What is the dream of a small white kitten for a woman. The girl dreamed of a little kitten

  • 30.09.2019

There are few people who are indifferent to little kittens. These creatures are extremely cute and playful, seeing their fun, it's hard to hold back a smile. But not always what causes tenderness in real life, is a good omen in dreams. Let's figure out what to expect if a woman dreams of little kittens.

You need to understand that the interpretation of dreams is not an exact science, but a tool that allows you to gain knowledge. Therefore, it is not always necessary to take interpreters literally. To understand what a dream portends, you need to take into account the emotional coloring of the vision. If a person who has a dream experiences exceptionally joyful feelings, then even a negative interpretation is softened.

Dreams in which kittens are present have ambiguous interpretations. In some cases, cute fluffy babies portend trouble, but, as a rule, small ones. But some dreams with fluffy baby cats, on the contrary, promise a change for the better.

To give a more accurate answer, you need to take into account the color of the heroes of the dream, their behavior, as well as the age and marital status of the dreamer herself.

Interpretation depending on marital status

In many cases, the meaning of sleep varies depending on the marital status and age of the woman.


If a young girl or a young single woman sees a cute kitten in a dream, then this promises an early meeting with a person who will show interest in her. But the dreamer needs to be careful, because, despite the beautiful courtship, the young man has no intention of starting a long romance, much less making an offer, he just wants to have some fun. Therefore, try not to lose your head until you get to know a new acquaintance better.

Did you dream of a dirty, thin and miserable cat cub? This is a sign that the girl is making mistakes when building relationships with colleagues and friends. She does not know how to intelligently solve problems that arise, therefore she does not have the best reputation for being a scandalous person.

married woman

Somewhat different interpretations of dreams are given if the kittens were dreamed of by a married woman. A beautiful fluffy cat cub in a dream can be a sign of an imminent pregnancy in reality. If the spouses do not plan to have children in the near future, then they need to be more careful about contraception.

If a married woman sees a lot of little kittens in a dream, then this is a signal that she feels powerless in front of a pile of problems that have piled on her. You should not try to solve all the problems that arise alone, this threatens with a nervous breakdown or exacerbation of any chronic disease. Do not hesitate to ask for help from your husband, parents or grown children and other relatives. Solving problems together will only strengthen the family.

pregnant woman

If a pregnant woman constantly dreams of kittens, then she should think about her health. Listen to your well-being, and if you find any discomfort, consult a doctor. In the end, in your position it is better to be safe than to miss the onset of the development of any disease.

If you dreamed of a cat cub that lies on your lap and purrs loudly, then this is a sign that childbirth can begin a little earlier than the calculated time. But do not worry, the baby will be fine.

Do not be scared if you dream of dead kittens. Just try to go to the maternity hospital in advance to be under the supervision of doctors and prevent the development of complications in childbirth.

Multi-colored kittens - black, white, red, gray

To interpret sleep, it is very important to remember which colors prevail in dreams. If we are talking about kittens, remember what color the kids had fur.

  • Sunny mushrooms. Happy sleep is in which red kittens appear. Such a night vision promises financial success. It could be an unexpected bonus or winning the lottery. A ginger kitten dreamed of by a lonely woman portends a quick meeting with a worthy person. But he, most likely, will not be eager to propose, and the woman herself will have to take the initiative in order to start a family with her chosen one.
  • Gray stripes. Dreamed of gray kittens with an even color or with dark stripes? Such a vision promises a fairly calm period of life, filled with petty everyday worries. Such an existence may seem boring, but it is in our power to color life with bright colors. So don't wait for someone to come along and make your life better, do it yourself.
  • White tenderness. Dreaming white kittens portend only good changes. But it is important for the dreamer not to miss the opportunities that fate gives you. Therefore, be attentive to incoming offers and new acquaintances, perhaps this is a chance to significantly change your life for the better. If a woman drives away a white cat in a dream, then in reality she can act very ugly with a person who trusts her. This shameful act will greatly complicate communication with friends and relatives in the future, so watch your words and do not take rash actions.
  • black pussies. As in real life, meeting a black cat in a dream does not bring anything good. Dreaming of black kittens can be a warning about getting bad news. If the kids with black fur behave aggressively, but the dreamer should expect betrayal from a loved one. This may be a deceit on the part of a husband or a beloved boyfriend, and the intrigues of a friend whom the woman considered to be practically her own. Be alert and don't let yourself be taken by surprise.

  • Tricolor Charms. Dreamed of cute kittens with spots on the skin? This is a sign that the dreamer is anxious and wants to find protection. Try to analyze what exactly scares you the most at the moment. Finding a problem is the first step towards solving it.
  • Lots of kittens of different colors. Dreaming of multi-colored kittens symbolize the difficult choice that a woman has to make in the near future. Perhaps someone will have a choice - a family or a career. Or have to choose new job of two equally attractive.
  • Kittens of an unusual color. If you dreamed of cat cubs of unreal colors (for example, pink or green), then in reality the dreamer will have a big surprise. But whether it will be pleasant depends on the emotional color of the dream. If in a dream you admired amazing creatures, then the surprise will pleasantly surprise you. If in a dream there was a feeling of “wrongness” of what was happening, then the surprise would most likely cause serious disappointment.

Kitten condition

For more accurate interpretation you need to remember what the kitten looked like from your dreams. Was he a newborn “blind man” or already a self-confident teenager? Did he feel good? Did he show signs of aggression or fear?

Newborn kittens with a cat

The interpretation of sleep, in which newborn kittens with a cat are present, depends on the appearance of the animals.

If you have seen a beautiful, well-groomed Murka lying peacefully with her newborn babies, then this is certainly good sign. Such a dream portends the emergence of new ideas, interesting plans and achievements.

If the cat looked bad, was dirty and sick, and the kittens squealed from hunger, then this dream indicates psychological exhaustion. Maybe you work too much and haven't been on vacation for a long time? Or do you take the problems of your relatives too close to your heart and try to help them, forgetting that you also need rest? Urgently change your life priorities, as a dream in which there is a bad looking cat with newborn babies can be a warning that the body will soon fail and serious health problems will appear.

sick kittens

It does not bode well for a dream in which there are weak and sick kittens. This vision has two meanings. For working women, it is a warning about possible problems which will soon appear in the professional field. Perhaps these problems have already appeared, and you stubbornly ignore them, expecting that everything will be settled by itself.

The interpretation of a dream also depends on its plot. If a woman drove away a sick kitten in a dream, then she does not need to strain much, all problems at work will soon and very successfully be resolved. But if you took pity on a sick baby and took him in your arms, then the difficulties will grow like a snowball. Therefore, it is necessary to solve all emerging issues without putting things off indefinitely, otherwise it will only get worse.

For female housewives, a dream about sick kittens is also a warning that one of the family members is experiencing difficulties in life, but does not share this with loved ones.

Lots of little kittens

If you dreamed of a lot of little kittens, then it is very likely that chaos will soon come in your life. This interpretation has a dream in which you saw literally hundreds of fluffy lumps that got under your feet, rushed about and created a terrible mess.

What is the manifestation of chaos in life? In the mass of small and very small problems that arise constantly and require immediate solutions. At the same time, the main things remain unfinished, as time is spent on solving various trifles. To break out of this state, you need to learn how to systematize things, prioritize and plan time, not forgetting that you need a good rest.

Actions with kittens

When interpreting, it is important to remember what the dreamer himself did. Perhaps he was just watching the frolicking kittens from afar. In this case, you can be sure that both the negative and positive events that the dream promises will not make significant changes in life. Another thing is if any actions were performed with the kittens.

Hold the kittens in your arms and stroke

If you held a kitten in your arms and caressed it, then there is a high probability of meeting a person with whom you have not seen for a long time, but you once had a friendly or romantic relationship.

Such a meeting can have both positive and negative consequences. Do not forget that time changes people a lot, so do not rush to open your soul to an old acquaintance. Take a look at him first. You may be in for a big disappointment. Especially if the meeting is to be with the person you once loved.

Catching runaway kittens

The plot of a dream in which a woman is trying to catch kittens that scatter in different directions is a warning that you need to be more prudent and not seek adventure on your head.
Do not get involved in adventures and resolutely reject dubious offers of easy money, these actions will not bring you anything good.


Playing with a kitten in reality can be a lot of fun. But if a woman has a dream about how she is playing with a baby cat, then this may be a sign that in the real world, someone is trying to play with her. And not for the sake of pleasure, but for the sake of material gain. Take a close look at your surroundings, is anyone trying to manipulate you? And be doubly careful when dealing with new acquaintances who are persistently trying to make friends and ingratiate themselves.

Pick up on the street

Of course, the desire to pick up a homeless fluffy baby on the street is a good deed. But if this plot is present in a dream, then this may be a sign that you too often take on the solution of other people's problems. And people shamelessly take advantage of your kindness, shifting their worries onto you. Remember, a little healthy selfishness will do you good.

Buy a kitten

If you want to buy a kitten in real life, then there is nothing wrong in the dream in which you perform this action. If such a purchase is not planned, then the dream may be a warning about possible deception and fraud against you.

Therefore, if you are planning to buy something large, then do not be too lazy to check the documents again and make sure that you are buying a really valuable thing, and not a pig in a poke.


If a woman often dreams that she is feeding kittens, then she should think about relationships in a couple or family. Perhaps the dreamer gives a lot of feelings, emotions, energy, but receives nothing in return.

The partner and children get used only to consume, demanding more and more, which will inevitably lead to a nervous breakdown or physical illness. Therefore, before it's too late, change the relationship, demanding respect for your needs.

The most famous dream books

There are several generally accepted dream books that many people turn to. It should be noted that interpreters often interpret dream plots in different ways, so it is worth studying several sources at once.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Studying Vanga's dream book, we can conclude that kittens in a dream are harbingers of failure. A woman who saw in a dream cute fluffy lumps should be prepared for a long and difficult period of her life. It will be filled with small, but very annoying and annoying troubles.

At the same time, a woman will have to cope with them on her own. Others will not be able or will not want to help her.

However, if in a dream the kittens sleep peacefully in a basket or next to their mother cat, then you should not be very upset. Failures and problems will be quickly resolved without any participation of the dreamer, simply by a lucky coincidence.

Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book gives a different interpretation. According to an American psychologist, peacefully playing kittens in a dream is a wonderful sign. Such a dream plot promises the dreamer a successful deliverance from enemies and ill-wishers, they will simply switch their attention to other objects, leaving the woman who had the dream alone.

Sleep is even more favorable if a woman chases away kittens in a dream. This promises a quick and complete deliverance from the main problems that concern the dreamer most of all.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

According to this interpreter, the most unfavorable dream in which kittens appear is the one in which the pet runs away and hides from the woman. Such a night vision warns that the dreamer may fall into a shameful position. Your own frivolity will lead to the loss of a good reputation. Therefore, ladies who see such a dream need to be very careful in their actions and statements if she does not want to become the heroine of unpleasant rumors and gossip.

For a woman to see a lovely, fluffy, white kitten in a dream is an omen that she will be lured into a trap set for her by deft deceit, but her common sense and prudence will avert trouble from her and she can avoid the ruin that threatened her.

If the kittens are dirty or motley and skinny, then in reality she, blinded by shiny tinsel, will become a victim of someone's unseemly act.

Seeing kittens means minor troubles and annoyances that will haunt you until you kill a kitten in a dream, and only after that your misadventures will stop.

To dream of snakes killing kittens is a sign that your enemies, looking for ways to harm you, will eventually harm themselves.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

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Dream Interpretation - Small

Seeing in a dream an incongruously small nose, mouth, ear, in general, any organ of the body is a warning against promiscuity in the choice of friends.

If you dream of a small animal, insect, bird or fish, such a dream warns that someone's treachery can cause you serious damage if you do not exercise due diligence.

If your clothes are small or tight in a dream, this is a sign of bitter disappointment in love. Too small a pillow or blanket portends that you will soon awaken an interest in the profitable side of life and a desire for self-improvement.

To find yourself in a dream in a small house or a small room - in reality you will feel constrained in funds.

To receive a small amount of money in a dream instead of a large amount due means unforeseen circumstances that will drastically change the measured course of your life.

Interpretation of dreams from

Beautiful and white kittens, dreamed by a woman, warn her. In reality, the dreamer needs to be very careful, because enemies and envious people will try to deceive her into their spread networks. Here Gustav Miller recommends relying only on your own intuition and common sense.

If the kittens in a dream are dirty, skinny or multi-colored, in reality the dreamers may become a victim of their own negligence. In general, Miller is sure that any dreams with kittens are a bad sign that speaks of impending difficulties in life. Change of professional activity is possible.

Why do kittens dream? Modern dream book

If red kittens, cash receipts are coming in reality. A white kitten portends an unexpected turn in life or bad news. To see a gray kitten in a dream - to the daily chores of the house. In principle, this dream does not bode well, since chores in life are a common thing. It is curious that a favorable dream is one in which black kittens can be observed.

Aesop's dream book: kittens

Dreams in which you can see a cat with kittens promise unexpected and big problems with children. Perhaps some hidden secret of the child will soon be revealed, which will bring disappointment and discord into the family. If in a dream a kitten runs away from a dog, climbing a tree, in reality the dreamer should be extremely careful. If the kitten, seeing vicious dog, stealthily runs to the roof of the house, in real life the dreamer should beware of the dangers and tricks prepared by his envious people.

Dreamed of kittens. Interpretation of Felomen

Kittens in a dream are a symbol of loneliness, depression and indifference from the people around them. A man playing in a dream with a kitten that scratches and tries to bite portends unpleasant news: the second half of the dreamer has an evil disposition and a terrible character. She is not who she claims to be at all. White fluffy kittens seen in a dream advise you to be on your guard in relationships with this or that person.

Flea kittens in a dream speak of a strange situation in the professional field: the fact is that in reality only the dreamer will be satisfied with the result of his work, his other colleagues will feel disappointment and resentment. Dreaming blind kittens speak of the significance of the dreamer in the professional field. To receive a kitten as a gift in a dream means to suffer certain losses from a stranger.

In order to correctly interpret this or that dream, a person must remember exactly what feelings the dream caused. After all, the same dream can be interpreted in different ways.

Seeing kittens in a dream is a good and kind sign, however, such a dream can also bring anxiety and anxiety.

furry friend color

Surprisingly, the color of a dreaming kitten directly affects the meaning of sleep.

  • A ginger kitten always dreams of profit, prosperity and money finds.
  • Smoky fluffy promises family well-being, comfort and tranquility in everyday life.
  • A dreaming white kitten means a pleasant acquaintance. If an unmarried woman dreamed of a white kitten, then perhaps she will soon meet her soul mate.
  • A black kitten in a dream suggests that you should not worry and worry about trifles in vain.
  • A gray kitten dreams of those people who should seriously look at their lives and change something in it.
  • A striped kitten in a dream is an unkind sign. Such a dream means that one of your close friends can betray you and harm your reputation.
  • A tricolor kitten dreams when a person has difficulties and troubles in life. Such a dream is a reflection life situation in real human life.
  • Multi-colored kittens warn you about the deception of a loved one.

Affectionate, gentle and playful kittens

If you dream of a kitten, then in the morning you should remember the smallest details of sleep, appearance and pet behavior.

  • Fluffy kittens always dream of prosperity and gifts. This is a very pleasant dream that symbolizes success, joy and happiness.
  • An affectionate kitten dreams of a pleasant acquaintance. However, such an acquaintance can bring trouble and trouble.
  • If you dream of very beautiful kittens, then you should pay attention to your profession. For example, doctors have this dream when they need to devote more time to patients. Teachers, at a time when they should pay as much attention as possible to students. In other words, such a dream warns a person about possible troubles at work.
  • If you were presented with a small kitten in a dream, then in reality this means loneliness. Such a dream is dreamed by people who need attention and care from others.

Kitten in a dream, what to expect?

  • If a little child a kitten is dreaming, then soon there will be an addition to the family.
  • If a man dreams of a kitten, then he should be on the alert! Because some of his acquaintances weave intrigues and spread unjustified gossip.
  • Seeing a kitten in a dream on the eve of the wedding is a very bad sign. Such a dream means that in the life of the young there will be many pitfalls and difficult situations.
  • Married women and girls who have personal life everything is fine, the kitten is dreaming of pregnancy.
  • If you dream of two or more kittens, then this means that in real life, financial failure awaits you. After this dream, it is recommended not to borrow money, not to take loans and not to lend anyone a large amount.
  • If you dreamed of a kitten, and after this dream you had a feeling of anxiety, then expect changes in your life.
  • An angry and aggressive kitten in a dream, dreams of an unpleasant acquaintance.
  • If you pet a kitten in a dream, then soon an old friend whom you have not seen for many years will visit you.
  • Playing with a kitten in a dream is a dangerous dream. He talks about someone playing you like a puppet.
  • If in a dream, you want to shelter a small kitten, then in reality, you are taking on other people's problems.
  • If you buy a kitten in a dream, then in life you need to protect yourself from rash acts and unnecessary investments.
  • If a person dreams of a wet kitten, then this dream will bring a lot of empty troubles and worries in life.
  • A dream in which you save a kitten from trouble warns you that someone is preparing a trap for you.
  • A newborn kitten in a dream symbolizes your helplessness and defenselessness in real life. After such a dream, you should think about your behavior and try to change something.
  • Flea and dirty kittens in a dream dream of joy and fun. Perhaps close people are preparing a surprise for you.

You shouldn’t get too hung up on dreams, because sometimes people have “empty” dreams that do not symbolize anything.

In reality, most people are sympathetic to such cute creatures as kittens. However, dreams in which these animals are present are often interpreted negatively by dream books. Most often, kittens symbolize betrayal and problems in night visions. But much in the interpretation depends on the color of the coat.

So, why do little kittens dream? Having learned more about the secrets of such dreams, a person can prevent trouble, take measures in advance in order to protect himself from a number of adversities.

By color

Depending on the coat color of the kittens, the interpretation of dreams may vary. A tiny black cat predicts a series of minor misadventures, a streak of bad luck in real life. Red pussies are an omen of a fiasco in love, a quarrel with an adored person. What can a white pussy dream about? This is a rare exception to the "cat" rule, the animal in a dream predicts joy, a favorable combination of circumstances.

Black and white kittens in a dream predict that the dreamer will have to experience either a “black” or a “white” streak. One week will turn out to be unusually successful, but the next will bring only disappointments and difficulties, conflicts. The fantastic colors of the animal's fur predict surprises and unusual incidents from the dream book.

If while you were sleeping, you stroked the kitten, then, alas, your hopes will be deceived. When in a dream you were just surprised strange color the fur of a cat cub and did not dare to touch it, then everything will turn out more or less safely for you. At least you will not be disappointed or offended by anything.

Be careful!

Newborn kittens in a dream book are a sign that the moment has come for the sleeping person to confront his rivals and competitors. Right now he can defend his interests, defend his point of view. Meanwhile, the dream book reminds you that in no case should you sit idly by, losing precious time. Inaction will then turn into a complete collapse of plans and hopes!

You should be more careful and prudent, that's what I dreamed of holding a baby kitten in my arms. Frivolity, reckless actions can have a detrimental effect on your reputation, and then it will be difficult to correct and change the prevailing negative public opinion.

If a girl had such a vision, then the dream book reminds her of the proverb: "Take care of honor from a young age." A rash step once and for all can ruin the reputation of a young lady.

Problems and their causes

Out of the kindness of your heart, did you pick up a tiny, shivering kitten on the street in a dream? Then know that in reality you yourself are the culprit of many of your misfortunes. No one plots for you, and you yourself, with amazing persistence, step on a familiar rake, not drawing conclusions from the mistakes made in the past.

What did the numerous offspring of a cat dream about? If the dreaming cat “army” was peacefully dozing, then in reality everything will go on as usual, without any special shocks and obstacles, the dream book suggests. Even if there are some difficulties and obstacles, you miraculously you pass them, and only later will you find out: what danger threatened you.

The plot is interpreted differently by the dream book, in which a whole pack of little pussies was naughty and played noisily. Such a picture is a hint - in fact, someone in the immediate environment is building insidious intrigues against the dreamer.

The betrayal of a partner is prophesied by a dream that the kitten scratched you. It may also be that after such a dream, a loved one frankly admits that he is ready to break off relations. Do not despair, you will certainly meet a more reliable person, and fall in love again, and the feelings will be mutual, sincere.

Litigation in which you have to be the defendant, that's what I dreamed about when a little black kitten hurt you with its claws. Do not get upset ahead of time, and do not worry, it is possible that you just flooded the neighbors on the floor below, and they want to get compensation from you for repairs. It's a matter of life, as they say.

There are reasons for optimism!

Did it seem to you that in your night dreams you acted cruelly, driving away the peacefully playing kittens? But the dream book believes that in reality you can easily overcome any problems and defeat the most dangerous, experienced enemies.

Dreamed of a tiny snow-white cat? Don't freak out ahead of time. When you wake up, take a closer look at the people in your immediate environment. There is definitely a hypocritical person among them, just waiting for an opportunity to harm you!

Visions in which kittens behave impudently and aggressively are identified by dream books with outright attacks of enemies in reality. But remember, if you managed to fight off tiny ugly claws, then in real life you will be able to neutralize ill-wishers and spiteful critics, the dream book promises.

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