Planting, care and use in the design of the garden variegated derain. Variegated Derain: Proper Planting and Required Care Variegated Derain Planting and Care Pruning Reproduction

  • 16.06.2019

Derain variegated - beautiful bush arnica with a lush crown. In nature, this plant is found in the forests of Siberia, China and Japan. In our gardens, it is often used as hedges, as it grows quite quickly and tolerates pruning easily.

The shrub looks decorative throughout the growing season. Its strong branches of brown-red color, variegated leaves, white flowers and blue berries look very beautiful. Since the culture is frost-resistant, it is often used for landscaping gardens and parks in the northern regions of the country.

In order for the plant to fully open its decorative properties, it needs to provide suitable conditions. Deren is unpretentious and will grow anywhere, but poor conditions are directly reflected in its decorative effect.

Planting a plant

It is best to purchase seedlings, no more than 3-4 years old. If the roots are a little dry, they need to be urgently revived by placing the seedling in water for 4-5 hours.

Soil preparation and site

The shrub grows well both in the sun and in light shade. Varieties with variegated leaves are best planted in sunny areas, as in the shade the foliage loses its bright colors and becomes faded. It should be borne in mind that the deren grows quickly and has a spreading crown, so you should not plant it near trees or other shrubs. The soil must be nutritious and loose. If the site has dense clay soil, you need to dig a hole, remove clay from it and fill in good fertile soil. In that case when ground water located high, it is necessary to do drainage.

When and how to plant?

It is better to plant a young bush in the spring, when the earth and air warm up. If you hurry and plant a plant earlier, it will take a long time to adapt to new conditions and will not have time to prepare for winter. Planting a variegated derain does not require special knowledge in the field of gardening, the main thing is not to deepen the root collar of the seedling. After planting, the bush needs to be watered, and the ground around it should be mulched.

Caring for variegated derain

Trimming Rules

The purpose of any pruning is to give the plant a beautiful shape. This procedure must be performed in a timely manner, otherwise the bush will look sloppy.

The first pruning is carried out when the shrub reaches the age of three. Mature bushes pruned in early spring pretty low. Be sure to remove old and dried branches.

The hedge is cut more often, about twice a year, at the beginning and end of summer. Pruning of turf in autumn is rarely done.

Transplantation of an adult deren

It is recommended to transplant an adult plant only in extreme cases, since the derain does not tolerate such a procedure. Most often, a shrub has to be replanted when it grows strongly and interferes with other plants. If it is possible to remove the neighbors in the garden, it is better to leave the bush in place so as not to injure it once again.

Adult bushes are transplanted in late autumn, when the leaves fall or in early spring, until the buds swell.

In a state of hibernation, the plant will be much easier to transport. The root system is very sprawling, so you need to dig it carefully, trying not to damage it. The plant is dug out together with an earthen clod, wrapping it in a rag. In a new place, the bush should be well watered and the area should be mulched with rotted manure.

After transplanting, you need to ensure that the soil does not dry out. If the plant was transplanted in the spring, then on sunny days it is desirable to shade it.

Preparing for the winter

This shrub has good frost resistance, so there is no need for shelter for the winter. But still, young annual seedlings are better to cover.

How to propagate turf?

The shrub can be propagated in different ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • layering.

Three-year-old plants are already bearing fruit and producing seeds. Seed germination is high. Sowing material collected in the garden, as a rule, is planted in the fall, and prepared stratified - in the spring. For seeds, you need to prepare a substrate of sand, moss and sawdust. The seeds planted in the substrate must be kept at a temperature of +5 for 8 weeks. After that, the seeds can be planted to a depth of no more than 5 cm. This method is very laborious. For a seedling grown from a seed to reach standard sizes, it will take at least 5-7 years.

Under the bark of each shoot are the beginnings of roots, so you can use not only green, but also lignified cuttings. Spring pruning of the bush just makes it possible to stock up on the right amount of cuttings. Each shoot must have at least 7 well-developed buds. The prepared material is placed in trays with a pre-prepared substrate and placed in a warm place. Timely watering and top dressing will do their job, and by September the seedlings will be completely ready for planting in the ground.

In order not to mess with the cuttings, you can use the simpler method. In the spring, it is enough to sprinkle with earth and fix several shoots in this position. After a year, they can be separated from the mother plant and planted in a new place.

Dangerous diseases and pests

The plant rarely gets sick, but sometimes suffers from aphids. This could also lead to his death. Therefore, if aphids are found on the leaves of a plant, they must be immediately removed using one of the following methods:

    • The mechanical method is to wash the pests off the foliage with a strong jet of water or remove them with your hands. This option does not cost money, but it must be repeated many times to be effective.

  • The chemical method is considered the most effective. It is not necessary to buy potent chemicals, for starters, you can try simple ones. folk remedies based on laundry soap and other products.

To prevent fungal diseases, it is enough to periodically check whether the soil is waterlogged. If the soil is too wet, watering should be stopped until the roots are slightly dry.

plant in landscape design

Most amateur gardeners prefer beautiful and unpretentious plants. Derain variegated takes pride of place in this list. It can be planted as a soloist or combined with other conifers or deciduous plants. In large gardens, turf is used for multi-layer compositions in combination with tall trees.

The plant looks great in a hedge. Over time, shrubs form a dense impenetrable wall, the care of which consists only in timely pruning.

This beautiful shrub does not require careful maintenance, it is easy to propagate, grows quickly and resumes after pruning. Therefore, do not be surprised that variegated derain is often used in landscape design.

Doren variegated attracts attention with variegated leaves with a white border and reddish color of the branches. It is found in parks and squares in compositions with other plants. Lonely flaunts on mowed lawns. Divides the site into zones with colorful fences. Enhances the beauty of vibrant flower beds. In a word, a multifunctional character.

Description of variegated turf

Doren variegated - spreading bush, reaching a height of three meters, with shoots of brown-red shades, bordered by variegated leaves. The color of the border is white and yellow . The long flowering period distinguishes it from the traditional species. The first flowering occurs in late May - early June, and the second time the soren blooms in September.

The dogwood family is sometimes combined with the dogwood and svirida genera, the common name is dogwood or dogwood. Homeland - Siberian forests. Found in China, Japan. Three plant species are distributed in North America, Europe and the Far East, forming thickets on the edges, glades and meadows. Deren name received because of durable wood. Doren translated - horn,i.e. heavy, durable. All types plants are extremely decorative, so it is often used in urban landscape compositions, in summer cottages, home gardens and in cottage settlements.

Varieties of variegated turf

Soren varieties variegated are very different from each other, they are both deciduous and evergreen. The "elegantissima" has concave leaves with a white border, branches of a bright red hue. "Sibirika variegata" differs in the usual color of even leaves, the edging is white. Attracts the attention of a large "gauhault" with a yellow edging of the leaves, turning into pink shades in the sun.

The graceful, soaring crown of "Cracker Cream" beckons with yellow-green foliage that turns cream in autumn. Shpeta has a yellow border. The foliage turns a deep purple in autumn. Distinguished by the height of the sod "white" bordered white color on the leaves.

Preparing for landing

presents no difficulty. But to grow bush with excellent decorative qualities, take into account some factors:

  • selection of a suitable landing site;
  • soil preparation;
  • seedling selection.
Growing in a shady, depleted soil with insufficient moisture will lead to the loss of variegated foliage. Excess moisture will lead to rotting of the roots and death of the plant.

Landing dates

Fast adaptation derena happens after landing spring or in June. The soil and air at this time are warm enough. Summer bush will get stronger, strong roots will grow, which will serve as a successful wintering. In the first winter bush wrapped in insulating material, the trunk circle is protected with straw, fallen leaves, sawdust.

Site selection

Deren grows well in any place. Only marshy areas should be avoided. Bushes with variegated foliage will remain attractive in the sun, in shady places they will become ordinary green colors .

When choosing, one should take into account the rapid growth of bushes, which makes it undesirable to plant near tall trees, especially conifers, due to the poor tolerance of such a neighborhood.Choose a spacious free area for ease of care and access during inspection.

Soil preparation

The seat is freed from weeds, compost or humus is added to the soil.In marshy soil or with a close occurrence of groundwater, drainage is done. Deren loves sandy and sandy loamy soil, well permeable to water, the best would be acidified soil with lime content.Soil fertility and moisture are important.

Selection and preparation of planting material

As planting material it is desirable to use seedlings grown from cuttings that retain the characteristics and properties of the mother plant.

Choose a seedling up to four years old, a healthy specimen with bright leaves without any external flaws. Bush with windy roots are kept for several hours in a container of water so that they are saturated with moisture.

Detailed description of the boarding process

The top layer of soil is removed from the surface of the site selected for planting, mixed with humus, sand (1: 1: 0.5) and complex mineral fertilizer in granules (100 g per 1 sq. M) is added. For free growth of roots, a large planting hole is dug.In the case of marshy soil or close groundwater, drainage is done (broken ceramic brick, small stones).Part of the prepared mixture is poured onto the bottom, 5-6 liters of water are poured.

Doren they are placed in a hole, having previously straightened the roots, and covered with the remaining mixture so that the root neck is flush with the ground. With a high location of the root neck, many weak shoots appear, deep planting leads to the death of the seedling. The soil is compacted.The trunk circle is watered abundantly, the surface is mulched. Group landing assumes a distance between the pits of 1.5 m.When landing alone doren tied to a support for stability.

Care for variegated turf in the open field

Doren - an undemanding representative of the green world, he easily tolerates winter frosts, summer drought and other unpleasant weather changes.Planting and caring for variegated derenin open groundaccessible even to novice gardeners. Plant at your home, in the country and grow under the power of everyone. Döhren is distinguished by its unpretentiousness to soil quality, climate, ecological environment and even high urban air pollution. Plant requires periodic top dressing.

To maintain the shape of the crown and decorative pruning is carried out. The hedge is cut several times a season. When pests appear, the deren needs to be treated with insecticides.

Watering rules

Young bushes are watered in moderation, but if possible daily.

Adult plants in the event of a drought require twice a week watering (20 liters per bush ). If the soil remains moist, water less often.

Reduce watering in autumn.

Rules and terms for fertilizing

adult deren fed twice. spring (in April) - mineral fertilizers (200 g per bush), in summer (in August) - organic (5 g of compost or chicken manure). To increase growth bush the first year of cultivation is often fed with complex fertilizers, alternating foliar and root applications. Subsequently, deren fertilize during the season, applying fertilizer under each bush.The last dressing of the season is carried out in early September. For abundant flowering and brightly colored leaves are sprinkled with rotted foliage to the roots.

Temperature regime

Sufficient temperature for the normal growth of shrubs is considered to be 15-20 ° C, which makes it possible to use doren in landscaping cities even in the northern part of Russia. It tolerates hot summer weather normally with an increased watering rate. Frost-resistant. It tolerates icy wind, small snow cover, easily recovers from damage by hard snow crust.

Time and methods of pruning

Pruning held regularly twice a year: at the beginning and end of summer. Otherwise, the lower branches are exposed, and the appearance of the bush worsens.Constantly monitor the emergence of branches with monochromatic foliage, which follow in time trim . Regular pruning - the main component of care.

Formative pruning needed for bushes that serve as hedges to maintain its unchanged shape, and when creating the contour of the crown of ornamental bushes and trees.Sick, old, injured, crooked branches are removed with sanitary pruning. V winter period the plant is not pruned.

Reasons and methods of transplantation

Replant an adult bush should be in extreme cases, it's stressful for turf. Good reasons:

  • the initial choice of an inappropriate place (if there is a shadow, the decorative effect is lost);
  • incorrectly selected soil (poor soils mean cessation of growth, loss of attractiveness);
  • unsuitable neighborhood (he displaces, displaces him).

Preferable autumn transplant after dropping leaves: plant get less stress, adapt to the environment.

spring transplantation is carried out until the kidneys swell. digging a plant , given that the volume of the roots approximately corresponds to the size of the crown, avoiding damage as much as possible. Bush with a lump of land wrapped in a film (burlap) and carefully transferred to the landing site. The transplanted bush is watered, the surface is mulched with humus.

Preparing for winter

Frost resistance derena allows you not to cover adult plants for the winter in outskirts of Moscow , in the northern regions and in Siberia. young bush in winter they cover, wrapping with burlap so as to avoid damping out during the onset of thaws.

Diseases and pests of variegated derain

Doren suffering from fungal diseases. Diseases are provoked:

  • excess moisture;
  • stagnation of water;
  • irrigation with cold water.

For treatment, treatment is used with a one percent solution of Bordeaux liquid, preparations:

  • "Vectra";
  • "HOM";
  • "Topaz";
  • Fundazol.

A temporary reduction in watering will prevent diseases so that the soil and roots dry out. Pests bypass doren side due to the specific taste.The only enemy derena - aphid, which spoils the decorativeness of the bush, and in case of mass accumulation destroys the plant.

Three methods to release doren from the invasion of insects:

  • wash off with a jet of water under pressure, which does not give one hundred percent result;
  • chemical - apply special means;
  • folk - treat with a solution of laundry soap, infusion of garlic, tobacco.

Dören variegated in landscape design

Doren variegated is widely used to decorate garden and summer cottages, v professionallandscape design. Plant attracts designers with its extraordinary decorative effect, which is preserved all year round.

In winter, it effectively stands out against the background of white snow and gray tree trunks with orange-red, yellow, green shades branches. spring and in summer the variegation of foliage pleases the eye, in June the snow-whiteness of clusters of flowers is added.With an iridescent palette, from yellow to purple, turf leaves and white-blue shades of berries in autumn amaze.

Bush or a tree look great in compositions with other plants, in a single planting and as a separating hedge.For ennobling gardens and cottages, framing the alleys of city parks, an unpretentious turf is suitable. The year-round attractiveness of plantings will please the eye.It will make the space of the yards cozy.

The use of derain is not limited to the use of wonderful decoration.The areas blown by the winds will be protected by a dense green fence planted in a ring.In the fight against landslides and soil erosion, strong roots and fast-growing shoots of turf will help. Original in appearance and undemanding to care, doren variegated fell in love with amateur gardeners and professional designers in the southern and northern regions of Russia.

Ornamental shrubs are very adorn the backyard.

Thanks to them, the garden landscape becomes more expressive, voluminous and colorful. Some shrubs reach their maximum decorative effect during flowering, others - during fruit ripening, others are distinguished by a rich palette of leaves that change color depending on the season, the fourth - by elegant bark that stands out piercingly in the cold season ... But each of them can be attractive in any time of the year, if it has a beautiful shape. And this is achieved by regular pruning.

Winter-hardy plants can be pruned at any time of the year. Non-hardy - it is better to cut in the spring (the exception is roses that we cut to cover: they winter better under cover).

Trimming spirea (pictured)

One of the most popular shrubs - spirea. They have a lot of advantages: they bloom beautifully, are unpretentious, frost-resistant, have many types and garden forms.

Spireas are divided into two large groups: spring and summer flowering.

The former bloom on the shoots of the previous year, and their flowers are mostly white, collected in umbellate inflorescences. Pruned bushes immediately after flowering, completely removing shoots older than 5 years.

If you cut a spring-flowering spirea (Vangutta, gray, Nippon, etc.) in the spring, after flowering, it will give a large number of shoots, which next year will also delight you with abundant flowering.

If you cut it in the second half of summer, you will not get flowering the next year. Or get so weak that it makes no sense to keep it for the sake of flowering, only for the sake of form. And these spireas are formed perfectly: if you want - with a ball, if you want - with a cube.

Or you can create a beautiful border or hedge out of them. Summer-flowering spireas (Bumalda, Japanese - ‘Little Princess’, ‘Golden Princess’, ‘Shirobana’, etc.) bloom on the shoots of the current growth. They can be cut as you like and at any time, they will still grow and bloom, albeit later, but they will give you the decorative effect that you want. The more often you cut summer spireas, the more compact, thicker and fluffier they become, but the less their flowering will be. Therefore, it is better to cut the bushes after flowering or in early spring, cutting very short - 15-30 cm above the soil surface.

From the buds remaining on the stems, strong young shoots grow, on the tops of which bright flowers bloom by mid-summer (most often pink or red), collected in large corymbose or paniculate inflorescences.

Pruning Derain

Deren (of the most popular - white Shpeta and Elegantissima) is well cut at any time. You can cut it to any height and give it any shape. The main thing is to know what you want from him. If you admire the clear graphics of brightly colored shoots in the winter garden, cut it short in early spring.

Over the summer, the sod will grow annual shoots up to 0.5-1 m long, which will turn into a rich red color with the onset of cold weather. If you want to have a lush bush of beautiful shape, decorated with variegated leaves, cream flowers, and then white berries, then shorten the branches to the height you need.

Pruning mock orange

To get a beautiful mock orange bush, it must first be formed correctly. To do this, the seedling is cut very low, and young shoots “shoot” from its base. The following year, some of the strongest and most harmoniously located are left. All others are cut out.

Since mock orange blooms on the lateral (shortened) shoots of last year's growths, faded branches after flowering are removed to strong young shoots located below.

In autumn, side branches form on them, which will bloom the next year. It is also necessary to cut out old, weak and thickening branches. Make sure that the bush does not thicken and retains the shape given to it, for example, a ball. If shoots appear that break out of it, they need to be cut to an internode that is not at the level of the ball contour, but one below it. Shortened side shoots that appear will make the bush more magnificent and bloom next year.

The old bush is rejuvenated by pruning "on the stump", it quickly grows the crown.

After rejuvenation, the mock orange is abundantly watered and fed.

Hydrangea pruning

Hydrangea paniculata withstands fairly strong pruning. But if you cut it every year, it begins to wither. Especially if it's in the shade. Therefore, you should not be zealous with panicle hydrangea. Prune faded flowers in autumn. Feed with autumn fertilizer, mulch with compost or humus.

And if you need to radically rejuvenate, then it is better to do it in the spring. It is possible on the descending snow, on the already swollen buds. Like turf, cut at the internode to form a lower dome, the height you need. And be sure to feed it with mineral fertilizer labeled "spring" so that it can quickly increase its mass to replace the lost one.

On a note

Derain, unlike spirea, has a rather long internode. In spirea, wherever you cut a branch, be sure to get close to the kidney, from which the shoot will then begin and begin to branch. Derain is best cut at a distance of 0.5-1 cm from the node. Then it overgrows easily and looks decorative. Otherwise, get a bush or hedge with dead stumps.

The same applies to other shrubs with long internodes (vesicle, mock orange, etc.).

Lilac and its pruning

Lilac belongs to cultures with opposite buds and long internodes. It lends itself well to rejuvenation and easily forms root shoots. The latter is one of its main problems.

If the lilac has a good main bush or bole and root shoots have grown, this root shoot, which is closer to the roots, pulls on nutrients and will definitely drown out the bush. It will begin to give very small increments, it will begin to bloom worse, and then it will completely stop. Therefore, it is necessary to cut the root growth in a timely manner and mercilessly at ground level. Especially if the lilac is grafted.

If you purchased your own rooted lilac, then the shoot will have the same properties as the main plant, and you can use it as planting material.

Lilac is grown as a bush or as a tree. The crown is formed at 2-3 years of age.

To get a beautiful bush, choose several (3-5) of the strongest shoots directed in different directions. All the rest are cut into a ring. In the future, from year to year, the crown is thinned out so that it is well lit.

If you want to form a lilac tree, first of all, you need to get a stem. Choose an even, vertical shoot, remove all unnecessary to the base, tie it up. Then cut this stem at the height at which you want to make a tree. For example, you need a trunk 1 m high at the lilac - cut it off by a meter. After that, new shoots begin to go. Cut these shoots into 3-4 buds.

The stem must not only be tied up so that it does not bend, but also one or two thin shoots with leaves as thickening shoots should be left at the bottom. However, they need to be cut all the time, not to be allowed to grow into whips: they grew into two pairs of leaves - they cut them off, for another two pairs - they cut them off again. As a result, there is an accumulation of sugars due to photosynthesis, the stem thickens much better than without shoots.

Thickening shoots - general rule not only for lilacs, but also for other plants, including apple and pear trees.

If the lilac is thickened, neglected, with weak growth and flowering, the most correct thing is to prune it in stages. In the first year, on one side of the bush, cut off half of the branches (5-7) to a height of 0.5-1 m. It is better that it be higher in the middle, close to a domed shape. On this side of the bush, new powerful shoots about a meter long “shoot out” (the plant is trying to restore the lost one). On the untouched side of the bush, the growth is small - only two centimeters, but flowering continues here.

The next year, cut off the second part of the bush by the same 0.5-1 m.

On the first part of the bush, new shoots can be shortened by 3-4 pairs of buds (approximately leave 20-30 cm). They begin to branch again, and the second cut part branches for the first time. Flowering will be next year or a year later, but in general the shape of the bush is preserved.

Lilac rejuvenation is best done in the spring, in the fall we only remove diseased shoots.

Varieties of variegated derain

  • Elegantissima is the most beautiful of all shrubs up to 2.5 meters high. It has a wide white border on the leaves and bright red shoots, and also blooms and bears fruit.
  • Siberian is famous not, as usual, for its foliage pattern, but for its coral branches, which look simply incredible against the backdrop of Siberian snows. Plant height 1.5 meters.
  • Gauhault - in addition to yellow edging, the leaves also have pink and white spots. The variety is quite winter-hardy and has a height of up to 1.5 meters.
  • Cream Cracker is a low (up to 1 meter) bush with a dense crown of their green-yellow leaves, which change their color to cream by autumn. The branches, like all derains, are red.
  • Siberian Variegata - with green-white leaves, which by August change color to brown-purple.
  • Trimming variegated derain

    Planting variegated derain

    It is advisable to plant young plant in early summer or spring, so that during the warm period it can build up a powerful root system that will allow it to survive the first winter without problems. But still, the plant will have to be wrapped before frost in nonwoven fabric in the first year of life.

    In choosing a place for planting, deren is completely picky - it will grow both in the shade and in the sun, on almost any soil. The only thing to do is not to plant a shrub near coniferous trees, as it does not tolerate such a neighborhood. The best option there will be derain decoration garden paths when tall trees grow in the background.

    Diseases of the variegated derain

    And although the plant is very hardy, and completely undemanding to the nutritional value and moisture of the soil, occasionally it can be attacked by aphids or a fungal disease due to stagnant water. The methods of dealing with these misfortunes are the same as for other plants - chemical treatment against leaf-sucking pests and spraying with fungicides, as well as reducing soil moisture.

    How to propagate variegated deren?

    White sod (Cornus alba) is one of the most versatile and hardy ornamental shrubs. During the last years in our country it has become very popular due to its decorative qualities and also because it is easy to grow.

    Derain variegated - photo and description

    This shrub grows up to 3m tall and up to 3m wide, but can be pruned if necessary because it tolerates pruning well. The most beautiful parts of the plant of the ornamental white turf variegated are smooth stems and large, ovate-elliptical leaves, with pronounced veins.

    The leaves have green color, but different varieties may have yellow, variegated or light-edged leaves. The colored stems are extremely decorative in winter (they are especially heavily colored from January to March), at which time they are a strong color accent in the winter garden.

    The shrub blooms in spring (May-June), when small, creamy flowers appear at the ends of the stems, collected in small inflorescences, as a rule, they do not have much decorative value. In autumn, the flowers turn into small, round, inedible white or cream-colored fruits.

    Derain varieties

    Pure varieties of this plant are rarely found in gardens, because its many variations are much more decorative. The most interesting of them are the following:

  • Aurea (Aurea) - with beautiful, large leaves in a yellow border, which turns red in autumn. The bush grows up to about 2 m in height, and quite quickly.
  • Elegantissima (Elegantissima) - also found under the name Argenteomarginata (Argenteomarginata), has very decorative, green leaves with a clear, wide, irregular, white border. Grows to a height of about 2 m.
  • Sibirica Variegata (Sibirica Variegata) - the variety is very similar to the previous one, but the shoots are very intensely colored red, and the leaves turn red-pink in autumn.
  • Gouchalchi (Gouchaultii) is interesting variety with green leaves with a wide yellow rim, which is tinted pink in spring. Grows up to about 3 m in height.
  • Kesselringii - the bush has slightly twisted dark green or brownish-green leaves, grows up to about 2 m in height.
  • Siberian Pearls is a plant with dark green leaves that change color to mono-red in autumn, contrasting beautifully with the white fruits. Grows up to about 2-3 m in height.
  • Baihalo (Bailhalo) - this variety is very similar to Elegantissima, but grows to about 1-1.5 m in height and reaches the same width.
  • Hessei - one of the most original and rare varieties, with green, twisted, wavy and wrinkled leaves, changing color to maroon in autumn, grows up to 2.5-3 m in height.
  • Variegated derain - planting and care

    This shrub is extremely undemanding. It can grow in most common garden soil, is tolerant of urban air pollution and low temperatures, and tolerates pruning well. It usually grows well in both full sun and partial shade, but varieties with colorful leaves do best in full sun. Caring for variegated turf is quite simple, the shrub tolerates short-term droughts, but prefers moist soil, a long period without watering can negatively affect the appearance of plants. For this reason, in dry and hot summers, it is additionally well irrigated.


    The shrub perfectly withstands pruning, which can be carried out in the spring of each year, while the shoots are shortened by 1/3 or even 2/3. Thanks to this, the bush not only thickens well, but also produces many new shoots, very expressive, intense color. The bushes should also be heavily pruned immediately after planting (shortening the shoots over 2-3 eyes), so that they open beautifully from the very beginning of cultivation.

    Variegated derain - planting and reproduction

    Propagating turf is almost as easy as growing it. Plants can be obtained by planting green and semi-lignified (August and September) and lignified (spring) seedlings or cuttings. Rarely it is propagated by sowing seeds, because their good germination requires certain procedures and almost six months of stratification.

    Purchased seedlings can be planted in the ground throughout the season, although the best periods are spring and autumn. Most derens are large-sized plants, so you need to choose a good place to plant before buying.

    Diseases and pests

    The shrub is not particularly susceptible to diseases and pests, but in particularly unfavorable conditions it can be threatened by fungal diseases, such as:

    • anthracnose,
    • shoot death,
    • powdery mildew.
    • The shrub is extremely versatile. It can be planted both singly and in large, single-species groups or in combination with other types of turf. It is well suited for hedges cut into interesting shapes or unshaped.

      It looks good both in a small garden (especially varieties that have a lower formation) and in a large natural park. High resistance to low temperatures allows it to be planted in different regions without protection of plants from frost.

      Types of variegated derain, features of its cultivation and use in design

      Derain variegated is an ornamental plant, some species of which grow like a tree, others like a shrub.

      Its unusual leaves and their colorful flowers adorn the garden throughout the year.

      In summer, the shrub decorates the garden with its decorative foliage, and in June, white medium-sized flowers bloom on it, collected in small clusters. With all this, the shrub looks quite modest.

      But in the fall, it will show itself in all its glory, sparkle with wonderful colors from orange to purple.

      Among the variegation of leaves hanging clusters with round berries, which also have a variety of shades - from white to dark blue.

      In winter, the branches of the shrub are painted in red and orange hues, which also distinguishes it from the bare, featureless bushes. Against the backdrop of white snow, it looks amazingly impressive.

      The color of its trunks stands out as a bright spot in the spring in the general dullness of the site.

      Some types of derain bloom at this time, decorating the garden that is just waking up.

      The shrub also has evergreen species, and this is just a godsend for gardeners. It calmly tolerates frosts and is unpretentious in the choice of soil.

      Properly planted once, in the future it does not require special care.

      Derain has a large number of species, each of them has its own characteristics. The most common of them is white derain. It is most often used in decorative compositions.

      Derain white

      The height of this species reaches three meters, the shrub grows independently up to five meters in width. This must be taken into account and removed extra shoots so that it does not clog other plants with its roots.

      He himself can reproduce by layering - the lower branches, in contact with the ground, give roots, and a new shoot is formed.

      The leaves of the white deren have a dark green, even bluish color, sometimes they turn yellow in autumn, the bark of the branches acquires various shades of red.

      This type of plant blooms twice a season, in early summer and early autumn. It grows calmly, both in the shady areas of the garden, and in its sunny areas, it is not picky about top dressing.

      The only condition for the shrub to have a beautiful lush appearance is that it must be periodically cleaned of old and dry branches.

      Deren Chinese

      This species can be either a tree or a shrub. It grows to a height of up to seven meters, capturing territories up to four meters wide.

      Autumn color stands out in a bright spot against the background of the entire garden, as its leaves turn bright red, with white or pink tips. Its long flowering in summer cannot but rejoice.

      Derain canadian

      A dwarf type of deren, grows only 15-20 centimeters in height, grows rather slowly, eventually covering the landing area with a kind of “carpet” covering.

      In summer it is dark green, and in autumn its small leaves become red velvet color. It does not stand out for its white-green inflorescences, as they are almost invisible.

      Blooms from spring to mid-summer. Despite the inconspicuousness of flowering, the berries ripen in bright scarlet shades, which add decorativeness to the general appearance of the plant.

      Canadian sod loves cool shade and moist garden areas. It tolerates winter frosts well, loves fertile, acidified soils.

      It grows well under the canopy of trees, does not like open sunny areas.

      Deren male or common dogwood

      It can also be a tree or shrub, grows up to six to seven meters. Growth in the first year of planting is slow, then it accelerates.

      The leaves are light green in color, small in size, ovoid in shape. This species blooms in early spring, even before the appearance of foliage, the flowers are yellow and not large.

      The fruits of a shrub of juicy red or burgundy, oval in shape, edible, have a sweet and sour taste, jam and compotes are prepared from them, since they contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements.

      Dogwood is unpretentious in care, grows on various soils, especially those containing lime additives, is frost-resistant, well perceives shaded and sunny places.

      For better growth and fruitfulness, male variegated deren must be pruned, removing excess and dried branches. Cleaning is carried out in early spring, but no later than June.

      Derain blood red or svidina

      The growth of this species is up to eight meters, it captures territories from two to five meters.

      The color of the branches is bright red, the leaves also have a red tint with green veins and patches, hence its name.

      The inflorescences are white, flowering occurs in late spring - early summer. The berries are dark brown or dark blue, not poisonous, but also inedible. The plant loves shady, damp places.

      It tolerates winter cold well, but does not withstand very severe frosts. It will decorate the distant parts of the garden, as it stands out as a red spot and can be seen from afar.

      These are just a few species from the whole variety of variegated derain, but it is these shrubs that are most often used in designer compositions.

      Rules for planting variegated deren and caring for it

      Deren - unpretentious plant, which calmly tolerates shading, but still you need to take into account the preference of each species individually.

      The best landing site is partial shade.

      The shrub is undemanding to soils, easily adapts to any of them, but prefers acidified, with the addition of lime.

      Basically, all varieties of derain are frost-resistant, but some of them need to be covered for the winter period - these include controversial derain. It tolerates drought well, but moist soils suit it best.

      To preserve and form a beautiful crown, it is necessary to clean from dry branches and adjust the crown.

      Peculiarities of propagation of variegated derain

      Reproduction of the shrub is carried out by seeds, cuttings, processes from the root or layering.

      Cut cuttings, which should have at least 7-9 buds, are planted in greenhouses in spring, by autumn they are already taking root and can be transplanted into open ground.

      If planting is carried out by shoots from the root, then in the spring it is necessary to separate the young shoot from the mother bush, along with a piece of the root, and plant it in a hole prepared in advance.

      As mentioned above, sometimes the bush propagates itself by layering, so that it will not be difficult for the gardener to do this.

      Having bent the lower branch to the ground, you need to pin it with a metal bracket, sprinkle with garden soil on top, the rest of the plant will do itself - take root and adapt.

      Planting with seeds is carried out mainly for breeding purposes.

      Plant pests and diseases

      This plant is rarely infected with various diseases, pests also bypass it. Only occasionally can its young shoots be damaged by aphids or some types of fungal infections.

      They fight these misfortunes by spraying the infected branches with an infusion of garlic, shag or a solution of laundry soap.

      It is better to simply remove some infected shoots so that the disease does not spread from them to the main bush.

      The use of variegated derain in landscape design

      Since this is an ornamental plant, its use in design compositions is sometimes indispensable, due to its external data and color changing properties.

      Low-growing varieties are used to dilute greenery and revive the color of stones in alpine slides.

      In garden plantings, low-growing varieties are planted under the crowns of trees. Derain clogs weeds with its growth and lays down as a motley carpet under the trees, creating a unique spectacular view of the garden.

      Some species are used in single plantings, subject to annual crown adjustments.

      Derain plantings are widely used as hedges.

      Due to its rapid growth and reproduction, the hedge will very quickly become impenetrably dense.

      It requires constant care, as it can turn into shapeless thickets - it needs to be cut, keeping it in a neat and beautiful condition.

      Variegated derain will not cause you much trouble when growing it, and one of the varieties - dogwood, in addition, will endow you with vitamin and fragrant berries in the fall.

      If there is a place in your garden that needs to be decorated - without a doubt, plant any of these plants, you will be sure that you did not make a mistake in choosing.

      How to properly trim the sod

      An ornamental plant can grow without pruning, but if it is used as a hedge, shaped like a tree or a certain topiary shape, the gardener needs to know how to properly trim the turf.

      Trimming types

      They differ for different varieties of derain and are largely determined by the role of shrubs in landscape design:

    • Sanitary. Designed to remove diseased, defective, broken branches, as well as growing inside the bush and crossing shoots.
    • Formative. Allows you to maintain a neat shape, preventing the crown from growing shapeless and careless. This pruning of the deren in the spring helps to direct the growth of young shoots in the right direction.
    • Anti-aging. This is a radical pruning, which is designed to ensure that new shoots replace old and diseased ones that have ceased to bear fruit or have lost their decorative effect.
    • Decorative. It is used to give the plant a neat appearance. Can be used either for a single plant (topiary art) or for many ( hedge). Topiary art provides for a curly haircut, which can represent both geometric or abstract forms, as well as depict animals and people. It is a complex art that requires mastery. For deren, this type of decorative haircut is more often used, such as trimming a hedge. Usually, such pruning of white turf in summer contributes to the formation of a dense compact bush.

      About the timing of the procedure

      The usual pruning time is spring. How to cut the deren in the spring, the plant itself will tell you. If it is a pork with a bright elegant bark that has begun to lose its attractiveness, it is worth applying anti-aging pruning, usually it is carried out once every two years. Radical pruning helps preserve the brightness of the plant's bark and rejuvenate it. If necessary, it can be carried out selectively, that is, only rough and dull branches can be cut to the base, and young shoots with bright colors can be left until next year. So the plant will not lose its attractiveness. But even completely trimmed turf is very quickly restored.

      Formative pruning is also carried out in the spring. This helps to correct the form set in previous years. This is usually the easiest and delicate pruning, at which the minimum increase is removed. Such trimming of the deren in the summer is carried out in the form of green pinching - on the young growing shoots, the actively growing part is shortened. This causes the awakening of dormant buds and the germination of side shoots. Derain becomes thicker and more compact. Summer pruning or pinching is stopped in the second half of summer (no later than August), since the green shoots that appear will most likely not have time to mature and die in winter.

      Derain pruning in autumn is carried out for sanitary purposes. When a plant sheds its leaves, all the shortcomings in its “design” are revealed, which can be easily corrected. However, if the turf is growing in a region with severe winters, it is best to postpone such pruning until early spring.

      Hedge trimming is usually done twice a summer. The first time the green growth is removed at the beginning of June, the second time - at the end of July. The timing of cutting hedges largely depends on what the weather is this year. In wet years, plants grow much faster and form more green masses. They may need a haircut in three stages. It is not recommended to strongly "bare" plants.

      Pruning all the way

      Pruning is successful if it is done in a timely manner, correctly and with good tools. The video below will help you learn the skills that turf trimming requires. It shows in detail the stages of cutting ornamental plants.

      When trimming turf, it is not so much the skill that matters, but the quality of the tools. Skills will come quickly with experience, but a dull or rusty tool can ruin the whole thing. A good cut should be even, smooth, it is obtained only if the tool has an even, well-sharpened blade. Such a cut heals very quickly, the plant does not suffer and tolerates a haircut well. A blunt tool “chews” the shoot, leaving crushed, torn fibers. In addition to the fact that it looks very unaesthetic, such a “cut” may be infected with various pathogens. As a result of a would-be haircut, all specimens of derain can be destroyed.

      If pruning is done by hand, you need to take care of a good lubricant for the rubbing parts of the scissors. In this case, it will be possible to work much faster and easier, you will not need to make so much effort.

      Prune plants in good weather, preferably in the morning or evening. You can not cut the plants under the scorching sun and in the rain. Heat will adversely affect the condition of pruned plants, and rain can become a source of infection, transferring it from leaves to fresh "wounds" on the shoots.

      Pruning features for different varieties

      Deren has many different species, as well as cultivars. Each of them needs its own approach when trimming.

      The easiest way to figure out how to cut white derain with plain green foliage. This plant is very unpretentious and calmly puts up with any pruning. Derain white is perfect for creating lush hedges.

      Theoretically, pruning of various forms and varieties of white derain can also be any, but here we are talking about plants whose appearance is a decoration of the garden. White derain has many beautiful varieties and forms:

    • Elegantissima has branches of rich, dark red color and beautiful elongated leaves with an elegant light border. Pruning of Elegantissima is carried out solely for the purpose of maintaining its attractive appearance and maintaining the health of the plant. If with age the bush begins to lose the juicy color of the branches, you can carry out anti-aging pruning. When it comes to real garden decoration, it is better to do it selectively, removing the oldest and ugliest shoots. Such work will take more time and will be carried out in several stages, but it will preserve the beauty of the bush.
  • Siberia is decorated with bright scarlet branches and leaves that change from green to red in the second half of summer. In order for the plants to retain as many decorative leaves as possible, pruning is carried out in early spring. Pruning the Siberian derain in the year of planting contributes to the formation of a dense bush with a large number of brightly colored decorative shoots.
  • Variegated forms can just as easily tolerate any kind of pruning, it's just not always justified. Their beauty is in the unusual diversity of their leaves, in which all shades of green are perfectly combined with white, cream, pink, yellow and red tones. The best way to trim variegated sod is to preserve its natural shape as much as possible, only slightly correcting it. Very often, the bushes of such plants are given a rounded shape - with it they look very beautiful and elegant. Having learned how to properly trim the variegated turf, each owner will decide for himself whether he wants to cut the turf in the form of a hedge, leave it to grow freely or give a clear shape.

    For novice gardeners, we have prepared a video of trimming a variegated sod, from which the entire sequence of actions and the result obtained are clear. Such a visual aid will best tell you how to carry out the work and what to pay attention to.

    Planting, care and use in garden design variegated derain

    Derain variegated, or svidina, is a large shrub or low tree that can often be found in city parks and gardens.


    Derain variegated - a shrub or tree that grows to a height of no more than 3 meters.

    The branches of the plant have unusual red-brown or coral-red branches and bright variegated foliage.

    The name of the shrub was due to its wood, which is characterized by unusual strength and strong structure.

    Depending on the variety of leaves, deren can be decorated with a white or yellow border, which, in summer time distinguishes the plant from the general variety.

    The main purpose of trimming the turf is to give the shrub a beautiful and aesthetic shape. If this procedure is not performed, then the appearance of the plant will eventually become sloppy, and the lower part will get rid of the leaves.

    Pruning of mature and old bushes is carried out in early spring, it should be low, as the turf grows incredibly fast.

    Chimeras are plants made up of tissues with different genotypes.

    When breeding, it must be borne in mind that the variegated deren belongs to chimeras. that is, to plants whose structure consists of cells and tissues that differ at the genetic level, so sometimes a gardener can detect the appearance of plain green leaves.

    In this case, do not hesitate, since the green part of the shrub is genetically stronger, if it is not removed in a timely manner, the plant will become completely green.

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    Plant propagation methods

    Cuttings are the preferred propagation method.

    Variegated derain can be propagated by seeds, layering and cuttings, each method has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

    A plant that has reached the age of three years can bloom and produce seeds.

    Interestingly, almost 100% of seeds germinate, stratified ones are planted in the soil in spring, and collected in the garden in autumn.

    Decorative forms of variegated derain reproduce better vegetatively, this is the most reliable way retain all the qualities of the mother plant.

    To root a green cutting, you need to carefully protect it from winter frosts, since it is very likely that it will die.

    Due to the prevalence of the shrub and the high level of survival, it can be purchased for free from friends or neighbors, one branch or shoot will be enough.

    Plant care, possible diseases and pests

    Variegated Derain is an unpretentious plant that easily tolerates frost and any bad weather. The basis of his care is periodic watering and pruning. If a hedge is made of it, then it should be cut at least twice a year, preferably in July and August.

    The plant tolerates waterlogging and drought, adapts well to shade and partial shade. Periodically, shrubs need to be fed with a complex of mineral fertilizers, which are poured separately under each bush.

    Pests and diseases rarely occur on shrubs, but aphids and fungal diseases can sometimes be found. Aphids can not only worsen the appearance of the plant, but also cause death.

    There are several ways to get rid of this pest:

  • Mechanical. that is, wash aphids off plants with a strong stream of water and remove residues with your hands;
  • Chemical. This is the easiest and most effective way. To remove aphids, special preparations are used, ranging from laundry soap to potent chemicals.
  • To get rid of fungal diseases, it is enough not to water the soil so that the roots dry out slightly, since fungal bacteria multiply only in a humid environment.

    Planting variegated derain

    The plant is unpretentious and in planting, but perform this procedure better in spring so that by winter it will get stronger and be able to reserve strength for the winter.

    In order not to die in the first winter, it must be fed throughout the summer, and before the first snow and frost, cover the plant.

    It is important not to overdo it here, otherwise the shrub will rot.

    Before planting a plant, it needs to choose appropriate place .

    It can be sunny or in the shade, but it is better to avoid proximity to high and coniferous trees, also do not place the shrub too close to the rest of the plants in the garden.

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    The use of derain in landscape design

    In landscape design, plants are used that are not only beautiful, but also unpretentious. These two features are possessed by variegated deren.

    The most common variety for this is "Elegantissima", which can be a separate composition or combined with other plants.

    White-edged turf is used in dark green plantings to add light and variety.

    Derain hedge

    Another function of deren in landscape design is to decorate trees, that is, their down .

    To do this, shrubs are planted in the foreground, in front of trees, this gives the composition visual depth and additional volume.

    Variegated Derain is a beautiful ornamental plant that does not require careful care, easily propagates and tolerates transplantation, these features allow it to be widely used in landscape design.

    It is difficult to find an ornamental plant more plastic and profitable for growing than white derain (svidina). This plant has a huge number of different forms, varieties and colors, including variegated ones, with the richest color gamut.

    Svidina is a great plant for beginner gardeners. It is extremely unpretentious, tolerant of not too fertile soil, tolerates drought, lack of care and partial shade.

    Derain grows very quickly and recovers well after pruning, returning the bright juicy color of the young bark.

    In order for a fast-growing plant to maintain a beautiful compact shape, it must be constantly looked after, regularly pinched and trimmed.

    The plant tolerates these procedures perfectly, thanks to its owners with beautiful decorative forms and lush foliage.

    To learn how to form turf according to all the rules, you should understand how this plant relates to pruning. Plant care depends on its type. Derains with bright bark are most decorative in the winter season.

    To preserve such a beautiful color of the shoots, the plant has to be completely cut out every two years. Therefore, this type of turf is best formed as a shrub or hedge.

    Elegant variegated forms are attractive precisely for their foliage, so they are best formed in a column or in a standard form, in the form of a small tree.
    All types of pruning and shaping of turf endures superbly.

    It is best to prune on old wood in early spring, before the buds swell. If necessary, dry and defective branches can also be cut in winter, when they are best seen. Green growth is pinched throughout the summer.


    The decision on how to form a variegated sod is made by the owner of the plant. Deren is capable of taking on any form, it's just that some will require a little more attention than others. The plant is formed by pruning (manual or hardware) and pinching. Sharp, durable tools are essential for good cutting quality.

    Garden shears need to be sharpened before each pruning so that they do not tear thin elastic shoots. Thick old branches with fairly coarse wood are easier and more convenient to cut with a special lopper on long handles - they can easily reach the branches located deep in the bush.

    You can pinch young green shoots with your hands, scissors or secateurs.

    This is the simplest and fastest procedure, but it requires regularity.

    natural look

    If the garden or park is designed in a natural (English) style, the turf can be left to grow in its natural form. This plant looks especially beautiful in a variegated form or with red-purple leaves.

    However, with age, such a plant may look somewhat sloppy, so it still needs to be given a little attention.
    All plants must be sanitary pruned.

    It includes the removal of diseased, old, damaged branches, shoots growing inside the crown and intersecting with the main shoots. To maintain a beautiful shape, too long shoots of the plant are carefully pinched while still in a green state, and cut off as necessary.

    When pruning, it is advisable to leave only one renewal bud so that the new shoot “looks” in the right direction.
    When grown in its natural form, only sanitary pruning and shortening of excessively long turf branches are actually carried out.

    stamp forms

    "Colored" types and varieties of derain look great in the form of a tree. Moreover, the crown can be both natural and carefully trimmed in the desired shape. For formation in the form of a tree, seedlings with an even central shoot are selected, and all the rest are removed below the soil level.

    To do this, the soil is carefully raked away from the plant and all unnecessary branches are removed. If you cut the shoots at ground level, this will stimulate the active growth of new shoots and the standard form will be quickly lost. However, you need to be prepared to periodically remove the growth that appears from the ground.

    From the remaining central shoot, which should become the trunk of the future tree, side shoots are removed to the height of the desired trunk. Cut out the shoots on the ring, leaving no dormant buds. If necessary, the sections are covered with garden pitch.

    The upper part of the crown is shaped as desired.

    It will have to be trimmed regularly (at least twice during the summer), as well as pinching and sanitary pruning.

    Arches and semi-arches

    Deren forms long, very flexible shoots at a young age, which can be formed into beautiful arches or semi-arches. To do this, shoots of a suitable length are bent and fixed with stretch marks and twine.

    Over time, the plant gets used to this position and retains a fixed shape.

    From two rows of svidina, planted on the sides of a narrow path, you can form a beautiful arched alley.

    To do this, the crowns of plants are connected in pairs into an arch at the desired height.


    You can form a svidina in the form of beautiful slender columns, and give them the shape of a cylinder, a candle flame or a square in cross section. To create such decorative forms, a plant grown from a cutting is suitable.

    They begin to form a column from the second year after planting, stimulating the growth of shoots upwards and the formation of a dense bush. To do this, all side shoots are regularly pinched or cut at a certain distance.

    decorative haircut

    Like many other plants, turf can be cut into many decorative forms. You can get spherical, cubic, hemispherical plants, give them an oval shape. Such a decision will require more attention from the owners, as a clear shape is maintained by a constant haircut.

    Most often, undersized bushy varieties of derain are sheared in the form of a hemisphere. It is not necessary to follow a clear geometry, it is enough to give a neat shape without separate branches sticking out to the sides. Such svidina forms a lot of foliage and looks very elegant, especially colored and variegated varieties.

    The formation of hedges will also require regular shearing, the purpose of which is not only to give a clear, regular shape, but also to form a thick, dense bush. They cut hedges with garden shears or brush cutters, approximately in June - early August, 2 - 3 times during the summer.

    It is advisable to prune the plants when the growth reaches 10 - 15 cm above the level of the previous haircut, then pruning is easier.


    Shrub with Siberian character

    In the conditions of the cold Russian climate and constant employment, amateur gardeners in ornamental plants appreciate, first of all, unpretentiousness in care and lighting, high winter hardiness, attractive appearance, good growth energy. Few representatives of the flora are able to pass these strict selection criteria, and among them, deren is an elegant shrub, recognizable in summer and autumn by spectacular foliage and tassels of white berries, in winter and early spring by bright red stems.

    Deciduous shrub deren belongs to the dogwood family and is represented by almost 50 species.

    There are among them vigorous sprawling forms, standard representatives that grow into a tree, creeping varieties that cover the soil with a dense carpet.

    The main area of ​​growth is moderate climate zone northern hemisphere, which affected the resistance of the plant to adverse external factors.

    Among cultivated species that gave parent material to numerous decorative forms, the most popular is white turf, also known in botany as svidina.

    This is a fast growing shrub up to three meters high, forming a branched bush of many flexible stems with bark of red shades - blood-purple, coral, red-brown.

    Quite large, clean leaves (the plant has practically no diseases and pests) retain their decorative effect throughout the season. In spring and summer they are juicy, dark green, with reverse side covered with a bluish-white bloom, in autumn - bright, purple-red.

    Deren blooms profusely, large inflorescences crown the tops of young shoots reminiscent of snow-white caps of bulldenezh, spirea or hydrangeas. In autumn, in place of inflorescences, clusters of rather interesting fruits appear, similar to rowan berries, only white with a bluish tint.

    For exceptional frost resistance, deren is often referred to as Siberian plants, although it is found and feels comfortable throughout Russia.

    Types and garden forms

    Derain or white svidina has been known in culture for over 200 years, but there are other equally interesting species and varieties.

    • Deren Coase is valued for its ability to grow into a single trunk and form a low spreading tree. Varietal varieties are distinguished by beautiful yellow-white or creamy-white foliage, which acquires a purple-red hue in autumn.
    • Blood-red derain, named for its bright autumn outfit, spectacularly complemented by black fruit beads, has an unusual look. Without pruning, it grows up to 4 m, the same can reach in diameter. In cold climates, some of the branches may freeze and require shelter.
    • Offspring turf was brought from North America, biologically having much in common with white pork. Differs in long flexible shoots, capable of rooting tops when in contact with the soil. Another feature is the long flowering (June - September) with the simultaneous setting and ripening of fruits.
    • Of the creeping varieties, Canadian sod deserves attention. A plant 20 cm high is interesting with whorls of leaves, in the middle of which flowers first appear, and then a small brush of red berries.


    Sod of variegated varieties is of particular attractiveness, and, therefore, in demand among gardeners. Variability is manifested in the bordering of the leaf plate with white, yellow or cream color, strokes, stripes, spots in the center of the sheet.

    • Derain white varieties Sibirik Variegata are valued by gardeners for a compact bush, not as prone to growth as other representatives of the genus, and for the special decorative effect of the crown. In summer, the green leaf plate is decorated with a wide white border around the edge. It looks even more elegant in autumn, when the green part turns purple. No less interesting are coral shoots, flaming in winter against the backdrop of snow or coniferous trees.
    • Similar to Sibirika, but more whitish variety - Derain Elegantissima. Differs in rapid growth - a bush, cut into a stump in spring, in one season drives out young shoots with red shiny which and variegated-yellow foliage. In addition to the light border, the center of the sheet is decorated with white or cream stains and stripes.
    • The undersized group of Siberian includes white derain Aurev. A compact shrub no more than 1.5–2m high, suitable for hedges, tapeworms in small gardens. Against the background of coral shoots, pale yellow leaves and creamy white flowers look very elegant. It blooms twice - in early summer and autumn.
    • An unusual color of leaves from the general row stands out Shpet's turf. At the time of blooming, they are painted in reddish-orange tones, in summer the golden border gives elegance to the shrub, in autumn it dresses it in crimson and purple. Without pruning, this variety grows up to 2.5 m, in middle lane freezes without shelter.

    In garden design

    Specialists landscape design like to use shrubs for urban landscaping. Variegated forms, thanks to light leaves, set off dark green plantings; in parks and squares they create volume in the wings of trees.

    Variegated varieties of white deren - Sibirika, Elegantissima are often used for hedges. Gardeners choose this particular plant because it is beautiful all year round.

    In single plantings on lawns, red turf and its garden forms look original.

    Such a hedge is good without leaves!

    Features of agricultural technology

    Derain is white and its variegated forms are extremely easy to plant and propagate, do not require special care.

    Under natural conditions, the culture grows in the undergrowth, therefore, in the light mode, it prefers alternating sun and partial shade.

    Variegated varieties are more demanding on the light - they fade in the shade, lose the contrast of colors. And yet, when choosing a place, it is not light that plays an important role, but the protection of the site from the withering north and east winds.

    In an open area, a draft, the plant will periodically freeze over, it may even die.


    In terms of soil, the shrub is not picky - any will do, as long as there is no stagnation of water in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roots. If groundwater is close to the surface, plant sod on a hill or when planting, provide drainage from crushed stone, pieces of stone, broken brick, sand.

    The plant loves a spacious planting hole, in which it is desirable to put a supply of nutrients for several years to come. It is better if it is organic - compost, rotted manure, humus. When planting a hedge between seedlings, leave an interval of 30–40 cm.


    The picturesque decoration of any garden is flowers and shrubs, which attract with their beauty during the flowering season. But often their splendor and brightness pleases the eye for a short time, only until the moment the first petals begin to fall.

    However, among the many ornamental plants of various varieties and species, the white deren shrub (Cornus alba) stands out, capable of giving the garden a special charm all year round.


    Lush foliage of green or variegated color, along with fluffy white inflorescences, refreshes warm summer days.

    As soon as a cool autumn breeze blows, the color of the leaves takes on spectacular reddish and purple hues, and in severe winter it is the turn of bright red shoots to decorate the snow-covered garden.

    Derain white, belonging to the dogwood family, is a fairly large perennial shrub, about three meters in height and width.

    The plant is distinguished by thin and flexible branches and bark painted in various shades of red.

    Many inflorescences of small white flowers appear on the bush in the first month of summer, and later, in September, a less abundant re-bloom occurs.

    The shrub is indispensable ornamental plant for any garden or flower garden due not only to its impressive appearance, but also to its characteristic unpretentiousness and ability to withstand temperature fluctuations throughout the year.

    Undemanding to the composition of the soil, white sod easily takes root in shaded areas.

    It can be planted alone or surrounded by other plants: it looks great anywhere and creates a special flavor of the garden.

    Despite the absence of strict requirements for planting and care conditions, some rules should still be followed to grow a strong and healthy plant.

    First of all, let's dwell on the features of planting a bush.

    Place, reproduction, planting

    Able to grow on soils of any composition, the shrub, however, develops best in wet areas.

    Therefore, when choosing a place that is too dry to place the plant, mulching the soil should be carried out in order to prevent it from drying out in the future.

    Sandy and clay soils also do not contribute to the rapid growth of the bush.

    The shrub grows quite well in the shade, but it is preferable to plant it in well-lit places to maintain the brightness and saturation of the color of the foliage.

    White deren is propagated by seeds or cuttings:

    • seeds are planted in April, but 3-4 months before that, it is advisable to keep the seeds in a mixture of sand, peat, moss and sawdust at a temperature of + 1 ° to + 5 °;
    • cuttings are planted in early June, not forgetting that for the winter they need to be moved to the basement or well insulated.

    Immediately before planting, a mixture of peat, humus and soddy soil in equal parts is poured into the planting pit. Subject to these rules, after 2-3 years the plant will delight with violent flowering.

    After the first step is taken and the bush is planted, it remains to regularly perform simple actions that will help grow a beautiful and lush shrub.

    Care and protection

    Caring for white sod does not require too much time and effort and will not cause difficulties even for beginner growers.

    1. Watering. Given that the plant is very moisture-loving, proper watering plays an important role in the development of the plant. You need to water the shrub at least 2-3 times a month, while pouring approximately 2 buckets of water under each bush. In summer heat, you should not allow the soil to dry out and water more often, sparing no water.
    2. Top dressing. For rapid growth and resistance, the shrub requires top dressing with complex mineral fertilizers. Every spring, about 150 grams of fertilizer is applied to the soil for each bush. In addition, every summer a shallow circle-shaped trench is dug around the trunk, where compost or humus is poured in an amount of 5 to 7 kilograms.
    3. Pest control. Derain white is practically not susceptible to diseases and rarely becomes a victim of pest invasion. Only sometimes young bushes suffer from aphids and comma-shaped scale insects.

      You can get rid of aphids that do not cause serious damage in several ways: either by using chemical preparations such as kinmiks, decis, karbofos, fitoverm for spraying, or using mixtures prepared on your own.

      To prepare such solutions, laundry soap, onion, hot pepper, tobacco, pine or spruce needles, yarrow, garlic and celandine are used.

      Double spraying with karbofos, decis and kinmiks will help to cope with the comma-shaped shield.

    4. Pruning of white turf. Over time, the crown of the shrub grows and takes on an untidy appearance, and in adult plants a large number of old branches that have lost their color accumulate. Pruning will help to avoid all these problems, but you need to remember that the first pruning of young trees is carried out no earlier than mid-summer of the next year. In autumn and spring, old plants can be pruned, leaving only a part of the bush about 10 centimeters high above the surface.

      This will not harm the bush, on the contrary, next spring it will grow even more magnificently.

    When all these rules are followed, white derain will settle in the garden for a long time, bringing unique notes to the appearance of the garden at any time of the year.

    It is unlikely that in the numerous family of ornamental flowers and shrubs at least one other plant will be found that combines unpretentiousness and the ability to give the garden a unique look both in the heat and in the winter cold.

    That is why white turf is so widely used in landscape design.