The largest cactus in the world. The largest cacti

  • 15.06.2019

general description with the names of the cactus family, and their classification and photos are given. Presented varieties of cacti available for growing at home

General information about cacti

Cacti are a relatively young family of plants on our planet; they appeared at a time when mammals already reigned on earth. The homeland of cacti is South America, from where they settled throughout the Western Hemisphere. And thanks migratory birds, some of their species came to Africa and Asia.

At their core, all cacti are succulents, that is, plants that can accumulate water in the stems in case of long periods of drought. Distinctive feature that distinguishes the cactus family is the presence of areoles in them - special modified branches that have the shape of kidneys. It is from the areoles that thorns, flowers and “children” grow in cacti, with the help of which cacti carry out vegetative propagation.

Areoles of Grandifolius cactus

Cacti are truly unique plants. Even their photosynthesis goes differently than the rest of the plant world: carbon dioxide for it is collected by the plant at night, and not during the day. This is due to the fact that during the day, in order to avoid moisture loss, the stomata of the cactus are closed.

The living conditions of cacti are the most extreme. Some of them live in desert regions with disastrous daily temperature fluctuations and very little rainfall. Others, on the contrary, live in conditions of exceptional humidity, capable of destroying all other plant species.

The appearance of cacti has always surprised flower growers: the appearance of the plant cannot be called attractive or friendly, but the flowers that appear on it from time to time can capture the imagination of any connoisseur.

cacti classification

From the point of view of biology, cacti are divided into 4 subfamilies and 11 tribes. However, cactus growers are not interested in such a division. They share cacti either in appearance, according to living conditions in their natural environment.

In appearance, cacti are:

  • treelike
  • shrubby
  • herbaceous
  • vines

The classification by habitat is simpler: cacti are divided into desert and forest. Such a division of these plants is purely practical in nature: in order not to refresh all 11 knees in memory, it is easier for a cactus grower to immediately point out its shape and “place of residence”, and it immediately becomes clear what he is dealing with.

Forest cactus epiphyllum with flowers

However, in the bulk, these are plants whose roots practically do not come into contact with rich soils and organic matter, which they are forced to be content with, is very poor in nutrients. The shape of the leaves of tropical cacti is also very specific - these are long flattened shoots with thin short antennae instead of thorns.

If forest cacti are more or less similar to each other, then their desert relatives are represented by three types:

  • They have spherical or cylindrical stems.
  • Areoles, relatively evenly distributed, may be located on small ribs.
  • Extremely tenacious and adaptable plants.
  • Grafting of any cactus is impossible without echinopsis, which are used as rootstocks.
  • However, it would be a mistake to consider them exclusively a "technical" plant.
  • There are many varieties of these cacti with excellent decorative properties.

prickly pear

prickly pear

  • The most common type of cactus.
  • They are distinguished by the characteristic shape of the stem - it is flattened and resembles a small cake.
  • There are a huge number of varieties of prickly pear, which in their natural habitats find a wide variety of uses: from food to dyes or raw materials for the production of alcoholic or medicinal products.
  • The living conditions of prickly pear are also very different.
  • There are species that can tolerate negative temperatures and a short stay under the snow, or partially grown into the ice.



  • Cacti with pronounced ribs, on which thick spines are located.
  • Unlike echinopsis, they are smaller, but have more ribs, and are also equipped with many small specks on the stem that can absorb water.
  • In spite of small size, astrophytums begin to bloom at a very early age.
  • Their flowering lasts from May to October, which is a kind of record among cacti.
  • However, you have to pay for everything.
  • In winter, this type of plant is dormant and practically does not grow.
  • In addition, astrophytums have the slowest growth rate of both the stem and root system.
  • They are not recommended to be transplanted more than once every 5-6 years.

Not all cacti can be grown at home. Some representatives of this family simply will not be able to fit in a living room. In addition, there are poisonous cacti that can cause both allergic reactions, and serious poisoning, so their better at home do not keep.

A separate category are plants used in traditional medicine indigenous people of Central and South America. Among them, there are both harmless antiseptics and very serious hallucinogens, containing up to 2% mescaline in their mass.

Consider the most popular types and varieties of cacti in home floriculture, the features of their cultivation and maintenance.

Types of home cacti

At home, cacti change their lifestyle and sometimes even their appearance. This is due to the ability of all succulents to adapt to conditions. environment. Most often, such a manifestation can occur imperceptibly for the host, for example, the root system decreases or the growth rate of the flower changes.

In some cases, these lifestyle changes are reflected in the appearance of the cactus. As a rule, this does not lead to deterioration in the appearance of the flowers; sometimes due to these changes, their classification can be difficult.



  • An original cactus with reduced spines. Most varieties have a flattened shape and triangular branches from the stem.
  • The nondescript appearance of the plant is compensated by large beautiful flowers or inflorescences that appear on it every spring.
  • It has a tap root system, often having a large thickening, which must be taken into account when choosing a pot for this pet. Sometimes the size of the root is 4 times the size of the ground part of the flower.
  • Flowering occurs at the end of autumn and lasts for several days.
  • After that, fruits ripen on the plant, containing many small seeds. Ariocarpus seeds have a germination capacity for several years.



  • The spherical stems of this plant can have a wide variety of sizes, depending on the variety.
  • There are also giants up to 30 cm in diameter among them, and there are also very small specimens, no more than 2 cm in size.
  • A distinctive feature of these flowers are bare flower tubes, completely devoid of any hairy protective cover.
  • The plant is able to bloom in the second year of life. Flowering is long, lasting almost the entire season. The shades are very diverse - from white to dark purple.
  • Some types of these flowers are devoid of chlorophyll in the stems, which makes their coloring very original. The stems of these cacti can be yellow or bright red.
  • Gymnocalyciums are often grafted onto other cacti, for example, some varieties of astrophytums.



  • Plants with a long cylindrical shape.
  • Their height, even at home, can reach up to 4 meters, and thickness up to 15 cm.
  • Although, basically, specimens are grown in pots that do not exceed 0.5 m in height.
  • The plant is always perfectly straight, with about a dozen unexpressed ribs.
  • The root system is very developed, which must be taken into account when growing.
  • The distinguishing feature of these plants is a large number of thin spines growing from the areoles.
  • Moreover, the spines can be both thick and thin. Sometimes, with a large number of soft spines, the cactus seems to be covered with a kind of fluff.



  • Plants with a stem with pronounced ribs.
  • Their number can reach up to 10, although there are usually specimens with 5 "rays".
  • The stem has a strong, almost rigid structure, so it does not have spines to protect against potential predators.
  • Blossom for 2 years of life. Flowering time depends on the species, however, its duration rarely exceeds 3 days.
  • The flowers are mostly yellow or red.
  • Almost all astrophytums grow slowly, which, however, does not prevent them from “exploiting” free areas quickly enough, propagating both vegetatively and with the help of seeds.

  • Cacti of this type are extremely common. Some botanists believe that mammillaria is even larger than all prickly pear.
  • The main difference from other cacti is the characteristic shape of areoles and their large number.
  • In addition, the flowers in these plants do not appear from the areoles, but from special sinuses located between them.
  • The plant requires a lot of heat and light to maintain.
  • This is one of the most demanding cacti, however, if all conditions are met, its flowering will be one of the most abundant in the entire family.
  • Mammillaria do not allow temperatures below +15°C in summer.
  • Also critical for them are daily temperature fluctuations greater than 8-11°C.
  • V winter periods plants are able to tolerate temperatures of the order of 10 ° C, however, already in mid-March, the plant requires “summer” conditions.



  • He is peyote or peyote. The same cactus rich in mescaline, which was used in their practices by representatives of the clergy of the Aztec and Mayan civilizations.
  • And although its cultivation is prohibited by law in most countries, there are a fairly large number of photos of this plant on the net, which is clearly not grown in the wild.
  • It is a relatively small plant, up to 9 cm in diameter, spherical or cylindrical in shape, devoid of thorns.
  • The root system is quite developed, it is from it that many “children” of this cactus are formed.
  • Flowers appear at the top of the cactus. The older he is, the more flowers.
  • Flowering time is about a month.



  • From Latin it is translated as "the head of an old man." It grows slowly, but under natural conditions it reaches truly gigantic sizes: specimens up to 15 m high and up to 0.5 m in diameter have been recorded.
  • An amazing feature of this plant is its theoretically unlimited growth at home.
  • If you do not take measures to stop the root system, the plant is able to grow at home to its natural, natural size.
  • In summer, it requires good lighting and ventilation; watering is moderate, not more than 1 time in 10 days.
  • In winter, the plant requires non-watering dormancy with a temperature of about + 5 ° C, which can sometimes be a problem for a cactus grower.
  • The flowers of this cactus, although they are quite large (up to 10 cm in diameter), however, it is difficult to call them attractive because of bad smell, which in nature cephaloceruses attract bats.



  • One of the unusual representatives of cactus. Belongs to the tropical type.
  • Cultivated in hanging pots or placed on tall supplies.
  • For about three years, it is able, growing downwards, to completely hide the support on which it is located.
  • It is an epiphyte with small roots, serving mainly for attachment to a support.
  • The stem is branched, up to 1.5 m long, while one hundred of their thickness does not exceed 4-5 mm.
  • It has a large number of areoles, in each of which a flower is formed.
  • Usually, all flowers, except for those located on the growth cone, fall off, while the latter can bloom within a week.
  • After flowering, all branches of ripsalis are covered with berries in shape similar to large currants.

  • The so-called "Easter cactus" or "Decembrist".
  • It got its name because of the time of flowering, coming in December, closer to the Catholic Christmas.
  • It has many varieties and hybrids, differing both in the shape of the stems and in the shades of flowers.
  • It is an epiphyte with a record short dormant period, lasting from October to November.
  • Then comes the time of active flowering. About a month after flowering and fruit ripening, the plant enters a phase of active vegetation, lasting until dormant.
  • During this time, it significantly increases its green mass, so transplantation of ripsalidopsis, especially in the first years of life, is a common phenomenon.
  • They are made immediately after the end of the flowering process; at the same time, the capacity of the pot is selected, approximately 1.5 times larger than the previous one.
  • A feature of the cultivation of this plant is its fairly long ability to endure drought in natural conditions, but you should not subject it to such tests at home: the more water the plant receives, the more flowers it can form.
  • The conditions for keeping the epiphyllum are as follows: the temperature in summer is from 20 to 25 ° C.
  • During the dormant period - no more than 10-15 ° C. Watering is rare, 1 time in 2-3 weeks. At rest, it is necessary to completely exclude watering.
  • For abundant flowering the plant needs top dressing in the form of special fertilizers for succulents or cacti.
  • Usually, they are applied several times a season: every month, from June to September, top dressing is carried out twice.
  • At proper care and sufficient feeding, the plant can bloom twice a season: in May and September.
  • Flowering time is about 2 weeks.



  • A spherical cactus native to Bolivia. Has a size of about 8 cm.
  • It is unpretentious in keeping conditions, although it requires obligatory exposure at rest at a temperature of about + 5 ° C for about 2-3 months.
  • In summer, bright lighting with direct rays of the Sun is necessary.
  • At the same time, the cactus is able to withstand temperatures up to + 40 ° C.
  • The mandatory requirement is Fresh air, so the presence of drafts is only welcome.
  • In general, it is better to put the plants on the balcony in the summer or take them out into the garden to those places where there is wind. This is due to the conditions in which rebutia grows in its natural environment: the semi-arid highlands of Bolivia.
  • The plant should be watered as follows: in spring and summer moderately, once every 1-2 weeks, and in autumn (the time corresponding to the rainy season in the plant's homeland) - every 2-3 days abundantly.
  • However, care should be taken to ensure that the soil is not wet. It is better to take care of this in advance by making the plant sufficient drainage.
  • It is possible to apply top dressing at the beginning of summer to stimulate the first flowering, however, as practice shows, rebutia, under the conditions of maintenance, feels great without any fertilizers.

  • In nature, the cereus is a giant cactus, up to 20 meters high, sometimes living for 200-300 years.
  • Its name means "candle". The plant in its dwarf forms is unusually common. It is appreciated not only by flower growers, but also by designers.
  • Cereus blooms in May or June. Blooms exclusively at night.
  • The flowers are quite beautiful - they are giant lily-like inflorescences located on the sides of the stems.
  • Flowering lasts only a day, but produces a mystical impression, often accompanied by a pleasant aroma.
  • Many people start cereus solely to see its flowering process.
  • As with all cacti, under the conditions of detention, flowering occurs without problems.
  • Cereus requires a lot of light, but does not like direct sunlight. It is best to place it outside at the end of April and keep it there until September.
  • The temperature regime of the plant: in summer + 24-26 ° С, in winter - at least + 10 ° С.
  • Watering once a week, plentiful. If the stem of the plant began to shine, this means that it lacks moisture.
  • In summer, it is better for the plant to be on the street, while it is better to put it in partial shade or block it from the direct rays of the sun.
  • They bloom from 2 to 3 months. Flowering time is from March to July.
  • Shades from bright yellow to purple.
  • Usually, with normal care, they bloom at 4 years of age, after which they bloom regularly, during each season. Seed propagation is possible.

Saguaro (scientific name Carnegiea gigantea) is a large, tree-like cactus in the monotypic genus Carnegiea. He is a permanent resident for the Sonoran Desert in the US state of Arizona, in the Mexican state of Sonora, in a small part of lower California in the San Felipe Desert.

Dimensions of the Saguaro cactus

Saguaros are long-lived. The growth rate of saguaros is highly dependent on rainfall. Some specimens can live over 150 years. Most big cactus in the world - Saguaro. It grows in Maricopa County, Arizona. Its height is 13.8 meters, and its girth is 3.1 meters.

It grows slowly from seed, not from cuttings. Whenever it rains, saguaros soak up the rainwater. The cactus expands noticeably, holding on to rainwater. It conserves water and consumes it slowly.

The cactus in the photo is estimated to be over 200 years old, with a circumference of 2.4 meters and a height of 14 meters. The largest cactus in the world in a photo from a trip to Mexico.


The saguaro is one of the largest cacti in the world. It grows most often in deserts. The cycle of life begins with the sprouted seed. By the time he is 35 years old, he begins to bloom, and at the age of 70 he develops branches. Plants reach full maturity at about 125 years of age. The saguaro can live from 150 to 200 years. In height reaches up to 15 meters. Its growth is quite slow: only one meter for a period of 20-30 years. The cactus reaches its maximum size at the age of 75 years.

The plant has a huge weight, which can be about 8 tons. 80% of the composition of the cactus is water. Saguaro is a very "tricky" plant. During growth, it hides under trees and shrubs to protect itself from wind and sun. It also absorbs all the water and nutrients from the soil, so that other plants have no chance to survive, and they die. The saguaro can become oversaturated with moisture and burst from the inside.

plant description

The cactus is characterized by a cover of "hair" in the apical region and large spines. Cactus blooms with white flowers with a middle yellow color. Their number can be up to 200 pieces. The buds open only at night, so as not to suffer from the sun. Then the process of pollination takes place.

If you want to see Saguaro in reality, then welcome to Mexico! In Arizona, there is a reserve for huge species of cacti. In parks, plants are under the strictest protection. In case of damage to plants, punishment up to imprisonment will follow.

Saguaro is a rare plant of the green world. Its gigantic dimensions delight and fascinate. Like any other plant, the cactus feeds through its roots. Moisture then enters through the xylem and phloem. These are tubes that carry nutrients and water.

What is unique about the Saguaro cactus?

  • The Saguaro cactus is unique, if only in that it reaches maturity in a monotonous, dry, extreme, harsh, hostile, monotonous environment.
  • The cactus is able to reach a considerable size and live for more than 150 years.
  • No large animal eats the Saguaro. The spiny cactus is usually the choice of many small animals.
  • The Saguaro cactus has red fruits, edible and fragrant - people and wild animals are not averse to eating them. Fruit does not appear until the cactus is at least 40 years old.
  • Saguaro does not bloom for the first 35-40 years.
  • The saguaro is one of the largest cactus species on the planet that can store water for long periods of time.

The plant world often amazes with strange beauty and wonders. pure water. All plants that are different sizes and shapes are unique in their own way, yet cacti are among the most amazing in the world. Protected by an outer layer of thorns, cacti can endure the harshest and most unfavorable conditions. Cacti, which rely on their incredible ability to retain water as well as their thick skin to prevent water loss, are hidden deep in the driest deserts and even on the tops of some mountains. Although cacti are certainly unique among other plants, some of them can safely be called strange - even by cactus standards.

10. Agave or American Aloe (Agave Cactus)

Leuchtenbergia principis, known as the agave, is unique because of the straight, finger-like shoots that radiate from the main stem. These "fingers" end in small clusters of thorns, which in older plants can grow into tangled, protective cobwebs at the top of the plant. Agave starts growing like any normal cactus seedling and soon develops its offshoots. As the plant grows, these appendages develop into fleshy, photosynthetic "fingers". Once the shoots have formed, the agave retains its shape and simply becomes wider and stronger, remaining one plant. This is unusual because most cacti will either start producing small offspring at some point, or grow some kind of "arm" in the case of tall plants.

9. Ariocarpus Fissuratus ("Living Stones")

Cacti are associated with thorns, but some species do not have thorns or lose them once they reach adulthood. Ariocarpus Fissuratus is an incredibly slow growing example of a thornless cactus. Some of them take up to 50 years to reach 10-12 centimeters in diameter. As a seedling, these plants have very small, soft spines that grow from points in its geophyte structure. As the plant grows, these thorns fall off and new ones do not grow to replace the original set. The result is a strange-looking defenseless plant, which in itself seems counterintuitive for plant health. Due to the lack of protection, Ariocarpus Fissuratus grows in hard-to-reach places, such as cracks and releases small amounts of psychoactive substances so as not to be eaten by animals.

8. Astrophytum Head of Medusa (Astrophytum caput-medusae)

The uniquely shaped Astrophytum Medusa Head grows, as its name suggests, like the snake hair of a jellyfish. The recently discovered Astrophytum jellyfish head was originally classified as a separate category before it was discovered that its flowers, as well as the small tufts of soft, wool-like hairs found near its stem, were identical to the flowers and hairs of Astrophytum. This secured a place for him in the genus Astrophytum. Astrophytum jellyfish head seeds are among the largest - from 3 to 6 millimeters in diameter. The flowers of this cactus are also unusually beautiful - bright yellow with a red center.

7. Lophophora Williams or Peyote (Peyote)

One of the most well known and closely monitored cacti is Lophophora williamsii, also known as peyote. It is illegal to grow or possess, as peyote is known for its powerful psychedelic effects, achieved through high concentrations of mescaline. Its use is officially restricted to members of Indian tribes, as peyote has long been a central aspect of Indian rituals. According to the tribes, the use of peyote often helps to understand spirits and other incorporeal entities...

6. Discocactus (Discocactus horstii)

As the discocactus matures, it develops a densely spiked "cephaly" formation from which large white flowers emerge and bloom. Despite the fact that on early stages Growth discocactus green, over time it acquires a reddish tint. Although it looks like a common desert cactus in its initial stages of growth, discocactus grow at higher elevations, approximately 304 meters above sea level. Discocacti are very difficult to grow due to the fact that they start to rot if over watered or dry out if left without water for a shorter period of time than normal cacti can withstand.

5. Wavy Hylocereus (Hylocereus undatus)

When it comes to flowers, cacti are not the first thing that comes to mind, even though cactus flowers can be large and beautiful. The length of the Hylocereus wavy flower can exceed 35 centimeters, and the diameter is 23 centimeters. Hylocereus wavy blooms only at night, each flower opens only once before it sheds its seeds and either becomes a pitahaya or falls off and dies. The flowers give off an extremely potent vanilla scent that can be unbearable when inhaled directly.

4. Pereskiopsis spathulata

Some cacti are in a rather primitive state, and they have both leaves and thorns. Pereskiopsis spathulata is one of them: its small spines, glochidia, and leaves grow from the same place. Tropical and very fast growing in nature, Pereskiopsis spathulata is often used as a graft base to speed up the growth process of seedlings of slow growing species. Despite the fact that this plant is capable of flowering, it is very rare to find Pereskiopsis spathulata, which is grown for its sake. appearance or flowers. Most specimens are simply cuttings that have taken root from the mother plant, resulting in numerous clones that can also be cut and replanted.

3. Turbinicarpus underground (Turbinicarpus subterraneus)

When we think of cacti, we think of tall plants with succulent stems that are covered in thorns, but (as this list has already shown) this is not always true. In the case of the underground turbinicarpus, the real surprise lies beneath the surface of the earth. The small, bat-shaped heads are nourished by knobby roots that are often the same size as the stems on the surface. This root allows the underground turbinicarpus to survive long periods of drought, storing large volumes of water. Being underground also allows it to be cold hardy enough to withstand short periods of low temperatures as low as -4°C.

2. Obregonia (Atrichoke Cactus)

Obregonia is a separate type of cactus, also known as the artichoke cactus. Like Ariocarpus and Leuchtenbergia genus, the artichoke cactus grows in a geophytic way, in which the ends of its body spiral directly from the base of the stem. Although it has thorns, they often fall off the plant - leaving sparse tufts of thorns at the ends of limited areas of the leaf blade. This spiral growth, combined with the type of stem, gives the plant a characteristic resemblance to the artichoke. Small flowers bloom at the tips of shoots in the summer, resulting in (if fertilized and ripened successfully) edible, fleshy fruits.

1. Blossfeldia dwarf (Blossfeldia liliputana)

Often growing between the rocks in the Andes, the dwarf bloomsfeldia got its name from the land of the Lilliputians from the novel Gulliver's Travels, where all its inhabitants were tiny compared to Gulliver. And all because the dwarf blossomfeldia is the smallest cactus in the world, and its largest specimen grew up to 13 millimeters in diameter. The size and pattern that develops as they grow makes these little wonders especially unique. Cacti often have rounded growth points, but dwarf blossomsfeldia grows from a hollow in the center of the plant. Flowering during the summer months, the dwarf blossomfeldia self-fertilizes and produces seeds that are so small that they easily blend into the surrounding rocks and sand.

Our planet is rich in a wide variety of plants. Each geographic area has its own characteristics that are unique to this territory. Perhaps one of the most interesting in the world are the expanses of Mexico, as well as the US states of California and Arizona. This is where the family lives world's largest cacti- Giant cereus (Cereus giganteus) led by its largest representative.

1 The name of this giant is the California giant.

It is the symbol of the state of Arizona and has the shape of a huge candelabra and is considered the largest cactus in the world.


When the cactus reaches the age of 70, its first side branches are just beginning to appear.

3 Cereus giant - the slowest growing plant

For the first ten years of life, it grows by only 2 cm.

4 Active growth begins after 30 years of age.

The mark of 30 years is only a quarter of the life of the giant cereus, after reaching this age, the active growth of the cactus begins.


He reaches this mark quite easily, but in subsequent years, quite a lot of dangers appear in their lives.


With its growth, the cactus has a huge weight - which can range from 6-10 tons.


If you take this cactus and put it through a press, you can squeeze out about two tons of liquid. Thanks to this ability, the cactus easily tolerates high temperatures.

8 Home for the homeless

Despite the not very busy life in the Mexican desert, nevertheless, the cactus is home to many animals - owls, woodpeckers, snakes, mice, etc.

9 Hungry abyss will not give

Cereus giant is a fruitful plant. It grows fleshy bright berries, which are a valuable food product. It is worth noting that local residents make an alcoholic drink from cactus juice, the taste of which vaguely resembles moonshine.

10 It even blooms!

The first flowers on a cactus appear only after 50 years of his life.

Video: The largest cactus
Huge cacti in Mexico

During the dry period, the cactus does not die, but gradually shrinks.. The plant can wait for showers and go without water for up to two years. When the rain passes, the cactus straightens out and again stores water inside itself.

The largest and smallest plant in the world

The largest and tallest representative in the world of Cactus is the California giant (or Giant cereus). The largest specimen, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, reached a height of 33.4 meters. The giant cereus has not only a unique growth, but also a weight, average specimens (12-15 m) weigh 6-10 tons each and contain about 2 tons of water.

The smallest representative is Blossfeldia tiny, found in the mountains of Bolivia and Argentina. The cactus has a stem 1-3 cm high and small flowers 0.7-0.9 cm in diameter, while the length of the roots exceeds the aerial part by 10 times. Its annual growth is calculated in millimeters.

Can it be without thorns?

It is a misconception that all cacti are covered with thorns. They do not have thorns, as a rule, forest cacti belonging to the group of epiphytes and growing on trees in the tropical forests of Brazil. They are characterized by long, wide, leafy stems hanging down.

The most famous cacti without thorns:

  • epiphyllum;
  • ripsalis;
  • hatiora;
  • vittia amazonica.

Edible varieties

There are varieties of cacti that have edible and very tasty fruits:

  1. prickly pear- sweet red-burgundy berries with a slight sourness; the stems are also eaten, both raw and fried and canned.
  2. melocactus(“Candy cactus”) - eaten candied, jelly, compotes and jam are made from it.
  3. Neoverdemania- the stems are eaten baked and boiled; it tastes like potatoes and is widely used in Bolivian and Paraguayan cuisine.
  4. Hylocereus- a fruit known as pitahaya or dragon heart, which tastes like strawberries.

Before use, thorns must be removed from the stems and fruits of the cactus.

Maximum root length

In pursuit of extracting nutrients and fluid from the soil, cactus roots can grow up to 2 meters. When moisture becomes critically low, the plant can reject extra roots., which are no longer able to supply water and "food" to the stem.

Use as a musical instrument

One of the first instruments imitating the sounds of nature was made by the Aztecs from a dried cactus, in the cavity of which seeds were poured. It is now often used by Latin American musicians as a percussion instrument.

Use for animal feed

Cactus-eating cows have been proven to produce more milk.

Mexican farmers empty prickly pear bushes around their farms, so they have to be specially transported from other places.

So that the animals do not get hurt, the prickly pear has to be cleaned of needles.

South American donkeys have adapted to knock down needles on their own in order to feast on prickly pear.

How many types of cactus are there?

The classification of cactus species is constantly changing.. According to the authoritative taxonomy of E. Anderson, over 1500 species of cacti, 130 genera, are distributed on earth.

Tequila production secret

The famous Mexican tequila is not distilled from a cactus at all, but from a blue agave. Agave only outwardly resembles a cactus and shares its habitat with it, but it belongs to the Liliaceae family and is included in the group of succulents.

The traditional low-alcohol (2-8%) Mexican drink "pulque" is produced from agave.

The world's most expensive "thorny flower"

The most expensive known sale of a cactus took place in 1843.. Kochubey's Ariocarpus was sold for $200 (approximately $4,500 today). By the standards of that time, the cactus weighed half as much as the gold paid for it.

The cactus is an amazingly hardy desert dweller requiring minimal care when grown indoors. It is still considered one of the most unusual plants and occupies a worthy place in the collections of many flower growers.

Useful video

We suggest watching a video on the topic " Interesting Facts about cacti: