What color is better to paint the bedroom design. How to paint the walls in the bedroom: the selection process, a variety of colors, the work process in stages

  • 20.05.2019

A bedroom is a room whose main purpose is rest and sleep. Therefore, it is very important to create in it an environment conducive to general peace and recuperation after labor day. It plays an important role in this process. Therefore, it is very important to determine exactly before starting repairs with the order in. At the same time, you can listen to both your inner feelings and the opinion of fashion designers and stylists who know exactly how to make any room cozy.

Bedroom color scheme

Both designers and psychologists are unanimous that for this room it is best to prefer light and warm colors, such as terracotta. They have a calming effect on the human psyche.

Bedroom in blue

However, for walls, bright colors such as red, green, blue are allowed. The choice of the right one should be made taking into account its effect on the human psyche:

  • Blue - relieves nervous excitability;
  • Green - eliminates fatigue associated with mental activity;
  • Red - causes excitement and anxiety;
  • Yellow - gives a joyful, warm feeling;
  • Purple is an uncomfortable color;
  • Orange - despite the warmth, it can create a feeling of "crushing walls."

Thus, some of the above colors are not the most in the best way suitable for, but only if they are used in their pure form. Shades and combinations of these colors with others will be very useful.

But even those colors that are shown for use in the bedroom can negatively affect the emotional state of the tenant if their shade is chosen incorrectly. For example, green can be tiring if its hue is too bright or cold.

Stylists believe that pastel colors are ideal for the bedroom from those colors that the owner of the bedroom loves the most. You can diversify and adjust them with the help of accents placed through the use of accessories and decorative elements.

Professionals advise using no more than two primary colors in painting walls. If only one color is used, then you can diversify the interior with bright accents in furniture and decor.

You can choose one specific color and use all the variety of its shades. Combining different patterns should be avoided. If the pattern is important for you, then it is better to stop at any one. Colors such as black and white are good for accents, but never as primary colors for bedroom interiors.

How to use the color of the walls to enlarge a small bedroom

And what color to paint the walls in the bedroom if the room is too small? For such a room, clean, neutral, light, transparent tones with a warm undertone are most suitable. To make the room seem wider, you can use wallpaper with a horizontal pattern.

Warm tones will help transform a room with north-facing windows. Ideally, if the walls are painted in sand, milky beige, linen or tea rose colors. Some of the shades of yellow will do as well. If the windows of the room, on the contrary, face south, then you can use the whole range of cold shades, such as lilac, blue, white or mint.

The pattern of the wallpaper, if present, also matters. So, a small drawing will visually expand the space, and a large one, on the contrary, will reduce an already small room.

In any case, in a narrow and small bedroom, you should not use reliefs and dark friezes on the walls. Dark shades are known to visually narrow and reduce. You can get out of the situation by sticking a photo wallpaper on one of the walls in the form of a park alley, gradually receding into the distance. Such a tricky move will certainly lengthen the room. Alternatively, it is fashionable to paint one of the walls in a color different from the color of the other three walls.

Color solution for children's room

Children's color scheme

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of the shade of the walls in the children's bedroom. The psychological comfort of the child and how strong his sleep will depend on this. In addition, the color of the walls should encourage the child to be creative and gain knowledge.

The best wall color for the bedroom where he lives Small child who is not yet in school is a bright orange or red. Children will be impressed by these flowers. And schoolchildren, on the contrary, prefer calmer ones - green and blue.

But when choosing bright shades, one should not forget that it can be difficult for a child to constantly be in a room oversaturated with such colors, he will get tired and annoyed over trifles. So don't forget to dilute them. For example, perform a sleep zone in soothing colors - gray, blue or green. If, on the contrary, the main palette includes only calm tones, then it is worth making a few bright spots. For example, in the form of bright pillows on the bed, a bedspread, a closet, paintings or something else.

High school students and students will feel good in a bedroom of restrained tones, blue-green, gray and white, that is, those that do not burden the psyche and best contribute to the assimilation of knowledge and relaxation. We should also not forget that the color of the walls in the children's bedroom should be chosen taking into account the wishes of the child himself.

Gray bedroom for the calmest

Gray color in the interior of the bedroom

In recent years, such a style as minimalism with its cold white and gray shades has been at the peak of popularity. These colors paint not only the walls, but also the floor, and even the ceiling. Of course, such shades give the room a clean and fresh look, as if the room had just been tidied up.

However, designers are not very supportive of using bedroom interior white and gray tones. Because they make the room "cold", less comfortable, and, as it were, uninhabited. If you still want to decorate the bedroom in these colors, then you need to take into account the correct color combinations.

Gray is one of the most favorite colors among aristocrats, which are known to have excellent taste. Almost all shades of gray can serve as an excellent background for decorative details with bright colors. At the same time, they can be used without any fear, avoiding "noisyness" in the interior.

Gray tones are organically combined with all colors, errors are practically excluded, and the result will certainly please. Psychologists believe that the gray color of the walls in the bedroom will calm and balance the tenant, who tends to be often nervous. In addition, gray tones are perfect for the interior of the room where an excitable child lives.

Choice of yellow color for the bedroom

If you live in a warm climate where it is summer most of the year, or the room is located on the sunny side, then the use of gray tones on the walls can provide coolness.

Yellow color for the bedroom

If you are an active and cheerful person, then a bedroom in yellow tones is quite suitable for you. Despite the fact that the yellow color is quite bright, it will be appropriate in the bedroom. Nothing will cheer you up in the morning like juicy and bright colors around. Yellow color is subject not only to cheer up a person, but also to improve his well-being. Light yellow, pale shades will help you relax and find a sound healthy sleep.

The bright yellow color of the walls in the bedroom can be a little annoying if you do not add some softening details to such an interior. Yellow successfully combined with the aforementioned gray color, then they can perfectly neutralize each other's influence. Yellow with a white or blue tint will look good.

An excellent option would be to use wallpaper with a large pattern or photo wallpaper with a picture of a sunflower. Another big one would look good too yellow flower on the wall in the bedroom. When decorating a bedroom in yellow tones, it should be borne in mind that pieces of furniture must certainly contrast with the color of the walls.

What feng shui says about bedroom interiors

If you want your bedroom to be decorated in accordance with the rules of this oriental art, then you should take into account the following nuances:

  1. Suitable wall color in - it's all pastel colors. More precisely, all shades from light yellow to warm brown.
  2. Bedding, decorative details and paintings can be dark or bright colors.
  3. The paintings decorating the walls should be romantic in nature.
  4. The bedspread should be a bright shade. It can have cupids, hearts, or other love symbols on it.
  5. In order for the positive qi energy not to leave the bedroom, curtains and blinds should be dark colors.

What color of the walls in the bedroom to prefer is a personal matter for each person, but it is worth listening to the opinion of professionals.

A bedroom is a place where a person rests not only with his body, but also with his soul. Therefore, painting the walls in the bedroom requires creativity. The entire interior of the bedroom should be aimed at creating peace, harmony and peace of mind and at the same time not be too "fresh" and boring.

Scheme of plastering and painting the wall.

Before moving on to the design of the bedroom, you should find out the general points in the technology of painting the walls.

Scheme color wheel to work with color in the interior.


  • masking tape;
  • rollers;
  • brushes and fleichik (small brush);
  • paint tray;
  • for marking patterns: level, ruler, pencil.

For residential premises, water-dispersion paint is usually used on an acrylate, latex or polyvinyl acetate basis. Acrylic paints are not afraid of moisture, temperature changes and mechanical stress. That is, they are well washed and wear-resistant. Polyvinyl acetate is less demanding on the wall and fits perfectly even on imperfect surfaces. These paints do not smell, so they are well suited for bedrooms.

You can buy the paint ready-made, the desired shade, or dilute it yourself by adding a little color to the white.

All the paint should be diluted at once, since it is almost impossible to repeat the resulting shade.

Before you start painting, make sure that the walls are well puttied and sanded and free from defects. The paint will show all the existing errors. Walls must be primed.

Apply painter's tape around the perimeter of the ceiling and floor, on door frames and window sills.

To begin with, paint with a brush those places that are problematic to get close to with a roller. These are joints with the floor and ceiling, corners, borders near windows and doors.

Starting to paint the walls with a roller should be from top to bottom and from the window in the direction of the fall of light. Guide the roller diagonally, making w-shaped movements or crosswise. If the roller is driven strictly vertically or horizontally, streaks may form and unpainted areas may remain.

The first layer of paint is made more liquid. The next one is thicker. The second layer should be applied only after the first has completely dried. See the packaging for the exact time. Do not panic if the color is uneven or spots are visible in places. After drying, the color will even out.

Combined painting with "panel" elements

Scheme of warm and cold colors.

At first glance, painted walls seem dull and unattractive. Therefore, some give preference to wallpaper and thereby drive themselves into frames, limiting the choice of color, print and combinations. While painting the walls provides endless possibilities for true creativity.

How to paint the walls to make it look stylish and modern? You don't have to paint them the same color. There are endless color options. The most common technique is a combination of two colors.

This option has been familiar to us since ancient times. Here, part of the wall, starting from the floor, is painted in one color, the rest up to the ceiling is covered with another. It can be both related colors of different shades, and completely different (for example, a peach with an olive). The joint of two colors is usually decorated with a molding.

The classic of the genre here is the border just below the middle of the wall. However, “understated” panels or a narrow strip near the ceiling look more creative.

Staining techniques may vary. The simplest method is used when staining with related colors. First, the entire wall is painted in a lighter tone. After drying, a border is drawn on it, masking tape is pasted over the edge of the upper part and the lower part is painted over with a darker tone.

If different colors are used, then you will have to paint both parts separately, starting from the top. First, straight lines are drawn on the wall with a ruler and a level around the entire perimeter of the bedroom. The level must be used so that the color border on all walls visually appears to be of the same height and does not depend on the slopes of the floor and walls.

After the borders are marked, glue the edge of the bottom with construction tape to protect it from unwanted staining. Paint the top of the wall and let it dry. Then tape the border on the other side and start painting the bottom.

Another way to imitate panels is with colored inserts all over the wall. It is performed in the same way as the previous one. First, the entire wall is painted in a lighter tone, then the boundaries of the inserts are marked, pasted over with masking tape. After that, the middle of the inserts is painted in more dark color.

A very simple and at the same time interesting way to add a “zest” to the interior is to divide a plain wall with a strip of a darker or different color. Usually this technique is used in hallways or living rooms, but it is also appropriate in the bedroom.

The staining technology is similar to that described above. The only difference is that after the first color has dried, not one border is marked, but two, between which a darker stripe will be located. Adhesive tape is also pasted over on both sides along the outer edge, the strip between it is painted over with a dark color. For greater effect, the borders of the strip can be marked with a panel.

Walls of different colors

fashion trend recent years began painting the walls of the bedroom in different colors. There are also implementation options. For example, you can make an accent wall by painting three walls in neutral colors (white, beige), and make the fourth as bright as possible, such as burgundy. However, quieter options are also possible.

You can paint the walls in the bedroom with a gradient, when one wall is painted in a lighter shade and the other in a darker shade of the same color. You can make three walls of one shade, one - another. You can paint the two adjoining walls in a lighter tone, the two remaining walls in a darker one. You can paint the walls in four different shades, as if flowing into each other.

The walls in the bedroom can be made in horizontal and vertical stripes or rhombuses. To do this, after applying the first color, markings are made. Here you will have to tinker with the order, since the outer borders of the strips need to be pasted over with adhesive tape. But it's worth it.

When drawing rhombuses, the walls are drawn with inclined stripes, first in one direction, then in the other. Adhesive tape is glued along the outer edge of those diamonds that require coloring.

More complex figures draw with the help of patterns and without the use of adhesive tape. When painting in the center, a roller is used, at the edges they use a thin brush, clearly drawing the borders.

A bedroom is a place where a person rests his soul and relaxes his body. Therefore, most people approach the question of what color it is preferable to paint the walls in the bedroom with particular care. You need to pay attention not so much to fashion trends as to personal preferences and the age of the owner of the bedroom.

So that painting the walls does not disappoint you, follow a few simple rules:

  1. Test your favorite color. In a large and brightly lit sales area, all the paint, whatever its structure, looks completely different than in a small bedroom. Buy a small amount of the paint you like first and try it on the walls of your house.
  2. Consider the range. In addition to beautifully painted walls, the bedroom will have a lot of interior items: furniture, curtains, bedspreads, decorative pillows, paintings, lamps, and more. When choosing a color scheme for a room, pay attention to how all these things will be combined with the chosen color.

  1. Find a balance. Bright colors on the walls look beautiful, but can be irritating. If you decide to paint a room in hot pink, for example, then furniture and decorative fabrics should be in soothing shades. And vice versa - in a purely white room, it would be desirable to place bright accents: a picture with scarlet poppies, a bright blue sofa, lemon yellow bedspreads.
  2. Expand your boundaries. If the bedroom is too small, use light, pastel colors to paint the walls. The room will visually become larger.
  3. Use invoice. Prefer light colors, but do not want monotony? Play with different textures: liquid wallpaper, decorative plaster, wallpaper for painting.
  4. Connect rooms. Whatever color you paint the bedroom, it should be in harmony with the rest of the house. To achieve the desired effect, you can paint the floor throughout the house with the same paint or make the same edging of the ceiling.
  5. Pay attention to the ceiling. Choose exactly the same color that was used to paint the walls - only the shade should be a few positions lighter.

Repair in the nursery

To understand what color you need to choose for a child's bedroom, be guided by his age. The room of toddlers and preschoolers can be painted in bright colors. But for the student's bedroom it is better to use bright blue and green tones.

Bright colors will stimulate the child to develop and play outdoor games. However, the abundance of saturated colors on the walls can be too tiring and imbalance. Therefore, it is better to paint the room by zones:

  • sleeping place - calm beige, gray, pale blue, light green shades;
  • play corner - feel free to use bright colors or make a bright application on the walls of pastel color. For example, a fiery red fox and a bright yellow bun will fit perfectly.

If you decide what color the room should meet high school students, then opt for the calm shades of the walls: gray, white, light beige, gray-green.

Repair in the room for the spouses

In the bedroom for spouses, it is best to use light, soothing shades. The head of the family gets tired at work all day, and the mother, most likely, will not sit down for a minute in housework. The colors in the matrimonial bedroom should not tire or irritate. Use lighter shades of yellow, green or blue.

Furniture for the matrimonial bedroom is best to choose neutral natural shades. If you suddenly want to change the design of the room, it is easier to paint the walls and buy bright bedspreads than to replace the bedroom set.

bachelor lair

A single man is a tidbit for ladies. For a sophisticated heartthrob, black is ideal. A room in dark colors not only looks stylish, but also emphasizes the temperament of its owner.

To create balance and eliminate excessive gloom, combine black with light gray shades. Furniture in light beige shades can also balance the room and eliminate the feeling of heaviness. Do not forget about the snow-white color - they perfectly complement the black.

Red symbolizes passion and the desire to enjoy life. This shade is ideal for both temperamental single ladies and energetic men. To create a bright color: bright red and snow-white. No less good, but more extravagant shades of red look in combination with yellow and blue.

Elderly room

If you want to create comfortable conditions for your grandmother or elderly parents, then pay attention to the interior in their bedroom. Elderly people spend most of their time in this room. Therefore, when determining what color to paint the walls, do not forget one thing. important rule- no contrasts! Use only natural shades.

Of course, many annoying factors are just inventions of our subconscious. However, experimenting is still not worth it.

Many older people have one unpleasant ailment - high blood pressure. Therefore, all shades of red should be strictly prohibited.

When choosing what color to paint the walls of the bedroom, pay less attention to fashion trends. Of course, to create stylish interior you can invite a talented designer. But even in this case, consider your emotions. The room should make you feel calm and peaceful.

Wall decoration is an obligatory stage in the design of the room. Today we will consider in detail the option of decorating the wall - painting. This is a popular and sought-after way to update and diversify the interior.

Painting the walls in the interior gives scope for creativity and imagination. A variety of colors on the shelves of stores allows you to implement design ideas and bring your dream interior to life. Right choice material is important, as the final result will depend on it. To start the painting process, materials offered in stores are studied and suitable ones are selected.

Characteristics of paints that are important to know:

  • To paint indoors, you need only interior paints, on the packages of which there is a mark “for interior work”.
  • The way paint interacts with water affects its application in different rooms: rooms with high humidity(bathroom, kitchen) need moisture resistant paint. For other rooms, where there is no dampness and moisture, non-moisture resistant paints can be used.
  • All coloring materials are also divided into two groups: breathable and not. Vapor-proof (non-breathing) paints should be chosen only for rooms where you plan to spend little time. The walls in the bedroom, for example, are painted only with vapor-permeable paint. This is the key to healthy circulation and air renewal.
  • Wear resistance. This is an important indicator of the paint, which shows the degree of its resistance to abrasion. For example, if frequent wet cleaning of walls is planned, then the paint must be wear-resistant.
  • Hiding power, that is, the ability of the paint to cover the surface. This directly affects its consumption. The hiding power on the can indicates how much of this paint is needed to cover 1 square meter of the surface.


All these parameters must be considered when choosing in order to obtain the desired result. However, that's not all. The paints themselves are divided into types, all the advantages and disadvantages of which we will now analyze.

Acrylic water-based paint

This dye is one of the most popular and sought after. It is based on polyacrylate resins.

Advantages: excellent hiding power, easy to apply, unlimited possibility of tinting. The invariable advantage of the paint will be the low cost. Does not fade, moisture resistant, wear-resistant. Doesn't have bad smell, non-toxic. Also, the advantages of paint include the fact that it is easy to use and suitable even for those who did not take a brush in their hands.

Disadvantages: high consumption. When using this type of paint, it is often necessary to apply more than one or even two coats of paint to achieve the desired result. Minus paint and what is affected by sunlight. Also, this paint does not resist the effects of fungus and mold.

silicone paint

These paints got their name because of the silicone resins they contain. These coatings belong to a new generation of paints that have the advantages of water-dispersed and silicate coloring materials, and the disadvantages have been eliminated. Most often used in facade work.

The advantages of silicone paint are that it is vapor permeable and waterproof. It is resistant to sunlight, does not fade, is not afraid of high temperatures. Resistant to alkaline attack and pollution. The scope of silicone paint is almost unlimited due to its excellent operational properties, durability and variety of options in decorative design.

The disadvantages of silicone dyes include high cost. When applied over a large area, this paint is quite expensive. But here it is also taken into account that the durability of this paint, its strength and resistance to damage, will very quickly pay off all investments.

latex paint

This water-based dye contains latex. The paint is known for its high wear resistance.

The advantages of latex paint are moisture resistance and durability. The surface can be subjected wet cleaning without compromising coverage. This paint is universal: it is applicable to concrete, wood and paper. Latex paint coating looks spectacular and can decorate the interior. The paint is non-toxic, vapor-permeable, endowed with excellent thermal insulation properties, very economical in consumption and dries quickly.

Of the shortcomings, it is indicated that the walls for painting need perfectly even. Latex paint absolutely repeats the entire surface of the wall. Also, the paint is not resistant to temperatures below zero. In the room where staining with such paint will be carried out, there should not be strong temperature changes, otherwise it makes no sense to use it. The high cost can also be a deterrent, but as with silicone paint, it's a good investment in the longevity and durability of the finish.

Vinyl paint

Created on the basis of vinyl compounds and practically ousted from the market acrylic paints.
The advantages of vinyl paint are low cost. This coating does not turn yellow, its decorating ability is sufficient high level. Resistant to solvents and chemicals. Eco-friendly: allowed for painting walls and ceilings in children's rooms.

There are a lot of disadvantages: strong shrinkage during drying, which often requires a second layer of staining. The paint has proven itself to be not very durable. The disadvantages include low vapor permeability.

Dye, which is made on the basis of PVA. Suitable for interior decoration. A budget option. A definite plus in the affordable price.

The downside is that for painting indoors, there must be favorable conditions, without temperature fluctuations and with perfectly aligned surfaces. The paint is not wear-resistant, so do not expect miracles from it.

Acrylic latex paint

Contains the qualities of latex dyes. Wear resistance, long-term operation without loss in protective properties and decorative qualities.

Structural paint

The viscosity of this material allows the paint to keep the relief specified during application.
There are many advantages of the coating: from non-toxicity and lack of smell to the ability to make a unique relief pattern with different degrees of roughness on a given surface. The paint is waterproof, washes well, and is able to mask surface imperfections. Very durable.

Of the shortcomings, it is worth mentioning only a fairly high cost.

The quality of the paint and the operating conditions - that's what you should worry about when choosing a dye. Do not overpay for a brand name or for minor improvements, with which manufacturers often inflate the price. You can always find a quality product within your budget. Please contact a sales consultant.

Wall preparation

Preparing the walls is perhaps one of the most important steps. To begin with, it is worth removing all previous coatings. All roughness, cracks and irregularities are carefully rubbed. Smooth surface- this is a guarantee of an excellent result after painting. After leveling, the surface must be cleaned of dust. A brush, a soft cloth and a vacuum cleaner - any of these items will do the job.

The next step is primer. This is necessary in order to fill in small surface defects and enhance the adhesion of the wall and paint. Very popular acrylic primer. It is great for any surface. For priming walls and interior partition you can use several equipment options: roller, spray or wide brush. After the primer is applied, it must be left to dry completely. It will take about 5-6 hours.

After the soil has dried, puttying is performed. To apply the first layer, it is worth using a starting putty. It exists both in the finished version and in the form of a dry mix. The first layer is applied on top of the masking mesh, which consists of fiberglass. After the plaster has dried, it is rubbed with special device. Then you need to apply a layer finishing putty, which also rubs off after drying.

Acrylic primer not only enhances adhesion, but also has antibacterial properties that prevent fungus and mold from multiplying on the wall.

What range to choose

The choice of color has a strong influence on the interior as a whole. Two different shades of the same color can both spoil and decorate the room. When choosing colors you need to take into account the lighting, the desired color of furniture and textiles, the mood that you want to create in the room.

V home interior neutral colors always look win-win: yellow, coffee, apricot. It is quite easy to choose an interior for them, and these colors have a beneficial and calming effect on the psyche. The bright colors of the walls will require more attention and effort in order to find the right environment for them. Designers advise not to use more than five colors in one room.

Trendy colors in the interior

Fashion comes and goes, dictating its own rules, including in the interior. The most important thing is that the environment is ideal for you. Consider what colors are relevant today:

  • White color immediately evokes the idea of ​​purity. White is a lifesaver if you want to enlarge and expand the space. Recommended for small and dark spaces.
  • Black, on the contrary, reduces space. With poor lighting, this color can turn a room into a very dark and gloomy one. Designers advise diluting black with glossy or mirror surfaces.
  • Grey. This color is often associated with the backdrop for very expensive items in an interior setting. It should not be made the main color of the room, because it is rather boring in itself. Light gray color with the addition of various color spots in the setting will perfectly decorate the interior, give comfort and renewal to the room.
  • Red is known to stimulate appetite and increase blood pressure. It is used with caution in residential areas, especially in children's rooms. If you use it as the main color in the room, it will make an oppressive impression. It is used as an additional accent, especially in the interior of cold colors. This will make the room cozy.
  • Yellow influences intellectual development so it's perfect for a kid's bedroom. This color is also used in rooms that are located on the north side.
  • Orange color has the ability to harmonize the atmosphere in the room. This color is conducive to communication, so it is perfect, for example, for the living room. With orange, you need to act as carefully as with red. You should not make it the main color in the room, as it can quickly get bored.
  • Brown, especially its light tones, is considered a classic example of color in the interior. Perfect match with it beige shades, peach, and also coffee. Noble, creating comfort, color.
  • Blue color gives a feeling of peace and relaxation. This color reduces appetite, tunes in to a wave of relaxation. Ideal for the bedroom. A light shade of blue can expand the space.
  • Purple, especially its dark shades, can cause a feeling of fatigue. Its use in the interior should be approached with caution.
  • Green color considered good for both eyes and peace of mind. Green is available in both warm and cold tones. It is believed that this color helps to concentrate, so it is often used for offices. Designers often use pistachio and olive colors in their decisions: they are considered successful for the interior. It is not always easy to match furniture to green walls, so think ahead if you are going to use this color.

Combination of colors and methods of applying paint

Combining colors is not as easy as it seems. For bright spots in the interior, you should use a neutral and calm tone. Also, a combination of related colors is always considered successful. Combine different shades of the same color and get a harmonious interior.
Consider the main methods of applying paint when combining colors:

Horizontal Division

This is a visual division of the wall into two horizontal stripes: it becomes two-color. The most commonly used proportions are one to one or two to one. The top stripe is dyed dark tone, the bottom one becomes lighter. For a clear separation of the bands, the use of molding is acceptable.

Color inserts

A design with colored inserts can be suitable, for example, for a children's room. The basis is a neutral shade: beige, white. Against this background, a drawing is made: geometric shapes, which are then painted over with bright colors.


It’s worth mentioning right away that furniture in the interior can also be an accent. If you want to pay attention and focus on the bright solution of the walls, then it is better to choose one or two walls and paint in a rich shade. Leave the rest in neutral colors so as not to overdo it with accents.

gradient and ombre

The idea of ​​making a gradient on the walls is considered one of the most popular in interior design. This method of painting is obtained when different shades of the same color are applied to each surface of the wall or a separate part of it.

The method of painting ombre is that the shade on one wall of the room changes in the horizontal or vertical direction. To get the whole range of shades of the same color on the wall, you must first paint the surface in the lightest of the available shades. Then the wall is divided into quarters and the lowest quarter must be painted in the darkest shade.

The next step is to mix the darker shade with some of the lighter one and paint over the part of the surface above the dark piece. In this case, you need to step a little on a dark surface. In the very center, the most saturated and bright color is usually used, smoothly smoothing it to the light part, which is at the top.

Horizontal and vertical stripes

This design move can be performed in the most various options. If the house has low ceilings, then you can fix this with the help of narrow vertical stripes. This visually stretches the walls and increases the height. To expand the space, you can paint a horizontal wide strip on the wall. It is usually decorated with various interior items: lamps and paintings.


This method involves covering the surface of the wall with various images of figures. To greatly simplify the work, a stencil is used, which is made independently or bought ready-made version in a hardware store.

geometric shapes

To create the desired style in the apartment, it is required to apply geometric shapes to the walls. Rhombuses, peas, squares are a few examples for decorating. This method of painting the walls requires a considerable amount of patience, because applying a drawing by hand will take a lot of time and effort.

The textured method of painting is to obtain a surface with a unique structure as a result. This can be achieved with the most different ways. The stores now have all the materials that are needed to implement this idea. This method perfectly masks surface irregularities.

This finishing method is suitable even for beginners. The wall should be painted with thick paint, which will not dry immediately, but will give time to create a unique pattern on it. To do this, immediately after staining, take a crumpled piece of paper or a bag of polyethylene and blot the entire painted wall, each time stepping on the previous print.

To implement this idea, we need a regular sponge or brush with soft bristles. Ordinary water-based paint will do just fine. To apply the pattern, a sponge is taken, dipped in paint, and then slightly pressed against the surface of the wall. So the whole area is processed. This way of decor visually increases the area of ​​​​the room.

modern wall painting ideas

It is often mistakenly believed that wallpaper looks much more profitable than painted walls. This is not true! And examples of decorating houses with paint, which are in no way inferior to wallpapering, are examples of this. The future design is only limited by the imagination. Modern materials can help make your dream come true. Consider the recommendations of designers for decorating walls:

Living room

The living room in every home has a different function. This is the most representative place in the house, but it is used everywhere in different ways. In one house, this room is a hall and a meeting place for the whole family and guests, in another it is a quiet and secluded place for reading. It is important to determine the functional load of this room, because its color scheme depends on it!

If you like bright and saturated colors, but are afraid to use them, then there is a solution. Choose the same colors, but more muted shades. Brown, pink, orange, light green, blue, grey, black and purple blends well with white. This is a color that is used both in decoration and in furniture solutions. White neutralizes dark and saturated tones. The living room is the place where you can bring any idea to life!


The walls in the bedroom are most often painted with water-based paint. It is breathable and safe. With equal success, she can be trusted with the coloring of wood, brick and concrete wall. The bedroom is designed for rest and relaxation, so the colors should be chosen accordingly. Consider the most popular interior styles that are found in the bedrooms:

romantic provenceDelicate and transparent shades most often prevail here: light pink, lavender, pale blue, white and light lilac.
Baroque layeredHere, at least three aristocratic shades of these colors are mixed: noble emerald, pale green, gold, beige, walnut, black and burgundy.
High techIn such interiors, only basic colors in cold colors are used: gray, light beige, white, cream.
MinimalismA minimum of colors, the advantage is for black, white and gray colors.
Elegant classicClassic neutral shades are used for wall decor: beige, brown, light cream and milky colors. Painted walls go well with furniture and flooring in dark shades. In the bedroom, all colors are used, only in their calm version.


People spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Here they cook, eat, communicate. The color scheme of the kitchen is very important, as it can directly affect the mood in the morning. The paint for this room should be moisture resistant and washable.

Bright yellow shades will always cheer you up. Green color is suitable for those who are constantly on a diet: it has a positive effect and calms the appetite. Light and beige shades are ideal if you want an elegant classic kitchen. Red color is a bold and bright decision, but requires careful handling, as it greatly affects the appetite.


Paint for a children's room needs eco-friendly, vapor-permeable and washable. Children often draw on the walls and need a special coating from which to quickly wipe off pranks.

A suitable option for a nursery: paint in one base color, and then add bright accents yourself. These are bright stickers, cartoon characters drawn with felt-tip pens and paints, fictional characters - what is enough imagination for!

Preferred colors for a children's room: yellow, orange, blue, green, light blue, pale pink.


The corridor is the first thing a person sees when entering a house. It affects the impression of family members living here. When choosing a decor for a hallway, it is important to consider its dimensions: for small and narrow spaces undesirable construction frame structures and the use of dark colors. The paint should be easy to clean and wet clean.

Wear resistance is another condition when choosing a coloring matter in the corridor. It should be borne in mind that light colors will be too easily soiled in this place.

Bathroom and toilet

Thanks to water-based paints, which are not afraid of water, the painting of the walls in the bathrooms began to replace the decoration with tiles. Here you can not be shy and express your design idea in full! Bright, muted, dark and light - a variety of colors and textures are used in bathrooms.

The main thing to consider: the paint should not be afraid of water, be resistant to dirt and durable. Often they combine walls decorated with tiles and painted.

  • After the paint package is opened, the dye is stirred to obtain a uniform color.
  • Painting takes place in a room where the temperature is not lower than 5 and not higher than 20 degrees Celsius. Humidity is also important to obtain the desired result. If the air is dry, it is better to turn on a humidifier or use a sprayer.
  • Drafts are excluded!
  • If mold or fungus is present on the walls, then before painting, the surface is treated with an antiseptic solution.
  • Working brushes, as well as rollers, must be thoroughly washed from paint and dried.

Summarizing, I would like to note that if you carefully follow the technology and use suitable materials and dyes, the result of staining will delight for years!

When deciding what color to paint the walls in different rooms of a house or apartment, it is necessary to take into account many nuances and rules. Following the existing recommendations will allow you to get an attractive and harmonious room that will not cause discomfort. When choosing a shade, you should pay attention not only to the classic, traditional solutions, but also evaluate the options offered by the Feng Shui teachings.

All colors are conditionally divided into three categories:

  1. Cold. This group includes purple, green, blue, blue gamma. Suitable for brightly lit rooms located on the south side.
  2. Warm. Includes yellow, red, orange palette. They are an excellent solution for the north side with insufficient natural light.
  3. Neutral. Traditional greys, whites and blacks.

Each of the options has a certain impact on the emotional and mental state of a person. Some tones can cause aggression and anxiety, while others, on the contrary, relax, set in a calm mood or contribute to a creative and business upsurge.

Secrets of a successful choice

When choosing a color scheme, individual preferences are of paramount importance. But to make such a responsible decision, you can use the recommendations that allow you to more accurately assess all the nuances.

General rules:

  • Purpose of the premises. Each room in an apartment or house most often has a specific function, which affects the interior design and the color of the wall paint. An example would be a bedroom, which should be set to good vacation. The presence in such a room of black, variegated or brightly interspersed shades will not give harmony. Even in one-room apartment space is divided into zones.
  • Surface texture. At finishing work the general design of the interior is determined in advance, so it is immediately clear what kind of relief on the walls. If the coating is traditionally smooth, then there will be no special problems. But with the texture achieved when using a special putty or paint, the real visual perception will be different. The fact is that even small irregularities cast shadows under different sources lighting.
  • The wider the choice, the more difficult the decision. The modern palette of colors is very diverse, so you should initially focus on several basic colors, but no more than 8-12 (a larger number of shades will complicate the task). It is necessary to choose according to samples that were actually painted, and not according to catalogs or booklets. Naturally, this will not create a complete picture of saturation, but it will save you from errors that arise due to incorrect color reproduction of drawings printed in the printing house.
  • The secret of designers is the rule of three. All colors are usually divided into two groups: chromatic and achromatic. The first option includes bright shades: blue, green, red and others, the second is calm: black, gray, white. According to the rule, it is recommended to combine no more than three chromatic colors in one room. This does not apply to achromats.

But even following all the rules and a good imagination will not give a real idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow the wall will look like in the end. To do this, a trial painting of a plot of at least 1 m2 is done, completely repeating the technology. Naturally, such an event is not always possible.

Important! It is imperative to follow the manufacturer's instructions on the label or in a separate brochure exactly.

Perception of the color palette

Any professional designer knows that each color on an unconscious level has an impact on emotional perception. A person may feel constant fatigue or irritation and blame everyday circumstances for this, although the reason is in the wrong paint color.

It is advisable to take into account the following features various shades:

  • Red . It has an exciting effect. In a small amount, it can stimulate positive processes, and in excess it causes aggression and irritability. Constant contact with this shade leads to fatigue and psychological devastation.
  • White . A versatile color that can make a space feel more spacious and relieve tension, but in large quantities will lead to the opposite effect. In addition, it evokes associations with medical institutions.
  • Yellow . A small amount of this color gives confidence, creates a cozy atmosphere, and an excess sets up an anxious mood and generates distrust. Orange has the same effect.
  • Blue. Promotes peace. The predominance of such a shade is not so detrimental, but it can interfere with the mood for work.
  • Green . Creates associations with trees and vegetation. It gives strength, invigorates and helps to focus on the task at hand.
  • Black . The color of rigor and tact is responsible for maintaining solidity, but excess leads to depression.

In order not to make a mistake in the choice, you should be guided by simple rules:

  1. Everything is good in moderation. This postulate is true for any palette of colors.
  2. Natural shades are the most correct. You can apply as much as you like and get amazing combinations, but everything you need already exists in nature.
  3. There are a lot of professional craftsmen and designers, but everyone has their own idea, so their advice should only be of an auxiliary nature.

When combining different colors, a compatibility assessment is preliminarily carried out. For this, you can follow individual perception or use special color schemes.

Trendy colors of 2018 and the first half of 2019

To find the right range of shades, you can use the trend of 2018 and remain in trend in the first half of 2019.

  • Rose Quartz. Otherwise, rose quartz. This color emphasizes nobility, allows you to tune in to a calm mood. Being universal for all rooms, it is diluted with purple or mother-of-pearl shades.

  • Greenery. Light green color, which is quite a popular solution. It can become a real decoration of any interior, it is combined with many tones, but tends to be more natural, natural.

  • ice coffee. Iced coffee is great for modern (hi-tech) and classic interior trends. Gives a sense of comfort and style. Dilute with peach coloring.

  • Hazelnut. A universal color that will fit perfectly into any space and will become an indispensable companion for all shades. To enhance the effect, you can use orange or pink accents in the interior.

  • Serenity. Blue-lilac color is in trend again. Blue is the main one and gives the room depth, and lilac - expressiveness. Pairs with rose quartz or peach.

  • flame. An orange-red color reminiscent of a flame is an option for strong and confident people who are constantly on the move. Suitable for accents, combined with moderate shades.

  • Peach Echo. Delicate peach color is still an elegant solution for a sophisticated interior, the furniture pieces of which are selected with a special taste. This painting of the walls is complemented by dark accents and paintings. Most successfully finds its application in living rooms, bedrooms and children's rooms.

Painting walls in different rooms

Individual preferences when choosing suitable color for the walls in the room are dominant, but for optimal results, some recommendations should be taken into account.


This room in most apartments and houses is very modest in size, so the best color for such a room would be light (beige, ivory, orange) with possible brighter accents. Due to this, the hallway will seem much larger.


If the corridor is narrow, then several shades are used to paint it, which are recommended to be placed in the form of horizontal stripes. An interesting solution will create black center or side borders. The main color can be gray, light brown, beige.

The photo shows a corridor in beige shades, this color is considered the most used in such rooms.

There is usually not enough daylight in the corridors, so the main palette of paints for the walls should be light colors.

Living room and hall

Provided that all residents are constantly gathering in the room, blue, light blue, purple and pink shades are optimal. They are complemented by gold, red and gray. For a room used in other situations, a more rigorous interior with a predominance of cold colors is selected.


It is more difficult to choose paint for a nursery, since it is necessary to take into account the preferences of a child or teenager. Gender also plays a significant role: boys gravitate toward bright and complex color combinations, while girls prefer calm pink and beige shades with rich splashes. Naturally, such an interpretation is often conditional, therefore, taking into account the wishes of the child, the best option is to use natural colors and their shades.

The photo shows a nursery in yellow-green color. This combination is an excellent solution for a child's room, as it has a positive effect on the visual apparatus that is not yet strong, gives energy and at the same time calms the nervous system.


This room should promote relaxation and comfort, so the walls can be painted in shades of yellow, orange and green. It is better to abandon the newfangled and experimental solutions that may look good on paper or on pictures on the Internet, but in reality they create an absolutely depressing impression.


If furniture items of bright colors are provided, then the walls are painted in a contrasting tone. If the kitchen modules have a natural color in the classical interpretation, similar lighter or darker shades are selected. But to create modern interior walls can be painted in bright colors: red, orange or indigo.


Brown, gray and beige shades are suitable for this room, which can be complemented by black accents. Everything should tune in to a calm and businesslike mood. Modern cabinets for creative individuals are best painted in green, red and blue, or combinations thereof.


Bathrooms big size are rare, and many of them include several zones, so individual colors are chosen for each site. For such a room, blue, purple, dark blue and light green shades, interspersed with red or black, are well suited.

The bathroom is associated with water, so blue and its shades are most often chosen for painting it.

The main thing when choosing a room color is to consider general style houses or apartments.

Influence of shade on the visual size of the room

Each shade affects not only psychological perception, but also visual. Correct color for wall surfaces allows you to expand or narrow the room.

Coloring principles:

  1. It is better to decorate small rooms with calm, light colors, thereby enhancing artificial lighting and visually expanding the area.
  2. To make high ceilings seem lower, you can paint the walls in pastel colors, and the ceiling itself in darker ones. This combination will increase the overall space.
  3. Desaturated green and blue visually expand the room.
  4. Relief moldings painted in the same color will help to enlarge the wall.
  5. With a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, defiant solutions and a combination of many tones should be abandoned. This completely eliminates the feeling of space due to the inability to concentrate. Also not best solution there will be artistic painting, especially with large elements.
  6. Orange and red shades are used to reduce large rooms, and deep gray and dark ones are used to emphasize their status.

On a note! Since it is impossible to perceive all combinations, it is worth resorting to the use of special graphic programs. Color modeling in them is not always completely reliable, but it allows you to catch a good combination or reject an unsuccessful one.

Feng Shui color choice

Feng Shui is a Taoist practice that is responsible for the organization of space. Based on this teaching, each element has its own color:

  • water (north) - black;
  • earth (northeast, southwest, center) - brown;
  • tree (east, southeast) - green;
  • fire (south) - red;
  • metal (west, northwest) - white.

Bagua - map of feng shui zones

According to this Eastern practice, common in Asian countries, each color has a certain effect on a person and is used for different rooms:

  • Yellow . Symbolizes the sun, abundance and wealth. It creates a feeling of fun, comfort, strengthens hope and binds a person to home. Not suitable for dark rooms and bathrooms.
  • Red . Responsible for vital energy, therefore it is recommended for the arrangement of cabinets, but its excess leads to opposite effect. Suitable for delimiting space and zoning. Do not use in recreation areas, hallways and bedrooms.
  • Blue . A mysterious color that develops a craving for adventure and exploration. It is applied to the device of a drawing room, a bedroom and sections of an office. A bad solution would be for the kitchen, hallway and corridor.
  • Green . The basis of a new life, correct activity, but light shades indicate a possible immaturity. Used for children's and teenage rooms, great for purposeful boys and girls.
  • Orange . It can act as an additional color in the living room or short-term recreation area. Do not paint walls in offices and bedrooms with it.
  • Peach. Symbolizes calmness and is responsible for romantic appeal. Suitable for a room where a teenager lives, especially a girl. Slightly diluted shade paint the hall and bedroom.
  • White . Symbolizes purity and openness. It is used for walls in the nursery and living room and for highlighting zones in the kitchen.
  • Black . Responsible for strength and solidarity, contributes to the creation of intrigue. It is recommended to use shades of black that are suitable for certain areas of the walls. Not recommended for children, teenagers, work and recreation areas.

Due to the fact that modern interpretation This practice has undergone changes, many meanings are completely adapted to the current conditions and have lost their original meaning.

Mistakes when choosing a color palette for walls

Mistakes when choosing a paint color that cause psychological discomfort:

  1. The illumination period is not taken into account. V different time days, natural lighting can change, so the presence of artificial light sources is of great importance.
  2. All details influence the overall perception, and especially furniture: a sofa, armchairs, tables, cabinets should match the main tone or contrast.
  3. Feng Shui takes into account the combination of colors, because the practice is built on the endless movement of space. A bad decision would be to use yellow and green, red and black, yellow and blue in the same room.

But most problems arise from the fear of making mistakes. You can not please everyone or adapt to every opinion and recommendation, it is individuality that creates harmony. An example would be a conditional ban on dark coloring small spaces: When choosing a certain shade, the result can be amazing.