How to store beets? Some helpful tips. How to save beets for the winter in an apartment and a private house How best to save beets

  • 17.06.2019

How wonderful it is to treat yourself to borscht, herring under a fur coat or vinaigrette in winter, the main ingredient of which is beets - a root crop that is so unpretentious when grown, but so capricious when stored for a long time. Many summer residents can boast of a rich beet harvest in the fall, but not everyone knows how to lay it for the winter so that it does not lose its properties and taste. If you adopt the basic methods of storing a sweet root crop and some tricks, you can easily extend the life of stocks until next summer.

It would seem that it could be easier: pour a few heaps of beets on the floor and cellar shelves or place several boxes of fruits on the balcony, and you can enjoy dishes from this healthy and valuable root crop all winter long. But no, a demanding vegetable makes summer residents work hard and prepare special conditions for wintering. You can save root crops in the cellar, basement, outdoors, or even in an apartment, but you should follow a number of rules, and sometimes use some folk tricks.

Storage methods in the cellar, basement

It is best to store beets in a cellar or basement, and there are several reasons for this. Firstly, in these rooms you can create ideal conditions for storage. Secondly, the presence of sufficient space allows you to place a large number of root crops. There are many ways to store beets in the cellar, consider the most popular:

  • In boxes without holes, sprinkled with table salt. Sometimes, to save salt, it is mixed with sand.
  • In boxes without holes in peat or sawdust. This method is identical to storing beets in sand.
  • over potatoes. In this case, excellent conditions are created for both vegetables. Potatoes do not need excess moisture and give it to beets, which, in turn, increases its elasticity.

    Beets sprinkled on top of potatoes are a great way to preserve these vegetables and save space in the cellar.

  • Bulk in piles, bins. They should be placed at a height of 15-20 cm above the floor and 10 cm from the walls of the basement for air exchange.
  • In a clay coat. Each fruit is dipped in a thick clay solution, then carefully dried to form a crust and placed in boxes. This method allows you to keep the presentation of root crops for a long time.
  • In large plastic bags with a capacity of 30–40 kg. The bags are left open to allow air to circulate and to prevent excess moisture from forming.
  • Some experienced vegetable growers use such a folk trick: plants with phytoncidal properties are placed nearby with beet stocks. It can be radish, horseradish, basil, peppermint, bitter wormwood, fern leaves, etc. These crops serve as disinfectants that inhibit the growth of fungi and other pathogenic flora.

    There is one more rule - to lay large root crops on top, and the smallest ones down. preventive measure from diseases is the rolling of fruits in chalk before laying in boxes and boxes.

    Periodically, regardless of the chosen method of storage, beets should be sorted out to identify spoilage and the appearance of diseases.

    Storage in the apartment

    Small stocks of beets can be stored even in an apartment. True, the shelf life of the vegetable is reduced to 3-4 months. In this case, there may be several storage options:

    • on the balcony;
    • in the pantry;
    • under the bed or in another dark place;
    • in fridge.

    When choosing a balcony for storing beets, you need to consider how insulated it is. If the balcony is glazed and at the most very coldy the temperature there does not fall below -1 0 C, this greatly simplifies the task. Boxes or boxes are suitable as storage containers, and sand or sawdust as a substrate. If the balcony is open, then the container itself, i.e., the boxes, will have to be insulated. You can do it yourself with the help of foam. With a significant minus outside the window, the stocks need to be wrapped in a warm blanket.

    A foam-insulated box will allow you to store beets even on an unglazed balcony

    If there is no balcony, then beets can be stored in sandboxes in a pantry or other dark place, remote from batteries and heating appliances. If you first dip the roots in a clay solution and let them dry, they will lose moisture more slowly and last longer.

    By wrapping each fruit in foil or parchment paper and placing it in the refrigerator, you can significantly extend the life of this vegetable. But the disadvantage of such storage is obvious - the number of such stocks will be very limited.

    Factors affecting storage time

    Conditions that need to be created in order to preserve beet stocks for as long as possible:

  1. The optimum temperature is from -1 0 C to +2 0 C. At a lower temperature, the fruits will freeze, and a higher temperature will contribute to the germination of tops, wilting and the development of diseases.
  2. Humidity level: 85-90%. When it decreases, the fruits quickly wither, and too high humidity leads to the development of fungus and mold.
  3. Availability natural ventilation. There must be good circulation of air masses in the room.

These factors are determining, but not decisive, because the keeping quality of beets is influenced by the peculiarities of its cultivation and preparation for storage, which must be taken into account in advance.

Keep in mind that not all varieties of this crop are suitable for long-term storage. For this purpose, fruits of medium-late and late varieties are used. Most Popular:

  • Libero;
  • Mulatto;
  • Podzimnaya;
  • Bravo;
  • Egyptian flat;
  • Nosovskaya flat;
  • Red ball;
  • Renova;
  • Detroit;
  • Salad;
  • Cold-resistant-19.

It is necessary to take into account even the properties of the soil on which the beets were grown. Fruits grown on supersandy or loamy soil are better stored.

The mode of watering the plant also affects the duration of storage of root crops. Abundant and frequent watering leads to subsequent cracking of the fruit, and therefore, their faster infection. And with a lack of moisture, the beets will grow soft and flabby and dry quickly.

Harvesting beets must be done before frost. The optimal period is considered to be the end of September - the beginning of October. It is better to choose a fine sunny day. When extracting from the ground, it is recommended to use a pitchfork that allows you to dig up root crops without injuring them.

If you try to pull out the beets by the tops with your hands, then the taproot is damaged, and then it becomes infected with microorganisms and quickly rots.

Then the fruits must be dried. In clear weather, you can do it right in the garden (4-5 hours), and if it rains, then indoors (for at least a day).

After drying, the remnants of the earth are removed. Doing so better with hands in cotton gloves and do not use a knife or other improvised means for this, so as not to damage the delicate skin. It is also impossible to beat the fruits against each other.

The next stage is the removal of tops and side roots. Cut off the tops with a sharp knife, leaving a tail about a centimeter long. The main thing is not to try to break off the leaves with your hands, so as not to damage the root crop itself. The central root is recommended not to be cut off.

The final step before laying beets for the winter is sorting them. It is necessary to select healthy-looking fruits with intact skin. It is believed that medium-sized beets store better. Too small fruits wither quickly, and large ones become stiff over time.

Video: collecting and storing beets

Why the root crop turns black: errors and their solution

If you do not follow the storage rules, then beets can be affected by various diseases caused by fungi and other bacteria.

The most common diseases that occur during the storage of root crops include gray, white and clamp rot. When affected by gray rot, a powdery coating of gray color appears on the fruits and they rot. If the tissue of the root crop becomes wet and soft, a cottony coating and dark streaks form, then this is white rot. Clamp rot spreads from the tip of the root and is characterized by the appearance of mold different colors: red, white, black, etc. Such fruits cannot be eaten, as well as used as animal feed. They must be disposed of to avoid further contamination of stocks.

You can reduce your chances of developing these diseases if you:

  • store only healthy and undamaged fruits;
  • process the premises and equipment for storage with lime;
  • observe the temperature and humidity levels during storage;
  • periodically sort out beet stocks in the cellar, removing fruits that have signs of damage.

It happens that summer residents create ideal conditions, but black spots still appear on the surface of the beets, and inside it there are voids with a white fluffy coating. These are signs of phomosis. A disease that can be recognized even at the stage of beet vegetation by characteristic spots on the tops of the plant. Such fruits cannot be stored for storage, because this will contribute to the spread of the disease to healthy root crops. If signs of phomosis appeared already at the storage stage, then the affected vegetables are destroyed, since it is impossible to cure them, and healthy ones are sprayed with a solution of chalk.

Phomosis can lead to the death of the entire beet crop

Phomosis is transmitted to a new generation of plants through seeds and affected soil, so it is quite difficult to overcome it. The following are recommended as preventive measures:

  • choose varieties of beets that are resistant to phomosis;
  • observe the rules of agricultural technology (every year or every few years, transfer beet planting sites);
  • disinfect the seeds before planting with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • thin out crops with excessive seedling density;
  • timely remove weeds and loosen the ground when a crust appears or after heavy rainfall;
  • follow the rules for harvesting beets.

Freezing for the winter

A wonderful way to preserve all the vitamins and nutrients of beets is to freeze them. For this purpose, it is recommended to use only table varieties and medium-sized root crops. There are several options for storing beets in the freezer:

  • raw;
  • in boiled form.

Both options are effective and allow you to store a sweet vegetable for up to 8 months. The only advantage of freezing boiled beets is saving time in cooking, because there is no need for further heat treatment.

You can freeze the beets as a whole, or by slicing or simply grating, as well as peeling and boiling. It all depends on what kind of dishes it will be used in the future.

Table: ways to grind beets during freezing

The blanks are placed in a plastic bag or a plastic container and sent to the freezer. It is important to pack the future freezing in portions, that is, put in a container exactly as much as is necessary to prepare one pot of borscht or one serving of salad. This is due to the fact that when re-freezing, the beets will lose their taste and valuable properties.

Bags with fasteners are the most convenient for batch freezing beets

When freezing whole beets, you should be aware that ice will form inside it, so cutting it later for elegant serving will not work.

The vegetable should be defrosted gradually, at room temperature. It is not recommended to place the cut bag in warm water or use the microwave.

When preparing borscht or beetroot, beets can be thrown into a frozen pan. But for salads, be sure to defrost it.

Thus, the storage of beets is a whole science, which everyone is able to comprehend. The main thing is to take into account all the beet "wishes". Then the harvest obtained by one's own labor will be perfectly preserved until next summer.

Beetroot is the vegetable that always, one way or another, includes our menu. How to save beets for the winter at home? This question becomes especially relevant if you are the owner of your own garden or suburban area. In almost every house you can always find a couple of root crops. And if you grow it for sale or harvest it as pet food, the issue of crop safety becomes especially relevant. Let's take a closer look at how to store beets at home and how to do it correctly.

This vegetable is indeed an indispensable product, we use it in the preparation of first courses, salads, side dishes, and preservation.

Features of preserving the nutritional suitability of beets, by and large, do not differ much from general norms vegetable storage. However, there are some nuances, old folk tricks that allow you to save the taste and useful qualities of this root crop until the new harvest.

Beet storage - basic rules

The timing of harvest is just as important as the preparation of root crops for storage. It should also be borne in mind that each variety has its own individual ripening dates. Thus, early-ripening varieties will be ready for harvesting in 50-80 days, from the moment when the first shoots see the light. By about mid-summer / early August, early beets can be removed from the ground.

Mid-season varieties are ready for harvest after about 80-100 days from the moment of germination, by the middle or end of August it will already be possible to harvest. Sometimes the collection time can be delayed until the first days of autumn, this happens if the sowing was carried out in late spring or at the very beginning of summer.

Late varieties ripen the longest, approximately 100-130 days, the end of September is the optimal time for harvesting.

When planning the storage of beets for the winter, it is important to adhere to these terms. By the end of summer, active heat is no longer observed, the drought disappears, root crops begin to intensively gain weight and nutrients.

If the root crop is not removed from the ground in time, it may freeze slightly, then there is no need to talk about high-quality storage. Frozen root crops do not differ in keeping quality, and fragments affected by frost begin to rot. You should know that only healthy, medium-sized vegetables harvested on time are best tolerated. winter storage while retaining their flavor and health benefits.

How to store beets? Immediately after the vegetables have been dug up, they should be dried well. If the day is sunny, then this can be done right on the ground, near the beds. In warm sunny weather, 2-3 hours will be enough. When it rains, the roots should be transferred to a dry room with good ventilation, spread out in one layer and kept for 3-7 days.

It is also worth considering that different varieties of root crops are stored in different ways. There are those that immediately need to be used for their intended purpose, and some can lie for months without losing their qualities. For example, varieties such as Bordeaux 237, Lettuce, Detroit, Mulatto, Late Winter are best suited for long-term storage. These vegetables have a rather dense skin and a stable immunity to bacteria that provoke the appearance of rot. Or, on the contrary, beloved by many for their taste properties the "Cylinder" variety is generally not suitable for winter stocks.

Result hard work and caring attitude to landings. How to organize the storage of vegetables so that nothing is lost, and use supplies until the next harvest?

When to Harvest Beets

Successful storage of root crops begins with proper collection. First of all, the timing of harvesting is important, depending on the variety:

  • Early ripe varieties bear fruit 50–80 days after germination. Such beets are ready for harvest in July-August.
  • The most popular are mid-season varieties of beets. They ripen in 80-100 days. Mid-season beets are harvested in mid-late August. If the sowing time fell on the last days of May, harvesting is done in early September.
  • Late-ripening varieties ripen in 100-135 days. The second half of September is great for picking.

Why is it important to meet these deadlines? The end of summer, when the heat is on the wane - the best time for fruit growth. These days, the root crop is actively gaining in size and weight, accumulating most of the nutrients. "Over-sitting" beets have a chance to either bloom, which will adversely affect the root crops, or freeze slightly. A frozen crop will not lie for a long time: damaged areas quickly deteriorate.

ON THE PICTURE: Medium-sized beets without signs of spoilage - such root crops are better stored in winter.

Important details: we focus on the weather

The weather is of considerable importance: the harvest time depends on how warm and dry the autumn turned out to be.

hot autumn

At high air temperatures in September, beets in the garden lose their juiciness, softness, become fibrous and resemble wood in structure. To prevent this from happening, it is better to collect the fruits a little earlier and store them in a cool place.

Rainy autumn

In such an autumn, too, do not hesitate to collect root crops. Soil that is too damp will detract from the taste of vegetables, making them less rich and watery. Possible rotting and cracking of the fruit. Waterlogged beets are not suitable for long-term storage. If the forecast promises prolonged rains, take care of the harvest, harvest it before the onset of downpours.

Dry autumn

Such weather is favorable both for ripening and for harvesting beets. Cool and dry weather allows you to keep the beets longer in the beds. There it will be preserved better than in the cellar. In addition, vegetables will accumulate more vitamins and acquire excellent taste.

Varieties of beets for winter storage

Not all varieties of beets store in the same way: some are only suitable for consumption immediately after harvest. Even with right conditions storage beets of such varieties will not "live" for a long time. When breeding other varieties, breeders relied on keeping quality.

Varieties of beets for long-term storage are resistant to damage by putrefactive bacteria, with a dense skin. Among them:

  • "Gribovskaya flat A473";
  • "Detroit";
  • "Boltardi";
  • "Cold-resistant 19";
  • "Incomparable A463";
  • "Pablo F1";
  • "Salad";
  • "Single-growth";
  • "Egyptian flat";
  • "Bordeaux 237";
  • "Late winter A474";
  • "Libero";
  • "Renova";
  • "Mulatto".

But the "Cylinder", a fruit with excellent taste and the ability to cook quickly, is not suitable for saving until spring.

ON THE PICTURE: Despite the high taste qualities, the Cylinder variety is not suitable for long-term storage.

Rules for preparing beets for storage

It is better to dig beets with a pitchfork or a shovel, lifting the fruits along with a clod of earth and gently shaking them off. It is advisable to harvest on a cool and dry day. In such weather, dug out beets can be kept in the air for 3-4 hours. During this time, it will dry out, but will not have time to wilt.

In no case you can not knock one root crop on another or try to scrape the ground with sharp objects!

If it is damp outside, drying is carried out indoors, scattering beets in one layer over the surface. The drying process in this way takes much longer, from a couple of days to a week.

Beet processing before storage

When drying is completed, the stage of preparation for storage begins. Necessary:

  1. Carefully remove the earth from the root crops without damaging the skin of the fruit. The slightest damage causes the risk of getting inside putrefactive microorganisms, of which there are quite a lot in the soil. If the beets are damaged, use them as soon as possible.
  2. Cut off the tops, leaving the stalks about 1 cm long. You cannot twist it by hand.
  3. Remove the lateral roots and cut the main root if it is longer than 5–7 cm. It is better not to touch a not very long root at all.

ON THE PICTURE: Before storing beets for storage, the tops must be cut off, but not twisted at the base of the root crop!

These rules also apply to preparing fodder beets for home storage. Neither fodder, nor sugar, nor table beets are washed before harvesting for storage.

We select the best root crops

You can not store root crops if they:

  • sick;
  • rotten;
  • damaged;
  • too big.

It is worth giving preference to healthy and intact nodules of medium size.

Popular ways to store beets

Storage of beets can be organized in different ways. The specific method depends on the capabilities of the economy and the preferences of the summer resident.

At home, beets are stored outdoors or indoors. For indoor storage, you need a basement or cellar, a dark cool room, balcony drawer or refrigerator. To store vegetables outdoors, dig holes and trenches.

The container and method of storage depend on the preferences of the owner. Root crops can be stacked in pyramids on shelves, poured into boxes, buried in sand or packed in bags.

Basic storage conditions

To save beets in winter, you need to maintain certain temperature, humidity, light level. So, in an ideal crop storage should be:

  • dark;
  • cool (0-2°C), but without danger of frost;
  • quite humid, within 90%.

Constant air circulation is needed, and therefore it is better to fold the beets not on the floor, but on an elevation of at least 15 cm from it.

over potatoes

For storage, together with potatoes, beets are laid out in a single layer on folded tubers. This method allows you to maintain the necessary humidity for best conservation all properties of root crops.

In sand

To save in the sand, it is necessary to prepare the substrate by calcining it in the sun or in the oven. Disinfection is the most important condition for the success of the entire event. After it, you need to wait for the sand to cool completely, which can take several hours. Laying is done so that the fruits do not have points of contact, and upper layer sand was at least 2 cm.

In packages

Large plastic bags with a capacity of 30–40 kg. Perfect for storing beets. They are filled with root crops and not tied up: air must flow to the fruits during the entire storage period.

in salt

Instead of salt, you can use sifted wood ash and chalk powder. In those latitudes where ferns grow, they practice shifting the fruits with their leaves. Sawdust, peat, and shavings are used for storage: it all depends on what material the region is rich in.

small and large beets should be stored separately for better keeping quality, and the ability to quickly get fruits of the right size.

We store beets in the apartment

If necessary, you can save the crop in a city apartment, most often on the balcony. Balconies are best suited, where the temperature, even in the coldest months, does not fall below zero. For wintering root crops on the balcony, you will need a box of sand.

ON THE PICTURE: A small crop can be stored in an insulated box with sand right on the glazed balcony. The main thing is that the roots do not come into contact with each other.

If there is an open balcony, it is worth preparing a “mini-cellar” for storing the crop - a box insulated from the inside with foam and heated inside. The source of heat can be a low-wattage light bulb.

If there is no balcony at all, you should use darkened places under the bed, cabinets, refrigerator. The main thing is that there are no heating devices nearby. Dipped in a solution of clay ("talker") and dried beets are placed in a storage box and left in such a place.

Beets - common vegetable crop. Having gathered a rich harvest, people try to save it for the winter months. To do this, you need to know how to properly store beets in the winter in a cellar or other home storage.

The best varieties for storage

Worse survives the winter beets of medium early and early varieties. They are intended for conservation, fresh consumption of root vegetables, salads and other dishes. Late varieties are used for long-term storage.

For storage, beets of the following varieties are taken:

  • Renov;
  • Mulatto;
  • Gribovskaya;
  • Libero;
  • Bordeaux;
  • Egyptian flat;
  • incomparable;
  • Salad.

Seeds for sowing are selected taking into account the place of their breeding. It is best to take seeds from varieties that have been collected in your area. They are optimally suited to the local climate and weather conditions. For example, Matryona beets are perfectly stored in the Urals.

Preparing beets for storage in the cellar

In order to properly prepare the crop for storage in the cellar, it should be brought into line with the recommended parameters and correctly performed:

  • ventilation;
  • sterilization;
  • temperature;
  • humidity.

The cellar must be well ventilated. Cool air should move freely throughout the room. To ensure a sufficient level of oxygen, vegetables are placed in prepared bins. The floor of the room, like other surfaces, must be kept clean and dry.

Attention! It is recommended to use bleach for storage sterilization.

Before storage, the beets are carefully selected and dried. On examination, pay attention to the presence of diseases (rot, mold), general defects and dents, softness and shoots. If a damaged vegetable is found, it is isolated from the rest. Detected shoots are removed.

How to store beets in the winter in the cellar

There are various technologies for storing beets in the cellar. It can be stored together with potatoes, placed in wooden or plastic boxes with or without fillers, placed in plastic bags or on shelves. All these methods are popular with gardeners.

Together with potatoes

To store beets in the cold season in the cellar with potatoes, you must use a large box. First, pour a layer of potatoes into it. Lay the beets on top. Due to the natural compatibility of these vegetables this method considered one of the best for storage. Potatoes love dryness. Beets in the cellar require high humidity. During storage, the potato gives off moisture, which immediately passes to the beets and is absorbed by it. This ensures optimal conditions for keeping the crop in storage.

in boxes

There are 4 ways to store vegetables in boxes. The first storage option involves placing the beets in a box with holes for sufficient air circulation. No more than two kilograms of vegetables are placed in one package.

Another method of storing beets is that the collected and dried root crops are placed in a wooden box and sprinkled with ordinary salt. You can do it differently: each fruit is dipped in a salt solution and, after drying, placed in a box. Salt is considered not only an excellent absorbent, but also a wonderful crop protector from the appearance of fungus and mold.

In the third case, the root crop can be stored in boxes with plant leaves (mountain ash, wormwood, fern, tansy, gout), which release protective substances - phytoncides. They counteract the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and the development of fungal diseases, thereby preserving the fruits from rot. Plant leaves are placed on the bottom of the container and between the beets.

V last version storage vegetables contain in wooden box without holes. Dry ash or river sand is poured at the bottom. Harvest is laid in layers. Sand or ash is again covered from above, on which the next layer of beets is laid. The sand is pre-disinfected.

in bags

In a small cellar, beets are well stored in plastic bags. To save the root crops, the filled bag is suspended, small holes are made from below. With a certain frequency during storage, the bags are opened for ventilation.

On the shelves

Root crops are laid out close to each other on the shelves. Each layer is covered with sand with the addition of chalk and dry slaked lime (the proportion of sand and chalk is 50/1 kg). Such a mixture is a good prophylactic against rot, mold and other diseases. Instead of sand, you can take sawdust.

Attention! The humidity in the storage room should not exceed 15 percent. Because of the disinfectant properties essential oils, which are contained in sawdust, the root crop does not lose its useful properties and does not shrink, forming wrinkles.

In clay glaze

To store beets in clay glaze, you first need to prepare a mixture of clay and water. For 1 kg of clay there is 0.3 kg of water. After preparing the glaze, well-dried root crops are dipped into the composition and dried. Processed beets are covered with a protective coating that protects against diseases. After drying, the beets prepared for storage are placed in boxes or boxes and left in the cellar.

Why beets wither in the cellar

Before laying root crops for winter storage in the cellar, they must be dried. It is better to do it in a draft. The container must have holes, a grid or a grid. Shoots must be completely removed. The cellar must be equipped with an exhaust hood, provide low level humidity and positive temperature. The safety of vegetables should be monitored and their bulkhead should be done at least twice a month.

In most cases, rotting begins due to the fact that vegetable growers violate storage rules, or root crops are affected by diseases. The main diseases are gray and white rot, phimosis with fusarium and heart rot. Gray rot appears on damaged vegetables or those that have been stacked frozen.

The appearance of white rot, phimosis and fusarium is associated with improper cultivation of the crop. In the first case, a lot of fertilizers were used, in the last two, proper prevention of fungal diseases was not carried out.

The disease associated with the rot of the core of the fruit is a consequence of insufficient moisture in the soil during cultivation. Most often manifested in hot dry summers.

Optimal storage conditions

The best conditions for storage in the cellar are:

  1. Placement of root crops in a room with a constant temperature from 0 to 2 degrees Celsius and humidity up to 90%.
  2. Sufficient natural air circulation or exhaust ventilation.

The optimal mode of storage of vegetables in the cellar is maintained during the entire period, since with an increase temperature regime and humidity, they begin to grow with shoots and gradually lose their useful qualities and appearance. When placed in containers or on racks, root crops should be at a height of at least 15 cm from the ground.


Using the tips above, you can store beets in the winter in the cellar until the next harvest. Careful preparation of vegetables for storage is of great importance. Compliance with the conditions will allow vegetable growers to enjoy their favorite and mouth-watering beetroot dishes at any time of the year: borscht, salads, kvass.

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