How to forget redundant information. How to erase bad memories

  • 11.10.2019

Unpleasant ones are not only part of consciousness, they also leave a mark on the subconscious level. But now scientists have shown that actively trying to forget unwanted memories can remove subconscious traces as well.
In the new experiment, experts showed participants a pair of images and periodically asked them to forget the first one. The scientists wanted to see if this deliberate effort to delete something from memory could affect how easily participants could later identify the image of the item, but the second time it would be almost completely obscured by visual noise.

Typically, after seeing an image of, say, participants could recognize another image of that cup quite easily, even if it was masked by visual noise. This is due to the fact that the brain makes some effort to restore the mental image of the coffee cup seen before.
However, during the experiment, it was found that those participants who tried to forget the image they saw for the first time, later made more efforts to recognize the object they saw again, but for. Moreover, active attempts to erase the memory also changed the subconscious image of the object seen a second time.
“Trying to forget something, we actually block the areas that normally provide visual perception of the object, that is, we do not allow it to enter consciousness,” says neuroscientist and study co-author Michael Anderson from the University of Cambridge in England. - Side effect in the following: whatever traces of the image of a coffee cup are present in memory, they are weakened, and later, revealing the cup in visual noise, you find that the task is somewhat complicated.
Out of sight, out of mind
It is believed that the mental image of an object, such as the first coffee cup, is stored in the brain, which is the part of the brain that is actually responsible for vision, says Anderson. This type of memory trace is different from the conscious memory that a person can retrieve.
During the experiment, scientists used magnetic resonance imaging to monitor participants' brain activity while they looked at the images. It turned out that people trying to remember the image they were trying to forget had lower activity in the brain areas of visual perception compared to when they remembered images they were not trying to forget.

Thus, people are able to deliberately limit the reactivation of such memories during visual perception, as well as prevent their entry into active consciousness.
Learning to forget
While this finding raises the possibility that actively trying to erase memories from memory can help trauma survivors, the researchers say that trying to forget emotionally powerful memories may not be as easy as it was with the coffee cup in the experiment.
“Of course, these things don't come easy. We need to continue to work on this,” the scientist says.
In the experiment, the scientists looked at the memory response immediately after the participants saw the images. Remains open question how long after the event a person is able to suppress unwanted memories so as to weaken their traces on a subconscious level.
“It may turn out that if we waited a bit, we would see completely different results,” Anderson is sure.
In future experiments, researchers will ask participants to suppress memories from personal life. As a result, scientists will be able to understand whether the same effect works on those memories that have long been rooted in

Hello everyone! We often talk about improving memory and the brain in general. About various neurotransmitters that positively affect cognitive abilities. Today we will analyze the real ways of memory deterioration.

About memory

The memory process is very flexible and the brain itself perfectly determines what information is important to remember, for example, to cook a simple dish to eat, and what can be forgotten is background information.

And, perhaps, the most: get interested, give importance and repeat. We remember well the vital moments, what we regularly repeat and, of course, what interests us, our hobbies.

It turns out that it is important to act from the opposite: to treat indifferently, to score and not to remember.

On the other hand, a healthy state of the brain, the normal production of neurotransmitters also play an important role. Just think of the senile deterioration of intelligence, amnesia and memory loss in super stressful states or injuries.

We don't care what you want to forget, let's move on to practice.

Section 1. Psychological ways of forgetting

The methods described below help well both with a distant event that you want to forget, and about a very recent one. In the second Section there will be pharmacological methods of forgetting, so they will not work for old events, keep in mind!

  1. Working with the subconscious

Let's shoot a separate issue about the subconscious. This important thing! We often do something unconsciously, wash the dishes, and plan something in our thoughts. Moreover, the accumulated experience also translates into patterns of behavior. You have noticed that you are not yet familiar with a person, but you already do not like him and you will not understand why. And it all started in kindergarten, when some boy stole your candy. And you, without realizing it, noticed similar features. Or you just talk to a person and understand that you can count on him or her, although you have known each other for less than a minute. Well, you won’t remember the old movie and the goodie in it.

And the trick of the subconscious is variability! Have you noticed how tastes and preferences change over time?

The way of working with the subconscious involves self-hypnosis or programming itself. Shifting the vector from sharply negative to neutral or even positive!

It is necessary to disengage from the situation and think, were there any other people with a similar negative memory? Or maybe even so that this negativity did me good? And I coped with the situation, which means I became even stronger and now there is little that can knock me down at all.

  1. be distracted

It also happens that a person goes in cycles and inflates an elephant out of a fly. Then, at the first memory, we immediately sharply switch our attention! Plus, a person is independently able to displace memories, any.

Section 2. Pharmacological ways of forgetting

Might work if a little more time has passed. These methods are really dangerous, because they rather harm the brain. We do not recommend admission, the information is given for review.

  1. Alcohol

Alcohol causes memory lapses, acts as an anti-stress, and in good company also improves mood.

A large dosage of alcohol kills nerve cells. Violates the formation of synaptic connections, where our memory is enclosed. So it's important to decide if it's worth it.

  1. Reduce acetylcholine

One of the most popular diseases that can occur in old age - Alzheimer's disease, in particular, leads to impairments in short-term memory. A person usually remembers long-standing events, but there are problems with remembering events of several days.

This disease is associated with many causes, and one of the main ones is a decrease in the neurotransmitter a. And of course, there are substances that help reduce it for a while.

Examples of active ingredients: Trihexyphenidyl, Azamethonium bromide.

Even in the instructions for them, in the side effects it is written: "short-term memory impairment."

  1. Anti-anxiety medications

They allow you to more indifferently evaluate everything around. There are both fairly safe dietary supplements, like Motherwort, and heavy neuroleptics like Resperidon.

Protein synthesis inhibitors can also be distinguished: cycloheximide anisomycin puromycin, camptothecin, actinomycin D and NMDA receptor blockers. The problem is that these things need to be accepted before stress, and this, as you understand, is almost unrealistic. Protein synthesis inhibitors are generally injected directly into the brain. Well, by the way, if you really want to spoil your memory on a particular day, then there is such a popular NMDA receptor blocker, besides the dissociative Memantine. Dosages of 20-40 mg are already capable of causing bluntness in healthy people. By memantine.


You need to understand that the brain is very plastic and it is quite possible to change its “settings”.

The placebo effect or self-hypnosis effect works, so use it! It concerns psychological methods forgetting.

On the topic of pharmacology: alcohol, acetylcholine and NMDA receptor blockers are good at spoiling memory. But first of all we work with psychology. And regular “thumping” will not get rid of problems, rather it will add.

A negative experience is also an experience, and you need to understand that having only positive memories is just as dangerous as having only negative ones. In addition, when remembering an event, we, therefore, it is quite likely that our memory, even for the negative, is distorted, exaggerated.

I hope the knowledge from the video will help you in the future! Good luck and see you soon!

One of the main psychological problems of mankind is the feeling of guilt and negative memories of the past deeply hidden in the psyche.

Negative memories of the past - emotions that are imprinted in your body, causing muscle blocks and clamps. They are the cause of your insecurity, irritability and all negative emotions.

The most effective technique called “Forgiveness of Yourself”, it is able to cleanse not only your psyche and body, but also the energy shell.

In each of us there is a so-called, it is formed under the influence of criticism from parents, others, society. He remembers all your mistakes. This "inner critic" does not allow you to relax and constantly evaluates your behavior, recalling past mistakes, your own and those close to us. The memory of a negative experience is triggered by its subconscious expectation, and we repeat the same thing over and over again.

You can get rid of this vicious circle only with deep work with your subconscious, weakening the influence of the conscious mind that controls you. This is done by going into trance meditation while doing breathing exercises so that you can erase all the negative memories of the past.

In a trance state, our subconscious mind opens up and we can "reprogram" their negative attitudes to positive ones. The short sentences that are repeated at this time are deeply imprinted on our minds.

Self-acceptance frees us from the need to constantly evaluate and compare ourselves to others. We learn to love ourselves the way the universe created us. During self-forgiveness, we are freed from guilt and all regrets. Complete forgiveness also means forgiveness of the offenses that loved ones have inflicted on us, and during the meditation this is also spoken out. Erasing the negative memories of the past completely frees us from the shackles of the past, and we start life from a new leaf.

Breathing exercises.

In the supine position, try to breathe as deeply and quickly as possible for 5-10 minutes (but not as fast as holotropic or reberfing). At the same time, it is necessary to imagine how your body and subconscious are liberated, and you gradually enter a trance state. My music will help you with this

If after a while you feel dizzy or otherwise discomfort, slow down the pace of breathing for a few minutes, then continue for another 1-2 minutes. During breathing exercises, focus on exhaling. Be aware and attentive to yourself, as you are responsible for your body condition.

Forgiving yourself

As emotionally as possible, putting all your feelings into each sentence, say the following phrases in sequence:

  • With love and gratitude, I accept myself as I am.
  • I remove from my body all the memories of when I was (was) dissatisfied (dissatisfied) with myself.
  • I remove all memories from my body when I felt guilty.
  • I clear my body of memories of when I was (a) dissatisfied (dissatisfied) with myself, when I fought (fought) with myself.
  • I erase memories of not being able to do something right or on time.
  • I'm erasing the memories of not being able to do something.
  • I erase all memories of when I thought I wasn't good enough.
  • I erase all memories of when I failed to help people.
  • I'm erasing all memories of things that didn't work out for me.
  • I completely erase all my doubts.
  • I completely erase all my fears.
  • I erase the memories of myself imperfect (imperfect).
  • I erase the memories of when I was angry (angry) with my soulmate.
  • I erase the memories of when I was offended (offended) by my child.
  • I erase the memories of when I was offended (offended) by my parents.

Talk to your body

  • I apologize to my body for being (a) dissatisfied (dissatisfied) with it, for fighting (fighting) with it.
  • I love my body.
  • I approve of my body.
  • I remove from my body all the experiences associated with condemnation.
  • With love and gratitude, I accept myself.
  • I erase from my body all energy charges from dissatisfaction with myself.
  • I clear my body of all memories of when I felt guilty (guilty).
  • All mine bad memories are now empty.
  • I completely forgive myself.
  • My body is clean and transparent. It is filled with inner strength.

After that, lovingly say:

  • I love myself.
  • I approve of all my previous actions.
  • I accept myself.
  • I am completely satisfied (satisfied) with myself.
  • I thank myself for ……. and list your good qualities
  • I am a wonderful person!
  • I am delighted with myself!


After the exercises, you can feel an internal trembling, tears appearing in your eyes, these are signs of a successful internal cleansing. With the help of slow, measured breathing, gradually calm down.

Should be used with caution breathing exercises people with diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In this case, slowly alternate inhalations and exhalations, as well as the presence of mental illness, taking serious medications that affect the psyche, pregnancy.

There is Meditation on our YouTube channel “Erasing All Negative Memories of the Past | Forget Everything Bad in 1 Session Rebirth»

Question to the psychologist:

I began to seriously think about how to induce amnesia in order to forget a person. I am 20 years old, I have never had a relationship, and I didn’t like anyone in principle, I thought it was better to be alone than with just anyone. At the age of 17, I fell in love with a guy, he was the man of my dreams, I always imagined myself with just such a person, appearance, character, everything converged. We studied together, it was love at first sight, it seemed to me that everything was mutual, because it was so, he showed interest in me, and I thought that I would be glad to start a relationship with this person. Not much later, I found out that the man of my dreams has a girlfriend, this situation upset me, and I decided to erase him from my head, it worked out. After a couple of months, we began to communicate with him again, and I realized that I fell madly in love with him, again. We saw each other regularly, but he again began to disappear. It turns out that he came to me when he had problems with his girlfriend, and I had even come to terms with the fact that he had a girlfriend and this fact no longer bothered me. He came and then disappeared. This has been going on for 3 years. I always tell him about my feelings, but he did not answer me. Once he said that he loved me and missed me very much, but at that time he was drunk as an insole and this was during intimacy. I understand that what men say during intimacy does not count. We recently had a conversation, and he said that he no longer had the desire to communicate with me. I can't bear it at all. I understand that we can’t be together, you won’t be forced to be sweet, but deep down in my heart I amuse myself with false hopes that we will be together. I can’t let go of the man of my dreams, because it hurts me a lot to realize that all the quarrels, tears, tantrums were in vain. I always thought that it was worth enduring, that everything was not in vain. It turned out it wasn't. I can’t live like this, it’s very difficult for me, I don’t see joy in life, I’m obsessed with a person and that’s it, for the life of me. I understand that I cannot do without help, I need to forget this person once and for all.

The psychologist Samylova Snezhana Alexandrovna answers the question.

Good afternoon Karina. If a young man does not have the same feelings for you as you do for him, then this should be taken for granted. If he is so "dear" to you that you are ready to put up with the fact that he has another girlfriend, "and this fact does not bother you," as you yourself write, and you are ready to put up with this for 3 years, then the point is most likely that you need to be in just such a relationship where you play the role of a "victim", perhaps you used this mechanism in childhood and it bore fruit, so it was fixed in the psyche and you use it, but in this situation it is not effective. As you yourself write: "it is very painful for me to realize that all the quarrels, tears of hysteria were in vain." Remember - no one can change anyone, but everyone can manage themselves. If you have outgrown the "role" of the victim and want to build relationships differently, then first of all you need to reconsider your behavioral "patterns", i.e. learn a different type of response. It is possible, provided that you want it and will put effort into it. By virtue of your young age and the realization that you are tired of such unhealthy relationships, you will succeed. I wish you mental health and new harmonious relationships with people.

In this article I will tell you why it is necessary to get rid of bad memories, where they come from bad memories and how to get rid of bad memories with the help of special techniques for working with the subconscious. Many people suffer from a bunch of painful memories from their past. The average person has many such memories.

Bad memories weigh down life in all its manifestations.

They are like eaters of your happiness and freedom. Bad memories create various clamps in the body and illness. Bad memories make people constantly mentally return to the past to specific episodes of life when it was bad and unpleasant, while experiencing anger, resentment, disappointment and other types of negative emotions. At the same time, a person carries with him a whole bunch of bad memories from the past all his life. Bad memories give rise to various complexes, bad relationships with people, lack of self-love. These memories exacerbate the general negative reaction to all events in life.

Where do bad memories come from?

Bad memories take their roots from birth to today. But the strongest roots of memories grow from childhood, it is in childhood that a child absorbs everything like a sponge, and as they grow older, these memories increasingly leave an imprint on his whole life.

Techniques for working with the subconscious to rid yourself of bad memories. (In my articles earlier, I already wrote (,):

1.BSFF (get free fast)

With the help of this technique, it is possible to get rid of quite painful memories in a fairly short time. The BSFF book is freely available online. You can download it there. The essence of this technique in working with bad memories is that you take some bad memory and break it down into parts, phrases (that is, write out everything that you think about this memory, all the pain that it causes you without censorship, as is After that, it is necessary to pronounce each phrase adding a key phrase at the end.

2. Hooponopono method.

This method uses the four phrases "I'm sorry", "Please forgive me", "I love you", "I thank you". Just when you have any bad and depressing memories repeat these four phrases and they will cure you of all this pain. The distorting information contained in these memories will begin to change towards harmony and well-being.

3.Technique GP-4

This technique of merging negativity by merging the so-called polarities using two symmetrical acupressure points that are located at the base of the right and left eyebrows. In general, I have already written 2 articles about this technique, you can read them.