Step-by-step instructions on how to make do-it-yourself door slopes from MDF panels. How to make front door slopes from MDF Door slopes from MDF panels

  • 20.06.2020

The interior of the house will not have a complete look without modern doors - beautiful, comfortable and reliable. And in order for the door to be conveniently opened, the slopes doorway must be properly installed and of good quality. In addition, a fully finished slope can be attached to the door frame. In this case, you do not have to spend time on finishing work.

Door slope from MDF

The door slope is part of space, located between the door leaf and the wall, which can be decorated using:

  • MDF panels (fine-dispersion fraction);
  • drywall;
  • plastic;
  • laminate.

According to the repair rules, the installation of slopes is carried out at the final stage of door installation, and the finishing method is chosen based on the type door frame. So, if the door is located at the entrance, then it will need to be insulated. Interior doors, as a rule, are not insulated, so their door slope performs only a decorative function.

In general, all slopes (external and internal) are presented with general requirement- they should be flawlessly smooth and neat.

If you choose from different ways finishes, then the MDF door slope is the best option. The great demand for MDF panels for finishing the opening can be explained by:

Benefits of using MDF in doorways

Door slope from MDF is more often chosen for finishing the opening of doors made of wood. First of all, this is due to the beautiful texture of MDF panels, and the positive characteristics of the material are added to this:

When finishing with MDF panels, experts recommend do not use the material under conditions high humidity . Therefore, when buying a product, you need to pay attention to its quality. There are times when door slopes finished with low-quality material quickly lose their aesthetic appeal due to its swelling, delamination or damage to the outer surface.

Finishing the door slope with MDF panels

The process of finishing MDF door slopes consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation and insulation of the opening.
  2. Plastering.
  3. Preparation of fragments from MDF for finishing.
  4. Panel installation.
  5. Installation of platbands.

Preparation and insulation of the doorway

The initial stage of arranging the doorway consists from preparing the door and all adjacent space to conduct finishing works.

For this you need:

In order to prevent the cold from entering the room from the outside, along the door slope lay a layer of insulation from:

  • mineral wool;
  • isolon;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • expanded polystyrene.

Perhaps also spraying insulation, which will cost more.

Slope plastering

To facilitate further lining, as well as eliminate the remaining gaps, you should carefully plaster slopes. It will be sufficient to apply a small amount of plaster on them, and it is not necessary that the surface be plastered perfectly even. At the corners of the slopes, you need to install special profiles that will not only help make them even, but also strengthen the corner segments.

Preparation of MDF fragments for slopes

Before trimming the slopes of the opening with cladding panels, it is necessary to take measurements, and then cut the material into fragments right size. In order to correctly take measurements, you will need:

  • roulette;
  • square;
  • templates for creating patterns.

Panel mounting

Installation facing material is done in the following order:

The lining can be nailed to wooden planks with small carnations without hats or glue liquid nails .

At the end of the finish, the protruding foam is cleaned with a paint knife. If necessary, it will need to be puttied in order to exclude the destructive effect of external factors (temperature and humidity). At the same time, new door slopes should remain clean, and therefore they will have to be carefully pasted over with masking tape.

Platband installation

Ideal in appearance doorway becomes after finishing stage. This includes:

  • installation of platbands (they are installed in the upper part of the doorway);
  • masking the joints of the material on the door slopes. Nail heads are carefully covered with mastic, matched to the tone of the finishing material (for this you can use furniture stickers).

The simple technology of facing door slopes with MDF panels will especially appeal to those who are trying to fulfill repair work with your own hands.


Finishing door slopes MDF panels fully comply with the basic requirements for arranging a doorway according to:

  • strength;
  • protection from external influences;
  • improvement of indicators of thermal and sound insulation.

Slopes on the front door - this is not only the insulation of the door, but also the aesthetic design of the structure Finishing the doorway only at first glance does not have any decisive importance in interior design. But sometimes it is precisely this poorly selected or installed element that spoils the whole picture, it seems foreign in the already formed appearance of the room. And it doesn't matter if you make out iron door or wooden entrance.

Design methods: how to make slopes of the front door with your own hands

There is different variants installation of door slopes, they depend on the type of material used, the technology of work, etc. If you decide to install the slopes with your own hands, everything must be done strictly according to the instructions. The materials you use must be strong, not brittle, and designed to last a long time. And it is very important that these materials cope with the insulating function.

Slope finishing can be done using various materials

Finishing slopes can be different:

  • Laminate;
  • Drywall;
  • PVC panels;
  • Wooden panels, etc.

The slopes themselves should not have voids. Sometimes it takes a lot to finish plaster mortar, then it is advisable to install a frame on the slopes.

Often this is done when you have to align corners. The base of the frame can be wooden slats, and a standard metal profile, which will subsequently be sheathed. And the necessary engineering communications are often carried out through the frame slopes - telephone lines, power lines, etc.

Different materials: how to make slopes of the front door

The opening in the door as a result of all work should be distinguished by a long period of use, it should be practical, convenient, and it is desirable that mechanical damage he was not afraid. Much depends on the choice of lining. And there are plenty to choose from.

Finishing slopes is possible with drywall

Slope cladding:

  1. Drywall- a material that allows you to hide possible uneven slopes, putty and other solutions in this case will not have to be purchased.
  2. Plaster- this is a practical and economical way to design slopes, you can do everything yourself, the working surface must be covered with plaster, and then you can take up the finish.
  3. PVC panels- they are usually used for finishing window openings, but they can also be used in doorways if it is in harmony with the interior of the room.
  4. Wooden slopes- the most popular type of cladding, wood is durable, reliable, aesthetically neutral.

Very often you can find the option combined finishes. For example, the walls are plastered, and MDF panels are fixed on top of the plaster. And this option is practical and durable.

Instruction: MDF door slopes

First you need to properly seal all the cracks. After the door is installed, all gaps between the box and the wall itself are carefully filled with mounting foam. Then wait until the foam hardens. And its remains are then cut off with a knife, the cracks are carefully smoothed out.

Door slopes from MDF must be installed in stages

  1. Need to prepare the surface for plastering- you need to process in several layers, because the process is not fast. First, a layer of primer is applied to the wall, this is necessary to better strengthen the plaster mortar. In order for the surface to be even, a beacon profile is usually used, and it is fixed with dowels.
  2. Then the slopes need to be plastered. We need sand, cement and lime mortar. The solution is applied, starting from the upper area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe slopes. First, apply the putty in a thick layer, and then remove all excess, achieving evenness of the wall. And in order for the slope angles to be even, a perforated profile should be used. It is fixed with a plaster mixture.
  3. Then a final layer of plaster is applied, it is already a thin layer. This will save the surface from minor defects.
  4. And finally, the MDF panels are attached. The base under the panel is also made from a solution of cement and lime. When it dries, a primer layer is applied to the surface. Then the panels are divided into three parts, each should be equal to the slopes.
  5. A layer of adhesive is applied to the surface of the wall, then the panels are applied to the wall, lines for trimming are marked on them. Details are cut strictly according to the dimensions of the opening.
  6. Liquid nails are applied to the inside of each panel, then the MDF is glued to the frame.

The panels must be aligned, ensuring that the gaps between them are as small as possible. Can do additional mount self-tapping screws, they are twisted in the upper and lower parts. And the hats of those screws are hidden in hidden holes that can be drilled in advance. They are closed with decorative caps to match the panels.

Important nuances: sheathing slopes with MDF panels

Very often, before sheathing, the owners decide to insulate the doorway from the cold. Such a substrate can be made of mineral wool, synthetic winterizer, polystyrene foam, polyurethane. Today, you can also spray insulation, but this option is not cheap.

Sheathing slopes with MDF panels looks very neat

If the width of the slope is large (and this is more than 25 cm), additional supports for rigidity will be required. Foam in this case may be of insufficient density. Then you need to fix the straps.

Planks are or metal profiles, or lumber. Planks can be attached both vertically and horizontally. Attach the planks to dowels or self-tapping screws, it all depends on the material of the wall. When the supports are fixed, and the MDF slopes are cut to size, everything is done as in the instructions above. The ends are smeared with liquid nails, as well as the places where the slopes adhere to the planks, the panels are peeled off for several minutes. Sometimes the junction of the panel and the wall is so perfect that the gaps do not need to be foamed.

Do-it-yourself slopes on the front door (video)

Finishing slopes is a process that requires accuracy and aesthetics of work. In order for the door portal to fit into the environment, be practical and convenient, you need to follow the work plan and not save energy on preliminary preparation for finishing.

From this article you will learn about the most popular way to trim slopes. interior doors without flaws in practicality and durability. We offer detailed diagram installation of slopes from door MDF extensions. You will also learn the rules for the appropriate preparation of the opening and installation of doors.

Every professional builder, over time, adopts more and more technical solutions that are perfect in every way. The dispute about the most acceptable option for finishing door slopes and portals can be considered closed, the best way has already been found and is being practiced more and more often.

Surprisingly, the installation of slopes from MDF does not require professional participation, it is simple enough for home craftsmen to perform using a set of the simplest tools: a jigsaw, a syringe gun and a mounting knife. Among other things, you will need: a tape measure, a square and a pencil, as well as a brush-brush. For proper and durable finishing of slopes, appropriate preparation of openings and compliance with the rules for installing door frames will be required.

Door installation rules

The door frame is assembled on non-hardened self-tapping screws, the upper segment is always located on top of the side pillars, and not between them. After assembling the box, it is necessary to cut off the excess rim from the edges of the crossbar so that the mounting groove is continuous on all three sides.

The only win-win option for fastening interior doors is the direct mounting technique with 8x120 mm frame anchors in the amount of three pieces for the hinged and two pieces for the opposite side of the box. When fastening to "dry" partitions, the anchors are replaced with screw dowels.

After fixing, the box must be adjusted for bends, then the technological seam is filled with mounting foam from the side opposite the slope. After filling the seam, the door must be kept closed for about 40 minutes, having laid spacer plates along the porch. After polymerization of the foam, the adjusting wedges must be removed and the formed cavities should be foamed.

Opening preparation before installation

Openings in brick or concrete partitions must be plastered on two guide boards nailed to opposite walls before the doors are installed. At this stage, the desired slope angle and installation dimensions of the opening are set. Each edge of the opening must have a uniform bevel from 3.5 to 15 °. The opening itself should be 100 mm wider and 60 mm higher than the door leaf.

After the door is installed, the mounting groove is cleaned from the mounting foam, the cut is tried on door extension. If the thickness of the gap is more than 3 mm when the board is inserted into the installation groove, it is advisable to apply a leveling layer of tile adhesive to the plaster. In this case, the mounting groove must be cleaned periodically, after drying, the surface must be impregnated twice with an adhesive primer.

Marking and trimming extensions

Finishing the slopes of interior doors with MDF extensions does not apply to dusty work, so it is better to do it after finishing work in the rooms so that you can immediately install the trim.

The standard width of the extensions is 90, 120, 170 and 380 mm. If the width of the slope is greater than the available standard sizes, two or three parallel boards go to it. In the case of telescopic extensions that have a tongue-and-groove profile, it will be necessary to gain a wide slope from an even larger number of planks, however, no gaps are guaranteed to appear at the joints of the door block. And yet, with telescopic extensions, it is better to build up door blocks in “dry” partitions with narrow slopes.

First, the upper crossbar is marked and cut out. To do this, on the floor right under the door, you need to lay out in parallel the required number of boards with the back side up. Measure the width of the top edge of the opening at opposite points. Mark it on the back of the boards so that the line longitudinal cut ordinary extensions were turned to the door frame, and telescopic ones - to the platbands. Measure the length of the top slope in the wide and narrow part, set the exact difference on each side. Transfer the markings to blanks with a 5 mm indent from the corners and number the boards in the order of installation.

Vertical extensions are measured and installed after fixing the top bar. According to the square attached to the end of the door frame, the difference in height is established, the resulting dimensions are transferred to the markup. It is advisable to make the side slope boards 1-2 mm longer so that it is possible to accurately fit the part with an emery bar.

How to install and on what glue

Slopes from MDF dobors can be mounted on liquid nails or mounting foam. When using foam, it is possible not to build up plaster for a tighter fit, but this requires professional approach. The choice in favor of glue should be made when the thickness of the gap between the MDF panel and the plaster is up to 5 mm, foam is used to fill thicker joints.

Boards on the slopes are glued in rows, starting from the door frame. First, the trimmed parts are tried on and visually notice the level of inclination. Then, glue or mounting foam is applied to the back of the board, 15-20 mm from the cut edge, pieces of cork or other elastic material are inserted into the adhesive composition, approximately equal in thickness to the adhesive seam after drying. These mortgages act as fulcrums: in order for the board to fit as tightly as possible in the groove of the box, it is enough to slightly press its edge.

The upper slope is finished first, the boards are temporarily fixed with scaffolds. It is enough to simply draw a common plane with a square, but for this you need to set the right direction for the first plank. After setting, the crossbars are marked and cut into parts for vertical edges. They are also tried on first “dry”, adjusting the size and cut for a snug fit. After gluing, each plank is wedged from the floor and pressed up, the allowable gap between the slope and flooring is 2-3 mm.

How to cut and install platbands

After installing the extensions and solidifying the glue, it is necessary to close the ends of the slopes and the foam joint with platbands. The way they are attached to various forms the profile of the box and extensions may differ.

Telescopic architraves are installed with a comb into the groove of the box or extension, the fastening can be reinforced with concentrated PVA glue or liquid nails. It is possible to install such platbands only after the glue or foam on the extensions has completely hardened, otherwise they may come off.

Smooth platbands are attached to the extensions with small furniture studs with an anodized finish and without caps. Their installation is possible already 1-2 hours after the installation of the extensions.

Trimmings should be cut off only with a miter box or a cut-off saw. As for the notch angle, platbands with a semicircular shape of the front surface are sawn at 45 °, and rectangular ones are cut strictly perpendicular. In this case, the contour of the casing is formed according to the scheme opposite to the assembly of door frames: two vertical posts and a crossbar between them. Thus, the cut points will not be visible, as they are facing upwards.

To make the updated interior look complete and pleasing to the eye, you need to take care of the “small details”. So, to the installed new interior door, it is necessary to pick up MDF door slopes. They will emphasize the beauty of the door leaf, help create a harmonious and holistic perception of the entire interior, give a touch of completeness to decor and design.

Of course, the modern market offers a lot of options, but it is the slopes for MDF doors that are most popular. What is the secret of their popularity, what variations are possible and how is the installation? Let's consider all these questions in more detail (see).

Door slopes from MDF: advantages and disadvantages of choice

From a technical point of view, the process of finishing slopes is a simple task, which is quite realistic to handle on your own. You just need to choose the MDF panels that are suitable for the color and texture of the door slopes and proceed with the installation.

Why exactly the option of MDF, and not PVC, wood, or other materials? Everything is very simple, since MDF panels have a number of undeniable advantages. Among them, first of all, it is worth noting:

  1. Beautiful appearance. Slopes on the door made of MDF are perfectly combined with any interior style chosen for the design of the premises. Also, the material is in harmony with furniture, flooring and other elements.
  2. Ease of installation. If you take your time, first understand the principles of assembly and installation, then it is quite possible to cope with the work yourself.
  3. Price availability. Finishing doorways MDF panels much cheaper than veneer or natural wood. At the same time, slopes made of MDF are in no way inferior in appearance, aesthetic properties, and operational characteristics.
  4. Additional heat and sound insulation of the premises is provided. This is an important factor for most users, which is taken into account even at the stage of selecting materials for finishing.
  5. Environmental safety of the material. It is non-toxic, does not contain harmful components, does not have a negative impact on human health, does not cause allergic or other irritant reactions on the part of even a sensitive organism.

Manifold color solutions, which offer MDF panels for door slopes, allows you to easily choose suitable option for any door, any style of interior design.

MDF slopes for entrance doors - a practical and attractive solution

For installation questions front door almost every family has to deal with, regardless of whether it is about replacing an old door leaf with a new one or installing a door in a newly built house. We can say with confidence that one of the final stages in the entire installation procedure is finishing the door slopes.

Finishing the door slopes with MDF panels has proven itself to be excellent, which makes it possible to give the doorway a presentable appearance and accuracy. At the same time, skillfully hiding the elements of fasteners protruding from behind the walls mounting foam and other consequences of installing the door structure itself.

Finishing door slopes from MDF panels allows you to:

  1. Hide flaws and ugly consequences of installation.
  2. Bring the doorway and the entire "entrance group" in order as soon as possible. Compared to other finishing methods, MDF front door slopes require a minimum of time and effort to install. The work is not as easily soiled and dirty as, for example, plaster.
  3. Provide additional protection against noise penetrating into the premises, extraneous sounds, as well as protect against heat loss and cold penetration.

In terms of their aesthetic properties, slopes for entrance doors made of MDF are often compared with analogues made of natural wood, since MDF panels differ in:

  • security;
  • structure uniformity and high strength;
  • resistance to the development of harmful microorganisms (MDF panels do not become moldy, do not rot);
  • excellent operational properties(finishing door slopes with MDF panels is considered a durable option, since the material does not warp, crack, swell, or deform, losing its original geometric shape and presentable appearance);
  • a variety of available finishes (MDF panels for the slopes of the front door can be with any type of embossed pattern, milling, in almost any color scheme, including imitation natural wood various breeds).

What is also important - the slopes of the entrance door made of MDF are suitable as a finishing option for walls of any thickness, openings of any size.

Finishing technology and some secrets of the process

Finishing door slopes with MDF panels is not a very difficult task. If desired, it is quite possible to make a door slope from MDF with your own hands. At the same time, no efforts are made, there are no significant costs for the purchase of special or equipment.

The whole process of installing slopes can be divided into stages:

  1. Preparation of surfaces for installation. Removal of contaminants from the surface of the walls. Elimination of existing chips, cracks in the wall. If necessary, laying of thermal insulation material. When preparing for the installation of MDF finishing panels, it is important to correctly fasten the door jamb so that in no case will damage the wires passing through here.
  2. Detailing. It allows you to further accurately cut out all the necessary elements, correctly position them on the canvas. This achieves a minimum consumption of finishing material. At this stage, it is necessary to pay attention and take into account when “taking measurements” and drawing up a diagram of the constituent elements such moments as the presence of a threshold, the difference in the angles of inclination in the corners, the total width of the doorway.
  3. Directly the installation process, which can be carried out with the installation of the frame or the adhesive method.

Since MDF is a sheet material, it will not be difficult to apply the outlines and dimensions of the parts. We take into account the width of the wall and other features of the doorway. It cannot be ruled out that during installation it is necessary to join two panels on the wall surface. In this case, we allow installation using a frame (battens). If there are enough solid elements for finishing, then it is quite possible to carry out the installation with an adhesive method.

Frame installation

The installation of the frame involves the assembly and installation of a wooden crate, which will serve as a support for the parts. Mounting technology using the frame provides:

  • installation of rails on the wall horizontally at a distance of 30-45 cm from each other;
  • fixing rails to the wall with dowels;
  • it is advisable to fill the voids between the slats heat-insulating material or mounting foam;
  • installation of MDF parts pre-prepared in size and shape;
  • their fixation in place with the help of self-tapping screws (the caps of the self-tapping screws are recessed, closed with special overlays).

In the photo, the wide slopes of interior doors or the entrance group, the panel joints are made neatly. There is a feeling of integrity of the entire panel. This is one of the signs of high-quality, professionally carried out work on finishing door slopes with MDF panels.

Speaking about the adhesive mounting method, it should be borne in mind that it is chosen in cases where:

  • the surface of the walls is well leveled, does not have significant irregularities and other shortcomings;
  • the thickness of the laying seam is minimal.

With the adhesive method of mounting MDF panels, it is not always possible to use insulation. Therefore, it is fundamentally important to thoroughly seal all seams, cracks, cracks. Also, do not forget about the surface treatment of the walls with a primer.

When choosing how to glue MDF trim or other elements when facing slopes, it is better to use special adhesives. This will help:

  • provide reliable adhesion and strong adhesion;
  • eliminate the falling off of the assembly elements in case of mechanical impact, temperature changes.

Summing up

High-quality interior finishing MDF doors panels, as well as the slopes of the entrance doors, implies:

  1. Selection of panels, taking into account the style, as well as color design doorways. Also taken into account are the interiors of rooms that are in contact with door blocks.
  2. The ideal appearance of the doors and the opening as a whole after the completion of the work.
  3. The absence of any kind of damage on the surface of the finishing layer.
  4. Ideally even joints of elements and details among themselves.
  5. The absence of protruding "hats" of self-tapping screws, which can not only spoil the aesthetic perception, but also cause injury. They certainly need to be "recessed", covered with special overlays, or at least glossed over.

Combining a large set of advantages, a variety of color and style solutions, as well as an affordable price, MDF panels are considered to be the most acceptable and practical options. Especially when it comes to the need for fast and high-quality finishing of door slopes. They look equally impressive on entrance group, and on interior doors. Their installation gives the design a touch of completeness, to make the interiors more beautiful.

The slope of the front door from MDF panels - video

After installing the door, the walls adjacent to it - slopes - have a deplorable appearance. The most, perhaps, fast way put them in order - trim them with laminated panels. It can be MDF or laminated chipboard (). There is no particular difference. The main task is to choose a pattern and shade to match the door or other finishes in the room, and making door slopes from MDF or laminated chipboard is not difficult. And there is a way that requires a minimum of time.

Laminate slopes are made quickly, while the appearance is at least good. Special skills are not required, you need to be able to handle a saw or a jigsaw - in order to cut fragments of the desired size. The rest of the work is simple and uncomplicated: glue, mounting foam, wooden planks, self-tapping screws are used. Do not even need plaster as when bringing to mind.

The easiest way

The easiest way to close the door slope is to use "L"-shaped additional strips. They are usually made from MDF. All that is required in this case is to cut off the required depth, correctly and clearly make a cut at 45 °. Then you need to coat the end part with liquid nails, on inner part apply mounting foam and press everything against the wall.

The easiest way to make a slope is to use "L"-shaped panels

And, as always, there is a "but", and serious ones. First, these platbands are expensive. Second, they are only major cities and specialized outlets. Thirdly, there are usually only a few colors available, all the rest are made to order. Therefore, other methods of facing MDF door slopes are more often used.

Installation of a slope on liquid nails and mounting foam

If the width of the slope does not exceed 20-25 cm, the laminated panel can be installed on liquid nails and mounting foam. The method requires a minimum of time, and the result is good.

Preparing slope elements

Laminate door slopes consist of three parts: two side and one top part. If the slopes are made at an angle, then one edge at the sidewalls will be beveled.

This is what a “pattern” looks like for a slope made of MDF or laminated chipboard

Measure the distance from the door jamb to the corner in several places, cut off the bar of the required width and height. The cut sidewalls should be a couple of centimeters higher than the required length - just in case, they suddenly missed the size. You can cut it off, but you can't grow it.

Try on the sides, insert the top. If the edge turned out to be flush with the main wall, and the gaps near the door frame are minimal, everything is done correctly. If there are errors, we correct them.

Then the outer edge of the chipboard or MDF is trimmed - they glue the trim film: you do not nail the trim to the very edge, so that some part will be visible. Therefore, it needs to be decorated. You can do without trimming if the edge is trimmed with a decorative corner to match. But it is made of plastic, and how good it will look is the question.

Applying the adhesive film is easy. It is on an adhesive basis. Only the edge should be smooth and clean - without dust and dirt. Glue the trim strip evenly on it, then take a dry cotton fabric that does not shed, and iron the butt through it with an iron (at medium power). Then it is glued tightly, but all the irregularities are visible, so saw off evenly.

If a telescopic casing is used at the finishing stage of the slope, a groove is made under it with a cutter, in the laminated end. Width - exactly under the spike of the casing, depth - a little more than required so that it "sits down" well. Nothing is needed for an ordinary MDF platband. It just sticks on liquid nails.

Slope installation

Having finished all the preparations, proceed to the installation of slopes from MDF ( laminated chipboard). The butt, which is directed to the door, is smeared with liquid nails. It is better to take the composition transparent - it will not be visible. The jamb to which the MDF is glued is degreased. Having pressed the sidewall, it is put in the desired position, checking the verticality and observing the same indentation. Then peel it off and wait until the glue dries a little. After 5-7 minutes, the fragment is put in place, adjusting the position relative to the walls.

The second sidewall is installed in the same way, and then the upper part. The top is additionally bursting: spacer wedges are installed above the place where it joins the sidewalls. This will prevent the trim from bending and additionally “clamps” the sidewalls.


After the wedges are inserted, check how everything stands correctly and evenly. If everything is fine, take the foam, and put “patches” between the panel and the wall - apply a small amount of foam in islands. They should be full depth, but not wide. The entire volume does not need to be filled: a lot of foam will be required, and it can bend. Therefore, make islands.

After polymerization of the applied foam, the fragments of the slope are held rigidly. Now you can start filling in the empty space. It is also more convenient to seal it with foam, but not to the full depth, but only in front.

After the foam has hardened, its excess is cut off with a knife. You can start finishing.

Platband installation

This section of work is carried out as standard: first, one side plank is measured and cut off, then the top, then the second sidewall. Having tried everything folded and checking the accuracy of the docking, the platbands are planted on foam or liquid nails, depending on the situation.

Door slopes from MDF on slats

If the slope width is large (more than 25 cm), additional supports are required for rigidity: the foam may not be dense enough. In this case, the straps are fixed. It can be lumber or metal profiles. The straps can be attached vertically or horizontally. The scheme for installing a slope from MDF panels with vertical slats is shown in the photo below.

Planks are attached to dowels (they are used more often) or self-tapping screws - depending on the material of the wall. After the supports are fixed, the slopes are cut to size, the procedure is similar. First, the ends and places where the slope is adjacent to the planks are smeared with liquid nails, the panels are peeled off for several minutes. Further, all the steps are exactly the same.

If, as in the figure, the joint between the panel and the wall is perfect, you can do without foaming the slots and installing platbands. In this case, there is little work at all.

Door slopes made of MDF can be installed on horizontal slats. They are aligned so that they are all in the same plane. On the sides, four supports are enough, at the top - three (departing 10-15 cm from the edges and in the middle). Further, the whole technology is the same.

Laminate slopes

Often after the repair there is a certain amount of building materials. Why not adapt them? When making slopes on an MDF door, you need to buy material. If, after laying the laminate, you still have a certain number of planks, you can also make slopes from them. There will be more work than using a single fragment, but the material is free.

Assemble the sidewalls from the laminate boards. They need to be docked with a shift, the joints from the inside should be fixed with planks - it can be made from an aluminum profile - it is less in weight. If necessary, the edge can be trimmed. How to make slopes on a laminate door, see the photo below.

You can install them on mounting foam. To give greater rigidity, apply it on the back side with a snake and press it well against the wall: large gaps in this case cannot be left: the material will sag.

In the video below, laminate door slopes are made in panel house. The width of the slope is small - 7-8 cm, the sequence of work is clearly described. Helpful video tutorial.

In general, it is better not to put home-made laminate slopes on the front doors: large items are often brought in there, and the laminate is easy to damage even with a heavy bag. This type of separation is best used for interior doors. There is much less workload. At the entrance, it is better to make door slopes from MDF or laminated chipboard, drywall slopes showed themselves well, but.