Folk remedies for bleaching kitchen towels. How to bleach, wash kitchen towels at home? How to keep kitchen towels clean

  • 13.06.2019

It is pleasant for any housewife to use shining white kitchen utensils. And you don’t even want to pick up washed napkins. Sometimes they become unsightly due to frequent boiling.

How can you bleach kitchen towels at home:

  • Salt solution of 5 liters of water and 5 tablespoons of salt, in which we soak napkins. Effectively removes traces of tomatoes, coffee, tea and red wine.
  • We carefully rub the contaminated places with laundry soap, put it tightly in a bag for the whole night. Wash and rinse in the morning.
  • Shampoo removes fruit stains well. We rub the product, wash it after two hours.
  • Remove with dishwashing detergent greasy spots on kitchen napkins. Just fill the stains with a remedy for a day, wash and rinse thoroughly.
  • With ammonia, we remove traces of coffee and tea. And if glycerin is added to an aqueous solution of ammonia, it will help remove old stains.
  • Citric acid perfectly removes pollution of various origins, soaked for 10 minutes. We pre-wash the stains with laundry soap and acid for 10 minutes.
  • Hydrogen peroxide removes old pollution, you need to soak napkins in it for 30 minutes.
  • Acetic solution removes mold spots well, soak in it for 10 minutes.
  • A tool that helps with clogged pipes, you can remove the most difficult pollution. It is necessary to apply a solution from a glass of water and 200 g of the product for pollution for 30 minutes.
  • Potassium permanganate, diluted hot water before Pink colour. We put pre-washed towels in it, close it with polyethylene. Rinse after complete cooling.
  • With a stain remover or bleach, you can remove the yellowness or grayness of kitchen napkins by diluting 1 tablespoon of the drug in 1 liter of hot water.

Note! You should not often resort to bleaching towels, they quickly become unusable. When buying kitchen utensils, pay attention to what they are made of, it is better if they are made from easily washable fabrics.

The most convenient to use in the kitchen is a waffle towel, but it is better to use a terry towel as a bath towel. Wash frequently in the usual way in washing machine without waiting for the stains to penetrate deep into the fabric.

Whiten kitchen towels with vegetable oil

Sunflower oil not only wash kitchen towels, but also bleach without boiling.

How to bleach kitchen towels with vegetable oil

How to whiten old waffle towels with mustard?

Bleaching with dry mustard does not harm the fabric.

To remove dirt on kitchen towels, use mustard powder.

Option 1:

  • Pour some dry mustard into warm water.
  • Stir the solution and let it settle.
  • Drain only the cloudy liquid, do not use the sediment.
  • We put dirty laundry in the drained liquid for three hours, at least.
  • We take out the laundry and rinse.
  • We rejoice in kitchen utensils - whitened, clean and without traces of fat.

Option 2:

  • We prepare a thick slurry of hot water and dry mustard.
  • We put the resulting mixture on the problem areas of dirty towels.
  • Let the laundry soak for about 7 hours.
  • We wash everything in the washing machine.

Note! With the help of mustard powder, towels not only become white, but are also disinfected.

Other ways

Bleaching dish towels with boiling water is effective, but not practical. It is effective to use whiteness, but the fabric deteriorates from it, colored napkins especially suffer.

We offer how to clean and whiten kitchen accessories correctly and quickly, with folk remedies:

  • When rinsing, we use soda, add it to the water along with two drops essential oil. They give the linen a pleasant smell of freshness.
  • Fruit stains disappear from exposure to vodka and glycerin mixed in equal parts. Keep the mixture for about 20 minutes.
  • We wash the egg white from the towel with cool water, the hot stain will remain forever. It is better to wash the stain immediately, while it is fresh.
  • We remove stains from light kitchen towels with hot milk, to which we add blue droplets.
  • Traces of fat are removed potato starch- this is effective when the stains are fresh. Just sprinkle the greasy place with starch, leave for 7 minutes. If necessary, you can repeat several times.

To preserve and maintain the appearance of kitchen accessories, housewives recommend:

  • In addition to a set of towels for everyday use, you need to have replacement sets.
  • Kits change after three days of use, even if not external pollution. Or if you want, then once a week.
  • Do not forget about ironing towels, it makes them neater and allows you to stay clean longer.
  • Keep disposable wipes handy for cleaning up dirt and for emergencies. Throwing them away is not as pathetic as towels.
  • Keep towels away from the stove to avoid splashes from pots.

Note! When using a bleaching agent, safety rules must be observed when working with hot and chlorine-containing liquids. Wearing gloves will protect the skin of the hands from burns and damage by bleaching agents.

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Modern housewives care about cleanliness and home comfort in incomparably best conditions than their grandmothers. And still, there are no less problems, for example, one of them is how to bleach kitchen towels at home without boiling and using modern chemicals. In the kitchen, not a single housewife can do without napkins and small towels, and you really want them to be always fresh, clean and shining white. But unfortunately, according to their purpose, kitchen towels have to absorb hard-to-remove stains from sauces, fatty foods, coffee, tea, and the like, and over time, towels lose their neat, attractive appearance and turn into gray rags. Today we will introduce you to effective methods, time-tested and our respected grandmothers, who will help bleach towels at home.

How to avoid heavy soiling on kitchen towels?

Manufacturers of household items offer consumers many alternative options for the kitchen: paper towels, cellulose wipes, absorbent sponges, foam rubber washcloths. However, housewives still use textile products, as it is convenient, easy and familiar. It is much more convenient to dry your hands with a towel than to tear off a napkin from a roll.

But only the napkin can be thrown away, and greasy stains remain on the kitchen towel. And to minimize stains and use textiles wisely, heed the following guidelines:

  1. Do not use kitchen towels to wipe stains on countertops, sinks, and stovetops. Dry your hands and clean dishes with a towel; for wet and dirty surfaces, use paper napkins and sponges.
  2. Keep textiles away from the stove, oven and another household appliances. During cooking, greasy drops can scatter from the surface of dishes and household appliances, which are difficult to wash off.
  3. Wash kitchen towels as often as possible so that the stains don't have time to eat into the fibers and you don't rack your brains on how to bleach kitchen towels at home without boiling.
  4. Keep a few towels and potholders in the kitchen at the same time. Separate wipes for dry and wet cleaning will not interfere.
  5. It is best to have white textiles in the kitchen, as stains are immediately visible on it. And this means that you wash the soiled towel immediately.
  6. Do not use in the kitchen terry towels, as they get dirty faster, wash worse and dry longer. Buy for the kitchen: linen, cotton and “waffle” towels. It is much easier to bleach such textiles.
  7. If stains appear on the surface of textiles, start fighting them immediately. It is much easier to get rid of a fresh stain than an old, dried one. Dilute 10 tablespoons of salt in 5 liters of water (room temperature). Immerse textiles in the solution for several hours. Then, rinse well and wash in the washing machine.

How to wash kitchen towels?

Before bleaching kitchen towels at home with intensive products, use a machine wash.

To make the washing process as efficient as possible, use the following tips:

  1. Load white towels separately from colored laundry.
  2. Wash your towels on the most intensive setting. Set high temperature regime(70 degrees).
  3. Use bleaching laundry detergent and stain remover.
  4. Stain remover-bleach use oxygen-containing and always without chlorine.
  5. Be sure to activate the pre-soak mode.

Important! If the automatic machine cannot cope with the task, then you will have to use the old grandmother's method - boiling. Of course, this is long enough and not particularly pleasant, but you will not only bleach the textiles, but also disinfect them. Boil towels in an enamel bowl over low heat for 20-30 minutes.

And there are a few more secrets:

  1. If you decide to boil kitchen textiles, wash them first. Otherwise, all the dirt will stick to the fibers of the fabric, and you will no longer be able to bleach such towels.
  2. If after washing the textiles are ironed, then it will be less dirty.

How to bleach towels at home?

In some cases, the use of modern chemicals is not possible. For example, if there are allergy sufferers in the house or there is simply no money to purchase expensive bleaches. In this case, improvised means and folk recipes will come to the rescue to bleach kitchen towels at home without boiling.

Most Effective folk remedies for bleaching:

  • Laundry soap.
  • Mustard.
  • Soda ash.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Potassium permanganate.
  • Vegetable oil.

Skillful use of these products will help to cope with the problem of loss of whiteness due to numerous washes and stubborn dirt. We offer you several folk recipes for bleaching textiles, and you choose the most convenient and acceptable.

Method number 1. How to wash kitchen towels with mustard?

Dry mustard can bleach textiles at home and not cause any harm to towels.

The whitening technique is quite simple:

  1. Stir in hot water a small amount of mustard powder: 1 tbsp. spoon for 0.5 liters of water.
  2. Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly.
  3. Leave the solution for a while.
  4. Drain the cloudy liquid into a separate container. There is no need for bleaching sediment, since it is the liquid accumulated on the surface that contains active substances that will not only whiten the fabric, but also degrease it.
  5. Leave the towels in the solution for three hours.
  6. Take out towels and rinse.

After such a soak, even further washing is not needed, the textile will become clean and white.

Method number 2. Soda ash + chlorine

The most common bleaching method is using a mixture of soda and bleach.

Proceed as follows to bleach kitchen towels at home without boiling:

  1. In a container with warm water add 500 grams of soda and 500 grams of bleach.
  2. Stir the solution thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Put the prepared mixture for several hours to settle. During this time, the components are activated, and unnecessary substances will settle to the bottom.
  4. Strain the solution from impurities.
  5. Place towels in the solution.
  6. Leave the textiles in the solution for several hours (at least three).
  7. Wash and rinse towels well.

Important! Before using aggressive products, protect your hands with rubber gloves. All procedures for soaking, washing, carry out only in protective gloves to protect the skin of the hands chemicals.

Method number 3. Potassium permanganate + soap

This method is laborious, but quite effective:

  1. Dissolve 6-7 potassium permanganate crystals in 10 liters of very hot water. The water should turn bright pink.
  2. Grate a quarter of a bar of laundry soap.
  3. Add soap shavings to the solution.
  4. Stir the mixture thoroughly.
  5. Soak the towels overnight in the solution.
  6. Rinse textiles in clean water in the morning.

Important! As a result this method, towels are not only bleached, but also disinfected, since potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent.

Method number 4. Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can always be found in any home first aid kit, as it is indispensable in the treatment of skin wounds. But not everyone knows that hydroperite has a powerful whitening effect.

Use bleach peroxide as follows:

  1. Wash textiles first.
  2. Heat the water to 70 degrees.
  3. Add hydrogen peroxide to hot water, and for greater effect - a little ammonia: for 6 liters of water - 2 tbsp. spoons of peroxide + 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonia.
  4. Pour the towels with the solution, leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse the fabric several times.

Important! Only use peroxide on thick white fabrics, as hydroperite can corrode other fabrics.

Method number 5. Vegetable oil

This method may seem illogical, but the oil really helps not only soften, but also remove dirt.

For whitening you will need:

Use the ingredients as follows:

  1. Fill the enamel bucket with water.
  2. Put the container on the stove, bring to a boil.
  3. Dissolve all whitening ingredients in water.
  4. Mix thoroughly.
  5. Dip the towels into the solution.
  6. Boil on low heat for 30 minutes.
  7. Let the water cool down.
  8. Remove towels, rinse thoroughly.

Important! You can use this method without boiling. Just soak the textiles in the prepared solution for a day. Then - wash and rinse.

Method number 6. Boric acid and soap

Laundry soap with a strong odor and a fatty acid content of at least 72% is indispensable in the fight against stains. Soap can be used for both soaking and washing.

Here is one way:

  1. Wet towels, wring out lightly.
  2. Lather the textile with soap until a white foam forms.
  3. Put the towels in a whole plastic bag.
  4. Remove the air from the bag, tie it tightly.
  5. Leave the towels in the bag for a day.

The next day, you can easily wash your towels.

The following method involves the use of soap and boric acid:

  1. Wash stains with laundry soap.
  2. Soak textiles for 4 hours in very soapy water, adding a few tablespoons of boric acid to it.
  3. Arrange the towels so that they are completely submerged in the solution.
  4. Wash them in the usual way.

Important! If the towels turn yellow from greasy stains, then use liquid detergent for dishes. Dissolve the product in water until a cloudy soapy solution is obtained, soak towels in it. Wash textiles after half an hour.

How to bleach a terry towel?

To return the terry towel to its original cleanliness and not damage the fabric, use old proven products: soda, salt, mustard.


Soda is unique because soda ash is both a detergent and a cleaner. You can use it to soak towels, and not only white ones.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Prepare a solution: 200 grams of soda per 2 liters of water.
  2. Soak towels overnight.
  3. Rinse in warm water.


Use mustard as follows:

  1. Prepare a solution: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry mustard per 1 liter of hot water.
  2. Soak towels overnight.
  3. Rinse thoroughly in the morning.


Salt will help in the fight for crystal whiteness:

  1. 1 st. dissolve a spoonful of salt in 1 liter of water.
  2. Soak dirty towels in brine overnight.
  3. Wash your towels in the morning as usual.

As you can see, getting kitchen towels white and rid of grease, ketchup, chocolate, and other food stains is not that difficult. In addition, quite affordable home remedies can be used for this purpose. In addition, all of the above bleaching methods involve minimal use of chemicals, which means that they are safe and environmentally friendly. Use the information of the article to your health! We wish you cleanliness and comfort!

Every woman who considers herself a talented housewife has repeatedly wondered: how to bleach kitchen towels? Being always at hand, they take the brunt. There are no stains on them: greasy, oily, from tomatoes, chocolate, beets, ketchup, burnt dishes ... Due to frequent washing, even with a successful stain removal operation, the fabric loses its whiteness and looks sloppy. And most importantly: towels are always in plain sight, showing all guests the "professionalism" of the hostess. Therefore, the question of whiteness is more relevant than ever.

Today, the hostess offers a wide variety of whitening products. industrial production, and older relatives are ready to tell in paints how they bleached kitchen textiles by boiling. Some even have wooden tongs for stirring laundry! But boiling for modern woman unacceptable in most cases, household chemicals there is an allergy. And even in the case when the hostess regularly uses industrial bleach, there are situations when it is simply not available at the right time. In this case, you can get by with improvised means that help whiten the fabric without resorting to boiling.

How to bleach kitchen towels with vegetable oil and other products "from the kitchen"?

The bleaching procedure can be carried out by soaking in solutions prepared on the basis of products that are in every home:

  • vegetable oil;
  • mustard powder;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • vinegar.

whitening recipe vegetable oil includes the following steps.

  1. Type 10 liters of hot water into a large basin or bucket.
  2. Dissolve in water 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. l. baking soda, incomplete glass (meaning a glass with a volume of 250 ml) washing powder.
  3. Soak the towels in the solution overnight.
  4. Wash them in the morning as usual, either by hand or in the washing machine.

Mustard powder can whiten towels at home.

  1. Fill the basin with as much hot water as needed to completely cover the laundry.
  2. Dissolve mustard powder in water. For every liter of water put 2 tbsp. l. mustard.
  3. Stir the solution several times so that the mustard is better dispersed.
  4. Soak things in the solution for 3-4 hours.
  5. After the required time has passed, wash the laundry as usual.

Ordinary table salt will help in the struggle for crystal whiteness.

  1. Dissolve salt in water - 1 tbsp. l. per 1 liter
  2. Soak things in the "brine" overnight.
  3. Wash in the morning as usual.

Baking soda is an all-purpose household cleaner. It is also successfully used for bleaching fabrics.

  1. Dissolve baking soda in water - 1 tbsp. l. per 1 liter water. You can also take soda for 1 tbsp. l. for every towel.
  2. Soak laundry in the solution for 4-4.5 hours.
  3. After the time has passed, wash things in the most convenient way.

You can wash old kitchen towels without boiling by soaking them in vinegar.

  1. Wash your clothes as you normally would, either by hand or in a washing machine.
  2. Soak towels in vinegar. For this purpose better fit colorless transparent table vinegar.
  3. Leave them soaked for 15-30 minutes.
  4. Wash the towels again washing machine in fast mode. Put on a double rinse.

  1. Choose towels that are easy to bleach, such as waffle, cotton, or linen.
  2. Change them often to keep dirt stains from getting old.
  3. Use towels only for drying hands and dishes. For everything else, there are potholders, mittens, paper roll napkins and the like. kitchen appliances. Then you don’t have to wash anything, and the fabric will not lose its snow-white appearance.
  4. After bleaching and washing, iron the towel. It will retain dirt-repellent properties for longer and excellent appearance.
  5. White towels, although considered to be more easily soiled than colored towels, can be bleached in more ways than to whiten a background with a colored pattern.

Whitening means "from the first aid kit"

To whiten kitchen towels at home, you can look in the first aid kit. Some drugs will be most welcome:

  • hydrogen peroxide (3%);
  • ammonia;
  • potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

Hydrogen peroxide 3% can be used for bleaching both on its own and simultaneously with ammonia to enhance the effect.

  1. Wash kitchen towels.
  2. Heat water and add 2 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide and 1 tbsp. l. ammonia.
  3. Soak the laundry for a short time - 15-25 minutes will be enough.
  4. Wash clothes on the fast cycle.

For a whitening effect hand wash, add ammonia to the water at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 3 l. water.

Potassium permanganate, better known as potassium permanganate, although it has a bright color, is able to bleach kitchen towels without boiling.

  1. Heat water in an amount of 10 liters.
  2. Pour 0.5 liters of water into a glass dish and dissolve 6-7 crystals of potassium permanganate in it. Stir until you get rid of the sediment.
  3. Pour the dissolved potassium permanganate into a basin of water.
  4. Grind 1/4 bar of 72% laundry soap. This can be done with a grater or a knife. Dilute soap in water to which potassium permanganate has been added.
  5. Soak the laundry in the solution overnight.
  6. Wash your towels with a double rinse in the morning.

Whitening means "from the soap arsenal"

To bleach towels at home, you can use detergents:

  • dishwashing detergent;
  • laundry soap 72%.

Grease stains are one of the main problems of kitchen textiles. You can wash them off with dishwashing detergent, which was essentially created to deal with grease. Only you should choose a transparent agent so that there is no coloring effect.

  1. Dissolve dishwashing gel in warm water at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 3 liters of water.
  2. Soak the towels in the solution for half an hour.
  3. After the time has passed, wash them as usual. If you are washing in the machine, then set the double rinse mode. If by hand, rinse towels more thoroughly than usual.

Laundry soap - the constant companion of all Soviet housewives - and today serves faithfully in the fight against pollution. The method of whitening with it is simple, but it will take time.

  1. Lather towels thickly with laundry soap.
  2. Put them in a tight plastic bag overnight or even for 18 hours (day and night).
  3. After the time has passed, remove the laundry from the bag and wash with a double rinse.

Means for bleaching kitchen towels are affordable and practical. Try what you like the most, and you may forget about expensive industrial bleaches.

White kitchen towels speak of the accuracy and cleanliness of the hostess. However, they are subject to a wide variety of contaminants: from grease stains to traces of tomatoes, ketchup and other products. Textiles in the kitchen are constantly in sight. Therefore, it is important to keep it clean. Previously, kitchen towels were boiled to turn white again. Now you can return the old whiteness with the help of special or improvised means.

In order not to have to remove old stains of grease and dirt from kitchen towels, certain recommendations must be followed:

  1. Towels should only be used to dry hands or clean dishes. Remove dirt from the table and other surfaces with paper napkins or special sponges.
  2. For use in the kitchen, white textiles are more suitable, since stains are immediately visible on it.
  3. Hang the towel away from the stove so that greasy splashes do not fall on it during cooking.
  4. Kitchen utensils should be washed regularly. Then the pollution will not have time to gain a foothold in the fibers of the fabric.
  5. In addition to towels, it is advisable to have potholders, paper napkins and sponges in the kitchen.
  6. It is better to use waffle, cotton or linen fabrics. After all, terry ones get dirty faster and wash worse.
  7. It is necessary to wash kitchen textiles separately from other things, especially if there are greasy stains on them.

If you do not follow the above rules, then the towels will soon take on a washed and stale look.

Methods for bleaching kitchen towels

Now there are many special means, which are intended for bleaching kitchen textiles. They can be purchased at household chemical stores.

But at home, you can get by with folk recipes.

Machine wash

For starters, textiles can simply be washed in a typewriter. To increase the efficiency of washing, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. follows separately from colored things.
  2. It is necessary to set a high temperature of at least 60 degrees.
  3. For washing, you can use bleach or stain remover. It is advisable to take a bleach based on active oxygen, and not chlorine. Otherwise, the towels may turn yellow.


You can use the method proven over the years and boil towels to clean them.

Action algorithm:

  • pour water into an enameled container;
  • add oxygen bleach there;
  • put the soiled products into the resulting solution;
  • bring the liquid to a boil;
  • another 20-30 minutes;
  • then carefully remove them and rinse thoroughly in running water.

Before boiling kitchen utensils, they need to be washed. Otherwise, pollution will be fixed deep in the fibers of the fabric.

Do not boil colored items, as they will shed and their appearance will be spoiled.

Vegetable oil

Despite the effectiveness of boiling, this method is already a thing of the past. Therefore, you can use simple improvised means that will help restore kitchen towels to their former whiteness. For example, you can bleach kitchen towels with vegetable oil.

Cleaning steps:

  • draw water into a 10-liter bucket;
  • add 2 tablespoons sunflower oil and baking soda, as well as 200 g of washing powder;
  • soak towels in the prepared solution for 12 hours;
  • after this time, the products should be washed in the usual way.

This method is considered one of the most effective. But if he did not help to cope with pollution, you can turn to other proven means.

mustard powder

Another easy way is to use mustard powder.


  • pour hot water into the wash basin;
  • add mustard powder at the rate of 2 tablespoons of powder per 1 liter of water;
  • soak the products in the resulting mixture;
  • leave them for 3-4 hours;
  • after that, wash the towels by hand or in a typewriter.

It is necessary to thoroughly stir the mustard powder so that it is completely dissolved in water.


Ordinary baking soda can also become good helper in the fight for the purity of textiles. For this you need:

  • mix soda with water - 1 tablespoon of soda per liter of water;
  • soak towels in this solution for 3-4 hours;
  • after the specified time, wash the item in the usual way.

You can also add a little hydrogen peroxide to the solution.


Almost any housewife has table vinegar. This tool is also suitable for bleaching kitchen utensils. Would need:

  • pre-wash products in the usual way;
  • then wet them with vinegar;
  • leave for 20-30 minutes depending on the contamination;
  • Rinse and wash towels afterwards.

Vinegar can not only remove dirt, but also cope with mold.

Lemon acid

Citric acid will help to effectively remove stains from tomatoes or beets.

Instructions for use:

  • wash products in warm soapy water;
  • then sprinkle them citric acid in powder;
  • wait 5-10 minutes;
  • rinse kitchen utensils in clean water.

Citric acid is well suited to combat chronic pollution.


You can also prepare a saline solution for bleaching towels.


  • dissolve salt in water at the rate of 1 tablespoon of salt for every liter of water;
  • in the resulting solution, soak the soiled things overnight;
  • in the morning wash products with powder.

Terry towels

Terry towels require special cleaning. They cannot be boiled and bleached with aggressive agents. Therefore, we can suggest this way:

  • pour water into a wash basin;
  • add washing powder there;
  • beat the solution until foam appears;
  • soak soiled products in a basin;
  • leave them overnight;
  • the next morning things are washed in the machine.

White towels create a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. But any contamination is clearly visible on them. If you wash your kitchen utensils regularly, they will please the eye for a long time.

Good day, dear readers of my blog! Do you know a way to remove stubborn stains from kitchen towels?

Strange as it may seem, ordinary vegetable oil will help. It is this type of textile that takes on the most difficult pollution.

various stains, bad smell and yellowness - all these components are sometimes very difficult to remove.
Let's take a look at how to make your housework easier and how to bleach kitchen towels with cooking oil.

The ability to wash soiled things will save your family budget, since you do not have to buy new textiles.

Many housewives decorate the kitchen with beautiful home textiles. But when choosing towels, remember that terry products are not the best choice for kitchen.

Linen and waffle towels are suitable as a more practical product.

  • to make kitchen towels last longer, use several sets alternately and change them more often;
  • products white color for the kitchen most often they are not afraid different types bleaching and boiling;
  • do not wipe greasy tables, stoves or pans with textiles;
  • after washing, iron the textile set. This will keep the towels from getting dirty quickly.

To take away dirty spots and smudges, it is better to use disposable wipes.

Grease stains can be quickly removed with different ways. Boiling, soaking or bleaching is applied.

How to wash towels without boiling

There are different kitchen textiles without boiling. The choice of means depends on the characteristics of the tissues and the degree of contamination.

If the towels are not too dirty, you can wash them in a machine. In this case, the water temperature can be from 30 to 60 degrees.

If the products are white and cotton, the temperature must be raised to 90 degrees.
Textile soaking is also effective. Things can be soaked in soda solution or in saline.

This method eliminates odors, but is only suitable for white fabrics.

The following remedies will help whiten at home:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide bleaches waffle towels well. They need to be soaked 6-7 hours.
  2. Good option with mustard. In this case, the powder is diluted in hot water, such a mixture not only whitens, but also degreases. In such a liquid, things must be soaked for three hours.
  3. The most problematic areas are washed with laundry soap, and then the fabric is soaked in a soapy solution. You can also add boric acid to it.
  4. The easy way with salt. In this case, a spoonful of salt is added to a liter of water. In this solution, things can be left up to 8 ocloc'k.
  5. Even dish detergent will do. Heavily contaminated areas can be rubbed with this composition, and textiles are soaked on 10-20 minutes.

If such products are not suitable, then you can use the recipe with sunflower oil.

Ways to whiten with vegetable oil

You can see how to remove complex pollution in the video.

If the spots are too dark and oily, then try more radical methods:

  • boil a bucket of water over a fire, then add two tablespoons of oil and dry bleach to it, and add an incomplete glass of washing powder. Then put towels there and turn off the stove;
  • in hot water, put three tablespoons of washing powder, oil, bleach and soda. Soak things in this mixture until morning. And then wash in the machine. Suitable for quick wash.

As a bleach, options such as Swan or Boss are suitable.

Oil in any of the formulations plays an important role. It softens dried stains that are easily washed off.

You can use an old Japanese recipe. Poured into a bucket hot water, the temperature of which should be about 60 degrees.

Then a tablespoon of vinegar and mustard powder, as well as two tablespoons of oil, are added to the liquid.

After that, in the composition, and the bucket is covered with a lid. Through 12 hours things are taken out and rinsed about four times.

When rinsing, you can alternate hot and cold water.

Remember that boiling and bleaching help restore whiteness to things, but negatively affect the structure of the material.

The bleaching method with vegetable oil is effective. But remember that it is better to prevent the formation of old stains and large pollution.

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Until we meet again, dear readers.