We create a simple and amazing decor from wood with our own hands. Creating a panel - a hobby for novice designers Make a wall panel

  • 29.08.2019

Sometimes you want to revive home interior, make the atmosphere more comfortable or, conversely, daring, add spice. And at the same time, I don’t want to spend extra money or go shopping in endless searches, but to create something of that kind with my own hands. The panel comes to the rescue. And here it all depends on your imagination and improvised materials. In this article, we present a master class on creating wall panels at home.

We create a masterpiece from nails and threads

Yes, you read that right: nails and thread. It may be hard to believe, but from such rough materials at first glance, you can create a real masterpiece. Try to look at string art (that's what this art is called) from a different angle. And you will be surprised at the result.

As working materials for such a panel, we need:

  • the drawing is the basis of the future masterpiece;
  • colored threads;
  • nails (preferably decorative);
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • a piece of foam / chipboard sheet (possible with a frame).

It is simply impossible to cover all the variety of ideas for a panel of threads, so we will only set a guideline for creativity:

Macrame lovers: weaving

Working in the macrame technique is a rather difficult, but fascinating activity. Macrame products are stunning with their beauty and subtlety of work. Using this technique, you can create chic covers for various items, clothing accessories (bags, belts, decorative inserts for shoes) and, of course, panels.

The choice of materials for work is very large. Experienced needlewomen prefer to work with linen, but silk, floss, even ordinary threads are also perfect.

Advice. To make the material for macrame stronger, hold it in boiling water for about 15 minutes.

Beginners should remember one rule so as not to violate the weaving technique - the main thread is attached to the work surface, but does not participate in the work, in the future all the main threads are attached to it. To quickly master the technique of macrame, practice weaving the basic knots and work in the future will go quickly and easily.

Advice. Use thick and light threads for practice, contrasting thread for the warp. The base is pulled tight on the pillow and attached to it with pins.

Now there are a huge number of patterns for weaving panels using the macrame technique. You can make a wonderful decoration for the kitchen area in the form of a panel with a pocket for kitchen utensils. In addition, you can create a large number of Christmas decorations in the form of a Christmas tree, toys, etc. Try to realize the idea of ​​a panel depicting animals, birds, fish - it will definitely turn out great. The panel-decoration for the interior will look original. For example, such a panel will perfectly enliven and decorate old Wall Clock. Improvise, create, working in the style of macrame, you can "walk around".

Master class: a panel of coffee beans

We hasten to please those who have a burning desire to try themselves in this rather new trend. It is not difficult to create original and beautiful works using coffee beans. All you need is a great desire and a little bit of imagination.

There are several main areas in coffee panels:

  • Photo frame;
  • postcards;
  • decorative element for candles, vases, watches, jars, cups;
  • paintings.

As you can see, there is a choice of work for every taste. Consider the process of making a coffee panel on the example of a picture of coffee. Used set of materials:

  • thick cardboard;
  • sackcloth;
  • coffee beans
  • glue;
  • clear nail polish.
  • leg-split.

The work is hard, but not difficult. First you need to cover the cardboard with burlap and reverse side fix with glue. The plot chosen for the picture is transferred to the fabric using stencils / manually. Then glue the coffee beans. It remains to add decorative elements made of twine and cover the coffee beans with varnish.

DIY fabric panel

Simple and tasteful - this is about a panel made of fabric. As a material, you can use everything that is at hand: silk, chintz, burlap, knitwear, etc. There are a lot of ways to create panels using woven materials, consider a few:

  • panel of shreds of fabric. We use thick cardboard as a work surface. We make markings on it, be sure to number the individual parts of the picture so as not to confuse the places for sewing patches. We fold the pieces of fabric in half and fasten to the base with a thread so that the cut-off part remains hidden, and the folded part has a clear fold.

  • felt panel - stencils are cut out of pieces of felt to create a composition and glued to the base;
  • burlap itself is pretty unusual material. Therefore, you can make a panel by simply pulling a piece of burlap, but be sure to decorate its outline with ribbons, patterns, etc. Flowers can be made from burlap, which will serve as a border for another panel.
  • fabric panels - stylish and simple panels in execution represent the basis, covered with brightly colored fabric.

We held a master class for you on creating a panel with your own hands. As you can see, you have a huge field for creativity. Everyone can find inspiration: both beginners and masters. We wish you creative success!

Kitchen panel: video

DIY panel: photo

The faster industry develops, the more man tries to get closer to nature. He surrounds himself with nature not literally, but by creating the illusion of being in the air, even if he is relaxing in the living room. This desire is not just to live in a house that is built from natural raw materials, but also to come up with an appropriate interior design. Therefore, everyone strives to use hand-made wood decor in their home in order to feel like a real owner.

The fashion for wood appeared a long time ago, but now not everyone can furnish their own home in the style of the Twin Peaks series. The room should not be oversaturated with wooden furniture, furs and animal heads. This already speaks of the bad taste of the owners. These blanks are available for the forest area, but for the steppe - decorating a house in this style will cost a pretty penny. There is an option to dilute the familiar environment with rare interspersed with wooden saw cuts, which pour into absolutely any image. You can create such a design yourself, spending only on fasteners.

Advantages of decorating the interior with wood saw cuts

The saw cuts of a tree surprise at the same time with their external attractiveness and the complexity of creating from a technical point of view.

Now let's figure out what advantages wood trim has:

  • Durability. If the wood lends itself proper processing, and will be protected from moisture and various mechanical damage it will last long enough. If it's whole wooden wall or floor, then you can save on annual repairs.
  • Thermal insulation. Firewood is a source of heat not only in a fire. The raw material has the ability to keep the temperature, so for a cold concrete apartment it is best view insulation, albeit partial. In winter, such an insulated floor will warm any legs.
decorative tree from branches
  • Uniqueness. You can, of course, glue wallpaper with the image of tree cuts, or lay a laminate, but in such pictures a pattern is used - a simple repetition of one module. Natural saw cut is a composition where each element is unique. The pattern on the saw cut and its shape are unique.

Create a design wall

For decoration, it is advisable to choose one side of the room. The design of all planes is a sign of bad taste, and the room will look overloaded. Any room needs to be given air, and it's not about the windows. It should breathe space, and this effect is given by light empty planes. Only one “woody” facet of the room will become a kind of accent that will become its mood. You can lay out the "tree puzzle" yourself, and now let's talk about how it's done.

Everyone in the yard has an already withered tree that needs to be removed. Now it's time to cut it down. We take a branch, saw it into bars of medium thickness. From the resulting "pancakes" you can remove the bark, and then polish it. Thanks to this, you will not drive the thorn by touching the wall. The resulting wood layers should be processed special tool from insects, and then we put it on glue. It is advisable to varnish the resulting relief - varnished wood can last a long time.

On a note! Create a composition from branches of different sizes, starting from a massive trunk and ending with the thinnest branches. The composition breathes due to the formed voids between saw cuts of different sizes.

Wall panel - a piece of nature in the interior

You can meet a panel from any components, but you have not seen a canvas made of pieces of wood, right? Here, contrasts are welcome, so feel free to use even hemp. The picture should not look like a pattern, but a full-fledged composition with a dominant and secondary elements. Do tonal gradations, and place accents with the help of tone. Specifically for the proposed product, it is better to leave the bark - it will make it more attractive. The careless terrain will create the atmosphere of an endless forest, and move you into it.

It is advisable to sketch a rough sketch, but if you like to improvise directly in the course of work, then go ahead. For a bright contrast, assemble the frame of the canvas from simple planks, this will give the picture lightness. The saw cuts are sanded from the side that is adjacent to the wall for better bonding. Leave the other side untouched - this will give naturalness to the overall picture. Framed tree cuts in the interior will look like a window overlooking the forest. The frame collects the composition into one whole, and groups it.

Difficulties in laying out a modular floor

This type is quite complicated, so it is better to be patient and get to work. Choose thick trunks to avoid creating large voids when laying out circles. For the manufacture of the floor, hardwood logs are selected, because the floor is exposed daily.

There are two reasons that will make you sweat:

  • Solution. If you put all the parts on glue, then the floor will not last long, even if you cover it all with varnish. Modules will fall off due to constant pressure. You will have to use a solution, possibly based on cement.
  • Surface leveling. If in the design of the vertical plane the thickness of each element does not play big role, then for the floor this is the main condition. It is necessary to adjust all the modules to the total thickness, and start grinding after installation. The procedure will take a lot of time, because to achieve flat surface not easy.

Next, start varnishing the finished surface. It will protect it from pests and external influences. The floor is easier to clean, and it will last longer in a “protected” state. An unprotected surface can be attacked by pests or simply begin to rot due to excessive moisture.

Creating home comfort with homemade furniture

Furniture looks completely different, depending on the type of raw materials available. Tables and chairs are made, since the silhouette of the cut itself already resembles a small table or chair.

There are two main principles for creating furniture:

  • Modular - assembly of an element from small parts (modules). Actually, we are already familiar with this method. It allows you to create a product of absolutely any shape. It is also necessary to achieve a perfectly flat surface. Dishes will be placed on the table, and so that it does not turn over, the surface of the table must be perfectly sanded.
  • Solid - a solid element is taken as the basis. This option is much simpler than the previous one in technical terms, but it is more difficult to find a bar with a large diameter. Things are better with chairs, and if you want a table at which the whole family would have dinner, you will have to tinker with finding a saw cut. large diameter. The price of the overall cut is quite large.

It doesn’t matter which principle you apply in creating a product, the main thing is to immediately evaluate your capabilities so as not to spoil the material. Any method is good, because wooden furniture is famous for its strength and durability.

Ideas for the kitchen based on semicircular cuts

Such a figure is an unusual piece of decor and a reliable assistant in the kitchen. The material withstands high temperatures and does not heat up so much. From saw cuts, you can create simple solid coasters and modular ones, the material of which is easier to find. Everyone saw such coasters in the store, and thought “No, you can’t do this yourself” - an erroneous opinion. Why pay more if you do it yourself?

The kitchen will be complemented by fancy semi-circular shelves that can be put together from solid wood cuts, dividing them into two parts. An illusion is created that the "kruglyashek" is in the process of sinking into the wall. The reception is interesting if the shelf is round, thanks to this, visual movement is created. The effect is achieved due to the dynamic relief on the bark. The shelves will harmoniously accommodate cookbooks, or personal collections of recipes by the hostess. And the product will withstand enough big weight, let its size may not inspire confidence.

Remember! If this is a stand specifically for dishes, then it is better to make it whole. Connecting small parts involves gluing, and glue is not compatible with high temperatures. The stand will simply fall apart into several pieces.

Wooden detail as an accent in the interior

Small inclusions of "forest" in the familiar environment mentally bring you closer to nature. Saw cuts in the interior are used as a decor, and perform certain functions.

We create fancy accents with our own hands:

  • Clock. The unusual use of a wooden saw cut in any interior looks cute. Especially if it is an uneven circle with bark on the surface. The bark is fixed, because it is able to deteriorate over time. The more casually the wooden “pancake” looks, the more interesting the watch will turn out.
  • Flower vases. Let your imagination run wild and use different kinds branches. An ornament made of small twigs created by oneself looks expensive, and no one will guess that the vase cost you a penny. It will be in harmony with the design, and will find a response in things with a similar decor.

Remember! There should be few things created from identical material in the room. They should overlap with each other, but not look like "brute force".

  • Frames for mirrors. In creating a product, it is important to adhere to rhythm or metricity, but chaos will be inappropriate. Alternate large tree cuts with small ones, or make the entire frame from circles of approximate size. Either option will be correct.

It is quite possible to make a floor from saw cuts with your own hands. Not to mention small interior items that are made in a minute with wood, glue and your imagination. Surprise your friends with a tastefully decorated home and make your life more comfortable. It is an environmentally friendly product that will benefit your health. If the product is made of needles, then a slight coniferous aroma can even help you with the treatment of a cold.

If you can handle the floor, then decorating an entire wall with wood will seem like a matter of five minutes. You will need to use your own taste, and your knowledge of composition, although most people trust their instincts.

Everything will work out, it’s enough just to “assemble” these products and fix them with glue, or just cut out a solid object. Create an image in your head, and try to bring it to life. You do not need special knowledge or skills, follow the basic rules for choosing materials and processing tools. After all, why spend a lot of money on the work of a designer, if you are able to cope with this task on your own without spending a dime.

Any wall decoration after repair is boring, you want to change something and find a way to show your imagination, talent and creative skills.

A voluminous panel made from improvised materials is one of the fashion trends in 2017 design.

Looking through the spectacular work in the illustrations, it may seem that it is difficult. But if at school labor lessons the figures made of plasticine and salt dough turned out “excellently”, there is experience in working with beads or natural materials - everything will work out.

What material to choose for wall decoration

Panel on the wall handmade- a special decor that can revive the most ordinary environment, introduce a new design concept and enliven the atmosphere.

The choice of material and technique to implement the idea depends on many factors:

  • Functionality of the premises;
  • Wall decoration;
  • Creative inclinations;
  • tastes and preferences;
  • Availability of materials and tools;
  • Skills in working with materials (sewing, knitting, modeling, weaving, drawing).

A large panel on the entire wall is best placed in big room where there is a lot of empty space. Buying a picture or sticking a photo wallpaper is the easiest way. But there is nothing original in this, plus high costs, and the new facility will soon get bored.

Another thing is your own “masterpiece”, which you can proudly show to all visitors to the house.

Looking at a unique work, friends and relatives will be interested in how to make such a panel with their own hands?

First, it is better to choose a free wall, and then decide what it will be - a collage of photos, drawing, modeling or a mosaic of broken tiles. The general idea and plot of the image should correspond to the functionality of the room and practicality in care.

For example, it is not difficult to draw aquarium fish on the wall of the bathroom on a smoothly painted wall, but the paint must be resistant and indelible.

If the material is subject to destruction or accumulation of dust, it is better to cover the finished product with a colorless varnish, like a photo panel of salt dough.

The paint base for the panel should match the material of the wall cladding. For example, if it is acrylic enamel, then acrylic paints are also suitable for painting walls.

The walls in the nursery can be decorated with a wallpaper panel, which is easy to build together with the child from the remnants roll materials remaining after repair.

Tip: Give the kids some of the fun DIY decorating process. They willingly join the creative process. This will help develop fine motor skills of the fingers and spatial thinking.

Children can collect natural materials - beautiful twigs, leaves and cones for panels. If they don’t know how to draw, instruct the child to spray paint from a spray can on a stencil.

They will enthusiastically circle large Maple leaves on cardboard, cut out their outlines to spray on the walls in the hallway with a contour drawing in gold and silver paint. Aerosol paints and a stencil in the decor of any room - the best solution for those who can't draw.

Panel of edible products for the kitchen

The kitchen is the realm of products, where many bulk materials are suitable for decoration. Before you make a panel with your own hands, make an audit in your lockers.


Novice decorators have at their disposal a whole natural palette that retains its natural color for years. A panel of coffee, cereals and spices will decorate a free wall fragment in the dining area.

The work is carried out in several stages:

  • Choose your favorite sample.
  • Make a sketch with your corrections and apply the markup with squares to enlarge the drawing on the wall when enlarged.
  • Apply the markings and outlines of the panel with a simple pencil.
  • Glue decorative fragments for a specific product.
  • Finished sections should dry naturally, after which you can move on to neighboring elements until the whole picture is completed.

Tip: In order to avoid disagreements, it is recommended to coordinate the plot of the panel with all family members.

Any "appetizing" materials are suitable for the kitchen:

  • dried drunk tea leaves are black and brown contours of any drawing or soil in a picture;
  • semolina is an excellent light base that can be additionally decorated, it also fills empty areas;
  • coffee beans (green and roasted) - excellent material in brown and green tones;
  • white and colored rice - a variety of sizes and shades;
  • peas, beans, lentils and beans - white, yellow, orange, reddish and green fruits different shapes applied to the glue in halves;

  • poppy - black base of the picture;
  • instant coffee and chicory, cocoa powder and ground cinnamon - a loose base of brown shades;
  • pumpkin, watermelon and cucumber seeds are excellent material for do-it-yourself panels, they are also glued in halves;
  • chopped or groats of millet, corn and wheat, oatmeal and pearl barley - an inexpensive base different color and invoices.

It is advisable to carefully open the finished panel with a colorless varnish in 2-3 layers, so that over time it can be easily cleaned of dust.


The image can be left as if unfinished or limited to a side (frame). Decorating a kitchen together is a fun activity that can easily involve three generations of family members.

Interesting ideas will be suggested by specialists who recorded a master class on making panels with their own hands:

Those who are good at sculpting figures, small sculptures or making dolls from any material should master the technique of working with salt dough.

For a relief panel, fine salt is mixed with flour 2: 1, adding a little vegetable oil, water and dry wallpaper glue, kneading like a regular dough. It should be plastic, but hard enough.

The finished mass should not stick to the hands. Small pieces or balls are separated from it, from which the faces of the characters, fruits, leaves and other elements of the panel are formed. It will hold up better if framed as a portable decor or attached directly to the kitchen wall.


You can add any other material to complete the plot, such as embroidered fabric, beads or yarn.

The relief picture dries for about a week, but then it turns out solid durable material. The finished creation can be decorated and varnished, like a photo of the presented panel.

Expert advice on making panels from various materials

Making decor with your own hands is a fascinating creative process. Usually, after mastering one of the techniques on the example of decorating dough or cereals for the kitchen, I want to move on to decorating other rooms.

In the children's room, decoration from autumn leaves or colored paper panels made of fabric using the patchwork technique.

The bedroom of the needlewoman will be decorated with a panel of flowers, leather, fabric or buttons. A popular plot is a money tree, where coins or green coffee can be added to the buttons.

For a bathroom or bathroom, “marine” material will be an excellent decoration - smooth colored pebbles, shells and coral twigs.

The living room will be decorated with cork, bamboo, ornamental stone. In skillful hands, any material will become the basis for a homemade masterpiece.

DIY photo panels

The monotonous bare walls of the house inspire melancholy, so many try to decorate them with something. Panel is great way make the atmosphere of the apartment more comfortable and attractive. In addition, you can make it yourself, from what is available in the house.

And it does not matter that you are not an artist or designer, the most important thing is the desire to create beauty. And then you can make really magnificent things that will decorate your home and delight others. And knowing how to make a wall panel with your own hands will help in decorating an apartment, use any master class that you find on the Internet.

Panels can be made from almost any material - leather, cardboard, fabric, colored paper, photographs, shells. Someone even adapts pasta, cereals, bottle caps, matches, seeds and other items for this. We present to you a few original ideas, which will tell you in which direction to move.

Panel "Glitter"

Perhaps you have an old painting in your house. Feel free to take it and redo it. First take the picture out of the frame and upgrade the frame. Paint it silver, let the frame be white inside, for this you can use white paint. You do not need the picture itself, but you can create your own picture on the back.

Try sticking glitter patterns inside, decorate with silver braid or strips of paper. Your painting will create a wonderful impression with its extraordinary silvery sheen and decorate the room. In this way, you can do something different, show your imagination and create.

Fabric panel

For a long time, people have made drawings from fabric and decorated their houses with them. Although now completely different technologies have come to our aid, however, things made by hand from fabric remain a priority. They look cute and give our home a special charm and coziness.

Surely, there is some kind of fabric in your house: chintz, satin, burlap, felt, silk, etc. Even a few multi-colored shreds will do, you can form a really beautiful pattern from them.

Take the base for your wall mural, it should be dense sheet cardboard or foam. You can simply stick the fabric on the base and tape it on the back and then hang it on the wall. Take pieces of fabric of different colors and make panels from them, it will look great.

But a panel on a wall made of shreds of fabric will look much more beautiful. To make it, you need to draw a picture on cardboard and indicate where and what flaps will be located. Next, following this pattern, make shreds and attach them.

In order for the work to look neat, it is better to bend and sew the shreds in such a way that the cut parts are not visible. On the basis, only the folds of the fabric should show off.

You can create cute and funny drawings from felt, which are then placed in a frame. Such pictures will decorate the children's room and fill it with a cheerful mood. Cut out animal or cartoon figures from felt using a stencil. Ready-made drawings can be found on the Internet and made by analogy with them. Then you can stick them on the base - a thick sheet of cardboard or other material.

Burlap is an excellent material that will serve as a backdrop for a panel. To do this, it will need to be pulled onto the frame. To make the base look more attractive, it is better to trim the borders of the frame with bright braid. The design inside is your choice.

You can make various patterns from burlap or make flowers out of them and decorate a frame. Everyone shows his imagination as he wants.

Photo panel

This is a great idea, especially if you have a lot of pictures in your albums. Hang them on the wall in the living room or in another room to indulge in pleasant memories while looking at them. A photo collage can be made in any shape, but it is better to make it in the shape of a heart.

To make a panel from photographs, take a piece of cardboard or plywood, make a background on it. Think about where and what photos you will place on it. Then cut out the photos to fit. Fill the interior of your panel with glue.

Marine panel

Many of the holidays at sea bring a lot of shells. This is a great material for decorating your home, which will remind you of warm, carefree days and warm your soul.

For the base, you can use an old vinyl record. To get an even background, you will need to paint over the white middle with a black marker or paint.

Shells are best attached with liquid nails. Collect all your shells, pebbles from the seashore, fragments of shells and other things, try to make an attractive composition out of them. Use your imagination with might and main. When the panel is ready, you will need to varnish it. This will make the painting stronger and more durable.

Needlework techniques for creating panels

  • Decoupage. It is easy to master this technique, it does not require special artistic skills. A beautiful decorative panel can be created by sticking napkins or special cards. Someone prefers to create images on a computer in graphic designer. An attractive panel for the kitchen can be created by decorating a cutting board with drawings.

  • Beadwork. Although you will have to tinker a lot with beads, the result will be simply excellent. Beads can be glued on a panel with glue, or embroidered on fabric. Weaving technique requires special skill. But what a variety of drawings can be done!

Your own pattern of different colors is created from beads, but if fantasy does not work enough, then it is better to turn to an Internet search.

  • Embroidery. Beautiful pictures can be created using thread and a needle. To do this, you need to master the technique of cross-stitching. And this is within the power of every novice needlewoman.

  • Weaving. Attractive things can be done using simple newspaper tubes. There is always material for this. You just need to cut old newspapers and wind thin sticks. Further, interesting images are formed from such sticks. To make it more attractive, you can paint the tubes with paint. It is better to varnish the finished work so that it pleases you for a long time.

Weaving on nails is also a popular activity among needlewomen. The drawing is formed by fixing nails on the panel and weaving multi-colored threads into them.

Volumetric panels

Such a panel always looks great and admirable. Volumetric paintings are formed from puff pastry, porcelain, polymer clay.

Some prefer to use ready-made blanks, such as decorative fruits and vegetables, decorative flowers.

Although a lot of improvised material can be adapted to create three-dimensional images, such as porcelain cups, watches, plastic dishes, corks, buttons, etc.

Master class for creating puff pastry panels

Puff pastry is made from water, vegetable oil, flour and a little salt. For 125 ml of water, two glasses of flour, one tablespoon of vegetable oil and a pinch of salt are taken. The dough should be quite elastic, it should not stick to your hands.

If you want to get a multi-colored material, then you need to add dyes to the dough. Various spices add flavor to the material.

When your dough is ready, you can roll it out and shape it right on the dough sheet. Another way is to sculpt various details and decorate the panels with them. You choose the details for the picture yourself, as well as the plot of the picture itself.

After the parts are ready, you will need to support them in the oven for a while to secure the structure. At the same time, the temperature in the oven must be controlled, it should not exceed eighty degrees.

If you are ready to wait, then you can dry the dough naturally by placing it on the battery. After 5 days it will be ready and it can be pasted on the panel.

To make the three-dimensional panel more attractive, puff pastry figures can be painted in various colors. A layer of varnish and a panel will be strong enough to decorate the expanses of your apartment for a long time.

If you try to decorate your apartment with a panel of your own making, it will look better. And you do not need to invite fashion designers to your house and pay them huge sums of money. Everything you need is near you and costs a penny, and the beauty is extraordinary.

Create and decorate your home with attractive things of your own making. In addition, such an activity will give you moments of calm and relaxation. Connect to it also your household members, especially children. It will surely captivate them.

Volumetric panels on the wall can decorate almost any room. True, it is worth saying that a quality product has a rather high price and not everyone can afford it. But in principle, if desired, anyone can do it.

Today we will talk about some options. this product, also on the video in this article and the photo, you can see the entire progress of the work and select the desired option.

Wall panels, which are both quite small and quite huge, serve as a decorative accent in the interior of the room. The basis of the panel can serve various materials such as rigid cardboard, plywood or fibreboard, thick fabrics or imitation leather, glass or metal.

  • You can create panels in a variety of techniques such as inlay, embossing, embroidery, knitting, carving, decoupage and many others. The choice of manufacturing technique depends entirely on the skills and abilities of the master, as well as the semantic load, which may be something abstract or geometric, or may have a very clear plot.
  • In choosing materials for decorating and finishing, the master can give free rein to his desires and preferences, because there is a great variety of things that can be used for these purposes: shells, sea stones, objects made of plaster or salt dough, dried flowers, glass fragments, buttons, photographs, fur, beads and more, whatever you wish.

Wall panels made of fabric made using patchwork technology and glued to the base or tightly stretched over the frame look spectacular and original. This interior element can really create quite the easy way, covering a wooden panel with a tapestry or jacquard pattern.

In modern times, on the shelves of shops you can see voluminous and flat panels decorated with 3D elements or imitating high relief and bas-relief, as well as unique carvings.

The form of wall panels can be a variety of shapes, whether it be an oval, circle, square or polygon. In addition, panels can consist of several parts or one.

The choice of a wall panel should be conscious, because this decorative element will attract attention.

Wall panel placement principles

Exist general tips according to the correct location of the panels in the interior:

Attention: Avoid placing panels next to photographs or paintings. The ideal interval from the floor to the panel is 1.5-1.7 m.

How to create a wall panel

You can make a panel yourself. First of all, you need to choose a material. Here it is worth applying the principles described above.

Attention: It is worth giving preference to the material with which you have already dealt and are familiar.

Material panel

The wall panel, made by hand from matter, is concise and noteworthy choice. To create such a decorative item, in harmony with the overall interior, you do not need to have any skills, but just your desire.

In order to create a fabric panel, you will have to make a frame from chipboard or hardboard, or use an unnecessary mirror or picture frame. A panel on the wall of the world map is best done in this version.

Attention: If you want to make knitted panels on the wall, then you just knit it and after that its fastening is done in the same way.

There are several ways:

  • The initially selected fabric must be stretched, wrapped on the reverse side and secured with glue;
  • The resulting workpiece can be attached to the frame.
  • Initially, it is necessary to prepare a frame from wooden slats;
  • We cut out a piece of fabric, taking into account the inversions, pull it onto the frame and attach it from the back side in any convenient way, be it nails, a glue gun or a construction stapler.
  • TO front side plywood foam rubber is glued;
  • We cover the resulting workpiece with the selected fabric, fixing it from the wrong side of the product with the help of a construction stapler.

In the same way, a tapestry panel is made on the wall, which can also be a decoration for the living room.

Panel of tile fragments

The technology of creating a mosaic of glass pieces is currently very popular, using which you can decorate not only such an element of the interior as a panel, but also a photo frame, flower vase or lay out the ornament directly on the wall. Such a panel on the wall in the bathroom or kitchen will be very useful, because it is not afraid of moisture.

Action plan:

  • Fragments of tiles, mirrors or shades from chandeliers must be cut into approximately equal parts using a glass cutter;
  • The surface that serves as the basis of the composition is cleaned of contaminants;
  • To a dry workpiece, using a glue gun, alternately glue the elements that play the role of the background, leaving a distance of 2.5-5 mm between them;
  • We lay out the mosaic with a pattern or according to a previously sketched sketch;
  • we dilute the resulting composition as we wish, for example, with shells or beads;
  • After completing the main work, it is necessary to dilute the grout and apply it with a rubber spatula, removing the excess with a moistened sponge;
  • We leave the resulting panel to dry for 4-6 hours.

Photo panel

Creating a panel from photos is quite easy. For this, you need to purchase a larger glass frame in the store and fill it with episodes of your life. But you can approach the design of such an amazing thing more creatively by using the quilling technique.

This technique provides an unlimited opportunity to create with your own hands original decor at almost no cost. You can also make children's panels on the wall, which will be in revenge both at home and in kindergarten.

In order to implement your plan, you will need:

  • Dye in a can;
  • Small scissors;
  • Color double-sided paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • 5 wooden slats;
  • 4 photo frames.

Action plan:

  • we create a base of wooden slats and attach frames to it;
  • We fill the distance between the frames with flowers, hearts, spirals made using quilling technology;
  • At the end decorative works spray on the product dye from a balloon.

Wooden panel

Luminous panels on the wall with this material should not be done, because the lamps heat up and the material can catch fire. But in the country, it can decorate the atmosphere and make the room cozy and attractive.

To create you will need:

  • Electric jigsaw;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Glue gun with a rod;
  • stain;
  • Boards of equal thickness and excellent in length;
  • Plywood system.

Action plan:

  • boards are sawn at an angle of 45 to the required length and schematically distributed on plywood;
  • wooden planks are processed sandpaper, including the edges, and are stained;
  • after the stain has dried, the boards are covered with a transparent varnish;
  • we wait for the boards to dry and attach them to the plywood sheet with a glue gun;
  • in order to decorate the edges of the panel, sections of the required length are cut out of the boards, covered with dye or stain and fixed to the sidewalls of the product.

The distance between the frame and the boards can be finished with wood putty.

Mirror panel

Such a panel on the wall for kindergarten you should not do it, because glass is an increased danger. Although this option is successfully used for the hallway. After all, if it is not large, then the panel will be useful from a practical point of view.

Also, glass will be an assistant if you decide to make a wrought iron panel on the wall, because in this case you can make a wonderful composition.

The creation process consists of the following steps:

  • We make a sketch, putting down all the dimensions;
  • We take a mirror sheet and cut out the necessary elements from it, numbering them;
  • The edges of the blanks must be processed and laid out in the intended order on the plywood sheet;
  • We fix the decorative elements on the base using a glue gun.

A panel of mirror elements can be supplemented with interspersed mosaic tiles, laid out, for example, in the shape of a rhombus or oval.

  • To avoid distortion of the reflection, fix the panel on a completely flat wall;
  • In order to prevent the side edges of the panel from coinciding with the boundaries of the outer corners, use a border or baguette.

bamboo panel

Thus, it is quite possible to make a flower panel on the wall, because bamboo and flowers will look quite harmonious.

Having decided to create a bamboo panel, the following conditions must be observed:

  • Avoid proximity to heating appliances when placing panels;
  • Keep a certain humidity in the room;
  • Provide internal ventilation to the plant by making holes with a diameter of 2 mm in individual vertebrae of the trunk;
  • Varnish the bamboo composition in several layers.
  • To create the presented decorative object, like a bamboo panel, you just need to glue the plant to the wall in the chosen direction, whether it be vertical, horizontal or diagonal.

Presented in a fairly simple way, you can create an exclusive headboard or a neat winter Garden in the living room, allocating space for a TV or delimiting the room into zones with such peculiar columns.

Do-it-yourself panel on the wall is not at all difficult. You have instructions for the most common materials. It remains to make the right choice.