing for it for more than one month. At the same time, women, children and the elderly, even in excellent health, should think carefully before swimming in ice water.

January 18 all Orthodox people celebrate Christmas Eve, and on January 19 - Epiphany. According to tradition, on the night of 18 to 19 they bathe in Jordan, bless the water, which at that time is considered healing.

Such water is called Epiphany or Great Agiasma and has special beneficial properties to sanctify material objects and heal spiritual and physical ailments. Epiphany water is consumed all year on an empty stomach in small quantities, usually together with a piece of prosphora "so that we can receive power that strengthens health, heals diseases, drives away demons and averts all enemy slander, we could receive from God."

What happened at the Baptism of the Lord? The most important thing is the appearance of the Most Holy Trinity (Matt. 3:13–17; Mark 1:9–11; Luke 3:21–22). God the Father spoke from heaven about the Son, the Son was baptized by the holy Forerunner of the Lord John, and the Holy Spirit descended on the Son in the form of a dove. That is why the feast of the Baptism of the Lord is also called Theophany.

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In another way, the feast of the Baptism of the Lord is called Theophany, since on this day the Most Holy Trinity appeared to the world for the first time - God the Father proclaimed the Son from heaven, the Son received Baptism in the Jordan River, and the Holy Spirit descended on the Son in the form of a dove. All four Gospels testify to this.

“And it came to pass in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And as he was coming out of the water, immediately John saw the heavens open, and the Spirit, like a dove, descending upon Him. And a voice came from heaven: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

history of the holiday

Christians have been celebrating the event of the Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ from the prophet John the Baptist in the Jordan River since ancient times. This is one of the earliest Christian holidays.

It began to be celebrated even when the apostles were alive - there is a mention of this day in the apostolic decrees and rules.

When to swim at Epiphany - January 18 or 19 - this question is asked very often on the days of Epiphany and Theophany of the Lord.

The most important thing you need to know about the Baptism of the Lord is not when to bathe (it is absolutely not necessary to plunge into the hole on this day), but the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ himself was baptized on this day. Therefore, on January 18 in the evening and January 19 in the morning, it is important to be in the church at the service, confess, take communion and take holy water, the great agiasma.

They bathe, according to tradition, after the evening service on January 18 and on the night of January 18-19. Access to the fonts is open, as a rule, on January 19 throughout the day.

Common questions about bathing at Epiphany

Do I need to swim in the hole for Epiphany?

Is it necessary to bathe at Epiphany? And if there is no frost, will the bathing be Epiphany?

In any church holiday, it is necessary to distinguish between its meaning and the traditions that have developed around it.

When do they bathe at Epiphany on January 18 or 19, 2018? To answer this question, a person must study church traditions and rituals. Moreover, their study will be useful not only in the framework of general development, but also in order to properly prepare for this important ritual.

So, you can swim at Epiphany in the evening of January 18 or during the holiday itself, January 19. The fact is that on the eve of the festive midnight, divine services are held in the church, after which the priest already blesses the water. Including water in the hole for swimming, which is called "Jordan". So, you can plunge into the hole immediately after the service, or you can already in the morning and during the entire Epiphany holiday. In honor of the holiday, you can cook pumpkin pancakes: recipes are quick and tasty.

Important! An ice hole for proper religious dipping must be made in accordance with all the rules. It is carved in the shape of a cross; the cross itself is made of ice and placed over the hole.

Answering the question about when they bathe at Epiphany on January 18 or 19, 2018, we can safely say that both dates are suitable. Only on January 18 - on Epiphany Christmas Eve, you can plunge into the hole only after the evening service. As for January 19 - the day of Epiphany itself, you can plunge into the hole all day long. So, swimming in the hole for Epiphany begins on Christmas Eve on January 18. In the evening, believers go to church for a festive service. After it, the consecration of water takes place, as well as ice holes. As a rule, this action takes place closer to midnight, and after that you can swim in the hole.

The Feast of the Epiphany is celebrated annually on January 19. Signs and traditions collected by many generations have survived to this day and are still popular.

One of the most revered holidays among Orthodox Christians is the Baptism of the Lord. The signs that were noticed that day helped to predict subsequent events. The main Epiphany tradition is swimming in the hole. On the night of January 18-19, believers plunge into the cruciform consecrated polynyas to symbolically repeat the washing of Christ in the Jordan River. Water on this day acquires healing properties, relieves physical and spiritual ailments. Therefore, believers collect baptismal water with them and store it throughout the year.

Traditions and signs for Baptism

Orthodox Christians celebrate the holiday with their families for festive table. During fasting, a diet is observed, so you should refrain from eating meat and alcohol.

This is a great holiday of the Orthodox Church.

It is also called Theophany and Enlightenment. Epiphany - because the Lord, according to the teachings of the church, after Baptism delivered the Gospel sermon, showed Himself to the world as the Savior and Messiah, Enlightenment and the "Feast of Lights", because God is the eternal light that enlightens the world.

The Feast of Epiphany ends with Christmas time, which lasts from January 7 to 19. In accordance with the biblical story, Christ was baptized in the waters of the Jordan River, and this gave the second, popular name of the holiday. In Russia, the Epiphany was celebrated widely and solemnly from time immemorial.

The main tradition among the people is bathing in the hole at Epiphany. It is believed that such bathing for the whole year will protect the body from diseases and cleanse the soul from sins committed during the year. Priests read prayers over the hole - "Jordan" and immerse the cross into it three times.

Epiphany is one of the main Christian holidays. The feast of the Epiphany ends with Christmas time, which lasts from January 7 to 19. The holiday begins on the evening of January 18, when all Orthodox celebrate Epiphany Eve. This holiday is established in memory of the Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Jordan River, when he was 30 years old.

It is known from the Gospel that John the Baptist, calling the people to repentance, baptized people in the waters of the Jordan. The Savior, being sinless from the beginning, had no need for John's Baptism of repentance, but out of His humility accepted Baptism with water, while sanctifying the watery nature with Himself.

The Feast of Baptism is also called the Feast of Theophany, because at the Baptism of the Lord the Most Holy Trinity appeared to the world: “God the Father spoke from heaven about the Son, the Son was baptized from the holy Forerunner of the Lord John, and the Holy Spirit descended on the Son in the form of a dove.”

The traditions of this holiday go back to the time of Jesus Christ. Everything that people do at Baptism is closely connected with the life of the Son of God - our Savior. This is one of the three biggest Orthodox holidays, so everyone should know its history and what it symbolizes.

History of Baptism

It is worth starting the history of this holiday with the fact that Jesus, being not only God, but also a man, for a long time hid his identity and his true destiny from people. According to tradition and holy teaching, Jesus decided to appear to the world at the age of 30. It is from here that the second name of the holiday - Epiphany - came from. On this day, God decided to show himself to the world by starting his short but difficult journey of saving our souls.

It all started with the first meeting of God with John the Baptist, to whom Jesus came in order to carry out the rite of baptism. Of course, this discouraged the man, because before him stood God himself in the flesh.

Good time Greetings. The holiday is coming soon, on January 19, the Orthodox celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord. The main traditions of the Epiphany holiday are connected with water. On Epiphany Christmas Eve, believers plunge into the consecrated waters of the Jordan - an ice hole in the form of a cross to cleanse themselves spiritually. How to celebrate Epiphany, how to properly bathe on Epiphany, what is amazing about Epiphany holy water, what folk traditions for Baptism exist, is it possible to guess at Baptism, what signs for Baptism are known?! ..

I would like to know your opinion, who swims where and whether they bathe at all. Who and how celebrates this holiday or for him it is not a holiday, but an ordinary day. Can tell where and what events are held on this day. In Sochi, they most likely swim in the sea. I myself have never swum, can someone share how long it has been dipping and how it feels. At the same time, there will be a list of places where those who wish can go and swim, so to speak together, maybe representatives of the church are present or organize such acts.

Hello dear readers. On January 19, all Orthodox will solemnly celebrate the Baptism of the Lord. This is one of the greatest holidays for spiritual world. It also has another name: "Epiphany". It is on this day and this month, from year to year, that all believers, and just those who want to join, try all the rites of this holiday for themselves, celebrate one of the most ancient and most revered holidays among Christians. The Feast of Epiphany ends the cycle of Christmas holidays. It is directly related to the well-known fact of the baptism of Jesus Christ, at one time, in the Jordan River. The main traditions of Baptism are associated with water, because on Epiphany Christmas Eve everyone who wishes (it is believed that these are believers, but, in fact, not every one of them considers himself such) plunges into the "consecrated waters of the Jordan".

They are associated with a hole in a river or pond, which has the shape of a cross. Do you want to be cleansed physically and spiritually? Then this swim is for you too!

Why Epiphany on January 19?

At the end of the 4th century, the ancient tradition was first violated in Rome, when they began to celebrate in different days. Then other cities and countries picked up this innovation.

On the night of January 18-19, the Orthodox celebrate the Baptism of the Lord (Holy Theophany). What should be done at Baptism? How to celebrate a holiday? What rites must be performed? What signs should you pay attention to? How to congratulate relatives and friends?

Epiphany is one of the main Christian holidays. The feast of the Epiphany ends with Christmas time, which lasts from January 7 to 19.

This holiday is established in memory of the Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Jordan River, when he was 30 years old. It is known from the Gospel that John the Baptist, calling the people to repentance, baptized people in the waters of the Jordan. On January 19, the Orthodox Church celebrates one of the great twelfth feasts of Theophany - the Baptism of the Lord.

The rector of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Metropolitan of Vyshgorod and Chernobyl Bishop Pavel told about the holiday to the readers of Vesti.

Baptism of Jesus: at what age was the Savior baptized

"Baptism of Christ". Painting by Leonardo da Vinci

When Jesus Christ was 30 years old, he came to the Jordan River to be baptized by John the Baptist, who at that time preached and baptized people there.

John, realizing that before him was the Savior of the world, considered himself unworthy to lay his hand on the head of Christ. But Jesus said to him, "Let it go now, for in this way it becomes us to fulfill all righteousness." John obeyed and during the baptism the heavens suddenly opened and the Spirit of God in the form of a dove descended on Jesus, and the voice of God the Father was heard from heaven: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

The traditions of this holiday go back to the time of Jesus Christ. Everything that people do at Baptism is closely connected with the life of the Son of God - our Savior. This is one of the three biggest Orthodox holidays, so everyone should know its history and what it symbolizes.

History of Baptism

It is worth starting the history of this holiday with the fact that Jesus, being not only God, but also a man, for a long time hid his identity and his true destiny from people. According to tradition and holy teaching, Jesus decided to appear to the world at the age of 30. It is from here that the second name of the holiday came - Epiphany. On this day, God decided to show himself to the world by starting his short but difficult journey of saving our souls.

It all started with the first meeting of God with John the Baptist, to whom Jesus came in order to carry out the rite of baptism. Of course, this discouraged the man, because before him stood God himself in the flesh. They exchanged a couple of phrases, after which John realized that he must baptize Jesus, despite the fact that He is already a saint. Jesus told him that it was necessary, because that was the name, that was the tradition that had to be fulfilled.

The rite of the Great Baptism was performed in the Jordan River. At that moment, only Jesus himself understood that this was a two-sided baptism - not only did he accept it, but the water became holy from the touch of God. All modern rites are connected with this fact.

Traditions of baptism on January 19

The most common and well-known tradition is a trip to the temple on the morning of January 19 for holy water. The clergy carry out the rite of consecration of water similar to the very moment when Jesus consecrated the water with his presence. It is thanks to this that it became possible to take a piece of divine power to your home, where you can wash or drink it to strengthen your body and spirit. According to tradition, people drink water, reading prayers for the salvation of the soul and for health. Epiphany water is healing - it cleanses us of illnesses and bad thoughts.

Another fairly common ritual is swimming in the hole. This is very similar to how Jesus himself was baptized. Many people do this year after year, feeling cheerful and energized. Be sure to need the right attitude, which will help not to get sick from ice water. Bathing in the hole is made after the evening service on Epiphany Christmas Eve, January 18.

According to ancient tradition, people also observe nature and the weather on January 19, drawing conclusions about what the next summer will be like. If the weather is cold without precipitation in Epiphany, then the summer will be extremely hot and dry. Otherwise, next summer should please with harvests.

According to tradition, people sprinkle their homes with holy water, reading prayers to cleanse the house from demonic power. This helps get rid of bad dreams, from the feeling of the presence of evil spirits, from the evil eye and curses.

Remember that holy water has power only in one case - if your faith is strong and pure. It is important to do everything from the heart, deeply understanding the whole essence of the holiday. On this day, we are granted to cleanse ourselves and our home from evil, attract happiness by letting a piece of God into our lives. Be healthy, lucky, believe in the Almighty and do not forget to press the buttons and

15.01.2016 00:40

Epiphany is an important holiday that ends Holy Week. On this day, conspiracies acquire special power ...

Every year, the Orthodox Christian world celebrates one of the most important holidays - the Baptism of the Lord. In that...

Epiphany water, also called holy in the common people, is a source of strength, enlightenment and health. Many...

The feast of Epiphany is approaching, which means it's time to go to church for holy water. Epiphany water - ...

On January 19, one of the main holidays of the Orthodox Church is celebrated - the Baptism of the Lord. According to legend, on this day Jesus Christ was baptized in the holy waters of the Jordan River. People believe that on this day water has unique properties thanks to which a person can heal not only the soul, but also the body. Water gives a person strength and vitality. On this day, it is customary to observe certain traditions that came to us from our ancestors. The rites that a person performs on this day have a special power. If you follow all the rules and signs, then the future of a person will be bright and happy.

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    Bans on Baptism

    Christians begin to celebrate baptism on the evening of January 18th on Epiphany Christmas Eve. On a holiday, it is customary to pray and ask the Lord for forgiveness for your sins. Since ancient times, signs and traditions for Baptism have come to us, which every believer must observe on a holiday. There are customs associated with prohibitions:

    • You can't be stingy on holidays. This rule applies to holy water. People should not argue with each other in church for the right to draw as much water as possible - this is unacceptable. Such actions can invite trouble on yourself.
    • Epiphany is one of the main church holidays. It has nothing to do with paganism, so it is forbidden to perform magic rites on this day. On folk fortune-telling, which was so loved in Ancient Russia also taboo. They should be held at Christmas time, but not on January 19. This prohibition is often ignored. Each person has the right to decide how to behave on a holiday. Most importantly, sincere faith in the Lord God must live in his heart.
    • The church does not approve of the drinking of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol should be kept to a minimum.

    On a holiday, it is customary to attend a church service, swim in the hole and gather the whole family at the festive table. If a person is worried about some issue or he is in a difficult life situation, he must pray and turn to the Lord for help.


    Not only representatives of the older generation believe in omens. Young girls are also interested in traditions that are passed down from generation to generation. There are a lot of them, but there are key ones that cannot be ignored. In particular, they relate to the weather on the day of the holiday.

    If there is heavy snow outside the window, then the harvest will be rich. Clear and cold weather bad sign. Even in ancient times, people believed that they portend a dry summer and crop failures. Since the Slavs were farmers and were engaged in gathering berries and nuts, the yield of these crops was of great importance to them. At Epiphany, they peered into the sky. If it was pure and the stars shone brightly in the sky, then it was a good sign.

    Warm weather portends health problems. If there is a lot of snow on the street, then people's health will be strong. Hear the barking of dogs - to financial well-being.

    Rituals for a rich life

    To perform the ceremony rich life, a person must dial on the night of January 19 consecrated water into a small glass container. With water in hand, you need to walk around your house. Important point: The liquid must not splash. Therefore, it is worth walking with a careful, measured step. On the threshold of the house, a person should ask that his house be full of prosperity, like a bowl of water. The request must be made sincerely, with the belief that the wish will come true. Drink holy water in the morning. This is one of the most popular rituals, which is not difficult to perform.

    The second ceremony is usually performed on the evening of January 18. Sacred water should be sprinkled on all corners of the house. At the same time, a person pronounces his request for material prosperity. After this procedure, the bowl of water should take the place where the family keeps their financial savings and jewelry.

    Conspiracy for health and youth

    Turning to God, people ask him for health for themselves and their loved ones. Therefore, a conspiracy that women use in order to maintain their health and youth for a longer time is widespread. For the ceremony, it is necessary to melt the snow from the yard. When it turns into water and cools down to room temperature, the woman should wash herself with it. During ablution, one must ask the water to smooth out wrinkles on the face, give it freshness and youth.

    For the second rite, you will need fresh milk (preferably homemade) and rose oil. For a liter of milk, you need 10 drops of oil. The liquid must be put on a slow fire. While the milk is boiling, you need to say the following phrase: let my beauty be more beautiful than a rose, and my skin be as white as milk. Then the liquid must be poured into a bath filled with water, and immersed in it three times.

    In order for a person to have good health, it is customary to make a conspiracy with the help of melted snow. auspicious time for the ceremony - the night of January 18-19. Snow has the same healing properties like water. It is necessary to collect it on the street and bring it into the house. All family members should wash themselves with warm water. In Russia, it was customary that the most revered (older) relatives wash themselves first. At the very end, small children are bathed. If the water remains, then you can hold her light wet cleaning in the House. Pay special attention to windows and doors.

    How to make wishes?

    It is important not only to correctly formulate and pronounce your request on a holiday. There are certain rules, compliance with which guarantees the fulfillment of all desires:

    • You need to take a handful of small items, such as hazelnuts, and sprinkle them on the table. Then you need to clearly state your desire to yourself. If an even number of nuts fell out, then the dream will come true. But you should not rely on your Fate in everything. A person must make an effort to achieve what he wants. This increases his chances of success.
    • On the mirror with the help of a remnant, you need to write a wish. Then before going to bed, the mirror is placed under the bed. If by morning the inscription disappears, then the wish will come true.
    • Next method suitable for people who have many desires and they cannot choose the most important among them. Divide a sheet of paper into twelve equal parts. On each of them you need to write one wish. In the morning, you need to randomly draw out three pieces of paper. What is written on them will soon come true.
    • On the eve of baptism, people often see prophetic dreams. You can't miss this opportunity. Before going to bed, you need to remember your desire and mentally turn to St. Samson, ask him to show the dream. At night, the dreamer will see her future. To understand the meaning of a dream, in the morning she can turn to dream books. Based on the details that the sleeper managed to remember, you can make detailed interpretation.
    • If a person has a cat or a dog in the house, then he can take advantage of quite in a simple way divination. You need to make a wish and call your pet. It remains to consider with which paw he crosses the threshold. If on the left, then the wish will come true.

    Thus, there are many ways that are designed to help a person achieve what he wants. But do not forget that the desire must come from the heart. On the holiday, the requests of kind and sincere people who want to change their lives in better side. Making wishes is a difficult process. On this important day, selfish desires or those that can harm people are inappropriate.

    Epiphany customs

    Below baptismal customs passed down from generation to generation for many centuries. Until now, they have not lost their importance and relevance along with prayers and rituals. Not all families follow them. Sticking to traditions is a personal choice of each person. One thing is clear, thanks to them, the holiday becomes more colorful.

    Most Popular Customs:

    1. On the eve of Epiphany, women take out all the tablecloths in their house and count them. These activities will attract guests.

    2. On the day of the holiday, people should not cry. It is worth restraining your emotions, otherwise it will attract trouble. Whole next year the person will cry. A difficult period will come in his life.

    3. If a girl is planning a marriage, then it is best to woo her on a holiday. He will bring happiness to the young. Their marriage will be long and happy.

    4. On the eve of the holiday, you should not take valuables out of the house. Otherwise, in the new year, a person will be in need.

And our Savior Jesus Christ

On this day, Christians around the world remember one of the key gospel events - the Baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River.

Baptism also has a second name, Epiphany, which he received in memory of the miraculous incident that happened to Jesus Christ during the ceremony.

Jesus was baptized by the prophet John the Baptist, who is also called the Baptist. The Gospel tells us how during the ceremony, the Holy Spirit descended on Christ in the form of a dove. At the same moment, a voice from heaven proclaimed:

"This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

After his baptism, Jesus Christ went into seclusion in the desert, where, in prayer and fasting, he prepared to fulfill his most important mission, with which he came to earth.

The Orthodox Church classifies the feast of the Baptism of Christ among the Twelve. By julian calendar the holiday is celebrated on January 6, and according to the new style - on January 19. The Baptism of the Lord completes the Christmas holidays.

“On this day, everyone, having drawn water, brings it home and keeps it all year long, since today the waters are consecrated; and a clear sign occurs: this water in its essence does not deteriorate over time, but, drawn today, it remains intact and fresh for a whole year, and often two or three years.

Traditionally, on the day of the feast of the Epiphany, the blessing of water is performed. They bless the water twice - on the eve of the holiday, and then directly on the holy day itself.

On January 19, on Epiphany, a "Jordan" was cut through in any local reservoir - a hole in the form of a cross or a circle. Not far from it, a lectern and a wooden cross with an ice dove, which symbolizes the Holy Spirit, are installed.

After the obligatory festive liturgy, people went to the ice-hole. The priest served a prayer service, after which he lowered the cross into the hole three times, asking for God's blessing on the water.

According to tradition, Epiphany water, which was collected from consecrated springs, is stored for a whole year - until next holiday Baptism. If necessary, it should be drunk on an empty stomach while praying.

Despite the fact that there is no fasting on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, the day before is Christmas Eve, it is necessary to observe a strict fast. The traditional dish of this day is sochivo, which is made from cereals, honey and raisins.

As reported by Politeka,

On January 19, 2015, the Orthodox celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord. The holiday also has the name Epiphany and is celebrated annually on January 19th. The Baptism of the Lord is one of the most ancient and revered holidays among Christians.

A Brief History of the Feast of the Epiphany

The rite of baptism of Christ at his request was performed by John the Baptist. During the baptism in the Jordan River, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove. At the same time, a Voice from Heaven proclaimed, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." According to Christian teachings, it was on this day that God appeared in three persons: God the Father - in the voice, the Son of God - in the flesh, the Holy Spirit - in the form of a dove. Therefore, the feast of Baptism is often called the Epiphany. The feast of the Baptism of the Lord is very important. It is believed that it was baptism that revealed the Savior to the world, who took upon himself all the sins of mankind. John Chrysostom wrote about this. And it was from the moment of baptism that Jesus began to preach the word of God and enlighten people.

Until now, the main traditions of the Epiphany holiday are associated with water. And the clergy on the feast of Epiphany, according to tradition, dresses in white robes.

How to celebrate the Epiphany

The celebration of the Epiphany (January 19) begins the day before - January 18. This day is called Epiphany Christmas Eve, as well as Hungry Kutia. By analogy with Christmas Eve, on the day before the feast of the Epiphany, it is necessary keep a strict fast. Also on the eve of the feast of the Epiphany, the Orthodox prepared lean kutya. The festive dinner on Epiphany Christmas Eve was called "hungry kutya". Kutya, pancakes, oatmeal jelly were an obligatory dish of this meal.

Kutya, kolivo, eve - a ritual memorial dish of the Slavs, porridge cooked from whole grains of wheat (barley, rice - Saracen millet or other cereals), poured with honey, honey satiety or sugar, with the addition of poppy seeds, raisins, nuts, milk or jam.

important event The Baptism of the Lord and Theophany is blessing of water. On a river or on a lake, a cruciform polynya, called the Jordan, is cut in advance in the ice. With the onset of midnight, the priests bless the water in the polynya, and the faithful take a bath in the blessed water. People are not afraid of the cold because bathing at christening- this is a symbolic cleansing from sins, spiritual rebirth. The faithful are looking forward to the Feast of the Epiphany, and when the Baptism of the Lord comes, the Orthodox go to church to remember the miraculous event that changed the world.

How to bathe on Epiphany

For believers, bathing at Baptism means communion with the special grace of the Lord, which he sends to all water on this day. It is also believed that water at Baptism brings health, both bodily and spiritual. At the same time, the church warns against attaching any magical meaning to this tradition.

    Bathing rules for baptism

Ice-holes or Jordans, in which they bathe at Epiphany, are consecrated. There are no hard and fast rules for those wishing to plunge into Jordan for Epiphany. But still, it is customary to quickly dive headlong into the water 3 times, while being baptized and saying: In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Traditionally, it is believed that on Epiphany you should bathe in shirts, and not in swimsuits, so as not to flaunt your bodies.

Epiphany water - wonderful healing properties

In all the springs consecrated in the Baptism of the Lord, the water becomes holy and healing. It is believed, and this has many confirmations, that Epiphany holy water has miraculous and healing properties:

    Believers take it with them - Epiphany holy water has the ability not to deteriorate for a long time.

    Epiphany water is drunk throughout the year on an empty stomach, it is carefully kept as a shrine and diseases, both bodily and mental, are treated.

    Holy baptismal water can be sprinkled on a dwelling in order to drive out evil spirits and bring the grace of God into the house.

Where to get baptismal holy water

If you want to collect consecrated baptismal water after bathing, it is not necessary to come with canisters. A small bottle is enough. According to Christian canons, any water can be made holy if you add a little baptismal water to it - from a temple or from Jordan. Festive worship services will be held in all Orthodox churches on the night of 18 to 19. But it is not necessary to come on this day. As explained in the Moscow Patriarchate, the water becomes holy after a special prayer service for the blessing of water. Access to containers with baptismal water will be open in churches for several days. In addition, queues are expected to line up for holy water at Epiphany, and it will be difficult to drive up to the temples. According to the safety rules, on the days of major religious holidays, parking near temples closer than 50 meters is prohibited.

When to collect baptismal water

The rite of the Great Blessing of Water (Great Hagiasma) is performed on Epiphany Christmas Eve (January 18) after Divine Liturgy and January 19 - the very day of the Baptism of the Lord. During both days, you can collect baptismal water in any church. Both times the water is consecrated by the same rite, so there is no difference in when to collect water - on Christmas Eve or on the Feast of Epiphany itself.

If you decide to collect baptismal water from the tap and want to know when is the best time to do this. It is better to collect water for Epiphany in the time interval from 00:10 to 01:30 on the night of January 18-19. However, it is possible to collect baptismal water later - until 24:00 on January 19.

What you need to know before collecting water for Baptism:

    It is better to collect baptismal water not thoughtlessly, but after participating in church service(in church) or prayers (at home);

    you need to pour water for Baptism into dishes without any marking - it is better in a special jug or flask bought in a church shop (in no case in a beer bottle)

It is considered that Epiphany water has healing properties. It can be drunk with an illness on an empty stomach and washed to be healthy. You need to drink baptismal holy water with prayer, asking the Almighty for spiritual and physical health. And it is not at all necessary to take it in reserve, there should be a lot not of water, but of faith.

Baptism - folk traditions

Previously, there were special folk traditions of celebrating the Epiphany or Epiphany. For example, it was customary to release doves at Epiphany - as a sign of Divine grace that descended on Jesus Christ. Other folk traditions for Baptism are known according to legend.

In Russia, on the day of the Baptism of the Lord, as soon as the first church bell calls for matins, pious believers kindled a fire on the shore so that Jesus Christ, who was baptized in the Jordan, could also warm himself by the fire.

The Jordan began to be prepared a week before Epiphany: they cut through the wormwood on the river, sawed out a large cross and placed it over the hole. The throne was also sawn out of ice. Christmas tree branches decorated the "royal gates".

On the morning of the holiday, after the service, everyone went to the river. After the consecration of the water in the river, all those gathered collected it in their dishes. It was believed that the sooner you scoop it up, the holier it will be. There were brave souls who swam in the Jordan, remembering that one cannot catch a cold in the consecrated water.

Then everyone went home. And while the women were setting the table, the eldest man in the family sprinkled the entire household with Epiphany water. Everyone drank holy water before eating. After eating, the girls hurried to the river - to wash in the "Jordanian water", "so that their faces were pink."

After Baptism, it was forbidden to wash clothes in the river. According to legend, when the priest plunges the cross into the water, all the evil spirits jump out of fear from there, and then sit on the shore and wait for someone to appear with dirty laundry. As soon as the linen is lowered into the river, along it, like a ladder, all the evil spirits go into the water. Therefore, it was believed that the later women begin to wash, the more wickedness will freeze from Epiphany frosts.

Divination for Baptism

There were other traditions - it was believed that miracles happen at Epiphany midnight: the wind subsides for a moment, complete silence reigns and the heavens open. At this time, you can express your cherished desire, which will certainly come true.

There is another tradition at Baptism, which, however, is not approved by the church. On January 19, Christmas time ends - the period of fortune-telling in Russia. V Epiphany night the girls sought to understand what awaits them in the future, whether they will get married, whether the year will be successful.

Baptism - folk signs

Since ancient times, many things have been associated with Baptism. folk signs. Many of them were connected with the economic activities of the peasants or predicted the weather. For example, folk signs for baptism read:

    If the weather is clear and cold on Epiphany, the summer will be dry; cloudy and fresh - to a bountiful harvest.

    A full month for Epiphany - to the big spring spill.

    Starry night on Epiphany - the summer will be dry, the harvest for peas and berries.

    There will be a thaw at Epiphany - for the harvest, and a clear day for Epiphany - for crop failure.

    The wind will blow from the south to Epiphany - it will be a thunderous summer.

    If it snows during the liturgy, especially when going to the water, then next year is expected to be fertile, and the bees will make many swarms.

When to baptism dogs barked a lot, waiting for a successful hunting season: If dogs bark a lot at Epiphany, there will be plenty of every beast and game. Chickens are not fed on Epiphany, so that gardens are not dug in the summer and seedlings are not spoiled.

The folk Russian calendar connects the Feast of Epiphany with frosts. Epiphany frosts: “Crack frost, don’t crack, but Vodokreschi passed.

How to bathe on Epiphany so as not to get sick

At Epiphany, both old and young bathe. But without special preparation, swimming for children and the elderly can be dangerous. It is better to prepare in advance by gradually hardening by pouring cold water bathroom at home. Precautions must be observed by everyone who decides to bathe at Baptism. Doctors warn against bathing at Epiphany for people with hypertension, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, or tuberculosis. Bathing at Epiphany is also unacceptable for other acute chronic diseases. Doctors warn that swimming in ice water can lead to negative consequences. After all, winter swimming in an ice hole brings all the mechanisms of human thermoregulation to maximum stress and this can cause shock.

Well, if you are healthy, then follow the following recommendations, how to bathe on baptism:

    you can swim in Epiphany only in the hole, where there is a special entrance to the water;

    never go swimming at Epiphany alone, there should be a person nearby who can help if necessary;

    alcohol and cigarettes are prohibited before bathing; you should not swim on an empty stomach or immediately after eating;

    Take a blanket with you, as well as comfortable clothes for changing.

Epiphany is a holiday with history and rich traditions. But the main thing, of course, is not ritual, but great meaning which he carries. Orthodox holiday The Baptism of the Lord is of great importance for believers, because this is the day when the spiritual renewal of a person takes place.