What to do to grow large winter garlic. Rules for growing an excellent harvest of garlic

  • 15.06.2019

Garlic is one of the most favorite vegetables of our gardeners and gardeners. It can be grown in almost all regions of Russia. In order to receive good harvest, the technology of planting, care and storage of bulbs should be observed. Let's take a closer look at how to grow garlic.

When to plant garlic

Garlic is one of the few cultivated plants, which can be planted both in spring and autumn. In the first case, it is called spring, in the second - winter. In cold regions, garlic is usually planted in the fall, and in warm regions, in the spring. In the latter case, the teeth are buried in the ground already slightly sprouted. Spring planting should be done as early as possible. Ideally, the ground should not even dry out after the snow melts. Only in this case it is possible to obtain sufficiently large heads.

Choosing a place and preparing beds for spring garlic

How to grow garlic on heads and greens in order to achieve a good harvest? Of course, the bed for this vegetable must be carefully prepared. Best of all, this crop grows on loose, well-fertilized soils with organic matter. To get large heads, garlic is planted in a sunny place. In the event that you need greenery, break the bed under fruit trees, somewhere in the shade.

The best predecessors for this vegetable are cauliflower, cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini, beets, carrots, beans and peas. After onions, garlic can be planted only after 3-4 years. Every year the bed is broken in a different place. It is not recommended to plant garlic next to potatoes. The fact is that these plants are prone to similar diseases.

Scheme of planting spring garlic

How to grow good garlic? It is quite possible, you just need to follow all the rules. First of all, you should properly fit the heads. Garlic is grown both in mulched and in ordinary beds. In the first case, the teeth are planted to a depth of about 5 mm. If mulch is not provided, planting should be done at a depth of 7.5-10 mm. Of course, the cloves must be buried in the soil with the root part down. The distance between the holes should be 10-15 cm, between the rows - about 25-30 cm. In the event that the garden is small, you can plant garlic more often. However, the heads will grow smaller.

How to grow spring garlic

Mulch on beds with garlic is still worth using. This greatly increases the yield. Plant beds can be covered with straw, reeds, leaves, etc. Arrows should be removed immediately as they appear. Otherwise, you will not get big heads. Arrows take a lot of nutrients from the plant. Many summer residents use them as a seasoning in the preparation of baked meat dishes. They also go well as a roast for borscht. Water the garlic moderately, but the drying of the soil under it should not be allowed.

Preparing beds for winter garlic

We have found out how to grow a good crop of spring garlic. Now let's see how to get a large number of large heads of winter. Prepare the beds for it begin two weeks before planting. The fact is that the soil must first sag well. If you plant garlic after cabbage, eggplant or legumes, under which a lot of compost or manure was applied in the summer, there is no particular need to fertilize the soil with organic matter. However, mineral supplementation is still worth doing. In this case, a mixture of the following composition is used: 40 g of superphosphate, 15-30 g of ammofoska, 10 g of potassium chloride. The indicated amount of ingredients is used to fertilize 1m 2 of soil. If garlic is planted where organic matter has not been applied, the soil should be fertilized with humus or compost in an amount of approximately 6 kg / m 2.

Compost, humus and mineral fertilizers should be applied as evenly as possible. Scatter them on the garden bed and dig it up. Then carefully loosen the soil with a rake.

Planting material preparation

Now let's see how to grow winter garlic. Teeth should be prepared before planting. The heads are kept in a cool room for two weeks (at a temperature of about 5 ° C). They should be divided into teeth a day before planting. Planting material should be carefully sorted. It is best to plant teeth of medium and big size. Cracked, double-topped and rotten should be discarded. In order to protect future plants from various kinds of diseases, the teeth must be disinfected. To do this, prepare a solution of copper sulfate (4 g per liter of water). Planting material is kept in it for half an hour. For disinfection, you can also use a lye solution. It is prepared from ash (1 tbsp boiled in a liter of water for half an hour).

When to plant winter garlic?

If you wondered "how to grow a good crop of garlic", you should definitely find out what rules for planting it exist. It is very important to meet deadlines here. Before frost, the garlic must take root, but not grow. Approximately, the landing begins somewhere in the twentieth of September (for middle lane Russia).

How to plant winter garlic

Under winter garlic it is worth preparing beds about 20 cm high and a meter wide. They must be oriented from north to south - this is a prerequisite! This will ensure maximum soil warming in autumn and spring. The distance between the holes is 15 cm. Garlic is planted in three rows. The distance between them is 25 cm. The row spacing should be 50 cm wide. The planting depth is two heights of a clove.

Winter Garlic Care

How to grow winter garlic? You need to start caring for him in the fall. Immediately after planting, the beds must be mulched with manure or humus with a layer of two centimeters. In the spring, immediately after the leaves begin to sprout, the garlic should be fed. You can use urea or ammonium nitrate (at the rate of 15 g / 1m 2).

The second time garlic is fed in mid-May. Nitrogen-potassium fertilizers are applied to the soil. For the third time, top dressing is carried out in the seventh leaf phase. In this case, a mixture of potassium chloride (10 g/m 2) and superphosphate (20 g/m 2) is used. After each top dressing, the garlic should be thoroughly watered. The frequency of watering in summer is once a week. No need to arrange swamps under the plants. Water in moderation, otherwise the bulbs will simply rot. Stop moistening the soil under the plants should be two weeks before harvest. This will increase the keeping quality of the bulbs.

As in the case of spring garlic, arrows should definitely be broken out of winter garlic. They can reduce the yield by almost three times.

Diseases of culture

When discussing how to grow garlic in the garden, it is impossible not to dwell on pests. different kind insects do not particularly favor this vegetable. Infection is rare and mostly only by nematodes or onion thrips. The first are similar to microscopic "worms". They live inside the plant itself. They do not cause much damage, but in some cases they can destroy the entire crop. Thrips feed on garlic leaves, drinking juice from them. This leads to slower bulb growth. Of the diseases, garlic is most often affected by white rot. After infection, the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow, as a result of which it dies. Garlic also suffers from fusarium and downy mildew.

You can get rid of nematodes by planting beds with undersized marigolds with a strong odor. Plants are removed from thrips by treatment with a solution of karbofos (60 g per 10 l of water).

Growing garlic seeds

Many summer residents would like to know how to grow garlic seeds, the so-called bulbs. In the future, they are used to obtain single-tooth heads. In the spring, the largest cloves are selected and planted in a sunny place. Garlic is planted on bulbs a little less often than commercial garlic. Care for seed plants in the same way as for ordinary ones. After the arrows are completely straightened, the plants are dug out of the ground with roots and hung out to dry in bunches in a dark, dry place (you can in the attic). So they are kept for a month, until the stem dries completely. After that, it is cut off, leaving a stump of 2-3 cm near the bulb itself. The seeds should be stored in a dark, dry place.

Growing garlic from bulbs

Next, let's figure out how to grow garlic from seeds. Sometimes this method is also practiced in dachas. Bulbs are planted in the spring, after the soil has warmed up. Before planting, they must be kept in the refrigerator (at a temperature of 5 ° C) for about a month. Otherwise, you will not receive bulbs. Only greens will grow from unprepared seeds.

The bed is broken in a sunny place. Organic fertilizers are applied to the soil and it is carefully loosened. Do not bury the seeds too much, otherwise they will germinate for a long time. After planting, the bed must be watered with water. We hope you now understand how to grow garlic from bulbs. By planting seeds in compliance required technology, in the spring you will harvest a good crop of single-toothed garlic. It can be eaten or used as planting material.

This method is good because the bulbs do not tolerate infection. This means that in summer the plants will not get sick. In particular, such garlic is never infected with a nematode. Among other things, this technology allows you to significantly save seed.


How to grow winter garlic, as well as spring garlic from cloves and seeds, we found out. Now let's figure out how to properly harvest the resulting crop. Dig up the bulbs after ¾ of the part has withered lower leaves. Winter garlic usually ripens at the end of July. Spring - at the end of August. Dig it up after most of the lower leaves turn yellow. First, for the sample, you need to pull out two or three heads of garlic from the ground. Bulbs should be well formed and dense. Digging up the harvest with a pitchfork. Pry up a clod of earth with garlic and pull it out with your hand along with the heads. The dug up plants should be laid out around the perimeter of the beds for several hours to dry.

Leaves do not need to be cut immediately. They store spare nutrients that continue to flow into the bulb. The existing arrows should be removed. The leaves are cut off after drying. Garlic intended for human consumption is cut off the roots.

Experienced gardeners believe that it is better to underexpose garlic in the ground than overexpose it. The fact is that unripe bulbs may well reach after digging. Overripe ones break up into teeth and are stored much worse.


The garlic, which will later be used as planting material, is best stored separately from the food. For the winter, the heads should be placed in a cool (temperature +16 ... +20 ° C for food and +18 ... +20 ° C for seed), well-ventilated room. The air humidity in it should not exceed 90%. Too dry air for garlic is also not useful (at least 60%), as it can dry out and begin to disintegrate into teeth. It is best to put the bulbs in slatted boxes.

Now you know not only how to grow garlic in the garden, but also how to properly store it. Next, we give a few useful tips which might be useful to someone.

1. In order to prevent garlic from drying out during storage, you can put it not in boxes, but in bags made of dense fabric, sprinkling the heads with onion peel. Also, sometimes the heads are lubricated with boiled vegetable oil(0.5 l), to which iodine (10 g) is added. Apply this composition to the bulbs with a cotton swab.

2. Winter garlic is stored worse than spring garlic. In the event that you want to use it for seeds in the spring, after the onset of cold weather, simply bury the bulbs in the ground, to a depth of about half a meter, putting them in a plastic bag. Planting material saved in this way can be planted very early.

So, we have figured out in detail how to grow garlic from bulbs or cloves on our own. Take care of the beds, observe the planting and harvesting dates, properly prepare and store the seeds - and this wonderful vegetable will always delight you with good harvests.

Garlic is a cold-resistant plant, it begins to germinate at a temperature of 3-5 ° C, it easily tolerates frosts, and in the conditions of the Non-Chernozem Zone it can overwinter on the vine.

Cultivated garlics are divided into two subspecies: shooters (winter) and non-shooters (spring). The non-shooter forms only bulbs consisting of cloves, and the shooter, in addition to the bulb, forms an arrow bearing an inflorescence, in which aerial bulbs (bulbs) are formed instead of seeds.

Gardens usually grow their own local forms of garlic, which are available in almost every region.

Agricultural technology of garlic. Under the garlic allocate a plot with fertile soil having a neutral reaction.

The best predecessors- early cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, under which organic fertilizers were applied.

You can not place garlic after onions and garlic earlier than 4-5 years due to common pests and diseases.

In autumn, after harvesting the previous crop, organic and mineral fertilizers are applied for garlic (5-6 kg of humus or compost, 30 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium chloride per 1 m2). Then the site is carefully dug up on a full bayonet of a shovel, evenly mixing the fertilizer with the soil.

Growing winter garlic.

Winter garlic is planted in the second half of September - early October in the garden in an ordinary way at a distance of 20-25 cm row from row.

The teeth, depending on the size, are planted in a row at a distance of 5 to 8 cm from each other, the planting depth is 3-4 cm, counting from the top of the clove to the soil surface. Planted garlic is mulched with peat or humus with a layer of 1.5-2 cm (1.5-2 buckets per 1 m2).

In spring and summer, caring for garlic consists in fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers, watering as the soil dries up, in weeding and loosening the soil between rows.

Arrows must be regularly removed already at the beginning of their formation, so that there are large bulbs. Leave them only on seed plants.

Winter garlic ripens in late July - early August. It is impossible to be late with the harvesting of garlic, because when overripe, the heads crumble. Therefore, when the leaves of the garlic begin to turn yellow, the plants are pulled out of the soil and dried for 4-5 days - in sunny weather on the ridge, and in rainy weather under a canopy or in a well-ventilated dry room. After drying, the roots and tops are cut off, leaving a “neck” 4-5 cm long at the bulbs.

Growing spring garlic. Spring garlic is inferior in yield to winter garlic, but has the ability to be stored for a long time.

It is grown in areas with highly fertile soil that has a neutral reaction, with the application of organic and mineral fertilizers of the same composition and in the same doses as for winter garlic. Garlic is planted in the spring after the soil has thawed, as early as possible (in April-May). The planting rate is 50-70 g per 1 m2, the distance between rows is 20-25 cm, in a row - 5-6 cm. Planting depth from the soil surface to the top of the clove is 2-3 cm.

The emerging shoots are fed with urea (10-15 g per 1 m2) and watered as the soil dries up.

During the formation of the bulbs, 50 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium chloride per 1 m2 are added as top dressing.

Spring garlic is harvested when the lower leaves dry out, yellowing and lodging of the upper leaves in late August - the first half of September.

It is necessary to prepare a bed for spring garlic about a month before sowing it. It is better to choose a place for a bed where carrots, tomatoes, peppers or cauliflower.

For one square meter land for garlic, you need to add one bucket of rotted humus and sawdust(you can also take them fresh), one liter jar of herbal or wood ash, fluffy lime and bird droppings.

After making humus, the earth must be dug up and leveled. After the remaining components, a simple harrowing is sufficient. After that, the bed must be heavily watered from a watering can and covered with an old film or cardboard.

When growing garlic, consider:

- raking the earth in the second half of June from the head of garlic contributes to the formation of a more even and large head;

- if you tie the leaves of garlic in a knot two or three days before harvesting, this will speed up its ripening and improve its keeping quality;

- to get a high yield of garlic, you need to feed it at least twice with mullein (1 kg per 8 liters of water) or chicken droppings (1 kg per 10 liters of water) per 5 square meters.

The first top dressing should be done in the germination phase of the plants, and the second - in the head formation phase.

To grow large garlic, we must first of all pay attention to the seed. The cloves of well-ripened garlic should be easily separated from each other, the skin of the cloves is dense, often pinkish-brown, not milky white, the bottom is dry.

Never plant garlic damaged by mold and rot! He will spoil the whole crop for you.

Before planting, soak the planting material for several hours in a sufficiently strong solution of manganese (the color is almost purple, not pink). If a spore or two of some kind of fungus has stuck there, manganese will disinfect everything.

A close relative of onions is garlic. Of course, he has features of planting, care, storage and preparation for planting, like any vegetable crop. But growing garlic is not difficult. We'll figure out. There are arrowing and non-shooting, winter and spring varieties of garlic - this depends on the biological characteristics of the plant. Non-shooting garlic reproduces only with cloves, arrowing - plus air bulbs (bulbs) to them.

Shooting varieties are winter varieties. They give a good harvest when planted before winter. Among non-shooting varieties there are winter and spring varieties. Planting spring garlic in the fall leads to poor rooting of cloves, thinning of crops, and crop shortages. However, there are varieties that grow well in autumn and spring planting.

The main thing when growing winter garlic is to create conditions for a good wintering. This is provided the right choice planting sites, sowing dates, seeding depth. Culture should be placed on fertile lands with flat surface, clean from weeds, not flooded by autumn or melt waters.

The best predecessors are crops that empty the field early, under which organic fertilizers are applied: cucumbers, zucchini, early cabbage, lettuce, legumes. Garlic is a good predecessor for all crops except onions, because they are affected by the same pests and diseases.

Preparing the garden for planting garlic

The soil in the garden is cultivated in advance so that it settles somewhat. Directly under plowing or digging, humus (40-60 t/ha), mineral fertilizers can be applied. The norm of mineral fertilizers per 1 weave: 30-40 g of ammonium nitrate, 50 g of superphosphate, 15-20 g of potassium chloride. Saltpeter is not applied in autumn, only in spring.

Preparation of planting material - garlic cloves, bulbs

For planting winter or spring garlic, three types of planting material are used:

  • teeth,
  • air bulbs (bulbs);
  • sevok (single teeth grown from air bulbs).

Only garlic heads with healthy teeth are selected. All diseased, shriveled or sprouted bulbs are discarded. Large or medium-sized teeth are the most suitable material for planting.

Teeth prepared for planting are pickled, disinfected with a 1% solution blue vitriol or 3% suspension of TMTD for 10-15 minutes. If disinfection is not carried out, then it is useful to soak them for 12-24 hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Such preparation contributes to the improvement of planting material, protects it from diseases.

Planting garlic in the fall before winter - timing

In order for the garlic to take root, but not to germinate, it must be planted before winter two to three weeks before the onset of a steady cold snap. Optimal time planting winter varieties of garlic before winter is the third decade of October in the Kuban. With an earlier planting, for example, in September, sprouted teeth leave before winter with 2-3 true leaves. So that the leaves do not suffer from frost or cold winds, hilling of plants is carried out, and in early spring transverse harrowing to free the neck of the plants.

With a later planting, the teeth do not have time to take root - there is a large sparseness of crops from the influence of cold winds and frosts.

Check the timing of planting garlic with.

Air bulbs are sown in autumn or early spring. The so-called sevok grows out of them - these are not cloves, but roundish small onions. If you plant air bulbs in the fall, then most of them will give arrows in the summer, and during spring planting there is no arrowing, but round single-toothed bulbs (apples) are formed. They are planted in the fall, as they do not store well until spring.

Spring varieties are planted in early spring, as soon as it is possible to enter the field, as they are very demanding on soil moisture, low temperature at the beginning of growth. With a delay in planting, the growth and development of plants is delayed, the yield is reduced, and the commercial quality of products is deteriorating.

Norm and scheme of planting garlic

Garlic is usually planted in rows, the distance between which is 20-30 cm. The teeth are placed at a distance of 6-8 cm, but this distance depends on their size: for large ones, the distance is greater, small ones are planted closer to each other. One or two days before planting, the heads should be disassembled into teeth. If this is done, for example, a week before sowing or even earlier, then they will lose some percentage of germination.

How many teeth will be needed in order to plant, for example, 1 sq. meter garden, hard to say. The planting rate depends on the size of the cloves that you plant. Usually, agronomists call the figure 130-380 cloves per 1 m 2. They get the first number based on their average weight of one clove of 3 g, and the second - if it weighs 7 g.

Larger heads grow from larger teeth. Planting cloves weighing less than 3 g is not worth it, as small heads will grow out of them.

How deep to plant? It depends, firstly, on the size of the teeth, and secondly, on the timing of planting.

In autumn, before winter, winter varieties are planted. Large teeth are planted no deeper than 5-7 cm. Smaller teeth - no deeper than 4-5 cm. layer (5-7 cm) of mulch - straw or dry grass.

Spring varieties are planted in spring. The depth of planting spring garlic is 4-5 cm. Also, make sure that the layer of earth above the teeth is at least 3-4 cm. This will provide optimal conditions for good rooting, for the formation of heads of the correct shape.

Caring for planting garlic, top dressing

One of the secrets of growing garlic is top dressing.

In early spring, after the snow melts, as soon as the first warm days come, it would be nice to feed the crops with nitrogen fertilizers, for example, urea (1 tablespoon / 10 l of water). Approximately 5 liters of solution should be used per 1 m 2.

In April, when the seedlings grow up, top dressing is carried out twice, for example, this is the middle and end of April. The first feeding should contain more nitrogen. Its composition may be as follows: half a liter chicken manure+ 1 tbsp. a spoonful of nitroammophoska in a bucket (10 l) of water. In the second feeding should be more phosphorus and potassium. The composition is: 1 tbsp. spoon of double superphosphate + 1 tbsp. spoon of potassium sulfate + 1 teaspoon of urea per bucket (10 l) of water. For 1 m 2 we also consume about 5 liters of solution.

Be sure to loosen the soil between the rows after top dressing the next day, after a week and a half, loosen again, if the soil is dry, water it. Garlic loves loose soil without - oxygen must be supplied to the roots and bulbs of the plant, so loosen the soil between rows after each watering or after rain. By the way, if there is no rain, then watering should be carried out at least weekly. Water abundantly - 12-15 liters per 1 m 2.

Mulching row spacing can facilitate the work of a gardener. Mulch will retain moisture, and the soil under the mulch will always remain loose.

In order for you to grow large heads, the arrows must be broken out in time. Try to break or cut them, and do not pull them up - this way you can inadvertently pull out the entire bulb or damage its root system. Break the arrows when they have reached a length of 12-15 cm, the breaking point should be as close as possible to the rosette of leaves. If you break it of a shorter length, then it will continue to grow - you will not get a large head.

Breaking out arrows is a special agricultural technique that allows not only to increase the size of the head, but also accelerates their maturation.

By the way, do not throw away the broken arrows - they can be used when canning blanks, as a seasoning for food.

For example, add finely chopped garlic cloves to boiled potatoes, after you have drained the water, slightly dried it. Add butter or sour cream, stir and serve. Once upon a time, I read this recipe - it was called "Phytoncide Potato". Since then, it has been one of our family's favorite dishes.

Finely chopped arrows can be added to boiled hot pasta or vermicelli - this is also tasty, healthy, especially in spring, when there are so few vitamins.

Harvesting garlic when it should be done

Usually at the end of July, the leaves of the garlic begin to turn yellow. This indicates that it is time to clean up. Gardeners have an unwritten rule: it is better to clean sooner than later. Even a delay of 5 days matters. With more early cleaning he is left for outdoors under a canopy for ripening. Do not cut off the leaves just yet. At the same time, nutrients from the leaves enter the bulbs, which increase their mass. In this case, the heads are dense, covered with dry integumentary scales on top, of a good attractive appearance. And if you are literally 3-5 days late with cleaning, then the scales covering the heads burst, the teeth crumble, the head itself becomes loose. Such garlic will not be stored for a long time.

But I want to talk about the timing of cleaning separately. There are many varieties that different dates maturation - it means that they should not be removed all at once, but in turn. No matter how much I talked with my gardeners I know, almost no one knows what variety they grow. By the way, me too. But the differences of the variety can be seen by the color of the outer shell of the head, by the number of cloves in the bulb. I try to sort the heads before planting in order to at least approximately plant the varieties separately.

How do you know when it's time to remove the garlic from the beds?

Very simple. I always leave a few arrows, I don't cut them off when they start to grow. At first, during growth, the arrows are fancifully bent, curly. But as soon as I noticed that the arrow straightened up, stands vertically up - this is the first sign that it's time to dig out the garlic.

There is another sign - the flower heads, which have already formed bulbs, have burst - for now, clean them up.

Thus, knowing these signs of ripening, no matter where you live, you will never be late to harvest garlic on time. Although the timing of cleaning will be different for everyone.

Ripening and storage of air bulbs (bulbs)

To on next year you had your own garlic for planting, leave some part of the plants with arrows in the garden, do not break them out. These plants with left arrows should be left in the garden for another one to two weeks after harvesting the main crop. Then the arrows with air bulbs are cut off. You can tie them in small bunches, hang them under a canopy (not in the open sun) to dry. This is how garlic arrows with air bulbs are stored for 20-30 days. During this time, there is an outflow of nutrients from the arrows into the bulbs, they are covered with dense scales, become light straw or purple in color (the color depends on the variety). Bulbs are very large, the shell bursts. If you are going to plant them in the fall, before winter, then clean them, sort them by size. And if the bulbs are intended for spring-summer planting, then it is best to continue to store them in bunches until spring, since when cleaning, sorting in the fall, the bulbs are injured, they can dry out, lose their germination. They should be stored in a dark cool place.

Ripe, mature, well-dried heads with intact scales are selected for storage. The best temperature for storage at home is + 18 ° C. It is better to store garlic in mesh bags, pigtails or cardboard boxes.

How can you get single clove garlic?

Air bulbs can be planted in autumn or spring to obtain a single tooth. It should be remembered that when autumn sowing part of the bulbs freezes, rots. Therefore, sparse seedlings are obtained. With early spring sowing, seedlings appear on the 10-20th day, as a rule, friendly. Sowing scheme: distance between rows 20 cm, continuous planting of onions in a row. Care consists in watering followed by shallow loosening, fertilizing with complex fertilizers. Single-toothed bulbs are harvested as soon as the leaves begin to fall. After ripening (10-12 days), drying, cut off the roots, dried leaves. The single tooth is stored at a temperature of 16-18°C, relative humidity 70-75%.

One last thing… Avoid planting garlic from grocery stores or supermarkets as you risk introducing serious viral diseases into your yard by growing garlic.

Gardener 24

Probably any gardener grows garlic. This is an excellent additive for various dishes, as well as a therapeutic and effective remedy - during the period of the influenza virus, the phytoncides of this vegetable protect against the disease, it makes it possible to fully gain strength after an illness.

Growing garlic is not such a difficult task if you follow the care technology during growth, find out its biological specifics, and then organize proper storage. And let the cloves from your garden be not as attractive as those similar in appearance and the Chinese taste like plastic vegetables, but they are very healthy and environmentally friendly. When to squeeze garlic before winter? This problem is of interest to many summer residents, since everyone wants to have a high-quality and full-fledged crop in their garden.

Several nuances will affect the time of planting garlic before winter:

  • The ability of garlic to endure winter time well.
  • Productivity.

Garlic is conditionally divided into two types - spring and winter. The latter is frost-resistant and is used before winter. The first type of garlic is planted in the spring, it does not wait out the winter in the ground, and the yield of spring garlic is much worse. But it has a more delicate and aromatic taste. It is advisable to grow two types of this vegetable.

Planting garlic before winter occurs in late autumn, a week before the arrival of frost. In areas of the middle zone, the planting time of this crop falls on October. In the southwest with mild climatic conditions, this vegetable can be planted at the end of November. If you do not hurry up with the landing, then the cultures will not have time to take root, and this main reason death in winter period. Not rooted enough, they will not be able to give a good yield. During deep planting of seeds - more than 10 centimeters, the time of their planting can be slightly delayed. During deep planting, seeds give crusts better and tolerate frost well.

Podzimnaya landing

How to plant garlic in the fall? There is a special technique for growing this culture:

  • Selection and preparation of seeds.
  • Land preparation for landing.
  • Planting, crop rotation is taken into account.
  • Plant care.

Purple garlic is the most popular variety for planting in the fall. This culture is unpretentious and resistant to winter frosts. At normal conditions the storage time of plants and seeds is approximately one year.

Preparation of raw materials for planting

In order for the cultivation of garlic to be effective, it is desirable to choose high-quality planting raw materials. Bulbs must be dense and large, without any signs of deformation and disease. Before planting a head of garlic, it is broken into bulbs and the largest cloves of the outer row, with a dense peel, are sorted out for planting. It is imperative to break off the bottom with your hands, where the roots have grown before, otherwise the growth of the bulbs will be delayed, and the head will not be so large in size due to the death of the root system.

Before planting, the material must undergo a disinfection process in a light composition of potassium permanganate. Also used for this purpose light iron vitriol. Paul Art. l. solution is mixed with 5 l. water. Also a good option- make a porridge from water and tree ashes and pour raw materials for planting on it - then plant it on the beds.

Preparation and selection of the landing site

Garlic can be planted in fertile sandy or loamy soil with a neutral pH. Places close by groundwater not suitable for growing garlic. It is not advisable to plant garlic in an area that is fertilized with organic matter. In this soil, the vegetable actively begins to grow green mass, and begins to bear fruit with soft and pimply heads. In addition, organic additions reduce the degree of disease resistance of a given crop.

In order to have a high-quality and high-grade harvest, a sunny area is necessary for planting garlic.

How to plant garlic? First you need to dig beds one meter wide and rows that will be in the eastern position.

A place for garlic should be dug up in autumn to a depth of 30 cm, clearing the ground of the remnants of weeds and other weeds. After that, compost is added to the landing site - 2 buckets of compost are required per square meter. and drugs that contain phosphorus and potassium - 25 grams of the drug per territory of the same size.

How to plant garlic with teeth in the fall?

The most correct scheme for planting garlic on the ridges is 10 x 20 centimeters. Embedding teeth to a depth of 11-16 cm, taking into account the time of disembarkation, which are described above. After planting the garlic, the area is covered with compost. In areas with a cold climate, thick-layer mulching of crops is required. Fallen leaves or spruce branches can be used as mulch.

The best previous crops before planting garlic are peas, beans, pumpkins, tomatoes and cabbage of any kind. It is not advisable to plant garlic in the place where it was previously located: potatoes, carrots, onions. These vegetables, like the culture itself, are very demanding on a high amount of potassium in the soil. Therefore, in a year they take away all the reserves of this element in the earth.

For those gardeners who do not have the opportunity to comply with the requirements of crop rotation, after harvesting garlic, you can plant vetch peas. In autumn, this place is thoroughly dug up and several buckets of humus, ashes and phosphorus-potassium preparations are added. Peas disinfect the earth, make it looser and enrich it with nitrogen.

During cultivation, garlic needs careful care - periodic weeding, watering, adding fertilizers and removing weeds.

How to grow garlic from air bulbs?

During the constant renewal of arrowing types of garlic with the help of bulbs, you can achieve excellent results and harvest garlic, which will have a weight of up to 180 grams.

Vegetables grown from bulbs in the spring have a high resistance to insects and diseases. Wherein this method cultivation makes it possible to save on planting raw materials.

A high-quality and full-fledged crop, which is obtained from air bulbs, is expected for several years. If the planting of garlic took place in the spring, then at the end of summer small single-pronged heads are formed. In the second year, large heads of garlic are obtained from them. In the southern regions, garlic is planted with bulbs at the end of August.

The landing site must be prepared in the fall. In the spring, when the threat of frost has passed, the bulbs are placed in grooves 6 cm deep with a distance of about 4 cm between them. On a territory of 1 m2, approximately 33-37 small onions are needed.

Planting garlic in the spring

Spring garlic is planted in the spring. Spring garlic has the best preservation, but is inferior to winter garlic in terms of yield.

How to plant garlic in the spring? Although it is a frost-resistant vegetable, however, spring garlic does not withstand frost well. A few weeks before planting on the site, the seeds must go through a stratification process in the refrigerator. After that, they are disinfected by lowering the raw materials into a light saline or manganese solution.

Planting spring garlic in the spring is carried out in the already heated ground. Most best site for landing - this is a place with light loamy or loamy soil. Preparation of the site for planting seeds is done in the autumn. The territory is fertilized with organic preparations, and, if necessary, deoxidized with dolomite flour or lime. In the spring, the earth is loosened and leveled.

Estimated sowing time is the end of April. The territory is deeply dug up, leveled and watered with saline - 4 tbsp. l. for 12 l. water.

Seeds are planted to a depth of several centimeters with a distance of 9 cm between them. Between the beds maintain a distance of at least 25 cm. proper care- constant watering, fertilizing, weeding and normal temperature. Constant warmth in spring is the main condition for the good growth of garlic and its subsequent fruiting.

Video - growing garlic

Garlic is a versatile crop. It is grown in various climatic zones and added to food as a kind of spice and flavor enhancer meat dishes. Domestic gardeners, for the most part, are also engaged in the cultivation of this vegetable. It would seem that there is nothing complicated in this process. But is it possible to make the harvest surprise not only you, but also your neighbors? To do this, you will have to master a few agricultural secrets. Only in this case you will definitely understand the question of how to grow large garlic in the garden.

If experienced gardeners know for sure what the difference is between them, then novice farmers can get a little confused. Spring garlic is planted in spring, while winter garlic is planted in autumn. Try not to make a mistake in the optimal planting periods, otherwise you may not wait for the harvest. What characterizes winter? It consists of several small but aligned teeth and a central shaft. Spring, however, does not differ in the presence of a special trunk. In addition, its cloves for the most part vary in size.

If we consider varieties in terms of crop storage, then it is better to pay attention to spring garlic. Its fruits are stored for a long time in the back rooms, cellars or attics. They are consumed during winter-spring, and if all the conditions for bunches of homemade garlic are provided, it will retain its taste and nutritional properties until next spring. This does not apply to winter varieties of vegetables: they are best consumed fresh after harvest. It is also possible to store the crop, but the result is not always satisfactory.

However, the winter plant has its advantages. Experts believe that much more bountiful harvest farmers harvest it after planting winter garlic, not spring garlic. In general, there are enough problems with growing this crop. It is problematic to adapt to different climatic conditions. So that your efforts are not in vain, pay special attention to the selection seed.

First of all, purchase quality varieties. At the moment, modern breeders are working to improve the key properties of agriculture: keeping quality, productivity, frost resistance, and early maturity. It is better to choose those varieties that include these characteristics, developed at a high level.

garden fertilizer

How to grow homemade large garlic competently, every gardener needs to know. First of all, it is recommended to choose the optimal land plot. If you plant tines in an unfavorable location, all your subsequent attempts to improve yields will fail. Where should garlic grow? Choose an unshaded, well-lit spot in your garden.

At the same time, it is very important that groundwater is not located too close to the surface in the soil. Excessive amounts of moisture can be the main cause of fungal diseases in garlic seedlings. However, if for your area high level occurrence ground water- This salient feature, you can go the other way: provide in the garden high bed. Thus, the root system of homemade garlic will not reach the water and will be able to fully develop.

The key point after choosing quality varieties for planting is the process of preparing the soil. If you plan to sow winter garlic, you need to work on the soil at least two weeks in advance.

In the case when the planting of a vegetable is planned already for the spring, it is still recommended to apply fertilizers to the soil in the fall. The garden must be dug up, and then compost or humus must be added.

If the soil itself is well fertilized, these fertilizers should be plentiful. However, to enhance the effect, you can add sand, soddy soil, peat to the soil. The soil should contain organic fertilizers in in large numbers. Only in this case it will be sufficiently loose and enriched with nutrients.

Preparing teeth for planting

In the process of growing on land plot homemade garlic, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the preparation of the soil itself, but also to the seed - garlic cloves. First of all, farmers select the largest and healthiest-looking cloves from the last harvest. They should not have any damage or stains. After selecting specimens suitable for planting, it is imperative to disinfect them with a 1% solution of copper sulphate. This procedure is quite simple to implement: the grains are placed in the mixture for literally a minute. Such treatment is carried out to eliminate the fungus and other pathogenic bacteria. But this is about winter garlic.

Instances that farmers prefer to plant in open ground spring, it is also recommended to prepare. To do this, they are placed in the refrigerator for two to three weeks. The cooling process of the teeth prevents them from sprouting prematurely. After this procedure, the seeds must be wrapped in a damp cloth. During this period, they are already actively germinating, and when the earth in the garden warms up, they can be planted in open ground.


The optimal time for planting spring garlic is mid-April. By this time, the soil temperature reaches about +7 degrees, so you can safely carry out garden work. If there is moisture in the soil at the time of planting, it is not necessary to water it additionally. Gently distribute the garlic in the beds. It is very important here not to damage the root system of agriculture. After you have planted garlic, it is recommended to mulch the beds.

Don't wait too long for spring warmth. Even if, after planting the vegetable in the ground, frosts began, this moment will not affect the seedlings of the agricultural crop. The main thing is to provide competent care for plants in the future.


Growing home grown garlic present stage everywhere. The very process of planting grains is not too laborious, no matter if we are talking about winter or spring garlic. However, you should not start gardening procedures if you probably don’t know what features the planting of winter garlic in the garden differs in. In the meantime, its own technology is being practiced here. First of all, the teeth should be heated to a temperature of +40 degrees, and also treated with saline.

Do not forget about soil preparation: fertilizers (potassium chloride and superphosphate) must be applied. Immediately after planting the teeth, it is worth loosening the ground. To heighten the effect, you must also mulch the soil with a layer of peat or humus.

What lies in the slight complexity of the process of growing winter garlic is in the winter cold. You will be very lucky if the winter turns out to be snowy, and the winter garlic cloves will be covered not only with a layer of earth, but also with a decent ball of snow. But what if the frosts are getting stronger, but there is still no snow? You need to take care of the vegetable on your own. Some gardeners prefer to cover the garlic with foil.

However, there is also a plant-based alternative: walnut leaves. Why should they be used? The thing is that they will not only be able to protect garlic from severe frosts, but also prevent the process of its yellowing. Another significant point in the process of planting winter garlic - do not rush to carry out garden work. If you plant it too early, the plant will already germinate by the onset of cold weather, which means it will simply freeze in the winter.

Big Garlic Secrets

Every gardener wants the garlic planted by him not only to disfigure, but to grow large enough. Agree, large garlic is more pleasant to peel later, but in the kitchen this vegetable is used very often. Here are a few things that will help you improve your yield:

  • planting time of garlic cloves;
  • selection of varieties that are optimal for cultivation in your area;
  • Not every gardener can ensure the timely implementation of all agricultural practices. However, not everyone will have so much time, because, as a rule, in the garden and suburban area other vegetables, flowers, berries are also cultivated. And everyone needs to be properly cared for. However, if you follow the principles of growing homemade garlic, you can reap a decent harvest.

    Video “Secrets of a successful garlic harvest”

    From this video you will learn how to grow a rich harvest of garlic.