When to plant winter garlic and how to plant it correctly: tips from agronomists. Video: planting and mulching garlic in the fall

  • 12.06.2019

Many gardeners are planting garlic for the winter. This makes it possible for the soil layer to always be in an active state, and for gardeners to get fresh greenery in the spring. It is in the early harvest that the main advantage of such planting lies. The main question at the same time is at what depth to plant garlic before winter.

When to plant

It is not easy to determine the exact landing date. Its time depends on many factors. However, some important points can be highlighted:

  • If summer is short in the region, and frosts come very early, planting should be done in September. Late dates will not allow the root system of the plant to develop normally.
  • In a hot and mild climate, planting is recommended only with the onset of October. More early dates will lead to the fact that by the time the first snow falls, the garlic will be in the growth stage and will simply die.

Variety selection

In the case of later planting, winter varieties usually do not form the desired root system. Some of the seedlings die, while others begin a slow emergence in the spring.

In addition to the variety, the following factors also influence the quality of the crop:

  • Soil condition.
  • Climatic conditions at the landing site.
  • Qualitative characteristics of the planting material itself.

Preparing for landing

The plant produces a quality crop in well-lit and dry places. At the same time, the soil should have low acidic properties - garlic takes root well in loamy soil. Preparation of beds for planting should begin 1.5 months in advance.

To obtain high-quality seedlings, it is imperative to follow the principles of crop rotation. As a rule, planting garlic on the same bed more than twice in a row is not recommended.

Very good results in terms of garlic yield are given by its predecessors, such as squash and pumpkin crops, cucumbers, eggplants. All noted plants have a short vegetative period. They saturate the soil with nitrogen compounds, which has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of garlic.

Growing garlic in the open field: planting and caring for beds

There are crops after which garlic should not be planted. These include carrots, potatoes, turnips, radishes. Recovery useful properties soil after such crops takes quite a long time. Sometimes even the introduction of high-quality fertilizers into the soil does not help. You won't get results in a few months.

It is also not recommended to sow winter varieties in heavily manured areas. In such cases, the plant often produces powerful tops. At the same time, the heads become loose, and the susceptibility to fungal infections increases significantly.

The process of preparing beds for planting garlic requires top dressing:

Selection of planting material

Reproduction of garlic culture is selective. The question of the depth of planting garlic for the winter requires deciding how to plant it. Winter species are planted with bulbs or cloves. When planting with cloves, a quality crop quickly appears, in the case of bulbs - large bulbs.

Sweet potato, or sweet potato: the name and care of the vegetable

The second option takes longer to get seed. In this case, the plant needs to grow for 2 years. In the first year, only one clove appears, and only in the second year does the garlic acquire several.

It is important to remember: a good and healthy harvest requires careful selection of seed.

In the process of selecting and preparing cloves, the following should be considered:

  • Size matters. For winter sowing, the largest cloves are required - such material grows well and takes root.
  • Teeth that are damaged or bitten by insects are excluded. Such material leads to a diseased crop.
  • Hardening and disinfection measures should be carried out. For this purpose, the seed is kept in solution blue vitriol or potassium permanganate. Ash lye is also an excellent alternative. It is prepared from 0.4 kg of wood ash per 2 liters of water. The resulting mixture is boiled for 30 minutes. The material for planting is placed in the cooled solution for 2 hours.

Planting features

It is recommended to plant garlic in moist soil. This makes it easier to lay out rows. They are created at intervals of 25 cm. The depth of planting garlic for the winter, as well as the marking of the rows, largely depends on the type of material for sowing.

Greetings friends. Autumn has come, and it would seem that it is time to finish all the work with gardens and dachas. The crop is harvested, the preparations are made, what else do you need? But it turns out that rest is not so close. After all, it is in the autumn season that many vegetables, flowers and other vegetation require special care. For example, in order to get next year good harvest garlic, you should now prepare and plant it in the ground. Otherwise, you will not see this useful fruit in the summer.

Garlic protects the brain from aging, maintains a good memory and vigor, has a great effect on the functioning of the immune and nervous system organism.

Therefore, today I suggest that you understand in detail when and how to properly plant garlic for the winter in autumn. open ground. We will also analyze the landing dates according to the lunar calendar and the rules of care.

I think it's no secret to anyone that there are two ways to grow garlic:

  • winter (planted in autumn, before winter);
  • spring (planted in early spring).

We will focus on the first method. Since growing winter garlic It’s not at all difficult, the main thing is to observe the landing dates.

If you plant garlic early in the fall, then it will have time to germinate and, accordingly, will die in the winter. If, on the contrary, it is too late, then the plant will not have time to take root and safely overwinter.

Plus, do not confuse winter and spring garlic. Their main difference is the landing time. Well, the following memo will help you if you are just a beginner gardener).

Of course, the choice of landing dates will depend not only on the lunar calendar, but also on the region and weather conditions. Experienced gardeners believe that garlic should be planted in the fall three weeks before the first frost.

When and how to plant garlic before winter in autumn 2018

First, I propose to take a look at the Lunar calendar and look at favorable dates.

So, if you are a resident of the northern regions of our country, then planting winter garlic should begin in September. At the same time, it is better if you do this on the waning Moon on the Days of the Root, that is, the Moon must pass through the fertile signs of the Zodiac.

Please note that landing during the full moon and the new moon period is not recommended.

But for most residents of Russia, garlic is still planted before winter in October. The lunar calendar recommends the following favorable dates: October 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 25, 26, 29, 30 October.

You should not work with this culture on the new moon - October 8, 9, 10 (the new moons in September and October coincided) and on the full moon - October 24.

Also, do not forget to focus on the planned landing depth:

And since we have decided on the planting dates, we move on to the next moment - how to properly plant this vegetable.

After which crop to plant garlic before winter

I will immediately answer many questions of interest: “After what can I plant garlic?”

It is desirable that tomatoes, legumes or cucumbers grow in the garden before garlic. Zucchini, pumpkin or early cabbage are also good predecessors.

But where potatoes or onions grew, it is better not to plant garlic. Also, do not arrange a landing site on the site where you applied manure this year. Otherwise, the plant will give abundant tops and loose heads, well, it will be susceptible to fungal diseases.

Now let's talk about choosing a bed for growing this vegetable.

How to choose a place for a garden bed and prepare it for winter garlic

Firstly, find on site the most fertile soil with normal or low acidity. Make a bed on the sunny side, while placing it from north to south.

Secondly, in advance prepare the ground. Starting from the end of August-beginning of September, it needs to be fertilized. Yes, for each square meter area, add 10 kg of humus, 1 cup of chalk or 2 cups of ash, then add 2 tbsp. spoons of potassium sulfate and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate. All this is evenly distributed over the soil, and then dig up the ground. In this case, the digging depth should be at least 20 cm.

After fulfilling the above conditions, proceed to the formation of beds.

It is desirable that the bed be up to 1 m wide and up to 25 cm high.

Then allow time for soil shrinkage. That is, just leave the bed alone so that the soil settles after digging. By the way, if September is not very rainy, then for better shrinkage, you can spill the prepared soil with water several times.

The next stage is tillage. this work is needed in order to prevent diseases of garlic. Treat the earth with a 1% solution of copper sulfate at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon for 10 liters of water. Spill the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden with a watering can, and then cover it with a film.

But on the eve of planting garlic on the surface of the beds, you can scatter urea (10-20 grams per 1 sq. M) and pour water on the soil.

Preparing garlic for planting

  • Cloves (heads of garlic are divided into parts);
  • Seeds (bulbs).

It is easiest to get a good harvest from cloves. So let's take a look stages of preparation this planting material.

1.Take the head apart.

First, inspect the garlic and disassemble the heads into individual cloves. Of these, select the largest and healthiest.

If you take planting material non-shooting varieties of garlic, use only the outer cloves.

2. Disinfect your teeth.

To do this, soak the cloves for a day in a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate or a 1% solution of copper sulfate.

That's all, garlic is ready for winter planting in open ground.

Planting winter garlic

And now it's time to disassemble the technology of planting vegetables in the fall.

1. Make holes.

On the prepared bed, mark the place for planting the cloves. Take a stick and make holes in the soil at a distance of 10 cm from each other. The depth should be from 3 to 15 cm (here it all depends on the method and time of planting).

The distance between the rows is 20-25 cm.

2. Bury the garlic cloves.

Just put the cloves in the holes. At the same time, it is not necessary to press them into the ground, because this will delay root formation.

3. Work the land.

Spill the earth with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

4. Fill in the holes.

Cover the holes with rotted compost.

5. Mulch the garden.

For this procedure, use peat, pine needles or fallen leaves. The optimal layer of mulch is approximately 10 cm.

Please note that in warm regions it is not necessary to mulch winter garlic.

In fact, that's all the secrets of planting and caring for winter garlic! And by the way, do not forget that every two years the place of residence of a vegetable needs to be changed.

If you want to use the second material for planting - seeds or bulbs, then watch the following video plot. I'm sure you will succeed. 😉

When to plant garlic in the fall before winter for different regions of Russia

Well, in conclusion, I would like to pay attention to what are auspicious days for proper fit vegetable crop for certain regions of our country.

Planting garlic before winter for residents of the Moscow region according to the lunar calendar 2018

Planting garlic in the fall before winter for the inhabitants of Siberia

Planting garlic before winter in the Urals

For residents of the Urals, the correct dates are October 16, 20, 21, 22, 23. Well, if you are from the Southern Urals or the Middle Urals, then be guided by these dates: October 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.

That's all I wanted to tell you about today. I hope that you will not have any difficulties in planting garlic and next year will be especially fruitful. All good mood and see you soon!

Garlic - very useful product. Daily use of cloves in large numbers can have a beneficial effect on increasing the protective functions of the body. Therefore, most gardeners are happy to plant it in their beds. To learn how to choose the right winter garlic for planting, prepare a garden bed and plant it in the fall before winter, read this article.

Which garlic is better to plant: winter in autumn or spring in spring

Garlic according to its characteristics is classified into spring and winter. The differences in them are that the first is planted in the spring, and the second - in the fall before winter.

However, for example, spring garlic is more often planted because of the possibility of its longer storage, but winter garlic is by no means inferior to its competitor, having the following advantages:

  1. In the spring there are many different worries, and in the fall there is much more time.. The timing of planting winter garlic in the fall is not strictly fixed, so planting work can be stretched for a long period.
  2. Winter garlic is not afraid of either the first frost or a fierce winter., not to mention the return of spring temperature drops. While the tender leaves of spring garlic in the spring can be ruined by a sharp drop in temperature.
  3. Planting material in the autumn months boasts larger sizes than spring specimens. The larger the planting material, the larger in the end you will get a crop (the relationship is direct). While spring seedlings often dry out by the time of sowing.
  4. Winter species are immune to neither diseases nor pests., which cannot be said about spring specimens.
  5. Planting garlic before winter does not require special care. soil in autumn period it is saturated with a sufficient amount of moisture, allowing it to overwinter well in the cold months.
  6. Harvesting is done earlier than during spring planting. Which suggests that in the summer months only representatives of winter varieties are present on store shelves.
  7. Planting in autumn gives more yield than spring rooting.

By the way! You can see how winter garlic differs from spring garlic in the picture below.

Thus, planting garlic in the fall before winter is considered a very profitable business, bringing bountiful harvest. However, in order for everything to work out, you need to know the timing of the start of planting work.

Video: which garlic is better - spring or winter


When to plant garlic in the fall - in what month: optimal timing

The timing of planting garlic in the fall directly depends on the characteristics climate zone where you live and are going to plant cloves, as well as current weather conditions.

As a rule, winter garlic begins to be planted 2-3 weeks before frost, so that during this time it has time to take root.

In garlic for this period only the root system should develop but no way non-aerial green mass.

The optimum soil temperature for planting garlic is + 10-12 degrees, but a lower one is allowed, but it is impossible to plant in frozen ground.

If we allocate planting periods by region, then the following dates for planting garlic in the fall are recommended:

  1. The middle lane (Moscow region) - the end of September - the first half of October.
  2. Southern regions - the end of October-November.
  3. Northern regions (Siberia, Urals) - the second half of September, deadline- the first half of October.

Interesting! Each gardener is guided by his own observations. Some, for example, are sure that the most best garlic it turns out if he is landed before the Feast of the Intercession. Others, on the contrary, try to plant on sunny days after the holiday.

Thus, garlic should be planted in the fall and, above all, guided by the weather.

Video: when and how to plant garlic before winter

How to plant winter garlic in the fall - features and step by step instructions

To get a crop consisting of large, whole and even cloves, you must first decide on a place for planting, prepare a garden bed, soil for planting cloves, choose good planting material and properly prepare and process winter garlic itself for planting.

Landing place

The place where winter garlic will be planted is selected in advance. Culture is a plant that loves sunlight very much. Therefore, it must be planted in open areas, not shaded, for example, by fruit trees.

An excellent place for planting garlic is a small mound or a raised bed (for example, a warm bed). If it is placed in a lowland, then during the spring snowmelt, the plantings will be flooded, and the seedlings may rot because of this.

The best predecessors for planting winter garlic: crop rotation rules

Note! Naturally, if you want to get a rich harvest of winter garlic, then you need to plant it, like any vegetables, according to the rules of crop rotation. About, after what crops is it better to plant winter garlic, read .

Preparing beds and soil for planting winter garlic

The preparation of the beds where winter garlic will be planted, they begin to deal with about a month before the start of planting.

Interesting! A bed for winter garlic is made in advance so that the soil in it settles a little.

As for the location in the garden, then, as already mentioned earlier, optimally place the bed in a sunny place from north to south.

Further on the planned site you need dig the soil to a depth of about 20-30 cm (shovel bayonet), while removing all weeds and other debris, and then apply fertilizer under digging to improve soil fertility.

The soil for growing winter garlic requires loose, soft, filled with nutrients. spicy vegetable loves soil that perfectly passes air and water, and most importantly, has a neutral level of acidity (pH).

You should not choose a place where the soil is clay, dense or overly acidic. Sandy substrates will work, but large heads require heavy watering and frequent fertilization.

By the way! If the soil is excessively clayey, then you can make it looser by adding peat and sand.

To prepare the soil for planting garlic before winter, organic and / or mineral fertilizers should be applied to it.

If you are a supporter of organic farming, then the following fertilizers should be applied for digging:

  • compost or rotted manure (1 bucket per 1 sq. meter);
  • wood ash (1-2 cups per 1 sq. meter).

By the way! Ash can be poured into a hole or groove right before planting.

Video: planting garlic in the fall before winter and fertilizing the moon with ash

If you allow the use of mineral fertilizers, then add:

  • superphosphate (20-30 grams per 1 sq. meter);
  • potassium sulphate and potassium nitrate(20-30 grams per 1 sq. meter).

By the way! As an enhanced measure, you can mix organic and mineral fertilizers.

After digging and applying the necessary fertilizers to the soil, the bed is well leveled and left until autumn planting.

Advice! Some gardeners advise additionally protecting and disinfecting the soil by spilling it with a 1% solution of copper sulphate, or. But, in principle, this can be done after landing.

How to choose the right seedlings

You need to choose the largest cloves from the most correct heads, and it is desirable that each has no more than 5-6 pieces. If you choose small cloves, then the garlic will turn out to be very small volumes.

Important! There should be no rot or mold on the cloves. It is worth carefully inspecting the surface for the presence of spots of an unnatural structure. You can not take cloves for rooting with mechanical damage.

All cloves suitable for planting must be fully "dressed" in the shell, with no visible flaws.

Important! Garlic should be divided into cloves immediately before planting (before soaking).

Processing and preparing garlic for planting

Before planting garlic cloves in the fall in open ground, they should first be prepared for planting:

  1. Each clove is carefully separated from the others so as not to damage the outer shell and the root growth site (bottom). Some gardeners recommend lightly cleaning the bottom (from cork raids) so that it takes root better, but this must be done very carefully so as not to accidentally remove the scales and expose the clove.
  2. Next, all the cloves must be carefully sorted. You should get rid of all the spoiled ones. If you plant such garlic, it will not only not give a normal head, but it can infect the entire garden.
  1. You can soak the cloves in the Maxim solution (according to the instructions) for 20-30 minutes.
  2. To be sure to pickle and disinfect the garlic, it is soaked in a solution of "Fundazol" (according to the instructions).
  3. A pink solution of potassium permanganate is also suitable. Again, 20-30 minutes.
  4. For soaking, you can also use a 1% solution of copper sulfate (10 grams per 1 liter). For all the same up to half an hour.
  5. Many summer residents recommend holding the cloves in the solution (according to the instructions) for 5-10 minutes.
  6. According to the old tradition, quite often the cloves are soaked in a saline solution (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water), keeping for half an hour.

Advice! What is the best way to process garlic cloves is decided by each gardener on his own. For fun, you can try soaking several batches of cloves in different solutions and planting them in separate rows to experiment.

Video: proper preparation(processing, soaking) winter garlic for autumn planting

Direct landing and its rules

Basic rules for planting winter garlic:

By the way! Many people like plant garlic not in grooves, in separate holes, in other words, plant in spots. Moreover, such holes are convenient to make special devices, or the neck of a bottle (as in the title photo of the article).

Important! If the teeth are placed too high to the surface, they may be subject to freezing. If, on the contrary, it is too deep, then they will germinate for too long or completely rot.

Video: master class on planting garlic in the fall


Step-by-step instruction planting garlic in the fall before winter:

  1. Decide on a place to plant, while taking into account the rules of crop rotation.
  2. Prepare the garden and soil.
  3. Select high-quality planting material, process (soak) it in a disinfectant solution.
  4. Cut grooves or holes.
  5. Plant cloves in accordance with the rules.
  6. Fall asleep fertile soil.
  7. If desired, for additional disinfection of the soil, it can be spilled with a solution (according to the instructions).
  8. Mulch (if you have a cold and harsh climate in autumn).

Video: proper fit garlic in autumn before winter

Care for winter garlic after planting

If your winters are very cold, then with the onset of frost, the garden bed is mulched sawdust, or lay with pine branches or straw, you can even cover with spunbond. But in the spring, all the shelter will need to be removed during the first warm days, but the mulch can be left (some people specially grow garlic in the mulch).

Video: planting and mulching garlic in the fall

If the autumn is dry, there is little rainfall, then it is recommended to shed the beds a couple of times so that the rooting process goes faster.

Naturally, the main care falls on spring time. Some time after the snow masses come down, the first green sprouts should already be visible. Watering is not yet required, because after the snow melts, the soil is saturated with a sufficient amount of moisture.

When to harvest winter garlic and how to store it (ways)

Possible mistakes when planting garlic in the fall and when growing it

No matter how experienced the gardener is, he still often makes offensive mistakes that could not be made if you know exactly what you should pay special attention to.

The following mistakes are distinguished, which are often made when planting garlic in the fall before winter:

  1. When buying planting material, the sellers themselves names are often confused or even mixed together. Therefore, it is possible to buy in the fall not the garlic that is required. So, either use your own planting material, or carefully and carefully watch what you buy.
  2. Planted without shell. Garlic, like a fish, dies without scales. Many gardeners believe that the shell must be removed. They are of the opinion that the scales (or poorly removed old crust) prevent roots from germinating. However, in the absence of a shell, the clove soon begins to actively rot.
  3. Planting is done immediately after the bed has been dug up and prepared. Firstly, when you make mineral and organic additives for digging, they need time to saturate the soil with nutrients. Secondly, the cloves planted during this period, after the earth sags, will surely dig into the ground excessively deep, which will negatively affect their germination and further growth.
  4. Planted out too early. If you plant early enough - as early as August, then warm weather will provoke the active growth of green shoots. And they will die during the onset of cold weather, which will lead to a weakening of the planting material.
  5. Arrows are not removed in spring. Of course, the final size of the garlic depends on the bulb head, but if you leave the arrow that he released in the spring, then all the force of the head will go to the formation of bulbs. Therefore, the arrows should be broken off during the period of their formation.

Video: tricks of planting garlic before winter

Thus, it is better to plant winter garlic in the autumn period, since during the winter it undergoes a natural stratification, which allows the plant to harden in natural conditions and accumulate mass. And then the main thing is to do everything (preparing the beds and soil, processing and planting the cloves themselves) on time and correctly.

Video: how to plant garlic before winter

In contact with

Against the background of a huge number of varieties of garden strawberries, the ampelous variety stands out. This strawberry with uncharacteristic pink, very decorative flowers is easy to recognize by both fruiting mother plants and rosettes extending from them. After reviewing the care of her, having studied the rules of cultivation and looking at the photo, you can safely proceed to planting this unusual berry crop.

Features of ampelous strawberries

If an ordinary strawberry bears fruit once a season, a remontant two, then it can be said about an ampelous strawberry that it is able to bear fruit throughout the year.

Thanks to the work of breeders, ampelous strawberries grow before flower stalks are formed, flower buds are laid on them and, accordingly, an additional crop ripens. Further, the mustache itself continues to form the following. As a result, one bush can be continuously harvested.

In addition, this variety has excellent decorative qualities and can serve as a wonderful decoration for a balcony, veranda, etc.

Advice. For growing in a room, it is better to select varieties of neutral daylight hours that have a very long fruiting period.

In some sources, you can find it under the name "curly", but this is not entirely correct. By nature, strawberries cannot wrap themselves around anything. Some gardeners, for decorative purposes, simply tie a mustache with rosettes to a support. At the same time, it seems that the strawberry itself “climbs” up.

Ampel strawberry continuously yields

If you plant several bushes in a flowerpot or hanging pot, the rosettes will fall very beautifully from the mother plant, creating cascades of leaves, flowers and berries.

When considering fruiting ampel varieties it can be unequivocally stated that this is a remontant variety. On the bush at the same time you can see buds, flowers and berries. Thanks to this, in appropriate conditions, it is possible to observe flowering and pick berries almost all year round. Popular varieties:

  • Homemade delicacy;
  • Temptation;
  • Tarpan;
  • Elan;
  • Novel;
  • balcony stream;
  • Balcony charm.

Almost all of them are hybrids that are adapted to growing in any conditions, resistant to some diseases and give a decent harvest. I would especially like to note the Tuscany variety. Despite its recent appearance, it has already gained worldwide recognition. Differs richly pink flowers and rather large fragrant berries.

Growing options

If you show imagination and make very little effort, then bushes of ampelous strawberries can become a wonderful decoration for the site.

Ampel strawberries can be grown even in an apartment

  • Growing in pots and vases. In this case, any containers can be used for landing. For normal development plants, their depth should be at least 30 cm. A mandatory requirement is holes for water drainage and a drainage layer. Seedlings intended for planting should be sprinkled with earth and kept for two weeks in a dark, cool place. Planting plants in a pot should not be too dense and not very deep.

Advice. Hand grown in hanging planter a lush strawberry bush can be a wonderful gift for a novice gardener.

  • Grid growing. As a lattice, you can use a metal mesh, wicker fence, etc. Bushes are planted in the soil 30 cm apart. Growing mustaches are tied up along the lattice.

Advice. The height of the lattice should be selected no more than 1 m. So the plants will be able to completely cover it with fruit-bearing and flowering bushes at the same time.

  • Landing in the form of a pyramid. For such a landing, you will need 3-4 boxes 30 cm high, without a bottom, different size. The largest is placed on the ground in the garden and covered with fertile soil. A second, smaller one is placed on top and is also filled with earth. The smallest of them is placed on top. Soil is also poured into it. It turns out a cascade of boxes in which seedlings are planted. After growing, this structure looks like a green pyramid, covered with flowers and berries.
  • Vertical beds. This method is used for growing ampelous strawberries in greenhouses. They are made from wide plastic pipes(diameter about 110 cm). Holes are cut into them after a certain interval, into which, after filling the pipe with nutrient soil, seedlings are planted.

How to plant seedlings

Planting ampelous varieties does not differ much from planting other types of strawberries.

  1. The bottom of the pot or groove in the bed is lined with drainage material.
  2. From above it is covered with nutrient soil, consisting of soddy soil, humus, manure and peat.
  3. Well watered. After the soil settles, the earth is filled up.
  4. Landing holes are being made.
  5. One plant is distributed in each well.
  6. The roots are pressed with wet earth so that the core remains at the top.

Advice. In order for the seedlings to take root faster, it is advisable to dip each rhizome in a clay mash.

How to care

Planted seedlings need frequent moisture. It should be watered 2 times a day a little. After 2 weeks, watering is reduced - it will be enough 1 time in 3 days. The first flower stalks are removed. So the plant will give all its strength to the development of the root system, which will make the plant strong.

Strawberries need regular hydration

Mustaches on each bush should remain no more than 5 pcs. All excess is plucked off. Top dressing is carried out regularly with mineral fertilizers.

Ampelous strawberry transplantation must be carried out every 3-4 years. In the spring, the antennae are plucked from the strongest bushes and transplanted to a new bed or into a new container. In the case of a flower bed, you can completely replace the soil and plants.

For the winter, you can not leave containers with strawberries on the street. All of them need to be brought into a warm room. If this is not possible, the container is dug into the ground and covered with a covering material.

For beds protruding above ground level, special frames are constructed, the surface of which is covered with roofing material, lutrasil, etc., and then sprinkled with something insulating, for example, sawdust, straw or hay.

Not many summer residents know how deep to plant garlic before winter. Before planting garlic, prepare the soil, take into account auspicious time, and choose The right way. Planting material plays a huge role. Experienced gardeners choose certain varieties of garlic and spend preparations over heads of spiced vegetables.

The head of the spring type of garlic has 25 small cloves. Their arrangement goes in 2-3 rows. The axle shaft is missing. It tastes softer than winter. It is well stored, and can lie for a year without losing its properties and qualities. Planting is not until spring.

Landing Time winter variety garlic - autumn. The head consists of one row of 12 cloves located around a round rod. The taste is sharp, sharp and rich. Winter varieties are stored for a short time. They are eaten in autumn and summer, used for canning.

Precursor crops: after which plants garlic is planted

Crop rotation - important rule to obtain a high yield on the site. Therefore, it is undesirable to sow the soil with the same crop for more than 2 years in a row.

Planting garlic will favorably take place after cultivation:

  • cucumbers;
  • pumpkins;
  • squash;
  • zucchini;
  • melons;
  • bell pepper;
  • eggplant.

All of these crops are annuals. They develop and grow rapidly, saturating the soil with nitrogen, which garlic needs in due time for full formation.

There are vegetables after which it is undesirable to plant garlic in the fall. They deplete the soil, taking from it the whole range of nutrients. These include:

  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • potato;
  • turnip;
  • potato;
  • radish.

On a note!

Even the humate solution introduced after harvesting such crops (with potassium or sodium) will not help to compensate for the loss of useful elements in the earth. Consequently, the garlic yield will be extremely low from growing in such a low-nutrient soil.

Winter garlic: planting rules

Before planting, organic fertilizers are applied to the soil. Suitable cow dung. However, it can be used in combination with lime treatment or additional addition of dolomite flour. Every 3rd year, change places where winter varieties of garlic are grown. The further algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Only healthy slices are suitable for planting. Before planting, they are treated with potassium permanganate or copper sulfate.
  2. The gardener must be careful when sowing. Do not damage teeth. The deepening is not done deep, otherwise the root system of the vegetable will not form well, and the feathers will germinate for a long time.
  3. Produce the correct layout of the rows.
  4. The sowing method is chosen taking into account the variety of the variety (medium, large or small slices).

Determine the planting depth for a spicy vegetable

The main principle lies in the words: the deeper you plant the garlic, the higher the likelihood that it will survive the frost and sprout. You shouldn't overdo it either. It is necessary to sow so that in the spring, due to high level groundwater he didn't rot. If the clove could not overcome the thick soil layer, then it simply will not germinate. For successful harvest the plant needs to put out roots.

Since you need to have time to plant garlic material a month before stable frosts, there is another rule: the depth of sowing depends on the local agroclimate. How early does the soil freeze? In the cold Siberian land earlier than in other regions of Russia. The root system in such weather will not develop on the surface.

In Siberian regions, the depth of planting winter garlic is 10-15 cm in the ground. In frosty and snowy winters, beds should be insulated. This can be done with dry grass. In a warm southern climate (Kalmykia, Krasnodar Territory, Crimea, Sevastopol), the depth of planting garlic before winter is 4-5 cm. In the Astrakhan, Volgograd, Rostov regions, this figure is the same. V middle lane countries (Moscow, Vladimir, Ryazan, Tula, Kaluga, Nizhny Novgorod regions, the Volga region) 5-10 cm.

For the convenience of determining the depth, you can make a mark on the handle with a felt-tip pen or marker.

What time to plant

The optimal time for planting winter garlic is the end of September and the beginning of October. The exact date depends on the region, but the most important thing is to plant the slices about 40 days before the first frost. Then the garlic will have time to take root, grow a root system sufficient for wintering and will not give green shoots until spring. You can also use lunar calendar according to which there are more precise dates, this is from September 26-30 to October 1-12.

Which variety do you prefer

A variety is selected for the autumn planting of garlic, taking into account the climatic features of the region. Preference is given to varieties of winter varieties. It has a high yield when planted in open ground. If you plant garlic in the spring, then the output may be a head with 1-2 teeth.

Zoned varieties for the middle latitudes of Russia:

  • Lyubasha;
  • Union;
  • Podmoskovny;
  • Gribovsky Jubilee;
  • Novosibirsk;
  • Komsomolets winter;
  • Zubrenok.

When choosing planting material, pay attention to whether the vegetable shoots arrows during growth or grows without them. Arrow species are large lobules located around the axial ring. The head has 4-12 teeth. If there are 14-25 pieces in the head of the teeth and they are arranged in a spiral, then such garlic, feathers, most likely will not be released.

Shooting varieties are not afraid of frost, and they contain essential oils. At the tips of the arrows one can see an inflorescence with seeds (bulbs), they are often used for planting. Such garlic feathers are fragrant and have an interesting flavor, so cooks often add them to various dishes.

Cut off arrows promptly. This maintains a high crop yield. Non-shooting varieties are better in this regard. They do not need to be followed, as there are no arrows.

In areas located in the latitudes of the Russian Federation, it is better to choose domestic varieties. Foreign ones are more whimsical and require special care, they are afraid of the cold. It is difficult for them to adapt, and in the Moscow region such planting material dies by 2/3.

The chemical composition of the earth is of great importance. Sand-rich soil with normal acidity that can be created is best suited for planting a vegetable. To do this, you need a bucket of horse manure, nitrophoska 15 g, superphosphate 10 g and a glass of dolomite flour. Fertilizers are poured onto plowed or dug up land, evenly distributed with a rake. They start work in two weeks.

Dig up the beds, and fertilize 2 weeks before planting garlic. Compost is applied per 1 m2 is 1 bucket. Then, a bed is formed (height 20-25 cm). Next, markup is carried out using pegs and twine. They delimit the site, placing them at the edges for planting. To form pits, it is better to use a spatula handle or a thin metal tube. Ashes are sprinkled between the rows. It will additionally delimit the beds and save the seedlings from pests.

If the earth has excessive acidity, it can be alkalized with the same ash, this is 1 bucket per 1 m2 or 1-3 cups per running meter when digging, if the land has already been cultivated earlier.

Planting material preparation

There are requirements not only for the soil in which they are sown, but also for the planting material itself. They are very simple:

  1. Only healthy teeth are used, without damage.
  2. Before planting a vegetable, make sure that it has been stored correctly (in a dry room that has been ventilated in time). Good fit summer terrace or canopy.
  3. The seedlings were taken from the agro-climatic zone where they are planned to be planted.
  4. For planting, take the largest ones, because they will grow larger.

Garlic is the most unpretentious plant in the garden. But even for him it is better to work a little and get an abundant harvest as a reward. This will become possible provided that the garden bed is fertilized, loosened, regularly weeded and irrigated.

Weed necessarily immediately, as the first sprouts appeared. The vegetable is most vulnerable at this time: weeds deprive it of moisture and minerals. Then you can loosen periodically, without starting more weeding. This is necessary, since this crop grows best on loose soil.

You need to water the garlic all the time, not counting the last month before harvesting. To do this, carefully use a watering can or a hose with a shower head. As necessary, make sure that the earth does not dry out and is not waterlogged.

As you grow, sometimes sprinkle the rows with fertilizer - large heads will be born.

Planting at a depth of 3-5 cm

At a depth of 3-5 cm, garlic is sown long before the first frost (40 days). Specific dates depend on the local climate. In central Russia, this is the end of September, the beginning of October. In Siberia - from the beginning of autumn. The population of the southern strip conducts landing in November.

The gaps between the cloves are 10-15 cm. The width between the grooves is 15-20, but if the planting material is small, then the distance between the rows is less than 8-12 cm. If garlic seeds are planted, then 5 cm is left between them, and between the rows leave 9-10 cm of space.

The bed is prepared in advance, 3 weeks before the start of work. During this time, the earth will settle. The height is made at least 20 centimeters. Stages of work:

  1. Dig up the ground, add humus or compost (a bucket per square meter).
  2. You can add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate and nitrophoska.
  3. The fertilizer is mixed with soil with a rake. It remains only to form beautifully appearance. To do this, use the blade of a shovel. The ridge is ready.

Planting to a depth of 10-15 cm

At a depth of 10-15 cm, garlic is planted in a cold climate so that it can overwinter. There is another reason when the weather changes dramatically, and frosts are expected earlier.

Sequence of work:

  • soil preparation for planting (dig or plow, fertilize);
  • the formation of the beds 3-4 weeks before the start of work, so that it has time to settle, then the cloves will not go deeper than expected and will germinate well;
  • before planting, planting material is arranged in size from smaller to larger;
  • water the garden;
  • prepare markup.

Large cloves are planted at a distance of 15 cm, and small 8 cm are enough.

By drawing lines marking the rows, we get at a distance of 20 cm. Before that, the soil is irrigated with water - this is how the fertilizer is activated.


When sowing, do not press the bottom of the cloves into the soil. This is done carefully. If the gardener is late with the deadlines, then he soaks the seeds in warm water with humus and sawdust, so they will soon sprout.

The best ways to plant garlic before winter

Despite the constant improvement of garlic cultivation methods, there remain few that are used more often. Let's take just three.

Method 1. Seeding. Seeds or garlic cloves are sown in pre-prepared furrows. The bed is watered before this. There is a lot of harvest, but the stem is not always even, because the cloves are placed on their side.

Method 2. Two tiers. It is good for small plots of land, or if there is a need for a large amount of crop. This is achieved thanks to two tiers of landing, from which the name. The depth of the seedlings of the lower floor is 10-12 cm, and the upper one is 5-6 cm from the soil surface. The lower tier with the planted seeds is dug in with earth, then the upper one is laid.


The arrangement of the teeth is done strictly one above the other. This will not interfere with the germination of the first tier.

Method 3. Classic. The gaps between the rows are 20 cm. The seed is planted on dry land, covered with fallen leaves. It is favorable if gourds were sown here before garlic. The selected location should not be melt water spring. After planting, mulch the ground with dry leaves.