How to clean an electric kettle from scale, effective methods. How to clean the kettle from scale? How to descale an electric kettle

  • 17.06.2019

How to clean Electric kettle from scale - this question is asked by many housewives. Undoubtedly, an electric kettle is a convenient and practical thing that will always come in handy. However, from time to time scale forms inside this device, and if it is not dealt with in a timely manner, then it will be very problematic to eliminate it later. So descaling procedure it is important to produce on a regular basis.

Causes of scale formation

As you know, in order to deal with any negative phenomenon, it is necessary to know the causes of its occurrence. Magnesium and calcium, which are part of tap water, as a result of its boiling, form the very notorious plaque. In addition to these substances, other salts are usually present in the composition of water. From the tap to kitchen the carbonate type of water flows, which determines the degree of its hardness, which can be either medium or high.

Tap water is the main source of plaque on the kettle

The main reason for the appearance of scale is high level hardness of tap water. Because of this, when water boils, a large number of salt, which eventually settles on the inner walls and bottom of the kettle. At the same time, due to scale, the service life of electronic kettles can be significantly reduced. That is why it is advisable to clean it regularly.

Initially, scale during its formation has a porous structure. In this state, it can be easily removed with the help of improvised means. But if you do not regularly clean the kettle, then this greatly increases the difficulty of cleaning it. Thus, the more times we boil water, the faster scale will form in the kettle. In critical cases, scale covers the walls and bottom of the kettle in several layers, which are difficult to get rid of.

Classic ways to clean the kettle from scale

Scale is mainly formed on heating objects inside the kettle, as well as on it and the bottom. These are the parts that need to be cleaned.

There are several ways to quickly descale an electric kettle. Traditionally, the following means are used to combat annoying scale: vinegar, soda, salt, citric acid. Proponents of more modern approaches suggest using Coca-Cola. Useful on the farm and brine, and even potato peelings. When using these funds, you do not have to spend extra money.

Other, more modern, options for dealing with scale involve the use of purchased chemical compounds, such as, for example, Antinakipin. In this case, you will already have to spend money on their purchase. To begin with, consider folk ways to deal with scale.

Some folk remedies for getting rid of scale

Perhaps the most famous folk remedy for scale is the use of citric acid. It's simple and at the same time quite effective way. First you need to pour a tablespoon of citric acid into the kettle and fill it with water. Then boil the water. Next, you need to thoroughly rinse the kettle under running water. cold water and boil it again.

With this tool, you can perfectly clean the walls of the kettle, however, many "testers" this method complain that in this way you will not be able to overcome the scale that has formed at its bottom. It all depends on the kettle and the scale level.

Descale the electric kettle citric acid- a reliable and proven way to get rid of plaque. However, if the described methods do not suit you, or you do not have the necessary "incidents", then there is one more folk way descaling. Consider how to descale an electric kettle with vinegar. By the way, this tool can also be useful in.

Tip: for these purposes, it is better to use 9% table vinegar.

Pour 1.5 liters of water and 200 ml into the kettle. vinegar. Let the resulting mixture stand for about 20 minutes. Then boil water with vinegar. Then the kettle must again be rinsed with water. Pour in fresh water and boil it several times. Drain and rinse the kettle again to remove any residual vinegar. As a result, you will get an absolutely clean and shiny teapot from the inside. However, if the scale has been formed for a long time and hardened too much, then it may not be completely removed. However, this method has one drawback - this is the smell formed when boiling vinegar, which fills the entire kitchen. Unlike vinegar, citric acid does not leave an unpleasant odor after its use.

Folk remedies against scale using soda

Another folk way to deal with scale involves the use of soda. As in the previous "recipe", we will need one tablespoon of the ingredient (i.e. soda). Fill it with water exactly as far as the kettle allows. Then water with soda should be boiled and be sure to rinse the kettle with tap water.

Tip: For the best effect, if necessary, rub the scale with a sponge with a rough side.

Then you need to pour water into the kettle again and boil it. It is better to boil the water and drain it twice so that the last remnants of soda disappear.

Thanks to this method, the scale on the walls and bottom of the kettle becomes looser, which makes it much easier to remove. However, this method does not guarantee complete descaling. Nevertheless, the effect will be noticeable. For the next descaling option, in addition to soda, you will also need salt. Pour two tablespoons of baking soda into your kettle. Fill it with water and add a spoonful of ordinary table salt to the resulting solution. Then the water in the kettle should be boiled. For the best effect, leave the resulting solution in the kettle for about 10 minutes, then pour out all the water.

Then the kettle should be rinsed from the inside with tap water. And boil the kettle several times, after filling it with new water. So you finally remove the remnants of the mixture. It is enough to do this a couple of times.

Scale is formed due to the content of metal salts in tap water, settling on the bottom and inner walls of ordinary kettles or electric heating element.

The use of tea or coffee, generously seasoned with mineral deposits, threatens with diseases of the kidneys, joints and bones.

A dense layer of scale leads to a long heating of water, and in electric kettles - to breakage of the heating coil.

The rate of plaque formation depends on the hardness of the water, but even filtration will not eliminate the need to periodically descale the kettle.

How to descale the kettle: the necessary tools

To rid the kettle of scale and extend its service life, you can use it as special preparations from the store household chemicals and home remedies:

  • citric acid or lemons;

    sweet soda;

    pickle from canned cucumbers or tomatoes;

    peel of apples, pears or potatoes.

Soda softens limescale, and the rest of the products contain acids that scale is afraid of. For cleaning, you will also need a soft brush, sponge or brush. Do not use metal washcloths that damage dishes to speed up the process.

How to descale the kettle: method 1 - traditional

The easiest way to remove scale from the kettle is with the help of improvised means that are in every kitchen: citric or acetic acid, soda, or a combination of both.

Vinegar cleaning

Manufacturers do not recommend cleaning electric, enameled and aluminum kettles with vinegar; the product is suitable for stainless steel dishes with old deposits.

With a small layer of lime, fill 2/3 of the kettle with water, and the remaining 1/3 with 9% vinegar. Bring the solution to a boil over low heat, remove the kettle from the heat and set it aside for 1-3 hours to loosen the scale. If the bottom and walls of the dishes are covered with a thick and dense crust of deposits, prepare a solution at the rate of ½ cup of vinegar per 1 liter of water, pour it into the kettle, put it on a small fire, wait for it to boil and boil for another 10-30 minutes - depending on the volume of the vessel.

After cooling, thoroughly rinse the kettle with a soft sponge, removing the remaining scale, boil it 1-2 times with clean water and rinse the container to get rid of traces of vinegar.

Cleansing with citric acid

A gentle tool will help get rid of scale on any kettle. To remove dense layers of lime, boil the kettle with an acid solution (10-15 g of 1 liter of water), turn it off immediately after boiling and cool it for 30-60 minutes - during this time the scale will dissolve or soften. Then drain the liquid, remove the remaining deposits with a sponge, boil a container of clean water and rinse thoroughly. If it was not possible to cope with chronic scale on the first attempt, repeat the procedure.

In order not to expose the kettle to boiling with acid, it is enough to clean it monthly without heating: dilute the acid with water, pour it into a container and drain the solution after a few hours - a small coating will disappear without a trace.

Soda cleaning

Ordinary baking soda or soda ash will help restore original cleanliness to any kettles, including electric ones.

Option 1. Fill the dishes with water, pour 1 tbsp. soda, boil and hold for half an hour on low heat. Cool, drain the solution and wash the kettle, then refill it with water and boil, removing the remaining soda. After that, rinse the container again.

Option 2. Pour 1-2 tbsp into the water boiling in the kettle. baking soda and immediately turn off the heat. After 1-2 hours, remove softened mineral deposits from the dishes, boil them with clean water and rinse again.

Cleaning old scale

Option 1. Moisten a sponge with vinegar, dip it in soda and rub the resulting slurry into surfaces covered with a layer of scale. When vinegar is combined with soda, a reaction will occur that destroys deposits; all that remains is to rinse and rinse the kettle. If the layers are thick, cleaning will need to be repeated.

Option 2. Suitable for the most neglected kettles with a thick layer of scale, but not applicable for electric kettles due to excessive aggressiveness. Cleansing is done in three steps:

1. Pour water into the container, pour 1 tbsp. l. soda, boil, set aside for 10-20 minutes, drain the solution.

2. Refill with water, add 1-2 tbsp. citric acid, boil the solution for half an hour over low heat, drain.

3. Pour water into the kettle again, add 1/2 cup of vinegar there, boil for another half an hour, drain the liquid.

Most of the scale after such a powerful attack will come off by itself, loose residues can be easily removed with a simple sponge. Then be sure to rinse the kettle, boil clean water in it 3-4 times and rinse the dishes.

How to descale the kettle: method 2 - “delicious”

Adherents of safe natural products will appreciate the method of descaling using potato, pear or apple peels containing organic acids. Cleanings need to be washed, put in a kettle, pour water and boil the liquid. After boiling, set aside the teapot with the peel for 1-2 hours, and then rinse the dishes well. The product is suitable for removing light scale deposits.

Cucumber or tomato pickle perfectly eliminates lime deposits due to the content of citric acid or vinegar. The brine must be poured into the kettle, boiled, cooled, washed and rinsed thoroughly to remove the smell of preservation. An additional bonus of the method is the removal of rust from inner surface vessel.

Lemon fights well with scale. Sour fruit should be cut into quarters, put them in a kettle, pour water, put the dishes on a small fire and boil the solution for 10-15 minutes after boiling. If the scale has not softened enough, repeat the procedure, and then rinse the kettle and rinse with plenty of water.

To effectively remove scale in the kettle, you can also use sweet soda.

Open a bottle of drink to release gases, then pour 0.5-1 liter of liquid into the kettle, boil, let cool and rinse the container thoroughly. With a small layer of deposits, you can do without boiling - just fill the kettle with soda to dissolve the plaque, and wash it after a few hours. The cleaning effect is based on the content of citric and phosphoric acid in the drink. Choose a clear soda, such as 7UP, otherwise you will have to remove colored spots from Coca-Cola or Fanta from the surface of the dishes.

How to descale the kettle: method 3 - chemical

The destruction of scale with household chemicals is achieved by the citric, adipic or sulfamic acids included in their composition. Special products are available in the form of liquids, powders or tablets, used according to the instructions. General scheme use - the solution with the cleaning agent is boiled in a kettle for 30-40 minutes, then drained. The softened scale is easily removed, and after cleaning, clean water should be boiled in the kettle 2-3 more times to remove chemicals.

The effectiveness of using store-bought descaling agents is comparable to that of vinegar and citric acid, but the latter are much more economical.

How to clean the kettle from scale and not spoil it

Even if the kettle is covered with a thick layer of plaque, do not scrape it with sharp objects, do not use hard brushes and metal washcloths for cleaning - such a cruel method greatly damages the dishes.

For gentle and effective descaling, wash the inside of the kettle well, and then use home remedies or chemicals to dissolve or loosen the lime coat. After cleaning, be sure to wash the kettle with a sponge or soft brush, boil water in it a couple of times and rinse the dishes again to avoid poisoning.

The frequency of descaling the kettle depends on the hardness of the water used, but try not to start the process - with each boil, the crust of plaque becomes more durable and thicker. Preventive care will help minimize its formation:

    rinsing after each boil and washing the kettle daily with a sponge;

    the use of filtered water, each time fresh - repeated boiling increases the precipitation of salts;

    draining water from the kettle at night or during a long "downtime".

The choice of ways to clean the kettle from scale is quite large, and home remedies are as effective as store-bought ones. The main thing is not to forget to repeat the procedure regularly.

In most settlements, tap water contains many impurities, especially calcium and magnesium salts. During boiling, they form an insoluble precipitate. Therefore, an unpleasant coating often forms inside the kettle - scale. These salts pass into an insoluble form and are deposited on its bottom, walls and heating elements. Due to scale, the taste of water deteriorates, its small pieces get into tea and spoil it. appearance and our health. For electrical appliance it is even more harmful because it boils longer and breaks faster. Most housewives know citric acid, but there are several other ways.

What are cleaning methods based on?

It is very unpleasant when yellowish scale flakes get into the cup when you add water from the kettle to your cup. Moreover, it is formed even if you use filtered water, because filtration does not purify it from calcium and magnesium salts. Over time, their insoluble forms corrode the enamel or plastic of the teapot walls. Due to scale, its boiling time is greatly increased. Therefore, you need to deal with it regularly: it will be easier to remove it than a thick layer.

All methods for cleaning the kettle are based on the fact that scale is a deposit of salts. Acids are used to remove them. They react with salts and convert them into a soluble form. Many people know how to descale a kettle. This method is based precisely on this property of chemicals. Descaling products are now sold, some use them because it is easier. Pour the product from the bag into the water and boil. You can descale in this way at a time. But many do not like that traces of chemicals may remain on the walls, so they prefer to use folk methods.

How to descale a kettle with citric acid

This is the most common and well-known way to keep your heater in good condition. You just need to pour a bag of citric acid into the kettle and boil water for 5-10 minutes. Then leave this solution for half an hour. Many people leave the kettle with citric acid overnight if the scale layer is very thick.

How to properly dilute this remedy? For a regular two-liter kettle, take 1-2 sachets of acid (or 2 tablespoons with a slide). You can also use lemon juice, squeezing it out of 1-2 fruits. After the boiled solution has cooled, the water must be drained, but not into the sink, as it can become clogged with scale flakes. Remaining plaque can be easily cleaned with a sponge. If the sediment is very thick, the procedure must be repeated.

Cleaning the kettle with citric acid is very simple and cheap way. So easily you can even clean the electric kettle from scale. But not everyone uses this method, because a concentrated acid solution can be dangerous for the metal, causing it to corrode. There are several other simple and safe methods.

The way of our grandmothers

Since ancient times, women have been cleaning dishes with baking soda. It was also used to clean the kettle from scale. Soda not only mechanically gently removes plaque, but also softens the sediment. Along with citric acid, it is one of the most safe ways. After all, even if you don’t rinse your kettle well and the rest of the product gets into your tea, it’s unpleasant, but it won’t harm you. Often these two tools are used together. So the old thick sediment is more effectively removed.

How to clean the kettle from scale with soda? Dissolve a couple of tablespoons in water and boil for half an hour. After the kettle has cooled down, boil it again. After draining the water, you will see that the scale has become loose. If it is not possible to remove it with a sponge, then you can still boil water with citric acid, so the most difficult deposits are removed.

Other folk methods of dealing with scale

  1. Boil potato peels, apple peel or cut lemon in a kettle for an hour.
  2. Instead of water, pour brine from cucumbers or tomatoes into the dishes and boil for at least an hour.
  3. Boil the following solution in a kettle for an hour and a half: two glasses of water, three glasses of crushed chalk and a glass of ammonia and laundry soap.

How to clean a kettle with acid

But most often modern housewives use acids to remove salt deposits. After all folk remedies not suitable for electric kettles.

Such solutions boil for a long time, and it will constantly turn off. Therefore, it is best to pour two-thirds of the water for this, adding table vinegar to the top. This solution must be brought to a boil and cooled. The scale should dissolve without a trace, but if pieces of it remain, the procedure can be repeated.

Recently, many housewives use Coca-Cola or Fanta instead of vinegar. These drinks also contain acid, which dissolves the sediment. The peculiarity of this method is that you need to pour only half the kettle, and before that, completely remove the gases from the drink. In addition, when boiling, traces of dyes may remain on the walls of the dishes, so it is better to take a colorless soda, such as Sprite.

How to properly clean the kettle from scale

  1. After using any method, the dishes must be thoroughly rinsed so that no traces of the solution remain on the walls. It would be nice to boil clean water in it and pour it out.
  2. When cleaning an electric kettle, do not make a highly concentrated acid solution, which can corrode the plastic walls and heating elements.
  3. Be sure to warn your family members not to drink tea at this time, because instead of water, they can pour acid into the cup.

Many housewives have long known how to descale a kettle with citric acid. But it turns out there are many other cheap and reliable ways to do this easily.

The appearance of lime white plaque and scale in the electric kettle does not bypass all owners of this useful household appliance, so everyone will be interested to know how and how to quickly and effectively clean the electric kettle from scale at home, as well as how to extend the “life” of the kettle and prevent the formation of plaque and scale inside him.

How and with what you can clean the electric kettle from scale at home

Scale formation in electric kettles occurs regardless of what water you use, even if it is well purified or from mountain springs, it still contains salt, due to which plaque appears on the heating element and the inner surface of the electric kettle when it is constantly use.

The quality of water greatly affects the rate of scale formation, therefore, using poor quality water (unpurified, unfiltered) for boiling, a large layer of scale will soon form in the kettle, which can lead to premature damage to the household appliance, and also increase the time it takes to boil water (scale has a low thermal conductivity and acts as insulation between the water and the heating element).

It will be very difficult to wash the scale in the electric kettle with ordinary water and a dish sponge, even detergent won't help much for dishes. In this case, it is best to use effective special descaling products or time-tested folk methods that will help you remove scale in an electric kettle without unnecessary waste and with minimal cost time and effort.

Cleaning the electric kettle from scale and white deposits inside can be done using the following improvised means:

  • Lemon acid.
  • Table vinegar 9%.
  • Baking soda.
  • Potato and apple peels, as well as brine from canned cucumbers and tomatoes (these products are practically not used anymore, since they are not very effective and specific, so we will not consider them in the article.

The products listed above have been used by many housewives for a long time to deal with scale not only in electric kettles (metal, plastic and glass), but also to remove scale in other household appliances, so let's take a closer look at what needs to be done before starting to clean the kettle and how to use each descaler.

You may also find the article on cleaning common metal and enameled teapots from scale: .

Preparation for descaling the kettle

  • Cleaning the electric kettle is best done when none of your family members are going to use it in the next few hours (so as not to accidentally pour water with a cleaning agent into tea or coffee), while it is better to warn them in advance that the kettle cannot be used.
  • To remove scale in an electric kettle, you do not need to use special brushes and metal brushes, which can damage the inner surface and the heating element in the kettle. When cleaning, the most used descaling agent and, in some cases, a regular soft sponge for dishes are sufficient.
  • The descaling process in the electric kettle can be combined with its external washing, while its sequence complete cleaning irrelevant.
  • After using special chemicals for descaling, as well as ordinary helpers, it is always necessary to thoroughly rinse the electric kettle inside, as well as boil and drain ordinary clean water in it several times so that all residues of the agent used are removed and do not get into tea or coffee.

After familiarizing yourself with the basic rules and precautions, you can proceed directly to the cleaning itself by choosing one of the methods suggested below on how to get rid of scale in an electric kettle at home (the methods given are arranged in the following sequence: from the most effective and simple to the least effective, not taking into account special chemicals at the end of the article).

How to descale an electric kettle with citric acid?

Can be used: you can clean with citric acid an electric kettle made of stainless steel (metal), plastic and glass.

Citric acid is one of the cheapest and most reliable helpers in the fight against scale at home, and it is used to clean almost all household appliances, as well as various surfaces, on which limescale and scale can form.

Descaling an electric kettle with citric acid is quite simple:

  • Pour clean water into the kettle to the maximum (up to the maximum permissible mark on the kettle), or half of the kettle, if there is little scale and it is mainly only in the lower part of the kettle and bring it to a boil by turning on the electric kettle itself.
  • After the water boils, add 1 tablespoon of citric acid to it, if there is a little scale, or 2 tablespoons of citric acid if the kettle is very dirty (citric acid can be added immediately to the kettle so that the water boils with it inside the kettle).
  • We wait until the water in the kettle has cooled down, after which we drain it and thoroughly rinse the electric kettle from the inside with ordinary clean tap water.
  • We collect a full kettle clean water and boil it, then drain and repeat the procedure again to make sure that there are no traces of citric acid left in the electric kettle and you can safely drink water from it.

As you can see, cleaning an electric kettle with citric acid is quick and easy, while the scale dissolves well in water with citric acid and after that it does not need to be cleaned with a sponge. If there was a large layer of scale in the kettle, you can repeat the procedure again or use in the following way using vinegar.

Advantages: very simple and fast way removing scale and scale inside the kettle, which is suitable for all models of electric kettles and does not cause any harm to the appliance itself. The ideal solution for light and medium scale contamination of the electric kettle.

Cons: None found.

How to get rid of scale in an electric kettle using table vinegar

Can be used: for all types of electric kettles (plastic, metal, glass).

Often, table vinegar is used in critical situations, when a lot of scale has formed in the electric kettle and it needs to be urgently cleaned out.

To clean an electric kettle from scale inside with vinegar, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  • We fill the kettle with clean water to half its volume and add 1 cup of 9% table vinegar.
  • We turn on the electric kettle and bring the solution of water and vinegar to a boil (until it turns off by itself), after which we wait until all the liquid has completely cooled down.
  • We pour out all the contents from the kettle and rinse it well with tap water, while if there was a lot of scale and it didn’t all come off, you can additionally rub its remnants with a dish sponge or repeat the procedure with vinegar again (while using a little less vinegar).
  • After the electric kettle is well washed from the inside, pour clean water into it (a full kettle), bring it to a boil and pour it out (we repeat this procedure several times to completely clean the inner surface of the kettle from vinegar residues and its smell).

Using vinegar to remove scale in an electric kettle will help get rid of any amount of scale in this appliance in a short period of time, the main thing is not to forget that the vinegar will evaporate when boiled, so the cleaning process is best done either under the hood in the kitchen or near an open window (in warm season), so as not to inhale vinegar fumes.

Benefits: Cleaning an electric kettle with vinegar is effective for any amount of scale in the kettle (vinegar works well even with large deposits of scale on the heating element and the inside of the kettle). Vinegar is most effective for descaling metal kettles, but other models are just as effective at removing scale.

Disadvantages: an unpleasant specific smell of vinegar during the cleaning of the kettle.

How to use soda to remove scale in an electric kettle at home

Can be used: for all types of electric kettles.

Baking soda is more commonly used to descale conventional enameled kettles, but is also used to descale electric kettles.

Cleaning an electric kettle from scale with soda takes place in the following sequence:

  • We collect clean water in the electric kettle (up to half).
  • Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda.
  • We turn on the electric kettle and wait until it boils and turns itself off, after which we wait for the water to cool completely in it.
  • We drain the water from the kettle and rinse it well under running clean water from the tap.
  • We collect water in a washed clean electric kettle and bring it to a boil, then drain it and repeat the procedure again so that the remaining soda is washed out on the inside of the kettle.

Cleaning an electric kettle with soda is similar to the previous methods, while the electric kettle can be descaled with soda using vinegar for a better effect. To do this, we make a slurry of soda and water, and rub it into the surfaces in the kettle, on which scale has formed with a sponge, which was previously moistened with table vinegar. As a result of a chemical reaction, scale and plaque will begin to dissolve, after which they can be removed with a regular clean dish sponge and water.

Advantages: an easy way to get rid of scale in an electric kettle at home, which is less effective and popular than the previous methods and more suitable for cleaning enameled kettles.

Disadvantages: not high cleaning efficiency.

We use special means of scale in the electric kettle

Can be used: for all models and types of electric kettles (glass, stainless steel or plastic).

In many household stores and supermarkets you can find a variety of various means from scale in the form of tablets, powders and liquids (for example, antiscale, antiscale, etc.), which are specially designed by experts for effective and safe cleaning of electric kettles from scale and plaque.

The sequence of using special cleaners to deal with scale is similar to the folk methods given above in the article, especially since each package of such products says detailed instructions according to the application, according to which it is necessary to carry out cleaning.

Benefits: Descaling chemicals for electric kettles are among the most effective, as they were designed to do just that.

Disadvantages: not found (certain disadvantages and disadvantages may be in certain species and trademarks special means for descaling).

How to prevent the formation of limescale and scale in an electric kettle (metal, glass, plastic)

  • For boiling, we use only high-quality filtered (purified) water, in which the content of salts and other components (metals, chlorine) will be low.
  • It is better to pour water into an electric kettle for one time use, and if it remains, then drain the excess.
  • After using the electric kettle, it will not be superfluous to rinse it with plain water inside to wash off the small particles of the newly formed plaque.
  • With the constant use of an electric kettle, every 1-2 months it is necessary to carry out preventive descaling (for example, with citric acid) so that a thick layer of scale does not have time to form on its inner surface and the heating element.

Note: when buying, it is better to give preference to electric kettles with a heating disc and with a closed heating coil, as they are easier to maintain (easier to clean from scale and plaque from the inside).

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that the knowledge of how to properly descale an electric kettle will be useful to everyone, since it is completely safe from the appearance of limescale and scale inside the kettle during its operation is not possible and sooner or later cleaning will be needed. We leave our useful tips and reviews on the topic of how to clean the electric kettle from scale at home with the help of improvised and special tools, leave in the comments to the article and share it in social networks if it was helpful to you.

Scale is formed due to the fact that the water contains a large amount of salts that settle on the bottom, walls and heating coil of the kettle.

Scale buildup inside the kettle will cause it to take much longer to heat the water. And over time, when the scale layer thickens, the kettle may break.

At home, to remove scale are used:

If nothing is done, such an electric kettle will last only a year and a half. So that it does not fail ahead of time, you need to know how to remove scale in an electric kettle.

The first method is the easiest

Many housewives know how to descale an electric kettle. We offer the simplest effective method which will take a little time:

Well helps soda from scale
  1. Pour water into the kettle and add 1 tablespoon of baking soda to it.
  2. After the kettle boils, let it stand for 20 minutes, then drain the water.
  3. Then fill the kettle with fresh water with the addition of 20 grams of citric acid.
  4. Just boil the kettle and let stand for half an hour.

After this procedure, rinse the kettle. If the scale has not disappeared, then its structure has become loose, and you can easily clean the kettle with a regular sponge.

Method two - "grandmother's method"

Of course, our grandmothers did not know how to clean an electric kettle from scale - at that time there were no electric kettles yet)). But this way of cleaning copper kettles will also work for us. So, we need a nine percent solution of acetic acid, or more simply, vinegar.

  1. First, pour 2/3 of the water into the kettle, the remaining third is vinegar.
  2. Let the water boil, and then leave the kettle until the water in it cools down. After some time, the scale in the kettle will dissolve. This is due to the fact that the acid contained in vinegar will enter into a chemical reaction with salts and decompose them into simple substances.
  3. However, do not forget to thoroughly rinse the teapot after this, as acetic acid will remain on its walls and then enter your body with tea.

Method three - using soda

Perhaps the most unconventional way to descale an electric kettle. However, according to many housewives, this method is very effective.

To perform such a cleaning, you need a liter of colorless sparkling water, like Sprite. Pour the soda into the kettle and boil. And the scale in the electric kettle will disappear!

The key point here is the purchase of colorless soda. Be careful - the dyes contained in colored soda will remain on the walls of the kettle when boiled, and it will be even more difficult to wipe them off than to get rid of scale.

Method four - citric acid

Do you want to know how to descale an electric kettle with ordinary citric acid?

  1. Pour one packet of acid into a full kettle and boil.
  2. Drain this liquid and rinse the kettle with running water.
  3. Boil a couple of times ordinary tap water and pour it out.

All you need is one sachet of citric acid

This method is based on the same chemical reaction, as when using acetic acid. Descaling in an electric kettle may not occur immediately - after all, it is more soft way. To do this, repeat the procedure again, until the vessel is completely cleansed of salts. Also, do not forget to rinse the kettle after this procedure.

Method five - household chemicals

In addition to manual cleaning, you can also resort to the use of all kinds of chemicals. How to remove scale from an electric kettle is known in a household chemicals store.

  • "Descaler"
  • Major Domus
  • Antinakipin: deep cleaning.

However, this method may not bring the expected result, and the money will be spent. The kettle may not be cleaned due to the fact that the scale layer has already sufficiently corroded the body and the heating element.

And finally

With the help of these simple tips, you will be able to descale the electric kettle, but you should not forget that the procedure will need to be repeated at regular intervals.

And remember, before descaling an electric kettle, you should warn your family members, as one of them may inadvertently make their own coffee from boiled Sprite, or worse.

There are many more methods to remove scale from an electric kettle, but not all of them are effective. Remember that using untested methods you risk getting the opposite effect and your kettle may become completely unusable.