Is it possible to plaster drywall. Drywall plastering: what you need to know before starting work? Decorative plaster on drywall

  • 10.06.2019

After the installation of drywall structures, the owner of the housing is faced with the question of their further finishing. Everyone has different tastes and abilities. There are many ways to finish drywall to give it an aesthetic look. For example, plastering. Applying a coating of decorative plaster or a bas-relief on drywall is far from a trivial solution. And therefore, the matter should be approached very responsibly. Who has chosen this method of processing GKL, has the opportunity to study it in detail. So, how to plaster drywall, the following recommendations will tell.

What is this article about

The feasibility of plaster GK

Novice home craftsmen doubt whether it is possible to plaster drywall at all. It will not be superfluous to listen to the advice of experienced professionals. They unanimously declare that plastering drywall has never been a mandatory procedure. And it can be recommended in a situation:

  • the presence of significant curvature on the plates. If it is decided to plaster drywall in order to level it, then the level of plaster should not exceed 3-4 cm per linear meter of the surface to be sealed (otherwise the HA will begin to deform under a solid load of the dried mixture);
  • masking the microrelief from any kind of traces of damage - scratches, potholes, holes, etc. Here, plaster on drywall applied just fit better Total;
  • decorative wall cladding. The choice of options is now quite wide: it can be a popular Venetian plaster GK, textured plaster walls made of drywall in the style of a bark beetle, etc. A pre-aligned drywall base is an excellent springboard for using such mixtures. In addition, the preparation of the Civil Code does not involve large costs.

In all other situations, it is allowed not to plaster drywall, since the surfaces of this material are sufficiently even to carry out cladding work on them.

If it is necessary to plaster the ceiling with walls, ceiling work is the first to begin. But before plastering a plasterboard ceiling, it is important to prepare all surfaces well.

Surface Preparation Procedure

Surfaces are wiped with a dampened sponge or rag, while collecting dust and particles of dirt. Do not forget to walk along the seams, which are considered the most dusty place.

The primer is applied by means of a roller. So the composition better fills the pores. At the same time, each area is covered with soil repeatedly, thus ensuring optimal penetration of the solution.

The waiting period for drying a separate layer is equal to days. In general, they are usually limited to a three-layer application (when plasterboard plaster with cement is selected, the number of primer layers is adjusted to 5).

Sealing joints and irregularities

Before plastering drywall, they repair defects formed during installation or when ignoring storage and transportation conditions. Why surfaces are primed and putty is applied with a layer of 3 mm, and already on top of it - a thin plaster composition.

If there is a significant depth of error on the plasterboard surface, it is forbidden to lay plaster too thickly. Since after drying, the finish may simply crack. Before plastering drywall, carefully deepen the fasteners. increased attention during pre-treatment, structures are also given to joints that are never perfect.

After that, prepare plaster mixture. Compositions for these purposes may exhibit unique qualities. It all depends on what kind of additives prevail in them. Gypsum material, as well as polymer compositions, is considered to be quite in demand. Their advantages include moisture resistance and mold prevention functions.

Description of the workflow

Learning the basics of how to properly plaster drywall should begin with the issue of sealing slopes. This area is usually given close attention. And only then they are taken for leveling the remaining wall space. It is important to observe the optimal transition between common space and corners.

When attracting cement mixture for processing individual zones, the thickness of the finish is made minimal. It is categorically impossible to apply thickly - it may then fall off.

Repeatedly plaster is applied when it is necessary to process the entire surface or difficult area. In order not to spoil the work, it is not necessary to wait for the complete drying of the applied cement layer.

When plastering false ceiling or arched bend, the choice should be stopped on special light compositions with an increased strength factor. It is convenient to use Knauf or Rotband mixtures intended for these purposes.

Before painting GKL / wallpapering, the panels must be primed and plastered.

The instructions will tell you how to properly plaster drywall.

First of all, the corners and joints are sheathed with masking paper tape or sickle. They do it this way: a layer of putty mortar is placed on the surface to be treated with a thin strip that overlaps the joint. Further, the still wet putty at the junction is reinforced with one of the materials, and then rubbed. The process is completed by applying another layer of putty after the putty dries.

All wall space is primed.

When finishing with ordinary cement mortar a spatula with a convenient and wide base is used. They take a small portion of the plaster. Which is immediately rubbed on the wall surface. The steps here are similar to those performed during puttying.
The final stage of the whole process is grouting the entire set of corners, controlling their evenness by means of a level. It happens that visually indistinguishable differences are easily detected by a measuring device.

When choosing the finish of the GK with decorative plaster, both the actions and the technology are more complex. They will be discussed below.

The subtleties of decorative plastering

Decorative plaster GK - a separate topic of discussion. It is a costly alternative to options such as staining and wallpapering. Along with the latter, the method is actively used for cladding plasterboard structures. hallmark decorative coating note its long service life and safety for health.

The preparation of GKL sheets also begins with cleaning from the dust layer, leveling the seams, corners and various flaws by means of putty. The second step is applying a primer.

When working with decorative mixtures, you will need to stock up on some devices. Ready-made sets of them are available for sale in hardware stores. They may include curly spatulas, rollers, etc. In addition, you need to prepare personal protective equipment - a respirator, gloves.

After preparing the mixture according to the norms specified in the instructions, put a rough layer of plaster in the places where the plates fit and at the corners.

Decorative mixtures have a grain quality. It depends on the size of the fractions included in the composition. The choice of decorative structure proceeding from color gradation is possible.

Fine finishing by means of decorative plaster is carried out in one of several ways.

To choose suitable option How to plaster drywall walls, you should familiarize yourself with each.

They are based on which tool is chosen as the base for working with the material of interest.

The finished mixture in structure should be like a thick paste. The material is supplied to the GC using a trowel or a sprayer. And then gently spread in a thin, even layer. It is important to emphasize that the thickness of the plaster can exceed the grain size of the mixture by one to one and a half times. Initially, the wall is covered with adhesive mastic. The plaster is distributed over it, without waiting for drying.

The entire work process is carried out indoors, temperature regime in which it can vary between +5 - +35 degrees.

There is another way to apply decorative plaster - stencil. However, this method is no longer considered as a finishing option. This technique is used to give greater decorativeness to existing plaster. It is more like a creative process than a monotonous work with a strict adherence to a specific technology.

For plaster, it is not as important as for paint, the degree of adhesion of the stencil to the wall. It is made of flexible plastic. Using adhesive tape, the stencil is attached in the selected area. The second step is to fill in the stencil patterns with tinted plaster with a spatula. After the mixture has dried, the stencil is removed. The edges of the pattern are corrected with a spatula. And color it in.

However, knowing the rules for using a stencil is not the final reason to use it. After all, here the creator of voluminous wall decor requires the presence of artistic taste and the talent for a competent combination of elements on the wall.

Here, in fact, are all the options that come down to a single concept - plastering structures from HA. Which one to choose should be decided on an individual basis, taking into account known criteria.

Sometimes during the repair of a room whose walls are sheathed with plasterboard sheets, the question arises - how to plaster drywall?

Despite the apparent simplicity, the question is far from being idle, since drywall is often called "dry plaster".

It is in the intricacies of a rather complex and ambiguous relationship between coating and plaster that we will try to understand this material.

So, the first, and main question - is it possible to plaster drywall?

To date, there is no consensus on this issue, alas. Many experts are inclined to believe that plastering such surfaces (and even more so if the wall is made of a fairly cheap, non-moisture resistant sheet) is impossible in any case.

Sooner or later, the base, under the influence of moisture from the composition and its rather large mass, is deformed, which will lead to cracking of the layer.

However, there is an alternative opinion, which says that it is possible to plaster drywall. If you're careful, of course.

In this case, "carefully" means, first of all:

  • exclusively on a moisture resistant sheet.
  • Use of special deep penetration primers.
  • The distribution of the mass in thin layers in several steps.

The only exception, in respect of which experts show unanimous opinion,. It is not only possible, but also necessary, to apply it to the sheet, such a mass is one of the most popular materials for wall decoration.

Determining the need for plaster

As you probably already understood, drywall plastering is a rather difficult task with sometimes unpredictable results. Such are the characteristics of the sheet, it can really deform under a thick layer of finish. Or maybe stay for years.

So, when do you need to plaster?

  • If the wall cladding has significant curvature or displacement, finishing this problem will not solve it, and in the future it can significantly aggravate it. If you have become the “happy” owner of such a wall, it is better not to deal with the consequences, but to eliminate the cause. Serious distortions can only be corrected by remounting, with the replacement of sheets with moisture resistant ones.
  • But minor irregularities in the skin can still be plastered. It also makes sense to apply the mixture over dents and pre-putty seams.
  • Well, the only case (we already mentioned it above) is the use of a decorative coating. There are practically no restrictions here, since the decorative mass is applied, as a rule, in a fairly thin layer, and its composition ensures rapid polymerization and drying.

And compliance with the technology of application to the base does not lead to negative consequences.

So, suppose you have already decided whether drywall needs to be plastered, whether putty can be dispensed with. It remains to choose the most appropriate technology and composition of the mixture. Let's get started.

Application technology

When applying, the technology of work should be observed, the slightest violations can lead to undesirable consequences.

Preparing walls for finishing

  • We clean the surface of dust, which inevitably forms during its installation. An industrial vacuum cleaner is best suited for this, but if it is not available, you can remove dust with improvised means.
  • The next stage is the putty of seams, joints and irregularities. For putty, both ready-made and dry putty mixtures can be used. If dry mixes are used, prepare them immediately before work.
  • First, we fill the cavities of the seams and large irregularities with putty. After the putty has hardened, apply a leveling layer.

  • Now you can go to milestone preparation - primer.


For substrates, special primer mixes are used (such as Tiefgrund LF or similar). Such primers penetrate deep into the thickness of the base and strengthen it, providing adhesion to the mixtures.

For the best effect at this stage, it is better to use acrylate primers, which have vapor-permeable properties (do not isolate water vapor).

We apply the primer in one layer with a roller or brush (for walls with a small area).

Note! Work on drywall is carried out only after the primer is completely dry! For acrylate primers, the drying time is 1-2 hours.

After the seams are puttied and the primer is applied, you can proceed to leveling the walls.

Applying plaster

Do-it-yourself plaster distribution instructions:

The mass is applied in a thin layer (not thicker than 2-3 mm) using a wide spatula or metal trowel. If the plaster is used to level deep irregularities, the distribution is carried out in several stages. Remember that in this case it is better to apply 3-4 layers of a few millimeters than 1 thick layer at once.

Not any plaster is suitable for finishing plasterboard surfaces. It is best to use mixtures based on a gypsum binder (for example, Knauf Rotband). In order for the finish to “keep” better, you can use a fiberglass mesh with a 5 mm cell.

After the plaster layer is completely dry, you can proceed to finishing drywall walls. In this case, it is better to use vapor-permeable materials for finishing, which do not prevent water vapor from escaping from under the finish.

Decorative plaster plasterboard

For finishing plasterboard surfaces, it is better to use fine-grained decorative plaster. This is due to the fact that the laying of coarse-grained fractions requires the application of a sufficiently thick layer, and in the case of plasterboard walls this is undesirable.

The process takes place as follows:

The drywall base must be dry and clean. Before starting work, the surface should be completely dust-free.

After the surface is dust-free, we proceed to puttying the seams. We fill the seams with putty in several stages, providing sufficient time for the coating to dry and polymerize. As a result, the seams and irregularities must be puttied in the same plane as the drywall.

Note! When leveling the surface of drywall for decorative plastering, you can not achieve so flat surface, as when leveling for painting. The texture of the plaster hides all the irregularities well.

We apply an acrylate primer to the puttied base. For decorative plastering, the same primers are used as for finishing drywall with ordinary lime plaster. The primer is applied in one step, in one layer.

We apply plaster on the primed drywall. Application is carried out with a spatula or trowel, with a layer of 2-3 mm.

Immediately after the plaster is applied, we proceed to the formation of the relief. We form the relief using a sponge, a hard brush with a sparse pile, trowels, curly spatulas.

Note! When applying decorative plaster on a gypsum board base, do not apply excessive force during the formation of the relief. This can lead to deformation of the drywall.

Further processing (painting, coating protective composition) can be carried out only after the final drying of the surface.

Summing up

Now you know how to properly plaster drywall. In order to more accurately understand the technological and practical issue, our website presents detailed photo instruction where you will find the information you need on this subject. Good luck!

Drywall has firmly taken a leading position in the world finishing materials. First of all, due to the speed of leveling the walls and ceiling. No wonder it is called "dry plaster". How to plaster drywall?

It is not always possible to level surfaces by closing them with GKL. Sometimes this is not enough. There will be seams, joints, incompletely sealed corners, pits from hats that will have to be puttied. But drywall can be plastered, which will be cheaper. Preparation of GKL for wallpaper also requires plaster.

Putty for drywall

Anyone, but subject to the conditions. First: take a moisture resistant sheet. If not, then it is coated with a deep penetration primer. A drywall sheet absorbs moisture from the plaster layer and deforms, and the soil will prevent this.

The second condition: the plaster is laid in a thin layer. To create the required base, several layers are applied, but thin. A thick layer will increase the weight of the sheet, which will not withstand, especially on the ceiling.

Decorative plaster, which has become popular recently, is immediately applied to the gypsum board without any conditions. The composition of such plaster dries quickly, leaving no opportunity for moisture to penetrate into the structure of the GCR.

Sometimes an uneven wall or ceiling will not be corrected by any, even a thick layer of plaster. Then it is better to change the skin, replacing the drywall with a moisture resistant one.

If the surface looks even, this does not mean that there is nothing to putty there. And with a careful repair, the seams and small irregularities remain. That's what they have to putty. Moreover, it is not necessary to treat the entire surface.

Preparing for plaster

The process starts with choosing the right tool. For work you will need:

  • Spatulas - wide and narrow. The first is more convenient to apply the mixture on even and large areas. Masters recommend taking with a width of 44 cm. Narrow is useful for hard-to-reach places, angles and mates.
  • Level. Without it, it is difficult to determine whether everything is even.
  • Roller with a long handle for priming. It will save you from climbing stairs.
  • Vacuum cleaner, preferably industrial. It will be required to remove dust.

First of all, vacuum the surface or remove dust with a damp cloth. Pollution interferes with the setting of soil and putty with drywall.

Cleaning dust from drywall with a vacuum cleaner

When the dust is over, they check whether the self-tapping screws are screwed in correctly and their caps are recessed deep enough. Next, move on to the primer. Priming those places that will be puttied: joints, seams, pits. After the primer dries, they begin to putty.

Putty is taken ready for use or in the form of a dry mixture. In the second case, spend as quickly as possible.

The layer of putty does not exceed three millimeters. Deep irregularities and seams reinforce. This prevents the putty from subsequent cracking. Use sickle or paper tape.

First comes a layer of putty, a tape is applied and pressed on top, and then smeared with a solution for better adhesion. Internal and external corners are closed in the same way, but with the use of profiled corners with perforation, which provides access to the putty surface when pressed into the corner. Excess putty is immediately removed with a spatula. For reliability, the corner elements are fixed with self-tapping screws.

After drying, small flaws are eliminated sandpaper. The quality of work is checked using a level or a regular rail. Then the entire surface is primed. Apply a deep penetration primer that provides good adhesion to the plaster. Masters recommend an acrylic mixture that impregnates the gypsum, strengthening it to a moisture resistant state.

This is done with a roller, while the primer is taken in excess, but so that there are no smudges. When the soil is dry, start plastering.

Seam reinforcement

Applying plaster to drywall

It is necessary to plaster so that the layer overlaps the primed areas, but also goes beyond them by 5 cm. If a multilayer version is used, then a reinforcing tape is applied to the still wet primer and plaster is immediately applied. Also, with an exit beyond the ground by 5 cm, then everything is primed again.

The final layer of plaster is applied to the entire surface. For work use a wide spatula or roller. The second option speeds up the process, but for its application they take plaster of a certain consistency - not thick, and at the same time not too liquid.

Move the roller vigorously. Horizontal movements are replaced by vertical ones and vice versa. Several passes will hide all the stripes and smooth out the plaster. It is better to divide large areas into sections of 2-3 square meters and process them one by one in the same direction.

One layer when working with a roller is not enough. Therefore, the process is repeated one or two more times. After complete drying, the surface is sanded.

More commonly used gypsum plaster. One of the most famous in this segment is Knauf's Rotband plaster.

Wall plaster

Rotband plaster: description

Rotband is a dry mix based on gypsum and polymers. Distinctive feature plasters - versatility of use and high adhesion to drywall. These are beneficial advantages when working with a ceiling.

Due to the properties inherent in Rotband, it is suitable for rooms with a wet regime. The composition is able to absorb moisture from the air and return it when the humidity in the room decreases.

On the video you can see original way drywall plastering:

The plaster is harmless to humans and does not burn.

One of the significant advantages of the composition is consumption. It is 2-3 times less than that of ordinary plaster. Rothband coverage provides smooth surface that does not need to be sanded. Decor elements are also made from it; a relief method of application is allowed.

Plaster Rotband

There are a couple of drawbacks - the composition of gypsum is not as strong as cement, it corrodes the metal. Self-tapping screws rust, and yellow spots appear on the treated surface. Nevertheless, for ceilings - this is one of the best deals.

In contact with

With proper installation, drywall sheets (GKL) form a smooth and even base, which, unfortunately, is not monolithic. It has many joints, bulges, small pits. GKL plastering allows to correct this situation.

When is drywall plastering required?

Specialists in matters of finishing activities do not have a common opinion on whether it is necessary to process it in a special way - plastering, and other options for finishing cladding. Some pros say you don't have to do this. Others give a lot of arguments in favor of doing such work. After many years of disputes, supporters of different theories came to a common result. They advise plastering the sheathing material of interest to us in the following cases:

  • when it is planned to design drywall surfaces;
  • before painting;
  • in the presence of minor flaws on the sheets, which can be hidden by applying a thin layer of plaster.

At the same time, processing with dry mixtures is carried out only in situations where moisture-resistant drywall sheets are used. Plastering ordinary cladding material does not make much sense. It deforms very quickly during operation. This will lead to cracking and shedding of the applied protective layer. Another prerequisite for the use of plaster is the careful processing of GKL with a deep penetration primer.

Why plaster drywall under paper and other wallpapers? At first glance, this is not necessary. After all, the wallpaper under the action of the composition, diluted with water, will be deformed. On the other hand, try to qualitatively paste wallpaper material on a surface with many joints, protruding screw heads, dents and potholes. Of course, you won't succeed. So, you have to plaster the base of the GKL. The main thing here is not to overdo it. The leveling mixture should be applied several times (alternately) as thinly as possible (up to 3 mm). We will talk about the features of using plaster a little later.

Mixtures for working with GKL - choose wisely

Now the construction market offers a huge variety of compositions for processing drywall. Manufacturers produce mixtures that are recommended exclusively for covering small cracks and dents, for continuous application to the base, to form a decorative layer. Drywall plastering must be carried out in each case with certain compositions. They are usually divided (depending on the type of binder used) into three groups:

  • plaster;
  • polymeric;
  • cement.

Gypsum mixtures are recommended for use in dry rooms - in offices, nurseries, bedrooms. But for a room with high humidity(bathrooms, kitchens) compositions created on the basis of cement are more suitable. Their moisture resistance is significantly higher. Polymer compositions are considered universal. They have a high level of elasticity, they are easy to work with, without asking for help from professional finishers. Therefore, if you decide to plaster the GKL with your own hands, opt for universal dry mixes. The likelihood of quality work in this case will increase significantly.

Surface preparation is a must!

Before starting the main work, it is necessary to level the drywall base, remove the protruding heads of the fasteners from it, and remove the exfoliated sections from the joints between the individual sheets. Hardware is recommended to drown (tighten to failure). This procedure must be carried out very carefully. With too much twisting, there is a danger of deep holes. The exfoliated pieces of material should be carefully torn off and cut (use a sharp knife) under the root. And then take the sandpaper and clean the wrinkles at the joints of the sheets.

Failure to perform the described operations will lead to the delamination of the remaining paper along with the layer of applied plaster, the formation of bubbles on the plasterboard, which will subsequently cause cracks on the surface.

Leveling drywall for wallpapering or painting is done with putty. It is necessary to cover up all joints, hide roughness, bumps and dents. Nuance. If you purchased GKL without a finished edge, you must definitely cut the edges of the sheets at an angle of 45 ° yourself. Then it will be easier to close the seams and make docking separate parts finishing material.

The next step is surfaces. If the base is planned to be wallpapered or painted, the primer composition (use deep penetration solutions) must be evenly applied to the GCR. Such an operation will create a unique film on the surface. It will have a high water-repellent potential. Due to this, the glue under the wallpaper will not be absorbed into the base. Important point! Alkyd primers must not be used. They have a special set of components that significantly deform the cardboard coating.

The priming process itself is simple. Take a bucket, dilute the composition in it (add ordinary water, focusing on the manufacturer's recommendations), mix. Using a roller or paint brush, treat the wall or ceiling with soil. Wall surfaces are always primed from top to bottom.

Next, you need to paste over all the corners and seams on the surface with a reinforcing mesh. This function is usually performed by a fiberglass sickle. It is advisable to purchase self-adhesive tape. It is very convenient to work with her. The sickle is glued so that the masked area (seam, corner) passes strictly in the center of the tape.

Basic work - procedure, features of operations

It is necessary to plaster the surface of drywall in several layers. First, the seams are smeared with a rough composition. It freezes quickly. Therefore, cook it little by little (about half an hour of work). The plaster is applied to joints and problem areas with a 30 cm wide spatula, and then evenly distributed with a narrow (15 cm) tool. After roughing, the sheet (ideally) should not have visible defects. After the mixture hardens, it will not work to level them with sandpaper. Most likely, you will simply damage the drywall surface.

Before the final plastering, it is additionally necessary to strengthen the window and door slopes, as well as other external corners metal products(corners). These elements increase the resistance of the structure to mechanical stress, provide it high level rigidity. The corners are cut into the required size parts, mounted on the designated areas, fixed with a stapler or putty. After installation, the elements are leveled with a plaster composition.

We proceed to the final processing of the GKL. The final plastering on drywall is carried out as follows:

  1. 1. Treat the hats with a diluted mixture (the composition is applied crosswise - along and across the hardware).
  2. 2. Plaster the corners. First, apply the mixture to one part of the corner. Wait for it to dry. Then you process the second connection. This is the only way you can get really even and neat corner joints.

Now apply plaster to the entire surface of the plasterboard. Important! Do not try to cover the sheets with one thick layer. With this approach, you are guaranteed to get an uneven base. Treat the drywall with a thin layer of plaster. Wait for it to dry completely. Apply another thin layer. Repeat this operation as many times as necessary to obtain a visually even surface.

Finish with fine grit sandpaper and then zero sanding paper. These procedures are preferably performed in a respirator. After leveling, apply with a wide spatula finishing putty. The last step in the processing of GKL is the application of a very thin (up to 1 mm) layer of plaster. The work has been completed. Start wallpapering or painting the base.

Now you know whether it is possible to plaster moisture-resistant and ordinary drywall, and also studied all the nuances of performing such an operation. You shouldn't have any problems with the GCR!

The use of drywall sheets in the preparation of premises for finishing makes it possible to level even the most curved surfaces, which are full of houses old building. In addition, this material is inexpensive, convenient and easy to install, which even beginners in the construction business can handle. It remains only to find the answer to one question - what and how is plasterboard plastering made?

In fact, it is very often asked by home craftsmen who seek to save literally on everything. There will not be a definite answer here, since everything depends on the final result of the repair. For example, if you decide to wallpaper, consider how quickly you will get bored with it and want to change it.

When that day comes, you will realize that you did the right thing a few years ago by plastering drywall, because in this case, after removing the wallpaper, you will have flat wall. Otherwise, the cardboard covering the gypsum will fall off along with further use sheets are unacceptable.

There are two types of GKL plaster - for wallpaper and for painting. In the first case, small scratches that will hide behind decorative trim. In the second, everything will have to be smoothed down to the “mirror”.

In the article, we will also give an answer to the question - is it possible to apply decorative plaster on drywall? In this case, other rules apply.

We remove defects

Apply plaster mortar on GKL is simple, but the process requires some knowledge.

The instruction is as follows - we have to repair joints, places for self-tapping screws, roughness and potholes.

  1. Any surface must be prepared before plastering, some better, some worse. In our situation, drywall should be cleaned of dust that settled on the sheets during their installation. It’s great if you have a construction vacuum cleaner, an alternative is a damp rag, which will also cope with this task.

  1. An important step is the preparation of the plaster solution. The durability of its operation depends on this. You can prepare it from a dry factory mix or use a ready-made solution.

Tip: since your mixture is based on gypsum, therefore, you need to follow the proportion of water indicated on the package, and also prepare it immediately before application.

There is also a way to seal seams using fiberglass and PVA glue. It is possible to putty joints without reinforcing tapes with Uniflot putty. Ribbons are sold in a roll of the desired width, at last version a roll 1 m wide, so with a conventional drywall knife you will need to cut the material into strips 70 mm wide.

The sickle tape has an adhesive base, so it can be attached immediately to drywall, and then processed with plaster. The paper tape should be installed on a thin layer of plaster, and then covered with another one on top.

Tip: pay special attention to the outside and inside corners. Outside, you can strengthen the corner with an aluminum perforated corner.

The second layer of plaster should be applied after the first one has dried, and before the final puttying of the joints, it must be sanded with fine sandpaper or a sanding grid with a large number.

  1. Seal the places above the caps of the screws, having previously sunk them slightly into the sheet. Make sure it doesn't break upper layer cardboard. Puttying these places should be carried out crosswise, so you better fill these places. Then plaster other surface irregularities.

Advice: do not allow sagging of the solution on the surface of the GKL; when it appears, remove them with a wide spatula.

For the main plastering of GKL, use a different material that is different from that used for the seams. Prepare the sheets in two coats, applying the second after the first has dried, so you can better see where the mortar has settled. Then sand it desired number sandpaper or sanding pads.

Decorative plaster and drywall

The use of this material in this case is quite reasonable. Some home craftsmen do not risk doing it with their own hands, fearing that they will not succeed and they will ruin the work. It must be said right away that if there is a desire, it is not a problem to learn, since the material is easy to process. Below we consider its types:


The plaster mass is heterogeneous with a granular structure. The added granules look like pieces of quartz or small pebbles.

To apply this solution, it is not required to have a perfectly flat surface.

The main thing is that it is dry and clean.

  1. At the first stage, treat the drywall with a primer to strengthen it. Thus, you will get an intermediate protective layer that prevents moisture exchange between the wall and decorative plaster.

Tip: apply structural plaster on plasterboard walls only on dried ground.

  1. Decorative plaster on drywall is applied in one layer, using a trowel or spatula. The final texture will depend on the application technology used - in circular motions or straight lines.
  2. The coating will become strong after 2-3 hours, but it will fully gain hardness only after a week.


This mixture makes it possible to create an original relief texture on the wall.

The drawing depends on the tools and the composition of the solution.

  1. Clean, dry the walls and apply a primer to them.
  2. For the base of the plaster layer, use a special paint with sand to increase adhesion.
  3. Apply 1-2 coats of plaster using different instruments, with which you can create the desired pattern. The complexity of the texture can be increased by applying more layers.

Tip: Layers textured plaster make it very thin.


The plaster mixture is made from marble flour, which is why it looks like it is transparent on the wall. After application, the surface becomes like real marble.

Its price is high, therefore, before deciding to independently plaster with this mixture, it is better to practice somewhere.

  1. Check that there are no sags on the drywall sheets, it should be perfectly flat. Apply a coat of primer and wait for it to dry.
  2. Take a spatula and apply a thin layer of the mixture to the surface. Wait until it dries, then sand it, removing all bumps and roughness.
  3. Do this with each next layer, which can be 5-12, until you get the desired result.
  4. After laying the last layer, sand the surface with a large number of sandpaper in a circular motion to give the walls a perfect evenness.
  5. Apply a layer of white wax over the plaster and polish it to a high shine.

What you need to know about plaster

  1. Plaster for drywall should be based on gypsum. It is usually offered in 30 kg paper bags. Remember that it has a high setting and curing speed (5 minutes and 30 minutes respectively), so it should be diluted in limited doses.
  2. Drywall can be glued to plaster. If you do not have such work experience, it is better to play it safe with self-tapping screws with dowels. They can be mounted directly to the wall, or they can also be mounted in a pre-made frame made of wood or metal (then dowels are not needed).

  1. You can use drywall instead of plaster to level the walls. Installation takes place in a short time, and it is not as difficult as it might seem.


From the article, an answer was received to the question - is plasterboard plastered? The answer is yes, since drywall sheets and plaster mortar are quite compatible with each other and can easily complement each other.

The main thing is not to violate the rules for using data building materials and clearly follow the steps for their application. The video in this article will help you find Additional information on this topic.