What to do with a new mirror in the house. How to throw away an old mirror

  • 16.10.2019

Many signs and superstitions are associated with mirrors, and an old mirror is a separate topic in magic. Without exception, all connoisseurs of witchcraft are sure that any mirror surface carries the accumulated energy of those who once looked into it.

When to throw away mirrors

For many, the question often arises of what to do with an old mirror when it has become unnecessary. Is it possible to just throw it in the trash can, or should it be cleared of everything that it has managed to accumulate as a thank you.

There can be many reasons to get rid of an old mirror:

  • if this is an apartment option, then it simply may not fit into the new interior at home, if it was inherited from the previous owners, then such an item may not be to your liking and will begin to remind you of the previous owners,
  • it can deteriorate - crack or break.

There are several main reasons to understand that the old mirror can no longer be used and needs to be put somewhere.

  1. Often, due to time, cloudy spots, barely visible cracks or strange marks appear on the mirror surface. Moreover, this occurs without any reason, when the object itself does not fall, it is not deliberately spoiled. In such cases, they say that the mirror took on the troubles of the owners, saving them from a serious illness or even death. It would be right to get rid of such mirror surfaces spoiled by fate, not to keep them in the house, but they need to be thrown into the trash, and this should be done as soon as possible. Otherwise, if you leave it to yourself, as psychics assure, all the negativity and energy that have accumulated will be transferred in the house to the person looking into it.
  2. There should not be one that cracked for no reason or from a blow or a piece broke off from it. It also needs to be thrown away, it is not right to leave it to yourself or in the house. It is a bad omen to want to look in a cracked mirror.
  3. Previously belonging to the deceased person, after forty days after his death, must be thrown away so as not to leave open gates in the house for the soul of the deceased.
  4. You should not leave what was inherited from someone, if it repels, and it does not give pleasure to look at it. It will be right to throw it away, not to leave it in the house.
  5. The object that has become an unintentional witness to a crime against life and health should not be left in the home environment. Antique mirror objects are capable of artificially creating the same dramatic situation with the help of photographic memory, so there should be no doubt that it should be thrown away.

Any awkwardness and discomfort that manifests itself when using the item may be a reason for you to get rid of it.

How to throw away a broken mirror

Many are alarmed when a mirror breaks, they begin to expect trouble from this situation and do not know where to put an old mirror that has broken and how to throw it away.

First of all, magicians are advised to collect all the large fragments that came from the broken object. This must be done in a special way: while collecting the fragments, read a prayer.

The second rule when throwing away a broken mirror is the prohibition to look into its fragments, since you cannot see your own reflection in the mirror pieces.

Next, the assembled large pieces of the mirror should be assembled with reflective mirror sides to each other. It is recommended that the fragments folded in this way be wrapped in a black bag and can be taken out of the house during the day, while it is light.

A broken old mirror can become an assistant to clean the house from negative energy accumulated in it during use.

The most suitable place to throw away an old broken mirror would be a tree, under which they are digging a shallow hole.

In the case when a mirror is broken with an age of more than 30 years or more, psychics recommend that before its disposal, rinse all the fragments with running water or paint over large pieces with black paint. This is done for the simple reason that over such a long period of time the mirror has managed to accumulate a lot of bad information and it will be better if in this way the path for evil spirits is closed.

Throwing away the whole mirror

It often happens that it is necessary to get rid of an old, but already unnecessary mirror. For such disposal, too, there are rules.

First of all, to choose the right day, pay attention to the phase of the moon. The most suitable time to throw out the old mirror will be the waning moon, which, together with the object, will take away all the bad things that are associated with it.

They throw away the old mirror alone, without witnesses.

It is advisable to clean the item before throwing it away. You can do this with water. If you can find a flowing river or lake nearby, then you should hold the mirror under water for several minutes. It is only necessary to avoid hitting the reflection in its mirror surface.

If there is no natural water in the right place, you can clean the mirror surface with a saint taken from the church.

Before taking your delicate item to the trash can, magicians recommend sprinkling it with Thursday salt, followed by wrapping it in a dark-colored fabric material. This is done in most cases for the benefit of its new owners. If someone picks up and uses your item, it will not cause trouble for the new owner, but will bring you good luck. In addition to the mirror itself, the place where it hung is also sprinkled, including the floor.

Before parting forever with your object, which has served you for a long time, it is better to thank him for his work. It kept you from negative consequences, taking on all the energy of others.

In order not to bring misfortune to your own monastery, you should know whether it is possible to throw mirrors out of the house. It is not for nothing that there are beliefs that say that such home attributes are certain portals and keepers of all the information of their owner. Even if there is no faith in such things, you should not thoughtlessly and inaccurately get rid of your own thing.

When should you say goodbye to the mirror?

Despite the possibility of a mirror being a ritual object, it is primarily a part of the interior. Under the trends of fashion and the transience of tastes, a person's preferences can change. Often, after repair, there is a desire to update all furniture, including mirrors. In this case, it is not necessary to hide old things and create clutter in the house. Everything unnecessary should be easily discarded so that life is filled with new wonderful events. Feel free to get rid of the old mirror, even if it has survived several generations, but you don’t have a soul for it.

There are situations when time leaves its inevitable imprint and the mirror surface begins to fade, scuffs and scratches appear on it, and in some places there are swelling and discharge. Something like this should definitely be thrown away. All flaws, even at the level of the biofield, begin to transmit negative destructive energy. Such negative influences should not enter the house and affect its occupants.

If the mirror is broken, then before you panic and mentally invite trouble, you should remove the fragments from your home. Most importantly, make sure that while collecting pieces of glass, do not look at your own reflection. And positive thoughts will help prevent misfortune.

If it's time to throw away the mirror, then try to follow a few rules.

First of all, do not break the whole mirror surface.

On the practical side, this is quite dangerous, and fragments can cause cuts during garbage removal, in addition, there is a risk of injury for stray animals and people who often scavenge in garbage cans in search of profit. It is better to leave the outdated part of the interior near the waste tank.

Do not get rid of unnecessary mirrors on the growing and full moon, this can promise failure and danger. The rite of ejection is best done at a time when the moon is in its waning phase. The exception, of course, is accidentally broken mirrors. It is recommended to get rid of them at the same time.

To throw out such attributes should be alone. Do not involve outsiders and relatives in this process. If, due to its large dimensions, it is impossible to take out the mirror yourself, then be sure to wrap it in black cloth.

Rites for Throwing Mirrors

Mirrors are endowed with special properties, even scientists have stopped arguing with this. They store information and can reproduce it again, whether it is positive or negative. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate all the energy that is contained in the mirror space and thereby prevent unnecessary manifestations.

water procedures. Water is able to wash away and renew everything around, it gives vitality and promote rebirth. Therefore, before you take out a mirror that has served faithfully for many years, wash it under a stream. Just a few minutes are enough to extract everything personal that the mirror surface keeps.

If it is not possible to direct a stream of water, then you can fill a tank of a suitable size and put a mirror in it. Let it stay in this state for about 24 hours, then drain the liquid and carefully remove the item. Now you can give it to those in need without fear that someone will be able to use the former property against you.

Salt. Salt has long been revered and kept, because it is a great helper in everyday affairs. You should always stock up on Thursday salt, which is harvested for Clean Thursday before Easter.

Wrap the mirror in a dark thick cloth and take it to the trash. Leave it near the tanks, while salting it three times with Thursday salt. In a house in an empty place, do not rush to install new items. You should also salt this area and burn church candles for a week. Fire helps to further cleanse all the energy in the house.

Holy water. Highly powerful ritual can be carried out before ejection of mirrors. He will certainly protect the former owners and save the new ones. To do this, the mirror surface should be washed with holy water. With the help of a church candle, draw a cross and ask for forgiveness from your old mirror friend. In addition, you need to mentally say goodbye and take it out for recycling, after placing it in a fabric cut.

Mirror funeral. This rite does not portend anything terrible and mystical. But for those people who do not want their mirrors to be used in the future, this is a great option. To do this, you also need to get rid of the accumulated energy. This effect can be achieved using a white silk cut, which covers the reflective surface. Or place the mirror in the pantry so that it reflects only concrete wall. Leave it in this position for at least 2 weeks, but ideally you need to withstand a month.

Then select a site in the forest so that people and animals do not have open access to that place. Dig an appropriately sized hole and bury your old mirror there. So you can be sure that no one will take away their old pet.

The mirror is one of the most mystical and mysterious objects that man has invented. It is associated with many signs and beliefs. They say that a mirror absorbs all the negative energy and can carry it, that is, if the mirror was in a family in which quarrels and scandals constantly occurred, and after a while, for example, another family bought it, then the new owners will not do without scandals.

And broken or cracked mirrors release all the negative energy that has accumulated in them during their life. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful in approaching issues such as the choice and quality of mirrors. It is quite possible that by getting rid of old, cracked, darkened and chipped mirrors, you can significantly improve your life by getting rid of bad energy.

However, everyone has long known that in no case should a mirror be simply thrown into the trash, because the old mirror is a double of its owner, and if it is simply broken, then the owner himself can be harmed. So, for sure, many have come across the question: “How to properly throw away an old mirror?”. There are several ways to safely dispose of old mirrors.

Option one: bury the mirror.

Probably the fastest of all ways. Take an old mirror and be sure to wrap it in a black opaque cloth or paper. Then take it to the forest (yes, to the forest, and not to the garbage) and there you bury it under a tree, but not under an aspen. All this procedure must be done with love.

Option two: clear the mirror of energy.

As mentioned above, mirrors store all the information about their owners, so before you say goodbye to your "double" it must be cleared of this very information. To do this, it is necessary to bury it in the ground for three days, it is important that in the pit it is located with the mirror side up. After three days, the mirror will be “clean” and you can throw it away with peace of mind. You can also clean an old mirror with water, but in this case it is desirable that the water is running or at least changed every six hours.

Whichever option you choose, there are general rules how to properly dispose of old mirrors:

- you need to save only on the waning moon, in no case give rise to this rite during the full moon or the non-growing moon;
- it is advisable to take out the mirror only to one person, but if its dimensions do not allow you to do it yourself, then you need to wrap it in a dark cloth and put it like that for several days;
- if you have chosen the option in which it is planned to leave the mirror in the trash can or next to it, then you must definitely throw Thursday salt on it (three pinches);
- in addition, the place where your mirror was located earlier must also be treated with Thursday salt and lit there for seven days church candle;
- in place of the old mirror, you can install a new one no earlier than a week later, in order to completely say goodbye to the old one.

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Many consider mirrors part of the interior and do not attach much importance to them. However, in fact, mirrors are a powerful conductor of energy that can both harm and help the owners.

When should you throw away a mirror?

Mirrors are part of the interior, but over time, you may want to change the style of the apartment, make repairs, get new furniture.

In this case, you can throw away the old mirror, because the update brings the energy of joy and comfort.
You can also throw away those mirrors that have faded from time to time, acquired scuffs and scratches. Often, swellings appear on old mirrors, they begin to distort the image and are certainly not suitable for further use.

Broken and cracked mirrors are also to be thrown away, because they radiate negative energy, and besides, they can easily get hurt. According to popular beliefs, one should not look into broken mirrors, so as not to bring trouble upon oneself.
It is worth throwing away the mirrors that were left from the previous owners. There is absolutely no point in keeping a source of someone else's energy, because it is not known how it will affect new residents. In addition, the previous owners could often quarrel, which means that the mirror will retain negative emotions that will prevent you from living happily.

How to get rid of mirrors

Don't throw mirrors in the trash. They can break, and this will bring misfortune to the house.
The mirror must be prepared before taking it out of the house. It must be wrapped in a dark cloth that does not let light through. Sprinkle a mirror near the trash can with salt to remove your energy from it.

The mirror can simply be taken out of the house and left to serve someone else. Rinse all the information from it with running water, and then the mirror will become “neutral”.
The mirror can be buried in a wasteland, especially if it is broken. It must be placed in a deep hole and sprinkled with salt.

According to popular beliefs, mirrors can only be thrown away on the waning moon in order to eliminate troubles in life. The only exceptions are broken mirrors, which must be disposed of immediately.

Each mirror should be cleared of accumulated energy, especially if it belonged to several generations of the family. After the ritual, it can be thrown away without fear. Buy ordinary coarse salt on Thursday, prepare a container of holy water and a church candle. The candle must be put in salt and set on fire, and then say:

“I burn out the accumulated evil with fire, leaving nothing. I clean the mirror and free it from my energy.” After that, sprinkle the surface with holy water, wrap the mirror in a dark cloth and calmly throw it away.

The absence of churches in Soviet time and pagan beliefs of the inhabitants of Russia and the post-Soviet territory are still alarming and frightening. Throwing a broken or unnecessary thing out of the house is easy, but as soon as it comes to a mirror, the owners become indignant. How to properly get rid of the mirror and not bring trouble to your family, many people ask this question. Rites will help to throw out the mirror without consequences.

It is believed that the mirror contains unknown forces and possibilities. Every new day we start with a mirror and end by looking into it. It is placed in bathrooms, closets, wardrobes and carried with a pocket. All important events in life they pass around the mirror, in particular if it is in the living room or bathroom, which it remembers. For many, a mirror is a door to the other world.

The mirror surface is fragile and often breaks or paints after a blow or shaking, the resulting pieces are signs of receiving disturbing news. To break a mirror is to bring misfortune and misfortune to the family, especially if you continue to use it.

There are several reasons for getting rid of the mirror:

Abrasion of the amalgam reverse side mirrors.
In the event that the mirror breaks or gets cracked and chipped;
Replacing the old, not suitable for the interior with a new one.

Folk tips for getting rid of an old or broken mirror say:

It is not recommended to get rid of the mirror on the growing moon or on the full moon;
you can not take out the mirror together;
you can not deliberately break the mirror before ejection;
the mirror during removal from the apartment is wrapped in cloth or polyethylene;
a new mirror is installed in place of the old one a week after the old one is thrown out.

You can clean the energy from the surface of the mirror by sprinkling salt on it and on the place where it was released.
You can erase information from the memory of the mirror under running water. The cleaning process will take 10 - 15 minutes.
holy water and church candle are able to clear the mirror surface from the energy of the host. To do this, you need to conduct a ceremony, during which you sprinkle the mirror surface and cross the burning candles. You can say goodbye to the mirror and thank for the service with the help of the phrase “You served good people for many years, now another century is coming, and it’s time for you, the mirror, to rest.”
An alternative would be to give the mirror to other owners. Before selling, the mirror is cleaned. This is necessary to prevent diseases and not harm the new owners. This is due to the fact that the mirror can transfer life situations into a new family and recreate them there.
You can bury a mirror in the ground with the reflective surface up in a sparsely populated uncultivated place.
shards broken mirror collected and thrown under running water.
The fragments are still stained in dark color- as if closing the passage to the other world.

When buying a mirror, focus on the shape of a circle or oval - they evoke positive feelings and emotions. Modern technologies can protect the mirror with a special layer that will protect it from disintegration into small parts when broken. This feature is very useful and necessary when there are small children in the house.