What tax benefits do old age pensioners have?

  • 19.10.2019

In Russia, women retire quite early. The retirement age is 55 and 60 for women and men, respectively. After a person receives the status of a pensioner, a number of new opportunities open up before him. The state has assumed responsibility for supporting the above-mentioned segment of the population. Everyone needs to know what benefits an old-age pensioner has. Where and how can they be issued? By answering these questions, it will be possible to easily take advantage of state bonuses for pensioners. They make life much easier and reduce spending in certain areas.

Benefit types

It is important to note that the benefits are different. Retirees can get help in the following areas:

  • social;
  • tax;
  • housing;
  • property;
  • financial;
  • medical;
  • material.

It turns out that people of retirement age can get help in almost all spheres of life of a modern citizen. But what exactly can you expect? What are the benefits of an old age pensioner?


The most common government bonus - They usually completely exempt older people from certain tax payments. Some benefits in this area are established at the regional level, but most of them are federal in nature.

Old age pensioners are most often distinguished by the following:

  • property tax - full exemption from payment for 1 object in each category of real estate (room, house, cottage, apartment, and so on);
  • transport tax- partial or full exemption from payment for cars of small capacity;
  • land tax - usually there are no benefits, in some regions they are partially or completely exempt from payment.
  • land tax deduction of 10,000 rubles - for all elderly people.

It is not difficult to guess that the registration of this bonus takes place in the Federal Tax Service. How to properly exempt from taxes as a pensioner will be discussed later. To begin with, it is necessary to understand the state support for the elderly in full.

housing issues

What benefits do old age pensioners enjoy? The next category of state bonuses is housing. Usually, in order to receive appropriate support, you must submit a written notification of the exercise of your rights to the Criminal Code.

What can you apply for in Russia after receiving the status of a pensioner? Today it is:

  • discount on utility bills and rent (from 50% to 100%);
  • reimbursement of expenses for the use of a home telephone;
  • free emergency home telephone installation;
  • assistance with gasification of the house (free connection out of the general queue);
  • exemption (from 80 years old) or 50% discount (from 70 years old) on payment for services overhaul Houses.

All this is guaranteed, as a rule, in all regions of the Russian Federation. But that's not all. Housing benefits do not end with these features.


The thing is that under certain circumstances, pensioners can receive housing from the state. Free housing is not available to everyone. Currently eligible for it are:

  • people who do not own any living space;
  • needy pensioners (official recognition as such is required);
  • persons who have special merits before the state (veterans, heroes, and so on).

Accordingly, middle-income older people cannot hope for free housing. Registration of this benefit is carried out in the city administration or in the housing chamber of the region.

The medicine

The next very important sphere of human life is medicine. It offers special bonuses to the elderly.

Most of them do not require any registration. It is enough to have an identity card with you and pensioner's ID.

What benefits do old-age pensioners have in the field of medicine? Among them are:

  • free (by prescription);
  • treatment in sanatoriums and resorts (according to directions) without payment;
  • free service in medical institutions out of turn;
  • service in nursing homes and boarding houses without charging a fee;
  • supply of dentures free of charge.

As already mentioned, no registration of benefits is required. When applying for medical care, you just need to confirm your status as a pensioner.


Benefits for old-age pensioners often depend on where the family lives. Special attention should be paid to the transport sector.

The thing is that today in Russia they are talking about the abolition of transport benefits for pensioners. This measure has been adopted in most regions. But in some cities, older people have not been deprived of state bonuses in this area.

Senior citizens are entitled to:

  • free use of public transport;
  • buying tickets for suburban transport out of turn;
  • suburban travel vehicles free of charge (usually after 80 years).

It is important to note that benefits (if any) do not apply to fixed-route and regular taxis.

Working citizens

Retirement age in Russia comes quite early. The population, even after registration of the status of pensioners, tries to continue their activities. This helps not only to feel younger, but also contributes to an increase in pension.

Working pensioners are entitled to state support. They may require:

  • tax deductions for certain transactions;
  • unpaid leave at a convenient time for you (the duration depends on the status of the pensioner);
  • recalculation of pension once a year;
  • free advanced training or retraining at the expense of the employer;
  • accruals for the period of employment.

Non-working pensioners are also entitled to a tax deduction, but only if more than 3 years have not passed since the moment of dismissal. Otherwise this opportunity for persons who do not deduct personal income tax (13%), it is lost.

legal assistance

Old age is a period when citizens often need legal support. The services of an experienced lawyer cannot be called cheap. Therefore, the state decided to provide the elderly with free legal support.

It relies on the following persons who have gone on a well-deserved rest:

  • war and labor veterans;
  • the poor;
  • people living in social service organizations;
  • politically repressed;
  • incompetent.

Everyone else will have to pay for the services of a lawyer. There is nothing surprising or unusual about this.

Targeted and material assistance

What are the benefits for old age pensioners? Elderly people of the Russian Federation can receive material or targeted assistance. To do this, you must apply with the appropriate application to social services.

Targeted assistance can be expressed:

  • clothes;
  • money;
  • shoes;
  • products;
  • furniture;
  • household items.

Targeted and material assistance is provided only to needy pensioners. The payout amount will vary. The only thing that can be said with certainty is that material support should provide the pensioner with a living wage in the region.

Financial sphere

All citizens of the Russian Federation at a certain age are assigned a pension. Benefits for old-age pensioners will be issued after the person is officially recognized as elderly. To date, the fact that he has employment does not affect the receipt of most state bonuses.

Old people in Russia also receive financial benefits. Among them are:

  • exemption from personal income tax material support;
  • receiving a pension;
  • increase in the insurance part of pension payments at a certain age.

As already mentioned, under certain circumstances and needs, citizens will be helped to ensure a living wage in the region.

deep old age

It is clear what tax benefits old-age pensioners are provided in Russia. Upon reaching the age of 80, new horizons open up for older people. What is this about?

At this age, usually citizens can count on:

  • registration of self-care - the caregiver is credited with seniority and paid 1,200 rubles per month;
  • complete exemption from;
  • increase in the insurance part of the pension by 2 times (occurs automatically).

Care is issued in the FIU. If a citizen takes care of a pensioner, he cannot labor activity. But, as already mentioned, seniority and pension points will still be awarded to him.

To apply for care, you need to bring:

  • statement;
  • parties' passports;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • SNILS of a caregiver and a pensioner.

Both relatives (documents confirming kinship will be required) and complete strangers can take care of a pensioner.

Arranging tax breaks

Now it is clear what benefits an old-age pensioner has. All listed government bonuses are offered to the entire senior population. How to apply for tax benefits?

To do this, you need to contact the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration. With him, the pensioner must bring:

  • application for exemption from tax;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • passport;
  • TIN (if any);
  • documents on the ownership of transport / real estate.

After studying the papers, the Federal Tax Service will exempt the pensioner from taxes. In order for the changes to take effect from the year the citizen applied, it is necessary to submit a written request before November 1. Otherwise, they will be exempt from taxes from the next tax period.


You should also pay attention to the processing of tax deductions. They are provided to all working citizens who contribute 13% of personal income tax to the state treasury. Pensioners receive this support according to the general rules.

They must bring with them:

  • an application for a deduction;
  • identification;
  • registration certificates;
  • work book;
  • income certificates (usually in the form 2-NDFL);
  • tax return;
  • supporting documents for obtaining a deduction (mortgage agreement, sale and purchase agreement, and so on);
  • details of the account to which the funds are to be transferred.

After a detailed consideration of the request, pensioners can wait for a response from the Federal Tax Service regarding the provision of a deduction. If everything is done correctly, the money will be credited to the account in about 1.5-2 months. It is clear what benefits an old-age pensioner has.

The average pension in Russia in 2015 according to the Federal Statistics Service is 12,400 rubles, the minimum is 4,800 rubles. This is very little, to say the least. It is difficult to imagine how difficult it is for single pensioners with such a penny pension. Many of them do not even suspect that their financial situation can be improved at the expense of the state. We will tell you below how to do this and what benefits are due to old-age pensioners.

Benefits and types social support pensioners are different: targeted and general, intended for certain categories of citizens and unconditional, monetary and compensatory, provided at the federal and regional levels.

There are not many prerogatives for old-age pensioners, designated at the all-Russian level. Among them:

  • tax benefits;
  • cash compensation, allowances and payments to both the pensioners themselves and the persons caring for them;
  • social benefits and services.

Old-age pensioners do not pay income tax from pensions, additional social payments and benefits, and may also not pay property tax on one object of taxation of their choice. These rights are enshrined in the relevant chapters of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and are valid throughout Russia.

In most regions, old-age pensioners are also allowed not to pay land tax on one of the plots (for example, residents of St. Perm Territory etc.) and a transport tax on a domestically produced car of installed capacity (example: St. Petersburg, Moscow and Moscow Region, Nizhny Novgorod and the region). These benefits are exclusively regional in nature and are regulated by the relevant legislation.

Guaranteed payouts

Many socially vulnerable groups of the population receive additional financial assistance at the state level. Here are the benefits for pensioners:

  • a 2-fold increase in the fixed part of the pension (FPP) after the citizen reaches the age of 80;
  • additional payment to the level of the regional housing minimum - if the total amount of income of a pensioner (including pension, monthly income, allowances, etc.) is below the minimum necessary for living in this region, then he is paid an additional payment from the state budget or the budget of the region. Usually, the regional budget is connected if the subsistence level of the region is higher than the average for the Russian Federation, in all other cases, payments are made from the state budget;
  • additional payment to the PPF for disabled dependents - the PPF increases by a third for each dependent, but not more than 100% of the PPF in total;
  • Supplement to PPP for pensioners - "northerners", as well as former workers of the North - depends on the length of service of their work and the district coefficient this region;
  • additional payment to PPP for agricultural workers who have worked in the village for more than 30 years - in the amount of 1/4 PPP;
  • EDV for certain categories of pensioners (disabled people, participants in the Second World War, heroes of the USSR and R, etc.) $
  • compensation payments to able-bodied relatives caring for pensioners who need it for health reasons or age (over 80) - in the amount of 1.2 thousand rubles. per month.

Social benefits

The next question under consideration is: what social benefits do old-age pensioners enjoy?

On January 1, 2015, Federal Law No. 442 of December 28, 2013, came into force, regulating the procedure for social services for Russians who need it. Article 15 of this law states that Russians who have lost the ability to fully or partially serve themselves, walk and perform actions necessary for normal life due to old age, illness, disability, have the right to apply to the authorized territorial body for the appointment of individual social assistance.

According to articles 19 and 20 of the said law, these can be urgent cash payments, escort services, home medical services, household services (washing the floor, cleaning the premises, cooking), as well as other services necessary for a particular citizen. The volume and types of social services for pensioners are determined by the authorized body based on the results of a personal appeal.

Old-age pensioners working at enterprises and organizations of the Russian Federation in the established Labor Code order, the following benefits are provided:

  • deductions from personal income tax, which are due to ordinary citizens of the Russian Federation, including when buying / selling real estate;
  • additional unpaid leave on demand;
  • annual recalculation of already accrued pension;
  • accrual of additional pension points in case of refusal of old-age pension for a certain period;

Benefits for pensioners - labor veterans

Special attention deserves pensioners recognized in the prescribed manner as labor veterans. Their rights and privileges are regulated by regional legislation and therefore are not permanent. Here are the benefits provided to labor veterans in Moscow (Law Moscow time No. 70 dated November 03, 2004):

  • unpaid travel in public transport in Moscow;
  • unpaid travel in electric trains and trains plying in the Moscow region;
  • payment of housing and communal services in the amount of 50%;
  • monetary compensation for the use of a landline telephone;
  • free dentures.

In St. Petersburg (according to the current Social Code of St. Petersburg), pensioners-veterans of labor also receive:

  • 50% discount on utility bills;
  • the right to purchase tickets for urban and suburban transport at a reduced cost;
  • the right to a one-time cash payment;

Similar privileges are enjoyed by elderly workers in the Sverdlovsk, Novosibirsk, Saratov, Nizhny Novgorod and other regions of the Russian Federation.

In order to receive social assistance or take advantage of the benefit intended for you, you must contact the social protection authority and submit documents proving your rights.

Citizens of retirement age who live in Moscow and own land plots, movable and immovable property, can apply for property tax benefits in accordance with the provisions of municipal legislation. In the article, we will analyze whether tax benefits are provided to pensioners in Moscow, what are the conditions for assigning benefits to pensioners in the capital.

Tax benefits for pensioners in Moscow

Moscow pensioners, as well as regional pensioners, are entitled to receive tax benefits in accordance with federal law (read the article “What tax benefits do pensioners have”). In addition, the capital's pensioners can apply for additional tax credits or be entitled to a full tax exemption if it is provided for by the legislative acts of Moscow.

The legislative framework

The circle of persons entitled to receive a tax benefit in Moscow, the conditions and procedure for its appointment are recorded in the following regulatory documents:

According to the documents, citizens who are registered and permanently reside in Moscow can apply for a benefit in relation to objects located in Moscow (land, real estate) or registered in the capital (vehicles).

Transport tax

Residents of Moscow who are recipients of a social or insurance old-age pension are not eligible for transport tax benefits. In other words, the achievement by a person of retirement age, or the fact of granting an old-age pension for a Muscovite car enthusiast, is not a basis for tax exemption, and also does not provide the right to receive a tax rebate.

At the same time, pensioners of special categories are entitled to a transport tax exemption in Moscow. On the basis of the Moscow Law "On transport tax", full exemption from tax obligations provided:

  • Heroes of the USSR, RF, full cavaliers Order of Glory;
  • invalids, WWII veterans;
  • disabled, combat veterans;
  • disabled people of І and ІІ groups;
  • former prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos;
  • citizens affected by man-made disasters and nuclear tests.

If a pensioner does not belong to one of the above categories, he can receive a 100% tax discount if he is a parent (custodian, adoptive parent) of a disabled child or an incapacitated disabled person from childhood.

Besides, owners of passenger cars up to 70 l/s are exempted from taxation. Thus, pensioners (as well as other persons) who own a vehicle within the specified capacity are not required to pay transport tax.

Consider an example . Shchukin, a resident of Moscow, is a pensioner by age, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. Shchukin owns 2 cars:

  • Hyundai Accent - power 107 l / s;
  • Lada Kalina - power 90 l / s.

In October 2017, Shchukin filed with the Federal Tax Service a notice of exemption from tax on a Hyundai Accent car. Tax for the vehicle Lada Kalina Schukin must pay in full:

90 l/s * 12 rub. = 1.080 rub.

Property tax

In accordance with Art. 407 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, pensioners are completely exempt from paying tax. Moscow pensioners in this case are no exception. Owners of real estate (house, cottage, apartment, room, garage, etc.) have the right not to pay property tax if they are:

  • old-age pensioners (recipients of a social or insurance pension);
  • disabled people of I, II, III groups, disabled since childhood;
  • participants, veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
  • military pensioners (length of service 20 years or more);
  • parents of military personnel who died in the line of duty.

Similarly to the general procedure, Moscow pensioners can apply for a federal benefit in respect of one property of each type (apartment / room, garage, residential building, utility room / object).

At the same time, the municipal legislation of Moscow provides the right of full tax exemption for retired owners of garages with an area of ​​up to 25 m 2 .

Consider an example . Sidorov is a pensioner by age, a resident of Moscow. Sidorov owns 2 garages (32 m 2 and 24 m 2). Sidorov is completely exempt from paying tax on each of the objects:

  • tax relief for a garage of 32 m 2 - on the basis of Art. 407 NK;
  • tax exemption for a garage of 24 m 2 - on the basis of Moscow Law No. 30 of 09/28/16.

Land tax

For residents of Moscow of certain categories who are owners of land plots, the size tax deduction increased to 1,000,000 rubles . You can take advantage of this benefit:

  • disabled people of І and ІІ groups;
  • disabled since childhood;
  • veterans of the Second World War, military operations;
  • liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident;
  • persons who have undergone radiation sickness, and other citizens affected by man-made disasters and nuclear tests.

Complete exemption from payment land tax provided to Moscow pensioners who have the status of:

  • Hero of the USSR / RF / Socialist Labor;
  • full cavalier of the orders of Glory / Labor Glory / "For Service to the Motherland";

Consider an example . A resident of Moscow, Dudkin is a pensioner, a disabled person of the II group. Dudkin owns land plot on the territory of Moscow, which is used for housing construction. The cadastral value of the plot is 1.040.711 rubles. Calculate the annual amount of land tax for Dudkin, taking into account the benefits:

(1.040.711 rubles - 1.000.000 rubles) * 0.3% = 122.13 rubles.

Conditions for assigning tax benefits in Moscow

In order to take advantage of the municipal benefit, a pensioner must permanently reside in the capital, and also be registered in Moscow. The benefit to metropolitan pensioners is provided in relation to those objects that are located and registered in Moscow, namely:

  • in relation to real estate and land plots located on the territory of Moscow;
  • in relation to vehicles that are registered in Moscow.

When applying for a benefit, a Moscow pensioner will need to prepare:

  • identification;
  • a document confirming Moscow registration;
  • a document certifying the right to a benefit (pension certificate, extract from the ITU act on disability, certificate and badge of the Hero of the USSR, etc.);
  • statement;
  • notification indicating the object selected for the assignment of benefits.

Moscow pensioners can apply for benefits:

  • personally;
  • Russian post (letter with notification and description of attachments);
  • through a representative (on the basis of a valid power of attorney, or other documents;
  • in in electronic format(on-line application on the PFR or State Services website).

Documents for obtaining a benefit for a pensioner should be submitted to the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration before October 1 of the current year. That is, for tax exemption in 2017, documents must be submitted before 10/01/17.

Pension benefits are the statutory rights of citizens of certain categories to receive free public transport, discounts on utility bills, spa treatment, and reduced cost of medicines.

Preferential provision is not limited to the listed items and is provided to citizens of the categories established by law in connection with their labor activity or inability to provide for themselves independently.

Who is entitled to benefits?

Benefits for pensioners are provided by the state. Beneficiaries include:

  • persons with income below the subsistence minimum;
  • participants and veterans of the Second World War;
  • combat veterans.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 781 of October 29, 2002. pension benefits are provided:

  • employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia of the Ministry of Justice, whose official duties concern prisoners;
  • persons working in the theatrical field;
  • teachers in preschool and school institutions who are given the opportunity of early retirement;
  • doctors and medical staff according to the list of approved positions with the legislative right to early retirement.

A preferential pension is assigned to categories of persons for whom the length of service is taken into account at increased coefficients. The periods counted as seniority are determined by the state and may be changed in accordance with new legal acts. Lists of positions for entering a preferential pension are established by the same Government Decree.

Since the new year, new rules have been established for workers in hazardous industries: Early retirement for workers in hazardous industries has been cancelled. Persons employed at enterprises of mechanical engineering, metallurgy and other industries related to hazardous substances will pay separate material support. The amount of social guarantees will be determined by the extent to which the citizen's ability to work has been lost.

Why are benefits not available to everyone?

According to the Government, work in the socially useful sphere gives more rights to preferential pension provision. A rescuer, a doctor, a teacher and a warden in a penitentiary institution bring more benefits to the state and society than other categories of citizens.

Preferential provision is a relic of socialism. Back in the USSR, pensioners were entitled to free travel and discounts on various household services. Today, the number of citizens with these benefits has increased to 50% and even exceeded this figure. The state turned out to be unable to provide half of its citizens with social guarantees.

If five years ago it was possible to say that the pension does not even reach the subsistence level, today the situation has changed dramatically. Labor and social benefits increased. Now pensioners are better off, and the average pension is 8-10,000 rubles. By increasing payments, the state compensated for the right to receive benefits.

Benefits today rely only on persons whose work experience is taken into account in an increased amount. There is also a clear distinction between the categories of citizens who receive special payments (for example, military pensions) and those who receive a regular old-age pension.

What can you save on?

Preferential pension provision gives the right to reduce the cost of paying transport tax:

Citizens also have the opportunity to reduce the amount of tax paid on real estate in cases where their financial situation does not allow them to pay off the debt in full. The number of properties for the discount does not play a role. To confirm their right to benefits, a pensioner needs to contact the tax authority at the place of residence with the relevant documents. These include, first of all, a pension certificate.

The recalculation of taxes starts from the first month in which the preferential right arose. If a citizen applies to the MIFTS out of time, the indexation of the amount of payments is made no more than for the previous three years before the application. In the latter situation, a written application from the taxpayer is required.

It is also possible to receive benefits for the payment of land tax. Since it is established by regional governments, the right to benefits is also determined by the leadership of the regions. The same situation exists with the transport tax. To receive discounts, the payment of which requires a legislative act of the subject of the Federation.

To receive preferential social guarantees from a citizen, no special actions are required. It is enough to provide a pension certificate, which will be a confirmation of special rights.

Unfortunately, often after retirement, when old age sets in, people are faced with a constant shortage of funds. Therefore, a natural question arises: what benefits are provided by the state for people of retirement age? At the same time, someone has a work experience of less than 20 years, someone did not enter the data in the work book, and this in total can significantly affect the amount of old-age benefits received.

However, whatever benefits are accrued, they will improve the standard of living of an elderly person. I would like to immediately note that, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the retirement age for people is 55 years for women, and 60 years for men, respectively. In this case, the minimum period of insurance experience must be at least 5 years.

Category of people eligible for benefits

Benefits for people of retirement age throughout 2015 will be accrued by the social protection authorities upon the application submitted to them. I.e, Just being a pensioner is not enough to receive benefits must be declared in writing. At the same time, people claiming benefits can be divided into federal or regional persons who are entitled to an additional payment. The following pensioners belong to the federal category of beneficiaries:

  • people who took part in the Great Patriotic War;
  • category of persons participating in hostilities;
  • persons who lived in besieged Leningrad;
  • widowed women of persons participating in the Second World War;
  • families of people who died in the war;
  • disabled people;
  • people affected by radiation exposure.

If we talk about regional beneficiaries, then the amount of compensation payments for them is set depending on the subject of the federation where pensioners live. Everything will depend on the level of development of the region, the size of the local budget and other factors that may affect the amount of preferential payments. The pensioner can find out about the exact amount of benefits from the social security authority at the place of residence. In addition, payments can be made to close relatives of pensioners over 80 who care for the elderly.

What benefits do pensioners rely on paying for services for living in an apartment?

This type of compensatory surcharge can be assigned to elderly people who have retired if the amount intended for payment utilities, exceeds in percentage terms 22% of the total amount of income received by all people living in the apartment. This rule is spelled out in article 159 of the housing code in force on the territory of our state.

A subsidy for paying utility bills is provided to people of retirement age who live in your own or rented apartment, as well as in houses belonging to the state or municipal housing stock. The subsidy can also be given to older people who are members of a housing cooperative.

I would like to note that the subsidy will be assigned only if the pensioner has there are no debts for paying utility bills. Otherwise, a person applying for a subsidy will be required to sign an agreement that sets out the procedure and terms for repaying all utility debts.

In order to receive benefits of this kind, the pensioner must visit the relevant authorities at the place of residence. social protection population, who, after reviewing the submitted documentation, will decide on the appropriateness of subsidizing. At the same time, preferential surcharges will be allocated for six months, after which the pensioner will have to re-apply for their extension.

Tax credits for retirees

According to the legislation in force in the territory of our country, people who have reached retirement age may be exempted from paying taxes on their real estate. At the same time, benefits of this kind apply to all real estate objects owned by a pensioner. Also the local regional government may be subject to a concession for land and transport tax.

I would like to clarify that for each individual region, the amount of benefits will be different. Therefore, in order to find out what benefits a pensioner can apply for, he needs to contact the local authorities. In most cases, the category of retired persons is exempted from taxes of this kind, or the rates for them are reduced to a significant extent.

For old age tax benefits, a person must apply to the tax office with the relevant application, to which attach a copy and the original of the pension certificate. In addition, based on tax code Russian Federation, elderly people receiving a pension are exempted from income taxes individuals. Also, the following incomes of pensioners are not taxed:

  • pension received by an elderly person;
  • financial assistance provided by former employers;
  • funds allocated to pay for sanitary-resort treatment paid for by the enterprise where the pensioner worked.

Discounts on public transport

The country's budget always includes significant amounts for transportation costs, which include benefits for people of retirement age for travel in public transport. I would like to note that such surcharges are established by regional authorities local government. Therefore, in some cities, older people ride a bus, tram or trolley bus for free, and somewhere the cost of a ticket is simply reduced for them.

Also, depending on the region of residence, in order to receive travel benefits, a pensioner must either simply present a pension certificate or issue transport card which includes benefits. In addition, pensioners who fall under the category of federal beneficiaries, travel discounts will be provided on commuter trains.

I would like to note that pensioners living in the regions of the Far North can claim compensation for travel expenses to sanatorium treatment areas. To do this, you must apply to the local Pension Fund.

State social services for people of retirement age

The legislation of the Russian Federation stipulates that the elderly, as well as incapacitated citizens apply for the services of social authorities at the state level. This service includes the following retiree support services:

  • home social services - assistance to the elderly in buying food or medicine, as well as in cleaning housing or when accompanying elderly citizens to a medical institution;
  • social assistance on a semi-residential basis - assistance in social, domestic, medical and cultural issues, as well as catering and ensuring feasible participation in working life;
  • stationary basis of social assistance - assistance to the elderly who are in a nursing home, boarding house or other institution of a similar plan;
  • social assistance in an urgent form - one-time assistance to the elderly in providing them with food, housing or legal services, and much more;
  • social advisory support - services in the legal sphere and to ensure the leisure of pensioners.

Citizens who, due to advanced age or health reasons, need permanent or temporary care can count on free social assistance in old age. At the same time, such assistance is provided by special institutions free of charge.

Useful information for working pensioners

I would like to immediately note that the state does not provide special preferential payments to the categories of persons of retirement age who continue their labor activity. Based on the legislation in force in the territory of our state, benefits for working pensioners the following labor categories:

  • military retirees;
  • people who have received an old-age pension;
  • persons receiving a disability pension.

What awaits those who do not want to retire, but continue their work?

  1. Working pensioners receive the same rights as other employees of the enterprise. At the same time, the fact of retirement of citizens cannot be a reason for dismissal.
  2. Working people of retirement age are entitled to leave.
  3. This category of persons is not provided with separate working conditions.
  4. Working pensioners do not receive social benefits if their income is more than the subsistence level established in the region where citizens live.

Benefits for retired veterans

Benefits for veterans are established on the basis of current legislation. Veterans of labor or people participating in the war, in addition to basic pension payments, receive a fixed supplement. The amount of such additional payments depends on the benefits used by the veteran.

In addition, the law provides free dentures services and compensation for the use of a landline phone. But at the same time, the size of most of the preferential surcharges depends on the region in which the pensioner lives. For example, veterans living in Moscow use almost any type of public transport for free, including electric trains, and also pay only 50% of the cost of public utilities. In addition, they are entitled to free dentures and once a year a free ticket to a sanatorium.

However, in most other areas, free dentures are not provided, and veterans will pay for the dentist out of pocket. Also im will have to pay part of the fare in public transport, and when traveling by train, pay 50% of the ticket price, and then only on holidays and weekends. Although almost everywhere veterans of retirement age have the right once a year to receive a free ticket to medical spa treatment in a sanatorium.