How to water tomato seedlings to get a generous harvest. Everything you need to know about watering your tomatoes outdoors When is the best time to water your tomatoes outdoors

  • 17.06.2019

29.12.2015 22 430

Watering a tomato - how is it better and when is it right?

The pressing questions about when tomato watering is carried out, how many times a week it should be done, how often to water tomatoes after planting, has been worrying summer residents and gardeners for more than a dozen years. All because of proper watering directly depends on the yield and quality of grown tomatoes. Some water the tomatoes every few days, and there is a category of people who do not do this at all. Anyway, read on…

Ways to water a tomato, which one is better to choose?

Tomatoes are recommended to be moistened under the root, without getting on the leaves. Irrigation should not be done with watering cans and sprinklers, there is a risk of sunburn on the leaves and further disease. Consider the possible correct options for watering tomatoes:

Irrigation of tomatoes with a hose. Plants are moistened directly under the root, but it is impossible to regulate the amount of water supplied. In large areas with landings, this method is not convenient due to the need to pull the hoses over a long distance. The watering hose gets dirty, if used carelessly, it can touch neighboring plantings, the method is suitable for small gardens;

Watering plants from a bucket. With this approach, you can be sure of the amount of liquid that is poured under the tomatoes. By using a bucket, it is good to fertilize, but irrigating an entire area will not be easy. Gardeners and gardeners resort to the help of a bucket to irrigate in hard-to-reach places;

in the photo - drip irrigation tomato

Drip irrigation considered one of the correct for tomatoes. The method has many advantages, the main thing is the uniform distribution of water under the root. Given the characteristics of growing a tomato, it is great for this. The system saves time and effort, and provides the opportunity to water the tomatoes at a convenient time.

Watering tomatoes in the greenhouse and open ground

Tomatoes need to be watered taking into account the climatic features of the growing region. best conditions for growing tomatoes are air humidity at the level of 50-55% and soil moisture not more than 85%. Excessive water content in the soil is reflected in the growth of fruits and ripening, the tomatoes will be watery. Excess moisture leads to infection and cracking of the tomato.

Irrigation of tomatoes in a greenhouse is different from watering in open ground. V greenhouse conditions the amount of fluid needed for growth and good development tomatoes, can be controlled, which cannot be said about unprotected plantings. Precipitation in the form of rain makes it easier to water in open areas, but adds to the hassle.

Before planting tomatoes, each hole is watered with water in a volume of one liter. Watering tomatoes after planting produced a week later. If tomatoes are planted in open ground, you need to take into account the weather conditions and irrigate earlier if there is a strong heat. When watering tomatoes in open ground occurs only occasionally, this can cause flowers and ovaries to fall off.

To the exciting question of when to water the tomatoes in the morning or in the evening, experienced agronomists advise precisely in morning hours. Before the scorching sun appears, the tomatoes will already be saturated with moisture, which will have a better effect on their growth. In the greenhouse, the moisture will evaporate by evening and the next morning there will be no condensation, which is detrimental to the condition of the tomatoes.

in the photo - watering tomatoes in a greenhouse

For watering tomatoes in a greenhouse and open ground, it is recommended to take warm water, rain can be used. To find out if the tomatoes have enough water, take a handful of earth in the root part and squeeze it into a fist, if the earth crumbles, you need to water it, if it remains a lump, postpone irrigation for a while.

When flowering, watering tomatoes in closed ground is reduced, as well as in open ground. Excessive moisture will enhance the growth of green mass and delay the process of fruiting. Therefore, to the question of how often to water tomatoes after planting, there is a clear answer, once a week. The rate of water use per bush proposed by agronomists is 1.5-2 liters. During the beginning of the ovaries of tomatoes, increase the water consumption rate to five 5 liters per bush, continuing to water once a week. On especially hot days, it is allowed to water tomatoes in the greenhouse and open ground twice a week, the plants are irrigated in full.

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How to water tomatoes in open ground after planting them?

Watering a tomato. © bonnieplants

Weakly leafy and stunted plants need to be done

When forming a three-stem form, 2-3 fruit brushes are left on the main stem. On the two lower stepchildren, 2 fruit brushes are left and a pinch is made so that there are 2-3 leaves above the upper fruit brushes.

Preferred soils are loamy with the addition of organic and mineral fertilizers.

Sowing seeds is carried out from March 1 to March 25 in cups or pots 10 × 10 cm in size. They are filled with soil mixture and watered with a warm (35 -40 ° C) solution: 1 tablespoon of universal liquid fertilizer is diluted in 10 liters of water. Then, in each cup, in the center, two holes are made 1 cm deep, 1 seed is placed in each and covered with soil mixture. Such sowing without picking is carried out only for low-growing varieties for open ground in order to protect seedlings from viral diseases.

We get a good crop of tomatoes when watering in the summer 1 time per week. This is quite enough. I advise you not to leave the soil under the tomatoes open, it is better to mulch it to preserve moisture.

In the video, experienced vegetable growers talk about how to properly plant tomatoes in open ground, what fertilizers they should be fertilized and how to tie up tomatoes.

The compost is again sprinkled with soil and the soil around the bush is slightly tamped. After that, water each bush, using a liter or two of water for each. After the bush is planted, you need to install a peg next to it, the height of which will depend on the variety of tomato, for example, for undersized tomatoes, pegs can be 50 cm high, but for medium-sized tomatoes, the height of the peg should be about 80 cm.

Tomato planting is carried out according to schemes, which usually depend on their variety, height and irrigation system that is used in your garden. There are several planting schemes, but the main one should still be the fact that there should be a small distance between the bushes for sufficient air and sunlight to enter. ​

All vegetables growing in open ground need to be watered in the evening.

  • Tomatoes are whimsical plants that have firmly established themselves in summer cottages. And all because the gardeners have mastered the rules of their watering. It should not be too abundant, but drought should not be allowed. In both cases, the tomatoes will get sick and die.
  • July and August are ripe and harvest time. In caring for tomatoes, the main thing is to speed up the ripening of the fruit that has set and protect them from rotting. It is necessary to continue to remove newly emerging stepchildren, extra leaves, pinch the tops of all fruit-bearing bushes, remove flower brushes on which the fruits no longer have time to form. In low-growing varieties, the brushes with fruits should be turned towards the sun. It is also not bad during this period (from August 15), in addition to all the main dressings, to additionally feed the tomatoes with the following solution: dilute 1 teaspoon of urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate or 2 tablespoons of nitrophoska in 10 liters of water, spending 0.5 liters of solution on the plant.
  • foliar top dressing

How often to water outdoor tomatoes?

In stepchildren and pinched plants, nutrients go to the formation and filling of fruits, from which their size increases and ripening occurs earlier. On the formed bush, in addition to five or six fruit brushes, there should be at least 30 - 35 leaves.

Prepare the soil in advance at the planting site of the tomatoes. © Andrew

How to water tomatoes in a greenhouse?

The sown pots are placed in a box, placed in a warm (22 - 25 ° C) bright place and carefully monitored for seedlings to emerge, which should appear in 6 - 7 days. As soon as the seedlings appear, the pots are rearranged one by one on a bright sunny window sill with a temperature of 14-16 ° C during the day and 12 -14 ° C at night. When lowering the temperature (opening the vents and window frames), it is necessary to ensure that the seedlings do not stand in a draft. Such a cool daily regimen will prevent the seedlings from stretching and help the roots develop better. Then the temperature is gradually raised during the day to 18-22°C, and at night to 15-17°C. 5-6 days after germination, a weaker plant is removed from the pot, and a strong one is left.

How to plant tomatoes in open ground

In principle, the difference is small, the interval between waterings can be shorter by a day or two on especially hot days, since in such a greenhouse the temperature is, of course, higher than in glass and film.

Disembarkation dates

To the question of how to water tomato seedlings so that they grow better, we answered you in this article. Now consider watering with plain water.
More effective is the method of tying tomatoes not to pegs, but to an arc and a wire about 1 meter high.

This tomato planting pattern is suitable for high varieties of vegetables, where row spacing is of particular importance, which helps keep open ground loose and clear of weeds.

Landing patterns

It is advisable to use warm water, which was collected in advance and managed to settle in a barrel and warm up. We advise you to organize watering in the garden from the barrel.

While moving to the garden, you need to pour enough water into the holes so that the roots of the plant develop well and get stronger. Then it is not recommended to water the tomatoes for 10-14 days. This moisture is enough to take root.


The period from setting to reddening of the fruit in early ripening varieties lasts 40-50 days. If overripe fruits are left on plants, then the total yield decreases, and vice versa, if unripe (brown) fruits are regularly harvested, then the total yield increases significantly. Red fruits can be stored at a temperature of 5 - 10 ° C for 40 - 50 days, while the air humidity should be at least 80%.​


First root dressing

Ridges for tomatoes are prepared 5-6 days before planting. Before digging up the soil, it must be treated with a hot (70 - 80 ° C) solution of copper sulfate or copper oxychloride. In 10 liters of water, dilute 1 tablespoon of one or the other. Solution consumption up to 1 - 1.5 l per 1 m².​

Tomato seedling. © Brian Barth

Preparing for landing

How to water it is up to you, the only condition is that the water must be warm. Do not allow watering directly from a well or central water supply, only through a tank. Most often they ask how often to water tomato seedlings and how to water tomatoes after planting in the ground.
After you managed to plant all the tomato bushes, it would be right not to water them until the seedlings take root. Adaptation occurs from 8 to 10 days, and only after that you can open the irrigation period. It is necessary to water the bushes under the root, avoiding getting liquid on the leaves, this can lead to disease of tomatoes. It is also undesirable to water the tomatoes with the help of rain, because although the plant receives the necessary moisture, at the same time the temperature decreases and the humidity of the air rises, which tomatoes really do not like.
This scheme involves planting a tomato at the corners of a square, thus reducing the number of plants in a row. In order not to plant too few plants in a row and, accordingly, not to reduce their number per hectare, planting is carried out as if in a “nest”, i.e. two or three plants are planted next to each other. Such planting allows to reduce the amount of processing time for rows with tomatoes by 10-20 working days and reduce labor costs by almost half. But the most important advantage of such a planting scheme is an increase in the amount of yield due to the timely inter-row processing of bushes. That is why this method is one of the most popular among gardeners, because it allows you to mechanize the processing of vegetables and makes it possible to carry it out in two directions.

Planting tomatoes

Then the time comes when the tomatoes in the open field need to be watered abundantly. And this must be done so that water does not get on the leaves. All watering should be done exactly under the root of the plant.

Tomato fruits ripening on a branch. © gardenfrisk

Care after landing

That is, sprinkle the leaves with the following solution: dilute 1 tablespoon of urea in 10 liters of water.

Do it 3 weeks after planting: dilute 1 tablespoon of universal liquid fertilizer and 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska in 10 liters of water, consumption - 0.5 liters of solution for each plant. At the beginning of the blooming of the second flower brush, after that, organic and mineral fertilizers are poured onto clay and loamy soils - 3-4 kg of manure humus, peat and old sawdust, 1 tablespoon of superphosphate, potassium sulfate or 1 cup of wood ash per 1 m². Then the bed is dug up to a depth of 25 - 30 cm, leveled, watered. warm water(40 -50°C). They make holes, water them before planting seedlings with an antibacterial drug.

The easiest way to install drip irrigation. We use the Aquadusia system. With such irrigation, water flows directly to the roots of each bush, and you don’t have to rush around with a hose or watering cans. The excess area is not watered, water enters deep into, as a result, the air in the greenhouse remains dry, and this is very important to avoid phytophthora.
First, about watering at the seedling stage. Tomatoes are a southern crop and not at all demanding for watering. That is, watering, of course, is needed, but it should be timely and infrequent. When the seedlings are very small, about 10 cm, it is enough to water them only once a week. And do not think about watering more often, this can only be done if the soil in the cups is completely dry and at the same time the tomato leaves have begun to wither a little.

It is worth watering the vegetables in the afternoon - in this way it is the roots that will absorb all the liquid and it will not evaporate.

In order for tomatoes to grow juicy and tasty, they do not need to be watered often, even in hot weather, it is enough to water them once every 4 to 7 days, but very plentifully. One tomato bush needs 20 - 25 liters of water, especially during flowering and fruiting.

Video "Secrets of growing tomatoes in the open field"

How to water tomatoes correctly?

How to water tomatoes

It is most advisable to remove all formed fruits from the bushes brown, i.e. beginning to turn white, and lay them for maturation. - that simple technique speeds up the pouring of the green fruits remaining on the bush. Before laying for ripening, the fruits must be warmed up to protect them from blackening. something they do like this: first, the tomatoes are lowered for 2 minutes in hot water(60 - 65 ° C), then in cold, then wiped with a soft cloth, then laid. To speed up the ripening process, it is carried out indoors at a temperature of 18 -20 ° C. The fruits are placed in small boxes in 2 - 3 layers, removing the pedicels. Some red tomatoes are added to the boxes. They speed up the ripening process of green fruits by releasing ethylene gas.

The best temperature for normal growth and fruiting of tomatoes is 20 - 25 ° C at night.

Second root dressing

Seedlings are planted in a permanent place in the first and second decades of May. Landing is done in cloudy weather in the morning, in sunny weather in the afternoon. At the time of planting, seedlings should be fresh, even a slight wilting of plants delays their growth, leads to partial fall of the very first flowers and loss of an early harvest.

For seedlings - an extremely crucial moment. Before planting in the garden, seedlings grow 55 - 60 days. Water moderately with water, at the beginning of growth 1 time per week, 0.5 cups per plant. When 3-5 true leaves are formed, water a glass per plant.

In the case of planting in open ground with irrigation, everything is much simpler. When planting seedlings in the ground, it is good enough to shed holes and then an already planted bush under the root, spending on average a large watering can of water per bush. Further, if there is no abnormal heat and it rains at least once a week, then you can not water the tomatoes at all. If in the evening, after a drop in the heat or early in the morning, the leaves on the tomatoes are not sluggish and not twisted, then you are doing everything right, and your tomatoes have enough moisture.

How often to water tomatoes in a greenhouse

If the leaves wither when the soil is wet, then this is already a disease and most likely due to excessive watering, most often it is a black leg. It is already difficult to save seedlings in this case.

What can not be said about if you water the tomatoes in the morning. Also, do not water them too often, especially before the fruit set, you just need to open the soil access to moderate moisture, but try not to flood it. But after fruit growth begins, tomatoes need more water. At this time, watering should become more frequent in order to maintain the level of moisture in the soil at the same level. ​

The tape-nested scheme allows you to plant more bushes in one area than the square-nested one. The advantage of this planting pattern is the fact that closely planted tomatoes can better withstand the weather. In this method, the soil is cut into irrigation furrows every 140 centimeters, and the bushes themselves are planted on both sides of these furrows. It is also worth noting that, ideally, a tomato during growth develops within 0.3 sq.m. Therefore, for good growth, each bush needs to be given its own space.

Tomatoes are also fed once every 10 days Potassium humate "Prompter". In no case do not feed tomatoes with manure or green infusion, this leads to late blight. To prevent late blight, treat the bush with chlorine copper oxide before fruit set. Dilute it 30 grams per 10 liters of water.

It is advisable to choose the evening time in order to water the tomatoes. This is due to the fact that the heat of the day is already subsiding and the water from the ground will not evaporate much. Therefore, more of it will go to the tomatoes. You can greatly simplify your task if you organize automatic watering.

How to water tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse

In the light, ripening tomatoes acquire a more intense color than in the dark. Place drawers on top of cabinets, walls.​

Plants are watered abundantly, in sunny weather after 6 days, in cloudy weather after 7-8 days at the rate of 10-20 liters per 1 m², depending on the air temperature. After watering, the bed is sprinkled with sifted peat or compost with a layer of 1-2 cm. This does not form a crust on top, moisture is retained in the soil and evaporation does not occur, which is harmful to the plant, especially in the flowering phase. Excess moisture with a lack of heat leads to the death of the root system.

​: 1 tablespoon of universal liquid fertilizer, 1 tablespoon of superphosphate, 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate or potassium chloride are diluted in 10 liters of water, or 1 tablespoon of organo-mineral fertilizer is taken per 10 liters of water, consumption - 1 liter of solution per plant. ​

How to water tomatoes outdoors

Tomatoes are planted in the first and second decades of May. © Carla

Watering a tomato through plastic bottles

Feed the seedlings every 10-12 days. The first time - 20 days after germination with a solution of nitrophoska (1 tablespoon is diluted in 10 liters of water), spending 0.5 cups per 2 plants. The second time they are fed 10 days after the first feeding. 2 tablespoons of organo-mineral fertilizer are diluted in 10 liters of water, spending 1 glass of solution per plant. The third top dressing (last) is carried out a week before planting seedlings in open ground. 2 tablespoons of superphosphate are diluted in 10 liters of water (for three days before top dressing, superphosphate is insisted in warm water), all stir well and water the seedlings.

Take 1.5 or 2 liters plastic bottles, the bottom is cut off, the cork is unscrewed and the bottle is buried upside down a little more than half next to the tomato bush. Watering is carried out in these bottles. Water goes directly to the roots of the plant, and there is not much moisture in the greenhouse, as when watering the entire surface of the soil. The air in the greenhouse must be dry, as excessive moisture helps late blight develop.

I want to note that if the illumination above your plantings is low, that is, there is no backlight, and the weather is not sunny, excess watering is especially destructive - the moisture will stagnate, and the roots and stem at the base will begin to rot. When growing seedlings of tomatoes, excessive watering is much worse than underwatering.

It can also happen that individual bushes begin to wither. The reason for this may be an insufficient amount of sunlight, which is not detrimental to the vegetable. Therefore, you should not pull out or cut the bush, if it has begun to fade a little, you do not need to water it too much either. If possible, you can try to open a little space so that more light enters this bush. In a few weeks, the bush will come to life again, and the tomatoes will take on a healthy look, and you will not be deprived of a crop.

This planting of vegetables also allows mechanized processing of bushes and removal of weeds.

Sowing and caring for seedlings

All vegetables planted in the greenhouse should be watered only in the morning so that the greenhouse is ventilated during the day. Evening watering in the greenhouse leads to diseases, late blight, brown spotting. Watering frequency - 1 time in 7 days, watering must be plentiful, about 25 liters of water per bush.

Until fruit set, you just need to keep the soil moist so that the tomatoes have enough water. A sure sign of tomato dehydration is drooping leaves. This is a signal that it is time for watering.

Materials used:

Tomato outdoors. © Gina

Third root dressing

Seedlings are planted vertically, only a soil pot is deepened into the soil. The stem remains not covered with soil, and only after 15 days the plants are spudded to a stem height of up to 12 cm. It is necessary to constantly harden the seedlings with a low temperature. Starting from April, seedlings can be taken out to a balcony, veranda or left near open window frames at an air temperature of at least 10 ° C. The first hardening for three days is carried out in the shade, since it is necessary to gradually accustom the plant to full illumination on outdoors. If the seedlings are taken out on the first day in sunny weather, burns may occur from direct sunlight. In the future, the seedlings are not shaded.

​If you have additions to this article, then please add them in the comments and upload photos of your tomatoes through the "Choose file" button. Thanks! Have a good harvest!

Further, when the seedlings have become larger and stockier, they need to be watered a little more, but also not very often. If there is already a bright spring sun outside the window, and the house is warm enough, you can water it once every 3-4 days. Gradually, you will learn to see when your tomatoes need watering - an earthen ball is dry and slightly withered leaves.

After you have watered the bush, it is worth loosening the soil around it and removing the weeds. The loosening depth should be about 8-12 cm in order to open the roots to good oxygenation and warming of the soil. In the future, the loosening depth decreases to 4-5 cm. You should be very careful with this stage of processing tomatoes, because soil compaction can damage the root system.

About a week before you are about to plant tomatoes, it will be right to process the soil and prepare it for receiving seedlings.

Few people know that the tomato is one of the most demanding and capricious vegetables. He loves the sun and heat, and does not tolerate excessive humidity and strong wind. That is why, when a gardener wants to get good tomatoes, planting and care in the open field must comply with all the rules for their maintenance.

Planting seedlings in a permanent place

During the formation of fruits, the soil should not be allowed to dry out. Otherwise, the ovaries will crumble, and those remaining on the branches will not produce the expected tomato crop.

-ncyclopedia of the gardener and gardener

In open ground, it is better to water in the afternoon to avoid excessive loss of water to evaporation.

Do during the blooming of the third flower brush: in 10 liters of water, dilute 1 tablespoon of universal liquid fertilizer and nitrophoska, consumption - 5 liters per 1 m2.

Seedlings are planted in 2 rows. For medium-sized varieties (60 - 70 cm), the row spacing should be 50 cm, and the distance in the rows between plants should be 40 - 45 cm. For undersized (standard) varieties, the row spacing should be 40 -50 cm wide, and the distance in the row between plants should be 40 cm Immediately put pegs 50 cm high for undersized and 80 cm for medium-sized plants, but the greatest effect is achieved when the plant is tied to arcs and to a stretched wire with synthetic twine to a height of 1 - 1.2 m. As a result, the plant is better illuminated, ventilate and get sick less. Until the plants take root, they are not watered for 10 days after planting. After planting, if light frosts are expected, tomato plants need additional shelter, especially at night. After planting the seedlings, the bed is covered with a transparent film until the onset of warm weather (until June 5 - 10), then the film is not removed, but holes 10 - 12 cm in diameter are made on it throughout the film and left for the whole summer. As a result, they get an early harvest, save plants from late blight infection.

Transshipment of tomato seedlings. © Steve Albert

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We will only talk about our experience in growing tomatoes and the conclusions made during various ways glaze. So, how to water tomatoes after planting.

It is also worth taking the time to hill the tomato, at least two or three times a season. This will saturate the soil with oxygen, ensure the development of the root system and good food plants, as well as during hilling, grooves are formed in the soil, which retain water longer, which ensures regular soil moisture.

Usually the soil is cultivated blue vitriol, other fertilizers are applied and the soil is fertilized if any other vegetables grew on this soil before. ​

Since we know that a tomato is a heat-loving plant, the time when you can plant tomatoes in open ground is determined by atmospheric phenomena and weather. That is, as soon as the soil warms up a little, and there are no more frosts at night, seedlings can be planted. May is usually the month when tomato planting becomes possible. The second half of the month or the beginning of the next is best suited for landing.

Formation of tomato plants

At this time, you need to water the tomatoes along the aisles. And when the fruits appear, then the entire surface of the open ground is supposed to be moistened. This is due to the fact that the roots of tomatoes grow widely and receive moisture not only in the space where they were planted. In order for water to penetrate inside the beds and moisten the roots at a depth, you can dig a container with many holes at the bottom, for example pots for seedlings, and pour water into it. Water through the holes below will penetrate faster and deeper into the soil, and not just spread over the surface.

- O. A. Ganichkina, A. V. Ganichkin

You can often see the shedding of flowers. This is a sign of a lack of moisture or a decrease in temperature. Plants should be sprayed with a solution of boron (1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water), spending 1 liter per 1 m².

Fourth feed

If necessary, seedlings can be tied up. © Andrew

When hardening seedlings, make sure that the soil in the pots is moist and not dry, otherwise wilting and yellowing of the leaves are possible. Repost so you don't lose When planting tomatoes in a greenhouse, very thorough watering is necessary for both prepared holes and planted tomatoes under the root. We pour a large watering can of water into one hole and, after planting on each bush, we spend another half of the watering can. Then we mulch the plantings with hay or straw, in general, with what is at hand in this case. And we leave the tomatoes alone, let them take root. After planting, tomatoes should be fed from time to time. In total, four stages of feeding should occur over the entire period of plant growth.

Also, the soil should be dug up before planting a vegetable in order to open the soil to oxygen and sunlight. Then holes are made according to the scheme that was chosen, and they are poured with warm water. To choose the right depth of the hole, you should pay attention to the height of the bush, and if necessary, deepen only the soil bag. But still, before planting seedlings, it is worth knowing its variety and features of planting. Besides big influence the timing of planting is affected by the climate of the area where the tomatoes are planted. So, for example, in some areas you can plant tomatoes already in February, because there is a milder and warmer climate, but in places like Siberia and the Urals, you can plant vegetables not earlier than mid-March, or even early April, if you want. get a harvest of tasty and healthy tomatoes.​

Moreover, you need to water the tomatoes regularly so that the soil is always sufficiently saturated with water. If the soil is allowed to dry out, the fruits will crack. ​Please rate this article in our rating: Total:​

Irrigation times can be determined by appearance plants - changing the color of the leaves to dark green and binding them on hot days. In such cases, the plants are watered in 2-3 doses after a short period of time to gradually moisten the soil.

Carry out 12 days after the third: 1 tablespoon of superphosphate is diluted in 10 liters of water (consumption - 10 liters per 1 m²) or universal liquid fertilizer is used (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water), consumption - 5 liters of solution per 1 m². ​

Plants are shaped so that they can produce 5 - 6 fruit clusters. When the plants are formed into one stem, all lateral shoots (stepchildren) that form in the axil of each leaf are removed on the main stem, and 5-6 fruit clusters are left on the main shoot. A pinch is made above the last (upper) flower brush, leaving 2-3 leaves on it. By the time of planting on the beds in open ground, the plants should be strong, not elongated, leafy (with 7-10 leaves). Add to favorites Now, after 10 days, we will water it again and that's it, until the tomatoes are tied, you don't need to water it anymore. Hay and straw (grass clippings, newspapers, etc. mulch) helps moisture stay in the soil longer and is enough for good tomato growth. After fruit set in the presence of mulch, it is enough to water the tomatoes 1 time in 7-10 days.

Tomatoes are grown in open, closed ground, but not many of the abundant watering of the crop know how to properly water the plants, they can simply turn into a plant flooded with water.

How many times a week should tomatoes be watered?

One of the most common questions is that tomatoes need to be watered twice a week. This will be enough for the culture itself to grow further, to receive the necessary moisture.

The culture itself loves that 90% of the soil moisture is always there, but at the same time the water must go somewhere, because if it stands, then the roots of this culture will begin to rot, this will lead to bad consequences.

Can you water tomatoes from above?

It is better to refuse, this idea is not dependent on why you want to do it. This culture likes only that the roots are wet, and the trunk where the leaves are dry.

Due to the fact that you think that the culture needs to be refreshed after a hot day, not good consequences may appear, such as late blight, plant leaf burns, which will have a bad effect on your crop.

Do not forget that you need to water carefully into the hole, and not with a large jet of water from a hose under the roots, this can simply wash out the soil.

When is the best time to water outdoor tomatoes?

It is best to water the plants either early in the morning or in the evening, but two hours before sunset, so that the water has time to soak into the ground.

It is better not to water with cold water from a well, as it can only harm the plant, it is best to pour water from a barrel, which usually always stands in the rain.

In it, the water will be warmer than in the well, which will have a good effect on your tomato. Still do not forget to loosen this culture, without oxygen it also grows poorly, and ideally it just needs to be alternated - watering, loosening the soil and resting the plant.

How to plant a tomato?

Tomato is a fairly common vegetable that is found in all gardeners involved in growing vegetables. To get a full harvest, you need to properly plant the plant and take good care of it.

When planting, it is necessary to use mineral and organic fertilizers, and I think everyone who grows vegetables knows the planting technology.

Selection of a unique variety

The variety of varieties of this vegetable is simply amazing, what you want is this and you will grow shapes: round, oval, pear-shaped, and so on.

The varieties are also not inferior in color: the main one is red, but there is yellow, orange, dark burgundy, white, almost black.

But when choosing a variety, you also need to know where you can use the vegetable in the future, for a salad or for twists for a cold winter.

Varieties for summer salads well performed such as:

  • Type of tomato "Tiger",
  • Type of tomato "Budyonnovka".
  • Type of tomato "Pink honey".

Varieties of tomatoes for seaming for the winter:

  • View of "Scarlet Sails",
  • Type of variety "New Year",
  • Type of tomato "Novice".

You can also highlight several early varieties:

  • Tomato variety "Evgenia".
  • View of the Little Prince.
  • Variety "Hurricane".

Type of variety of late tomatoes:

  • Kind of "Titan".
  • View of the "Miracle Market".
  • Variety "Khutorskoy pickling".

The most versatile varieties for open ground:

  • Tomato variety "Golden Queen".
  • Type of tomato "Hope".
  • Kind of "Ballerina".
  • Tomato variety "Uncle Styopa".
  • Sort "Ivan Kupala".

Popular pink varieties:

  • View of "Demidov".
  • Type of tomato variety "My family".
  • Type of variety "Oh - la - la".
  • Tomato variety "Moscow pear".
  • Variety "Sweetheart".

Some of the delicious varieties for open ground:

  • View of the Golden Queen.
  • Tomato variety "Hope".
  • Kind of "Ballerina".
  • Type of tomato "Carotene".
  • Type "Laura".

Proper seed preparation

To prepare the seeds, it is necessary, first of all, to check the resistance of the seed itself. For this, the effect of a contrasting temperature is suitable; this way of telling will indicate strong and resistant seeds.

To begin with, the seeds must be soaked for 11-15 hours in water between two layers of gauze, kept at a temperature of 20-19 degrees Celsius, then sent to the refrigerator with a minus temperature of 10 to 1 degree. Those seeds that survive the seeds will bring a high yield and in a short period of time.

Photo examples of how to water tomatoes

More popular vegetable crops than tomatoes and cucumbers, perhaps not to be found among the workers of the dacha front. Neither in summer nor in winter they have no equal - neither in the beds, nor in glass jars))

Therefore, one can understand the zealous attitude of summer residents to the appearance, flowering and productivity of these vegetables in neighboring areas.

Every year at the height of the season, the most pressing questions again become “How often to water?” and “What is the best way to feed?” so that the harvest will be amazing to everyone. So it’s useful to remember everything and put it on the shelves))

Watering tomatoes

How often do I see summer residents diligently watering all the crops in a row with water from a hose in order to “squeeze” as much as possible out of the time-limited evening watering “in two days on the third”. And immediately the heart shrinks - well, it’s wrong! How will be correct?

That's right - to know what the tomato loves, what it needs, and in what environment it is comfortable.

What should we know

Tomatoes do not like drought or excess water.. The most favorable combination for them is the soil moisture under the bush is 85-90%, and the air humidity is about 50%. That is, warm, dry, but on sufficiently moist soil.

People say: "Tomatoes love a dry head, but wet feet"))

  • if there is not enough moisture, the plant is immediately visible: the leaves sag, curl, buds and ovaries can crumble;
  • if there is excess moisture, the tomatoes begin to hurt, and the unripe fruits burst and turn black.
Correct watering is essential. After planting in the ground, the seedlings are well watered and left alone for 2-3 days (or longer), then watering is carried out 1-2 times a week abundantly, but taking into account the variety, size and weather.

For undersized young bushes, 2-3 liters will be enough, while at least 10 liters will be required for watering adult giants.

But here, as elsewhere, the principle of expediency should apply: if we see that the leaves are hanging, we take it and water it!

Watering tomatoes is best in the early morning.. Under the root. After water has been absorbed, the soil must be loosened shallowly.

Water for irrigation is best defended and heated. It's great if there is a tank on the site that can be painted black paint so that the water in the sun heats up better.

Remember! Water the tomato bushes from above, on the leaves, and even cold water from a hose - this is at least half to ruin the crop.

Ideal option - drip irrigation. If you have the opportunity to organize it, the tomato will only thank you: the soil will be moistened all the time, and no heat will be terrible for him.

Top dressing of tomatoes

Here, too, there are many opinions. The most popular versions:
  • 3 times during the summer season,
  • 4 times per season
  • regularly, every 2 weeks.
It's up to the landlord to decide. But there are certain norms and features that we must take into account.

Four feeding recipes for the entire summer season

  • for 10 liters of water 0.5 liters of liquid mullein + 1 tbsp. a spoonful of nitrophoska (0.5 l for each bush);
  • per 10 liters of water 0.5 liters chicken manure+ 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate + 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate (0.5 - 1 liter per bush);
  • for 10 liters of water 1 tbsp. spoon of potassium humate + 1 tbsp. a spoonful of nitrophoska (5 liters per 1 sq.m);
  • for 10 liters of water 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate (10 liters per 1 m²).

And finally - a new interesting recipe for feeding tomatoes. I caught it on the Internet, sorry, I didn’t remember the author (but thank you very much!).

Cocktail "Magic Balm" (the name alone is worth it!!!)

  • bucket of mullein
  • 2 ash shovels
  • 2 kg yeast
  • 3 l serum
  • 4-5 buckets of green nettles
All components - in a 200 l barrel, add water, insist 2 weeks.
Method of use and dose: 1 liter of a cocktail under a bush, watering once every 7-10 days, under the root.

So far, out of all the ingredients, I have 2 shovels of ash)) But I think the recipe will work! Because I already tried yeast in the country in quality and how - and ... super!

I advise! And then we will share our impressions here))

Before determining how often and correctly to water the tomatoes in the greenhouse, let's deal with the peculiarities of the microclimate that is created inside the greenhouses.

Humidity in summer is approx. 60-80 % . The exception is too hot and dry periods, when the humidity drops to 40 % . At the same time, hot weather can alternate with rains, and then the humidity reaches 90 % .

With improper watering in the greenhouse, these figures can be even higher, and this is detrimental to tomatoes. The characteristic of this culture is requirement for moisture in the soil but prefers while dry air for the successful development of the aboveground part. It is these conditions that need to be provided to the tomatoes in the greenhouse with proper watering.

Tomatoes are harmful both too plentiful and poor watering.. If there is too much moisture in the soil, the roots are not able to absorb it and begin to rot. The lack of moisture leads to active dehydration of the foliage, and the plants can overheat and die.

IMPORTANT. If you notice that the leaves of tomatoes have begun to curl along the central vein, then they do not have enough moisture.

Soil and air moisture standards for tomatoes

Watering tomatoes in a greenhouse should provide ninety percent soil moisture and fifty percent air. These conditions can provide normal growth and bush development, and optimal protection against fungal diseases.

How often and at what time should tomatoes be watered in a greenhouse? In order to achieve a similar microclimate in a greenhouse, watering tomatoes should be carried out subject to the following rules:

  • plants need to be watered no more than once or twice a week, depending on the level of humidity and air temperature;
  • each bush must receive 4-5 liters;
  • need to water the tomatoes strictly under the root, not falling on the bush. Drops of water in the sun become a kind of lenses and cause burns;
  • recommended time is morning or early evening so that the sun does not create the greenhouse effect and all the moisture went into the soil, and did not evaporate.

IMPORTANT. Do not water the tomatoes with cold water, they experience stress from this. The water temperature should be at least 23-24 degrees.

Types of irrigation organization

How to water tomatoes in a greenhouse? There are several ways to organize watering tomatoes in a greenhouse:


This method is the most suitable in small buildings. With the help of simple devices - watering cans or hoses - pour water strictly under the root.

When watering with a hose, water often comes from a well and a water pipe, so there is danger of hypothermia of the roots. The disadvantage of hose irrigation is the inability to control the amount of liquid per plant.

It is more expedient to organize manual watering from a watering can with settled water. To do this, it is better to put a barrel next to the greenhouse, which is filled with water in advance to heat it.

ATTENTION. If the barrel of water is located directly in the greenhouse, be sure to close it with a lid or polyethylene film. V open form a container of water in the greenhouse creates excessive humidity, and this is harmful to tomatoes.


Efficient organization in large greenhouses, since manual watering in this case requires high costs time and effort. It is better to simplify it by building a drip irrigation system in the greenhouse. Advantages such irrigation are obvious:

  • water flows directly to the roots, without evaporating from the surface and without increasing air humidity;
  • the danger of water droplets falling on the leaves, stems and flowers of plants is excluded;
  • watering can be carried out at any convenient time;
  • the soil is not washed out and is not salted.

In order to organize drip irrigation of tomatoes in the greenhouse, a special system is installed that provides the flow of moisture through special pipes to the roots. Such a system can be purchased ready-made in specialized stores or mounted independently. The advantage of such watering is also the additional possibility of fertilizing plants.

If it is not possible to build a drip irrigation system, you can use a very original and in a simple way– . To do this, bottles with holes are dug into the ground next to the tomato bushes upside down. Water is poured into a bottle and gradually enters the roots through small holes, since one tomato bush in a greenhouse requires up to 5 liters per irrigation, it is better to use plastic bottles of the appropriate volume.

Another option for homemade drip irrigation is to dig a tube into the ground, on which the bottle is put on upside down. A hole is made in the bottom to fill the water. The filled bottle gradually delivers water to the roots through the tube.


Most often this method is used in industrial greenhouses, since at the household level its cost is too high. But if the owner can afford such a structure on his site, then its use most optimal.

Features of watering at different stages of tomato growth

The moisture requirement of tomatoes depends on their stage of development.. Therefore, in different periods, they need a special frequency of watering and the amount of moisture used.

  1. When planting, it is watered abundantly ( 4-5 l. in one hole) and leave to root for 7-10 days. Additional watering during this period, tomatoes do not need.
  2. A week after planting, tomatoes begin active growth. But their root system is still weak, and it is not yet capable of extracting moisture from the depths of the soil. So before flowering tomatoes are watered two times a week, spending on each bush 2-3 liters of water.
  3. During flowering amount of moisture increase to five liters, but the frequency is reduced up to once a week.
  4. Once upon a bush fruits begin to appear, the frequency of irrigation is increased up to twice a week. But do not pour too much water under each bush, so as not to cause waterlogging of the soil and rotting of the roots.
  5. The signal to reduce watering is the appearance of the first tomatoes that begin to blush. During fruit ripening procedure is restarted once a week with some water. Abundant watering during this period can lead to cracking of the fruit.

When to water?

When and how often to water tomatoes in a greenhouse? Gardeners do not have a unanimous opinion on this issue, but still it is recommended to take into account the weather conditions and structural features of your greenhouse.

If the weather is warm and dry outside, then the time of watering does not matter. Especially if you carry it out carefully and the possibility of burning the leaves by the sun is excluded. Better to water in the afternoon, since the water is already warm enough by this hour, while in the morning it is still cool.

It is also not recommended to water late in the evening.. Since the greenhouse closed at night creates excess air humidity, and this is harmful for tomatoes.

If watering is carried out in the evening hours, after it, a long ventilation of the greenhouse is required in order for the excess moisture to evaporate and the tomatoes to remain healthy.

In wet and cool weather it is better to water the tomatoes before noon, so that during the day the space is well ventilated and excess moisture from the air evaporates.

IMPORTANT. No matter what time you have the procedure. Leave the windows and doors open after it. If you close the greenhouse immediately after watering, excess moisture in the air will encourage the development of the fungus.

Proper organization of watering tomatoes when growing them in a greenhouse will allow you to get big harvest healthy and tasty fruits.

Useful video

You can see the organization of simple and effective watering of tomatoes in a greenhouse more visually in the video: