Make plastic fittings. Fiberglass reinforcement for the foundation

  • 23.06.2020

Modern world is changing rapidly, and this also applies to the construction industry - new technologies and materials. Today, the use of composite reinforcement in construction is not widespread, and main reason This is due to the lack of information and real, independent reviews from builders. After all, it is much more familiar and reliable to use the good old metal fittings, the characteristics of which are well known and confirmed by time.

But reinforcement made of composite materials has been used in Western countries since the 70s, and has received quite high praise. Although even there she failed to extrude the steel.

In our country, many people still ask: what is fiberglass reinforcement? And they get a lot of information - both fantastically laudatory (as a rule, coming from the manufacturers of plastic fittings themselves), and very negative (the manufacturers of steel fittings also do not need competitors). We will try to calmly and unbiasedly analyze the advantages and disadvantages of composite reinforcement.

How is composite reinforcement produced?

Let's start with the fact that the term composite reinforcement» combines all types of non-metallic fittings produced on the basis of different type fibers that are used as the reinforcing base of the rod. The fibers from which reinforcement is made can be the following:

  • 1. basalt fiber;
  • 2. glass fiber;
  • 3. aramid fiber.
  • 4. carbon fiber.

Thus, the types of composite reinforcement, depending on the applicable fibers, are as follows:

    • 1. Basalt rebar, usually black (ABP);

      • 5. Combined reinforcement (based on fibers of different types).

Any composite reinforcement is produced on the same equipment, the technology is also the same. The difference is only in the type of fibers. Currently, there are several production methods:

1. A bundle of fibers, having previously formed a bar - the main reinforcement bar, is impregnated epoxy resin and pull out. Then the bundle of fibers is pulled by shafts, at the same time winding on it a tow made of the same fibers using resins. The bundle in this process performs two tasks - it tightly presses the fibers of the rod, and serves as reinforcement ribs, which will improve the adhesion of reinforcement and concrete in the future. After that, the armature passes the drying stage in the oven, and, behold, the armature is ready. This method is the oldest, it is used by almost all Russian manufacturers of plastic fittings.

1. Fiber feeding system (glass fiber, carbon fiber, basalt fiber)

2.Polymer bath (polyester, epoxy resins)

3. Preforming device


5. Heating/cooling zones of the die

6. Pulling machine

7. Cutting machine

2. The second method differs from the first only in that the rope is wound around the rod with a very strong force, it is literally pressed into the main rod, as a result of which the ribs are formed from the fibers of the rod itself. Such reinforcement is more durable than that produced by the first method, since there is no risk of ribs falling off. However, it is almost impossible to find such Russian-made fittings, since most people use the first method.

3. The third method is also similar to the first, however, the tightening cord here does not form ribs, but only tightens the fibers of the rod until polymerization in the oven. For coupling with concrete, a layer of abrasive is applied to the reinforcement - quartz sand. This type of reinforcement has the worst adhesion to concrete, and to everything - the shortest service life. The fact is that epoxy resin quickly collapses in the alkaline environment of concrete, and polyester resins, which are not afraid of alkali, are rarely used by manufacturers in Russia.

4. Finally, rebar made using the "pultrusion" method. In this case, the fibers are formed into a rod, impregnated with polymer resins, pulled through spinnerets with different sections, arranged in descending order. This method allows to form a periodic relief (ribs) with high precision, so that they can be used as a thread (for example, as a formwork clamping screw, with a fiberglass or steel nut). Reinforcement produced in this way is of high quality, durability and high price. In addition, such fittings are almost never produced in Russia.

If you search, then on sale you can find a completely unusual material - composite reinforcement with an internal cavity. Despite its exoticism, tubular reinforcement deserves attention - after all, due to the cavity, the diameter increases, and with the same number of fibers, the reinforcement with the cavity has a larger area of ​​​​contact with concrete, and hence better adhesion.

Composite rebar pros and cons

Like any building material, composite reinforcement has its advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of composite reinforcement:

1. Weight - non-metallic reinforcement is practically a fluff, in comparison with metal. The weight of composite reinforcement is 10-12 times less than steel reinforcement of equal strength. For example, 1 meter of 10 mm plastic reinforcement weighs 100 grams, and steel of the same diameter weighs 617 grams. And the fact that the plastic rolls into coils allows you to load several coils (the bay footage is usually 100-200 meters) of fittings into the trunk of a car.

2. Composite reinforcement has an impressive tensile strength - 2.5-3 times greater than that of steel (of course, this means with an equal diameter). Thus, composite reinforcement 12 mm in diameter, replaces steel diameter 14-16 mm. Hence, builders and manufacturers use the term "equivalent replacement".

3. The cost of composite reinforcement today is lower than for metal, although a few years ago it was the other way around. And the price for steel reinforcement grows steadily, while the composite remains almost in place.

4. Another plus is that composite reinforcement is sold in coils of 100-200 meters, which can significantly reduce the number of trimmings when reinforcing structures.

But not everything is so cloudless, there are also disadvantages of composite reinforcement:

1. Experts call the main disadvantage of composite reinforcement a low modulus of elasticity, 4 times lower than that of steel reinforcement - and this is with an equal diameter. Of course, this is not a critical drawback, the main thing is to make additional calculations, and it is better if specialists do this. Or our calculator.

2. Composite reinforcement can only be bent in production; it cannot be bent at an angle at a construction site. True, elements in the form of bars at an angle usually require little, moreover, they can be replaced with steel reinforcement.

3. Fiberglass reinforcement does not withstand high temperatures - at 100 degrees it ceases to be elastic and breaks easily.

4. Welding when using composite reinforcement is unacceptable, although some experts consider this an advantage. Indeed, when reinforcing with even steel or plastic reinforcement, both are mainly knitted with wire or plastic ties.

There is an erroneous statement that it is possible to knit composite reinforcement only with plastic ties (clamps). Of course, this is not true. Moreover, we recommend knitting with regular burnt steel knitting wire. The process of knitting composite reinforcement is no different from knitting metal reinforcement. Yes, and the goal is the same - to fix the frame until the moment of concrete strength gain, then it doesn’t matter at all how and how the fiberglass reinforcement was knitted.

By the way, it is necessary to say a few words about cutting composite reinforcement. Not everyone knows that it is possible to chop, bite or saw through fiberglass reinforcement, but it is not at all necessary. The best option to cut the composite is with a grinder. The fact is that biting or cutting creates microcracks, which, although not visible to the naked eye, go deep into the rod. Water and alkali get into the cracks, and during freezing and thawing, the cracks will expand, gradually destroying the reinforcement.

Important! When cutting composite reinforcement, the necessary safety measures should be taken - to protect the eyes and respiratory organs, since fine dust from basalt or glass fibers is extremely harmful.

Where is fiberglass reinforcement used?

The use of composite reinforcement in construction is quite wide, although it is not very common in Russia. It is mainly used in the construction of foundations in private housing construction, in the construction of roads, and in the production of slabs. It is often used to create flexible connections between brickwork, to improve the performance of walls, etc.

If you have experience using composite reinforcement - please share in the comments!

Despite the fact that reinforcement made of composite materials has been used in Europe, the USA and some other countries to strengthen concrete monolithic structures since the 70s of the last century, for us this is still a new and rare material. However, in last years, thanks to the desire of private construction companies to introduce into production modern technologies, fiberglass reinforcement is becoming increasingly common.

Initially, fiberglass reinforcement, due to its high cost, was used only for monolithic structures subject to difficult operating conditions. But the gradual development chemical industry and the building materials industry has led to lower prices and increased availability of fiberglass.

The expansion of production and scope of reinforcement with composite reinforcement led to the development and approval of GOST 31938-2012, which determines the manufacturing conditions, appearance, dimensions and procedure for laboratory testing of products of this type.

What is fiberglass reinforcement

Structurally, in cross section, it is a bundle of threads made of fiberglass, carbon fiber, basalt and some other polymers, coated on top with viscous resins. This structure provides more than three times the tensile strength of steel (a detailed comparison of composite and metal reinforcement is given).


Depending on the type of raw materials used in the manufacture, PVC reinforcement for the foundation is divided into:

  • glass composite - ASK;
  • carbon composite - AUK;
  • basalt - ABA;
  • combined - ACC.

In addition, polymer rods differ in cross-sectional diameter from 4 to 32 mm and appearance surface, which may be smooth, grooved or powdered.

Deliveries are carried out in the form of a coiled bay or straight cut rods up to 12 meters long.


The structural structure of the composite reinforcement for the foundation makes it unique building material, which is used for the construction of especially critical monolithic structures made of concrete. The main technical indicators include:

  • lower tensile strength for ASK 800 MPa, AUK 1400 MPa, ABA 1200 MPa;
  • ultimate strength in compression test for all types - not less than 300 MPa;
  • resistance to a cross section for ASK not less than 150 MPa, AUK 350 MPa, ABA 250 MPa;
  • average specific gravity of composite reinforcement - 1900 kg / m 3;
  • the operating temperature limit is 60˚C.

When comparing the elasticity indices, it should be noted that carbon fiber is more than 2 times superior to glass fiber and 1.5 times superior to composite basalt reinforcement.

Weight of plastic fittings.

fiberglass rod cost

The price of polymeric reinforcing materials depends on the structure and constituent components in the composition. The design of the composite rod consists of a longitudinal set of glass fibers bonded together with epoxy resin. The surface can remain smooth, have a rough powder or be wrapped in a spiral with a special glass roving. The latter method allows you to get a ribbed surface, which will provide more reliable adhesion to concrete.

Unlike rolled metal, which in most cases is sold by weight, the price of fiberglass reinforcement is always determined per linear meter. This often leads to the misconception that a ton of composite materials costs a lot more than steel.

It must be understood that with a diameter of 12 mm in one ton of metal there will be 1100 m of rod, and plastic - 12500 meters. In addition, the high strength of fiberglass reinforcement allows the use of smaller diameters for same conditions installation. These conditions show that the cost of polymers will not be higher, but lower than that of rolled metal. A study of the price lists of manufacturing companies showed that the price of the most popular diameters of 4-8 mm is in the range 8.50-27.20 rub/m.

Pros and cons of using fiberglass

Experts consider the main advantages of composite reinforcement:

  • resistance to corrosion and many aggressive chemicals;
  • high strength, exceeding similar indicators for metal;
  • durability, increasing the life of the structure by 2-3 times;
  • low specific weight, facilitating loading and transportation;
  • simple calculation of fiberglass reinforcement for the foundation;
  • the possibility of using negative temperatures up to -60˚C;
  • environmental friendliness of the components used;
  • availability and cost-effectiveness in the application;
  • no restriction on the length of the rod during installation due to deliveries in coils;
  • dielectric and antimagnetic properties.

A serious disadvantage of composite reinforcement is the reduced strength during fracture testing. Where metal rods simply bend, fiberglass can break, weakening the reliability of the structure. Therefore, such polymers are not used in the installation and production of load-bearing elements and ceilings, which limits their use and is a disadvantage.

The limiting heating temperature does not allow the use of plastic reinforcement with the potential for prolonged exposure to an open flame. In the event of a fire, such concrete monoliths will be identified as damaged and must be replaced.

Comparing the pros and cons of fiberglass reinforcement, we can make a confident conclusion that these materials can and should be used to create reliable and durable monolithic structures.

Scope of application

Fiberglass is an excellent material for the installation of foundation bases of any type. Composite reinforcement is used not only in industrial, but also in private construction. Especially if there is a possibility of high lifting ground water and on swampy soils. This material is indispensable when performing work to strengthen the banks, in the construction of hydraulic structures and at facilities with possible exposure to aggressive substances.

Good results are obtained if plastic reinforcement is used to reinforce pavement in areas with high humidity and in permafrost conditions. A bar with a diameter of 4 mm is used to reinforce masonry from foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks, as well as floors in industrial and commercial facilities.

Experts also recognize the possibility of effective joint use of traditional steel bars and composite bars as a plus of composite reinforcement. plastic materials. With the help of steel, the corners and junctions of the walls are strengthened, and all spans are reinforced with plastic. This allows you to speed up the assembly of the frame without compromising the quality of the structure and expand the scope of materials.

Foundation reinforcement technology

Due to the reduced weight of plastic reinforcement and the possibility of using rods of any length, the assembly of the reinforcing frame is much easier than from metal rods. The increased strength of polymer reinforcement for the foundation of materials allows the use of a smaller cross section.

So, for example, steel reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm, often used for mounting foundations in private construction, is replaced with 8 mm plastic, and 10 mm rods with 7 mm polymer.
A calculation table that will help you determine exactly which diameter can be used in each individual case.

Technological process of production installation work using plastic reinforcement for the foundation is carried out in several stages, as shown in the video at the end of the article:

  1. formwork installation;
  2. marking the level of pouring concrete;
  3. assembly of the reinforcing frame;
  4. removal of formwork.

Installation of the formwork structure during reinforcement strip foundation fiberglass reinforcement should be carried out in accordance with the project to ensure the exact configuration and dimensions of the foundation elements. When out wooden planks, chipboard or plywood, it is recommended to wrap the boards with glassine. This will save the material and reuse it.

After that on inside enclosing elements with the help of a water level, it is necessary to mark the upper level of the future monolith. They will allow you to orient yourself when pouring concrete and ensure its uniform distribution.

Assembly of the reinforcing frame

The layout of the reinforcement and the dimensions between the individual rods are always indicated in the project. In the case of using fiberglass reinforcement in the foundation, you can change the diameter of the rods to a smaller one, but the layout should be done only according to the drawing.

Scheme of reinforcement of a monolithic slab.

Initially, it is necessary to unwind the rods of the required length from the bay and install them on stands parallel to each other. At specified intervals, put transverse bridges on the longitudinal strings. Tie the reinforcement at the intersections with knitting wire or tighten with long plastic clamps (more about knitting -). As a result, the bottom row of the frame will be ready for reinforcing the foundation with fiberglass reinforcement.

Prepare vertical racks of the required length. The top row of the frame is knitted similarly to the bottom. After assembly, both rows are placed on top of each other and, starting from the edge, their vertical posts are connected, gradually raising top row fittings.

After assembling the structure, it must be transferred and installed inside the formwork fence, as shown in the photo.

Before installing the reinforcing frame, sand is poured into the bottom of the trench and spilled with water or rammed. The compacted sandy surface is recommended to be covered with waterproofing material or geotextile. This will prevent moisture from entering the foundation and increase its reliability and operational life.

In the process of installing the foundation of fiberglass reinforcement, it must be remembered that the edges of the rods should not reach the formwork and the bottom of the trench by 5 cm. materials.

Belt reinforcement.

Pouring concrete mix

Concrete is placed inside the formwork in the same way as when using metal reinforcement. However, extreme caution should be exercised, since the strength of fiberglass reinforcement under strong lateral impacts may be insufficient. Compaction of concrete with a vibrator or rammer must be carried out in such a way as not to damage the installed frame.

Horizontal reinforcement

This method of using composite reinforcement in construction is used for installation slab foundations. Their main difference from the bases of the tape type is the absence of corners and adjacent sections. In fact, the entire structure is made in the form of two large grids, one above the other. All assembly work is carried out at the installation site, since moving the assembled element of such big size problematic enough.

Therefore, the required number of longitudinal rods is initially laid. Transverse ones lie on them and a mesh is knitted with the help of wire or clamps. The second one is knitted right on it. After that, the lower grid must be raised on stands above the bottom of the pit. Further, the upper mesh can be placed on vertical racks installed at the intersections of the reinforcement.


Fiberglass mesh for reinforcement on construction sites in our country is still considered a new material. Many builders still believe that the use of steel, the properties of which have long been studied, will provide a more reliable monolithic structure.

However, numerous tests and studies have shown that composite materials are superior to traditional metal in terms of strength, durability and other characteristics. Plastic is more convenient to use and reduces installation time. It is also resistant to corrosion, stray currents and low temperatures.

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Thanks to the reinforcement, it acquires increased strength and durability. Previously, only metal rods interconnected into a frame were used as reinforcement, but now plastic or composite reinforcement frames have appeared on sale. These products are made from basalt, carbon or glass fibers with the addition of polymer resins. Plastic fittings, the pros and cons of which will be discussed below, are produced in accordance with the requirements international standard which are worth exploring in more detail.

Forms of release of plastic fittings

Standard 31938-2012 governing technical requirements, relating to polymeric reinforcing products, defines elements of this type as solid round rods. The bars consist of a base, a filler and a binding component.

Composite reinforcement is produced in the form of rods with a cross section of 4 to 32 mm. Such products are sold either in sliced ​​form, or in bundles or bays up to 100 m long.

There are two types of plastic profile:

  • Periodic - corrugated rods obtained by the method of spiral winding.
  • Conditionally smooth. In this case, fiberglass rods are sprinkled with quartz sand, so that the finished products have better adhesive properties.

Important! in terms of its parameters, it must necessarily comply with GOST 30247.0-94 for fire resistance and GOST 30403-2012 for fire safety.

To determine whether to use composite materials instead of metal, consider the pros and cons of fiberglass reinforcement.

Advantages of composite reinforcement

The advantages of fiberglass products in comparison with metal counterparts include:

  • Light weight. For reinforcement with plastic rods, smaller cross-section bars are used, due to which the total weight of the structure is almost halved. For example, a fiberglass rod with a diameter of 8 mm will weigh only 0.07 kg / p m, while a metal rod with the same cross section weighs 0.395 kg / p m. Due to its lower weight, plastic products can be transported even in a car, while for metal fittings, a heavy-duty machine is required.

  • Corrosion resistance. Fiberglass products do not oxidize and do not act with moisture.
  • dielectric indicators. Composite rods are radio-transparent dielectrics, which are inert to electricity and radio waves. That is why plastic fittings are considered the most good material for the construction of medical centers, laboratories and other specialized facilities.
  • chemical resistance. Aggressive components such as: concrete milk, bitumen, sea water, solvent or salt compositions, over time, have a negative effect on metal profiles. In turn, composite materials remain inert to such a “neighborhood”.
  • Temperature Range. Composites can be used in the mode from -60 to +120 degrees.
  • High thermal conductivity. The heat conductivity index for fiberglass is 47 W / m * K, and for metal - 0.5 W / m * K.
  • Increased strength indicators. The tensile strength of the composite material is much higher than that of metal product. With the same diameter, plastic reinforcement withstands 3-4 times more longitudinal loads.
  • Long service life. Manufacturers of composite materials claim that such reinforcement will last more than 150 years. It is not yet possible to verify this, however, the record-breaking recorded service life of a plastic armoframe was 40 years.
  • Mounting speed. Fiberglass rods are quickly cut with an ordinary grinder and knitted with plastic clamps.

In addition, due to the increased elasticity, plastic products are produced in almost any length.

However, let's not rush to conclusions about which fittings are better. In fairness, it is also worth considering the negative aspects of fiberglass rods for reinforcing monolithic concrete buildings.

Cons of composite reinforcement

Among the disadvantages of composite materials used when laying reinforcement, the following are distinguished:

  • Low bending elasticity. Due to the fact that plastic elements have a low modulus of elasticity, this can lead to deformation of the concrete structure. Well bending elements are difficult to use when. For comparison, the elastic modulus of the composite is 55,000 MPa, while for plastic this figure reaches 200,000 MPa.
  • Small size range. Today, when choosing steel fittings, consumers are offered a greater variety of products of different sections.
  • Lack of SNiPs. Although fiberglass products are standardized according to GOST, there is no other regulatory framework for building elements of this type. Based on this, the process of designing objects is complicated, since it is still quite problematic to make calculations.
  • Unable to use in some regions. Plastic products are not recommended for use in the construction of facilities in areas where too low temperatures are recorded in winter.
  • Instability. complicated by the poor stability of plastic rods. The structure begins to wobble, so you have to resort to "tricks" to fix the frame before pouring the concrete mix.
  • Relatively high cost of the material. Fiberglass will cost 2 times more than steel counterparts.

Speaking about plastic fittings, its pros and cons, many attribute to the disadvantages of these products such things as: the inability to use welding equipment and low stability to heating. However, in reality, welding is practically not used in the assembly of the reinforcement cage. Just as absurd is the theory about the instability of the material to high temperatures. Fiberglass completely loses its properties when heated above 600 degrees, but not every concrete is able to withstand such a temperature.

Based on the foregoing, it becomes obvious that when reinforcing concrete structures to determine which reinforcement is more suitable - metal or fiberglass, you need to clarify for what purposes you need a reinforced frame. On the one hand, the latest composite materials clearly win, but in terms of cost, it may be more profitable to purchase steel products.

Composite reinforcement is a fairly young material that has become available on the construction market not so long ago. However, thanks to a large number advantages, it has gained wide popularity. Many manufacturers claim that such products can completely replace steel reinforcement. However, its use is not always justified. It is worth getting acquainted in more detail with both the advantages and disadvantages of the composite. This will allow you to choose a material that will last for many decades.

Composite reinforcement is a rod made of fiberglass. A carbon fiber thread is wrapped around it. Due to its use, not only the strength of the product is ensured, but also reliable adhesion to concrete. Such products have both a number of advantages and certain disadvantages. For this reason, it is not always possible to use it.

The carbon fiber rods are fastened with special clamps. There is no need to use welding for bonding. This is its essential advantage.

For each situation, it is worth considering the features of the use of such products. The application of this approach will ensure the reliability and efficiency of fastening various structures.

With insufficient consideration of the characteristics of the product and without comparing them with metal fittings, it is possible to significantly damage the building structure if composite materials are used. For this reason, even before using composite products, it is worthwhile to find out in which cases their use will be appropriate.

Important! It is also worth paying attention to the physical and mechanical properties of composite products.

Main advantages

Composite rebar is distinguished by a number of positive qualities. Among its main advantages are:

Also, the material has many shortcomings that should be considered in more detail.

Main disadvantages

Before purchasing fiberglass reinforcement, you should learn about all its characteristics, as well as the main disadvantages. The disadvantages of the material include:

  • She cannot tolerate high temperatures. However, it is quite difficult to imagine a case in which it can heat up to 200 degrees inside a concrete structure.
  • High price. However, this drawback is covered by the possibility of using carbon fiber products of a smaller diameter than metal products.
  • Composite rebar has poor bendability. This property imposes certain restrictions on its use to strengthen the concrete structure. However, bent sections can also be reinforced with steel bars.
  • Such products do not cope well with fracture loads. This circumstance is critical for most concrete structures.
  • When compared with metal fittings, fiberglass products are less rigid. This disadvantage does not allow to transfer large vibration loads that appear when concrete is poured using an automobile mixer. When this technique is used, the concrete structure is subjected to heavy loads. As a result, design defects are possible.

If we consider the disadvantages of carbon fiber reinforcement, we cannot say about the unconditional advantage of one material over another. In any case, when choosing composite products, you should be careful, take into account its pros and cons, as well as the conditions of use in a particular situation.

Important! Since the composite material does not have sufficient bending strength, it is not suitable for knitting when laying steel bars. To do this, it is better to use plastic clamps.


Reinforcement, which is made from various composites, has found application both in private and in capital construction. The rules for its installation can be studied independently according to the manufacturer's instructions. Since there is no point in using composite products in capital construction, it is worth focusing on the construction concrete foundations for private houses.

The main areas of use of fiberglass products:

To summarize the above, it is worth noting that fiberglass reinforcement can be effectively used in most cases. However, it is worth considering the shortcomings of the material and the associated limitations of operation. Often they are specified by the manufacturer.

Important! Knitting of composite reinforcement is carried out using plastic clamps.

Can fiberglass reinforcement replace metal

Fiberglass products appeared on the construction market relatively recently. However, a lot of videos and text materials have been created on the topic of its use. Given the above recommendations, it can be argued that fiberglass products can be used to strengthen walls or to connect load-bearing structures with partitions.

The main advantage of fiberglass reinforcement is that rust does not appear on it. In addition, when using it, no cold bridges appear, which cannot be said about metal rods. The use of such material is justified in cases where the building being constructed will not be too heavy. It is also necessary to use it only when building a house on stable ground.

Long-term practice of the success of the use of such material has not yet been confirmed. There are not enough reviews about it yet to draw a correct conclusion. For this reason, every developer in a certain sense risks using composite reinforcement. If you plan to build a structure that has high requirements for strength and stability, metal fittings should be chosen.


When choosing composite reinforcement for strengthening concrete structures, it is worth considering its main pros and cons. So, the material is lightweight, easy to transport and quite good indicators of strength. However, it does not withstand large fracture loads. For this reason, for buildings with high requirements in terms of strength and stability, traditional metal bars should be chosen.

Such a composite consists of a fiberglass cord wrapped with a carbon fiber thread. Due to the use of the latter, adhesion to concrete increases. If you plan to build a lightweight structure, you can use a composite. Typically, composite reinforcement is used in the construction of low-rise buildings. Fiberglass reinforcement is used for both tape and slab bases.

When using fiberglass, it is best to consult with experienced builders. It is especially important to enlist their help in the preparation of the construction project.

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The main advantages of composite reinforcement are its low weight, high tensile strength, high chemical and corrosion resistance, low thermal conductivity, low thermal expansion coefficient, and the fact that it is a dielectric. High tensile strength, which is much higher than that of steel reinforcement with equal diameter, allows the use of composite reinforcement of a smaller diameter instead of steel.

You can’t even imagine how beneficial the use of fiberglass reinforcement is! The economic gain from its application consists of a number of factors, and by no means only from the difference in cost between running meter steel and composite reinforcement.

Don't hesitate to look Full description factors that make up your savings Money, time, man-hours, electricity, Supplies etc. in the article "SAVINGS FROM THE USE OF COMPOSITE REINFORCEMENTS"

But, it must be remembered that composite reinforcement has significant disadvantages. Majority Russian manufacturers do not advertise these disadvantages, although any civil engineer can notice them on their own. The main disadvantages of any composite reinforcement are the following:

  • the modulus of elasticity of composite reinforcement is almost 4 times lower than that of steel reinforcement even with the same diameter (in other words, it bends easily). For this reason, it can be used in foundations, road slabs, etc., but the use in ceilings requires additional calculations;
  • when heated to a temperature of 600 ° C, the compound that binds the fibers of the reinforcement softens so much that the reinforcement completely loses its elasticity. To increase the resistance of the structure to fire in the event of a fire, it is required to take additional measures for the thermal protection of structures in which composite reinforcement is used;
  • composite reinforcement, unlike steel, cannot be welded by electric welding. The solution is to install steel tubes (at the factory) at the ends of the reinforcing bars, to which it will already be possible to apply electric welding;
  • such reinforcement cannot be bent directly on the construction site. The solution is to manufacture reinforcing bars of the required shape at the factory according to the customer's drawings;


Despite the fact that all types of composite reinforcement are a fairly new material on the Russian construction market. Its application has great prospects. To date, it can be safely used in low-rise construction, in foundations various types, in road slabs and other similar structures. However, for its use in multi-storey construction, in bridge structures, etc. — it is required to take into account its physical and chemical features even at the stage of preparation for designing.

A curious fact - reinforcement in bays!

The main application of reinforcement in low-rise construction is its use for reinforcing foundations. At the same time, steel reinforcement of class A3, with diameters of 8, 10, 12 mm, is most often used. The weight of 1000 linear meters of steel reinforcement is 400 kg for Ø8mm, 620 kg for Ø10mm, 890 kg for Ø12mm. Theoretically, you can purchase steel reinforcement in coils (if you find it), while, later, you will need special device to re-align such reinforcement. Will you be able to transport 1000 meters of such rebar in your car to the construction site in order to reduce shipping costs? Now imagine that the indicated reinforcement can be replaced with a composite one of a smaller diameter, namely 4, 6, 8 mm instead of 8, 10, 12 mm. respectively. The weight of 1000 linear meters of composite reinforcement is 20 kg for Ø4mm, 36 kg for Ø6mm, 80 kg for Ø8mm. In addition, its volume has slightly decreased. Such fittings can be purchased in bays, while, external diameter the bay is slightly more than 1m. In addition, when unwinding such a coil, composite reinforcement does not require straightening, since it has practically no residual deformation. Could you imagine that you could transport the fittings required for the construction country house or cottages, in the trunk of your own car? And you don't even need help with loading and unloading!