We grow a "money tree": caring for a fat woman at home. What kind of care does a money tree need at home

  • 17.06.2019

A person seeks to endow many objects in his environment with useful, healing and even magical properties.

One of these objects is an interesting and unpretentious plant fat woman or crassula. Most often, people call it in a popular way - a money tree (as well as a tree of luck, a tree of happiness).

According to Feng Shui, it is believed that the money tree brings good luck in material affairs and the growth of the family's well-being. However, for this very luck, it is necessary to properly care for the plant.

By the way, outwardly fat women can differ dramatically from each other, depending on the species. They can be not only tree-like (with a clearly defined trunk), but also bushy, and ground cover, and ampelous forms.

But most often, in the vastness of our country, a tree with oval leaves and a thick trunk is lovingly grown, as in the photo (scientifically “krasula ovata”), and we will talk about it.

Proper care - 6 main secrets

Caring for a fat woman is not at all difficult, you just need to remember where it comes from. indoor plant, and create conditions as close as possible to his native ones, taking into account his growth period (spring and summer) and dormant period (winter and autumn).

1. Watering

How often to water a money tree? It came to us from the southern regions of Africa, and therefore does not allow excess moisture. In spring and summer, the need for watering it is about 1-2 times a week, in winter and autumn - even less often. It is important to monitor the soil before watering - it must be dry. Drying also does not need to be allowed, but there should not be any water left in the pan of the pot. The soil should only be slightly moist.

2. Lighting

Light is very important for a plant, but it cannot be placed under the scorching rays of the sun.

For him, the best place is on the windowsill in the southeastern part of the house: there will be enough sun here, but it will not constantly bake.

In spring and summer, krasula is better to take out on Fresh air- for example, on the floor of the balcony, so that the sun does not touch the leaves, and in cold weather - put it on the south side.

3. Soil and top dressing

Since the fat woman belongs to succulents (which also includes cacti), it is advisable to choose a soddy soil, although universal soil is also quite suitable.

You can also create suitable soil yourself by making a mixture of soddy soil, sand, leafy soil and humus in proportions of 4: 1: 1: 1. When planting or transplanting a plant, drainage is laid on the bottom of the pot, for example, from brick chips or pieces of coal.

And for more magic of the money tree, you can put a few coins on the bottom.

For top dressing, universal fertilizers or special additives for succulents are often used. As with the care of other plants, it is better to fertilize Crassula after watering for better absorption of nutrients.

In spring and summer, top dressing can be done once a month, and in autumn and winter, during the so-called dormant period, two to three times less often.

4. Temperature

The optimal temperature for the money tree is the range from + 18 ° to + 25 ° С. In autumn and winter, the temperature can be reduced to +10-15°C, or even +6°C. In general, krasula normally tolerates any room temperature, but you need to monitor its condition in order to notice the slightest problems of the plant.

5. Humidity

It is not necessary to constantly spray the plant, its leaves do not need it. As necessary, you can wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or napkin, because the dust really "likes" to sit on its leaves, which look like coins.

If humidity is not so important for a fat woman, then regular ventilation is necessary. In summer, you can take the crassula to the balcony or garden. When ventilating the premises, it is important to prevent drafts that can harm the plant.

6. Choosing a pot

The dishes in which the money tree will “live” are very important. A pot of the wrong size can slow down the growth of a fat woman or even completely stop it.

For a money tree, it is better to choose a stable wide and low flowerpot, because it has a superficial root system. The width of the pot should be equal to or slightly larger than the crown of the tree.

Money tree flowers - truth or myth?

Some lucky ones saw the flowering of the fat woman. Her flowers are small, light in color (white, white-green or white-pink depending on the variety) and have a sweet smell. Flowering continues for several months during the growth period.

Among those who know there is a sign that the flower of the money tree promises material profit.

However, it is not often possible to see the flowers of the fat woman in ordinary room conditions. Mainly prevents the plant from flowering in our climate zone lack of daylight (after all, in the tropics, the days are much longer).

Do you know that for the first time it blooms not earlier than 7-10 years of life?

What needs to be done to make the tree bloom?

  • Firstly, it is important to follow all the recommendations for growing and caring for a fat woman and notice the slightest changes in her condition.
  • Secondly, it is not worth waiting for the tree to begin flowering in the first years after planting. Some notice the first flowers 7 or even 10 years after cultivation, and some do not achieve flowering at all, although they take care of the fat woman according to all the rules.
  • Thirdly, many people notice that Crassula flowers appear after some stress or shaking for the plant. Someone for some time does not water it at all or places it in the wrong temperature. The first watering after a month break or placement in optimal temperature conditions can bring the desired effect - a kind of gratitude to the plant. But there is always a danger of drying or freezing it, so such methods should be treated with caution.

Transplantation of a fat woman and its reproduction

The fat woman is usually transplanted in the spring. An adult plant needs to be transplanted annually or every two years.

After purchase, a young tree can be transplanted after a few weeks, as soon as the plant gets used to the house.

Before transplanting a money tree, select a pot or flowerpot and lay drainage in it, then fill with soil. In order for the plant to endure the transplant faster and better, it is advisable to “transfer” the crassula along with a clod of earth at the roots, and then supplement the pot with fresh soil. Care is important here so as not to accidentally damage the branches or fragile leaves.

If rotten roots are noticeable during transplantation, which indicates excessive watering, they need to be cut off and the plant dried, leaving it for about a day with open roots.

Want to plant and grow a tree yourself?

This is done either by planting seeds in the ground, or using cuttings:

  1. Seeds are placed in clay bowls with holes in the bottom for air circulation. After that, they are covered with a film or glass. Care consists in airing the container with seeds daily for half an hour and spraying the soil with water as it dries. Sprouts will appear in two weeks.
  2. It is much easier to propagate a fat woman with cuttings. You can immediately plant the stalk in the ground, or you can first put it in the water until the roots appear. The finished cutting is rooted about 6 cm deep into the prepared soil. A regularity between the timing of planting and future flowering was revealed. By planting a cutting from March to April, there is a greater chance that the fat woman will bloom later. Planting a money tree in July reduces these chances.

Watch the video on how to properly plant a fat woman. It is better to see once than to read ten times:

We form a chic crown and trunk ourselves

In order for the trunk to “thicken” and harden, it is important that only one process is grown in a pot.

To make the money tree look like a tree, and not like a shrub with many thin stems, you need to start shaping the trunk and crown.

If the tree is bought already in an adult state, most often the trunk is already thick and woody. But to form a crown - to regulate its splendor and height - is still necessary.

So that the branches do not begin to slope down due to the rapid growth of thin stems upwards, need to pinch the fat girl.

It is better to start doing this from an early age so that there are no stumps left from already formed branches.

If you have to cut already mature branches to give the desired shape to the plant, you can sprinkle the broken place with cinnamon or activated charcoal powder.

Pinching is very easy. After waiting for 3-4 pairs of leaves to grow on one branch, a new bud must be found between the last pair. It must be carefully plucked: with nails, fingers or tweezers. After that, two or even three kidneys appear in place of the removed kidney. This means that the tree has begun to branch. If one kidney appears again, the procedure should be repeated.

In order for the money tree to grow and branch symmetrically, you need to periodically turn the pot on the other side to the light source.

What can harm a fat woman?

Despite the unpretentiousness in care, the plant will not tolerate a lack of attention. Is your tree withering or shedding leaves? So, it got sick due to poor care.

Diseases and their causes:

  • From a lack of light, the plant can acquire a long stem of an ugly shape, and then die. Therefore, it is very important to put it on the windowsill, especially in dark rooms.
  • Due to excess moisture, the leaves darken, fall off or change color, which indicates fungal diseases of the crassula. This can also happen if you water it with too cold water. If the leaves are covered with dry brown spots, on the contrary, there is not enough water.
  • The discovered rot at the base of the stem indicates the rotting of the root system, when extreme measures must be taken: cut off the top and grow the tree again.
  • Pests rarely infect the Crassula, but if necessary, conventional means can be used to get rid of specific pests. Most often, mealybugs cause problems. You can remove it with a cotton swab with alcohol or treat it with insecticides for succulents.

There is not a single lover of indoor floriculture, whoever has a pot with, crassula, or, as it is usually called, a money tree with fleshy, coin-like leaves on the windowsill. What kind of care does this require? amazing tree- rarely anyone thinks about it.

Many plants on the windowsills are aliens from southern countries, and the money tree is home to the African continent and the Arabian Peninsula. It was there, in the deserts with a tropical climate, when there is little rainfall, and the sun is quite active, this tree has learned to survive by accumulating nutrient moisture in small rounded leaves.

There are about three hundred types of fat woman, and the most common include:

  • Crassula, growing in sultry Africa on the rocks, has numerous shoots, creeping along the ground or directed upwards and having a length of more than half a meter. In the upper part of the stems, yellowish inflorescences are collected in an umbrella.
  • On sandy soils, a perennial plant grows only ten centimeters high. It has lanceolate leaves, collected in a bunch at the base of the stem, pubescent with panicles. This plant is called Crassula Cooper.
  • The most common fat woman, the one that is called the money tree, has the scientific name Crassula silver or purslane, Cotidelon oval. It has many shoots that develop into the crown of the tree. The trunk of a tree is usually thick, sometimes lignified below, and on top it is decorated with a crown of thick silver or dark green leaves, with a shiny surface, with a reddish border or spots of the same tone. The leaves are poisonous, they cannot be used for food, because the content of arsenic in them is high. The height of the bush can reach from a few centimeters to two meters. After seven to ten years of growth, the money tree may be covered with small flowers. white tone with a greenish and pinkish tint. Inflorescences attract with their sweet smell.

Creating conditions for the growth of the money tree: temperature, lighting

After acquiring Crassula, you must immediately find a permanent place in the room for her. Illuminated places are preferable to the vital growth of a flower, it is possible with light partial shade, but direct sunlight is fatal for it. Optimal location will be the southeastern part of the house.

During the period of summer and spring, you can take a pot with a plant to a balcony or garden, protecting it from bright ultraviolet radiation.

If this is not possible, then it is advisable to ventilate the room more often, covering the money bush from drafts. The temperature at which the tree is comfortable should be no higher than 25 degrees Celsius during the period of activity, and in autumn and winter we reduce it to ten degrees above zero.

High humidity in the room can interfere with the active growth of the flower, so you should not spray it additionally either. But it is necessary to wipe the fleshy leaves from dust, because it accumulates a lot on them in a short period of time. Such unpretentiousness of the plant serves its popularity among lovers of indoor plants.

Features of caring for a fat woman: watering, top dressing, crown formation

Or a money tree - an unpretentious plant, but requires compliance with the following rules of care:

  • In the tropics of Africa, the climate is dry and hot, so for Crassula it will be enough no more than twice a week, and even less during rest periods. And here the main thing is to monitor the condition of the soil, preventing it from drying out or excessive moisture.
  • It is also necessary to fertilize an indoor bush no more than once a month, and even less often in the winter months. For use special additives for succulent plants, which include cacti and crassula.
  • a tree is necessary when it is in an adult state with a woody trunk. Start by pinching thin stems to stop them from growing upwards. To do this, remove the kidney over the third leaf with tweezers or just a fingernail. At this point, about three buds are formed. So the tree branches. As soon as a single kidney appears, they try to remove it. If you carry out the separation of a branch that has already been formed, then the cut point must be sprinkled with cinnamon powder or a crushed tablet of activated charcoal. The crown is also shaped by lighting. It is necessary to turn the tree more often with one or the other side towards the light, then bending the branches in one direction can be avoided.

Speaking about the unpretentiousness of a plant, they always mean that it does not require special efforts away from us. But you need to pay at least a minimum of attention to it.

It is rare to see a person who would decide to grow a tropical tree himself. But the fat woman can be bred independently in two ways:

  1. For sowing seed material, pots are prepared with soil, which is prepared in advance. A layer of drainage is laid out at the bottom of the container, consisting of brick chips or fine coal. The soil consists mainly of sod land, with the addition of sand, leaves mixed with the ground and humus. You can purchase special soil for succulents in a specialized store. The capacity for sowing should be low and wide, because the root system of the tree is superficial. Seeds that have fallen into the ground are covered with glass. Daily ventilation and spraying of the soil will lead to the fact that in 10-12 days sprouts of the fat woman will appear.
  2. it is much easier to propagate a money tree, because the prepared cutting for rooting is immediately planted in the ground to a depth of about 6 centimeters. It is recommended to plant a plant in the spring, then there is confidence that it will bloom in the future. A transplant in the summer months does not even make it possible to dream of a blooming crassula.

Transplant an adult plant too better in spring preferably every year. It is necessary to prepare a container with soil for a tree in advance, so that then, together with a clod of earth, a fat woman is transferred there. You can add more soil to the pot.

If rotten roots are found due to excessive watering, they can be carefully removed, dried, leaving the bush with open roots.

An indifferent attitude towards a plant will not make it a beautiful, pleasing to the eye, green tree on the windowsill. Many believe that Crassula brings happiness and good luck to its owners, and for this they must make it beautiful and healthy.

Symptoms of any disease on a plant can appear only from improper care of it. The rot fungus, which affects the roots and trunk of a tree, actively grows in the soil with excessive moisture. The only way to save a plant is to transplant it into another pot.

The appearance of yellow spots on the leaves, followed by falling off, is also high humidity in air and soil.

But the lack of moisture leads to damage to the leaves: they begin to turn brown, dry and fall off. In this case, only timely water at room temperature will save. Lack of lighting will also disfigure the plant, making its stem curved, and can even lead to death.

Diseases and pests that attack a tree do not appear out of nowhere. They are the result of our inattention to the life of a green friend who has settled on the windowsill.

More information can be found in the video:

To the question "Do you know what the plant "crassula" or "crassula" looks like?" most will answer "no". But if you ask if they ever saw Money Tree", then most often you will hear a positive answer. Even among the people, this plant, popular among flower growers, is called the "tree of love", "tree of happiness" or " monkey tree". The trunk of this plant is very similar to the trunk of a tree, and densely growing rounded plump leaves resemble coins, therefore, among the people, it is most often called the money tree.

Feng Shui says that if properly cared for, it will bring great wealth to the house. That is, the more beautiful fleshy leaves there are on the money tree, the better your financial situation will be. Also, many argue that the fat woman plant is the most powerful neutralizer of all negative and negative emotions, filling the house with positive energy. At the same time, it is believed that such a good result from a money tree can only be achieved if, from the bottom of your heart, you grow and cherish it from the smallest bore, that is, you will not achieve anything by acquiring an adult.

The origin of the money tree (fat woman).

The birthplace of the money tree (Crassula) is Africa, or rather its tropical arid southern and southwestern parts, as well as Madagascar and South Arabia. The decorative leafy crassula belongs to the genus of plants Succulents (eng. Succulentus) and the family Telstyankovye (eng. Crassulaceae).

Varieties of fat women.

Scientists have identified about 300 species of this plant, but at home the most common are:

  1. Crassula tree (eng. Crassula arborescens). It is this plant that is popularly called the money tree. It has a thick lignified trunk with many branches, on which rounded fleshy leaves associated with coins grow densely. V good conditions this plant can be quite large (up to 1.5 m in height and width), and, having reached the age of 10, it can even bloom.
  2. Fat Cooper (Eng. Crassula Cooperi) is a succulent perennial sod-forming inhabitant of the sandy soils of South Africa. Like other plants of this species, it has sessile plump leaves, the length of which does not exceed 3 cm in length and 1 cm in width. It usually blooms from August to September, but does not set seeds.
  3. Crassula Spatulate (Eng. Crassula Spathulata) with long, tetrahedral, underdeveloped creeping shoots on which grow aerial roots. This plant has small rounded-spatulate serrate leaves along the edges. The spatula loves water, so it needs to be watered regularly throughout the year. In winter, so that due to lack of light this plant does not let out ugly shoots, the temperature of its content should be from 14 0 С to 18 0 С.
  4. Crassula Lycopsform (Eng. Crassula Lycopodiaies) is found naturally in the arid tropics of Southwest Africa. This plant has long shoots that are densely tiled with small pointed dark green leaves. The flowers of this plant are small, have a yellow or yellow-white color. They appear in the axils of the leaves.

money tree also called the oval fat woman (eng. Crassula Ovata) and the silver fat woman (eng. Crassula Agrentea). The leaves of these plants are green or dark green with a red border. Also, some types of money tree leaves are shiny or silver with red spots on the back.

Money Tree, which is shown in the photographs has been growing at my house for several years and is called a tree-like fat woman.

Caring for a money tree at home.

In fact, caring for this popular plant among flower growers is very simple.

Watering the money tree.
This plant is very fond of water, so in the summer it should be watered at least 1-2 times a week, but in no case should it be overfilled. The earth should not be very wet, like a swamp, and overdried, like the surface of a dried-up swamp. Watering should be moderate. As soon as you see the topsoil starting to dry out, be sure to water your money tree. During rest (at winter period) it rarely needs to be watered, about once every couple of months, but if the plant is located above hot battery then you can do it more often.

Cleaning the leaves of the money tree from dust.
Unlike some indoor plants, such as, for example, crassulas do not look forward to new sprays, therefore, a soft cloth is most often used to remove dust from the leaves.

Humidity for the money tree.
Humidity is not of great importance for the fat woman, so even dry room air does not harm the plant. And yet, once every 1-2 months, you can spray the plant from a spray bottle, a small watering can, or bathe in the shower, after covering the ground with a plastic bag.

Lighting for the money tree.
Crassulas are light-loving plants that love short-term baths from bright sunlight, both in winter and in summer. But do not overdo it, as direct sunlight can damage the leaves. However, they may turn red or even turn brown. For green fat women, this is harmful. If in winter the money tree grew in the shade, then in the spring it is accustomed to the sun gradually, periodically shading from the bright sun. Window sills are best suited for cultivation, the windows of which face an unshaded east, northwest or southwest side. The north side is very dark for a fat woman, and when grown on a southern windowsill in summer time it is necessary to constantly monitor the plant and, if necessary, shade, closing from the sun.

Temperature conditions for the money tree.
Fat women love fresh air, so in summer the plants can be taken out to the balcony or to the garden under a tree. If this is not possible, then in a well-lit room, the money tree can be placed in a cool place (20-22 0 C), for example, lowered from the windowsill to the floor. In winter, the relative cold (10-12 0 С), but not lower than 7-8 0 С, is useful for the plant.

Feeding the money tree.
The fat woman is not at all whimsical, therefore they feed her only in the summer, that is, during the growth period. Do this no more than once every 2 weeks. In winter, this plant does not require any fertilizer.

The soil for the money tree.
Fat women prefer loose soil, such as store-bought substrates designed for cacti. If you want to make the soil for the money tree yourself, then use the following ingredients:

  1. Sod land - 1 part;
  2. Deciduous land - 3 parts;
  3. Peat land - 1 part
  4. Coarse sand sifted from dust - 1 part.

These proportions can be slightly adjusted, for example, if the fat woman is already an adult, then more sod land can be taken, for example, not the 1st part, but the 2nd. As a baking powder, it is recommended to add birch coals or brick chips to the soil. Drainage for a fat woman is required. For small plants, lay 1-2 layers of expanded clay on the bottom of the pot, and only then the soil and the plant itself. This will prevent acidification of the soil, as excess water will be absorbed by expanded clay, which will gradually return it to the plant.

If the money tree is mature and has an impressive size, then to create drainage in a large pot, instead of expanded clay, you can use medium-sized stones, or put one large one, and then fill it with any non-rotting material, such as pieces of foam plastic, wine corks, etc.

Money tree transplant.
The main and rapid growth of the fat woman occurs before the age of three. It is during this period that the plant requires an annual transplant. In subsequent years, without great need, it is better not to do this, since after each transplant the plant gets sick. An adult money tree is recommended to be replanted no more than 1 time in 3 years. Use the soil that is described in the article above.

Also required for the money tree good drainage, which is also described in the "Soil for the money tree" section.

Formation of the money tree.
The growth and development of the fat woman must be controlled, since some shoots can be long and massive, while others will stop growing altogether. Because of this, the money tree can be lopsided. For uniform formation of the crown of the fat woman, it is necessary to pinch it correctly, for example, by pinching off 2 leaves located at the end of the shoot, you will achieve the appearance of new branches from this place.

Reproduction of the money tree.
Fatty women breed very easily. This is done by leaves, cuttings and less often seeds. For propagation, cut a leaf or cutting from the mother tree and dry it for several days. This is necessary so that the cut is covered with a tissue cork. After that, simply plant the future tree in the soil (see "Soil for the money tree") in which it will take root.

Problems in growing a money tree.

As I wrote earlier, the fat woman is an unpretentious plant that rarely gets sick or is attacked by insects. And yet, this is a living organism, therefore, in order not to lose the plant when any of the signs below appear, I recommend that they be urgently addressed.

The leaves of the money tree darken, wrinkle, fall off or lose their luster.
Most often, this can happen either due to too much cold water for irrigation, or because of its lack. Damaged leaves must be removed.

Leaves wither and wither.
This is due to excess moisture in the soil.

Dry brown spots appeared on the leaves of the money tree.
Often this happens with a lack of moisture.

Soft brown spots appeared on the leaves of the money tree.
It could be fungal disease. For treatment, frequent ventilation and the use of antifungal drugs are recommended.

Rotting the base of the stem of the money tree.
There is a very high probability that this root rot. If the roots of the fat woman are not dark and not soft, that is, not dying off, then as a treatment, I can only recommend that you transplant into a clean pot with new earth, while removing all the rotting parts. If this does not help, then it is better to cut off the upper part and start growing a young tree from it in the new land.

The stem of the money tree becomes not beautiful and ugly.
This may be due to poor lighting, winter waterlogging, or improper shaping.

Pests of the money tree.

This plant is practically not attacked by pests, but if it does, then most often it is first affected by a variety of bacteria, which gradually kill the fat woman. Then, on a diseased and weakened tree in the axils of branches, leaves and in other places, they can settle root and mealybugs.

A weak money tree can be attacked by whole colonies of scale insects and false scale insects, get rid of which by rubbing the stems and leaves with spice-garlic infusion.

Also, a fat woman can be attacked and spider mites , gradually wrapping a cobweb around the plant and sucking out all the vital juices from it.

The root of the money tree can be affected nematodes that are not difficult to see with the naked eye. Noticing such pests, it is necessary to immediately remove the affected parts of the plant.

Also, the tree of happiness can be attacked by aphids recommended to get rid of by special means sold in flower shops.

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The fat woman is very popular among flower growers. This is due to the fact that she is unpretentious in care and has an attractive appearance. Tall spreading plant proper care can decorate any interior. No wonder it has a scientific name - "crasulla". The popularity of this plant can also be explained by the fact that it is popularly called the money tree. There is a sign that it brings money to the house.

Description of a houseplant crassula

The plant belongs to the Crassulaceae family. In total, this family reads more than 300 species of this houseplant. Interestingly, their sizes can be completely different: from 3 centimeters to 50 meters in height. Low trees perfectly enliven the interior of the room. But large fat women to keep at home will be very problematic. This family is represented by succulents, and creeping herbaceous flowers, and shrubs, and aquatic plants. One thing unites all these species - thick and juicy leaves, which are located along the stems cross to cross. In this case, the leaves can have completely different shapes:

  • cylindrical,
  • oval
  • lanceolate
  • diamond-shaped.

Flower growers have come up with many names for the fat woman: money tree, breadfruit, tree of happiness. According to Feng Shui, krasulla brings peace and prosperity to the house. Where the fat woman grows, there will always be a favorable atmosphere.

Photos of the fat woman, popular types of indoor flower Crassula - money tree

As already mentioned above, Crassula, she is a fat woman, has about 300 varieties. Below are the most common types of this plant.

How to water a money tree?

The money tree should not be flooded because of this, the roots can rot

Many flower growers have a question, how to properly care for a money tree? It is impossible to allow the gulf of krasulla. Regular watering can cause the roots to rot and the leaves to fall off. For successful drainage of water into the pan, there should be small holes at the bottom of the pot. When organizing a pot for a money tree, be sure to put drainage on the bottom. Irrigation with tap water is prohibited. If you do not have other sources, tap water must be defended for several days.

Do not forget to wipe the leaves of the fat woman with a damp cloth from time to time and sprinkle water on them from the spray bottle. It would be optimal to arrange a warm shower for the krasulla once a week. In winter, such a "wash" can be arranged once a month. The water should be warm, but not hot. It is important to ensure that moisture does not fall on the ground. To simplify your task, you can cover the ground in a pot with ordinary cling film. You can not take a wet fat woman to its place. Let the water drain a little.

To avoid problems with watering, you should not put a pot of crasulla under the sun. Upper layer dries very quickly, and below the ground remains wet. Before watering, you need to check the earthen ball for three to four centimeters. If the earth is dry at this depth, you can safely water the krasulla. In watering this plant, the rule unconditionally applies: do not overdo it! In this case, watering can lead to rotting of the leaves. Crassula is a plant that does not require much effort to care for at home.

Important! In case of non-compliance with the irrigation regime and excessive soil moisture, the root system is susceptible to fungus damage. In this case, you can save the plant if you take it out of the pot together with an earthen lump, dry it thoroughly and treat it with a special solution from fungi.

Optimum temperature for a fat woman

In summer, temperatures from 20 to 25 degrees are suitable for Crassula. But in winter, the plant will need a decrease in temperature. At rest for a fat woman, the temperature is from 10 to 15 degrees. If it is not possible to give the fat woman the required temperature, it should not be placed near heating appliances. A negative consequence of this may be the extension of the trunk of the crassula and the fall of the leaves located below. Leaves can also fall off if there is a constant draft in the room where the money tree pot is located.


The fat woman does not tolerate the direct rays of the sun

For a money tree, the illumination of the room is very important. But this does not mean at all that the fat woman can be placed in direct sunlight. It is best to leave the pot with this plant on a window facing southeast. With this option, the flower will have enough sun, but it will not bake too much. In the warm season, the money tree can be placed on the floor of the balcony. There he will have enough air, and the harmful effects of direct sunlight will be minimized. In winter, the plant will be comfortable on the south side.

The fat woman does not feel the need for constant moisture, so it is not at all necessary to spray it every day. But the money tree does not like dust too much, so it is important to remove it from the leaves in time.

The plant needs more constant ventilation, but drafts should not be allowed. They will only hurt.

Does the fat woman bloom?

Despite the fact that in the description of each species of this plant it is indicated which flowers it blooms, in reality, few have seen this phenomenon. Therefore, it is widely believed that the money tree does not bloom. But it's not. Lack of lighting interferes with flowering. This is a feature of the climate. In the tropics, this plant blooms much more often. Flowering appears during the growth period of the fat woman.

The composition of the soil and top dressing of the fat woman

For a fat woman, the soil that is used for growing cacti is excellent. The composition of such soil includes turf and leafy soil, as well as sand with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. You can not do without ash, brick chips, clay and humus.

money tree transplant

It is necessary to transplant a money tree as it grows. It is enough to do this a couple of times a year. But it all depends on the growth rate. It happens that a weak root system may not hold large plant in a pot. Therefore, you need to choose the right pot for a fat woman. It should be roomy, heavy and match the size of the plant. But you should not choose too deep a container, since the roots of the money tree are not too long.

crown formation

An important component of caring for a fat woman is the formation of her crown. Why is it so important? Because only thanks to this the plant will have a neat round shape. Otherwise, the top of the tree will grow chaotically. You can not plant several fat women in one pot at once, you will get several shapeless bushes.

To form a crown, you need to wait until four new leaves appear on the plant, and a new bud begins to form. It must be pinched off by gently twisting it with your hands or with miniature tweezers. Each branch of the money tree should have no more than three or four pairs of leaves. When the tree grows up, its top will also need to be pinched off. In order for the money tree to grow evenly, you need to turn different sides towards the light. If the moment when four leaves have already grown is missed, and new leaves appear, circumcision will help. You just need to cut a branch over 4 pairs of leaves. The cut is covered with ground activated carbon.

Many are interested in how to form a fat woman into a bush of a certain shape. It is the method of crown formation described above that will help grow a fat woman in the form of a small, neat tree.

Also watch the video on how to form the crown of a money tree.

Pests and diseases

Krasulla is a plant that is unpretentious and resistant to various kinds of pests and diseases. However, there are quite a few pests attacking the Krasulla:

  • Shchitovka - forms brownish or yellow spots on the leaves. Methods of treatment: "Fufanon", "Fitoverm", soap solution.
  • Spider mite - forms cobwebs between leaves and stems. Methods of treatment: garlic infusion, tobacco infusion, soap solution.
  • Mealy bug - forms a whitish coating on the axils of the leaves. Methods of treatment: a thick solution of laundry soap, insecticides.

The appearance of a fungal infection on the leaves will mark itself with brown spots. Complex preparations are suitable for the treatment of fungal and bacterial infections.

Leaf problems

Many flower growers complain that the leaves of the fat woman fall off or wither. This can happen for several reasons:

  • Direct sunlight or radiation from heating devices fall on the bottom of the plant.
  • Leaves wither and fall off due to excessively moist soil.
  • Lack of watering leads to wilting of the leaves.
  • The money tree loses its leaves when it is watered with cold tap water.

Useful properties of the money tree

The medicinal properties of such a plant as a fat woman are not known to many. With the help of money tree juice, arthritis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, herpes on the lips can be cured. Krasulla heals cuts, abscesses and wounds. For treatment use the juice of the leaves of this plant. It is squeezed out by hand.

In addition, the fat man is also used for stomach ulcers, see the video below for more details.

  • If in winter the fat woman stood in the shade, then in the spring she needs to be accustomed to sunlight gradually. First you need to put the plant in a shady place.
  • In summer, it is advisable to keep the plant on the balcony or in the garden.
  • From September to February, the money tree needs rest, like all succulents.
  • The best time to transplant a fat woman is spring.
  • Feeding should be done only during the period of active growth.
  • If damaged leaves appear on the fat woman, they must be urgently removed.
  • If the stem of the plant is very stretched, it means that it does not have enough light.

Do you want to improve your well-being? Then you need a money tree! You just need to learn how to properly care for him. The common fat woman (crassula or money tree) is popular with most flower growers.

This plant is native to Madagascar, Australia, southern Arabia and arid southern Africa. The fat woman accumulates a large supply of moisture in its leaves, and this helps the plant survive in such hot countries. According to the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, it is the fat woman who brings financial well-being to the house.

How to plant a money tree?

The money tree belongs to the genus Succulents of the Crassula family, is an ornamental leafy plant.

If you decide to purchase a “money tree” in a store, pay special attention to the condition of the leaves: they should be firm, fleshy to the touch, without any mechanical damage. The stem should be thick and strong. The soil must be moist. The store will offer you different types fat women. Feel free to choose the look you like, as they grow well at home and care for them is the same.

Ordinary garden soil is not suitable for a fat woman. Since it can be infected with pests, which at home will begin to multiply and harm the plant. For soil, a special mixture for cacti and succulents is usually used. If you are using an all-purpose potting soil, add some sand to it.

When transplanting a money tree into another pot, put expanded clay or small pieces of red brick on the bottom of the new pot. Cover the soil with a thin layer of earth. Remove the plant from the cramped pot, being careful not to damage the root system. Remove decayed roots. Now boldly transplant into a new pot. Water generously and place in the shade for a week. Spray the leaves to keep them from wilting. Then move the plant to its usual place. The money tree is transplanted every two years in the spring, or if necessary in the spring once a year.

Money tree care

In order for the money tree to bloom, keep it in a cool place in winter at a temperature of +12 to +15 ° C, water it once or twice a month.

The fat woman, like any houseplant, does not like frequent changes of place. Place the plant in a bright room. The temperature in summer should be from +20 to +24°C. Avoid direct sunlight on the leaves so that they do not burn and fall off.

All about the money tree

Feed the plant during the period of active growth (from spring to autumn) once every two weeks. In winter, once a month.

The editors of the site advise placing the money tree on the southeast or south window. After all, according to Feng Shui, this plant accumulates wealth in its leaves, and the better the condition of the tree is, the better the financial situation will be.
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