Paneling the hallway: interesting design ideas. Tips for decorating the corridor, wall design options Combined decoration of the hallway

  • 27.06.2020

The entrance hall is always the area with the highest traffic load, in any apartment, regardless of its area. Therefore, without exception, all finishing materials must be practical, reliable and easy to repair if necessary. This is especially important in homes where children live (lovers of wall art) and cats who want to sharpen their claws about everything in the world.

Wall coverings in the hallway should be easy to care for, not easily soiled, consistent with the overall design concept of housing. They are simply obliged to endure washing after regular pollution, moisture and mechanical stress. Therefore, materials that require delicate handling are inappropriate here.

We use different types of wallpaper

The only wallpaper that is not suitable for the hallway is paper. Their wear resistance will not be enough for this room. But there are several that perfectly meet the requirements of strength and aesthetics:

Decorative plaster

Decorative plaster is one of the most interesting coatings in the hallway. Thanks to it, you can create any incredible styling, preferring imitations of textured natural stone, wooden, bark-damaged walls, bright smooth marble, and so on.

Wall decoration with light plaster to match the furniture

There are several standard drawings that are popular in hallway decoration:

  • Venetian plaster imitating noble marble;
  • embossed and textured to create three-dimensional surfaces;
  • fantasy flock;
  • velours;
  • wet silk;
  • sandstone.

Light plaster goes well with dark elements: furniture, tiles, baseboards and doors

Surfaces differ not only in motives, but also in the type of structure - they distinguish bark beetle, lamb, fur coat (splash) and staining. You can vary the degree of severity of the pattern - depending on what size of plaster grain is selected.

Options for the use of colored plaster in the hallway

Important. Among the main advantages decorative plaster- variability of designs, the ability of the coating to "breathe", the complete absence of odor during application and also increased strength indicators. And also with the help of this material you can create highly artistic murals - such panels will transform any corridor.

wall panels

Wall panels are considered a practical and wear-resistant finishing option. They are easy to install and do not require specific maintenance - a damp sponge in soapy water will be enough for cleaning. There are several types of wall panels suitable for installation in the hallway, and for some of them manufacturers provide a 15-year warranty.

Panels from natural wood

However, it cannot be said that the designs of this material are diverse. The most common colors are imitations of wood and marble. These solutions are most often chosen for minimalist interiors, in which it is important that the walls do not draw attention to themselves.

panels made of artificial materials

There are two popular types of wall panels:

Finishing MDF panels the bottom of the wall

Choosing an artificial stone

It is called artificial stone modern material on a composite basis. Its surface perfectly imitates natural materials, including:

  • granite;
  • onyx;
  • marble;
  • sandstone;
  • wild raw stone;
  • turquoise;
  • malachite.

Grey decorative rock on the wall in the hallway

Sometimes the imitation is made so accurately that it is possible to distinguish products only by weight. At the same time, it is lighter, which is a definite plus in the decoration of residential spaces.

The material is characterized not only by lightness, but also by durability, as well as environmental friendliness, because gypsum is considered its main component. But artificial stone is not cheap, besides, its texture “eats up” space, and therefore it is rarely used for “solid” decoration, preferring to place point accents in this way. This can be either only the lower part of the wall, which is most subject to wear, or areas near doorways, arches or niches, corners or ledges.

Decorative stone looks very nice

Among the main advantages of decorative stone:

  1. Increased moisture resistance. It is provided with a special top protective layer that does not allow moisture to penetrate into the gypsum structure.
  2. Practicality, ease of care. A damp or dry cloth will suffice to clean the surface.
  3. A high degree of resistance to wear - the protective layer protects the texture of the product from mechanical damage, so that even after cleaning it will not lose its decorative properties.
  4. continuous operational period– if you can provide coverage proper care It will last you at least 10 years.
  5. Ease of installation.
  6. Geometry stability under sharp temperature changes.
  7. Fire resistance even when exposed to direct flame.

Modern apartments differ from the old Soviet "designer" delights, like earth and sky. And not even because of the increased ceilings or square meters rooms and ancillary facilities. In the vast majority of cases, the entrance hall in the new design and layout of the apartment has really turned into a room at the entrance, and the corridor connected all the rooms in the apartment into one space.

How to choose the design style of the corridor in the apartment

Finishing the corridor in an apartment requires a certain patience and imagination, often there are not enough resources for a deep and careful consideration of the design of the wall decoration, and sometimes there is simply no time. But creating a style and choosing a way to design a corridor space cannot be called easy.

In addition, you need to take into account the features inherent only in the corridor:

  • The tunnel form of the room, in rare cases, the corridor can be made in the form of a broken curve or have branches or endings of a square shape;
  • Lack of windows and natural light sources;
  • A minimum of space for installing furniture, the absence of objects and attributes in the interior that enhance the overall perception of the finish of an elongated room;
  • It is necessary to gently unite all the premises of the apartment so that the corridor is a place of an organic connection between the style and decoration of neighboring rooms.

Important! Often, wall decoration is carried out for reasons of maximum practicality, especially since this room is the most visited in the apartment and requires the most care.

Corridor finishing options

The most significant drawback of the corridor space, which makes it difficult to use all the available possibilities of modern decoration, is the relatively small width. On average, the corridor can be 100-140 cm wide.

If you try to finish the existing walls with hanging decor, for example, sew up with wall slabs or trim with thick-walled wood carved panels or mosaic sets, the width of the room will lose at least 10-15 cm more.

Therefore, the following approach in solving the issue of finishing the corridor will be more correct and practical:

  1. The internal walls of the apartment, which form the space of the corridor, must be replaced at the stage of repair with a frame wall made of steel profile or wooden lath. Such a wall can be easily filled with soundproofing and sewn up with decorative panels;
  2. Leave the corridor walls in their original form, but use only thin-walled decor options for decorating the walls of the corridor - wallpaper or decorative plaster, textile coating with good sound-proofing properties;
  3. Use in the decoration more progressive methods of attaching decorative elements to the walls of the corridor, for example, glue, liquid nails or double-sided tape.

Wall decoration in the corridor with decorative panels

If the problem of fastening decorative elements is solved, or the corridor is wide enough to install wall panels, the best choice there will be a finish for the corridor in the apartment with imitation of timber or any other form of wood with a pronounced texture and pattern. At the same time, it is desirable to use dull wood tones in the interior, and it is imperative to install small lamps on the walls with an upward sector of illumination.

In this case, the walls at the ends of the corridor are decorated with lighter colors, thus, the more shaded corridor space visually only enhances the size of other rooms.

A very interesting solution to use decorative panels is the installation in the corridor of wardrobes with wood-like door trim. The second wall and ceiling can be made using liquid wallpaper or water-based paint light, to match the wood finish of the cabinet.

The division of the corridor space into light and dark parts can be called a classic technique in decorating an apartment. For example, one of the walls can be lined wall panels under a plastushku stone. But the main part of the light in this case should be directed to the darker part of the decor.

AT ideal to illuminate the shaded side, it is better to use natural light or a lamp that gives light as close as possible to the daylight spectrum.

In continuation of the theme of using natural colors in the decoration and design of the corridor, it is necessary to remember very beautiful way decorations in the style of Japanese materials of paper and wooden mats, frame doors and the obligatory use of an oriental plant to enhance the perception of decor.

Doors in such an interior are sheathed with a thin tinted rail without polishing or varnishing. Decorative panels with a characteristic texture of bleached bamboo weaving are pasted on the walls. The design is very stylish and strict.

Any decorative surface accumulates an insane amount of dust, and even more so, there is a lot of it in the corridor. You can simplify the task of cleaning and maintenance if you choose light gray decorative panels as the decoration of the walls of the corridor. The overall tone of the corridor room will be quite even and calm, the surface of the decor can be easily cleaned of any dirt.

This is especially important if the corridor is a favorite place for games for the younger generation. In critical cases, the finish can be easily restored with a water-based emulsion or liquid wallpaper.

For such a finish, it is important to choose the right places for installing lamps, most often several sconces are used with a stream of light directed to a light ceiling.

As a classic solution to the problem of arranging and decorating the corridor space, you can see it in the photo below.

The partition separating the corridor space from the room premises is made on a frame with a gypsum-vinyl board lining. Such gypsum-based materials, through the use of fluff pulp fibers as filler and porous sound-proofing layers, give excellent noise suppression and at the same time have high strength.

Advice! If you have a desire to increase the width of the corridor by 15-20 cm without significant costs, it makes sense to replace the brick in the walls with a frame structure.

Instead of brickwork, 15 cm thick, due to the installation of GVK plates, a full-fledged wall with a very beautiful finish was obtained. In addition to well-chosen color scheme dual-zone lighting is used. Upper zone - using daylight fixtures in false ceiling from GKL, the lower part in the form of spot LED lamps. At the same time, in a relatively narrow room, there is enough space to install a small table or flowerpots.

Combined finish using panels and decorative plaster

If there are free financial resources and a desire to achieve maximum expressiveness of the corridor finish, you can use a combination of decorative panels, stretch ceilings and a properly selected wallpaper pattern. In some cases, instead of wallpaper, decorative plaster in the corridor has more expressiveness.

Stretch ceilings, parquet and precisely matched shape of wall lamps give a complete imitation XIX style century.

Often, decorative plaster or liquid wallpaper can shape the style of an apartment using a couple of overhead decorations and panels, wall paintings, or the right color scheme for the space.

Often, a lot of problems are created by corners at the transition points from the corridor to the hallway or hall. This corner most often suffers from impacts and mechanical damage, making the transition in the form of a rounded surface expensive and not always effective. Therefore, they try to decorate the corner, close it with decoration or objects.

One of the most effective is the use of overhead elements in the form of imitation of natural stone or old masonry walls.

Secrets of the design and decoration of the corridor

Few people consider the size of the corridor space in their apartment to be huge, most often they complain about the opposite. There are several basic finishing techniques with which you can easily increase the visual perception of space. A good way would be to use contrasting wallpapers with vertical stripes.

Mirror surfaces have the maximum "expanding" effect. But only on the walls. Trying to install mirror ceiling will lead to opposite effect- the height of the ceilings will seem higher, and the space between the walls is tighter and narrower.

Often there is a wall in the corridor that you don’t want to cover with paneling or litter with additional interior items. In this case, on the basis of decorative plaster, you can simply draw a very cheerful and full of positive energy drawing. Most likely, it will please you longer than other items of decoration in the apartment.

A very good way to enliven the interior and decoration of the space is to use fresh flowers and plants. There will never be many of them in any room. But for the premises, truly jewelry accuracy will be required in choosing a place for their installation so that they do not interfere with movement and at the same time are in sight.


The decoration of the corridor does not differ in anything special and unusual from similar methods of interior design in other rooms. Moreover, in this case, the goals and objectives are always clear - to make decorative elements unobtrusive and not interfering with the use of the corridor.

In principle, it is not difficult to choose a design and artistic performance, you need imagination and means for experimentation.

The walls are the main background, which sets the overall design of the hallway. It is necessary to take into account not only the appearance of the selected finish, but also its features: moisture resistance, application complexity, validity period. The choice is now very large, but there are several basic options for the hallway.

Important requirements for decorating the walls of the hallway:

  • ease of care, so that you can always remove emerging stains,
  • resistance to dirt, wear and damage,
  • relevance to the overall design. Sometimes the style itself dictates the choice, for example, painted Provence-style walls or modern paneling.


In our hallways, wallpaper is quite popular.

Best to buy vinyl wallpapers, they have some features that are beneficial for hallways:
+ inexpensive (there are different price categories),
+ moisture resistant, cleanable and washable
+ long service life
- not always appropriate in the interior,
- Animals can easily damage the walls.

Light wallpaper with this pattern looks simple, but lengthens the walls in the hallway.

Light patterns on blue wallpaper look gentle and romantic.

Such wallpapers look pretentious and old-fashioned, but can reduce the volume of the hallway.

Wallpaper for newspaper clippings and old inscriptions are still in vogue.

Scattered letters on the wallpaper can look stylish, as in this photo, but sometimes it can be too colorful.

Cork wallpaper for the walls of the hallway has all these advantages, but is also hypoallergenic and creates a prestigious design.
Liquid wallpaper is great for complex wall decoration options in the hallway, for example, in niches and arches. They are easy to apply, do not need to be joined and simply removed, but they are more expensive than ordinary wallpaper.

In general, wallpaper is a separate issue. And to look best examples hallways with wallpaper you can - there are a lot of photos!

Painting and plastering

The simplest, most concise and beautiful option for wall decoration in the hallway. Appearance immediately changes if you choose the right shade.

Color design is easier to do with paint, given the flexibility of the palette.

Wallpaper is harder to pick up. A smooth glossy or matte surface looks really impressive in its simplicity.

But this finishing option requires very careful preparation, so if the walls are not ideal, it is easier to purchase panels or very thick wallpapers.

Plaster, on the contrary, is very textured. The option of decorative plaster in the hallway is chosen by creative and extraordinary personalities.

The marble effect at the walls of the hallway adds charm and nobility, with the help of plaster you can make an imitation of silk, sandstone and velor.

This is a very durable finish option and always looks interesting. With the help of special tools and rollers, plaster can be applied by yourself.

Fuchsia colors are very stylish, especially if the walls are painted in a single color.

Light blue and light green colors expand the space, but at the same time they are quite fresh and unusual.

Vinyl decals on plain painted walls add accents.

Mint-light green shades look stylish and are still in fashion.

On pink decorative plaster look beautiful vinyl stickers like those red poppies.

wall panels

Such panels have long been popular in the decoration of the walls of the hallway. They are easy to install, they look spectacular, they are easy to wash. Long service life, there is even a warranty period.

-simplicity in textures, basically it is an imitation of marble, wood or just smooth,
- unsuccessful panels can be easily damaged.

But they look concise and ideal for a minimalist hallway design.
In addition, there are special eco-friendly panels made from safe materials.

stone finish

The return to natural materials also entails new trends in the design of the walls of the hallway. Therefore, the decoration of the hallway with stone looks quite impressive. Despite the external volume, such a decorative stone is quite light.

Its shape in the form of various figures will fit quite attractively into many design options. It can be combined with conventional plaster and stretch ceilings. Smoothness and texture always looks very interesting.

Combining stone with fresh flowers and wood, you emphasize your attention to nature. It is better if such a design of the walls of the hallway smoothly turns into the corresponding design in the kitchen or in the living room.

The stone in combination with dark wallpaper looks especially stylish. if you pick it up in the color of a light pattern on the wallpaper.

The corridor is usually long, narrow space leading from the entrance to the apartment to other rooms. It, along with the hallway, creates the first impression of housing, so it is worth paying due attention to its arrangement, the competent design of walls, floors, and the selection of appropriate furniture. The room should be comfortable and functional. To make it look aesthetically pleasing, make a good impression on the guests, you should not clutter up the space.

Below are various ideas on how to design a corridor in an apartment, photos of real apartments, wall and floor design options, tips on choosing furniture, lighting, some design tricks to help present this room in the best possible way.

The corridor is a room to which they devote a minimum of time when designing an apartment. This is unfair, the functional arrangement of the premises provides great opportunities. Many mistakenly believe that guests do not pay attention to the corridor. This is the first room guests enter after entering the hallway, so it's important to create a good first impression. The corridor is the visiting card of the apartment. Consider various options finishes.

Corridor wall decoration

The arrangement of rooms should include the design of each element. It is advisable to start with the walls. Wall decoration includes the choice of material, the choice of the appropriate color.

Walls can be finished in different ways using the following materials:

  • ordinary, decorative plaster;
  • painting with paint, decorative painting;
  • wallpaper;
  • sheathing wooden clapboard, panels;
  • decorative tiling.

A fashionable, popular solution is coating with decorative plaster, paints, decorative masses. Decorative surfaces are pleasing to the eye while remaining practical, walls are easier to keep clean.

The choice of color is an important issue that allows you to create optical effects:

  • light colors will visually enlarge the room,
  • dark shades make the space fashionable, modern.

It is important that the style of furnishing the corridor does not differ from other rooms, allowing you to get harmonious design apartments. Combination suitable plaster, paints and colors - this is only the beginning of creating the look of the interior.

Finishing with decorative stone

A popular solution is to decorate the interior of the apartment corridor with decorative stone. There are many options for artificial and natural stone:

  • sandstone;
  • slate;
  • other types.

Stone decoration becomes a central design element of the corridor, giving character to the interior. One wall or part of the wall can be trimmed with stone, for example, framing:


It is advisable to choose resistant, washable wallpaper. Ordinary paper can quickly become unusable, especially if pets live in the apartment, smearing the walls with dirty paws after walking on a rainy day. Available in a wide range of wallpapers with classic and modern design, in a variety of colors, imitating:

  • the cloth,
  • concrete,
  • a rock,
  • brick,
  • wood.

Decorative painting

Paints should be chosen resistant to washing, it is better to choose latex paints. Choosing the right color is secondary, functionality is most important.

An interesting finishing option is magnetic marker paint, on which you can draw with chalk, attach notes and photographs with magnets. You can save messages written in chalk, drawings for other family members, easily washing them off if necessary.


An interesting option is wall paneling:

  • wood paneling will decorate the styles of Provence, Shabby Chic, English interior;
  • decorative plastic panels;
  • brick panels;
  • panels for concrete;
  • panels with 3D effect, made of gypsum, plastic.

Walls should not cause boredom, it is desirable that they cause a smile. You can use various decors that attract attention and dominate the interior:

  • wallpaper,
  • wall stickers with an interesting pattern.

As a result, no other decorations will be needed in the corridor, the walls themselves act as decorations!


When arranging the corridor, special attention should be paid to the choice of floor material. With the help of flooring, you can add charm to an ordinary room, or vice versa, spoil the impression of walls beautifully finished with expensive materials, designer furniture.

The corridor can be an enclosed space or an open space that we meet after entering the apartment. Often it borders on the hallway, from where rainwater and dirt can spread across the floor. Therefore, you should not lay light-colored carpets, carpets. The floor covering must be resistant to:

  • frequent wet cleaning;
  • exposure to dirt
  • resist scratches and stains from water spray and dirt brought in from the street.

In winter, sand accumulates in the hallway - the enemy of varnished wooden floors, laminate. Therefore, the best practical choice is:

  • ceramic tile;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • a natural stone.

lovers of warm cozy solutions love the laminate. In the case when it is decided to mount parquet or laminate, you should choose the class with the highest abrasion resistance.

Modern tiles, panels imitate natural finishing materials - wood, stone. Looks beautiful on the floor ceramic tile under the tree, very plausibly imitating the texture of natural wood.

A popular solution is a combination of two coatings:

  • in the hallway area - tiles or natural stone;
  • in the rest of the corridor, where dirt does not get - laminate, wooden floors.

When choosing a floor covering, it is necessary to take into account the features of the operation of the room, how susceptible it is to pollution. It is advisable to choose between high quality materials that are resistant to dirt, water.


Rarely in apartments you can find a corridor illuminated by natural sunlight. The lack of natural light should not make the corridor a gloomy place where there is a lack of light. Artificial light comes to the rescue. Its role is important in any interior: decorated in a traditional style or modern. Ceiling lighting and side lighting will come in handy.

Ceiling lights dominate the corridors. Additional light will help provide:

  • lamps built into furniture;
  • wall sconces in different styles– modern or classic;
  • lamps, sconces, illuminating a mirror, art gallery, photo exposition, other wall decor.

Lighting style should match the planned environment. Proper lighting provided:

  • the required number of appropriate light sources,
  • light color,
  • degree of illumination intensity.

In the corridor, it is preferable to use warm yellow light, creating a cozy, charming interior. Correctly chosen lighting favorably emphasizes some elements of the space, giving the interior a unique, atmospheric climate, a special character.


The main problem of corridors is their small width, improper selection of furniture. Limited space narrow corridors do not provide many opportunities for arrangement, furnishing. It is important to carefully, thoughtfully choose the furniture necessary for storing things, shoes, exposition of memorabilia, family photos.

Even a small, uncomfortable, dark corridor can be arranged attractively. Main furniture:

  • closet;
  • hanger;
  • seat;
  • shoe cabinet;
  • mirror.

In small interiors do not choose too large furniture. It is better to choose small pieces of furniture that have a dual function, for example:

  • shoe rack with seat;
  • shoe cabinet can serve as a console;
  • a shoe rack with a mirror will create a small practical corner.

Items of equipment should be easy to use. The popularity of built-in wardrobes is growing, making it possible to rationally organize the interior. Built-in furniture takes up less space, allowing efficient use of existing space. A good solution - built-in wardrobes with light glossy, mirrored facades that reflect the environment, as a result, the room visually seems larger. If there is enough space, it is worth buying a shoe cabinet, additional shelves.

Equipping the interior, you need to adhere to the principle: the corridor should not turn into a warehouse. Furniture should not restrict the movement of people, interfere with the passage to the door.

Finishing a narrow corridor - design tricks

The appearance, functionality of the corridor must be properly designed and planned in advance to avoid possible errors when organizing space. Apartments in block houses are rarely spacious, there is not always room for spacious wardrobes, armchairs, unique decorations. Narrow, darkened spaces must be skillfully arranged, making them a showcase for an apartment. Below are ideas of how the corridor decoration in a small apartment might look like, how you can visually expand the space.

A narrow, gloomy corridor is a disadvantage of most apartments. Knowing the basic rules of interior design, some clever tricks, decorating the corridor will become more of a pleasure than an unpleasant, problematic duty. Regardless of the style, you need not overload, do not clutter up the interior, leaving enough space for free movement.

  1. Storage spaces. The basis of a practical interior is spacious wardrobes, representing great way for decorating empty walls, using the appropriate space to store various items, coats, shoes. It can be a huge closet to the ceiling, in which you can store countless items. Tall cabinets can create an overwhelming effect, so you should try to arrange them in one light color so that they form an extension of the wall. The interior will be neat and bright.
  2. Mirrors. The use of high floor-to-ceiling mirrors creates depth in space, while the interior appears visually larger. Therefore, if you are "fighting" with a narrow hallway, do not forget about cabinets with a large mirror.
  3. Multifunctional furniture. In a narrow corridor, it is important to take into account all the functionality of the furniture, to use the space wisely. Usually there is no place for large bulky furniture that overflows the interior, taking up valuable space. Modern design appreciates intelligent, multifunctional furniture that complements interior design in an interesting way:
  4. Horizontal or vertical stripes - a great way to expand, increase narrow room. Stripes can appear on walls in the form of wallpaper painted stripes. Stripes allow you to optically make the space taller, longer. The effect will be enhanced by a mirror that adds depth and three-dimensionality to the interior. Stripes are placed on the walls, floor.
  5. Light colors. When designing a narrow corridor, special attention should be paid to the color of the walls and furniture. The light colors of the furniture fronts reflect the light, illuminating the interior. This is an additional way visual magnification small interiors that do not have volume.

Everyone wants the apartment to create a pleasant impression from the entrance. A visitor who steps on the threshold should see a pleasant image: a mirror or a picture. Often the corridors end with a door to the toilet. You should divert attention from it by gluing original photo wallpapers, a sheet of glass on the door. You can use interesting stickers, paints of bright colors that match the interior.


Often the corridor is small in size, narrow, there is not enough window. If you add things, boxes, other items for which there is no place in another room of the apartment, you get the impression of chaos, disorder. It does not create a positive mood. Therefore, it is worth taking care of making the space cozy and functional at the same time. Modern interiors characterized by avant-garde style, advanced technology, modernity is manifested in the wise planning of space, adapting to the needs of the family.

The corridor is an important room in any apartment. This is where you and your guests enter as soon as you cross the threshold of the apartment. Therefore, when decorating it, every effort should be made to make it respectable and beautiful.

In this article we will tell you about the existing wall decorations of the corridor in the photo. We will also briefly mention the choice of floor material. In any case, this article will be useful to those who have not yet decided on the choice of facing material and are on its threshold.

What to pay attention to

So, before proceeding with the choice of one or another building and finishing material, it is extremely important to identify the specifics of a particular room. So, the corridor in the apartment is the most passable place. It is here that the greatest movement is observed in the morning and evening, sometimes at lunchtime. Moreover, the corridor in the apartment is faced with dust, dirt, water and other contaminants. Moreover, during the cold period, we all dress in outerwear and the walls of the corridor are subjected to excessive friction. considering all this, it is worth taking seriously the choice of finishing the corridor of the apartment photo.

So, if everything is designated, then the selected material for the corridor must meet at least the following requirements:

  • High wear resistance.
  • Practicality, there should be a fine line with attractiveness.
  • The ability to easily wash the surface from any contamination.
  • Eco-friendliness whenever possible.
  • Repairable.

It is equally important to think in advance about the design style of the corridor in the apartment. To do this, you will need to look at ready-made designs, photos, and more on the net to see what you would like. Although, if repairs have already been made in the entire apartment, then the style should be tied. This is the easiest way.

Among other things, it is worth paying attention to the shape of the corridor in the apartment. It can also influence the choice of a specific building material. So, we offer you some original solutions:

  • The corridor in the apartment has a tunnel shape. In this case, you can use broken shapes, square endings, and so on. Everything that visually reduces this distance, and not vice versa, lengthens it.
  • Keep in mind that there are mostly no windows with natural light in this room, so additional artificial light sources will be installed. They can beat certain elements.
  • There is usually little space in the hallway of an apartment, so there is not much room for installing luxurious furniture.

So, as you can see, when choosing a facing material for walls and floors in the corridor, it is necessary to take into account a large number of nuances. We now invite you to consider possible options finishes. Perhaps some ideas will inspire you and you will get original idea for its implementation by one or another material.

wall decoration

The construction market offers a huge range of facing materials for wall decoration in the corridor. Each of them is unique in its own way and requires an individual approach to its application. Here is a list of existing building materials:

  • Decorative plaster.
  • Brick.
  • A natural stone.
  • Fake diamond.
  • Panels.
  • Clapboard.
  • PVC panels.
  • Wallpaper.
  • Painting.
  • Tiles and more.

Of course, of all the above, the most fashionable and original solution is decorative plaster for the corridor. But its cost may scare you away. Moreover, not every home craftsman is able to independently apply it to the walls of the corridor. As a result, one cannot do without the help of a qualified specialist, and this is an additional expense.

That is why many are looking for alternative solutions as opposed to this modern trend. Especially if you have limited financial resources. We offer you for comparison a number of construction facing materials for the corridor.

Decorative rock

This is one of the most popular solutions and can rightly be attributed to the budget finish. Some home craftsmen make decorative stone with their own hands, which further reduces the cost of the entire repair. The main advantage of this material for the walls of the corridor in the apartment is that this finish perfectly imitates a large number of building materials, such as slate, sandstone, and the like. Plus, it is very easy to lay, the main thing is to properly prepare the base. After gluing, the artificial stone is painted in the desired color and treated with varnish and wax. As a result, its surface is protected from all kinds of contaminants.

flexible stone

Another original solution that has recently appeared on the domestic market. This stone is in the natural category. As a result, it is high strength, resistance to moisture and other contaminants. An excellent choice for finishing the corridor in the apartment. It can be safely combined with other materials in the corridor, for example, painting, wallpaper, decorative plaster and so on.


Here it is worth highlighting their huge variety. If you turn to the market, then you will see a huge number of them. This finishing material is an ideal solution for budgetary and not only repairs in the corridor. They can be easily glued on their own without the involvement of specialists. For our part, we need to understand which existing species wallpapers are the best for your apartment.

  1. Vinyl. This is the most popular wallpaper option in the domestic market. They have a PVC coating, which allows you to wash with a damp cloth and remove dirt from the walls in the apartment. They are characterized by a long service life. It is easy to work with them with your own hands. As for the cost, the price is quite affordable for this finish.
  2. Cork. This is a great alternative to vinyl, as cork wallpaper is natural and environmentally friendly. Many are stopped by the choice in their favor by the fact that this material has a uniform color. If your corridor in the apartment has small dimensions, then it is better to refuse such material.
  3. Liquid. If we talk about practicality, then liquid wallpaper is the leader in this component for an apartment. But to buy high-quality liquid raw materials, you will need to shell out a lot of money. However, the end result will please you. They can create all sorts of pictures right on the wall in the apartment.
  4. Quartz. This is a material that has a natural basis. So, paper or interlining is the basis. The surface is covered with quartz sand. High cost, here is the main disadvantage of finishing.
  5. Glass fiber. This is natural material on which paint or any image is applied. For the price they are available to a wide range.
  6. Wallpaper. This is a classic of the genre. And although photo wallpapers were a great success in the days of our ancestors, today the situation has not changed at all. Furthermore, modern technologies allowed us to improve this finish, for example, you can order the printing of any image directly on the wallpaper.

decorative paint

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, decorative painting in an apartment is one of the most expensive. And this is not surprising, especially if you look at the decorative plaster in the photo in the corridor. The results of its application are simply impressive. Moreover, this coating has excellent technical characteristics. So, the surface can be washed, it is durable, practical and beautiful. Today there is a huge variety of types of decorative plaster that can be used for the corridor in the apartment.


There is a great variety here. The panels can be based on a variety of Construction Materials. For example, the decoration of the corridor in the apartment looks original with an imitation of timber. Of course, there is no comrade for the taste and color, but there is something in it. So, panels can be made of wood, plastic, brick, concrete, have a 3D effect, and so on.

Important! Panels allow you to quickly and reliably hide absolutely any flaws in the premises in the apartment. For their installation, most importantly, Smooth surface.


This is another stylish and original solution that attracts with its uniqueness for apartments. For this, bricks are used, cut in half lengthwise. Such a finish will look bulky and massive. Therefore, an excellent solution would be for spacious corridors in the apartment. Moreover, problems may arise if you want to hang certain items on the walls of the apartment.

A rock

Natural stone is one of the luxurious solutions for wall decoration. However, if the budget is limited, you can give preference artificial stone. But in any case, nothing will convey the structure of a natural stone like it itself. Even if you have a beautiful imitation in front of you. This is especially true for tactile sensations.


In this case, it is necessary to use strong and quality paints capable of handling the load. Today there are many types of paints that can even be washed. detergents. However, remember that for painting you need a perfectly smooth and even surface of the wall in the apartment. Otherwise, all the bumps will be very visible. This is a very time-consuming job and requires special skills in construction.

Combination of materials

If you liked several original finishing solutions at once, then you should consider combining them together. This will allow you to achieve a special result. For example, partially the walls can be painted or covered with wallpaper. Partially, decorative / artificial stone can be glued to the walls. Walls in the corridor finishing options can be very different. Always start from your own taste, because you can’t please everyone.

Floor finish

Concerning floor covering Well, there isn't much of a choice here. However, the choice of facing material for the corridor floor in the apartment should also be approached responsibly. Again, it is worth considering the specifics of this room in the apartment. Here the floors are subjected to serious loads. Wet and dirty shoes, active movement, etc. Therefore, the material for the floor must be heavy-duty, beautiful and reliable.

The best option is ceramic tiles. It perfectly copes with all mechanical loads. Also, this finish is not afraid of moisture, cold and so on. Any contamination is very easy to remove from the surface of this finish. However, when choosing ceramic tiles on the floor of the corridor in the apartment, one should take into account its property - thermal conductivity. Without underfloor heating, tiles will always be cold. Therefore, it is first recommended to lay a water or electric floor system in the apartment on the floor.

Important! The presence of a warm floor in the corridor will always keep shoes clean and dry. It will be warm, especially in wet and frosty weather.

In addition to ceramic tiles, there is also a laminate option. But for the corridor in the apartment it is extremely important to choose an expensive laminate, one that is designed for serious loads. It is also worth paying attention to the lock system, it should have special protection against moisture penetration. In a word, the laminate flooring in the hallway is not the most The best decision. Although in their technical specifications, the laminate perfectly copes with the resulting dirt, debris and moisture. It is easy to take care of him. But, if snow-covered boots stand on it all night and the snow melts, then there is a big risk of damage to the coating. Therefore, think and decide for yourself whether it is worth the risk.


So, here we have considered all the features of the choice of facing materials for finishing the corridor in the apartment. As you can see, it is really necessary to take into account a large number of nuances. The easiest way to not miss anything is to analyze the specifics of this room in the apartment. So, you will be able to determine for sure how well this or that finish is suitable for covering it on the walls or floor in the corridor.

We hope that this material was useful to you. We are confident that you will be able to weigh the pros and cons and make the right decision. In order not to be mistaken, we suggest that you watch the prepared video material at the end of this article. This will help you consolidate all the theory provided.