What is composite reinforcement used for? Fiberglass reinforcement - how to choose and where to use

  • 23.06.2020

Despite the fact that composite reinforcement is positioned on the market as the latest and high-tech material, the first experiences of its use have been known since the 70s of the last century. For various reasons, this type of material was not widely used in the USSR, although it was used quite actively abroad. Therefore, for Russia, this is a fairly new material. We will study the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the operational characteristics of this type of reinforcement, based on actual performance. To begin with, let's take a closer look at what composite reinforcement is, it is also plastic reinforcement and it is also polymer reinforcement.

What is composite reinforcement

This is reinforcement, the material of which is rods made of glass or basalt fibers impregnated with a polymer-based binder. There are also options for the manufacture of products from carbon and aramid fibers. According to the material used in the manufacture, such reinforcing bars are called glass, basalt or carbon fiber. Outwardly, it is quite easy to determine the material of manufacture: fiberglass reinforcement is light with a yellowish tint, basalt and carbon fiber rods are black. Like metal reinforcement, composite rods have a periodic section to ensure the required operating modes as part of a reinforced concrete structure.

Composite rebar

Some manufacturers, in order to visually distinguish rebar of different diameters and to achieve an attractive appearance, introduce colored pigments into the composition of the raw material.

Some manufacturers indicate that colored rods have improved technical characteristics. This is not true. Pigments other than decorative effect, does not affect the quality or performance of the valve in any way.

Kinds composite reinforcement

  • Secloplastic (ASP) - is produced by mixing fiberglass with thermosetting resins, which act as a binder. Distinctive feature this type - high strength with low weight;
  • Basalt-plastic (ABP) - in it basalt fiber serves as a base, organic resins serve as a binder. The advantage of the type is high resistance to aggressive chemical environments: alkalis, acids, gases and salts;
  • Carbon fiber (AUP) - consisting of hydrocarbon fibers and, due to the high cost, has not received wide demand;
  • Combined (ACC) - consists of both fiberglass and basalt fibers.

Polymer reinforcement

The composition of the composite reinforcement as a binder includes various polymers. Therefore, composite rebar is also called polymer rebar or polymer composite rebar. Since the composite material is the carrier and the polymer serves only to connect the composite fibers, the name "composite reinforcement" has become more widespread.

plastic fittings

English-speaking builders designate composite reinforcement as FRP rebar - from English. Fiber-reinforced plastic rebar. Hence the designation of composite reinforcement as plastic. Sometimes confusion arises due to the fact that fiberglass reinforcement is called plastic and vice versa. In fact, the phrase "plastic reinforcement" means the same as "composite reinforcement".

Advantages of composite reinforcement

Composite reinforcement is rapidly conquering the construction market, due to its outstanding characteristics, and is replacing the usual metal reinforcement. The main advantages of composite reinforcement:

  • Corrosion resistance, resistance to moisture and aggressive liquids significantly increases the durability of structures.
  • Significant specific strength (high tensile strength in relation to the density of the material), exceeds the performance of class A III steel reinforcement by 10-15 times.
  • Low thermal conductivity. This property makes it possible to avoid the appearance of cold bridges in the structure array.
  • Dielectricity increases the electrical safety of the premises and eliminates interference with the passage of radio waves.
  • Relatively low cost.
  • Ease of transport due to low weight. Composite rebar of small diameters can be transported in coils.

The bay of composite reinforcement fits easily into the trunk of a car

Disadvantages of composite reinforcement.

Like any construction material, along with the indisputable advantages, composite reinforcement is not without some disadvantages that must be taken into account when designing reinforced concrete structures. The disadvantages of composite reinforcement include:

  • Low modulus of elasticity of the material. This parameter compared to steel, it is 4 times less, which negatively affects the tensile strength of composite reinforcement during operation.
  • Brittleness and non-plasticity. Changing the shape of the rod is impossible without heating, which creates difficulties in the manufacture of mounting loops and embedded parts.
  • Low resistance to high temperatures. Unlike steel, the composite material loses its strength properties already at temperatures of the order of 150-300 degrees, depending on the type of fibers used in the production (fiberglass or basalt plastic).

Scope of composite reinforcement

Due to its operational characteristics, composite reinforcement can be used in a wide range of building structures and infrastructure facilities, as well as in the production repair work. This material is used:

  • in structures exposed to aggressive environments: building foundations, structural elements chemical and Food Industry, agricultural facilities;
  • to strengthen the foundations under building structures for various purposes;
  • in low-rise private housing construction;
  • in road construction: as reinforcement roadbed, during the construction and strengthening of the slopes of embankments, to strengthen the mixed elements of the road (for example, asphalt concrete - rails), reinforcing the carriageway of superstructures (bridges);
  • when repairing reinforced concrete structures in case of impossibility of building a mortar layer of considerable thickness;
  • for the manufacture of cross-links in buildings with walls erected from different kind materials ( gas silicate blocks+ brick, brick + concrete, etc.);
  • for layered masonry of small-piece elements with flexible connections;
  • structures of residential, civil and industrial buildings, in the manufacture of which prestressing of the reinforcement is not required;
  • in structural elements, during the operation of which electrochemical corrosion is possible under the influence of stray currents;
  • in mine workings to strengthen the soil during tunneling.

The use of composite reinforcement for layered laying of small-piece elements. Due to its corrosion resistance, composite reinforcement is not subject to the aggressive action of the environment at the layer boundary. The metal in this case can rust.

Technology for the production of composite reinforcement

Due to the similarity of the manufacturing process of the most popular types of composite reinforcement - glass and basalt-plastic, let's consider, for example, the technology for the production of fiberglass reinforcing bars. The technological process is extremely automated, proceeds with minimal human participation and includes the following steps:

  1. Preparation of raw materials. At this stage, aluminoborosilicate glass is melted in furnaces to the state of a viscous mass, which is then drawn into threads with a thickness of about 10-20 microns. The resulting threads, after being pre-treated with an oil-based composition, are collected in a thicker bundle, called roving.
  2. With the help of a creel - special mechanism, allowing you to feed up to 60 roving threads simultaneously, the glass fibers are fed into the tension mechanism.
  1. After equalizing the voltage, the threads, located in a certain order, are subjected to heat treatment hot air to remove moisture, oil and various types of contaminants.
  2. The cleaned and assembled roving is immersed in a bath with binder resins heated to a liquid state for thorough impregnation.
  3. The impregnated threads are sent to a spinneret - a device, by stretching through which a rod is obtained. desired diameter. In the case of manufacturing reinforcement with a spiral winding, the rod is wrapped in parallel with a roving thread of a given thickness.
  4. The formed rod enters the tunnel oven for the polymerization of the binder composition.
  5. Cooling of the resulting fittings with running water.
  6. Depending on the diameter of the products obtained, they are either wound on special equipment into coils, or cut into whips of a given length.

creel - a device for feeding fibers for joining into one thread

Comparison of technical characteristics of composite and traditional steel reinforcement

Characteristic Steel reinforcement class AIII Composite rebar
Density, kg/cu.m. 7850 1900
Relative extension, % 14 2,2
Tensile strength, MPa 390 1100
Modulus of elasticity, MPa 200000 41000
Produced diameter, mm 6 — 80

4 - 24 - domestic

6 - 40 - imported

Equal-strength replacement at a load of 25000 kg/sq.m Diameter 8 A III, cell 140x140 mm., Weight 5.5 kg/sq.m. Diameter 8 mm, cell 230x230 mm., Weight 0.61 kg/sq.m.
Replacement of reinforcement diameter with equal strength characteristics, mm.
Produced length, m. 6 — 12 6 – 12 or on request

Features of reinforcement of structures with composite reinforcement

For a master who has experience working with conventional reinforcement, reinforcement with composite materials will not cause any difficulties. As with steel bars, the diameter of the rods and the size of the cells when laying composite reinforcement is determined by calculation based on the required bearing capacity designs. Reinforcing bars in the case of pouring monolithic structures are placed in the formwork with a certain pitch and are tied together with knitting wire or conventional electrical plastic clamps of the required length. Last option possible due to the small mass of reinforcement bars.

Fastening the reinforcing mesh with clamps

It should be noted that when using knitting wire for quick fastening, special devices will be needed - a crochet hook or an automatic knitting machine. When using plastic clamps, fastening is done manually.

To connect composite reinforcement, special reinforcing clips are convenient to use, which are also made of plastic.

Connection with reinforcing clips.
Reinforcing clips.

Welding of composite reinforcement is impossible due to the dielectric properties of the material; meshes and frames are assembled in the same way.

Composite reinforcement is calculated according to the same principles as for metal reinforcement. With the only exception that the metal bars obtained during the calculation are replaced with bars of composite reinforcement of a different diameter with similar strength characteristics. You can read more about the calculation of reinforcement for the foundation in the article:.

To distance the nets when pouring floors, special devices are produced that can be purchased at any construction market or building materials store. They are also called fasteners or clamps for fittings. You can read more about the different types of retainers and their features in a special article:.

Reinforcement clamps allow you to set the desired distance between reinforcement meshes, walls and foundation base

Bending of the bars of such reinforcement under the conditions of the construction site is impossible - the rod will either break under load or return to its original state after the removal of the bending force. If it is necessary to obtain a curved element, it must be ordered from the manufacturer according to your drawings, since it is possible to give any shape to the rod only at the stage of its manufacture.

Curved composite reinforcement is obtained during its production.

Selection and cost of composite reinforcement

There are two types of rebar on the market: smooth and periodic section. At the same time, smooth reinforcement has a coating containing sand for better adhesion to concrete. The risk of using a smooth bar is that in the case of poor-quality manufacturing, the sand coating layer can peel off and the effectiveness of such reinforcement of the structure will be reduced to almost zero. It should also be taken into account that reinforcement with a periodic section perceives the load and works as part of a structure better than smooth, therefore, for use in critical load-bearing elements of a building, it is advisable to opt for this particular type.

The cost of one linear meter of reinforcement depends on the diameter. On average, composite reinforcement with a diameter of 4 mm costs 5-10 rubles per running meter(p.m.);

6 mm. - 10-15 rubles per linear meter;

8 mm. - 15-20 rubles per linear meter;

10 mm. - 20-25 rubles per r.m.

In addition, the cost of reinforcing bars made of composite materials directly depends on the manufacturer and location of production. For example, the cost of a linear meter of rebar of the same section from the Obninsk plant and a manufacturer from Nizhny Novgorod differs by more than a ruble, while products from foreign manufacturers will be even more expensive. At first glance, a small difference in price when calculating required volumes material may not be so inconspicuous, because to reinforce a site of 10 x 10 m with one reinforcing mesh with a cell of 20 x 20 cm, 1000 meters of reinforcement will be needed. When purchasing reinforcing material for a fairly large object, the difference in amount can become quite impressive.

The use of composite reinforcement in construction allows you to effectively save money, not only due to the low cost compared to steel bars. Due to its low weight, it significantly reduces the weight of the structure, which in turn reduces dimensions foundations and other load-bearing elements, while saving concrete costs.

Reinforced concrete structures are traditionally reinforced with a metal bar, but an alternative option, fiberglass reinforcement, is becoming increasingly popular. It replaces steel due to its high performance and technical characteristics. Growing popularity plastic fittings explained and low price compared to metal counterparts.


The production and characteristics of the so-called composite reinforcement for concrete monoliths and structures are regulated by GOST 31938-2012 developed according to ISO 10406-1:2008. A high-strength carbon thread is wound on a specially prepared fiberglass base. It improves adhesion to concrete due to its helical profile.

The main element of the composite fiberglass reinforcement is the trunk, made of strong, parallel to each other fibers, united by a polymer resin sintered at high temperature. The barrel is covered with a fibrous structure applied by spraying or winding in two directions.

According to SNiP 52-01-2003, the use of modern fiberglass reinforcement is possible as a full-fledged replacement for metal reinforcement. Each manufacturer indicates the technical conditions for their products, which can be used in walls, ceilings, basements and other concrete structures. It is mandatory to provide quality certificates based on examinations and test reports in laboratories.


Fiberglass reinforcement is classified according to the types of materials used in the production. This is a non-metallic raw material of mineral or artificial origin. Industry offers the following types:

  • Glass composite (ASP) - is a heat-treated mixture of longitudinally arranged fiberglass and polymer resins.
  • Basalt reinforcement or basalt composite (ABP) - is made from basalt fibers interconnected by organic resins.
  • Carbon-fiber or carbon-composite rebar (AUK) - has increased strength and is made from hydrocarbon compounds. It is more expensive than composite.
  • Aramidocomposite (AAC) - based on polyamide fibers like nylon threads.
  • Combined composite (ACC) - at the base is a fiberglass rod, on which basalt plastic is tightly wound. This type is not basalt rebar, which is confused with it, as it has a fiberglass core.

Tensile strength, MPa800-1000 800-1200 1400-2000 1400
Tensile modulus, GPa45-50 50-60 130-150 70
Compressive strength, MPa300 300 300 300
Tensile strength at cross section, MPa150 150 350 190

Manufacturers offer a large selection of fiberglass reinforcement in thickness. This makes it possible to make both a thin mesh of 4 mm and a strong reinforcing frame with a diameter of 32 mm for load-bearing structures. It is supplied in the form of cut whips or coils up to 100 m long.

This material is available in two types of profile:

  • Conditionally smooth. Made from the main rod with a layer of quartz sand sprayed with a fine fraction, which improves adhesion with the concrete mix;
  • Periodic. It is made of a rod, on which a fiberglass bundle is tightly wound, as a result of which anchor ribs appear on the rod, reliably holding it in the thickness of concrete.

Advantages and disadvantages

Fiberglass reinforcement is a new building material that is gaining popularity, has characteristics that allow it to be used for load-bearing structures. Its advantages include:

  • Corrosion resistance. Fiberglass can be used aggressive environments. According to this indicator, this material is 10 times superior to metal.
  • Low thermal conductivity of 0.35 W/m∙⁰С, which makes it possible to increase the thermal insulation of the concrete monolith, eliminates the risk of cold bridges. For comparison, the thermal conductivity of steel is 46 W / m∙⁰С.
  • High resistivity allows it to be used in the construction of bridges, railway structures, power lines and other structures where there is a risk of penetration electric shock under high voltage.
  • Low specific gravity, which reduces the pressure of structures on the surface of the soil, foundation. The average density of this material is 1.9 kg / m³, while steel has four times more - 7.9 kg / m³.
  • The cost of fiberglass reinforcement is almost 2 times lower than with a metal bar.
  • Application in a wide temperature range. It does not lose its properties at temperatures from -60 to +90⁰С.
  • Unlike metal, fiberglass has a coefficient of thermal expansion similar to concrete, so a monolith with such reinforcement does not crack with temperature changes.
  • For the installation of a reinforcing mesh, you do not need a welding machine, it is enough to connect it with plastic bundles and clamps.

Like any material, fiberglass-based polymer reinforcement has disadvantages that are taken into account during operation:

  • Insufficient resistance of fiberglass to high temperatures, the resins used to bind the fibers ignite at a temperature of 200⁰С. For private houses or utility rooms, this is not a problem, but at an industrial facility, where the concrete monolith must be refractory, the use of this reinforcement is unacceptable.
  • Almost 4 times lower elasticity modulus compared to steel.
  • When preparing the mesh, it is almost impossible to bend the composite at the desired angle, due to the low fracture strength, such elements have to be ordered at the factory.
  • One of the disadvantages of fiberglass composite reinforcement is that it does not allow making rigid reinforcement, and its strength decreases slightly over time.


Composite reinforcement is evaluated according to technical parameters. This material has a relatively low density. Therefore, the weight of a running meter of fiberglass reinforcement, depending on the diameter, is from 20 to 420 g.

Plastic reinforcement has a constant winding pitch - 15 mm. This is the optimal value for minimum cost material, provide high level adhesion to concrete.

Technical characteristics of fiberglass reinforcement are summarized in the table:

Density (kg/m³)1.9
Modulus of elasticity (MPa)55 000
Relative extension (%)2.3
Stress-Strain RelationshipStraight line with elastic-linear dependence up to failure
Linear expansion (mm/m)9-11
Resistant to corrosive environmentshigh, does not rust
Thermal conductivity (W/m⁰S)0.35
Electrical conductivityDielectric
Diameter (mm)4-32
LengthCustom length according to customer's requirement

Features of production and installation

Any type of fiberglass reinforcement is made from raw fiber bound by polymer resins, to which a hardener and a hardening accelerator are added. All components are determined by manufacturers depending on the technologies used, on the type and purpose of the elements that will be reinforced with the manufactured fiberglass reinforcement.

The material is produced on special technological lines. First, the fiberglass is impregnated with resin, a hardener and a reaction accelerator. After that, it is passed through a spinneret, where excess resin is squeezed out. Immediately, the fiberglass is compacted and takes on a shape - conditionally smooth or with anchor ribs and a technologically specified diameter.

At the next stage, the composite fiberglass reinforcement is knitted - an additional winding in the form of a bundle is wound on it in order to increase adhesion. After that, it is sent to the oven, where the polymer resins with the hardener are set. The resulting products are stacked in bays or cut into whips of the desired length.

The bars are fastened with plastic clamps or clamps. The edge of the reinforcing mesh should recede from the formwork by 50 mm, which will create a protective layer of concrete. This is done with improvised means or plastic clips. If the rod protrudes beyond the formwork, it must be cut with a hacksaw or grinder with a diamond or abrasive wheel.

It is impossible to bend fiberglass reinforcement on site without special equipment. After the force ceases to act on the rod, it again returns to its original shape. If you soften it with temperature, and still bend it, it will lose its design characteristics. The only way out is to order a pre-curved fiberglass element at the factory, in which case they will fully meet the technical and operational requirements.


Composite reinforcement may well replace the traditional metal structure. It is superior to steel reinforcement in many ways. It is used in the construction of walls, foundations and other structural elements from blocks and bricks, and is increasingly being used to reinforce solid concrete monoliths.

The use of fiberglass composite reinforcement significantly reduces the mass of structural elements, which allows additional savings on the foundation. The limitations of the use of this material include fire safety requirements at individual industrial enterprises, in other cases it is the best alternative to metal.

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The emergence of new technologies in various industries has not bypassed the construction industry. New materials have appeared that have reduced the time for construction and installation work and reduce the weight of the assembled structures, improve the thermal performance of the objects under construction and their performance characteristics. One of these materials that appeared on the construction market of our country in last years, became fiberglass reinforcement, which will be discussed in this article of the editors of the site.

Appearance of reinforcement made of composite materials

Structure, dimensions and performance characteristics of composite fiberglass reinforcement

A building material made of fiberglass fibers impregnated with a polymer binder, formed into rods with ribs of a given size and cured during the production process, is called fiberglass reinforcement (FRP or FRP).

According to its structure, the SPA is a bar, consisting of two parts, such as:

  • inner core - provides the strength characteristics of the product and is made of fiberglass fibers placed parallel to each other or in the form of a pigtail, filled with polymer resin;
  • the outer layer is made of fibers of a composite material wound onto an inner rod or in the form of a fine fraction abrasive applied by spraying.

In addition to the fact that the SPA differs in the type of outer layer, it is classified by standard sizes accordingly:

  • in diameter - from 4.0 to 18.0 mm;
  • in length - up to 12 m (when sold in the form of bars).
Note! Fiberglass reinforcement with a diameter of up to 10.0 mm inclusive can be sold in the form of a rod or in coils. In the case of implementation in the form of a bay, its length depends on the equipment on which it is manufactured. Reinforcement with a diameter of more than 10.0 mm is sold only in the form of bars.

The main performance characteristics for this material are the following indicators:

  1. Diameter - determines the tensile and bending strength of the product.
  2. Weight - is characterized by the mass of one linear meter of the product.
  3. The winding pitch is for spas with embossed coating.

Applications and types of fiberglass reinforcement

Currently, SPA is sold not only in the form of bars and coils, but is also offered in the form of reinforcing meshes and reinforcing cages. various shapes and overall dimensions.

Due to the variety of offers and successful experience of use, this material is used in various construction and installation works, as well as for the manufacture of various structures.

The main areas of use of fiberglass reinforcement are:

Note! SPA has found its application in summer cottages: it is successfully used in the manufacture of greenhouses and greenhouses as arcs on which covering material is laid, as well as fences and supporting structures for fruit and vegetable crops.

Production and requirements for fiberglass reinforcement

Spa production is a rather complicated technological process that requires special equipment and raw materials.Aluminoborosilicate glass and an oil-containing polymer binder composition are used as feedstock.

All the main elements of the SPA production line are shown in the following figure:

Expert point of view

Dmitry Kholodok

Ask a Question

“The production of fiberglass reinforcement is regulated by the Interstate Standard GOST 31938-2012 “Composite polymer reinforcement for reinforcing concrete structures. General technical conditions "".

Pros and cons of composite fiberglass reinforcement

The reason that, after the appearance on the market, the SPA became quite in demand, were the positive qualities of this material, which include:

  • light weight;
  • resistance to oxidation and other types of corrosion;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • long service life;
  • is a dielectric (does not conduct electricity);
  • possibility of application without the use of welding equipment.

Disadvantages are also present, but they are much less, these are:

  • relatively low thermal stability;
  • low elasticity.

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What to look for when choosing

When the choice fell on the use of fiberglass reinforcement in the performance of construction and installation work, then when buying it, you should pay attention to such indicators as:

  • Diameter - must correspond to the declared values.
  • The color of the reinforcement must be uniform and with shades not darker than in the declared characteristics.
  • The quality of the winding of the outer layer.
  • Products must have appropriate quality certificates and test reports.
Important! Availability of spa color more dark shades than declared by the manufacturer, indicates that the production process was violated temperature regime manufacturing. Armature of this color is burnt and its technical characteristics cannot correspond to those declared.

When choosing a spa, it is best to initially find out the reputation of the manufacturer of this material, for which you should read the reviews on the Internet and in other sources of information.

Expert point of view

Dmitry Kholodok

Technical director of the repair and construction company "ILASSTROY"

Ask a Question

“When winding the outer layer of reinforcement, pinching of the inner core of the product should not be allowed, because otherwise, the strength characteristics of the SPA are violated.

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In the article, we will consider the pros and cons of this foundation, the nuances of its correct pouring, as well as which brand of concrete is best to choose in order to get a high-quality construction.

Which reinforcement is better: metal or fiberglass

Which reinforcement to choose - metal or fiberglass - is decided at the stage of development of project documentation, or individually, based on a comparison of the main technical characteristics given in the table below:

Tensile strength, MPa390 1300
Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/m²×K46 0,35
Density, kg/m³7850 1900
Elasticity+ +
Plastic+ -
Corrosion resistance- +
Dielectric Properties- +

Leading manufacturers

The production of composite fiberglass reinforcement is carried out in many regions of our country. This is especially true for areas with a developed industrial infrastructure, such as:

  • Moscow and the Moscow Region - "Moscow Plant of Composite Materials", LLC "NPTs "SPETSPPOLYMER", LLC NPK "ARMASTEK" and others;
  • St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region - "Leader-Composite" and others;
  • Yaroslavl - "Yaroslavl Plant of Composites";
  • Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region - "Uralteplostroy", LLC "UZKT", LLC "Elpromteh", LLC NPF "UralSpetsArmatura";
  • Saratov - Povolzhskaya Armature LLC (Polarm).
Note! In many cities, the production of spas is carried out by small enterprises operating at the local level, so if you need to find a similar production in your region, you need to study the building materials market.

Price review and user reviews of composite fiberglass reinforcement

The cost of the SPA depends on its technical characteristics, the place of purchase and the company that sells it.

As of Q3 2018, the average cost of fiberglass reinforcement, when sold through dealers of manufacturing companies, is:

ManufacturerBrandDiameter, mmType of outer layer
PC "Composite"ASK8,0 coiled11,9
10,0 17,9
12,0 26,9
ASP8,0 sand coated13,9
10,0 23,9
12,0 38,9

Fiberglass reinforcement PK "Composite"

ManufacturerBrandDiameter, mmType of outer layerCost (as of September, rub./p. meter
ArmatSoyuzSPA4,0 coiled6,9
6,0 7,9
8,0 11,5
10,0 17,5
12,0 26,9
14,0 42,9
16,0 60,9
18,0 94,9

Fiberglass fittings "ArmatSoyuz"

ManufacturerBrandDiameter, mmType of outer layerCost (as of September, rub./p. meter
"Armplast"ASK4,0 coiled5,5
6,0 7,9
8,0 11,5
10,0 17,9
12,0 26,9
14,0 42,74
16,0 60,52
18,0 94,32
20,0 117,6
22,0 138,99
25,0 180,17
28,0 223,10
32,0 292,74
36,0 312,80

Fiberglass fittings "Armplast"

Individual developers and professional builders leave their feedback on the use of the SPA on the Internet. Here are some of them:

Video: feedback on the use when pouring the foundation

Feedback on the pouring of the tiled foundation:

Composite reinforcement is not a new material, but today it is actively expanding the boundaries of application, thanks to economical production technologies. polymer materials. This modern alternative to steel reinforcing bars and wire differs from metal counterparts in the raw material base, technical properties and appearance. Produced in accordance with GOST 31938-2012 and specifications manufacturers.

The main components of polymer composite reinforcement

The composition of this product includes two or more materials - the main (matrix) and fillers, including reinforcing ones. The matrix and filler are selected so that they form an overall structure that provides optimal performance for a particular purpose.


It is a cured thermosetting resin that provides stress transfer and distribution in the reinforcing filler. The resistance of products to moisture, fire, and chemical environments depends on this structural component. Thermosetting resin - polyester, epoxy, vinylester, phenolic - after curing is a solid material with a three-dimensional network structure.

Reinforcing fillers They are fibers - continuous or staple, depending on the method of manufacture. Depending on the raw materials used, fibers are distinguished:
  • glass- are made of inorganic glass.
  • Basalt- made from basalt and habrodiabase.
  • Carbon- are formed by pyrolysis of organic fibers of precursors - polyacrylonitrile or hydrated cellulose. According to the value of the modulus of elasticity and tensile strength, carbon reinforcing fillers are divided into - general purpose, high-strength, medium-, high-, ultrahigh-modulus.
  • Aramid. Feedstock - linear fiber-forming polyamides.
  • Combined composites include reinforcing fillers from two or more raw materials. For example, ASPET rods contain glass fibers and fibers made from thermoplastic polymers.
Polymer composite reinforcement is designated in accordance with the reinforcing filler present in its composition:

  • ASK (ASP)- glass composite, material advantages - combination light weight, high strength and affordable cost;
  • ABC (ABP)- basalt composite;
  • AUK (AUP)- carbon composite, has good strength, but due to the high cost of its use is limited;
  • AAK (AAP)- aramid composite;
  • ACC- combined. In this series, products made on the basis of glass and basalt fibers are widely used due to the combination of good wear resistance and reasonable cost.

Table of main characteristics various kinds composite reinforcement

Design features

It is made with a periodic profile. The product design includes:

  • Power rod- a solid element on which the main technical characteristics of the product depend.
  • anchor layer. It is located evenly, at an angle to the longitudinal axis. It is formed by winding fibers on a power rod. Improves grip polymer reinforcement with cured concrete.

The reinforcement of a periodic profile is characterized by the following parameters:

  • Outside diameter. It is measured along the tops of periodic protrusions.
  • Nominal diameter. This value is indicated in the labeling of products and is used in structural calculations.
  • Periodic Profile Step. The distance between the centers of adjacent protrusions is determined parallel to the vertical axis of the rod.

Positive and negative characteristics of polymer composite reinforcement

This type of reinforcement cannot yet act as a full-fledged replacement for steel reinforcing bars. However, there are areas of application in which the use of composite reinforcement is more rational, due to a set of advantages, including:
  • Chemical passivity. Due to this property, polymer products can be used under conditions of exposure to sea water, alkaline and acidic environments, and road chemicals.
  • Cutting speed in size under construction site conditions is much higher compared to cutting steel rods.
  • Low thermal conductivity. Polymer reinforcement increases the thermal insulation characteristics of the structure, due to the absence of cold bridges.
  • Low temperature resistance.
  • small mass. Facilitates the transportation of products, storage, installation work.
  • Lack of current conductivity, magnetoinertness and radio transparency. This quality ensures the demand for polymer products in the construction of laboratories and other facilities for which the shielding factor of electromagnetic waves is important. In structures that use polymer reinforcement, there are no stray currents.

Characteristics that limit the scope of composite reinforcement:

  • The impossibility of bending the rods at a small angle at the installation site. If there is such a need, then the manufacture of bent products is ordered at production sites.
  • Low modulus of elasticity, limiting the use in vertical reinforcing structures.
  • The possibility of welding frames is excluded. Flat and three-dimensional structures made of polymer rods are constructed only by binding and with the help of plastic clips.
  • Low resistance to high temperatures. Therefore, it is not recommended to use such products in structures that are exposed to heat, or at objects with a high fire hazard.
  • Aging. Like all polymers, composite rebar loses its performance over time. Although the manufacturers claim that operational period- at least 80 years old.

Areas of use

This building material is most effective in areas where the use of metal reinforcement is undesirable or impossible. Polymer reinforcing rods are used for:

  • installation of foundations for buildings operated in aggressive environments;
  • strengthening foundations or load-bearing walls;
  • strengthening of the roadway, embankments;
  • soil strengthening in mines;
  • formwork devices for large tanks;
  • reinforcing floor screeds;
  • fortifications of the coastline;
  • production of flexible connections between the structural elements of buildings, for example, between outer wall and finishing facade material.

Attention! The use of composite reinforcement in floor slabs, lintels and other structural elements working in tension is not recommended due to the high flexibility of the material.

Comparison of properties of polymer composite and steel reinforcement

Table comparing the characteristics of fiberglass and steel reinforcement

Reinforcement type Steel FiberglassMaterial 7900 1900 360 800 200 55 24 High resistance, no anti-corrosion measures required high 47 0,46
Low alloy steel 25G2S or 35GS Inorganic glass melt fibers, thermosetting resins and other additives
Density, kg / m 3
Tensile strength, MPa
Modulus of elasticity, GPa
Relative extension, % 2,3
Resistance to chemically aggressive environments Subject to corrosion, a protective coating such as zinc is required to increase the anti-corrosion performance
Electrical conductivityIs absent
Thermal conductivity, W/mK

As an argument in favor of replacing steel reinforcement with polymer, the possibility of using a polymer product of a smaller diameter, compared to a metal one, is given, based on the standard values ​​of tensile strength. By order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of the Russian Federation No. 493 dated 07/08/2015, in Appendix "L", reduction factors were established for the standard tensile strength, taking into account real operating conditions.

Table of reduction factors to the standard values ​​of tensile strength, presented in GOST 31938-2012

This table means that if a polymer composite reinforcement, such as fiberglass (ARC), is designed to operate under long-term loads in a room, then the calculated value of tensile resistance is found by the formula:

R calc. = R normal * 0.8 * 0.3 = 800 * 0.8 * 0.3 = 192 MPa

Therefore, when choosing the diameter of polymer reinforcement, which should replace steel reinforcement, one should not use the normative values ​​of tensile strength presented in GOST, but calculated in accordance with actual operating conditions.

In connection with the above factors, it can be concluded that composite reinforcing rods are a promising building material. However, it is effective only in certain areas of application, before using it, it is recommended to consult with qualified specialists.

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