Home flowers with large flowers. Indoor plants with variegated leaves and their photos

  • 13.06.2019

Home plants are not only pleasing to the eye of their owners, but also able to be beneficial. For example, collect dust, refresh and even purify the air. Flowers with large leaves are especially famous for these abilities.

Home flowers with large leaves are quite common. The most famous of them are: Monstera, Anthurium, Sheffler, etc.

Almost all of them unpretentious, rapid growth and the ability to organically fit into any interior.

This shrub plant originated from South America and belongs to the Malvaceae family. In Russia, it also acquired a second name due to its shape - “indoor maple”.

There is about 150 varieties of this plant, which may differ significantly from each other.

It has a height of 1.5 - 2 meters and most often grows as a shrub or small tree. The flowers are bell-shaped in pink, white, yellow or orange.

With big leaves perfectly moisturizes the air in room. It is unpretentious in care, grows rapidly and pleases the owners for many years.

Avocado has American roots and belongs to the Laurel family. The type of "avocado" is about 150 species.

This plant is not truly indoor, because its height can reach 20 meters. But with good care, you can grow him at home, where he will grow up to 1 meter. At home, it is given the shape of a bush.

Flowers, and even more fruits at home, are very difficult to achieve.

The narrow leaves of the tree have the shape of an ellipse of dark green color about 25 cm, and the flowers are collected in inflorescences.

The second name of this plant is “flamingo flower”.

Motherland beautiful flower is America and the Caribbean, and the number of varieties reaches 1800. A feature of anthurium is glossy flower, which in its color and appearance resembles artificial plastic.

Anthurium, like all plants of the Aroid family, is poisonous. When ingested, it can cause irritation of the mucous membranes, and even swelling and breathing problems.

It can be painted in white and red colors. There are often problems in caring for him.

Herbaceous plant from the Aroid family. Thanks to the great bright sheets, which can reach 1 sq. meters, can also be called - "elephant's ear".

Originally from Southeast Asia, which explains her love of warmth and high humidity. At home, it grows up to 1.5 meters in height and lives on average 2 years.

Blooms very rarely in the form of a white-pink cob. It is unpretentious in care, even novice flower growers can handle it.

Alocasia looks great in spacious rooms and freshens the air.

The second name - "cast iron flower", she deserved due to her durability.

Aspidistra can tolerate many conditions: rare watering, transplanting at the wrong time, a sharp temperature drop, etc.

The homeland is the regions of China and Japan and belongs to the Lily-of-the-Valley family.

This plant has practically no stem, and the leaves are shaped like a long ellipse on petioles. Blooms rarely dirty - purple flowers at the base of the sheet. Due to the high content of chlorophyll, it is perfect for dark rooms, stairs.

The advantage is the ability to purify the air from benzene and formaldehyde.

This herbaceous plant is the territory of Brazil and Colombia. Easily adapted to life at home, where it grows quickly to a maximum height in 1.2 meters.

Does not require special care and lives for a long time. Like all plants of the Aroid family - poisonous.

Due to its "decorative" appearance, the flower is very popular. Flower growers are attracted by large multi-colored, spotted leaves, the color differs depending on the species.

Given the country of origin, Dieffenbachia loves warmth and humidity. In such conditions, it can bloom with a nondescript inflorescence in the form of a white-green cob.

This low herbaceous plant originated from Central America. It belongs to the Marantaceae family, which has about 400 species.

Maranta in height is no more than 30 cm, due to predominantly creeping shoots. The peculiarity of this flower is variegated striped leaves with a smooth edge.

It rarely blooms with small spikelets of white or pale - lilac flowers. White-veined arrowroot is unpretentious in care, but red-veined arrowroot requires more attention.

The leaves of the Maranth family fold at night.

One of the most famous large plants in our country came from the tropics of Central America.

Belongs to the Aroid family and is a vine with large spreading leaves with slits. B feels good and grows up up to 2.3 meters in height. Another feature of this vine is aerial roots that should point towards the ground.

Monstera has unsightly flowers in pale green inflorescences, but practically does not bloom at home.

It got its name thanks to the legends, where the monstera acts as a killer plant.

This is a liana of the Aroid family, native to Central and South America. It can reach a size of up to 1.5 meters. The stems are thin and flexible, topped with leaves, resembling an arrowhead.

Due to its unpretentiousness in care, it is extremely common in our country. It can be found in houses and apartments, as well as in offices and various institutions.

Able to purify the air from xylene and formaldehyde.

Like other Aroids, it practically does not bloom.

Herbaceous variegated plant of the Araliaceae family came to us from Asian countries. It is usually a shrub or small tree up to 1.4 meters in height.

It is remembered for its shape. They are looks like an open umbrella- several oval-shaped leaves (from 4 to 12) emerging from one center.

They can be plain or covered with light spots and stripes. It is unpretentious in leaving and lives long enough.

Toxic to children and animals.

Growing plants is not always associated with great difficulties. If choose unpretentious flower, you can diversify the room and refresh it with a large green "tree" without much effort.

Do you want to decorate your home with beautiful plants? Today on our website we will provide you with the most popular indoor flowers - photos and names, care at home. Flora for your own home should be chosen not only by appearance, but also according to existing home conditions. If the plant feels uncomfortable, its appearance will not please the eye.

Indoor flowers - photo

Indoor Flowers - Illustrated Names of Popular Varieties


This is one of the most common indoor plants. The photo shows what highly decorative properties it has. Azalea blooms almost all winter, which makes it especially desirable for growing at home.

In the photo, the beautiful Azalea

To get a truly beautiful indoor plant, you need to follow the following care rules:

Lighting- Azalea loves a lot of light, but does not tolerate direct midday rays.
Moisturizing- it is necessary to take care of high humidity and regular watering. In this case, you can not spray the leaves and flowers.
Temperature- azalea blooms better in cool conditions (10-18 ° C).
Top dressing - carried out once a month, during the flowering period more often.

It is very important to regularly trim the azalea bush so that a beautiful ball flaunts in the pot.

Maranth family

Of the beautiful indoor plants without flowers, representatives of the Maranth family (about 400 species) have won special love. At home, you can find various varieties from the following genera:

Maranta is a compact and unpretentious home culture that easily tolerates dry soil and air.
Calathea is a tall plant (up to 80 cm) with large leaves, very demanding to care for.
Ktenanta - in care is as demanding as Calathea.
Stromantha is a compact plant with long sharp leaves that needs especially careful care.

Indoor flowers of the Maranth family

home care for representatives of the Maranth family:

Lighting- good, but without direct rays.
Humidity- watering should be frequent, and the air should be humid (regular spraying will help).
temperature- it is impossible to allow drafts and cooling down to +18 ° С.
Fertilizer - the culture should be fed once a month.

areca palm

This type of palm differs from the rest in its special decorativeness and rapid growth. At home, most often you can find such a variety as Chrysolidocarpus yellowish.

Areca palm for home use

Care to maintain the beauty of the palm tree should be aimed at creating conditions for the hot tropics:

Lighting- Areca palm prefers bright sunlight. It is not recommended to abruptly change the position of the pot.
Humidity- Recommended frequent watering and spraying.
Temperature - perfect option is to maintain the air temperature within 18-25 °C. If the air warms up more, it is necessary to increase the humidity.
Fertilizer- held at intervals of 2-3 weeks, but only in spring and summer.


For those who like to decorate windows with live green balls, Soleyroliya is suitable. This openwork grass grows rapidly, creeping along the ground and creating above the pot air cushion. Different kinds differ in the shade of small leaves. Soleyroliya is often planted in flowerpots with large flowers to increase decorative effect.

In the photo, openwork Soleyroliya

Care at home:

Lighting- soleirolia loves shade, so it will feel bad on well-lit windows.
Humidity- a resident of the subtropics is demanding on the amount of water. It should be watered through the pan and often sprayed over the entire cap.
Temperature- should be maintained at a level of 18-23 ° C. The plant does not tolerate cold, and when it is hot, the soil dries quickly.
Fertilizer- once a month in winter, more often in summer.

indoor bamboo

In fact, bamboo is not grown at home, but the stems of Sander's dracaena, painfully similar to it, are very similar. The shoots turn out to be very tenacious, and they grow them at home completely without soil.

Caring for indoor bamboo is very simple.

Features of caring for indoor bamboo in water:

You need to deepen the lower ends by 1-2 cm.
Water change weekly.
Once a month, add liquid top dressing.
Avoid bright light.

After the roots appear, the plant can be safely planted in the soil. It is necessary to use a light substrate and arrange a good drainage layer. Dracaena Sandera needs well-moistened soil, frequent spraying and warmth. It must be accustomed to the sun's rays gradually.


This very common plant is popularly called female happiness. Flowers may be white or red. Spathiphyllum is known for its ability to purify the air at home.

Spathiphyllum purifies the air at home

Light- scattered.
Humidity- high, frequent spraying.
Temperature- comfortable for the person.


Zamiokulkas, or a dollar tree, looks quite unusual, which, along with unpretentiousness, fell in love with so many people. It is suitable for any interior at home or office. Zamioculcas is a plant for the laziest flower growers. It retains a supply of moisture in the stems, and therefore can survive even a long drought.


Conditions and care:

Light- plentiful but scattered.
Moisturizing- moderate watering; in summer (during the period of active growth) - plentiful. You can carry out a rare spraying.
Temperature- constant heat (not lower than 18 °C).

Indoor violet

There are many varieties of this gentle home plant with different leaves and flowers. Violet by by and large unpretentious in care, but she should fully like the proposed living conditions.

Indoor violet is great for growing at home

Primary requirements:

Lighting- long (12-14 hours), but no direct rays.
Moisturizing- do not let the earth dry out, pour water only under a bush or in a pan, do not spray the leaves.
Temperature- 18-25 °С. With more high rates humidity should be increased.
Fertilizer- in spring and summer once every three weeks, the rest of the time - once a month.


This vine began to be grown as a houseplant several centuries ago. A special support is installed in the pot, or the branches are allowed to trail along the wall. The genus Philodendron is represented by many varieties, the main difference of which is the size and shape of the leaves.

Philodendron at home

Philodendron care:

Lighting- the liana is used to climbing trees in dense forests, so it will calmly develop in the back of the room only with artificial lighting.
Moisturizing- the soil should always be moist, and the humidity at home should not be lowered more than up to 55%.
Temperature- a tropical guest needs constant warmth (not lower than 15 ° C).
Fertilizer- make only in the warm season once every 2-3 weeks.


Blooming Kalanchoe is a lovely home decoration (see photo) if those living in it do not have allergies. It is often presented as a gift instead of a bouquet. If you provide the plant with proper care, the flowering period will be long and often repeated. It is worth noting that medicinal varieties do not bloom and are not used to decorate living space.

In the photo blooming Kalanchoe

An indoor flower called Kalanchoe is undemanding to care for. Here are the main conditions:

Lighting- bright, but scattered, no more than 10 hours a day (in view of this, flowering occurs in winter).
Moisturizing- Kalanchoe tolerates drought well, it should not be heavily flooded (especially in winter).
Temperature- growth and flowering occur when this indicator is between 18-28 ° C.
top dressing- carried out only during the flowering period.


This miniature palm always looks good at home, refreshing the interior. Of the hundreds of species in everyday life, only a few of the most unpretentious are grown. The photo shows one of them. The plant is famous not only for its grace, but also for the ability to purify the air from harmful impurities.


A little about maintenance:

Lighting- bright, but without direct rays.
Moisturizing- watering is carried out as the top layer of the earth dries out; in summer, foliar moistening is additionally carried out.
Temperature- for subtropical Dracaena, cool conditions are created in winter, and for tropical ones, this indicator is always maintained at 18 ° C.
Fertilizer- top dressing is applied only in summer once every 2-3 weeks.

Money tree (fat woman)

This plant is now in almost every home. Someone likes its unusual round and thick leaves, other flower growers believe in the magical ability of a fat woman to attract money to the house. The leaves of this room culture have medicinal properties- they are eaten or applied to wounds.

On the picture Money Tree

Home care:

Lighting- the fat girl loves the bright sun, so the south window is perfect for her.
Moisturizing- the money tree tolerates drought well, but reacts extremely negatively to waterlogging. In winter, watering should be especially scarce.
Temperature- to maintain growth in the warm season, the temperature is maintained at 20-10 ° C, for the winter it is reduced to 12-14 ° C.
Fertilizer- use top dressing for succulent plants and only during the growth period.


A popular summer flowering houseplant, it is a relative of room violet. Koleria is a flower with a dormant period. For the winter, an empty pot or dug tubers are stored in a cool place (10-15 ° C), moistening from time to time.

Different types Colors at home

A few words about care:

Lighting- koleria loves light, but not direct summer rays.
Moisturizing- Watering should be moderate.
Temperature- 20-25 ° C in the active phase, 10-15 ° C - during the rest period.

Additional list of indoor flowers with photos and names

In the photo Plumeria

Pictured is Hathior

In the photo Orchid

Pictured is Bougainvillea

christmas star

Houseplants add comfort to every room. They create oases at any time of the year, no matter where they are placed between your bed and nightstand, on your wall or window sill. These exotic beauties also purify the air from pollution. You can choose the flower you like among a wide range of species and varieties to realize your floral design concepts.

Houseplants such as African Violets (Saintpaulia), Euphorbia Pulcherrima (Euphorbia Pulcherrima) or Royal Orchids (Orchidaceae) impress with weeks of profuse flowering. Lush ornamental foliage plants, such as the picturesque Dieffenbachia and the majestic Philodendron, act as architectural elements that transform your home into an evergreen garden. But there is something you need to keep in mind, different home care requirements. Plants like succulents will live for weeks without water, while tropical flowers need to be cared for daily. Therefore, you should know in advance about the care of indoor plants, and choose those that are ideal for your lifestyle.

If you do not know the name of the flower, we bring to your attention a catalog of indoor flowers and plants, with which you can determine the name of the plant and choose the right care at home.

Perhaps abutilon (indoor maple, rope) is not one of the most popular ornamental plants, but more and more people are starting to notice the beauty of this little bush. Undoubtedly, the hybrid cable car will decorate not only the apartment, but also the terrace and garden. His decorative look due to large, bright flowers, as well as leaves.

Abutilon hybrid (Abutilon x...

Agave is native to the desert regions of North America. Species belonging to this type have a different size, leaves, as well as the flowering period. Agaves are grown mainly for their ornamental leaves, although their inflorescences are also beautiful, however, agaves bloom after a very long time (tens of years). Worst of all, after flowering, she dies. Fleshy, thick leaves, collected in rosettes with sharp...


Aglaonema naturally occurs in Southeast Asia. The flower, depending on the variety, reaches up to one meter in height.


He likes partial shade and warmth, the temperature should not fall below 18 ° C, at lower temperatures, the flower stops growing. Watering is intensive, the plant loves high humidity, responds well to spraying, but does not like ...

Aglaonema changeable, or changeable(Aglaonema commutatum), belongs to the family Araceae. Of the 50 species at home, more often several species are grown. In general cultivation, more attractive hybrid varieties and even interspecific hybrids are found. Aglaonems are popular in home cultivation due to their attractive ornamental...

The correct name for Adenium grown at home is Adenium obese, or Desert rose (Adenium obesum) - unusually interesting plant, impressive with the structure and color of the flowers and the original shape characteristic of bonsai. Grown as a houseplant, in the summer it can become a decoration of a terrace or garden. Learn more about the unusual...

Among the types of ferns, it is worth paying attention to the fern, also called "venus hair" - maidenhair. The flower is cute, delicate and elegant, but due to improper care, the maidenhair will have an unattractive appearance. Varieties of maidenhair are characterized by fans with fronds, with the shape of a slightly rounded triangle. The stems are thin, visually similar to hair. Adiantums are suitable for...

The species grown at home - Aichryson domestic (Aichryson x domesticum), called the "tree of love" and "flower of love", belongs to the Crassulaceae family. A small branched shrub succulent similar to Aeonium domesticum (Aeonium domesticum), differs in ellipsoidal leaves, in Aichrizon species the leaves are more diamond-shaped. Aichrizon home is easy to confuse with another ...

Alokaziya comes from the Malay Archipelago, its leaves grow from a rhizome. beautiful variety- This is Alocasia Lowe, which has shiny, dark green leaves with white veins. The leaves reach a length of up to 60 cm. The tubers of the plant reach up to 4 kg of weight, they are food for the inhabitants of Asia (only a boiled or baked fragment is suitable for consumption - raw poisonous).


Aloe is a genus that has hundreds of plants, although it is still the most famous species genus Aloe vera (Aloe vera) and aloe vera(Aloe arborescens). There are more species and varieties to which attention should be paid, the species are characterized by high decorative merit. Aloe arborescens and aloe vera famous for their healing properties , in this article first of all ...

medicinal plant, Aloe vera or, Aloe real, also called Aloe barbados. Easy to grow houseplant. Aloe has been known since antiquity, the mention of the plant was contained on Sumerian clay tablets, subsidized 3000 BC. Alexander the Great reportedly recommended giving the leaves to wounded soldiers so that the soldiers' wounds would heal faster. The plant is probably...

It is customary to divide by two large groups: beautifully flowering and decorative foliage. Some delight with bright buds, others with their size, patterned greenery and its diversity. Today we will talk about indoor flowers, flowering (photos and names below) all year round or periodically. It is not possible to list all the representatives within the framework of one article, because only violets, for example, can be talked about for a long time. We conditionally distribute all flowering into small groups.

light-loving plants

All of them prefer bright lighting. In addition, these are quite unpretentious indoor flowers. Photos and names of some of them are known to everyone.

Everything listed species indoor plants are by no means shade-loving indoor flowers. Photos and their names are familiar to experienced flower growers, as well as the fact that from proper lighting their decorative effect directly depends.

Both flowers and leaves

When the plant blooms, it's great, but doubly good if it also has decorative leaves. If you want to kill two birds with one stone, then pay attention to the following types.

Plants with a dormant period

All of them are distinguished by the splendor of flowering and a pronounced rest time, when ground part dies, and the tuber hibernates in the ground. Caring for them is quite simple, but you need to adjust to the biological rhythm of the plant.

Amaryllis representatives

This is a fairly large family bulbous plants, distributed throughout the globe, except for Antarctica, but most abundant in the tropics and subtropics. In indoor floriculture in Russia, four species with large flowers resembling lilies are most popular. All of them have a pronounced period of winter dormancy.

  1. Clivia (pictured) - originally from Africa, reaches a height of up to half a meter. Flowers are collected in a neat umbrella on a high peduncle. Vibrant and showy plant.
  2. Amaryllis. A plant with a large bulb, which is almost half peeking out of the ground. At proper care The peduncle rises by 100-120 cm. It has 2-4 large flowers, the color is from white to dark red.
  3. Hippeastrum. This member of the family is often confused with the previous species. The main difference is in the number of peduncles, he can have several of them.
  4. Eucharis. The second name is the Amazonian lily. With proper care, it pleases with flowering twice a year.

Magnificent begonias

This indoor flower, whose name is known to many, but poorly represents their impressive diversity. The vast genus of plants includes about 800 species, and on present stage more than 2000 varieties have been bred. Shrub forms are characterized by rapid growth, and tuberous - by lush and bright flowering. All representatives are characterized by an asymmetric leaf shape, while they can be monophonic or with bright veins, spots, etc. Plants are unpretentious and can easily grow in partial shade.

Usambar violets

Their second name is Saintpaulias, familiar names to everyone. There are many beautiful indoor flowers, but this group stands apart. There are entire associations and, as they say, interest groups - people engaged in special breeding of these plants. They gained their popularity in the 20th century. Due to their miniature size, they do not take up much space, but bloom all year round. Saintpaulias prefer bright places, but they also tolerate partial shade well. Demanding on soil and air moisture.


If you do not have the opportunity and time to take care of indoor plants all the time or there is too little space in the apartment, then be sure to pay attention to succulents. The classic representatives are cacti, but about them a little later. However, in addition to them, this group includes a lot of different plants from more than 40 families. Characteristic- fleshy stems and leaves rich in moisture. But besides this, some have unusual and bright colors. Here are just three of the most famous and common.

Blooming cacti

A significant group of succulent plants (5 thousand species) attracts attention for a reason. Most of them are compact, content with rare watering, wintering generally takes place at rest. At the same time, they are spectacular, and some are distinguished by bright flowering. For example, the familiar “Decembrists” and epiphyllums (pictured below), reaching truly gigantic sizes. Or the genus Mammillaria. Small cacti are completely strewn with various colors.

And in the photo below you see an indoor flower, the name of which is little known, but the appearance is familiar. It is customary to call it a cactus, period. Perhaps the most common representative of a large family in our homes is echinopsis. It is distinguished by its magnificent, but, unfortunately, short flowering.

How to choose?

From the whole variety of indoor plants without obvious preferences, it can be quite difficult to choose something. First of all, pay attention to the following aspects of the issue:

  • how much time are you willing to spend on caring for flowers in the house;
  • how often you are away from home and for how long;
  • lighting in a house or apartment (bright with southern windows, partial shade or solid shady side);
  • air temperature and humidity, there are significant differences between apartments and private houses;
  • housing area.

The plants in the house are its ornaments, especially if they are healthy and blooming. In many ways, success depends on the correct choice of species, as well as your willingness to spend your time caring for them. Before you is just a small review, including both shade-loving indoor flowers (photos and names above) and light-loving ones.

Indoor flowers are a bright decoration of an apartment or house. They produce oxygen, it will become easier to breathe in the room. They won't wither like a bouquet. It is interesting to watch the flowers, the process of the appearance of buds, their transformation into a flower, cheer up.

To have in an apartment blooming garden it is not necessary to be a florist and understand the intricacies of caring for plants. Unpretentious indoor plants blooming all year round make it possible to decorate your home in an interesting way and not spend a lot of time caring for them.

Unpretentious indoor flowers for an apartment

Flowers unpretentious in care are quite popular. There are several dozen types of them. They are easily adapted to room conditions growth. Do not require special care technologies. You do not need to spend a lot of time caring for a mini garden. You choose the plants that you like the most.

If you choose plants that bloom all year round, in winter you will have your own garden on the windowsill. What are unpretentious indoor plants blooming all year round and how to choose them?

The plant blooms until autumn, and as soon as the day begins to shorten, its flowering gradually fades away. The plant enters the phase of winter sleep. But, if you provide regular watering and constant artificial lighting, will bloom all year round.

Indoor maple resembles a tree with leaves, like a maple. Thanks to this feature, the plant got its name. Flower care consists in regular watering and monitoring its growth. From time to time, you need to pinch off shoots that do not grow as you planned.

Abutilon can be natural and hybrid. hybrid varieties plants differ in a variety of flower colors and their shape.

This plant is popularly known as male happiness". It is often given to men; the flower is unpretentious in care. The plant perfectly adapts to room conditions. The rules for caring for a flower are simple: provide constant diffused light, water regularly and maintain humidity.

It has large fleshy dark green leaves and a pronounced cob flower. The flower itself is surrounded by a colored leaf of red, white or Pink colour. Anthurium symbolizes strength, passion and masculinity, activates male energy in the house.

These indoor plants blooming all year round have flowers of white, red, raspberry color. Pelargonium blooms almost continuously. She will decorate the apartment all year round. The flowers have a faint spicy fragrance.

Pelargonium care is simple. Water regularly, monitor the color and condition of the flower. The flower can grow high or low. The height of the bush depends on the lighting in the room. If you need the bush to be tall, then put the flower pot in the shade. Pelargonium will stretch in height, remaining just as beautiful.

Geranium magnificent can be called a classic. It is in almost every home. This plant blooms all year round if you remember to water it. has a specific smell. It can smell like lilac, mint, lemon or rose.

The plant perfectly repels flies, disinfects the air from bacteria, germs and dampness. Putting Geranium near your bed is not recommended. If you breathe in its aroma for a long time, your head will hurt.

Make sure the Geranium has plenty of light. It is placed in the southern part of the apartment or house. Watering the plant should not be plentiful and rare. When Geranium is watered every day, it can die.

She's a Hibiscus. An unpretentious houseplant that blooms all year round can be of incredible beauty. Chinese rose does not need special care. It is worth putting it in a bright place, and it will systematically delight you with small roses of red, raspberry or pink color. During the flowering period, the rose should be watered more. Lack of water can adversely affect its appearance. dry soil - main reason falling buds.

A thermophilic plant that loves water, but does not like to be sprayed. will not bloom if she is cold. The optimum temperature for a flower is 20 degrees Celsius. Begonia can suffer from fungal diseases, so dry leaves and flowers are removed immediately after they appear.

The flower will bloom brightly if it is placed closer to the light source. There are about 20 plant species. If you are just starting to grow flowers, it is easier to buy a blood red Begonia, care for it is effortless.

A plant with a complex name and interesting white flowers. Spathiphyllum is perfect for those who are just learning how to care for flowers. The plant tolerates the absence of water and light. If left for a week, the flower will not die.

Spathiphyllum has long shoots and white flowers. They look like calla lilies, which can be seen in wedding bouquets. The plant blooms all year round. The flowering boom occurs in the summer. At this time of the year, the plant pleases with a lush, intense color.

These indoor plants are also very unpretentious, bloom all year round and can stand without watering for a whole month. The plant does not like strong moisture. It can grow both in the shade and in bright light. Kalanchoe blooms with small flowers, reddish or yellow.

Blooms all year round. Leaves are almost invisible behind its flowers. Thanks to the assortment of varieties, it is easy to choose a flower that fits perfectly into the apartment. Balsam requires regular watering and spraying. It tolerates temperature fluctuations well.

He is China Rose. The plant blooms all year round from spring to autumn. It has interesting feature, his flower lives only a day. Then new buds appear again and so on in a circle. grows in the form of a tree. It constantly needs to be shaped so that the plant is neat. During the flowering period, it is better to put the flower in a bright place. There Hibiscus will show itself in full glory.

You can choose Hibiscus with interesting shapes and colors. Modern varieties are pleasantly pleasing to the eye with their diversity and juiciness.

The second name of this plant is "Colombian Beauty". The plant blooms until winter, with beautiful flowers. For the winter, Koleria should be placed in a dark place, previously under the root, cutting off the shoots. It sleeps during the cold season. If Koleria does not rest, next season you will not see flowers or they will be negligible.

Koleria loves moderate watering and subdued light. If you pay attention to the plant in time, it will delight you with its lush color.

If you want bright, unpretentious indoor plants in your apartment, feel free to choose. This flower belongs to the Orchid family. Does not like direct sunlight and grows best in the eastern part of the house or apartment.

Phalaenopsis has golden yellow flowers with brown spots. The plant looks incredibly beautiful. Water the plant early in the morning with a small amount of water. The frequency of watering is regulated by the appearance of the plant and its condition.

This cute flower belongs to the succulent plant family. It has small spines on the leaves and blooms in small colors. Like cacti, Euphorbia Mile has small spines on the leaves. If you put a flower in a bright place, it will bloom profusely and all year round. Indoor plants, such as Mile, can be without water for a long time and, like all the species described above, bloom almost all year round. It is very unpretentious in care and if you forget to water it a couple of times, its appearance will not deteriorate.

Thanks to the bracts, the flowers of the Euphorbia Mil plant are very bright, juicy, and interesting. The plant is perfect for the hallway, living room, it can be put in the bedroom.

Fuchsia blooms from spring to autumn. If you provide her with the right care, she will delight with flowers all year round. The apartment will feel good in a cool place, away from bright light. It is ideal to place the plant in the eastern or western part of the apartment.

Fuchsia loves regular watering and systematic care. The range of plant varieties will allow you to choose the right type for the color and shape of the flowers. Fuchsia will perfectly fit into any interior design of an apartment or house.

The plant came to our country from Asia. It has the shape of a bush, quite compact. Clerodendrum looks interesting, both in the office and in the apartment. Blooms from spring until autumn. With regular care, it can bloom all year round.

Clerodendrum flowers are corolla-shaped and look spectacular. During the flowering season, the plant needs regular care and feeding. The soil in the pot should be constantly moist. But, pouring a flower is also not worth it. If the air in the room is dry, the plant is sprayed every day with water at room temperature.

IN winter time year the flower rests and recovers. It is transferred to a room with a temperature of 12 degrees Celsius, the number of waterings is reduced and left here until spring.

This type of plant is quite popular, because it does not require significant care and blooms all year round. Violet blooms in small flowers, has fluffy leaves with villi. The color of the flowers depends on the variety of the plant. You need to water Saintpaulia in a pan so that the leaves do not become moldy and do not rot.

During the flowering period, the plant is watered twice a month. The earth in a pot is covered with moss. It not only looks beautiful, but also useful for the flower. If the plant is regularly watered and fed, it will bloom almost all year round.

In the people, this plant is called "Wax ". The flower does not need regular watering. Due to the fact that water accumulates in the leaves of the flower, the plant can live without watering for up to 2 months. Carnosa can live without regular feeding. Feels best in the south side of the apartment, but the northern part of the room will not die.

If suddenly the flower dries up, this is not a reason to panic. Tear off a couple of shoots and put them in a glass of water for 1.5 weeks. Shoots sprout roots and the plant can be potted again. Replanting an adult plant is rarely worth it. This is done only when the old pot is already small for him.

With regular care and feeding, Karnoza will delight you with its beauty all year round.

Unpretentious indoor plants blooming all year round are always in demand. Not everyone has time to devote it to flowers, but they want to be closer to nature. The Decembrist is an interesting plant that will delight you with flowers throughout the year. They say that if the Decembrist blooms at Christmas, a happy year awaits you.

The Decembrist has leaves that look like a long chain and small flowers of an almost fiery color. The plant is not afraid of temperature changes, can live without frequent watering. It can be kept indoors with dim lighting.

When the Decembrist blooms, it cannot be moved from place to place. This plant is "cowardly" from movement will drop all the flowers. In the winter season, the Decembrist will delight your eyes with juicy and bright colors. The plant does well in vertical flower stands.

Clivia is native to South Africa, with its humid climate. The plant can grow in almost any environment. It is placed where other plants could not live. You can water the flower as you like. Clivia does not tolerate only frank busting of water.

The plant tolerates the absence of strong lighting perfectly and can live in a darkened living room or in the hallway. Clivia begins to bloom in February. This is wonderful, because during this period there is not enough summer and heat.

The flower has long shoots, orange, red flowers look like a bell. Perfectly manages without top dressing and spraying. Clivia is an ideal plant for busy people who forget to take care of flowers.

This plant can live in almost any environment. It perfectly tolerates shade, temperature changes. Fatsia will feel fine even by the central heating battery. The plant blooms with bright lush flowers, has fleshy and green leaves.

It is beneficial to grow such a plant at home. It is considered an energy donor, it will fill you with energy and absorb negative experiences. In addition, Fatsia disinfects the air by destroying bacteria and microbes. If Geranium cannot be placed in the bedroom, then Fatsia will be useful here.

The plant is not very whimsical, but requires self-care. Thanks to beautiful, bright colors, she is taken care of and kept in the apartment. indoor rose in the warm season, you can take it out to the veranda or put it on the balcony.

With proper care, the plant blooms profusely all year round. The interval between the formation of new flowers and the death of old ones is about 7 weeks. The rose loves sunlight, but you should not allow the plant to overheat.

Best of all, the rose grows in the eastern part of the room, you can place the plant in the western part of the room. The optimum temperature in the room is up to 25 degrees Celsius.

The plant needs to be sprayed (once every few days) and watered well. Do not let the soil dry out, this will negatively affect the appearance of the rose. In the cold season, the rose is transferred to a room with a temperature of only 11-15 degrees Celsius and the frequency of watering is reduced. If the plant is regularly looked after, it will delight you with its lush color and beauty.

The plant resembles a small bush, has small flowers of red-orange color. perfectly tolerates dry air, so it does not need spraying. The plant is kept on the southern windows of the room, but protected from direct sunlight.

Watering should be moderate. Do not flood the flower, it may die from this. In the winter season, the frequency of watering is reduced. Primrose blooms all year round and looks spectacular, as in private apartment as well as in the office.

Jasmine is a houseplant with evergreen leaves and small flowers collected in inflorescences. Depending on the type of plant, the flowers may or may not smell. Jasmine is placed on the east or west window of the apartment so that it has enough light.

Watering the plant should be plentiful, but do not flood the flower. Water the flower only when the soil is dry. Water for irrigation can be slightly warmed up or taken distilled. When the flower is actively growing (April-August), it is fertilized with potash fertilizers once a week.

Jasmine blooms almost all year round. If you get used to it, then caring for the plant will not take much time, and the flower will decorate your house for many years.

It looks like a chamomile. The shade of flowers can be red, pink, white or yellow. Gerbera tolerates drafts well. In summer, the plant can be sent to the balcony, where it will stay until autumn.

When watering Gerbera, try not to get water on the flowers. Moisture can form on them fungal diseases. Water the flower regularly, but with a small amount of water. The optimum temperature for keeping Gerberas is 20 degrees Celsius in summer and 12-15 degrees in winter.

In order for the flower to bloom magnificently, it must be fertilized 2 times a month with fertilizers for indoor plants. In care, Gerbera does not require much attention, but her flowers are simply impossible not to notice.

A plant with evergreen leaves and quivering flowers. Despite the fact that the plant blooms all year round, the flowers live only a day and die off. The plant can be in the form of a bush or liana. The leaves of Ruellia are dark green with white veins.

At the same time, several buds appear on the plant, several flowers bloom. Ruellia grows well on the western and eastern windows in the apartment. If you put it on the north window, then in winter it may not have enough light. Water the plant as the soil in the pot dries out. By autumn, the frequency of watering is reduced. Autumn and winter is the period when the plant is restored. He doesn't need a large number water. The optimum temperature for keeping a flower is 19-24 degrees Celsius.

A plant that blooms at any time of the year. With fleshy leaves and beautiful candle-like flowers, Pachistachis is a leader among flowers. If you need unpretentious indoor plants blooming all year round, it is chosen more often than other flowers.

The plant loves diffused light and relatively cool temperatures. You can not put a flower near the central heating battery. Warm air adversely affects the plant. Drafts should be avoided and air flow should be ensured fresh air to the flower.

It is ideal to keep Pachistachis indoors, which is often ventilated. But, pay attention, there should be no drafts. The dryness of the air in the room can be compensated by spraying the plant. It will appreciate your efforts and will bloom bright and lush.

Ethiopian calla - unpretentious plant, which can grow in a darkened room. It has fragile stems and pale white flowers. Fluctuations in temperature, humidity and light do not affect plant growth.

The plant begins to bloom in November and until May. June and July are periods of rest for Calla. At this time, reduce the frequency of watering and try not to move the pot with the plant.

In spring and autumn, the leaves of the flower may die off, which will eventually be replaced by new shoots. Dead leaves are removed to prevent mold and fungal diseases from developing. With constant care, Calla blooms intensively almost all year round.

Whatever kind of flowers you buy, it is worth remembering that every plant needs a recovery period. Flowers cannot bloom all year round without respite. If you provide the plant with constant care and give it time to recover, it will delight you with its beauty for a long time.