How to glue vinyl wallpaper. How to glue vinyl wallpaper with your own hands? We are not stokers, we are not carpenters ...

  • 27.06.2020

Home repair is a troublesome business, especially when it comes to interior decoration that sets the tone for the entire interior. The presence of errors can spoil the entire design of the room. We will help you avoid them by analyzing in detail how to glue vinyl wallpaper on the ceiling and walls.

General provisions

First, let's pay a little attention to the chosen material. Why exactly vinyl wallpaper, what is special about them? Everything will become quite clear after reviewing their qualitative characteristics.


The products in question are a non-woven or paper base coated with a layer of vinyl.

This structure provides them with many advantages:

  • moisture resistance. Excellent quality, which is unusual for most other types of wallpaper. But vinyl not only resists moisture quite reliably, but is also able to withstand wet cleaning using household chemicals and even painting.

  • Wide range of possible models. In addition to a stunning selection of a variety of ornaments and colors, there are also textured and silkscreen designs.

  • High resistance to mechanical damage, ultraviolet radiation and even temperature extremes. That is, if you are opposite the south window, get a cat and begin to arrange long-term ventilation in winter, they will still retain their original appearance.
  • Long service life, which reaches ten years.
  • Simple sticking instructions, which we will analyze further in all the subtleties.
  • Acceptable price. The whole set of strength characteristics is quite affordable for the budget of the average man in the street.


The only thing that can happen unpleasant after applying the wallpaper in question is the presence bad smell the first two months. But this is subject to the purchase of cheap samples from an unknown manufacturer. Quality Models don't have that effect.

Tip: if you still managed to stick foul-smelling canvases, and even airing does not help, then it is recommended to paint them with acrylic paint.
The polymer layer will block the contact of vinyl and air, eliminating the spread of odor.

Application technology

First of all, you should prepare everything necessary for the implementation of finishing work.

Tools and materials

For work you will need:

  • Velor roller. Simplifies the processing of canvases and walls.

  • Brush. Allows you to qualitatively cover hard-to-reach places with glue.

  • A clean bucket for diluting the adhesive mixture.

  • Special bath with ribbed surface.

  • Stepladder - so that you can get to the top of the wall and ceiling.

Tip: choose a ladder that has a shelf on top.
Then you will have where to put the container with glue.

  • Metal or plastic. It makes cutting fabric much easier.

  • Roulette for all necessary measurements.

  • Stationery knife for cutting wallpaper.

  • Brush for smoothing products on the wall.

Tip: before gluing heavy vinyl wallpaper, be sure to make sure that the prepared brush is sufficiently stiff.
Because soft bristles will simply crumple on dense canvases and will not cope with their task.

  • A clean rag to remove spilled glue on the front side finishes.

In addition to tools, you need to take care directly of the materials themselves:

  1. Wallpaper choose in accordance with the rest of the interior of the room and its functionality. products designed for painting are better suited, and for the living room, for example, silk-screen samples. The color scheme is also very important and can have a significant impact on the feel of the occupants, visually expand and narrow the room.

  1. How to determine when buying which adhesive is best for vinyl wallpaper? There are no secrets in this and you should not invent something new. Just read the attached instructions for the glue, and check with the seller for details.

  1. Putty. It will be needed if in the wall after removal old finish show up big cracks and significant damage.

Preparatory work

Before sticking vinyl wallpaper, you must carefully prepare the surface of the wall.

Although such large-scale work with perfect alignment, as in the case of using paint, is not required, there are still some things that need to be done:

  1. Removing the old lining:
    • We wash off the paint with a special chemical composition.
    • We knock down the tile with a perforator.
    • We remove the wallpaper with a sharp metal spatula, after wetting it with water.

  1. We putty possible cracks and noticeable irregularities.

  1. We prime the wall. Do not refuse this step, even if it seems overhead and superfluous to you. The primer creates a polymer layer that increases adhesion, protects the surface from physical influences and reduces its porosity.


Now let's figure out how to stick vinyl wallpaper:

  1. We dilute the adhesive mixture with water according to the instructions indicated on the package.

  1. We measure the wall, add a few centimeters and mark the resulting length on the unrolled roll.
  2. cut off right size according to the labels.

  1. Apply glue to the back of the canvas. It is noteworthy that if products with a non-woven base are used, then this step is not needed.

  1. Next, apply the adhesive to the wall.

  1. We apply the canvas to the surface and smooth it with a brush, removing all the air from under it.

  1. In the process, you will definitely come across the following question: how to glue vinyl wallpaper in the corners? The fact is that the corners in the room are almost never quite even, because of which you will not be able to make even joints there. Therefore, the canvas should be applied so that it covers the problem area and goes to the adjacent wall by at least 10 cm.


We have examined how vinyl wallpaper is glued. The process is not complicated at all, but requires accuracy and attention. Stick to all the above recommendations, and you will succeed.

The video in this article will provide Additional information. Good luck wallpapering!

How to properly glue vinyl wallpaper, preparation, gluing, working with corners.

In the previous article, we examined in detail the types of vinyl wallpaper:

Someone will say that sticking vinyl wallpaper is not much different from sticking wallpaper on paper basis. But when you read this article, you will understand that there are quite a few differences. And if you do not take them all into account, then the wallpaper may fall off the next day, and you will have to do everything again, taking into account those nuances that you did not want to remember.


So, you will need to stock up on a fairly serious list of tools. First, you need a special brush designed to prime the wall and then apply glue to the vinyl wallpaper. Further, instead of a sponge, it is better to take a roller, which will roll the seams. You will also need a special spatula with which you will smooth the wallpaper, a soft sponge or cotton rag with which excess glue is removed, a brush with which you will smear small wallpaper areas. On the little things, you need to have scissors, a cutting knife, a level, a tape measure, paper tape, a ruler, and a wooden spatula, with which you will press and straighten narrow sections of wallpaper, for example, at the corners. Perhaps everything.

Wall preparation

Before sticking vinyl wallpaper, do the traditional preparation of the walls. You will need a special dry adhesive mixture for vinyl wallpaper, which must be diluted with water according to the instructions. Prime the walls with this adhesive over the entire surface. If you can't find glue, you can stock up on a deep-penetrating primer, which is common everywhere. Further, since the wallpaper is heavy and does not allow air to pass through too well, the walls must be treated with a fungicidal composition, protecting them from the appearance of mold fungus under the canvases. After the glue and composition have dried, take a thread with a weight and fill a vertical line on the wall. This will be your guide for pasting the first wallpaper. At the end of the procedure, turn off the electricity, remove all switches and sockets.

Additional Information

If you do not know how to glue vinyl wallpaper, and have never done it before, it is advisable to have a person nearby who, as they say, is “in the know”.

Wallpapers are glued only on a dry, leveled surface, which is especially important for wide embossed vinyl wallpapers. The old coating must be removed from the walls. Cracks need to be puttied, the surface should be leveled.

You can check the dryness of the walls with a small piece of cellophane and masking tape, with which this cellophane will be glued to the wall. Leave the material overnight. If in the morning water drops form on the inside of the cellophane, then the dryness of the walls is not enough to glue vinyl wallpaper on them. Will have to dry more.

The strength of the wall covering is checked using ordinary adhesive tape. Stick a piece on the wall and pull back sharply. Look at the back of the tape. If there are particles of plaster or old paint, then the wall needs to be prepared: remove old layers, deal with priming and leveling.

Any person who knows how to properly glue vinyl wallpaper will tell you that the room should never be drafty. Air conditioners, fans, open windows - all this is a terrible taboo! Drafts are welcome only after the pasted wallpaper is completely dry.

Never glue a new wallpaper over an old one. The latter must be completely removed from the wall. Wet them with water, wait a bit, and then they will be removed with a spatula without any problems.

Wallpaper preparation

Cut the wallpaper into strips along the height of the wall, but with a 10 cm allowance in reserve. If you are cutting vinyl wallpaper with silk-screen printing or a regular pattern, then you first need to select the pattern of neighboring canvases with the maximum match. Fold wallpaper strips together pattern side down. Each stack should consist of 10 wallpaper strips, no more. And each strip should shift relative to the neighboring one by at least 1.5 centimeters. It is best to take meter-long wallpapers, which allow you to minimize problems with the selection of a pattern and the correct cutting.

How is the adhesive applied?

Vinyl wallpapers are glued only end-to-end. This means that the panels should not find one on top of the other. After the primer has dried on the wall, you can start the gluing process. First, apply glue to the section of the wall where the first panel will be located. Stick the canvas on the wall, coat the next one and glue it. The sequence of actions is repeated until the end of the work.

Additional Information

You need to work with glue very carefully, since a careless attitude will lead to the adhesive composition getting on the front side of the wallpaper.

Allow the mixed glue to swell well, standing for 5-10 minutes after kneading. This rule must be written in the instructions.

Read the information on the vinyl wallpaper roll. It is possible that the glue needs to be applied not only to the wall, but also to the wallpaper.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper?

Technology of correct gluing. Wallpapering alone will not work. Only double. And even faster - the three of us. One worker stands on a stepladder or on a chair and applies the top edge of the canvas to the wall. Another worker holds the lower end of the strip on the floor, aligning the edge of the wallpaper with the designated vertical line. Next, a slight pressure of the wallpaper strip to the base is carried out, after which all air bubbles are displaced with a brush. Brush work from top to bottom and from the axis towards the edges. If you notice any glue sticking out from the edge of the canvas, quickly wipe it off with a clean cloth, not a brush!

Trimming the edges

When gluing wallpaper under the ceiling and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe baseboards, you should have excess material cut off along the ruler with a knife. In this case, the lower edge of the strip should go on the plinth by about 5 millimeters. Wallpaper cutting is done only with a sharp knife. If the blade is blunt, it will tear or dent wallpaper that is not yet dry with glue. Change the fast-dulling blade regularly during the pruning process.

Canvas at the plinth

If you didn't remove the baseboard before you started, insert the bottom edge of the wallpaper between the wall and the baseboard. The remaining part is cut off and glued with a strip on top, which will allow you to close the seam and the top of the plinth. I strongly recommend that you remove the baseboard before wallpapering, so that it does not interfere with your work. At the end of gluing, it is nailed or put back.

Gluing the top

The edge of the wallpaper sheet adjacent to the ceiling must be tucked 5 centimeters to protect the ceiling from glue. After that, the wallpaper strip is pressed against the wall from above and smoothed down with a brush. Other canvases are glued similarly. If you are not gluing the wallpaper to the ceiling (for example, you have paint or plaster on the top of the wall), then you must first mark the upper border of the gluing area on the wall with a pencil. This should be done around the entire perimeter of the room. The strip will help you orient yourself in the process of work.

Working with corners

In the corners, you need to leave extra vinyl wallpaper to the depth of the existing niche, taking into account the allowance. After that, cuts are made from above and below, and the panel is bent around the corner by pressing. Next, the wallpaper is carefully cut off, and in the corners of the overlapping panels and joints, they are strongly pressed against the wall, ensuring tight gluing. I note that at the corners of the room, the wallpaper should go to the other side by a maximum of 3-4 centimeters. At the same time, on the other wall, the first canvas is glued from the very corner, covering the previous 3-4 centimeters.

Sockets, switches, batteries

Behind the batteries, the walls should be pasted over by about 10-20 centimeters, no more. Pressing the wallpaper against the wall is carried out using a narrow roller equipped with a long handle. They can work both behind the battery (top, bottom, side), and through the radiator fins. Near switches and sockets, the wallpaper is not cut in advance. They are glued directly to the holes. Only after the glue has dried can the cut be made.

General information about wallpapering walls:

  • Which concrete mixer is better to buy, types of concrete mixers.

  • Aerated blocks for building a house, production and application.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper: the photo and video instructions presented in this article on the website will help you do this work yourself. Wallpapering is a complex and time-consuming process that does not tolerate mistakes. If you choose the wrong glue or violate the application technology, everything will have to be redone again. The nuances of gluing largely depend on the type of material. Most popular today vinyl wallpapers, which have proven themselves as a durable, wear-resistant coating that does not fade over time. When choosing it for wall decoration, you should know how to glue vinyl wallpaper paper based.

Do-it-yourself vinyl wallpaper gluing

Features of vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl coating is a layer of PVC applied to a paper or non-woven base. Its main advantage lies primarily in its long service life. In addition, vinyl does not tarnish under direct sunlight, which is very important for wallpaper with a bright pattern, it tolerates high humidity well, which makes it possible to use such a coating in the bathroom or in the kitchen.

The only thing that can negatively affect the vinyl coating is temperature changes. Therefore, you should not stick it in the immediate vicinity of sources of strong heat, for example, near a fireplace or over a gas stove.

In addition, the material is characterized by poor breathability. The problem can be solved by purchasing special wallpaper with micropores. This option passes air well, but successfully resists the accumulation of moisture, so you can not be afraid that water will penetrate through the pores under the wallpaper.

Vinyl flooring is strong and durable

There is a common myth that vinyl flooring is dangerous to human health. It did not appear from scratch, but only certain types of paper-based vinyl wallpaper have such a drawback. Reviews of poor quality products from unknown manufacturers will indeed be unflattering. If you take wallpaper from a reliable manufacturer, the production of which complies with all environmental and sanitary safety standards, then they will be absolutely harmless to your health.

It is worth highlighting the following positive qualities of vinyl coating:

  1. It can be glued to Various types surfaces (concrete, plaster, wood, chipboard, etc.).
  2. Due to the density of the vinyl layer, such wallpapers mask cracks and uneven walls well. However, for this it is necessary to use thick grades of coatings.
  3. A wide variety of design options, which makes it easy to choose a coating for a specific interior.
  4. Possibility to choose rolls of standard or meter wallpaper. How to glue both of them correctly will be discussed below.

Vinyl wallpaper can be glued to any type of substrate.

Advantages and disadvantages of paper-based vinyl wallpaper and non-woven

The basis of vinyl wallpaper can be paper or interlining. Each of these materials has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages that must be considered before gluing. Non-woven wallpaper has the following advantages:

  • glue is applied directly to the wall, they do not need to impregnate the wallpaper, which greatly simplifies the process of gluing and makes it faster;
  • non-woven base is stronger than paper, respectively, the finished product will also be more durable and wear resistant;
  • unlike paper-based vinyl wallpaper, gluing non-woven wallpaper will effectively hide surface irregularities and cracks in the walls.

Disadvantages of non-woven base:

  • interlining is non-plastic, therefore it is quite difficult to paste over roundness, protrusions and embossed surfaces with wallpaper with such a base;
  • the non-woven base is transparent enough that any stains on the walls or the remains of previous coatings will show through.

The advantage of non-woven wallpaper is that you do not need to apply glue to the canvas, but only to the walls

Advantages of wallpaper on a paper basis:

  • paper stretches well, which means that with wallpaper with such a base, you can easily paste over ledges, niches, columns, corners, etc .;
  • the paper has a high density, the base of the surface will not show through it.

Disadvantages of paper base:

  • glue must be applied not only to the wall, but also to the wallpaper;
  • paper quickly absorbs liquid, which increases the consumption of glue, and also requires high speed;
  • paper wallpaper easy to tear or scratch;
  • the adhesion of the paper to the wall surface is long enough, so the wallpaper strip must be pressed against the wall for some time.

When gluing canvases with a paper backing - the glue is applied both to the wallpaper and to the walls

Given the characteristics of the materials, you can easily learn how to quickly and correctly glue vinyl wallpaper on both paper and non-woven base.

Helpful advice! Correctly gluing paper wallpapers (as well as non-woven ones) is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main rule is to carefully prepare the walls, the final result will directly depend on this.

Types of vinyl wallpaper

classify vinyl wallpapers possible by the type of surface structure (embossed or smooth) and by the method of its finishing (embossed or profiled). Also, many properties depend on how the top decorative layer is applied to the wallpaper:

  • Screen printing is the lightest type of vinyl covering. The top layer consists of thin polyvinyl chloride, on which a variety of textures are applied. This type is distinguished by a wide variety of design options and similarity in appearance to silk fabric;

Vinyl wallpapers with silk-screen printing are ideal for decorating the living room

  • compact vinyl - a heavier version of the coating, upper layer which imitates various materials(fabric, stone, brick, plaster, wood and many others);
  • heavy vinyl - the thickest version of the coating, which is characterized by the greatest surface relief. Can be stylized as leather, embroidered and other materials. Due to the density of the vinyl layer, high strength is ensured, and it also becomes possible to hide cracks and uneven walls;
  • chemical embossed wallpapers - differ from other types with a smooth glossy surface, from which dirt can be easily removed. Among the advantages of this type are high resistance to moisture, detergents and direct sunlight. Another name for such wallpapers is washable.

A separate type of wall covering - wallpaper for painting. Can hang vinyl wallpaper(both on the walls and on the ceiling) and paint in any color you like. The main advantage of such a coating is the possibility of repeated repainting.

The choice of a suitable type of wallpaper depends on the characteristics of the walls, their quality, the purpose of the room and the desired style in the interior.

Heavy vinyl wallpapers are distinguished by their thickness and surface relief

How to glue vinyl wallpaper: the choice of glue

Properly selected adhesive for vinyl wallpaper is the key to successful gluing of the coating. A poor-quality composition can lead to the formation of bubbles, bumps and lagging behind the wallpaper from the wall. Experts advise giving preference to products of foreign manufacturers, which, although more expensive than domestic ones, are of higher quality. The peculiarity of gluing in the case of a vinyl coating is that the material itself is quite heavy, so the adhesive must set well and quickly.

A good glue for vinyl wallpaper is one that fixes the canvas on the wall quickly, but not instantly, so that it is possible to fit the strips at the joints, align them vertically and horizontally. In addition, the adhesive must prevent the development of mold and mildew under the wallpaper. This is very important in the case of vinyl, since it does not pass air well, and the appearance of microorganisms under the coating layer, alas, is not uncommon, especially with high humidity in the room.

Helpful advice! The consumption of each specific type of glue is indicated in the instructions or on the packaging. It is a mistake to assume that the more glue, the better. On the contrary, excess can seep through the seams and stain the surface of the fabric.

It is very important to choose an adhesive suitable for a particular type of wallpaper.

It is also undesirable to use universal wallpaper glue for gluing a vinyl covering. There are specialized compositions, each of which is suitable for work in certain conditions. Such conditions can be the type of surface on which the wallpaper is glued, the type of vinyl coating, the humidity in the room, and much more. Therefore, if you are not sure which adhesive composition better fit for gluing e.g. foamed vinyl wallpapers on paper backing concrete wall, it is better to consult with an experienced specialist.

It is important that the adhesive has the following characteristics:

  • in the process of mixing, clots and lumps should not form. They can subsequently lead to uneven surfaces pasted over;
  • must have antifungal properties, prevent the occurrence and development of mold;
  • already cooked good glue can be stored for a day without drying out;
  • in the package, the composition can be stored for several years;
  • must be environmentally friendly and safe for human life and health;
  • the process of preparing the composition should be extremely simple and understandable even for those who do not have experience in the field of such work.

Some adhesives have a slight blue or pink tint that disappears after drying.

Necessary tools for work

Numerous thematic videos “how to glue paper wallpaper correctly” demonstrate a number of tools that you may need in the process of doing the job:

  • a level or plumb line in order to mark the lines of gluing on the walls, as well as a pencil or marker for drawing;
  • brush for applying adhesive to the wall. You can also use a roller with a medium or short pile for this;
  • a large rubber roller - to smooth the already pasted canvas on the wall;
  • knife or scissors for cutting rolls and cutting holes for sockets and switches;
  • ruler or tape measure;
  • foam rubber or soft fabric - remove excess glue at the joints;
  • table or stepladder.

Tools needed for DIY wallpapering

Gluing wallpaper in the corners of the room (both external and internal) is quite difficult, so the process is best done together, it will be faster and more efficient. A partner can hold a stepladder, feed tools, or cut a new canvas while you stick the previous one.

How to remove old wallpaper from the wall

There are several tricks on how to quickly and effortlessly remove the old coating from the wall. To do this, you will need a narrow and wide spatula, a special stripping fluid, a web perforation tool and ordinary plastic wrap.

First, apply a softening solution or water with the addition of detergent. In this state, the coating is left for 15-20 minutes. Polyethylene film needed to cover furniture and close sockets and switches. After the wallpaper has soaked, it can be easily removed from the wall with a spatula.

In the event that a particularly strong adhesive composition was used for gluing, and it is impossible to soak the old canvas, you can use sandpaper. This will take longer, but will allow you to completely remove the old coating from the wall.

Removing the old coating from the wall with a spatula

How to glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper: wall alignment

In order for the walls with the coating glued to them to look as attractive as possible, they must first be leveled. This is especially true for owners of old apartments, the walls of which do not have an ideal surface. The alignment method is selected depending on the vertical deviation. This parameter is checked using a level and a cord, and if the deviation is only 5-10 mm, it is enough to simply treat the surface with putty.

Leveling with putty

The starting layer of putty is recommended to be applied in two layers, between which a special paint grid can be laid. This will prevent the occurrence of microcracks on the surface. The direction of the layers in this case can be perpendicular to each other, so you level the surface in all directions.

When working, it should be borne in mind that the angle of the spatula determines the thickness of the layer, the smaller the first, the thicker the second.

Leveling with putty is suitable for walls with minor errors

The final layer is also applied in one or two steps, after which it is finally leveled with a fine-grained sandpaper. Under wallpapering, this layer can not be applied, but it is required if painting is planned.

Plaster leveling

Labor intensive and complex plastering work should be used when the wall is so uneven that it can be seen with the naked eye. To do this, it is best to use special cement-based plaster mixtures that contain polymer additives. The presence of the latter makes it possible not to use a polymer mesh, since the composition is very durable. In residential areas with normal humidity, the following types of plaster can be used:

  • lime-gypsum;
  • lime-clay;
  • lime-clay-gypsum;
  • cement-lime.

To prepare uneven walls, a plaster mortar is used

Before proceeding with leveling the surface with plaster, it is necessary to thoroughly clean it from dirt and dust, prime it. After that, two vertical beacons are installed along the edges of the wall, between which intermediate beacons are mounted. The alignment itself is performed in three stages:

  1. Spray - application of liquid plaster with a layer of approximately 3-5 mm. The surface must be pre-moistened for better adhesion. This layer is transitional between the bulk of the plaster and the wall on which it is applied.
  2. Soil - a second layer is applied to the first layer, which should be about twice as thick. Its thickness can be 5-7 mm.
  3. Nakryvka is a finishing thin layer of plaster, with the help of which uneven ground is smoothed out.

Plasterboard leveling

For very uneven walls, drywall sheets can be used, which not only levels the walls, but also increases the level of heat and sound insulation in the room.
If the surface irregularities do not exceed 7 cm, then the sheets can be fixed on it using a special gypsum composition. If the curvature is greater, then you will have to mount a special frame, to which drywall is subsequently attached. The fastening of the sheets must be carried out using self-tapping screws in increments of 30 cm. The joints between the sheets are sealed with gypsum mortar, and the caps of the self-tapping screws are also smeared with it.

Leveling walls with moisture-resistant drywall

In conclusion, the drywall surface must be puttied, and only then move on to the question of how to glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper. Is it necessary to smear or not the walls of the plasterboard with glue? - frequently asked question, the unequivocal answer to which is yes, it is necessary. Wallpapering on drywall occurs using the same technology, which is also relevant for other surfaces.

How to glue wallpaper: video and step by step instructions

After you have decided on the type of coating and the adhesive composition, you can proceed directly to gluing. This is done in the following sequence:

  • walls are being prepared. This process involves pre-drying the surface. If the wall has been recently plastered, the plaster must dry completely. Otherwise, there is a high risk of peeling the wallpaper;

Helpful advice! In order to check the dryness of the wall, you can stick a small strip of polyethylene on it and leave it overnight. If by morning wet drops appeared on it, then the wall needs to be dried more.

Priming walls using a long-handled paint roller

  • primer is applied. This may be a special solution or the adhesive composition on which the wallpaper will subsequently be glued. The primer is designed to repair cracks in the walls and hide minor irregularities;
  • in a special container, according to the instructions, glue is diluted. You need to mix it for at least 10 minutes, the solution should be homogeneous, without clots and lumps;
  • using a level, the top line is drawn, which will be a guideline for gluing the first sheet of the coating;

Marking and cutting wallpaper into canvases

  • the room is de-energized, all sockets and switches are removed from the walls. Holes for them in the canvas can be cut both before gluing and after it. The main thing is to mark with a pencil exactly where you need to make cuts;
  • Before gluing, you need to make sure that there are no drafts in the room. It is highly recommended not to turn on fans or air conditioners during the process and open windows;
  • each roll is cut into strips. In this case, it is recommended to leave an allowance of 10 cm in length. Before cutting, cut lines are drawn with a tape measure and a pencil;

Applying glue to wallpaper with a wide brush

  • glue is applied to the prepared canvas. The solution must be applied evenly, well smearing the edges of the strip. It is very important not to leave dry, not smeared areas, which later will not stick to the wall and create a bloating effect. The question is what kind of glue to glue vinyl wallpapers paper-based, discussed above;
  • glue is applied to the wall. If you are using meter rolls, skip this step and proceed to the next one;
  • prepared canvases are glued to the wall. This must be done end-to-end, without overlap. Residues of glue that show through the seams are removed with foam rubber or a soft cloth;

Pasting walls must begin from the corner of the room or window opening

  • the edges that remain below and above are trimmed with a blade or a clerical knife. It is best to do this when the sheet is already dry, otherwise the cut runs the risk of being uneven.

How to stick vinyl wallpaper on a paper basis in the corners and on the ceiling of a room? These processes have their own subtleties, which will be discussed below.

The nuances of wallpapering on the ceiling

The process of gluing wallpaper on the ceiling is carried out before the walls are pasted over.
For finishing the ceiling, it is better to choose a lighter version of vinyl, as heavy wallpaper can come off under its own weight. Otherwise, the difference with pasting the walls is minimal, but this process is more laborious, and it is in the case of the ceiling that the help of a partner is very useful.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners of a room

From what angle to start gluing wallpaper is absolutely not important, but it should be borne in mind that this process requires special care. The task is facilitated if the corners in the apartment are even. If they have errors, they must be corrected, otherwise the final result will be unsatisfactory.

Photo: vinyl wallpaper pasting the outer corner of the room

When gluing a vinyl sheet in the corners, it is necessary to cut through one of their joints. This means that when less than one strip remains to the corner, then you need to measure the distance to it (from the glued surface) and cut off the canvas with an allowance of 3-4 cm. These centimeters will go to the perpendicular wall. Then you need to stick the second canvas overlap, and in this place carefully cut through both canvases. Thus, you will get a smooth and neat joint. At the junction, the wall is smeared with glue, and the wallpaper is smoothed with a roller.

How long does paper-based vinyl wallpaper dry?

The answer to the question of how long the glued wallpaper will dry depends on many factors. First of all, this is affected by how well the work surface was dried before gluing. Optimal environmental characteristics during drying and further gluing - temperature not lower than 19-21°С and humidity not more than 75%. At high humidity or low temperatures, the wall can dry out for a very long time, which, in turn, can affect the peeling of the wallpaper, their deformation and discrepancies at the joints.

Remember to hold other types repair work can be done only after the wallpaper is completely dry.

Photo: wallpaper drying time depends on the amount of glue applied

Also, the drying time of the wallpaper can be affected by the presence of drafts or air currents from climate equipment. Drafts during gluing lead to the fact that the coating dries unevenly, and this leads to its deformation. If you do not want to re-glue the canvas several times, then do not use air conditioners, fans and other climatic equipment in the process of pasting the room, and also close all windows and doors.

It is quite difficult to determine the exact drying time of the canvas, as it depends on the following factors:

  • the type of adhesive used in the process;
  • the amount of mortar applied to the wall;
  • room temperature and humidity level.

The minimum drying time for non-woven fabric is 24 hours. For paper bases, this period is slightly shorter. The time also depends on the density of the vinyl coating and the presence of micropores in it.

It is necessary to carefully remove adhesive residues at the joints in order to avoid contamination of the canvases.

There are a number of general points that must be taken into account when gluing vinyl wallpaper:

  • vinyl is good electricity, therefore, you need to glue the wallpaper in such a way that they do not come into contact with bare wiring, otherwise you risk injury;
  • in the process of drying, the canvas, which has a paper base, shrinks. Therefore, special attention should be paid to joints and seams. So that they do not diverge, it is recommended to glue the wallpaper with an overlap. They will tell you how to properly glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper, video and photo instructions that can be easily found on the Internet;
  • if you do not want the microclimate in the bedroom or children's room to change significantly, then you should not paste over the walls of these rooms with vinyl. It's all about its very low level of vapor permeability;

Vinyl wallpapers have low vapor permeability, so it is not recommended to glue them in children's rooms and bedrooms.

  • no need to save on the quality of the coating and glue, it is on them that the durability, wear resistance and attractive appearance of the wallpaper depend;
  • for gluing canvases in rooms with high humidity, PVC wallpapers are the best fit, as they will protect the walls from moisture.

Do not be afraid to experiment, try pasting the walls with different wallpapers. Photos of combining wallpapers look very attractive, the main thing is to choose the right pattern, color and texture. Use rolls of different thicknesses and types, use original design solutions, combine tones and textures, and you can create a stylish and memorable interior on your own.

Speaking about how to glue vinyl wallpaper, it is important to note that their gluing is done only end-to-end, because the material has a high-density structure and relief. When applying the adhesive composition, it is necessary to carefully process the edges of the canvases so that after gluing they do not come off and do not disperse.

Before you glue vinyl wallpaper, you need to decide on the choice of glue. You need a specialized glue that is designed for gluing such canvases. For example, if you use ordinary wallpaper glue, then during gluing the canvases will be stretched, and after drying they will simply shrink, resulting in ugly joints between them.

For this type of wallpaper, a special adhesive is sold that holds vinyl strips with high quality, prevents them from shrinking, and does not allow resizing after drying.

Important! It is necessary to glue the wallpaper and the wall with glue (although they are often limited to applying to canvases). You can not stick canvases if only the wall is treated with glue. In the presence of priming the surface with glue, it is not necessary to process it - it is enough to apply glue to the vinyl sheets.

The stores sell canvases of various types, but they are all sold under the general name "vinyl".

The most popular types are:

  • A common type of vinyl flooring. The material is distinguished by a beautiful texture, noble exterior, and the presence of unusual inclusions that imitate a silk surface.

  • standard view, characterized by subtlety, increased density, practicality, strength. Their gluing is carried out on flat surfaces, otherwise the defects in the rough surface will be too noticeable. Vinyl wallpapers of this type are presented in a wide variety of models that differ in color, design, design, structure, texture and other characteristics, so there will be no problems with choosing the right finish for the bedroom, living room, nursery, kitchen and other living spaces.

  • Vinyl sheets are characterized by a relatively large thickness, high strength characteristics, and increased density. They usually depict all kinds of three-dimensional drawings. Due to the relief, as well as the visual volume, this type of vinyl wallpaper can be glued on surfaces and walls with defects - minor flaws will be masked.

Important! Each type of vinyl wallpaper has its own type of glue. For example, if canvases made on the basis of foamed vinyl are chosen, then you will need to buy an expensive adhesive that will be able to hold heavy finishing materials on the wall.

To perform the work, you will need to use the following tools:

  • Wide brush, soft roller.
  • Square, pencil.
  • Rubberized roller.
  • Spatula made of plastic.
  • Clean rag, sponge.
  • Stationery knife.
  • Level, ruler, plumb.
  • Wide spatula made of metal.
  • Construction tape.

Important! In order for vinyl sheets to last for a long time and not peel off after gluing, the rough surface must first be prepared for the gluing process.

Preparatory work

The process of preparing walls for pasting with vinyl wallpaper is a long and laborious process, which includes successive steps, each of which must be completed:

  1. If the gluing of vinyl sheets is not carried out in a new house, then the old finish must be removed from the walls: wallpaper, plaster, paintwork, etc. It is necessary to remove not only the main part of the old finish, but also all traces of it remaining.

Related article: Super glue: history of invention, features and rules of application

2. Surface leveling. After removing the old coating, it is necessary to visually inspect the work surface. It must be smooth, without defects, crumbling concrete, etc. You can tap the wall with a rubber mallet to check its integrity. Small defects can be repaired with plaster, but if the entire surface is in poor condition, then old plaster it is necessary to eliminate it completely and treat the wall with a new composition in order to level it.

Important! It is strongly not recommended to stick vinyl wallpaper on old wallpaper or paint, even if they are in satisfactory condition. The best option is to remove the old coating and stick new canvases on a clean, leveled rough surface.

It is also necessary to check not only the evenness of the rough surface, but also its humidity. It is not recommended to glue vinyl wallpaper on those surfaces that are constantly exposed to moisture and get wet (this is especially true for old wooden and other country houses).

If the wall constantly gets wet and becomes at least a little damp, then any kind of vinyl canvases will not stick to it.

Before gluing vinyl wallpaper on a prepared wall, you need to take into account the tips for implementing this process.

They will be useful to those who have to do this work for the first time:

  • Vinyl sheets will stick well if the wall surface has been completely dried before starting work. Therefore, you need to wait for the time between the preparatory and the main stage of gluing.
  • Gluing work should be carried out in a room with closed windows and doors, with the ventilation and air conditioning systems turned off. Upon completion of gluing, the room must also be left closed for 24-36 hours, otherwise the canvases will simply peel off the wall.
  • It is better to buy vinyl wallpapers with a margin, so that in the process of doing the work there is no shortage of canvases. If the room is relatively small, then it is desirable to complete all the work in one day.

Important! You do not need to stick wallpaper if there is high humidity in the room.

On video: Tricks of sticking vinyl wallpaper.

Marking the walls for sticking vinyl wallpaper is one of the most important work steps.

If it is ignored, then when gluing the vinyl sheets will begin to gradually shift, you will have to constantly mix and move them, which will lead to additional time costs and increased material consumption.

Related article: Glue 88: varieties and features of working with different types of glue.

Standard living rooms have 4 walls and 4 corners. You can start gluing vinyl wallpaper from a wall with a window or from the corner that is closest to the window. If gluing is supposed to be done from a corner, then it is necessary to immediately measure the verticality of this corner. This is necessary so that the first strip of vinyl wallpaper "lies" perfectly evenly.

To do this, from the corner of the room in the direction of gluing, you need to retreat by about 3-4 cm. Then you need to take a plumb line with a colored cord, fix it at the top of the wall. If there is a partner, then he can hold the lace from above. The plumb line must be lowered down, drawing a strict vertical line. Then the lace must be pulled and released, due to which an even vertical line will remain on the work surface. Subsequent strips of vinyl wallpaper can be joined to it in the future.

The second side of the first wallpaper strip will be cornered with a slight approach to the adjacent wall. If the corner of the room does not have an ideal vertical, due to this entry, this drawback will be almost completely leveled.

The process of gluing vinyl sheets also includes several steps that must be performed sequentially. Pasting is a simple process that can be done by two people.

The main thing is to purchase a high-quality and suitable adhesive composition, as well as follow the basic recommendations.

Glue for vinyl wallpaper needs some time for the mixture to infuse, so mixing the adhesive is the first step. It is necessary to prepare the adhesive mixture strictly according to the instructions on the package (it will be unique in each case, depending on the manufacturer).

Adhesive for vinyl sheets usually needs to be poured into a container with the required amount of water prepared in advance. Backfilling of dry adhesive powder is carried out gradually with constant stirring of the resulting mixture.

Vinyl wallpaper can be with a clear pattern that will require a quality fit, or without it. In the first case, the consumption of canvases will increase significantly.

There will be no waste if you need to glue vinyl photo wallpapers.

If the canvases are with a pattern, then you can customize it in several ways:

  1. It is necessary to mark the canvases in height, cut off and stick the first strip, and then attach the next roll to it, shifting it gradually to align the pattern. In this case, the waste will increase significantly (approximately 30-50 cm in length from each roll).
  2. If the second method is chosen, then it is necessary to take into account set pitch elements of the picture, select the desired value of the shift between the canvases in the process of combining. This is a more complicated, but economical option.
  3. The third method involves the use of several rolls at the same time to fit the pattern. For example, odd canvases are taken from one roll, and even ones from the other.

Important! If it is possible and there are vinyl wallpapers with a margin, then it is recommended to choose the consumable first method, because it is easier to perform and more familiar.

When cutting the roll, you need to take into account the height of the surface to be glued, the step of shifting the pattern and make a margin of length for the final trim. A margin of 5-7 cm is quite enough. In the marked place, the wallpaper must be folded, the fold smoothed, cut off with scissors or a sharp knife.

Related article: The choice of glue for aerated concrete blocks - features, brands

Gluing process

Pasting the walls with vinyl wallpaper is carried out sequentially. There is a certain scheme in accordance with which such work is carried out.

It is better to glue vinyl wallpaper together.

The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. At the first stage, the prepared adhesive composition is applied to the wallpaper strip and to the wall. Wallpaper glue should be applied to the wallpaper with a roller, brush or ordinary sponge. Particular attention should be paid to the edges of the strips.

2. A strip of vinyl wallpaper must be glued from above, attaching the upper edge of the canvas to a pre-glued cornice with a slight overlap. In the vertical plane, it is strongly recommended to level the glued strip with a level.

3. After gluing the upper part of the strip, you need to gradually, moving towards the bottom, press it against the wall with a plastic spatula or roller. It is best to straighten the strip using the herringbone method, i.e. removing air by moving the spatula from the center to the edges of the strip. It is recommended to immediately remove the glue squeezed out of the vinyl sheet with a clean rag or sponge.

4. Gluing the second strip is done in the same way, but now you need to glue it so that the pattern matches. First you need to align the canvas strictly along the junction line, after which you have to start combining the pattern.

5. For the corner parts of the room, you need to use strips that should go onto the adjacent wall by about 3-4 cm.

After the vinyl wallpaper is pasted, it is recommended to remove all remaining Construction Materials, tools, container with adhesive composition.

The door and windows in the room should be closed,to speed up the drying process,do not turn on the fan or air conditioner.

After gluing, you need to wait at least 1-2 days for the adhesive mixture to harden. If you immediately open the window after gluing and create a draft in the room, then there is a high probability that the vinyl wallpaper will simply peel off.

Sticking vinyl wallpaper (25 photos)

At the end of the last century, they invented for the first time, which the layman really liked. But unfortunately, experts in this field were rather skeptical, arguing that, unlike paper, these wallpapers do not let air through. And this is bad for the walls. Our developers do not stand still, so not so long ago they invented a universal type of wallpaper that has a double layer and at the same time breathes perfectly. Of course, this is vinyl wallpaper. Many people are afraid to purchase them because they do not know how to care for them and what to combine with vinyl wallpaper. It's very unfortunate that this is happening. Because they have great qualities.

Basic composition and important characteristic qualities

Before you start pasting, you need to buy material and in order to figure out which wallpaper to purchase, it is advisable to know their composition. The fact is that there are two types of vinyl wallpaper: based on non-woven and paper. The difference between them is small - both paper and fabric are breathable, so it doesn’t matter on what basis to take.

Other characteristic qualities are much more important. As you know, we considered only one layer, but vinyl products are two-layer. So, the second layer is polyvinyl chloride. Many people are afraid of this name, but in fact it means just a decorative outer layer that has beneficial properties: repelling fat, salt and moisture, as well as resistance to acids and alkalis.

The PVC layer is of the following types:

  • silkscreen. This type has a very solid appearance, as it resembles silk and is able to display incident light. This is because silk elements are woven into the top layer. In turn, according to the texture, silk-screen printing is divided into embossed texture and smooth texture. Designers note the exceptional similarity of silk-screen printing with textile wallpaper, perfectly combined with many interior designs. In addition, silk-screen printing is protected from fading under the influence of direct sunlight.

  • Foamed. They are made by printing (stencil) and heat treatment, due to which the vinyl base foams and acquires a special texture. Despite the unusual texture, experts note the excessive fragility of such a coating, it is especially reckless to glue such wallpapers in children's rooms, where kids are unlikely to be careful with wall decoration. Foamed samples do not differ in wear resistance, if a pet lives in an apartment that loves to sharpen sharp claws not only on a scratching post, but also on hard surfaces - just one scratch can lead to the removal of a whole layer of coating.
    This does not mean at all that the foam material is completely unsuitable for gluing on walls, it just requires careful handling and care.

  • hot stamping. With the help of heating, the pattern is pressed.

All vinyl products are washable high class. They can be glued in any room, even in the bathroom and kitchen, because vinyl can withstand high humidity air and high temperature. This type of wallpaper can hide all the flaws, bumps, etc. that the wall plane has. Among the most common defects are wall bevels, cracks formed on the plaster.

It is beneficial to glue vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base in rooms where it is necessary to achieve a wall-leveling effect. But remember that under non-woven fabric it is still necessary to properly prepare the wall structure, achieve maximum surface uniformity, and only after that proceed with gluing.

Caring for the non-woven finish is quite simple - slightly moisten a soft cloth in water and walk over the wallpaper without pressure. During the cleaning process, the usual wet wipe, preferably devoid of aggressive components, which, for example, include alcohol. Small dust and cobwebs can be easily removed with a vacuum cleaner without a nozzle.

Vinyl flooring is especially loved by designers and creative nature with good artistic taste, preferring to carry out repairs with their own hands. The process of pasting vinyl wallpaper often turns into a real art, allowing you to decorate the room as you wish.

Can vinyl wallpaper be painted?

Please note - today there are separate copies of vinyl wallpaper for sale, intended for subsequent painting. The manufacturer claims that such samples can be painted up to 15–20 times, and they will not lose their high-quality surface. We would not advise such bold experiments, however, the vinyl coating will withstand 2-3 staining in any case.

In order not to get into a mess, check with the sales assistant for the type of vinyl wallpaper, each of which, as a rule, has a number of features for use and gluing.

The main principles of gluing

Wall surface preparation

Vinyl wallpaper, so that it turns out to be of high enough quality, beautiful and correct, you will learn from the description below. First of all, you need to prepare the wall. If there are large cracks, potholes and other defects on it, they must be removed. You also need to remove the old wallpaper and remove the extra layer of putty, then dry it well.

How to choose a putty for sealing cracks? Everything is simple here - choose a composition that does not contain PVA, for example, the Vetonit putty mixture has proven itself well. Apply the material gradually, spreading in thin layers, as if forming a cake, each time leaving time for the previous layer to dry.

In order to check the percentage of wall readiness, you can stick a piece of simple adhesive tape to it, hold it for a couple of minutes and tear it off. In the event that traces of plaster remain on the surface of the adhesive tape, it means that the wall is not ready yet. There is another option: stick a small piece at night food film if swelling forms under it in the morning, the wall has moisture.

After the wall structure has completely dried, go over the surface with a sandpaper and leave the room for ventilation with open windows and a balcony for 1 week. Further, the wall must be treated either with a primer, or wallpaper glue(use quality glue"Moment" or "Kelid"). It is advisable to treat the work surface with an antifungal agent. The quality of pasting will depend on how the wall is ready for work.

If your goal is to achieve a neutral tone, use only pigmented formulations in a neutral shade.

Preparing wallpaper and tools

Before gluing the wallpaper on vinyl backing, you need to carefully prepare the necessary construction equipment. For work you will need:

  • Good solid wide spatula.
  • Bucket.
  • Not too hard household brush or a piece of unnecessary rags.
  • A brush for applying adhesive.
  • Well sharpened knife.
  • Roller and brush (to apply glue).
  • Scissors that fit comfortably in your hand.
  • Rubber roller (to smooth the wallpaper).
  • Pencil.
  • Roulette or meter.
  • Glue.

Big Smooth surface, on which you can place all the right tools and wallpaper. It can be a table or a clean floor.

At first, it may seem that decorating the walls with vinyl wallpaper is an overwhelming task for you. However, experts assure that interlining is a malleable material, which cannot be said about thin wallpaper made of paper. Sticking paper-based vinyl wallpaper requires skill and patience; it will no longer be possible to do without the involvement of an assistant.

When buying glue in a store, focus on high-quality adhesive composition, the label of which includes this type of wallpaper. The desire to save extra money and glue the vinyl material with the glue that you already have at home can upset the final result. It also happens that such negligence leads to the rapid peeling off of the strips and the need for another wall decoration.
After preparing the inventory and materials, you can proceed directly to the gluing process itself.

How to stick wallpaper on the wall correctly?

Dilute the glue in the ratio indicated in the instructions, but after you prepare the wallpaper.

Each roll of vinyl wallpaper has a specific instruction that must be followed unconditionally. Wallpaper needs to be cut along the length of the wall, but with the addition of ten centimeters. This is needed for crossover. For example, the height of the surface to be pasted is 2.4 m, which means that you cut off 2.5 m.

In the event that they have a drawing or something similar that needs to be selected, you will have to apply each cut piece to the next. You need to connect the images first and only then cut them off. So keep going. To create a single pattern, it is easier to work with 2-3 rolls at once. It is recommended to cut the wallpaper in such an amount that there are no more than ten canvases, they must be carefully folded on top of each other in the order in which the pattern was matched. It must be folded face down.

By the way, before cutting the wallpaper into strips, it is advisable to check how they match each other. It happens that when buying in a turmoil, by chance among all the rolls of the same pattern comes across 1-2 that do not match the selected pattern. If the strips are already cut, it will no longer be possible to take the rolls back to the store, and you will have to spend extra money on purchasing the missing wallpaper.

When working with glue, be careful: the glue should never get on the front side. Please note that vinyl wallpaper adhesive must swell for ten minutes before being applied. As a rule, glue is applied both to the wallpaper and to the wall. But, as for vinyl, there are varieties in which only the wallpaper surface is lubricated with glue. You will find this information in every package.

Masters note the best attachment of the coating, if it is good to smear the strips of material along the edges. Also, the finish will last longer if you glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper, covering both the strip and the wall with adhesive. Sticking vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base requires applying glue only to the wall surface.

Secrets of quality vinyl flooring

Since you need to glue vinyl, you need to end-to-end, try not to stretch them. Wait until the primer dries and start gluing. In order for the vertical to be located correctly, draw a line along the level, along which you will navigate. You need to start gluing from the corner located near the window, but at the same time do not touch the corner itself or stick it with an overlap.

So, glue the wallpaper with glue, connecting them with the greased side, and only then, if necessary, smear the wall.

This is necessary so that the glue has time to swell directly on the wallpaper, as well as to speed up the work process. Please note that the wall must be coated immediately before contact with the material.

The canvas is pressed to the surface and, starting from the top, is gently rolled down with a roller. Try to remove all the formed bubbles and emptiness. But do it carefully, as it is important that the adhesive for vinyl wallpaper does not get on them, otherwise stubborn stains may remain.

It is advisable to fix the first strip directly near the window opening, this tricky trick will hide the joints and seams. For beginners who first encountered sticking vinyl wallpaper, it is more convenient to first draw a vertical line on the wall with a pencil, and already focusing on it, start sticking.

Gluing corners and hard-to-reach places

Of course, it is understandable that it is impossible to glue wallpaper end-to-end in corner areas, so there are several ways to correct this shortcoming. It is possible to glue them in the corner with an overlap. To do this, you need to put one centimeter on the other side, which will close with another canvas. But this option is appropriate only for plain and with a small pattern of wallpaper. This is the easiest method, although it requires special glue.

More laborious but worth it, counts next way: apply wallpaper on each opposite side with an overlap of three centimeters. After they are thoroughly dry, you need to cut two sheets at the same time strictly vertically with a clerical knife. Those parts that you cut off must be removed, and the edges of the canvases should be folded over and glued. The seam is perfect.

Few people know how to properly glue vinyl wallpaper behind a radiator, because this is a very complicated process. Some do not fool their heads and simply paint over with paint to match the wallpaper. Of course, this is not too aesthetically pleasing, therefore, especially for those who prefer wallpaper, our recommendations. To do this, they are cut into small strips of about 10 - 20 cm wide and glued with a small roller.

To trim the edges of the wallpaper from above and below, as a rule, a special triangular ruler is used, which has cutting properties. If there is none, then with the help of a regular triangle and a clerical knife, even cuts are made.

The most frequently asked question is: how to glue vinyl-based wallpaper in the area of ​​​​sockets and switches. Everything is much easier than it seems.

Before you start working in this area, you need to turn off the power supplies, remove the plastic trim. Wallpaper should not be cut in advance. Glue them as is, and before rolling with a roller, make an incision and cut the wallpaper through the hole, level the surface. After a little bit of drying, fix the platbands.

Another important problem that arises during the repair is the openings of doors and windows. When you reach the opening, you can cut the canvas from the bottom to the top of the door (window) crossbar, then press it firmly and roll it. Cut off all unnecessary and then glue based on the previous one.

Heavy vinyl glue is much more difficult, but possible. Firstly, a special glue is needed, and secondly, they have a significant drawback: during the spreading of the glue, they are greatly stretched, and in the process of drying, on the contrary, they narrow. Therefore, if you have chosen this particular type of vinyl wallpaper, contact the experts for advice.

Video on how to glue vinyl wallpaper


If you chose vinyl wallpaper for repairs, you did it. right choice. Despite all the contradictions, they have a lot of advantages: waterproof, fireproof, non-toxic and easy to clean. Caring for them is really easy. It is enough to wipe with a damp cloth or, in case of heavy contamination, wash with detergent.

In addition, a wide range of textures and color palettes make it possible to create a design of unimaginable beauty. Among this variety, you can, suitable, perfectly, for any style.