How to ennoble the doorway of the front door - professional advice. How to design a doorway without a door? How to trim doorways

  • 23.06.2020

The front door will look complete only in one case - if the walls near it are finished. As a rule, it is installed in a small recess in the opening in the wall, and completely ugly elements are formed on the sides of it, which need to be covered with something or somehow finished. But the design process often depends on what shape the doorway is in the apartment.

Table. Kinds doorways.

Type ofshort information

This is the usual rectangular entrance, which is most common. Any option for finishing the slopes is suitable here, and various materials can be used, which will be discussed below. Despite the general simplicity of finishing such a doorway, many are faced with certain problems here, which are most often associated with the choice of the most suitable and easy-to-use material. In general, making a classic doorway is not so difficult, since there are no complex and curved lines here.

This version of the doorway looks much more spectacular than the usual classic one, and is a rectangle with a rounded top in the form of an arch. Doors that fit under it are more difficult to install and technically more difficult to design. Usually, sufficiently elastic materials are used for finishing slopes, which can be bent, or plaster. Often, special linings are also included with the door, which clearly fit the shape of the door. In general, finishing such an entrance is much more difficult than a regular one.

Advice! If you want to have an arched entrance to the apartment, but install an ordinary rectangular door, then there is a way out. From the inside, you can simply install an arched lining in the upper part of the doorway, but the door will look like a regular door from the outside.

Drywall slopes - a very common type of slopes

What are slopes?

The frame of the door is usually called jambs, but not everyone knows that the end part of the wall where the door (or window including) opening is located is called slope. By the way, some decorative overlays that are used to finish the opening are also commonly called slopes.

The slopes themselves can have different sizes, but in any case, according to their parameters, they should fit the end of the wall where the front door is installed. In general, they can have different thicknesses, but if we are talking about decorative overlays, then in order to avoid deformation and damage to the material, its thickness should be at least 1 cm.

The easiest way to make a slope is to use "L"-shaped panels

The purpose of finishing and installing slopes is to achieve a beautiful frame for the door. In any case, when the door itself is installed, the slopes will be damaged, and in general, the end part of the wall does not look beautiful - it is either concrete, or brick, or any other material that becomes visible to everyone. Usually the ends are quite uneven, and just sticking them with wallpaper will not work - you will need to make some training. Also, the slopes will help to hide the mounting foam, anchors and other elements and substances that were used directly when installing the door. Only if there are slopes or their correct finish, it is possible to ensure that the door looks beautiful, and the doorway is finished and neat.

On a note! Slopes will help to achieve a certain level of heat and sound insulation - the residents of the apartment will hear less sounds coming from the entrance. Do not assume that the slopes are just a decorative component.

Basic information about door installation and design

In general, finishing front door includes three stages:

  • threshold design;
  • slope finishing;
  • installation of platbands and dobors.

All these works are carried out after the installation of the door leaf itself. As for the threshold, it must be strong enough and resistant to various types of loads. Usually it is made of wood, metal, concrete. These types of materials are much more resistant than the now common PVC and can last for many years until the next door replacement.

As for the platbands and extensions, they are usually used to achieve the accuracy of the design of the doorway. So, they help to hide flaws and irregularities when the physical parameters of the wall and the very door frame that is being installed do not match. Without them, the door will look crooked and sloppy. Quite often, these elements are made of MDF, and then you don’t have to think about leveling the slopes themselves with putty. The voids between the extensions and the wall are simply filled mounting foam.

On a note! Platbands and extensions will also help protect the door from subsidence, which may occur in the future.

Finishing the slopes is done after the door is installed. It can be done in various ways:

  • sheathing;
  • finishing;
  • plastering.

The latter option is considered the best, as it allows you to achieve perfect evenness of the end of the wall, sealing the doorway. Also, if you apply imagination, you can create an interesting unique design. Yes, and excessive dust will not accumulate on top of the finishing materials.

Find out in a special article on our portal.

Prices for various types of door frames

Door frames

Material selection

Yes, the slopes perform a protective function, but no one took away their decorative function. And for their design, you can use a lot of different materials. The main requirement for them is the absence of fragility and a tendency to mechanical damage. The slopes must be finished so that they can last for many years without the need for their repair, not even major, but cosmetic. Moreover, it is worth considering that the doorway is the place where all family members pass every day, and even more than once, something constantly falls here, the door and the slopes themselves can be hit. So the material for their decoration must be taken one that is able to withstand all these loads for a long time and not deteriorate.


This is a classic and the most common design option for a doorway. Probably, this method originated when the very first front door was installed. The slope, which is finished with plaster, will serve faithfully for many years without any complaints. The material is not afraid of temperature changes, damage, and all the irregularities of the end of the wall will perfectly hide and fill with itself (no other material can compare with it in this). With this material, you can achieve a perfectly flat plane of the end of the wall.

Slope plastering - a method proven over the years

You can cover the plaster for beauty with paint, paste over with wallpaper, apply some kind of pattern on it. In general, there is a lot of room for imagination here. The main disadvantage of this method is the appearance of a large amount of dirt in the process of work. Also, the disadvantages include large labor costs, and the time for drying the material will also be required. If there is no experience in working with plaster, then it is recommended to carefully study this issue or even invite a master at all - working with the material is not easy for a beginner.

Advice! To make the slopes look complete, after plastering they need to be sanded and putty.

Prices for popular types of plaster


This material is loved by many craftsmen, and it is readily used in the construction and repair work. It is versatile and easy to use, and therefore can also be used for finishing slopes. This option is also called dry plaster.

The main advantages of using drywall are to increase the speed of work and simplify it. If necessary, drywall will perfectly hide all the shortcomings behind itself. In general, the work on its use for the design of slopes looks like this:

  • the surface is primed after cleaning it from debris;
  • a metal frame is formed from the profile;
  • moisture-resistant wall drywall is cut into segments of the desired size and fixed on the frame, forming a box;
  • after installing the sheets, the cracks and the sheets themselves are puttyed (it will not work to glue anything on the raw sheets of drywall or cover them with some kind of decorative composition);
  • when the putty dries, you can decorate the doorway.

On a note! If necessary, a heater can be laid under the frame on which the drywall is fixed - then it will be warmer in the apartment.

This is also a very popular option for decorating a doorway. At the moment, MDF finishing is considered perhaps the most common. The material is resistant to various influences, does not need additional decoration, has a lot of color variations and can be matched to match installed door. Veneered MDF as a whole is generally indistinguishable from natural wood.

Advice! If the door slopes are made not only inside the apartment, but also outside, then it is worth purchasing a moisture-resistant version of MDF.

Installing this option is simple - even a beginner can handle it. You can buy materials in advance - it remains only to adjust them to fit the right dimensions, assemble the box and install. The cavities are foamed with mounting foam.

Prices for polyurethane sealant

Polyurethane sealant

Unfortunately, it is not cheap, and it is easy to scratch it. So you need to handle the slopes of this material with care. Plus, it tends to absorb odors, and the fat on it easily stains.

Clapboard lining

A great option for those who want to have as much natural wood as possible in the house. By analogy with MDF clapboard, you can decorate the ends of the walls near the front door. They will look very beautiful and noble.

Installation must be done on top of a wooden crate. So the narrow slopes of the clapboard cannot be closed. Natural wood is not cheap, so you need to be prepared for the fact that you have to shell out more money.

It should also be borne in mind that with changes in humidity and temperature natural wood tend to deform. Before installation, it must be covered with protective compounds that prevent decay and the spread of insects. It is also better to impregnate it with a flame retardant to reduce the level of flammability.

Advice! Instead of varnish, it is better to cover the lining with a special wax-oil composition. It will look better and nobler.

PVC slopes and polyurethane linings

Where PVC is not used now! So the front door can be framed with it. Installation is quick, and the price of PVC slopes is quite low. But this material does not have many advantages.

PVC is brittle and breaks easily. Sometimes it’s enough just to lean on him and all the work will go down the drain. Repairing the slope will not work, it will only have to be changed. And in general, the service life of the material does not exceed a couple of years. Someone pastes over plastered slopes with plastic, but in reality it looks ugly and cheap.

By the way, you can also decorate the slopes with polyurethane overlays that can imitate stucco molding. Looks like a worthy option. But the price of such pads is high. You need to glue the lining on flat surface, so you still have to pre-plaster or close the ends of the walls with drywall.

How is the process of decorating slopes with MDF panels?

Step 1. The first step is to prepare all the tools. This is a tape measure, square, pencil, miter saw, sharp knife, hammer, masking tape, screwdriver, drill. Mounting materials and mounting foam are also needed.

Prices for popular models of screwdrivers


Step 2 Next, you need to take measurements. The procedure is performed after installing the door - you need to measure the width of the end of the wall, as well as the width of the doorway. It is better to take measurements at once at several points vertically and horizontally.

Step 3 Now you need to make markings on the MDF strips according to the dimensions obtained. The edge along which the cut will be made must be glued with masking tape. If this is not done, ugly chips may appear on the panel during sawing.

Step 4 With the help of a square, you need to draw a straight cut line.

Step 5 Taking advantage miter saw, you need to cut the blanks.

Step 6 Now you need to collect the received extensions into one design. A drill needs to drill holes for self-tapping screws. It is not recommended to screw them in immediately with a screwdriver - the fasteners can damage the panels. Holes are made in the amount of several pieces at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other.

Step 8 Now it is necessary to make about 10-12 spacer elements from a wooden block.

Step 9 Spacer elements must be hammered between the wall and the box. About 3-4 pieces are hammered vertically, and 2 pieces each along the upper and lower borders of the box. The bar should not stick out, it should be hammered tightly.

Step 10 Now you can install platbands. First you need to attach the casing and measure the desired length.

Step 12 Before installing the platbands, the gaps between the wall and the box must be filled with mounting foam. It will help to additionally fix the box and provide sound and heat insulation. Excess foam can be cut off with a knife after it hardens.

Step 14 Now you need to measure and saw off the casing from above and below, and then fix it with carnations.

Step 15 After the structure has been assembled, you need to fix it on the door frame with masking tape for about a couple of hours. Once the foam is completely dry, the tape can be removed.

Video - How to make slopes?

Video - Finishing narrow slopes

After the main work on finishing the slopes has been completed, you can proceed to additional decoration. If they were plastered or decorated with drywall, then the scope for creativity is very large. You can cover the slopes with paint, decorative plaster, wallpaper, draw patterns, attach laminate, stone, tile and use other materials. The main thing is that they fit the overall style of the interior and meet all the wishes of the owner of the house.

Entrance door - important element house interior. The image of the entire building depends on its appearance and the quality of the finish of the opening. The most popular are metal doors. Such popularity is due to the fact that it is reliable, unpretentious in care.

Today, there are many different options for designing a doorway. One of important points in repair are slopes. The doorway is finished with different materials. With proper and high-quality work, the new coating will be beautiful, reliable and will become a worthy decoration of the interior of the hallway.

Many people do not even know what slopes are, accepting cash for them. But this is an erroneous opinion. Because the slopes are not a finishing material, but part of the wall around the door frame. The choice of their cladding is given special attention, because they decorate the room and set a certain style for the interior. Therefore, regardless of the type of door chosen, attention must be paid to the slopes. In order to qualitatively arrange the slopes, you need to choose the finish correctly.

Reasons for finishing

Repair work may be required for various reasons. But most often the doorway is finished after installation. iron door. Metal sheets are quite heavy and bulky. Damaged during installation appearance adjacent walls. There is a need to ennoble the doorway. More often, finishing the front door from the inside is required. If the damage is serious, it is better to entrust the repair of the doorway to a specialist who understands this matter.

Finishing methods

Ennoblement of the doorway is performed using different materials. For facing slopes, plastic, tile, drywall, MDF and more can be used. But in order to properly finish the doorway of the front door, it is necessary to take into account the material of the door leaf, the width and degree of damage to the slopes, as well as personal preferences. You can finish the opening after installing the iron door with your own hands, but it is better to entrust this task to professionals.


Laminate can be used even by inexperienced craftsmen. It has a chic appearance, environmentally friendly and therefore does not harm environment. The only disadvantage of laminate is its poor resistance to high humidity. Therefore, for finishing the outside, it is better to use a more reliable material.

Before finishing uneven slopes, it is necessary to assemble the frame to which the panels will be attached. Flat surfaces can be sheathed with laminate by gluing onto mounting foam. Making the doorway of the front door in this way is popular due to the ease of installation and affordable price.

mdf panels

Entrance door openings are often trimmed with MDF panels. Installation is simple and fast. To install the panels, you will need dowels, mounting foam, a chisel, a jigsaw and liquid nails. MDF may have different types external cladding. Therefore, it is necessary to decide in advance which panels will be used for decoration. They can be laminated, painted or veneered.

Laminated panels look chic and have excellent technical specifications. Veneered panels are considered the most durable. Therefore, the decoration of the front door opening is most often performed with just this type of panel.

Before you start working with MDF panels, you must carefully take measurements. The distance between the inner slopes is less than between the outer ones. Finishing the front door with MDF panels is carried out only after the removal of the old slope lining. A big plus of this material is that the decoration of doorways with MDF panels can be done by hand.

Decorative rock

The decoration of the doorway of the front door looks original and beautiful with the help of decorative stone. Such material gives the surface an attractive appearance. Before laying with decorative elements, it is necessary to make markings. You can lay out the material on the floor in the same order as it will fit on the slopes. This will allow you to understand how the stone will look on the wall and decide on the pattern.

The material has an uneven shape, so small defects will look organic. It is necessary to prepare the surface in advance. fixed fake diamond with glue. Work starts from the bottom. Laying can be done in two ways. With the first, seams of a certain thickness are left between the decorative elements, and with the second, they are completely absent. Particular attention should be paid to the corners that are cut and sanded.

Decorative stone can have any shape. When choosing this method of finishing, it is necessary to take into account how this material corresponds to the overall interior design. Doors framed with bricks look unusual and beautiful.

pvc panels

It is possible to finish the doorway of the front door with PVC panels. Affordable material, has many advantages. But its fragility does not allow the use of plastic for exterior finish entrance doors. This is precisely its main drawback. The slightest careless movement can lead to damage to the material. A large selection of panel shades opens up wide possibilities for the implementation of any design solutions. Thanks to this, the doorway in different rooms is sheathed with plastic.

To date, the most popular are PVC panels with imitation of the structure of wood and fabric. Plastic is glued to the wall with special glue, or attached to a wooden frame. The joint is closed with a special corner.

Cement screed or plaster

by the most in a simple way finishing slopes is plaster or screed. A solution is applied to the surface of the wall, and then all irregularities are leveled and eliminated. But in order for the surface to turn out to be even, it is necessary to set the beacons. Fix special strips vertically with alabaster. After the beacons dry, the distance between them is filled.

It will take several days for the screed to dry. A big plus is that with the help of plaster you can eliminate any defects on the surface of the walls. After it dries, it is painted with acrylic or facade paint, and from the inside they are pasted over with wallpaper. And decorative plaster can also be used. With high-quality and proper plastering, the slopes look neat and beautiful.

Most often, this method is used in order to trim a wide opening. Because other ways of finishing can look rough and ugly. But in order to qualitatively plaster the surface, it is necessary to have certain skills and knowledge.

Drywall finishing

One of the most popular types modern finishes doorways are covered with plasterboard. The surface sheathed with this material has an attractive appearance, and when correct installation will last a very long time. Smooth surfaces can be pasted over with drywall using a special glue. On a curved surface, a frame of metal profile, and then it is sheathed with sheets of drywall.

The availability of material and simple installation contribute to the fact that plasterboard cladding is popular for decorating the front door.

Thanks to the doorway, you can get a stylish and harmonious design premises. Therefore, allocate various options its finishes. Depending on the presence or absence of the door leaf, the sequence of measures necessary to obtain the desired effect is determined.

Cladding without door panels

Finishing interior openings in case there is no door is carried out according to two main options:

  1. Standard. Assumes cladding various materials, the structure remains unchanged.
  2. Arched. The method consists in changing the configuration of the opening to one degree or another.

Each of these methods requires compliance with the rules and accuracy in actions.

Materials for standard finishes

Finishing a doorway without a door involves the use of materials with different technological features. It could be a PVC panel. It is ranked among the most popular. She possesses good performance and affordable. Often, for laying, such a panel is installed on glue. It can be used for facing slopes, but it is desirable to finish the rest of the doorway with other materials.

Action algorithm:

The design is left for a while to prevent the elements from moving. After that, the shortcomings are eliminated. If they are closed with plastic corners, as is the case with window cladding, it may not be an entirely attractive effect. It is better to cover these areas with putty. After that, subsequent finishing is allowed. For this, wallpapering or coloring is suitable. There are plastic trims that work well with PVC panels, but cutting them is very labor intensive. To do this, you need to adjust the elements at right angles.

It is best to replace PVC with MDF panels. Finishing openings with such material is perfectly combined with other products. If it is necessary to clad structures in this way, it will be necessary to resort to lamination in order to exclude the formation of visible joints.

The use of stucco

Today, stucco molding made of polyurethane has found application. Unlike gypsum options, it has light weight. You can mount it without using additional devices. It lends itself to further processing: it can be painted in various colors.

There is a special scheme according to which you can ennoble the doorway with your own hands using the specified material:

Joints appear after facing. They can be hidden with putty, which is rubbed sandpaper after drying. Finishing between rooms requires a special approach, because it is necessary to provide for the location of parts on both sides.

Most of all, ennobling the doorway with stucco is suitable for rooms with high ceilings. If you have to work with small rooms, it is better to think over the position of the elements in advance. If you do not pay enough attention to this, the room will be overloaded, and the interior will lose its attractiveness.

Fake diamond

The use of artificial stone is good decision helping to create a modern and stylish design. Compared to similar products this option is preferred. This is explained by the fact that it is available in a wide range decorative designs. For example, clinker tiles can be used, including for facing the specified structures, but its choice is limited.

The use of decorative stone has a number of advantages. Here are the key advantages of the material:

  • excellent appearance, giving the interior solidity;
  • the possibility of combination with other finishing materials;
  • the ability to endure any mechanical stress;
  • long service life. Artificial stone is durable, and therefore can retain all its characteristics for decades.

For decoration, it is necessary to choose an artificial stone, which is small in size and has a relief surface. Deeper textures will look somewhat cumbersome. Facing is carried out using various technologies. Most often, laying is done in a way that allows you to equip uneven edges. Today, special elements have been developed that are able to cope with the function of the corner lining. They are very comfortable and allow you to do without the trimming procedure.

How to finish the doorway of the front door using a decorative stone? The algorithm of actions is as follows:

The use of plaster

Now this method has noticeably decreased in popularity. Although 10 years ago this method was considered the most accessible. In fact, plaster is underestimated by many. Although she still has flaws. For example, it involves significant labor costs during application, especially if a person has no experience. You can not do without dirt by resorting to plastering surfaces. But it is still difficult to choose another such composition that would be so ideally combined with other materials.

Algorithm of actions when using plaster:

  1. Prepare the required amount of the mixture. The solution should be enough so that it is enough for half an hour of work.
  2. The mixture is poured onto the surface and leveled building rule or with a wide spatula.
  3. If necessary, put beacons and perforated profile guides.
  4. If the mortar layer exceeds 1.5 cm, it is necessary to lay a reinforcing mesh.

The finished surface must be painted. But it is better if the plaster will serve as the starting composition. As a finish, it is desirable to use textured or decorative putty, it is applied in a certain order. Due to this, a coating with good decorative properties is obtained. Such a doorway can become a real decoration of the interior.

Arrangement of the arch

The arch transforms the interior. But it is possible to independently equip such a structure only if there is a certain experience. There are arches that are standard in size. They are ready to install and require only careful installation.

The easiest way to make arches made from drywall. The work is done as follows:

You can use more noble materials to complete the arch, but this will require more skill.

Other design methods

It is allowed to use other methods for decorating doorways. They consist in the use of screens or decorative curtains. This method is considered affordable and simple, among other things, it does not require complex work.

Various options are allowed:

  • Fabric curtains. They are able to make an excellent addition to any interior. The composition is set so that it does not create disharmony with other elements of the interior and is combined with window decoration.
  • Bamboo curtains. If the room is made in an eco-style, this option will be most welcome.
  • Curtains in the form of threads. Such products are used when they want to give the room an unusual look.

Aperture equipped with a door

If there is a door leaf, then you can resort to several simple options. The difference lies in the location of such a structure. The simplest and most affordable option can be considered the installation of the box and related components.

The technology is as follows:

Such a simple option is suitable for a situation where you have to deal with not very wide structures.

You can also design an opening that has a door in a more original way. The hinged canvas creates certain difficulties in the design of the opening. Finishing products must be used correctly, otherwise it will be problematic to open the door.

You can make the doors open in a sliding way on the principle of sliding doors. This is an interesting technological solution that involves careful selection facing materials. In fact, almost everything can be used for decoration. The main thing is that the used parts do not interfere with the full use of the door in the future.

The name "doorway", first of all, implies a design for installing a door leaf. But the presence of an interior door is not always appropriate and practical, which may be due to both the layout features and the limited size of the rooms.

In such cases, this element, becoming independent interior detail, it deserves that the homeowners pay due attention to its decoration.

What is this element of the interior?

This is an open opening that provides free communication between adjacent premises of residential apartments.

The absence of a door in this design allows you to save up to 1 m2 of space, give the opening different shapes and sizes, as well as visually expand the space and erase the border between the rooms, combining them into a single ensemble.


Theoretically door opening can be given any shape(even round), but here one should consider how functional this or that design will be.

The best thing give preference to one of the most common options, such as:

The arches themselves can also be of various shapes:

  • elliptical;
  • rounded;
  • trapezoidal;
  • asymmetric (having an oblique slope on one side).

Design options

Modern Design Ideas include several ways opening decoration. Some of them will be discussed below.

Finishing with artificial stone

This material is most often used for finishing cafes, shops and other public places, but in some cases it is quite Appropriately looks like facing doorways residential apartments.

Decorative stone trim is suitable for:

  • spacious rooms;
  • rooms with little furniture;
  • giving the room a certain design style;
  • masking the flaws in the wall.

In order for the artificial stone to harmonize with the interior as much as possible, you need follow some rules.

When facing a rectangular doorway the lower part of the masonry should be wider, than at the top (see photo). This technique will allow you to smoothly move on to decorating the walls. When making an arched opening, the top of the structure is completely decorated, due to which its rounded shape will be highlighted.

Doorway lining must be carried out from all sides, not excluding the slopes themselves. This will simplify the task of decorating walls and ceilings in combination with stone.


You can trim the interior doorways and arches with a laminate - this budget and relatively simple decor. One of the main advantages of this cladding option is the ease of processing the material, which allows you to give it almost any shape.

Installation of sheets is performed either on the frame, or by gluing them directly to the surface of the opening. Frame mounting method suitable for wide openings since the installation of the crate entails a reduction in space.

MDF panels

A suitable option in order to decorate the slopes "under the tree." Front side of the material may have different coverage(veneer, PVC, eco-veneer), any of which gives the panels an external resemblance to valuable wood.

Do-it-yourself cladding

Consider the finish of the doorway on the example of MDF panels. Finish the slopes with MDF panels can be done in two ways, on glue or with a crate.

Facing using glue consists of the following steps:

  1. If the base is a “bare” brick or concrete surface, it is finished with plywood or MDF, which fasten to the wall with dowels.
  2. Next, the panels are marked and cut to size.
  3. The back side is smeared with liquid nails glue, which applied in a zigzag stripe.
    The material is applied to the base, and after 5-10 minutes the surface is tapped with a rubber mallet.

Fastening panels to the crate, although characteristically different from the previous process, but it's also not complicated:

  1. in the opening mount the frame from wooden slats or a metal profile, fixing them to the surface with dowels.
  2. Top and bottom of the frame with self-tapping screws fix the starting guides. Fragments of the cladding cut to size are inserted into them, which are attached to the frame using the same self-tapping screws.
  3. Upon completion of the installation of panels along the outer perimeter of the opening mount cashing.

Watch a video tutorial on decorating a doorway:

Everything shows that the finish of the opening is complete and, moreover, responsible procedure for the design of residential premises. With the right approach, this element will become a quality addition to the interior of any style.

The appearance of the doors depends not only on the door itself, but also on the finish of its opening. Often, when installing it, homeowners do not take this into account. Installation and finishing of the front door opening are different things that are performed by different craftsmen. These processes can be carried out without outside help using various special materials used for these types of work.

What to do with slopes

Facing the opening is carried out directly at the initiative of the owner of the property. During the installation and installation process, this is rarely thought about and remembered, but after it they realize how important it is. And this is not only the aesthetic side of the issue. It means its practical purpose.

The door is not only a necessary household item or addition to the design. It performs many different functions. Equally important is its decoration. With her help:

  • The right color will complement the overall interior of the room.
  • You can increase the level of heat and sound insulation of housing.
  • With proper installation and finishing, the level of security of the apartment increases.

Make it, perhaps, with your own hands. It does not require special knowledge and skills. The process takes little time and effort. Depending on what kind of cladding will be done: inside or outside, it is necessary to choose the material. To date, there is a huge number of variations of choice for the implementation of this process, designed for all types of finishes.

The most popular of them are:

  • Plastering. Is a classic option, does not require special efforts, but it is not quite aesthetic appearance. Therefore, after facing with such a tool, it will be necessary to decorate the opening.
  • Plasterboard sheets. Very popular in residential and commercial structures, it has a very attractive appearance. The disadvantage can be called low strength, so its choice should be approached very carefully.
  • Laminated panels. This is the most durable method, it is considered universal, suitable for both entrance and interior slopes.
  • Stone. It is used mainly for arches. Serves more as a decor for the room.
  • If we are talking about an opening without doors, the most optimal way is to add. It looks very elegant and luxurious. Usually used in Greek or Byzantine styles, with columns and carved appliqués.
  • Veneer. It is considered to be universal remedy perfect for any look.

Plasterboard cladding

Finishing the entrance door opening from the inside and outside can be carried out using drywall. This material has a number of advantages, such as:

  • Does not harm health, as it is environmentally friendly.
  • It is odorless and does not emit toxic substances.
  • The result is a perfectly flat surface that can be subsequently decorated in various ways.

Facing is called not only giving the opening an attractive appearance, but also insulation. Its implementation must be approached with responsibility and patience. You will need to accurately measure all dimensions. Despite its high quality, drywall is quite affordable.

Immediately before execution, it is necessary to prepare all the tools that may be needed in the process. The main ones are:

  • The drywall itself.
  • Mounting foam.
  • Glue designed specifically for this.
  • Putty.
  • Primer.
  • Dye.
  • Profile.
  • Spatulas of various sizes.
  • Perforator.
  • Level.
  • Plumb.

The process technology includes the following steps:

  1. Cleaning the surface from the previous coating. You can use a spatula or sandpaper.
  2. Taking measurements.
  3. Formation of the necessary elements from drywall.
  4. Fasten them to the slopes using special glue or a drill.
  5. The remaining gaps should be blown out with mounting foam.
  6. Treat with a solution to prevent the spread of mold and mildew.
  7. After the foam has dried, cover the sheets with finishing putty. You can also use plastic corners.

Drywall can be painted or decorated in any other way if desired. Maybe put some wallpaper on it plastic panels or tiles. With its use, you can make an opening of the arch. It is also possible to mount the arched structure itself from it.

Application of plaster

Finishing the front door opening is most often done using plaster. This is one of the cheapest and most durable ways. This material is quite strong, little damaged even when exposed to mechanical means. With its use, it is possible to completely level the surface of the slopes. It does not require special skills, even people who do not have any experience in construction are familiar with it. The solution is easy to prepare and fairly easy to apply.

The instruction includes the following work steps:

  1. Surface cleaning.
  2. Slope degreasing.

Finishing with such means is convenient in ease of use. The price for it is not very high, which makes it affordable for the population. The process itself does not take much time. The only drawback in it is the time allotted for the complete drying of the first layer.

The plaster on top can be painted in any color. It remarkably tolerates any temperature, does not lend itself to dissolution and is not afraid of moisture. Excellent for exterior cladding where the material is exposed to the weather.

Wood and laminate finish

Very often, slopes are finished with laminate or wood. It looks quite nice and neat. But the difference between laminate and wood is not only the price, but the material itself. Laminate only in appearance is similar to wood.

It has a fairly low cost. It is easy to work with, it attaches quickly and lasts a long time. You can make the lining yourself, without the involvement of outside help. It is easy to give to a laminate any form necessary under a slope of a door. On average, one opening takes eleven sheets of standard size.

Laminate is divided into three types. All of them are characterized by numbers from 21 to 23. They mean the power load that this type is able to withstand. The strongest is laminate number 23. But a less weak one is also suitable for facing slopes.

Finishing with a laminate is carried out by applying it to the wall and fixing it with dowels or self-tapping screws. In this case, the size of the laminate sheet should be clearly calculated, and if it is larger in size, then the desired one should be cut. Internal corners can be decorated with special rails.

Finishing the doorway of the front door with wood is one of the most expensive due to the material used for it. The advantage is the uniqueness and originality of such a cladding. There are many types of wood with which you can carry out this process. It is not difficult to process, it can be given any shape.

Among the shortcomings, one can single out the fact that the tree does not like moisture. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it from the outside. It requires special care and handling. Otherwise, the tree may lose its attractive appearance. For a longer service life, it is necessary to open it with varnish or wax.

Finishing with decorative stone and veneer

Stone trim can be used both from the outside and from the inside. It looks great and serves not only as a lining, but also as a stylish design solution. It will give the room a unique look and originality.

The range of stone is quite large, which allows you to choose the one you need based on the financial situation and the wishes of the person. You can lay out the stone in any order. It all depends on the requirements and desires. The laying of the stone is carried out directly on the cement mortar. Basically, the decoration with decorative stone is carried out by arched openings. There it looks not only original, but has a refined and unique appearance. The stone is not afraid of moisture, so it can be safely used even on the street. This will not affect its appearance or quality in any way.

Veneer is a versatile material suitable for any interior. Veneer finishing has many advantages and disadvantages, such as:

  • A rich selection of colors and shades. This will save a lot of time and money in the future on decorating it. There is an opportunity to choose immediately the desired color.
  • Durable enough. But do not use it in places with a direct hit. ultraviolet rays. It is afraid of the sun and quickly enough collapses and deteriorates under its influence.
  • Doesn't like moisture.
  • Ideal for finishing slopes. Excellent adherence to the surface due to its unique composition.

Finishing should be given special attention, since the opening is a passageway. It can be done independently and without much money. Everything will depend on the material with which it is carried out.

Finishing the front door opening: slopes, options for cladding, instructions for use and decor

You probably want the corridor to look harmonious with the door. This article will tell you how to finish the front door opening.

How can you decorate the doorway of the front door

How to arrange a doorway? Indeed, such a question is no less important than the development of a general interior design. If you do the work correctly and efficiently, you get a reliable and beautiful coating, which will be the highlight of the room. An important aspect is that there are many different materials that are perfect for this event.

Nuances that require attention

Finishing the front door opening is a process that has some rules. They must be followed in order to get the desired result. Pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. Safety. For work, materials that will not be dangerous to humans should be used. This also applies to installation methods. That is, all parts are installed with the utmost reliability and in accordance with the technology.
  2. Harmony. It is advisable to use such options that will be more consistent with door structure. Of course, the situation is considered ideal when the material of the door and the opening are completely the same, but this is not always possible.
  3. Sound and heat insulation. These are necessary parameters that deserve due attention.

For finishing the doorway, high-quality and safe materials should be used.

To perform the work of the highest quality, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances. If you ignore them, you get a coating that can be quite beautiful, but have many hidden defects.

On a note! It is erroneously considered that the finishing of the doorway consists only in facing the slopes. In fact, it is required to provide for the decoration of the outer perimeter. Many masters advise limiting themselves to installing platbands. This is a great solution, but rather trivial. Much better to show imagination and individuality.

The use of various materials and their features

Finishing the doorway of the front door can be done using different materials. Each of them has its own characteristics, they must be taken into account in order to choose suitable option for a specific situation.

  • Plaster. This is the most accessible and simple method of opening an opening. The technology requires applying the prepared composition to the surface. After drying, additional decoration is necessary. Often this option is the starting point for laying another material.

Stucco doorway - the most affordable and cheap option finishes

  • Drywall. This method similar to the previous one, but the work is carried out much faster. This is due to the fact that the gypsum boards are cut into the desired strips, which are placed on the trimmed areas. It should be borne in mind that this option allows you to get a flat surface, but needs further finishing.

Plasterboard sheathing - the most fast way front door trim

  • PVC, MDF, wood or veneer panels. This method can be considered the most popular. The fact is that such products do not need further processing. They can be made in different colors and textures. It should be understood that many of the products perform more decorative functions, so it is necessary to provide additional heat and sound insulation in advance.

Finishing the doorway with MDF panels allows you to create a spectacular decorative coating

  • The stone is natural or artificial. A great option that allows you to get a very unusual surface. But there are some nuances that lie in the rules of laying.

Making a doorway with artificial stone

So, how to finish the doorway? To obtain a more harmonious coverage, many factors must be taken into account. Often, a technology that allows you to combine different types of materials is considered a good solution.

The specifics of working with different materials

It must be borne in mind that each finishing option is performed according to certain rules. They must be fully observed in order to achieve the desired quality.


This classic version. Plastering is used because of its undeniable advantages:

  1. Durability. The service life of the coating is calculated in tens of years.
  2. Strength. If you use high-quality mixtures and do everything according to the rules, then the surface will be resistant to various influences.
  3. Maintainability. This is an important factor, which lies in the fact that, if necessary, the damaged area is subject to restoration.
  4. Low cost. The material is much cheaper than other options.

Plaster is a very strong, durable and cheap material.

But in order to do the job well, you need to be careful.

The general application technology is as follows:

  • It all starts with preparation. It consists in the fact that the surface is cleaned of all defects, dust and dirt. Cracks and crevices are well covered.
  • Two coats of primer are applied. The first will penetrate well into the pores, and the second will fix the result.
  • Beacons are installed on the sites, they are fixed on a small amount of solution. If required, a wooden lath is laid along the outer perimeter. It will serve as a guide and determine the thickness of the layer.

A wooden lath laid along the perimeter of the slope acts as a guide

  • For greater reliability, a reinforced mesh is used, it is fixed with dowels.
  • Areas that will not participate in the decoration are covered with cardboard and masking tape.
  • The mixture is prepared in the right amount. It is applied with a spatula, spreading around the entire perimeter. Evenness is checked by level.

On a note! When it is supposed to apply a layer with a thickness of more than 10 mm, the work is carried out in several stages. In this case, the reinforcing mesh is laid after the first or second layer.

Drywall is an option that is most successfully used when general wall cladding is performed with this product. Of course, you can also use it on your own. But it is important to consider that the material is quite fragile, so installation must be done with care.

Finishing the entrance opening is done like this:

  • Preliminary preparations are being made. It does not have to be as thorough as when using plaster, but it is necessary to correct all defects.
  • Next, the dimensions are taken. They are transferred to a separate sheet. This allows you to create detail. It is important to make repeated measurements, which will exclude the possibility of error.
  • In accordance with the data obtained, the cutting of the plates is done. This is easily done with a sharp utility knife.

As already mentioned, plasterboard finishing needs subsequent decoration. Paint can be used as a material.

Panel products

How to finish the front door opening with panels? This method is quite simple. According to its technology, it repeats the installation of drywall. But another option can be used. It lies in the fact that a preliminary crate is performed. It is necessary in order to carry out additional insulation.

The following actions are performed:

  • Installed around the perimeter wooden beam. It is fixed vertically. Dowels are used as fasteners.

On a note! The slats must first be treated with antiseptics. This will help prevent mold or mildew.

It is believed that MDF or thick plastic panels will be the most preferable. cheap Wall panels made of PVC look very unrespectable.

Artificial and natural stone

This option looks very original. It allows you to get a beautiful surface, which is distinguished by originality. Of course, certain conditions must be met in order to achieve the desired result.

On a note! The material should be located in a small amount, especially if the hallway has small size. The largest number elements should be located at the bottom, decreasing upwards.

Finishing the opening with a decorative stone looks very impressive, but the main thing is not to overdo it.

How to trim the doorway of the front door with stone:

  • Preliminary marking of the surface is carried out. A scheme is being drawn up. For greater effect - the material is laid out on the floor. This will allow you to create the desired pattern.
  • The surface is well prepared. Small distortions are acceptable, but any defects are immediately eliminated.
  • The stone is fixed with glue. Laying starts from the bottom. Two technologies can be used: one is that the seams of the required thickness are formed, the other assumes their absence.
  • Particular attention is paid to the corners. They are formed by cutting and grinding.

Making a doorway with stone is a way that requires a combination with the overall interior design. The result can be a great visual effect.

How to decorate the doorway of the front door: finishing options (photo)

How to decorate the doorway of the front door? This question is very important. There are many different materials that are great for this finish.

Front door trim. Features of materials. plaster mixes. Plasterboard sheets. Laminated panels

The manufacture and installation of the front door is not an easy task, moreover, in most cases it requires the use of metalworking and welding equipment, so it is better to entrust such work to professionals.

However, as a rule, their responsibilities include only manufacturing and installation, so many apartment owners are worried about how to finish the doorway of the front door after it is installed?

Entrance door after installation.

Decoration of doorways

In this article, the reader will be offered all sorts of options for finishing the doorway of the front door using various finishing materials.

Here you will find detailed instructions that will help you do this simple work with your own hands, spending some free time on it.

Finishing with a special profile.

Materials for finishing doorways

Before finishing the doorway of the front door, you need to decide on the choice of materials used.

Depending on the location of the door and the aesthetic requirements for the decorative qualities of the finish, the following materials are best suited for this work:

  • Plastering with cement-sand mixtures is the most durable classic type of finish, however, due to its low aesthetic qualities, it requires additional decoration with decorative finishing materials. In its pure form, it can be used for finishing entrance doors in a garage, bathhouse, barn or other household buildings.
  • Finishing with plasterboard sheets is less durable, but in its finished form it has a more attractive appearance. Most often used in design entrance group in residential and commercial premises.
  • Sheathing with laminated MDF panels is a fairly strong and durable finishing method that does not require additional design. It is used as a finishing finishing material for decorating entrance and interior door openings in apartments and residential buildings.

Plaster mixtures

It should be noted right away that working with plaster is quite laborious and dirty, so it is better to do it when the repair work has not yet been completed in the room.

In addition, it requires certain skills in the use of this building material.

  1. First of all, you need to remove old plaster and clear the doorway of debris.
  2. A brick or concrete surface should be coated with a primer, and after it dries, install and fix cement mortar guide beacons by aligning them with a building level. (See also the article How to make a primer for putty.)
  3. The door frame and the walls around the opening must be pasted over with paper masking tape, and a fiberglass reinforcing mesh should be fixed to the surface to be treated.
  4. Dilute the plaster mixture in accordance with the instructions and fill first of all large potholes and voids in the wall. After that, using the rule, pressing it against the beacon profiles, evenly apply plaster mortar over the entire surface.
  5. After the mortar has hardened, the resulting cracks and irregularities should be puttied with a finishing putty, and then painted with interior paint of the desired color.

Applying plaster.

Plasterboard sheets

Finishing the opening with drywall sheets can be considered the easiest way, which does not even require any experience with drywall.

In addition, to perform this work, you need to use a minimum set of materials.

  1. The most important thing in this work, before finishing the front door opening, is to correctly measure the height and depth of all sides of the doorway.
  2. Based on the dimensions obtained, it is necessary to cut out the necessary details from the drywall sheet so that they are tightly inserted into the doorway and cover the slopes from all sides.
  3. Large potholes in the wall must be blown out with mounting foam, and then evenly applied with a snake to one side of the slope.
  4. After that, press the appropriate piece of drywall to it and leave it until the foam polymerizes. Thus, it is necessary to sew up the doorway with plasterboard from all sides, and blow out the cracks with mounting foam.
  5. At the end of the polymerization, you need to cut off the excess foam and drywall, and fill all the cracks with finishing putty or close with decorative plastic corners.

Further finishing of the front door opening can be done at the discretion of the owner: the surface can be painted, wallpapered, tiles or decorative plastic panels can be glued.

Application of mounting foam for gluing drywall to the wall.

In order to quickly and reliably glue drywall after applying the foam, it must be pressed against the wall for a short time and then immediately removed.

After that, let the foam dry for 8-10 minutes, install it in place and press it firmly against the wall.

Laminated panels

A large assortment and relatively low price of laminated MDF panels allows you to choose the color and texture of the material that will most closely match general style design of the entrance group.

  1. Along the inner and outer edges of the opening, install wooden rails of the required section, securing them to the wall with dowels and self-tapping screws.

Schematic representation of MDF paneling. View from above.

  1. Cut out the top part from the MDF sheet and fix it to the rails with small self-tapping screws or finishing nails so that it covers the entire width of the slope.
  2. Having selected the necessary angles, cut out and fasten the details of the side panels to the guides by analogy with the top panel.
  3. In order to hide the visible fasteners on the outer corners with liquid nails or other similar glue, you need to fix the bending corner and in internal corners glue a decorative strip of a suitable color.

As a final operation around the perimeter of the entrance, it is necessary to fix the door frames, however, it is recommended to install them only after the complete completion of the repair work in the apartment.

Materials for sheathing MDF panels.

In order to accurately select the corners and prevent the formation of cracks, it is recommended that you first make a template from thick cardboard, and after a precise fit to its shape, cut out the panels.


From this article, it can be concluded that self-registration a doorway can be performed by almost every owner of their own home. At the same time, it should be remembered that the front door is the most accessible place, therefore, when designing it, due attention should be paid to the reliability and strength of the materials used.

Finishing the doorway of the front door: what and how best to decorate, options, photos and videos

Finishing the doorway of the front door: what and how best to decorate, options, photos and videos

Finishing the doorway with laminate and other materials is very simple.

Doorway of the front door before and after finishing

Finishing Requirements

Before you start finishing the front door opening with your own hands, you should study the requirements for work.

They must be followed if you want to get decorative and durable slopes that will not lose their visual appeal for many years.

  1. The installation of suitable door and opening fasteners is an important step in the work to increase the safety, strength and aesthetic appeal of the structure.
  2. It is advisable to choose the same material from which the door is made. In any case, it should be in harmony with the situation and contribute to the creation of a single image.
  3. It is important to determine the appropriate mounting method. So, a decorative stone is attached by gluing to the wall, and it is possible to sheathe it with MDF panels only after installing the crate.
  4. Pay attention to sound insulation and the ability to save heat.
  5. Finishing the doorway ends with the installation of platbands.
  6. Sometimes for internal and exterior finish different materials are used.

What materials are used?

Finishing the doorway after installing the iron door is carried out with the following materials:

  • cement-sand mortars;
  • drywall protruding independent option or the basis for subsequent finishing (for example, you can apply wallpaper);
  • plastic, wood panels, laminate, veneer;
  • decorative stone, natural or artificial.

If you decide not to call the master, select the material and get to work.

However, it is important to learn in advance about the nuances of finishing and correctly assess your strengths.

Stucco doorway

Plaster is considered a classic option. This method is used in non-residential premises or where additional finishing is expected in the future. Plastering should be done with care and attention, and then carefully handle the doorway, because it will become difficult to care for it. But the method also has advantages: strength, durability, resistance to adverse environmental factors, the ability to easily repair in case of damage, cost-effectiveness (30 kg of plaster mixture costs 200-300 r).

The finishing process looks like this:

  1. The surface is cleaned and then primed.
  2. After drying, guide beacons are installed. The evenness of the position is determined by the building level, and fixation is carried out with a solution.
  3. A reinforced mesh is attached to the surface. door frame and walls that are not to be faced are covered with masking tape.
  4. Holes and voids are filled with the solution, after which it is applied to the entire surface.
  5. The resulting cracks are eliminated with putty.

The doorway is ready for painting or installing other facing materials.

Drywall finishing

It can also become the basis for the subsequent transformation or an independent option. Drywall is not as durable as plaster, but it looks attractive, strict and stylish, and it is also easy to install. Another important advantage of drywall sheets is the cost, which is in the range of 200-400 rubles.

Finishing the front door openings is carried out as follows:

  1. Measurements are being taken.
  2. Plasterboard sheets are cut into fragments. The resulting parts must completely cover the slopes and fit snugly against each other.
  3. Damage to the surface is repaired with mounting foam.
  4. Foam is also used to fix the finishing material. To do this, it is applied in a zigzag pattern to the wall, after which the drywall is pressed for a few minutes. It remains to wait 10 minutes and press the material again. In this way, fast and strong bonding is achieved.
  5. The gaps remaining after the end of the work are sealed, excess drywall and foam are cut off.
  6. The voids along the edges are closed with corners or putty.

Finishing with MDF panels

MDF is used for interior cladding of entrance doors in residential buildings and office space. The material is characterized by durability, hygiene and aesthetics, provides good sound and heat insulation, and tolerates moisture well. Panels cost 150-250 rubles. per square meter. The tree will cost more: 300-700 r. Serious disadvantages of the material include its easy flammability and the fact that cladding is possible only after the installation of the frame.

An expensive purchase also includes the purchase of veneer - a wood material characterized by high strength and aesthetic appeal. True, direct sunlight is fatal for him. The price per square meter is up to 5,000 rubles.

To decorate a doorway with wood, veneer or MDF panels, you need:

  1. Using self-tapping screws and dowels, install guides from wooden slats. The frame slats are treated with an antiseptic before starting work.
  2. Adjust the panels to the desired size.
  3. Attach the first part with screws or nails to the guides, continue cladding, completely covering the slope in width.
  4. Mount corners and side panels to the guides.
  5. Mask the fasteners with adhesive, install a decorative rail.
  6. Attach platbands around the perimeter of the door.

plastic finish

A popular material, environmentally friendly, budget and unpretentious in care. Manufacturers offer a wide color palette, which makes it easy to match the plastic to the texture of the door leaf. A square meter costs no more than 200 rubles. But the material does not differ in special strength and is not suitable for every door.

The front door opening is lined with plastic according to the same principle as MDF: first, the surface is prepared, then the crate of the rails is attached, and plastic panels are already attached to it.

Sheathing with laminate

Such a finish usually does not raise questions even among inexperienced builders. This is due to the special flexibility of the laminate, its ability to take various forms. The material looks advantageous, does not harm the environment, but high humidity does not tolerate well, so do not use it from the outside of the opening. The price of sheets is 300-3000 rubles.

Finishing a doorway with a laminate differs little from facing with MDF panels. But it is not necessary to mount the frame: another finishing method suitable for smooth walls without flaws, involves gluing the material with mounting foam immediately to the surface.

Finishing with decorative stone

Ideal for public places, although it is easy to decorate a cottage with stone. But this option is not cheap: the price of a natural or artificial decorative stone is set in the range of 200-1500 rubles. per square meter. The material is reliable, durable, tolerates temperature extremes and high humidity, and is suitable for both external and internal work.

Finishing is done like this:

  1. The material is laid out on the floor, forming a pattern. If necessary, the edges are trimmed and sanded.
  2. The opening under the door is cleaned, the damage is rubbed and eliminated with putty. After that, the surface is primed. Platbands and plinths are removed.
  3. With the help of glue or “liquid nails”, the stone is attached to the walls, starting from the bottom from the corner. Gaps are either not left or filled with a sealing compound.
  4. After drying, the glue that got on front side stone is removed. The composition that gives shine is applied.
  5. The details of the opening are put in place.

It is important to know that a rectangular structure is lined with stone according to this principle: there is always more material at the bottom than at the top. The pattern is located symmetrically, taking into account vertical and horizontal seams, a good solution is the “torn” edges of the finish. Arched openings are made strictly along the contour.

Having understood the peculiarities of working with various materials, you can ennoble the doorway of the front door to your liking.

Finishing the doorway of the front door in 1 hour: methods and materials

It is not enough to install the front door - you still need to make a high-quality finish of the openings. This task is not so difficult as to not cope with it on your own.