Making a miter saw with a broach with your own hands. Miter saw: do-it-yourself assembly and characteristics Drawings of a homemade miter saw for wood

  • 16.06.2019

Miter saws are widely used for large volumes of work with boards, bars and other lumber made of wood or wood-based composite materials. They are devices mounted on a flat, horizontal frame with electric drive for cross-cutting long lumber. Despite the presence of a frame, such equipment is not stationary, since it can be installed anywhere, transported or transferred to where it is necessary to cut.

What is the purpose of this tool and how it works

Device designed for cross cutting wooden blanks at different angles, is called a miter (miter) saw. Often such a tool is also called an electric miter box, by analogy with a carpentry device in the form of a tray for cutting boards at a certain slope. The design of such a saw allows you to cut, changing both the vertical and horizontal angle of the saw blade.

You can cut a long workpiece by changing the vertical and horizontal angle

The functionality of the miter saw allows it to be used in woodworking, where precise joining of the ends of two elements of a product or structure is required. It is to ensure the accuracy of the cut that a bed is required, which can have legs or be mounted on a table. Such work is often necessary for the following purposes:

  • production of decorative frames;
  • cashing door loot;
  • plinth devices;
  • construction of wooden building structures in the construction of houses and auxiliary buildings;
  • finishing work with clapboard or plastic panels, as well as laying wooden, parquet or laminate flooring.

When a certain type of disc is installed on such equipment, it is possible to cut light metal or plastic profile and pipes. If necessary, you can even choose the thickness of the wood with a miter saw, arranging grooves, which are often used to make window or door frames and looms.

Such work is often performed in the manufacture of window frames.

Despite a thorough appearance, and the fact that such saws are often called machine tools, their weight is small (about 18 kg) and they can be an excellent tool for a home or country workshop.

Parts of the mechanism

All miter saws have a simple design, basically similar for different types of this tool. Their main elements are:

The main structural elements of the miter saw

A special insert is provided on the tool table at the place of the cut, in the form of a tray-type recess, which allows the saw blade to cut through the workpiece to the end, making a neat cut. A scale is applied on the frame to rotate the table in both directions at a certain angle. In the desired position, the table is fixed with a screw clamp. The saw blade of the tool is protected by a special transparent casing, which allows the master to clearly see the place of cutting. For convenience, many models of miter saws are equipped with a laser pointer showing where the cut will be made and table illumination.

You can understand in more detail the design of the miter saw, the purpose of its main components, and also see how they are used in work, in the next video.

The design and principle of operation of the miter saw - video

Types of miter saws for wood

The modern power tool market can offer a large selection of the most various models miter saws, which may differ from each other in the following parameters and design features:

Miter saws are equipped with three types of engines:

  • asynchronous;
  • collector;
  • valve.

Asynchronous type electric motors are reliable, economical and operate without creating much noise. Their disadvantage is big weight(up to 20 kg) and low power, which does not allow speeds of more than 2800 rpm. For these reasons, such motors are rarely used in pendulum saws.

Collector-type motors are more compact in size and lighter in weight. They can reach speeds of up to 5-10 thousand revolutions per minute, but when the collector brushes work, they create a certain level of noise. Such a motor needs periodic maintenance, consisting in the replacement of brushes, but despite this, it is used in most models of miter saws.

Electric motors of the third type, valve type, are the most modern and perfect device that has taken all the most best qualities asynchronous and collector motors. Instead of a brush assembly, they have an electronic unit that allows you to achieve a high speed of rotation of the motor shaft. But such motors are quite expensive, and are used only on high-quality miter saws of the highest price segment.

According to the type of gearbox used, pendulum saws can be with a belt or gear transmission. Of course, gears provide a more reliable grip and better transmission of torque. But they create additional noise during operation, and when the gear type gearbox fails. difficult repairs in a specialized service will be required. At the same time, the belt can be easily replaced by yourself, and it works almost silently. In addition, the belt drive dampens disc vibrations and prolongs bearing life.

It is very important to obtain a quality cut, especially in hardwoods and tough composite materials, to stabilize the number of revolutions of the saw blade under load. It is for this that most modern miter saws have a special electronic unit. Electronics is widely used and to create more comfortable conditions work with this tool, namely:

  • to ensure a smooth start of the engine;
  • for its braking when the motor is turned off;
  • for various safety interlocks that ensure the safety of working on a cutting power tool.

Availability of electronics different models gives them additional advantages, but also leads to an increase in the cost of the end saw. The more functions there are in the design of this tool, the more convenient it is to work on it.

Miter saws with a broach have become increasingly popular in recent years. Two rods, on which the pendulum with a cutting head is mounted, allow you to move the saw blade to produce a high-quality, even cut in wide material.

Pendulum saws also differ in size and type used saw blades. The main parameters of the cutting element of the saw are:

  • landing diameter;
  • outside diameter;
  • the number of teeth - the larger it is, the better the cut will turn out;
  • disc thickness;
  • maximum rotation speed.

All these parameters are marked on the disk itself, in a certain place. To cut thinner workpieces (for example, from laminate), you will need a blade with a large number of teeth.

It is possible to use for specific models of miter saws only certain sizes of the disk for which the tool is designed

How to choose a desktop tool for the home

To choose the right miter saw, you need to have a good idea of ​​what kind of work you are going to use it for. Here, the sawing material, its density, and thickness also matter. It depends on what parameters the tool suits you best. What criteria, first of all, should you pay attention to when choosing a miter saw?

Engine power and disc size

Both of these parameters are interrelated. Under an engine of a certain power, only a specific size disk should be used. Today on the market you can find end saws with a power of 800 to 2500 watts. The tool with 1.6–1.8 kW motors is most in demand, because this saw power will be enough for a home workshop and for running a small business related to woodworking. More powerful saws are already classified as professional, and will be quite appropriate for large volumes of work on sawing timber.

The greater the power of the tool, the larger the diameter of the disk can be used, of course, suitable for the diameter of the mounting hole. For domestic purposes, if a large amount of sawing work is not planned, the best option would be a saw blade with a diameter of 200–215 mm; for professional use, you need to buy a tool designed for discs from 250 mm in diameter.

Wood cutting parameters

The main indicator characterizing the cut is its width, which directly depends on the thickness of the disk. For valuable wood products, it is better to choose thinner discs so as not to waste expensive wood on sawdust. Such discs wear out faster than thick ones, which have a much longer resource.

The cleanliness of the cut is influenced by the number of teeth on the disc, it can range from 8–10 to 80–90. The more teeth on the disc, the cleaner and better the cut is.


An important parameter characterizing the operation of the end saw is the number of revolutions of the saw blade. Modern miter saws are produced with a cutting tool rotation speed from 3200 to 6 thousand rpm. Only by working at high speeds of rotation of the disk can a clean, smooth cut be ensured without splitting the fibers and chipping the lumber. Therefore, in expensive professional models most famous brands this indicator is never less than 4-5 thousand rpm.

engine's type

The most practical and affordable option is a miter saw with a commutator motor. Such a motor will provide a sufficient number of revolutions of the disk per minute without weighing down the entire tool. Indeed, in most cases, miter saws should be able to be carried closer to the place where construction or Finishing work. A pendulum saw with an asynchronous motor can be useful for a home workshop. It has large dimensions, and it is best to install it permanently on a specially made workbench.

It has large dimensions and heavier weight, due to the weight and size of the engine itself.

Transmission type

In order to avoid the hassle of having to frequently lubricate the gears of the gearbox and monitor the condition of the bearings, it is best to purchase a sawing tool with a belt drive. It will work more silently, and in case of failure (belt break or stretch), it will be enough just to remove the gearbox cover and replace the belt.

The belt drive is hidden under a special removable cover

The design of the swivel

One of the defining criteria to consider when choosing miter saws is the ability to cut workpieces at different angles. To do this, the design of the tool has a turntable that provides the required inclination of the cut in the vertical plane, as well as a mechanism for turning the cutting head of the tool to give the desired inclination to the saw blade in the horizontal plane. On sale there are saws of various designs of the rotary system:

  • without turning the saw blade;
  • with a turn to the right at an angle of 45–50 o;
  • by turning the dial left and right.

The possibilities of ensuring the rotation of the cutting head depend on the location of the electric motor on the pendulum of the tool. Buying a miter saw with the ability to adjust both vertical and horizontal cutting angles, you get a more functional device that can always come in handy in any woodworking job.

Security systems and additional features

When choosing a miter saw, you should pay attention to some of the nuances of its design, which ensure the safety and convenience of sawing, namely the presence of such elements and assemblies as:

  • an electronic soft start and brake system, as well as a system that stabilizes the disk rotation speed under load;
  • protective transparent casing;
  • mechanism for pulling the cutting head of the tool;
  • table extension, with special, retractable along the guide supports, for more reliable fixing of the workpiece;
  • illumination working area if cutting is supposed to be done in rooms with poor lighting;
  • laser guidance, to ensure an accurate cut along the intended line.


According to customer reviews of end saws, attention should be paid to such details as:

  • the possibility of cutting boards with a maximum size of 50x200 mm;
  • as compact as possible and lighter in weight so that the tool can fit in the trunk of a car;
  • acceptable price

How to use the tool

Any newly purchased saw, regardless of model and manufacturer, requires settings, as well as a tool that has already been in operation, if the cutting accuracy is impaired. This procedure is performed as a Maintenance sophisticated tool designed to perform precise work operations. Setup steps include:

  • adjusting the fit of the side stop to the surface of the turntable, it may have burrs, burrs, uneven surfaces that need to be cleaned and lapped on the bottom surface of the stop sandpaper;
  • setting and fixing the stop on the bed strictly perpendicular to the cutting line with the help of a small backlash provided in the mounting holes of this element;
  • exclusion of backlash of the turntable in the place of its fixation by the rod;
  • adjustment of the perpendicularity of the vertical cut, as well as the cut at an angle of 45 o ;
  • adjusting the tension of the return spring, so that when lowering the pendulum by the handle, do not apply excessive force, leading to deformation of the tool structure and a violation of the cutting accuracy.

The procedure for setting up the miter saw is very clearly and in detail presented in the following videos.

Miter saw setup - video

How to adjust the degree of inclination of the cutting head - video

If the saw does not turn on - typical malfunctions and repairs

A miter saw, like any mechanism operating under the influence of large dynamic loads, is subject to defects and malfunctions. Among the most common breakdowns of this tool are the following:

  • combustion of the motor (rotor or stator) which may be caused by the wrong choice of cutting speed and feed of the saw blade, or the use of an unsuitable blade for cutting a certain material - all this leads to an overload of the electric motor and its combustion;
  • wear of the gear of the rotor of the electric motor or gear wheels of the reducer;
  • wear of the brushes of the asynchronous motor;
  • loose or broken drive belt.

It is better to entrust all malfunctions associated with the electric motor to professionals, since the repair will require both special equipment and knowledge of the device and the principle of operation of electric motors. You can independently replace the worn brushes of the commutator of an asynchronous motor or change the gearbox belt.

What can you make an electric saw with your own hands

If in the process of work it became necessary to cut boards or other material for subsequent joining of the workpieces with ends, and the pendulum saw is not at hand, you can do it yourself from the tool you already have. For this, any electric tool is suitable, in which the working element is a saw blade.

From a grinder on a metal stand

The grinder is a unique tool from which you can make any cutting devices and devices, including a miter saw. The simplest trimming design will allow sawing boards and other material at an angle of 90 °

Can be quickly built hastily trimmer for sawing boards at right angles

To build such a tool is quite simple. For this you need:

  1. From sheet metal and corners to make a bed, and weld (bolt) to it a rack from a 50x50 corner.
  2. For the lever, use a pipe on which to weld two brackets for attaching the grinder. The angle grinder is bolted to the casing, which must have sufficient rigidity and thickness. Everyone can, having shown imagination, come up with their own version of fastening.
  3. The lever can be fastened to the vertical stand of the machine with a conventional bolt, providing limiters for fixing it in a vertical position, or simply using a self-clamping design, as is done in video 1 below.
  4. Having attached a grinder to the pipe, you need to make a slot in the frame so that the saw blade can freely pass into it, ensuring a complete cut of the workpiece.
  5. The design of such a miter saw is quite simple. To do it yourself you need:

    Homemade workbench (fasteners) without drawing

    For the convenience of working on a miter saw, you need to make a workbench for it. It is desirable that it be collapsible, in case you have to work with the tool not at the place of residence, but at the construction site. Therefore, it is best to fasten the workbench tabletop to the legs using self-tapping screws. To make such a workbench you need:

    Such a workbench can be used both in the home workshop and taken with you for export. to the place of work.

    Miter saws are a unique tool for performing many construction works associated with woodworking. When you need such equipment, you can now choose the right trimming for yourself, or make it yourself if the need for sawing work does not arise too often.

The scheme for homemade wood trimming includes a gearbox, rotor, motor, carriage and the saw blade itself. Many devices are made with a primer. Blockers for them are suitable planetary type. It is also worth noting that the gearbox includes an adapter and another regulator. A starter is used to start the modification. Modern devices are sold with various types of barriers.

DIY device

The usual do-it-yourself wood trimming is quite simple. First of all, it is worth choosing a motor for modification. It is more expedient to take a single-phase model of low power. Additionally, a contact-type starter is required for it. It will have to be installed through the terminal box. The frame for the equipment is prepared from steel plates, which are rigidly fixed on the sides.

In order to install the depth gauge, a small plate is soldered. The saw blade must be fixed on the stand. The motor is connected through the rotor. The output contacts of the model should be carefully isolated. The primer for many models is located at the top of the structure.

Features of models with a double primer

Saws with a double primer are suitable for fast sawing of wide boards. Many models are produced on single-phase motors, and their frequency is 1500 rpm. It is also worth noting that the devices are distinguished by high performance. They don't need maintenance. Standard trimming on wood is made with a planetary blocker. Her rotor is attached to the adapter. The casings of the models are used in low density. In some cases, they are fixed on racks. It is more expedient to use starters of the contactor type. To increase the security of the modification, dampers are installed.

Reviews about Makita devices

Makita saws are of high quality and efficient motors. Many devices in our time are actively used by professional builders. Their maximum cutting angle is 40 degrees, and the maximum power indicator can reach 3 kW. Devices differ in frequency, as well as dimensions. When choosing a modification, you should pay attention to the casing of the device. Conventional wood trimming is done with one throttle. Their adapters are used with metal clamps. Saw blades are changed using a key, which should be included in the product package.

Opinions on saws based on two-phase motors

Trimming with a broach on a tree on a two-phase motor can work for a very long time. The level of overheating depends on the type of ventilation ducts. Modern modifications stand out for their portability. It is also worth noting that there are many devices with multiple ventilation ducts. Models with two handles are in great demand. The rotors of the models are used both with regulators and without it.

A good homemade wood trimming has a frequency of 1700 rpm. Not all modifications are suitable for sawing boards. You also need to remember that throttle models are very expensive in stores. Most devices are made on manual starters. However, there are models with electronic counterparts that are made specifically for professional builders.

Features of models with worm rotors

Saws with worm rotors are capable of working with oak and even pine. They have good performance with low energy consumption. Many builders prefer them because of their compact size and durable racks. Carriages are quite often used with pads and are fixed under the motor. A standard wood trimmer has a power of 2 kW, but is not capable of boasting a high frequency. Flanged versions are suitable for short-term operation. They have a very low efficiency.

Reviews about the devices of the firm "Fort"

Saws of the brand "Fort" reviews, as a rule, receive a positive character. Models of this company are chosen for high performance and high-quality adapters with locks. Guides are often made on stops. Due to this, a high degree of stabilization at high speeds is achieved. It is also worth noting that there are modifications with distributors that are able to operate at a reduced frequency.

Many devices are manufactured with spindle assemblies. However, modern models they are missing. Regulators are used to switch modes. Rotors are quite often installed with an open stem. Support carriages are available with and without clamps. Quite often, wood trimming (pendulum) is used for cutting at a large angle.

Opinion on saws based on a 4 kW motor

Saws based on 4 kW motors are suitable not only for sawing boards, but also for processing fairly wide bars. Many modifications are made with a primer. It is also worth noting that on the shelves, manufacturers provide modifications with two handles. They differ greatly in size.

If we consider the standard model, then its frequency is 120 rpm. It is also worth noting that there are modifications with a channel cooling system. Throttle valves are used without an adapter. Rotors can be found mainly of the planetary type, which work through the control unit. Brake systems are used only chain type, and visors are applied with protection.

Features of models with a kerf limiter

Saws with a kerf limiter are universal tools. Starters for modifications can be used mechanically and electronic type. In this case, primers are applied with dampers. Some experts note the convenience of these devices. Limiters are installed, as a rule, under the rotor boxes and do not take up much space.

Available with and without fasteners. It is also worth noting that the market is full of modifications on contact distributors. They are distinguished by increased frequency, and motors are mainly used of a single-phase type of low power. Shrouds are installed only on the rotors. Therefore they have high level noise. However, there are also professional tools. For normal operation of the limiters, open and closed type. Torque is generated by a spring.

Basically, a miter saw is the most common Circular Saw mounted above the table. Due to some features of the tool, it becomes possible to carry out sawing with great effect different materials at a specific angle.

Such a homemade miter saw can cut:

  • wood;
  • plastic;
  • aluminum;
  • various non-ferrous alloys.

The most important characteristic features miter saws are:

  • compactness;
  • light weight.

The weight of the machine can fluctuate up to a maximum of 30 kg. It all depends on the specific model, its functional abilities. Miter saws are widely used in the woodworking industry. With their help, you can solve a variety of tasks.

The use of a miter saw allows you to make a connection in the "mustache". Such machines are called "trimming-cutting". This tool is widely used by craftsmen of framing workshops, it is also used in the manufacture of furniture.

Miter saws allow you to cut parts made from a wide variety of materials. Cut-off models use replaceable discs that allow you to cut the appropriate type of material. Almost all types of miter saws are made in such a way that it is possible to set the tool at a certain angle and a specific size by rotating the table.

On some models of saws, it is possible to turn the tool only in a certain direction. Typically, the cost of such a saw is quite low. When the saw can turn in different directions, the machine receives many additional advantages. However, the cost of such a device is very high.

The 360° rotation of the saw makes it possible to process workpieces of any complex shape. The saw head is tilted relative to the work table. Adjusting the rotation of the saw is quite simple.

Every craftsman who plans to do homemade trimming must take this into account. crucial moment. To determine the required angle of rotation, he must determine which materials and workpieces will be processed by the miter saw.

Normalized is the rotation of the saw at an angle in the range of 45-55 °.

Making and assembling a miter machine with your own hands

To make a bed, you will need a thick metal sheet and steel corners. An old bed is perfect for this purpose.

With a welding machine steel sheet a hole is made, the edges are filed.

For work will do small power motor. 900 watts is enough. It is mounted on the base using an additional spring. It plays the role of a stabilizer.

Such a design requires some effort to tilt the system. It takes a lot of force to move the handle. The result is a smooth movement of the saw mechanism.

Device parameters:

  • cutting disc radius - 100 mm;
  • spindle speed - 1500 rpm.

Such characteristics make it easy to process wood with a maximum thickness of 70 mm.

If there is no bed at hand, the frame can be welded from metal corners.

Adjustable supports and stands should be provided. The basis of the pendulum rack is a channel resting on a metal base.

As a result, the installation receives additional strength, its mass is added. On such a machine it is very easy to perform homemade trimming.

For work, you can use a three-phase electric motor with a power of 2200 watts. An oscillating plate is mounted as a support, which is held by swivel joints. The belt pulley of the electric motor is tensioned by a folding device. The pendulum is made from the material that was used for the frame.

For work, saws with a diameter of 420 mm are suitable. The spindle speed must be at least 2800 rpm. With these parameters, it is possible to process wooden bars with a width of 70 mm.

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Benefits of a miter saw

First of all, this applies to small financial investments. The cost of all components is quite affordable for every craftsman. Thanks to high savings, an original and multifunctional crosscut saw is obtained. However, such high savings can only be realized if each component can be purchased very quickly.

For example, the lack of an electric motor of a certain power can affect the efficiency of the entire structure.

The advantages of such a homemade miter saw include the fact that it fully meets the needs of the manufacturer. He can pick desired parameter machine, make a table right size, set the rotation speed of the saw.

Of course, the advantage of such a machine is the master's knowledge of all the details and assemblies of the trimming device. He will be able to fix the damage very quickly, carry out the necessary repairs. Such a home-made trimming can be considered a real competitor to factory counterparts.

A wood trimmer or miter saw cuts off the ends of various workpiece materials. The tool is able to cut off excess elements at a certain angle. The advantage of trimming is that when working with it, the workpiece remains motionless, and this allows you to make a neat and even cut.

Many people prefer to do their own trimming. A homemade installation has undeniable advantages, which we will discuss later.

Trimmers can work on wood, metal, polymers and other materials. But the harder the material being processed, the higher the power requirements of the device will be.

The most popular trimming is based on the use of a grinder. Almost every craftsman has circulars in the garage or at home, therefore, with a search original instrument on wood or metal there will be no problems.

If you manage to do everything right, then your broach machine, made from a manual grinder, will have the following features:

  • The rotational speed of the circular disc is 4500 rpm;
  • The cutting length is about 350 mm.

If necessary, circulars are removed from the machine and used with their own hands as usual. hand tool. A huge plus is that this type of homemade trimming is universal and easy to disassemble.

The process looks like this.

  1. Install the rotary device of the grinder on the axis of rotation of the wheel of the machine. Its fixation is carried out by a ball bearing. Preferably 150mm in size, but larger ones will also work.
  2. From the outside of the bearing, ears are welded by welding. They will serve to fix on the base of the machine. Fix with M6 type screws.
  3. It is recommended to close the clip with a protective box, so that when working with a grinder on wood or metal, chips do not interfere with you.
  4. The pull issue is easy to fix. For its manufacture, use another element from a truck - shock absorbers. Even if they are broken, it's not scary. Remove all oil from the shock absorbers, make ventilation holes and tighten with a mesh so that dust and chips do not get inside.
  5. Install the soft start module. Due to it, you will not feel sharp jerks while turning on the circular.
  6. Completes the assembly of the machine with a broach based on the angle grinder, the assembly of protection that can protect the saw blade.

Depending on the disk installed, the machine from the grinder is able to work on soft wood or metal, cut off the ends of the pipes. But be prepared for the fact that your circular saw may not have enough power to cut pipes. Focus on technical specifications your manual grinder to understand whether the machine can cut pipe elements, or the unit is suitable exclusively for woodworking.

This design has two main drawbacks:

  • To adjust the accuracy of cutting wood with a broach machine, you need to use wood trimmings. After that, the traction can be firmly fixed and work normally;
  • Such a home-made installation with a broach when cutting pipes and working on metal makes a lot of noise, which can negatively affect at least the mood of your neighbors.

Assembly of a complex machine

There is an option with a more complex and heavy-weight design. She will definitely cope with cutting pipes. At the same time, a home-made installation will not require the use of a circular as a component of the machine. But for certain stages of work it is better to have a circular on hand.

Depending on the selected components, you can get a machine with increased power. To assemble the machine with your own hands, you will need:

  • Electric motor with a power of about 900 watts. If you have to regularly cut pipes, you can choose a more powerful electric motor;
  • Metal sheet;
  • Metal corners;
  • Channel;
  • hinge groups;
  • Bulgarian;
  • welding device;
  • File;
  • Spring of impressive power.

When everything you need is assembled at the workplace, you can start assembling the miter machine with your own hands.

  1. A homemade bed can be made by hand through the use of adjustable supports, metal corners and racks from the bed.
  2. Sheet acts as a working surface durable metal. In this table-sheet, you need to make holes and process them with a file.
  3. To weld a pendulum stand for a future machine, use channels and a welding machine. The design is installed on a metal sheet. The approximate height of the rack is 80 centimeters.
  4. The stand for the electric motor is made of a metal sheet in the form of a fixed plate. Be sure to install the stand on the hinges.
  5. The stabilizer of the electric motor of the trimming machine is a powerful spring. If you managed to find one, it is quite possible to refuse belts and a pendulum.
  6. Using the swing bolt, you can tension and adjust the belts. The pendulum can be made of metal to make the structure reliable, durable.
  7. Use the executive tool to select a disk of the required diameter. For domestic purposes, a saw blade with a diameter of 400-420 millimeters is usually sufficient.
  8. Be sure to provide for the presence of protective covers, since the assembly of such a machine is accompanied by a certain degree of danger.

When choosing the option of assembling a machine with your own hands, and not buying a factory trimming machine, you need to understand that there will be a rather serious difference between them in terms of quality, accuracy and error in processing wood, pipes, metal and other products.

Advantages and disadvantages

Homemade crosscuts have both strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, before proceeding with the manufacture of the machine, we advise you to compare the list of advantages and disadvantages. It may force you to abandon the idea. self assembly machine, or vice versa, be sure to try to trim the pipes without assistance.

TO strengths homemade trimming machines include:

  • Much less money will need to be invested in the manufacture of a trimming machine than in the purchase of factory equipment for trimming wood, pipes, polymers, etc. On average, craftsmen spend 500-1000 rubles to re-equip a grinder into a machine;
  • You can choose the operating parameters for the future trimming machine yourself. These characteristics include the depth of cut, the diameter of the disks, the power of the electric motor, the dimensions of the working surface, etc.;
  • Assembled devices have simple design. Since you assembled and disassembled the instrument yourself, there will be no problems with troubleshooting.

But there are also disadvantages, among which these stand out in particular.

  1. For homemade machines, old, unnecessary materials and tools are usually used. This negatively affects the quality, service life.
  2. They rarely have high power.
  3. In some cases, savings on the purchase of a factory machine becomes imaginary, since a lot of money is spent on repair, modernization, and maintenance of a home-made machine.
  4. You are taking a safety risk by working with homemade trimming.

Having at your disposal a grinder for wood and metal, you can easily make homemade machine. Follow the instructions and follow the safety rules.

For DIY enthusiasts, a miter saw is one of the most popular and indispensable tools. Having replaced the primitive miter box, it quickly gained popularity in small workshops and large-scale production.
The advantage of this tool is in precise and safe cutting at right or predetermined angles. The engine is most often located above the frame, and is mounted on a movable carriage with a handle. The depth of cut is set by the limiters at the base, and by hand. A power tool of this kind has already been appreciated by many professional craftsmen and novice amateurs. We suggest you do it too!

The advantage of homemade trimming

Today, a miter saw does not surprise anyone. A lot of modifications, from branded ones to cheap Chinese ones, with longitudinal and angular cuts are on the market. However, their cost sometimes rolls over, and the accuracy does not always correspond to the declared one. Is it possible to do without buying a specialized tool, you ask.
The installation we offer proves that a rip saw can be made at home. Assembly costs are minimal. In addition, the drill on the basis of which our trimming is made can also be used for its intended purpose.

Necessary materials and tools

  • For the bed: a sheet of plywood 14-20 mm thick, sheathed with galvanizing on one plane;
  • Cutting disc with victorious soldering for a longitudinal cut, diameter - 125 mm;
  • Three pieces of plywood: 30x15 cm - for the handle, 24x15 cm - for the carriage, 18x14 - for the base stand;
  • One-piece window hinge -1 pc;
  • Drill (possible without reverse);
  • Two pairs of U-shaped detachable guides for furniture drawers;
  • Hardware: bolts, nuts, self-tapping screws;
  • Cardboard for the template;
  • Joiner's glue, wood varnish.
  • Drill or screwdriver;
  • Electric jigsaw with a wood saw;
  • Pliers, drills, nozzles for tightening self-tapping screws;
  • Paint knife, tape measure, pencil, brush for varnish and glue.

Getting Started

1. Fixing the base post

We mark the position of the base stand on the frame, shifting it to left side from the middle, and cut through a galvanized chisel under it.

We take a piece of plywood 18x14, and fasten it vertically with 3 self-tapping screws, having previously glued the connection with the frame.

For more stability, you can put down several stops in the form of corners from the same plywood. We put them on glue on both sides of our rack.

2. We make a handle

According to the template prepared in advance, we mark the handle of our trimming. We use a piece of plywood 30x15cm.

It is convenient to cut curved lines with a jigsaw. The closed contour must first be drilled with an 8-9mm drill to match the width of the jigsaw.

After sawing, we process the edge of the plywood with a rasp or sandpaper, and make the handle streamlined and burr-free.

3. We connect the handle with the carriage

For this we need furniture guides.

We fix one of their parts on the sides of the handle, the second on the carriage.

Both pairs of guides should match so that the frame and the handle are practically in the same plane, and provide free movement of the handle without any jamming.

4. Fix the drill

From the back of the carriage, we fix the drill holder on the screws. It can be made from a small piece of plywood by making a sufficient hole for the cartridge.

We press the drill with a cuff made of galvanized plate, pulling it onto the screws to the handle.

5. Install the carriage

For a more convenient arrangement of workpieces on the bed and their trimming, it is necessary that our carriage has a vertical stroke. This condition will provide us with a window loop.

We fasten it with self-tapping screws to the edge of the carriage and to the base so that the movable part can rise and fall to the position right angle. In this case, the carriage will act as a stopper and will not allow the cutting disc to fall below a predetermined level.

6. The final stage of work - we put the cutting disc, protective cover and restrictive bar

Using an M8 bolt, 50-60mm long, we make a shaft for our trimming. For a disc, it is best to choose wider washers, because the mounting hole for cutting discs of this diameter can be 15-20mm.
We tighten the disk on our shaft with a lock nut, and clamp it in the drill chuck with a key.

We place the protective cover over the cutting disc, and also fasten it to self-tapping screws. It should be made from a plate more than 1mm thick.

We make a test run of our miter saw and check its longitudinal stroke. The cutting disc should go deep into the frame by literally a few millimeters.