How to plant a kinglet from a bone. Persimmon - growing from a stone with your own hands, or how to harvest a rich harvest? persimmon care requirements

  • 15.06.2019

She is sometimes known as tomato tree. Its sweet fruits can often be seen on winter store shelves. This is a persimmon plant. At home, it grows, but rarely bears fruit - a strongly freedom-loving disposition. But there are ways to tame it - to grow a healthy beautiful tree, while giving a regular harvest of large, sweet, orange berries.

Numerous sources of literature on indoor gardening sometimes do not know why beginner gardeners who want to grow it at home, getting fruits, seem to be specially intimidated with all sorts of terrible facts from the biography of a plant named persimmon. A tree at home will not bear fruit - some write. Getting even just a sprout from a seed will become a daunting task - others echo.

Persimmon grows easily at home, even bears fruit, you only need to know the main points of its agricultural technology.

Video about growing persimmons

So myths:

  • Seeds are very difficult to germinate. Requires special handling before planting. You can often find lengthy instructions for forcing stones, stratification, disinfection and other pre-sowing rituals. However, none of this is required, especially if you are planting seeds directly from a freshly eaten fruit. Just sprinkle lightly with earth, water regularly. after a few days - maximum, after two weeks you will see powerful shoots reaching for the light. It is known that seed germination drops rapidly, just like citrus fruits. If you received a seed separated from the pulp of the fetus a few weeks ago, then it is recommended to keep them in a growth stimulant solution, for example, epin, root, heteroauxin.
  • Top dressing, fertilizers are simply necessary for successful home growing. From others cultivated plants the tomato tree differs only in that it is more demanding on the lightness of the soil. Does not tolerate heavy soils well. The issue of fertilizers should also be treated very carefully. Persimmon is one of the plants that normally feel on poor soils, it is better to underfeed it than to overfeed it with mineral and especially organic fertilizers.
  • asthenia is tropical, so care requires special care. Provide her with year-round tropics, then you will have a harvest. In fact, everything is somewhat different. Our ward is able to endure cold down to -20°C, and the virgin form endures frosts of -40°C. The tree needs cold winter period. Only then does it bear fruit at home.

photo of persimmon

Good farming practices start with planting

We sow the seeds, water, avoiding the muddy state of the soil. We put where it is warm, there are no drafts. After 10-16 days, the seeds will hatch. We rearrange them closer to the sun, on the windowsills. Sometimes the seed shell refuses to fall off the leaves, preventing their further growth. We carefully pick it off with a knife, or, wrapping it with wet gauze, leave it for a while. Having swelled, it will fall off by itself.

Photo of young persimmon trees

With good air humidity and high temperature, our seedlings grow actively. We are waiting for a couple of weeks, making regular watering, after which we dive the sprouts along individual pots if you have chosen seedling boxes for pecking seeds. Or we leave the strongest of those growing there for each sowing pot.

The seedling of the first year of growth actively forms the root system and wood. For the first couple of months, the volume of the planting pot will be enough to fill the root network. Then we change to a larger container. But again, as in the case of citrus fruits, you can not increase the diameter of the pot very quickly.

In order for persimmon to bring a harvest at home, one should not allow it much. By providing all the conditions for rapid growth, we spoil the tree, turning it into an accelerator that will never please you even with flowering.

It is not in the plans of a plant to supply us with fruits if it grows at home, in confined space. No matter how large the planter is, it will not replace the roots of a tree of natural conditions. In addition, apartment dry air, light, and, most importantly, temperature regime far from desired. Our goal is not to create everything the necessary conditions to flower with fruit, but to make the tree bear fruit. However, this does not mean that the persimmon in the apartment should be tormented by hunger, crampedness and dryness. It is necessary to strike a balance between stressful and favorable conditions. This is a moderately restrictive farming technique that makes tall tropical and subtropical trees produce crops in cramped apartment conditions.

Photo of preparation for a persimmon transplant

So, with each transplant, we increase the diameter of the pot by 3-4 centimeters. The first year of life, you can transplant the plant twice due to strong growth. Subsequently, we transplant every six months. Starting from the third year of life, we reduce this to an annual transplant. From the age of five, we replace the pots with a large volume in a year.

Persimmon loves light, but protect it from the sun

Now about the light mode. It is known that our ward loves the sun. Most often, to satisfy this need, we put the trees on the balconies, or take them out into the gardens. But don't overdo it. A sharp increase in daily illumination after room scattering of ultraviolet through window panes can adversely affect the health of the plant, lead to leaf burns. Better to teach gradually.

Firstly, we move the persimmon closer to the light in the evening, when the sun is no longer so strong, ultra-violet rays dissipate in the atmosphere. Or is it best to take the tree out on Fresh air during cloudy days. then the best adaptation to natural conditions will occur.

Secondly, the first days, if the weather is clear, create shading for the plants. Stretch a matte fabric or a dense non-woven covering material from the south side.

Persimmon transplant photo

Thirdly. Due to the active draining of greenery by the wind, trees begin to consume much more water. Increase irrigation doses, drying out of the soil is unacceptable.

It’s worth saying right away that homemade persimmon does not like a lot of top dressing, responding to them with weak growth and a painful condition.

Limited volumes of soil do not allow a large development of a large root system. A large root system cannot feed a large green mass of a tree. This means that persimmon food at home requires much less than its free counterparts. Where will the tree use the absorbed nitrogen from top dressing, if it is mostly required to increase the green mass, stimulate growth?

Our task is the opposite - to limit, if possible, to slow down the growth of the tree. Trace elements that are not used will lead to an overdose inside persimmon tissues. And this makes the tree frail, painful. An overfed tree is no better than an underfed one. Phosphorus is also required by the tree for the most part for flowering, fruit set, as well as potassium is necessary for the ripening of the bark and roots.

In the photo persimmon

However, this does not mean that we should stop fertilizing our persimmons altogether. Top dressing is necessary, but in much more moderate quantities. It is better to focus on micronutrients. There are many universal inorganic complexes for indoor flower plants. They also work well with persimmons. Trace elements help to strengthen the immunity of plants, which is extremely useful, because persimmon constantly suffers from stress at home. It is worth saying that the provision of microelements greatly affects whether your subtropical pet will bear fruit.

Fertilize regularly, twice a month, but in small doses.

Also, persimmon does not like organic fertilizers. Accustomed in natural conditions to poor stony soils of mountain slopes, she feels uncomfortable on manured black soils. It is better to water it with complexes of humic acids and effective microorganisms. They improve the ecology of the soil inside the pots, help the roots to better absorb mineral supplements.

And of course, remember that in no case should you fertilize on dry land. Forget about this rule if you set yourself the goal of burning persimmon roots.

Pictured persimmon

After waiting for the fourth or fifth leaf, we pinch the sprouts. This provokes the active growth of side shoots. When they also grow by 4-5 leaves, pinch them. Our goal is to keep the tree from overgrowing by keeping it compact. Soon we will have a spherical low tree. You just need to periodically pinch the ends of its branches.

To force the persimmon to lay fruit buds, the method of ringing individual branches is also used. Ringing the trunk is better not to use - this is a rather risky technique.

  1. we choose any strong branch
  2. remove the ring of bark at its base with a sharp knife perpendicular to the direction of growth
  3. turn over and graft the outer side of this ring to the place of the cut.
  4. we wrap it with electrical tape or film to avoid moisture loss from the place of cut-grafting.
  5. after some time, a ring of new bark should form here. This means that the vaccination was successful.
  6. the growth of such a branch is weakened, which automatically gives a signal to actively lay fruit buds and bloom.

We can also inculcate separate parts cuttings trees taken from room fruiting persimmons. Such vaccinations will be more likely to bloom, set fruits.

Photograph of persimmon grafting

  1. We find a suitable cutting, in a humid environment we deliver it home.
  2. With a sharp knife, cut the stalk from below on both sides with a peg, holding the blade away from you.
  3. We put it in water with an admixture of sugar
  4. The place of vaccination is determined by a strong vertical branch. We cut off neighboring branches so that food goes to the place of vaccination.
  5. Cut it horizontally with a sharp saw. We cut the stump along the diameter with a knife to a depth equal to the length of the peg of the handle.
  6. Insert the cutting into the cut.
  7. We wrap everything well with a plaster, cloth or electrical tape.
  8. We put a plastic bag on the handle, tying it below the grafting site on the branch. This is necessary to avoid moisture loss until the cambium tissue has fused between the stock and the scion.
  9. As soon as it started growing from the cuttings, it means that the vaccination was a success.

Winter storage

It requires a cool, even cold wintering. Starting from mid-autumn, we reduce watering, completely stop feeding. The leaves will begin to turn yellow and fall off. If your tree is already bearing fruit, then most likely the fruits will hang on the plant for a long time after full leaf fall.

Video about persimmon

We harvest, send the plant to a cool room. You can choose the location of the winter storage cellar, our tree does not need light without foliage in winter. Of course, some species of this representative of the ebony family can withstand temperatures down to -30-40 ° C, but most often we grow seeds taken from Caucasian varieties. Their winter hardiness is usually limited to -15°C. You can choose an unheated canopy or a cool balcony as a winter apartment for our green pet, if you are sure that there will always be above these temperatures. But it is better to play it safe - to provide the tree with conditions close to 0 + 5 ° C.

We periodically ventilate the room with the wintering bush, preventing the development of soil, wood mold. We also monitor soil moisture. Both excessive dryness and excessive waterlogging should not be allowed. Two small waterings during the winter is the most optimal. A good wintering will contribute to the laying of fruit buds next summer. The tree will regularly delight you with the harvest.

The round orange persimmon is inedible until soft and ripe. Persimmon trees are beautifully decorated country houses where their bright globular fruits hang from the branches after the leaves have fallen until winter. To have your own attractive tree, gardeners will give advice on how to grow persimmons at home from the stone.

All types of persimmons require very little specialized care and are fairly immune to problems and pests that might affect others. fruit trees. All that is needed is a warm summer and a lot of sun, that is, conditions as close as possible to those where persimmon grows in nature. In autumn, persimmon tolerates small frosts well, but for the winter it is better to clean it in a greenhouse.

There are two common types of persimmon:

  • astringent soft grade, which will be incredibly tart until it ripens and becomes completely soft, like jelly. This variety is wonderfully sweet and perfect for baking;
  • a non-astringent or tough persimmon that remains firm when ripe and is excellent for eating fresh.

The climate where persimmons grow should be humid and warm, however, some varieties self-pollinate, some require pollen, and some bear fruit without a second tree.

Fruit tastes better in pollinated trees

Specify this point if you will buy a seedling. Also, while there are a few varieties of dwarf varieties, you can easily prune standard trees to keep them within the proper boundaries.

Seed collection

The best time to collect Asian persimmon seeds for planting is when the fruit is ripe but still on the tree. The harvest period varies depending on the particular variety and can run from the beginning of August to the end of December.

Stratification and storage of seeds

Asian persimmon seeds need a two to three month cooling period at 1 to 10 degrees Celsius before planting. This process, called stratification, softens upper layer seed and allow it to germinate. Seeds must be kept moist during the separation process. Good way keep persimmon seeds moist - place them between layers of damp peat moss in an airtight plastic bag. Be sure to leave a few holes in the bag to allow air to circulate. Seeds can also be mixed with wet sand for stratification.

Planting persimmon seeds

In order for Asian persimmon seeds to begin their growth, you will need a cleaned planting mix and a pot approx. 20 cm. A good way to determine the depth for planting a seed is to place it at a depth equal to the diameter of the seed.


  1. Choose ripe persimmons in late autumn or early November, or buy them at the vegetable market. When ripe, the fruit becomes soft and acquires a bright shade of orange.
  2. Cut the fruit in half. Remove the raisin-sized dark seeds and peel them right away, as they have a jelly-like shell that ferments them. Dry them by placing them in a dry paper towel for 48 hours.
  3. Mix the seeds with a few handfuls of damp peat. Store in the refrigerator in a sealed plastic bag for up to two months. Keep the temperature between 2 and 5 degrees Celsius.
  4. Choose a planting site with light, humus-rich soil and partial sun. Work at depths up to 20 cm. Make a small trench with a hoe or the edge of a shovel. Water the trench well.
  5. Remove the seeds from the refrigerator and soak in cool water for two or three days. Plant them 30 cm apart along the trench at a depth of 4 cm in spring or early autumn.
  6. Thin out seedlings once in the first fall, leaving every 6th. One year after planting, healthy seedlings should be 20 cm tall. Thin them out again for the second fall, leaving only as many persimmon trees as you want to grow. Keep in mind that each mature tree can reach 1-1.5m in height.

Tools you will need:

  • paper towels;
  • peat;
  • plastic bag;
  • spade or hoe;
  • bowl of water.

It is important that the soil around the seeds is kept moist during germination and the initial growth stage. Temperatures ranging from 21 to 23 degrees Celsius are well suited for this period.

shoots and leaves

A shoot is expected to appear one to six weeks after the seeds are planted. It is important that the soil is kept moist during seedling and seedling development. Keep Asian persimmon seeds in a warm, sunny spot during the first growing season. In the spring after germination, you can plant a new seedling in the garden. The best place for planting is an area in the sun with well-drained, slightly acidic, sandy or loamy soil.

To grow persimmons from seedlings, you need to use bare root seedlings, planting their cultivated land in the spring. Persimmon can also be planted in a pot almost all year round, although you should avoid the hottest summer months. Do not be surprised by black roots - this is their natural color.

Well-drained soil is always preferred, but persimmons, especially Japanese persimmons, are tolerant of a variety of soils.

How to plant

For bare rooted plants, dig a planting hole that is about the same depth as the roots and twice as wide. Create a cone in the middle of the hole, which should be deep enough so that the canopy of the tree sits directly above the soil line. Fluff the roots down the sides of the hole to encourage root expansion. Set the tree in place, spreading the roots around the cone, and backfill with soil.

For container-grown plants, dig a planting hole so that it is at the same depth as the root ball and twice as wide, then flatten the bottom of the hole a little. Then place the plant in the hole and fluff out the roots. Backfill with soil and create a small watering berm around the outside of the hole.

After planting, you can cut off excess branches to form a crown. Then water well and add mulch at least 7 cm from the trunk.

persimmon care requirements

Persimmon is one of the strongest and most comfortable fruit trees.

It requires some attention from you, but is not overly whimsical or problematic like some of the more popular fruits. Your most likely problem, especially in the first few years, is fruit drop. This can be corrected by consistent watering, you should spray the leaves and do not overfeed the soil.


Asian persimmons are fairly drought tolerant, but you'll get the best results if you water at least every few weeks. But do not overload the plant: the soil should be somewhat (though not completely) dry before the next watering. hybrid varieties persimmons respond well to a regular watering schedule.

top dressing

Fertilize Asian persimmons should be at the end of winter or in early spring as soon as the soil becomes suitable for work. Only do this if the tree is not growing well. It often just takes adding organic mulch to get development back on track.


If young tree overloaded with fruit, thinning of the branches should be made. There is no reason to thin out if you see that the tree is doing well with its load.


The Asian persimmon must either be free-form without a central stem, or have a modified central stem from which all branches point. To form such a trunk, it is necessary to prune the branches for the first few years, gradually developing its preferred shape and removing any branches that are too long or short. After that, you should only maintain the shape with cosmetic circumcision, as well as regularly remove diseased, dried or crooked elements. You can also trim the lower branches to raise the crown. Remove any side shoots around the base of the tree.

Pests and diseases

Birds will be tempted by bright and juicy fruits, but it is difficult to call such a neighborhood a disadvantage. In humid climates, the tree can become a victim of anthracnose. Keep the foliage dry and provide good air circulation. Remove and destroy affected branches.


Persimmon begins to bear fruit 4-5 autumn after planting, you will find fruits on the trees even after the leaves have fallen. Collect first the fruits from the top of the crown, as the most quickly ripened. The rest of the fruit can hang until the onset of frost.

Harvest astringent varieties after they are fully ripe in the fall, when they are completely soft. If you need to harvest them earlier, wait until they are completely their soft orange color and then let them continue to mature indoors in a cool place until they reach the desired level of softness.

Astringent persimmon varieties ripen in early autumn, usually after the first good frost. The indicator of maturity is wrinkled skin and softness. You can harvest a little ahead of time if the birds will look at them, but, to avoid astringency, let them ripen completely before eating.

Harvest the non-astringent variety when it is ripe. Do a taste test and, to be extra safe, let the fruit rest for a day or two before eating.

Few people have not tried persimmon. This is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy, and also very beautiful fruit is liked by many. But not everyone knows that by planting a seed in the ground and waiting a bit, you can grow a persimmon in room conditions. Such a tree looks very original and will decorate any home.

Tree in natural conditions

The birthplace of this long-lived fruit tree of the Eben family is China. In nature, many of the trees grow for 500 years. From Latin, the name "persimmon" is translated as "food of the gods", and it is also called date plum, since the dried fruit of the plant is similar in taste to a date.

Interestingly, the persimmon fruit is a berry. Most tree species are edible. It is because of the valuable qualities of berries that persimmons are grown in Eurasia, America, Japan and Australia. In Russia, these trees can be found in the Caucasus, in Abkhazia and the Krasnodar Territory.

Persimmon reaches a height of 8-12 m, it has a spreading crown with regular oval leaves. In autumn they turn yellow and red and begin to fall off. The tree blooms in May, and by November, bright orange or brown fruits with juicy and healthy pulp ripen on its branches.

There is different types of this culture: with only male flowers, only with female flowers and with flowers of both sexes on the same tree. For pollination, persimmons need insects or birds.

Persimmon from the bone

It may seem incredible, but a beautiful tree will grow from a small persimmon seed planted in a pot. If you take care of it, it will delight for many years with its beautiful and unusual view. Germination and planting take some time, but everything is not as difficult as it seems.

For a pot with a plant, it is better to choose a well-lit place. But if the tree is constantly under direct sunlight, it may suffer from burns, so it needs to be shaded on the south window. This can be done by sticking a special film on the glass that protects from ultraviolet radiation.

Immediately after planting in a pot, it is also impossible to put persimmons in bright light. It is necessary to accustom it to the light gradually, each time increasing the time the plant stays in the sun. In spring and autumn, the main light source is not enough for the tree, so it is necessary to organize additional illumination for 2 hours with a special lamp.

The temperature on the windowsill should be about + 20-22 degrees. A finally accustomed tree will not be harmed even by lowering it to +15 degrees, if there is no draft.

For the winter period, the plant will have to be removed to a cooler place and provide a temperature regime in the region of + 5-10 degrees.

Soil, watering and fertilizing

The plant is not picky about the composition of the soil. It can be a mixture of peat and sand, taken in equal proportions, as well as a universal primer from a specialized store. The main thing is not to forget to make a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot.

Persimmon is a delicious and very healthy fruit. Surely many of you love him very much. Would you like a tree with delicious fruits to grow right in your home? If yes, then join our small study, the purpose of which is to study the cultivation of persimmon at home from the stone. As far as possible, what conditions must be met in order for the tree to grow and begin to bear fruit? Let's talk about it in our article.

Where and how persimmon grows

It's not a secret at all. This fruit, although it looks like a sweet tomato, does not grow on bushes, but on a large tree. That is, in fact, it is a berry. This large orange miracle grows in southern China. More precisely, this is his homeland, and today the habitat of persimmon has expanded significantly. It is grown in Japan, Europe, the Crimea and the Caucasus. However, growing persimmons at home from the seed is a relatively new version of indoor floriculture. We will dwell a little more on the description of the tree itself, so that you understand what you have to deal with.


It is indeed a tree, but it is comparatively small. In the garden, it can reach a height of 8 meters, but in room conditions, its growth is regulated by the size of the pot, and the gardener will arrange the crown in such a way that the plant looks spectacular. But beauty cannot be taken away from him. That is why the cultivation of persimmon at home from the stone began to gain popularity, it wins the heart of the grower. And white flowers and large fruits with a magnificent smell will not leave anyone indifferent at all. The tree begins to bloom in May. And you can try your own fruits closer to winter.

Yield and varieties

In fact, growing persimmon at home from a seed is not difficult, but you first need to decide which variety you will plant. The fact is that the size of the crown and the yield depend on this, and this is very important for indoor floriculture. Persimmon is characterized by very abundant fruiting. From one tree you can collect 80 kg of fruit. Some giant varieties can give up to 250 kg. There are about 200 varieties today. In addition, there are many modifications and groups. They are distinguished among themselves by early or late ripeness, pollination, productivity.

Let's get to the main question.

Let's move specifically to the topic of our article - how to grow a persimmon at home from a seed. This is quite real, the most important thing is to know the basic rules and stick to them. First of all, you will need to create the necessary conditions. It must be said right away that this plant is completely unpretentious and does not require special care. However, it does not tolerate cold at all, so if you live in a cool climate, you should consider growing the tree in a greenhouse. You can grow it in the garden, but with the onset of cold weather, persimmons must be planted in a tub and brought into the house. And now let's go directly to the cultivation technique.

Seed selection

This is the most important point, since the entire further process of growth and development will depend on the degree of maturity and quality of the seed. You can purchase seeds through well-known agricultural companies. Then you will definitely be sure of the outcome of your sowing campaign. However, you can go in a more accessible way, that is, get the seeds from ripe fruit. Be sure to choose a beautiful, soft fruit, without mold and severe external damage.

Preparing for landing

Let's talk in more detail about how to grow a persimmon at home from a seed. First of all, it is necessary to remove the bones from the fetus. They need to be thoroughly washed, dried and planted in a suitable pot. For the first time, the pot needs a shallow one. Moreover, if you want your seeds to hatch sooner, then you should soak them first and add a growth stimulator to the water. Now you should tighten the pot with cellophane or put it under glass and place it in a warm place. After about a couple of weeks, you will have a small sprout. As you can see, growing a persimmon from a seed at home is not at all difficult, but it will take a long time before your plant blooms and the first fruits appear.

seedling care

When you see that the first sprout has appeared, you need to move the pot to the windowsill. It is much lighter here, and this is important so that the sprout does not stretch out. To grow it is very important to observe the correct light regime. Now the plant will begin to grow very actively, releasing new leaves every day. Please note that this is not decorative flower, but a real tree, so as soon as it grows out of its pot, it must be transplanted into a new, slightly larger one. In the first year of life, transplantation is needed more often, then plant growth slows down somewhat. Now it is enough to replant the seedling once a year, in early spring. It is enough to transplant an adult plant as needed when the soil is depleted.

plant formation

Form young seedlings into young trees. At the level of 0.5 m, a small pinch is made for branching. At the same time, only a few shoots are left, and when they grow up, they are pinched. Branches of the second order are formed, they will need 2-3 pieces. Thus, you get a rounded tree about 1.5 meters high. After about three years, you will get the first flowering and fruiting.

Trimming and temperature control

Do not doubt whether it is possible to grow a persimmon at home from a seed. Of course you can, and many have already tried this method, it turned out to be quite successful. The tree must not be pruned before it reaches optimal height. Then it is allowed to correct the crown by removing its height and width. By maintaining the tree at this level, you can grow persimmons even in a small apartment. Choose a place for her where there is very good lighting and the optimum temperature is maintained. It is highly desirable that there are no drafts, this tree does not like cold air very much.


So, you have a persimmon from the seed in your pot. At home, growing is very simple, you just need to follow the rules of watering. Persimmon is very fond of spraying, but do not overdo it. In the early years, young plants require additional watering, as their roots are still too small to extract food from the depths. At room conditions, the pot does not allow the use ground water, and much more watering is required.

Feeding and rest period

In order to successfully grow persimmon at home from a stone, it is imperative to introduce mineral and organic top dressing into the soil. In a pot, this is the only way for a tree to get nutrients. Persimmon fertilizers are needed constantly, except for the dormant period. Therefore, starting from the first warm days, the plant is fed once every two weeks. But from late autumn it is necessary to provide the tree with a dormant period. To do this, it is transferred to a cooler visit, the air temperature should be + 5-10 degrees. The soil should be sprinkled with sawdust and stop fertilizing. But you still have to moisten the soil, otherwise the roots will dry out, and your plant will not live to see warm days.

This is a general set of rules that will make it possible to grow persimmons at home from the stone. The photo that you will take from time to time will allow you to evaluate the results of your labors. It's really amazing - to watch how before your eyes a weak sprout turns into beautiful plant, blossoms and is filled with fruits. So with the onset of autumn, get a ripe persimmon, get the seeds and try to grow your own tree. Even if you fail to enjoy the fruits, you will have an interesting experience.

Gardeners who want to learn how to grow persimmons need to immediately prepare for the fact that in our region on big harvest do not have to count. Growing a persimmon is not an easy task, but if you succeed, then the fruits, which are considered healing, will delight you with their juicy, sweet pulp and a high content of valuable trace elements and vitamins.

Persimmon - planting and care in the open field

Before you grow a persimmon from a seed or from a seedling in open field, you should carefully prepare the ground for this. On the garden plot it is advisable to plant this crop with seedlings. Planting is carried out in pits, with fertilizer introduced into them, larger in volume than the roots, to a depth of 10 to 18 cm (depending on the lightness of the soil). The earth around the tree is not trampled down, as it subsides, it is poured, abundant watering is required. The soil for persimmons needs the same as for other varieties of fruit seedlings. For eight female seedlings, one male should be planted.

The following steps are required for care:

  • digging and loosening in autumn and spring;
  • watering 1-2 times during the month (depending on the age of the seedling and environmental conditions);
  • wrapping (warming) trees for the winter;
  • annual whitewashing of trunks;
  • top dressing;
  • installation of props under the branches (if necessary).

How to plant persimmon in the garden?

When wondering how to grow a persimmon, start with the right place for planting. Preferably for this culture are spaces closed from the wind, accessible to sunlight, not planted with various plants. Persimmon does not like lowlands in which moisture accumulates, it takes root well on loamy and sandy soils, in places where The groundwater close to the ground (no deeper than 80 cm). Growing persimmons is compared with growing peach, choosing the south side, plant near the wall of a heated room.

Persimmon - growing conditions in the garden

To know how to grow persimmons in the garden, read in advance the rules of agricultural technology required for this and the necessary climatic conditions. Persimmon, being a frost-resistant crop, in comparison with its tropical counterparts, can withstand temperatures down to -20-23°C. This crop loves moist soil, but stagnant water should be avoided. From time to time, trees should be fed with mineral fertilizers, and for better fruiting, graft and prune regularly, forming a crown. Persimmon does not require special conditions and efforts.

How to grow a persimmon in a summer cottage - top dressing?

When we grow persimmons outdoors on suburban area, you should prepare for a long process. An important factor is a choice with increased frost-resistant qualities, having acquired seedlings, it is necessary to plant them very quickly in the ground, grafting to the south. Before growing a persimmon, apply fertilizer in early spring to the soil intended for planting it: humus or minerals (nitrogen up to 50 g, phosphorus up to 90 g and potassium up to 50 g). For development and fruiting, this tree needs top dressing, it is produced annually, starting from the age of 5.

Persimmon care in the garden

Care is not difficult, but it requires regular and high-quality. The most important measures to ensure the good growth of this fruit-bearing horticultural crop are the following:

  • competent watering, which will not lead to oversaturation of the soil with moisture and rotting of the roots;
  • timely top dressing with organic matter and minerals;
  • sheltering trees during the winter cold;
  • pruning trees to help shape the crown;
  • vaccinations that promote the fruiting process.

Experienced gardeners recommend purchasing persimmon seedlings for planting varieties, the cultivation of which is not difficult, but its fruits ripen among the first, they lack a tart, astringent taste, they are large and sweet. Persimmon fruits contain iodine, which gradually accumulates in them, so add a little potassium iodide to the compositions for foliar dressings.

Growing persimmons at home

You can grow a persimmon seedling at home from a seed, the tree will give the first harvest after 3-4 years. Answering the question: how to grow persimmon at home, consider the main stages of planting and care:

  • seed selection, washing, preparation for planting;
  • planting, watering, sheltering to create the desired microclimate;
  • replanting as you grow;
  • pruning, upon reaching a height of one and a half meters, the formation of a crown in height and width.

For the summer period, if possible, take the tree outside, or put it on the balcony, providing warmth, light and the absence of drafts. Take care of regular watering, but you should not overdo it in this matter, persimmon does not like excessive moisture, spray the crown periodically. At proper care at the beginning of summer, the seedling will bloom, then fertilize. In winter, the temperature in the room where the persimmon tree is located should be within + 10 ° C.

How to plant persimmon at home?

Experienced gardeners, talking about how to plant persimmons, advise for planting to select seeds from different fruits, several pieces at a time, wash them and hold them in a slightly diluted manganese solution. 1-2 months before planting, put planting material in gauze soaked in water and kept in the refrigerator (this technique - stratification, will accelerate germination).

Plant seeds 1-2 cm in a container with soil, and place it near heating appliances, persimmon loves high air temperature. As part of the soil, mix soddy soil, humus, crushed charcoal, sand, bone meal, lay a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot. Cover the container with planted seeds with glass or transparent cellophane, which are lifted for ventilation. After the appearance of tiny sprouts, shelter will be superfluous. The plant develops quickly, seedlings need to be transplanted into large pots or containers.

How to grow persimmons in a pot - watering

After learning how to grow a persimmon at home in a pot, remember that this is a plant from the tropics and it needs regular, but moderate watering. For constant, good soil and stem moisture, sprinkle a layer of sawdust, used tea leaves, or thick coffee residue on the soil surface, they will help retain moisture. Defend water for irrigation, it should be soft, have room temperature.

Persimmon growing indoors in a pot does not require much trouble, regular care, following the necessary rules, will allow you to get a fruit-bearing tree, while being very beautiful in appearance. Homemade persimmon from the stone gives a harvest in five to seven years, to speed up this process, graft a seedling that has reached one year of age, the tree will begin to bear fruit 1-2 years earlier.

How to grow a persimmon from a stone at home - top dressing

It has become common for people to want to grow an exotic "green pet" in a city apartment. Talking about how to grow persimmons in a pot, we advise you to take care of the quality of the seeds for planting and useful feeding. To grow persimmons at home, like any exotic plant(pineapple, lemon, banana, avocado), be patient and learn some tricks. You can achieve rapid seed germination by putting them in gauze soaked in a biostimulant (or diluted aloe juice), placed in a plastic bag for 1-2 months, and placed in the refrigerator.

It is possible to grow a strong and healthy tree by introducing balanced compositions of minerals and organic mixtures into the soil, alternating these types of dressings. This procedure should be repeated every two to three months, during the active growth of the seedling. Persimmon does not require highly enriched soil, so it is better to under-fertilize it than to “overfeed” them, especially organic matter.

Persimmon care at home

The best condition for growing persimmons at home is to create a tropical microclimate indoors, requiring elevated temperatures, as in winter time, and in summer, as well as maintaining humidified air. There are few problems with growing persimmons at home from the stone, consider the most common of them:

  1. Poor growth, no new shoots- the reason for the lack of nutrition. Feed and transplant in spring.
  2. dropping leaves- if this happens in the summer, the reason may lie in the lack of heat or draft, if in the fall, then this process is natural.
  3. Yellowing of leaves, stagnation of water in the soil, gradual death of the plant- an urgent transplant is needed, cleaning the root system from rotten roots, improving in a pot, which ensures that excess moisture drains into the pan.

Will persimmon grown from seed bear fruit?

To the question of exotic lovers: is it possible to grow persimmon at home, the answer is always positive, the plant is constantly gaining popularity as a pet and often bears fruit. The fruiting of a persimmon growing at home depends on the quality of the seeds and the variety. Growing technique is also important. The first time the tree is able to bloom indoors after 3-4 years, then its fruiting begins. To do this, pinching should be done, at a level of 30-50 cm from the ground, leaving two or three upper shoots, when they reach 20-40 cm, pinching is repeated, forming the crown of the tree.