Crafts from bottles and rags with your own hands. Crafts from plastic bottles with your own hands: the best ideas for handmade

  • 27.06.2020

The amount of garbage that each person "produces" is growing year by year. The problem is becoming global, as flying plastic bags and plastic bottles lying everywhere have already pricked everyone's eyes. I am burning, it turns out, you can help, and even for the benefit of yourself. In any case, this applies to plastic bottles. You will be surprised how diverse and, importantly, useful crafts from plastic bottles can be done in just minutes. Well, or hours ... Depends on the scale.

The buildings

PET (polyethylene terephthalate) is a thermoplastic from which bottles are made. It will be useful to know its physical properties:

  • density - 1.38-1.4 g / cm³,
  • softening temperature (t dim.) - 245 ° C,
  • melting point (t pl.) - 260 ° C,
  • glass transition temperature (t st.) - 70 ° C,
  • decomposition temperature - 350 °C.

Plastic bottles are very convenient to use, but harmful to the environment, since the polyethylene from which they are made decomposes for more than 200 years. The same property makes it possible to use almost waste raw materials as construction material. Craftsmen are already building houses from plastic bottles, as well as sheds, dachas, greenhouses, greenhouses, fences. Various technologies have been worked out - the approach is quite serious.

How to build a house out of plastic bottles

The main idea is to pour bulk material into bottles, screw them with caps and use them like bricks. Fill the bottles with sand, soil. Sand is preferable, as there is too much plant debris in the soil that can rot. It must be sifted, dried, bottled, well compacted, topped up even to the very top. Get kind of bricks.

To build a house from plastic bottles, you will need a solution that fills the gaps between the "bricks". There are options here too. It can be an ordinary mortar, which is used when laying brick walls, or clay mortar can be made. To keep the “bricks” in the wall until the mortar sets, they are tied with twine from the side of the covers. Later, these "grids" will come in handy when you plaster the walls. They turn out uneven, so alignment is indispensable.

We make a greenhouse, barn, greenhouse

From plastic bottles you can build a greenhouse or greenhouse. In this case, only transparent plastic is used, since it is necessary that the light passes in sufficient quantities. For the construction of a barn, on the contrary, it makes sense to choose darker plastic - it will be less visible what is inside.

The first technology - one to one

The second requirement for bottles as a building material is an even shape. This, you know, without recesses. Otherwise, it will not work to fold the walls so that they retain heat - it will “siphon” into curly cutouts. Remove labels from bottles and dry. It is also necessary to prepare pins or rods - bottles are strung on them. Their diameter is small so that the neck passes freely. Now you can start building a greenhouse / barn from plastic bottles.

For the construction of a greenhouse or a barn, poles are dug in at the corners. Frames are assembled from timber according to the size of the walls. These frames will be the base for the bottle walls. We collect them (frames) on the ground and fasten them to dug-in poles in a ready-made form. When making the frames, don't forget the doorway and windows.

We build a frame, cut off the bottom of the bottles, string them on a pin. From such "columns" we assemble walls, a roof

The construction process begins with cutting the bottom. We string the cut bottles on the pins, directing the necks in one direction. We insert the bottles with force so that they become very tight. Having collected a row of the desired height, we attach it to the frame. You can fasten with clamps, strips cut from metal, nails ... In any way available to you. We press the second row to the first so that there is a slight deformation. We fasten in this position. So, row after row, we collect all the walls, then the roof.

Using the same technology, you can make a gazebo. But there is already no need for tightness, so you can collect figured and colored containers. So it will turn out even more interesting (an example is in the photo).

The second technology - we sew plastic

Bottles will also need to be smooth, transparent or yellow. The central part is cut out of them, getting a square-shaped piece of plastic. Pieces are sewn together in long strips. In the strip, the pieces are arranged so that they are twisted in one direction. Then the strips are sewn into canvases. To make the canvas even, the strips are arranged so that they are twisted in different directions. As a result, they equalize each other. Finished canvases are nailed to the frame. On this, the construction of the greenhouse of their plastic bottles is over.

Such a plan "sheathing" for greenhouses perfectly tolerates winters, it does not need to be removed. Due to the firmware (many small holes), there is no absolute tightness, which allows you to adjust the humidity. You won’t be able to heat such a greenhouse, but it will push autumn back to you, and it will speed up the arrival of spring.

You can sew plastic for the greenhouse manually, but it's not easy. It will be easier for those who have non-capricious Sewing machines. The old Podolsk cars cope with this task. Others may have problems.

Fence and fence

How to make a fence out of plastic bottles different ways. If you need a serious monolithic fence, you can use the bottles as bricks. The technology is the same as when building a house. To avoid plaster (after all, there is a high risk that it will collapse) - select the color of the plastic to obtain the necessary rust. But in this case, you will have to look for "building materials" of the same diameter or lay out patterns from different sizes. In general, the creative process, no matter how you look at it.

You can also make filling for the fence from plastic bottles. Make a frame, say, from wood, and come up with a beautiful filling from curly containers and their parts.

Furniture from improvised materials: recycle plastic bottles

From plastic bottles you can make not only a house and a fence, they are also used as the basis for upholstered furniture. The idea is to use plastic containers instead of wood for the frame. With tightly screwed lids, they have a high bearing capacity, and assembled in blocks, it is quite able to withstand a load of up to 100 kg or more.

Bed made of plastic bottles… you need a good mattress, and the base is not too difficult to make

Although the furniture is made differently, the general algorithm of actions is the same:

  • Select "building material" of the same height, tighten the covers well.
  • collect blocks right size, fastening them with tape.
  • Having collected the base of the required shape, sew the cover. For softness, adding furniture foam rubber.

The whole trick is that the bottles fit one to the other very tightly and do not move. The slightest play can lead to the destruction of the structure. Therefore, collect the blocks slowly, carefully fixing. You can fold the bottles in layers, securing each layer in several places. For the inner layers, it is better to use double-sided tape - the fixation will be more reliable.

Ottomans / banquettes

The easiest way is to make an ottoman or a bench out of plastic bottles. We act in the order described above. It is necessary to find bottles of the same height. It is better if they are of the same shape - it is easier to collect. From plastic containers with tightly screwed lids, we assemble the base in the form of a cylinder. It is desirable that the radius of the base be greater than the height of the bottles - so the bench will not turn over.

Next, you need to cut out two circles from fiberboard, which will be slightly larger than the resulting base radius - this is the “bottom” and the base of the seat. We fix them with tape. We take furniture foam rubber and, according to the dimensions obtained, cut out the necessary spare parts. We sew a cover from furniture fabric, a color that matches the interior.

Such a bench can be not only round. It is quite possible to make a square. And so that this furniture is not too light, it can be weighted by pouring water. But water is not a very reliable business. It is better to pour sand. Heavier and more reliable.

Sofas, chairs, armchairs

If you need furniture greater height than one bottle, they act like when building walls for a house. Find "material" of the same shape and height. The first bottle is left intact, the cork is screwed tightly (you can pour sand so that it does not turn over). The bottom of the other is cut off, put one on top of the other. The bottle goes a certain distance and does not move any further, no matter how hard you try. If the resulting height is enough - great, if not - put on the next one. In this way, collect the rows of the desired height, then fasten them into blocks.

There is another way. It is more reliable in the sense that the bottles are held not by compressed air, but by a mechanical stop. And the walls in them are double, which is also important. Minus - more work, more raw materials needed. The whole process in a step by step illustration.

  1. We take a bottle, cut it approximately in the middle of the height (the upper part with the neck is smaller).
  2. The upper part of the neck (the lid is screwed on) is inserted all the way into the bottom.
  3. We take a whole one, of the same size and shape, insert it upside down into the prepared structure.
  4. We cut the third one in about half and put the lower part on top (with a lid).

From such modules we assemble blocks of the desired configuration, fastening them with adhesive tape. Don't feel sorry for the scotch. You can first fasten two bottles, then assemble large blocks from double ones.

As you understand, with this technology, there are a lot of tops from bottles (half of the third bottle). They can be used to make other crafts from plastic bottles: flowers, more practical household items.

Flower making methods

The most common plastic bottle crafts are garden figurines and flowers. Read about garden figurines There are other interesting ideas, but a lot of interesting animals and insects are collected. And we will tell about flowers from plastic bottles below - these are probably those crafts from plastic bottles that give the most pleasure. The process is simple, the possibilities are many, the result is amazing.

You have probably noticed that the bottom of a PET bottle looks like a flower. All you need to do is find a bottle of a beautiful color, cut off the bottom of it. Now you already have a pretty flower. In the middle, you can add petals cut from the central part, a core from a plastic strip cut with noodles, or glue beads inside, but a little more about everything.

Using the power of fire

To work, you will need a marker, a lighter or a candle (it is more convenient with a candle). If available, take pliers, tweezers or pliers - hold the workpiece during processing. You will also need acrylic paints, you may need glue and beads. The whole manufacturing process comes down to several steps:

There are a lot of options here. Just start doing. Right away, it may not work out perfectly, but you will understand what and how can be corrected. See more pictures from step by step photos the process of making flowers from plastic bottles.

The simplest

For beginner needleworkers, you can try making flowers from plastic bottles. simple shapes to decorate the garden. In this case, milk containers can also be used. In order not to paint plastic, look for colored ones. It doesn't matter if they are transparent or not. They can be combined, getting flowers of different shapes.

To create such flowers, use the part near the neck. It is cut to form petals. Next - warm up a little, giving the desired bend to the petals, a little paint, a core of a melted piece with a thread (a bottle of a smaller diameter, a pharmacy will do). Here is the buttercup.

Another option is to cut from the neck into strips of equal width - 1-1.5 cm, bend them (warming up a little at the base). Make the middle whisk from the side of a milk bottle or paint the transparent plastic with acrylic paint.

The middle is any bright. Here is a piece of cork, but you can cut it into thin noodles, twist it into a roll and then heat it. Get a fluffy core.

It's all about the shape ... Despite the imperfection, they decorate the site

The topic is really inexhaustible. Flowers from plastic bottles are made in a variety of ways. From simple and uncomplicated to very realistic. It's not so much about skill, but about different tastes and desires.

Useful ideas for the home

PET containers turned out to be so good stuff that they do a lot of useful things. In this section, we have collected useful crafts from plastic bottles that can be used on the farm.

For the kitchen and beyond

If you cut off the bottom of a bottle with a capacity of 2-3 liters, you get a bowl or a bowl, and so that its edges are even, they can be melted on a heated iron. But so that the sole does not have to be cleaned later, use a special silicone pad. If not, you can do it through a sheet of parchment for baking.

Product container. Plastic is food grade...

From the same bottle we cut off the threaded part. 1-2 cm of plastic should remain around the thread (the edges are melted using already known technology). Now it will not be difficult to hermetically close any package: we pass it through the cut off neck, wrap it outward, twist the lid.

From the bottom of the bottles attached to the bar, you get a great newspaper shelf (photo on the right). You can also store umbrellas.

From cut into strips of plastic can be woven different shapes containers. Bottles need an even shape, with thick walls. They are cut into strips of a certain thickness. It is necessary to cut in a spiral - as a result, rather long strips are obtained. If their length is not enough, they sew perfectly.


You can even make a lampshade, but on one condition: you will use such crafts from plastic bottles in co lamps - only they almost do not heat up. Plastic is incompatible with other lamps. We will describe three ways to make a lampshade from a plastic bottle.

First. Need a bottle large capacity. We draw it into strips of the same width. At the beginning and at the end of each strip, we make holes with a heated soldering iron or a nail heated on fire. We insert scissors into this hole, cut. Get even stripes.

When the strips are cut, we also make a hole in the bottom, pass a thick fishing line through the neck, bring it out through the hole in the bottom, with reverse side fix the decor. You can - a button, you can - a pebble suitable color. Now, pulling the fishing line, we get an interesting shape of a lampshade. You can put a light bulb in it.

Another lampshade was made using a similar technology. But then they cut a part of the bottle with a neck into strips, wrapped the strips and fixed them on the neck. To give the desired shape, the place of the fold can be warmed up a little over the flame of a candle or lighter. The resulting "flowers" are attached to the base. Here we get an unusual design.

They also make lampshades from bottoms. You need to find a sufficient number of identical bottles, cut off their bottom, glue them together using universal glue (choose transparent). The main thing is that it glues plastic and quickly hardens.

flower vases

Making a vase from a plastic bottle - what could be easier ... Just cut off the neck and you're done. But there is a technique that allows you to get patterned walls. You will need a soldering iron with the thinnest tip. Its power should not be too high. Then everything is simple: with the help of a heated sting, you burn out the patterns.

Magically! To make the picture appear brighter, we take acrylic paint and paint the resulting beauty. The paint can be in an ordinary can, but it is faster and more convenient to work with a spray can.

Here are the options...

Photo Ideas

Crafts from plastic bottles are such a vast topic that it is impossible to talk about everything. What is nice, knowing a few tricks, you can easily find out how and what to do by looking only at the photos. So here we put together a few ideas that we found interesting.

You can even make a boat ....

And it's just a decoration ....

Helpful Hints

Products made of plastic are used everywhere, as they require less investment to create than products made from other materials.

However, discarded plastic can take hundreds or even thousands of years to decompose, which is why it is very important to recycle it or refuse plastic altogether.

The second option is very difficult to implement today, so recycling comes to the fore. Plastic can be given to special recycling plants, or you can make useful things out of it.

In this collection, you will learn how to make various useful things for your home and garden from plastic bottles.

1. Do-it-yourself ottoman from plastic bottles step by step

You will need:

Plastic bottles

Foam rubber

Knitting needles



Sewing machine

1. Wash and dry several plastic bottles with caps on. Gather all the bottles in a circle and tape them together.

2. Cut out two circles from the cardboard so that they cover the top and bottom of all connected bottles. Tape these circles to the connected bottles with tape.

3. Prepare two rectangular pieces of foam rubber and one round piece. With rectangular pieces you need to cover the side of the collected bottles, and with a round piece the top. Secure everything with tape.

4. From any fabric, make a cover for your seat. If you like knitting, you can knit a cover.

2. We make a do-it-yourself faucet extension from plastic bottles

It will be more convenient for children to wash their hands.

3. Products from plastic bottles with your own hands: a pocket for a rag / sponge

1. Cut out the desired shape from the bottle.

2. Finish the edges with sandpaper.

3. Hang on the faucet.

4. How to make a plastic bottle bag

Photo instruction

Video instruction

5. What can be made from plastic bottles: cups for storing cosmetics

6. Plastic bottle feeder for a cat or dog

There are many ways to make bird feeders, but this bird feeder is designed for cats and dogs.

You will need:

2 large plastic bottles


1. In the middle of one bottle, you need to make holes slightly larger than the neck of another bottle.

2. The second bottle must be cut in half across.

3. Fill the bottom with food.

4. Connect the parts and open the cover.

7. Vase for sweets: a master class crafts from plastic bottles

You will need:

Record, round plastic or thick cardboard

6 two-liter plastic bottles

Wooden or plastic rod (you can use an even branch of a suitable diameter and length)

Super glue

Spray paint and glitter (optional)

1. We make the basis for crafts. To do this, you need a plate, ceramic or glass plate. In the middle of the plate, you need to increase the hole to 10 mm with a drill.

2. The drill also needs to make holes in the center of the three plastic parts from the bottles you will be using. It's easier to drill from the inside out.

3. Cut off the bottom of each of the 6 plastic bottles. Put 3 parts on the rod and secure with glue. Glue the remaining parts to the base (plate) around the rod. If desired, you can paint everything with spray paint.

It is worth noting that the rod is held on the base thanks to the plastic part, which is glued to the plate, as well as to the rod itself.

4. If you wish, you can decorate your vase.

8. DIY wicker baskets from plastic bottles (master class)

And here is a variant of a wicker basket made of plastic cocktail tubes:

9. Crafts for the garden from plastic bottles (photo): broom

1. Remove the label from the plastic bottle.

2. Use a utility knife to cut off the bottom of the bottle.

3. Start making cuts on the bottle, leaving 1 cm between each.

4. Cut off the neck of the bottle.

5. Repeat steps 1-4 for 3 more bottles. Leave one bottle with a neck.

6. Place all cut bottles without a neck on top of one bottle with a neck. You will get a blank for a broom.

7. Cut off the top of one bottle and put it on top of the resulting blank.

8. Make two holes through all the bottles and insert the wire into them and wrap the ends.

9. Insert a stick or rod into the neck and secure with a nail. You can also use glue.

Video instruction

10. Modular boxes: a description of crafts from plastic bottles

You will need:

Several large plastic bottles or canisters

Stationery knife


Marker or pencil

Strong thread.

1. Use a utility knife and/or scissors to cut a suitable hole from a bottle or canister. It shouldn't be too small for everything to fit, or too big for the plastic structure to fall apart.

2. Start connecting the bottles with a strong thread. Start with two, then add two more already connected to them, and so on. Tie strong knots. You can also try using hot glue or superglue (glue "Moment").

3. Assemble the design that is convenient for you. You decide how many rows and "floors" to make. However, it is worth knowing that the higher the design, the less stable it is. You may need to once again secure the entire structure with a rope.

4. It's time to clean up the scattered things on the shelf.

Plastic bottles are a proven way to save money. You won’t have to spend money on materials, but the benefits are significant. And even if you can’t do everything “right” the first time, samples for “trial and error” will be enough. Dozens and hundreds of such "containers" are carried to the trash heap. But in vain. What can be done from plastic bottles with your own hands? You can find a variety of photos of crafts on the Internet. A person with any level of training, if desired, will be able to build their own design object.
Bottles are great craft material for kids.

Reincarnation of a plastic bottle

Why is it better to give a second life, and not to dispose of? It is no secret that we do not have such enterprises in our country everywhere, and purposefully looking for appropriate containers for a Russian person is an unusual thing. So tens and hundreds of thousands of unsorted bottles accumulate in landfills, and given that plastic does not decompose for about 500 years, it is quite possible that one day the entire planet will be covered with plastic garbage. The question is, is it trash?

What can be done from an ordinary plastic bottle

Products from plastic bottles, which received a "second chance", long ago "won" the hearts of environmentalists and ordinary inhabitants of the Earth. Very often, people by any means try to involve the public in the environmental problem of recycling plastic waste, volunteers now and then carry out campaigns to clean up natural areas and parks - they explain to people that the right attitude to dishes made of this material will help keep our world cleaner. Many talented designers have made a name for themselves by creating plastic art objects.

How you can use plastic bottles to make the whole world talk about you

Nebraska resident Garth Britsman succeeded. In his hometown of Lincoln, he created a carport for his car from 1,500 used plastic bottles, at the bottom of which he poured specially colored water of blue, yellow and green flowers, so that the canvas resembles a flower carpet. The process of creating the "kinetic ceiling" took more than 200 hours of work. The construction reminds of itself every time it rains or the wind blows - a kind of noise and rumble is heard throughout the area. Nevertheless, the find has already entered the top 50 most unusual structures in the world and brought great fame to its author.

Bottle rack by Garth Britsman

And how many useful things can be made from an ordinary plastic bottle? It is enough to drive this query into the search bar on the Internet. No one will name the exact number. Dozens and hundreds of Russians have long been using plastic containers to decorate the garden, store small things, create unusual lamps and furniture. Needlewomen willingly share instructions on how to turn transparent plastic into toys, spectacular jewelry, and tell how to create flowers from plastic bottles with your own hands.

For many housewives, not only beauty and decor come to the fore, but also functionality. Do-it-yourself homemade plastic bottles can replace dozens of things needed in the household.

Here are just a few original ideas useful household items from plastic bottles.

Vase or form for storage

Coin box

Original phone charging bag

Dishes and pots for flowers

Decorative cups for toothbrushes

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic bottle crafts

Plastic has not changed its shape for hundreds of years, it is easy to clean and does not allow moisture to pass through. Such a flower bed or shelf will last more than one year. The plastic is incredibly light. A structure made of this material (for example, a greenhouse or a temporary shower) can be easily moved. And even if some element “fails”, it is easy to replace it with a similar one. As the drivers say, “there are always parts for a shift”, and in this case it’s also free.

Of the minuses, only one can be distinguished. Not always such crafts have an attractive appearance. However, this minus can also be transferred to a plus, skill will come with practice.

Crafts from plastic bottle caps

Plastic bottle caps are a versatile decor material. Some use caps to create panels and paintings. It all depends on the imagination of a person and his creative abilities.

Cap birds
Panel of lids

There are many options for crafts from corks from plastic bottles. This material is often used to decorate rooms and garden paths. However, it will take a long time to collect them. Think in advance what color the product is planned to be, and ask your friends to help you.

Such painstaking work requires considerable endurance. If a person does not have such a quality as perseverance, or he does not like monotonous work, this decor option is not for him.

Laying paths in the country and the design of flower beds. Usually plastic caps are collected to decorate paths or rugs in the country. Near the house, most often the corks are laid out in a special mosaic on a cement base that has not yet hardened, and if it is necessary to decorate a flower bed or approaches to it, the caps are placed directly on the ground. This is done in order not to disturb the access of oxygen to the soil.

Chest of plastic bottles

They will not take time to make, however, they will serve in good conscience for many years.

Sometimes plastic bottles are used to store shoes or small items.

Shoe rack
Plastic bottle shelf

Such shelves will not take up much space, however, will save a lot of time searching for the right pair of shoes.

Jewelry from plastic bottles

Fashionistas should say a big thank you to plastic. Not every lady will understand that such masterpieces are made from recycled materials.

Plastic bottle necklace

Earrings and necklaces outwardly do not give themselves away as a slightly "second-hand" item. On the contrary, such products are in unprecedented demand among fashionistas.

The manufacturing technology of such necklaces and earrings is similar to the one we have already talked about above - the plastic, cut into the desired shape, is simply melted over an open fire. Here essential have the shape of a "blank" and the time of thermal heating. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it. You can decorate an art object with beads and rhinestones, fasten it with a fishing line or thin wire. In any case, the author is guaranteed an exclusive model.

Bracelets can be made according to the same principle, however, some ladies prefer to “frame” plastic in the old fashioned way.

Plastic bottle bracelets

Most often, such products are within the power of novice craftswomen. Leather, fabrics, felt, ribbons and beads are used. The advantage of such a product is that it will never lose its shape.

Crafts from plastic bottles in the country

Huge scope in the literal and figurative sense for the use of plastic bottles opens up in the country. Mountains of unnecessary containers have been “stored” here for years, and it is here that it is easier to use them.

Plastic bottles - a special element of country decor

The first thing that catches the eye of guests suburban area, the owner of which is a fan of the “plastic case”, an incredible number of figures made of this material, flower beds made of plastic bottles and flower beds, greenhouses and gazebos.


However, sometimes such design “things” merge with how successfully environment, which is not even clear what is real here and what is made of plastic, it is difficult to call these architectural finds inanimate nature.

artificial reservoir
Another pond

Crafts from plastic bottles for the garden are amazing. One gets the impression that you are not in the garden, but in a living corner.

plastic animals


Bugs in the garden

Plastic bottles as a building material

Very often, a guest heading for berries and a basket is puzzled by unusual and even frightening art objects.

Papuan scarecrow

And when he is looking for an inconspicuous "house for reflection", he suddenly "stumbles" on a very interesting gazebo made of plastic bottles. And it doesn’t matter why the person was heading, it’s impossible to get around such a masterpiece without a selfie.


Greenhouse outside

Greenhouse from the inside

There is nothing surprising in the fact that plastic bottles are widely used in construction. In the countries of South Africa, they are used as the main building material. After all, humanitarian aid, including water, is brought here exclusively in plastic bottles, so such houses are affordable even for the poorest.

Construction technology residential buildings in Africa

The main condition is to create strong walls from bottles using wet sand. The water inside the closed bottles does not evaporate, and the walls receive optimal strength and temperature.

Plastic bottles for watering

According to this principle, Russian summer residents create beds and decorative wells for seedlings in their garden. Sometimes a plastic bottle is planted vertically to provide the plant with moisture in the absence of watering opportunities. The bottle is pre-pierced in several places so that the roots of the plant can reach the water.

Irrigated plastic bottles

Tanks from under the water are used as budget "sprinklers". The hose is directly connected to the bottle, and the pressure jet starts watering over a sufficiently long distance.

spray bottle

Homemade crafts from plastic bottles for children

Very often, plastic containers become indispensable materials for the manufacture of the crafts that were needed yesterday. It's no secret that grand craft fairs in kindergartens and schools are an opportunity not only to show the work of a child, but to amuse one's pride.

plastic animals
Decorative fruit boxes

Crafts from plastic bottles for school most often fall on the shoulders of parents, not children. While they sleep peacefully and see the third dream, the parents are frantically trying to create crafts from a plastic bottle.

A plastic bottle in this sense is an invaluable thing. First, they are always in stock. Secondly, an interesting flowerpot can be a good “bribe” for the teacher, even if the craft turned out to be out of the “topic”. After all, the educator is always interested in having more living plants in the group.

Penguins from plastic bottles

By the way, such flowerpots or containers for flowers will take a crumb for a long time not only in kindergarten but also at home. It is enough to instruct the baby to water the home flower garden. With such a "zoo" the child will be happy to complete the task.

In a special publication of our portal, we will talk in detail about crafts made from natural materials. You will learn what materials you can use, what crafts you can do with children and the features of working with materials.

Plastic products for outdoor games

If there is no new toy, make it yourself. With this approach, plastic containers will become a real lifesaver. It can be used to create many interesting and useful things for the child.

What are the advantages of plastic bottle toys - the child is always "busy". First, the creation of your toy, and then the game. The attitude to such a masterpiece is more thrifty, because he himself did and spent time and effort.

A plastic bottle can be used as a basket for playing ball.

You can make such a toy on a string.

Bottles can be used for bowling.

You can hide the bottle and put something tasty there.

Houses for dolls from plastic bottles

The main thing for a child is the development of imagination. And what develops it - of course, role-playing game. The child will be more willing to adopt social roles when he feels that he can also be the "master" in the house. Let it be quite small.

Doll house

Creating such a house from plastic bottles with your own hands will not take much time, but it will save you - in any case, a certain amount of personal time is provided to parents. Especially if, in addition to the house, the child will also have doll furniture. This is where the plastic bottle comes in handy.

Bed for dolls

Cars and planes

It doesn't matter if your kid doesn't like to play with cars. Most likely, the child is used to the same type of models. Not always the right soldier will enter the “purchased cars”, but such models will enter - and not one.

Cars made from plastic bottles

Artillery arrived in time to support "from the air". An ambulance on the wings just in time! The game gets a new plot.


It is not scary to leave such a toy in the sandbox. All you need to do is remember to wash the bottle of chemicals before giving it to the child. You can decorate such a car with adhesive tape or indelible markers.

Shoes and skis from plastic bottles

Plastic shoes are no joke. Some environmentally conscious designers use bottles to create fashion items. Clothing and hats have long been the object of desire for trendy designers.

Now it's time for the shoes.

The only thing holding back the couturier is the risks associated with model insurance. After all, plastic is a rather slippery thing. Literally. However, Russian craftsmen also try such peaks. Here, for example, slates for a bath. Quite nothing.

Bath slates

And this is a shoe - for going out .... In the forest. Such plastic uggs will easily overcome any quagmire due to their volume. Often foresters use such shoes in winter.


Do-it-yourself skis made from plastic bottles can be a good alternative for going after a predator, because the tracks left in this way will not give the animal the presence of a person by smell.

bottle skis

Crafts from plastic pipes

Plastic pipes are a particularly durable material. Their uniqueness is that special fasteners help to achieve the desired shape and volume, while the product retains stability and strength. Here are some unusual crafts you can make from this material.

Velomobile from plastic pipes
Sledge made of pipes

The downside of the material is that, unlike plastic bottles, it will cost a pretty penny. However, if there are familiar pipeliners, then this material can become indispensable for creating comfortable everyday things.

Sports corners made of plastic pipes. Both for home and for the street. Compared to finished products, it is much cheaper and easier to assemble.

Outdoor sports corner
Sports corner at home

Furniture. Plastic pipes are unique in that they can bend at right angles and create niches. You can make both chairs and beds. They are easy to move or increase if, for example, the child has grown up.

Other options for using plastic pipes


Plastic bottles and fittings today are no longer just containers for storing or transferring liquids through pipes. Today it is a resource that must be used wisely. Ideas about what can be made from plastic bottles can appear out of nowhere, just look around. If a person mindlessly "hoards" the container, it will eventually "swallow" all living things. Therefore, if you suddenly see an ownerless bottle, do not rush to carry it to the trash can. Perhaps it will still serve you faithfully.

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Hello dear gardeners! The topic of today's material is interesting to everyone and always relevant. It is probably familiar to many, but still I hope to surprise you.

Today, everything is sold in plastic bottles: water, lemonade, milk ... Of all the garbage that we accumulate, the most voluminous are the bottles: you put one in the trash can - and that's it: consider half a bucket occupied. And what is it like in the country! In many holiday villages, there are simply no garbage containers. There is only one way out: either take all this “good” to the city, to the nearest container, or somehow use what cannot be processed in country conditions.

Logical question: how plastic bottles can be used on the farm to be both useful, and convenient, and beautiful? That's what we'll talk about.

By the way, information sheet: plastic decomposes in water 100 to 500 years(according to different sources and depending on the type of plastic).

We have few factories that process garbage, so people themselves find interesting application simple and seemingly completely unnecessary things.

Plastic bottles in garden decor

If you wish, you can create such beauty - the neighbors will envy! Want to decorate your garden without spending too much? See if there are empty plastic bottles in your country house.

Beautiful neat flower beds

Plastic bottles can be used to protect flower beds. The benefits here are obvious: flower beds and beds are not washed away by showers, they always look neat and pleasing to the eye. I think it looks great ... How to make such a flower bed?

Of course, you will need a lot of bottles (preferably the same size). We pour sand into them, close them and begin to build a "palisade". Bottles will have to be dug a little into the ground to give them stability. After the flower bed is fenced, paint the resulting border in any color. In principle, you can do this in advance - as you wish. But it seems to me that it is more convenient to paint an already finished fence than each bottle individually. And dark plastic containers can be left as they are, it also looks pretty. An example of the performance and opinions of summer residents on this method of using bottles, see the materials:

Flowers, palm trees, butterflies and other "tropics"

The beauty is indescribable. Turn on your imagination, wake up your fantasy and create all kinds of flowers in your garden that will never fade or rot)).

To make it clearer how to make something out of bottles (for example, flowers), let's look at an example.

What may be needed:

  • plastic bottles of different colors;
  • scissors, awl, thick threads;
  • PVA glue and "Master";
  • acrylic paints;
  • candle;
  • wire;
  • beads, beads - for decoration.
With the rest, everything is more or less clear, but why a candle? Everything is simple. Cut off the necks of the bottles. We cut each neck not completely along, we make 6 petals. Give the petals a rounded shape. We light a candle and scorch each petal so that it melts a little. First, along the edges, so that they are beautiful and even, and then at the base of the petals, bending them at the same time, giving shape. Plastic when heated is well formed.

The stem is best made from thick wire. The stamens are made of thin wire, on which beads can be strung. It remains only to assemble the whole thing, fastening it with glue, using an awl and wire if necessary. Just look how beautiful the result is!

Cute animals for the garden

No one is made from bottles. The simplest, perhaps, is this. All you need is to cut and bend the ears, attach the tail and color it beautifully. However, there are crafts and very complicated ones. For example, animals from fairy tales. I will not describe their production step by step, otherwise the article will turn out to be of galactic proportions. I'd rather just show the video from the slides. From the photo, in principle, you can see what and how to do, it's not difficult to figure it out.

How do you like these animals? I think they look great! And if you involve children in the process, they will be delighted!

The tools used are the same as listed above. Paints - not necessarily acrylic. But they dry faster, which is a plus. And they hardly smell. True, they are also different.

Air curtains for the garden

These crafts captivated me precisely with their lightness and unusualness. I’ll specially collect bottles and make such a curtain in my yard! I think you can use bottles of different sizes.

The bottoms will come in handy, but you can also cut the leaves! From a distance it is not very clear what these transparent flowers hang on, but more interesting idea. We look ...

As you can see, you can fasten the flowers with threads, you can glue them to the base (for example, polyethylene film). I think this option is perfect for a gazebo. And it will be light, and the rain will not penetrate. There are a lot of options for curtains from bottles. But I still liked the first one better, and you?

Lamps and chandeliers for the garden

Actually, why not? Buying a lamp for the garden is unprofitable, just hanging a light bulb is ugly. A lamp made from plastic bottles is a great lighting option garden plot.

Such chandeliers are not ashamed to hang in the house.

Main rule: do not allow plastic parts to come into contact with the light bulb, otherwise they may melt. True, you can use an energy-saving lamp, it heats up less - up to +50 ... + 60 ° C.

Girls! If you don’t know how to attach the light bulb itself, leave this matter to husbands, brothers or fathers ... From you - creativity, from them - a lighting element \u003d)))

bottle garden path

I recently wrote about garden paths in the article. But there was nothing about bottles, only about their caps. It turns out that a good path is obtained from the bottoms, along which it is pleasant to walk barefoot. note: the bottoms are laid on loose sand, the master must make an effort to fill them with sand. This will prevent their deformation in the future when you walk around them.

Household supplies from plastic bottles

That's where the expanse is ... If you think that garden decor from bottles - not for you, maybe you will be interested in useful things that can be made from them.

Wash basins and boxes

The easiest option is to hang upside down the bottle, and when you need to wash your hands, just turn off the cap a little. It is better to cut off the bottom of the bottle and make it removable so that it is more convenient to pour water. There is nothing complicated here, even a child can handle it. Such a washbasin can be hung on a tree or somewhere else. By the way, use this idea when you go on a picnic - it's very convenient, and your hands are always clean.

It is advisable to make a homemade washbasin closeable so that leaves, insects and other debris do not get into the water. There are more complex structures. You can, for example, embed a hose with a tap into a large bottle. But this is to be quite convenient.
Or you can make a box for bags, napkins or something similar out of a bottle.

Scoops and shovels

Making a scoop with your own hands is easy. Take the bottle and mark the shape of the future scoop with a marker. Next is the case of scissors. Well, or a knife.


These are shoes that wear out pretty quickly. Therefore, durable and beautiful slippers on the farm will always come in handy. No, no, don't think that bottle slippers are just scoops with heels =))). I would like to see it ... Although simple options is also there. For example, this one:

A more complex version looks like this:

Of course, it is not necessary to make such bouquets. But in general, slippers are excellent. In order not to slip, and the leg feels comfortable, you can experiment with “layers”. How to make holes? Yes, even a hole punch! And if there are men in the house, let them solve this problem.

And from plastic bottles you can make very useful large containers for household needs:

Devices for repelling rodents and insects

There are many different ones. I will only talk about the mole repeller and the mosquito trap.

Let's start with the trap
Make it very easy. Cut off the top of the bottle and insert it into the bottom with the neck down. The design must be darkened with paper or cloth - mosquitoes will be more likely to fly there.

Pour into the bottom of the bottle as bait sugar yeast syrup. Easy to make: pour hot water, add sugar and yeast there, stir and cool. Such a trap will attract not only mosquitoes, but also bees, wasps, flies.

You can put the structure on the window or hang it - this is optional. It needs to be cleaned once a week.

By the way, I don’t know why the syrup is brown in the photo - maybe from cane sugar?))) Or maybe it’s kvass. By the way, yes - insects also fly to kvass. Somehow they left a jar of kvass on the porch, so many midges flocked there!

Wind vane repelling moles and more
These devices were described in detail in the article. There is also a video - you can see how to make such a design, how it works. Ask what scares him? At the bottom of the bottle, it is advised to pour beads, balls from bearings and other “rattling” elements. They say that the sound that this windmill makes is not tolerated by moles. Who has moles? Try it, then unsubscribe here, agreed?
Yes, the axis on which the craft is attached must be stuck into the ground - I think you understand.

About the fact that some use bottles, I think you already know. The bottom and throat of the bottle are cut off - a cylinder is obtained, which is dug into the ground. This cover protects the root system young plant from the attempts of a bear.

Tool boxes

For these purposes, rectangular bottles are more suitable. For example, from under machine oils. However, there are also water bottles of this shape. Containers are made simply: mark with a marker, cut. Everything =))

These boxes can be very useful in the household.

Device for deep watering plants and their night heating

Some plants do not like surface watering. Therefore, my mother waters some beds with plastic bottles.

You need to cut off the bottom of the bottle, but not completely, to get something like a cap. We tear the earth on the side of the plant, make a small trench and put pebbles there. Drainage is needed so that water does not erode the soil. Then we put the bottles with their necks down and lay them on the ground. Now, to water the plant, all you need is to open the lid and pour the right amount of water. Here, look how our summer residents use plastic containers.

Some people dig in containers upside down, but then you need to make holes in the bottle so that the water leaves.

As for heating plants, you can simply pour water into bottles and put them over the plant. In the sun, the water will heat up and will give off heat to the earth for some time. I know that glass bottles they also dig into the ground, but today we are talking about plastic.

Garden knee pads

It is generally contraindicated for many people to work bending over, this is especially true for hypertensive patients. But how then to weed the garden? Yes, I'll tell you about the knee pads. If you work on your knees, your head will no longer be down, therefore, your well-being will not suffer.

All you have to do is find the right bottles, fit them to your knees and cut the knee pads to the desired shape. Then attach the ties. Everything is simple.

Flower pots

And what only pots from plastic bottles do not exist! Some simply pour earth into bottles, others make real masterpieces. The possibilities are endless. What's good: the bottles can always be painted in any color and hung anywhere. For example, what do you think of these ideas?

Very cute, and you will not immediately guess what the pots are made of.


I made my first candlestick from a plastic bottle back in primary school, at the lesson of labor. It's simple. Cut off the neck and bottom of the bottle (about half the bottle). Then cut the part with the bottom into strips and bend them. And inside you insert the part with the neck. She will hold the candle. In general, it's easy.

But this is only one of the options, you can connect two necks.


Instead of a thousand words, I will show one video.

Why buy a broom when you can make one in half an hour?


On the farm, from time to time there is a need to pour something from one container to another. Not necessarily something edible - it happens, and diluted fertilizer, and poison for Colorado beetles ... Do not use a funnel from the kitchen for such purposes! And you can make a funnel from a bottle at any time.

Bird feeders

We fed the birds in these all winter. Bottles used large, 5-liter. I cut out windows in them, made small “thresholds” and “porches”. So that it was comfortable for the birds to sit, and the snow did not sweep inside. Another plus is that it is convenient to hang such feeders on trees, they already have handles.

Buildings made from plastic bottles

These are not funnels with pots, but something more serious. Entrepreneurial people can build something out of anything. Plastic bottles, for example, make excellent greenhouses and gazebos.

Greenhouses from plastic bottles

A finished medium-sized greenhouse costs more than 15 thousand rubles. I know for sure, because I was interested in this issue. Add to that the cost of assembly. Not everyone can figure out what's what. But there is an alternative that is not inferior in performance and will cost you ... only 500-700 empty plastic bottles! =))

The plastic from which the bottles are made is 20 times stronger than dense polyethylene. It keeps the temperature perfectly, does not melt in the sun and can serve for decades. Greenhouse made of plastic bottles there are a number of advantages:

  • she is cheap;
  • durable;
  • easily repaired;
  • light in weight, it can be rearranged if necessary;
  • looks pretty cute.

I took a look at different sites and realized that there are 2 main ways to use plastic bottles in construction:

  1. The bottom of each bottle is cut off. A thin rail is taken and all the bottles are strung on it. Get ready-made building strips.
  2. The bottom and neck of the bottles are cut off. Then what happened - the middle part - is cut along. It turns out a rectangular piece of plastic. We iron it with an iron (necessarily through hard paper) to level it. From such sheets we sew more sheets. Overlap preferably. You can use an awl; for fastening parts - cord thread or wire. It is not recommended to sew with thread or fishing line - the seams will quickly rot and disperse.

When the sheets (slats) are ready, you can make a frame. It is made from ordinary wooden bars with a hammer and nails. Form - any. You can - a house, you can - a triangle. And then we attach what we made from bottles to the frame. In the first case, the planks should be placed as close to each other as possible so that the wind does not walk. Well, you can always stick it with tape. In general, you'll figure it out!)) And in the second case, ready-made plates from plastic bottles are simply nailed to a wooden frame.

Important point- roof. In general, a good frame can withstand quite a heavy weight, but knowledgeable people it is advised to cover the roof not with bottles, but with polycarbonate sheets. Or something to strengthen for the winter - suddenly it will pile up a lot of snow. Here is another interesting post

Products made of plastic are used everywhere, as they require less investment to create than products made from other materials. However, discarded plastic can take hundreds or even thousands of years to decompose, which is why it is very important to recycle it or refuse plastic altogether.

The second option is very difficult to implement today, so recycling comes to the fore. Plastic can be given to special recycling plants, or you can make useful things out of it. In this collection, you will learn how to make various useful things for your home and garden from plastic bottles.

1. Do-it-yourself ottoman from plastic bottles step by step

You will need:

Plastic bottles

Foam rubber

Knitting needles



Sewing machine

1. Wash and dry several plastic bottles with caps on. Gather all the bottles in a circle and tape them together.

2. Cut out two circles from the cardboard so that they cover the top and bottom of all connected bottles. Tape these circles to the connected bottles with tape.

3. Prepare two rectangular pieces of foam rubber and one round piece. With rectangular pieces you need to cover the side of the collected bottles, and with a round piece the top. Secure everything with tape.

4. From any fabric, make a cover for your seat. If you like knitting, you can knit a cover.

2. We make a do-it-yourself faucet extension from plastic bottles

It will be more convenient for children to wash their hands.

3. Products from plastic bottles with your own hands: a pocket for a rag / sponge

1. Cut out the desired shape from the bottle.

2. Finish the edges with sandpaper.

3. Hang on the faucet.

4. How to make a plastic bottle bag

Photo instruction

Video instruction

5. What can be made from plastic bottles: cups for storing cosmetics

6. Plastic bottle feeder for a cat or dog

There are many ways to make bird feeders, but this bird feeder is designed for cats and dogs.

You will need:

2 large plastic bottles


1. In the middle of one bottle, you need to make holes slightly larger than the neck of another bottle.

2. The second bottle must be cut in half across.

3. Fill the bottom with food.

4. Connect the parts and open the cover.

7. Vase for sweets: a master class crafts from plastic bottles

You will need:

Record, round plastic or thick cardboard

6 two-liter plastic bottles

Wooden or plastic rod (you can use an even branch of a suitable diameter and length)

Super glue

Spray paint and glitter (optional)

1. We make the basis for crafts. To do this, you need a plate, ceramic or glass plate. In the middle of the plate, you need to increase the hole to 10 mm with a drill.

2. The drill will also need to make holes in the center of the three plastic bottle pieces you will be using. It's easier to drill from the inside out.

3. Cut off the bottom of each of the 6 plastic bottles. Put 3 parts on the rod and secure with glue. Glue the remaining parts to the base (plate) around the rod. If desired, you can paint everything with spray paint.

It is worth noting that the rod is held on the base thanks to the plastic part, which is glued to the plate, as well as to the rod itself.

4. If you wish, you can decorate your vase.

8. DIY wicker baskets from plastic bottles (master class)

And here is a variant of a wicker basket made of plastic cocktail tubes:

9. Crafts for the garden from plastic bottles (photo): broom

1. Remove the label from the plastic bottle.

2. Use a utility knife to cut off the bottom of the bottle.

3. Start making cuts on the bottle, leaving 1 cm between each.

4. Cut off the neck of the bottle.

5. Repeat steps 1-4 for 3 more bottles. Leave one bottle with a neck.

6. Place all cut bottles without a neck on top of one bottle with a neck. You will get a blank for a broom.

7. Cut off the top of one bottle and put it on top of the resulting blank.

8. Make two holes through all the bottles and insert the wire into them and wrap the ends.

9. Insert a stick or rod into the neck and secure with a nail. You can also use glue.

Video instruction

10. Modular boxes: a description of crafts from plastic bottles

You will need:

Several large plastic bottles or canisters

Stationery knife


Marker or pencil

Strong thread.

1. Use a utility knife and/or scissors to cut a suitable hole from a bottle or canister. It shouldn't be too small for everything to fit, or too big for the plastic structure to fall apart.

2. Start connecting the bottles with a strong thread. Start with two, then add two more already connected to them, and so on. Tie strong knots. You can also try using hot glue or super glue (Moment glue).

3. Assemble the design that is convenient for you. You decide how many rows and "floors" to make. However, it is worth knowing that the higher the design, the less stable it is. You may need to once again secure the entire structure with a rope.

4. It's time to clean up the scattered things on the shelf.

11. Do-it-yourself plastic bottle house (video)

12. How to make a house / greenhouse from plastic bottles with your own hands

1. Remove labels and wash bottles.

2. Cut off the bottom of each bottle and unscrew the caps.

3. Put the bottles on a long straight branch, stick or rod.

4. Make wooden frame house (greenhouse).

5. Repeat steps 1-3 for the required number of bottle rods. After that, all the rods must be attached to the frame of the house.

* Alternatively, you can simply connect the required number of bottles with a wire and attach the bottles assembled in a row to the frame of the house. In this case, no rod is needed and no need to remove the caps from the bottles.

* The greenhouse can be made more airtight by wrapping it with bubble wrap.

Video instruction