Natural emergencies: types and classification. The most terrible natural phenomena

  • 12.10.2019

Nature is not always as serene and beautiful as in the photo above these lines. Sometimes she shows us her dangerous manifestations. From violent volcanic eruptions to terrifying hurricanes, nature's fury is best seen from afar and from a distance. We often underestimate the amazing and destructive power of nature, and she reminds us of this from time to time. While all this looks spectacular in photographs, the consequences of such phenomena can be very scary. We must respect the authority of the planet we live on. For you, we have made this photo and video selection of frightening natural phenomena.


All these types of atmospheric phenomena are dangerous vortex manifestations of the elements.

Tornado or tornado arises in a thundercloud and spreads down, often to the very surface of the earth, in the form of a cloud sleeve or trunk with a diameter of tens and hundreds of meters. Tornadoes can appear in many shapes and sizes. Most tornadoes appear as a narrow funnel (only a few hundred meters across), with a small cloud of debris close to the earth's surface. A tornado can be completely hidden by a wall of rain or dust. Such tornadoes are especially dangerous, as even experienced meteorologists may not recognize them.

Lightning tornado:

Tornado in Oklahoma, USA (May site 2010):

Supercell Thunderstorm in Montana, USA, formed by a huge rotating thundercloud 10-15 km high and d about 50 km in diameter. Such a thunderstorm creates tornadoes, heavy winds, large hail:


View of a hurricane tornado from space:

There are other, outwardly similar, but different in nature vortex phenomena:

It is formed as a result of the rise of warmer air from the surface of the earth. Tornado-vortices, unlike tornadoes, develop from the bottom up, and the cloud above them, if formed, is a consequence of the vortex, and not its cause.

Dusty (sandy) whirlwind- this is a vortex movement of air that occurs near the surface of the earth during the day in slightly cloudy and usually hot weather when the earth's surface is strongly warmed by the sun's rays. The vortex lifts dust, sand, pebbles, small objects from the surface of the earth and sometimes transfers them to a site at a considerable distance (hundreds of meters). Whirlwinds pass in a narrow strip, so that in case of weak wind its speed inside the whirlwind reaches 8-10 m/s and more.


Or a firestorm is formed when a column of hot, rising air interacts with or causes a fire on the ground. It is a vertical whirlpool of fire in the air. The air above it heats up, its density decreases, and it rises. From below, cold air masses from the periphery enter in its place, which immediately heat up. Steady streams are formed, screwing in a spiral from the ground to a height of up to 5 km. There is an effect chimney. The pressure of hot air reaches hurricane speeds. The temperature rises to 1000˚С. Everything burns or melts. At the same time, everything that is nearby is “sucked” into the fire. And so on until everything that can burn is burned.

The site is a funnel-shaped air-water vortex, similar in nature to an ordinary tornado, which forms above the surface of a large reservoir and is connected to a cumulus cloud. A water tornado can form when a normal tornado passes over a water surface. Unlike a classic tornado, a water tornado exists for only 15-30 minutes, is much smaller in diameter, the speed of movement and rotation is two to three times lower, and is not always accompanied by a hurricane wind.


Sand (dust) storm is a dangerous atmospheric phenomenon, which manifests itself in the form of wind a large number particles of soil, dust or fine grains of sand from the surface of the Earth. The height of the layer of such dust can be several meters, and horizontal visibility is noticeably worse. For example, at a level of 2 meters, visibility is 1-8 kilometers, but often visibility in a storm is reduced to several hundred or even tens of meters. Dust storms occur on the site mainly when the soil surface is dry and the wind speed is more than 10 meters per second.

The fact that a storm is approaching can be understood in advance by the incredible silence that forms around, as if you suddenly fell into a vacuum. This silence is depressing, creating an inexplicable anxiety within you.

Sandstorm on the streets of the city of Onslow in the northwest of Australia, January 2013:

Sandstorm in Golmud Village, Qinghai Province, China, 2010:

Red sandstorm in Australia:


is a dangerous natural disaster, which is sea waves resulting from the shift of the seabed during underwater and coastal earthquakes. Having formed in any place, a tsunami can spread at high speed (up to 1000 km/h) for several thousand kilometers, while the height of the tsunami is initially from 0.1 to 5 meters. When reaching shallow water, the wave height increases sharply, reaching a height of 10 to 50 meters. Huge masses of water thrown ashore lead to flooding and destruction of the area, as well as to the death of people and animals. An air shock wave propagates in front of the water shaft. It acts similarly to a blast wave, destroying buildings and structures. The tsunami wave may not be the only one. Very often it is a series of waves rolling ashore with an interval of 1 hour or more.

Tsunami in Thailand, caused by an earthquake (9.3 points) in the Indian Ocean on December 26, 2004:


Flood- flooding of the territory with water, which is a natural disaster. Floods are of different types and caused by different causes. Catastrophic floods lead to death of people, irreparable environmental damage, cause material damage, covering vast territories within one or more water systems. At the same time, the economic site and production activity are completely paralyzed, the lifestyle of the population is temporarily changed. The evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people, the inevitable humanitarian catastrophe requires the participation of the entire world community, the problem of one country becomes the problem of the whole world.

Flooding in Khabarovsk and the Khabarovsk Territory, caused by intense showers that covered the entire Amur River basin and lasted about two months (2013):

New Orleans flooding after a hurricane. New Orleans (USA) stands on damp ground, which is not able to support the city. Orleans sinks slowly into the ground, and Gulf of Mexico slowly rises around him. Most of New Orleans is already 1.5 to 3 meters below sea level. This was greatly facilitated by Hurricane Katrina in 2005:

Flooding in Germany, in the Rhine river basin (2013):

Flood in Iowa, USA (2008):


Lightning discharges (lightning) are a giant electrical spark discharge into the atmosphere, with a very long spark, usually occurs during a thunderstorm, manifested by a bright flash of light and accompanying thunder. The total length of the lightning channel reaches several kilometers (2.5 km on average), and a significant part of this channel is located inside the thundercloud. Some discharges extend in the atmosphere for a distance of up to 20 km. The current in a lightning discharge reaches 10-20 thousand amperes, so not all people survive after a lightning strike.

forest fire- this is a spontaneous, uncontrolled spread of fire in forest areas. The causes of fires in the forest can be natural (lightning, drought, etc.) and artificial, when people are the cause. Forest fires come in several forms.

Underground (soil) fires in the forest are most often associated with the ignition of peat, which becomes possible as a result of the drainage of swamps. They can be hardly noticeable and spread to a depth of several meters, as a result of which they represent an additional danger and are extremely difficult to extinguish. Like, for example, a peat fire in the Moscow region (2011):

At ground fire the forest floor, lichens, mosses, grasses, branches that have fallen to the ground, etc., burn down.

Riding forest fire covers leaves, needles, branches and the entire crown; it can cover (in the event of a general fire) the grass-moss cover of the soil and undergrowth. They usually develop in dry windy weather from a ground fire, in plantations with low crowns, in plantations of different ages, as well as in abundant coniferous undergrowth. This is usually the final stage of a fire.


Volcanoes- These are geological formations on the surface of the earth's crust, most often in the form of a mountain, where magma comes to the surface, forming lava, volcanic gases, stones and pyroclastic flows. When molten magma pours through cracks in the earth's crust, a volcano erupts, the site of the Roman god of fire and blacksmithing.

Karymsky volcano is one of the most active volcanoes in Kamchatka:

Underwater volcano - the coast of the Tonga archipelago (2009):

Underwater volcano and subsequent tsunami:

Volcanic eruption photographed from space:

Volcano Klyuchevskoy in Kamchatka (1994):

The eruption of Mount Sinabung in Sumatra was accompanied by several mini-tornadoes:

Puyehue volcano eruption in Chile:

Lightning in the ash cloud of the Chaiten volcano in Chile:

Volcanic Lightning:


Earthquake- these are tremors and vibrations of the Earth's surface caused by natural tectonic processes (movement of the earth's crust and displacements and ruptures occurring in it) or artificial processes (explosions, filling of reservoirs, collapse of underground cavities of mine workings). May cause volcanic eruptions and tsunamis.

Japan earthquake followed by tsunami (2011):


Landslide- a detached mass of loose rocks, slowly and site gradually or abruptly creeping along an inclined plane of separation, while often retaining its coherence, solidity and not overturning its soil.


sel- a stream with a very high concentration of mineral particles, stones and rock fragments (something between a liquid and a solid mass), which suddenly appears in the basins of small mountain rivers and is usually caused by heavy rainfall or rapid snowmelt.


snow avalanches belong to landslides. This is a mass of snow falling or sliding off the slopes of mountains.

This is one of record avalanches size 600 thousand cubic meters. The film crew was not harmed.

“This is the consequence of the avalanche - snow dust, it flew high, and everything disappeared as if in a fog. Everyone was doused with snow dust, which, by inertia, continued to move at the speed of a snowstorm. It became dark as night. Because of the fine-fine snow it was difficult to breathe on the site. Hands and feet instantly stiffened. I didn't see anyone around. Although there were people nearby, ”said Anton Voitsekhovsky, a member of the film crew.

Natural phenomena are ordinary, sometimes even supernatural climatic and meteorological events that occur naturally in all corners of the planet. It can be snow or rain familiar from childhood, or it can be incredible destructive or earthquakes. If such events take place away from a person and do not cause material damage to him, they are considered unimportant. No one will draw attention to this. Otherwise, dangerous natural phenomena are considered by mankind as natural disasters.

Research and observation

People began to study characteristic natural phenomena in ancient times. However, it was possible to systematize these observations only in the 17th century, and even a separate section of science (natural science) was formed that studies these events. However, despite many scientific discoveries, to this day, some natural phenomena and processes remain poorly understood. Most often, we see the consequence of an event, and we can only guess about the root causes and build various theories. Researchers in many countries are working on forecasting the occurrence, and most importantly, preventing them. possible appearance or at least reduce the damage caused by natural phenomena. And yet, despite all the destructive power of such processes, a person always remains a person and strives to find something beautiful, sublime in this. What natural phenomenon is the most fascinating? They can be listed for a long time, but, probably, it should be noted such as a volcanic eruption, a tornado, a tsunami - they are all beautiful, despite the destruction and chaos that remain after them.

Weather phenomena of nature

Natural phenomena characterize the weather with its seasonal changes. Each season has its own set of events. So, for example, in the spring the following snowmelt, flood, thunderstorms, clouds, wind, rains are observed. In summer, the sun gives the planet an abundance of heat, natural processes at this time are most favorable: clouds, warm wind, rain and, of course, a rainbow; but can also be severe: thunderstorms, hail. In autumn they change, the temperature drops, the days become cloudy, with rain. During this period, the following phenomena prevail: fogs, leaf fall, hoarfrost, first snow. In winter, the plant world falls asleep, some animals hibernate. The most frequent natural phenomena are: freezing, snowstorm, blizzard, snow, on the windows appear

All these events are ordinary for us, we have not paid attention to them for a long time. Now let's look at the processes that remind humanity that it is not the crown of all, and the planet Earth has only sheltered it for a while.

Dangerous natural phenomena

These are extreme and severe climatic and meteorological processes that occur in all parts of the world, but some regions are considered more vulnerable to certain types of events than others. Hazardous natural phenomena become disasters when infrastructure is destroyed and people die. These losses represent major obstacles to human development. It is practically impossible to prevent such cataclysms; all that remains is timely forecasting of events in order to prevent casualties and material damage.

However, the difficulty lies in the fact that dangerous natural phenomena can take place on different scales and in different time. In fact, each of them is unique in its own way, and therefore it is very difficult to predict it. For example, flash floods and tornadoes are destructive but short-lived events affecting relatively small areas. Other dangerous disasters, such as droughts, can develop very slowly, but affect entire continents and entire populations. Such disasters last for several months, and sometimes even years. In order to control and predict these events, some national hydrological and meteorological services and special specialized centers are entrusted with the task of studying hazardous geophysical phenomena. This includes volcanic eruptions, airborne ash, tsunamis, radioactive, biological, chemical pollution, etc.

Now let's take a closer look at some natural phenomena.


The main reason for this cataclysm is the lack of rainfall. Drought is very different from other natural disasters in its slow development, often hidden by various factors. There are even recorded cases in world history when this disaster lasted for many years. Drought often has devastating consequences: First, water sources (streams, rivers, lakes, springs) dry up, many crops stop growing, then animals die, and ill health and malnutrition become widespread.

Tropical cyclones

These natural phenomena are areas of very low atmospheric pressure over subtropical and tropical waters, forming a colossal rotating system of thunderstorms and winds hundreds (sometimes thousands) of kilometers across. The speed of surface winds in the zone of a tropical cyclone can reach two hundred kilometers per hour or even more. The interaction of low pressure and wind-driven waves often results in a coastal storm surge - a huge volume of water washed ashore with tremendous force and high speed, which washes everything in its path.

Air pollution

These natural phenomena arise as a result of the accumulation in the air of harmful gases or particles of substances resulting from cataclysms (volcanic eruptions, fires) and human activities (the work of industrial enterprises, vehicles, etc.). Haze and smoke come from fires on undeveloped lands and forest areas, as well as burning the remains of crops and logging; in addition, due to the formation of volcanic ash. These atmospheric pollutants have very serious consequences for the human body. As a result of such cataclysms, visibility is reduced, there are interruptions in the operation of road and air transport.

desert locust

Such natural phenomena cause serious damage in Asia, the Middle East, Africa and the southern part of the European continent. When ecological and weather conditions favor the reproduction of these insects, they tend to concentrate in small areas. However, with an increase in the number of locusts, it ceases to be an individual creature and turns into a single living organism. From small groups, huge flocks are formed, moving in search of food. The length of such a jamb can reach tens of kilometers. In a day, he can cover distances of up to two hundred kilometers, sweeping away all vegetation in his path. So, one ton of locusts (this is a small part of the flock) can eat as much food per day as ten elephants or 2500 people eat. These insects pose a threat to millions of pastoralists and farmers living in vulnerable environmental conditions.

Flash floods and flash floods

Data can occur anywhere after heavy rainfall. Any flood plains are vulnerable to flooding, and severe storms cause flash floods. In addition, flash floods are sometimes even observed after periods of drought, when very heavy rains fall on a hard and dry surface through which the water flow cannot seep into the ground. These natural events are characterized by a wide variety of types: from violent small floods to a powerful layer of water that covers vast areas. They can be caused by tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, monsoons, extratropical and tropical cyclones (their strength can be increased by the influence of the warm El Niño current), melting snow and ice jams. In coastal areas, storm surges often result in flooding as a result of tsunamis, cyclones or rising river levels due to unusually high tides. The reason for the flooding of vast territories below the barrier dams is often the flood on the rivers, which is caused by melting snow.

Other natural hazards

1. Debris (mud) flow or landslide.

5. Lightning.

6. Extreme temperatures.

7. Tornado.

10. Fires on undeveloped lands or in forests.

11. Heavy snow and rain.

12. Strong winds.

Tatar - American Regional Institute

Department of FPS

course abstract

BJD on the topic:

"Dangerous natural phenomena: earthquakes, landslides, floods, etc."


Student gr.122

Balyasnikova K.A.


Mukhametzyanova L.K.

Kazan - 2005


1. Characteristics of natural disasters…………………………………...…....4

2. Analysis of natural disasters on Earth in the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century…….…………………………………………………………………………………………13

3. Use of personal and collective protective equipment in emergency situations..…………………………………………….………...20

4. Notification of people about the disaster ……………………………….……...…..22

5.People's actions:

a) at a warning signal: "Attention everyone!"

(sirens, intermittent beeps)…..………………………………………………23

b) under the threat of an earthquake ..………………………………….………...……..23

c) during a sudden earthquake….…………………..….………………........24

6.Rescue and emergency rescue

work in the aftermath of earthquakes………….……………..26


List of used literature………………….……………..…….…..…28


The spontaneous actions of the forces of nature, which are not yet fully subject to man, cause enormous damage to the economy of the state and the population.

Natural disasters are such natural phenomena that cause extreme situations, disrupt the normal life of people and the operation of objects.

Natural disasters usually include earthquakes, floods, mudflows, landslides, snow drifts, volcanic eruptions, landslides, droughts, hurricanes, storms. In some cases, fires, especially massive forest and peat ones, can also be attributed to such disasters.

Dangerous disasters are, in addition, industrial accidents. Of particular danger are accidents at the enterprises of the oil, gas and chemical industries.

Natural disasters, fires, accidents... You can meet them in different ways. Bewildered, even doomed, as people have met various disasters for centuries, or calmly, with unbending faith in their own strength, with the hope of taming them. But only those who, knowing how to act in a given situation, can confidently accept the challenge of disasters, will make the only right decision: save themselves, help others, prevent, as far as possible, the destructive action of elemental forces.

The problem of natural and man-made disasters has recently been the subject of discussion by the Russian Security Council. In November 2003, a joint meeting of the Security Council and the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation was held, initiated by the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yu.S. Osipov and the Minister of Emergency S.K. Shoigu. It is important to note that the Security Council has classified natural phenomena, along with other threats, among the most important strategic risks for the country.

Characteristics of natural disasters

Natural disasters are understood as natural phenomena (earthquakes, floods, landslides, snow avalanches, mudflows, hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons, fires, volcanic eruptions, etc.) material values.

Natural disasters can occur both independently of each other and in interconnection: one of them can lead to another. Some of them often arise as a result of not always reasonable human activity (for example, forest and peat fires, industrial explosions in mountainous areas, during the construction of dams, laying (development) of quarries, which often leads to landslides, snow avalanches, glacial collapses, etc.). P.).

Regardless of the source of occurrence, natural disasters are characterized by significant scale and varying duration - from a few seconds and minutes (earthquakes, avalanches) to several hours (mudflows), days (landslides) and months (floods).

earthquakes- these are strong fluctuations of the earth's crust caused by tectonic or volcanic causes and leading to the destruction of buildings, structures, fires and human casualties.

The main characteristics of earthquakes are: the depth of the focus, magnitude and intensity of energy on the earth's surface.

The depth of the earthquake source is usually in the range from 10 to 30 km, in some cases it can be much greater.

The magnitude characterizes the total energy of an earthquake and is the logarithm of the maximum amplitude of soil displacement in microns, measured from a seismogram at a distance of 100 km from the epicenter. Magnitude (M) according to Richter varies from 0 to 9 (the strongest earthquake). Increasing it by one means a tenfold increase in the amplitude of vibrations in the soil (or displacement of the soil) and an increase in the earthquake energy by a factor of 30. Thus, the amplitude of the displacement of the soil of an earthquake with M=7 is 100 times greater than with M=5, while the total energy of the earthquake increases by 900 times.

The intensity of energy on the surface of the earth is measured in points. It depends on the depth of the source, magnitude, distance from the epicenter, the geological structure of soils, and other factors. To measure the intensity of earthquake energy in our country, a 12-point Richter scale has been adopted.

Some data on earthquakes are given in Table 1.

Table 1

Earthquakes cause great property damage and claim thousands human lives. For example, as a result of a catastrophic earthquake with an intensity of 8 on the Richter scale on June 21, 1990, in the north of Iran in the province of Gilan, more than 50 thousand people died and about 1 million people were injured and homeless. (The scale of the earthquake in Armenia is shown on the flyleaf.)

Fifteen hundred villages were destroyed. 12 cities were significantly affected, 3 of which were completely destroyed.

Earthquakes also cause other natural disasters, such as landslides, avalanches, mudflows, tsunamis, floods (due to dam failure), fires (when oil storage facilities are damaged and gas pipelines break), damage to communications, power lines, water supply and sewerage, accidents at chemical enterprises with the expiration (spill) of SDYAV, as well as at nuclear power plants with a leak (emission) of radioactive substances into the atmosphere, etc.

Currently, there are no sufficiently reliable methods for predicting earthquakes and their consequences. However, by changing the characteristic properties of the earth, as well as the unusual behavior of living organisms before an earthquake (they are called precursors), scientists often manage to make predictions. Earthquake harbingers are: a rapid increase in the frequency of weak shocks (foreshocks); deformation of the earth's crust, determined by observation from satellites from space or shooting on the earth's surface using laser light sources; change in the ratio of the propagation velocities of longitudinal and transverse waves on the eve of the earthquake; change in electrical resistance of rocks, level ground water in wells; radon content in water, etc.

The unusual behavior of animals on the eve of an earthquake is expressed in the fact that, for example, cats leave villages and carry kittens to meadows, and birds in cages begin to fly 10-15 minutes before the earthquake; before the shock, unusual cries of birds are heard; pets in barns panic, etc. The most likely reason for this behavior of animals is anomalies in the electromagnetic field before the earthquake.

To protect against earthquakes, seismically dangerous zones in various regions of the country are identified in advance, that is, the so-called seismic zoning is carried out. Seismic zoning maps usually highlight areas that are threatened by earthquakes with an intensity higher than VII-VIII on the Richter scale. In seismically hazardous areas, various protection measures are provided, starting with strict compliance with the requirements of norms and rules during the construction and reconstruction of buildings, structures and other objects to the suspension of hazardous industries (chemical plants, nuclear power plants, etc.).

floods- these are significant flooding of the area as a result of a rise in the water level in a river, lake, reservoir, caused by various reasons (spring snowmelt, heavy rainfall and rainfall, ice jams on rivers, breakthrough of dams, dammed lakes and enclosing dams, wind surge of water, etc. . P.). Floods are not, are huge and material damage and lead to human casualties.

Direct material damage from floods consists in damage and destruction of residential and industrial buildings, roads and railways, power lines and communications, reclamation systems, death of livestock and crops, damage and destruction of raw materials, fuel, food, feed, fertilizers, etc. . P.

As a result of heavy rains that took place in Transbaikalia in early July 1990, floods unprecedented in these places arose. More than 400 bridges have been demolished. According to the data of the Regional Emergency Flood Commission, the national economy of the Chita Region has been damaged in the amount of 400 million rubles. Thousands of people were left homeless. There were no human casualties either.

Floods can be accompanied by fires due to breaks and short circuits in electrical cables and wires, as well as breaks in water supply and sewer pipes, electrical, television and telegraph cables located in the ground, due to the subsequent uneven settlement of the soil.

The main direction of flood control is to reduce the maximum flow of water in the river by redistributing the runoff over time (planting forest protection belts, plowing the land across slopes, preserving coastal water-protective vegetation belts, terracing slopes, etc.).

A certain effect is also given by the arrangement of ponds, sumps and other containers in logs, gullies and ravines to intercept melt and rainwater. For medium and large rivers, the only radical remedy is the regulation of flood flow with the help of reservoirs.

In addition, the well-known method of building dams is widely used for flood protection. To eliminate the risk of blockage formation, certain sections of the riverbed are straightened, cleared and deepened, as well as the destruction of ice by explosions 10-15 days before its opening. The greatest effect is achieved when charges are placed under the ice to a depth 2.5 times its thickness. The same result is obtained by sprinkling the ice cover with ground slag with the addition of salt (usually 15-25 days before the opening of the river).

Ice jams with a thickness of ice accumulations of no more than 3-4 m are also eliminated with the help of river icebreakers.

Landslides- these are sliding displacements of rock masses down the slope, arising from an imbalance caused by various reasons (washing of rocks with water, weakening of their strength due to weathering or waterlogging by precipitation and groundwater, systematic shocks, unreasonable human economic activity, etc.).

Landslides can occur on all slopes with a steepness of 20° or more and at any time of the year. They differ not only in the rate of displacement of rocks (slow, medium and fast), but also in their scale. The speed of slow displacements of rocks is several tens of centimeters per year, medium - several meters per hour or per day, and fast - tens of kilometers per hour or more.

Rapid displacements include landslides-flows, when solid material mixes with water, as well as snow and snow-rock avalanches. It should be emphasized that only rapid landslides can cause catastrophes with human casualties.

The volume of rocks displaced during landslides ranges from several hundred to many millions and even billions of cubic meters.

Landslides can destroy settlements, destroy agricultural land, pose a danger to the operation of quarries and mining, damage communications, tunnels, pipelines, telephone and electrical networks, water facilities, mainly dams. In addition, they can block the valley, form a dammed lake and contribute to floods. Thus, the economic damage they cause can be significant.

For example, in 1911, in the Pamirs on the territory of our country, a strong earthquake (M==7.4) caused a giant landslide. About 2.5 billion m 3 of loose material slid down. The village of Usoy with its 54 inhabitants was littered. The landslide blocked the river valley. Murgab and formed a dammed lake, which flooded the village of Saraz. The height of this natural dam reached 300 m, the maximum depth of the lake was 284 m, and the length was 53 km.

The most effective protection against landslides is their prevention. Of the complex of preventive measures, it should be noted the collection and diversion of surface water, artificial transformation of the relief (in the zone of possible land separation, the load on the slopes is reduced), fixing the slope with the help of piles and the construction of retaining walls.

snow avalanches also refer to landslides and occur in the same way as other landslide displacements. The adhesion forces of snow cross a certain limit, and gravity causes the snow masses to move along the slope. An avalanche is a mixture of snow and air crystals. Large avalanches occur on slopes of 25-60°. Smooth grassy slopes are the most prone to avalanches. Bushes, large rocks and other obstacles keep avalanches at bay. Avalanches are very rare in the forest.

Snow avalanches cause huge material damage and are accompanied by death of people. So, on July 13, 1990, on Lenin Peak, in the Pamirs, as a result of an earthquake and a large snow avalanche, the climbers' camp, located at an altitude of 5300 m, was demolished. 40 people died. There has never been such a tragedy in the history of Russian mountaineering.

Avalanche protection can be passive or active. With passive protection, the use of avalanche-prone slopes is avoided or barrage shields are placed on them. With active protection, avalanche-prone slopes are shelled, causing the descent of small non-hazardous avalanches and thus preventing the accumulation of critical masses of snow.

sat down - these are floods with a very high concentration of mineral particles, stones and rock fragments (from 10-15 to 75% of the volume of the flow), arising in the basins of small mountain rivers and dry ravines and are usually caused by heavy rainfall, less often by intense snowmelt, and also a breakthrough of moraine and dammed lakes, a collapse, a landslide, an earthquake.

The danger of mudflows is not only in their destructive power, but also in the suddenness of their appearance.

According to the composition of the transported solid material, mudflows can be mudflows (a mixture of water with fine earth at a low concentration of stones, bulk density y \u003d 1.5-2 t / m 3), mud-stone (a mixture of water, pebbles, gravel, small stones, y \u003d\u003d 2.1-2.5 t / m 3) and water stone (a mixture of water with predominantly large stones, y \u003d 1.1-1.5 t / m 3).

Many mountainous regions are characterized by the predominance of one or another type of mudflow in terms of the composition of the solid mass carried by it. So, in the Carpathians, water-stone mudflows of relatively small thickness are most often found, in the North Caucasus - mainly mud-stones, in Central Asia - mud flows.

The mudflow flow velocity is usually 2.5-4.0 m/s, but when the blockage breaks, it can reach 8-10 m/s or more.

The consequences of mudflows are catastrophic. So, on July 8, 1921, at 21:00, a mass of earth, silt, stones, snow, sand, driven by a mighty stream of water, fell on the city of Alma-Ata from the side of the mountains. This flow was demolished at the foot of the city buildings along with people, animals and orchards. A terrible stream broke into the city, turned its streets into raging rivers with steep banks of destroyed houses.

The horror of the catastrophe was aggravated by the darkness of the night. There were cries for help that were almost impossible to say. Houses were torn off their foundations and carried along with the people by a stormy stream.

By the morning of the next day, the elements had calmed down. The material damage and loss of life were significant.

Mudflow was caused by heavy rains in the upper part of the river basin. Small Almaty. The total volume of the mud stone mass was about 2 million m 3 . The stream cut the city with a 200-meter ditch, oh strip.

Ways to deal with mudflows are very diverse. This is the construction of various dams to delay solid runoff and pass a mixture of water and fine fractions of rocks, a cascade of dams to destroy the mudflow and release it from solid material, retaining walls to strengthen slopes, upland runoff intercepting and catchment ditches to divert runoff to the nearest watercourses, etc.

Mudflow forecasting methods do not currently exist. At the same time, for some rural areas, certain criteria have been established to assess the likelihood of mudflows. So, for areas with a high probability of mudflows of storm origin, the critical amount of precipitation for 1-3 days is determined, mudflows of glacial origin (i.e., formed during outbursts of glacial lakes and intraglacial reservoirs) - the critical average air temperature for 10-15 days or a combination of these two criteria.

Hurricanes - these are winds of force 12 on the Beaufort scale, i.e. winds that exceed 32.6 m/s (117.3 km/h).

Tropical cyclones that occur in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Central America are also called hurricanes; in the Far East and regions indian ocean hurricanes (cyclones) are called typhoons. During tropical cyclones, wind speeds often exceed 50 m/s. Cyclones and typhoons are usually accompanied by heavy rain showers.

A hurricane on land destroys buildings, communication and power lines, damages transport communications and bridges, breaks and uproots trees; when propagating over the sea, it causes huge waves with a height of 10-12 m or more, damages or even leads to the death of the ship.

So, for example, in December 1944, 300 miles east of about. Luzon (Philippines) ships of the US 3rd Fleet were in the area near the center of the typhoon. As a result, 3 destroyers sank, 28 other ships were damaged, 146 aircraft carriers and 19 seaplanes on battleships and cruisers were wrecked, damaged and washed overboard, over 800 people died.

Hurricanes and storm winds (their speed on the Beaufort scale is from 20.8 to 32.6 m/s) in winter can lift huge masses of snow into the air and cause snow storms, which leads to drifts, stoppage of road and rail transport, disruption of water supply systems. -, gas, electricity and communications.

Thus, from the hurricane winds of unprecedented strength and giant waves that hit the coastal regions of East Pakistan on November 13, 1970, a total of about 10 million people suffered, including about 0.5 million people who died and went missing.

Modern methods of weather forecasting allow several hours or even days to warn the population of a city or an entire coastal region about an impending hurricane (storm), and the civil defense service can provide the necessary information about the possible situation and the required actions in the current conditions.

Most reliable protection population from hurricanes is the use of protective structures (metro, shelters, underpasses, basements of buildings, etc.). At the same time, in coastal areas, it is necessary to take into account the possible flooding of low-lying areas and choose protective shelters in elevated areas.

fires - it is an uncontrolled combustion process that entails the death of people and the destruction of material values.

The causes of fires are careless handling of fire, violation of fire safety rules, such a natural phenomenon as lightning, spontaneous combustion of dry vegetation and peat. It is known that 90% of fires are caused by humans and only 7-8% by lightning.

The main types of fires as natural disasters, covering, as a rule, vast territories of several hundred, thousands and even millions of hectares, are landscape fires - forest (grassroots, riding, underground) and steppe (field).

For example, forest fires in Western Siberia in 1913 destroyed about 15 million hectares during the summer. In the summer of 1921, during a long drought and hurricane winds, more than 200 thousand hectares of the most valuable Mari pine were destroyed by fires. In the summer of 1972, in the Moscow region, peat and forest fires that developed during a long drought engulfed large areas of forests, destroying some peat deposits.

According to the intensity of burning, forest fires are divided into weak, medium and strong, and according to the nature of burning, ground and crown fires are divided into fugitive and stable.

Forest ground fires are characterized by burning of forest litter, ground cover and undergrowth without capturing tree crowns. The speed of the ground fire front is from 0.3-1 m/min (with a weak fire) to 16 m/min (1 km/h) (with a strong fire), the flame height is 1-2 m, the maximum temperature at the edge of the fire reaches 900 ° C.

Forest crown fires develop, as a rule, from ground fires and are characterized by the burning of tree crowns. During a quick crown fire, the flame spreads mainly from crown to crown at a high speed, reaching 8-25 km / h, sometimes leaving entire sections of the forest untouched by fire. With a stable crown fire, not only crowns, but also tree trunks are engulfed in fire. The flame spreads at a speed of 5-8 km / h, covering the entire forest from the soil cover to the tops of the trees.

Underground fires arise as a continuation of ground or top forest fires and spread through the peat layer located in the ground to a depth of 50 cm or more. Combustion is slow, almost without air access, at a speed of 0.1-0.5 m / min with the release of a large amount of smoke and the formation of burnt voids (burnouts). Therefore, it is necessary to approach the source of an underground fire with great care, constantly probing the ground with a pole or probe. Burning can continue for a long time even in winter under a layer of snow.

Steppe (field) fires occur in open areas in the presence of dry grass or ripened bread. They are seasonal in nature and occur more often in summer as the herbs (bread) ripen, less often in spring and are practically absent in winter. Their propagation speed can reach 20-30 km/h.

The main ways to fight forest ground fires are: flooding the edge of the fire, filling it with earth, filling it with water (chemicals), creating barrage and mineralized strips, starting oncoming fire (annealing).

Annealing is more often used in case of large fires and a lack of forces and means for fire extinguishing. It begins with a support strip (river, stream, road, clearing), on the edge of which, facing the fire, a shaft is made of combustible materials (twigs, dry grass). When the draft of air towards the fire begins to be felt, the shaft is set on fire first opposite the center of the fire front in a section of 20-30 m, and then after the fire advances by 2-3 m and neighboring sections. The width of the burnt strip should be at least 10-20 m, and in case of a strong ground fire - 100 m.

Extinguishing a forest crown fire is more difficult to carry out. It is extinguished by creating barrier strips, using annealing and using water. At the same time, the width of the barrier strip must be at least the height of the trees, and burned out in front of the crown fire, at least 150-200 m, in front of the flanks, at least 50 m. Steppe (field) fires are extinguished in the same ways as forest ones.

Extinguishing underground fires is carried out mainly in two ways. In the first method, a trench (ditch) is dug around a peat fire at a distance of 8-10 m from its edge to a depth of a mineralized soil layer or to the groundwater level and filled with water.

The second method consists in arranging a strip saturated with chemical solutions around the fire. To do this, with the help of motor pumps equipped with special stems-peaks (needles) up to 2 m long, an aqueous solution of chemically active substances-wetting agents (sulfanol, washing powder, etc.) is injected into the peat layer from above, which speed up the process hundreds of times. penetration of moisture into the peat. Injection is carried out at a distance of 5-8 m from the expected edge of the underground fire and 25-30 cm apart.

This method, in order to increase productivity, apparently, can be improved by laying a special fire hose with branches for connecting nutrient hoses-needles previously installed in the ground on a 100-200 m section. One fire truck with a set of needles (300-500 pieces) and hoses can move along the edge of an underground fire and inject the solution.

Attempts to flood the underground fire with water were unsuccessful.

When extinguishing fires, the personnel of the formations are exposed to smoke, as well as carbon monoxide (oxide). Therefore, at a high concentration of carbon monoxide (more than 0.02 mg / l, which is determined using a gas detector), work should be carried out in insulating gas masks or filtering with hopcalite cartridges.

Analysis of natural disasters on Earth in the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century

Natural hazards common in our country include more than 30 different phenomena, among which the greatest threat is earthquakes, floods, hurricane winds and storms, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, failures and subsidence of the earth's surface, landslides, mudflows, snow avalanches and glaciers, abnormal temperatures, forest fires.

An analysis of data on natural disasters that occurred on Earth in the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century allows us to speak about certain trends in the development of natural hazards both in our country and in the world as a whole. These trends are expressed in:

  • an increase in the number of natural disasters,
  • increasing social and material losses,
  • dependence of the protection of people and the technosphere on the socio-economic level of development of countries.

Over the past fifty years, the number of natural disasters on Earth has almost tripled (Fig. 1). The most common natural hazards in the world are tropical storms and floods (32% each), earthquakes (12%), and other natural processes (14%) (Fig. 2). Among the world's continents, Asia (38%) and North and South America (26%) are the most affected by natural hazards, followed by Africa (14%), Europe (14%) and Oceania (8%).

Rice. 2.

As well as for the world as a whole, Russia is characterized by the growth of natural disasters, which especially intensified in last years. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the average number emergencies natural character in the country is now about 280 events per year, while 10 years ago the number of natural disasters did not exceed 220 events per year.

As an example, we can cite several of the largest natural disasters that we have experienced over the past 10 years.

Neftegorsk earthquake:
more than 2000 people deaths, economic damage more than 200 million dollars (Fig. 4)

Jam flood in Yakutia:
7 dead, more than 50 thousand people. victims, economic damage - 200 million dollars (Fig. 5)

June 2002

Flooding in the south of Russia:
114 dead, 335 thousand people. affected. Economic damage - more than 484 million dollars (Fig. 6)

September 2002

Descent of the Kolka glacier:
136 people died (Fig. 7)

The rise in the level of the Caspian Sea by 245 cm:
More than 400,000 hectares of coastal areas were taken out of land use, about 100,000 people were affected, and economic damage was more than 6 billion dollars (Fig. 8)

Forest fires are an extremely destructive phenomenon in Russia. According to the Center for Problems of Ecology and Forest Productivity, headed by Academician A.S. Isaev, from 12 to 37 thousand forest fires occur annually in Russia, which annually destroy from 400 thousand to 4 million hectares of forests (Fig. 9). Damage from forest fires reaches 470 million dollars a year, as it was in 1998.

Use of personal and collective protective equipment in emergency situations

Effective human protection in emergency situations is achieved by timely and competent use of protective equipment. Protective equipment is divided into individual (PPE), first aid (PMP) and collective (KSZ).

Facilities personal protection by appointment are subdivided into means of protection of respiratory organs, skin and medical. According to the principle of operation of PPE, there are filtering and insulating ones. The following filtering means of respiratory protection are used in the EMERCOM of Russia system.

Filtering gas masks for the adult population GP-5, GP-5M, GP-7, GP-7V; children's gas masks PDF-Sh (school), PDF-D (preschool), children's protective camera KZD (for infants). Filtering gas masks are designed to protect the respiratory organs, eyes, facial skin from the effects of RH, RV, BS, SDYAV and other harmful impurities in the air.

Means of skin protection, depending on the purpose, are divided into general and special. Combined-arms skin protection means (light protective suit L-1, combined-arms protective kit OZK) are designed to protect the vapors of chemical agents and SDYAV.

Special types of protective clothing (T k, R s, E s, Ya f, K k, B m, etc.) are designed to protect personnel, respectively, from high temperatures, radioactive contamination, electrostatic fields, toxic liquids, acid solutions, pathogenic microorganisms.

To personal protective equipment include an individual first-aid kit (AI-2), an individual anti-chemical package IPP-8, 10 and an individual dressing package (PP).

AI-2 - is intended to provide self-help for wounds, burns (pain relief), prevention or mitigation of damage to RV, BS, OV, SDYAV and contains:

A syringe tube with an analgesic (promedol) is used to prevent shock in case of fractures, wounds, burns (nest No. 1);

Red pencil case with taren - an antidote for nerve agents. It is used in case of danger of defeat and in case of defeat (nest No. 2);

Pencil case without coloring with antibacterial agent No. 2 (sulfodimethoxine). It is used two days after irradiation and for gastrointestinal disorders (nest No. 3);

Radioprotective agent No. 1 in a pink case (cystamine) is used in case of a threat of exposure (nest No. 4);

Two unstained pencil cases with antibacterial agent No. 1 (chlortetracycline). It is used when there is a threat of bacterial infection and to prevent infections in wounds and burns (nest No. 5);

White pencil case with radioprotective agent No. 2 (potassium iodide) (nest No. 6). It is used before or after radioactive fallout within 10 days - 1 tablet per day);

An antiemetic (etaperazine) is used when there is a primary reaction to radiation and for nausea after a head injury;

Antidotes for irritating SDYAV (ficilin) ​​and a tranquilizer - triftazin against psychochemical agents are located in the reserve nest of the first-aid kit.

IPP-8 - designed for disinfection of drop-liquid agents on the skin and clothes. The bottle contains a polydegassing liquid (chlorinating - oxidizing).

IPP-10 contains a polydegassing liquid based on amino alcohols.

Collective remedies(protective structures) are designed to protect the population from all damaging factors Emergencies (high temperatures, harmful gases during fires, explosive, radioactive, potent poisonous and toxic substances, shock waves, penetrating radiation and light radiation from a nuclear explosion).

Protective structures, depending on the protective properties, are divided into shelters and anti-radiation shelters. Protective structures are characterized by:

Protective properties for overpressure in the front of an air shock wave;

Protection factor for ionizing radiation (external exposure);

Alert people about the disaster

Warning residents about the disaster is very difficult, since it is still impossible to accurately predict its place and time. However, knowledge of indirect signs of its approach can help to survive this situation with the least losses. These signs include: unreasonable, at first glance, anxiety of birds and domestic animals (this is especially noticeable at night), as well as a mass exodus from the habitats of reptiles. In winter, lizards and snakes crawl out into the snow in anticipation of danger. The notification of the population is carried out by transmitting a message over radio broadcasting and television networks .

To attract attention in emergency cases, sirens, as well as other signaling means, are turned on before the transmission of information. Sirens and intermittent beeps of enterprises, vehicles mean a signal of civil defense "Attention to all". In this case, it is necessary to immediately turn on the loudspeaker, radio or television receiver and listen to the message of the civil defense headquarters. With the threat of a natural disaster, such a message may begin with the words:

"Attention! The headquarters of the civil defense of the city speaks ... Citizens! In connection with the possible …».

People actions:

a) with a warning signal:

"Attention everyone!" (sirens, intermittent beeps)

Upon hearing the “Attention everyone!” signal, people need to do the following:

1. Immediately turn on the radio or TV to listen to the emergency messages of the civil defense headquarters.

2. Tell neighbors and relatives about what happened, bring the children home, and act on the information you receive.

3. If evacuation is necessary, follow these recommendations:

Pack in a small suitcase (or backpack) essentials, documents, money, valuables;

Pour water into a container with a tight-fitting lid, prepare canned and dry food;

Prepare the apartment for conservation (close windows, balconies; turn off the supply of gas, water, electricity, put out the fire in the stoves; prepare a second copy of the keys for delivery to the REP; take the necessary clothing and personal protective equipment);

Help the elderly and sick living in the neighborhood.

b) under the threat of an earthquake

In this case, you must proceed as follows:

1. Turn off gas, water, electricity, put out the fire in stoves, close windows, balconies.

2. Notify the neighbors about the danger, take with you the necessary things, documents, money, water, food and, having locked the apartment with a key, go out into the street; hold children by the hand or in your arms. Pay attention to the behavior of animals: before an earthquake, dogs howl, cats carry their offspring outside, and even mice run out of houses.

3. Select a location away from buildings and power lines and stay there while listening to information on the portable radio. If you are in a car, stop without blocking the roads, avoiding bridges, tunnels and high-rise buildings. Do not return home before the announcement of the absence of an earthquake threat. Write down the telephone number of the seismic station. Respond immediately to the outward signs of an earthquake: ground or building shaking, glass rattling, chandeliers swinging, thin cracks in plaster. You must remember that the greatest danger comes from falling objects, parts of the ceiling, walls, balconies, etc.

c) sudden earthquake

Well, in this case, when the danger is too close and the earthquake threatens your life, you must:

1. At the first push, try to immediately leave the building within 15-20 seconds up the stairs or through the windows of the first floor (it is dangerous to use the elevator). Going downstairs, on the go knock on the doors of neighboring apartments, loudly notifying the neighbors about the need to leave the building. If you stayed in the apartment, stand in the doorway or in the corner of the room (near the main wall), away from windows, lamps, cabinets, hanging shelves and mirrors. Beware of pieces of plaster, glass, bricks, etc. falling on you, hide under a table or bed, turn away from the window and cover your head with your hands, avoid going out onto the balcony.

2. As soon as the shocks subside, immediately leave the building up the stairs, pressing your back against the wall. Try to turn off the gas, water, electricity, take a first-aid kit with you, the necessary things, close the door with a key. Do not let your actions cause panic.

3. If there are children and the elderly in neighboring apartments, break open the doors and help them get out into the street, provide first aid to the wounded, call an ambulance by a pay phone, or send a messenger to the nearest hospital for a doctor.

4. If you are caught driving in an earthquake, stop immediately (preferably open space) and get out of the car before the end of the shocks. In public transport, stay in your seats and ask the driver to open the doors; after tremors, calmly leave the salon without crushing.

5. Together with your neighbors, take part in clearing debris and extracting victims from under the rubble of buildings, using personal vehicles, crowbars, shovels, car jacks and other improvised means to extract them.

6. If it is impossible to remove people from the rubble by yourself, immediately inform the headquarters for the elimination of the consequences of the earthquake (the nearest fire station, police station, military unit, etc.) for assistance. Dismantle the rubble until you are sure that there are no people under them. To detect victims, use all possible methods, locate people by voice and knock. After rescuing people and providing first aid, immediately send them on passing cars to the hospital.

7. Keep calm and order yourself, demand this from others. Together with your neighbors, stop the spread of panic rumors, all cases of robbery, looting, and other violations of the law, listen to messages on the local radio. If your house is destroyed, go to the collection point for medical and material assistance along the middle of the streets and bypassing buildings, poles and power lines.

Rescue and urgent emergency and restoration work in the aftermath of earthquakes

In case of earthquakes, rescue, combined teams (teams), mechanization teams (teams), emergency technical teams are involved in carrying out rescue and urgent emergency recovery work. As well as other formations that are equipped: bulldozers, excavators, cranes, mechanized tools and mechanization tools (kerosene cutters, gas cutters, hoists, jacks).

When carrying out rescue and emergency repair work in the earthquake focus, first of all, people are removed from the rubble, from dilapidated and burning buildings, who are provided with first aid; arrange passages in the rubble; localize and eliminate accidents on engineering networks that threaten people's lives or hinder rescue operations; collapse or strengthen the structures of buildings or structures in emergency condition; equip collection points for victims and medical stations; organize water supply.

The sequence and deadlines for the execution of work are established by the head of the Civil Defense of an object that has found itself in an earthquake zone.


Consideration of the problems of human security in any life conditions and areas of activity leads to the conclusion that the achievement of absolute security is unthinkable, and the maximum level is possible with the optimal organization of safe life.

Under the organization of the Belarusian Railways, we mean a system that provides an acceptable, constantly increasing level of security. This level is estimated by a system of indicators of morbidity, injuries, emergencies, natural disasters, accidents and other undesirable events. Absolute or relative numerical values ​​characterizing certain hazards are taken as such indicators. To assess the death of people from various hazards, the value of risk should be determined as the most objective indicator. To obtain objective indicators, it is necessary to develop a scientifically based system for recording, processing, analyzing and openly publishing information about hazards and their consequences. When obtaining objective data, it is possible to judge the dynamics of dangers and analyze trends. Determining the exact number of people who die from dangers is a difficult task, since government statistics are extremely deformed. So, necessary condition security systems - the availability of reliable and open statistics on the state of security.

All cases must be taken into account!

In ancient times, natural disasters were considered a punishment sent to people by angry gods. However, now we know how and where world catastrophes occur, we know all the parameters of these natural disasters, we know how to protect ourselves from them and reduce catastrophic consequences, at least partially. Therefore, it is so important for every person to know how to behave in case of a variety of natural disasters.


1. G. Tsvilyuk "School of security", EKSM-1995.

2. V.G. Atamanyuk, N.I. Akimov "Civil Defense", Moscow, "Higher School" -1986.

3. "Sorovsky educational journal" No. 12-1998

4. O.N. Rusak “Life safety” tutorial for students of all specialties, St. Petersburg, 2001

The earth is fraught with many unusual and sometimes inexplicable phenomena, and from time to time throughout the territory the globe happen different kind phenomena and even cataclysms, most of which can hardly be called ordinary and familiar to humans. Some cases have quite understandable reasons, but there are also those that even experienced scientists cannot explain for many decades in a row. True, this kind natural disasters do not happen often, only a few times during the year, but, nevertheless, the fear of them in humanity does not disappear, but, on the contrary, grows.

The most dangerous natural phenomena

These include the following types of disasters:


This is a dangerous natural phenomenon in the ranking of the most dangerous natural anomalies. Ground tremors of the earth's surface, arising in places of ruptures of the earth's crust, provoke vibrations that turn into seismic waves of considerable power. They are transmitted over considerable distances, but they become strongest near the immediate focus of shocks and provoke large-scale destruction of houses and buildings. Since there are a lot of buildings on the planet, the number of victims goes into the millions. For all time, much more people in the world have suffered from earthquakes than from other cataclysms. Only in the last ten years from them in different countries more than 700,000 people died in the world. Sometimes the tremors reached such force that entire settlements were destroyed in an instant.

Tsunami waves

Tsunamis are natural disasters that cause a lot of destruction and death. Waves of great height and strength that arise in the ocean, or in other words, tsunamis, are the result of earthquakes. These giant waves usually occur in areas where seismic activity is significantly increased. A tsunami moves very fast, and as soon as it gets aground, it begins to grow rapidly in length. As soon as this huge fast wave reaches the shore, in a matter of minutes it is able to demolish everything in its path. The destruction caused by a tsunami is usually large-scale, and people who are taken by surprise by the cataclysm often do not have time to escape.

Ball lightning

Lightning and thunder are familiar things, but such a type as ball lightning is one of the most terrible phenomena of nature. Ball lightning is a powerful electric discharge of current, and it can take on absolutely any shape. Usually this type of lightning looks like luminous balls, most often reddish or yellow color. It is curious that these lightnings completely defy all the laws of mechanics, appearing out of nowhere, usually before a thunderstorm, inside houses, on the street, or even in the cockpit of an aircraft that is making a flight. Ball-shaped lightning hovers in the air, and does it very unpredictably: for a few moments, then it becomes smaller, and then completely disappears. It is strictly forbidden to touch ball lightning, it is also undesirable to move when meeting with it.


This natural anomaly also belongs to the most terrible natural phenomena. Usually a tornado is called an air stream that twists into a kind of funnel. Outwardly, it looks like a columnar cloud of a conical shape, inside which air moves in a circle. All objects that fall into the tornado zone also begin to move. The speed of the air flow inside this funnel is so huge that it can easily lift into the air very heavy objects weighing several tons and even houses.


This type of storm occurs in deserts due to strong wind. Dust and sand, and sometimes particles of soil carried by the wind, can reach several meters in height, and in the area where the storm has broken out, there will be a sharp deterioration in visibility. Travelers, caught in such a storm, risk dying, because the sand gets into the lungs and eyes.

Blood rains

This unusual natural phenomenon owes its threatening name to a strong water tornado that sucked red algae spores out of the water in reservoirs. When they mix with the water masses of the tornado, the rain takes on a terrible red hue, very reminiscent of blood. This anomaly was observed by the inhabitants of India for several weeks in a row, the rain of the color of human blood caused fear and panic in people.

fire tornadoes

Natural phenomena and natural disasters are most often unpredictable. These include one of the most terrible - a fiery tornado. This type of tornado is already dangerous, but , if it occurs in a fire zone, it should be feared even more. Near several fires, when a strong wind occurs, the air above the fires begins to heat up, its density becomes less, and it begins to rise along with the fire. At the same time, the air flows twist into a kind of spiral, and the air pressure acquires tremendous speed.

The fact that the most terrible natural phenomena are poorly predicted. Often they come suddenly, catching people and authorities by surprise. Scientists are working to create advanced technologies that can predict upcoming events. Today, the only guaranteed way to avoid the "whims" of the weather is only to move to areas where such phenomena are observed as rarely as possible or have not been recorded before.

ADVERSE AND DANGEROUS NATURAL PHENOMENA (NEH) are phenomena in the environment that pose a danger to humans and their economic activities. NOA can have both natural causes and be provoked by a person. In turn, NOI can cause man-made accidents. There are the following NOAs: cosmic (solar activity, magnetic storms, meteorite impacts, etc.), geological (volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis), geomorphological (landslides, mudflows, avalanches, landslides, subsidence, etc.), climatic and hydrological (typhoons, tornadoes, storms, coastal abrasion, thermal erosion, soil erosion, changes in groundwater levels, etc.), geochemical (environmental pollution, soil salinization, etc.), fires (forest, steppe, peat), biological (mass reproduction pests of agricultural, blood-sucking, poisonous animals, epidemics, etc.). The extreme degree of manifestation of NOA is an ecological catastrophe.

  • - ice formations on the surface of oceans, seas, lakes, rivers and on their coasts ...

    Civil protection. Conceptual and terminological dictionary

  • - impact on meteorological and other geophysical processes in order to regulate them and reduce the possible harm from these processes to the population and the economy ...
  • - events of geophysical origin or the result of processes in the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere of the Earth, arising under the influence of various geophysical factors or their combinations that have or may ...

    Emergency Glossary

  • - ice formations on the surface of oceans, seas, lakes, rivers and on their coasts, which can cause emergency situations ...

    Emergency Glossary

  • - factors of the working environment and the labor process, the impact of which on a worker can cause certain health disorders, including professional ones: a decrease in the level of adaptation of the body, ...

    Emergency Glossary

  • - reversible and irreversible changes in ecosystems that threaten the existence of wildlife, organisms, including humans, or cause their death within certain zones, due to natural ...

    Emergency Glossary

  • - modern fast-flowing geological processes and phenomena that cause significant material damage to society, the national economy and pose a threat to life for people in violation of the stability of the natural ...

    Emergency Glossary

  • - these are areas of land, water surface and air space above them, where natural complexes and objects are located that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and ...

    Dictionary-reference book of criminal law

  • - meteorological conditions conducive to the accumulation harmful substances in the surface layer of atmospheric air ...

    Ecological dictionary

  • - "... Ice hazards on oceans, seas, lakes and rivers: ice formations on the surface of oceans, seas, lakes, rivers and their coasts..." Source: "SAFETY IN EMERGENCIES...

    Official terminology

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    Official terminology

  • - "... Adverse weather conditions are a short-term special combination of meteorological factors that cause a deterioration in the quality of atmospheric air in the surface layer in a certain area .....

    Official terminology

  • - ".....

    Official terminology

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    Official terminology

  • - "... Article 1...

    Official terminology

  • - "... Adverse weather phenomena are phenomena that significantly impede or impede activities that ensure the uninterrupted movement of trains under unstable weather conditions .....

    Official terminology


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3.8. Hazardous weather phenomena

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