The best varieties of cucumbers for canning and pickling. Overview of greenhouse varieties of cucumbers recommended for pickling and conservation Which varieties of cucumbers cannot be preserved

  • 17.06.2019

Cucumbers are one of the most popular garden plants. They are grown with pleasure by both farmers and amateur gardeners in all regions of our country. Now it is possible not only to plant abstract cucumbers, but also to select and order by mail varieties with specified characteristics, taking into account the parameters of planting, in open ground or in a greenhouse, the ripening time of the crop and the purpose: for harvesting or fresh consumption.

Characteristic features and differences of cucumbers

I remember my first childhood trip to the sea. The train runs smoothly. Stops often. Traders are noisy at every half-station. Somewhere there are aunts with pies and boiled eggs, on the counter green apples, homemade sour cream by weight, and at every station, even the most shabby half-station, there are huge barrels of cucumbers. Delicious, crunchy! And what flavor...

And after all, for so many years I tried to get closer to the standard of taste set in those distant years, but it seems that I succeeded only in the last few years, with the acquisition own site. It's not even about "one's own - someone else's." Cucumber abundance allows you to find the "same" variety and achieve a rich harvest.

Salted cucumbers - decoration of any table

India is considered the birthplace of cucumbers, but they are loved everywhere. Perhaps the sound heard when eating cucumbers caused the word cucumber to sound similar in many languages: cucumber (English), okurka (Czech), ogórek (Pol.), ogіrok (Ukrainian), Gurke (German. ).

It is easy to see that cucumbers of different varieties differ in size, color and type of shirt. In articles on the cultivation and harvesting of cucumbers, there is some confusion in terms. To make it easier to understand, let's clarify the terminology.

Size standards for cucumbers have been adopted: pickles - 3-5 cm, short-fruited cucumbers, gherkins - 6-8 cm (according to GOST, two types of short-fruited gherkins are distinguished, the maximum length of fruits in these groups is no more than 11 and 14 cm, respectively), Zelentsy - medium-fruited and long-fruited cucumbers, not exceeding 25 cm in length. Cucumbers of the first two types are harvested.

Gherkins just getting ready for pickling

There are three types of "shirt" cucumbers. Smooth green fruits without thorns and bubbles - Asian type. These are excellent salad cucumbers, but they cannot be salted or pickled. When processed, they lose their crunchiness, the core becomes soft.

Slavic type of "shirt" - rare large bubbles on the surface of cucumbers.

German type - multiple small bubbles and spines, covering the entire surface of the fruit. They are distinguished by a thin skin, due to which the brine penetrates better into the fruits during salting. The high content of sugars in these varieties ensures fermentation. Cucumbers of this type are best suited for pickling and canning. They have dense flesh, so they remain crispy after processing. Naturally, it is preferable to use cucumbers with black spines for harvesting.

Knowing these features will help when buying cucumbers for harvesting, but many summer residents and amateur gardeners prefer not to rely on fate in the face of sellers or cucumber growers, but to take the initiative, that is, a shovel, into their own hands and plant those varieties that they consider necessary.

What varieties of cucumbers are suitable for pickling and canning

Cucumber varieties are considered the best for pickling and canning:

  • goosebumps;
  • Vyaznikovsky 37;
  • state farm;
  • Vir 505;
  • Competitor;
  • Nezhinsky.

The fruits of these cucumbers are of the gherkin type: dense, crispy, without voids, have a pleasant taste and aroma.

Video: cucumbers and hybrids for pickling

Which varieties are suitable for outdoor cultivation

V open field for the Moscow region, all the varieties listed above are suitable, as well as the varieties Altai early 166 F1, Movir F1, Gorgeous F1, Union, Harvest 86 and Rzhavsky local. If the name of the variety does not mean anything to you, then in the conditions of a short summer it is better to choose early or mid-early varieties of cucumbers. TO early varieties include those in which from the moment of emergence of seedlings to the first harvest of fruits, from 32 to 44 days pass.

When in the dashing nineties a whole region of the Moscow region survived thanks to the cultivation of cucumbers, there was not such a variety of varieties as it is now. We are talking, of course, about the Lukhovitsky district. Thanks to the exceptional conditions: microclimate, long frost-free period and soil characteristics in the Oka floodplain, incomparable Lukhovitsky cucumbers are obtained. And if earlier cucumbers of the Graceful and Libelle varieties were mainly grown here, now domestic breeders have already bred the Lukhovitsky F1 variety, early ripe, parthenocarpic.

Among the many varieties of cucumbers, you will surely find one that will bear fruit perfectly in the open ground of your plot.

Parthenocarpic hybrids

Although in terms of cucumbers, many gardeners “ate the dog”, quite often the term self-pollinated is used when describing the type of reproduction of a variety. Cucumbers usually have both male and female flowers. Pollen from male flowers to female flowers is carried mainly by pollinating insects, to attract which joint plantings with bright flowers are recommended. But in modern times, when industrial production vegetables dictates its own rules, many varieties of cucumbers have been bred with a predominantly female type of flowering that do not need pollination. Such plants do not have barren flowers, male flowers (but they also do not form seeds).

The ability of plants to form fruits without pollination is called parthenocarpy.

So, when it is said that the hybrid has a female type of flowering, it is more correct to use the term parthenocarpic varieties, and not self-pollinated.

The advantage of parthenocarpics is that they grow everywhere: in open ground, in greenhouses, on loggia balconies and even on window sills. The fruits are tied together, the crop of cucumbers of the same size ripens, without bitterness. Since plants - parthenocarpics do not form seeds, the fruits do not turn yellow. The disadvantage is that parthenocarpics are sensitive to temperature changes and, when planted in open ground, can produce twisted fruits.

Among the cucumbers, there are also self-pollinated ones, in cases where the flowers have both stamens and pistils, but there are still not so many such varieties as parthenocarpics.

  • Flagship F1;
  • Forward F1;
  • Pharaoh F1;
  • Prestige F1;
  • Athos F1;
  • My General F1;
  • Dragoon F1;
  • Patty F1;
  • Ginga F1;
  • Ekaterina F1.

I also want to note such hybrid parthenocarpics as Connie and Champion, productive, disease resistant and very tasty.

Delicious parthenocapic cucumbers for pickling

Dutch breeders have bred varieties of cucumbers that grow in open ground in the Moscow region. Variety Christina F1 is characterized by high immunity to stressful external influences, disease resistance and, having excellent taste, can be used both fresh and in pickling and pickling. Masha F1 is an early-yielding parthenocarpic hybrid.

Variety Pasamonte F1 early harvest, unpretentious, disease resistant. I also want to remind you about the well-known Parker F1 variety, it ripens early, gives an excellent harvest, and is also resistant to diseases.

This is what a pickled gherkin looks like

Features of varieties for Ukraine

For pickling on the territory of Ukraine, cucumbers of the following varieties are used:

  • Mommy's Pet F1;
  • Garland F1;
  • Hybrid Barrel pickling;
  • Midget F1;
  • Advance F1;
  • Khazbulat F1;
  • Cappuccino F1.

In Ukraine, hybrids for pickling are successfully cultivated, which can tolerate shading. This is Athlete F1 - the best of the shade-tolerant hybrids, and the varieties Berendey F1, Courage F1, Razgulay F1 and Valdai F1 are also popular.

Chest Recipes

Every family has a carefully kept "grandmother's recipe" that helps the hostess cook year after year. delicious pickles. I will also share proven family recipes for fragrant crispy cucumbers.

Salting cucumbers according to the old method

With all the variety of tastes, options and modifications to the methods of pickling cucumbers, I use the most straightforward option. It has only one drawback - it requires an underground or cellar for storage. And the rest - some solid pluses. Just follow my instructions:

  1. Cucumbers need to be washed, remove the stalks. If the fruits are harvested in advance, it is worth holding them in cold water a few hours, and even better - leave it overnight.
  2. Prepare spices for a three-liter jar based on: greens and dill color to taste, one or two leaves of cherries and currants, respectively, one horseradish leaf, two to three cloves of garlic, five to six peas allspice, one or two leaves of lavrushka.
  3. Everything needs to be washed. Leave some of the greens, then to cover the cucumbers on top.
  4. Put all the spices on the bottom of the jar, carefully fill the jar tightly with cucumbers, put the remaining greens on top.
  5. Pour three tablespoons of coarse salt (without a slide) and carefully fill the jar with cold water to the top.
  6. Close up sterilized plastic lids and quickly lowered into the cellar.

Homemade pickles- the pride of any hostess

Of course, one of the most grown greenhouse vegetables is cucumber. This is facilitated by the successful work of breeders who create high-yielding ultra-early and very hardy varieties. Many of the modern cucumber varieties cultivated in greenhouses are suitable for salting and conservation - their description, photos, reviews on cultivation and use are presented in the article below.

Features of cucumbers and their cultivation in a greenhouse

Cucumbers according to the method of using greens are divided into 3 groups:

  • universal;
  • salad;
  • pickling.

Attention! Among the variety of cucumbers, large tubercles are the most crispy, the preservation of this property even after pickling is facilitated by the presence of transverse vascular bundles in the cucumber pulp.

The latter are characterized by a compact size, thin tuberculate skin with black spikes, elastic dense pulp. For canning, universal varieties can also be used, the greens of which have reached a size of 6-12 cm. Salad varieties are good for fresh consumption and the preparation of salted cucumbers, quick consumption.

Regardless of the purpose of the greens, the cucumbers selected for canning must meet the following parameters:

  • caliber - 6-10 cm;
  • cylindrical shape;
  • thin peel and dense core;
  • not bitter.

Medium and late-ripening cucumbers are best suited for pickling.

The quality of pickled cucumbers is affected by the ripening period of greens. Early and ultra-early ripening varieties are considered less suitable for conservation than medium and late ripening ones. Moreover experienced housewives it was noted that cucumbers picked at the end of summer or autumn, in pickling, are more tasty than those that were collected at the beginning of summer.

Recently, the greenhouse method of growing cucumbers has become especially widespread. Its main advantages are:

  • the possibility of obtaining ultra-early and very late crops;
  • independence from weather and climatic conditions;
  • creation of optimal conditions for the development of cucumber vines, and, accordingly, obtaining higher yields.

The only drawback of greens grown in a greenhouse is that the taste of cucumbers grown in open beds is always brighter and richer.

Attention! For cultivation in greenhouses of any type, self-pollinating and parthenocarpic varieties and hybrid forms are best suited. When choosing varieties in order to grow a pickled cucumber in a greenhouse, one should pay attention to its size, skin thickness, pulp density.

Among the parthenocarpic varieties, the best are those that are able to form many ovaries in one bundle. Beam greens are small-fruited, elastic, have a good taste.

Cucumbers "Alekseich"

Parthenocarpic varieties for pickling

Designed specifically for cultivation in greenhouses, parthenocarpic hybrid varieties cucumbers are different increased productivity, tolerance to most diseases typical of cucumbers, endurance, extended fruiting period, versatility in use. When planning to grow them for conservation, you should pay attention to the following varieties:

Attention! The disadvantage of parthenocarpic varieties is the impossibility of harvesting planting material due to the lack of seeds in them.

Other parthenocarpic hybrids F1, which have proven themselves in salting and conservation:, "Crunchy", "Little Finger", "Spino", "Masha", "Buran", "Tournament", "Moravian Gherkin", and others.

Reviews of gardeners

Vegetable growers and housewives with experience know which cucumbers to choose for canning. For those who are just going to grow greens for pickling in their greenhouse, this article and reviews will help determine the variety.

The best varieties of cucumbers for pickling - video

Cucumbers are divided into groups according to the intended use or method of storage. Salad cucumbers, cucumbers for pickling and canning, as well as universal ones, suitable for everything at once.

The first are the earliest, they have a thin skin and a neutral taste. They are grown in greenhouses and greenhouses. They are usually thin and elongated in shape. If such cucumbers are planted in open ground, they will be thicker and shorter, and the skin is much tougher. Early cucumbers are not suitable for canning.

What cucumbers are suitable for pickling

The best salad hybrids of cucumbers: description, photo, reviews

Cucumbers Karnak F1, characteristic

Early maturing bee-pollinated hybrid, mainly female type flowering. It takes 42-45 days from germination to fruiting. It is intended for cultivation in an open ground and in hotbeds.

Plants are medium-sized, with medium branching. In the female nodes, 2-3 ovaries are stably laid. Cucumbers are green, smooth, slightly ribbed, cylindrical, about 17-18 cm long and 3.5-4 cm in diameter. The color of the spikes is white. The taste is delicate, with a strong cucumber aroma.

Hybrid Carnac is ideal for making fresh salads. Disease resistant.

yield 12-14 kg with square meter landings.

Cucumber Emerald Stream F1

Early ripe (44-48 days before fruiting) parthenocarpic hybrid for cultivation in open ground and film shelters.

The plant is vigorous, weakly climbing, predominantly with a female type of flowering. Cucumbers are elongated-cylindrical, tuberculate, dark green, with delicate thin skin, 30-50 cm long, weighing 150-200 grams. They have excellent taste and aroma. The value of the hybrid Emerald stream is in resistance to powdery mildew, cold resistance, shade tolerance, long and continuous fruiting period. Great for salads.

Cucumbers for pickling and canning are grown both in open ground and in greenhouses. Only for pickling, medium-sized cucumbers are plucked, and for canning, very small cucumbers are harvested, the length of which is 8-10 cm.

The best varieties of cucumbers for pickling and canning: description, reviews, photos, characteristics

Cucumbers Siberian salting F1

A new early maturing, parthenocarpic hybrid that matures in 42-46 days. The plant is medium climbing, with a beam arrangement of ovaries.

Cucumbers are short 6-8 cm, cylindrical in shape, gherkin type, weighing 55-65 grams, small-tuberous, white-thorned, of good consistency and density, genetically without bitterness, do not outgrow. The taste qualities are excellent. The hybrid is intended for salting.

The value of the hybrid in the friendly formation of fruits in early dates and resistance to adverse weather conditions. It has good taste qualities.

Cucumber Goosebump F1

Early maturing parthenocarpic hybrid, female type of flowering, 4-6 ovaries are formed in each sinus. The hybrid ripens in 43-48 days from the moment of emergence of shoots.

Cucumbers are short, with large, wide tubercles and black spikes. The fruits have high pickling qualities. The hybrid F1 Murashka is grown both in protected and open ground. Disease resistant.

yield: 6 - 7 kg from one bush. Planting density: 3 plants per square meter.

Cucumber Nezhinsky 12

One of the best varieties for pickling. It is grown up in an open ground and film shelters. The variety is unpretentious and disease resistant. Mid-season, bee-pollinated.

The bush is long-branched. Cucumbers are short, elongated-ovoid, large-tuberous, black-thorned, 10-12 cm long, weighing 80-110 grams. The pulp is crispy, excellent taste. The variety is resistant to olive blotch and bacteriosis.

Growing Features: seeds are planted at the end of May in greenhouses and in the ground, or 20-25 day old seedlings. Planting density - 3 plants per 1 sq.m. The seeding depth is 1.5-2 cm. The soil should be fertile with high aeration (sawdust, leaves can be added).

Cucumbers Parisian gherkin

Early ripe (46-50 days), bee-pollinated variety for open ground and film shelters. The plant is medium-sized, medium climbing.

Cucumbers are large-tuberous, black-thorned, 6-10 cm long, weighing 60-90 grams, without bitterness. The variety is highly resistant to powdery mildew and spotting. Used for canning and pickling. The taste of cucumbers is excellent.

Pickled cucumbers

Early ripe (41-46 days) bee-pollinated variety for open ground.

The plant is long-branched, medium-sized, medium-branched, mixed type of flowering. Cucumbers are elongated-cylindrical, large tuberculate, green with light stripes of medium length, with black pubescence, 10-11 cm long, weighing 100-125 hfvv.

The value of the variety is in resistance to downy mildew, stable yield, presentation and high pickling qualities. The variety is recommended for pickling.

Popular varieties of universal cucumbers

Such cucumbers are grown both in greenhouses and in open ground.

Cucumber Zakuson F1, characteristic

New ultra-early, parthenocarpic hybrid. The period from germination to the beginning of fruiting is 40-45 days.

Plant with medium branching. The ovary is group, in one node up to 4 fruits can be tied at the same time. Cucumbers are cylindrical, 8-9 cm long, small-tuberous, black-thorned, dense, genetically without bitterness. They have excellent taste. Recommended for outdoor cultivation and all types of greenhouses. Used fresh, for pickling and pickling in the phase of pickles and gherkins.

Hybrid value in early ripeness, high productivity, resistance to adverse weather conditions. Zelentsy do not outgrow, do not turn yellow. Excellent taste qualities of fresh and processed products.

Cucumber Drop, description

Early maturing variety for outdoor cultivation. From germination to the start of fruit collection 43-45 days. The fruits are black-thorned, genetically without bitterness, 9-11 cm long, retain their green color for a long time. Designed for fresh consumption, salting and canning.

Variety value in a consistently high yield, good presentation, the ability to long-term preservation of commercial qualities after harvesting.

Cucumbers Ira F1, description, photo

Ultra-early bee-pollinated hybrid, predominantly female type of flowering. From germination to the beginning of fruiting, 45-50 days pass. The plant is medium climbing, in one node 2-3 ovaries.

Cucumbers are cylindrical, 12-15 cm long, weighing 55-85 grams, dark green, large-tuberous, with white pubescence. The pulp of the cucumber is dense, crispy.

The hybrid is characterized by high stable yields, complex resistance to diseases, excellent taste qualities of both fresh and canned fruits. Hybrid Ira F1 is intended for cultivation in open ground.

How to cook delicious pickled barrel cucumbers, video

If you know any good varieties cucumbers for pickling and canning, please write their names in the comments. Please indicate how you liked this variety of cucumbers, what is its yield and disease resistance. If possible, attach a photo of these cucumbers.

Your feedback on cucumber varieties will help many gardeners choose only the best varieties for planting, with good yields and disease resistance. We kindly ask you to indicate the region of cultivation and write cucumbers for open ground or for a greenhouse. Thanks!

The best varieties of cucumbers for pickling and canning

Among existing varieties cucumbers are difficult to choose suitable for pickling. Even experienced gardeners can't do it. It is necessary to be able to correctly select seeds for sowing and suitable soil, as well as outwardly distinguish between fruits that are best suited for canning.

How to choose the right varieties of cucumbers for pickling

Before choosing varieties of cucumbers for pickling and harvesting for the winter, you should carefully analyze many factors, ranging from the quality of planting material to suitable climatic conditions.

The range is very large, and sorting it out is quite difficult. New varieties appear very quickly thanks to breeders and it is almost impossible to guarantee their characteristics. That is why most housewives recommend not experimenting, but using only varieties tested by experience for canning.

External differences of varieties

It doesn’t matter if you are going to grow greens on your own, or buy ready-made products, you need to be able to externally determine the quality and characteristics of the fruit.

The following groups of cucumbers are divided:

  • For salads - they have large long fruits and a beautiful presentation, their surface is smooth and light, and the shelf life is rather short; during canning, such cucumbers lose their taste and color, and jars most often explode due to air gaps in the pulp;
  • For salting - medium-sized fruits or small gherkins. More often they prefer those that have a thin skin and dense pulp; the color of the cucumbers is dark, and the surface is bumpy, often with thorns;
  • Universal - combine the qualities of the two previous groups; fruits have the average size and are suitable for both raw consumption and pickling. They are distinguished by white spines and an unusual shape.

When choosing cucumbers in the market or a store counter, it is necessary to externally evaluate their belonging to one or another group.

Zelentsy suitable for conservation must meet the following parameters:

  • fruit size does not exceed 12-15 cm in length;
  • the peel of cucumbers is not damaged, dark green;
  • pimply surface with spikes;
  • the shape is even cylindrical, a slight bend is possible;
  • the fruits are firm and elastic to the touch;
  • when cutting a vegetable, there are no internal voids;
  • the number of seeds is small, and the pulp is dense and crispy;
  • the taste of cucumber is sweet without bitterness.

How to choose seeds

When choosing seeds for planting cucumbers, the necessary parameters should be indicated on the package. On its front part there must be a photo of ripe fruits.

If this is exactly what you need, check the integrity of the package and the expiration date. The envelope with seeds may be damp, in which case it is not recommended to purchase it. Best buy planting material in specialized stores.

The best varieties of cucumbers for pickling and canning

To determine which variety of cucumbers is best for pickling, there are basic characteristics inherent in all:

  • resistance to bad weather conditions;
  • lack of bitter taste of peel and pulp with a lack of moisture;
  • relatively fast growth, both bushes and fruits;
  • mass productivity (almost all cucumbers ripen at the same time).

Cucumber varieties that are most suitable for canning are selected by leading Russian experts and tested by a variety of blanks, including production batches.

Hybrid Zozulya

An early fruiting variety. The period from seedlings to the first harvest is no more than 50 days. Does not need pollination and has a high yield. The fruits are slightly elongated and are great for canning, have a pleasant taste, excellent crunch. The average weight of a cucumber is 170-250 g.


It belongs to the middle-late, the fruiting period begins at 50-55 days. Cucumbers are small, weighing no more than 100 g, have excellent taste.


This early subspecies is intended only for open areas, as it is unable to self-pollinate. Fruiting period is 45-50 days, high yield. Cucumbers are dark and bumpy, up to 10 cm long, the average weight is 100-130 g. It retains its quality during preservation and can be stored for a long time.

Mid-season (ripening time from the appearance of the first ovaries - 55 days), grown in open ground in the beds. Cucumbers are small, up to 15 cm in length, great for pickling.


Parthenocarpic variety (does not need pollination), grown in greenhouses and greenhouses. Fruits reach 13 cm, strongly tuberous. Gardeners are often used for harvesting for the winter.

There are many other varieties suitable for pickling. Among them: Buran, Legend F1, Opal F1, Country F1, Tournament F1. You can’t list them all, but you need to choose those that are most suitable for planting in your area.

Universal varieties of cucumbers

There are also many versatile varieties of cucumbers that are suitable for both preservation and eating raw. They are intended for cultivation on an open ground, and also in greenhouses.

Snack F1

Early maturing, does not require pollination. It ripens already on the 40th day after germination, and the fruits are small up to 7-8 cm. The surface is almost even with slight tuberosity. Cucumbers do not outgrow, but they can be used even at the gherkin stage. They have excellent taste, both fresh and canned.

Ira F1

Early maturing, with a fruiting period of 45 days from the appearance of the first ovaries. Cucumbers are medium up to 15 cm, weighing 60-80 g, dark in color with a slight white bloom. This variety is resistant to many diseases and is valued by gardeners for its abundant yield.

Preferably grown outdoors. Ultra-early variety (40-43 days after the end of the vegetative period), the fruits reach 10 cm in length. The pulp is dense without bitterness. Removed cucumbers retain their marketable qualities for quite a long time.

In each region, there may be different popular varieties for pickling and canning, suitable for this particular area and climatic conditions. The experience of experienced gardeners is the best clue when choosing seeds for planting.